2020 ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL Dewrder | Hiwmor | Cywirdeb | Rhagoriaeth | Teulu | Llwyddiant Courage | Humour | Integrity | Excellence | Family | Success


Neges y Llywydd ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4 Datganiad y Cadeirydd �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Crynodeb Prif Weithredwr y Grwˆ p ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10 Adroddiad Strategol ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Y Flwyddyn o safbwynt Rygbi Cymunedol �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Dychwelyd yn ôl i Rygbi ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 38 Y Flwyddyn o safbwynt Rygbi Proffesiynol �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Dychwelyd yn ôl i Rygbi ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 52 Adroddiad y Cyfarwyddwyr ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 54 Datganiad Cyfunol o Incwm ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 Datganiad Cyfunol o Incwm Cynhwysfawr ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62 Mantolenni Cyfunol a Mantolenni’r Cwmni ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63 Datganiad Cyfunol o Newidiadau mewn Ecwiti ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 64 Datganiad y Cwmni o Newidiadau mewn Ecwiti ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 65 Datganiad Cyfunol o Lif Arian �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Nodiadau i’r Datganiadau Ariannol ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 67 Adroddiad gan archwilwyr annibynnol i aelodau Undeb Rygbi Cymru Cyfyngedig ������������������� 99 Llywodraethu Undeb Rygbi Cymru ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102 Swyddfa Gofrestredig ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107 Y Bwrdd Cyfarwyddwyr ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108 Cyngor Undeb Rygbi Cymru ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114 Y Bwrdd Gweithredol ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 120 Teyrngedau ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124 Partneriaid Masnachol ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 128


Llywydd Gerald Davies

Ar ôl y stormydd daeth y pla. Effeithiodd y storm ar dros 60 o Ond yna, yn anghredadwy, fel pe glybiau, ond daeth yr aelodau at ei na allai fynd yn ddim gwaeth, dyna Yn ystod fy mlwyddyn gilydd, ac ar ôl dioddef y drychineb, yn union ddigwyddodd. O unman, gyntaf yn fy swydd mae sicrhaodd y teimlad o gydweithio a fe rhywbeth o’r Hen Destament rygbi Cymru wedi cael ei brawdgarwch, sydd yn rhywbeth a heb orliwio, daeth pla i daro’r brofi i’r eithaf, fel gweddill mor eithriadol mewn clybiau rygbi, byd na welwyd ei debyg o’r blaen. ein cymunedau, a dylem na chollwyd popeth, a helpodd i Effeithiodd yn llethol ar fywydau fod yn falch iawn bod sicrhau bod posibl adfer y sefyllfa. pob un ohonom. Fel yn achos pob ein cymunedau, a dan yr Aeth aelodau, sydd yn arfer bod yn un ohonom o bob cefndir, galwyd amgylchiadau eithriadol elynion ar y caeau, i glybiau ei gilydd ar glybiai i ddod ynghyd unwaith yma na welwyd eu tebyg gyda brwshys paent a bocsys twˆls, eto gyda theimlad cryf o undod. yn ystod hanes diweddar, gyda’r holl offer oedd ei angen i Mae pandemig coronafeirws wedi dal eu tir. Dylem deimlo adfer, ail gaboli ac ailadeiladu. (“Covid-19”) wedi bod yn ergyd balchder bod ein gêm mor i galonnau ein cymunedau rygbi. wydn ac yn gallu wynebu’r Cefnogodd eich undeb y Mae’n greulon i bobl unigol, ac her. Nid yw hynny wedi bod gweithgaredd anhunanol yma er wrth ymateb i’r angen i gyfyngu ar yn hawdd. mwyn cynnig arian, cyflenwadau a chyngor pan oedd angen hynny, ei ganlyniadau marwol mae wedi Roedd hi’n dorcalonnus iawn gweld fel y gwnaeth cefnogwyr rygbi a achosi i deuluoedd orfod gwahanu y difrod a wnaeth Storm Dennis i roddodd yn hael i bwcedi casglu yn ac wedi achosi rhaniadau eang strwythurau ffisegol ein tai clybiau ystod gemau Cymru, a chanfuwyd rhwng cymunedau. Roedd ein gan ddifetha nifer o’n caeau, ond arian er mwyn helpu i ariannu’r hundod dan fygythiad. roedd yr ymateb penderfynol ac ymgyrch a chadw’r storm i ffwrdd. ysbrydoledig yn falm i’r galon. Roeddem yn teimlo’r straen yn cael ei leddfu. 4 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Rwyf yn credu Mae ein caeau wedi eu cau, ond bod ymateb ledled Cymru dechreuodd clybiau Mae angen i’r ysbryd rygbi fentrau arweiniodd at redeg, rygbi Cymru holl-gynhwysfawr a cerdded a seiclo ar lwybrau, traciau charedig yma, fel y i’r ffenomenon a ffyrdd gwledig, ond hefyd at anghyfarwydd rai syniadau newydd, unigryw a mae wedi ei wneud a brawychus gwahanol iawn ar brydiau, a’r hyd yma, barhau yma wedi bod yn cyfan i’w edmygu. O’r bugail o nid yn unig yn ystod Aberhonddu roddodd ei ddefaid cyfnodau anodd ond oleuni disglair yn i bori ar gae segur y clwb fel y y tywyllwch sydd hefyd er mwyn creu gallai ail-ymuno â’r gwasanaeth dyfodol gobeithiol. yn adlewyrchu’r ambiwlans, i’r plant a luniodd ddynoliaeth ar enfysau ar gyfer ffenestri tai clybiau ei gorau. er mwyn dangos cefnogaeth i’r Yn amlwg roedd hynny yn rhy GIG a gweithwyr allweddol ym obeithiol ac rydym wedi cyrraedd Rydym wedi canfod ffyrdd eraill mhob man. yr hyn sydd yn ymddangos yn o gadw mewn cysylltiad â thai Mewn nifer o achosion, roedd ein gyfnod difrifol. clybiau drwy ddod, er enghraifft, chwaraewyr yn arwain rhai o’r Rhaid i ni beidio â cholli amynedd, yn ‘rhithiol’, a gwnaethom yr mentrau yma. sydd yn hawdd i ni ei ddweud hyn yr ydym yn ei wneud orau Pan ysgrifennais atoch yn oherwydd bod pob un ohonom mewn amgylchiadau bygythiol, gynharach eleni dywedais bod yn awchu i chwarae unwaith eto. sef cynnal ein gilydd a’r rhai mwy pob un ohonom yn gobeithio y Yn rhannol mae yna rai sydd yn bregus na ni. byddai’r pandemig yn dod i ben cwestiynu’r cyfyngiadau a’r angen cyn hir. am ‘ryddid personol’.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 5 Ac yn yr achos hwnnw rwyf yn Tra bod y clybiau yr anrhydedd yma yw pinacl fy oes cael fy atgoffa o’r geiriau “Po a’u haelodau yn yn y gêm. Rwyf yn gwerthfawrogi fwyaf y rhyddid a gawn y mwyaf ac yn trysori yr anrhydedd enfawr yw’r cyfrifoldeb sydd gennym rhoi bywyd i’r gêm, yma. sydd yn briodol yn tuag at eraill a ni’n hunain”. Mae’r tîm hyfforddi newydd erbyn Mae dal angen i ni gymryd gofal perthyn i’n pentrefi, hyn yn ei le. Dechreuodd Wayne mawr. trefi a dinasoedd Pivac a’i gydweithwyr hyfforddi Dechreuais y tymor yma drwy gan ddymuno ar eu gwaith tua’r un adeg, olynu Dennis Gethin fel Llywydd, atgyfnerthu’r bywyd gan etifeddu gwaddol Warren sydd yn swydd sydd yn mynd afieithus a heintus Gatland. Mae Wayne, fel finnau, yn ôl dros 130 o flynyddoedd hwnnw, mae’n rhaid i yn dilyn yn ôl traed gwˆr o fri. Ar i ddechreuad di-nod ein gêm ôl dechrau arni a gweld cynnydd ni bob amser ystyried yn cael ei wneud, roedd yn genedlaethol, ac rwyf yn datgan a hyrwyddo ein lle fy niolchgarwch iddo ef a phob wirioneddol drist bod y pandemig un o fy rhagflaenwyr am bopeth yn y byd a beth sydd wedi cyrraedd i’n poeni i gyd a maent wedi ei gyflawni yn y rôl. gennym i’w gynnig rhoi terfyn ar bopeth. Mae’n fraint fawr ac unwaith a pha gyfraniadau Rydym hefyd yn ffarwelio â’n eto hoffwn ddiolch i’r holl aelod- gwerthfawr maent yn cadeirydd am chwe blynedd, glybiau ledled Cymru am roi’r cyfle ei ddisgwyl ohonom. Gareth Davies yn y Cyfarfod i mi wasanaethu rygbi Cymru. Cyffredinol Blynyddol eleni ar Ac i ymddwyn mewn ffordd sydd ddiwedd ei ail gyfnod ar y Bwrdd Mae’n rhaid i ni bob amser yn gydnaws â’n statws yn y byd a’r Cyngor, ac mae’n bleser mawr gydnabod a pharchu hanes rygbi ac ennill eu parch yn y ffordd gen i ddiolch iddo yn ffurfiol am ei rhagorol a dylanwadol ein Hundeb yr ydym wedi gwneud hynny drwy ymroddiad i rygbi Cymru yn ystod a’r rhan allweddol yr ydym wedi gydol ein hanes. ei gyfnod. ei chwarae o ran esblygu a chyfoethogi y gêm arbennig yma Fy mraint pennaf oedd chwarae Bydd hanes yn ei gofio fel yn fyd-eang. rygbi cenedlaethol i Gymru, ond cadeirydd oedd nid yn unig yn angerddol ofalgar, ond a

6 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 ddylanwadodd yn wirioneddol Roedd yn anrhydedd mawr i mi Mae’n werth gadarnhaol hefyd ar rygbi Cymru, roir capiau newydd i’r unigolion cofio mai dim a bydd ein gêm yn parhau i elwa yma yn bersonol. ond ceidwaid y o’i waddol o ran moderneiddio Mae’n werth cofio mai dim crys ydym ni am dulliau llywodraethu a chynnydd ond ceidwaid y crys ydym ni am gyfnod byr cyn yn benodol. gyfnod byr cyn eu bod yn cael eu eu bod yn cael eu Gellir dweud yr un peth, o trosglwyddo. Rydym yn cael ei trosglwyddo. safbwynt gwaddol, am Martyn hatgoffa o hynny wrth i ni gofio Phillips, a’n gadawodd hefyd cyn am Matthew J Watkins, Leighton dechrau’r tymor 2020 newydd, er Jenkins, Steve Blackmore, iddo aros y tu hwnt i’w ddyddiad Russell Robins a Brian Davies a’n Gadewch i mi ychwanegu fy ymddeol, a bennodd ef ei hun, er gadawodd ni eleni. Collwyd ein nymuniadau gorau i bob un mwyn arwain rygbi Cymru drwy chwaraewr rhyngwladol hynaf, ohonoch gan obeithio y byddwn ansicrwydd Covid-19 a’i effeithiau Peter Rees, a fu unwaith yn yn ôl yn fuan - yn fuan iawn - yn sylweddol. Rwyf yn diolch i’r ddau Gadeirydd a Llywydd Llanelli. gwneud ein gorau i’n gilydd ac er lles rygbi Cymru. o waelod calon am eu hymroddiad Mae asesiad llawn o gyfraniad pob di-wyro i’n gêm. un i rygbi Cymru i’w weld mewn Ar ddechrau’r tymor, cyn Cwpan man arall yn y ddogfen hon. Fy Rygbi y Byd, rhoddwyd capiau mraint i fel Llywydd Undeb Rygbi newydd i ddau chwaraewr Cymru yw cofnodi eu cyfraniad newydd, Rhys Carre ac Owen a sicrhau eu lle yn hanes rygbi Gerald Davies Lane ac rwyf yn eu croesawu i’r Cymru. CBE DL MA LLD gorlan. Llywydd Ers hynny mae Wayne wedi rhoi Undeb Rygbi Cymru Cyfyngedig cyfleoedd i fwy o chwaraewyr newydd, sef Johnny McNichol, a .


Mae’n rhaid i mi dechrau yr amser yn fuan i ni ddod oddi hyd a lled Cymru sydd â chymaint drwy fynegi fy niolchgarwch ar y rhaffau. A byddwn yn gallu o ddylanwad o undod. i’n clybiau, eu haelodau a’n gwneud hynny oherwydd bod Ar lefel ryngwladol dechreuodd staff ni ein hunain am y ein clybiau wedi bod yn eithaf y tymor gyda gobaith mawr o ffordd maent wedi delio â her onest ac agored am eu materion ennill Cwpan Webb Ellis ym mhrif apocalyptaidd. Nid dyma’r ariannol, yr adnoddau sydd ar bencampwriaeth Rygbi’r Byd lle i swnio fel proffwyd gwae, gael iddynt, eu huchelgeisiau a’r yn Japan, ac ni chafodd Warren ac nid wyf wedi gwneud hyn maent eisiau a’i angen - a Gatland ei siomi drwyddi draw hynny yn ystod y nghyfnod, rydym wedi gwrando. yn ystod ei ymgyrch olaf wrth ond mae yna gyfnodau wedi Rydym wedi datgan yn y llyw - gan efelychu campau bob eleni i bob un ohonom gyhoeddus ein bod yn amcanu arwrol 2011 a 1987 yn Seland pryd yr oedd yn wirioneddol at arwain rygbi Cymru yn ei Newydd ac Awstralia drwy yn ymddangos fel bod y gyfanrwydd drwy’r argyfwng gyrraedd rownd gynderfynol diwedd yn agos. yma i’r ochr draw, ac rydym ar Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd. Mae’n rhaid i mi dechrau drwy darged i wneud hynny. Mae Roedd fy amser i yn cynrychioli fynegi fy niolchgarwch i’n yna amser ansicr eto i ddod, ond rygbi Cymru yn Japan yn clybiau, eu haelodau a’n staff ni rydym wedi gosod ein hunain yn uchafbwynt fy ngyrfa o ran ein hunain am y ffordd maent y sefyllfa orau bosib i sefydlogi maint yr ymgyrch, y bobl y wedi delio â her apocalyptaidd. pethau. cefais eu cyfarfod a lletygarwch Nid dyma’r lle i swnio fel proffwyd Mae’r clybiau wedi y wlad yr oedd yn ei chynnal. gwae, ac nid wyf wedi gwneud Hon oedd y bencampwriaeth hynny yn ystod y nghyfnod, ond profi i unrhyw un fwyaf llwyddiannus hyd yma, mae yna gyfnodau wedi bob eleni sydd erioed wedi yn economaidd, masnachol a i bob un ohonom pryd yr oedd amau mai nhw yw chymdeithasol, er gwaethaf yn wirioneddol yn ymddangos curiad calon trefi, ymyrraeth corwynt Hagibis, allai fel bod y diwedd yn agos. . pentrefi, dinasoedd fod, o edrych yn ôl, yn rhybudd Ond, ar yr adegau caletaf, rydym a chymunedau o’r amser caled oedd i ddod. wedi bod yno i’n gilydd ac rydym yn agosach at ein gilydd nag ledled Cymru. erioed o’r blaen. Rydym wedi cael ein taro gan Storm Dennis a Yn amlach na pheidio y clybiau phandemig Covid-19 sydd wedi rygbi sydd wedi bod yn trefnu effeithio ar y genedl, ond hyd yma gweithgareddau codi arian, rydym wedi ymdopi â phob ergyd. digwyddiadau cymdeithasol ar- lein ac adnoddau a rennir gyda Mae dros £1m wedi cael ei phobl agored i niwed a chludo ryddhau ar gyfer clybiau sydd nwyddau a chyflenwadau a mwy. yn aelodau ac rydym wedi gallu Wrth gwrs mae yna grwpiau, targedu’r arian yma ble mae ei sefydliadau ac unigolion eraill angen fwyaf diolch i adborth a sydd wedi bod yn esiamplau o’r deialog. Mae’r cymylau duon yn ysbryd dyngarol yn y modd yma, Yna daeth newid wrth i Wayne dal i fygwth, ond fel y dywedodd ond dim ond y ni, rygbi Cymru, Pivac gymryd y llyw ar gyfer Muhammed Ali yn ystod y sydd â’r rhwydwaith o glybiau ar ymgyrch y Chwe Gwlad a dorrwyd ‘Rumble in the Jungle’, fe ddaw yn ei blas oherwydd y pandemig. 8 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Gareth Davies Datganiad y Cadeirydd

Mae Wayne wedi dechrau siapio i wneud yr hyn sydd yn iawn i ffordd newydd o chwarae ac rygbi Cymru, wrth i ni weithio mae’r arwyddion yn rhyfeddol drwy ohiriadau, cyfnodau clo, o addawol ar gyfer cyfnod o ffyrlo a thrafodaethau cyflogau lwyddiant parhaus dan ei ofal. gyda’n gilydd. Gyda rowndiau olaf 2020 wedi Mae eleni wedi rhoi cyfle euraidd wedi cyflawni nifer o’r pethau yr eu gohirio, pan ysgrifennir hyn, i ni newid rhai elfennau o’r wyf wedi mynd ati i’w cyflawni ni yw pencampwyr presennol y gêm fyd-eang, o ran gwrthdaro yn ystod fy nghyfnod o chwe Chwe Gwlad wedi’r cyfan! yn y calendr byd-eang, er lles blynedd. Rydym wedi cyflwyno Yn gêm y merched, olynwyd chwaraewyr a chreu’r elw newid o ran llywodraethiant ac Rowland Philips gan Chris masnachol mwyaf posibl i’r holl wedi moderneiddio mewn ffordd Horsman, Geraint Lewis a Gareth bartïon. Bu buddsoddi ecwiti yr oedd nifer wedi meddwl Wyatt, ac mae’r triawd wedi preifat mewn PRO14, y mae’n y byddai’n amhosibl i Undeb gosod sylfeini newydd ar gyfer rhaid ei fuddsoddi yn ddoeth, ac hanesyddol fel ni ei wneud, ond strategaeth newydd i ferched mae’n rhaid i ni barhau i sicrhau nid ydym wedi gorffen y gwaith Cymru, un sydd yn golygu mwy dyfodol ariannol rygbi Cymru hwnnw eto. Mae yna fwy i’w o arian a phenodiadau newydd mewn cyfnod o newid anferthol wneud, ac mae hwn yn gyfnod wrth y llyw. Mae hwn yn posibl. arbennig o heriol i’n gêm, am y rhesymau niferus a amlinellwyd gyfnod cyffrous i Ferched Cymru Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn uchod. Rwyf yn cynnig i fy sydd, ynghyd â’n Cyfarwyddwr i groesawu John Manders, olynydd neu olynyddion ar y Perfformio , ag a ddaeth yn aelod etholedig Cyngor, y Bwrdd ac fel cadeirydd uchelgais i gystadlu ar y lefel newydd o Gyngor WRU ym mis WRU fy nymuniadau gorau a uchaf un yn ystod y blynyddoedd Gorffennaf, a Ieuan Evans fydd didwyll wrth iddynt amcanu sydd i ddod ac sydd yn parhau yn ymuno â’r Cyngor yn mis at fynd i’r afael â’r heriau sydd i gynyddu cyfranogiad yn y gêm Hydref, a hefyd cydnabod Liza i ddod a sicrhau dyfodol ein ar gyflymder esbonyddol. Burgess, sef y fenyw gyntaf i gêm Genedlaethol yr ydym yn Mae ein pedair Rhanbarth gael ei hethol gan aelodau’r ei thrysori. Bu’n anrhydedd i mi wedi teimlo effaith pandemig clybiau ar y Cyngor, a Bwrdd gael rhoi fy ngwasanaeth. coronafeirws yr un mor acíwt ag WRU o ganlyniad i hynny, yn unrhyw un arall yn rygbi Cymru. Nhachwedd 2019. Rydym Yn gywir dros rygbi Cyn yr argyfwng, roedd y wedi ceisio annog ymgeiswyr o a’r Dreigiau yn paratoi ar gyfer amrywiaeth eang o gefndiroedd rowndiau wyth olaf Cwpan Her fel y gallwn gynyddu’r gronfa Ewrop a’r Scarlets oedd ein clwb o dalent ar ein Cyngor, fydd yn blaenllaw yn y PRO14, yn drydydd gallu gwasanaethu ein gêm ar yng nghyngres B. Mae ein bob lefel, a bydd y gwaith yn Gareth Davies chwaraewyr, a gynrychiolir gan parhau yn y maes yma. Cadeirydd Undeb Rygbi Cymru Cyfyngedig Gymdeithas Chwaraewyr Rygbi O safbwynt personol mae fy Cymru, wedi bod yn broffesiynol mhrofiadau fel aelod o’r Bwrdd drwy gydol ein trafodaethau yn wedi cyfoethogi fy mywyd, ac ystod y cyfnod heriol yma ac fel Cadeirydd Bwrdd WRU rwyf rydym wedi rhannu uchelgais

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 9 Crynodeb Prif Weithredwr y Grŵp Mae’n demtasiwn i anghofio am y flwyddyn, na welwyd ei debyg yn yr oes fodern. Drwy gyfuniad ei hystyried fel profiad yn unig, ac edrych o fesurau torri costau, rheolaeth ofalus a defnyddio ymlaen. Ond byddai hynny yn golygu amrywiol gynlluniau gan y Llywodraeth a groesawyd, diystyru llawer o fisoedd o lwyddiant yn rydym wedi llwyddo i fod yn sylweddol ddarbodus. Rygbi Cymru drwyddi draw, a pheidio â Dechreuodd y flwyddyn gydag ymgyrch Cwpan gwneud yr ymdrechion anferthol yr ydym Rygbi’r Byd yn Japan lle llwyddodd tîm Cymru i wedi eu gwneud er mwyn sicrhau bod ein ennill calonnau cenedl, yn arbennig y bobl leol yn y gêm yn dod allan o’r argyfwng iechyd ganolfan ymarfer yn Kitakyushu. Rydym wedi cynnal presennol yn gyflawn. sesiynau ymarfer agored o’r blaen yn Stadiwm y Er bod ein systemau ariannol mewnol ar y dechrau Principality, pan heidiodd cefnogwyr yno i gefnogi wedi awgrymu sefyllfa llawer mwy difrifol o ganlyniad eu harwyr, ond roedd gweld 15,000 o bobl leol ar i bandemig Covid-19, mae ein hadroddiad heddiw yn dir estron, wedi eu gwisgo mewn coch yn canu Hen amlinellu colled o £5.3m. Mae hwn yn dal yn fwlch Wlad Fy Nhadau yn rhywbeth arbennig. Gosododd cyllido, fydd yn effeithio fwyaf ar haen broffesiynol hynny’r naws ar gyfer y bencampwriaeth, a bu i’r ein gêm yn ystod y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod, ond don yna o ewyllys da, ynghyd ag ymdrechion hynod mae yna drosiant sylweddol sydd yn ganlyniad broffesiynol sgwad, tîm hyfforddi a chwaraewyr ein uniongyrchol i ymateb a gwaith caled ein staff, carfan genedlaethol, ein harwain i’n trydedd rownd partneriaid a rhanddeiliaid eraill i sefyllfa o argyfwng gynderfynol yng Nghwpan y Byd. Ffarweliwyd â


Warren Gatland a chroesawyd tîm chyfle i gael dyrchafiad neu i ennill rydym eisiau iddi gael ei chwarae hyfforddi newydd dan arweiniad cystadlaethau; diolch mai dim gan fwy o bobl, yn amlach a gyda . ond ychydig o gynghreiriau oedd mwy o fwynhad, a dyna pan ein dal ‘yn y fantol’, ond roedd yn bod yn parhau i fuddsoddi yn y Mae’r cyfnod pontio, rhaid gwneud y penderfyniad er maes twf pwysig yma yn ein camp. gyda Wayne yn mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn chwarae Yn YE19, penderfynwyd dechrau arni cyn ein rhan i ddiogelu cymunedau clustnodi £11.2m ar gyfer ein Crynodeb Cymru. Daeth y gymuned rygbi at Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd, gêm gymunedol. Roedd y dull wedi mynd yn dda ei gilydd. newydd yma yn golygu bod y gyda chymysgedd Gallwch adeiladu unrhyw beth, buddsoddiad blynyddol i’r gêm iach o’r ‘hen a’r ond ni fyddwch yn gweld a yw’n gymunedol yn cael ei warantu, a’r Prif Weithredwr gweithio nes eich bod yn ei brofi. gêm broffesiynol i bob pwrpas yn newydd’ sydd yn Dim ond pan fyddwch chi’n rhoi ysgwyddo’r risg a’r enillion mewn golygu bod yr rhywbeth o dan straen y bydd perthynas â’r amrywiad mewn esblygiad yr oedd y craciau a’r mannau gwan yn perfformiad ariannol. Fel undeb Wayne wedi ei gynnig ymddangos. Rydych yn dysgu o glybiau roedd yn ymddangos y Grŵp llawer iawn mewn argyfwng bod hyn yn gwbl briodol ac wedi bod yn amlwg amdanoch eich hun, y bobl sydd roeddem yn falch o gytuno ar y yn ei gemau cyntaf. o’ch cwmpas a’r cynlluniau a’r ffordd newydd ac arloesol yma strategaethau yr ydych wedi o ariannu’r gêm yng Nghymru. Ar y lefel ddomestig, cyrhaeddodd eu sefydlu fel busnes. Mae’r Mae hwn yn bolisi sydd wedi dau o’n timau Rhanbarthol cynlluniau hynny wedi cael eu chwarae rhan arwyddocaol iawn gemau wyth olaf Cwpan Her profi i’r eithaf a dylai fod yn yn ein huchelgais i sicrhau ein bod Ewrop, sef y Scarlets a’r Dreigiau, galondid mawr i Rygbi Cymru yn yn gweld yr un nifer o glybiau ac yn y gêm gymunedol roeddem ei gyfanrwydd bod cynlluniau, yn dod allan o’r argyfwng yma 60% o’r ffordd drwy’r tymor pan blaenoriaethau ac amcanion ag yr oeddem yn eu cefnogi ar gyrhaeddodd y pandemig. strategol yn dal ar darged. Wrth ei ddechrau. Mae clustnodi arian Gohiriwyd y tymor proffesiynol gwrs, mae’n rhaid i ni wneud wedi bod yn llwyddiannus ac erbyn a chanslwyd y gêm gymunedol. addasiadau er mwyn ymateb hyn mae’n ymddangos ei fod yn Nid oedd hwnnw’n benderfyniad i’r sefyllfa yr ydym ynddi, ond un o’r penderfyniadau gorau yr hawdd, a rhoddwyd ystyriaeth un enghraifft o’n hymrwymiad ydym erioed wedi ei wneud. Mae flaenllaw i’r gemau oedd i brosiectau yw’r buddsoddiad gan y clybiau sydd yn galon i’r eisoes wedi cael eu chwarae cynyddol yn gêm y merched ar y gêm sicrwydd o ran eu strwythur ac i ymdrechion pawb oedd yn lefel elît a chymunedol, yr ydym ariannol, a bydd hynny yn destun gysylltiedig. Cafwyd yr effaith wedi ei gyhoeddi ym Mehefin eiddigedd nifer o sefydliadau fwyaf ar y clybiau hynny oedd â 2020. Mae rygbi yn gêm i bawb, cyffelyb yn fyd-eang ar hyn o bryd.


Hefyd, rydym wedi bod yn rhagweithiol o ran darparu mwy o arian i’n clybiau, rydym wedi anfon £1,000 i bob aelod glwb ar ddechrau’r pandemig yma ac wedi darparu £500 arall i bob clwb ym mis Gorffennaf. Cyrhaeddodd y pecyn ariannu, yn cynnwys arian a ddarparwyd fel ymateb i’r difrod a achoswyd gan Storm Dennis, oedd ar gael i’r clybiau, gyfanswm o £1.0m. defnyddio’r ddyled dros gyfnod o o incwm yn y dyfodol. Mewn Mae’r arian yma yn ychwanegol flwyddyn ar y mwyaf. gwirionedd mae’r cyfnod yma at yr arian argyfwng a groesawyd wedi ategu ein cynlluniau i gan Lywodraeth Cymru, megis y Ac eithrio Gwesty archwilio ffyrdd o greu ffrydiau Gronfa Cydnerthedd Economaidd Westgate, fydd yn incwm newydd yn y dyfodol er ac mae’r Undeb wedi helpu agor yn 2021, mae’r mwyn gwarchod Undeb Rygbi clybiau gael mynediad iddi. holl brosiectau Cymru. Rydym nawr ar ddechrau proses cyfalaf eraill wedi Mewn perthynas â buddsoddi, pan fo rygbi yn addasu i’r ‘normal gwnaethom groesawu CVC fel newydd’ ar y cae ac oddi ar y cae. cael eu rhewi. Mae hynny yn partneriaid yn y PRO14 ym Mai Efallai y bydd cystadlaethau ar 2020. Roeddem yn ystyried nifer lefel broffesiynol y gêm yn newid adlewyrchu newid o opsiynau ac yn teimlo, o bwyso ac mae’n hanfodol bod Cymru oddi wrth ddiogelu’r a mesur, y byddai ymrwymiad, yn parhau i fod wrth galon y busnes i’r dyfodol buddsoddiad ac arbenigedd yn penderfyniadau hynny. Mae’n yn rhagweithiol i y diwydiant y byddai CVC yn ei debygol iawn y byddwn angen reoli argyfwng yn gynnig i’r gynghrair yn gwneud benthyciadau er mwyn goroesi hon yn bartneriaeth fydd er lles a bydd ein cyllid i’r dyfodol yn adweithiol. i’r gêm. Mae eu buddsoddiad yn ddibynnol ar y modd y rheolir dystiolaeth bod gan rygbi le ar Wedi dweud hynny, mae’r y ddyled honno. Oherwydd y gyfer twf masnachol. Maent yn prosiectau yma a rewyd yn barod ffordd mae ein gêm wedi cael fuddsoddwyr allanol profiadol i ddychwelyd yn y dyfodol, ac fe’u ei strwythuro a’i hariannu, y iawn ac rydym yn disgwyl iddynt hystyrir fel ffordd o fuddsoddi gêm broffesiynol fydd yn teimlo fod yn gatalydd ar gyfer newid a yn ddiogel a gwneud y mwyaf hynny fwyaf, ond y cynllun yw chynnydd. Hefyd mae ein penderfyniad i fwrw ymlaen â thrafodaethau ar gyfer Cytundeb Rygbi Proffesiynol (“PRA”) newydd gyda’n pedwar rhanbarth gan ddisodli’r hen Gytundeb Gwasanaethau Rygbi (“RSA”) wedi talu ar ei ganfed. Byddai’r RSA gwreiddiol wedi dod i ben ym Mehefin 2020, ond ar ôl cwblhau’r trafodaethau yma yn ystod YE19, roedd y gêm broffesiynol ar sylfaeni cadarn pan gyrhaeddodd yr argyfwng iechyd ym Mawrth 2020. Byddai cynllunio cytundeb hirdymor o bwysigrwydd mor sylfaenol yn UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 13 ystod argyfwng wedi bod yn eithriadol o heriol, os nad yn amhosibl. Pasiwyd newid strwythurol arall yn YE19 sydd hefyd wedi talu ar ei ganfed eleni o ran moderneiddio’r Wrth gwrs, byddwn yn parhau i dull llywodraethu a basiwyd yn werthuso’r sefyllfa. Er enghraifft, ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol mae ein penderfyniad i gartrefu diwethaf. Arweiniodd hynny at Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig yn Stadiwm greu dau fwrdd newydd, y Bwrdd y Principality wedi bod yn destun Rygbi Proffesiynol (“PRB”) a’r craffu sylweddol, ac mae hynny yn annibynnol gan Econactive a Bwrdd Rygbi Cymunedol (“CRB”). gwbl briodol. Gan weithio ochr luniwyd ar ran yr Undeb yn Amanda Blanc a Rob Butcher yw yn ochr â Llywodraeth Cymru a YE19. Rydym yn ymwybodol eu cadeiryddion ac erbyn hyn Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd y bydd hyn yn niweidio’r rydym yn hyderus bod gennym a’r Fro rydym wedi adeiladu un o’r diwydiant adloniant ehangach yr union arbenigedd yn yr ystafell ysbytai maes mwyaf o’i bath, sydd yng Nghaerdydd. Ar gyfartaledd yn achos y ddau er mwyn delio â’r holl adnoddau angenrheidiol. mae Stadiwm Principality wedi â’r heriau gwahanol penodol yn y Mae ein Rhanbarthau hefyd wedi cefnogi allbwn o tua £135m gemau proffesiynol a chymunedol. sicrhau bod eu cyfleusterau ar gael a 2,500 o swyddi cyfwerth ag Mae hynny wedi bod yn ased yn ystod yr argyfwng cenedlaethol amser llawn yng Nghaerdydd a sylweddol ar adeg pan fo rheoli yma, ac rydym wedi croesawu’r Chymru bob blwyddyn ers iddo argyfwng wedi bod mor bwysig. GIG i Ganolfan Ragoriaeth gynnal ei ddigwyddiad cyntaf ym Genedlaethol yr Undeb yn Hensol. Mehefin 1999, sydd yn gyfanswm Rydym wedi Bydd Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig, o 50,275 o flynyddoedd o aildrefnu ein oherwydd ei maint a’r adnodd gyflogaeth i unigolion a £1.32bn strategaeth dreigl mae’n ei ddarparu yn aros drwy o werth ychwanegol gros. Mae’r gydol yr hydref, ac mae hynny tair blynedd er mwyn adroddiad hefyd yn amcangyfrif yn cyd-daro â’n huchelgais i ystyried y galwadau bod gwariant ymwelwyr wedi ddychwelyd i chwarae rygbi ar mae’r pandemig darparu £1.95bn i’r economi leol, y llwyfan rhyngwladol. Mae tra’n cynhyrchu cynnydd o £55m o wedi ei achosi ac hynny wedi golygu y bu’n rhaid i ran yr effaith flynyddol gyfartalog a fydd yn parhau ni feddwl mewn ffordd strategol a amcangyfrifir yn YE19 yn unig, newydd, o ran canfod cartref dros i’w hachosi, ond gan gefnogi un o bob deg swydd dro i’n tîm cenedlaethol. rydym yn hyderus yn y diwydiant ymwelwyr. bod ein cynlluniau, Mae effaith economaidd y Ond mae’n fesur o faint y penderfyniad yma ar Gaerdydd amcanion a nodau pandemig presennol nad yw yn gyffredinol yn rhywbeth na ellir - a luniwyd cyn hynny i gyd yn arwyddocaol pan ei ddiystyru yn hawdd. Rydym yn Covid-19 - yn fesurir hynny yn erbyn y gost gwybod bod Stadiwm y Principality bosibl i bobol o ganlyniad i beidio gydnerth ac y wedi cynhyrchu £2.75bn o â chartrefu Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig byddant yn goroesi. allbwn economaidd yn ystod yr yn Stadiwm y Principality. Ac nid 20 mlynedd cyntaf o weithredu, oes yna unrhyw amheuaeth, y fel y nodwyd mewn adroddiad byddem yn gwneud hynny eto. 14 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Mae digwyddiadau stadiwm yn ystod y blynyddoedd diweddar wedi bod yn rhan ganolog o incwm ychwanegol i Grwˆp Undeb Rygbi Cymru, a bydd Covid-19 yn parhau i effeithio’n sylweddol ar y busnes hwnnw. Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd codi’r cyfyngiadau yn YE21 yn rhoi hwb sylweddol, ond rydym yn gwybod bod rhaid i ni fod yn hyblyg ac ymatebol yn y maes yma sydd yn symud yn gyflym, a buddsoddi yn y seilwaith priodol er mwyn sicrhau y gall ein busnes digwyddiadau ffynnu unwaith eto.

O safbwynt personol rwyf yn agosáu at ddiwedd fy mhum mlynedd gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Mae hon wedi bod yn swydd unwaith mewn oes. Mae’r amrywiaeth, yr her ac ehangder y rôl, ynghyd â phwysigrwydd ein camp i Gymru wedi golygu y bu’n anrhydedd gwasanaethu fel Prif Weithredwr y Grŵp.

Mae pum mlynedd gydag Undeb Yn olaf, hoffwn fynegi gair o Rygbi Cymru, gan wasanaethu ddiolch. Ni fyddai cyfyngu effaith ar Fwrdd y Chwe Gwlad, PRO14, Covid-19 i £5.3m wedi bod yn Llewod Prydain ac Iwerddon a bosibl heb ymdrechion y Bwrdd, gweithio gyda Rygbi’r Byd yn ein partneriaid masnachol a’r teulu golygu fy mod wedi cael fy nhrochi rygbi ehangach. Dylid cyfeirio’n mewn gwybodaeth am rygbi. Er i benodol at ein Gweithrediaeth a’r Martyn Phillips mi benderfynu ymddiswyddo cyn staff ehangach. Mae eu hangerdd Prif Weithredwr y Grŵp Undeb Rygbi Cymru Cyfyngedig Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd bu’n fraint a’u hymroddiad i Rygbi Cymru gallu aros yn y swydd er mwyn wedi bod yn amlwg iawn. Er bod gallu helpu i reoli her Covid-19. yna gyfnod ansicr o’n blaenau o Rwyf yn gobeithio y byddaf yn hyd, rwyf yn hyderus eu bod eisoes gallu defnyddio’r wybodaeth yma wedi mynd y filltir ychwanegol er a’r cysylltiadau rygbi yr wyf wedi mwyn lliniaru’r heriau niferus a eu meithrin, er budd Undeb Rygbi fydd yn ein hwynebu. Cymru mewn rhyw ffordd yn y dyfodol.



Group activities The Welsh Limited’s (“Company”) purpose and principal activity is to promote rugby and to encourage more people to engage with the game, more often with more enjoyment and more success. The Company majority owns plc (“MS”), Millennium KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (“KPIS”) Stadium Experience Limited The Group’s KPIs are: Financial performance (“MSEL”), WRU National Centre • Generation of sufficient earnings of Excellence Ltd (“WRUNCE”), Participation in rugby before interest, depreciation, WRU Gwent Region Limited • Participation levels in amortisation, allocations and (and its subsidiaries), WRU Community Rugby; including exceptional items (“EBITDA”), Supporters Club Ltd (“WRUSC”), men’s, women’s and junior over the medium term, to fulfil WRU Properties Limited (“WPL”) members the Group’s principal activity and Westgate Hotel (Cardiff) An analysis of the Group’s and primary objective Limited (“WHL”). Collectively, the performance against these Company and these subsidiaries • Number of and attendances at measures is shown in the “A international rugby matches are referred to in this Annual year in Community Rugby” Report as the “Group”. featuring the Welsh team at section of this Annual Report. Principality Stadium WRU Gwent Region Limited • Provision of consistent and (including its subsidiaries: WRU Rugby performance affordable levels of funding to Gwent Rugby Limited and WRU • Success of the National Squads clubs and affiliated organisations Gwent Stadium Limited) own and – men and women to allow them to implement manage the professional rugby • Performance of the four Welsh long term plans to fulfil their team known as the Dragons Regions objectives and the land and other assets • Performance of the Group’s An analysis of the Group’s at Rodney Parade (collectively, age-grade teams “WRU Gwent”). performance against these An analysis of the Group’s financial measures is set out performance against these below. measures is shown in the “A year in Professional Rugby” section of this Annual Report.

16 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 FINANCIAL STRATEGY SALE OF PARTNERSHIP INTEREST Given the existing net asset base of the Group, IN THE PRO14 TOURNAMENT the Group’s strategy is typically to seek to re-invest During the year, Celtic Rugby Designated Activity more into the game annually rather than retaining Company (“CRDAC”), in which the Company is a any profits to enhance net assets. Furthermore, the shareholder, transferred the business of the PRO14 Group is prepared to adjust its re-investment which tournament to a separate Limited Partnership (“LP”) may create retained profits and/or losses provided in which CVC Capital Partners (“CVC”) acquired a there is no material change, in the aggregate, to the partnership interest. The proceeds of this transaction net asset base over the medium term. were ultimately paid to the shareholders of CRDAC The Group had expected to show a break even result by way of dividends. The £4.9m received in the year for the current year and was on track to achieve this reflects the Group’s share of the dividend from this up until the business and economic disruption that transaction post professional fees. was caused by the Covid–19 pandemic. The impact The agreement between CRDAC and CVC includes of the pandemic on the Group has meant that an future options for the sale of further tranches of unanticipated loss has been incurred in the current CRDAC’s holding in the LP to CVC. These are annual year. The Group expects to be able to retain profits options in each year to YE24. If these options are over the medium term to be able to offset this loss exercised it will result in further dividends payable to and return net assets to levels similar as at YE19. the Group. Additionally, there is a further potential payment in YE25, which is conditional on certain financial metrics being achieved by the LP. EU REFERENDUM Following the referendum and decision to leave the EU, there has been increased economic uncertainty, HEADLINES OF THE FINANCIAL exchange rate volatility and an impact on consumer PERFORMANCE – YE20 v YE19 confidence in the UK market. This is likely to The Group’s result for YE20 has been significantly continue until the transition period is completed impacted by disruption caused by the Covid–19 and new trade deals come in to force. These trade pandemic. This included the postponement of the deals may result in further changes to regulation and Scotland Guinness Six Nations fixture, the cancellation operational frameworks which may impact on the of Judgment Day and the postponement of third- Group’s operations. Given the ongoing uncertainty, party events, including the Rammstein concert. As the actual impact on the Group of the UK’s decision mentioned above, up until the disruption brought to leave the EU is unclear. At the present time, the about by the Covid–19 pandemic, the Group was Directors consider the short-term impact on the expecting to break even, in line with the current Group to be not material and have therefore decided financial strategy. The following demonstrate the to exclude this from current principal risks. resulting outcomes: 2020 2019 WESTGATE HOTEL £’m £’m The Group continues the process of redeveloping Turnover 79.9 90.5 and refurbishing the consolidated property created Re-investment in the game 47.5 49.6 from the building already owned by the Group and the property acquired on Westgate Street, Cardiff, with a view to operating it as a hotel. As at the Group share of retained loss (5.3) (4.3) balance sheet date, the expenditure on the property Net bank debt 5.7 9.0 amounted to £26.6m and a related liability was held at £23.3m. It was originally anticipated that the hotel would become operational in early 2021 but, given delays resulting from the Covid–19 pandemic, this is now expected to be towards the end of 2021.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 17 DYNAMICS OF THE BUSINESS The average ticket income per attendee at matches held at Principality Stadium in YE20 was £43 (2019: £49). The activities, both operational and financial, of each company in the Group are so intrinsically linked that The Group’s operational cost base is relatively fixed; there is little merit in assessing individual performance. albeit there are incremental costs if more Group Whilst they are all separate legal entities and are controlled events are staged. As a consequence, obliged to prepare separate financial statements, it is incremental events mean incremental revenue, costs the Group’s performance that is the only meaningful and ultimately incremental profits which can be re- measure. invested into the game across all levels. The Group must deliver on its commercial activities to allow re-investment in community rugby, FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE performance rugby and Principality Stadium. Overview of performance Accordingly, the Group’s income generation is paramount to delivering on its principal activity and The Group generates income from its international primary objective. The key economic income driver matches (including sponsorship and broadcast rights) of the Group’s business is the hosting of events at and incremental revenue from the use of Principality Principality Stadium; particularly, the hosting of Stadium. This income meets the operating costs of international rugby events featuring the senior men’s the Group to allow the majority of the surplus to be Welsh team and especially a winning Welsh team. “invested” in “Welsh rugby”, as follows: The more matches that are played, the greater the 2020 2019 Group’s revenues that are available for re-investment £’m £’m in Welsh rugby. The Group welcomed 335,000 (2019: 393,000) rugby spectators to Principality Stadium Group income 79.9 90.5 for the Under Armour Series and the Guinness Six Less: operational business costs Nations, analysed as follows: • Business and administration (9.9) (7.5) 2020 2020 2019 2019 • Hospitality and catering costs (4.5) (6.5) No. of ‘000 No. of ‘000 home home • Direct costs (18.6) (19.4) matches matches • Stadia costs (7.3) (7.2) Under Armour - - 4 246 Total (40.3) (40.6) Autumn Series Under Armour Summer 2 133 - - Surplus 39.6 49.9 Series Group income is analysed as follows: Wales v 1 62 - - Barbarians 2020 2019 Guinness Six £’m £’m 2 140 2 147 Nations Match income 33.0 44.9 5 335 6 393 Competition income 7.1 11.9 The primary reason that the overall attendance Commercial income 15.4 14.2 decreased in YE20 was due to playing five home Hospitality and catering income 9.3 14.0 fixtures compared with six in YE19. The Group was scheduled to play six home matches in YE20 but the Other event income 1.1 2.4 Scotland Guinness Six Nations fixture was postponed Other income 14.0 3.1 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The average attendance per match was 67,000 (2019: 66,000) 79.9 90.5 and equated to an average of 91% (2019: 89%) when expressed as a measure of capacity attendance.

18 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 The Group earned some £79.9m (2019: £90.5m) Operational business costs predominantly from international rugby matches staged The business and administration costs represent at Principality Stadium. These matches generated 41% the costs of managing the Group; the direct costs (2019: 50%) of the Group’s overall income. represent the costs of staging both international Match income was £33.0m (2019: £44.9m), with rugby matches and other events held at Principality one less home fixture, lower average ticket prices Stadium and Rodney Parade; the stadia costs and reduced broadcast income contributing to the represent the costs of managing the stadia other reduction from 2019. The postponement of the than those directly attributable to events. Wales v Scotland Guinness Six Nations fixture in The Group’s operational business costs have reduced March 2020 resulted in a reduction in match income during the year to £40.3m (2019: £40.6m). of c.£8.1m. Business and administration costs have increased by Commercial income increased to £15.4m (2019: 32% to £9.9m. This is due mainly to some one-off £14.2m). Commercial income contributes 19% credits in YE19 not being repeated in YE20, increased (2019: 16%) of the Group’s overall income. legal costs incurred in defending litigation, increased Hospitality and catering income amounted to £9.3m provision for doubtful debts and some other one-off (2019: £14.0m) with the decrease largely driven by items in YE20. reduced events in Principality Stadium, contributing Direct costs are those incurred directly in relation to 12% (2019: 15%) of overall income. attracting revenues and include all National Squad Other event income decreased to £1.1m (2019: costs and third-party costs incurred in delivering £2.4m) due to fewer non-Group events at Principality events at Principality Stadium and Rodney Parade. Stadium. Other event income represents events These costs have decreased by £0.8m mainly as a staged at Principality Stadium apart from rugby result of a decrease in activity at Principality Stadium. matches featuring the senior men’s National Squad Hospitality and catering costs decreased to £4.5m – including, in the two years indicated above, music (2019: £6.5m). The decrease year on year is due to concerts and motorsport. the reduced number of home matches and other Competition income represents the income from events in the year and is in line with the reduced competitions including the Champions Cup, the turnover. Challenge Cup and the Guinness PRO14 (see Note 2 Stadia costs have increased by £0.1m to £7.3m for further details). (2019: £7.2m). The remaining income arises from ancillary activities and various grant sources, including the , Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) grants and recharges relating to the Dragon’s Heart Hospital. During YE20, the Group received £1.1m (2019: £0.9m) of grant funding from Sport Wales.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 19 Surplus invested in rugby Investment in “Welsh rugby” The surplus of £39.6m (2019: £49.9m) made by the The Group’s investment in “Welsh rugby” has Group which is invested in “Welsh rugby” can be decreased during the year to £47.5m (2019: £49.6m). analysed as follows: The costs in respect of performance rugby decreased 2020 2019 to £5.2m (2019: £5.5m) due to the curtailment of £’m £’m the rugby season. These costs include managing the age-grade structures, the national 7s sides, player Operational costs development, referee costs, the National Centre of - Performance rugby 5.2 5.5 Excellence and insurance which collectively amount - Community rugby 4.5 4.9 to some 66% (2019: 70%) of the total with the balance of the 34% (2019: 30%) comprising staff - WRU Gwent – regional rugby 7.1 7.6 costs. 16.8 18.0 The costs in respect of community rugby have decreased by 8% to £4.5m. Community rugby costs include coach development, referee costs, school Allocations to affiliates club hub costs, digital strategy investment and - Regions (professional) 25.0 25.4 insurance which amount to some 59% (2019: 60%) - Clubs (semi - professional) 1.1 1.7 of the total with the balance of the 41% (2019: 40%) comprising staff costs. The decrease in the - Community rugby 4.6 4.5 year is primarily due to the curtailment of the rugby 30.7 31.6 season and community rugby programmes due to Covid–19.

Total investment in “Welsh rugby” 47.5 49.6 The allocations to the three Regions not within the Group are £25.0m (2019: £25.4m). The allocations in YE20 and YE19 are made pursuant to the The balance is analysed as follows: Professional Rugby Agreement (“PRA”) - which was signed in November 2018. The PRA payments cover Surplus 39.6 49.9 all international player release and provide financial Total investment in “Welsh rugby” (47.5) (49.6) support for the four Regions in accordance with it’s (7.9) 0.3 terms. The allocation to the Group’s semi-professional league has reduced to £1.1m (2019; £1.7m), in Depreciation and amortisation 4.1 3.7 line with the Group’s strategic review of the semi- (net of grants) professional game. Exceptional items (see Note 5) - 0.2 The allocations to the Group’s community clubs Income from Investment (4.9) - have, as explained above, increased to £4.6m. The Interest costs 0.8 0.6 total investment in the community game is: Non-controlling interests - 0.4 2020 2019 Tax credit (2.6) (0.3) £’m £’m Transferred to reserves (5.3) (4.3) Operational costs 4.5 4.9 (7.9) 0.3 Allocations 4.6 4.5 9.1 9.4

20 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 EBITDA and net result Exceptional items One of the key measures of the Group is the During YE19, the Group incurred charges that due to earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, their size and nature were considered “exceptional”. amortisation, exceptional items and allocations to The Group’s definition of exceptional items includes affiliates (“EBITDA”). This is a key measure as it is the identification of significant non-recurring items the best proxy for cash generated from the Group’s that enable the “normal” financial performance of operational activities. This provides the cash to fund the Group to be better understood. As shown in the Group’s primary objective. Note 5, the exceptional items in YE19 arose from The Group’s EBITDA was £22.8m (2019: £31.9m). some restructuring costs. The Group’s pre-exceptional loss before tax and 2020 2019 non-controlling interests was £7.9m (2019: loss of £’m £’m £4.0m); after exceptional items, a loss before tax Restructuring costs - (0.2) and non-controlling interests of £7.9m (2019: loss of £4.2m). This can be analysed as follows: Community Rugby Board 2020 2019 The expenditure within the remit of the CRB was as £’m £’m follows: Group EBITDA 22.8 31.9 2020 2019 Allocations to affiliated organisations (30.7) (31.6) £’m £’m Exceptional items - (0.2) Operational costs – community rugby 4.5 4.9 Depreciation and amortisation (net of (4.1) (3.7) Allocations to affiliated organisations – grant release) 4.6 4.5 community rugby Operating loss (12.0) (3.6) Allocations to affiliated organisations – 1.1 1.7 Income from investment 4.9 - Premiership Net interest (0.8) (0.6) Certain other costs included within 0.3 0.7 Loss before tax (7.9) (4.2) performance rugby Tax 2.6 0.3 10.5 11.8 Non-controlling interests - (0.4) Costs in respect of women’s elite rugby – (0.6) Retained loss (5.3) (4.3) 10.5 11.2

Net interest expense Costs in respect of women’s elite rugby have now been removed from the remit of CRB. The table The Group’s net interest expense is analysed as follows: above provides a reconciliation of how the £11.8m 2020 2019 previously reported as CRB expenditure in 2019 £’m £’m would have looked if women’s elite rugby had also been excluded in that year to enable an accurate Bank interest payable 0.4 0.3 year-on-year comparison. Bank charges 0.4 0.3 Investment in Professional Rugby Total 0.8 0.6 The investment in professional rugby was as follows: Interest expense has increased, driven by higher bank charges and a higher net debt position over 2020 2019 the course of the year. £’m £’m Operational costs – WRU Gwent 7.1 7.6 Allocations to affiliated organisations – 25.0 25.4 Regions 32.1 33.0

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 21 Cashflow 30 June 30 June The Group’s net cash (outflows)/inflows from 2020 2019 operating activities were as follows: £’m £’m Loans: 2020 2019 £’m £’m Regions loan 1.7 2.0 EBITDA 22.8 31.9 Revolving credit facility (“RCF”) 5.0 9.5 Allocations to affiliated organisations (30.7) (31.6) Unamortised issue costs (0.2) (0.3) Exceptional items - (0.2) 6.5 11.2 Working capital movements 4.8 2.8 Cash (0.8) (2.2) Net cash (outflows)/inflows from Net bank debt 5.7 9.0 (3.1) 2.9 operating activities The decrease in net bank debt during the year of Net debt £3.3m includes: (i) a £4.5m reduction in the RCF; (ii) a reduction in the Regions’ loan of £0.3m due Net debt, which is defined as bank loans, debenture to repayments made by the Regions; (iii) offset by loans, finance lease obligations (including, in 2019, the decrease in cash balances of £1.4m and the creditors that will be settled by a future finance lease amortisation of £0.1m of the debt issue costs. Further agreement) less cash balances, as at 30 June 2020 details of the amounts due from the Regions are set was £75.6m (2019: £62.0m). The net debt position out in Note 12. of the Group is as follows: During YE20, the Group has raised some £8.6m from 2020 2019 debentures, by way of new issues and extending the £’m £’m term of certain series of existing debentures, which Debt: has contributed to the reduction in net bank debt. At 30 June 2020 the Group was also holding ticket Bank loans 6.5 11.2 receipts from the postponed Scotland game, which Debenture loans 46.6 38.0 were subsequently refunded. Finance lease 23.3 - The RCF was £5.0m drawn as at 30 June 2020, £9.2m Other creditor to be ultimately drawn as at 30 June 2019 and had a maximum draw settled by a future finance lease - 15.0 of £19.4m during the year. agreement As at 30 June 2020, the Group had unutilised facilities 76.4 64.2 of £30.0m (2019: £25.8m), of which £20.0m (2019: £14.0m) has all conditions precedent met at that date. Cash (0.8) (2.2) As part of its banking agreements, the Group has Net debt 75.6 62.0 to comply with bank covenants which require the The finance lease creditor relates to funding received Group to, inter alia, meet certain levels of cashflows towards the Westgate Hotel development. The and surpluses. This enforces normal business £23.3m shown as a finance lease creditor includes the practices on the Group but limits the extent to which £15.0m classified as “Other creditor to be ultimately the Group can invest, make allocations to affiliated settled by a future finance lease agreement” in YE19, organisations and access the facilities above. which has now been converted to a finance lease These bank covenants are typical of those applying to creditor, plus an additional drawdown of £8.3m. commercial businesses. It is in the Group’s best interests Net bank debt, which is bank loans less cash to comply with these covenants as a breach would be balances, was £5.7m (2019: £9.0m). The net bank a default of the loan agreements. The Group’s financial debt position of the Group is as follows: management and controls are structured so that the Group complies with these covenants.

22 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Capital expenditure IMPACT POSED BY COVID–19 During YE20, the Group invested in some £14.4m AND FUTURE OUTLOOK of capital expenditure; the main categories of investment were as follows: Protecting people, clients, suppliers and communities 2020 The Group remains focused on taking all necessary £’m steps to ensure the health and well-being of its Catering equipment and improvements 0.4 employees, clients, suppliers and communities as a Westgate Hotel – asset in the course of construction 10.3 result of the Covid–19 pandemic. Stringent protocols to mitigate the risk of contracting Covid–19 have Diesel rotary uninterrupted power supply (“DRUPS”) 1.9 been in place and the transition of employees to Stadium improvements 1.5 remote working occurred quickly and effectively to Other fixed asset additions 0.3 minimise business disruption. 14.4 The Group is supporting employees who are volunteering to join the fight against Covid–19 in the The Westgate Hotel is explained earlier in this communities where they live and work. The Group Strategic Report. is very proud of how its employees have responded during this crisis going above and beyond for both Balance sheet and reserves the Group and in the interests of the rugby clubs The Group’s reserves attributable to the Company and wider communities. To support the long-term have decreased by £5.3m to £18.1m. This decrease sustainability of the business, the Group has taken arises from the retained loss for the year and the the decisions to utilise the Government’s Covid–19 loss recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Job Retention Scheme. The decision to furlough Comprehensive Income. employees has been based solely on the level of work they could meaningfully undertake given how The fixed assets of the Group increased by some the Group’s business was affected by the pandemic. £8.8m, reflecting the capital expenditure of £14.4m To support furloughed employees through this offset by the depreciation charged in the year of challenging time, the Group, mindful of the £5.6m. importance of their wellbeing, encouraged regular Operating working capital fluctuates from year to contact with their teams to ensure they are up to year depending upon the timing of events arising date, felt connected and would be ready to return to immediately prior to the year end. work when it was appropriate to do so. The Group regularly provided health and wellbeing resources to Welsh Language employees. The Group continues to work in accordance with its The Group’s investment in IT has meant switching Welsh Language Policy. Where possible, the Group operations to remote working was able to be ensures that the Welsh language is widely used in its delivered quickly and successfully and the Group operations and continually considers whether it can continues to communicate and engage regularly do more through the medium of Welsh. with all employees. As the phased return to work planning continues, the Group is conscious that each employee has different personal circumstances and the Group is committed to supporting them as effectively as possible. The Group will not be asking those employees who are vulnerable or shielding the vulnerable to return to work at this stage. The Group will not ask any employee or sub-contractor to work in an environment in which they do not feel safe.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 23 Reducing costs PRINCIPAL RISKS AND In this period of unprecedented disruption, the MITIGATION STRATEGIES Group is taking decisive actions to protect the long- As outlined earlier in this Annual Report, the Group’s term health of the business. These include: primary objective is to promote rugby and to • Reducing salaries of senior management and most encourage more people to engage with the game, other employees by between 10%-25% more often with more enjoyment and more success, • Utilising the Government’s Covid–19 Job Retention which is achieved by re-investment in community Scheme rugby, performance rugby and Principality Stadium. • Reducing non-essential costs and cutting non- The Directors’ assessment of the principal risks to essential capital expenditure delivering this objective, their potential effect and the Together with the natural reduction in costs arising steps taken by the Group to mitigate these risks are from the curtailment of rugby activities, in aggregate, set out below: the above measures reduced costs by c.£1.9m in Income generation – the ability to generate income YE20 and are expected, whilst difficult to quantify dictates the level of re-investment the Group is currently, to reduce costs by up to c.£2.5m in YE21. able to make in all forms of rugby. A sustained fall in income would lead to a reduction in financial Conserving cash and liquidity resource available for re-investment in rugby. The Group is committed to maintaining a strong Some 78% (2019: 74%) of the Group’s income is balance sheet and liquidity. The Group has worked derived from staging international matches featuring with its bankers, NatWest, who have been very the Welsh team and the commercial activities supportive in reacting to the financial challenges associated with the Welsh team. Given its significance, caused by the pandemic; NatWest are re-purposing the mitigation of income risk is therefore focused on existing facilities, providing additional facilities and match and commercial incomes. realigning financial covenants to reflect the current trading position. The Group seeks to mitigate risk to income by, where possible, entering into long term arrangements with In this period of extreme economic uncertainty, the its broadcasters, sponsors and other commercial Directors believe it is prudent to take steps to preserve partners. The Group’s ticket pricing strategy is focused cash and liquidity, including cutting non-essential on maintaining a balance between the highest capital expenditure and managing working capital in possible attendances and strong financial returns. addition to the cost reductions indicated above. The The Group’s ticket prices are reviewed annually with Directors will review further when the full impact of reference to market conditions and the opposition the Covid–19 pandemic on the Group is known. faced. Outlook As noted above, 78% (2019: 74%) of the Group’s income is derived from activities associated with the The Group has a healthy business, with a strong senior men’s Welsh team. The performance of the balance sheet and adequate liquidity and immediate team will have an impact on the Group’s ability to measures are being taken to reduce costs and generate income, particularly over the medium to protect its financial position. However, it is too early long term. The Group aims to ensure the success of to ascertain and quantify the actual impact of the the team by recruiting a world class coaching and Covid–19 pandemic on future financial performance medical team to provide the best possible support and the Group will continue to closely monitor the to its international players, securing additional developing situation. preparation time for the team and extensive investment in training facilities, to ensure the team has the best possible environment in which to train. The provision of adequate banking facilities - the Group is financed by a mixture of bank and debenture debt. The continued availability of the bank debt facilities, at competitive rates, is crucial to the future prospects of the Group. The Group’s 24 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 banking facilities are subject to compliance with COMPANIES ACT 2006 financial covenants and non-compliance of these – SECTION 172 covenants could significantly impact on the Group’s banking facilities. Ensuring adherence to the financial The Directors have sought, collectively and covenants forms a key part of all policy and strategy individually, to conduct themselves at all times and the Group has a rigorous annual budgeting honestly, fairly, impartially and in accordance with process that is focused on covenant compliance. the highest ethical standards. These behaviours The Group reviews performance against this are considered central to promoting the success of budget throughout the year in order to identify any the Group, and in exhibiting them, the Board has potential risks to compliance. The Group continually carefully considered the matters set out in section l communicates with its bankers, in respect of the 72(1) (a-f) of the Companies Act 2006. Examples of Group’s activities and performance. how the Directors have had regard to each of those matters is set out below: The maintenance, physical security and insurance of its main assets, primarily Principality Stadium a) Making decisions in the long term – the majority of the Group’s income is derived from Securing the long-term health of rugby union in the staging of international matches at Principality Wales, at all levels, is vital to the success of the Group Stadium and should Principality Stadium not be and is therefore central to the decision-making available to host matches the Group would have processes of the Board. As a result, consideration to seek alternative venues, which would likely incur of the likely consequences of a decision in the long significant costs and may not have similar capacity. term is part of the Board’s thinking on all issues. Loss of or restricted access to the Group’s other assets, Whilst day-to-day management is delegated to such as the National Centre of Excellence (“NCE”), the Executive Board, the Board retains oversight would also have a severely detrimental impact on the of matters of strategic importance, including the Group. The training facilities at the NCE are amongst long-term objectives and overall strategic policy of the best in the world and performance may suffer the Group. as a result of loss of access to those facilities. The Group takes extensive measures to safeguard its b) Considering employees assets. The Group employs a team of maintenance Engagement with employees is an important part and facility management personnel who undertake of the Group’s thinking. This is delivered via all a thorough preventative maintenance programme employee meetings where updates on business at all of the Group’s relevant facilities. The Group matters are provided, as well as regular internal procures comprehensive insurance policies that, in updates containing information on the latest the event of damage to assets, provide recompense developments within the organisation; this is for rectification of damage and for loss of earnings supplemented by an annual employee conference. due to business interruption. Business updates and financial review information is shared through our internal communications and various regular forums are held to communicate and cascade information to the business. This includes regular team meetings, where colleagues are encouraged to and do provide feedback to the Executive Board. An update on employee matters is provided to the Directors at Board meetings which allows the Directors to input into any such matters and consider the same when making decisions.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 25 c) Fostering relationships with stakeholders Rugby-specific The Board is very conscious of the importance of - Six Nations lasting relationships with participants, players, - World Rugby volunteers, supporters, debenture holders and - Rugby World Cup other important stakeholder groups, such as broadcasters, sponsors and hospitality clients. - EPCR The Directors discuss the feedback received from - PRO14 supporters and all stakeholders and, in addition, - British & Irish Lions the Executive Board provide updates to the Board - GB 7s Olympic Committee where appropriate on relevant matters. This enables the Board to consider that information Participants and supporters when making decisions. The Directors believe it is Growing the game and providing enjoyment is a key important to continue to foster good relationships priority for the Group and therefore there is strong with all key stakeholders. engagement with participants and supporters to By way of example, a comprehensive ‘National help achieve this. Annual club and player surveys Representative Survey’ is conducted annually that take place as well as feedback relating to players from covers sentiment towards rugby at a professional meetings of the Community Rugby Board and the and community level. The insights derived from Professional Rugby Board. This feedback influences this shape strategy for marketing, communications amongst other matters formats and competitions. A and product offering for the Group. supporter survey is also sent to spectators attending international matches and the feedback helps the Stakeholders Group to improve the experience both at the matches The Group regularly engages with stakeholders and on digital channels. The Group organizes various through a variety of means. This includes various events and opportunities for supporters outside of departments and key personnel throughout the match days to help strengthen its relationship with Group to ensure strong relationships are being built this key group and also holds customer engagement and delivering stakeholder requirements. Key areas events, including a “debenture evening” and “Meet affecting stakeholders are communicated to the the Team”, in which different strategies and plans Board for consideration. are presented to supporters for feedback prior to Externally, the Group actively engages with a wide implementation. range of stakeholders including, but not limited to: Suppliers Wales-specific Where appropriate, the Group runs tender processes - Welsh Government for the provision of certain goods and services - The education sector including schools, during which meetings are held with prospective further education and higher education suppliers to give them more information but also institutions for the Group to understand more about what can - Local councils and unitary authorities be offered. This can shape the tender process and improve the service which is then provided. Regular - Public Health Wales meetings take place with certain existing suppliers - Sport Wales and with prospective suppliers to ensure that they - Welsh Sports Association are able to meet the requirements of the Group and for the Group to understand any challenges facing the suppliers in their industry. Such feedback and good relations enable the Group to make decisions knowing any supplier related risks and to put in place plans to mitigate them.

26 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 d) Community and environment f) Acting fairly between Members The playing of rugby union and contributing to the The Board is aware of the importance of acting community is a key part of the Group’s activities, fairly between its members and this is considered especially with regard to rugby at community and whenever a decision is being taken which affects grassroots levels. The Group runs various projects one or more of the members. The Board and and initiatives to support the community game, various sub-boards engage with members to including ensuring that the game is fully inclusive. ensure that it is aware of members’ views and The Group provides funding in support of these to assist it in complying with its duty to act fairly measures. The Group works with members to between them. mitigate the impact of rugby on the environment. e) Maintaining a reputation for high standards By Order of the Board of conduct The Board aspires to the highest ethical standards Rhodri Lewis in its management of the Group. By way of Company Secretary example, the Board achieves this by adherence to 5 October 2020 the Group’s codes of conduct, conflict of interest and anti-bribery policies and by prioritising the integrity of the Group in each decision it makes. The Board considers that the reputation of the Group and operating it in accordance with high standards of conduct is of paramount importance to safeguarding rugby union in the long-term in Wales.


28 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Roedd Caerdydd mewn lle da ar frig unig ddewis cyson a theg oedd canslo’r Uwch Gynghrair Grŵp Indigo ac roedd tymor, oedd yn golygu: ni fyddai unrhyw Pont-y-pŵl yn llygadu dyrchafiad ddyrchafiad na disgyn yn unrhyw un o o Bencampwriaeth Genedlaethol gynghreiriau WRU ac y byddai’r timau yn Specsavers pan ohiriwyd y chwarae aros yn y cynghrair maent ynddo ar hyn ar lefel gymunedol ar ddydd Sadwrn o bryd; a byddai gweithgaredd rygbi yn 14 Mawrth 2020. parhau i gael ei ohirio nes yr hysbysir yn wahanol, yn cynnwys dim hyfforddiant na Wythnos yn ddiweddarach, gyda gemau a drefnwyd, defnyddio cyfleusterau 1,113 o gemau yn dal ar ôl i’w chwarae campfa clybiau, sesiynau a drefnwyd na yn y ddwy gystadleuaeth, canslwyd digwyddiadau ar safleoedd rygbi heb tymor 2019/20 yn ei gyfanrwydd, ganiatâd. yn achos holl gystadlaethau cwpan a chynghreiriau y WRU yn cynnwys Ni fyddai Caerdydd, nac y gystadleuaeth drawsffiniol rhwng unrhyw glwb arall yn codi clybiau Cymru a’r Alban oedd i fod i teitl Uwch Gynghrair dechrau yn Ebrill 2020. Hysbyswyd y penderfyniad yma gan y Bwrdd Indigo Group yn 2020, i roi terfyn ar pob gweithgaredd ac ni fyddai Pont-y-pŵl rygbi, gan adolygiad cynhwysfawr yn datrys eu brwydr o’r gêm yn ei chyfanrwydd oedd yn am ddyrchafiad gyda’r cynnwys pob cystadleuaeth cwpan gelynion agos o Fargoed a chynghrair. a Bedwas, ond er hynny Yn ogystal ag ystyriaethau rygbi, roedd chwaraewyd llawer iawn cyflwyniad i’r Bwrdd gan staff meddygol yn ymdrin â thair ffactor iechyd a lles o rygbi yn ystod y tymor. allweddol: y byddai parhau i chwarae Cyrhaeddodd Cwpan Cenedlaethol yn achosi risg o ledaenu i chwaraewyr, Specsavers WRU y gemau cyn-derfynol, ac hyfforddwyr, dyfarnwyr, gwirfoddolwyr roedd Cwins Caerfyrddin i fod i chwarae yn a chefnogwyr; bod rhai cystadlaethau erbyn ceffylau blaen y cynghrair, Caerdydd, angen cymorth meddygol a meddygon i a Merthyr i fod i groesawu Aberafan. fod yn bresennol; a bod parhau i chwarae Roedd Plât Genedlaethol Specsavers WRU yn achosi risg o ychwanegu at y baich hefyd wedi cyrraedd rownd y pedwar olaf na welwyd ei debyg o’r blaen ar y GIG ac roedd Glyn-nedd i fod i herio Rhydyfelin ac y byddai’n gymdeithasol anghyfrifol a Penallta i fod i wynebu Trecelyn. Yn y gwneud hynny. Bowlen roedd Aberaeron a’r Tyllgoed wedi cyrraedd y rowndiau cynderfynol ac roedd y Hefyd ystyriwyd adolygiad o’r cystadlaethau, Tymbl i fod i wynebu Hebogiaid Abertyswg, a’r prif bwyntiau oedd: ac yn olaf, yn y Darian roedd Caergybi (a) ni roddwyd gwarant mathemategol o a De Gwˆyr i wynebu ei gilydd a Rhigos a ddyrchafiad neu ddisgyn i unrhyw dîm Cwmgwrach yn ceisio cyrraedd y ffeinal. mewn unrhyw gynghrair; Efallai na fu enillwyr yn y cystadlaethau (b) roedd yna dros fil o gemau Cynghrair yma, ond ym mhob un cystadleuaeth a Genedlaethol Specsavers a gemau Uwch chynghreiriau cenedlaethol y WRU, roedd Gynghrair Indigo Group WRU fyddai tymor i fod yn falch ohono wedi cael ei angen eu chwarae er mwyn cwblhau chwarae hyd at fis Mawrth. Gorffennodd cystadlaethau’r cynghreiriau; Billy McBryde dymor Uwch Gynghrair (c) byddai angen lleiafswm o wyth wythnos Indigo Group 40 pwynt yn uwch na’i i gwblhau’r gemau oedd ar ôl. gystadleuydd agosaf yn y ras am deitl y prif Archwiliwyd nifer sylweddol o atebion sgoriwr yn ystod yr ymgyrch a dociwyd. posibl, ond yn y pen draw cytunwyd mai’r Sgoriodd cyn-faswr Cymru D20 163 o THE LIMITED – ANNUAL REPORT 2020 29 bwyntiau i RGC wrth iddo gwblhau 50 o gemau yn Roedd yr ymateb gan glybiau o gwmpas Cymru yn ddi-dor. Roedd hynny wedi ei osod ymhell ar y blaen i llawn empathi, ac enwyd Pont-y-pwˆl fel esiampl brif sgoriwr 2018/19, Jack Maynard o Aberafan gyda amlwg o sut y derbyniwyd y penderfyniad i ganslo’r 148, ac roedd ganddo bum gêm ar ôl i’w chwarae. Y tymor ‘gyda gras a phersbectif priodol’ gan gadeirydd tîm o ogledd Cymru oedd ar frig y rhestr pwyntiau a WRU Gareth Davies. Roedd Pont-y-pwˆl yn anelu am cheisiadau yn yr Uwch Gynghrair gyda 409 a 53 yn ôl bedwaredd Pencampwriaeth yn olynol, fyddai wedi eu trefn. Roedd hynny ychydig yn uwch na cheffylau sicrhau dyrchafiad awtomatig hirddisgwyliedig ar y blaen y Cynghrair, Caerdydd, oedd chwe safle uwch pryd, ond roedd eu hagwedd gadarnhaol yn wyneb eu pennau, er eu bod wedi chwarae un gêm yn fwy trallod yn adlewyrchu ymateb gefnogol gyffredinol na’r tîm o Barc yr Arfau, a ddiweddodd gyda 392 gan glybiau ledled rygbi Cymru oedd mewn o bwyntiau a 50 cais. Roedd cyfanswm McBryde sefyllfaoedd tebyg. yn cynnwys chwe chais - dau yn llai nag asgellwr Pontypridd Dale Stuckey, oedd ar frig y rhestr gydag wyth. Hwn oedd yr ail dymor yn olynol i asgellwr o Bontypridd hawlio’r anrhydedd, ar ôl i Alex Webber gyflawni’r gamp y llynedd. Un cais y tu ôl i Stuckey oedd bachwr Cwins Caerfyrddin Torin Myhill, oedd yn manteisio ar y cyfle i sgorio ceisiadau diolch i sgarmesi ymwthiol grymus ei dîm, tra bod asgellwyr RGC Afon Bagshaw a Rhys Tudor wedi cael saith cais yr un. Gorffennodd Caerdydd y tymor saith pwynt ar y blaen i’r Cwins gydag un gêm wrth gefn. Roedd Aberafan un pwynt arall y tu ôl iddynt yn drydydd, ar ôl chwarae yr un nifer o gemau â’r crysau Glas a Du.

30 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 MERCHED A GENETHOD Er bod tymor 2019/20 wedi achosi heriau sylweddol Roedd Rookie Rugby 2020 yn wythnos arall ragorol mewn cyfnod na welwyd ei debyg o’r blaen, yn o ymgysylltu rygbi benywod ledled Cymru. Erbyn ystod cyfnod cynnar y tymor gwnaethpwyd gwaith diwedd yr wythnos honno ym mis Chwefror, roedd sylweddol gan y rhwydwaith rygbi benywaidd i 12,000 o ferched ifanc, y nifer mwyaf erioed, wedi ddod at ei gilydd mewn ysbryd o gydweithio er cael blas ar rygbi drwy fformatau anrhraddodiadol mwyn anelu i greu dull cydlynol ar gyfer rygbi mewn lleoliadau hwyliog a chyfeillgar. Hefyd cymunedol i fenywod. Dechreuodd clybiau a hybiau lansiwyd rhaglen Ready2Ref yn ystod y flwyddyn, i fenywod gymryd camau tuag at lwybr rhanbarthol oedd wedi ei hanelu at ddatblygu y cohort nesaf â synergedd i enethod. Am y tro cyntaf, gwelwyd o ddyfarnwyr benywaidd, ac yn ystod yr hydref, dull cydweithredol ar draws rhanbarthau, gan fapio defnyddiwyd dyfarnwyr benywaidd ledled y gêm amrywiaeth o weithgareddau rygbi i chwaraewyr gymunedol er mwyn iddynt ddechrau ar eu taith benywaidd, yn dwyn ffrwyth. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth o ddyfarnu. Mae Rygbi Ffit yn parhau i gael ei y gobeithir fydd yn parhau er mwyn atgyfnerthu twf ddefnyddio yn y rhwydwaith rygbi drwyddi draw, gêm y merched yn ystod y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod. yn arbennig mewn hybiau benywod a darpariaeth Eleni tyfodd nifer yr hybiau i fenywod ledled Cymru addysg. Yn ystod y cyfnod clo, mae Swyddog Hyb yn o 31 i 34 a disgwylir mwy o dwf y flwyddyn nesaf. rhanbarth Gogledd Cymru, Hannah Hughes, wedi Rhwng Medi a Rhagfyr, cynhaliwyd cynllun peilot tabl bod yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â StreetGames teilyngdod, er mwyn annog ffocws ar gyfranogiad a’u rhaglen Genethod er mwyn cynnal sesiynau ac ymgysylltu er mwyn cynyddu cyfranogiad a Rygbi Ffit ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, gan gefnogi’r gemau a gwblheir, ac roedd hynny yn amhrisiadwy, teulu rygbi yn ystod y misoedd heriol yma. gyda chynnydd o 20% yn y gemau a gwblhawyd Yn ystod y cyfnod clo, mae’r hybiau a’r clybiau wedi ers y flwyddyn flaenorol. Unwaith eto gorffennodd bod yn weithgar iawn, nid yn unig yn y rhwydwaith Merched Abertawe fel enillwyr yr Uwch Gynghrair, rygbi, ond hefyd drwy gefnogi eu cymunedau gyda Deri Diamond yn sicrhau dyrchafiad i’r Uwch lleol hefyd. Ymunodd Hyb Sospans â Sefydliad Gynghrair y flwyddyn nesaf drwy orffen ar frig Adran Cymunedol y Scarlets er mwyn helpu i ddarparu Un. Llanilltud Faerdref orffennodd ar frig Adran pecynnau gofal i bobl agored i niwed, a chymerodd Dau, a Merched yr Eglwys Newydd yn ennill Adran 3. Merched Hendy-gwyn ar Dâf ran mewn digwyddiad Ond gellir dadlau mai’r gystadleuaeth fwyaf oedd yr codi arian enfawr ar gyfer elusennau GIG, dim ond un am frig y tabl teilyngdod oedd yn destun cynllun i enwi dau. peilot newydd, gyda Piod y Pinc yn ennill y fformat newydd yma.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 31 RHAGLEN HYB WRU AC ADDYSG Uchelgais rhaglen ‘Hyb’ WRU yw tyfu, datblygu a chyfoethogi tra’n diogelu rygbi undeb Cymru i’r dyfodol drwy ehangu apêl a sicrhau profiad cynhwysol ac ymgysylltiol i bawb o bob oed ac o bob cymuned. Drwy gynyddu a gwella ymgysylltu a chyfranogiad rheolaidd mewn lleoliadau a chymunedau addysgol bywiog sydd yn arddel gwerthoedd rygbi, gall pob person ifanc a’u teuluoedd gael ‘Profiad Rygbi Cadarnhaol’ tra’n cyfrannu at iechyd a lles cymdeithasol hirdymor cymunedau lleol, a hynny wedi ei alinio â Deddf Lles Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) Cofnodwyd bod dros 800 o bobl ifanc wedi 2017. Mae Rygbi wedi bod wrth galon diwylliant cyfranogi heb chwarae, mewn rolau hyfforddi a Cymru ers amser maith: pan fo’r gêm, ei chlybiau a dyfarnu, a mynychodd dros 6,000 o unigolion, yn darparwyr addysg yn gryf, mae hynny yn ysbrydoli ac wrywod a benywod, ddigwyddiadau a chyrsiau yn ysgogi pobl gan eu clymu ynghyd mewn ffordd na datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus (DPP) a gynhaliwyd all unrhyw gamp arall ei gyflawni. Mae’n meithrin gan Swyddogion Hyb mewn ysgolion uwchradd gwerthoedd megis dewrder ac uniondeb, disgyblaeth ledled Cymru. a pharch, arweinyddiaeth ac ymroddiad, yn ogystal â gwella iechyd, ffitrwydd a lles, a chydlyniad teuluol (b) mewn Hybiau Colegau WRU cofrestrodd 19,058 a chymunedol. Bu’r uchelgais a’r swyddogaeth yma o fyfyrwyr benywaidd a 18,134 o fyfyrwyr mewn perthynas â Rhaglen Hyb yn bwysig yn ystod gwrywaidd yn ystod y flwyddyn. Ffurfiwyd y cyfnod yma o ansicrwydd ac ar ôl Covid-19, ac ni cyfanswm o 45 tîm newydd fel rhan o ddeilliannau fyth fydd mor bwysig eto. Mae’r gallu i ddefnyddio a cyflawni Swyddogion Hyb i wrywod a benywod, galluogi’r 87 o Swyddogion Hyb mewn 86 o Ysgolion, gyda 2,434 o enethod a 4,357 o fechgyn yn a sefydliadau Colegau a Phrifysgolion ledled Cymru chwarae rhyw fath o rygbi neu’n ymwneud yn eu cymunedau cyswllt wedi ysbrydoli a rhoi cyfle â gweithgaredd cysylltiedig â rygbi - naill ai i bobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd ymgysylltu tra’n cefnogi 15/12/10/7 yr ochr, Cyffwrdd, Tag neu Rygbi Ffit. cymdeithas Gymreig, a bydd hynny yn parhau. Gellir Mynychodd 471 o unigolion ddigwyddiadau defnyddio rhaglen Hyb a’i Swyddogion mewn ffordd DPP a gynhaliwyd gan Swyddogion Hyb, a unigryw pan ellir creu budd diriaethol, a gall fod yn defnyddiwyd bron i 100 o fyfyrwyr gwirfoddol y adnodd pwerus er lles i Gymru. tu allan i’r gêm clwb ac yn y gymuned. (c) mewn Hybiau Prifysgolion WRU chwaraewyd tua Mae penawdau allweddol Hyb ar gyfer 400 o gemau cyn y cyfnod clo, a chyfranogiad blwyddyn academaidd Medi 2019 i Fawrth ymysg gwrywod oedd y mwyafrif o hyd (278 2020 (cyn Covid-19) yn cynnwys: o gemau) ond hefyd cynhaliwyd dros 100 o (a) mewn Hyb Ysgolion Uwchradd cofrestrwyd gemau traddodiadol 15/12/10 yr ochr, cyffwrdd 32,26o o enethod a 33,608 o fechgyn mewn a chymysg. Cyfrannodd Hybiau Prifysgolion 263 ysgolion oedd yn cyfranogi, ymgysylltodd 46% o o chwaraewyr a drosglwyddodd fel myfyrwyr i’r enethod â rhyw fath o weithgaredd rygbi a 26% gêm glwb, a hyfforddwyd 85 o fyfyrwyr hyfforddi o fechgyn. Mae’r cyfranogiad yma yn cynnwys ac fe’u defnyddiwyd mewn hybiau benywod a y gêm draddodiadol, Rygbi Ffit, Cyffwrdd, Tag, phartner ysgolion. Arweiniodd addysg hyfforddwyr Cymysg, Saith yr Ochr a Rookie Rygbi. Mae a dyfarnwyr at tua 250 o unigolion yn pasio Lefel cofnodion yn dangos bod y gweithgaredd yma 1, Lefel 2 neu gyrsiau dyfarnu Lefel 1. Mynychodd wedi arwain at 3,892 o chwaraewyr yn cael eu bron i 200 o unigolion ddigwyddiadau DPP a cyfeirio at rygbi mini, D16, D17 a D19 ledled gynhaliwyd gan Swyddogion Hyb a defnyddiwyd Cymru a 3,423 o chwaraewyr benywaidd yn tua 100 o unigolion yn y gêm clybiau mewn rolau ymgysylltu â thimau Hyb Benywod. hyfforddi neu ddyfarnu.

32 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Erbyn hyn mae’r fframwaith addysg hyfforddwyr Hefyd yn ystod y flwyddyn mae prosiect Profiadau wedi cael ei ddatblygu fydd yn helpu i gefnogi Plentyndod Niweidiol wedi cael ei gefnogi mewn hyfforddi mewn systemau cefnogi ffurfiol, anffurfiol cydweithrediad ag Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Iechyd a digidol. Y fframwaith yma fydd y “ddogfen i droi Cyhoeddus Cymru drwy ddatblygu’r modiwl ati” ar gyfer yr holl ddeunyddiau cymorth a datblygu hyfforddwyr cyfan er mwyn iddynt ei ddarparu i hyfforddwyr i’r dyfodol. Mae gwaith yn cael ei hyfforddwyr er mwyn eu helpu nhw yn eu tro i gefnogi wneud hefyd yn y gêm i ferched, gan edrych ar ffyrdd eu chwaraewyr. Mae yna fwy o gynlluniau ar y gweill i recriwtio mwy o hyfforddwyr benywaidd, darparu er mwyn datblygu cwrs gyda phartneriaid Gemau addysg i’w datblygu a’u cefnogi drwy blatfformau Stryd, sydd yn amcanu at adeiladu cydnerthedd mewn dysgu. Mae’r holl hyfforddwyr benywaidd cymwys chwaraewyr, ac mae’n cynnwys ymyriadau allweddol wedi cael eu harolygu er mwyn casglu gwybodaeth er mwyn cefnogi hyfforddwyr i helpu chwaraewyr fydd yn rhoi mwy o gymorth iddynt. gyda’u cydnerthedd. Cyn Covid-19, cafwyd lefelau tebyg o ymgysylltu Mae platfform ar-lein pwrpasol wedi cael ei greu ar y llynedd, ac erbyn hyn mae dau gwrs ar-lein wedi gyfer athrawon a disgyblion er mwyn ymgysylltu â cael eu datblygu: Gwobr Tag a Chyswllt Cynnar. gweithgareddau rygbi WRU seiliedig ar y ‘Cwricwlwm Mae cyrsiau cyfredol eraill wedi cael eu hadolygu Newydd’ , ac mae’r holl gynnwys wedi cael ei er mwyn gweld beth fyddai’r ffordd orau o barhau ysgrifennu gan athrawon ar gyfer athrawon. Mae’r i’w cynnal. Mae mwy o waith yn cael ei wneud er cynnwys yn cael ei ysgrifennu yn y Gymraeg i ddechrau mwyn edrych ar ffyrdd o gefnogi hyfforddwyr drwy ac yna yn cael ei gyfieithu i’r Saesneg, ac mae 60% o gydol cyfnod Covid-19 drwy ddefnyddio mwy o ysgolion cynradd Cymru wedi cofrestru gyda’r rhaglen. weminarau a phlatfformau digidol. Mae adnoddau Oherwydd llwyddiant y platfform, bydd y platfform yn yn cael eu datblygu er mwyn cefnogi hyfforddwyr ehangu i ysgolion uwchradd ledled Cymru. drwy’r sefyllfa yma a rhoi arweiniad iddynt pan fônt Mae Locer Gemau WRU yn wefan sydd newydd yn cynnal sesiynau hyfforddi, gan edrych ar sut maent gael ei dylunio ar gyfer hyfforddwyr, dyfarnwyr a yn cynllunio sesiynau ar gyfer y gwahanol gamau o chwaraewyr, ac fe’i crëwyd gan wneud cynnwys yn ddychwelyd yn unol â chanllawiau’r Llywodraeth. fwy hygyrch a haws ei ddefnyddio ar bob platfform. Mae’r broses gofrestru i chwaraewyr, hyfforddwyr a dyfarnwyr nawr yn cael ei reoli gan y Locer Gemau sydd yn galluogi i’r gêm gael ei gweinyddu yn well i glybiau a’r WRU. Mae’r holl gynnwys yn cael ei ddarparu i gyfranogwyr mewn ffordd bwrpasol, yn seiliedig ar eu rolau unigol, gan wneud eu profiad yn fwy pwrpasol. Erbyn hyn mae dysgu ar-lein yn cael ei integreiddio i wefan Locer genau WRU ac mae cynnwys newydd yn cael ei gynhyrchu ar gyfer Locer Gemau WRU yn gyson, yn unol â chynlluniau datblygu Llwybrau, Hyfforddwyr a Dyfarnwyr Rygbi WRU.

MENTER RYGBI Parhaodd y gwaith o ddatblygu rygbi amgen a rygbi

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 33 Effeithiodd Covid-19 ar nifer o wyliau a digwyddiadau a gynlluniwyd a theimlwyd effeithiau canslo pencampwriaeth 7 yr ochr Genedlaethol WRU yr Urdd yn fawr iawn. Yn amlwg roedd yna deimlad o siom bod y anabl yn ystod tymor 2019/20, a lansiwyd timau rygbi digwyddiad mawreddog yma gallu cymysg newydd yng Nghlwb Rygbi Hwlffordd wedi ei ganslo, yn arbennig (Clwb Rygbi Llychlynwyr Sir Benfro) a Chlwb Rygbi oherwydd bod y nifer Sêr Gwyrdd Aberafan (Clwb Rygbi Panthers Port mwyaf erioed o dimau wedi Talbot). Roedd Rygbi Cadair Olwyn y Dreigiau yn dîm cofrestru, ond mae yna wir arall cyffrous a lansiwyd, gan roi mwy o gyfle i fwy o bobl gymryd rhan. Hefyd chwaraeodd Undeb Rygbi benderfyniad i ddod Byddar Cymru eu gêm merched gyntaf (7 yr ochr) yn ôl yn fwy ac yn well gan drechu tîm Byddar Lloegr. Mae Rygbi Cerdded y tymor nesaf. yn parhau i dyfu, ac mae lefelau cyfranogiad wedi cynyddu. Cynhaliwyd gwyliau Rygbi Cerdded yn fisol ar draws amrywiol safleoedd a bydd hynny yn parhau Yn ystod y cyfnod clo, newidiodd y ffocws i gefnogi ar ôl y cyfnod clo. grwpiau a thimau cymorth yn ddigidol drwy greu sesiynau corfforol wedi eu recordio, adnoddau ar-lein a drwy gyfarfod yn rhithiol.

34 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 AFTER LOCKDOWN Effeithiwyd yn ddifrifol ar tua 60 o glybiau ledled Ar ôl y cyfnod clo daeth Rygbi Cymru at ei gilydd y wlad yn ystod llifogydd Chwefror o ganlyniad i ac unwyd cymunedau ledled Cymru gan y Storm Dennis, a byddai’r penderfyniad terfynol yma gweithgareddau codi arian a chymorth eu clybiau lleol yn ychwanegu at yr heriau ariannol a wynebwyd. mewn ffordd sydd wedi cael ei ddogfennu’n helaeth, Roedd cronfa ‘amgylchiadau eithriadol’ ar gyfer yn arbennig mewn ‘Diweddariad Statws’ wythnosol darparu cymorth ariannol ar ôl stormydd eisoes wedi ynghyd â chyfathrebiadau eraill a ddosbarthwyd yn cael ei sefydlu ac addawyd cymorth ychwanegol er uniongyrchol i’r holl aelodau gan WRU. mwyn brwydro yn erbyn effaith Covid-19. Aeth WRU ati yn syth i ddatgan ei fwriad ar gyfer y Byddai pob clwb yn derbyn taliad caledi o £1,000 gêm gymunedol, gan nodi: a hefyd dechreuodd WRU chwilio am gronfeydd newydd a chynhigiodd gyngor rheolaidd ar nifer “Mae ein nod yn syml. Rydym o faterion oedd yn benodol i glybiau, megis arbed yn bwriadu dod allan o’r costau a lleihau biliau, rheoli selerydd, gwyliau argyfwng yma gyda WRU taliadau benthyciadau banc a chyngor ar wneud cais a’r holl dimau a chlybiau, am becynnau cymorth busnes Llywodraeth Cymru. p’un a ydynt yn amatur, lled- Cynhaliwyd Arolwg Effaith ar Glybiau fel y gellid cyfeirio cymorth i’r llefydd priodol, a dechreuwyd broffesiynol neu’n broffesiynol, gweld effeithiau cadarnhaol y cyfnod clo, oedd yn yn gyflawn gyda dyfodol cydbwyso’r elfennau negyddol amlwg. cynaliadwy o’n blaenau.” Dangosodd yr aelod glybiau ar y cyfan eu bod yn cael eu rheoli yn eithriadol o dda ac roedd gan y rhan fwyaf o leiaf gwerth chwe mis o arian er mwyn eu cadw’n gynaliadwy yn ystod yr amser segur a orfodwyd. Prysurwyd y cyfathrebu rhwng clybiau a WRU ym mhob adran a ffurfiwyd ffordd newydd o gydweithio, fydd yn talu ar ei ganfed yn y dyfodol.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 35 Rhyddhawyd arian wrth i’r cyfnod clo barhau gyda ag anwyliaid, a hefyd o ran darparu prydau bwyd chronfa untro o £600,000, yn dilyn y taliadau caledi i weithwyr allweddol a phobl agored i niwed yn eu a ddosbarthwyd eisoes, a ddyluniwyd i gefnogi hardal leol. Cododd nifer o glybiau arian i elusennau protocolau dychwelyd i chwarae ac er mwyn GIG. Dangosodd Rhydyfelion, Castell Newydd Emlyn, cynorthwyo i brynu offer neu addasiadau i safleoedd/ Cil-y-coed, Magwyr a Threforys D12 eu cefnogaeth cyfleusterau fyddai eu hangen efallai o ganlyniad i i staff y GIG yn benodol, a chododd y clybiau hynny fesurau pellhau cymdeithasol cysylltiedig â Covid-19. yn unig dros £6,000. Roedd hynny yn cynnwys cyfeirio at eitemau megis Yn Aberafan, unodd Clwb Rygbi Aberafan o Uwch Offer Diogelwch Personol (“PPE”) a deunyddiau Gynghrair Indigo ag Age Connects Castell Nedd Port glanhau, a rhoddwyd grantiau i glybiau unigol yn Talbot, ac aeth aelodau o’r tîm ati i siopa a gwneud seiliedig ar feini prawf ac asesiad. Roedd pob clwb tasgau dyddiol ar gyfer y rhai sydd oedd yn methu yn gymwys i wneud cais am grant am wariant gwneud hynny yn yr hinsawdd sydd ohoni. Mae’r cymwys fel rhan o’r cynllun, a hefyd roedd gan y gwaith da sydd wedi cael ei wneud gan y tîm sydd symiau a ddyfarnwyd y potensial i gael eu cynyddu yn cael ei adnabod yn lleol fel ‘Y Dewiniaid’ wedi cael eto gan ffynonellau ariannu allanol. Ymrwymodd ei ganmol gan y bachgen lleol a’r seren Hollywood, WRU gyfanswm o £1m o arian argyfwng i glybiau yn Michael Sheen. ystod y cyfnod o chwe mis ers dechrau’r cyfnod clo, Aeth clybiau eraill ati i gludo bwyd, presgripsiynau yn cynnwys £100,000 i gefnogi gwaith adfer yn dilyn a nwyddau eraill allweddol eraill i’r henoed a phobl Storm Dennis, tua £300,000 wedi ei dalu i glybiau ar agored i niwed eraill yn ei hardal. ddechrau cyfnod clo Covid-19 drwy’r grant o £1,000 i bob clwb a’r Gronfa Dychwelyd i Chwarae Rygbi o Mae Nant Conwy, Bethesda a nifer o glybiau yn £600,000. rhanbarth y Scarlets, wedi ei gydlynu gan Sefydliad y Scarlets, yn ddim ond ychydig o enghreifftiau o’r rhai Hefyd ymatebodd clybiau yn eu ffordd eu hunain. hynny, tra bod eraill, megis Penallta a CRICC wedi Nid yn unig yr aethant ati ledled Cymru i helpu cludo cyflenwadau i ysbytai a staff y GIG, ac mae pobl agored i niwed a gweithwyr allweddol yn eu yna hyd yn oed enghreifftiau o glybiau yn cynhyrchu cymunedau, ond yn aml hefyd roeddent yn cydlynu offer meddygol i gefnogi’r GIG. ymdrechion lleddfu neu ateb ceisiadau am gymorth Roedd Felin-foel yn un arall i ateb yr alwad gan gan gyrff megis y GIG ac awdurdodau lleol. grwˆp cymunedol y Scarlets - er mwyn cynorthwyo i Chwaraeodd clybiau megis Hartridge, sydd yn agos ddosbarthu pecynnau gofal rhithiol i bobl oedd wedi iawn at Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent, rôl allweddol mewn eu hynysu ac roedd y gwirfoddolwyr yn cynnwys ymdrech enfawr i godi arian sydd wedi darparu hyfforddwyr, aelodau o’r tîm cyntaf, rhieni ac offer TG i’r ysbyty, fel y gall teuluoedd gyfathrebu aelodau’r pwyllgor, gyda phawb yn cydweithio.

36 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Rhoddodd Clwb Rygbi Dolgellau yr holl stoc darfodus Mae’r ymdrech o godi arian at ei gilydd wedi bod i’r gorsafoedd heddlu ac ambiwlans lleol ac mae prif yn llawer rhy niferus i enwi pob un, ond mae’r chwaraewyr ar y gofrestr leol o wirfoddolwyr ar gyfer cyfraniadau a gofnodwyd hefyd yn cynnwys rhai siopa a dosbarthu nwyddau, sydd yn wasanaeth a gan: Porthaethwy, Ffenics Treharris, hybiau genethod gydlynir gan wirfoddolwyr sydd hefyd yn aelodau o WRU ledled Ceredigion, Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro, bwyllgor y clwb. Ystradgynlais, Glyn Ebwy, Croesyceiliog, Bedwas, Roedd Dinbych, sydd â ‘Calon y Gymuned’ yn Clwb Cylchdaith Cymru, Cydweli, Pencoed, Y arwyddair iddynt, yn fwy na balch o helpu pan Trallwng a Threorci. ofynnwyd iddynt fod yn Ganolfan Asesu Twymyn Bydd nifer o glybiau ac unigolion o’r teulu rygbi ddim Meddygon Teulu, ac mae Treharris, sydd hefyd yn ar y rhestr yma ac mae ymdrechion i godi arian ac ymfalchïo yn eu gwaith cymunedol, yn darparu i gynorthwyo yn parhau, ond mae Rygbi Cymru yn prydau bwyd i weithwyr allweddol a phobl agored falch o bob un ohonoch. i niwed yn yr ardal, a hynny yn cael ei gludo gan Mae gwaith yn mynd yn ei flaen i siapio opsiynau wirfoddolwyr y clwb. ar gyfer cystadlaethau pan ganiateir i hynny fynd yn Cododd Rhydyfelin dros £1,600 wrth i chwaraewyr a ei flaen. Mae Bwrdd y Gêm Gymunedol yn parhau hyfforddwyr eillio eu pennau, a rhedodd, cerddodd a i asesu’r opsiynau ar gyfer y gêm led-broffesiynol seiclodd clybiau o Hendy-gwyn ar Dafi i Gil-y-Coed, a’r gêm amatur pe caniateir i’r tymor barhau. Mae Risga i Ddolgellau a’r Barri i Aberhonddu dros Gymru deialog adeiladol gyda phartneriaid masnachol yn gyfan gan godi miloedd o bunnau yn ychwanegol. dal yn agored a rydym yn gweithio gyda’n banciau, Aeth rhai clybiau hyd yn oed yn ‘rhithiol’ gyda NatWest a Barclays, er mwyn penderfynu pa gymorth theithiau beicio o Gil-y-Coed i Ganada, Crughywel allant ei roi i rygbi Cymru yn ei gyfanrwydd. Mae’r i Bucharest, Casnewydd i Marbella a Phentyrch i broses o roi cyngor i glybiau ynghylch pa ryddhad Toronto, gan ychwanegu at y symiau ryfeddol o arian allai fod ar gael gan gynghorau ac awdurdodau lleol a godwyd. ar lefel leol yn mynd ei blaen. Mae nifer o becynnau dan arweiniad y Llywodraeth yn cael eu cynnig hefyd ac maent yn darparu cyngor i glybiau ynghylch pa gymorth sydd ar gael er mwyn cynorthwyo gyda gweithrediadau parhaus yn cynnwys cyfraddau busnes a HMRC. Mae’r broses o ddarparu cyngor priodol i glybiau ynghylch Covid-19, pan fo’r cyngor hwnnw yn gysylltiedig â rygbi, yn parhau.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 37 Dychwelyd i Chwarae Rygbi Ffurfiwyd gweithgor fesul cam ac mae WRU yn parhau Chwarae Rygbi Covid-19 ar- Dychwelyd i Chwarae i weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru lein Rygbi’r Byd, ac yna cwblhau Rygbi er mwyn cynllunio ar ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wrth proses gofrestru ar-lein WRU. gyfer bywyd ar ôl y cyfnod iddo gael ei ddatblygu. Hefyd Ar ôl cofrestru’n llawn, gall clo. Archwiliwyd effaith datblygwyd dogfen brotocol chwaraewyr a hyfforddwyr Covid-19 ar y gêm yn agos a chanllawiau ar gyfer clybiau gymryd rhan mewn sesiynau a dylanwadodd hynny ar cymunedol oedd yn eu harwain hyfforddi a drefnir gan glybiau. ddychwelyd i chwarae rygbi fesul cam drwy bob elfen o’r Ar y cychwyn roedd y rhain i ac amlinellodd ddychweliad broses o ddychwelyd drwy gael eu trefnu mewn grwpiau fesul cam yn seiliedig ar gyfrwng gweminarau a grwpiau bach o rhwng 10 a 15 o ddiogelwch ar gyfer y gêm ffocws. chwaraewyr gyda ffocws ar gymunedol gan ddilyn Y Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Clwb ffitrwydd, sgiliau a gemau canllawiau diweddaraf yw’r cynrychiolydd enwebedig bychan digyswllt mewn Llywodraeth Cymru. ar gyfer pob aelod glwb ar gyfer grwpiau hyfforddi. Ar bob cam cydweithredodd rheoli a goruchwylio’r broses o • Hefyd gwahoddwyd Rheolwyr WRU gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a ddychwelyd i chwarae yn eu clybiau Gweithrediadau Clwb i champau eraill wrth i gynlluniau eu hunain. Hefyd gofynnwyd i weminar hyfforddi wedi ei i ymarfer a chwarae rygbi yn y bob clwb enwi a phenodi un neu sancsiynu, a hefyd rhoddwyd pen draw gael eu mapio. Rhan ragor o Arweinwyr Gweithredol, iddynt ganllawiau Dychwelyd i o’r broses fu datblygu protocolau fydd yn gyfrifol am weithredu’r Chwarae Rygbi manwl. Roedd a chanllawiau wedi eu hanelu canllawiau (a’r holl ganllawiau, y gweminarau yma yn ymdrin â at gynorthwyo aelod glybiau cyngor a chyfarwyddiadau eraill meysydd megis ymddygiadau i ymdopi yn ystod y cyfnod mewn perthynas â Covid-19) a hylendid cyn, yn ystod ac ar yma o safbwynt gweithredol, a mewn perthynas ag elfennau ôl hyfforddi, defnyddio offer gofynnwyd i bob clwb enwebu megis cyfleusterau hyfforddi a threfnu caeau ymarfer er Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Clwb penodol, lleoliadau diwrnod mwyn cadw grwpiau ymarfer er mwyn goruchwylio’r broes gemau a chludiant timau. ar wahân. o ddychwelyd i chwarae rygbi. Eglurodd y gweminarau clybiau, • Darparwyd gwiriwr symptomau Mae’r rôl yma yn sicrhau bod a fynychwyd yn aml gan 300 o ar-lein i’w gwblhau cyn bob cynlluniau mewnol wedi eu gynrychiolwyr clybiau neu ragor, sesiwn ymarfer. sefydlu mewn clybiau er mwyn sut y gall clybiau rygbi a grwpiau eu galluogi i ddychwelyd yn yng Nghymru gynllunio ar gyfer • Darparwyd gweminarau ychwanegol ddiogel. Sefydlwyd rhwydwaith dychwelyd i chwarae rygbi. Mae’r ar baratoi cyfleusterau, ar o gysylltiadau a mecanweithiau broses o ddychwelyd i hyfforddi ariannu a gweithdrefnau cymorth o gwmpas pob Rheolwr wedi ei drefnu gan glybiau wedi Cymorth Cyntaf wedi eu Gweithrediadau Clwb er mwyn bod yn ddibynnol ar gwblhau diweddaru sydd yn ymdrin â sicrhau bod y protocolau cyfnod o addysg a chamau paratoi defnyddio PPE perthnasol pan perthnasol yn cael eu rhoi ar waith a chafeatau. Er enghraifft: fo angen. a bod y dychwelyd i chwarae • Gofynnwyd i’r holl hyfforddwyr, rygbi yn cael ei weithredu mewn chwaraewyr – neu rieni amgylchedd diogel wedi ei reoli. chwaraewyr iau - gwblhau cwrs Mae’r cynllun wedi cael ei lunio ymwybyddiaeth Dychwelyd i 38 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Roedd y gweithgor Dychwelyd Mae WRU wedi bod yn benderfynol o ddefnyddio i Chwarae Rygbi yn teimlo ei ymagwedd cyfrifol tuag at Covid-19 ac roeddem ofalus nad oeddem yn achosi unrhyw alw diangen bod yn hanfodol defnyddio ar y GIG. Er mwyn i hynny ddigwydd bu’n bwysig dull fesul cam, gydag olrhain cydweithio ag aelod glybiau, ac ar ôl sefydlu rôl cysylltiad ond yn cael ei allweddol Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Clwb yn y ganiatáu pan fo cyfyngiadau rhwydwaith o glybiau, mae’r gêm wedi cael ei rhoi yn cael eu llacio’n sylweddol, yn y sefyllfa orau ar gyfer dychwelyd i chwarae rygbi fesul cam. Mae diogelwch pawb sydd yn ymwneud yn arbennig mewn perthynas â rygbi cymunedol yng Nghymru a’r cymunedau ag ymbellhau cymdeithasol. ehangach wedi bod yn allweddol bwysig, sydd yn Parhawyd i ddarparu mwy o golygu pan fo rygbi yn dychwelyd y bydd hynny yn ganllawiau ar Ddychwelyd i digwydd yn ddiogel ac yn barhaol. Chwarae Rygbi fesul cam.


Canlyniadau Rownd yr Wyth Olaf Ch E Cyf C Pw Aberafan 26 - 20 Llanymddyfri 1 Caerdydd 16 13 0 3 61 Llanelli 20 - 35 Caerdydd 2 Cwins Caerfyrddin 17 10 3 4 54 Merthyr 44 - 18 Castell Nedd 3 Aberafan 16 11 0 5 53 Pont-y-pwˆl 17 - 21 Cwins Caerfyrddin Pencampwriaeth Genedlaethol Specsavers Gemau Cynderfynol Cwins Caerfyrddin v Caerdydd Ch E Cyf C Pw Merthyr v Aberafan 1 Pont-y-pwˆl 16 16 0 0 78 2 Bargoed 16 14 1 1 73 Plât Genedlaethol WRU Specsavers 3 Bedwas 17 13 0 4 65

Canlyniadau Rownd yr Wyth Olaf Cynghreiriau Cenedlaethol Specsavers Birchgrove 19 - 35 Glyn Nedd Trecelyn 13 - 7 Aberhonddu DWYRAIN Penallta 12 - 8 Felin-foel Adran 1 Ch E Cyf C Pw Treorci 6 - 15 Rhydyfelin 1 Y Tyllgoed 14 13 1 0 62 Gemau Cynderfynol 2 Penallta 15 11 0 4 54 Glyn Nedd v Rhydyfelin 3 Brynmawr 13 11 0 2 50 Penallta v Trecelyn Adran 2 Ch E Cyf C Pw Powlen Genedlaethol WRU Specsavers 1 Talywain 15 13 0 2 59 2 Y Fenni 15 10 0 5 47 Canlyniadau Rownd yr Wyth Olaf 3 Ynysddu 13 10 1 2 45 Baglan 8 - 17 Aberaeron Y Tyllgoed 13 - 3 Sêr Gwyrdd Aberafan Adran 3A Ch E Cyf C Pw Penygraig 3 - 13 Hebogiaid Abertyswg 1 Brynbuga 15 14 0 1 67 Y Tymbl 32 - 0 Canton 2 Abercarn 13 10 0 3 47 3 Glyn Ebwy RTB 14 9 1 4 47 Gemau Cynderfynol Aberaeron v Y Tyllgoed Adran 3B Ch E Cyf C Pw Y Tymbl v Hebogiaid Abertyswg 1 Nantyglo 16 14 0 2 67 2 Fleur De Lys 13 12 0 1 58 Tarian Genedlaethol WRU Specsavers 3 Cas-gwent 16 12 0 4 56

Canlyniadau Rownd yr Wyth Olaf Adran 3C Ch E Cyf C Pw Saraseniaid Caerdydd 13 - 23 Caergybi 1 Crughywel 12 9 0 3 49 Hollybush 0 - 33 Cwmgwrach 2 Betws 11 10 0 1 48 Rhigos 20 - 18 Pontardawe 3 Crumlin 13 9 0 4 43 De Gwˆyr 8 - 3 Betws

Gemau Cynderfynol Caergybi v De Gwˆyr Rhigos v Cwmgwrach


Adran 1 Ch E Cyf C Pw Adran 1 Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Treorci 13 11 0 2 48 1 Bôn-y-maen 14 12 0 2 55 2 Rhydyfelin 12 9 0 3 45 2 Dynfant 16 11 2 3 54 3 Rhymni 11 9 1 1 41 3 Glyn Nedd 14 11 2 1 52

Adran 2 Ch E Cyf C Pw Adran 2 Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Aberdâr 14 12 2 0 57 1 Cwins Aberafan 15 13 0 2 61 2 Cilfynydd 15 12 0 3 54 2 Y Fenni 14 12 0 2 54 3 Treharris 12 10 1 1 48 3 Porthcawl 14 11 0 3 51

Adran 3A Ch E Cyf C Pw Adran 3A Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Canton 15 12 0 3 61 1 Sêr Gwyrdd Aberafan 11 10 0 1 50 2 Pont-y-clun 13 10 1 2 51 2 Faerdre 11 10 0 1 49 3 Penygraig 14 9 0 5 43 3 Abercraf 14 8 0 6 41

Adran 3B Ch E Cyf C Pw Adran 3B Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Llanwrtyd Fawr 16 13 1 2 66 1 Glyncorrwg 13 13 0 0 62 2 Tonyrefail 14 9 1 4 44 2 Bryncethin 11 9 0 2 44 3 Wattstown 14 7 2 5 37 3 Cefn Cribwr 10 7 0 3 35

Adran 3C Ch E Cyf C Pw Adran 3C Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Bracla 13 12 0 1 60 1 De Gwˆyr 14 14 0 0 65 2 Saraseniaid Caerdydd 11 11 0 0 52 2 Cwmgwrach 13 12 0 1 55 3 Trefil 14 10 0 4 47 3 Tonna 16 11 0 5 50


Adran 1 Ch E Cyf C Pw Adran 1 Ch E Cyf C 1 Llangennech 15 12 0 3 60 Pw 2 castell Newydd Emlyn 14 13 0 1 57 1 Llandudno 15 15 0 0 69 3 Felin-foel 14 10 0 4 49 2 Rhuthun 16 11 0 5 56 3 Bethesda 14 10 0 4 49 Adran 2 Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Porth Tywyn 15 15 0 0 65 Adran 2 Ch E Cyf C Pw 2 Mwmbwls 14 10 1 3 51 1 Wrecsam 14 13 1 0 62 3 Tycroes 14 9 1 4 44 2 Y Rhyl 14 12 0 3 60 3 Yr Wyddgrug 15 12 1 2 56 Adran 3A Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Tref Llanbedr Pont Steffan 16 12 1 3 60 Adran 3 Ch E Cyf C Pw 2 Sanclêr 16 12 1 3 58 1 Rhuthun II 14 14 0 0 66 3 Talacharn 13 11 1 1 55 2 Caergybi 11 10 0 1 49 3 Machynlleth 12 10 0 2 45 Adran 3B Ch E Cyf C Pw 1 Amman United 13 11 1 1 54 2 Y Tymbl 14 11 1 2 54 3 Trimsaran 17 9 1 7 46


Dechreuodd y tymor rhyngwladol gyda digwyddiad pwysicaf y byd rygbi, Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd. Adroddwyd yn eang mai Japan 2019 oedd y bencampwriaeth fwyaf economaidd llwyddiannus erioed, a ddarparodd brofiad unigryw i gefnogwyr oedd wedi teithio yno, gan arddangos diwylliant ac ysbryd enwog Japan ac fe roddodd hwb i falchder cenedlaethol. Rhoddodd i ni atgofion bythgofiadwy ar ac oddi ar y cae, ac atgyfnerthwyd y ffaith bod y twrnament yn un o ddigwyddiadau chwaraeon mwyaf mawreddog a chyffrous y byd. Llwyddodd y dathliad byd-eang o rygbi, dros 44 diwrnod mewn 12 o ddinasoedd ar hyd a lled Japan, i gydio yn nychymyg cenedl a chefnogwyr ar draws y byd.

42 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 O blith y naw twrnament a gynhaliwyd hyd yma, hon oedd yr un fwyaf cystadleuol, a ddenodd y nifer fwyaf o dorfeydd a gwylwyr, a ymgysylltodd fwyaf yn gymdeithasol a’r un fwyaf llwyddiannus yn Blwyddyn o economaidd, a hwn oedd y digwyddiad chwaraeon mwyaf yn 2019. Llwyddodd Cymru, dan adain Rygbi Proffesiynol yn ystod ei ymgyrch olaf wrth y llyw, i efelychu eu gorchestion yn 2011 wth gyrraedd y rownd gynderfynol, ond eto yn 1987 y gorffennodd Cymru uchaf ar ôl colli yn erbyn Seland Newydd yn y gêm trydydd safle.

Y rownd gynderfynol yn erbyn De Affrica a gydiodd yn nychymyg Cymru fel cenedl wrth i ni freuddwydio am ffeinal yn erbyn naill ai Lloegr neu’r Crysau Duon, ond ni ddigwyddodd hynny. Gallai Gatland, oedd wedi ein harwain i dair Camp Llawn yn y Chwe Gwlad yn 2008 (ei ymgyrch gyntaf), 2011 a 2019, ac a ddaeth i fod yr hyfforddwr mwyaf llwyddiannus Cymru erioed a’r un a roddodd y gwasanaeth hiraf, ond gwylio wrth i’r Springboks wasgu buddugoliaeth o 16-19 yn Stadiwm Rhyngwladol Yokohama. Rhoddodd Cymru bopeth mewn brwydr ffyrnig pryd y bu’n rhaid i Thomas Francis a adael yn ystod yr hanner cyntaf. Roedd Cymru’n llawn cystal â’r tîm anferth o Dde Affrica, a dim ond ar ei hôl hi o 9-6 ar yr egwyl, gyda thair cic gosb Handre Pollard yn rhoi ei dîm ar y blaen ac esgid yn cadw Cymru yn y gêm gyda dau gynnig llwyddiannus at gôl. Ac yn ystod ail hanner nerfus iawn, parhaodd Pollard a Biggar gyda’u brwydr bersonol, a doedd dim modd gwahanu’r ddau dîm. Rhoddodd trosgais Damian de Allende De Affrica yn ôl ar y blaen ond tarodd yn ôl - gan efelychu camp o chwe chais mewn Cwpan Byd - gan gadw Cymru yn y frwydr, cyn i esgid Pollard, bum munud cyn y chwib olaf anfon ei dîm i’r ffeinal ble byddai’r Boks yn wynebu Lloegr. Y Crysau Duon oedd yn disgwyl am Gymru i gystadlu am y trydydd safle ac yn ei gêm olaf collodd Gatland yn erbyn ei famwlad a daeth cyfnod i ben.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 43 Cyrhaeddodd y diwrnod pryd daeth cyfnod y tîm hyfforddi llwyddiannus iawn oedd yn cynnwys Warren Gatland, Shaun Edwards, Robin McBryde a Rob Howley i ben, ond roedd y cyfnod pontio ar gyfer dyfodiad y prif hyfforddwr newydd Wayne Hefyd ym maes dyfarnu, enwyd Adam Jones yn Pivac wedi cychwyn ymhell cyn hynny. ddyfarnwr y flwyddyn yn yr Uwch Gynghrair am y Dyfarnodd yn ei bedwerydd Cwpan bedwaredd flwyddyn yn olynol, ac fe’i dewiswyd Byd, ac er bod anaf i groth ei goes wedi golygu na ef a Craig Evans ar gyfer y Gemau Saith Bob Ochr ellid ei ystyried ar gyfer y rownd derfynol, mae’n dal Olympaidd. Er bod y twrnament wedi cael ei ohirio, yn dal y record fel y dyfarnwr rhyngwladol sydd â’r byddant yn gwasanaethu pan fydd y gystadleuaeth nifer mwyaf o gapiau gyda 100 o gapiau, ac mae’n yn cael ei ail-chynnal. Daeth Francesca Martin i fod y parhau i fod yn fodel rôl pwysig i rygbi Cymru. dyfarnwr benywaidd cyntaf o Gymru i gael ei phenodi i ddyfarnu gêm Brawf Merched ac roedd yn ddirprwy ddyfarnwr mewn dwy o gemau Chwe Gwlad 2020. Unwaith eto bu Ben Whitehoue a Dan Jones yn gyfrifol am gemau Cwpan Pencampwyr Ewrop gan gynrychioli Cymru yn y brif bencampwriaeth rygbi i glybiau.

44 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Mae’r pontio o dîm rheoli sefydledig i un newydd wedi bod yn un cadarnhaol iawn. Defnyddiwyd yr amser yr oedd gan Wayne yn ei swydd cyn Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd 2019 yn dda.

Cyfundrefn Newydd Mae’r berthynas rhwng y tîm rheoli dan arweiniad Roedd cyn brif hyfforddwr y Scarlets wedi Wayne Pivac a’r Rhanbarthau wedi gweithio’n dda ychwanegu tri chyn gapten Cymru arall i’w dîm o’r cychwyn. Ar ôl gweithio gyda’r Scarlets ac yn wrth i Jonathan Humphreys gymryd lle McBryde dilyn ei benodiad yn ystod haf 2019, mae’r gêm fel hyfforddwr y blaenwyr, ychwanegwyd Sam broffesiynol yn fwy integredig nag erioed. Warburton a chymerodd swydd rheolwr y tîm yn dilyn ymddeoliad Alan Phillips. Mae’r pontio o dîm rheoli sefydledig i un newydd wedi bod yn un cadarnhaol iawn. Defnyddiwyd yr Trechwyd y Baa-Baas 43-33 mewn gêm di-gapiau amser yr oedd gan Wayne yn ei swydd cyn Cwpan yn Stadiwm Principality a roddodd ddechrau Rygbi’r Byd 2019 yn dda. Mae Wayne a’i dîm i gyfnod Pivac, ac roedd buddugoliaeth o 42-0 hyfforddi wedi treulio amser yn y Rhanbarthau, a yn erbyn yr Eidal yn gêm agoriadol Chwe Gwlad bydd hynny yn talu ar ei ganfed i rygbi proffesiynol Guinness 2020 yn ddechrau perffaith. yn ei gyfanrwydd yng Nghymru. Ond byr fu wythnos gwas newydd Pivac, a daeth Roedd ei gêm gyntaf yn erbyn y Barbariaid dan colledion yn erbyn Iwerddon (24-14) oddi cartref, arweinid ei ragflaenydd, ond roedd hyfforddwr y Ffrainc (23-17) gartref a Lloegr (33-20 mewn cefnwyr, Stephen Jones, eisoes yn y tîm ar ôl iddo brwydr galed) yn Twickenham. Brwydrodd Cymru olynu Howley, a adawodd Gwpan y Byd yn gynnar yn ôl o fod 17 pwynt ar ei hôl hi, ac ar ôl cael ar ôl cyfaddef iddo dorri Rheoliad 6 Rygbi’r Byd pwynt bonws colli roedd Cymru yn gobeithio y ynghylch gwrthlygredd a betio, drwy osod betiau ar gallent orffen ar uchafbwynt yn erbyn Yr Alban, y Undeb Rygbi. ond yna cyrhaeddodd y pandemig, a gohiriwyd gêm y rownd derfynol am gyfnod amhenodol. Arhosodd yr hyfforddwr sgiliau Neil Jenkins a hefyd nifer o’r adran perfformiad uchel oedd wedi Dylem gofnodi’r ffaith y cyhoeddodd WRU bod gwasanaethu Gatland, yn cynnwys Paul Stridgeon, gêm gartref Cymru yn erbyn Yr Alban wedi cael Huw Bennett, Ryan Chambers a John Ashby a thîm ei gohirio ddiwrnod cyn yr oedd i fod i gael meddygol sydd yn cynnwys Prav Mathema, John ei chwarae. Ar yr adeg honno, cynghorodd y Miles a Mark Davies sydd wedi rhoi gwasanaeth hir. Llywodraeth y dylai’r gêm gael ei chwarae, ond mewn sefyllfa oedd yn newid yn rhyfeddol o gyflym, penderfynwyd ei gohirio.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 45 Amser a ddengys a wnaethpwyd y penderfyniad Roedd hynny yn golygu diwedd ar gynrychiolaeth iawn, ond bydd yr amgylchiadau ynghylch yr oedi Gymreig yng Nghymru, ac ni fyddai unrhyw un o ran penderfynu, er bod hynny yn esboniadwy, yn o’r rhanbarthau Cymreig yn mynd drwodd yn y rhywbeth y byddir yn ei edifarhau. Guinness PRO14, ond roedd y tymor eisoes wedi Pan ddaethpwyd â’r tymor proffesiynol i ben roedd pennu pwy fyddai’n mynd drwodd ar gyfer y y gêm ranbarthol yng Nghymru yn mynd rhagddi yn gystadleuaeth Ewropeaidd y tymor nesaf, ar ôl dda gyda nifer o droeon trwstan eto i ddod. Roedd i ddiwedd adolygedig i dymor 2019/20 gael ei y Scarlets a’r Dreigiau i fod i chwarae yn rownd gwblhau yn Awst 2020. wyth olaf Cwpan Her Rygbi Clwb Proffesiynol Cytunodd Rygbi PRO14 y byddai’r detholion ar Ewrop yn erbyn RC Toulon a Bristol Bears yn ôl gyfer llefydd yn Ewrop ar gyfer tymor 2020/21 eu trefn. Aildrefnwyd y ddwy gêm ar gyfer mis yn cael eu penderfynu yn seiliedig ar y safleoedd Medi ac ni chafodd neb eu siomi gan y ddwy gêm yn nhabl y gyngres o Rownd 13, pan ohiriwyd y er gwaetha’r oedi, ond ni lwyddodd y naill dîm tymor arferol. Mae hynny yn cynnwys y pwyntiau Cymreig na’r llall i ennill. Collodd y Scarlets 11-6 a ddyfarnwyd i dimau y dyfarnwyd gemau cyfartal mewn gêm allai yn hawdd fod wedi mynd y ffordd 0-0 iddynt yn y gemau Rownd 13 a ohiriwyd. Mae arall yn Ffrainc, a threchwyd y Dreigiau 56-17 yn hynny yn newyddion da i’r Scarlets a’r Dreigiau. Ashton Gate er iddynt fynd ar y blaen yn gynnar. Roedd y Scarlets yn drydydd yn eu cyngres erbyn Rownd 13, felly maent yn awtomatig yn un o’r timau sydd yn mynd drwodd i Gwpan y Pencampwyr, ac roedd y Dreigiau yn bumed yng nghyngres A.

46 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Gan fod y pedwar tîm Ewropeaidd uchaf yn mynd drwodd o’r ddwy gyngres PRO14 (cyfanswm o wyth tîm) i brif gystadleuaeth Ewrop, gwarantu lle i’r Scarlets, ond mae’r Dreigiau hefyd yn cael eu lle. Roedd y tîm o Rodney Parade yn un safle y tu ôl i Toyota Cheetahs, ond nid yw timau o Dde Affrica yn chwarae yn Ewrop olygai bod y Dreigiau yn codi safle. Roedd Gleision Caerdydd yn chweched yng nghyngres B, chwe phwynt yn brin o’r pedwerydd safle, ond mae’n debyg eu bod yn fodlon gyda lle yn y Cwpan Her, ble bydd y Gweilch yn ymuno â nhw o dabl cyngres A ar ôl Rownd 13 gyda dwy fuddugoliaeth mewn 13 o gemau. Ym Medi, mewn cydweithrediad â’r Rhanbarthau a Chymdeithas Chwaraewyr Rygbi Cymru, dewiswyd grwˆp o 10 o chwaraewyr ar gyfer rhaglen 12 mis Chwarae i Hyfforddi, y rhaglen gyntaf o’i math. Mae rhaglen newydd Chwarae i Hyfforddi WRU yn amcanu at gefnogi chwaraewyr sydd yn ceisio pontio i fyd hyfforddi. Y pedwarawd o’r Gwelich, , , , a Rob McCusker, y ddau o’r Scarlets ac Angus O’Brien ynghyd ag Aaron Jarvis a Brok Harris o’r Dreigau a Dan Fish o Leision Caerdydd oedd graddedigion cyntaf y cwrs, gan ennill gwobr Lefel 3 UKCC mewn Hyfforddi Rygbi’r Undeb yn y broses.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 47 Derbyniodd gêm y merched hwb enfawr pan Prif Hyfforddwr newydd, Rhaglen Genedlaethol ddaeth cyhoeddiad strategol sylweddol ar ddiwedd Tîm Cyntaf y Merched sydd yn gyfrifol am y tymor pan ofynnwyd i’r triawd hyfforddi Chris gynllunio, gweithredu a darparu rhaglen hyfforddi Horsman, Geraint Lews a Gareth Wyatt gymryd yr ar gyfer y rhaglenni rhyngwladol 15 a 7 yr ochr awenau dros dro ar ôl i Rowland Phillips adael ei yng Nghymru, Arweinydd Perfformiad Corfforol ar swydd i geisio cyfleoedd eraill. gyfer pob agwedd o berfformiad corfforol rygbi Yn ystod y tymor rhyngwladol enillodd Merched merched yng Nghymru a dadansoddwr perfformiad Cymru dair o’r pum gêm a chwaraewyd ym ar gyfer y rhaglen perfformiad merched. Hefyd mis Tachwedd, yn erbyn Iwerddon, Yr Alban a disgwylir y bydd mwy o hyfforddwyr yn cael eu Crawshays, a cholli yn erbyn Sbaen a’r Barbariaid. penodi, ac mae hynny yn gyffrous iawn i Raglen Ond roedd y Chwe Gwlad yn stori wahanol, ac Genedlaethol y Merched. mewn pedair gêm, yr agosaf a ddaethant at Roedd rhaglenni wedi cael eu cymeradwyo ers peth fuddugoliaeth oedd colled o 19-15 gartref - ym amser er mwyn tyfu gêm y merched ac i gryfhau yr elfen Mharc yr Arfau Caerdydd - yn erbyn Yr Eidal. perfformiad. Yn amlwg, roedd Covid-19 wedi effeithio Mae’r tîm, a arweiniwyd am y tro cyntaf yn ystod ar y cynlluniau hynny, ond penderfynwyd parhau yr ymgyrch gan y capten Siwan Lillicrap, wedi gyda’r buddsoddiadau. Y nod yw gwneud cynnydd o gweithio’n galed ar greu cystadleuaeth am lefydd ran cau’r bwlch at brif wledydd rygbi merched, ac mae yn y sgwad drwyddi draw, ond daeth newyddion WRU yn rhwymedig i gynyddu niferoedd cyfranogiad gorau’r tymor gan y rhai sydd yn rheoli pethau benywod a chodi safonau ar bob lefel o ran gêm y oddi ar y maes. merched a genethod yng Nghymru.

Cyhoeddodd WRU fuddsoddiad ar gyfer strwythur Mae’r WRU hefyd yn gweithio yn agosach â hyfforddi blaenllaw yn fyd eang yn benodol ar chlybiau’r Uwch Gynghrair yn Lloegr o ran gyfer benywod, ar gyfer y rhaglenni 15 a 7 yr ochr gwneud y mwyaf o adnoddau meddygol a S&C a cenedlaethol. chydweithio ar feysydd megis cynllunio tymor. Yn Mae tair swydd newydd wedi cael eu henwi yn y tymor byr yw y bydd y chwaraewyr perfformio benodol ar gyfer rhaglen berfformio y merched er yn ymarfer ac yn chwarae i glybiau 15 yr Uwch mwyn codi safonau gêm y merched yn sylweddol Gynghrair, a’r nod yn y tymor hirach yw sefydlu cyn Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd y flwyddyn nesaf yn Seland dwy ganolfan perfformiad uchel yng Nghymru, Newydd a Gemau’r Gymanwlad yn 2022. fydd gobeithio yn arwain at ddatblygu dau ‘uwch glwb’ cystadleuol.

48 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Er gwaetha’r flwyddyn anodd i Cymru D20 oedd dim ond un o Y sêr i Gymru D20 oedd y maswr dîm ifanc Cymru yng Nghyfres ddau dîm i gwblhau eu rhaglen Sam Costelow a ddisgleiriodd Rygbi Saith yr Ochr y Byd, Chwe Gwlad 2020 - gan gipio drwy gydol y bencampwriaeth parhaodd llwyddiant y rhaglen buddugoliaethau canmoladwy gyda’i sgiliau ysblennydd. Yn o ran cynhyrchu chwaraewyr yn erbyn pencampwyr ieuenctid erbyn Lloegr roedd yn rhedeg rygbi rhanbarthol yn 2019/20. y byd ar ddau achlysur, Ffrainc, y sioe yn rhagorol, gan reoli’r Pontiodd chwaraewyr megis a’r hen elyn Lloegr. gêm yn berffaith wrth i Gymru Owen Jenkins a Will Talbot- Ar ochr arall y geiniog, cafwyd sicrhau buddugoliaeth gofiadwy Davies yn rhwydd o saith yr ochr colledion yn erbyn Yr Eidal, yng Nghaerloyw. Arweiniodd i XV, ac mae eu safon wedi cael y pencampwyr presennol y tîm yn rhagorol ei wobrwyo gyda chontractau Iwerddon a’r Alban - sef yr unig o’r rheng ôl - mae eisoes wedi parhaol gyda’r Dreigiau. dîm arall i gwblhau eu rhaglen chwarae gyda’r Scarlets ac Hefyd mae ieuenctid cyffrous gyda buddugoliaeth o 52-17, mae’n chwaraewr addawol wedi parau i elwa o brofiad oedd yn record, yn erbyn tîm iawn. Gyda chwaraewyr fel mewn cystadleuaeth o’r radd Gareth Williams mewn Stadiwm , a Tiaan flaenaf yng Nghyfres y Byd. Eto, Zipworld gwag oherwydd Thomas-Wheeler yn cael profiad effeithiodd Covid-19 ar Gyfres cyfyngiadau coronafeirws. o chwarae gyda’r Gweilch Saith Bob Ochr y Byd, gyda Yr ornest yn erbyn Yr Alban flwyddyn ar ôl gadael y grwˆp thwrnameintiau yn Hong Kong, mewn gwirionedd oedd y gêm oedran D20, ynghyd â Taine Singapore, Paris a Twickenham rygbi olaf a chwaraewyd yng Basham o reng ôl y Dreigiau a yn cael eu canslo. Diddymwyd Nghymru cyn i’r byd chwaraeon Tommy Reffell o Leicester Tigers, dyrchafu a disgyn ar ddiwedd fod dan glo oherwydd Covid-19. mae’r rhaglen D20 yn bendant tymor 2019/20 oherwydd yn cynhyrchu digon o dalent ar Gorffennodd Cymru eu gyfer rhanbarthau Cymru. bod y tymor wedi ei ganslo, hymgyrch gydag wyth pwynt a chadwodd Cymru ei lle ar y a’u rhoddodd yn y pumed safle Canslwyd Pencampwriaeth daith Fyd-eang am dymor arall. pan ohiriwyd y tymor. Ar hyn o Rygbi Ieuenctid D20 y Byd Bydd y strategaeth hirdymor bryd mae’r Eidal un safle yn is, oedd i fod i gael ei chynnal yn mewn perthynas â’r gêm saith felly bydd Cymru yn gobeithio y Yr Eidal oherwydd pandemig bob ochr yn cael ei hystyried yn bydd Iwerddon a Lloegr yn gallu coronafeirws, tra bod yr holl ystod y flwyddyn sydd i ddod, eu trechu er mwyn osgoi y llwy grwpiau oedran cenedlaethol a bydd deialog yn parhau gyda bren. eraill wedi dioddef yr un ffawd. Rygbi’r Byd ynghylch y camau Mae’r rhaglen Alltudion yn nesaf ar gyfer y fformat yma. parhau i ffynnu gyda 26 o Am nawr mae rhaglen saith chwaraewyr o’r rhaglen yn yr ochr dynion Cymru wedi rhan o sgwadiau Gradd Oedran peidio â gweithredu ar ei Cenedlaethol Cymru D18, D19 ffurf bresennol am y dyfodol a D20 yn ystod y tymor. rhaglweladwy oherwydd effaith barhaus COVID-19. Mae natur fyd-eang y pandemig a goblygiadau ariannol hynny - yn cynnwys yr effaith ar Gyfres Rygbi Saith bob Ochr y Byd - wedi golygu bod y gêm yn anghynaladwy yn yr hinsawdd sydd ohoni.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 49 Gan fod Rygbi’r Byd erbyn hyn wedi ehangu’r meini prawf cymhwysedd preswylio o dair i bum mlynedd, mae’r rhaglen Mae chwaraewyr megis Nick Tompkins, Ioan Lloyd, Dan John, Ed Scragg, Luke Scully, Theo Bevacqua, Alltudion yn fwy perthnasol Ellis Bevan, Archie Griffin a Will Rowlands wedi nag erioed. cael eu canfod drwy raglen Alltudion WRU. A hithau yn 30 oed mae’r rhaglen yn parhau i ganfod, monitro a recriwtio chwaraewyr cymwys Erbyn hyn mae yna bron i 1,700 o chwaraewyr i Gymru o du allan i Gymru ac sydd â’r potensial ifanc cymwys i Gymru yn rhan o’r rhaglen ac mae i chwarae rygbi gradd oedran ‘elît’ neu rygbi yna lwybr i bob un ohonynt i wneud y mwyaf rhanbarthol lefel uchaf yng Nghymru. Erbyn hyn o’u potensial yma yng Nghymru. Hefyd mae mae’r rhaglen yn gweithredu yn fwy strategol cyfleoedd wedi cael eu creu yng Nghymru ar gyfer ac mae wedi ei halinio yn agos â rhaglen Gradd chwaraewyr ifanc o Seland Newydd, De Affrica, Oedran Genedlaethol WRU a gyda recriwtio Canada, Awstralia a ledled Ewrop. chwaraewyr i’r Rhanbarthau yn unol â chynllunio olyniaeth cenedlaethol ar y lefel uchaf. Mae dewis cymaint o alltudion ar gyfer anrhydeddau Gradd Oedran Cenedlaethol yn Mae’r rhaglen gradd oedran Alltudion yn agored i dangos bod yna lwybr clir a chredadwy i rygbi bob chwaraewr sydd yn gymwys i Gymru o 12 i 18 oedran cenedlaethol yng Nghymru i chwaraewyr oed sydd yn byw y tu allan i Gymru, ac mae’n rhoi alltud. Daeth chwaraewyr o’r garfan D20 megis cyfle iddyn nhw a’u teuluoedd ymgysylltu â WRU, Theo Bevacqua (Sussex), Harri O’Connor (Dorset), ac mae yna gynlluniau wedi eu llunio er mwyn Archie Griffin (Wiltshire), Ed Scragg (Dorset), datblygu rhaglen i enethod/merched hefyd. Gwilym Bradley (Surrey) ac Ellis Bevan (Gorllewin Mae nifer o Alltudion wedi ennill capiau Canolbarth Lloegr) i fod yn rhan o’r rhaglen Gradd Oedran Cenedlaethol a chwaraeodd Alltudion i ddechrau pan oeddent yn 14 neu pump o gynhyrchion y rhaglen Alltudion ym 15 oed ac mae WRU wedi bod yn monitro eu Mhencampwriaeth Rygbi D20 y Byd yr haf datblygiad ers hynny. diwethaf yn yr Ariannin. Roedd wyth o alltudion Mae’r berthynas ragorol gyda’r Rhanbarthau yn yn rhan o’r Chwe Gwlad D20 diwethaf, a’r llynedd golygu bod yna hefyd lwybr credadwy i rygbi roedd naw o alltudion yn cynrychioli Cymru D18 proffesiynol hefyd. Gan fod Rygbi’r Byd erbyn hyn naill ai yn y Chwe Gwlad neu yn ystod taith yr haf wedi ehangu’r meini prawf cymhwysedd preswylio i Dde Affrica. o dair i bum mlynedd, mae’r rhaglen Alltudion yn fwy perthnasol nag erioed.

50 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Alltudion a gynrychiolodd Cymru ar efel Gradd Oedran Cenedlaethol:

Cymru D18 Cymru D20 Adam Williams (Dragons) Theo Bevacqua (Gleision Caerdydd) – (Herefordshire; Exiles programme since the age of 14) – (Sussex; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) Adam Williams (Dreigiau) Harri O’Connor (Scarlets) – (Swydd Henffordd; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) – (Dorset; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) Tom Cowan Archie Griffin (Wiltshire; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 15) (Wiltshire; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 15) Ethan Morgan Ed Scragg (Dreigiau) (Cernyw; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 15) – (Dorset; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 15) Bryn Bradley Gwilym Bradley (Gleision Caerdydd) (Surrey; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) – (Surrey; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 15) Tom Lockett Ellis Bevan (Essex; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 17) – (Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr; rhaglen Alltudion Jac Lloyd ers yn 15) (Caerdydd drwy Goleg Clifton, Bryste; rhaglen Sam Costelow Alltudion ers yn 16) – (Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr drwy Ysgol Oakham; Benji Williams (Y Gweilch) rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 16) – Abertawe drwy Goleg Hartpury; rhaglen Ioan Lloyd Alltudion ers yn 16) – (Caerdydd drwy Goleg Clifton, Bryste; rhaglen Ben Murphy Alltudion ers yn 16) (Swydd Warwick; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) Luke Scully Harry Williams (Scarlets) – (Abertawe / Gweilch drwy Worcester Warriors; – (Suffolk; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 18).

Cymru D19 Hary Breeze (Scarlets) – (Surrey; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) Morgan MacRae (Scarlets) – (Swydd Rhydychen; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) Sam O’Connor (Scarlets) – (Dorset; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) Oliver Holliday (Caerdydd drwy Goleg Hartpury; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 17) Tommy Matthews (Hampshire; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 15) Ed Dunford (Surrey; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 14) Charles Rylands (Swydd Northampton; rhaglen Alltudion ers yn 15)


Ar bob cam cydweithredodd WRU gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a champau eraill wrth i gynlluniau i ymarfer a chwarae rygbi yn y pen draw gael eu mapio. Rhan o’r broses fu datblygu protocolau a chanllawiau wedi eu hanelu at gynorthwyo ein timau proffesiynol o safbwynt gweithredol. Mae’r cynllun wedi cael ei lunio fesul cam ac mae WRU yn parhau i weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wrth iddo gael ei ddatblygu. Hefyd datblygodd WRU ddogfen protocol a chanllawiau ar gyfer y gêm broffesiynol ac mae wedi arwain y gêm drwy bob elfen o’r broses o ddychwelyd drwy gyfrwng gweminarau a grwpiau ffocws. Bu’n allweddol i WRU roi hyder i’r chwaraewyr a’r hyfforddwyr bod yr amgylcheddau maent yn mynd iddynt yn ddiogel ac wedi eu paratoi yn addas ar gyfer dychwelyd i chwarae rygbi. Gyda thymor 2019/20 yn ailddechrau yn Awst 2020, mae pob Rhanbarth wedi bod wrthi’n drylwyr yn monitro a rheoli pob cam o’r broses o ddychwelyd. Mae’r broses o ddychwelyd i chwarae rygbi proffesiynol wedi ei drefnu gan glybiau wedi bod yn ddibynnol ar gwblhau cyfnod o addysg a chamau paratoi a chafeatau. Er enghraifft: • Mae’n rhaid i’r holl hyfforddwyr, chwaraewyr a staff gwblhau cwrs ymwybyddiaeth Dychwelyd i Chwarae Rygbi Covid-19 ar-lein Rygbi’r Byd. • Yn dilyn y cyfnod hiraf allan o’r gêm i’r chwaraewyr, roedd y cam cyntaf yn golygu bod grwpiau bach o chwaraewyr yn cael ymarfer, gan ganolbwyntio ar ffitrwydd a sgiliau. Atal anafiadau oedd y prif ysgogydd i’r gêm broffesiynol wrth iddi ddychwelyd. • Darparwyd gwiriwr symptomau ar-lein i’w gwblhau cyn bob sesiwn ymarfer • Gweithredwyd gweithdrefn brofi wth ddychwelyd i ymarfer cyswllt llawn cyn i dymor 19-20 ailddechrau. Mae WRU wedi bod yn benderfynol o ddefnyddio ymagwedd cyfrifol tuag at Covid-19 gan sicrhau nad oeddem yn achosi unrhyw alw diangen ar y GIG. Mae’r gêm yn y sefyllfa orau ar gyfer dychwelyd fesul cam i chwarae rygbi ac i ailddechrau tymor 2019/20 yn llwyddiannus a thu hwnt i hynny. . 52 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIGYF 2018 – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 53 Directors’ Report FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2020

54 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Due to Covid-19, the Group has made a loss for The Group is currently exploring replacement Directors’ Report the year and the Directors present their report and derivative instruments to hedge against future the Group and the Company’s audited financial interest rate risk. The Group has interest bearing FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 statements for the year ended 30 June 2020. assets which are invested at differing interest rates; these interest rates are fixed at the outset Principal activity and review of the of the investment. business • Credit risk The principal activity of the Group is to promote rugby The Group has no significant concentration of in Wales and to encourage more people to engage credit risk. The Group has implemented policies with the game, more often, with more enjoyment and that require appropriate credit checks on potential more success. This activity, together with the primary credit customers before sales commence. Interest objective and the likely future development of the bearing assets are only invested with financial Group are reviewed in the Chairman’s Statement, the institutions that have excellent credit ratings. Group Chief Executive’s Summary and the Strategic Report. • Liquidity risk The Group maintains a balance between continuity Information provided in the Strategic report of funding and flexibility. As at 30 June 2020, 30% (2019: 39%) of the borrowings were due to In accordance with section 414C of the Companies expire within five years. Act 2006 the directors have chosen to disclose the following information in the strategic report: Directors • Principal risks and uncertainties (see page 24); The Directors who held office during the year and • Business review (see page 17); up to the date of signing the financial statements • Factors likely to affect the Group’s future development, are listed in the ‘Welsh Rugby Union Governance’ performance and position (see page 23); and section of this Annual Report. • Engagement with suppliers, customers and others (see page 25). Donations The Group’s primary charitable donation was £76,000 Financial risk factors (2019: £82,000) to the Welsh Rugby Charitable Trust. The Group is exposed to financial risks from interest This trust, which is independent from the Group, was bearing assets and liabilities and interests in overseas set up to provide support to players who were injured companies. These expose the Group to financial whilst playing rugby in Wales. There were no political risks including foreign currency risk, interest rate risk, donations (2019: £nil). credit risk and liquidity risk. Corporate social responsibility • Foreign exchange risk The Group is aware of its responsibilities to local Where applicable, the Group mitigates foreign communities and its contribution to society. The Group exchange risk with the use of forward contracts. recognises its responsibilities to the communities which As at 30 June 2020, the Group has no material are affected by its businesses and reviews its policies foreign exchange risk (2019: £nil). with regard to social, ethical and environmental matters • Interest rate risk as necessary. Any matters in any of these categories The Group has interest bearing liabilities. The Group which may materially affect the business of the Group previously hedged against the majority of any interest are reviewed as required by the Board. risk on liabilities by using derivative instruments to effectively hedge the interest rate risk.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 55 Employee Involvement Wales v Scotland match which was postponed in March 2020 together with the Autumn Nations The Group involves all its employees in its objectives, Cup); and plans and performance and on other relevant matters of interest to employees through various • the two home matches in Guinness Six Nations communication methods and regular group 2021 will be played with an estimated 50% meetings. The Group is an equal opportunities attendance of total capacity pursuant to social employer and does not discriminate in the recruitment distancing legislation. and promotion of employees. Under this scenario there would be no breach of the amended banking facilities. The Group has Disabled Employees undertaken various sensitivities around attendance The Group’s policy is to recruit disabled employees levels and these facilities will be sufficiently robust for those vacancies that they are suitable to fill. to enable further trading variances to be taken into Arrangements are made, where possible, for account within the covenant calculations. retraining employees who become disabled, During this period the business is currently taking to enable them to perform the duties identified appropriate measures to preserve liquidity. The as appropriate to their aptitudes and abilities. It following mitigating factors have been built into the continues to be the policy of the Group that the base case scenario: training, career development and promotion of • the Group has re-purposed its banking facilities; disabled persons should as far as is feasible be identical to that of other employees. • a significant element of the Group’s cost base relates to wages and salaries. The Group has Going concern taken the decision to (a) utilise the Government’s Covid–19 Job Retention Scheme and (b) reduce Based on the Group’s liquidity position and cash flow employee salaries more generally; projections, including a forward looking Covid–19 scenario, the Directors have a reasonable expectation • the Group has rephased or delayed capital that the Company and the Group have adequate expenditure. While the Group’s future growth plans resources to continue in operational existence for the include significant new business development foreseeable future and they continue to adopt the capital expenditure, much of this is not currently going concern basis of accounting in preparing the contracted and can therefore be delayed. Essential annual financial statements. capital expenditure to ensure health and safety obligations are met has continued where required; The impacts of Covid–19 have been considered as • the Group is taking advantage of the Government part of the Group’s assessment of post balance sheet schemes that are available, including the Economic events. The financial position of the Group, its cash Resilience Fund and CLBILS. flows, liquidity position and borrowing facilities are outlined within this Annual Report on page 22. The Directors have considered these areas and how they may impact going concern, the assessment of which is considered to be a critical accounting judgement. The Directors have prepared cash flow forecasts for a period of 30 months from the date of approval of these financial statements which indicate that the Group will have sufficient funds to meet its liabilities as they fall due for that period. The two short term key assumptions supporting these forecasts include: • international rugby will return this Autumn but will be played without spectators (this international rugby to include the Guinness Six Nations 2020


UK Energy Use and GHG Emissions The tables below detail the energy used by the Group in their business activities involving the combustion of gas and fuels, the purchase of electricity and business mileage in both kWh and tCO2e. They also detail the total energy and emissions by scope and as a total.

Type of activity Energy Usage Measurement Unit GHG Emissions Measurement Unit

Grid Electricity 7,649,884 kWh 1,937 t CO2e

Natural Gas 6,163,007 kWh 1,133 t CO2e

LPG 123,323 kWh 26 t CO2e

Fleet 166,217 kWh 46 t CO2e

Fuel reimbursed 648,349 kWh 179 t CO2e

Total 14,750,780 kWh 3,321 t CO2e

Scope Energy Usage Measurement Unit GHG Emissions Measurement Unit

Scope 1 6,452,547 kWh 1,206 t CO2e

Scope 2 7,649,884 kWh 1,783 t CO2e

Scope 3 8,298,233 kWh 332 t CO2e (including Electricity T&D)

Total 14,750,780 kWh 3,321 t CO2e

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 57 Intensity Ratio Principle Energy Efficiency Actions To convert absolute emissions to an emissions During this financial reporting period the Group intensity metric, the Group has calculated emissions undertook the following energy reduction projects: per a relevant unit of measure. • BMS Installation at Principality Stadium An intensity ratio is a way of defining the Group’s emissions data in relation to an appropriate business The building management system (BMS) monitors and metric, such as tonnes of CO2e per sales revenue, manages all of the mechanical and electrical services in or tonnes of CO2e per total square metres of floor the building. This includes the heating, ventilation, air space. This allows comparison of energy efficiency condition and power management, ensuring that the performance over time and with other similar types building is operating at its optimum (with the controls of organisations. that are installed). This is achieved though the BMS continually monitoring the systems that it is connected SECR Intensity ratios are calculated by dividing the to and providing data for the operators to view and Group’s emissions by its organisation-specific metric. make any necessary adjustments. This removed the scope for energy being wasted through inappropriate The DEFRA 2020 conversion figures for CO2e In the case of the Group the metric chosen to usage. normalise its emissions is based on turnover and its were used along with the fuel property figures to intensity ratio is detailed below. Thedetermine BMS allows the kWh the contentbuilding forto beLPG managed and unknown within strictlyliquid fuels programmed used in transport parameters. for efficiency, Normalising Metric Turnover £79.9m Where consumption data was not readily available the known square meterage of a similar property Intensity Ratio FY 2019-20 41.57 tCO2e/£m occupied by the Group was used across the remaining premises and a typical consumption figure derived from the CIBSE Guide applied. whilst allowing limited human interaction for The same approach was used for the other properties comfort adjustment. This takes account of external occupied by the Group. conditions, such as weather and adjusts the operation Statement of Directors’ responsibilities in accordingly. In addition, the BMS is linked to the pitch respect of the financial statements heating system and provides the necessary undersoil environment, managed automatically within the The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual pre-set parameters for the pitch to grow and be Report and the financial statements in accordance maintained. with applicable law and regulation. Through plant rotation, sequencing and management Company law requires the Directors to prepare the building management system is estimated to financial statements for each financial year. Under save approximately 15% - 20% energy against that law the Directors have prepared the Group and normal operations. Company financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Methodology Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 102 “The Financial Reporting Standard Data for this report has been provided from the applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland”, and following sources: applicable law). Under company law the Directors • 52% of data from supplier and the Group’s databases must not approve the financial statements unless • 45% of data from invoices they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view • 3% of data from estimation using CIBSE Guide F to of the state of affairs of the Group and Company determine typical consumption figures for offices, and of the profit or loss of the Group and Company warehouse and sports ground for that period. In preparing the financial statements,

58 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 the Directors are required to: The Directors are responsible for the maintenance • select suitable accounting policies and then apply and integrity of the Company’s website. Legislation in them consistently; the United Kingdom governing the preparation and • state whether applicable United Kingdom dissemination of financial statements may differ from Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 102, have legislation in other jurisdictions. been followed, subject to any material departures Disclosure of information to auditors disclosed and explained in the financial statements; (a) So far as the Directors are aware, there is no relevant • make judgements and accounting estimates that audit information of which the Company’s auditors are reasonable and prudent; and are unaware; and • prepare the financial statements on the going (b) The Directors have taken all the steps that they concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume ought to have taken as a Director in order to make that the Group and Company will continue in themselves aware of any relevant audit information business. and to establish that the Company’s auditors are The Directors are also responsible for safeguarding aware of that information. the assets of the Group and Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and Independent auditors detection of fraud and other irregularities. A resolution to reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate LLP as the Group’s auditors will be proposed at the accounting records that are sufficient to show and Annual General Meeting in October. explain the Group and Company’s transactions and By Order of the Board disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and Company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements Rhodri Lewis comply with the Companies Act 2006. Company Secretary 5 October 2020


60 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 30 June 2020 Note Total Total 2020 2019 £’m £’m Match, commercial, hospitality and other income 72.8 78.6 Competition income 7.1 11.9 Turnover 2 (a) 79.9 90.5

Operating expenses 2 (b) (91.9) (94.1)

Operating profit before depreciation, exceptional items and allocations to 22.8 31.9 affiliated organisations (“EBITDA”)

Allocations to affiliated organisations 2 (d) (30.7) (31.6)

Exceptional items 5 - (0.2)

Depreciation and amortisation (net of grant release) 5 (4.1) (3.7)

Operating loss (12.0) (3.6)

Investment income 3 4.9 -

Loss on ordinary activities before interest and tax (7.1) (3.6)

Interest payable and similar charges 4 (0.8) (0.6)

Loss on ordinary activities before tax 5 (7.9) (4.2)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities 7 2.6 0.3

Loss for the financial year (5.3) (3.9)

(Loss)/profit attributable to: Company (5.3) (4.3) Non-controlling interest - 0.4 (5.3) (3.9)

The turnover and operating profit shown above are derived from continuing operations.


Loss for the financial year (5.3) (3.9)

Other comprehensive expense: Cash flow hedges • Reclassifications to profit and loss of foreign exchange hedging - (0.1) instruments

Other comprehensive expense for the year - (0.1)

Total comprehensive expense for the year (5.3) (4.0)

Total comprehensive (expense)/income attributable to: Company (5.3) (4.4) Non-controlling interest - 0.4 (5.3) (4.0)

62 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 CONSOLIDATED AND COMPANY BALANCE SHEETS as at 30 June 2020 Note 2020 2019 2020 2019 Group Group Company Company £’m £’m £’m £’m Fixed assets Intangible asset 8 1.4 1.7 - - Tangible fixed assets 9 140.8 132.0 38.2 38.1 Investments 10 - - 22.9 22.9 142.2 133.7 61.1 61.0 Current assets Stock 11 0.2 0.3 - - Deferred tax asset 17 1.1 - 1.7 0.3 Financial assets • Debtors 12 10.5 10.7 65.3 60.8 • Cash at bank and in hand 13 0.8 2.2 - 2.3 12.6 13.2 67.0 63.4 Current liabilities Creditors – amounts falling due within one year 14 (31.4) (26.8) (23.5) (20.9) Net current (liabilities)/assets (18.8) (13.6) 43.5 42.5 Total assets less current liabilities 123.4 120.1 104.6 103.5 Creditors – amounts falling due after more than one year 14 (76.0) (64.7) (52.8) (48.9) Accruals and deferred income 16 (27.7) (29.6) - - Provisions for liabilities 17 - (0.5) - - Net assets 19.7 25.3 51.8 54.6

Capital and reserves Profit and loss reserve brought forward 23.4 25.5 54.6 51.7 Transfer from other reserves - 2.3 - 2.6 (Loss)/profit for the year attributable to the Group/Company (5.3) (4.4) (2.8) 0.3 Profit and loss reserve 18.1 23.4 51.8 54.6 Capital and reserves attributable to the Group/Company 18.1 23.4 51.8 54.6 Capital and reserves attributable to non-controlling interests 1.6 1.9 - - Total capital and reserves 19.7 25.3 51.8 54.6

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 5 October 2020 and signed on its behalf by:

Gareth Davies Chairman Martyn Phillips Group Chief Executive Officer

The notes on pages 67 to 97 form an integral part of these financial statements. The Welsh Rugby Union Limited Company Number 03419514

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 63 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY for the year ended 30 June 2020 Note Other Hedging Profit Non- Total reserves reserve and loss controlling capital and £’m £’m reserve interest reserves £’m £’m £’m Balance as at 1 July 2018 2.3 - 25.5 2.3 30.1 (Loss)/profit for the year - - (4.3) 0.4 (3.9) Other comprehensive expense for the year: Reclassifications to profit and loss of 14 - - (0.1) - (0.1) foreign exchange hedging instruments Total other comprehensive expense for the year - - (0.1) - (0.1) Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the year - - (4.4) 0.4 (4.0) Transfers from other reserves to profit and loss reserve (2.3) - 2.3 - - Dividends - - - (0.8) (0.8) Balance as at 30 June 2019 - - 23.4 1.9 25.3

Balance as at 1 July 2019 - - 23.4 1.9 25.3 Loss for the year - - (5.3) - (5.3) Total comprehensive expense for the year - - (5.3) - (5.3) Dividends - - - (0.3) (0.3) Balance as at 30 June 2020 - - 18.1 1.6 19.7

Other reserves related to reserves pre-incorporation in 1997. These have been transferred to the profit and loss reserve in the prior year. The hedging reserve is used to record transactions arising from the Group’s cash flow hedging arrangements.

64 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY for the year ended 30 June 2020 Note Other Hedging Profit Total reserves reserve and loss capital and £’m £’m reserve reserves £’m £’m Balance as at 1 July 2018 2.6 - 51.7 54.3 Profit for the year - - 0.4 0.4 Other comprehensive expense for the year: Reclassifications to profit and loss of foreign exchange 14 - - (0.1) (0.1) hedging instruments Total other comprehensive expense for the year - - (0.1) (0.1) Total comprehensive income for the year - - 0.3 0.3 Transfer from other reserves to profit and loss reserve (2.6) - 2.6 - Balance as at 30 June 2019 - - 54.6 54.6

Balance as at 1 July 2019 - - 54.6 54.6 Loss for the year - - (2.8) (2.8) Total comprehensive expense for the year - - (2.8) (2.8) Balance as at 30 June 2020 - - 51.8 51.8

Other reserves related to reserves pre-incorporation in 1997. These have been transferred to the profit and loss reserve in the prior year. The hedging reserve is used to record transactions arising from the Company’s cash flow hedging arrangements.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 65 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended 30 June 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Note £’m £’m £’m £’m Net cash from operating activities 22 (3.1) 2.9 Taxation received/(paid) 0.2 (0.8) Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities (2.9) 2.1 Cash flow from investing activities Purchase of tangible fixed assets (14.4) (19.9) Sale of tangible fixed assets - 1.0 Investment income 3 4.9 - Net cash used in investing activities (9.5) (18.9)

Cash flow from financing activities Interest paid (0.8) (0.6) Grant repaid (0.1) (0.1) Drawdown of bank loans - 11.2 Repayment of bank loans (4.7) (6.2) Receipt from other creditor in respect of agreement that will 14 - 15.0 ultimately be settled by a finance lease Drawdown of finance lease 8.3 - Debenture issue 8.6 0.4 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (0.3) (0.8) Net cash generated from financing activities 11.0 18.9

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 23 (1.4) 2.1

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 2.2 0.1

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 0.8 2.2

The notes on pages 67 to 97 form an integral part of these financial statements.


a. General information e. Going concern The Company is limited by guarantee and Based on the Group’s liquidity position and is incorporated in England and Wales and cash flow projections, including a forward domiciled in the UK. The address of its registered looking Covid–19 scenario, the Directors have office is Principality Stadium, Westgate Street, a reasonable expectation that the Company Cardiff, CF10 1NS. and the Group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the b. Statement of compliance foreseeable future and they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in The Group and individual financial statements preparing the annual financial statements. of the Company have been prepared in compliance with United Kingdom Accounting The impacts of Covid–19 have been considered Standards, including Financial Reporting as part of the Group’s assessment of post Standard 102, “The Financial Reporting balance sheet events. The financial position Standard applicable in the United Kingdom of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity position and the Republic of Ireland” (“FRS102”) and and borrowing facilities are outlined within the Companies Act 2006. The Company is this Annual Report on page 22. The Directors considered by the Directors to be a Public have considered these areas and how they Benefit Entity under the definition in FRS102. may impact going concern, the assessment of which is considered to be a critical accounting c. Summary of principal accounting policies judgement. The principal accounting policies applied in the The Directors have prepared cash flow preparation of these consolidated and separate forecasts for a period of 30 months from the financial statements are set out below. These date of approval of these financial statements policies have been consistently applied to all which indicate that the Group will have the years presented, unless otherwise stated. sufficient funds to meet its liabilities as they fall due for that period. The two short term d. Basis of preparation key assumptions supporting these forecasts These consolidated and separate financial include: statements are prepared on the going concern • international rugby will return this Autumn basis, under the historical cost convention, as but will be played without spectators (this modified by the recognition of certain financial international rugby to include the Guinness assets and liabilities measured at fair value. Six Nations 2020 Wales v Scotland match The preparation of financial statements requires which was postponed in March 2020 the use of certain critical accounting estimates. together with the Autumn Nations Cup); It also requires management to exercise its and judgement in the process of applying the • the two home matches in Guinness Six Group and Company accounting policies. The Nations 2021 will be played with an areas including a higher degree of judgement estimated 50% attendance of total capacity or complexity, or areas where assumptions pursuant to social distancing legislation. and estimates are significant to the financial statements are disclosed in note 1(x) to 1(y). The Company has not presented its own income statement, as permitted by section 408 of the Companies Act 2006.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 67 Under this scenario there would be no breach The Company has taken advantage of the of the amended banking facilities. The Group following exemptions for the separate financial has undertaken various sensitivities around statements: attendance levels and these facilities will be (i) from preparing a statement of cash flows, sufficiently robust to enable further trading on the basis that it is a qualifying entity and variances to be taken into account within the the consolidated statement of cash flows, covenant calculations. included in these financial statements, During this period, the business is currently includes the Company’s cash flows; taking appropriate measures to preserve (ii) from the financial instrument disclosures, liquidity. The following mitigating factors have required under FRS102 paragraphs 11.41 to been built into the base case scenario: 11.48 and paragraphs 12.26 to 12.29, as the • the Group has re-purposed its banking information is provided in the consolidated facilities; financial statement disclosures; and • a significant element of the Group’s cost (iii) from disclosing the Company key base relates to wages and salaries. The management personnel compensation, as Group has taken the decision to (a) utilise required by FRS102 paragraph 33.7. the Government’s Covid–19 Job Retention Scheme and (b) reduce employee salaries g. Basis of consolidation more generally; The consolidated financial statements include • the Group has rephased or delayed capital the financial statements of the Company and expenditure. While the Group’s future all of its subsidiary undertakings together with growth plans include significant new the Group’s share of the results of associates, business development capital expenditure, all of which are made up to 30 June 2020 and much of this is not currently contracted and prepared using consistent accounting policies. can therefore be delayed. Essential capital All intergroup transactions are eliminated on expenditure to ensure health and safety consolidation. The results of associates are obligations are met has continued where accounted for using the equity method of required; and accounting. • the Group is taking advantage of the h. Foreign currency Government schemes that are available, The Group’s financial statements are presented including the Economic Resilience Fund and in pounds sterling and rounded to the nearest CLBILS. hundred thousand. The Group’s functional and f. Exemptions for qualifying entities under FRS102 presentational currency is pounds sterling. for the separate financial statements Foreign currency transactions are translated FRS102 allows a qualifying entity certain into the functional currency using the exchange disclosure exemptions, subject to certain rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions conditions, which have been complied with, or valuation. Where items are re-measured, including notification of, and no objection to, foreign exchange gains and losses resulting the use of exemptions by the Company’s board from the settlement of such transactions and members. from the translation at year end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement, except when deferred in other comprehensive income as qualifying cash flow hedges.

68 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 i. Turnover Incoming resources from non-exchange The Group, when acting as principal, recognises transactions are measured as follows: revenue when (a) the significant risks and (a) donated services and facilities that would rewards of ownership have been transferred otherwise have been purchased are to the buyer; (b) it retains no continuing measured at the value to the entity; and involvement or control over the goods; (c) the (b) all other incoming resources from non- amount of revenue can be measured reliably; exchange transactions are measured at (d) it is probable that future economic benefits the fair value of the resources received or will flow to it and (e) when the specific criteria receivable. relating to each of its sales channels have been met, as described below. j. Exceptional items Turnover represents amounts invoiced, In order to improve the understanding of excluding net of returns, discounts and rebates the financial statements, the Directors have allowed by the Group and value added taxes, identified separately, on the face of the income in respect of the sale of goods and services. statement, those items of income and charge Ticket income, sale of hospitality packages, which by their size, nature and/or incidence are competition income and other event income are exceptional to the financial statements for the recognised as revenue when the related event year. These are shown as exceptional within the is staged. Revenue determined by commercial categories of expenditure to which they relate. agreements, which makes up the majority of broadcasting revenue, sponsorship and k. Intangible fixed assets royalty revenue and lease of hospitality boxes Intangible assets comprise Hospitality Catering is recognised based on the relevant contractual Rights. These are initially recognised at fair terms. Where consideration is received in kind, value and are then amortised on a straight- income and expenditure are grossed up on the line basis over the contracted period of 10 basis of arms’ length commercial rates. years. The carrying value of intangible assets Incoming resources from non-exchange is reviewed for impairment when events or transactions, with the exception of grant changes in circumstances indicate the carrying income (see note 1.r.), are recognised as values may not be recoverable. follows: l. Tangible fixed assets (a) transactions that do not impose specified future performance-related conditions on Tangible fixed assets are stated at historic the recipient are recognised in income when cost less accumulated depreciation and the resources are received or receivable; accumulated impairment losses. Cost includes the original purchase price of the asset and the (b) transactions that do impose specified future costs attributable to bringing the asset to its performance-related conditions on the working condition for its intended use. recipient are recognised in income only The tangible fixed assets of the Group, when the performance-related conditions excluding land, are depreciated on a straight- are met; and line basis calculated to write down their cost to (c) where resources are received before the estimated residual values over their estimated revenue recognition criteria are satisfied, a useful economic lives as follows: liability is recognised. • Stadium Up to 50 years • Other buildings Up to 50 years • National Centre of Excellence Up to 10 years • Other fixed assets Up to 10 years

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 69 No depreciation is charged on assets under p. Current and deferred tax construction. Depreciation charges commence The tax expense comprises current and deferred once the asset is completed and brought in tax. The current tax charge is calculated on to use. The depreciation rate charged is then the basis of tax laws enacted or substantively based on the asset class as per the above table. enacted at the balance sheet date. m. Investments in subsidiaries, associates and Deferred tax arises from timing differences that other investments are differences between taxable profits and Investments in subsidiaries, associates and total comprehensive income as stated in the other fixed asset investments are included at financial statements. These timing differences cost less any accumulated impairment losses. arise from the inclusion of income and Dividends received are recognised when the expenses in tax assessments in periods different right to receive payment is established and the from those in which they are recognised in the dividend is included in “Investment income” in financial statements. the income statement. Deferred tax is recognised on all timing In accordance with the Companies Act differences at the reporting date except for 2006, the Group has taken advantage of certain exceptions. Unrelieved tax losses and the exemption afforded to certain subsidiary other deferred tax assets are only recognised companies to be audited. The Company when it is probable that they will be recovered has given a guarantee to its subsidiary WRU against the reversal of deferred tax liabilities or Supporters Club Limited under section 479A other future taxable profits. of the Companies Act 2006. Deferred tax is measured using tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively n. Leased assets enacted by the period end and that are Where the Group enters into a lease which expected to apply to the reversal of the timing entails taking substantially all the risks and difference. rewards of an asset, the lease is treated as a “hire purchase arrangement”. The present value of q. Pension costs the minimum lease payments is recorded in the For defined contribution schemes the amount balance sheet as a tangible fixed asset. Future charged to the income statement in respect instalments under such leases, net of finance of pension costs and other post-retirement charges, are included within creditors. Rentals benefits is the contributions payable in the year. payable are apportioned between the finance Differences between contributions payable in element, which is charged to the income the year and contributions actually paid are statement, and the capital element which shown as either accruals or prepayments in the reduces the outstanding lease liability. balance sheet.

All other leases are accounted for as “operating r. Grants leases” and their rentals are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over Grants receivable in respect of tangible fixed the life of the lease. assets are credited to the income statement over the expected useful economic lives of the o. Stock relevant assets to which they relate. Grants Stock is valued at the lower of cost and estimated received but not yet released to the income selling price less costs to sell and consists of statement are included as deferred income in finished goods purchased for resale and raw the balance sheet. Revenue grants are released materials for use in the supply of catering to the income statement in the same year as services. Where necessary, provision is made for the related expense incurred. obsolete, slow moving and defective stock. Cost is determined on a first in first out basis.

70 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 s. Capitalisation of interest amount does not exceed what the carrying Interest is capitalised on major development amount would have been had the impairment projects and capital works in progress where not previously been recognised. The impairment appropriate. Capitalisation ceases when reversal is recognised in profit or loss. substantially all the activities necessary to Other financial assets, including investments in get the asset ready for use are completed. equity instruments which are not subsidiaries, Capitalised interest is amortised to the income associates or joint ventures, are initially statement over the useful economic life of the measured at fair value, which is normally the asset to which it relates. transaction price.

t. Financial instruments Such assets are subsequently carried at fair value and the changes in fair value are recognised in The Group has chosen to adopt Sections profit or loss, except that investments in equity 11 and 12 of FRS102 in respect of financial instruments that are not publicly traded and instruments. whose fair values cannot be measured reliably (i) Financial assets are measured at cost less impairment. Basic financial assets, including trade and other Financial assets are derecognised when (a) the debtors, cash and bank balances and loans due contractual rights to the cash flows from the from Regions and clubs, are initially recognised asset expire or are settled, or (b) substantially at transaction price, unless the arrangement all the risks and rewards of the ownership of constitutes a financing transaction, where the the asset are transferred to another party or, (c) transaction is measured at the present value of despite having retained some significant risks the future receipts discounted at a market rate and rewards of ownership, control of the asset of interest. has been transferred to another party who has the practical ability to unilaterally sell the asset Such assets are subsequently carried at to an unrelated third party without imposing amortised cost using the effective interest additional restrictions. method. (ii) Financial liabilities At the end of each reporting period financial assets measured at amortised cost are assessed Basic financial liabilities, including trade and other for objective evidence of impairment. They payables, bank loans and loans from fellow are first assessed individually for impairment, Group companies that are classified as debt, are or collectively where the debtors are not initially recognised at transaction price, unless the individually significant. Where there is no arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, objective evidence of impairment for an where the debt instrument is measured at the individual debtor, it is included in a group of present value of the future payments discounted debtors with similar credit risk characteristics at a market rate of interest. and these are assessed collectively for Debt instruments are subsequently carried at impairment based on their ageing. amortised cost, using the effective interest rate If an asset is impaired the impairment loss is method. the difference between the carrying amount Trade creditors are obligations to pay for and the present value of the estimated cash goods or services that have been acquired in flows discounted at the asset’s original effective the ordinary course of business from suppliers. interest rate. The impairment loss is recognised Accounts payable are classified as current in the income statement. liabilities if payment is due within one year or If there is a decrease in the impairment loss arising less. If not, they are presented as non-current from an event occurring after the impairment liabilities. Trade creditors are recognised was recognised, the impairment is reversed. initially at transaction price and subsequently The reversal is such that the current carrying measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 71 The derivative instruments utilised by the Group The gain or loss recognised in other are interest rate swaps and foreign exchange comprehensive income is reclassified to the forward contracts. income statement when the hedge relationship Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value ends. Hedge accounting is discontinued when on the date a derivative contract is entered the hedging instrument expires, no longer into and are subsequently re-measured at meets the hedging criteria, the forecast their fair value on the market price data from transaction is no longer highly probable, the relevant counterparties. Changes in the fair hedged debt instrument is derecognised, or value of derivatives are recognised in profit the hedging instrument is terminated. or loss in finance costs or finance income as u. Public Benefit Entity concessionary loans appropriate, unless they are included in a (including debentures) hedging arrangement. Concessionary loans arrangements, when Financial liabilities are derecognised when the received for the purpose of furthering the liability is extinguished, which is when the primary objective of the Group, which include contractual obligation is discharged, cancelled any debentures or loans received below the or expires. prevailing market rate of interest are initially (iii) Offsetting measured at the amount received or paid. Financial assets and liabilities are offset and In subsequent years, the carrying amount of the net amounts presented in the financial concessionary loans in the financial statements statements when there is a legally enforceable is adjusted to reflect any accrued interest right to set off the recognised amounts and payable or receivable. there is an intention to settle on a net basis To the extent that a loan that has been made or to realise the asset and settle the liability is irrecoverable, an impairment loss shall be simultaneously. recognised in the income statement.

(iv) Hedging arrangements v. Cash and cash equivalents The Group applies hedge accounting in Cash at bank and in hand includes highly liquid respect of forward foreign exchange contracts investments that are readily convertible into held to manage the cash flow exposures of known amounts of cash and which are subject forecast transactions denominated in foreign to an insignificant risk of change in value. currencies. These foreign exchange hedges have been designated as cash flow hedges. Restricted cash relates to amounts held on deposit charged to cover the contingent liability The Group also applies hedge accounting for in respect of Club Loans set out in Note 19. transactions entered into to manage the cash flow exposures of borrowings. Interest rate w. Recognition of constructive liabilities swaps are held to manage the interest rate Where an event occurs that creates a exposures and are designated as cash flow constructive or legal obligation on the Group hedges of floating rate borrowings. and it is probable that an outflow of resources, Changes in the fair values of derivatives which can be reliably estimated, will be required designated as cash flow hedges, and which to settle the obligation a liability is recognised are effective, are recognised directly in equity. in full in the period when the event occurred. Any ineffectiveness in the hedging relationship Constructive liabilities are measured at the (being the excess of the cumulative change present value of expenditures expected to be in fair value of the hedging instrument since required to settle the obligation. In certain inception of the hedge over the cumulative circumstances the transfer of cash to settle the change in the fair value of the hedged item liability may occur in subsequent periods. since inception of the hedge) is recognised in the income statement.

72 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 x. Critical judgments in applying the Group’s (iii) Acting as principal in respect of competition accounting policies income (i) Control of MSEL (note 10) Assessing whether the Group acts as agent or Assessing whether the Group controls MSEL principal in the receipt of competition incomes requires judgment. The Group holds 83.5% requires judgment. The Group receives revenue of the voting rights of MSEL and has a 75% from the organisers of competitions in which majority representation on the board but the Regions participate, namely the PRO14, the through the shareholders’ agreement there European Champions Cup and the European are a number of decisions that require the Challenge Cup. The net revenue is passed on unanimous consent of all the shareholders. to the Regions. The Group assessed the factors The Directors have assessed that the decisions presented in the respective agreements with that require unanimous consent give protective the Regions and the competition providers rights only and that the control of the day to and concluded that its ability to establish day operating decisions and strategic financial the commercial returns and to perform its decisions is retained by the Group. Therefore, contractual commitment to determine the the Directors consider that MSEL is a subsidiary competition participants provided sufficient of the Company and the results of MSEL are evidence that it is the principal in the transaction included in the Group consolidated financial with the relevant competition provider. statements. y. Key accounting estimates and assumptions (ii) Qualification of Group as a Public Benefit Entity The Group makes estimates and assumptions Assessing whether the Group qualifies as concerning the future. The resulting accounting a Public Benefit Entity requires judgment. estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the The Directors have reviewed the definition related actual results. The Directors consider of a Public Benefit Entity, as provided by the that there are no key accounting estimates FRS102 Glossary of Terms, and consider that and assumptions in the preparation of these this has been met as the primary objective of financial statements. the Group is to promote, foster, encourage, control and improve rugby football throughout Wales with any wealth created by the Group, given its legal status, being re-invested back into Welsh Rugby rather than providing a financial return to its members. Therefore, the Directors have adopted the FRS102 public benefit entity standards when preparing the Group consolidated financial statements.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 73 2. BUSINESS ANALYSIS All income is derived from activities within the UK. The information below is provided as additional information.

(a) Turnover 2020 2019 Turnover is analysed as follows: £’m £’m

Match income 33.0 44.9 Commercial income 15.4 14.2 Hospitality and catering income 9.3 14.0 Other event income 1.1 2.4 Other income 14.0 3.1 72.8 78.6 Competition income 7.1 11.9 79.9 90.5 Other event income represents amounts receivable in respect of staging fees and other similar income arising within Principality Stadium for events which are not promoted by the Company. Other income includes income from grants and royalties in both the current and prior years. The current year also includes income from the Rugby World Cup, Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and recharges relating to the Dragon’s Heart Hospital. Competition income represents amounts received from European Professional Club Rugby, and Celtic Rugby Designated Activity Company in consideration for the participation of teams nominated by the Group in the respective tournaments of those entities. To the extent that the nominated teams have participated in those tournaments the Group remits any competition income, less any costs incurred by the Group in respect of the competitions, to them. (b) Operating expenses 2020 2019 £’m £’m Operational costs (see (c) below) 57.1 58.6 Exceptional items (see note 5) - 0.2 Depreciation and amortisation – net of grant release (see note 5) 4.1 3.7 Allocations to affiliated organisations (see (d) below) 30.7 31.6 91.9 94.1


(c) Operational costs 2020 2019 £’m £’m Business and administration 9.9 7.5 Direct 18.6 19.4 Hospitality and catering costs 4.5 6.5 Stadia 7.3 7.2 Performance rugby 5.2 5.5 Community rugby 4.5 4.9 WRU Gwent – regional rugby 7.1 7.6 57.1 58.6

(d) Allocations to affiliated organisations 2020 2019 These are analysed as follows: £’m £’m Competition income (see note 2(a)) 7.1 11.9 Competition income due to WRU Gwent (1.8) (3.0) Competition income payable external to WRU Group 5.3 8.9 Directly from Company 19.7 16.5 Regions – professional rugby 25.0 25.4 Clubs – semi-professional rugby 1.1 1.7 Clubs – community rugby and affiliates 4.6 4.5 30.7 31.6 3. INVESTMENT INCOME

2020 2019 £’m £’m Investment income 4.9 - Total 4.9 -

Investment income in the current year is dividends received from the Celtic Rugby Designated Activity Company associate company.


2020 2019 £’m £’m Interest payable on bank and similar loans 0.4 0.3 Bank charges 0.4 0.3 Total 0.8 0.6


Loss on ordinary activities before tax is arrived at after charging/(crediting): Note 2020 2019 £’m £’m Depreciation on owned assets 9 5.6 5.2 Amortisation of intangible assets 8 0.3 0.4 Release of deferred income (grant release) 16 (1.8) (1.9) Net charge to the income statement 4.1 3.7 Impairment of trade receivables 0.4 – Rental of land and buildings 0.4 0.4

Exceptional items Restructuring costs - 0.2 Total exceptional items - 0.2

During the prior year, the Group incurred costs that due to their size and nature were considered “exceptional”. In order to assist in understanding the Group’s results, the Directors believe that it was appropriate to show separately the operating profit of the Group before exceptional items on the face of the income statement as additional information. In the prior year, these costs are in respect of restructuring costs that were considered exceptional.


During the year, the Group obtained the following services from the Group’s auditor:

2020 2019 £’000 £’000 Fees payable to the Company auditor for the audit of the parent company and 25 25 consolidated financial statements

Fees payable to the Company’s auditor for other services: The audit of the Company’s subsidiaries pursuant to legislation 45 45 Taxation compliance services 30 27 Other non-audit services 46 48

6. STAFF NUMBERS AND COSTS Staff numbers 2020 2019 2020 2019 Group Group Company Company The monthly average number of employees, including directors with a service contract, during the year was:

Management and administration 91 87 72 69 Direct 27 24 25 22 Stadia 62 56 - - Performance rugby 38 39 38 39 Community rugby 67 70 65 68 WRU Gwent – regional rugby 87 91 - - 372 367 200 198

The above staff numbers do not include any players representing national teams (including those on National Dual Contracts), stewards engaged for events nor do they include the non-executive Directors of the Company. Staff costs 2020 2019 2020 2019 Group Group Company Company £’m £’m £’m £’m The staff costs during the year were as follows: Wages and salaries 15.8 15.6 8.5 8.2 Social security costs 1.7 1.7 0.9 0.9 Pension costs – defined contribution schemes 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 18.6 18.3 10.3 9.9

The above numbers do not include costs in respect of National Dual Contracted players. The total costs of these players for the provision of their services (including commercial obligations) amounted to £2.2m (2019: £3.5m), for which a contribution of £2.2m (2019: £3.5m) was received from the Regions. Of the £2.2m contribution, £2.2m (2019: £3.4m) was received from outside the Group. UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 77 6. STAFF NUMBERS AND COSTS (CONTINUED) In addition to the above amounts, £4.7m (2019: £5.0m) is paid as remuneration to players whilst representing the senior men’s national squad. These costs are included in Direct costs within Operational costs (see Note 2 (c)).

2020 2019 Directors’ emoluments £’000 £’000 The directors’ emoluments, during the year, were as follows: • Aggregate emoluments 381 403 • Benefits 17 3 • Company contributions to defined contribution pension scheme - 1 398 407 The emoluments above include fees of £53,000 (2019: £55,000) payable to the Chairman. The Group received £5,000 (2019: £5,000) from third parties in respect of these emoluments. There are no directors accruing benefits under a defined contribution pension scheme (2019: one).

Emoluments of the highest paid director The emoluments of the highest paid director, during the year, were as follows: 2020 2019 £’000 £’000 Aggregate emoluments 328 348 Benefits 17 3 345 351

Key management compensation Key management includes certain directors and the Executive Board. The compensation paid or payable to key management, including the amounts shown as Directors’ emoluments above, is shown below: 2020 2019 £’000 £’000 Salaries and other short-term benefits 1,372 1,440 Company contributions to defined contribution pension scheme 152 159 1,524 1,599


(a) Tax credit included in the income statement

2020 2019 £’m £’m Current tax UK corporation tax on result for the year - - Adjustment in respect of prior periods 1.0 - Total current tax credit 1.0 -

Deferred tax Origination and reversal of timing differences 2.0 0.3 Changes in tax rates and laws (0.1) - Adjustment in respect of previous periods (0.3) - Total deferred tax credit 1.6 0.3

Total tax credit on loss on ordinary activities (Note 7(b)) 2.6 0.3

(b) Reconciliation of tax (credit)/charge The current tax assessed for the year is different (2019: different) to the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 19% (2019: 19%). The differences are explained below: 2020 2019 £’m £’m Loss on ordinary activities before tax 7.9 4.2

Loss multiplied by standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 19% (2019: 19%) 1.5 0.8 Effects of: Expenses not deductible for tax purposes and income not taxable 0.5 (0.5) Tax rate changes (0.1) - Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous period - CT 1.0 - Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous period - DT (0.3) - Total tax credit for the year (Note 7(a)) 2.6 0.3

In the Spring Budget 2020, the Government announced that the previously enacted decrease in the corporate tax rate from 19% to 17% from 1 April 2020 would no longer happen and that rates would remain at 19% for the foreseeable future. This new law was substantively enacted on 17 March 2020 and therefore deferred tax at the balance sheet date has been based on the new substantively enacted rate of 19%.


Hospitality Catering Rights Group Total £’m £’m Cost At 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020 3.3 3.3

Accumulated amortisation At 1 July 2019 1.6 1.6 Charge for the year 0.3 0.3 At 30 June 2020 1.9 1.9

Net book value At 30 June 2020 1.4 1.4 At 30 June 2019 1.7 1.7

9. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Stadium Centre of Other Land Other fixed Group Company £’m Excellence buildings £’m assets Total Total £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Cost At 1 July 2019 138.8 4.7 17.6 41.8 12.4 215.3 40.2 Additions - - 10.3 - 4.1 14.4 0.3 Disposals - - - - (0.3) (0.3) - At 30 June 2020 138.8 4.7 27.9 41.8 16.2 229.4 40.5

Accumulated depreciation At 1 July 2019 72.6 2.4 1.4 - 6.9 83.3 2.1 Charge for the year 4.1 0.2 0.1 - 1.2 5.6 0.2 Disposals - - - - (0.3) (0.3) - At 30 June 2020 76.7 2.6 1.5 - 7.8 88.6 2.3

Net book value At 30 June 2020 62.1 2.1 26.4 41.8 8.4 140.8 38.2 At 30 June 2019 66.2 2.3 16.2 41.8 5.5 132.0 38.1 Included in the cost of the stadium are cumulative capitalised interest costs of £4.6m (2019: £4.6m). The depreciation charge includes an amount of £0.1m (2019: £0.1m) representing the depreciation of interest previously capitalised.

80 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 9. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS (CONTINUED) Other fixed assets comprise plant and machinery and fixtures and fittings. During the year, £1.7m of assets under construction in the other assets balance at the prior year-end were brought into use. During the prior year, the Group acquired certain buildings and is currently refurbishing these buildings in order for them to be used as a hotel, and as such are deemed to be assets under construction. The cost of the buildings and all subsequent refurbishment costs are being funded through a finance lease agreement. The additions to Other Buildings in the year of £10.3m relate to refurbishment costs incurred in the year to 30 June 2020, contributing to a total cost of £26.6m for the building and refurbishment. The total includes capitalised interest costs of £0.7m at a rate of 3.4%. With the exception of the hotel buildings mentioned above, which are on a 999 year lease, all land and buildings held by the Group within tangible fixed assets are freehold assets. The tangible fixed assets of the Company predominantly relate to land.

10. INVESTMENTS The Group holds no material investments (2019: nil). The Company held a £50,000 equity investment in Millennium Stadium plc, a £10,000 equity investment in WRU National Centre of Excellence Limited, a £6,400,000 equity investment in WRU Gwent Region Limited and a £16,500,000 equity investment in Millennium Stadium Experience Limited at both 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019. All investments are held at historical cost. Subsidiary and other investments held directly and indirectly by the Company and in which the Company has a beneficial interest as at 30 June 2020 were: Company Principal activity Country of % holding of incorporation ordinary shares Subsidiaries - Direct Millennium Stadium plc Stadium operation United Kingdom 100% Millennium Stadium Experience Limited Hospitality and catering provision United Kingdom 83.5% WRU Supporters Club Limited Marketing United Kingdom 100% WRU National Centre of Excellence Limited Provision of training facilities United Kingdom 100% WRU Gwent Region Limited Holding company United Kingdom 80% WRU Properties Limited Holding company United Kingdom 100% Subsidiaries – Indirect WRU Gwent Rugby Limited Regional Rugby franchise United Kingdom 80% WRU Gwent Stadium Limited Stadium operation United Kingdom 80% Westgate Hotel Cardiff Limited Hotel operator United Kingdom 75%

The above subsidiaries all have their registered address at: Principality Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff, CF10 1NS


Country of % holding of Associates and other investments Principal activity incorporation ordinary shares Six Nations Rugby Limited: Competition management Republic of Ireland 17% First Floor, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, 4, Ireland. (See note below) Celtic Rugby Designated Activity Company: Competition management Republic of Ireland 25% Suite 208 Alexandra House, The Sweepstakes, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland British Lions Designated Activity Overseas rugby tours Republic of Ireland 25% Company: First Floor, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. Great Britain Rugby Sevens Limited: Olympic Sevens competition United Kingdom 33% Rugby House, 200 Whitton Road, Twickenham, , UK. TW2 7BA

Six Nations Rugby Limited’s share capital is beneficially owned by Six Nations Council. Six Nations Council is an unincorporated members’ association formed by The , the Irish Rugby Football Union Limited, The Welsh Rugby Union Limited, the Limited, La Federation Francaise de Rugby and La Federazione Italiana Rugby (together the “Member Unions”). Six Nations Rugby Limited operates as an agent on behalf of the Six Nations Council and the Member Unions. The other investments above were the same as at 30 June 2019, save for Celtic Rugby Designated Activity Company, which the Group previously held 33% of. In addition to the shareholdings above the Company is one of nine members of European Professional Club Rugby, a Swiss association whose principal activity is managing the relevant European club competitions. Given the disposition of the associates and the immateriality of their net surpluses and net assets after receipt of income by the Group, the Directors assess that the carrying value of the Group’s investment in the associates is equal to its original cost. The Group’s previous bankers hold one share in Millennium Stadium plc (2019: one share) and this share has the same rights as the shares held by the Company. In addition, Cardiff Council (“CC”) holds one share in Millennium Stadium plc (2019: one share); this share grants only certain rights and does not grant CC any dividends nor any rights to amounts receivable upon winding up.


Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m Goods for resale 0.2 0.3 - - 0.2 0.3 - -

82 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 12. DEBTORS Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m Amounts due within one year: Trade debtors 5.5 3.3 3.2 1.7 Loans due from clubs 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Loans due from Regions 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Less: provision for impairment of receivables (1.3) (0.9) (1.2) (0.8) 5.1 3.3 2.9 1.8 Prepayments and other debtors 3.2 5.7 2.3 5.1 Corporation tax 0.8 - 0.4 - 9.1 9.0 5.6 6.9 Amounts due after more than one year: Amounts owed by Group undertakings - - 58.3 52.2 Loans due from Regions 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.7 Total debtors 10.5 10.7 65.3 60.8 The amounts due from subsidiary undertakings are unsecured and have no fixed dates of repayment. An interest charge at equivalent rates to the bank loan arrangements is levied on outstanding amounts due from subsidiary undertakings.

The carrying amount of debtors is a reasonable approximation of fair value and the carrying amounts of the Group’s debtors are all denominated in pounds sterling (“GBP”).


Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m Cash balance at bank 0.8 1.0 - 1.1 Restricted cash - 1.2 - 1.2 0.8 2.2 - 2.3

Restricted cash related to amounts held by Barclays Bank plc (“Barclays”) and charged as security for loans to Clubs made by Barclays. As at the prior year end, this was a temporary measure whilst alternative security was arranged. The restrictions on this cash were removed during the current year when alternative security was granted by the Group.

14. CREDITORS Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 Amounts falling due within one year £’m £’m £’m £’m Bank loans 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Finance lease 0.8 - - - Trade creditors 1.2 2.6 0.6 1.2 Capital creditors - 2.1 - - Amounts owed to Group undertakings - - 3.8 4.2 Corporation tax - - - 0.4 Other tax and social security 2.2 0.8 1.1 0.5 Other creditors 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.2 Accruals and deferred income 26.3 20.3 17.5 14.1 31.4 26.8 23.5 20.9 The amounts owed by the Company to group undertakings are unsecured and have no fixed dates of repayment.

Amounts falling due after more than one year: Bank loans 6.2 10.9 6.2 10.9 Debentures 46.6 38.0 46.6 38.0 Finance lease 22.5 - - - Other creditor to be ultimately settled by a - 15.0 - - future finance lease agreement Deferred income 0.7 0.8 - - 76.0 64.7 52.8 48.9

84 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 14. CREDITORS (CONTINUED) The other creditor above related to funding received in respect of the Westgate Hotel development. In the current year, the Group entered into a finance lease arrangement that settled the other creditor. This finance lease will fund the remaining costs associated with the Westgate Hotel development and has a term of 45 years. The Group refinanced its debt obligations during the prior year. All previous obligations with Barclays were repaid and new facilities with National Westminster Bank plc (“NatWest”) were taken.

Maturity analysis Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 Bank loans are due £’m £’m £’m £’m Within one year 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Between one and two years 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Between two and five years 6.1 10.9 6.1 10.9 6.7 11.5 6.7 11.5 Unamortised arrangement fees (0.2) (0.3) (0.2) (0.3) 6.5 11.2 6.5 11.2 The principal terms of these loans are set out below: 2020 2019 Bank loans Interest and capital repayment terms £’m £’m New NatWest Facilities Revolving credit facility A LIBOR plus 1.40%, loan repayable on maturity date 5.0 - Revolving credit facility B LIBOR plus 1.40%, loan repayable on maturity date - 9.5 Facility C – Loans to Regions LIBOR plus 1.40%, loan repayment in instalments by 2024 1.7 2.0 6.7 11.5 The NatWest Facility C above is in respect of the loans due from Regions referred to in Note 12. The principal terms of the bank loans shown above relate to the primary instrument and do not take account of derivative instruments. Interest on amounts drawn on the revolving credit facilities is referenced to the LIBOR rate applicable to the draw period. At 30 June 2020 the revolving credit facility A was drawn for a period of 3 months. Interest on the Facility C loan is re-priced every 3 months and referenced to 3-month LIBOR.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 85 14. CREDITORS (CONTINUED) The future minimum finance lease payments are as follows: Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m Within one year 0.8 - - - Between one and five years 6.3 - - - Later than five years 27.4 - - - Total gross payments 34.5 - - - Less finance charges (11.2) - - - Carrying amount of liability 23.3 - - - The carrying amounts of the Group’s borrowings, which include bank loans, debenture loans and a finance lease, approximate their fair value. The carrying amounts of the Group’s borrowings are all denominated in GBP. Debentures have been treated as public benefit entity concessionary loans as they were received below the prevailing market rate of interest and for the purpose of furthering the primary objective of the Group.

Security provided on bank loans Bank loans totalling £6.7m (2019: £11.2m) are secured by fixed and floating charges over the assets of the Company and certain of its subsidiaries.

Borrowing facilities The Group had £30.0m (2019: £25.8m) of undrawn committed borrowing facilities available at 30 June 2020, of which £20.0m (2019: £14.0m) has all conditions precedent met at that date. Group Group Debenture loans are repayable in: 2020 2019 £’m £’m 2021 0.3 0.4 2024 8.9 9.0 2026 0.3 0.3 2027 1.6 1.6 2028 0.3 0.3 2030 2.7 2.9 2035 6.2 2.0 2050 26.4 21.6 46.7 38.1 Unamortised issue costs (0.1) (0.1) 46.6 38.0 All debenture loans are unsecured and bear no interest.

86 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 14. CREDITORS (CONTINUED) During the current and prior year, the Group invited debenture holders of the 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 460, 470 and 480 Series to extend the redemption date of their debenture from either 2024, 2026, 2027 or 2030 to 2050. Some 56 seats (2019: 736) were extended, resulting in the redemption of some £0.1m (2019: £0.9m) being extended from 2024 to 2050 and £0.2m (2019: £1.9m) being extended from 2030 to 2050. During the current and prior year, the Group also invited debenture holders of the 050 and 100 Series to extend the redemption date of their debenture to either 2035 or 2050, in exchange for an additional investment. Some 1,297 seats (2019: 68) were extended, resulting in an additional investment of £6.1m (2019: £0.4m), with £3.4m (2019: £0.2m) repayable in 2035 and £2.7m (2019: £0.2m) repayable in 2050. A number of those who extended took up the offer to spread their investment using an instalment plan. The numbers in the table above equate to the amounts actually received at 30 June 2020. There are further receipts of £0.4m in respect of the 2035 extension and £0.4m in respect of the 2050 extension to be received in the period to 30 June 2021. During the current year the Group also invited all existing debenture holders the option to subscribe for a new debenture, repayable in either 2035 or 2050, in exchange for an additional investment. Some 757 seats were subscribed for, resulting in an eventual total additional investment of £3.8m, with £1.5m repayable in 2035 and £2.3m repayable in 2050. A number of those who subscribed took up the offer to spread their investment using an instalment plan, The numbers in the table above equate to the amounts actually received at 30. June 2020. There are further receipts of £0.3m in respect of the 2035 expiry and £0.2m in respect of the 2050 expiry to be received in the period to 30 June 2021.

Bank loans, finance lease and debenture loans repayable by instalments wholly or partly after 5 years Bank loans, with a total value of £6.7m (2019: £11.2m), are repayable wholly or partly from the balance sheet date by instalments. Of these amounts, £nil (2019: £nil) is repayable after five years. A finance lease, with a total value of £23.3m (2019: £nil), is repayable wholly or partly from the balance sheet date by instalments. Of these amounts, £23.3m (2019: £nil) is repayable after five years. Concessionary debenture loans, with a total value of £46.6m (2019: £38.1m), are repayable wholly from the balance sheet date. Of this amount, £37.3m (2019: £28.7m) is repayable after five years.


Treasury policy Treasury activity is focused on monitoring working capital, managing external funding and managing interest rate risk. Treasury activity is not a profit centre and the Group neither enters into transactions of a speculative nature nor trades in financial instruments. Treasury risk management policies are summarised below: • Foreign exchange risk - where applicable, the Group mitigates foreign exchange risk with the use of forward contracts. As at 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019 the Group had no material foreign exchange risk. • Interest rate risk – operations are financed through a mixture of bank borrowings and concessionary loans. The Group currently borrows in floating rates of interest. Previously, the Group used derivative financial instruments to generate the desired interest profile and to manage exposure to interest rate fluctuations. The Group is currently exploring replacement derivative instruments to hedge against future interest rate risk. • Liquidity risk – the Group’s policy is to maintain a balance between continuity of funding and flexibility. As at 30 June 2020, 30% (2019: 39%) of borrowings were due to mature within five years, some 35% (2019: 27%) were due to mature between five years and fifteen years and some 35% (2019: 34%) were due to mature after fifteen years.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 87 15. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONTINUED) The Group has the following financial instruments: Note Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m Financial assets that are debt instruments measured at amortised cost: • Trade debtors 12 4.2 2.4 2.0 0.9 • Loans due from Regions 12 1.7 2.0 1.7 2.0 • Loans due from clubs 12 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 • Other debtors 12 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.1 7.5 6.2 5.3 4.6

Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost: Bank loans 14 6.5 11.2 6.5 11.2 Finance lease 14 23.3 - - - Trade creditors 14 1.2 2.6 0.6 1.2 Capital creditors 14 - 2.1 - - Other creditors and accruals 14 29.8 22.6 15.2 15.2 Other creditor to be ultimately settled by a future 14 - 15.0 - - finance lease agreement 60.8 53.5 22.3 27.6

Derivative financial instruments – forward contracts The Group enters into forward foreign currency contracts to mitigate the exchange rate risk for certain future foreign currency receivables. The forward currency contracts are measured at fair value, which is determined using valuation techniques that utilise observable inputs. The key inputs used in valuing the derivatives are the forward exchange rates. The fair value of the forward-foreign currency contract asset is £nil (2019: £nil). Cash flows on foreign exchange contracts are received annually. During YE20 and YE19, no hedging gain was recognised in other comprehensive income for changes in the fair value of the foreign exchange forward contracts and nothing was reclassified from the hedge reserve to profit and loss through the Consolidated Income Statement. At 30 June 2020, the notional principal amounts of derivatives were £0.6m and are analysed as follows:

Notional amount Fair market value Maturity date £’m £’m EUR - forward exchange contracts 0.6 – 23 December 2020

88 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 15. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONTINUED) At 30 June 2019, the notional principal amounts of derivatives were £5.6m and are analysed as follows:

Notional amount Fair market value Maturity date £’m £’m EUR - forward exchange contracts 4.7 - 30 June 2020 EUR - forward exchange option 0.9 - 30 April 2020

Derivative financial instruments – interest rate The Group previously held interest rate derivatives, which capped the interest rate liability on its debt to 1.25%. The cap matured in July 2019. The Group is currently exploring new interest rate derivatives. The derivative was used to hedge the Group’s exposure to interest rate movements on the bank debt. The derivative fixed the total interest payable on a proportion of the bank debt at a maximum of 1.25%. The fair value of the interest rate derivative at June 2019 was £nil. Cash flows on interest rate derivatives were paid quarterly until July 2019. Cash flows on Facility C are paid three times per annum. Cash flows on the revolving credit facilities are paid in line with the draw period. During 2020, a hedging loss of £nil (2019: £0.1m) was recognised in other comprehensive income for changes in the fair value of the interest rate derivative and £nil (2019: £nil) was reclassified from the hedge reserve to profit and loss reserve. At 30 June 2020 the notional principal amount of the derivatives was £nil. At 30 June 2019 the notional principal amount of the derivatives was £4.7m and are analysed as follows: Notional amount Fair market value Maturity £’m £’m date Interest rate cap 1.25% 4.7 - 31 July 2019

During the years to 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019, the Group’s derivatives qualified for hedge accounting under FRS102. These derivatives are carried at fair value which, as at 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019, was £nil.


Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m At start of year 29.6 31.6 - - Amounts repaid (0.1) (0.1) - - Released to the income statement (1.8) (1.9) - - At end of year 27.7 29.6 - - During the year, some £1.8m (2019: £1.9m) was released to the income statement from the grants amount shown above.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 89 16. ACCRUALS AND DEFERRED INCOME (CONTINUED) Included within the grants amount above is an amount received from the Big Lottery Fund (formerly the Millennium Commission) amounting to £21.2m (2019: £22.4m). This grant will be released to the income statement as follows: Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m Within one year 1.2 1.2 - - Between one and two years 1.2 1.2 - - Between two and five years 3.6 3.6 - - In more than five years 15.2 16.4 - - 21.2 22.4 - -

In certain circumstances, the above grant can become repayable if the Group fails to meet the monitoring requirements of the grant. The Group is currently in full compliance with the monitoring requirements such that no monies are repayable under the terms of the grant.


Deferred tax The movement on deferred tax is as follows:

Group Group Company Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 £’m £’m £’m £’m (Liability)/asset at start of the year (0.5) (0.8) 0.3 - Credited to the profit and loss account 1.6 0.3 1.4 0.3 At end of the year 1.1 (0.5) 1.7 0.3

Deferred tax provided is made up as follows: Accelerated capital allowances (0.9) (0.8) - - Tax losses carried forward 2.0 0.3 1.7 0.3 1.1 (0.5) 1.7 0.3

The Group’s deferred tax liability expected to reverse in the next 12 months is £0.5m. This primarily relates to the expected utilisation of tax losses carried forward in the next 12 months. The Company’s deferred tax asset expected to reverse in the next 12 months is £0.5m and this primarily relates to the expected utilisation of tax losses carried forward in the next 12 months.

90 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 18. COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE The liability of the members is limited. Every member of the Company undertakes to contribute such amounts as may be required (not exceeding £1) to the Company’s assets if it should be wound up while the member is a member, or within one year after a member ceases to be a member, for payment of the Company’s liabilities contracted before a member ceased to be a member. At the balance sheet date, the number of members was 329 (2019: 329).

19. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Group The Group had the following contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2020: • The Group has guaranteed the performance of some member clubs in respect of loans that the member clubs have received from Barclays and from NatWest. The amounts due are £0.7m (2019: £1.1m) and £0.3m (2019: £0.1m), respectively. • The Group has guaranteed the performance of Celtic Rugby Designated Activity Company in respect of certain financing received. The amounts guaranteed are €0.1m (2019: €0.1m).

Company The Company had the following contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2020: • The Company has guaranteed the performance of one of its subsidiaries under the terms of grant arrangements amounting to £27.6m (2019: £29.6m). • The Company has guaranteed the performance of some member clubs in respect of loans that the member clubs have received from Barclays and from NatWest. The amounts due are £0.7m (2019: £1.1m) and £0.3m (2019: £0.1m), respectively. • The Company has guaranteed the performance of Celtic Rugby Designated Activity Company in respect of certain financing received. The amounts guaranteed are €0.1m (2019: €0.1m). • The Company has guaranteed lease payments due by one of its subsidiaries. At 30 June 2020, the minimum lease payments due amount to £23.3m (2019: £nil) The Group and Company are dealing with a small number of legal claims. The Directors have reviewed all of these claims and, on the basis of legal advice received, believe that no provision is necessary. Consequently, no provision for these claims has been included in these financial statements. It is currently impracticable to make any additional disclosures in relation to the estimated financial effects, their timing and the possibility of any reimbursement.

20. COMMITMENTS Capital commitments of the Group: 2020 2019 £’m £’m Authorised and contracted: 19.5 2.0

The capital commitment in 2020 relates to the expected remaining expenditure on the Westgate Hotel development. This will be funded by further advances from the finance lease referred to earlier. The Company had no capital commitments at 30 June 2020 or 30 June 2019.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 91 20. COMMITMENTS (CONTINUED) Operating lease commitments: At the balance sheet date, the Group had the following future minimum lease payments, under non- cancellable operating leases for each of the following periods: 2020 2019 £’m £’m • One year 0.4 0.4 • One to two years 0.4 0.4 • Two to five years 1.3 1.2 • More than five years 3.7 3.9

21. PENSION COSTS The Group operates defined contribution schemes. The assets of the defined contribution pension schemes are held separately from those of the Group, under independent administration. The pension cost charge for these schemes represents contributions payable by the Group to the schemes in the year amounting to some £1.1m (2019: £1.0m). There are no material amounts included in creditors in respect of these pension costs in 2020 or 2019.


2020 2019 £’m £’m EBITDA 22.8 31.9 Allocations to affiliated organisations (30.7) (31.6) Exceptional items - (0.2) Depreciation and amortisation (5.9) (5.6) Release of deferred grant income 1.8 1.9 Operating loss (12.0) (3.6)

Non-cash items: Depreciation and amortisation 5.9 5.6 Release of deferred grant income (1.8) (1.9) 4.1 3.7 Working capital adjustments: Decrease in stock 0.1 - Decrease in debtors 1.0 2.5 Increase in creditors 3.7 0.3 4.8 2.8 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (3.1) 2.9

23. RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 2020 2019 £’m £’m (Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (1.4) 2.1 Cash inflow from movement in debt (12.2) (20.4) Increase in net debt during the year (13.6) (18.3) Net debt at the beginning of the year (62.0) (43.7) Net debt at the end of the year (75.6) (62.0)

24. ANALYSIS OF NET DEBT Bank debt Other creditor converted due within Bank debt due into finance lease Cash one year after one year agreement Debentures Total £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m At 1 July 2019 2.2 (0.3) (10.9) (15.0) (38.0) (62.0)

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 93 Cash flow (1.4) 0.3 4.4 (8.3) (8.6) (13.6) Non-cash changes - (0.3) 0.3 - - - At 30 June 2020 0.8 (0.3) (6.2) (23.3) (46.6) (75.6)

At 1 July 2018 0.1 (4.1) (2.1) - (37.6) (43.7) Cash flow 2.1 4.1 (9.1) (15.0) (0.4) (18.3) Non-cash changes - (0.3) 0.3 - - - At 30 June 2019 2.2 (0.3) (10.9) (15.0) (38.0) (62.0)

25. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS See note 6 for disclosure of the Directors’ remuneration and key management compensation. The tables below show the transactions and balances between Group companies where one or more party is not 100% owned (directly or indirectly) by the Company. The following abbreviations are used in the tables: “MS” – Millennium Stadium plc “MSEL” – Millennium Stadium Experience Limited “WRUGRE” – WRU Gwent Region Limited “WRUGR” – WRU Gwent Rugby Limited “WHCL” – Westgate Hotel Cardiff limited “RAP” – Rightacres Property Company Limited “Compass” – Compass Contract Services (UK) Limited

2020 COMPANY Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m MS 3.8 - - - - 1.1 - 56.5 MSEL 1.0 1.2 - - 0.1 - 2.6 - WRUGRE - - - - - 0.2 - - WRUGR 6.8 0.7 ------WHCL ------1.2


MS Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company - 3.8 - - 1.1 - 56.5 - MSEL 0.5 0.8 - - - - 0.8 -

94 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 MSEL Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company 1.2 1.0 - - - 0.1 - 2.6 MS 0.8 0.5 - - - - - 0.8 Compass 3.4 0.1 ------

WRUGR Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company 0.7 6.8 ------

WRUGRE Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company - - - - 0.2 - - -

WHCL Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company ------1.2 - RAP 8.5 - - - - - 2.0 -


2019 COMPANY Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m MS 3.4 - - - - 1.4 - 50.1 MSEL 0.6 1.5 - - 0.1 - 2.9 - WRUGRE - - - - - 0.2 - - WRUGR 6.3 0.6 - 0.2 - - - - WHCL - 1.1 - - - - - 1.2

MS Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company - 3.4 - - 1.4 - 50.1 - MSEL 0.7 1.2 - - - - - 0.5

MSEL Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company 1.5 0.6 - - - 0.1 - 2.9 MS 1.2 0.7 - - - - 0.5 - Compass 4.2 ------WRUGR Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company 0.6 6.3 0.2 - - - - -

WRUGRE Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company - - - - 0.2 - - -


96 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Services Services Trade Trade acquired provided Debtor at Creditor at Interest Interest Financing Financing Group from to year-end year-end payment receipt creditor debtor company £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m £’m Company 1.1 - - - - - 1.2 - RAP 14.2 - - - - - 0.1 -


Opinion In our opinion, The Welsh Rugby Union Limited’s Group financial statements and Company financial statements (the “financial statements”): • give a true and fair view of the state of the Group’s and of the Company’s affairs as at 30 June 2020 and of the Group’s loss and cash flows for the year then ended; • have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 102 “The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland”, and applicable law); and • have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. We have audited the financial statements, included within the Annual Report, which comprise: the Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets as at 30 June 2020; the Consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, and the Consolidated and Company Statements of Changes in Equity for the year then ended; and the notes to the financial statements, which include a description of the significant accounting policies.

Basis for opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) (“ISAs (UK)”) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under ISAs (UK) are further described in the Auditors’ responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Independence We remained independent of the Group in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the UK, which includes the FRC’s Ethical Standard, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 99 Conclusions relating to going concern Based on the responsibilities described above and our work undertaken in the course of the audit, ISAs We have nothing to report in respect of the following (UK) require us also to report certain opinions and matters in relation to which ISAs (UK) require us to matters as described below. report to you where: • the Directors’ use of the going concern basis of Strategic Report and Directors’ Report accounting in the preparation of the financial In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in statements is not appropriate; or the course of the audit, the information given in the • the Directors have not disclosed in the financial Strategic Report and Directors’ Report for the year statements any identified material uncertainties ended 30 June 2020 is consistent with the financial that may cast significant doubt about the Group’s statements and has been prepared in accordance and Company’s ability to continue to adopt the with applicable legal requirements. going concern basis of accounting for a period of at least twelve months from the date when the In light of the knowledge and understanding of the financial statements are authorised for issue. Group and Company and their environment obtained in the course of the audit, we did not identify any However, because not all future events or conditions material misstatements in the Strategic Report and can be predicted, this statement is not a guarantee Directors’ Report. as to the Group’s and Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Responsibilities for the financial statements and the audit Reporting on other information The other information comprises all of the information Responsibilities of the Directors for the financial in the Annual Report other than the financial statements statements and our auditors’ report thereon. The As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors’ Directors are responsible for the other information. responsibilities in respect of the financial statements set Our opinion on the financial statements does not out on page 59, the Directors are responsible for the cover the other information and, accordingly, we do preparation of the financial statements in accordance not express an audit opinion or, except to the extent with the applicable framework and for being satisfied otherwise explicitly stated in this report, any form of that they give a true and fair view. The Directors are also assurance thereon. responsible for such internal control as they determine In connection with our audit of the financial is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other statements that are free from material misstatement, information and, in doing so, consider whether whether due to fraud or error. the other information is materially inconsistent In preparing the financial statements, the Directors are with the financial statements or our knowledge responsible for assessing the Group’s and the Company’s obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as materially misstated. If we identify an apparent applicable, matters related to going concern and using material inconsistency or material misstatement, the going concern basis of accounting unless the we are required to perform procedures to conclude Directors either intend to liquidate the Group or the whether there is a material misstatement of the Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic financial statements or a material misstatement alternative but to do so. of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report based on these responsibilities. With respect to the Strategic Report and Directors’ Report, we also considered whether the disclosures required by the UK Companies Act 2006 have been included.

100 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Auditors’ responsibilities for the audit of the OTHER REQUIRED REPORTING financial statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance Companies Act 2006 exception reporting about whether the financial statements as a whole Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to are free from material misstatement, whether due report to you if, in our opinion: to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors’ report • we have not received all the information and that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a explanations we require for our audit; or high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that • adequate accounting records have not been kept an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) by the Company, or returns adequate for our audit will always detect a material misstatement when it have not been received from branches not visited exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error by us; or and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to • certain disclosures of Directors’ remuneration influence the economic decisions of users taken on specified by law are not made; or the basis of these financial statements. • the Company financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and A further description of our responsibilities for the returns. audit of the financial statements is located on the FRC’s website at: We have no exceptions to report arising from this This description forms part of our auditors’ report. responsibility.

Use of this report This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for the Company’s members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Jason Clarke Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We (Senior Statutory Auditor) do not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume for and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, responsibility for any other purpose or to any other Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors person to whom this report is shown or into whose Cardiff, 5 October 2020 hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.



WRU Board WRU Council

Audit Appointment and Finance and Risk Remuneration Professional Community Sub-Board Committee Committee Rugby Board Rugby Board

Rugby Business Competitions Disciplinary Management Management Management Committee Board Board Committee

Club Executive Board Development Committee


Patron affairs. It is responsible for the long-term success of the Company. His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge The Board comprises eleven non-executive Directors President and one executive Director (being the Group Chief Gerald Davies CBE DL MA LLD was appointed on 17 Executive). Of the eleven non-executive Directors, November 2019, with Dennis Gethin OBE having eight are Council Members who are elected to the stepped down from his position at the end of the Board by the Welsh Rugby Union Council; two are Annual General Meeting held on that date. appointed by the Board; and one is appointed to the Board following appointment as the Chair of the Governance of Welsh Rugby Professional Rugby Board. The principal activity of the Company is to promote The non-executive Chair of the Board is elected from rugby union in Wales, to encourage more people one of the eight Council Members who are also non- to engage with the game more often, with more executive Directors. enjoyment and more success. The Board of Directors THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of The Welsh Rugby Union Limited (the “Board”) is OF THE WELSH RUGBY UNION responsible for ensuring that the principal activity LIMITED is managed, which it does through the Executive Board. Non-executive Chair: Gareth Davies The Board is responsible for the stewardship of Executive: Martyn Phillips the Company, overseeing its strategy, conduct and (Group Chief Executive)

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 103 Non-executive: The Council elects, from within its membership: Amanda Blanc (appointed on 1 Jan 2020) (a) two National Council Members for appointment Anthony Buchanan (resigned on 17 Nov 2019) to the Board; Liza Burgess (appointed on 17 Nov 2019) (b) five District Council Members for appointment to Robert Butcher the Board; and Gordon Eynon (c) the Chair of the Community Rugby Board, who is also appointed to the Board. Tim Griffin David Lovett (resigned on 31 Dec 2019) As referred to above, one of the Council Members who is appointed to the Board is elected by the Board Chris Morgan as the non-executive Chair of the Board. Aileen Richards Hywel Roberts Members of the Welsh Rugby Union Council Phil Thomas National Council Members: David Young Gareth Davies; Liza Burgess; Mark Taylor (who Company Secretary: Rhodri Lewis resigned during the year), John Manders (who replaced Mark Taylor on 10 July 2020), ; The terms of office of each of Gareth Davies, David and Jon Morgan OBE. Young, Chris Morgan and Phil Thomas end at the conclusion of this year’s Annual General Meeting, District Council Members: given that their respective terms as National Council Member (in the case of Gareth Davies) and District District A Colin Wilks and Bryn Parker Council Members (in the case of each of David District B Gwyn Bowden and David Young Young, Chris Morgan and Phil Thomas) end at that District C Robert Butcher and Ray Wilton time. As of the date of this Annual Report, each of David Young, Chris Morgan and Phil Thomas had District D Alan Jones and Chris Morgan been re-elected as District Council Members, whilst District E Phil Thomas and Jeff Davies Gareth Davies was not re-elected as a National District F Brian Fowler Council Member and will be replaced by Ieuan Evans as a National Council Member as at the end of this District G Chris Jones year’s Annual General Meeting. District H Gordon Eynon Each of those District Council Members will be District J Hywel Roberts eligible for re-election to the Board and one other National Council Member will be elected to the Board to replace the position that will be vacated by Gareth Davies, with the Welsh Rugby Union Council election to determine which Council Members will be appointed to the Board due to take place shortly following this year’s Annual General Meeting. WELSH RUGBY UNION COUNCIL

The Council is responsible for setting the strategy for Community Rugby in Wales, which is presented for consideration and approval by the Board. The Council is comprised of five National Council Members and fourteen District Council Members, all of whom are elected by member clubs.

104 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 105 WELSH RUGBY UNION GROUP SUB-BOARDS & – EXECUTIVE BOARD SUB-COMMITTEES Chairman: Martyn Phillips The Board has established the sub-boards and sub- (Group Chief Executive) committees listed below to manage the business in a Executive: more effective manner with more emphasis on agile decision-making in areas that were considered by the Geraint John Community Director Board as being strategically important, as identified Ryan Jones Performance Director in the Group’s Strategic Plan. These sub-boards and Mark Killingley Head of Digital and sub-committees have delegated authority to carry Communications out certain tasks. Rhodri Lewis Group General Counsel and The roles and membership of these sub-boards were Company Secretary as follows: Craig Maxwell Commercial Director Julie Paterson Operations Director Community Rugby Board (“CRB”) Steve Phillips Group Finance Director Chaired by Robert Butcher, membership of the CRB is Mark Williams Stadium Manager open to all National Council Members and all District Council Members. Julie Paterson and Geraint John are also members given their respective Executive DEVELOPMENT OF CORPORATE responsibilities. The CRB is responsible for managing GOVERNANCE and delivering the execution of the strategy for Community Rugby as set by the WRU Council and The Group is committed to adopting the principles approved by the Board from time to time. of best practice in corporate governance. Both the Board and the Executive Board remain Professional Rugby Board (“PRB”) committed to the continuing development of Chaired by Amanda Blanc since 1 January 2020 governance structures, in order to meet the evolving (chaired by David Lovett before then), comprised needs of the game of rugby union and acknowledge Martyn Phillips, Steve Phillips, David Buttress, Robert the value of the principles of good governance in Davies, Alun Jones and Nigel Short. On 1 June discharging their respective obligations. 2020, Marianne Okland was appointed as a second In March 2016, the Board committed to support the independent member, as permitted pursuant to Sport Wales Governance and Leadership Framework the PRB’s Terms of Reference. Ryan Jones and Julie for Wales (the “Framework”). The Board continues Paterson also attend meetings, given their respective to consider how best to implement the Principles Executive responsibilities. The PRB is responsible for and Behaviours set out in the Framework in a way overseeing, managing and delivering the execution that best fits the Group and how it can maintain and of the Board’s agreed strategy for professional rugby. improve good governance and leadership within the Group. The Group will ensure that each member of the Board undergoes training in the role of non- executive Director to be delivered by an appropriate organisation (such as the Institute of Directors). The Group is committed to further training and development of the Board and of Council Members.

106 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Finance Sub–Board BOARD AND EXECUTIVE BOARD Chaired by Aileen Richards (previously chaired by There is a clear division of responsibility between Ian Jeffery until 17 November 2019), comprised the role of non-executive Chair and Group Chief Gareth Davies, Martyn Phillips, Aileen Richards (prior Executive. The Chair is responsible for the leadership to being appointed as Chair), Craig Maxwell, Steve and management of the Board and for promoting Phillips, Hywel Roberts (appointed on 26 November high ethical standards. The Group Chief Executive is 2019) and Rob Davies (appointed on 26 November responsible for the executive leadership and day-to- 2019). The Finance Sub-Board is responsible for all day management of the Group. financial matters of the Group, other than dealing There is a detailed written limit of authority protocol with the Group’s auditors. in place for both the Board and the Executive Board In addition to the sub-boards, during the year, the and, in addition, all Executive Board members have Board continued to operate two sub-committees to detailed job descriptions. assist in its business. The role and membership of The Board meets at least on a quarterly basis and these sub-committees were as follows: considers all matters which fall under its remit Appointments and Remuneration Committee which include the development and monitoring of the Group’s strategic plan, allocation of financial Chaired by Aileen Richards, comprised Gareth resources, reviewing the performance of the Group Davies, Robert Butcher, Phil Thomas (appointed on Chief Executive and Executive Board and approval 26 November 2019), Alan Jones and Ian Jeffery of annual budgets. In addition, the Board considers (until 17 November 2019). Whilst not a member, the recommendations of the various sub-boards and Martyn Phillips is invited to attend the Committee. sub-committees, whose respective responsibilities The Appointments and Remuneration Committee are as explained above. determines, on behalf of the Board, the remuneration and terms and conditions of the Group Chief Executive and the Executive Board. The Committee REMUNERATION OF THE BOARD also reviews performance and succession planning Under the Group’s remuneration policy, no fees are for the Executive Board and it participates in, payable to non-executive Directors, other than the non- reviews and recommends Executive appointments executive Chair who receives an annual fee of £53,000. to the Board. The Committee relies on appropriate independent professional advice when deemed In addition, the Board is represented on other rugby necessary. bodies including World Rugby, Six Nations Rugby Limited, Rugby Europe, European Pro Club Rugby, Audit and Risk Committee British Lions Designated Activity Company, Pro Rugby Chaired by Tim Griffin, comprised David Young and Championship Designated Activity Company and Alan Jones and included Dyfrig John and Geraint Celtic Rugby Designated Activity Company, some of Davies as independent members. The Audit and whom have a policy of financially compensating the Risk Committee is responsible for assisting the representatives serving on these bodies. No member Board to discharge its responsibilities for accounting of the Executive Board retains any such compensation policies, financial reporting, internal control and risk from these bodies. management and liaising with the Group’s auditors. REGISTERED OFFICE

Principality Stadium Westgate Street Cardiff CF10 1NS


108 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Non-executive Chair Executive LIZA BURGESS GARETH DAVIES MARTYN PHILLIPS Group Chief Executive Joined the Board in 2019, Joined the Board in 2014 and was He is a member of the Six Nations becoming the first woman to be elected as Chair in the same year. Council and a director of the elected to the Board in 138 years. He was re-elected to the Board British Lions Designated Activity She captained Wales Women in in March 2019 and continued Company. During the year, he their first international in 1980 as Chair, following the transition was a director of Celtic Rugby and went on to win a then record period for the governance Designated Activity Company and 87 caps over a 20-year period in changes that were approved also represented the Company which she also played for Great at the 2018 AGM. He is also a on European Professional Club Britain. National Council Member. Rugby and sits on the Professional Rugby Board. A trailblazer as both a player and He is a member of the World a coach she has also coached Rugby Council, its Executive He was formerly CEO of B&Q Wales Women, Wales U20’s and Committee, as well as being a and is Chairman of Private Equity Barbarians, Liza helped to set-up director of Rugby World Cup backed KB Associates based in the women’s club at Saracens Limited, Six Nations Rugby Limited Dublin. before going on to lead them to and the British Lions Designated In 2013 he was awarded an the treble. Activity Company. Honorary Doctorate from In 2018 she became the first A former international fly-half Southampton Solent University Welsh woman to be inducted into and British & Irish Lions tourist in for services to business. He was the World Rugby Hall of Fame 1980, he earned 21 caps for his educated at Fishguard Grammar and, as inductee No 142, she is country and captained Wales on School and UWIC in Cardiff, only the 20th Welsh rugby player five occasions. before studying at both Oxford to enter the pantheon. Brookes College and then He has held senior executive Templeton College, Oxford. positions with the Newport Gwent Dragons, CBI Wales, BBC Whilst at school he won Wales, Cardiff RFC, S4C, the international caps at U15 level Sports Council for Wales, the and was a member of the Welsh Royal Mail and for International Schools U18 squad. Business Wales (the successor In January 2020, he announced Government agency to the Welsh he would be stepping down as Development Agency) – where Group CEO in the Summer, but he headed the Sydney, Australia agreed in March to continue office. He is a former Dean of in his role due to the Covid-19 the Carnegie Faculty at Leeds pandemic. He will be leaving his Metropolitan University. role in Autumn 2020.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 109 GORDON EYNON ROBERT BUTCHER TIM GRIFFIN Appointed independent non-executive director Joined the Board in 2011 and was Joined the Board in 2015 and Joined the Board in 2015 and was re-elected to the Board in March was re-elected to the Board in re-appointed in 2018. 2019, following the transition November 2019 having been Tim is now MD of DCC Technology, period for the governance re-elected as the Chair of the a division of DCC a FTSE 100 changes that were approved at Community Rugby Board. He is Company. He is a former CEO of the 2018 AGM. He is also a District also a District Council Member for Dell UK and previously worked Council Member for District H. He District C, having been re-elected in Singapore and Australia in a represented Whitland, Gwernyfed, in 2019. variety of senior positions with the Breconshire, Carmarthen Quins and He is a one club man having been company. Crymych at senior level. associated with Bargoed RFC His career has spanned senior He was head coach at Crymych since leaving school in the late management roles in a number of for three years before becoming 1960’s and recently accepted life major companies including PwC, Club Secretary in 1989, a position membership of the club. He was NCR and the BBC. he still holds today, and is now the captain for five successive a life member of the club. He years in the mid to late 1970’s. He studied at UCC and Templeton has been a District H committee College Oxford. He has roots in Once his playing career ended, Wales and played for Newbridge member since 1995 and chaired he joined the club’s committee. the district from 2009 to 2011. as well as captaining Cross Keys With an unbroken service with and Monmouthshire U23s. He He is a former schoolmaster his beloved Bargoed, in 2015 he also represented Cardiff University, and currently runs a farm in completed a 20th year as club Welsh Universities and British Pembrokeshire. honorary secretary. Universities and won the Dubai 7s On leaving college he took up with Crawshays. a teaching post within Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and enjoyed a career in education until his recent retirement.

110 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 CHRIS MORGAN AILEEN RICHARDS PHIL THOMAS Appointed independent non-executive director Joined the Board in 2014 and was Joined the Board in 2015 and was Joined the Board in 2015 and was re-elected to the Board in March re-appointed in 2018. re-elected to the Board in March 2019, following the transition Prior to that she was based in the 2019, following the transition period for the governance changes USA for seven years as the Executive period for the governance changes that were approved at the 2018 Vice President and Vice President that were approved at the 2018 AGM. He is also a District Council of People and Organisation for AGM. He is also a District Council Member for District D. Mars Incorporated. Member for District E. He played rugby for Glyncorrwg, She grew up outside Cardiff From Clydach, he is a former Tonmawr and the Royal Marines, where she gained her passion Wales Schools U16 international before moving into the coaching for Welsh Rugby. She spent her and played youth rugby for environment where his main 30-year career at Mars working Morriston before joining Vardre background is in strength and across the management structure where he became club secretary, conditioning. He has worked in in a number of high-profile roles vice chairman and then chairman this field at Premiership level with in the UK, Belgium and the USA. in 2012. Swansea and Aberavon, spent Now retired from her Executive He retired in 2018 after 40 years’ three years in the Regional set service in the Finance Department up with the senior squad role, she has several non- executive directorships including of the City and County of and played a significant part in the Swansea. management and coaching set Pret A Manger, JDE Peet’s, Mars up of the Wales Deaf Rugby team Netherlands and Welsh National which won the World Cup in New Opera. Zealand in 2002. He is a former senior non- commissioned officer in the Royal Marines with 18 years’ experience, holding high profile appointments during a distinguished career.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 111 DAVID YOUNG HYWEL ROBERTS AMANDA BLANC Joined the Board in 2014 and was Joined the Board in 2018 and was Joined the Board in January 2020, re-elected to the Board in March re-elected to the Board in March having been appointed as Chair 2019 following the transition 2019, following the transition of the Professional Rugby Board. period for the governance changes period for the governance changes The recently appointed chief that were approved at the 2018 that were approved at the 2018 executive of FTSE 100 company AGM. He is also a District Council AGM. He is also a District Council Aviva plc is also a former chief Member for District B. Member for District J. executive of Zurich Insurance He played for the youth and senior A former Local Director of Group for Europe, Middle East teams of Llandaff North and NatWest Bank, he grew up in and Africa. following injury was instrumental Gwynedd – now retired but keeps She is a senior businesswoman and in forming the mini and junior an active interest in business and also been group chief executive of section of the club. He then joined in all sports and lives in Llandudno. AXA UK, PPP & Ireland during a the committee latterly as rugby Career experience includes Board distinguished 30-year career. secretary and was awarded life appointments on various business membership. She was named Woman of and educational bodies. Achievement by Women in the He is a former Vice Chair and He served as Chair and Vice Chair City and twice been voted the Competition Secretary of East District J and Welshpool RFC and UK Insurer CEO’s CEO of the District and continues to serve on is a founder member of NWRUC/ Year (2013 and 2015), as well the management committee. RGC and played rugby in the as featuring on the 2019 list of He is a retired Chartered Electrical Midlands and London. Yahoo Finance’s 100 Women Engineer and former Design and Executives. Construction Manager for Cardiff Originally from Treherbert in the County Council responsible for Rhondda Fawr valley she is a the delivery of the Capital Build former chair of the Association of programme. British Insurers, a past president of the Chartered Insurance Institute, a former chair of the Insurance Fraud Bureau, a previous chair of the ABI’s General Insurance Committee and a past member of the UK Takeover Panel.

112 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 Company Secretary RHODRI LEWIS Joined the Group in 2010 as Head of Legal Affairs and was appointed as Company Secretary on 1 August 2018. He also has Executive responsibility for the Group’s HR and Payroll functions and is Company Secretary for several Group companies. He started his legal career at the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in London, before joining the commercial legal department at UEFA (the European football governing body, based in Switzerland) working predominantly on Champions League, Europa League and UEFA European Football Championships matters. He left UEFA to become the Senior Solicitor at The FA Group and was responsible for a broad range of legal matters in relation to both The Football Association (including in relation to the 2010 FIFA World Cup) and Wembley Stadium. In 2015, he was named as The Lawyer magazine’s ‘In-House’ Lawyer of the Year’. He played rugby throughout his time at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Glantaf and has played for Dinas Powys, for teams in London, Thailand, Hong Kong, Australia and Switzerland and for the University of London.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 113 Welsh Rugby has been club Secretary for the past 28 years. He was awarded Life-Membership of the club in Union 2009. He has an Honours Degree in Mathematical Sciences from Birmingham University and Council held various Technical and Managerial positions in IT for The WRU Council was established in March 2019, following the Wales Gas, BP and BT. transition period for the governance changes that were approved at the 2018 AGM. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Council After retiring he carried out comprises 14 District Council Members and five National Council volunteer work for the Age Members. Concern charity, helping elderly people learn IT skills. The Council is responsible for: (a) setting the strategy for Community Rugby in Wales, for approval by the WRU Board of Directors; and (b) electing, from within the Council’s membership, the following: (i) two National Council Members, for appointment to the WRU Board of Directors; (ii) five District Council members, for appointment to the WRU Board of Directors; and (iii) the Chair of the Community Game sub-Board, who will also be appointed to the WRU Board of Directors. ALAN JONES Joined the Board in 2003 and is now a District Council Member for District D. He served as WRU vice-Chairman for 4 years prior to which he was Chairman of the Rugby Committee. He decided not to stand for election to the Board in 2019. At Bryncoch RFC he was club captain, Chairman for 10 years and

114 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 GWYN BOWDEN JEFF DAVIES BRIAN FOWLER Joined the Board in 2015 and is Joined in 2019 as a District Joined the Board in 2002 and is now a District Council Member Council Member for District E. now a District Council Member for for District B, having been re- He is a director and chairman of District F. elected to the position in 2019. Seven Sisters Rugby Club and has He played rugby for St Luke’s He played School and Youth been a Community Councillor of College Exeter, Llanelli, rugby for Whitchurch, before Seven Sisters for over 11 years. Ammanford, Brynamman and joining Taff’s Well Youth, where A qualified level 3 coach, he is Tycroes. He was later secretary of he went on to play for the a former player and was integral Ammanford for 23 years. District Youth & Taff’s Well first in setting up Women’s youth and Now retired, he was a local XV. In later years, he was elected U15’s sides at his club, which government officer for fixture Secretary and then also runs the Valley Hawkes. Carmarthenshire County Council, Chairman and is a life member. He has helped Seven Sisters having previously worked for the He also played for Beddau and National Coal Board. Rhiwbina RFC. to become a limited company and also worked alongside the He is a Life Member of Ammanford He became a WRU Referee in chairmen of Banwen RFC & RFC and was elected to the 1980 and progressed to premier Crynant RFC to merge all rugby Management Committee of the grade before retiring in 1999, from Youth to Mini’s to ensure West Wales Rugby Union in 1995, later becoming a referee’s there is rugby for players in the becoming Vice Chairman in 2000. adviser/coach. During this Dulais Valley. He was made a Life Member of period, he was also the referee’s He is also chairman of the Dulais the West Wales Rugby Union in appointments officer for Cardiff 2016. & District RU and the District Valley Food Bank and works as a Blues Region. Business Development manager for DANSA LTD, which provides More recently, he has been a a community transport service Citing Commissioner at PRO14, that is wheelchair accessible to European Cup and International areas in Dulais, Afan, Neath, matches. He has continued his Swansea & Amman Valleys. strong links with the Referees’ Society. Now retired, he was self- employed in the manufacture of purpose made furniture/ joinery and was a senior design consultant for a national company.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 115 BRYN PARKER COLIN WILKS RAY WILTON Joined the Board in 2016 and is Joined the Board in 2019 as Joined the Board in 1998 and is now a District Council Member District Council Member for now a District Council Member for District A. District A for District C. During a productive playing He is secretary, a director and a He is a citing commissioner to career, he played for Blaenavon, former chairman of Risca rugby Test match level. Pontypool, Talywain, Garndiffaith club who led the club through He has been a member of and Croesyceiliog. He has its incorporation process and is a the Tylorstown committee for also managed and coached level 3 coach who also works as over 30 years and represented Blaenavon, Talywain, Garndiffaith a coach educator in the Dragons the club on the Mid District and Croesyceiliog. region. Committee from 1971. He He was honorary secretary of He has spent 45 years in rugby, became chairman of the Mid Cwmbran from 2006 – 2018, is firstly as a player, then referee, District selectors. now a Life member and a member coach and now an administrator He worked as a development of the Committee. He has been and his business background is engineer in the power industry team manager of Monmouthshire as an experienced production and was also employed by County since 2004. manager, working in the mining Hoover for over 30 years. He works in various schools, & metals industry. supporting children of all ages, A former school governor he abilities and behaviours. He is a University of Glamorgan was formerly a senior technical engineering graduate he also process operator and training has a postgraduate degree in officer. He has also been a business administration from the children’s mentor/co-ordinator University of Wales. for Children in Need. He currently works as a Customer He is a former community councillor Service Analyst. and was appointed chair of the Pontypool Community Council in 2016.

116 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 CHRIS JONES JOHN MANDERS COLIN CHARVIS Joined the Board in 2018 and is Was elected as a National Was elected as a National now a District Council Member Council Member in July 2020. Council Member in May 2019. for District G. A former sergeant with South Now runs his own business, as A one club man, he was a Wales Police, he was capped by well as being vice-chair and a founding member of Newcastle Wales at youth level and toured Board member of Swansea Rugby Emlyn and has been its Secretary South Africa in 1980. Club. He is an Ambassador for since its formation in 1977. He He played for Cardiff, Newport the Sparks Children’s charity; for is a life member of the Club as and Pontypridd but is a stalwart Show Racism the Red Card; for well as a past player, captain and of Old Illtydians rugby club. For the Multiple Sclerosis Society; coach. the last 30 years he has gone and the JAG Foundation. He He is a former coach to the from playing for Welsh capital was previously an Ambassador Welsh Schools Intermediate club Old Illtydians to being their for Shelter Cymru. (Under 16) International side. current chairman. He is a former Captain of Wales, He also chaired the Intermediate After retiring from the Police winning his first cap in 1996. He Group and the Schools Council. Service, he has continued to also represented the British & He represented the Schools on work as an assessor, lectures in Irish Lions in 2001. the old WRU Committee. law at the University of South Educated at Llandysul Grammar Wales, is also artistic director at School and Loughborough Tickledom Theatrical Productions Colleges, he taught PE for 35 and a director of learning at years until his retirement in Credwch Ltd. 2010.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 117 JON MORGAN OBE As referenced in the Board of Directors’ section of this Was elected as a National Council Annual Report, Gareth Member in May 2019. Davies and Liza Burgess are He is a sports and leisure National Council Members professional with nearly 35 years’ and Rob Butcher, Dave Young, experience. During his career he Chris Morgan, Phil Thomas, held several senior leadership Gordon Eynon and Hywel roles within local authorities, Roberts are District Council national sport agencies, national Members. and international governing bodies of sport. In 2017, he stood down from the role of Chief Executive Officer, Disability Sport Wales, a position he had held since 2002. During that period, he was responsible for leading the strategic development of disability and inclusive sport, advising Welsh Government, Sport Wales and various stakeholder partners on policy direction and programme implementation. Disability Sport Wales is recognised as a world leading organisation within disability sports development. He was made an OBE in the 2017 New Years’ Honours List for Services to Disability Sport in Wales.


120 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 MARTYN PHILLIPS GERAINT JOHN RYAN JONES Group Chief Executive Community Director Performance Director Please refer to the biography Joined the Group in 2015 and Joined the Group in 2016 as provided in the ‘Board of was appointed Head of Rugby Head of Rugby Participation Directors’ section on page 109 of Performance in 2016. In January and was appointed Performance this Annual Report. 2019, he was appointed to the Director in January 2019. role of Community Director. He won 75 caps and is a former He returned to Wales in Wales captain and a British & September 2015 as the Group’s Irish Lion. He is one of an elite Elite Coach Development band of players to have won Manager. Previously he had three Grand Slams with Wales spent 10 years working abroad, (2005, 2008 and 2012) and he with Rugby Canada as High also played an integral role in Performance Manager and then his country’s retention of the Six Sevens Head Coach, before Nations title in 2013. joining the Australian Rugby He captained the Ospreys from Union as Program Director of 2007 to 2010 and counts Sevens and Men’s Sevens Head four PRO12 titles amongst his Coach in June 2014. achievements. He is a former Wales assistant coach, who has also coached at Llanelli, Cardiff Metropolitan University and Cardiff Blues. He played for Cardiff and Llanelli, featured at every representative schoolboy level and was capped by Wales A.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 121 MARK KILLINGLEY RHODRI LEWIS CRAIG MAXWELL Head of Digital and Group General Counsel Commercial Director Communications and Company Secretary Joined the Group in 2010. Joined the Group in 2016. Please refer to the biography He joined from Under Armour He joined from the RFU where he provided in the ‘Board of where he had been the USA based was Head of Digital and Customer Directors’ section on page 113 of sportswear company’s Head of Relationship Management. In this Annual Report. Sports Marketing in the UK and that role, he oversaw the launch Ireland since 2008. Whilst at of the revamped, re-branded Under Armour, he worked on the England Rugby website, plus launch of the brand’s footwear a new digital platform aimed and was integral in building the at growing participation in the Under Armour brand across all sport across England ahead of, sports in the UK and Ireland. during and after the 2015 World He had previously worked for Cup. the Group between 2004 and Prior to joining the RFU, he 2008 in various roles within the was Marketing Director of the hospitality team before becoming National Football League (“NFL”) Group Sponsorship Manager. where he was responsible for all Craig is also a director of the WRU digital and marketing activity Supporters Club Limited and sits and award-winning events that on the commercial committees of helped establish the NFL in the PRO14 and Six Nations Limited. UK to the point where they played multiple games and From Pembrokeshire, Craig grew enjoyed record TV audiences. up in Cosheston and attended Greenhill School in Tenby. He He played rugby for Amersham played rugby, cricket and football & Chiltern, Leeds University and locally, representing the county Buckinghamshire County. and Dyfed across all three sports and has also represented Wales in Basketball at U18 level.

122 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 JULIE PATERSON STEVE PHILLIPS MARK WILLIAMS Operations Director Group Finance Director Stadium Manager Joined the Group in 1989 and Joined the Group in 2007. Joined the Group in 2013. was appointed to the Executive He joined from TBI which was He joined after a military career Board in 2006. one of the largest regional spanning 20 years during which Julie had previously served in a airport owners in the world and he rose to the rank of Lieutenant number of areas across the business in his ten years at the company Colonel in The Royal Welsh. He dealing directly with strategic and he played active roles in the served on multiple tours of duty operational issues related to the acquisition of airports in Belfast, in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, management of international, Sweden, London Luton, Bolivia, Kosovo and Iraq and he was regional and club rugby. She had Costa Rica, Australia and North decorated for his actions in held the position of Head of Group America. combat in Iraq in 2007. Compliance since 2005, moving He trained with KPMG and During his military career, to Head of Rugby Operations qualified as a chartered he held high-profile military and more recently appointed as accountant in 1989. He was appointments in both training Operations Director. previously Finance Director at and operational environments Responsible for the management the Tedcastle UK Group before including time as a Battalion and administration of the joining TBI as Group Financial Adjutant, Company Commander Professional Rugby Agreement, Controller and then Group and Battle Group Chief of Staff Julie Chairs the Rugby Finance Director. with the 2nd Battalion, The Management Board in Wales. Her He is a non-executive director of Royal Welsh. remit also covers all regulatory, Milford Haven Port Authority. He played rugby for Neath medical, insurance and integrity He played rugby for Amman Valley College, Glynneath and his related matters across the game in Regiment. Wales. Julie is also responsible for Comprehensive School, Imperial liaison with other rugby governing College London, University of bodies, stakeholders, partners London and Amman United, or associates such as the Welsh where he captained the first XV. Government, Sport Wales and local authorities and also represents Welsh Rugby on World Rugby Council, European Professional Club Rugby Board, PRO14 Board and the Board of Great Britain Olympic 7s.


124 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 MATTHEW J WATKINS RUSSELL ROBINS (1978 i 2020) (1932 i 2019) Bu farw cyn-chwaraewr rhyngwladol Cymru Bu farw Russell Robins, un o’r chwaraewyr gorau Matthew J Watkins ym Mawrth 2020 yn 41 oed erioed i chwarae i glwb Pontypridd, yn Medi 2019 ar ôl brwydro yn erbyn math prin o ganser pelfig a yn 87 oed. ddiagnoswyd yn 2013. Ar ôl capteinio Ysgolion Uwchradd Cymru fel Dau fis cyn iddo farw dywedodd Watkins ei disgybl yn Ysgol Ramadeg Pontypridd yn 1949, fod wedi ymledu i’w ben. Cyn iddo ein gadael, aeth i Brifysgol Caerdydd. Tra yr oedd yn fyfyriwr, helpodd i godi miloedd o bunnoedd ar gyfer ymaelododd â chlwb tref ei febyd gan chwarae Canolfan Ganser Cymru Felindre. Gadawodd ei 184 o weithiau yn ystod degawd o wasanaeth, ac wraig Stacey a’i feibion Siôr a Tal. roedd yn gapten arnynt rhwng 1953-56. Chwaraeodd y canolwr talentog ei gêm gyntaf i Enillodd 13 cap i Gymru yn yr ail reng a’r rheng ôl Gymru yn yr Eidal yn Rhufain yn 2003 gan fynd ac ymddangosodd yn y pedair gêm brawf i Lewod ymlaen i ennill 18 cap gan chwarae rôl flaenllaw Prydain ac Iwerddon 1955 yn Ne Affrica. Cyfres mewn buddugoliaeth enwog yn erbyn Awstralia gyfartal oedd honno i’r Llewod ac ymddangosodd yn 2006. Robins yn amlach nag unrhyw chwaraewr arall Dechreuodd Watkins ei yrfa gyda Chasnewydd cyn gan chwarae mewn 17 o’r 24 gêm. ymuno â’r Scarlets. Chwaraeodd 150 o weithiau Tra ar Wasanaeth Cenedlaethol gyda’r Corfflu i’r Scarlets rhwng 2002 a 2008 gan sgorio 42 cais, Brenhinol Arwyddion, chwaraeodd i’r Fyddin ac i ac roedd yn aelod allweddol o’r tîm a enillodd y Swydd Efrog. Chwaraeodd fel Rhif 8 yn ei gêm Cynghrair Celtaidd yn 2003-2004. gyntaf i Gymru gan ennill 12-3, ond bu’n rhaid Ar ôl gadael Llanelli cynrychiolodd Caerloyw yn iddo ddisgwyl am chwe gêm arall am ei ail gap, yn Uwch Gynghrair Lloegr cyn dod â’i yrfa broffesiynol erbyn Ffrainc yng Nghaerdydd yn 1954. i ben yn ôl adref gyda’r Dreigiau. Chwaraeodd mewn saith gêm yn olynol, gan helpu Llifodd y teyrngedau o bob cwr o’r byd rygbi i Cymru fel aelod hollbresennol o’r pac gan rannu Watkins, a oedd yn uchel iawn ei barch. teitl y Pum Gwlad yn 1955 gyda Ffrainc, ac yna ymddangosodd mewn dwy o’r pedair gêm yn 1956 Ysgrifennodd chwaraewr chwedlonol Cymru, pan enillodd Cymru eu 13eg pencampwriaeth. Jonathan Davies: “Cwsg yn dawel Matthew. Am wˆr hyfryd a wynebodd ganser gyda dewrder ac Ei ymddangosiad olaf i Gymru oedd y fuddugoliaeth roedd ganddo wên ar ei wyneb bob amser. Roedd i Gymru ym Mharis yn 1957. Yn Chwefror 1959, yn gwneud y mwyaf o fywyd bob amser a phob symudodd i chwarae rygbi’r cynghrair gyda Leeds tro yn gwenu.” RLFC.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 125 LEIGHTON JENKINS STEVE BLACKMORE (1931 i 2020) (1962 i 2020) Bu farw Leighton Jenkins, a arweiniodd Casnewydd Steve ‘Wally’ Blackmore oedd prop Caerdydd a i fuddugoliaeth yn 1957 yn erbyn y Wallabies ac a helpodd Cymru i orffen yn y safle uchaf erioed enillodd bum cap i Gymru, ym Mai 2020 yn 88 mewn Cwpan y Byd yn 1987. Bu farw ym Mai oed. 2020 ar ôl brwydr faith yn erbyn canser tiwmor yr Fe’i ganwyd yn Nhredegar Newydd yn 1931, ymennydd. Roedd yn 58 oed. a dechreuodd ei yrfa rygbi yn Ysgol Ramadeg Ar ôl ymddangos am y tro cyntaf i Gymru yn y gêm Tredegar fel cefnwr cyn symud i Rif 8. Aeth ymlaen Pum Gwlad olaf yn erbyn Iwerddon ym Mharc i ymddangos 114 o weithiau i’r clwb rhwng 1953- yr Arfau Caerdydd yn 1987, aethpwyd ag ef i’r 61 a bu’n gapten yn ystod tymor 1957-58. Cwpan Byd cyntaf yn ddiweddarach y flwyddyn Ar ôl cael ei hyfforddi fel athro yng Ngholeg honno. Hyfforddi Caerllion - ef oedd y chwaraewr cyntaf Ychwanegodd dri chap arall i’w gasgliad yn i gael ei gapio tra yng Nghaerllion, ac roedd yn Awstralia a Seland Newydd yn y twrnament byd- gapten ar dîm cyntaf Caerllion pan chwaraeodd eang, yn y buddugoliaethau yn erbyn Tonga, yn erbyn y Crysau Duon gyda Chasnewydd a phan Canada ac yna’r fuddugoliaeth yn y gêm trydydd enillodd ei gap cyntaf i Gymru - aeth i’r proffesiwn safle yn erbyn y Wallabies. cyn dilyn gyrfa yn y Llu Awyr, ble cyflawnodd ei Dechreuodd ei yrfa o 169 o gemau gyda Chaerdydd Wasanaeth Cenedlaethol. Fe’i dyrchafwyd yn gyda buddugoliaeth yn erbyn Penarth ar 15 Medi Arweinydd Sgwadron, ac yna yn Gadlywydd Adain 1982, a daeth i ben ar ôl iddo ddod ar y cae fel yn 1979. eilydd yn erbyn Cymry Llundain ar 3 Chwefror Enillodd ei gap cyntaf i Gymru yn 22 oed yn Heol 1996. Roedd yn eilydd ym muddugoliaeth Lansdowne pryd yr oedd yn un o chwe chap Caerdydd yn Rownd Derfynol y Cwpan yn 1987 yn newydd, ac ymysg cyfanswm o saith newid, erbyn Abertawe, a’r gêm yn erbyn y Crysau Duon pan y’i galwyd ar gyfer y daith i Iwerddon yn ail yn 1989. rownd ymgyrch Pum Gwlad 1954 ar ôl colli 9-6 yn Fe’i ganwyd yng Nghaerdydd yn 1962 gan ddysgu Twickenham. ei rygbi yn Ysgol Fitzalan a chwaraeodd i Ysgolion Enillodd Cymru 12-9, ond gadawyd Jenkins Caerdydd a Ieuenctid Caerdydd cyn chwarae i’r allan o’r tîm am y ddwy gêm ddilynol yn y tîm cyntaf ym Mharc yr Arfau. Yn ogystal â’i 169 bencampwriaeth, pan gurodd Cymru Ffrainc a’r ymddangosiad i’r tîm cyntaf, chwaraeodd hefyd Alban gartref. Bu’n rhaid iddo ddisgwyl am ddwy dros 100 o weithiau i’r ‘Rags’. flynedd cyn dychwelyd i bac Cymru. Ar ôl i’w yrfa ddod i ben roedd yn aml yn dychwelyd Fe’i dewiswyd drwy gydol ymgyrch Pum Gwlad i wylio’r crysau Du a Glas, a chafodd ddiagnosis o 1956 a helpodd Cymru i ennill tair o’u pedair gêm diwmor gradd pedwar ar yr ymennydd cyn Nadolig o dan y capten Cliff Morgan i ennill y teitl. 2018. Cafodd lawdriniaeth, ac ar y pryd cafodd chwech i ddeuddeg mis yn unig i fyw, ond yn nodweddiadol o’i gymeriad penderfynol fe addunedodd y byddai’n brwydro i fyw cyn hired ag y gallai er mwyn gweld ei dri o blant, Kendall, Kerys a Sydney, blaenwr rhyngwladol gyda Chymru D20, a’i wyrion a wyresau yn tyfu’n hŷn.

126 UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 PETER REES BRIAN DAVIES (1925- 2020) (1941– 2020) Yn gyn-asgellwr Llanelli a Chymru, daeth Peter Llwyddodd cyn ganolwr Llanelli a Chaerdydd, Brian Rees i fod y cyn chwaraewr rhyngwladol hynaf i Davies, oedd yn unigolyn uchel ei barch gyda Chlwb Gymru yn 2013, ac roedd yn 95 oed pan fu farw Rygbi Pentyrch, i ddilyn ei dad, Idwal, i dimau Llanelli yn gynharach eleni. a Chymru. Enillodd ddau gap ym Mhencampwriaeth y Pum Dechreuodd ei addysg rygbi yn Ysgol Ramadeg Gwlad yn 1947, yn y buddugoliaethau yn erbyn Llanelli ac enillodd chwe chap i Ysgolion Uwchradd Ffrainc ym Mharis (3-0) ac Iwerddon, ond ni Cymru yn erbyn Swydd Efrog, Lloegr a Ffrainc yn 1959 chafodd ei ystyried ar ôl hynny, er iddo chwarae a 1960. Symudodd ymlaen i Brifysgol Abertawe ar yn y tri threial yn 1946-47 gan sgorio dau gais yn ôl chwarae ei gêm gyntaf i Lanelli ar Ddydd Nadolig y treial olaf i’r ‘Gweddill’ mewn gêm gyfartal 6-6 1959 mewn buddugoliaeth o 9-8 yn erbyn UAU. yn erbyn ‘Cymru’. Ynghyd â’i gyd-chwaraewr rhyngwladol ysgolion, Chwaraeodd i Benygroes a’r Tymbl cyn symud Ken Jones, helpodd y Scarlets i ennill teitl Saith yr ymlaen i’r Scarlets. Ymddangosodd gyntaf i Lanelli Ochr Cymru am y tro cyntaf ar ddiwedd y tymor. Yna ar 1 Medi 1945 yn Felin-foel ac yna nododd yr symudodd i Gaerdydd ar gyfer tymor 1060-61 ar ôl asgellwr 20 oed yr achlysur gyda hatric o geisiadau gwrthod y cynnig gan Lanelli i chwarae fel canolwr. mewn buddugoliaeth o 25-0. Sgoriodd bum cais Chwaraeodd mewn 26 o gemau fel maswr a yn ei ddwy gêm gyntaf gyda’i glwb newydd a dau chanolwr i glwb Parc yr Arfau cyn dychwelyd i Barc y gais arall yng Nghaerfaddon mewn buddugoliaeth Strade dair gwaith yn ystod ymgyrch 1961-62, pryd hyd yn oed fwy ysgubol o 16-0 wythnos yn yr oedd yn bartner i Dennis Thomas fel hanerwr, ar ôl ddiweddarach. i Ken Jones symud i chwarae fel canolwr. Diweddodd ei dymor cyntaf fel prif sgoriwr Cafodd y cyntaf o’i dri chap yn y gêm ‘frech wen’ yn ceisiadau y clwb gyda 15, ac roedd ar frig y rhestr erbyn Iwerddon ym mis Tachwedd oedd wedi cael ei unwaith eto ar ddiwedd tymor 1947-48 gyda 13 gohirio ers mis Mawrth. Roedd yn gêm gyfartal 3-3 cais. Chwaraeodd yn y golled o 16-8 yn erbyn yn Nulyn, a’r mis canlynol roedd yn rhan o dîm D23 ‘Kiwis’ Byddin Seland Newydd ar 30 Hydref 1945, Cymru a heriodd Canada oedd ar daith, a hynny ym ac fe chwaraeodd hefyd yn erbyn yr Awstraliaid Mharc yr Arfau. teithiol ar Barc y Strade mewn colled o 6-4 ar 28 Hydref 1947. Daliodd ei afael ar ei le yng nghanol cae Cymru ar gyfer y ddwy gêm agoriadol ym Mhencampwriaeth Ar ôl bod yn chwaraewr ym Mharc y Strade, daeth Pum Gwlad 1963. Nid aeth ei gêm gyntaf yn rhy i fod yn gadeirydd (1967-71) ac yna yn Llywydd dda wrth i Loegr ennill 13-6 ar gae rhewllyd Parc yr (1983-86). Yn ystod ei gyfnod fel cadeirydd, roedd Arfau, ond blasodd fuddugoliaeth ym Murrayfield yn yn gyfrifol am benodi Tom Hudson fel hyfforddwr y gêm enwog o 111 o leiniau yn erbyn yr Albanwyr. ffitrwydd a helpodd i lywio’r clwb yn ôl i haen uchaf rygbi Cymru. Yn ystod ei yrfa chwaraeodd Brian hefyd i Drecelyn, Casnewydd, a Chastell Nedd ar y lefel uchaf. Yn 25 oed ymddeolodd o haen uchaf y gêm er Chwaraeodd hefyd i Bontyclun a Phentyrch ar ôl mwyn canolbwyntio ar ei astudiaethau, ond camu i lawr i’r lefel gymunedol ar ôl iddo ddioddef aeth ymlaen i gapteinio’r Tymbl yn 1952-53 cyn problemau gyda’i ben-glin. chwarae eto i Benygroes. Daeth i fod yn gapten a hyfforddwr ym Mhentyrch a chwaraeodd iddynt mewn gemau Cwpan Her WRU yn erbyn dau o’i gyn glybiau, Llanelli a Chaerdydd.

UNDEB RYGBI CYMRU CYFYNGEDIG – ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2020 127 Commercial Partners The Welsh Rugby Union and PrincipalityU AS LOGtO-LaOCKdUiP uHEARTBmEA Tg FLArGa ANtD SeQUfAuRE lly acknowledge each and every investor in our game Title Partner

Title Partner Principal Partners COMMERCIAL PARTNERS


As a general rule, you should use the square Heartbeat when you are designing in a horizontal space and use the flag Heartbeats when you are designing to a vertical space. When bleeding the Heartbeat, it should always run off the top of the page, graphic, or structure, never the left or right.

Heartbeat placement can vary, however, in retail environments and print advertising, the logo should occupy the top right location. Always be aware of its surroundings and use good sense and discretion when placing logos in Principal Penvironments,ar ont graphics,ner and on marketings collateral. These Heartbeat Logos should not to be altered.

Priinciipall Parrtners UA LOGO HEARTBEAT POS AND HEADERS ONLPrY PriPrnicninicpciapPripla aPiln laP cPraitaprntraerntln erPserasPsrrtinnecrispal Partners Principal Partners Principal Partners

Principal Partners

PANTONE 1797 C C0, M100, Y100, K4 WHITE C0, M0, Y0, K0

As a general rule, you should use the square Heartbeat when you are designing in a horizontal space and use the flag Heartbeats when you are designing to a vertical space. When bleeding the Heartbeat, it should always run off the top of the page, graphic, or structure, never the left or right.

Heartbeat placement can vary, however, in retail environments and print advertising, the logo should occupy the top right location. Always be aware of its surroundings and use good sense and discretion when placing logos in environments, on graphics, and on marketing collateral. These Heartbeat Logos should not to be altered.



It’s our alternative primary logo when extra emphasis is required and a defined background color is needed to separate the logo from its surroundings.


PANTONE BLACK C WHITE C70, M50, Y50, K100 C0, M0, Y0, K0


Principality Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff CF10 1NS Tel: 08442 491 999 Fax: 029 2082 2474 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: