TO THE HOUSEHOLDER Postage Paid Toodyay 6566 West Aust Page 2. THE TOODYAY HERALD December 2009 The Toodyay Herald is a monthly publication. The deadline for all contributions is the DAY BEFORE THE LAST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH and the paper will TOODYAY HERALD ACCOUNTS HOTLINE be on the streets on the following THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. All contributions and advertising may be left at the office of The Toodyay Herald, 92 Stirling Terrace, Toodyay, or posted to P.O. Box 100, Toodyay, 6566 or emailed to 0429 896 860
[email protected]. Website: The Toodyay Herald Lawyer’s Night The Toodyay Herald is a community paper and as such welcomes contributions of letters, articles and photographs from all members of the community. Contributions Before (Legally on computer disk are appreciated. There is no charge for articles which appear in the paper. Speaking) SUBSCRIPTIONS Author Unknown After 25 years, the Toodyay Herald is For Kevin Hogg Subscriptions are available at $2.00 per issue (postage and packaging) by writing to still going strong. The front page is a P.O. Box 100, Toodyay 6566, enclosing a cheque for the number of issues required. reproduction of the first Herald, envisioned Whereas, on or about the night prior to MEMBERSHIP by a group of community members after a Christmas, there did occur at a certain twenty five year break. At the Battye Library, improved piece of real property (hereinafter Membership of The Toodyay Herald is available to residents of the Shire of Toodyay copies of the Toodyay Herald circa 1877 are “the House”) a general lack of stirring by all at $10 per member per year (July - June).