Session Outline
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Session Outline (9) “And they shall bring all your brothers from all the nations as an offering to the LORD...and some of them also I will make for priests and for Levites, says the LORD.” - Isaiah 66 1. Who was Levi? What’s his role in Israel’s story? - Genesis 34 (Dinah/Shechem), 49:5-7 2. Who are the Levites? What is their unique role of the Levites within the nation of Israel? a) “first -born (redeemed) sons” - Exodus 32 - Exodus 13; Numbers 18:16 - Pidyon Haben a) “guards and ministers (caretakers)” of the temple-complex (Numbers 3:7-8) - avad - to work; serve; minister - hamar - to keep; guard b) “warrior-priests” (Numbers 8:23-26) - tsaba - come to do (war) duty c) “sounds of joy” (I Chronicles 15) d) “messengers of the Yahweh” (Malachi 2) - Truthful judges who settle disputes - Interpreters who help people understand the word/commands of Yahweh. - Tangible representatives who “walk in the way” of Yahweh - Physical symbols of God's salvation, mercy, and presence - Turn away (rescue) many from iniquity - Yaheweh is their inheritance; reliant upon others 2. There are two important stories in the book of Numbers that both involve a Levite. a) Numbers 16 - Korah: What makes Korah a ‘rebel’? What does he want that he cannot have? - Jude 1; 2 Peter 2 b) Numbers 25 - Phinneas: What makes Phinneas ‘a loyal son’? What causes Yahweh to bless him? c) How is Phinehas’ actions an example of Christ’s actions to come? - kaphar - atonement; covering; forgiveness 4. Peter refers to those loyal to Christ (our Great High Priest) as a “royal priesthood”. After considering the scriptures this week, what do you think he means? (1 Peter 2:9-11; 1-3) Why does this matter today? - Isaiah 66 Edomites outline - Part 1 Session 8 1. Geography of Edom 2. Edom and it’s gods 3. Edom during Israel’s conquest 4. Family Tree Part II Session 9 1. Israel meets Edom 2. Numbers 20:14-21, Deut 2: 1-8 3. Edom during Monarchy 4. Edom during foreign rule 5. Intertestamental Period 6. Herod the Great Study Questions (9) 1. To which Hebrew tribe did Moses belong? What is the reputation and story of this particular tribe of Israel? - Exodus 2; Genesis 34; Genesis 49, Exodus 32, Numbers 3 2. What inheritance did the tribe of Moses receive in the land Yahweh gave to Israel? - Joshua 13:32-33; Numbers 35 3. For what reasons was this tribe scattered throughout Israel? - Nehemiah 8:1-12; Malachi 2:1-9 4. What was this tribe’s unique role within Israel? - Numbers 1:47-51; 3:5-10; 18:2-7; Deuteronomy 21:5I Kings 8:4 5. The Hebrew words avad (“to work”) and shamar (“to keep”) can also be translated “serve/minister” and “guard,” respectively. Who else was tasked by God to “work and keep” sacred space? 6. There are two important stories in the book of Numbers that both involve a Levite. a) What makes Korah a ‘rebel’? What does he want that he cannot have? - Numbers 16 b) What makes Phinneas ‘a loyal son’? What causes Yahweh to bless him? - Numbers 25; Psalm 106:28-31 c) Why does Jude bring up Korah’s rebellion in his letter to the 1st-century Christian church? (Jude 1) Why do you think that Jude links Korah and Cain? 8. Peter refers to those loyal to Christ (our Great High Priest) as a “royal priesthood”. After considering the scriptures this week, what do you think he means? - 1 Peter 2:910 9. What is the thrust of Isaiah’s final prophecy? What will Yahweh do? With an ancient Israelite perched on your shoulder, what is being communicated? - Isaiah 66:15-24 I am praying for you this week! Shalom to you and yours. Edomites Part 1 Last week we were introduced to the first people that the Hebrews encountered when they left Egypt. Israel encountered many enemies as they traveled to and conquered Canaan, and Edom was one of those early enemies. Edom mentioned over 100 times in scriptures. -more info in the biblical record about Edom than any other one of Israel’s neighbors. -Edom is a kingdom to the south and east of the Dead Sea all the way to the Gulf of Aqaba in the south. Modern day Israel and Jordan. -MAP:The northern border of Edom was the Zered River which was also the southern border of Moab (Deut. 2:13) and the eastern border was the desert. The southern border was Ezion-Geber. Mount Hor was also on the western border of Edom (Num 20:23) - where Aaron died and was buried. -biblical writers refer to Edom often as Mount Seir or Seir which is a mountain range running from the dead sea to the gulf of Aqaba. (ack a buh) -main cities from the biblical record are Bozrah, Teman and Dedan. -Archeological surveys have shown a highly civilized society in this area, called the Transjordan) at the end of the 3rd millennium, or around 2300-2200BC, but all the great fortresses and settlements were totally destroyed around 1900BC. -It became a camping spot for shepherds and nomadic peoples until the 13th/14th century BC. After that, there was a revival of civilization among the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites and Amorites who quickly divided into national groups with territorial boundaries which were mainly defined by rivers. All these kingdoms underwent a fast development of prosperity and growth from the 13th-8th centuries and then a period of decline and then utter destruction in the 6th c BC. -The two historical periods in Edoms ancient history are the Period of the Chiefs and Period of the Kings, roughly parallel to period of judges and period of kings in Israel. -The Edomites worshipped mainly fertility gods and numerous clay figures have been discovered around the territory of ancient Edom.. Their chief god was Qos. There seemed to be an early connection between the religion of the people of Seir and that of Yahweh. There is an Egyptian list from the time of Ramses II that juxtaposes the land of Shasu of YHW with the Land of Shasu of Seir, leading us to believe that the Egyptians thought Edomites were worshippers of Yahweh early on in their history. -The biblical text might even be depicting Moses father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Middian, as a worshipper of Yahweh. Exodus 18: 9-12. -The wisdom of Edom was held in high esteem by the prophets. (Jer 49:7, Obadiah 8) -when Israel encountered Edom, it was a strong kingdom with well defined borders. -archeologists have unearthed extensive copper mining and copper smelting in Edom dating back thousands of years. Edom appeared to be a thriving, centralized kingdom before Israel showed up in the middle of the 2nd millennium. From 1300 through 800BC, the Edomites improved their copper smelting techniques very gradually but a great leap in technology shows up in the archeological record around 925 BC when an Egyptian Pharoah, Shishak started invading Israel and Judah. The invasion likely changed the market and demand for copper and the Edomites adopted new innovations. -Interesting that copper and the surrounding hills and soil can all be described as red. Family tree -Edomites are descendents of Esau, twin of Jacob. Edom means ‘red’ in Hebrew, both from Esau’s coloring at birth and the color of the stew he sold his birthright for from Jacob. -Remember Jacob escaped and went to take a wife from outside the land, in Paddan Aram, from his mother Rebekah’s people, as instructed by Isaac who didn’t want him to marry a Canaanite woman just as his father,Abraham, had found a wife for him from outside Canaan. -Esau, however, married two Hittite women and a daughter of Ishmael and caused Isaac and Rebekah grief (Gen 26:34-35) Gen 28: 8-9 Esau decides to marry within the family to please his parents and take a wife or two from his uncle Ishamel...and marries his cousin(s). Family Tree -Gen 36:6-8 tells us that Esau was living in Canaan when Jacob returned from Paddan Aram And that he moved some distance from Jacob as their possessions were too great for them to remain together, the land could not support them both. Thus he moved to Edom, the hill country of Seir (Gen 32:3). Seir is southwest of Gulf of Aqaba. Edom was Israel’s ‘kin’ and the term ‘brother’ is used in relation to the Edomites or descendents of Esau. -Like the twin brothers, Israel and Edom had a tumultuous relationship. -Genesis 36 gives us a detailed description of Esau’s descendents. We know that the Edomites were governed by chiefs and kings -The kings of Edom are listed in vs. 31-40, before there was any Israelite king. Part II Last week, we talked about Edom and their family tree. Edomites are descendents of Esau with Ismael’s daughter and canaanite women. First encounter with the Edomite people occurs as Israel is trying to enter the promised land after the 40 years of wandering. Remember, they left Sinai, went to Kadesh, sent out spies,’failed to go into land and were punished with wandering for 40 years. Numbers 20 begins with Miriam dying and the people rebel, again regarding water to drink. Moses and Aaron do not follow the Lord’s instructions and though water flows freely from the rock Moses struck, Moses and Aaron are disciplined by being told they will not be entering the land promised to them.