The Public Safety & Security Information System (ILETS) Board convened via phone conference on May 14, 2020 at 1:01 p.m. at the ISP Headquarters in Meridian, .

Board Members Present: Colonel Kedrick Wills, Director, Idaho (ISP)

Board Members Present via phone: Sheriff Eric Snarr, Minidoka County Sheriff’s Office (Chairman) Sheriff Shaun Gough, Gooding County Sheriff’s Office Chief Craig Kingsbury, Twin Falls Police Department Chief Jeff Lavey, Meridian Police Department Charlie Spencer, Idaho State Police (ISP)

Non-Members Present: Leila McNeill, Chief ISP Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) Sandy Kelleher, Operations Officer (BCI) Abigail Leroy, Administrative Assistant (BCI)

I. Opening a) Call to Order a) Chairman Snarr called the ILETS Board meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. b) Silent Roll Call of Board Members a) A silent roll call was conducted. All Board members were present.

II. Informational a) Updates on ILETS Projects i. Circuit “last mile” contracts/SD WAN, router replacement 1. Chief McNeill stated BCI met with the ISP IT Director and a representative from the Attorney General’s Office to discuss the Syringa contract, and the consensus was that BCI wants to negotiate the existing contract with Syringa to get better pricing. New lines have been upgraded and installed for ISP, and the pricing by Syringa is significantly higher than previous prices. Pocatello is up to $875 per month, and Idaho Falls is up to $780 for each of their 2 lines. Bear Lake moved locations and it cost $3,500 to move their line. In addition, their new monthly rate is $595 per month instead of $280. Some of the ISP hardware is nearing its end of life,


and in order to update the circuitry, Syringa is changing their pricing structure again. Chief McNeill stated she is unsure of why counties are priced the way they are, but ISP is anticipating more than double the charges of what they are currently paying. Chief Kingsbury asked if Syringa is the only vendor in town who can provide this service, and Chief McNeill stated there might be another vendor, Hypercore, but they are not a state vendor. A request for quote or bid would need to be put out in order to negotiate a price between Syringa and Hypercore.

III. Old Business a) Nlets increase i. Chief McNeill stated that, in the past, Nlets has charged ISP a monthly fee of $4,000. However, Nlets is unable to continue to provide their services at this price. As a result, the Nlets board of directors voted last year to increase the monthly dues for Nlets from $4,000 to $7,000 monthly starting July 1, 2021. At the last ILETS Board Meeting, Chief McNeill made a recommendation to increase the ILETS access fee for each agency as follows: $5,425 for local agencies to $9,000 for federal agencies. Chief McNeill said the ILETS fund would be able to support the fee increase from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021, or $12,000 for one quarter. For clarification, the fee increase will take place for the fiscal year 2022 budget and will take effect October 1, 2021 for all agencies billed by ISP. Motion: Chief Kingsbury moved to make the increases as discussed with an effective date of October 1, 2021, with the ILETS fund supporting the fee increase for one quarter (July 2021 – September 2021). Sheriff Gough seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, with none opposed. The motion carried.

IV. New Business

V. Executive Session a) No executive session was conducted.

Adjourn Meeting Major Spencer moved to adjourn the meeting. Sheriff Gough seconded the motion. There were 6 ayes, with none opposed. The motion carried. Chairman Snarr adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.

Meeting minutes submitted respectfully, Abigail Leroy