January 29, 1957 a Meeting of the Board of Regents of Morehead
January 29, 1957 A meeting of the Board of Regents of Morehead State College was held in the Conference Room of the Administration Building January 28, 1957. The meet- ing was called to order by the chairman, Dr. Robert R. Martin, and the following business was transacted: The roll call showed the following member s present: Dr. W. H. Cartrnell Dr. Elwood Esham, Vice Chairman Dr. Lowell Eearhart, Secretary Dr. Paul Hall Dr. Robert R. Martin 1. The minutes of the meeting held September 1, 1956, were read and ordered approved for recording in the minute book of the Board. 2. President Doran presented his report to the Board for the period, September 21, 1956, to January 29, 1957, as follows, and upon which action was taken by the Board: Mor ehead, Kentucky January 29 1957 Board of Regents Morehead State College Morehead, Kentucky Gentlemen: I am submitting herewith a report on the operation of the College for the period, September 21, 1956 to January 29, 1957, and certain recommendations for Board action: Item No. 1. Enrollment: The final enrollment for the fall semester, 1956-57 is 1278. I am indicating below a breakdown of this enrollment, (1) by counties, and (2) by class and sex: SUMMARY BY KENT UGKY COUNTIES AND STATES, AND FOREIGN Anderson Campbell Bath Carter Bell Clark Boone Elliott Boyd Estill Bourbon Fayette Bracken Fleming Br eathitt Floyd Minutes of January 29, 1957 continued - Franklin 4 Lewis Grant 3 Lincobn Graves 5 Ma gof fin Green 1 Mar tin Gr eenup 62 Mason Harrison 4 Menifee Henry 1 Mercer Jefferson 21 Morgan Johnson
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