Sheet 1 of 2 entrance signed to . Follow the path round When you get to a car park (3), exit left out of car Out and about to the left and then follow the field edge until you park, then follow downhill onto Drabblegate. Follow FOOTPATH come to the road. Turn right here into the hamlet of this road down onto Millgate, until you reach New Broadland Silvergate. Road.

Blickling Hall Turn right into New Road and where the road bends to the right, pass Ash House on the left and turn left into Abbott’s Close. Take the next right turn into Town Lane, which emerges opposite the Methodist Hall. Here turn right and then left into Red Lion Street, signed Town Centre. This seven-mile walk is around the historic market town of Aylsham, which dates back to pre-Norman And back to the start times. The walk starts from the free Buttlands car Turn right through the Market Place surrounded by park in Aylsham. Aylsham is situated just off the 17th and 18th Century properties. At the Black Boys A140, approximately 11 miles north of . You Follow this road, ignoring all left hand turns until inn, cross into Hungate Street ahead and shortly turn may encounter livestock along this route and paths you come to its end, opposite St Andrew’s Church right into Unicorn Yard. Continue along the path, may be muddy due to animals and farm traffic. and Blickling Hall (2). These remarkable attractions turning left into the car park and back to the start of are well worth a visit if you want to rest your feet the walk. Directions See at this point. Follow the path on the right hand side map on From the car park head back to Mill Road and where signs direct. Follow the path around the back The church of St. Michael, sheet 2 turn right. At the end of the road is Cawston Road Aylsham of some cottages, through a gate and over an old where you turn left. Opposite the trees turn left railway bridge. After the bridge, turn left down the along a track signed public footpath, to Stonegate slope on to Weaver’s Way. Go through a gate and Lane (Jewel’s Lane). Continue along track and path, cross the road following the Weaver’s Way signs. walking past a close just before a set of steps. When Pass through a gate and keep walking, passing under you get to the roadside take a right on the Marriott’s two bridges. You will then pass the Weaver’s Way Way path and carry on until a junction with two viewing platform which you can use to view wildlife gates directly opposite each other, and a country from. lane passing through. Here turn right onto the lane and immediately right onto Green Lane, which is actually a very narrow track (1). Follow the track between an avenue of trees and hedges towards the former Aylsham hospital, in the distance to your right. The path turns left and at a track junction, continue straight ahead. Veer left by the entrance to Manor Farmhouse gate and follow the track passing the farmhouse. Go through a gate and at the end of the road, turn left and then right, next to a farm Sheet 2 of 2

Aylsham A seven-mile scenic walk Care and consideration when in the countryside Please take care when Out & About in the countryside: • Enjoy the countryside and respect its life and work. • Guard against all risk of fire. • Fasten all gates. (2) • Keep dogs under close control. • Keep to public paths across farmland. • Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges and walls. • Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone. (3) • If there is no pavement on the highway, walk on the right hand side of the road facing oncoming traffic. • Take special care on country roads. • Take your litter home. • Help to keep all water clean. • Protect wildlife, plants and trees. • Make no unnecessary noise. The ‘Out & About’ walks have been produced to enable you to explore and START enjoy the Broadland district - its unique countryside and charming towns and villages. (1) Paths and roads used on this walk can be found in the Ordnance Survey Landranger 34 or Leisure 40 map - . If you encounter any difficulties while undertaking this walk please call either of the numbers below.

Approx All of Broadland’s ‘Out & 3 hrs About’ leaflets are available on abc walk (01603) 430496

Maps reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence No.100022319. (01603) 222143 NORTH