·*.Something. Extra ._: Decauso of tho \vidcHJirc~1 und continuing intoi'Cilt in 't~e llcrrlcl' murders, the Ingham County News Sllllrllll no effort In Jlresentlng fho story, . ·· Tho Ingham County News, so fur ns Is lmown, was ll1o only IIOIVIl)lll[Jor to curry a rCJIOJ't of tlw urrest ol' tlw stJ.Ijpectcd mut·dor(lr 'rucsduy. After IL telephone cull to Baltimore Jlnllco for verification, tho Ingham County Nnws brought out lm extra. Thlrtllen hundred JlllJWI'S wm·11 sold lq 'j\lnsou, Dansville, Stochhrldge, I.,esllll 11nd llolt. · . Tho nowspJLper SCJit Riehnrd Ilrown to ~JalfillloJ•e by plllllll Wednesday to get Nealy Buehanon's stoJ'Y first· h1111d. lie renchcd 1\luson with his stories at 12:35, 'l'hey Slayer were llet In tyill' whllll the Jtlcture of the slayur wns being BackI dcvcloJied, Jlrinted and engraved. School Board Convict Admits Council Tosses Plan Borrows Cash For Industrial Zone On Tax Notes Double Slaying Ma~on's sdwo! ta·easur·y wlll By IUCUAitD IIUO\VN soon be r·lcheJ' by $100,000. 'l'wo JoanN of $50,000 each' were ap. After a yeat• of precarious ft·eedom, Nealy Buchanon, 32, Back to Commission provdd by the Maso11 board of Is headed towm·d pt·Json· to spend the t·est of his natm·ai life. Muson zoning commissioners were caughi. In the middle education Thursday night. He faces double-murder charges for· the slaying of Howard Two tlnunclal fiJ•ms submitted of a re-zoning dispute Monday night at a city council meet­ bids. Dart National banle was and Myr~ Herrick on September 3, 1955. . Ing. Acting on a recommendation of a city council commit· awarded the bid on the bonus se· Sheriff Willard P. Barnes arl'ived with his prisonet• at, tee, the commission appl'Oved re-zoning la5 ac1·es ,of residen­ cured by anticipated 1956 taxes 12:35 Thursday noon, after a plane flight from Baltimore. with an interest bid of 3.25'1n. In· tial property for industrial use. Councilmen, pmdded Mon· terest on the 6-months loan from He was to be taken before Justice of the Peace Roy W. Adams day night by h·ked property owners adjacent to the 135 acres, the Dart ban!( will cost the dis· of Mason immediately to either waive or demand examination returned the commission's recommendation for further study, trlct $812.50. on the charges. Councilmen declared Monday night that the commissiou The bid on the loan bac!eed by Enroute home Thursday Buchanon expr·essed a dcsit·e to 1957 taxes submitted by Kenower should get a,ll of the facts before presenting any other t'ecom­ & McArthur of Detroit was ap­ get the legal work over with in a hun·y. mendation. proved. This Joan wlll ,also bear Buchanon was arre~ted in a northeast Baltlrnote ~cellon i corner of !?ayette district. and Wolf. Buchanon offered no resistance. He ~aid he had ~ecn Wilen informed of the council's the olllcers coming down the street and stepped inside the store action Tuesday, Dr. Lethbridge Shortage of cement forced a hoping they would pass. said he would urge the commls· halt on the northbound lanes of sian to closet lttielf and reach an new US·127 this week. The man had been living In Baltimore since Scptr~mber 15, 1955, un·prcssured decision based on Half the paving crew wer·e laid New Roads Lead using the name of Howard Herrick, the man he Is accused of murdering. the further developments. off and the rest were assigned to "We relied too much on Nisse," other jobs this week. To Home Sites The Herrick murders touched off a 13-month search by law en· the doctor declared. Cement is now on the way by 'HANDS SHACKLED Nealy Buchanon said he wos relieved to· be taken into custody, when he loi'cement agencies. 4 Dr. Lethbridge pointed out that rail from St. Louis, Missouri, It At Lowe Lake arrived t Ingham j4il Thursdoy .,fternoon. He wos scheduled for further questioning Thursday ond Sheriff Takes Prisoner Without Legal Ucd 'l'apc the zoning commission also re· was learned at the office of S. J. Lowe !alee near Stoclebrldgc is appearance before a magi5trote Fridoy. {lngh11m County News photo). Ued• heavily on the recommenda· Groves & Sons Co., Wednesday. Buchanon was released into the custody of thl! Ingham sheri!£' tlon of the councll committee. That's the firm with the construe. having Its face lilted. ' .. * * * • • ------and Deputies PhiJip Ma!vllle and Duke Jenl1s Thursday morning at 'rhe committee, however, ~ccord· tlon contract. The cement will be Primarily a fishing lake since -Round Trip to Baltimore 6:15 and flown to Willow Run. Harry Doesburg, neighbor of the lng to Mayor Forehe, was only delivered on a siding ncar In· Indian days, it is being developed Cemetery ard Herrlci{s and owner of Oai{Wood store north of Stoci(bridge,' and supposed to observe. galls road, where the mixing In to a resort for year·around liv· Bo ; Owners of lands adjoining plant is located. lng. Richard Brown of ·the Ingham County News made the trip to Balli· ·d inore to plcle up Buchanon. Nlsse's helped send the recom· Fourteen carloads of eement A new road is being bullt to ex· M k St f mendatlon back to the commls· were enroute Wednesday, the : tend Oaldey road to the lal

A But he'D reai.Jy, appreciate, the fa. A gift she'll rcntiy appreciate, the Lady Assails Plea of Poverty mous Schick "25" is the only shaver ·Schick is so gentle she can apply ~ de· ·Lawrence .B. Llndemer; area their unions in the support of .that gives him shaves so close, he. has· chairman of the Ingham County Democratic r:anclidates, Linclemer 'that clean-shaven look from breakfast­ odorant immediately after shaving un­ Republican committee, labeled as ·said. "false and misleading poppycoclt" to·bedtffi!e. Schick "2.5" in a choice of derarms. Shaves legs quiddy, smoothly the charges of certain leaders of Llndemer's comments followed a discussio'n of a paid political ~lors; with .travel case, $29 ..50. -ends forever the nuisance of blade­ the Democratic party that their party laclcs funds. Bemoaning the advertisement which appeared In the Ingham County News recent· -· .. razor nicks and cuts. laclt of adequate financing .for :14-DAY HOME TRIAL STARTS the Republican cause, Llndemer ly in which Republicans were ', CHRISTMAS DAY! . said that the Republicans had aslted to send money contrlbu· difficulty getting money to make tlons to the Republican party at tie mult be fully IOIIsfled or Available in four je~el:like colors; Box 86, Mason. return It for full r•fund. an adequate plea for money...... ' . ! Rose Quartz, Jade Green, Pearl White, "Look at what the Democrats 'Aquamarine. A beautiful carrying case pulled on this so·called · Dollars Chamberlain Explains for Democrats deal," Llndemer comes with every Lady Schick. ·said, "They hlld large and re- "The statement· made of the Only Schiele gives you a tholte peated newspaper ads. They had board of supervisors Tuesday I ,• ~ of ~'Colors for Men" numerous radlo.an~,otelevlslon ap- that ~2,700 had been spent on my peals.· They have spent more on office Is not based on facts," de· Sn1w White • Buck1kln Beige ' their camp~ign to raise money claredi Prosecutor Charies E. , • Hun ttl Reel than we can get togetqer for our I ~ ' , • Fairway Green entire campaign on the local Chamberlain T h u r s clay. "The leveL" furniture used in the. office is "Of course," Llndemer said, "It mine, the desks, the chairs, even the typewriter. The rug which · 1s rath er typical. The Democrats was discussed cost less than $100 are well known .for. devising ways (J· to 11epal'llte a voter from· his and the .county can have It any- money." time.", ' Lady Schick Lady Schiele~ ":,40.00 Reg. Price EAsv· Hit ~ld ~.tric . •h•ver, inr condl· · Claallc Godde11 He charged that In the out; Going Strong, at 92 ' ~· ,tlon, ·la:'.Wartll>$10 .t~ward the · . For. those who want to give an extrc. county area of Ingham- county . TERMS di•aa;of.'l·ri~·!'Shle. W;·.You· ply · apeclal gift., .· · · . • · there Is not one Republican work· Bert Co111ns observed his 92nd $179.95 Trade-in .Value er who .Is being paid for his cam- birthday anniversary last Thurs. .;· 1111lr· '''~110.: .' · .:: ·· · · · Lady Schiele' Cla11lc $20.00 palgn efforts, but the Democrats day but few people .wo"ld know h!).Ve a number of workers each his age. He's spryer than many paid at the rate. of $20 per day. men 15 or 20 years younge~. Lindemer assailed Ingham Dem· With his summer's worlc done on $139.95 Is All You Pay! ocrats for .1\Ssumlng a false.front his Aurelius farm, he's taking off ·,. of poverty. He. said the Denio· for winter qunrters at Tampa crats · are concealing . enormous next Tuesday. This summ.er be amounts of.·thelr ·&sSets. by the cared· for his flock of 100 chick· .use of . unlon·paid sponsorship of ens arid tended to his garden and Dezpocratlc activities. The· unions str~wberry bed .. He .. and. his :Mason: ... _.. : • .•. • ...... Home • . • 4 •.•• - ...... Apnliance.,.;.;~;~ ....· .:.P:.. -.. ,;·····,~,~:·· ..··-1·. -... • -~·-· .... . are using .the .Q1oney :of thou· daugllter, Ml,ss .. Gladys Collins, . : •Jd•V.. ~M.OU ·,. · ,.:.. ~.:.. ' . . . . · . ·· . Phone OR 7-591.1 · sands_ of RepubUqan membera ;of ·uve together. . . . ' ' ' ~ . ' . . .. · . . . ' . . . . . ' ' . . Cou~ty ·Awaits New Blacktop·. Plant Supervisors Give County Employees Ingham hlucltrop urew~r nre blnclltop for nn estimated 350 the lrarlo-ln ot present: cqtrlp· awnlllng delivery of n new $1fi0,· mlle8 during the 10 years 1t has men t conshlerc!rJ, '!'he hid wns 000 mohlle plant. Dellvr.ry has hcen In operallon, 'rhe mileage $110,00D, lc~s $.30,000 fm• tlw heen promised within 5 O?r 6 Includes new construction and re· tmde-ln, a Jl!!t· of $89,000, The Wage Increases of $120 ·per Year weolts on tho mixing machinery cons ll'lrctlon, Diesel equipment wus bought: with Diesel powe1· equipment Bought through Contrnctors from Penlnsulnt• Diesel Co,, De­ l~lnt lnerenses of $120 per ycnr There nrc 4· nt $5,620, one a l . 1ster, nslterl supervisors to con· later. Eqttlpmcnl Co., Grand Rnplds, troll, nml Is n General Motors will go to amployes of cmmty de· $5,!120 RJJQ one Ill $5,320, slrleJ• hiring II supervisor of pro- The county rood commission the Pioneer continuous mixing product. 'J'ho price Is $20,000, partments, Roncl commission, 1 traded In lts pmsent plant for plant Is mnde ln Mlnneupolls, The Inghnm Chest hospltnl and hoard J{Ioclt said thnt extrn wagos · hi! Lion, n pnsltlon rccommenrled $30,000. It has bmm used to mile 'rhe present plant has oevernl were provided for assistnnt pro- ns a rosult of the Hllrvey undor­ company filed the lewast l1ld with liquid fuel motor·s, holh Diesel of socinl welfum and County hos· pltul employes will get nbout the secutors hocnuse both the Repub·; tnlwn by the Community Chest and gasoline. 'J'Iw new plant has llcan and Democratic nominees and supervisors. There nre now 1 were In the same category. Final· one Diesel motor whlr~h gener­ same but not thr·ough the bonrd of Sli)Jervlsurs. The increases said they would rather hnve fow· cnsc workers Drnl nnd np- notlcetl nn rh·at nnd loenl pngae, I he farm he trw jointly h~lween C.a II S Mee mg Milan to study under a master 25r 11 11nc No rendln., or buatnolu the father and mother• and son swordsman. With him to Italy death. When h1s w1fe went to sae what. had happcrqo~ +0 her hr1s· I, except for deer hclng hunt· The friend of the! court will get tl 0 nel 11 II 'tl l th ought to be encouraged In Italy, ·s or a rose WI 1 n e banned, and the naming of men eel by bow and anow. For the ·With ·favorable weather condl· $6,480. district. By tl1er'r• vote tiJey Even under segregatlorJ In til" · · and women delegates to confer ~ rest of the· season (October 20 tlons, Michigan small gama hunt· The head of the county health charged it against all. with Jeglslatcirs and school ad· U. S. deep south, Schmitter said, through Novr!mber 10 for pheas· ers are expected to bag about department wlll draw $12,120 Tl Je •$600 cos Is mc· 1u d e d an a t · minlstrntors on merger· and an- there is ·not the social gulf hc- ants) the hours are from 6 In the 1,000,000 pheasants during the with an assistant gettlng $9,120 t o r ney ' s f ee o f ,$100 w 11 l r 11 th e nexntion legislation. . tween hlack and while races that morning until 7 ut night. 'l'hose October 20·Nove'mber 10 season. l)nd a dentist drawing $7,770. objectors to the drain must now exists between rich ami poor in Veterinarians and snnltnrlans hours do not govern duclc hunt· The souihern Michigan squir· help pay in addition to paying Kenneth R. RogerR of the Rolfe Italy. Democracy from the social will get from $4,620 to $5,620. their own nttorney, . district was elected temporary standpoint has not taken hold he ing. For waterfowl the hours are rei !mntlng season also opens president and Mrs; Robert Smith stated. · ' from a half-hour hefol'e sunrise October 20, with indications of an E' · A · D ens more, Mason lnwyel' of the same district was made to a half-hou1· before sunset; even better season than In 1955 and an owner of land· within the 'J'he waterfowl season opened c t L d Ch"ld dis!ricl, went before the hoard to temporary. secretary. Directors When hunting was good. Last .. a ea s I from 11 primary districts were October 1 and extends through year, hunters throughout the • protest the levying of the tax present at last Wednesday night's December 9. 1 against those who opposed con- Everitt· Gains ~~~t~~~;ged 675,000 fox and gray Into Car Path struction of lhr. drain. He calJed meet1 ng. . Rabbits can be hunted from 5 October 20 through January 31, the levy unjust. On Thursday night Rogers and Michigan's conservation officer N'elghborhoocl youngsters chas- . . others of the Ingham group ex- OK from Board p a r t r 1 d g e from October 20 Supe!·vrsor Wilfred Jewett of peeled· to attend an Eaton county through November and rac­ force wlll be the largest In the lng a cat caused a 2-year-old child 1V state's !}!story during .the small . to he struck by a car In Mason Vevay ~!so declared the levy to meeting, scheduled for the Ingham · supervisors Tuesday coon from October 20 I hrough De· game set~son. Saturday. be unfair. He also said that the Oneida Community h lJ confirmed Clairmont Everitt as cember 31. tactics used by those who wanted a · clerlt of the county road commis· Forty-two new officers recent· Recovering from cuts ahout her the drain were questionable. The fire hazard is the greatest sl.on. He has had the job for a in yenrs, reported Walter Mutch· ly were assigned to field posts face, gashes in her ·scalp arid Graham told supervisors that year, under appointment hy , conservation officer. He throughout the state after com- body bruises is Roberta Taylor, the fate of the revolving fund .Truck Overturns · County Clerlt C. Ross Hilliard. urged hunters to use the utmost pletlng training. . 2·year-olcl daughter of Mr. and hinged upon action of the super­ .The law requires· that supervls· caution In discarding their cigar- Mrs. Robert Taylor, 215 East Ash . visors. The funil can not revolve, rs ·also designate tlw clerk of She and l1er sister Debbie, 5, and the commissioner said, if super· After Collision the commission. Jimmie, 3, and other neighbor· visors don't levy costs against S\lpervisors Tuesday also R d f th M hood youngsters were playing on the district. He also insisted that .After eollldlng with a car on changed the style but not the Rezoning East Maple, a block· behind the many of those' who opposed the e ea er aps - A II amount of salai'Y, · for L. D. ·. (Continued from Pn"'e 1) Taylor home. ThC!y were after a drain admitted that water from ure us road ·near Miller road nckel, a county road commis· M t• • M " cat and when the cat went onto their lands flooded the North· intersection. Sunday afternoon, ·a . He wlll' receive $2 700 per' ee lng In aso~ the east side of Jefferson across the pavement, the little! girl fol· SHOE rups. The is-sue became ·a pe·r. truclt ovex:turned:. . . . . year, starting January 1• on his from the Nlsse property. lowed. sana! one between neighbors, In the truck cab were Donald new 6-year term, but it will be Section chairmen of the Mallon Coilld Lower Values , Floyd Rector, Mason, was drlv· Graham said, and resulted in a Addison, the owner, and Bade without .expenses. He and the 2 and Vevay township Communjty W. Davis Post, who owns prop- ing a em·. He told Capt. Tim feud. He said the dispute left him Park, · 76. Donald Addison, Jr.; other. commissioners, Roy B. Chest drive ·wm m~et Mond~ erty to · the south of Nlsse, Stolz of the Mason police depart· "between the devil and the deep was riding on the truck platfor111. ·Moore a·nd Ward Vlcary, now re- night at the post offiCe to · m P pointed out that if the Nisse farm ment he noticed the children In blue sea." · The boy .wns 'thrown clear and ceive $2,100 in salary plus $600 plans- for ~anvasslng, accord! was zoned ln:du~trinl, lt would de- the street and was driving cnu· Supervisor K. G. Brown of WI!· was not seriously hurt. The driv- in expenses. · to Leslie! B. Palmer, co-chairman. preclate surrounding residential tlously. He said he did not see llamston said that objectors to er was cut' and bruised. Park suf; The goal in the 2 areas Is $2400, property.· He also. Informed the little girl until his car struclc the! proposed drain brought the fercd broken ribs and was taken · · up about $200 from last year, councilmen that If the Nisse tool her. Rector was not held. SALE expense upon themselves and to a Lansing hospital. Hampshire Hogs Palmer said. and die factory was a success, Taylor said he had looked out should be forced to pay it. He Addison said. he was driving The drive will start November the present blacktopped Jeffer- the bnclt door a few minutes be­ said it was the usual case of ol>· south on Aure!lus road. As he .. Will Go on Sale 8 and end November 13. son avenue .wouldn~t be suitable fore the accident and saw thnt the jectors being on high ground and reached the Miller ro' ad intersec; Co cl1ar'rme In tl e M s Vn for' hauling s"teel-.to and.from the · ·Fo1·ty regr·stered gll'ts and· . 20 · 11 1 a on· ~· children were safe!. Debbie ran dumping their water on low flon, he · said,· a ·car · turned lri vay area are Ml'S Gone Collar plimt. Such rollds are :off-bounds home to teJI him about her sister. ground. registered boars will go on the • · ~ ' f h ft·ont of· him. Phllllp Lawrence James Frew Palmer and Frank or e~vy tTucks In the spring, He raced to the scene of the ace!· 1500 Pairs! I! · Originally a motion was m:aae Bean 0 f D svlll· d i 1 · ·auction block at the state sale in A s 'd ' ' . Post declared; That. might be an · · an e was · r v ng Wllllamston Tuesday night. 'l'hc · c1 Jmi t. · · · dent and cart·led Roberta to Ma­ to have the matter of the North· son General hospital. Sl)e was re­ rup drain assessment referred to the car. He . had been driving saJe··wll! be at the Wolverine pa· ?hairm~n 0~ the se'ctions are addltlonal··expense .that the COUll· the drain committee and the pro­ north on Aurelius road and was vlllon on us.1G, 3 miles ·west of Mrs. ChaJ!es Hrnderbrandt, north· ell should ·~o/,ls.lder, he .said, leased from the hospital Saturday attempting to··make a leftturn; The Michigan east Mason; Mrs, .Fred Bur- ·.Paul·S~herer.:whose property night hut was still in bed at home secutor. An amendment was Tuesday. made to include all drains wlifch officers said; He was ticketed for Breeders association. roughs, northwest Mason; Mrs. is· outSide the .city limits, but ad· failure to yield right-of-way~ 15 conducting the sale Collar, Vevay township; Mrs. jacent to'the. Nlsse property, said MEN'S l~••••fl!l!!lfl!l!fl!~!fl!!l~~lllll!~fl!l~llllllll•••••li · Kenneth Shattuclc, southwest Ma· re-zoning· the· Nisse .. property ·In the afternoon there will be son; Mrs. Winston Dancer, south·. would depreciate his property, es· ·IN' SURE BY PHONE 4-H and FFA judging contests. L. east Mason· Mrs."Gretta Eggnrs peclally·when·Howel!' road-Is ex- lotte Lashes at ~tewart o~ Fr~nkfort, Eden; Jam~s Frew, Mason bus[: terided. · u I Will do the JUdgmg. ness district; and Warner 'Kean, Nlsse declared Scherer's inter· nemp oyll'ient JEWETT · AGENCY Blm Franlclln and Russell Loclt• Mason downtown apartments ests should not be corisldered be· WOMEN'S fh M 0 both of Mason, are of~lclnls r!f More than 100 from Mason ~nd cause . he lives outside the city Rippling effects of unemploy· ~~·~o~M~~a~s~o~n~~R~7~-~M~II~~~~~~~~~~~~M~a~~~n~~lh:e~s~~~t~e~a~s~w~c~~~~:lo~r~L~F:•t~a~n~k~Ji=n~~~~h~cl~~~~~~llm~president, Loclc 1s secretary, to as•lst in the l!ouse-to-hotlse ~~~~=E~oo~fu~~ - Didn't Know Facts on the prosperity of people In and ~ canvass, Palmer• reported. Dr. 0. Keith Pauley, a member other parts of the state was of the zoning commission, said he described today by Raymond H. based. his approval of the re·zon· Totte, Delhi township justice of Bullet Strikes Boy lng on the stat~ments of the city the peace and Democratic candl· CHILDIREN'S While toying with his father's council committee that Nlsse had date for state representative, RUTH RASMU~SSEN. 1 automatle .22·calib)'e pistol Sat· the approval of all property own· when he spolte to Democratic Non-Partisan urday afternoon, Chris Wheeler, ers involVed. · party meeting at Deihl town hall 15, Holt, shot himself In his foot. : "I thought that the committee Friday. The bullet went completely had investigated· and talked with "There are over 250,0QO per· Buy One Pair at through the boy's foot. He was adjacent property owners and I sons unemployed in Michigan taken to a Lansing hospital and based my vote on It," Dr. Pauley and the average weelcly unem· for 'JUDGE of PROBATE then removed to his home. said. • ployment insurance cheek ls Regular Price "As a committee we assumed about $34," Totte said. "How far too much," Councilman Bernara can a family man go on $34 a Get Seco~d Pair Dr. Clinton Arrives Home ICady said. He s'Crved on the may- weelt? In the first place, he will or's committee along with .coun- probably cash his pheelt at the ONLY A FEW Dr. George R. Clinton arrived cllmen Richard Morris· and De- grocery store, because first of all, For Sc home Monday after attending a of the many thin?s required of your Wa'yne Evans: "We took Nlsse's he and his family have to eat. week·long meeting of the Amerl· word for It that adjacent prop'· But ·he'll cut down on his gro· can· College of Surgeons in San erty owners approved the re-zon· eery bill. If you. own a grocery j Judge of Probate Francisco. Dr. William H .. Mende lng.'! store and your customers start Most Men's,. Women's,. and of Lansing rilacle the trip with ... Evans also declared that Nlsse down on the grocery blll, Dr. Clinton. cuttln~ * Knowledge of County Government · had said "there was no objection It wont be long before you begin Children's Shoes Included. * Knowledge and Understanding of Legal Functions · of the ·I to the proposed re-zoning,. · to tighten. your own. belt." . ., Office · 1 · ' "This tightening process can (WolvorinB Shoes Not Included) • Understanding of Social; Human, Personal, Industrial', Com- · Fo.ur Cady Brothers The council split 4·3 Inn vote to spread fast ln~nn aren with n lot · munity and Juvenile Problems · · ... send the recommendation back to of unemployed trying to get by In last weelt's story about Bob the ·zoning commission; . Mayor untll the shop opens again .. It Cady winning a place In the navy Forche . and.' c;9uncllmen Cndy, goes from empty grocery baskets band at Anna polls, Don and· Bern· Paul Richards and RiciJard Mor- to· empty gas · tnnlts to vacant A Lifetim11' of Experi!'nce Qualifies ard Cady were credited with be· ris. voted·tll send it back. Council· apartments and vacan't . . ' I lng brothers of the navy trumpet men Evans, CliiTord Walcott and Totte ·said Republican player. Inadvertently left out. of Nels F!!rrlby. voted. against re· tors' "are keeping a· tight MASON' ' ' ' ' : '' .~ ' I' I . ' the ~rotherhood was Clau~e. turn hag it to committee. However, on :unemployment insurance."· •'. •.. ·. Ruth Rasmu.ssen There are 4 brothers, Bob, Don, at .least.. on~ · eounellman who. Totte crltlclzed·Republican mis~ Claude. and Bernard. There were voted· against! sending 'it' ~:?aek representations of unemployment ·Shoe. Stcire Cady was kllled In France .would.:have preferred to kill the Insurance proposals of Gi:iverJ1or •·u,•r"'"' World War II. Dorr ..Cady recommendation . by · a · councll William ,al'!d said the. prriposa!li Is the fath~r. T!1e mother Is not vote .. Monday· night, ·~e c,tecla~d .were adopted for sound conserva~ ~~~~~~~~~~H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~- ~~~-~~~···~'\,,.:; ' ·~ftre~~ '·' '~ ... ;:\ ' \. . 1.? . '. Mr. nnd M1·s, Uur1·y Cl!lllldlcr Mr •. and Mt·11. C111}' WhfpJIIe at· Pi·esbyterial FalllJ(eet p.nrl daughters retm;ned Slltllrday tcnclpcl the rcorgpnl:wd !!llti1·i:h bf !!VCnlng after spernl~ng n 10-dny J~s11s Christ of the l,at cr · PIIY ·To Be Maso·n Church vncntlon nt·otllld Ilancocl!, Hough· Snlnts S11nday ln. L!HJnjog, lin!l SoCial in. ton anrl Copnm· Hurbnr, hnd rllnnct• with lhch· ·Lion 11nd nev. nnd Mrs. Clarence Rnrlrl cl!ll-lghtcl'·ln·lnw, M1•. • • • • • • ' Presbyterian women of the part of tlHl 'nftcmoon meeting 11!iil · MrB; • • • • • • arc clecr illtlltlllg wlth how nnd Hobcl·t· Whl}lple, nncl fn.mlly: qf Lansing urea will gather T•'rlday whioh begin~ at 1:30 and con· armw In 11orthern Mlchlmm, Lnltc L[lllslng. ~.; Engagement Told for the Prosbytcrlnl full meeting. llnucs till 3 p, m, Itt piny, '"!'he Meihollist Church Circles TJ1e nJI·dny session Is schcrlulcd Wondering Window," of which Auction Sale to tnlm phtcc at Mn~nn Presby· Mrs. Howard Schlichter Is rllrec· Schedule October Meeting~ terlnn church. tor, will be presented by the local Is Conducted Coffee 'will be server! fmm !J. grou}l. Members of the cast nrc: Mnson Mel.horll~l. clrdc mr!rn· Mrs, William Clnl'lt will speal\ on 9:30 In the mor·nlng' few Otlt·Of· Mrs. Laurence Pnrlter, who.. hus the lead; and Mrs. Paul Arnold, bers am mulling plum; for their I he United Nations. towncrs. The morning session· At Club Meet Mrs. Seyfarth, Mrs, Ed Ware, Mason Dai.ry October mrmlln>:s, which will he Dubor;rh circle Is planning a opens at fJ ;lJrn, Mrs, · Rny· scntcd 11 past patron's jewel by l~oVclle, Garth Lnl'llcr nnd Mlltc hnd chn1·gr. of decorations and Jl. tn. 1\lrs. Colton pre~r.ntcd the off'lr·er·s ar·e: Mr·s. J•;rl Lyon, nsso· Anna Holmes, Sue Mill:; uml Pa· Slanloy Holmes junior past pa. Simona,, mnnd Alderman unci Mrs. Nnt New At•rivals serving. Announcement wns made [ll'ogran1, anrl Mrs. s, G. Curtis date rnntron; (;eort.:P Post, nsso· trlcla Adams, sung a selection Pulling. tron ' · Hnl'old Lavis cnlcwml St. Lrnv· A son, Donald Alan, was horn of the rummage sail! sponsored hncl charge of rll'Votionnls, dale! palmn; Mrs. Andrew .Innes, Ins the ella plain w~~s Installed. A 'hnsl1el of clll'ysnntlwrnurns hi ranee hospllul In Lnnslng Co-host~sses were Mrs. Barr by Pr·esbyterittn Women's Assn· Guild Hclu•dniP;; I\l!•c!t nnd Mrs. Wal'!'en Mulllicr, Rc· to Mr•. and Mrs. Fl'Einlt Young sccmtary; Mrs. Mar·t~us Iianna, Mr·s, Herbert Colby, lire nr.w shades-of hrnnzc nnd yellow nncl Wcrlnesrlay for lmnlment nnd ob· Sunduy, Or!toher H, at Mason dullol] l~rldny unci Saturdny, Oe· M1·s. Holtcr•t Ware will open u·eas11rer; Mrs. Holmrl Coli.Jy, worllry matron's mother, was the 7·1ll'£lllch cnndelnbm holding llghl· servnllon, • • • frcshrncnts of elder and dough· nuts wero served. General hospital. Tha Youngs Iober 2fi·27. Mt•s. Ernest Wheeler: her honw In tlrr• Young Women's' t'lllHiuetrcH,H; 111111 1\Jrs. Wayne llnstnlllng ofl'lccr. s.hc wa~. as~;!tH; eel tnpr.r·s decorated the dmpler r1lso have n daughter, .Janey, 4, of r~nst Lrlllslng showed slides or I Guild Monday, 0l'toher 22, at 8 1\!lllcw, as:;ol'in te eondl!ell'l!t;S. ell hy Arvlde No! th, lnslrlllrng room fm· the cpremonlcs. l•'lowcr·s '!'hem will he a children's Hal· lowccn CQslumc party Monrlny Mrs, Young Is the former Maxine Oltlnawn and told of her experl· 1>. rn. Co·IHIHiess Is Mrs. Delmer In a star vnsc wer·p placed on the Party Honors Willett of Mason. e1u:es there. 1\ranwr. 1\llss ,JoAnn Menoeh hus lectcm. Mrs. ,Johnson was pre· afternoon, October 29, at 3:30 In the Presbyterian chur·ch nursery Mr. nnrl Mrs. Freel Currier arc Mrs. nussc!ll Blrl\Pit enter·· ehlil't.:!' of di!Vollons. The pro· Ol•nanizaliuus geon, .rr· .. Mr~. llnrold Lavis, sentcd the hnslwt of l!owcJ's by ]mrcnts of n daughter·, Hcatlwr tnlncd membcb of circle No. :J I gram cnnslsls of pndtlng Clll'ist· o Mrs. Jlnrvey Bennett und Mrs. hn ~tumtr•l'. room. 1 1 Linda Sheffer Jonn, born l~rldny, O.ctober 12, at at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Jeanolte Darllr11as huxes for· Navajos, 'J'Ilt.• 11 e-·l ,., •., 11 )111 - 1111 ... ,,·,,,, IJf Justin Brady nrc In ciJUrgo, Refreshments were served to 80 Sl · M ~ .,. " " 'I Ill 1 1"nr 1 1 11 • w11eJ', r1 iiLJg 1Jlcr of r. Mason Geneml hospital. 1\lason. S£.'1' 2•1. regular meellng e! nescny, c- I he l'eremonles. An f'I'Jl11l'cd for N·toml dl'IJ!tr.r of lht• Forclrrn 0. E. S. will mccl Tuesday, Oc· lighted candles on cllJJer: slrle. nHIIl, Hanrly Cnltrir!Pr, Pr·J~eiJI;o ness sr.sslon. Mason General hospital. Mcllwcllst W. S, C. S. spent 1 tlw group. Ont• hilndrcd quarts Mls~i. m~ ,Heserva.llons. must be 1\lrs. C. L. Bashfonl, an nunr of hii·thrlny mkt• nnd jr•llo, Lind<' * • ,, Timothy, bom Saturday, October Their llrst stop was at the ,,They also visllt!!l friends and lr•r Trail. Tuesday r•venirl", Oc· mmle by I• lldny, Octobel 1D, wllh MJ·s . .Johnson, presided al the rel'cived many lllt•r• glfls. MARRTAGE IS REVEALED 13, at ·univcrsily hospital. The tohcr 2:1, nt 7:30. · "' Mrs, Grandville Wmlc of Holt. t•ol'fce sei'ViC'e. Mrs. Hex .Jewett "' • ,, Mellwdisl community ilousr., relatives of llll'mher3 at tile The marriage of Miss 'l'reva I Supers have ni!otiler child, Ther· which Is actually an all·arounrl ~ honw. Preshl'll'rlan \VIlnll'li's assoc!n· Wlrcatllcld Grange No. 851 will served fruit punch fmrn an It'!' lJ.J~"tt'l OtlCe ly'ell[· Swift to Noah Canfield both of esa. Mr. Soper 1s a student at the comr:nunlty building with a SU· ., AJ Jcr leaving lire home, the tlon wlil llll'<'l '" l!Jc l'llllrch Ht)I'VC Its annual chlcltcn supper puncl1 l10wl. Star·sllapcd sand- "-' r t Lansing, is announced by licr University. • " • pcrv1sor and staff. of A wornl'll visilc!d Estht•r· ·hall, n Tillll'Hrlny, 01'1olwr 2~. at 8 p, m. at the hall on Jlolt road Salur·day wiehcs In colors representing llll! 71 R J l" 'd parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton work~rs. Mrs, Chirl'rH'f' ,)/I('()IJS hns clwr~c [)V!!Illng, Oetoher 20, beginning al star polnls, thumb cooltics, minis 0 ec. ,_,,., ge nursery !or chl~tlt·en, lmule.r· 1home for worldng girls away Swift, of Mason. Mr. Canfield l!-i Exte'_ ..,S;OI' Clubs. gnrtcn throu~,;h srxth grade, 1s from honw. Tnc WSCS fumished of devotional.-;, l\11s. Ciiruline Ra-: li p. m. There will he a hmmar and nuts were served. Evrr IH•ar of Reel Bridge, Mich· tile son of Mrs. Wlillnm Jansen '' • ~ nnrl !\Irs. D. 11. Lethhriclgc! with aprons, fancy worl1, baked Mrs. 0. Keith Pauley wr1s igan'! This wns onec a fnmillar open mornings at the community; a room nl tile hall and they vis· ~an of Lansing. The couple cxchangeci " Easl Alaiedon * house. Clubs and or·ganlzallons! iled it In Sl'l' if anylhlng was arc prll~l'ilrn chairmen. The' goods and candy. elwirman nf the refreshment name In Ingham county. A post· their vows Saturday, October 6, Eleven members of East Alaie· lhcmr. 11-1 "Cilllrlren al Work in I The Hcbcltah Calorie wl:t meet commlltee. She was nssislcd by office o[ ncrJ Bridge was es­ at Angoln, Inrllana. The bride Is arc free to have their meetings! needed. Tltirty·mJe girls arc UC· cion extension club gathered at there aftemoons and evenings. ! C'ommodated at. the home, '!'hey Our Own Cllllrch." Spr.l'ial guests Moml<~y night at tile lwJ~c of he!\. rlu~ghtcr, C:anrlacc Pauley, tablished .July 2:-i, 18S4.. Samuel a graduate of Mason school and 011 the home of Mrs.'Wcs·Jey Thomas The women look their poliuclt arc charged a nominal fcc. A atlhe rnct•tinr~ will b!' rnollwrs of Mrs. Elmer Bn1v~nder, 12[) S. Jr.f._ ~Irs. l11chard Illllil .JctTcrson, 'J hr. Jli'O· mom! H. McLean. Greater Lansing has arranged a Mrs. Reno Mitchell and Mrs. Icorrect arrangements. Interesting lng, Ocloher 21l. !\Irs. John Bcr- gmm, "Family Property Prob· Knights of Pylhlas, Pythian 'program relating lo the postal .Jesse Sherwood presented the points of the Christmas carnival program. "How to Eat and Be were discussed. Sisters and their families will 1hislory of the arf'a next Thurs. I "Trust ivrybody-but cut the ca-i!rds." have a dance at the K of P hull day at 8 p. rn. in the Lansing Healthy," at the meeting of the The next mcl'tlng will be Mr. Dooley 'th th G' I t Sat urda)', October 27, fi"Om 9 to Civic Center· I Parlors A & Bl. Bye ~ye Pounds club Wednesday Thursday, November 8, at the W I e I r sco u s midnight. Those attending arc to IMernlwrs of the Amllrican Phila· mommg at the library. Mrs. home of Mrs. Floyd Burgess. ltaltc a lunch. Coffee will be fur· tclic Sndcty and the Peninsular Bernard Ba ternan was program ~ Ingham •i• SAL AYOUBEE , , I nished. State Philatelir: Sociely will be ehalrmnn. The meetings are open October meeting of the Ing· Girl Sr:uttts of Ma:;un are learn·J ? 1\lr.; ..~· ~(. Pa;tlcy. s. tr:~"'i'• .Nn. . . . • . . .. guests. All those .interested in to anyone Interested in losing ham extension group was con· 8w1 Lilt> .\sslll'a.ncc Co. of Canada ing lo slwte at l~dr·u roller at'Olru ,3-,6 .. "~c :ctt.ng. orgar~lzed an~! , ICC. c~ub .wrll meet With ~rs: Jstamps. am! the hrstory .or this weight. " • • dueled at Dansvllle town hall ua \V. Illlchig-1111, l,llll~lng . 11 11 .1. . 1. 11 , ,11 't mal1111g pl,ms for futme events. Jc~mes Hulett Wednesday, Octo ar·ca Will be .wcll'omc offtcers of 111 0 , o lllol ,e H' oiC VI Y 1 I · 1 t' " l• 'l b 31 · ' Monday evening with 20 mem· Phone IVunhoc !1·9031 . . . A l l JcJr seconc mee 111, Wiliiarn~ton Grange Nu. th~y are malong pctl,te skallng Pr~shyterlnn ch,urch, the~ elected located at North Zimmer and Egq A•"ds after visiting their sons in Flor· answered roll call with Ideas for slmls, . Tllmut-:11 l~lcJr efforts, I of[Jc·.ers. C'!lnme H;~rrJson . Is Germany roads. will serve their s,·g ida for 3 weeks. a future extension lesson. ~hey w111 earn slwllng and sew· I pres!dent; Jane~ Hassmen, ~Ice· annual chicken dinnf't' Sunday, P-OII"O Dri'Ve Mr·. and Mrs. Roy Hazclcy of .Mrs. Lawton Gauss reported on 1111' baclp;e.~. _ presulcnl; Valerie Brown, sc·nhP.; October· 21. at their hall. The din· Hastings and Mrs. Lula Harring. the dibirict meeting at Marshall. 1\1pmhers ,r troo)l No. 1 '·' Canr!Hee Pnutcy, lrcasur.cr; and nel' Is country style and serving ton of Lansing called on Mrs. Twenty.one members of the cluf) gallwrc. L ~ 1955 Chevrolet Station Wagon, son.Lyon, Phone Howard Mason Pontiac OR Sa7·1801. es, a· ltlxe -?..cJoor· .seclan. Radio, heat. Perch 18c per pound Ill box .4·door. 42wlp er. Real low·cost transporta· lots. Scaled, only one penny per. Analysis Prier. 1954 Ford Fordor. ------~-::~--·-:·----·-- tlon. $495. pound extra. Also available com•. 12·12·12 1954 Chevrolet 2-'Cioor. FORD TRUCK-1950, with new 1950 BUICK Special 4-door se· pletely dressed. Bay ·Port- Plsh· $70·55 1.953 Mercury Monteray 4-door. Tools 10·20-10 motor. Box will hold 30() bu. d~n. Dy~naflow, heater and rn· Co., 'Bay Pori, Michigan. t!Ow~· 75.50 1!153 Pontiac Chieftain 4·door. ear corn, fair· tires, 2-spced axle, diD. $il9:J. __ .:. .. ..: 8·16·16 09.40 .1953 Chevrolet 2-door. P. G. $375. Also 2 rolls of snow fence, A p p L E s _ Several varieties. 6·24·12 73.20 1.952 Chevrolet 4.door. my cost, ·$8.50. Yours, $6. Brand McCarn Stnith Orchard, southwest 'cor·.. .ABERDEEN ANGUS yearling 5-20·20 69 50 1952 Dodge 4·door. · bull, good for cross on dair:>' GUERNSEY HEIFER, will fresh· · 1951 Chevrolet 2·door. P. G. new, never been unrolled. B. F. ld b I I ner of Bunker and Eifert roads. en soon, from ABA breeding. 4-24-12 66 5 Whittal\er, phone Leslie JUstice SmO i e nC. Phone Aurelius 2102. 40wtf cows;. 90'/n of calves will not ·1. TRUCKS . 9·3543 or Dougl::is Whittalwr, 0 have horns; excellent beef cross. Bred l\ack to ABA bull. ·Would 4·16-16 58.30 1951 GMC long wheelhase, %-ton. 222 make excellent family cow. Arn· Holt. · 42wlp S. Cedar St. Mason POPCORN-Shelled by the pound lt V. · Remington, Bennett road, 0·20·20 58.10 1946 INTERNATIONAL long Phone OR 7·9681 or an the cob. Phone Mason· Ollt. Phone,Holt OX bert .Judson, phone Mason OR new pistons, very good condition, Hubert Bearss, 2701 Mt. Pleasant Holsteins 9·2194. · 42w2 6·1045.. 41w1p reaftonablc; Also riding horse, 2-Doors and 4-Dooi's ;J:oad, phone Stocltbrldge 33F121. * 1953 Allis·Chalmers Tractor CORN PICI{ER - Self-propelled beautiful predominantly white, + + + ·. . . 42w2p * 3.14 Plow . . . , . Massey-Harris, 2·row corn plclt· 3 STEEL COW STANCHIONS DODGE TRUCK-1955 2-ton, 14· 2•1.,-year-old mare. An Ideal horse : I"' Hundreds of Other Farm er. Very good condition. Ernest and 5 arlnldng cups at about % ft. rack, stake truck with 8:25 to train to your own standards. FEEDER CATTLE - Good and ·Equipment . . I. Cnpltol City ~-~-~~_sln_g_, _P!JOne IV 5·1flO!l, 42w2 ______"' . · • 4_h_v3 • ___Agency '__ ' ______42w1_ p to Mason, 3iili ocrr.s in Gratiot county, lGO acres close to Wil· Roofing Co., 82tl Wr.Ht. LapC!r.r, Household Goods CONTRACT on house In Mason · Lansing, Jlhone Lnnslng IV Mcintosh Apples -·-·-·---·------HOUSE TO BE MOVED or CIGARETS - $1.01 per CDI'Ion, .for anle, For Information cull 4·BEDROOM Modern Home with liamston, l GO acr·es enst of Mnson, WPeclced, 2-story frame house, Pres tone, $2,75 gal,; hoy's and William Yuhasz Dansville MA 1 $1,000 down. Balance lllce rent, 180 am·es west of Muson, Por 0·1270. 27wtf Sweet Cider SEWING MACHINES- Convert near Leslie. 4450 Hull road, Les· girl's jacl1cts, $3.!l8 and up; men's 3·2010. · ' , 4lw p 011 !tent, gas water hooter, Cor· fnrms call Clnrenee M. Boles, OR _G_I_A_Z_I_N_G_O_F·-A--1-L--J·(-l_N_D._S_ p 2 4 , ' ~ •·, Cl'• your trendlc into nn electric lie, phone La~slng 'I'U 2·3894 or. winter jaclmts, $4.98 anrl up; in· ------ner lot 82,5'x132'. Mature shade 7-23Ci1, Everett Marlett Agency, II Ins J·Jnrrlwnrc, Mn~on, .J:lwtf Dutchess Pears portable, $29.50 All mulccs re- Leslie ,TU 9·39.>4. 42wl sulnted leather boots, $13,!15; 5-ACRE COUNTRY Homcsltes, on 2 blaclctop streets near new 42wlp Squash paired and serviced. Also used Korenn hoots, $12.9!i; tarps and $1,500, Talce car or house· Steel!! street school. Income pos· NEW HOMF. IN MASON-3 hcd· portuble machines . for sn!C!, Rada'o & T'elev'lsl'on blanlle, PX Store, trallet•, Bradshaw Realty, Webber- slhllitics. Mr. Famllyman this Is rooms, C'Ol'ller lot, deep full ALL TYPES OF Pumpkin Woodard Sewing Machine Serv· Mason. 41w.'l ville Phone 54. 41w2 it. Good neighborhood, Call Clnr· hasement, nutomntlc heat, plus· IcC!, phone Holt OX fl·22·Hi, ~66!i · ence M. Boles, OR 7-2~fll • E. Mar·· Cered walls, ver" rronrl location. Indian Corn I{rentnl Ave., Halt, 33wtf TV ANTENNAS-Complete In· WOOD-$5 core! delivered In Ma· 80 ACRJ'J:S, 7. room houRe, 2 lett Agency, •l2wlp Enjoy the liveahllit~ of this new Electrical Work AUCTION SATURDAY, 7 p, m. stallntion inclu d lng TV towers. sonJ Phone Mason OR 7·2571.42w1 t barns,I silo,1 G headdl t cattle, trac·I home, F'. H. A. approvctl con· 01 100 NEW PIIONF. ~ Blossom Orchard at Lansing Economy Furniture Also insurance repairs. Henry _ '• s, mme a e possess on, HOMES IN MASON-2-bedroom, struction, F. H. A. tC!rms. Call 3081 Eaton Rapids road,. across, ·"rles, 127 N. Lansing street, SI·IOTGUN-12 gat1ge, pump nc· $13,750Willi witht half down;1 100 1acres, $1,300 down •, .1-bedroom, $2,800 Clarence M. Boles, OR 7·23G1, E. Mason OR 7-7013_ OR 61201 ~ ams on area, mm ern )orne, down; 4·bedroom, $1,000 down; Marlett Agency. 42w1p Alfred Wnrclowsld from Maple GrovC! school. Tools, phone Mason · • tlon. J. C. Higgins Model ·20 plenty good farm buildings, I 3-hedroom, $1,500 down; one·hed------.:.. !l miles north of LC!slle on US-127 appliances, tow C! Is, hC!ddlng, 17wtf with lentlwr case, cleaning set priced t•ight-terms. Bradshaw room, $1,700 clown; 2-family TEN ACRES of grouml nnd W'tlliam Founta'ln Phone !.&slle ,JU fl·8251 lamps, tallies and many other - and box of shells. Brand new. Realty, Webberville phone 54, apartment, $!,500 down. Call enough lumber to build a small 34wtr items. You can't afford to miss Fired once, $65 fUll price, Phone 41w2 Clarence Boles, Mnson ORchard house. PrlcC!d right for quicl< sale. 23wtf ~------·------this salE;, We hove seats and Dogs and Petr~ Mason OR 6·4211. Mrs. Ferris GJ G 1 4 1 f M ~ plenty of free parking. Phone! Reason. 42wlp -D-R~E~•S_S_A_N_D_D_R_Y_G_O_O_D_S_s-to-re 7'2361 • E. Marlett Agency. en arc ner, 111 les rom a- BUTCHERING AND PROCESS· l!;~~e~-:-~1~~. r:~~~~::St i~a~en;~~ Lansing TU 2·2721. 35wtf BOARDING _: Private outdoor ---~--·------including men's and boy's 42Wlp son. Phmle Lansing IV fl·783giw ING- Home freczc•J· anrl loC"IC· I I M I tl Aeconc lOUse on er c11 an, sou I FURNITURE, rugs nncl appll· runs tor each dog. Green Acres SHOTCJUNS AND RIFLES - ready to wear. Very profitable NEW IIOME J 1 1 2.. er 1 service. J.'rceze1' RJliH'I' nvull· II of DextC!l' Tra . P h one Moson OR ances, savings In hoth our new Kennels. Phone OR-7·9791, Sun· New and used. Scopes.. and Iron store. R. E. Whitney, Rives B• · t ~ 3- 1 ust: comph d etec. 2·BEDROOM ·wC'.~t·' .".ide,' gns !teat, abe. Leslie Food Lnl'iwn;, phone 39 f day hours 5:00·7:00 p. m, sights sold and mounted. Rifles ,Junction. Phone Rives Junction asemen , arge e rooms, 2-car gurage, paved driveway. LesliC' .ru 9-!l~fi1 n1· Mason on. 7·30Q4. ', wt nnd user! departments. Storage 52wtf sighted in at any range up to 300 6F12. 41w3, large living r·oom and kitchen, Shown by npJ)Ointment only: 7·0331.1 4Gwte POTATOES-· AND CA rurnlt ure Sales, 1% miles north d G 1 A 1 • v tib 1 d G 1 t. St 1 tl. BBAGJ' yar s. un repa r. mmun t1on es u e an c ose s. • r c y Call Glenn Oesterle, Mason OR -·------T I A~. t I 1 !,1 -0 of Lansln" on US-27. Open Mon· DOG - German Shorthair, one 1 d d f lfl I 1 1 2 FA. MILY · f 1 Will 11 t d f CUSTOM SAWINC \\'Ill t 1 " • nrec us n, ·" m II es wes f day tl1rough.. Friday fl-9, Satur- year old. Arthur Weirauch, fre oat e or r it'es ancf p sto 1 s, t • • 1 c mcome1 1 f property i h d or d ' moe ern, 1 se L tor 1 · ra1 e Ol' 7·8552, Pnul B. Cheney Real ancl saw' lu '·r AI gc og.~I h Mason on Columbia t•oad,11 1 mile day 9·7, phone Lansing IV Rottt~ 3, Curti," r·onrl. Phone· Ma· ac ory··,a~mun l,or or ·Ssl to·. sa e, omp ete y mn s e nn . ,Yo,ur.l tomeW.. ,. oca er c osP. to Estntr., Mason, phone OR G-5558, woorl. 'Fr•nnl• Wm.~lP;rl·.1 flt•ssl·o f,·nst~nt v, c " guns. Sporlsman s Gun 1op, renqy to move ln. Beautifully'qec- sc 100 on' alnut Court, phone 42w1p ' " Curtiresouth on rand.Elfcrl, Phone'• m e Aureliuswest. on 7·0173.------~------·--- 30wtf son OR 7·4048, 41w2 Don Hewson,. owner, 4231 Tole5. orated. Let IIJC~Jme,'·help you payt Mnson·O~ 7,2111 or OR 7-5~71. southt B ofli HnT)Jcr• schoolt II on US·l27,,, 371 1 11 11 1 4 39 1 f roar, 12 m e east of Aure nts for· this des1 rnble proper y. · · :J9wtf HOUSE-New, 2 bedrooms, near a u er s gas s a on. lone ------· .. w pt Foote Furnt'ture DOG-Weimaranerycnr·old, Af{C register, female, excril.· one- roadth onI IToles, PI firstA IIhouse 38"• on ClSlinwn·byappointment . M · B I I only:· M Call . ---- En.ton Rapids on· pavement, Lansing IV •1·92fll. 2_n_,_v_,,t_r lent. hunting dog, Kenneth . Gra- sou s r e. lOne ure us •n. arence . o e!l, P lOne. B,son Wht'pp $8500, easy terms. Inquire at DIGdiNG·T.;ocYt'INGS .. lnstnll·. ~ • Apples · FOR BETTER BUYS AT LESS ham, 3787 Edgar road, phone 40w7p ~~e.ndy·:3Gl. Everett M-~~!t~.Pe EM~lkeyR's Tirdaller:::, 1120 S. 4M2 aln, ing sewer, tiling and huilrllng DELICIOUS I Stoves ...... $24.00 up Leslie .TU fl·374!l, 41w2 PROCESSED ROAD GRAVEL-- b Farm Ag' ency ~a on ap s. W1P septic tnnl

HENS - New Hampshire Red Would trade for anything of HOUSE TRAILER-19M, 29:tt; Herbert Dickinson, 132 Spring 1 ROBERT KIRBY; Salesman . Phone. Mason OR 6·1103 SEPTIC TANK hehs, $1.15 ,each. :qallas Hyde, equal·value. · Kl!n Antes, ,885 N. Helen Bedell, 4858 Bunker road,, street, Leslie, ,phone .Leslie JU 1, 34wl ~ Phone Mason OR _ • Phone Lansing IV 4·2944 Drain· field lal 1431' Phillips road, 2 miles north Clark road, Dannvllle. 39wtf phone Mason OR 6·4137 or Aureo 9·2723. 42w2 . . 7 . 4985 37wtf perlence. All war 0 2114 42 5 ~4:9~~n. Phone Mason °n:J~rd CEMENT- 7 bags.' Also mllk lius ' ' . wl STEP·LADDERS- >Sturdy 4·ft., Ft:,M:;:~~~~/~~'N. 'o'!:r:;o~n~ CONTRACT for. sale on 212;;; ..,S-E-PT-IC___,T_AN_I_\S--.a-ncl-d-,ra-ln-tl..,..el-ds ~n~~g 3~8 l.~J4 ~ · · p cans. Make me an offer. Wll· HOUSE TRAILER for hunting or reg., $3.50, now only $2.60; west shore of Batees Lake. Rea. street In Leslie.· Small contract . Installed, · Trenching · and light · · --:..,,...-:..,..;-,___,.--,... PUL_LETS- GO White. Leghorns, Ham Flllwock, "Jr., 3 miles horth camping, 1_3 ft. Phone Mason Sturjiy · 5·ft., reg. $4.40, now. only sonable ·price•. · Tenns. James about· $920. Discount. Paul H. excavating. Reasonable prices. CUSTOM BALI · laying ,large eggs •. John :Chll· of Mason -on Phillips road · at OR 7·0716 or see at 1 n:tlle east of. $3.30. Mickelson Baker Lumber H!lley. Name .on n:tnllbox at res!· ~oty, .2329 Strathmore road, Lan· Call E; and N. Ball, 'Lansing ED Holland stl'lng- l!on, , No. 1?97, phone, OR Eden • one mile south on Co., 345 W. Mason. dence, West Batee·se sing,, Lansing IV or Pmheormn.ea. 91XEt Mllion'186!l"·~erldla~IJ~~~· .oft .. ?~. , . . ~hone42wl .7-2970.hou~e ,...... M~son. . . .42wl Plains a~droad. , , .GwJ. . , 1 ~olumbla,. .. , 42wl . . ~ke. pw,lp . pho~~ ~·1075.38Wtf ~·7349 Laingsburg.34~5, ~!!.~t~.,... , ,..~ 12t . I .',. . :· . ~ . • . . ' . I . . ·' ' '...... ·' . ' . ' . ' . ., 01 0 9 'l RUCKEfiS WAN !'ED tor pull NOJ'ICE I will not he responal TPHNSON-In loving l!lCIIlOI y ol luu 1 11 County News October 18, 1956 A~s lng house trniJCJs with short blo tqr any debts contrnotcd In our husbtmd, tntlwr qnd (Jrlllld Farm Bureau Want LI uclt we pny hlghcsl commls my name, other thrm by myself tnther, Alb~rt I; Johnson, who ..,, ~inn In the bUsiness Don t call after this day nnd dnte, 'l'ucsday, paSSI!d UWilY four yCn1s ago Jun1or Group lng at tho !.eglon btilldlng 'I'hutll 1 To lteop flesh mlllt 111 Ha be~(, unless expmlonccd Cnll McJ{Inlcy Or.toh01 CArl On October 21, 1!152 'Iwenty two mcmbuts Rltended 16, lP'lB Zeitz dny October 18 Ur{less olher lwcp It clonn cnlrl covmcrl and Dtl~c away collect nt J{nlnmnzon ondngn, Mlch t12wl Tho depths o! sorrow we can tho Junior I~nrm Buteau meeting For Rent wise Rollullccl thoBc attending In the dntlt, tho U S \ I'IreHide 5 7711 42w2 not tell of the Joss or OIJC WC last 'l hut sdny at tho Fn! m Bu dcpnrlmC~n\ FOR REN I - Seven t oom npul 1 oau office In Mnson Barba In of ngtlculttu o reminds hqme. MASON ANIJ HOLf resldel)fs loved so W~JII DCRUtltlll memories nrc to tnltc tnblo smvire and n rmtltms Mlllt holds !roth nuttl mont, unfurnished $7'i lnclud IIELP WAN rED - Murtlcd man please notice Volunteers ot Lnunstein, Elaine Robinson nml nrc all we h11vc left of the one rll~h lp p IHH Beverage will ho tlon vnluu nnrl Ouvor best who~ lng clcctt Icily Also 3 1 noms un tor gmlCrrtl farm wotlt and Ametlen truclt will be coming tL we all loved and will never for Joe Rubidoux wew chosen as fUI niH hell $15 C tllll II Mr Le Ill voting delcgules to tho state nn Itu nlsherl lwpt cool St01 ed nom the from: dull ylng Must have lt actor ex HoH and Mason Tuesday of ea~h gQt Badly missed by wlfo, chi! It wus decided to rlonnte $'i for lng unit of the Jeftlgorntor, It Mason OR G 17'11 21wlf pctlence Good living qunr ters Be nuul convention which will be week from now on sure tr drcn nnd grand~hlldtcn ot2wl the CROP drive Mt~ Puul Red cun he cxprcled to ltecp good William M Luecht cnrc of St phone Lansing IV 44414 a duy or Saturday, October 27, at Michl mnn lr rl the cllsc!lsslon It wns quality nnd nuvo1 for 3 to ~ ,Johns National Bunl<, Sl ,Johns two before if possible Your donn JOHNSON-In loving memory of gun Stale university i'LOOR SANDEll::; fot rent concluclecl after 11 pm Iori or dis days, pethnps longer Petklns llardwarc, phone Mn 42wl lions of clothing just plain ragb our dear Hu!ib!lnd al)d F11ther Joe Rubidoux wns elected his cuslllon by 3 groups lhnl if there ------: Hon OR 6 1311 21wtf papers mngnzlnes, furniture ana William A Johnson, who p11~sed torlan and Elaine Robinson Is 1 CARPENI'ER WORK WAN'IED away one year ago 'fhurllday publicity chnlrmnn Pluns were wns to hr? the Soli Bank plan LIFt: vlth tho metal helped to support In 1955 that the 3 'i yem pi 111 wns the Roofing and building worlt October 18 made for a hay! ide on Novernbet our old !oilts p1og1 am !Sunset best FOR REN r - I'll! ni:;hed U[l•lll Henry Ftics, 127 N L,mslng club) Provided jobs for 192 pea Until we shall meet again 3 Ray Launsleln, Don Wllllnms 1 Numcs of 1cfreshment hnsls mr.nt dowmt.Ilrs P ivut; en street Mason Phone Mason OR pie, enabled us to give furniture sweet thoughts of love to you we nnd Toe Jl.abldoux are on the Zimmermans trance mul hath Cull after 1 lO!J 23wtf Io1 the yenr were dr.twn The 51201 and clothing to 171 fumllies. Fr send Although, you arc not so committee Don Wllllums sug w Elm 40wtf gcslcd scvetul wsolulions which hosts u1 e responslhlc fo1 scr vlng T1me 9 15 a m Thur5d~y nnnclal assistance to 142 pnrolces far nway INC shall ulwnys remem and ptcpatlng llghl JCftcshmcnls 51wtJ bet you day by day May .til our were pn9scd by the group and Ploco Z1mmermon'5 The offm lng Lultcn p JVS Cor II ems l'OR RfN I - ftonm to pur k n blessings be with you will be presented nt the annual pur chnsed Mrs J\ennclh Rogers house llftllcr with water sewer Man Wanted Your loving Wife and Family meeting with Senior Farm Bu conducted u game nilr"!I which und lights Ch.u h s llnwc, lORI 42w1p re.lll resolutions East Olds road Leslie Phone JU Da1ry Farm Bids Wanted Dicit Reid, Joyce Combs, Lee M1 nnd Mts Ftunlt Noth.tway 0 !101 1 4Dw3 Lyans Mnry Emens md B 1rbdru ~c1 veri jcilo coo ides colfee llld Must have experience In this IY(le B1ds Wanted Luunsteln were <~Jlpolnlcd to leu of farmmg Good living quai Lost and Found • • Unfmnbhed lire City of Mason will tall'i S Rogms LIVESTOCI< W A NT E D-All !lleSJdent M1s Luman Klink and f<~mtly anrl accepted until November tcr before being ofrered for sale Z m And now 11 tho t1mo to toll 01 lcc Lawrence Hyatt 309 ------Jus Iamere Mrs David Klink w.ts at Um ment of I over hoord one You son OR 7 2593 12wl ver slty hospital Ann Ar bot wonder whore tho d rl goos­ S Main St Eaton Raptds Phone FOUND - Beagle male 6 or 8 JustamciC r,u lTI Bure Ill group Eaton Raptds 4 4521 19wtJ months old Phone Webberville will meet S tturday Octobm 20 ,11 a check up I Ltesclay ol 1ust goes That soundt FOil REN I - 3 I oom [urlllshcd obout I ko You wonder whoro aputtment Utilities paid P1l 67 F 32 Owner may have by pay 8 p m at the home of Richard tho yellow wont WANTED-Logs anu ~tancllng Cards of Thanks ing for ad 42wlp Suwto v.tle entllllCC Gmugc Phone M1 timber HrJwe Saw Mill, RIVe: son OR 7 64!11 42w1 nexto T1 ull Janel All nght II you ro so 1mort Junction Pl.one OI. 7 6&:'11 or Les fhlrty members attended lllc toke • bottle ol F1no Foam up lie 232b 12wu ,,.,., and clean that purpto SLEEPING ROOM- Comfortable Dexter ftull rarm Buredu meet liOUSEWORh. WAN I ED by the chair ono show mo whoro tho ami .tltr 1ctlvely fur ntslwrl one lng FJ !clay evening at the Vevay hour Phone Mason OR 7 '5'l0!l d~rt goo1l block from r ottlt house Call Ma town hall New r1fflccrs assuming son OR 7 7833 42wl 1lw2 l h c 1 1 d u t 1 e s were Floyd z,m I won t nood to go to oil Launsleln chahman, Mrs Mon tho! lroublo I con demonstrate WANTED - B~er cows ana FOR RENT - House 1 t ooms tie Woodmd and Mrs Burton Cof roght hero on th11 l1ttlo butchet catlle Cash paid R rug downstalr s, 2 up Also chtclten F Sheathelm, Leslie Route 2, fey scctctarles, Mrs Paul Red coop 410 Ann street Mason phone Leslie JU 9 2205 man and Kenneth Rogets dtscus Jonot Aron I you olro1d you II Phone Dansville MA 3 2052 overdo? A throw rugl Why 38w5 s1on leaders, Blue Cross L B 42wl Barr recreullon M1 s Ie good fur m clog fo1 older I hank our friends, rela tlves and Ludell Cheney J•not It doesn t toke mu1tlo1 lhCI mfot m 1tlon lnqu!JC at 3096 people Good watch dog Mrs nctghbots for the many beautiful Robert Stm man member of tile th•t 1 tho wonderful pert of tl I'rosl road Williamston 12w2p II olmost cle•n• hoff J,tmcs Deuel phone Mc~son OR tim ui l!Jbutes at the time of the bom d told of proposed changed to be made In Blue Cross 111 FOR Rl NT 111 I msmg 1\!.tple 7 6904 42wlp death of our dear husband and z,m You know they ••~ thet teg.ud to altenchng mcelmgs about • lot of products but Grove Aica-2 bedroom semi ---.,...------father George Painter We would WAN rr D - An outsiCie chnnet cspectlliy like In thanl< Mrs Ball Mrs Sturman ne~\ ly 1e elected th 1 l1me 11 s no o,.gg•[•hon mocler n modern ktlchen no dogs, lteasurer of F'B women s group bell Phone Dansville MAcltson .md Mr Dunn for the kind 3 Ways to save J•not •nd Z m together II you chtldrcn ~> elcome school bus 3 2154 42wt gave a repo1 t hy ness shown us and Rev John wondor whore the d~rt goo1 goes doo1 J oc Grbbs 2310 Gil lhe chauman o~ppolnled Mrs on your next car! bet t Ro,ui phone Holt OX 4 1308 Pt udcn for his comforting words come 1n •nd get • bottlo at WAN IE.D URGENI 1 Need ude Zelma Nethaway Mrs Robert Ftno Fo•m •nd solve tho mys l2w.! M1s Mellie Painter, Mr and Mrs Call me before ~au b •Y • !r urn Lansing to Mdson al 12 Hatty Kellerman, Clyde Painter Slurman tnd Mrs Ludell Cheney 1 ('W or U6f! I c lf n 1 1 fi I tory yoursolvol s.r. lor the nmlmght fwm McLaughlm hos as a comm1ttee on food .111d t and ut M \son Genet a! hospital for all frnm ~ou wtll br ng LANSING - !louse lor tent 3 1 equipment John G I rlpp 8578 the Cd!d~ visits flowers and comp ctc mf rma bedt oom home $h6 a month as Hucl>et Gtosse Ilc, Mwlugan (IOU 1s Phone Lansmg IV 51758 grits during my ret'tmt Illness 42w3 Ruby Curus 42w1p II pajs to know yo•tr 42wlf STATE FARM Agent J-IOUSEfot-re~t-3-roorn;-\vith WAN1 10 BUY 2 ot 3bedroom EVERETT - I wish to thank all ele~trwlty 18'58 Tomlmson home ne,tr D:ene Roelofs will fll'Osecutor's. office In the Michl· 6 sisters, Mrs. Bertha Downs of killed In action on the border be· 3 p.m. The mlnl~ler, Rev. Charles pl<1y the organ with an anthem gan National tower. He said the Olympia Springs, Ky.; Mrs. Flos­ tween France l(nd Germany; Erlcl!son, will lead the service ily IIH! youth r:holr under the tll- county spqnt $2,740 ami now the 0. sie Craft, Mrs. Roxie Craft, Mrs. Their son, Edward, was killed In and the sermon will be rlollvercd rectlon of LLtdcl .Jennings and a committee has learned that Pro­ Norma Shepherd, Miss Rena the plane tragedy In Stockbrl(lge by Dr. Harold N. Slddmor·c, su- solo h)' Fred ,J;lpplngn. secutor Clmrles E. Chamberlain 2 years ago. He was ftylng his perlntemlent and minister of the After the service nf dcrlieation Intends to retain the offices Craft, and Mrs. Lorna Cmft, nil own pl'ans and had 2 passengers. Michigan Conference of Congre- the cllltn!lr will have npron house whether or· not. he is elected. to of Bunker Hill; and ·a brother·, The Gllmores expressed grntl· gatlonal Christian churches. The with 11 tea servctl by the Women's congress. It was the understand- . Kermit Craft, of Bunlwr I-1111. tude that their eldest son, Mil· act of dedication and prayer of F'ellowshir. The IH!t·vier! Httri the lng, Klock said, that if Chamber- BUDDING ROCK COLLECTORS are sprouting into eager paleontologists in Mason. Spurred by Funeral services were con· lard, was spared to them even dedication will be led by the Rev. f 11 .11 1 1 .. . 11 Jain did not continue as prosecu- . B k l'b · h d h h ducted at the Pentacostal Church though a serious pccldent has Coral Bnddcr, assistant superin- p~tl~;~~~ P wur ,Jtc npron to tc, tor his suite would he made avail· an interest in t~e ~1story of rocks by No.rma~ un erl county t rarran, t ese youngsters an ot en ave of God in Bunker Hill Tuesday confined him to a wheel ehnlr the · -----, c 1 11 1 k M 1 1 able for his successor. Ia rock and fosstl dtsplay at Hall Memorr11l ltbrary. afternoon with burial In Bunker past 6 years. Mr. and Mrs. Mil· L . l for'';~~\'~'\lr~ ~ 1 n:rr: 1 t: he ~~;~,:.c;t - The situation was referred to At the left is Mary Ry11n, I 0, daughter of Mr. 4nd ·Mrs. Raymond Ryan. She's o fifth groder at Hill cemetery. lard Gilmore have 2 daughters. S 0 1 'Ill ·, 1 · b 11 ill . t . • ·t f I the county buildings St ele Street school. In the center is DaVid Eckart, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eckart. He's in the elle11 1 commlt~eo. t '•e E-':lot• I :m ~fl~g K~au~s ~mt ·;,a;·~1~\~~rt~1 I Supeitrvisorsllll avle 1a sdteermg Ifo~rth grade ot Steele Street school and has been a rock collector f~r 5 years. Jerry Rosher is 11t the ft. u. ;ll·cllltcr·t-englneet·• . · of. La ·n ~In g' slderingcomm tee grouping w 1 c 1 s all a rea Lansing Y con- rtght.• He ,s I p 11n d 11 son o f M r. an d Mrs. Tom Ros her. J erry ·rs ·rn th e f'fth1 gra d e a t C e d ar St ree t planned a net supcrvJHcd the con- branch offices of county govern- school. (Ingham County News photo.) State and County Join in ·a'• I I d p k ~ru~ttJn. llanc~Vatwc Co~stru~ mcnt under a county wing~ the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eaver s an ar I ton (!Olllpany oi East Lanstng arc city hall. That committee will L ., ,. I 'h R .d t a member of the Gleaners and Crippled Children Clinic 'we>appreclatc your lntcre.~t In lite gcnet·;~l_c~~lt~ac_t_~l'::: ------also consider space Ior the pro- I lme esl Home Round Up club. •" e ng am' en . Beaver ·Island and believe your sccutor and the probate court in Surviving are the widow, Sta· Michigan C rip pIed Children mcnt Oft 7-ll1ll to aslt fo'r an editorial In the Ingham County SC!CIIlCU to he Jacking in the CIJJ. the proposed annex. o.·es ,·n Lans,·ng. Hosp,·ta'f tim; a daughter, Mrs·. Paul Cor- commission In cooperation with appolnlment:. Children may be News regarding the Island was cago conven1 ion. ' bin of Lansing; a sister, Mrs. the Ingham county health depart· admitted up to age 21. Those al· mdst·complete and Interesting. [f we wish to retain pc'acc and Bet·nice Robinson of Paclflr: Pall- ment will have an orthopedic ready under· orthopedic care . I thought you might lltw to pmsperlty, we mLtst mtain our L • g A d Funet·a'! services were con-~ sold their farm and moved to sades, California; a granddaugh· clinic on Tuesday, October 30, at either In the office of their pllysl.' !mow that In the spring of Hlii7 pn!sirlent, Jl

,. ' Social Securily Advice· Tlie Lansing office. of . the Sq- clal Security Administration will hav~ n re1.iresentat1ve at the city hall In Mason on the third Thurs· Iday of eaoh month from 9:30 to Vote fOI' .Ro.bert L. ·Drake 11:~0 ·a.m., and 12:00. noon to ,, 2:00 p> m. The dates of .his next ·,.I,_ ... several visits will be October 18,· November 15 and December 20. Anyone desiring .information .re­ garding old·age and survivors In· :_For· ... ·_Judge· of···Probate surance benefits, social · seeut·lty ...... ' . ·, . . . . ; . ' . ~ . . . . . •r;· ·.j·Y' . '·;. account numbers,· or other bus'l·. '',t ,· may.ness seeconcerning him .at those .. social till!eS!.. securltY,_·I.L~~~·~·~~~~~~~~~~+,.~~~~~~~~~~~~-.;.-~~~~~"':7---t~~~~ .. : _. -f~'t~'7:"77~~~··.•~ •I . • ' .: • . .1,, • • • i . : ...... ; :l • •.,· • ' . ~. l' • : • ' • 0 :''

Dinner guests of Mrs, Evn Pnul Ingham County News October 18, 1956 Page 2 ·, '' Sundny were Mr·, nnrl Mr~. Ovll ;Tlwy Win Hm1ors Felt Plains Cnlhy, hnrl Sunday evening sup. Mrs, ·Leonard Smith and Mrs. Pritchard, Mr. nnd Mrs, .John Top Dilit~y Fat~m per wllh Mr. n nrl Mrs, I•' loyd Hownrrl Hines of Lansing, DCAIIIIIL lli'OWII Rice, Hohbs nnd rlnughters, Dl nn!] Miss Dinnrur Bmwn spent tho ' '· ·stockbridge News Debby, of Anrlcraon, Imllnnn; Mr·. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Cnvencler Mr·. nrtrl Mrs. Enrl Woodward wcwlt onrl wit 11 lmr• pnrents In nnrl Mrs. Glrm Connet• of Snttth ottenrlerl the werlcllng of tlwlr of ChnrioHe cnllocl on Mr. nnrl Detroit. Mrs, Helen Beeman Bcnrl, Ind,; Mr. nnd Mra, .J, P. son, Pvt, Cnrl Cavender, nnd Pvt. Mrs. Blain nice Sunclny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Burton SwnnJ>, Conner und .Timmy anrl Charles Nellie Forehand of Fort Myers, 'l'here will tw a fnmlly nigh! Myt•t le und r:nrr·y vislteil mln· · o! Ial''.'i queen. After the game m. A meeting of the men of .the man had a surprise get-togcl11er urclny evening guests of the,------..,-.------. ;I(Jo sludrmts and friends attended chur·ch will be Tuesday, October Sunday at her· home .. Icc cream Courtney Reed family. 11H• honH'cominll dance In the new :JO, The WSCS will serve dinner and cal film, "Giants In the Lanrl," Glen Drown shot a perfect They plan on touring Mexico be­ fnrm couples· to represent Michl· They produce high quality milk 11 story of Diesel engines was round of 25 nt the final trap shoot fore returning home. gun at the nnnunl convention of which brings the top price on :;lwwn to Lions club members at at the post grounds on South Mrs. Ruth Griffin of Detroit . the mnrltel. . tilt' Or!tullcr· Hi meeting. Details Clinton. PO.fll' rounds were shot, spent !rom Thursday through ,the National Millt Producers Fed- In his earlier years, Wilfred! of the program for the Christmas with the high wind causing a lit· Sunday will! her parentH, Dr. ami crution at Miami, Fla., Dec. 2-G. was active in 4-H work,-was·presi·' slz't•r•t rlecor-a lion program were tie tr·ouhle. Memberships are still ¥rs. G. D. Culver. 'l'hc all expense trip for Mr. dcrit of the Colon chapter, FFA,: prr•srnled. 'l'he committee con· going in. Forty-three were signed The June Taylors were Sunday and Mrs. Miller is· sponsored by and wns a member of the nomi-: s!,;ls o[ Hobert Dnnccr, Arthur up at the last meeting. Sign up dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. the Michigan Milk Producers As· nnting committee for the· Agri·' Witclc and Bill Stnnfleld. sociation. The couple's application cultural Stabilization Conservn· now nnd snve the post 25c aR na­ Albert Fredenberg and fnmity. .was submitted by the Colon chap- tion program. He is now president! tional dues go up that amount on After spending 2 weel

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stowe . ·~, I• · and family spent the first of the DAY ANDi NIGHT AMBULANCE SERVICE week in northern Michigan. Need Ray Barth is sick at his home. Ambulance Equipped with Oxygen ~nd Resuscitator Mr. and Mrs. Chadwiclt Smith Mason Phone OR 7-615t Michigan and son of Webbervllle and Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Smith were Sun­ day guests of a cousin at Sand CreC!k. 73 Head Mr. and Mrs. William Oesterle . 7l·Head were·guests·.Sunday of her broth· er-in-law and sister, M1·. and Mrs. Registered Holstein Auction Lyle Redinger, In Marlon town· ship. / Sale Mrs. Bernice Oesterle enter­ tained her grandson from Leslie this week. ·, Ralph H. Young Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Williams '· ' Surplus Cattle from Institutions·. spent port of last. wee!{ with rela· Representative In the tlves at ' Houghton Lalce .and tlt toured northern Michigan. ... Republican STATE PRISON OF SOUTHERN MICHIGAN- JA:CKSON Mrs. Maggie Patrick· of Jack· .. son spent Sunday with Mr. and STATE LEGISLATURE Mrs. Scott Noble. Wednesday, October 31, 1956..,.. 12:30 p.m. Bob Smith was falten to Spar­ row hospital seriously sick one 40 BRED H.EIFERS ltnl~'y duo to freshen just after sale tlmoJ night last week Mrs. Laura Douglas enter­ Former Athletic Director, MSU ' 25 OPEN H.EtFERS ll months to brooding age) ,., A Friend to Youth tained the· Vnntown W. S. C. S. * * 8 .YOUNG BULLS l~oar serv[!:uge) .. '••' . business mel'tlng Thursday after­ noon. ,, . Mrs .. Edgar Marshall and Mrs. FuU~rime Represeritafion · Experienced· Admini$trator . L. P>WIHiams assisted Mrs·. Mer­ * * ton . Rice. with the · """'"h"' " luncheon for and· Connie· Smith *Familiar ·with.Entire DiStrict. Record of Hori~st .Leadership ~lght 1 :Octqber:5•. Chlclcen .* rolls,·· relish ·.dish,. cake, lce.·cream, mhits;. 'riuts, coffee · and 'p1Jnch were served to 22 guests. The trimmed In yello'\V ·and yel· P11t Ralph Young on the. Eisenhower- T~aml. ican'Tu:ie~av::Nb~~m~~r s · ·' .. ·~ · ... ·Michigalt ~·es~.rves · >Able R,presellt~tlon . - ·, ., ..... ' ' ' . . •' •'. GIIS'on Strlcltllnga were Mr. and' Hoytville lnohnm County News October 18, 1956 Paoe 3 Mrs, George Bohnott of We)Jiwr· ville rmrl Mr, nnrl Mrs, Ivan De· J'llu.no,v l'tll'Cnll Vnncy, Mr, (lncl Mrs. Alva Wnrnet• SDo­ Leon North nml 5 Explorer Grovenburg News ScoLJts nttenrlcd the Mlch!gnn spent Sunrlny nt t!Hl home of Mr. Stnte vs. Indiana game Snturdny ancl Mrs, Wllllmn Flynn of Cale· Kreem Mrs. Howard .North 'I'hoy were Charles nnd Rohm·t rlon!a us· were• M1•, {llld Mrs. Ar· Hctrlcl<, Dennis North, Los Lee thur Burnaby of Knlamnzoo. · SHORIENING Donnie Rico, 3-ycnJ'·()ld S()n. of and Patty were entertnlnccl at Gibson nnr! Robert Rnmont, Jli!J's, Bnrhnra Jtussoll, Dnnny Mr. nncl Mrs, Don Rice, hns lwon dinner at the home of his sister, Good Nelghbot• dnm; hat! Its and .To Ann of Olympia, Wnsh!ng· In St. Lawrence hospltnl quite Mrs, Robert Whltchenrl, Sunday, monthly meeting nnrl a wlonor ton, spent 11 few days last week roast Friday evening nt the homo with her s!stor, Mrs, Jnmcs Hoi· fllr!l< for over n wccl<. He is l?rlday evening of last wool< of Mr. and MrR, ,Jerold Robinson ton, nm! fnml!y, Mrs. Russell nnd slightly 'Improved. Susan nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, James Hart eallcd 3 lb 75c Patty Rpont. Monrlny with Gene· on Eifert roue!. ehlldrcn will spend a few days on Mrs. Annu Wrool< and Rlchnrtl In Tenne:;see with unother sister, vlevc and Mnrl!yn Hart. Wroolt: Saturdny evening they Mr. rmd Mrs. Grant Ruse() nnd Rnncly were luncheon guest.~ Mrs. Pntt!!ne Taylor, Mrs, Madge visited Mr, nnd Mrs. Clair R!nl


Ford Museum 6 Ingham Bands Will Play at An1·1 Aa·bo•· Offers Films Owosso Schedules· Six IJiiiHis frorn lnl-(ililln will IH! StcwldJrirlw1, ·Ill, ll:rrlnnd Nyc•; '""hit~ lc> fit nicely lnln tlw Juul· [or I iii!Jl' hi!-( rill,\'. !:inVc!n numbet'S, 111110111-( tlw 171 high school hands nnd Willlnmslon, ;if), ll.erhert hall flelrl. '"l'lw Sinrs and Slt•lpcs l•'orr.vm·,." Of Old Days Antique Show 111 Arrn i\ri>or· Salunlr•y. 'l'l!r•y l'eter·~·. I Llt:hls will be~ on early In many A trrlal o[ lll,fitl() pPrfornH!I'H l\lld1ignn !owns u;; the ltlgh "Misl!!r 'l'mwhdown, U. S. A.," Gl'l!at l~llms of the Cenllll'y, d i\ntlqllr~ mllr•r•tor·s will have! u will ntardr iltHI piny heiWl'l!ll will IH! In ;retlon d11rlng lim 1sdwnl rnllsldiillH roll lllll early in "Wiilff\!IIJHrof Song," "Anchors series of motion pictures that In· :J-clny fair· at Owos:;o l•'rlclny, Sat· hnlves oJ' !he Mlc!hi~:lll·Nol'lh· clgltllt lllllllliil hand daY,. '!'hit;' oJ•rier In rl'ach Ann Arbor hy H: l!i Aweigh," "Mat·lne 11,1'11111," "U. dudes olllslnncllng selections lll'llay litH! ~;uncluy, Nov!'r,lher 9, western ~:ntH!. will hn unril'r .last yrar•';; l'CCIH'd· · n. m. Hchnarsal will s·l;ll'l :~n S. Flc!lcl Arti!IPry Mardt," nnd from Hill to 1!151, opens at Hen· I0 ii!Hi I I. 11 will. hn held at Ihe natlnrurl guard armory. An old Thr: lnl-(hilln IHIIHI:>, I ill' 1111111 1H!r lmmklrr_g JlC'l'form:rm!c! wl~en IHI i minutes latm·. The bands will "Dnrm;; nnd nc~lls" have been rc­ t'Y Ford Museum this weel1 end. gun show will lw held In con• f I I I . high school hands and II,:JOO per·· start enlr!rlnl-( the sladll!rn nl ltrnt•sr~r! hy l'lld1 of I he han cis. The pro[(l'llms continue 28 o mus '·' ans 1111r l Irc rI li'I!C 1ors fnr·mc•rs I noll part. :•l'l 11. m. .lrllwllon with the slrnw. i'' The final sr!l~clion of nitmiJers to wecl~s, with showings on Satur· are: 1\!nso!l, Hll, CiPorge Mur··l Tlw reclucllon Is inlenliunnl, IU!· F'nl!l' lrullc>tlns a11ri sr.vcnrl he plnyr.cl al half-time will he rlnys and Sundays at 2 and 4 p. i\nilque rlr•;llc••·s fn11n Mklrlgn11, thurn; Lrrnsinl-( J·:VI'rell, ·10, Don· c:rmllnr,: to William D. llevclll, elrnrls nml m:rps lwve been sent clclc•t•mirwcl hy llw rchcnrsal of rn. Ohio, lncllann and Illinois will bQ air! CJ'IIIw; Ll!Hii!!, :10, rtolnmll mnclllefor o[ unlver;;ily hanrls. to each of llw bnnd rllreetors so lire masHc•rl hcll1rls Snl.urdny morn· "Orplwns of I hr. Storm," a I.!J22 on hand with rllsplavs. aeservn. Lewi;;; Olwnws, 7:-i, Dn)t J\1uellf'l'; i L11st year's lurnout Jlrnvecl to hr! lhnt the hnncls f!illl ill! prCfr'ox !i 'films, topped by "Robin Hoocl," will Ire i!Villlal>lr, at•c:rrr·rting to Mnrilyn, wlln was announced Soeillllic Deborah Kerr joins a million dollar production that Sunday and Monday. mle of Ben Stride, who was nul flrsl for tile role of "The Girl" in the Reel In I!Ha lo visit the SirOW sponsor~. Cms~ was voted one of the best motion Ia 1<111 7 men for· thr. honor of his I he picture, Clllll[mlgned foJ', gmvc of her husb:rnd, l'illcd nl "Santl:rgo" Is llw slor·y of 11 wom;on. Ewell to recrenle· the part hr. I Gunrlnlcanal. In lhe South Pacifk pictures of 1922. 'f'lw Nntinn's nil companleH Rudolph Valentino, smooth IflllHn llw wlto prir!P. would w;rs .iu~~lr' rlghl, dynamllc and an 'lt!!lt' l'lc• Itldr r>l:ryed so sLJccr!ssfull.v In the Ishe mr.r.ls, falls In love with and gavP 11\\'il,l' $7"' million worth of Htage play on Bronrlwny. Ch;n·lcs is llPtraycrl by :r hanl-bltlen lover of the '20's who won fame frcP maps lilsf ~·(':rr ... ;,Jroul. 150 mlvenluJ·r. In Ill!• d;rrrgl!r·rl[ldc!n '"l'lw ~cve!l Yc!:rr ilell," wliii:lt K. Feldman was able to mallph Smil opens Fri·: George i\ x elrod's hllnl'iotts Onondaga so famous. Civic Players in Miclilgall. 'f'IJcn IIH!y end up clay and Sall!rdny at lhr l~ox. 1 conwdy, from the linw they first tlteir line sew;on willr arrnlho•r Mrs. Burton Baldwin Offerings of other greats of the "l'OI\11•' JILIN( ;[1.Y Also en·slnJ'I'r.ci are Gnil Husscll mel nn the tf'~·t sci at the 'l'wen­ silent picture era Include west· Open Season wnnrler[ul music·al r.·onwri,Y, "An­ nml Lee Marvin. : tlellt Century-Fox stmlio unlil_Di· day rlillll"l' g!lc•sl of M!· .. nnrl Mrs. ern stars Tom Mix and William I nie Gel Your Gun." A!'ll; !•;AT i\LL Delos C.:alnn of Clwrlol.le. S. Hart; Richard Barthelmess, YO li \V ANT" Ingham County News Students Pick Mrs. Edn:r Olm~tc'arl of Cas­ Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, With Comedy I October 18, 1956 Page .5 sopolis has been spemling a 10- Erich von Strohelm and Ronald Cllillrlrj•.Siy!r• dny V:lcalion willt Iter cousins, Colman. Lan~ing civi•· Player:;, '''~" 5- Class Officers play thea Ire seH:;on wit It :r 1op VFW Guest lodge l'v!r. and Mrs. Rube Giddings. The foreig-n Held will be repre· broadway c:onwrly IJil, "Solid The junior ltigl1 rnom of River­ IV>heJ'I Bush drnve ro Toledo sen ted b,V French, Swedish and Counlry Kitchen side schorJl elected the following Saturday nflernnon. Mrs. Bush German films. All have English Gold'' C:rrlilhw." The play opens Features Concert st!blltles. October 17 for :r 'i·nil-(ht run HII LIJO:l N. Lansing- Mason o[flcr.rs for the cominr, year: and her sister, Mrs. Lucille Je veterans Foy W'.thrr.~poo_n as cal organization will pr·ovirle a Steaks and Chicken 1 the ousted .curponrtron presrdcnt free concerl at the Gue1,;t loril-(e ride ami wiener roasl at Plea~- Mr. anr! Mrs. Riellill'cl Nowlin, n ng .. J .·, D . . d I and big wheel in Washington, nncl at-3:30 p. m. Tile lodge will fr•a· ani lal~c on F'l'lday· of th1s· wep 1c ''lllrl Dnr"r' '·rr1rl Mr· · '·rnrl Mrs··· Br•r• · b Mrs. . osJe yer " VJslte• M1er Cl; rps ancl ...;part! Ribs f:NJOY · Inn BRidwin ·rnd f·rrnily Ch·rriPnn rothe1, Rober! Wasson, dl er- Vera Vanr!c' as the luvallle but l.ul'C a omorgashonl dinner. bt!· Robcl"t Preston, Rnxy McMrchael, '. ' .' · · ' · cy hospital Jacltson last Thurs- upseltin~ Mrs. Lmn·a Parlriclge, ginning nl mr;>n. Larry Dunlap, Helen Gan·ecl,, :rnd LJ_n~la. remmned for a few • • Exccllonf Food 1 who proceeds to tilt an . enlire 3:30. Georae Mohr nml J inda Harford 1 days vrsrl 111 Ononclnr~a and Les· (aMy. R A . d Lindy's Drive-In . . "' , ' . " ' . ' .. .. lie. rs. ae sqlllt 11 returne to corpon~tinn _c;n its I'rne of her daughter Mrs I . porlalion and refreshments MI'. anrl Mrs. i\1 Founds ami L L I T' 1 • f " 'l. !CW 111nocc.n1 CJIICSIIOJ1S. riJl'eCt the ('0!1CCJ'I which is OJlPil Nor! h nl Mason 011 US-127 And 'lois of Boih 'fl'Uc:l\s will lJC furnishe;l by tl~~ family of Lnnsinf! wem Sunday Mean °ngn~c 1erJ, ul es( ay rom Solie! Gold Cadillac mise>; Ihello the public. · · · · · · 11 r M 1 M · ercy 11osp1ta 1 ac tson w1 1ere Onondaga Elevator · ":'er;uw P:,' crs 0 r. f!Jl( rs. she had been ~ patient the pas! ~urtain on the players' 2~th year ,------. man and straw by Robert Rhmc:;, L.1rry On~ I~ anrl sons. of presenting broadway hils. Naomi drcle of the Larlies 'Aid wee 1c Numhe1· two on lhe call hoard i:; Bring Your. Party or Organization to Hcv. nnd Mrs. Dudley MosLJre Society met nt the home of Mrs. Mrs. Nora Hoffmeyer of Lan· Lillian Heilman's dramatic tri· Serving 12 ~loon lo 4:30 nnd daughters of Detroit \Vere Lura Terry on Wcdnesdav after- sing was a guest of Florence Dut­ umph, "The Lilt le Foxes," for EDRU Roller Arena noon. Jn ·the evening Mr. -nne! ton over the week end. November, followed in F'ebruury week end guests of Mrs. Orpha South of Traffic Light in Holt 1\TTEND THE HARVEST FESTIVAL SUNDAY Mrs. An•hie Wnodnrd and Mr·s. Mr. and Mrs. E~mond St.e­ by another comedy hit "The 3:30 P. M. Sammons. On Sirnclay evening Party Nights are Sunday, Monday and Thursday Mrs. Sammons closed her horne C.vr<~ Tilvlor nf Tomnldns Center ~he~s left for' t~elr . home Ill Fiflh Season." Then comes "Wit­ llct·e for tlw winter and relumed wr>re ·eHiirm; at IIH~ Tcrrv home. Eng.':wood, Floiida, Monday ness For The Prosecution," which Phone Hail OX 9-2438 for Your Rosorv•tion Foc1turing Free ·concert by Mr. and Mr>~. F'lovrl Lylte anrl mormng. Ddv1oloy Commundry Knights Tcrnplar Band to Detmil will! llle Mosure ram­ i ly. grandson, .Johnny ·Doyle, were Mr. and Mrs .. Raymond Ste· of Grand Rapids week end gucsls. nr Mt:. ami Mrs. phens-, Phoebe Stephens and Mr. Nc>xt Monday PVening Mrs. Ber· Dnn Vickers anrl f;Jmily of Mil· and Mrs. Edmund Stephens of Inadine' McMicllael, township ford. Englewood: Florida, att~nded ~ll· ehalrman of the Community neml services for thea· cousm, Mt·s. Rnse Barlnn enfP.rfalned Ruth Riggs, at Milner funeral Chest drive!, will have~ a ml'ei.lng I he Childs Community dub al her Mason Phone 111 her horne. Films will be shown home 011 Thursrlay evening foi' a horne, Sl.ocltbrl({ge, Thursday on the worl' nf ~;cvci·al agencies Haliowf'rn p;rrly. afternoon. and 11 qucsllon and answer period ORchard 7-7 421 will 11e conducterl. Anyone inter­ Mt·s·. Esther Bnrlf'll is spending_ .------, ;r few d:rys visiting Mr. anrl Mrs. STEAKS, CHOPS FOX J·HEATRE ested may attencl the meeting. CI1P.t Hite anrl son nf Jacl itor of her en11sin, Mrs. Bertha thrllllnal1teamd U:StiE, t\IICIUGAN - PIIONE JU H-4572 the· wedding ·anniversary of the Childs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Childs Every Colliers. · ' with that of Leslie were callers of Mrs. Helen of Troy' alrl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noble of Childs Friday. Ji'riday~Saturclay OCTOBER 19·20 llOSSANA Onrmdagn. Mr. nnrl MI's! Rob~rt Mrs. Vivia'n Slr!ffey of Eaton Welch of Mason. Mrs. Letlie D~­ Rapids rnl!Pcl on G!·anrlma Moyer SATURDAY ron arir.l Mrs. Edith Coates of nt thf' Harnlr! Barlnn hrme Sun­ PODESTA Ea Inn Rn nlds werP Sunday clay. l'vlr. anrl Mrs. Ora Ruthruff f>RCSCNT guests of Mr. and Mrs. Franl1 were also callers of t:he Bartons RANDOLPH Noble of Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Dn· thai· rlny. r!on re!llnined as f1 gur.st of the Gene Hnrl M;rx Mnrtin spent . Night Frank Nobles until the first of from :';atllrda,v until Tuesd11y vis· November. iling Mr. and Mrs. i\rlhur Lange •SCOTT and fnmlly .of Webberville. A meeting of t h~ Riversiri" ~ Community club has been called + ·GAlL RUSSELL for Thursday evening, October PlaJ'nfJ'eld 18, at the school housC!. Elecllon Music by EMARVIN of officers Is to be held. BILL SOYA Monday ·evr.nlng callers of Mr. and His Ranch Boys_ and Mrs. Oral Molrlen ami fam­ Fl'iendly Bible class will meet Ily were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey at the liome of Mr. and Mr~. Tue.-Wed.-Thur., October 23-24-25 Molden and famlly of Plf'asnnl Raymond Stephens Saturday, Oc· Ialte, Mt·. and Mrs. Robert Porter tober 20, for a business meeting + and potlucl\ dinner at noon. What Could Bo Eunnier? and family of Klnnr!vllle and· Ml'. Dancing 9:30 • I :30 and Mrs. Ozzle Molden and fam­ J .•T. Jones of Millerville called on Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ste- llyof Jacl

If you hove to 1 epltce the fence posts on ym 1 faun every couple Y' m s you may well b~> digging that some hole 10 times ortene1 th m you would h tve (I} 1f you usc I tle.tled posts

1 he city of Cologne German> \\as mlglnnll~ eslablishcd by lh~' Roman I mpc1 or Cl udlus as a colony fo1 1clued Roman sol dlers Its o1lglnnl 111mc was Colo 1!11 Notice to Public {Sale of Buildings) Located m Blackman and Rtves Townships, Jackson County, Mtchigan Sealed hlds w II be 1ccetvcd un\1! 11 00 a m rlnnsday, Oclobet 25 19~6 fm the s,!lc of the hulldmgs owned by the M~elugan Stale II!ghway Depm tment and described as BFL -Item No 1-Prncel 30 2 st01 y fmme store and llvmg quarters located at 2247 Cllnlon road NB -Item N1 2-P::uccl 30 2 story onctele blocJr gas station anrl living quartets located at 225t Clmton rofld BFL-Ilcm No 3-Patcel 33 2 story concrete block gas stat1on and living quartms With attacherl ronc1ete block garage lo catcd at 2302 Clinton roa 1 (Owner reserves metal slnl' cupboards wnlerpump 2 outside washrooms and the plywood 111 I11tchen I BFL-Item No 4- Pmce129 Jlf: sto1 y frame house frame 2 car garage frame storage shed nnrl fwme tool shed located at 2316 Clmton road tOwner resetves tool shed) NB -Item No 5- Parcel 2~ 1 story flame log house nnd concrete block shed located r~t 2110 Oak Lane NB -Item No G- Parcel 2i 1 story frRmc log garage located at 2410 Oak Lane BFL-IIem No 7-Patccl JO 2 story f1 tme house located at 3300 Clinton road NB -Item No 8-Parcel 40 2 car !tame stucco flmsh gnragc nnrl WOI I< shop located at 3300 Cllnton1oacl NB -ItemNo 9-Parcel17 l story frame gm age type house With attached frame garuge f12x12) Joe tied on the south side of Cunningham road first house west of Hansel Court (Owner reserves electric pump ) BFL-Item No JO-P:liC(/1 18 2 slmy frame house f1 nme chlcl,en coop conc1ete bloclt pump house and conr tele block 3 em garage and wo1l< shop located at 5300 R1clge road (Own ct reset ves l

Moon~Corser Vows Are Said Miss Tncquellne Jon me Cor~et became the btlle of IIerllett N Moon re untly In n en tdlu light teremony at Ilolt Brothmhood rcmplu Methodist church rhe hrlrle Is the clnughtm of Mr und Mrs Ftnnk COt8er nhrl the I !Ill' groom Is the son of M IIlii Mrs lint old II Moon I at sing Rev Wilson M 1 cnn nt nfT!rlnlcd In the douhle tlng ceJCtnony WI I! am Bm tl trl 1 o tsln of the ht I )I' wus the sclolst tnl Mts Wllsone Couple Speaks rcnnnnt pi 1~ ocl the 01 gun Given In marriage hy hm fn Nuptial Vows ther the I tlrlc \\ore u gown of Ch 1 tilly I cc fashioned with 1 peml cd1 e sea Jl nccltlh e llct veil was c aug! I hy a princess crown of pem Is Sl e cat 1 led 1 white prayer I ook toJ ped with m mchld Miss Carol Ann Dyet and MU! y Elaine II Ill cock of Holt attended the In Ide In I lcntlcally style I gowns or delphi tl un hluc and m tc hlng hats They carried ctsca Ics n[ whtte clnysanthc mums nne! pink roses Elton Btlnk was best man nnd At thut L Smith usher Spectal guests at the wedding and receptiOn were Mt an I Mrs Het bert E Moon of DetiDlt gra tdpatcnts of the lniclegtoom The ewlywcds toolt a honey moon trip to Niagara Falls and the cast and arc now making then home In I nnslng Mr Mnon ts a formct student at Gcncr a! Motors lnstltu e of technology

hiW ANIS CLUB Holt Knva tis cit h met Tuesday night at Holt Balu~t y and Grtll for dinner n I weekly mcetmg Da\c fhomns from M S U sl one I plct tes of the untvct stty en tilled the second hun Ired yem s Fr nk BtC'lWn was pwgmm chalt man Rtchard Hlggley o[ the school faculty told of a plan m vocattonal gu dance The nom lnatmg commtt tee comp~setl of Ilru old Laycock William 1 L dgc and Guy Hac!{ tecommendcd names fat offtcers to be voted on at ann ml e!cct10n October 30 Names chosen by the cc mmlttee wmc Ptes dent Frank Brown vtce pJeSHlent Rex Smith Robert Clark Gear ge Hood mel Jack Zahn and board of ci rcctot s Pete Warner John Browe! Rob ert Schtefcr Ge01ge Kmght Rich arc! Bacon rmd John Combs Next wee! s meet ng Will be an lntercluh mcetmg wtth the Mason Klwams at the Youth Unhm ted I UJicllng Eaton Raptcls Dr Don 0 Berne Will spealt on G fled Chtlclren Dmner, to I e sf'rverl at Jnmes B Ttue 6 30 p m James B True 75 of 210 Sher wood Road Rqute 2 Wtlhamston Engagement Told ched Thursday October 11 at Mt and Mrs James V Mctss Spatrow hospllal Lansmg whe e ncr h ve announced the engage he had been an emergency pa ment of heir d 1 Jghter Ja 1e Ann tient for 3 days Mcrssner to Robert L Van Ette 1 He was born m Alateclon town son of Mr and Mts W !ham Van shtp Ingham county Jan taty 1 Etten rhe hrtdegt oom elect Is a 1881 the ninth child of O!VIIIe f1 eshmut at M ch gnn State and Amanda Cam True He at verst y tended school at Alatcdon Center and worked on hts fathers farm 1\lcu Enhst m A1my Jam ary 1 1907 he was mar Holt men \\ ho en! stcd In the 1 eel to Statlra Hammond and army It 1 lng the month of Sep they hved for 20 years on what tember me Er 1est E Walltet was !mown as the Honey fatm automotive mechamcs comse In 1926 they sold thetr farm and finance procedm es Rtcl ani M moved to 1510 Marcus street Fltl



SUPER RIGHT, 1 HICK 5LICtu .. LB. ~.· couNTRY ,. BA-co~~ PKG, STYLE . · 1~- . '


JERSEY EXCEL, SAL TED 16-0•. Sweet Potatoes 3 LB5. 29o Blanched • .. 1 49c. Canned Picnics 3 c~N $1.99 FIRM HEADS SIZE 9 · CAP'N JOHN'S, HEAT-N-EAT

Cabbage 3 1-ii:;;os ·29C -; Pineapple 'EA. 39c Fish Sticl

.\· ; CALIFORNIA MUSCATS OR AI.ICANTES IMPORTED fROM HOLLAN' PKG. 22c CTN. $2~ 19 ASSORnD DELICIOUS FLAVORS POPUlAR RRANDS NON-FILTER-REGULAR SIZE PKG. 20c CTN. $1.~99 ( KING SIZE-NON-FILTER PKG. 5 PALL MALL, TAREYTON, CHESTERFIELD, PHILIP MORRIS PKG. 21c· CTN. $2.09 - ~~------~ MAMMOTH OR WISCONSIN SHARP li'l'esh F1·ozen Foods AGED OVER ONE YEAF · A&P SLICED and SUGARED Sweet Pick·les ...... ,.. m••• M, ... ~~.~··lSc CHEDDAR ·STRAWBERRIES. Family Flour '""" .. '"". 25 .':G $1.69 CHEESE l~A~~·49c A&P, CONCENTRATED Daily ·oog · Food·'"'··· ·6't•~~·49c 6-0Z. 9811 .Orange Juiee. 6 CANS W ·•· 59c 16"x26"; ~·SSORTED COLORS, COLORFAST, SHRINK-PROOF BORDERS A&P 9-oz. c French Fried Potatoes 2 PKGS. 29 Cannon Hand Towels ~~G. 8 9c SWEETEST DAY •·OCT. 20th '. A&P, CHOPPED OR LEAF 1o.oz. 27' c 12"x12", ASSORTED COLORS, COLORFAST, SHRINK-PROOF BORDERS Warwick Assorted Chocolates ~~~x 59c Spinach 2 PKGS. A&P · . Warwick Cherries · CHOCOLATE .· ~~~" 4·9c lO:OZ. 2Sc Cannon Face Cloths~~··. 59c. · Peas & Carrots 2 PKGS. ' Warwick Thin Mints c~~~~~~TE ~~~X 39c COLORFUL PLASTIC-F~ATURE VALUF ·Chocolate Drops o~~~~~~?~~ ' 2 ·~~- 25c · A&P, CUT OR FRENCH STYLE 9-0Z · 33 'MUSTARD D. ' Green Beans 2. PKGS. c I ' OR KETCHUP.· ... 1spensers 2 ro•l9C KRAFT'S, 6-oz. - c' Cheer ~~~E~~~~D ~~~- 31c KI~~E $t29 sWe 75c . Handi-Snacks ASSORTED ROLL JELLY. FILLED ' - ' 29 GRANULATED CHERRY' ' . . \ LGE. GT. Dreff DETERGENt SIZE 31c SIZii ·75 Q

' / ' ' ~ .. , .. DISHWASHING . 22-oz .. c ··.... ' . . DONUTS. ' . . ' .. . . . ·Joy -- -an· -. •':<',. . I · 01 . DETERGENT ' , ·CAN .I PilE ... 1 65 · JANE PARKER~REG. 3 h . '' ,. '. ' .' ' .· ' ' . ' ._,, . . . '· . DOUBLE CRUST,. J~NE 'PA~KER-110, S,S& .. _·.·· -Spi·C· ·&· ·.sp· 16P-°KGz.~.. 28C, ' I an·. ' : · · · · All Po·lm In Thb . Ad Ef'lectlve Thr~ush ·sri;urd~y; •Oct~ber· 20th · ' ~ ' ' . ' ' . ' '; . : ... ': '' .... ; ': \ - : ' ' : -. ' '·. ' .' ' ' ' ' .. __ ,· ...' . . ' .:. -fl'-<,.. ·' ...... ' ; .. '·. K .... k MARGAR·' . 2 '49 . 2 53 , :. ,. ey 0,, INE ,.SOLID. L~S; C V. 's LliS. . ,c · . . :. :·.' .. '- .. . . '.


,. I I The lng:ha'm· County News

lust wcelt, f1dl hy tho wnyslrlo In NP!IIrcr ltHtlll (''mtlrl stur·t a rh'lv~ Lakers Swamp l~rldny night nctlon. In I he stwortrl Jlel'lorl hut lute In Hn:;lett will have another stiff 11111 third rruss l•'lsllr.J' brolw loose Mason Beats Howell 25 .. 0 test Friday night at. Fowlerville. on n li:1·yanl 1ntwllrlo\vn .Juunt. · Black hawks The Glnrllators have been up anrl Tlwl 1'1111 tool\ the slan•h nul of down this season, They own II 2·1 record but. arc cupnblc of heating tile Bliir'lllllt\VI\s. any team In the lenguc If I hey f1i llw IHsl qnarleJ' Haslett With· 5 Tallies have a good night. :;r~nred !!Very 111111! II l111d posses· To Wio Shafe of Second Place slon of llw hall. rton Jo'erguson Cmu:h Ed lcmos will 'l'o go with Tutlle the Rams With minutes remaining In SCORCHED SKI-JUMPERS - Siding was a mighty hot u. Prosecuting Attorney 6 play the Agglcs in an aflcrnnon have Don DcChelboJ', another the game the pressure finally activity for Toin Spencer, abo1•e, of Lo& Angeles, Cnllt. At Charl'otte, 27; Hustings, 0. game at Dansville. the nrst Western Sld-Jumplng Championships at Mt. Baldy, hurd running back with the abli· broke down the llrghla~ders. Ingham County l...eague • Former Municipal Judgo Calif., competitors donned shorts and doffed shirts to withstand Jty to brealt loose at any lime Mnson started a drive at m!dfleld The Chlc!talns wasted no lime Dansville, 6; BQys Vocational, • Former Chief Ass't Pro. the torrid 102-degrcc heat. Coolly clad Spencer soared b4 feet 0. . and go all the way. which ended· will~ Lumtunsl was hlnci{ccl hy Terry hne and the fast bacl\s with .very winning combination. · Ho '" . · . uttle· tro~ble, t.l1ough, on F1:1day. G; , · 0 1 1 bl 1 c ,.,es. . · 1The Gladiators used a pass Inter· aEIYl acRe·wlads·l·Jett· ·lg gJ·U.~ll· n Everell fumiJ!ecl the next lml<·l ception to set LIP their first· II. 1e 'a on up s " uc' 'Ill uy off Ctnri Holt recovered but 2 1 1 1 1 D H 1 I I t H r 1 b 0 lh 10 uch c • quar er oucH own. on a e 'FREF n g 1 • e sco er · plays later .Jim Beardsley inter· banged over from the 2-yard line downs. In. the first. quarter he ccptcd a puss and carried to the for the first score. In the third smashed ov~r from the one, In Holt. 11. The Vilrs -of the Woman's So· Leonard Wood, Missouri, has mlsslonary coiwenllon which will pttplls under I he direction of Mrs. Beverly 'Oesterle, Mary Johnson clety of Christian Service met 1 third annlltll UNICEF drive Everyone In the entire commu· been on a 2 weelts furlough at the be In Dansville this Friday, Octo· which will lle on Halloween, Oc· CJ'onslcy nre mnldng posters, nnd ,Janet Evers; advertising, Wednesdny at the home of Mrs. As In the pnsl, children of the nlly may attend the services. home of ltls mother, MrR, Fran· her 19. After the huslness meet· tolwt• 31, The project Is spon· .Judy Craft, VIvian Jolliff, Pat William Musolf!. Mrs, Roscoe ces Mayville. conununlly, lnstearl of going out Wyman and Carol Graf; food, lng n potluck dinner was;servcd. · snrcd lly the Woman's Society of Arnold acterl as co·hostess. A pol"· Mrs. Florence Lene!J of WI!· In the ntternoon they spent the Christian Service with the coop· lo trkk m· trent, on Halloween Kay Bowen, Marvin Gauss, Le· luclt dinner wns served at noon. tnlw their C'anlstcrs and collect land -Townsend, Roger Shnrland 'Missionary Group llamslon was a Friday vl~!tor of time sewing for mission schools. eratlon of all other organlzallons Devotionals· were given hy Mt·s. Mrs. ,Jennie Bldcert. 'rhe November meeting .will be of· the community. coins rot· UNICEF, the United and Deonna Docltte•·: Elmer Frost. After the business Nations IniPI'lHllional Children's Plans Convention Ralph Wnll1er anrl Wllhut• nt the hom~ of Mrs. Elsie Perldns Mrs. l~on·est Wallmr Is general Intermission mus1c, Gerald meeting the program OJl "Soul h· ohns wet·e Sundny dinner guests of Williamston . Emm·geney Funtl. east Asia" was presented by .r chah·mnn. Committee c)mlrmen Balwr and Marlene Wnrfle; dec· Friday, October 19, is the date of Mr. und Mrs. Wnyne Wall!CJ' np[JOillll!rl nrc: Mrs. VIncent Car· orations, Barbara ~ochrane, Ruth for the missionary convention at Mrs. Fred Lenrlrum. 'l'he Novem· of New Hudson in honot• of tlw Mrs. Goldie :Ward, Mrs, Doro· ll'u, refreshment; Mrs. Don Ann Cooper, Judy Craft, Wlnl· Dansville Free Methodist eh urch. her meeting will be 111 lllfl home birthday anniversary of Wayne Leomll'!l, publlclly; Mrs. Robert. Senior Activities fred Warner, Gary Maynard, Bob The convention is sponsored 'hy n_E_V_. _A_N_D_M_R_._s._c_._D_.B_R_O_Y_L_E_,S of Mrs. Gem·ge Vogt, Sr. Wnllwr; thy Hinkle and daughters and Mason, Garth Bushard, Keith the Woman's Missionary Society -,-- Sandra and Christine Ward were Are Announced Douglas, Kenneth Rice, Janet . f the Lansing district. Three Mrs. Lee Halnclel nnd chll!lrelJ Mrs. Ronald West visited her 0 and Mrs. Lyle Campbell and cilll· Ml', nnd Mrs. Lawton Gauss mother, Mrs. Sum Meredith, oi Sntunla'y nfternoon guests of M1·. Pictures have been tnl.et: of Britton. Sharon Pa<'iwrrl, Kaye Douglas, year election of officers was the main feature of the business ses- Tuesday evening, October 23, . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson Ro:,•lyn Vr.rs~. Dorothy Dunsmore, there will he a regular meeting and family moved Monday to CONGRESSMAN DON HAYWORTH Don MeC'ahe, .Janet Hills, Norton sion. · All officers were re-elected. of the Cub Scouts at the town Bllssfielcl where Mr. Anderson Is APPEARING WITH DON WILL DE:..:.. Rice, Lul'iiiP Wlwcler, Marvin hall· beginning nt. 7:30. Boys. be· employed· us manager of the An· Sunda:y. Oct. 21 They are: Mrs. Elmer Fortman, JAMES P. BARKEY, Fenlon Gauss, DPann'a Mullins, Calvin tween the ages. of. 8 and ·n, wllo derson Liquid Fertll17.er com· I Chelf, Evelyn Townsend, Eleanor president; Mrs. Tom Proud, vice· wlsli to jo!rt the Cub Scouts· n.re pany. MRS. JOHN BRATTIN, Eoit L.nsing · . at. 4:30 p. ·m, president; Mrs. George Merln· LaneP, .Jim Chard, Jerry Wing, requested to attend with their Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tuttle of AUSTIN CAVANAUGH, Leslio dorf, secretary; Mrs. Roscoe Arn· Gerald llal,cr ami Mary West. paJ•ents. Lansing were Sunday visitors of JOHN DAMM, Flushing old, treasurer; and Mrs. Sam Wll· MRS·: HARRY HILL, L•nsing Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Ai·riold. Tune: in Channel b Clnh Rl'lu'liiiiPs !Hel'ting Iiams, flower committee. Mr. and Mrs. John·:Ranes of. Mrs. Arthur Wemple, Mrs. DALE KILDEE, Flint , 'l'hursduy P\'Pning-, October 25, Quarterly 1\leetings Begin Jackson. were. SuiulilY' visitors of Sadie Behm, Mrs. Doris Bnchm

·'lngiJarn County News OtloLer 10, 1956 Paye 3 Mrs. G~orge Vogt, ,fr,, and MJ'~. Bob PJ•ice attended n pal'l y Thurs­ for th!'l F, A. A, li!!61il9n In Karl~· rluy evening ut. the homa ot M1·s. ENFORCEMENT- ok,mo~ ~nd Vitinitv ns· Clt.y, J{nnsnH, to' receive the de· R~~v's District -Discuss lAW 1\lr,s, WulWJ' Jfeat.IUttAn Paul Doccss of Mason. gree of · i\mea·lcnn Furmm· on nll'fl• ICthUL (jeet• Mi·s, Ruth Powers of n'eti'Oil Pioneer Lndl!ls will meet ul the 'l'uesduy, He Is ,; graduate of Mt•. nnd Mrs. Wnyno Geer wei'!! l)ansville News was a guest Saturday of Mr. nnd home of Mrs, Earl Leonurd on Ol· .. - St.oelll'<'.l' t't'a fl were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodu Sunrlay visilors .. r Mr. nnrl Mrs. 1 wct•e guesls fll dinner Sunday of J-lupv Craft nf Hunkrr Tlilt. • Here's what put the magic in Born north of Wcbucrville on the farm settled Miss I·l;•zel Woods 11nd Gern·ge Mi··. olff of Mrs. r·:ffir IVrsl. . I FORD ! first-hand rxperi~ner. Herr Chuck is with were i<'riday visitors of Mr. ami Mr. rgro ~lf'l'inolorr 1 It ~tarted ll'ith the "Inner Fot·d." \\'hen his uncle, Archie Chamberlain (right), who Mrs. Augusl Musolff of Munilh. ami s:Jn or ,.rcrlen anrl _,Mr. illlril Ford planned this baby, they thought in owns and farms •the family homestead todav, Mr. and MrB. Wilburn Bush of Mrs. Sam \\-ti11nms nf lo,;rst Lilli·. terms of a rar through-and-through new. Eaton Rapids· were f•'riday eve­ sing were Sctnrlay rlint1rr· gucsls I \ The wheels gol 81llnller. This Ford is so Send ... Charles E. ninJ:( guests o[ Mr. and Mrs. Rob· of t11eir pnrenls, Mr. and Mrs'. new that e\·en the wheels ha\'e changed. Now et·t Bush. Sam \!Villiams. Mr. Williams' r·otl ,, · smaller and broader, they help you .take off CHAMBERLAIN To CONGRESS Mr. and Mrs. George Vogt, Jr., rlition remnins Appearing on! :the ' 'same ' program• Pagil 4 were .Teun .Chesney, ;rqrl,v Amlls nnd Vemu Green, in chnrge of , This Is My Last Contribution for a \I one of tho relnxer progf'ams of Leslie, 1 8UCI!m 'ID 11fE IIUCUU Tur.sdny, tho FHA girls under BACK IN 1621 EVEIW. CITIZftl Leslie News tho ehnpei'Onugo of tiiC!IJ• lencher, 1 OF DETI\OIT WAS COMPflLEJ> IIV Mrs, Ingn Miller, vlsiled L. H. Mrs. Clara Strange I.AW TO HEW TWO FI~E IIUCiifTS Flelrl, the Elaine Shop, Polnchel;s,. GREAT ·cAUSE IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE IN Sears, Roebuclt and C. Penny ,J. HIS HOM£,AND FOUII IN HIS ' S I nsslsterl ily Mrs, Cllf'ford Bnnnl· stores in .Tnckson to lcal'll how to WInter ty es HIP!', MJ'S, Hamlrl Hnmiltr.n, Mrs. heeomo more Intelligent shoppers PLACE OF llUSINfSS, WHEN ftN, Donald Knrn nnd FHA members, fol' yard gomls unci ready-to-wear. ALAIIM WAS SOUNDED, 1llf Ctn· ·.11 Be Shown·· Shirley Bnnnlsler, Llndn Town They spent the enti1·e dny, nrrlv· Z£N f\ESPONDEP WITH IllS TWO W1 . nrHI .Tnnlr.c Mnrquednnt, , lng hy sehool bus nt 8::JO, having lEATHffl DUCHETS 10 RENDEll Mrs. ,Tohn. Glngns will he In lunch nt the YWCA cafeteria and ASSISTANCE. Tuesday Night r.l1arge of publicity with Miss J'ettu·ning to the school building Write MnJ•IJyn Stnhl and l<'HA member lli'OUil!] 3, . Fall and wlnler styleH foJ' wom- FJ·anr!es Cndy assl~tlng. 1!1') will he elegantly feminine, sny Mrs. WnlteJ• Hoenig and Mrs. A Letter the experts. Future Homcmnlwrs Elton Archei' will he co-chairmen of Amerlcnand tile P'J'A nn• join· on dccornllng, nsslstcd by FHA Leslie Principal lng forces to show jusl whnt they members Sanrlm Knm; Claudln ll)ean by this statcmr.nt in n style Smith nnd Delores Chamberlain. Today! show to be given nt!xt •ruesdny Miss Donna Rufr and FHA Plans Meeting In the cnfeteria·sludy ilnll In Les· mPmhers Sanrlra Karn, Clnurlln Lrslle'~. elcmenlary school Pl'in· FIHIS FOR COAL MINIMGI lie high school, nt 8. Smllil and D~lores Chnmherlaln. clpal and pre:Jident of the Ingham MICHIGAN'S COAL MINING IIIDU5TIIY An admission chnrge nf ~Oc for Miss Donnn Rtiff nnd FHA county dlstt'lct of lhe MEA met 1\EACHED ITS PEAK IN 1907, WHEN adults anrl 2'!ic for st udcnls will memher Elaine Hamilton will do with representutlves of all schools 2,035,SSB TONS WEll£ TA~EN OUT Of be charged to mnlH! money for tilE' pmgrnms. Door prizes are in Ingham county, exclusive rJf 30 MINES. THE FIRST COAL WAS Win FI-lA convention attencluncc! und hclng solicited from PTA nnd Lansln~, ut lhe ot'flcr. of tlw MINED NEAll JACHSON iN 18~5. for severn! PTA projcrls in the FHA mcmhcrs. county superintendent, Allon J. WHE~ THE LA~T ACTIV£ MINE IN. offing. Stroud In Mason, to plan for the MICHiGAN, TilE SWAH CREEK IN SAC.IIIAW :-'!;~~~~ll~~~~~ Cash Models wlll br. drawn from New Voters Ge' t first (•ounly mr.eling of the fall COUNTY, WAS CLOSED IN 1952, THE STArES ldndergnrtr.n I hrou;.:h t hr> mm·e term. COAL MINING INOUSTIIY fXPIIIfD. ~r!!·7-":;J~·i:'Aif.:.JJf.\ mnture rnnks of hi;.:h sehoul st II· It wns set for 8 p. m., Oclobm·J Prize! dentsFedernl'of.Franclor 1md members Is ofcooperallng the PTA. 29• in the gymnasium of lhe Olte· .. Ba II 0 t Ad VICe• . -~=A=IIC.='/1.~1C.~:.'N=F.~:fii~TIJ.~~=1I~C.!~'Il=IE.="S~=··:···=-=··:"'±A~~=~==~~=~~~ ( ln. . furnishing . elot/Jing. A Itt1 1ng mos sdwol. I wiJI·heennduf'lerl lhr.rr. Thursday How !o vote .. elthcr .a straight The main business will be the ents, Mr. and· Mr~. Warren Galla· I will givo io any citizen a cerlilied ~hock in 1ho amount of $25.00 for tho and !!'.··dress rehearsal al the orn split ballot wus I aught yoimg devising of n constilutlori, incor· wny, and ·Kay. · first bosl loHor, $15.00 lor tho second bo•l and $10.00 for the l~ird bos! for school '·on the evening of Monday, per1ple hr.cnm!Jig 21 since the lost porn ling most of t lw provisions Army Presents giving honosl opinion~ of what tho lollqr wrilon think of tho unsolved Horrid ·Crossroad Farml!rs 1-H club double murdor caso. ·.Mrs.. Claude Smith has been presidential election, in a school of lhe state MEA but modlfleil \viii meet .Thursday evening, Oc· nainerJ.;genernl chairman foi' the of lnsll·ucllon in the basement of' to the needs peculiar to the coun- Special Trophy toher 18, at: tl1e Scoville school. Every loiter will bo ~opt slrictlr confidontial ond ovory Iotter writer can bo affalr.W.lth Mrs. Inga Miller, FHA the GAR hnll, Monday night. ty g1·oup. Election of officers wlll take froo 1o speak as .Jw or sho 1hin 1. All loHors will bo judgod by rosponslble a(lvlsor; Mrs. Betty McCann ancl .Tack Wnn·en, 11 Lansing at tor· · · ----- Private· .Tohn Hill has been place. persons free from any public office. Rew•rds for !he bosf letters will bo Eiafne)Iumllton, thr co-chairmen. ney, formerly a municipal .Judge awarded a marltsmanshlp mednl moilod at onco. nnd hat tall on trophy with n high ·Paul McCreery and fnmlly had Mrs. :Moore Brown!r£• will Iwad and an assistant prosect! tor, was Republicans Make a. wiener roast and farewell party Will· you join in 1hls groat pioco of wor~, by toling some of your time to the.ml'ii:leling committee assislcd the speaker. Sample ballots were score of 212. Several Leslie resi· write a Ioil or 7 r]l!nts witnessed the presentation Monday evening at Rayner parlt, bY FHA members, Karen Hoenig, issued nnd carefully explained. Mason, .for Mr. nnd Mrs. Eric 1 N.orida:· Lee Brownlee, Marilyn There was a question hox on Plans. for Rally of I he battalion trop~y, notlmow­ What is e lit1/e limo comporod to the lime MR. AND MRS. HOWARD HER· 'l'letz nnd son. RICK HAVE GIVEN. 1 lng that it was to be given. Gyles··.a!Jd SharowHowe. ' stntr. nnd national issues. Coffee Attending the Republican rally · Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Grissom nnd .· Mrs.1Betty McCann is chairmnn and doughnuts .were served after in Lansing in the Civic Auditor· Private I-Illl is at Fort Chaffee; daughters of Troy, Mr. ami Mrs. JOIN THE LETTER WRITERS NOWI for tlie::commlttce on tidwts, as·/ the meeting. · · . · !urn, Frldny evening, October 19. Arlwnsas, where hls mother, Mrs. Wllllam Fanson nnd son of Aure· sister!'· by 'FHA members, Sharon Mrs. Ruth E~rnett and Joanne wllJ·he at least 30 who have so Eileen I·IIIJ, and his sister, Mnry llus and Fred Fanson of Eden Ingalls, .. ,Toan Raymond, ,Janice 1 and .Jack Eayhss were on the Inr signified theh· intention of Jo, are visiting him. .Tim Hem· · Sunday .afternoon callers of For Best Letter: Marqtiedant, .Tean Cady anrl Mary commllter. in charge of the going, said E. T. Blacis Sewing Machine Never have you eecn such a power• ·' Twenty-five 4-H members, par· BANGS TESTED ful cleaner at ouch n low,low price! ents and lenders of the Cross Boys' 26-iuch Bicycle, 1 year old We want you to try it in your homD Road Farmers 4-H club attended Baby Bell and High Chait· for lO.DAYS-clcan everything­ the 4-H safety meeting at the 16-Quart Pressure Coolmr then, if you are not completely sat­ Olds nudltorlum, Lansing, Thurs· Hog·s Dishes, Pots and Pans Isfied in every way, simply return. dny evening of last weeit. 6 Chester White Sows Other articles too numerous to mention the cleaner to us and your money Mr. and Mrs. Eric Teltz and · 50 8-weelr~ohl Pigs wiU be gladly refunded. son of Enton Rnpicls· hnve moved their housetrnller to the home of . ONLY Mr. and Mrs. Herb Howe. Mr. and Dairy Equipme·nt-Tools Mrs. Howe .and family are taldng Chickens the trailer to Arizona for Mr. nnd 60 J.. owden Red Hens 2 Nearly New Surge MilkingUnits Mrs. Tietz. They are to leave on 8-can International ·Milk Cooler 'L'9~~~~ Monday. . Nt1' Dor;u Tool• U, Mr. and .Mrs. Enos Carl ancl l\lilk Cans, Pails, Strainer . Cathy' returned to their home aft. . ... · Hay and Grain SO-gallon Steelllog Waterer,\nearly new er spending 6 weeks at the Pal)! Automatic Chiclwn Waterer' 1,200 Bales Alfalfa, mixed · · . · 2 10-gallon Waterers 0 Carl home, whlle Mrs, Pa,_ul .Carl SPECIAL. SALE!· SAVE :$20° . was ln Scotland .... 150 Bales Alfalfa, second cutting · lntenaational Electric Fencer Jerry Gallaway of Huntington 800 Bushels of Oats l .International II Tractor with Cultivators college, Huntington, Incllnna, . At,proxlmately ·1,200 Crates of Cona Nearly New 2-bottom, 1.4-ineh· International Plow EWJRIEKA spent the wee!> end with J;lls par· I

5ALI.. $4·. ,.f5 . wiTH .· '. PAlCI , • fOOLS TERMS CASH No goo~cj ren1oved from premises untUsettletl for with cl~rk of sale. . -. 't '· 'I' , , , . '•·. ·.~· formorly $69.95. NIW.DILUXI TOOLS NIW. ·$1ZI . . Rolo·Dolly. •llohlly ••lra.. ~~pllonat . lncludell at no utra coati throw-away iluat bag I. You K•t B·pc, oet lnoludlnn Holda t.wicB·ftft much dlrt­ '.H. URitri'Only limited Quantity/ •Jreclol ftoor;wnll bruoh wllh· Rcplnood I••• ofteu-nllowa ...... ______• out pnyinll' orio cent ntr·n. more ])OWarful auctlo11. · . . . . See .. . demoi11tration at our sto~e at one,, ~r -· . .

".:,HOIIE.:~s~~T~~~~\~~~=~~E . ' . . ' . •-;--" · .. '" .... .FOR. 10 DAJ·.HOJIE:·TRIALJ. . ·.,·· '• ME 337·37 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY ' Octooer 13, J9S6 H!lle, was Mine for the w~k end ··~ from Western Mlchlgnn college North White Oak T...eonard Wood, Mlssour!, Whete 'Mre. Vl~a AtWell, Mrs. Nora Me·' an's Friehdly home in ianslhg Dease take. ~!ss \\'ahr:la ~thlth ' In Kalamazoo, 1hey visited his· hrother·ln·law Comh ancl Mt·s. Hllc!egard . .Tnson And the school in lhe evening last spent the pust wr.el with Mr, and ' llrrn, Fori!tit Follows 1 . Ottawa llills Mt•, nnd Mrs, Orson ,J. Winslow r~nd sister· and fl1mlly. Ill tended the Christmas worlrse City. lng to 5010 Pnrk Lnlle road. merly were OllellJoS residents. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Votes spent Sewing clull gh·ls met nt the Mrs. Franl1 Balesity nf 1\lmlllll VIsitors nt the Spartan Super· They also visited Yellowstone the weel1 end In the not•thern pnrt homt! of theh• leader, Mrs. Louise BUILDING OR REMODELING? ask to se·e In Olncc Ideas ------·----·------·~----·--·-·-- college In Mlshawnulm. Indiana. and .James went to Wauseon, hospltnl for l;illrgery. The Merlrllan fire depnrtment Ohio, Sunday to spend the day Mrs. ,Julia Mahoney spept Mon. under• the direction of Val Naert with their brother-ln·law and sis· day In Lnnslng. Warehouse Clearance vlsltecl all the schools In the at•ea ter, Mr. and Mrs. William FJ•Jess along with the Crest Theatre and family. Mr. Olney's parents, Webbervl'lfe Drlve.Jn with a series of demon· Mr. and Mrs. Glen Olney, re· f~tratlons of. their new equipment tUI'ned home· with them. Mrs. 01· ·1\frs. JUyrl Gt·ahnm pumpeJ··truck. A student · fire ney has spent .the past 2 weel

, .. -~ '"'·"' .• ·--- :'I> . maz~o. SIJe al,~()· .serves_ as_ p~~~l· dent·of the·:corporatlop,boardrfQr - G. K:· SMITH, Manager Alpha Tau· chapter at· Mlchig'an State university. · · . ·. :·' Dr. Charles Cumper.Jand, assll· cia te professor of history at Mich· igan State university who llv~s'i;!.t 2216 Iroquois Drive· -in Ottawa Hills, gave a tall\ last .weelc for the international relations· gri:ii[p of· the American Associatlori" Of University Women at a· mee.tit)g In Lansing. . . · · Rev. George · Nlcke,lsburg. hf!s assumed the pastorate ·of the As· cension Lutheran church and· has taken up residence at· 5190 Park Lake road. He was accompanfe(] by his wife and 4 chlldren. · Oral C. Brown.· of Florida, fa· ther of Ralph Brown of Oltemos, and Mrs. Oral Brown were guests of the Browns last week to attend . I the wedding of their . grandson performer recently here. They Here. are spending a weelt.at the Brow.n New Task·Force S7 Chevrolet Trucks I cottage at Chippewa Jalte in the northern part of the state and will stop In Cleveland, to visit Perlormance•proved .in a history-making test other relatives there before re· turning to Florida for the winter months. · . on the ALCA-N Highway to Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Allon Powell en· tertalned friends and neighbors The Alcan Higlnvay is the road where trucks grow old before FIRST WITH THE MOST MODERN FEATURES I at a party at theh• home in Indian their time. The road where gravel endlessly sledgehammers the N~w 2ii37ubic-inch Taskmaster VB delive;s 160 high·torquu horso• Hills last Saturday preceding tlte life out of trucks. Where a fog of superfine dust chokes engines, Indiana-Michigan State university power. Standard in Series 5000, 7000 and .8000, 'optional in Series game. Guests included Mr.· and . and vicious ruts subject chassis to months of wear in a few 6000•at extra cost. Horsepower ranges up Ia 210 In Chevrolet's Mrs. George Parisian, Mr. and hundred miles. complete line-up of modern V8 and 6 truck engines. ' Mrs. l{arl Hodges, Dr. arid Mrs. · Six ·new '57. Chevrolet trucks, representing light·, medium­ Revolutionary Pawormatlc Transmission - exclusive with Chevrolet John Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jaclt trucks! This six-speed automatic, designed specifically· for heavy-duty . and heavy-duty medels and heavily loaded with cargo, roared hauling, Is an extra-cost option in Series 5000 and 6000 and all \ Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley north from Dawson Creek, B. C., through 1,520 miles of moun­ Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert heavy-duty truck models. Hydra-Malic Is offered In 3000 and 4000 Elchemeler; and Mr. and Mrs. A. tains and mire, .rain ·and hail to Fairbanks, Alaska. Running . Series models at extra cost. G. Waack of Chicago. around the clock, they' made this tortuous trip-normally a , New· 1957 work-styling gives Chevrolet trucks an even fresher, Mrs. Charles Foland was talmn 72-hour run-in less than 45 hours. The fleet made normal stops fleeter oppe'!rance. There are ·three ·different and distinctive 'styling to Sparrow hospital In Lansing along the way, and maintained safe and legal speeds. As a special treatments. . ) Saturday. She returned home test during the run, two of the trucks went the entire distance L.C,F. models outdato the C.O.E. because they're lower, handsomer, Monday for a rest. without once having their engines stopped! . easier to 9\lt into and out of, and savu lime In routine engine main· 1 Glenn Husby of Indian Hills Is It's" all down in the AAA record book. And more besides! tenanco. Yet they offer all the traditional C.O.Ii. advantages. attempting pizza pie and will at· Heavyweight Chomps with ·Trlpfe-Torquu tandem are rated at 32,000 tempt to wrest the title ft•om Never before has a new truck been so thoroughly proved. Come in and see how well these new Alcan champs measure up to lbs. GVW, 50,000 lbs. GCW. And Chevrolet's advanced tandem axle William "Pizza I

See the Sensational Nev. Burne, with a Brain 'it's the greatest· range , Gdvancement.in 25 y~~rs ,

A faal·praaf sensing elornont controls the GAS every second .. ~OOD~ WON!T B~RN. FOOD WON'T llURN Every pot and pan you .own boco91ei AUTO. .Afcan fle•t 1111 up to ••·•7 All the way In DRIYE r•liB•l ~his Pow~rnintic.-equippcd I S~rfcs trnc·. reported. by the CameoCar~ier, with •IIIfll\lllUSICI ooo.o MATIC. ONL ~ G/115 makes cooking so really . tor trnveled the· enure Alcon H1ghwny m u · smBie ·forwnrd-speed -runsel · ' ' .. ~ . . NO r-tORE_ Pot Watching a~tolllj:ltiC.(Ig~ mod om,~:': ; NO MORE Boll Over display this famous tmdemai·k · . • ' • • • ••• i • \NO MORE Waited Htat ...... '. Go To ·churc·h· This Sunday' ' ' . .

This Message Is Brought to You This Message Is Brought to Yo~ as a Public Service ·by the a$ a Public Service .by the ' ' Following Firms and Individuals Followin~ Firms and Individuals Darl National Bank Mason Gene'! Sunoco Service Mason Van's Service - Sinclair Mason Millville General Store Millville J. A. Dart Co. Mason Robart Nuuing Home Mason Mutdock Oil Company - Mobilg!s Dansville · Lindy's Drive-In Mason H~ighls C. W. Glenn &Sons Chevrolet & Buic• D~rt Manufacturing Co. Stockbridge Mascn

rhe Ferris Compan~ The Farmers Bank Mason· Ma~o11

A. A. Howlell & CompBny Perkins Hardwi!re Mason Mason ' Geutge's Food Mar.El Co1uumers Power Co. Mason Mason

Mason Dairy Pioneer Barber Shop Mason Mason

Kean' s Sc·$1 Store Miller's Farm, Uome &Garden Supply Mason Mason Heighls

Estes-Leadley FuneMI Home ._No. It's just a rope .•• at the breaking point_. But, Jason Oil Co . Holt-Lansing frankly, it's a good illustration of how a· mt:~n feels Okemos when his nerves are "worn to a ~e.'' , Wolverine Engineering Co Bement Feed &Supply Servire Mason The Church has never:,claimeP,..t~~t,;.r,eli~Ion_is a cure for frazzled nerves. :a.ut a man's 'Christian faith • Mason does this for him: THE CHURCH FOR ALL ..• ALL FOR THE CHURCH Kesder Construction, Inc. Holt ' It shows him a Purpose in life more important than Tho Church is lhe greatest /actor on earth for the building of character and good 't' h' met·e existence. It shows him a Power more effective II i• I h Cl IZens IP F'!t'Bt Church o! Christ, Sc!e!!· " a 3 ore ouse ol spiritual values. Without ~ list, Mason, services at the than his own strength. It shows him a Future more strong Church, neilhor democracy nor civilizaiJon church, corner of Oal< and Bal'lles con survive. There are four sound roasons why streets, every Sunday at 11 a. m. rewarding than selfish gain. And it gives him courage every person should attend services regularly Sunday school dut·Jng tlte servlee more lasting than the sheer force of his human will. and support lhe Church. They are; (I) F'or h' for pupils up to the age of 20. own sake .. (2) F'or his children's sake. (3) F'or thl: Wednesday evening meetings at sake of his community and nation. ( 4) F'or the Gru\·enburg* 1\Iethodlst., Gravett· 8 o'cloci< include testimonies of 'With these spiritual resources, founded in the .cer· sake ol th7 Church itself, which needs his moral lturg mad, Rev. Francis C. Jo· and malerlal support Plan lo go to ch h ltannldes, pastor. Sunday, 9:45, Cltrislian Science healing. A pub­ tainty that God understands and helps, a man never 1 1 d · urc rogu. lic reading room Is open H t lite or Y an read your B1ble daily, worship, observanc~ of layman's clturdt Wednesdily and Saturday reaches "the breaking point." For when his human n,,v Book Sunday, theme, "The Truth Shall ":hamer ft•om 2 l.o 4 p. ttl. "Probation ~~~~¥ •• • • • • • • • • • .. ,, Proverb~ Verse~ Mal

lng the slclt.. .. .1 at the Ingham county library · Jesus had a clear realization of. with their stone collections. Some his divinely bestowed ability to were left for display; some were heal, he stated, "Mindful of his too highly prized to part with sonshlp with God," he said, "Je. even for u few days. sus spoke with authority arid was On display at present are 3 able ··to prove that Ills ability, varied collections with numer· \Vhich seemed miraculous to the ous· interesting ~pecimens. Mary ----. Ryan, fifth grade; .Jerry Rosher, 1he heoul!fu!l\• new Sel />.1r Sperl Coupe '"'''' Douy by fisher. fifth grade; and David Eckhardt, fourth grade, contributed these. :Jf You're Mavis Craddoclt brought In u bag of pebbles containing ex· amples of several Interesting Like Me. geological phenomena. Henry Fensl

property was. bucltyards or. alleys. ~~··· ~-· 00 .. Well, l found out. It seems The publicity given Bob Car· ibat "Intangible" personal proper· roll's fine work in paleontolgy ty' Is the stocks, bonds and per· and his museum has pi'Dbably IT'S SWEET, SMOOTH AND SASSY! haps some of the annuities you stimulated interest in digging own. It Includes mortgages and and. collecting among younger land contracts that you hold boys and girls In this area. The other stuff too, such as money In Inclusion of roclt samples In a )'our savings account. well-lmown c;ereal pacltage has Chevy goes 'ent all one beuer-with a darinp .new departurP This kind of property isn't helped, too. One young collector '' owned by everybody, but more told the librarian she didn't care . . . and more people are buyi for the cerear but she ate it to s.tocks and bonds and I guess get the roclt · samples. Ready ut ilesig~t (looks longer and lowe.r~ and it .is!)~ exclus~ve .tW'W lminy of 'these folks don't know availability of aU ltlnds of roclts they are· supposed to pay state and fossils in the hogsback taxes on the Income they receive gravel us·ed so freely here has ' .. from SUcll "Intangible property." made it possible for any boy or rrurbop.;lide autoinat~c transntission with trip~e turbines, a new. VH .'fhe tax rate thut.ls charged Is girl with u slight bump of curio· different for each kind of' this In· slty to share this hobby, '' t~nglbl~ property. On Income pro· The rapidly-growing collection duclng property-that Is, for ex· of scientific books 'at the Ingham and a buntpef crop of new _ideas includin15· fuel injection! ample,, ~locks that pay dividends county library shows u gratifying ' . ~your .tax amounts to 3¥.:%. of amount ofuse. Perhaps, this, too, the dividends you receive. ·Let's has added Its ·share of stimulus. say· you have $10,000 Invested In When some of the Pebble Pup. New right down to the. wheels it rolls on-that's the '57 stocks and you get each year pies· and Fossil Ferrets. begin to Chevrolet! · dividends from them · In the go deeper Into geology or miner· alnount.of $500.00. You owe 31i.:% ology or paleontology, or Into By now you know it's new in style. You can see that Chevy'e of that to the state government- chemistry or lapidary work or longer, lower- and every inch a beauty. f17.50 .to be exact: . · other subjects first encountered But Chevrolet's riew in lots of ways.that don't show up in. ·I asked why I hadn't, heard of while testing their rocks, the II· tl}ls before and tlteil I.found the brury has boolts to help. our picture. It's new in V8 power options that r·ange up to 245 - - ' /h.p.* Then, you've a choice of two automatic drives as extra­ nice joker In the deal., Here 1t Is- · It ·y.our .tax figure's. out ·so that The. success of a grazing sys: cost options. ThBre's an even finer· Powerglide-and new, roti. don't owe more than $20.00 tem and feed.productlon program 1 USA nothing-like-it 'rurboglide that brings you Triple-TUJ·bine take­ , . )'OU· don't have .to pay anything ~pends largely on the corr:ec~ '57 CHEVROLGT because you are allowed tit de- selection of seed. Choose s~ed off and a new flowing kind of going. It's the only one of its duct $20.00 from the total tax you best adapted to your partlcula~ •17()..h,p. engine also avai!ab'!e al kind-the newe8t, sweetest, smoothest automatic oUhem all! . owe.. ' . · · · · . . . . and c_llmate, zone. · ·. . · ~Ira eo~!. A!B~ Ram,ict fuC! .illjcc­ Come see the new car that goes 'em all one better-the new ··Bitt don't be too ~u1-e tha't yo'u lton enowea wllh up to fBS h,p, it& Coroette and paij,aenyu car models. L957 Chevrolet! · · Tho n.ew Bel Air 4:Door Sedan-one cl ro striking new Chovlu• doi}'t owe any ,tax If you own the . . . .. (. kli)d of . property.·, I'm . talking BOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE about. :There tOts of people BEALS are ----;...... -:------,;···················:...... •...... ,...... :.. :..... : .... ~ ...... ~...... ,...... -·. ------·-··-···-······-···-· recelvlitg $600.00 ·~nd more ·a _· year this Intangible prop-, ~~Overcoming a Thirst for ''• . eHy ,· If they .do' t!te~ should . .. . ~ . . . ' , · ' Onz;, {r~nchi~e~. Chevrolet. de~lers ~· ~:isplaj thisfamous trademark .· pay They .can be penalized •Al,ohol" ' .. ' ' ' . ' ...... both filing a return and · · ·on .... _ '· ·· · · OOTO~ER 21, ~956 r· , ~ .. ., ·.. wJLS...... ,. •• ·: ,..:.· 'I' '.•, l ': • ' 1 ; 1 '.- . ; - !1i •I r • . -1 · .• ~ ' -~l . .I .-'•.-' · ~.·! 1 _.:_,!'·~.'~.'t..'t~t ; ./Fy...... loilj,jjlafiiUjijj.llioOA' ...· ·~·;.:;·"';.;,"""'' ~l .... ~.-..... """,;.jj,i-i+i._ll;l....,.""""~ lo/Jolilol''lil\iill'' ...... ~ ,...... """' ...... ---~------...;..-----....1.._:... ---~....._._. e11lted I'JO' there Wlll he onjy one ~Editorials .. ,--...... ,I '0 Down by the fJ/JIJs.., tlc~;!~lal tm~ns of President u' s~ng Our Heads ·~~-~~\.: RooscveH and Gov. Ji'rnnlt Landon \N • SYCAMORE \.,(., 1;, t' were In Jnghnm this wee!<. Lnn- ~.l ~ don spolce fi'Otn the rem• platform Less than 3 weeks remain befot•r. wr. go to the polls to ~· ' of a Grand •rrunl< trnln In Lnn- elr.ct a president and vice-president of the United States and .r.,.!:J. sRing We dt ncsdnY 'nnd Prellltdcn t I I 1 fllate and county officers, Because the living rnther thnn Thu~'s Ute stot•y about lmrluiN ooscve 1· spo 1w 1rom n ran That's time enough, and regardless ol' the outcome, most the dead nrc concet'ne!l with the nnd If ynu dmt'l; wnnt to have t.he there 'l'hur8dny, · · 1 J 1 sltuntlnn of graves, the t.nple hns t'IIYf! of the morning sun ltWtllmn 90 Years Ago-1026 people w III lle rei Ievec 1 w I1en t I1C r1 ec Is1011 JnS )een mace "'· Jrvlrth Chase, former rlermt" . 1 1 1 J l J"ll f 1 n p1·opa become n Jive one at Mason, yuu, Uam·e's no law tltnt says you •· s ~ Mo::; I· o [· us mve ong s nee me OUJ' . I o · campa g - r•nn't. fnro nnotluw lllrecllon. county cleric, anrl his family ganda with Its vllllflcatlons and its chm·ge::; nml counte1·- Discovery wns made that In a hnve II)OVed baclc to Lansing. · .c)mrges. new section of Maple Grove c•em- Mason's Ben Weaver nppenrs The Henderson Stoclr. Co, Is[ Actually, mrmy people wondm· why campaigns are drawn etery Jots ·extend north anrl south nt the Pickle Fair In Chicago this playing at the Pastime this wcelc. '6'ut ovet· :.;uch along period and why political leaders feel they Instead o! the customary cast' nnd week with a M1·. he!ore his name. Clarence Reynolds of Muson 'II tl J west. It Is the custom fot• burials He Is chairman of the Jleldman's won first In stnte herd, second In must (I rag I n so mnny thl ngs unconnecI ec I WI 1 · 1e genel'!1 ~It. ·club and eightll In "g· ".I of to be made east and west hut the seminar on labor, M1 chlgan pro- ~.. .. well'are. basis of that custom, If thPre Is duces 27.9% of all cucumbers for sire" with his senior yearling Choosing officials is just n matter of using om· heads. one, Is not easy to discover. pickles, Wisconsin Is a poor sec· Brown Swiss heifer at the Detroit · .' Take the presidency, for instance. President Eisenhower and nt 11.1'/to, North Carolina Is National Dairy exposition, had had 3Y:! years in office. He hasn't pleased everybody After attending a meeting of third with 9.8'/r' and Callfornla Ingham had $527,466 available, Ni:1 president could do that. Undet• President Eisenhowm· the the cemetery hoard Friday night· in fom·th with 8.1 %. Georgia, for roads this year. Of the total, l • 1 ·1 •· 1 11 I consulted unrlertalwt·s, the 'Texas nnd Coloruao ·calse n few. $183,413 came from property tax, sliooting war stopped. Un d er lt'eSI( ent •,Jsen towet• tere clergy nnd cmcyclopcdlns. I $150,825 from auto license tuxes, h made wtth the feet Here's nn acceptable explanu- electric light plant Is haclt in op· ' • pointing east because thnt's the · f 1 1 11 1 erntlon And don't forget, yotjr funds are available the I•'m·m prices have declined. They have, but: tlmt d ec Ime cllrcctlon fr·om Will ell ,Tnstts Clll't'st ton1 o w IY mnny peop e sen M . J ff D I If f 'd E' J t d f ~ to Waltr.r Winchell.' They become rs. e erson av s, w e n l111cl Rturted months before Pres! ent: !,ISOI1 lOWer en eredlo ·• will return on his Second Coming. sn tired of Jlstenlng to the empty the president of the Confede\ucy, moment they are needed .. every cent. Stop in! flee. And the farm situation will need atlentlon regar ess Otrwrs say that the Pearly Gnlcs phrases of orators thot they want died In New York Tuesday. of who is elected to the presidency, So long as Amel'ican open Inward the west. 'fhere'~ to hear n mnn say ,something, A new 40x72 barn on the Opon Friday Niqilts Until 5:30 fnl'lllet·s produce more than Americans ami others can con· another theory thnt the rising even though 11 lfm't. true. Charles Lahea·tcnux farm In ::;ume, the farm problem will need attention. sun Is symbolic of hope and there- Bunker Hill was drstroyed by. When we heur claims and promises between now and fore a corpse shoulrl he plrwed to The horn of the hunter will be fire Saturday. c•lcclion clay we ought to consider them carefully, com;ider fctce the rising sun. heard from many un Ingham hlll The new history text on Mich· :l.lwm in the light of what has been pel·formed. We ought to Saturday. Nimrod was a mighty !gun, wrltten by Lawton T. He- So far nothing has been found hunter. His name Is In the Bible. mans of Mason has come off 1he use otll' eyes and our ear"" in t•cceiving campaign messages. I in the Bib· 1e ot• In I he 11 terature II· e a 1wnys ns 1tee 1 perm 1ss 1on o:f press. It contains 280 pages. '!'lien we ought to use .our heads. We ought to see if we're of various creeds to hac!< up the the land owner before he hunted. Mason people turned out Mon· 1 really as bad off as some of the campaignrt·s say we are, 01' custom of cast anrl west burial. He never cut n fence,· He nlwnyr. day ,afternoon to welcome Butter-~ il' all 1he shouting isn't just because HOmebody wants a job Protestm1ts nnd Roman Catholics closed gates. Often when he bowl, Dnve Erwin's gamey little ··rim! nnothet· person is already doing well. searched their books In vain to brought clnwn more thnn one pacing mare. She has won 7 races, find something about latitude and pheasant he gave u bird to the all In straight: hents, this season, [ Jongllucle ami the relative posi- owner of the farm. Hal Erwin rlld the driving. The lions of the dead. Jo'atller Paul Wcst-shlers who have Jmd de- Irwlns and Butterbowl were met -• "fhe Sickness of Delinquency DeRose con~ultecl a diocesan aLl· toured US-127 traffic for the past nt the depot by many citizens, thorlty before reporting lhnt :l week~ nnw wondl!r how they headed by the Aurellus hand. The It would not be surprising if Rom~ Ingham voters have nell her the Bible ·not• canon Jnw .withstood stwh. hetllnm when they parade proceeded through the come to believe that a soft heart is t hp sole quallfication for a touches the subject: of direr.linn. hztd it flit' 2ii yl'nl'H, 'fhey also streets. A banner was horne aloft, I judge of probate. He did sny that the ,judgment is wonder why anyone will build oit. with "Welcome to Butterbowl" 1 There were 5 candidates in the primary election fm u~~tooome~mt~~~a~~~~~~MMU~~~~~~~~~MiLA~~~~======~ 1 juc]gc of probate, 'who in Ingham is also I he juclg~ of juvenile lion of Jerusalem, which to west- cnn he hall for ft•ee, 1collar decorat.·ed the little mare. " ern Cbrlstlnnity means east. In · coui't. In all the advertising and the campaigning dm~ng the ~Jl"imm.:y the candidates expounded their philosophies about southeast.this lntiludP, though,· · 11 would he ,,,e.1. t• Good Ingham County News · I Pa' y •. n g 211/ '2 : ~0 Juvenile delinquency. After the primary elhninated all ex­ 1 ccpl. 2 candidates the accent has sjill remained on the juvenile Uniler English Jaw everynne in Old flQt1f.D , October 18, 1956 2 1, angle. Women's clubs. in all sections of the county have Erigland has 11 right to he hm·ied 'J 0 - scheduled meetings at which candidates have been asked to tnlk about that phase of the worl\ of tlwjudge of probate. Inwhere the burialhe dies, ground with theof Uteexeeptinn pzwlsh One Yem·. Ago ~~p~i~n~efJO~e~~to~s· II Juvenile delinquency has become an important issue. of cxecute.d felons, but not.lalng is .R. G. Atwood has asked the Dart National Bank Time Certificates Yet .befoJ•e we accept the philosophy that it is all-important said about cast ami west or north city councll to lift the ban on 0\ve ought to consider it in the light of facts lnstead of with so ond south. automohlle rnces at the fair- Processed-Bank Run grounds. Road Gravel much emotion. English law nlso provides that Harry Doesberg of Stockbridge 60-40 Mix · A good stm·t in properly evaluating juvenile delinquency a person under whose roof an­ is bacl

.. Yet the state has enough idle land which is nibbled away out ln9llrning. They are RChooled1 Jlded at the Eaton Rapids and .J I year after year to double its park syst~m overnight. All that to accept depth as the will of Columbia roads corner. . God. The speed comes from the li h 1 th 1 d I I ,is. t'eC!Uired is for the state to sell some of its,hold!'ngs in and admonition: '!Malee haste to burv 1 1g am supervk b sors d tau b or ze. d ·neat· big cities anii use the money to buy lake and stream the dead, that, if he have don~ t le county par oar 0 uy an 1 :1:.-rontage, ... h develop a ·3-acre picnic spot on I -· we 11 , e may forthwith go into the Grand at Onondaga. , I :: At one time in Lansing-the Boys Vocational school prop- blessedness; If evil, into·hell-fire." At the Peoples caucus Guy s. I .eaty covet·ed many acres on the east side. Lansing acquired J Thorburn was nominated for su· I 1 f tl 1 d f h 1 A 1 ews rna 1gs. Tl1nt menns 700,0011 small gnmn \Veigh!, fl!t!CI dfldrmey und SJll'ead, (We haven'! gone !lS Jong south 'J'exus to SOLiih Dalmta and But competition from other htlnters rlllrl n million fishermen. Pl'ic:c an• the hlg llirr!e lo con· without a f:D()[I min ns many on wesl tlll'nugh Oregon, F'nt·m· meats will continue to be Intense. llncl that's In uddlllon to llw •lllll,· slder In dndrllng the lwsl l!mounl pal·ts of the nation, but lndt of m• purelu1se orders In USDA's 'J'he number of stoclt c11llle going 000 deer hun tnrs. of weight to pill un ,IJrollers, said molstut·e here in Mlchlgun Is 1\f. II. llvL•t·y, r•m1nly agrlcultul'i.tl cmergrmcy, feecl progmms fmm to Iced Jots lndlcntes another· A hurting). The area of ~even~ nntlonwlrle survey hy llw llgl!lll. ,July I this year to Septcml>er 27 relatively lurgr! supply of Jeri U. S. fish ami wllrlllfe ~et·vlce 1'1!· drouth has Increased consider· exccedNI I he entit·e amount put beef In the months ahcmrl, PouJ. Light hl'llllt!rs malw I greater ably In the lnHI ycnr·. If It spreads I vculs that 25 million sportsmen out In 'l!l55, starting In the spring try production seems In be spent. nearly $3 million for out· gains J>el' pound of fend than do llS much agftln. nexl ymu·, whul of I hat year. lind the end Is not heaclerl fot• a new record this heavy hl'llilers, llvt•ry pointed out. effect coulrl this situation have door recreation In ]f)55. Some or In ~!gilt. · year .,vlth about. ll1e ~anw level 'of this sum benefltlcd farmers, Tf the murlwl priee Is· low, rc· on fatm pri>gmms? Would our • • • output Indicated for 1!157, The turns over feL!d costs may ho '!'he sut·vcy nlso showed lh1at 21 lderts of surpluses ehange'! · Farmer~ In othet• countries ru·e point Is thnt a l'erluctlrm In the gren(I!Ht on light hlrrls. If the per cent of lhe nation's people Unless moisture eomes along In hnving their lmuble~ with the supply of nny meal doesn't. uulo· price! is hlgl1, however, growers ell her hunted ot• fisher! m· cllrl good qunntlly mighty s·oon, the weather thl~ yenr too. Frost. anrl matleully Insure higher prices. r:uulcl use !er•cl more Pl'fh:lr!ntly ac1·eage of wlwat will he ('ill min hnve hurt the quality of A compl'llllve meal In large sup· both. One pet·son In G living in hr lllllrlwt ing at lwnvler weights. dmstlcally, not .lust In tlw south· '· big clllcs hunted ol' fished while Cnnnrlian wheat. There Is 11 fair· ply can tnltc ovet· the customers Fil\erl eosin which fii'CJ nholtl. west but gencrully. II lnl of this ly goorl marl\!!! for this· pooret·,, who hnvc (ll'ir:erl out nf Ihe mnr· nne nut uf 2 living In rum! urcas Janrl, lnddenlally, mny r.:el Into part ir:lpa ted, lhe Hflllle rl'garrlle.'is nf lllltrlwllng elwHpct• wheal.. But the quality lwt for mw thai Is lmnpomrlly In BLANKET OF CRASS FOR PROTECTION FROM SAND-Forming a dramatic pattcm wnlghl. m11y IJu more! lmportnnl the soil hank hecnwi& USDA hus drop will mean a lower return to light suppiy, against tbe barren Sahat·n Desert, hugll netllltc squares of dried grasses are spread over sand 'l'l1e poll alsu lnclil:aleH Ihal removed all resfl•lctlllnH on the I han fr!L•c! r:nsts, Aver,v I!Xplalnerl. farmers In the Pmlrlc provinces. • '' • dunes. The dunes arc blanketed with the dried grasses to prevent the sand !rom being shifted nwny wnmcn arc ouldtH>l' rmt hu· 111n!ne experiments lwvc shown amount a farmer can put under Over one-thlrrl of the wheat oul· Mlehl~an ~t·apP ~rnwers harl by the wind to tbc .nearby acres of !crtllc land. . siasts, ·About five million of lill' acreage reserve tl1is year. [f that with the prier! 111 17e 111, lhe put. In Saslmlchewun, No, 1. the lnrgest crop tills year they've nation's women llsh and lwiC a dlffen!Jwe In IWI prutll between . growing conditions don't brighten mllllun enjoy huntlnr.:. before ~prlng, it·~ eoncdvahle whcut growing )Jrovince, may had In 2 ml out mist 111 Michigan Stale university. Not much cash is neerlcrl to marl the worst since ycur in volume anrl quality. This suffered considerable damage mlllf't's with wheat wlu!n they The difference between the har· file loan may be paid In 4 In· permlsslori of the owner· he earc- fool. of IJI'ullt!l' house H(llll'C .. It 1891 In tha western third of ycar, output isn't even close to from the freeze last week. Main wanl it, lw arlrlerl. vest-time price ami the highest ~tullmcnts over 5 years. The first ful or llvcstoclt unci fe~ces anrl sp1wc is scaree, this may be lrn· Kansas. The Hltuation Is about domestic needs. pt·oblem for growers has been to When I storages al'l' ~l'lll'l'aliy Pl'iec has averaged 32c for· the Installment Is not £iue until It • pl)rfanl. the same In most of Olol of cream, milk sales at a Josn of about $GO mil· Phono E•lon Rapids 630 I or perhaps some evaporated or lion ... Michigan September condensed millt. One dairyman mill< production, estimated at 444 wonders If the bureau expects million poumln, was 2'/r. below a dairy farmers to return the com· year earlier. Egg output at 124 Federal Land Bank Loans pliment by nrlvocaling the ttse of million eggs was a million Jess FARM MACHINERY AUCTION a dash of coffee in the cream'! than September, 1!l55 •.. Mir:hi· Through • • • gan's grape pmduction this year The uullool1 for lwg prices is at 62,000 Ions was still only half Havin~ i'inltl 111~· f:u·m, I will sell ut publie auction at the farm ~1 mile west of Leslie un tldlevue t•uutl tu more encouraging. No one ex-: that of New Yorl< stale ami pros· Hull road, ;;uuth un llull ruud V. mile tu l'h•st faJ'Ht. peels . prices t'o plunge to last peels were for New York grapi)S year's lows. But some marlwting to get hit even ilanler than here National , people figure the season's low by the late season ... Hed clove!' point this year will be In Novem· seed production .in Michigan is Farm Loan Iher. Farmers cut back spring off materially: the state will nc· fal'l'owings about 8'/r and thef·e is count for 5% of national output Association an Indicated cut of about 7% in compared with 9% In I 955. 1:00 P. M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 1:00 P. M. LONG TERM Petoskey Will Be Host to LOW INTEREST Phone Phone State. Grange Convention / Price Brothers One of the majot• events of the: terms before ancl after Christ· Masoil· · Stockbridge F~rmers Mutual Fil·e yea1· for the Michigan state mas. The course includes lnstruc· ' lnsUI·ance Bldg. Every Grange will be its 83rd annual I tion in dairying, crops, farm OR 7-876f Auctioneers Tuesday Phono 0 R 7-609 I convention next week. Officers, management, livesl.ocl,, poultt')l, 40-F-111 delegates ami others will gather soils find farm mechanics. Spe· ---·--·-·'--·----~--~------·------M•in Office: 415 S. Cochr•n I at. Petoslwy for the sessions, cia! courses in leadership, family ChJirlotto, Michi9•n which begin Monday and con· living, parliamcnlary procedure Pho'no 1880 tlnuc through Friday. and public spcalting also are a On Monday delegales will talw purl nf the schedule. Registered Grade Holstein. il boat trip to t.he Straits of over the state. Wednesday eve· J 7 'Head and Cattle 37 Macldnnc to lool< ovet· the pt·og· nlng the sl.atc Grange eouple of rcss of lhe bridge. Grangers the year ami Grnngc hall im· Su.~:111 - J:q~istt•rpd Jlolstnin Cow, 7 ~'eat•s uld, bt•ml Snptembcr 24 Natwy -Holstein Cow, 3 ~'eus·s ohl, months old ulr.d. state Grange policy will be uffi. Ethd- nr•gisit•rell Holsttlin Cow, 3 years old, due Deeemhm· 12 Jtegistered Holstein Heifei', 15 months old The state master's annu11l ad· cially adopted on the Cllnvention Bessil:- Ht•gistm·ed Holstein Cow, '1 ycu1·s old, bred· Atigust 26 'f dress· will be given Tuesday aft. floor. Uegistered Holstein Heifer, lrl in· 'l'n ANU HANGS 'fES'l'ED - 'I'JliS lllmD liAS BI~EN ON D. II. I. A. 5 l'EAltS. UECORUS ON CA'lvl'UG sccticide for spraying on walls together and· study the res·oltt· DAY OF SAI~E. ·INDIVIDUAL RECOHDS UP TO 62rlccs for these scarce unlmnls The cllsease hns occurred In ly serving lhe cattle owner's mmc the final blow In the !orrri Farm Wirinlg Flftoon-amp fust's hlaw on rog· figure eights before decending to the ground. nne! the price of feeder cat tie hns ulnr circuits. Michigan sporadically since 1888, l11mL Closer control nlso might of early frosts and severe freezes, been Inclined to follow that ncl· he lnslltuted by the owner worl<· "Heaven's salr I han last: year gestlve tmct where It gnlns ac­ bel ween 7 nnd lG wceled!'l TIH' symptoms nrc not striking, platoon system for possible use at the Rose Bowl counties have been designated ns sell nnd have suitable storage mirllhc only way that the disease • Silonl·floallng supor quiet n1o1ar mount WIIITJ~ IWCJ\8 next year. · disaster or emergency areas. could· well afford to store benn3 • Lifo limo porcolaln onamal flnish Hotchlng 1111 Summer Is spotted in many cases Is when However, on the whole, there Is a until the price rises following the • 6·way dirocllonal Tropical Floor Heal the healthy hirds become notice­ John was in Mason over the week end. He record feed &Upply In this coun- drop at harvesting lime. It is ex­ • Cast iron conslrucllon ably larger· than infected ones. try. After meeting all needs' it peclecl that the final price will •ICioon-flro burner, cleans ash hoals LOWDEN FARMS The coccldln arc difficult to sings pt•aises for Ingham dairy farmers. He claims appears that there will he a larg- average o).lt slightly below the­ • 5ummor cool ins allho turn of a switch clcstmy wll h disinfectants·, but many of them are among the nation's best. er carry-over of feed next year guaranteed price level of $2.15 HATCHERY the first method of control should John and lwother Martin are producing 20 cans thnn ·tills year. per busl1el. . Phone 4~~~k'E."n~;rr;"it~~~~ Honrlctto he llwrough cleaning, disinfection of milk a day. So milk production is important in This large supply of feed Dairy procluction continues nt R. 1, Rl••• Junction nncl sanitation, the poultry spe- their farm business. But another part of the farm could encourage increases In nn nil time high and Is lncrcas· I ciallst~ insist. program is the developing and proving of herd bulls. meat supply which woulrl be lng- faster than population, In ':======·• Most of the preventive mcdl· Now under construction is a new 4-stall bull barn painful before the end of 1957, spite of the number· of herds be­ cal inns thai control the cecal type which features all the latest tricl{S. t'Speclally If industrial- employ- ing sold off in this local nren. will nid In holding haclc the In­ rrient does not stay at a high rate. Milk priees will rise in the com­ testinal type of coccidiosis, but What has artificial breeding done to the bull Rather than plunging into nn In· lng months hut not as much ns a some are less effective. Treat· busin~ss? The,re was a tim? a few years ago, creased llvestocl' feeding pro· year ago, is the expectation. The menl: wllh sulfa drugs is recom­ when 1t looked like the bull busmess was going to the gram it would be well to loolc rise in prices paid to farmers mended, and all moist and cal\cd dogs, acc~rding to John. But actually, good proven Into the possibility of storing dry SILSBY litter should be removed. Care bulls ar~ 111 demand as never before, he points out. corn and feed grains and getting should be taken In assure n clean Most dmrymen of a. few years ago made use of their crop loans if farmers have ade­ DIXON water supply, and extra cleaning own bulls Ol' shared ownership of a bull with neigh­ quate storage on theh· farms. Dr. ·M. J. Green may be reqtlircd, bors. Now, however, artificial b1·eeding associations Meat supplies will be abundant Vetel'inarlun Implement Co. Brothers A preventive program will cost for the balance of this year. If 2 J 4 State Street about one cent per bird for the are seeking better bulls for members. Bulls that consumers arc willing to pay the 752 N. Cedar St. 1\lason Mason LIVESTOCK first 12 wcelcs, I he specialists esti· would have lnt• · frequ!Jnt but -,_ ·,, · · ··,, ··; >·. : ·\,~',Rout_e· I, M••~n··;; :, otlter',4rtlmlals' Cl\~not · otices \ Whitmore Lake Is Putting Up Fight Aga·inst Moving 'Boys School There P·ROFESSIONAL ny 1':1 .n11m wIll 'I' 1·: ruent udv;rni·Prl by L;rn:;lnt: re:;J- Is 11 IIIIIIIIILI rlr!JII!IHir!tH:r! hnlwecn BUSINESS-SERVICE nlldti[llll l'r11ss Ar;~udnllon dr!IIIH WflflirHifllljlfJiy lo tho Wi)fl· tilf' flll'llll'l',llllri hfH dty COII~fll. IIHH'U III'Cil, They [111'1111'1' lll'gltr! • • * , ' 'J'Itc )II'O!JOSI!d eXJH!IHifJUI'l! of that Lntmlng prmplr: who ob.lncl , "Gt'IIHH·t·nolli" ar II. They ·nl.'io "GM sells 2CI (WI' r:r:nl of Its ear·s ------Bottled Gas Clea11ed : 'l'helr Hpcdtlc r•otwr!r'n: Uoys point In the liPirl lwusr, HIVilll· unrl (i[l per l'Cnl of Its tt•ucl;s tu Trucking. Vocnllonal Hehool, nn Institution mlng pool anrl ollll'l' fal'illlirs at fm•mer·s," Danel