
Form Name

Address Please fill in and return form plus registration fee to Home no. Sports Partnership or Mobile no. alternatively bring them on the day E-mail *Please complete e-mail address if you wish to be contacted about future events / training courses etc. Monaghan Sports Partnership Town Council Offices Are you a member of any social club/community organisation? Main Street (eg. ICA, Development Association etc.) If yes, please state Ballybay the name of this group: Co. Monaghan

Medical Information Are you aware of any medical reason why you should not participate in these walks? Yes No

Do you have any medical condition which may be worsened by participating in this activity? Yes No Please inform a leader or organiser if you feel unwell at any stage.

Photographs Organisers may wish to take photographs of participants for publicity/record purposes. If you do not wish to have a photograph taken of you, please contact the organisers prior to the start of the activity.

Registration fee I enclose the registration fee of m5 (this fee entitles participant to enter all walks). No fee is charged for over 65s or under 18s.

I agree to follow the instructions of the For Monaghan Sports Partnership organisers/tutors of this activity and will inform OFFICE USE ONLY them if I should need to leave the activity early. Payment Received m

Signed Date

Date Signed Welcome to We are delighted to announce a number of walks taking place walking throughout during Irish Heart Week as we aim to promote physical activity among all ages and abilities. There week is no easier way to accumulate the recommended amount of physical activity (30 mins moderate activity per day for adults) than by walking and no better place to do so than within the scenic and tranquil estates, forests and towns of Monaghan County. A new slÍ na slainte route will be officially launched in Monaghan town Walking Week is a new initiative of Monaghan Sports Partnership, supported by the Irish Sports Council and in conjunction with a number of other local partners. We want everyone to enjoy and celebrate the natural landscapes and rich diversity of walking trails in Monaghan–so take a stroll and listen to the tales of Patricks Kavanaghs life at or the history of Senator Billy Fox Park, explore the woodlands of Dún a Rí, Lough Muckno or Rossmore Forest Parks, investigate the grand estates of or Hilton Park, indulge in the diverse habitats at Ballybay Wetlands and the bogland of , investigate historical Clones and be amazed in estate - there’s something for everyone during walking week.

We look forward to meeting you there! Michelle Murphy, Sports Coordinator, Monaghan Sports Partnership

Monaghan Walking Week is action 1.9.4 of Monaghan Sports Partnership’s Strategic Plan 2008-2013

Irish Irish Heart Week is encouraging you to be more Heart active and to enjoy the many health benefits of Week regular activity, such as improved wellbeing, September reduced stress, staying a healthy weight as well 21st - 27th 2009 as reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

For a healthy heart you need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on 5 days a week.

Moderate activity causes an increase in your breathing and heart rate, similar to a brisk walk. Walking is a great way to get active; it's free, suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels and can be done almost anywhere! The risk of injury is low as walking doesn't put pressure on your joints. Monaghan Sports Partnership has organised its series of walks to coincide with Irish Heart Week but if you cannot attend any of the organised walks, then why not organise your own walk and consider raising money for the Irish Heart Foundation. For more information, log on to For a detailed description on the walks, please check out our web page on Monday 21st September Tuesday 22nd Launch of New September Slí na Sláinte route in Monaghan Time 3.30pm Meeting Point Teach na nDaoine Family Walk 3 Castle Leslie Estate Resource Centre, Oriel Road, Mullaghmatt, Cortolvin, Leaving Time 11.00am Monaghan Finishing Time 1.00pm Details Come along to the launch of the Meeting Point Outside the reception area of new walking route in Monaghan the Hunting Lodge town and feel free to take a Distance 3 – 4 km stroll around the newly marked Duration 2 hours route. See the inside back page How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports of this brochure for more info. Partnership office at 042-9755126 Refreshments Return to the Hunting Lodge for tea Walk 1 Hilton Park Estate Leaving Time 11.00am Walk 4 Senator Billy Fox Finishing Time 12.30pm Memorial Park Meeting Point Community Centre – a shuttle bus will transport Leaving Time 2.00pm walkers to the main entrance of Finishing Time 3.00pm the estate (please note that car Meeting Point Car park at Billy Fox Park parking on this occasion is not Directions From Ballybay – take Shercock permissible within the estate). road for approximately 8 miles. The Walk will progress through Take road to right (at Bawn), the estate and emerge on the signposted for Senator Billy Fox Scotshouse road, returning to Memorial Park approximately the Community Centre 1 mile on left hand side. Distance 3 - 4km Distance 1.5 km Duration 1.5 hour Duration 1 hour How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports Partnership office at 042- Partnership office at 9755126 042-9755126 Refreshments Tea served in the Scotshouse Community Centre afterwards Walk 5 Lough Muckno (Black Island) (1) Walk 2 Patrick Kavanagh Leaving Time 6.00pm Finishing Time 7.00pm The Enchanted Way Meeting Point Hope Castle car park Leaving Time 3.00pm Distance 3 – 4km Finishing Time 3.30pm Duration 1 hour Meeting Point Patrick Kavanagh Centre How to Book Contact Rita Connell on Distance 3km 086-8046297 Duration 1.5 hour Refreshments Return to Hope Castle for tea How to Book Contact the Patrick Kavanagh Centre, Inniskeen at 042-9378560 Refreshments Tea served in the Poet’s Rest Coffee shop afterwards Wellingtons or suitable walking! boots are a must for all walks Wednesday Thursday 23rd 24th September September

Walk 6 Ballybay Wetlands Walk 8 Clones Town Trail Leaving Time Public Walk 11.00am Leaving Time 12.00 noon School Walk 12.00 noon Finishing Time 1.30pm Finishing Time Public Walk 12.00 noon Meeting Point Cassandra Hand Centre School Walk 1.00pm Directions The Cassandra Hand Centre is Meeting Point Outside the reception area of located on Abbey Street in the Wetlands Conference Centre Clones town. Abbey Street links Directions From Ballybay – take R183 McCurtain St (Scotshouse Rd) for Clones. Approximately 1 and Cara Street ( Rd) kilometre out of town take left Distance 2 - 3km laneway to Wetlands venue Duration 1.5 hour Distance 1.5 km How to Book Contact Josephine McKenna at Duration 1 hour the Cassandra Hand Centre at How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports 047-52997 Partnership office at Refreshments Return to the Cassandra Hand 042-9755126 Centre for tea Refreshments Return to the Wetlands Conference Centre for tea / refreshments Walk 9 Walks Leaving Time Walk A 5.00pm Walk B 6.00pm Walk 7 Finishing Time Walk A 7.00pm Walk B 7.00pm Dún a Rí Forest Park Meeting Point Sliabh Beagh Tourism Centre, Leaving Time 6.00pm Knockatallon Finishing Time 7.15pm Directions From Monaghan town – Meeting Point Public car park within follow N54 Clones road past the forest Monaghan Leisure complex Directions Dun a Ri forest park is located and taking next right hand slip along the – road for (signposted Kingscourt road (R179) on the ). Through Scotstown right hand side – past Cabra continue straight to Castle entrance which is on the Knockatallon (5 miles approx) left. Parking is available within Distance Walk A is for more experienced the grounds walkers which will last up to 2 Distance 3 - 4 km hours and those wishing to walk Duration 1.15 hour that distance should arrive for a How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports 5.00pm start. Walk B is for Partnership office at walkers who would prefer an 042-9755126 introductory walk through Refreshments Tea / refreshments served Sliabh Beagh bogland should afterwards in the car park arrive before 6.00pm. Duration 1 hour / 2 hours How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports Partnership office at Forbairt Chomhtháite Mhuineacháin 042-9755126 Monaghan Integrated Development Refreshments Return to the Sliabh Beagh Supporting Growth and Opportunity Hotel for tea / refreshments In association with Monaghan Integrated Development Ltd. (formerly Co. Monaghan Partnership), County Monaghan Older Peoples Network is hosting an evening of entertainment and refreshments after the Thursday walks in Sliabh Beagh Hotel, commencing at 7pm. All are welcome. Admission m3. If you are not participating in the walks but would like to attend the social evening, then please register your place with Gerard Callan, Community Development Officer, Monaghan Integrated Development Ltd at 042-9749500 For a detailed description on the walks, please check out our web page on FRIDAY 25TH September SATURDAY 26TH Walk 10 Dartrey Forest Estate September Leaving Time 6.00pm Finishing Time 8.00pm Meeting Point GAA club, on the outskirts of Rockorry on the Walk 11 Monaghan road. From Leaving Time 11.00 am Monaghan town, follow signs Finishing Time 1.00 pm for – through Meeting Point Rossmore forest car park Swanns Cross and into Directions Take the N54 from Monaghan Rockcorry – GAA club is on to Clones. At approx 2km right on approach road to turn left onto the R189 to Rockcorry.A shuttle bus will .The forest park transport walkers to the entrance is approx 1km starting point along the on this road. Cootehill road which does Distance 5km not have the capacity for Duration 1.5 hours car parking How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports Distance 5km Partnership office at Duration 1.5 hour 042-9755126 How to Book Contact the Monaghan Sports Refreshments Return to Rossmore car park Partnership office at for tea / refreshments 042-9755126 Refreshments Return to Rockcorry Community resource Centre for tea / refreshments Walk 12 Lough Muckno (Black Island) Castleblayney (2) Leaving Time 2.00pm Finishing Time 4.00pm Meeting Point Hope Castle car park Sunday Distance 6 – 7km Duration 2 hour 27TH How to Book Contact Rita Connell on 086-8046297 September Refreshments Return to Hope Castle for tea

Ulster Canal Capers Festival The Canal Capers Festival, taking place in departing on the walk which is approximately 4 Clones, promises to be packed with fun and miles in duration and loops back to the starting challenges including the soap box derby, nature point with a finishing time around 12 noon. walks and many other activities. The festival is the result of a collaboration between Waterways , Heritage Walk (3.00pm) Clones Chamber of Commerce, a host of local Enjoy a guided tour around Clones towns Heritage community groups and Blackwater Regional Trail to view the high cross, round tower and Partnership. We are delighted to include these walks many other hidden treasures. Meet at 3pm at the for your information. Cassandra Hand Centre on Abbey Street.

Nature Walk (10.00am) . The Ulster Canal Walks are free of charge and everyone is Discover the hidden gems of Clones and the Ulster welcome. Canal where the boats once carried their cargo of . Booking is recommended and do so so, contact Blackwater goods to another. Meet at 10am at the Lennard Regional Partnership on 0044(0) 28 37569102 or e-mail Arms Hotel, Clones for a cup of tea or coffee before [email protected] Launch of - Slí na Sláinte stands for 'path to health'. Developed by the Irish New Sli na Heart Foundation - the national heart and stroke charity - it's the - outgoing way to make walking far more enjoyable. There are Slainte designated Sli routes all over the Country of varying lengths. The Health Promotion Department of the HSE North East, in conjunction Route in with the Irish Heart Foundation, Monaghan County Council and Teach na nDaoine Family Resource Centre is pleased to announce Monaghan the launch of a new Sli na Sláinte route in Monaghan town. Slí na Sláinte stands for 'path to health' The launch of the walk will take place on Monday 21st September at 3.30pm at Teach na nDaoine Family Resource Centre, Oriel Road, Mullaghmatt where everyone is invited to attend.

Walking for Health Workshops To coincide with the launch of the new Slí na Sláinte route for Monaghan and the Monaghan Walking Week, the HSE is also facilitating two WALKING FOR HEALTH workshops on Thursday 24th September as follows: . Workshop 1 – 2.00pm – 4.30pm (Limited to 20 places) . Workshop 2 – 6.30pm – 9.00pm (Limited to 20 places) This workshop is open to people of all ages and abilities. Booking is essential for either workshops. Please contact Angie McKenna at Teach na nDaoine FRC on 047-71398.

A Message from Health experts claim that Walking can: Monaghan . Make you feel good . Give you more energy County COuncil . Reduce stress and help you sleep better . Keep your heart 'strong' and reduce blood pressure . Help to manage your weight But did you know that Walking CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH ? HOW ? If you don’t take care and end up getting knocked down by a vehicle In 2007 alone , 81 pedestrians were killed on Irish roads representing around a quarter of all those killed that year on the roads . A further 884 were injured. We want you to enjoy the great benefits that walking brings – so we encourage you to: . Get a High- Visibility vest / jacket or reflective belt and wear it – even during the day. Someone wearing a high visibility jacket will be clearly seen by an oncoming car nearly four lengths of a football pitch away (500 metres). If not wearing any reflective material the same driver will only see a pedestrian when they are a distance of 50 metres or half a football pitch away. At 100km/h a car will travel 27 metres a second. That means the car driver has just two seconds to react to a person’s presence on the road – which doesn’t leave a lot of time to react in an emergency. . At night, if walking on an unlit road ,supplement the reflective gear with a torch . . If there is a footpath – use it. If not, walk on the right hand side facing oncoming traffic. . Although it is good to have company when out walking - do not walk more than two abreast. If the road is narrow or carries heavy traffic, you should walk in single file. . Don’t use a mobile phone when crossing a road or walking along a road that doesn’t have a footpath – it may distract you. . Listening to music can be a great de-stressor – but make sure that you can still hear approaching traffic. Walking is a free natural way of maintaining good health – but only if simple precautions are taken to prevent injury or death Monaghan Leave No Trace is an Outdoor Ethics Programme designed to Sports promote and inspire responsible outdoor recreation through education, research, and partnerships. An ethic can be defined Partnership as knowing what the right thing to do is, and doing it, even if Promoting responsible there is no one about to see you do it. Leave No Trace depends use of the Countryside more on attitude and awareness than on rules and regulations.

Practising a LEAVE NO TRACE ethic is very simple: Make it hard for others to see or hear you and LEAVE NO TRACE of your visit.

Why Leave No Trace? As increasing numbers of people seek the beauty and exhilaration of outdoor recreation, our collective mark on the environment and its natural processes, increases. Litter, disturbance to vegetation, water pollution, wildlife, livestock and other people are all indicators of the need to develop a national ethic that protects both natural and cultural heritage. Techniques designed to minimise the social and environmental impacts to these areas are incorporated into the Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics Education Programme as seven principles.

The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace 1. Plan ahead and prepare 2. Be considerate of others 3. Respect farm animals and wildlife 4. Travel and camp on durable ground 5. Leave what you find 6. Dispose of waste properly Address 7. Minimise the effects of fire Ballybay Town Council Offices Practising a Leave No Trace ethic is very simple: Make it hard Main Street, Ballybay for others to see or hear you and LEAVE NO TRACE of your visit. Co. Monaghan Telephone Remember we all have a part to play, whether walking your 042 9755126 dog, fishing, hiking, biking or visiting your local park - please Leave No Trace and be an advocate for the Email message. To find out more or to download an information [email protected] booklet, log onto Web

Monaghan Sports Partnership would like to thank Monaghan County Council for the provision of high visibility vests for participants of walking week and we encourage you to use them at all times when out walking g Be Safe, Be Seen... while out walkin leaflet design+print SWIFTPRINT 047 71565