include allowing growth to become dependent in the Taos region; an inventory and geochemi- on a continually shrinking supply, responsibility cal study of the springs in the Rio Grande gorge; Abstracts for the perpetual pumping, and commitment of a paleoseismic trenching study of the southern future energy resources. Sangre de Cristo fault near Taos; and a study of the geology, hydrogeology, and hydrogeochem- INVITED SPEAKERS istry of surface water/ground water interactions along the Rio Grande in northern Taos County. New Mexico Geological Society THE SAN LUIS BASIN OF THE NORTHERN The Taos Soil & Water Conservation District has spring meeting RIO GRANDE RIFT, P. W. Bauer, bauer@nmt. inventoried water wells and mapped the ground edu, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and water and water quality of the county. Over The New Mexico Geological Society annual Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of many years, Glorieta Geoscience, Inc., has inves- spring meeting was held on April 18, 2008, at Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico tigated the hydrogeology, aquifer characteristics, Best Western Convention Center, Socorro. Fol- 87801 and hydrogeochemistry of the Taos region. lowing are the abstracts from all sessions given The San Luis Basin (SLB) is the northernmost at that meeting. large basin of the Rio Grande rift. It extends EVOLVING GEOLOGIC UNDERSTANDING about 240 km from Velarde, New Mexico, to OF THE ESPAÑOLA BASIN, RIO GRANDE Keynote presentation p. 52 Poncha Pass, Colorado, encompassing the San RIFT, NORTHERN NEW MEXICO, G. A. Invited speakers p. 52 Luis Valley to the north and the Taos Plateau to Smith,
[email protected], Department of Earth Session 1—Rio Grande rift, San Luis and Española the south.