V O L . X X I V . PHILLIPS, , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. N O . 9

SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTS M E N’S S U P P LI E s SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES The bears are getting in their work MOOSE DROVE HIM UP TREE among the farmers. Elmer Tufts lost five sheep one night last week and Hears Arouiid Kingfield Killed many, both farmers and hunters, begin Order U.M.C. Ammunition and Getting In Their Work. to wish there was a bounty on bears even though the town pays for all sheep Foxes and Deer Are Easy Fo; killed by bears. One night the first of the week Bert Hunters on Carrabassett. Dolbier was made happy by shooting a [Special Correspondence to the Maine W oods.] large black bear. R epeatin g R ifles K in g f ie l d , Oct. 8, 1901. Messrs. Mark Cross and Geo. Kenne­ dy were out hunting a few days ago and repeat. They don’t jam, catch, or fail to extract. In a Mr. Mark Lander was out partridge one of them shot a bear. Before they word, they are the only reliable repeaters. Winchester hunting on Freeman Ridge one day last rifles are made in all desirable calibers, weights, and week and met a large moose. Having reached home two more bears were seen, styles ; and are plain, partially or elaborately ornamented, nothing but a shotgun with him, he but being so heavily loaded they could This F a ll suiting every purpose, every pocketbook, and every taste. didn’t care to risk a shot and would not shoot before the bears had dis­ appeared. Sportsmen have learned that it is dangerous to simply order “ A good have passed on, but the moose came to­ Winchester Ammunition wards him in a way that suggested fight. Mr. Frank Price and Mr. Staples of twelve gauge shot shell” or, a “ box of 3 0 3 0 cartridges.” So the}' call for Lowell shot three deer at Tufts pond is made for all kinds of shooting in all kinds of guns. Mr. Lander had to climb a tree and wait U. M C. and get the best at the same cost as other makes. Catalogues free. last week. r p r p Send Name and. Address on a Postal until the moose bad wandered off in 1 i '1-1-1 for our 164-Page Illustrated Catalogue. search of other hunters. * Four Foxes have been shot by one THE Uft 10N METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., man here this season. WINCHESTER REPHTliifl ARMS SO., Ns* Hi«n, Cmn. Mr. R. F. Cook shot a large deer the Agency 313 Broadway, N. Y. Factory, Bridgeport, Conn. Depot, 425 Market St., San Francisco first of the week. * ONE MOOSE AM) 64 DEEK. While Mr. Bert Hewey was out hunt­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦❖ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ing last Friday he saw two deer and one Large Amount of flame Seen by ! moose on Stanley hill. For some rea­ THE RANGELEY son he didn’t shoot and they soon were a Waltham, Mass., Parly. STEVENS out of s gilt. [Special correspondence to the M aine W oods.] FAVORITE RIFLE. Milton Curtis and Frank Whitcher- W a l t h a m , Mass., Oct. 7, 1901. LAKES have each shot deer this season. 1 have threatened to write this for While Harden Benson and W .ll Mc­ some time, but it is hard work to get at Mullen were out Lunting they found a it. I have stated facts and nothing else buck deer that bad been shot at least and to us it was a rare experience. I two weeks ago. The deer was near an enjoy thinking of it. old orchard and bad evidently been left On our whole trip we saw sixty-four No Other Make of Rlfie at the Price A re the most Popular where it was shot. A man who shoots deer and one moose, caught forty-three Are deer in close time deserves punishment, 'arge trout and one hundred and forty- COMPARES WITH OUR FAVORITE. Unsurpassed Fishing Grounds but a man who will shoot a deer in close six brook trout, and came home well for their pleased with our two weeks’ trip to the With open sights, $6. With target sights, $3.50. Numerous time for the mere pleasure of killing, Ali.dealers in sporting goods handle our complete line. Dead River region. The bear story you Onr;Complete Catalogue lull of valuable information upon request. SUMMER in JVIaine. deserves the full extent of the law, and have had so will say nothing about J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, if some of the guides around Kingfield that. 'W J ' l could learn who the offender is, he A party of four, including Supt. of No. 155 Broadway, - Chicopee Falls, Mass. y 1 Jn number and size, Streets R. A. Jones, the popular drug­ would get his deserts. gist, E. E. Jennison, who has hunted in t D I IJM CnD H * \ the trout and sa,mon Mr. Fred Dyer fired seven shots at a Nova Scotia years previous with Joe Iv L » itaken each year from deer one day this week, five of them Picton as guide, and P. C. Blankinship HOTELS AND CAMPS [HOTELS AND CAMPS of Marion, Mass., with myself to show FA LLS LIN E‘.*these'r,r*u"sur- hitting him before he stopped. the way, intend to start for the Ledge Ranukley Lak e s. j 1 passed in the State. At Riverside cottage, owned by the House (jet. 13 for a week’s shooting, Camp Bemis and Birches. Write for free cir­ i Will let you know later our luck. Mr. cular. Ca pt. F. C. Ba r k e r , Prop’r, Bemis. 'c railroad men, a party got a deer this Runs Direct to the 1 ! Jones and Mr. Jennison are crack glass Via Rangeley or Bem is. Ail points quickly and week. j ball shots and both ha^e shot their deer Mountain View House. Heart of the Rangeley *New York. Buy your Tickets via this line. |7L S P O R T S m E li HOTELS AND C AM PS.|H O TEL S AND CAMPS It furnishes the It makes the . and SHORTEST ROUTE. QUICKEST TIME. * hu Us Only U20 reusing Tkroagh Cm, wiOmt «iim., im w PortUnd a t G. Singly L itts. * TOURISTS, I c* j * CAME HUNTER’S PARADISE. J* c* | Here is situated a hotel ot rare attractive­ W b mall, free of charge, a book showing half-tone cuts of tha hotels at ® ness in beautiful location for summer board­ What of “ Black Eduard 1” Just one word’s all points. Folders mailed on application. ers and at the same time in idose proximity ! enough. Portland A Bustard Palls Bailwiy, B. C. BBAD70BP Traffic Manager, Portland. Me. I SEASON OF 19 0 1. | floose, Deer, Bear and Birds In Abundance, j to the best places for fishing on Rangeley His heart’s as tender as his tales are “ tuff■’’ _i______lake. Hunters in the season also find plenty | see it’s this way. A visit to the Range- s WiU Guarantee you a shot at two deer if you spend a week with me this fall. s of deer, partridge and woodcock near the. y o r * ley Lake region without a little run up to JOSEPH H. W HITE, Eustis, Me., Proprietor, Blakeslee Lake Camps. j hotel. The cuisine here is sutdi as to hold I Beaver pond is as rank a failure as half a j patrons vear after vear. the rooms are what pair of scissors, or the hole of a doughnut Via Eustis. people from the cities like, large, well lighted with the dough gone. Yes, “ Going up to King and Bartlett. ^ BEST ^ and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, | Ed’s” is like smoking opium lying, or fish and game at appropriate times in the “ warts”—it grows upon you; and tne man year and the table is always suppli* d with who once sets his happy toot on the sli res of SECT excellent fresh milk and cream. Per water old “ Beaver” is as certain to return as—as— Shooting and Fishing runs to the house from a spring abo\ e. This well as a punched “ quarter.” is a particularly good place for safe and What do you do when you get there? Most 1 ~ flaina, pleasant boating and the drives and walks people fi h, others tramp those glorious old The Great Game Country of are unsurpassed. Croquet and lawn tennis irails and just soak their hearts and minds grounds adjoin the house. Write for a free in the d“ iglits of mountain, lake and forest; --- IS OX LINE O F---- circular to for at Ed’s remember, we’re in the sure- L. E. Bow ley, Mountain View House, enough backwoods. Mountain View, Rangeley Lakes, Me. Now as to the fishing, a word or two. Washington County R. Guides talk, notwithstanding, I have never NORTHWESTERN MAINE. At Flagstaff. Lake House and Camp. Camp is reached from yet found 5 and 10-pound trout plenty enough Through Pullman Sle.p rs Boston hotel by boat. Great hunting. Moose and to be monotonous—never have, but the rea­ deer seen daily. S. C. Durre ll. Flagstaff, Me. sonable man with a fair idea of the proper to Calais without change. T H E r * * - dissemination of “ feathers”—it he chance In Dead River Region. also to be a true sportsman, could ask noth­ For Particulars, Address — Hotel Blanchard. Hunting, Fishing. J. S. ing better. Du rrell, Proprietor, Stratton, Me. _ Within easv reach of Ed’s doors lie (even Washington County Railroad, nature “lies” up there—I wonder why?), 5 or RANGELEY LAKES AND Rangeley L a k e s , 6 lakes in which the flv fishing is simply Calias, - - Maine. Bald Mountain Camps are ri_ht in the region “ great,” and I say this after having fished where deer, bears, partridges and small game every damn spot'in that region many times Take “ Ell Pond,” for instance, around the are plenty. Steamboat accommodations O. K. “ bend among the pads,” or “ Little Island” DEAD RIVER REGION. Telephone at the camps. Two mails daily. wi h a gentle ripple about sundown. Such For spring and early summer trout fishing The Game Section of jt$ You’ll get a reply right back, if you write for incessant “ rises” and such a run of fish marks the King and Bartlett and Spencer Stream that charming little pond as the acme of fly region has proved its supremacy. The large MOOSEH E AD. Reached in One Day from Boston, via: free circular to Amos El lis, Prop’r, fishing possibilities. size, the great numbers, the gameness and Haines Landing, Maine. What is there for the “ Man behind the gun” the eating qualities of these clear water, Moose hunters make headqartets here. Boston & Maine, Maine Central, Sandy River, up there? Simply this. In the open season spotted trout are worthy of special mention. There is plenty of deer and bird shooting Belgrade L akes, Me. he can easily get all the deer the law allows Landlocked salmon are coming to the fly at near. Territory unlimited. For free cir­ Phillips & Rangeley, Franklin & Meatantic R. Rs. The Belgrade. The bestit spesportsman’s hotel in him, and will also find “ Ruffed Grouse” (i.e. King and Bartlett nowadays. This is the cular, address, New...... The England best st Dlack b!___ bass ___ fishing “ Patridge” ) in abundance. With Moose, place to catch a big lake trout. Address CH u>u get to Beaver Pond?—tie's. territory. For book and map free, address, Indian Rock Chmps. Where shall I go for good The total of 27 miles from Rangeley Village is bird shooting this fall? will be as ed bv many Via Co lei* rook, X’. H. a sportsman. Go to Holt’s ('amps at Howard now covered by buckboard to Kennebago FOR SPORT: F. N. BEAL, Phillips, Me. FLETCHER POPE, Phillips, Me. Lake and you will find plenty ot deer, black Lake, them e by steamer down that beautiful Manadnock House, situated In the midst of bear, woodcock and partridges. Nice new sheet of water, a very p easant break in the bring rod and gun to Kineo, the Supt. S. R. R. R. Gen. Man’g’r. P. & R. R. R. journey, theue by buckboard again, direct a vast hunting region. Deer and partridges heart of Maine’s best game region, camps and first-class table. Write for circu­ to Ed’s"Camps on" Beaver Pond. The roads in abundance. Parties met at Errol boat up­ G. M .VOSE, Kingfield, Me., Supt. F. & Z*l. Ry. lars and terms. W. C. Holt, Proprietor, already good are constantly being bettered, and stop at Hanover. Me. and ladies and children can now with perfect on notice m advance. Write for circulars to comfort make a journey that once meant T. G. Rowan & Co., flT. KINEO HOUSE, Forks, Me . miles of rough and toilsome tramping. Colebrook, N. H. Moxie Pond, 23 miles from Bingham. Good At the Camps the accommodations leave C. A. JUDKINS, Manager. Kineo, lie, road. Moose and deer plenty. Small game m nothing to be desired by lliose who realize abundance. Excellent accommodations for that this Is the “ Backwoods” and not “ Broad­ Via Ran g eley. No hay fever there. Everything ladies. Write for circulars. way.” The cabins are clean, roomy, and O. M. Jones, The Forks, Me. Kennebago Lake House, on the shore of Ken- for comfort—electric lights, steam thoroughly comfortable, beds and table ex­ heat, baths, telegraph and post cellent land most of tlu' food at least eatable) nebago Lake. The place for deer ami pariri- Phillips Maine while tlie proprietor—i. e., the “ Old Man,” is office, unsurpassed cuisine. Send Comfort Cottage affords the pleasures of a happy combination of kindliness and pleas­ dages. Excellent accomodations, Address, for handsome new Kineo booklet. country life with some of the city conven­ ing fiction. R ich a r d so n Bro s., Proprietors, It’s free. iences. T furnish well cooked food, vege­ The first step for those who would like to tables in their season, the best of milk, so .« for themselves how much actual truth Ivennebago, Me. cream and butter, and pure water. There is there is in all of the above, is to address here the best brook fishing and the carriage OR RES drives are remarkable for mountain scenery. Ed Grant & Son, Beaver Pond, Maine, Prices, $2.00 a day; $10 a week; $7.00 a week and then “ wait ’til something drops.” V ia Rangeley. for tlie summer. Mr s. W. E. Mille tt. Phillips, Me. WRITTEN Br FRANCIS I. MAULE, 402 SANSOM STREET. PHILADELPHIA. York’s Camps. WILD CAM E. Bangor, Main e . Loon Lake, within 5 miles of Rangeley vil­ Windsor Hotel. Headquarters for sportsmen Table first-class. Free carriages. F. W. lage. There are ten ponds within two miles; Du rgin, Prop’r. Moody* Bros., Clerks. ewiston a in e good fishing in all and for hunting it can’t be The Carrabassett Spring Farm is located on L , M . toe C arrabassett river, in .Jerusalem Town- Near Br a g g ville. beat. Camps neat and each party has a ckmp ; f hip. Frankbn coant V, Maine, nine miles Hotel Atwood, opposite Lower Maine Central 1 1 J ^ from Kingfield. Carrabassett can be reached Spring Brook Camps. R. R. station. Thoroughly renovated, re­ by boat or rail from Boston to Portland, by themselves. I f you want to get a deer, |Maine Central railroad, from Portland to Situated right in the wilderness where big furnished, new proprietor. All modern Farmington, Sandv River, Franklin & Me- game is found in abundance. Reached by come to York’s Camps. Plenty of small conveniences. First-class table, cosy rooms. goutrAi ic...... railroad from “Farmington ‘ to ' Carra­ canoe all tlie way up the East Branch Penob­ game. For further particulars, address, bassett. In. tee hunt ng season, we will When in Lewiston give us a call. guarantee that the hunter can find deer and scot from Grindstone. Write to wild game as plenty in this vicinity, as any- C. E. McDonald, Braggville, Me. R. S. York, Prop’r, Rangeley Me. wnere in Maine. Wild deer caii be seen P. R. Nevens, Proprietor. quite often from tlie lions ■, and the hunter On Ph illips & Rangeley* Railro ad . does not have to buck-board or stage it a Lewiston, Maine. Eustis, Me . rod, as the depot is very near the house. A Redington House. very objectionable feature to many elderly Good accommodations. Unsurpassed bear, Tim Pond Camps. people, those who are not strong, and ladies, deer, partridge and woodcock shooting. is the many miles oi staging and buck-board­ W. E. Mill e t t , Post Office, Phillips, Me. If you want to go where you can shoot a ing, which they are obliged to take at many places; here it is avoided. Ladies can ac­ Norton, Me. deer or moose, or if you wish for a little par­ company their husbands, and hunt, fish, and ^Greene’s Farm House and Cottages. Horton Farms. Finest trout fishing. Ad­ On Mooselookmeguntic La k e . tridge shooting, address rest as they please. There are two trains One of the most popular resorts of the Dead River region, plenty of brook trout fishln dress, C. C. Norton & Co., Norton, Me. daily, one mail, arriving at Carrabassett Mooselookmeguntic House, Julian K. Vile s, Eustis, Me. near the dbuse and three ponds on the farm stocked with trout and salmon. All kinds o Telephone and post office in the house. A game.in near vicinity. Deer seen near the house. Several cottages well furnished and Convenient from r a n g e l e y . Offers excellent accomodations to hunters. new and substantial cabin has been built on Camp Among The Clouds. Excellent hunting Game in abundance. Deer and partridges The Place to stop is at the Phillips Hotel. the shore of Reddington pond two miles pleasantly located furnish accommodations for guests. Cuisine equal to any hotel in Maine and fishing. Good accommodations. Take seen every day. The place for fall shooting. Ww h nue ile in i-nPhillins im p s olieElectrlc millutes walk bath-from from the farm house, where large game levaiion 1.600 feet. Hay fever unknown. Excellent teams connected with house your own cook. Inquire of Address, from November until May, Tiieo abound. For further particulars address. C. H. Neal, Rangeley. Me. L. Page, Proprietor Senate Cafe, Washington, the station* E. B.W horff, Prop’r., A. P. Wing, Carrabassett, Me. or, C. G. I. W. GREENE. Proo’r., Coolin, Me. D.C. Alter May 1, Haines’ Landing, Me. Phillips, Me. Sm ith, 38 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. 2 MAINE WOODS OCTOBER II, 1901.

SPORTSMEN’S S U P P L I E S, | S PO RT S M E N’S SU PPLIE S GAME IS VERY PLENTIFUL. FUR TRADE FOR EC AS ARMS THE GREAT WING SHOT. F o r Partridges Are Up to the Limit Bull Moose Signs Showing Up to Article For Next Weeks Maine B e a s t Shells Loaded to Order. In Dead River. the Hunters. Woods to Interest All. Du Pont’s Mr. N. C. Burbank of New Portland Sportsman Who Is Well Known Beer and Birds That Have Been has contributed an article for next weeks Drowned From a Canoe. G u n p o w d e r Ma in e W oods in regard to furs that [Special correspondence t o M a i n e W o o d s .] Shot of Late. AND will interest all readers. Fi s t i s . Oct. 10, 1901. » Mr. II. M. Pierce, proprietor of King He writes of the treatment of the vari­ Never before were there so many deer Smokeless and Bartlett and Kibby Camps, was in ous Maine skins, the sale, market prices seen anJ shot around Eustis at this sea­ Phillips a few days ago, accompanied by son of the year as there have been dur etc. “ Old Doug,” otherwise Andrew Doug­ ing the past week. Nearly every bunt Powder lass, the veteran hunter and trapper of er who goes into the woods returns the Dead River region. either with his deer or a handsome For Shot Guns and Riiles. Maine Woods Wanted. Mr. Pierce reports that business at b r a c e of partridges. The following a;e For sale by King and Bartlett has been excellent We want copies of the Maine W oods some of the many who have visited the during the past fishing season and that of the following dates: February 8, woods this past week: I . C. Goran, Wilton, Me. Mr. C. N. Lines of the prospect for hunters is very encour­ 1901; April 5, 1901; May 10, 1901, and aging so far as game is concerned. cured one doe weighii g 75 pounds. DUPONT de NEMOURS & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. Sept. 0, 1901. Anyone having copies of Partridges are very plentiful indeed, Mr. A L Savage of Flagstaff, while these dates please bring them to this thore being no trouble about getting all going to bis work, a short distance into Hotel Help Wanted. E. M WHITE, OLD TOWS, ME the law allows upon any day whenj the office and we will be glad to buy them. the woods, shot fifteen partridges and At once, an experienced table girl and also MANUFACTURER OF NELSON M. M'KI.CII, R< River, Maine a kitchen girl. Address IV. H. McDonald, conditions are favorable for bird shoot Guide to Katali In r. gion. 1’rop’r Stoddard House, Farmington. FINE CANVAS CANOES, ing. made with cedar ribs and linings, free from all ira perfections and second to none^ iu the market. Ai The deer season opened up very well Are You Going Hunting ^ Camping Out With the Phelps sizes built to order and those not in stock, will be made and Dr. Hawkes of Kew Jersey was the at short notice. Also manufactures poles, paddles, ■ ■■ U chairs, etc. first man to bring a buck to camp. lie If so why not come to Spring Lake? One Folding Tent. was a handsome animal of good size and day’s ride from Boston. Only 2.1 miles of H. M. BARRETT, Weld, Me. the antlers showed ten points. buckboa <1 roa'd. Lake34 miles long, 11 miles Builder of FINE CEDAR BOATS. Dr. Hawkes’s friend, Dr. Eggleton, wide, surrounded by mountains covered with green woods as well filled with deer as any (pjp-Write for price list and descriptive was also fortunate. Although he didn’t section of Maine. Our canoe tr.p on s ix miles Catalogue. oi dead water on Dead river cannot lie beat­ i l l ! W k ^ get a ten-point buck, he got one with en for October hunting. Within the pa-:t five points, in addition to a large doe. month parties taking this trip have seen sev­ E. S. TW A D D L E , eral hull moose crossing the river, and bears BOATS AND CANOES, Berry Mills, Me. These gentlemen were unable to remain are cpii e plenty in this section. Our camps are warm and well furnished. Our table is in camp until open time for moose. first -class and our guides cannot be beaten. Hand Made They were very anxious to try the We shall be pleased to correspond with you and furnish refcrenc* s if desired. Trout and moose hunting for the reason that they JOHN B. CARV1LLE, Stratton, M Salmon Flies 'saw a great many sigus of bulls in the Double Snell and Hock woods. Best wearing FLY made. Phillips Hotel Arrivals. HRS. H. H. DILL, Rangeiey, Halne. J. H. Bratton of Boston, who has Recent arrivals at Phillips Hotel are: been at King and Bartlett for a few Knapsacks for Sportsmen days, shot a fine buck on the 7th. Mr. Tuesday, Oct. 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Farlee, Hart S. Farlee, Mrs. Sullivan, New York; A. Bratton will have him mounted by S. L. and Guides. S. Pratt, G. W. Wade, Phillips; Geo. H. Pitch­ Crosby & Co. of,Bangor. Snowshoes made to order and repaired. er, Sturger H. Mondel, E. A. James, Boston; Guns repaired. Boots and shoes repaired. The camps will be open for sportsmen Lovell D. Nile, R. S. W. , Rangeiey; Harness repaired. Chairs repaired and until the last of November and Mr. Geo. A. Richardson, Chicago; J. C. W. Perry, bottomed. Also harness supplies. W. E. Twombly, Rangeiey, Me Pierce invites all who want good shoot- Wm. Walson, U. N. Nash, J. L. Joshua, Port­ land; R. E. Hammon, Miss Haminon, Mr. and ng to visit his camps. Mrs. I. E. Jenkins, Alien Jenkins, Lynn; Mr. REMINDERS OF THE SEASON. and Mrs - A. R. Hayes, Gardiner; Chas. E. Wood and Bamboo Rods Smith, Phillips; D. E. Hinkley, Nate E. Ellis made to order and repaired. Camping and Shooting at Range- Rangeiey; W. M. Stephenson, W. M. Whittier, Call and see my special Rangeiey Wood Portland. Rod and Split Bamboo. ley. on his return trip the following day Wednesday, Oct. S. G. L. Lovven, Lewi-.ton; BEARS MARCH SINGLE FIE- HOAR Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. M. Esty, Miss shot fifteen more. A1 says he only took W. A. McDonald, W. M. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs E. Turner Hatch, Portland; Geo. H. Huntoon, Georgie Esty and Miss Florence Book thirty cartridges for he knew if he did Maine. Trapper Who Caught Bruin Gives Rangeiey; M. C. Wood, S. S. Wade, Bangor; camped at Kennebago stream two days he would shoot more than the law Louise Benedict, Montclair, N. J .; Ed;th recently. would allow him. Cairns, Plainfield, N. J .; W. H. Gleason, Bos­ Way to the Gunners. and Dodging Mr. Geo. Keyes of North Jay and Mr. ton; Geo. W. Douglass, Raymond Pooler, Eus Stop Cutting W ood Smoke. .*. i Mr. T. R. W. Arms of New York, the tis; J. F. Hougli, Redmgton; Geo. L. Smith, Arthur Merritt of Boston are spending a Mother Bear Charged on Men famous wing shot visited Eustis last Augusta; B. P. Stevens, Klngfield. week at Loon lake. These gentlemen week. Mr. Arms did not do much Thursday, Oct. 3. G. H. Hinkley, Range- CaipComfortaMy made the distance from Phillips to Red- But Was Shot. shooting on this trip but be will return ley; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bratten, Philadelphia; P. H. Winslow, Gardiner; Muss G. L. Storey, TAKE A i ngtou on foot. They report a delight­ Eustis, Oct. 9, 1901. in a few days and will no doubt secure Dr. and Mrs. Roberts, R. R. Gurney, Mrs. ful walk and the pleasure of seeing two To the Editor o f the M aine Woods: his share of game. Thurston, Boston; R. A. Bragg, Holman M. KHOTAL STOVE deer along the way. WITH YOU. When Dexter Bubier,-Mr. Chas. Bly’s Dr. Parks of Boston shot a fine fox Barnes, Portland. Chas. Hamblin shot a nice buck deer Friday, Oct. 4. Nellie E. Ross, Arthur Gile, BURNS KEROSENE able assistant, brought in a 300-pound one day recently. WITHOUT WICK, i last Saturday night near Wilson Pi 11s- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L Ross, L. N. Haley and black bear last week from his trap on Mr and Mrs. M. W . Warden have been wife, Rangeiey; S. F. Clark, Portland; E’ M. SMOKE OR SOOT. bury’ s farm. Mr. HambliD spotted his the mountain ;t made quite a sensation at tlje Shaw bouse for 10 days. They Berry, C. E. Lewis, Lewiston; Herbert W. Regulated to Any Desired Temperature. game before be left his team. After „v.„, j _„.. . „ . . i Worthies’, Salem; F. Emerson, South Leroert; among the tenderfeet in the camps here. shot two deer, both does, returning ’ . ’ putting up liis horse he went out and ’ 1 ■ j W. E. Randall. A. A. Damon, Stetson. FOX S lu m I'lS G IS WOOD. None of the boarders were scared away, | home Monday PRICE S3.75. shot the deer. | Saturday, Oct. 5. W. H. Littlefield, M:ss however, but some of the more timid Mr. W ill Farron of Hinsdale, N. H,, Gertrude Jenkins, Francis M. Jenkins, Port­ S IZ E , 8 & x 834— W E IG H T , ^ lbs. | Elliott Russell and A. Y. Locke took ones slept on their arms and put an land; C F. Robbins, Farmington; D F. shot one deer Oct. 1, weighing 125 Gunners From Pbillij’s Go to Mt. Send for Descriptive Catalogue No. 3. a trip to Camp Among the Clouds last extra supply of toothpicks over the Hodges, Phillips; C. C. Dildim, Rochester, N. pounds and on the third he got a nice Y.; H A. Ha«kell, Wakefield; W A Gardiner, Saturday hunting for deer. The result latches of ther cabin doors that night. P J. Flynn, Boston; J E. Wilcox, N. R. Carr, THE HYDROCARBON BURNER CO., buck having ten points and weighing Rangeiey. Blue For game. of the hunt has not yet been announced. There is a saying that thiDgs come in i97|Fulton St., New York. 250 pounds. Sunday, Oct. 6. Chas. Cushman, Rangeiey; Last Wednesday four Phillips men circles and to bear out the theory Mr. Chas. Hammons, Carl Cragin, A. L. Libby, BOSTON-The Olobe Gaslight Co , & 7 9 a Lewiston party of eight are at Cony Hoyt, C. E. Richardson, Phillips. D. Pattison of Boston, with his guide, I went gunning over under Mt. Blue, Union Street PARTRIDGES AT HAND. Chase pond for a few weeks outing. Monday, Oct. 7 E. O. Noves, Brockton;” Ray Ricker of Eustis, came ou a bear Geo. L. Stevens, Farmington; Mr and Mrs. E. j They were S. G. Haley, postmaster; W. During the last day of fishing the party P. Bliss, Lexingt >n; Jas. D. Houghton, Cam­ aud three cubs within 30 minutes of j A. D. Cragin, druggist; II. B. Austin, took two nice trout one weighing \% bridge; Arthur G. Young, Auburn; N P. Egle- ton, E j spool manufacturer, and H. F. Beedy, Hunter at Greene’s Goes to Cor­ camp. They shot them as they came pouuds and ome 2-pounds. v J- Hawkes, Newark. N. J .:.!. N Byron, Phil i attorney. They had excellent weather A. J. HALEY, ner o f Barn Only. and a very enjoyable outing. They saw Contractor and Builder. Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] a number of partridges but didn’ t get Gkeene’ s Fa rm , Oct. 10, 1901. many good shots. The greatest success Years of experience in the Rangeiey Lake The woods here are literally full of of the trip was made by Mr. Haley who shot a very large dog fox. region in the construc­ .partridges this year. Mr. John Greene, tion of cabins, cottages who has been ill, went out today for the and hotels, which I first time. When be reached the corner take pleasure in referring to as the o f the barn be found liis birds in the LIVED WITH INDIANS. best class of work that has b e e n field, shot them and returned to the done in this region. Camps and house. VI a j. Seward Dill Recalls Time cabins a specialty For further i n ­ The hunters here now are Mr. C. P. formation apply to Bullen, Providence; Mr. W. H. Hersey, Wilbur Boy Was Stolen. Haverhill, and Mr. and Mrs. C. N. A . J . H a l e y , Rangeiey, M e . Barnes and son of New York. Soq uel, Ca l ., Oct. 2, 1901. To the Editor o f the Maine Woods:

Moose at Katalnlin. There was a remarkable thing once KPKOPEAN I’LAS. Special Breaklast There have been thirteen guests at happened in what is now W est Phillips, xi cts. aim table d’hote cl inner fiOcts. Electric Ligrlits. Steam Heating. Chairback Mountain Camps the past then the Northwest corner of Berlin CENTRALLY LOCATED. week enjoyiug the beautiful autumn about the year of 1821 or 1822. I think weather and trying the sport. Game of Mrs. I.avina Harden and Mrs. Orrin Rob­ all kinds seems to be plentiful. While bins will remember the circumstances. Capt. E. B. Smith of Boston was out A man by the name of Reuben Wilbur hunting a few days ago he saw' a flue had in his family a boy perhaps 4 or 5 bull moose but a half mile from camp. years old, the boy was out playing alone The first deer of the season was brought one day and as he did not return to the in Oct. 3. VIEW OF SHORE IN FRONT OF CAMP. SIDE VIEW OF CAMP. house his folks looked everywhere for One Person, $l.uo per day and upward. The guests in camp are: Edward Jen­ PICKFORD’S CAMPS ON SHORE OF RANGELEY LAKE. him but no boy was to be found, the Two Persons, $1.60 per day and upward. From South Terminal,—Take North Sta­ kins, Waterville; Capt. E. B. Smith, neighbors turned out and hunted all tion Cars to Elm St. From North Station,—Take Subway Cars Boston; F. A. Woodbury, East Boston; that night, and the next day all the peo­ to Scollay Sq., or surface cars to lllm St. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cram and son, Bid- ple for miles turned out to look for the C. A. JONES, Prop. deford; Mr. and Mrs. Lord, Ken child, two of my brothers were there. through the woods, the three cubs nebunk; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Anthony, Mr. Bird of New York City was fa­ No Difference Perceptible. It was given up as a mystery. bounding along in Indian file, and be­ Mr. W. B. M. Stillman, Providence; Mr. vored with a rare sight one day recently Jones—Very stupid girl, that Miss I was about 17 years old at the time gan wondering how long the procession while paddling with his guide up the Wllpin. F ogg, Bangor; D. Decker, Henderson. and at work in Gardiner. was when the squealing of the third cub north branch of the Dead River. Upon Smith—How so? The Brook Trout and the Some 35 or 40 years later two of the shot revealed the presence of the the shore they saw two snow white “ V liy, you see, we were guessing conundrums the other evening, and I lost boys sisters were living in West­ Determined Angler. mother bear bringing up the rear of the deer. They were unable to secure asked her what was the difference be­ brook near Portland, during the season procession. W e cannot say what were either of them but it was a great pleas­ By Chas. Barker Bradford. Soft the feelings of Messrs. Patterson and tween myself and a donkey.” a tribe of Indians were camping there ure to be able to even view them. “ W ell?” Ricker, when the old one charged on and the sisters discovered a white man A sad accident happened at Attean “Well? Why, by Jove, she said she them, which, be it to her credit, she did among them who looked like their fami­ pond one day last week. Dr. J. S. Mc­ didn’t know!” Harness with great ferocity. But we do know ly and on consulting with the Indians Clure of Massachusetts, who spends the “ Well, as far as that goes, I dotPt ei­ they said that they bought him of a trap­ You can make your har­ from a visit to the battle ground that greater part of his time at his camp on ther.”—London Answers. ness as soft as a glove per when a small boy, the white man and as tough as wire by they did their work well and quickly. this pond, w’as paddling across the pond using EUREKA Har. The mother bear measured six feet, Re Had Molted. was known and was in the vicinity of ness O il. You can with his guide when trlie canoe was cap­ lengthen Its life—make it two inches from toes to tip of nose and sized. Dr. McClure was drowned but “That fellow is a bird.” said the ad­ the Wilbur family and was afterwords last twice as long as It the guide was saved. ordinarily would. the smaller ones weighed, approximate­ miring stranger as he looked after the killed by another white that was a trap­ ly, 40 pounds each. fresh young man. per and hunter who killed him for rob­ “ Not now,” replied the native, “ but On their way back to camp Mr. Pat­ Fawn Baby’s “ Horns.” bing his traps. The stolen boy had there was a time when your deecri|>- grown to manhood and had married an EUREKA terson, like a true sportsman, suggested Str a t t o n , M e ., Oct 8 , 1901. tlon might have been Justified.” Indian woman and had some children. that if they went more quietly they A Lit e r a r y ’ G e m —The most successful book To the Editor of the Maine Woods: “When was that?” IIis people got him away from the tribe on gentle fishing since Izaak Walton Harness Oil might get a buck. Well, as for me, I I would like to ask Mme. Blauvelt, gave us the Complete Angler. “The night we tarred and feathered a little while but it was not like Indian “The most pleasantly written, the most makes a poor looking har­ think that four bears in an afternoon is through your valuable paper, who the fcim about a year ago.”—Chicago Post life so he went back to his wife’s people. sensible and practical and Instructive vol­ ness like new. Made of enough to rest on for a while. pure, heavy bodied oil, es­ game wardens were that went to Deer The clergyman at Soquel village is a ume I have ever seen of Ita kind.”—Grover By the way, Mr. Patterson has been Cleveland. pecially prepared to with­ pond to let loose the little fawn deer A Chinaman always takes spirits, usu­ nephew of the above named Reuben W il­ stand the weather. , here about a week and in addition to “ Fully deserves this endorsement.” —N. Y. spoken of in M a i n e W o o d s of Oct. 4, ally rice whisky, with his meals, but h% bur and a cousin to the lost boy, he is a Herald, September 22,1900. Bold everywhere the above he has caught 300 trout and and I would also like to know if she no­ good preacher married a nice young lady A genuine bit of literature for the gentle­ in cans—all sizes. drinks moderately and never apart from man’s library. Illustrated. shot twenty partridges. Perhaps it is ticed how many points there were on meals. and is much liked by the members of his Made by STANDARD Oil 00. as well we are not all as skillful. this baby fawn’s horns. parish. All oloth bound copies, p rice 60 ots. With M r. Bar n e s of New York. Robert Ph il l ip s, Game Warden. There are houses still standing in Nu- Ma in e W oods, one year, $1.60 address Se w a r d D il l . orders to J. W. Brackett, Phillips, Me rsmbsrg, Bavaria, that war* built in 1080. M A IN E WOODS, OCTOBER II, 1901 3

SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. I SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. H 0 T E L s AND CAMPS . J HOTELSANDCAM PS ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦oo *♦♦♦♦♦ ♦*♦♦♦♦ ♦ ! TWO ADDITIONAL VICTORIES. ' Ammunition That Has Excelled. The Big Game Section of Laflin & Rand Smokeless Powder Won the In One Week’s Time Wins the following:: Indoor Championship U. S. for 1900. MAINE RHODE ISLAND STATE SHOOT, The Grand Military __ September 2, 1901, Burrillville, R. I. W. Contests at Sea Girt, 1901. VIRGINIA STATE SHOOT, C 0 The Revolver Matches September, 2, 3 and 4, 1901, Richmond, Va. at Sea Girt, 1900, and Mr E. C. Griffith was winner of the Grand American LOADED WITH many other great Contests. Handicap at both live birds and targets for 1901. King’s Semi=Smokeless Powder Comparative Loads of New “ Infallible” Shotgun Powders. T h e Great 16 CAUCE LOADS. In Rifle, Revolver and Pistol. Shooting Records 20 grains “ Infallible” is equivalent to 37 grains L. & R. Smokeless For Target Shooting and Hunting of America Were Made Caribou, Deer, Black Bear, Partridge, Woodcock, 12 CAUCE LOADS. W ith Th is 22 grains “ Infallible” is equivalent to 37 grainsL. &, R. Smokeless They are Immeasurably Superior. Ammunition. Everything found in the Haine Woods- ^ U 44 44 44 ' 4 4 O 44 44 44 t u 44 44 44 4 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 Loaded With . . . J* J* Ji ji 10 CAUCE LOADS. i KING’S SMOKELESS POWDER Up-to-Date Ammunition. 11The Ideai Is Perfection for the Shotgun. For free Circular, Address,_____ 26 grains “Infallible” is equivalent to 42 grains L. & R. Smokeless 2$ i. 4» 44 44 44 ^ 3 44 44 44 ♦ i * THE PETERS CARTRIDGE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. 44 44 44 44 44 3 0 “ 44 44 ♦ FRED HENDERSON, Jackman, Maine. ♦ Eastern Department 80 CHAMBERS ST , NEW YORK, T. H. Keller, Manager. Be a Winner, Use L. & R. “ Infallible.” ♦

LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO I FEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ♦ IS T H E BRAND 99 Cedar Street, New York City. ♦ Laflin & Rand Powder Co. changes ♦ their ad. OF Bald Mountain Camps aie in the FOR TAXIDERMISTS TAXIDERMIST S midst of game. Read his ad, THE-6. L. CROSBY CO., TAXIDERMISTS. AMMUNITION C. M. Jones advertises excellent ac­ commodations for hunters at Moxie We will this year have the best line of souvenir goods we have ever shown. Under the pond. new management we will guarantee goods and will fill orders at precisely the time agreed WHicH Has attained Popularity Redington House is a fine location for *8* SALE, upon. Our work will be kept up to the high standard of excellence for which the company has always been noted. In addition to our business, Mr. VV. L. Stewart will be with us at hunting. Read ad. Rangeley. Mr. Stewart is the leading painter in Maine of fish, game, etc. He will make a Mooeelookmeguntic House is a fine specialty of souvenir decorated paddles, fish and game scenes, etc. His work is all painted BECAUSE OF SUPERIORITY. place for fall shooting. Read ad. T he famous Knowlton Soda and by hand and in oil. The S. L. CROSBY CO , Bangor, He. C. S. Winch, Manager; E. H. Cobb, Manager of Rangeley Store. We also have branch Tim Pond Camps for hunters, run by Sulphur Springs. Situated in South stores at Greenville and Northeast Carry in the Moosehead Region. Julian K. Viles, Eustis. Strong, Maine, about three miles Manufactured by Monadnock House offers great game D. E. HEYW OOD. stood and watched them for an hour. I inducements. from the picturesque little village o f - suppose that you think I knocked over Have Your Work Done Early UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO., Kennebago Lake House advertises, Strong. a few of those birds, after having heard I shall be prepared after October 1, to take hunters accommodated. charge of all specimens, such as heads, hides my declaration here this evening, but at I he water from these springs is o f LOW ELL, MASS., U. S. A. and feet of game animals, also all other taxi­ that time I was a firm believer in the The Phillips Hotel advertises the best exceptional purity and contains un­ dermy work, and am prepared when espo game laws and so didn’t fire a shot, of accommodations. Read ad. daily requested to have deer heads done and usual medicinal properties. A sure al deer country and as the wilderness is The great game conntry is reached by shipped to the owner six weeks from the neither did I get a wink of sleep that Open Season on Game. continuous through to Calais the terri­ time I receive them. In this way I will be night for the partridges kept up their GAME BIRDS—Wood duck, black duck’ the Sandy River, Phillips & Rangeley cure for Dyspepsia, Piles, Stomach tory of which they have a run is vast. able to meet the demand of those who want fun until broad daylight. I made it up gray duck and teal may be gunned during and Franklin & Megantic railroads. Liver and Kidney Troubles. to receive their specimens before Christmas. nex day however and said nothing, for In speaking of Greene lake there is the months of April, September, October and I shall make a specialty of turning heads to November; partridge and woodcock from For circulars, analysis, testimoni­ the right or left, or giving the neck any de- the open time began on September 1st one little matter that I world like to MOOSE IN PLENTY. sfred crook that the owner may prefer. Sat­ Se( t. 15 to Dec. 1; quail from Oct. 1, to Dec. 1, isfaction guaranteed In all work and charges. in those days and I planned to get my explain. It is about the spelling of the plover, snipe and sand pipers Aug. 1 to als and any further information, ad­ Correspondence on all matters pertaining to revenge at that time. name. The lake was formerly known May 1. Prospects Favorable For Fall the trade solicited. dress, D. E. HEYWOOD, Rangeley, Me. “ To make a long story short, the birds as Reed’s pond, but when theMt. Desert WILD BIRDS—No person shall kill or have Hunting at Ashland. kept up that kind of doings until the branch of the Maine Central was built in their possession any wild bird other than [Special correspondence to the M aine W oods.] TAXIDERMIST. Trout Hezzo the only ar first of September. it was decided to change the name of a game bird, nor expose for sale any part of A sh lan d, Me , Oct. 8,1901. tistlc method of mountine fish by which the the body or plumage of the birds protected J. B. KNOWLTON. natural color is preserved. Work of every “ On the night of that day I stationed the lake to Greene lake in honor of Col. by this section. Every indication points toward very option clone in the highest style of tv,“ good hunting this fall. Game is in J. Waldo Nash, Haines Landing, Me myself on a stump outside of the camp, Greene, the contractor that built the The English sparrow, the common crow abundance. Moose are more plenty road, which was done. As Col. Greene Proprietor, gun in hand and waited for the birds to and the hawks and owls are not included in than ever before. TAXIDERMY. come, but not a bird showed up. You is ready to fight if the final E is omitted see they knew it was open time and from his name it stands to reason that Superior work on Game Heads, ST RONC, MAINE. that I ’d have my gun with me. Had I the E must be put on the end of the lake Animals, Rugs, Birds, Game Panels, been wise I would have fooled them. if one is to spell it rightly. etc. Mounted specimens for sale. \ Correspondence solicited. I’d have been out on the night of Aug Most everyone m eastern Maine knows ust 30 and been ready to shoot when Flo Merrill, as he is called. lie is one A few F. M. RICHARDS, - Farmington, Me. copies of the rare PARTRIDGES COVERED ROOF. first HAVNTS OF edition. Hunter Who Didn’t See Them In By MaU WILD GAME to any Open Time. address, post paid, $1. With Game Notes From the Eastern MAINE Part ot' Maine. WOODS, one year, I Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] $l.ro. Bangor, Me , Oct. 9, 1901. Address There are very few summer tourists ordei* to or sportsmen who come into eastern or J. W. northern Maine that do not know Mike Brackett, Haley. He is a Maine Central conduct­ Phillips, or, full of wit and loving a joke as well Mo as any man in the world. For many REMINDERS OF THE SEASON. years past he has run the day express between Boston and Bar Harbor and in the birds herein protected. The following that way he has won the triendship of shall be considered game birds: Swans, maDy men and women. He always has geese, brant, river and sea ducks, rails, coots, a jolly story and a pleasant word and as mud liens, and gallinules, shore birds, plover, snipe, woodcock, surf birds, sand pipers, he is a natural story teller he always tatiers and curlews, wild turkeys, grouse, has au eager, interested group about prairie chickens, pheasants, partridges and him when engaged in spinning a yarn. quails. cA Golden Opportunity A while ago one night a party was MOOSE—Each hunter may kill one bull moose at least one yi-ar old and having at gathered in the office of one of Bar “ PLEASE IT YOUR GRACE TO BE ADVERTISED ? "-Shakespeare, least two prongs on horns, between Oct. 15 Harbor’s hotels. From one subject to and D ec. i. One bull moose or portions of another went the conversation and at moose may lie shipped out of the state when last settled upon a discussion of the accompanied by the hunter or officially HE " MAINE WOODS" effectively coders, with its Urge and tagged. •; Maine fish and gamo laws. Arguments steadily growing circulation, one of the greatest "play- pro and con were advanced and matters DEF.R—Two deer may be killed between grounds" upon earth. Into its chosen field, the Rangely Oct. 1 and Dec. 15. Deer or portions of deer T were growing a bit warm when in may be shipped outside the state when ac­ Lake region, year after year there pours, in numbers that walked genial Mike. He listened for a companied by the hunter or officially tagged. increase with amazing rapidity, adult "players" from every corner few minutes and then inserted himself CA B ! BOD—Are protected for six years from of our land. To this delightful region, casting off the shackles Ocr. l.», 1 8 9 9 . into the conversation with the remark: of his everyday toil, comes the overwrought Merchant, Capitalist, Sunday is close time on all game. “ The game laws are no good— they Manufacturer, the worn Lawyer, weary Doctor, Clergyman, Scholar, HEARS, WOLVES AND WILDCATS—may ought to be abolished.” be kl led any time wherever found. seeking and unfailingly finding the rest and recreation that awaits a “ What makes you think so Mike?” M1N K, SABLE, MUSKRAT AND FISHER— sojourner in this glorious " playground’." No summer resort in asked one who was present. may be killed from Oct. 15 to May 1. cAmerica numbers among its permanent residents or transient visitors At this Mike announced that he would TWO BEARS SHOT BY IRVIN HUTCHINS! >N OF WELD IN THE FALL OF 1900. MR. * f > B—-Landlocked salmon, nine inches or more in length, trout, five inches or more in a larger percentage of prominent brain-workers in every branch of explain why he was against the game HUTCHINSON SHOT FOUR THE SAME FALL ANI) WOUNDED TWO MORE. lentil, may be fished for from the opening of human activities. This great army of cultured pleasure-seekers, cast­ (Jet l't"IK*S an

Dr. Kittredge and friends were at Cet your Lunch at TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. COL DGLBIER’S FUNERAL. Camp Crazy last week. E. C. STANLEY’S. — Mr. Nat Carr has been in town for — Mrs. Geo. L. Stevens of Farmington Mr. Will Watson has gone to Dead Marriage of Well Known King- Hot Frankforts, Ham Sandwiches. a few days. is visiting Mrs. Clement and Mr. Austin. River for a weeks hunting. — Mt. Saddleback had a good coat of — At Nashua, N. H., Rex Wilkes won field Young People. Mrs. O. B. Hutchins has returned Oyster Stew, Coffee, etc. snow last week. first money in the 2.20 class. Time from Boston with a fall line of millinery. E. C. S TA N LEY , Kingfield. — Mr. A. C. Nickerson of Fairbanks 2.17%. News of Various Kinds From All Mr. Sam Moores has moved into his was in town Monday. — Mr. Chas. Chandler has bought the new house on Church Street. R. D. SIMONS, M. J)., H ERE Over the Town. — Mr. I. R. Ring of Topsham is in undertakers business of Col. E. M. Rob­ Mr. Carrol Butts is going to move in­ Physician ami Surgeon. town for a few days. inson. [Special correspondence to the MAINE WOODS.] to Mrs. Simmon’s house. KINGFIELD, — Class meeting Saturday evening at Telephone. MAINE. — Carrie Lawrence of Weld was in K in g f ie l d , Me ., Oct. 9, 1901. Erman Stanley is running a lunch 7 30 and quarterly conference at the stand in his store. Phillips, Wednesday. Friday morning the funeral of one of cfose of the meeting. Mr. Thompson and wife are visiting Great Reduction in Prices — Mr. Colby Whitemore worked in A. Kingfield s oldest and most highly re­ — The Epworth league will give a S. Seedy & Co’s, store last week. spected citizens, Col. W m . Dolbier, was at Eben Williamson’s. baked bean supper at Bates ball Tues­ On curtains lor two weeks only. — Mr. and Mrs. Arno Pratt spent a held at the Universalist church, Rev. Mrs. Will French has gone to New day evening, Oct. 15. All are invited. People wishing for curtains this fall few days at Long pond last week. W . S. Ballou conducting the services. York to spend the winter. should not wait until the time is past — Beginning October 14, the Phillips Colonel Dolbier was born in Freeman, Mr. Abner Phillips is entertaining YOU — Mrs. Lyman Moore of Howard, New to secure such bargains as I have to & RaDgeley railroad will discontinue York, is visiting relatives and friends in Aug. 2, 1817, the eldest son of Nathan friends from Boston. offer, as I must reduce my stock to their early morning train out of Range- town. aud Polly Dolbier, spending his early make room for fall goods. Come at ley. — Gustie Kempton, who has been at life on the home farm near Kingfleld. once to secure first choice, for at the — Rev. J. E. Clancy will preach at Obituary. Indian Rock the past summer, returned March 19, 1840, he married Martha prices the goods must move. West Phillips Sunday, Oct. 13. at 2.30 p. Dyer, the ceremony taking place in home Friday. Mr. David P. Peary who died at his m. Subject the same as announced for West New Portland. They immediate­ home in Greenvale Plantation, Rangeley L. L. HITCH ELL, Druggist, — Mr. U. S. Jacobs and Woodman Bu- last week. ly went to housekeeping in a little log Maine, Thursday, at 5 o’ clock, p. m., bier were in Rangeley buying barrels Kingfield, Maine. — The price for the assemblies each cabin on a farm about three miles north September 19, 1901, was born at Den­ the past week. night will be 25 cents each for ladies of Kingfield. In 1844, they moved into mark, Maine and moved with his par­ — Mr. Elbridge Beede has been visit and gentlemen. Further particulars Kingfield village, where Mr. Dolbier ents to this town when twelve years of News Counter, ARE. ing his sister, Mrs. Clarence Calden in next week. spent a year in "learning the black­ age he was one of the oldest residents Wilton, the past week. — Mrs. F. H. Toothaker found two smith’s trade. In 1845, they moved in of this town. Iu 1862 be enlisted in the — Mrs. Carrie Cushman and daughter, Fishing Tackle, large raspberry bushes this week that to the bouse occupied by himself aud army and served his country faithfully. Mrs. U. S. Jacobs, visited friends in were filled with both green and ripe wife until the day of his death. For He leaves a wife and five children two New Vineyard recently. Stationery, raspberries. nearly fifty years of honest labor, he aged sisters and a large circle of friends Nothing has — Sunday morning quite a heavy was the village blacksmith, employing — Rev. C. A. Southard, presiding to mourn his loss. snowstorm occurred at Rangeley. It is spare time in the service of the town in He has belonged to the F. B. church China, etc. elder, will preach at the M. E. church reported that there were two inches. many ways. He has filled at different for many years and has been a faithful Sunday morning, Oct. 13, at 10 45 a. m. GREAT BARGAINS. been neglected to times every town office, except that of worker, true to liis country and his — Mr. and Mrs. Geo. X- Jacobs and and at 7 o’clock in the evening. God, and it may well be said of him grandson, Master Mural, have gone to treasurer. He was captain of the first J. A. LINSCOTT, — At Saugus park Genie D, the of state militia organized in “ Well done thou good and faithful ser­ spend a week among relatives in Canaan vant enter thou into the joys of thy make our fall and mare owned by Lasselle, is again vic­ the town in the early days of “general Kingfield, - Maine. and other places. Lord.” torious, winning three straight heats in training,” afterwards being promoted to — Mr. Chas. Robbins was in town last Rest, father, rest, in slumbers sweet. the 2.16 class. Time 2 16%, 2.16%, colonel of a state regiment, which com­ For calm thy sun went clown, week driving a very stylish horse. He More welcome4s this loved retreat, winter stock the 2.16%. mand he held until he was honorably Than honor or renown. A good stock of could travel the streets at a pace to — Mr. Daniel T. Orr of Bangor, for­ retired for age. In 1861, he was elected make the rider feel dizzy. Thou art released from all thy pain. merly of Phillips, carried to the market trial justice, which office he held until Thy limbs will ache no more, — We note in the Sioux City Tribune No care will visit thee again, best? ever shown one day last week, two hogs which within the last three or four years. His For danger now is oer. an account of a very pleasing reception tipped the scales at 1140. One of them conduct of the affairs of that position AXES, Thy soul has gone where Jesus dwells, given by Hon. and Mrs. P. A. Sawyer at being only nine months old. Mr. Orr was characterized by such fairness and How cheering is the thought, their residence in Sioux City. , Where pain and sickness never comes, has in liis possession at the present time practical wisdom that only one appeal And sorrow enters not. and a stock of good axes are in town. Over= — We would be glad tq receive copies 29 hog kind. from his decisions was ever made, and The friends who stood around thy bed. to be found at my store. of Maine W o o d s of February 8, 1901. — Mr. Calvin Putnam of Danvers, that on a technicality of law. In 1867, And dropped the parting tear. Anyone having copies of this date would So calm and peaceful was thy flight, coats, suits, reef= Mass., was at Phillips Hotel last he was elected representative, serving Were filled with grief to see. Woods Supplies confer a favor upon us if you will bring Wednesday. Mr. Putnam is an uncle of in the legislature one term. After near­ We miss thee in our lonely home, them to this office. Mr. Fletcher Pope and principal owner ly fifty years at the anvil, he went into We never shall see thee more, We wait to meet thee by and by, of all kinds. You w ill find — The first of the series of assemblies of the Phillips & Rangeley railroad and the grange store as manager, finally On that eternal sho e. ers, canvas coats, will be held at Bates hall Friday even­ the Redington township, of which prop­ buying out its stock, and after a time everything you want here. ing, October 18. Music will be furnish* erties Mr. Pope is the general manager, selling out to his son in-law, Mr. J. E. gloves and mit= ed by Miss Priscilla Alden’s orchestra —Mrs. D. F. Field is improving quite Voter. For the last few years he has How’s This! of Farmington, consisting of five pieces. lived in quiet retirement, in the enjoy­ We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for rapidly. She was very ill indeed when any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by A . R. THURSTON, — Mr. Frank Mannis and wife who we went to press last week, but the ment of the respect and esteem of a Hall’s Catarrh Cure. have been spending the summer with fever changed last Saturday night and large circle of friends. In his earlier F. J. CHENEY & CO , Props., Toledo, O. KINGFIELD, MAINE. tens, shoes, rub- We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Mrs. Mannis’s parents, Capt. and Mrs. she has been improving since. Her years he became interested in the Mil- Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him lerite preaching, but through his own perfectly honorable in all business transac­ Chas. Pease, started Wednesday for father, Hon. N. U. Hinkley of Farming- tions and financially able to carry out any their home in Schuylerville New York. ton, has been on the street within a individual study of the bible soon obligations made by their firm. bers and leggins. thought his way into Universalism and We st &Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Tole­ — Mr. Charles J. Zingg of Farmington, week. do, O. Staple and continued a faithful and ardent support­ Me., who has been in New York writing Ne w A dvertisements . Wald in g , K innan & Ma r v in , Wholesale er of that sect throughout his life. He Druggists, Toledo, O. Anything worn the publicity for Ripans and others, has A. M. Greenwood has a new line of passed away at 5 o’clock, Wednesday Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­ been appointed editor of Printers’ Ink couches. Call and examine them. ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ Fancy Groceries. faces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. in the absence of Mr. Oscar Herzberg, morning, October 2, leaving his faithful, S. J. Wyman advertises capes and Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Also the best line of Fancy Crack­ by men and boys. who is onjan extended vacation for his lifelong companion, two sons and three Hall’s Family Pills are the best. jackets. Read his ad. ers in town. A large line of health.—Our Silent Partner for October. daughters to mourn bis loss. Read E. C. Stanley’s ad if you want a —The Haskell party, consisting of Willie Stanley, son of B. T. Stanley, good lunch. Freeman Centre. Sweaters, caps, Harrie A. Haskell of Wakefield; W . A. is sick with typhoid fever. Heavy Rubbers Miss Bana M. Beal can interest you in Thirty-five attended the picnic at J. Gardner and P. F.[Flynn of Boston, ar wrappers, waists and robes. Mrs. Willie French left Monday for W . Richards last week. rived last Saturday night. Sunday the New York City, where she will spend and Leggins shirts, underwear W. A. D. Cragin can give you points Geo. Allen is working for Wm. Welch. party, with Geo. Powell, drove to Camp the winter. Her brother, Dr. Everett on soap, tooth brushes, sponges, school Mrs. Adelaid Whitney picked a rasp­ For men and boys, just in. Don’t Winona, where they will spend a few Winter, accompanies her. weeks. supplies. Read his ad. berry bush Oct. 1st, which contained 46 forget the place. Dr. Edgar Pennell and Miss Annie neckwear. — In the last issue of Ma in e W oods Bradford, Conant & Co. advertise dra­ berries twelve of which were large and Watson were united in marriage Thurs­ an error was made in the report of the 3 peries and curtains. Read their ad. ripe. D. 5 . AUSTIN, day evening, Oct. 3, by Rev. W. S. Bal­ Minute class at the horse trot at Range- Farmers are busy picking their apples, lou at the parsonage. Dr. Pennell and LARRABEE BLOCK, We take pleas- ley, Saturday, September 28. Browney, Fuller—Atkins. some have a good yield while others are wife will shortly set up housekeeping in KINGFIELD, - - MAINE. owned by J. R. Toothaker, was first Mr. Ernest Carlton Atkins of Provi­ of an inferior grade. their new home. Congratulations and each heat. Maggie P, owned by A. S Allen Eustis (s in Wintbrop working dence, R. I., and Miss Gertrude Clio hearty good wishes of the community ure in showing Pease of Avon, was second and Maud P, Fuller of New York City, were united attend them for Millard Norcross. owned by Dr. Peabody, was third. in marriage by Rev. Henry Blanchard, Mrs. E. G. Eustis picked nearly a cup Dr. O. W . Simmors and wife spent — Mr. Elliott A. Russell of Rangeley D. D., at 8.30 o’clock Monday evening full of large ripe raspberries Oct. 4. our goods and are Monday and Tuesday of last week in was in Phillips last Wednesday en route at the residence of the bride’s brother- Farmington, visiting friends. B. B. Harvey was in town Monday. for Florence, Arizona, where he will be in-law, Mr. L. H. Nelson. The bride Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs are visit­ employed as cook by the Newburg Min was given away by Mr. Joel Wilbur. Mr. John Winter is at home for a few confident that we ing in Sumner and other towns enroute. ing company of which Mr. W . V. The future home of the bride and groom days. His friends are pleased to see Lander, formerly of Kingfield is the after December 1, will be 129 Ontario him and to note his health is improving. Miss Daisy Fentiman is in New Vin- treasurer and Mr. Clem Skolfield, for­ street, Providence, R. I. The protracted meetings held in the yard working for Mrs. Myra Howard. can give better merly of Rangeley, will be superintend­ Evangelical church led by Rev. T. Fred M. Weymouth has his ice house ent, This is the same mine in which Cliesterville. Beebe of Central Falls, R. I., and Pastor nearly completed. A . A. Eu stis. Mr. W. A. Rich is interested. Ward are well attended. Mr. Beebe is M. J. Trafton our stage driver has values than any­ been used up with a bad coldof late. His an interesting and earnest speaker. Stricken With Paralysis. brother W ill has been driving for him. Owing to the rain Sept. 29, the bap­ Henderson Grimett, of this place, was Contagious The Ladie’s Circle met with Mrs. Al­ tism at East New Portland has been stricken with partial paralysis and com­ one else. We in­ bert Dunn last Friday afternoon. postponed to Sunday, Oct. 13, at 8 p. m. pletely lost the use of one arm and side. Andrew Pinkbam of East Wilton has After being treated by an eminent phy­ Blood Poison been the guest of his niece Mrs. J. C. Mr. C. Hutchins lost several sheep a sician for quite a while without relief, Stevens recently. few nights since by dogs. my wife recommended Chamberlain’s vite you to call There is no poison so highly contagions, Pain Balm, and after using two bottles SO deceptive and so destructive. Don’t b« C. E. Wheeler is doing quite a busi­ Mrs. R. Saunders of Petitcodiac, N. ness canning apples. of it he is almost entirely cured. —Geo. too sure you are cured because all external B., has been visiting her son, Rev. A. E. R. M cD o n a l d , Man, Logan county, W. They are making some needed repairs signs of the disease have disappeared, and Saunders. She was accompanied by her Va. Several other very remarkable and see for your= the doctor says you are well. Many per­ on the church. son, Z. Saunders of Petitcodiac, and cures of partial paralysis have been ef­ BE IN ST Y L E sons have been dosed with Mercury and Mrs. S. W . Croaker has been granted fected by the use of this liniment. It is Potash for months or years, and pro­ a pension of $8.00 a month. Mrs. Joshua Saunders of South Port­ most widely known, however, as a cure nounced cured — to realize when too late Buy our Ladies’ and Misses’ Capes self. Geo. Holmes is doing quite a busi­ land, Me. All have returned. for rheumatism, sprains and bruises. that the disease was only covered up — and Jackets. ness buying calves. The Anson F. B. quarterly meeting Sold by W . A. D. Cragin, Phillips; E. H. « * ■ BOO*,uko. “ Whitney, Rangeley; Dyer’s Drugstore, A large stock of Ladies’ Flannel Mrs. E. B. Hatch is visiting relatives convened with the Kingfield church Strong and Lester L. Mitchell, Kingfield. out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi­ in Boston. Sept. 25 and 26. The attendance was Wrappers 98c to $1.50. cation find those nearest and dearest to Charlie Wyman is working for C. E. not large, but the services throughout Blankets, 59c per pair. them have been infected by this loath­ Wheeler. some disease, for no other poison is so were characterized by interest and deep WILLIAM MCKINLEY, Ladies’ Winter Underwear, 15c There has been a report circulated surely transmitted from parent to child spirituality. Ministers present: Rev. around that Mrs. G. W . Thornton was each, 25c per pair, up to $1.25 each. as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Mabel C. Andrews of Madison, L. Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, dead. Every word of this report is His Lite and Work by Hen. Chas. an old sore or ulcer developing in middle false. Mrs. Thornton is alive and as Hutchins of East New Portland and the S. J. WYMAN, well as usual. D. F. HOYT Hfe, can be traced to Mood poison con- pastor. Rev. M. C. Andrews and Rev. J. Orosvenor. A. E. Saunders were chosen delegates Kins’field, - - Maine. fa&early Of tho Pw ont. President’s life long friend, comrade Births. to other quarterly meetings. Reports in war and colleague in congress. Was life, for it remains smoldering in the sys­ Avon, Sept. 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Samp tem forever, unless properly treated and son, a son. were encouraging. near his side with other great men when driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is Miss Ora Lowe of Lewiston visited his eyes were closed in death. Followed NOTICE. tho only antidote for this peculiar virus, Deaths. Miss Ethel Simmons last week. the bier to the National Capitol and to the only remedy known that can over­ Kingfleld, Oct. 2, Col. William E. Dolbier, Canton. The General requires a share Dr. J.R . Kittridge, Dentist, GO,, come it and drive it out of the blood, and aged 84 years, 2 mos. Mr. Trainer has moved into Fred & it does this so thoroughly and effectually of the proceeds of his book to be de­ Farmington, Oct. 6, Mrs. RosellaB. Rackliff, Mitchells house. that there is never a return of the disease voted to a McKinley Monument Fund. of Farmington, Maine. aged 88 years, 9 mos., 15 days. Dan Abbot has bought the Fred Por­ to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 21, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Thus every subscriber becomes a con­ cures Contagious Blood Dolbier, formerly of Farmington, aged 80 ter place tributor to this fund. Millions of cop­ WILL BE AT Poison in any and all years, 6 mos., 29 days. Mr. Gene Jenkins and wife have re­ ies will be sold. Everybody will buy it. stages; contains no Naperville, 111., Sept. 7, Mrs. Charlotte B. Orders for the asking. Nobody will re­ No. s Beal Black, Harmon, formerly of Farmington, aged 89 turned from New York. Lewis Reed’s, Reed’s Mill, Sept. 20, a. m. kjm mineral to break down years, 6 mos. fuse. Elegant Photogravure Portrait of Oquossoc House, Rangeley, Sept. 21 and 23. WKP your constitution; it is If you wish any of L. L. Mitchell’s President McKinley’s last picture taken Hotel Blanchard, Stratton, Sept 24. purely vegetable and the only blood puri­ at the White House. You can easily Shaw House, Eustis, Sept. 25. fier known that cleanses the blood and Marriages. curtains call soon. Lake House, Flagstaff, Sept. 26. and quickly clear $1,000 taking orders. Hotel Franklin, Strong, Oct. 1. at the same time builds up the general Salem, Oct. 5, by Geo. W. Harris, F.sq., Bert Those belonging to the festival cho Order outfit quick. Chance to prove Office at Farmington closed from Sept. 19 health. Soper of Freeman and Mrs. Ellen V. Staples until Oct. 2. of Phillips. rus who will take part in the exercises success, secure yearly contract and be­ Phillips, Maine. Our little book on contagious blood Salem, Oct. 6, by Geo. W. Harris, Esq., come Manager. Send 24 cents in stamps All operatlonr pertaining to dentistry care­ oison is the most complete and instruc- at Portland are: Mr. Geo. H Winter, fully performed. Special attention given to S Silas Dunham and Mrs. Emma Dunham, both to pay expense of wrapping, packing preserving the natural teeth. Teeth extracted ve ever issued; it not only tells all of Rangeley. Mrs. W . S. Ballou, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. and mailing elegant prospectus. Tak­ without pain a specialty. Artificial work of Agency for the Universal about this disease, but also how to cure West Mills, Oct. 5, by Rev. C. O. Perry, Hutchins, Mrs. M. Ayer, Mrs. Horace ing 10 to 50 orders daily. 50,000 copies all kinds promptly and carefully done yourself at home. It is free and should Harry Slosberg'of Gardiner and Miss Bessie Teeth extracted free when plates are made E. Leemati of West Mills. Winter, Miss Elizabeth Porter, Miss will be sold in this vicinity. Address, be in the hands of everyone seeking • All work warranted. Satisfaction guar­ Flagstaff, Sept. 29. by J. P. Dudley, Esq., W. Lydia Woodard, Fred Hutchins, Fred T h e Co n t in e n t a l A s s e m b l y , anteed. Steam Laundry. Care. Send for it. Harry Sylvester of Eustis and Vera M. Rogers Corcoran Bldg, Opp. U. S. Treasury, Entrance 64 Main i8t., next door to C. E. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C O , ATLANTA, GA, of Flagstaff. Cross of Skowliegan. Marr’s drug store. Washington, D. C. Telephone connections by the Dirigo. MAINE WOODS, OCTOBER II, 1901 7

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. To I). P. Hodges. HOT GAME OF BALL. A n d o v e r . Strong. It I had sense, and sight, and time Sunday, a. ru. we had a snowfall al­ Fred Lynn went to Boston Monday to How I would like to write a rhyme, though it melted as fast as it descended buy some heavy work horses. The Franklin Supreme Judicial court And tell you of the satisfaction Farmington and Wilton Play 11 and quickly turned to rain. E. II Vaughn has sold out his stock was busy for three days with the Elwell- I felt, and of my soul’s reaction After 1 read your poem through, Innings, With Score f to 5. of goods in town and has gone to Nor- Dixon cases, which have created much Tlie summer travel is over and so is And whispered to myself, “ ’Tis true.” ridgewock. interest and have been most stubbornly The portal of my girlhood days the Audover fair, the latter was well Swung open and f seemed to gaze Had Blood Between the Teams patronized, the weather the last day R. S. Johnson and J. E. Packard have fought. Mr. Geo. Ew ell brought suit 0 .i 11 lose o’d hills and flowing streams, against Mr. Abia! Dixon and Mr. Dix­ 1 seldom see except In dreams was fine, the first day it rained a little. gone to Dixfield to put in a stone found­ 'i lie School’louse I shall ne’er forget; Makes It Unpleasant. GQUGHES on’s son for trespass aud assault. The 1100 adult tickets were sold and it was ation for a boiler at Fostei’s mill. Sweet memories linger ’round it yet. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] parties were sued m two separate cases Where is t lie goal we ran to reach? estimated that more than 180) people Mr. Chas. Dyer and Mrs. Frank Dyer it was a fence post, no doubt beecli. F arm ington, Oct. 5, 1901. Just Received for $1000 each. Messrs. E. E. Richards Old “ Father Time” counts days and years, were on the grounds. The houses are attending the music festival at Port­ And still we run through smiles and tears, aud A. L. Fenderson were for the prose­ And I am sure we’ll reach a goal The F. S. N. S. and the W . A. played which furnished dinners were well pat­ land this week. Where rest and peace await the soul. one of the best, if not the best game of ronized, at the Congregational house up­ cution and E. O. Greenleaf for the de­ Some of the town boys went over to Prices, $8.oo ball that was ever played in Franklin wards of $170.00 was received and there fendant. Geo. Eltvell testified that he I’ll change my strain in ’92 North Freeman to attend the dance at i hope to meet again with you. county, Saturday at Wilton. For five was an abundance of food left. At the asked Mr. Dixon, Sr., to leave his prem­ E. E. B. S. and N. C. B. Geo. Allen’s but owing to a scarcity of and $8.50. And Silas too, I hope to see, and one-lialf innings neither side scored fair ball 89 tickets were sold, the Uni- ises aud he refused. After a few words And many more from far away, girls the dance had to be postponed. Come home our next reunion day, and in the meantime but two men versalist society furnished the supper Mr. Elwell was struck with a pitchfork Dyer Sweet has gone to the Pan-Aneri- —Jennie b . reached third base. But ’n the last half and made $58 00. the oyster stew was The jury brought in a verdict of $50 for Springfield, Sept. 9,1901. can. the plaintiff in each case. of the fifth inning the Wilton boys unsurpassed aud the viands first class. “ broke the ice” and brought in two The Ellis River band of Rumford fur­ Mr. Marshall Moores of Farmington BE TER ONES. Other cases were: Dr. Chas. K. Don­ 1 runs. nished fine musio. The exhibit of is clerking for C. E. Dyer this week. nell and his wife, Isa M. Donnell, now West Mills. Wright, McDonald and Haley made a stock was not up to the usual grade. The toothpick mill will shut down un­ of Kingtield vs. John LeClair of Farm Rev. C. O Perry shot a deer at Lex­ pretty triple play in the inning, the The fancy work was fine and there was a till lumber can be hauled on snow. $10.00, $11.00 and inctou, for an alleged assault by the ington last week. first triple play made in this section of great display of domestic rttgs. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Thompson spent defendant kicking Mrs. Donnell in the Pete Jenness, a lad who lives at Geo. the state for years. Exceptionally fine Miss Green of New Jersey who has Sunday in South Strong. abdomen on the 17th of June last. $12.00 each. W . Johnson’ s, has a tine p«,ir of steers plays were quite numerous, but much been at E. S. Poors, left for her home Brown and Whitcomb appeared for the 1 year old tlie 15th of October that are more noticeable on the Normal’s side. Saturday, Oct. 5. Madrid. plfs. and Greenleaf for the deft, The 54 feet each girth aud weigh 1600 Daisy made a catch which seemed im­ jury returned a verdict for the deft. Mr. Malcolm Gregg, Owen Love j iy, Mrs. Geo. Stinchfield has returned pounds. Pete raised them aud their possible for anyone to make. By mak­ Lyman Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. from Worcester. A. M. GREENWOOD, Then came the case of Peter A. Fitz­ looks show the good care which he has ing this catch a very pretty double play Andrews left for the Pan-American Oct. Deer are on the move; so are the gerald of Jay vs. International Paper- a1 ways given them. >vas made aud saved the game for the 5 via Niagara, returning via Hudson hunters. coin pany, fur pay for 375 hours of extra Jewelry and Furniture. Frank Chapman and Ben Seavey Normals for the time being. river and New York city. work during 125 nights at three hours William Sargent is still very low. picked 100 bushels of apples, natural At the beginning of the last half of per night. The defense was that the We were much shocked to hear of the Potatoes are rotting badly .in some lo­ fruit, in eight hours. A good day’s the seventh inning Jones went into the plf. worked only the same number of sudden death from explosion of a kero­ work. box in place of Wright. This caused calities. All have not dug their “ mur­ sene burner of Mrs. Cami Bootkby hours per night that the other employ­ considerable trouble, there being a mis- phies.” Curtis & Kerry from Gardiner were iu . „ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Berry, ees did, from 6 p m till 7 a. m., with understanding as to the agreements i „ ,. , , , , . „ / Mrs. Will Parlin has returned to her A FULL LINE OF towr. last week after cattle and drove ..... I Mrs. Boothby had been in Bangor for an hour out for supper at midnight; home in Weld. home fifteen head from Geo W . John­ made. The Wiltons lefused to finish and hail been fully repaid for his ser­ some time employed, she was at this son’s. the game. Three outside parties were Mrs. Della Vining and Mrs. Mary vices in weekly installments, and had time in a large hotel. She was looking Flannelette selected to decide whether the Wilton Mooers have returned home from the never made any complaint when receiv­ The Harvest concept is postponed un­ forward to a visit to her parents at boys should finish the game, or allow Oquossoc House, Rangeley. til the third Sunday in October. Thanksgiving. Funeral services were on ing his pay. The case was sent to the the umpire to forfeit the game to the Wrappers, Monday p. m. at 2 o’clock conducted by law court on report. | There was a quiet w edding at Orren Normals. Sewall. the manager of the Rev. G. B. Hannaford. Mr. Berry and C. W . B E L L , M. D ALSO This case was followed by that of Leaman’s last Saturday evening, the W. A. team, gave his story to the family have the symp ithy of the entire Edward S. Larrabee vs. Marshall D. P. contracting parties being Mr. Harry judges (?) aud Young of the Normals Physician and Surgeon community in this trying hour. (Office at residence of J. H. Bell.) Outing Thompson, both of Kingfield, on an ac­ Slosberg and Miss Bessie E. Leaman. gave his version. The three men then count annexed amounting to 106.83, for Mrs. Samuel Rind lias had two more withdrew and considered the case, Mr. James Noyes has sold his farm to 8TRONG, • • - MAINE. Telephone connection hay purchased last fall and winter, nine shocks and now lies in a state of uncon­ finally deciding that it was not break­ Richard Morton of Andover. Mr. Mor­ Night Robes, tons and 210 pounds at $10 per ton for sciousness. ing the agreements to have Jones pitch. ton having sold his to Chas. Chase of the loose hay and $12 for the pressed. So the game was finished with him in Upton. Mr. Noyes has purchased the ; Dressing Sacks, Robert Henry place and will move there | Kenuiston and Holman appeared for ti e the box. Cheap Prices in Fall and W in te r What’s Your Fae ■) Worth ? Nov. 1. | 1 plf. and Richards for the deft. The A man from Wilton was the cause of Styles of | jury Friday afternoon returned a ver­ Sometimes a fortune, but never, if considerable trouble. He made several Bertha Glover preached at the M. E. 1 and Waists. you have a sal ow c< inplexiou, a jaun­ dict for the deft. church Oct. 6. She will preach at the diced look, moth patches and blotches attempts at interfering with the Normal | W all Paper j same place Monday evening Oct. 7. j MISS BANA BEAL. Following this case the court took up nn the skin, -all signs of Liver Trouble. players. As Bisbee was jumping the rope — AND — the case of Parson P. Davis vs. David But Dr. King’s New Life pills give which held the crowd back from the There was a harvest concert fully attend­ Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com­ Phillips, Maine. W. Alexander, both of Jay, for trespass base line, to catch a foul fly, this man ed at the M. E. church Sunday evening. plexion. Only 25 cents at W. A. D. C urtains Oct. 7. | in allowing his (deft.’s) horse to run on Cragin’s Drug Store. pulled on the rope to trip Bisbee. Not certain premises in Jay, formerly owned satisfied with interfering once, he tried Mr. aud Mrs. R. L. Meicher and Mr. c. E. DYER S | his luck again by kicking Joues, when and Mrs Frank Iluinns have gone to ! by the late Jesse R. Beau, after plf. bad Lang Plantation. 1 Drug Store, j purchased the grass from Mr. Bean’s he was running bases. Later on in the New Hampshire fora few days ? I S trong , - ilaine. j widow in the summer of 1900 The About an inch of snow fell Sunday j game several Wiltonites rushed into the Mr. Lovej iy the stage driver has hired L jury reported a verdict for the deft. morning, Oct. 6 i diamond, swinging clubs at the umpire, ! the stable ar Chas. S'.vetts for his winter The case of Fred E. Adams of Avon Hunting season is now open and hunt­ and tried to “ bullldoze” him and make I equipment. John Swett boards the THE QUESTION vs. Heber H. Allen, deputy sheriff of ers are very numerous him change some decisions which he ; stage driver. F. E. LESLIE, M. D., l^id not made. After trying this sev­ Jay, came next. Pratt appeared for plf. James Boardman shot a buck deer Mr. L. Banett has his new blacksmith of where to buy your Fall eral times, the umpire told them to take Physician and Surgeon, and Richards for the deft. The writ Oct. 1 | shop building and after it is completed their places behind the rope and stay alleged that the deft., on June 29 last, at j he will take down the old building, Millinery can be easily an­ B P. Stevens of Kingfield, while hunt- j tbere or he would, give the game to the Andover, Maine. the M. C. R. R. station at Chisholm, ing in this place Oct. 1. saw a monster j The “Gregg House” is undergoing a swered when you see our as­ seized two gallons of alcohol and one j Normals, and the “ rioters” took their buck deer which had a beautiful set of through renovation. It is receiving a Agents everywhere lor Photo­ quart of wine belonging to the plf.; that j ; places. Wanted. gravure and Fac-simile Auto­ sortment of trimmed hats. antlers, but be was unable to get a shot coat of paint and is already much im- graph of the late William McKinley. 7x9, plf. wished to go to his house in Avon, ! From this time on the game went on j mounted on cardboard. Price 00 cents doz.; at him as his time was limited aud was ! proved. $6 gross; sample 15c postpaid. Bonanza for as he was out of a job down there, aud j i in a gentlemanly way, and with two I hustlers. EASTERN SPECIALTY CO, Calais, obliged to return empty handed. Mr. J. P. Whitney and family with a he w aAbliged to remain there 19 days j outs in the eleventh inning, the Wiltons ! Me. M. C. BANGS & CO., Dr. Wallace Webber, father and two I friend attended the fair and returned to till the 10th of July when the trial justice j scoied the run needed, and won the brothers of Lewiston, have been spend­ their camp near Upper Dam Oct. 5. No. 6^Beal Block. hearing was to come off, the deft, mak- j game by the small score of 5 to 4. Agents Win. McKinley ing a few days in this place hunting, mg oath that the liquors were intended N of satisfied with ringing every bell Bert Hutchins has gone to the lakes Secure territory at once. First in field will 1 but were obliged to start home much make big money. Send 50 cents for prospec-j PHILLIPS, - - MAINE. for unlawful sale; that the plf. suffered in Wilton, blowing the whistles ana to cook for a crew of men. * tus and terms to, C. M. Hutchinson. Calais, Me before the set time, the father falling from the stigma of such an accusation; horns, they got an old brass trombone, Marshall Howard will move his fam­ and hurting himself quite seriously. that on July 10 the deft, claimed that he j accordion and other musical instru- ily to North Rumford, Oct. 15. : ments, they came over about 9 p. m., to legal Notices was not ready to proceed as an impor­ Mrs. F. S. Taylor and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John French have gone Freda, spent Saturday and Sunday at Farmington and serenaded Prof. Pur- Fremont Scammon tant witness was in a distant part of the to Tuftonboro, N. H ., for a few weeks. Flagstaff with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Viles. | ington and insulted him, after which Notice. state, and the case -was continued one Pearl Small has commenced hauling Has sold 12 rifles and shot guns week, and he was obliged to return from Mi. and Mrs. Harrison Webber of Mt. had a brilliant (?) display of fire- The subscriber hereby gives notice that he j *key stones for Thurston Bros. has been duly appointed administrator de this fall for which he has received bis home in Avon, a distance of 32 miles, Vernon recently visited their son, who works. The people of Farmington, as bonis non of the estate of Mr. Nathan Acres is at home from the $146.00, He still has a large stock on July 17 to attend the hearing, tvhen is teaching in District No. 2. They re- ' WTton> are greatly “ stirred up” over u idiam Tootliaker, late of Phillips, lakes. lie contemplates a course of on hand. Call and examine them. Mr. Allen did not produce any evidence, port a pleasant as well as long journey, 1 the game. in the county of Franklin, deceased, and study at Colby university. given bonds as the law duects. All persons Also a stock of and the liquors were ordeied returned as they came through Phillips and Below is a detailed account: having demands against the estate of said W. A. A. B. R. B. H. S. B. P. O. A. E. Miss Harriett Learned is bomb from deceased are desired to present the same for to him. The jury in ten minutes re­ Rangeley and returned by way of King- her summer’s work in Bethel. settlement, and all indebted thereto are re­ quested to make payment immediately. turned a verdict for the deft. field and Lexington. Brown, c., 4 1 1 2 8 3 1 Mr. Sylvanus Poor made a trip to New Tobacco, Holman, Wil- Joel W ilbu r. Wednesday morning the court took up John Harris was in Rangeley last Bethel, Oct. 5, to meet friends. Sept. 17,1901. mer, p., 5 0 0 1 2 12 1 made by a company not in the trust. the search and seizure case against week canvassing. Sewall, 1. f., 5 2 3 1 0 0 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dresser have re­ Claude Hatch of Kingfield, who at last Morse, r. f., 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 turned from their wedding trip and will Estate ot CYRUS WASHBURN. For chewing, Wish Bone, Worth’s The new schoolhouse iu district No. 2 be at home to their friends November 1. February term appeared as a witness Foster, 8. s., 5 0 0 0 4 0 2 TRANKLIN, SS: At a Court of Probate hold- Navy, Martin’s Navy. For smok­ is up and plastered, ready for finish as Miss Sara Bailey has gone to her sis­ and bible agent against Fred Carpenter Sawyer, 3 b., 4 1 1 0 0 3 1 f en at Farmington, within and for tlie soon as the plaster is dry. Holman, Wal- ter’s to take charge of the cooking. I County of Franklin, on the third Tuesday of ing, New England. of Chisholm. Holman appeared for re­ I September, A. D. 1901. Oscar Ross and wife of Rangeley were lace, 1 b., 5 1 2 1 16 2 2 Mrs. Holton Abbott has returned spondent. The search and seizure of 15 Masterman, 2 j Mary E. Waite, trustee under the will of in town Sunday. from Lawrence, Mass., to her home in ! Cyrus Washburn, deceased, having presented Fremont Scamman, “ long-neckers” of whiskey was made by b , 4 0 0 0 3 1 1 South Andover. We are glad to hear | her petition for license to sell and convey J. S. Harris sold a nice horse recently Scribner, c. f., 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 her daughter, Celia, is a little improved. real estate of said deceased, as described in PHILLIPS, MAINE. Deputy Small on the 28th of last June; | said petition, to Leon Savage of Stratton. • the case was tried before Justice Dol Normal. A. B R. B. H. S. B P. O. A. E. Isaac Mills goes to Rangeley as clerk I Ordered, That said trustee give notice for Monroe Otis. I to all persons interested, by causing this bier and an appeal was taken to this Bisbee, c., 6 1 2 1 9 2 2 I order to be published three weeks succes- court. Ten witnesses, including two Wright, p., 1. I sivelv in the Maine Woods, published at Livermore Falls. t, 6 0 2 2 3 9 1 Want to Know Dates. Phillips, that they may appear at a Pro­ HARDWARE ladies, -were called by State’s Attorney Purington, r. f ., 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 bate Court to be held at Farmington, in saicl Mr. Albert Haskell, superintendent of Ra n g e l e y Pl a n t a t io n , Oct. 1, 1901 County, on the third Tuesday of Octeober Wing. ! Haley, 2 b., 5 0 1 2 3 4 0 next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and AND the Umbagog Paper mill, Chas. Smith Irish, J. f., 3 b., 6 1 1 0 1 0 0 To the Editor of the Maine Woods: show cause, if any they have, why the same and Arthur Nelke, are passing the week Daisy, s. s., 5 1 2 1 2 1 0 Can you give us any information about | should not be granted. 4 4 2 when the hearing before the county j J. H. THOMPSON, Judge. The excitement incident to traveling in Buffalo, attending the fair. Jones, 3 b., p., 5 1 3 3 Attest, Frank W. Bu tler, Register. BICYCLE and change of food and water often McDonald, 1 b., 5 0 1 0 11 2 1 commissioners in regard to the proposed O. A. Barker has sold his farm to 'Ed­ brings on diarrhce9, and for this reason Starrett, c. f., 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 new highway from the Harrison farm to win Riley. A well painted Wagon or Sleigh no one should leave home without a Score by Innings. the Portland & Rumford Falls Railroad station will be held or has a hearing gives pleasure to the rider. I can REPAIRING. bottle of Chamberlaiu’s Colic, Cholera The baseball teams, Rockameka and Names. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11--Total and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by W. Paper Mill boys, had their last game for been appointed? paint them to please you. A. D. Cragin, Phillips; E. H. Whitney, this season last Saturday, Oct. 5. The W.A., 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 W e read Main e W oods here but Lave I am also ready to do all kinds of E. C. LUFKIN, F. S. N.S., C O O 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 Rangeley; Dyer’s Drug Store, Strong, score was 14 to 8 iu favor of the failed to find the notices in its columns. wood work. Phillips, - . Maine. aud Lester L. Mitchell, Kingfield. Rockamekas. Time of game, 1 hour, 35 minutes; umpire, In t e r e st e d . W. J. Gould; scorers, Sanborn and Young. CEO. STAPLES, - Phillips. Notice. Franklin County Real Estate. Wanted. The subscriber hereby gives notice that he Eustis. has been duly appointed executor of the last The following are the latest real es­ Young women to work In an Insane Asy­ will and testament of Mrs. O. White started for Augusta tate transfers as recorded in the Frank­ lum. Address Laura M. Pease, late of Salem, P O. Box 1178, Worcester, Mass. in the county of Franklin, deceased, ana NO NEED OF MORE. last Tuesday with her youngest son. lin County Registry of Deeds: given bonds as the law directs. All persons Her daughter went as far as Skowhe- Allston, Mass.—Margaret F. Hano to H. A. h a v i n g demands against tlie estate of said J* J* J* Furbish and W. L. Butler, Rangeley, land, $1 deceased are desired to present the same for gan. val. con., (quit.) settlement, and all indebted thereto are re­ A prominent Livermore, Maine, citizen elated and wants Rangeley—John R. Tootliaker to Aaron quested to make payment Immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Durrell have Soule, land, $1, (quit;) John R. Tootliaker to Ed o a r W ILLS 1 everybody to know the cause. Jerry F. Oakes, $1 val. con., (war;) Fred September 17,1901. ______returned home after spending a happy Soule and Nelson Hinds to Abbie Hoar, time among their friends. land, $1 val. con., (war;) S. A. Ross to Evie Liverm ore, Ma in e , Octobor 1, 1901 Hewey, pew in church, $51. He kept growing crosser and thinner, ipany: The Bubeck Medicine Com Albert White has gone to Tim pond Coplin Plantation—I. W. Greene to Carlton His head aching all the day long; I want to express my deep gratitude to also to let the good people o f Jf-I thought him a crabbed old sinner Maine know of the wonderful benefits derived from“ thea . use of r».Dr Bubeck’s Kidney to guide. Lewis, Kingfield, land, $1 val. con., (quit.) and Liver Cure. I have suffered for years with diseased kidneys and other kindred, Kingfield—Carleton Lewis to Stratton Mfg. But now I confess I was wrong, tronbles. Other medicines have not had the desired benefit. I have taken but six Sportsmen are having a hard time to Co., land, $1 val. con., (quit;) A. J. Hunne- Since with R .I.P.A.N .S he’s prefaced or s. ven bottles of your reat remedy, and my cure is a wonder even to myself, and weli to W. L Morse, land, val. con., (war.;; each dinner I am not taking any medicine now, for the reason that I NEED NO MORE. : find guides. W.L. Morse to Carleton Lewis, land, $1 val. Yours In deep gratitude, con., (war.) He has grown kind and good, well and D. F. BLUNT. Farmington—John H. Carleton to Elton B. strong. Reed’s Mill. Davenport, Phillips, land, $150, (war.) We want everybody reading the above testimonial, to go down DeLand, Florida—Scott Hodgkins to Lemuel 10 for 5 Cents. | Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Kershner of Hutchinson, Farmington, land and buildings, to their druggist or general dealer, to-day, and get a Strong visited Mrs. Kershner’s sister, $1 val. con., (quit.) AT DRUG STORES. Portland—Augusta H. Clark to James Rus­ Mrs. L. C. Reed, last week. sell, Farmington, land, $25, (quit.) Free Sample Bottle Mrs. Geo. Stinchfield, who has been Phillips—William H. Lane to Jesse Doyen, For half a century land, $200, (quit;) Elton B. Davenport to Fred the household re­ or a full size bottle, only $1.00. If he does not l^ve the medicine visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fannie Gregson, O. Smith, land, $1 val. con., (war.) T r u e ’s' medy for worms in send direct to of Worcester, Mass., has returned home. New Vineyard—Frank Luce to Fred O. children. A true Smith, land, $1 val. con., (war.) t t f tonic and cure for P i n V f O f il l ail digestive dis- THE BUBECK MEDICINE COMPANY, Mrs. Gregson is gaining in health. Wilton—Mary D. Butterfield to Mabel But­ * **• ’ T orders. Price 35c. at I terfield, land, $225, (war;) Howard H. Farrar Write for the FRANKLIN Mr. W . L. Dunham and Mrs. Jemima druggists. vour Laundry Incorporated. - - Livermore Falls, Maine. to Mabel Butterfield, land and buildings, free book on Children. STEAM______LAUNI [DRY, Farmington, Me. AH $350, (war.) Dr. I. F. TRUE k CO., Branch Office for Maine Trade. Kinney visited Mrs. Wm. Hamden of Aabnrn, Be. work guaranteed. Weld—Nathaniel Dummer to Chas. G. Dum- E li x ir ;, HENRY W . TRUE, Agent,Phillips, Me Phillips one day last week. mer, land, $76, (war.) MAINE WOODS, OCTOBER II, 1901 8 DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. rALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. how one might attain perfect rest, con­ TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. tent and satisfaction. The apostle de­ clared that to be with Christ was far —Mr. C. E. Cragin was in Lewiston last — Mr. F. H. Wilbur was in Fall River, better than life in this world, and he ■week. Mass., on business last week. spoke of the inheritance that fadeth not — Miss Mae Davenport is very ill with — Misses Everdene Shepard and Cbris- away. Christ often spoke of the life gastric fever. tyne Cragin were in Rangeley one day that was to come, and to the disciple upon the lonely isle of Patmus were re­ — Mrs. Bertha Norton of Farmington last week. — A large attendance is desired at the vealed things too wonderful aud too RHEUMATISM w as in town last week. Rebekah meeting this Friday evening. glorious for earthly speech. —Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Haley of Range- Refreshments will be served. But let us not deceive ourselves. All ley were in town Friday. — Ernest Carville, who is stopping awaking from death will not be in “ his — Mr. R. C. Reed of Mercer, W is., is with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wilbur and at­ likeness.” The seed does not by dying E ■visiting friends in this vicinity. tending school in town, bas been ill the send up shoots of an opposite nature — Mrs. J. C. Hinds of Stratton is vis­ past week. from which it came. There is no tran­ When Prof. Munyon say* hi* Rheumatism iting relatives and friends in town. sforming power in death. If death com­ Cure will cure rheumatism there isn’t any guess­ Lotion Soap. — Earle Carville, son of the late Dr. Z. ing to us find no likeness to the Christ, work about it—there isn’t any false statement about — Mr. T. G. Belcher of Farmington V. Carville of Fall River, Mass., is at­ it. It cures without leaving any ill effects. It is a no reaching after the spirit that dwelt splendid stomach and nerve tonic, as well as a posi­ was in town Friday calling on friends. tending school at Powder Point, Dux- in him, the awaking will reveal none of tive cure for rheumatism. — Mr. George W . Norton, editor of bury, Mass. that likeness. It is written that it is All the Munyon remedies are just as reliable, 25c. Palmer’s Lotion Soap, oue of the the Portland Evening Express, was in rial. The Guide to Health is free. Munyon, New — Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brackley Lave appointed to man once to die and after Fork and Philadelphia. town last Monday. moved into Mrs. Carrie Toothaker’s that the judgment. The judgment, the MUNTON’S INHALES CUBES CATABBH. finest toilet articles known, and once — Miss Helen Searles of Farmington house. Their goods came from Lewis­ likeness with which we shall awake is spent Saturday in town, the guest of ton last Saturday. most surely fixed by the likeness with used always used. Keeps the skin Mrs. W . E. Millett. — Mr. Charles Sweetser has moved in­ which we fall asleep. fresh and smooth, one of the best —The popular clerk at Bald Mountain to Mrs. Julius Blanchard’s house and RANGELEY IS BUILDING UP. Camps, Mr. A. A. Ruffner of New York, Mr. John Stewart will occupy the tene­ things to use with Palmer’s Lotion. is planning to be in a hotel in tlie south ment vacated by Mr. Sweetser. Palmer— Duley. Scrap Over Two Pailfuls of Water during the coming winter. — Mr. Richard Ellsworth of the Mile A very pretty home wedding occurred — At Madrid village last Thursday and Square, while riding in a carriage last at nooft, Wednesday, October 2, at the Furnishes Boss p. Friday Rev. Mr. Ramsey gave a course Saturday, fell from the carriage and was residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. of lectures. A largo attendance enjoy­ Tooth Brushes. taken up unconscious by Mr. Joseph Duley at Farmington Falls, when their Man Narrowly Escapes Being ed the interesting talks. Gleason, who happened to be riding be­ — Major Seward Dill writes us from hind. A t last reports he was uncon­ daughter, Miss Nina, and Dr. Henry B. Sawed In Two. Soquel, Calinfornia, that many of the scious a good deal of the time. Palmer were united in marriage. The A ll with my name in black letters on farmers there are busy packing apples. — A pleasant party was that at Mr. interior of the house had been decorated Entertainments and Personals handle are warranted and can be They had a wind there a short time ago and Mrs, Charles Hoar’s last Friday for the event with evergreen and flow­ that blew off hundreds of barrels. evening, the event being a husking From City on the Lake. ers. returned if not perfect. They are — Silas Wing and Wing Bros. & Co., party. A merry crowd of young people [Special Correspondence to the MAINE WOODS.1 raised more cranberries this year than took the ride in a hayrack. One of the Mendelssohn's wedding march her­ ever before. The total pick amounted young ladies made the remark next day, alded the approach of the wedding par­ R a n g e l e y , V!e ., Oct. 8, 1901. imported brushes and prices are to 767 bushels. 201 bushels for Silas “ We had such a lovely supper and ty which descended from the upper Rangeley is still bustling along with W ing and 566 bushels for Wing Bros. & everything tasted so good.” from 25c to 40c each. story of the residence by way of the its new houses and many who are not Co. — Henry.F. Pease, who has been in­ flower decked stairs and entered the building new ones this fall are repairing — Quite a number from town took ad­ structor of drawing and manual training north parlor. Miss Gladys A. Brown in vantage of the Autumn Leaf excursion in the Red Bank public school since the a white muslin gown tripped like a the old. One of our contractors, Mr. A. to Rangeley last Saturday. Among death of John Frazee, has resigned to fairy in front of the party and with J. Haley, informs a Ma in e W oods re­ Sponges. those who went are the following: Mr. accept a position as instructor of man­ white ribbons marked a path from the porter that business is now at its very and Mrs. S. W. Soule, Mrs. W m . True, ual training in the schools of Newark at parlor door to the corner of the room best. A twenty-four room, four tene­ Mrs. John Teague, Misses Alberta Mat­ an increase of $200 a year in salary. Mr. directly opposite, where under an arch FinP and course, «olid and soft, large thews and Minnie Saunders, Mrs. E. H- Pease entered upon his duties at New­ of evergreen the solemn yet happy ment house belonging to Miller & Soule Kenniston, Bert Pratt, Mrs. Harry Sta­ ark on Monday.—Red Bank (N. J.) words were pronounced by the Rev. E. will soon be ready for occupancy. The and small. ples, Horace Prescott and Hartley Ken- Register. R. Smith. The bride was charming in a J. F. Oakes house on Lake street, re­ niston. white silk dress with train, with Irish —Rev. F. A. Noble, D. A., the retir­ cently purchased by W . L. Butler, is as­ — Circumstances bring to the mind of ing moderator of the National Congre­ lace collar, trimmed with white paun the paragrapher an interesting incident gational council which will be in session velvet and pearl buckles and carried a suming a new appearance under the School Supplies. o f old Phillips days. C. B. Calden was in Portland, Oct. 12th to 18th, is desir­ boquet of white bride’s roses. She was bands of the carpenters. Bow windows at work for Hiriam O. Butterfield who ous of seeing the moderators of future attended by her sister, Miss Charlotte and piazzas are being added and when councils adopt the custom of similar Duley, as maid of honor, who was hand­ was at that time and had previously completed it promises to be a very de­ Pads, Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Schol­ been one of the selectmen of the town. officials in the Congregational union of somely gowned in white organdie over One cold day in Mr. Butterfields ab- England and Wales, in delivering a for­ pink and carried a boquet of pink sirable place. Mr. J. A. Russell is re­ ars Companions, 5 and 10 cts., scence Calden borrowed an old coat; dur­ mal moderator’s address, an utterance bride’ s roses. Donald B. Cragin of modeling his stable. H. T. Kimball is Farmington attended the groom in the ing the day he found in it a twenty dol­ that may be regarded as dignified and making some general improvements on Crayons, Slates and Penholders. lar bill. Later Mr. Butterfield said he statesmanlike. His own theme will be, capacity of best man. his buildings. New seats have been had considered it lost and that as it be­ “ The Kind of Preaching Which the New The beautiful ring ceremony was longed to the town he had long ago paid Conditions of These Times Demand.” — used, and a pleasing picture was pre­ placed in the White schoolhouse, also it. An illustration of two honest men Lewiston Journal. sented by the party under the evergreen in the Primary and Intermediate school­ and as the impressive ritual was carried — Last Saturday evening at the close rooms. Some other improvements have out. o f business, the deposits in the Phillips Dr. aud Mrs. Palmer held a brief re­ been made in the Intermediate room by Savings bank were larger than they have Among the Churches. ception upon the conclusion of the cere­ changing the blackboards, etc. A new ever been before since the bank was A t the Union church Rev. J. B. mony, and that they will have a happy W. A. D. CRAGIN, organized in 1871. The business of the roofing bas been put on the Oquossoc and prosperous wedded life was the bank is gradually increasing and the Ranger preached from words found in House and nearly every room will be wish of those present. A wedding showing for 1901 will no doubt be very Psalm xvii, 15, “ I shall be satisfied, breakfast was served immediately fol­ papered and painted. Also a new store gratifying indeed to all those who are Corner Store, No. I Beal Block, when I awake, with thy likeness.” lowing the reception, at which good room has been added. The veranda at interested in the institution. It may in­ In all the vocabulary of human speech cheer reigned complete. terest our readers to know that all of the Rangeley Lake House will be The newly wedded pair were the re­ the valuables-stocks, bonds etc.—be­ there are few words, it seems to me, sheathed with hard pine and a platform cipients of many beautiful and costly longing to this institution are kept in more powerful to give pleasure and hap­ Main Street, Phillips, Maine. tokens of the esteem of their many will be built in front of the casino safety deposit vaults in Portland. piness than this word, satisfied. In my friends. They left town on the after­ building. Many improvements are be­ — Some weeks ago Miss Crosby had. dealing with ou. fellow men in buying noon train on an extended wedding trip ing made at Indian Rock. New shells cards printed at the office of Ma in e selling or exchanging an expression of which will include, among other points W oods which read as follows: are being built and 70,000 shingles will satisfaction with that which has been of interest, Niagara, the Pan-American GREETING. exposition, Hudson river and New York be used in repairs for the Oquossoc given or received will often give glad­ The time is down for City. They will make their residence at Angling association. The date ness and joy of heart. To the young No. 9 Broadway and will be at home af­ Last Friday evening occured the mar­ The place is Shepard’s hall ter November 26. The cause is one to keep alive. man who perhaps for the first time has riage of Miss Catherine Ida Twombly and Mr. Frank A. Brown at the home of To all our friends, through f ar and near, left his home and has been engaged in We crave your kind attention, teaching, the words of the superintend­ Avou. the bride’s parents. The wedding was So please to lend us now your ear private, only the family of the bride be­ While we a subject mention. ent at the close of the term telling him Mr. aud Mrs. H. G. Virgin and son of ing present. The bride was daintly Mrs. Wm. Walker, who has been vis­ Mrs. Collins’s place as soprauo singer The ladies of this church will hold that he is satisfied with his efforts and Mexico have been visiting Mrs. Virgin’s dressed in a dove colored suit' and the On a day not distant far, iting her daughter, Mrs. Clias. H. in tlie hoir was filled last Sunday by If we are correctly told— his work, with the progress and advance­ sister, Mrs. Fred Morton, the past week. groom wore the conventional black. Adams, has returned to her home in Miss Prudence Richardson. A ‘'Handkerchief Bazaar.” ment of the pupils under his instruc­ The ceremoney w9s preformed by Dr. Phillips. Mrs. S. M. Morse has returned to her S A. Ross. Mr. aud Mrs. Brown left Mrs. Ed Greenwood of Phillips spent So this, then, is our plea in brief, tion have a very pleasing sound, To To help along our enterprise. home in Saco. town on the early train Saturday morn­ Miss Edith Howes is cooking at the a few days with her sister, Mrs. John You each shall send a handkerchief, know that service performed for anoth­ ing for Mechanic Falls where they will Oquossoc House. Russeif, this week. Mrs. Mertie Whitney visited her hus­ Regardless of its kind or size. spend the winter. Mr. Brown was en­ er has proven satisfactory to the em­ Mr. and Mrs. Dana Blodgett went to Mr. Howland is working in the black­ To be without a handkerchief, band, Warren Whitney, at Berry Mills gineer for the Rangeley Lakes Steam­ ployer or the recipient is cause for re­ Haines Landing the first of the week smith shop of Mr. Mial Lamb. You know is quite distressing, one day last week. boat company on the steamboat Comet, From every State let one be sent, where they will have charge of the joicing. And so I say that the word during the summer. Mrs. Roiia Richardson is moving into ’Twill surely bring a blessing. Mrs. Margie Childs has been at work Mooselookmeguntic house daring the satisfied has power to call up visions of One of the really interesting occurren­ the Isaac Tibbetts house. The “ Union” of Cong’l Church for Mrs. Edgar Sampson. winter. Of Phillips, Pine Tree State, contentment and thougnts of happiness. ces of the past week was a fight between Mrs. Eliza Dutton is visiting her Will grateful feel whate’er you send, Mi’, and Mrs. Frank Savage were in Mr. Frank Harris returned from Bos Be they small or grate. But as we look upon the faces of those a lady who resides in town and a man daughter, Mrs. J. A. Russell. Wilton recently to attend the funeral of who is considered by her a tress­ ton last Monday night where he had we meet we cannot fail to be impressed Mrs. Will Savage. been with some horses which had been Miss C. T. Crosby’, Fly Rod, passer. She forbade him the use of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris are visit­ Phillips, Maine with the truth that satisfaction is not Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Gleason visited at water on her premises and he took two sold to Boston parties. ing Mr. Harris’s parents in Salem. These she has given to her friends and the common possession of mankind. Mr. Fred Morton’s Sept. 29. pails full last Sunday morning in spite Mr. N. C. Carr was in Phillips a few Miss Grace Dunham of Reed’s Mill the Social Union are to give the bazaar On many countenances are there marks A. B. MortoH and wife aud Miss Susie of her protests. It resulted in his turn­ days last week. has been visitiDg friends in Rangeley. the last week in October, “ Have you of anxiety and unrest. We go to the Hackett visited in New Vineyard last ing a part of the water upon her and Mr. A. J. Haley is drawing plans for a Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Mooers spent all the handkerchiefs you need for the quiet home in the country, and the Saturday. leaving with empty pails. 42xlOS foot barn for Mr. D. C. Averill of a fewtlays in Madrid this wreek. sale” some one asked the other evening spirit of anxiety is there. Perhaps all Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crocker and lit­ Mrs. Larry and her daughter Glades Farmington. and Miss Crosby replied, “ No, I want a desired articles of comfort or luxury tle daughter of Dixfield visited her will board at Mr. Fred York’s this win­ The baseball game played last Satur­ hundred more and if the invitation is cannot be obtained; or the burden of a brother, Willie Churchill, at O. M. God- ter, while Mr. Larry will have charge day between the Rangeleys and Madrids printed in the Ma in e W oods, I am sure mortgage may be upon the farm. There ing’s a few days last week. for the Berlin Mills company in the resulted in favor of the Rangeleyg. The Get a free sample of Chamberlain’s many friends will gladly respond,” and may be a wayward child in the home, woods. score was 20 to 21. Stomach and Liver Tablets at W. A. D. here is hoping they may. or ^lisease may have laid its hand on Mrs. Nettie Russell visited her friend, Cragin’ 8 drug store. They are easier to Mrs. Ida Morton, one day last week. While having a large log sawed at the Messrs John and Joseph Wilbur re­ some member of the family. We go to mill of the Rangeley Steam Mill com­ take and more pleasant in effect than Quite a goodly number attended the turned Monday night from a trip to the the city mansion. W e may find every­ pany one day recently, Mr. Fred Conant pills. Then their use is not followed by husking at ’s last Friday Spencer. where the evidences of wealth. Still we came very near meeting with a serious constipation as is often the case with night. pills. Regular size, 25c per box. perceive the same anxious spirit. The accident. Mr. Conant was assisting MrACleon Oakes is quite sick. cares of business rest heavily upon the Miss Allie Badger from the west has about the work and in bending over his owner. There is great uncertainty at­ been visiting her uncle, Jonas Badger, Mr. John Oakes has rented the house back came in contact witn the saw. The owned by Mr. Spiller and will run it as tending the outcome of certain invest­ and other relatives recently. saw cut through his coat, suspenders Iron and Steel. ments. He cannot reach the place of a boarding house. Mrs. Spiller will live Maud Adams is visiting friends in and outside shirt just brushing his un­ in the cottage this winter and Mr. Spil I have the best line of blacksmiths’ and honor or influence which he desires. Temple this week. dershirt and leaving him without a carriage makers’ supplies ever kept In Here as in the former home there may ler will work in the novelty mill at Rangeley. Have secured an experienced Dana Kennedy and Margie Childs scratch. Stratton. blacksmith and am prepared to do all kinds be sickness or sin. There is an element of blacksmith and carriage work. of care and anxiety in the life. Some­ were in Temple one day last week. Mrs. H. A. Ham, mother of Mrs. Fred Mrs. Look aud son Percie of Farm­ times it may appear that to certain ones York is in Boston this week. ington visited her daughter Miss Flor­ A. E. BLODGETT, Rangeley Me. is given all that could be wished. We Miss Minnie Lane who has been work­ ence last Saturday. Telephone Connection. see uo cause for unrest, nothing further ing at the Rangeley Lake House is Mr. Guy Hinkly has been ill for some tor which the ambition or the heart housekeeper at the Oquossoc this win­ tim£. need long. ter. Mr. Chas. Quimby will work in the For Fresh Hade It may be one who has a high place At the regular meeting of the Chris­ novelty mill at Stratton the coming win­ in the land. But the care and respon­ tian Endeavor, Wednesday, October 2, ter. sibility placed upon that life is someth­ the following officers were chosen: Miss Nettie Spencer has been sick for ing which does not enter into the ex­ President, Rev. R. S. W . Roberts; secre­ the past week. I T ’S N O U S E — to water but you can’t tary, Miss Helen Haines; treasurer, Mrs. Candies, perience of those . in lowlier stations. ■h A man simply can’t make any sort The people of Rangeley will be glad So, rather than a satisfied life this is an make him drink. Emma McCard. The vice president, of success iu business if he’s tortured anxious life and in many ways it is bet­ nominated by the committee, having de­ to learn that Mrs. F. B. Peabody is very ICE CREAH I with backache. ter thus. It is right to feel the respon- clined the office has not yet been filled. much improved iu health and is gaining You can’t make him eat strength rapidly. sibilty and the care, to exercise watch­ The entertainment given in the vestry fulness, to be, according to the script­ either. You can stuff food in­ last Friday evening was a decided suc­ Mrs. Andrew Wheeler and Mrs. Dotey and SODA ural injunction, “ Not slothful in busi­ cess. The folio ,ving program was car­ of Faruington visited at Mrs. Tibodeau’s That means if his kidneys are out ness.” to a thin man’s stomach but ried out: Saturday. With Fruit Flavor, call at of orcU:r. These, things have been said relate to Reading, Daria Carlton, Ernest Ilinkley, Fred Backache is really kidney ache. that doesn’t make him use it. Clyde Ellis the temporal life, to the uncertain affairs Song, Thorne Haines Carlton and Dalton Haley went to Bos­ .It is one of the first indications of of this world. There is an old poem Scott’s Emulsion can make Reading, Walter Fuller ton this week to attend the Food fair. HARLOW’S kidney disease. It’s bad enough of Organ solo, Mrs. M. B. Sltoltteld asking where rest and security may be Reading, itself, but it leads to a great’ deal him use it. H ow? By mak­ Agnes Davenport Mr. and Mrs. W ill Lovejoy have re­ found. After being told again and aga;n Song, Mrs. Henry Collins turned from a visit to Mrs. Lovejov’ s Branch Store, Rangeley, worse. Graphophone selections. of this or that place upon earth, that ing him hungry, of course. parents in Bethel. Unless it is stopped. rest is not there, the questioner hears After the program refreshments of cof­ Mr. Austin Ilinkley will soon vacate Large assortment of Candies ahvay How? that it may be found in heaven. So the Scott’s Emulsion makes a thin fee and cake were served. Another en­ the bouse owned by Mr. E. H. Whitney on hand, Cigars, fruit and Nuts. Psalmist says “ I shall be satisfied when tertainment will be given in two weeks. Doan’s Kidney Pills I awake, with thy likeness.” body hungry all over. Thought and {he tenement will be let for a board­ The receipts of the evening were $15.90. ing house. When In Farmington 30 Man has a right to hope for the future. There’s not a form of kidney trouble a thin body was naturally hun­ Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr. Arthur Mrs. Henry Collins went to Boston to H A R LO W ’S. Among the writers of the Bible, sleep that this wonderful little remedy will Smith of New Vineyard visited at Mr. last Satuiday, called there by the'illness was often used to signify death. The not cure, and the people stay cured, gry didn’t you ? Well it isn’t. G. A. Proctor’s recently. of her mother. awakening, then, points to the resurec- Mr. John C. Melloon, grocer and An Antiquarian supper is to be given provision merchant at the corner of tion. Thus the word is used in this pas­ A thin body is asleep— not The “ Ready Workers” have already BOSTON STORE, by the Knights of Pythias next Monday started a quilt. The next meeting is Bridge and 7U1 streets, Lowell, Mass., sage, I speak confidently of the hope for evening. says:— the future which belongs to man because working— gone on a strike. next Saturday afternoon at the home of Wholesale and Retail. of the authority of the Scriptures in 1 Miss Gustie Kempton has returned to Miss Theo Sprague. “In the spring of 1890 I was forced, from It doesn’t try to use it’s food. her home in Phillips. Large Stock of confectionery at Boston severe pain in the back, to procure Doan’s which are many passages referring to Mr. Walter Beedy who lias been work­ prices. Large stock of'fruit at low prices. All Kidney Pills at Elliugwood A Co.’s d g glory and the eternal nature of the heav Mrs. Millie Porter, who has been store, at the corner of Merrimack and Cen­ Scott's Emulsion wakes it ing for Will Lovejoy has ^turned home. kinds of new nuts just received. Fresh clams tral streets, and take a course of the treat­ euly inherintance. I think that many working at Indian Rock, is stopping at or oysters by the pint or quart every day. ment. It was speedily followed by absolute up— puts it to work again her daughter’s. Mrs. Walter Oakes. Rev. W. S. Coleman of Cobbs Divinity Oyster crackers, oyster stew, clam chowder, times we make too little of the Word of ham and eggs, ham sandwiches, baked beans, relief, and up to date I have not had a sym p­ God regarding these things. They are school occupied the pulpit last Sunday. tom of a return.” making new flesh, That’s the Miss Lillian Walker of Phillips is vis sardines, boiled live lobsters. We serve meals written for our comfort and encourage­ Rev. R. S. W . Roberts will take rent at all hours. The best 5 and 10 ct. cigars in Doan’s Kidney Pills for sale by all ment: we should think more upon them, way to get fat. iting friends in town. in Prof. Munyon’s tenement on Lake town. Tea and coffee, macaroni. dealers, or sent by mail on receipt of that they may work whereunto they A man from the lumbering camps of street formerly occupied by Mrs. Larry. price. Foster-Mil bur; 1 do., Buffalo, N. Send for free sample. C. MARCHETT1 & CO., were stot. The psalmist from 'amidst Bean A Whitcomb, who is very sick, Dan Hey wood has returned from Ken Y ., sole agents for toe United States. the cares and adversities of life, saw SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 400 Pearl St., N. Y was brought out on the train Tuesday. Remember the name, Doan’s, and 50c and f.r.oo; all druggists. nebago. RANGELEY, MAINE. take no substitute. ' *