Academic post at the National Heart & Lung Institute Non-Clinical Lecturer or Clinical/Non-Clinical Senior Lecturer / Reader / Chair


Title of Post: Clinical/Non-Clinical Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Reader / Chair School/Institute/Department: National Heart & Lung Institute (NHLI) Main site of activity: / Hammersmith / Brompton / St Mary’s / Campus Responsible to: TBC Accountable to: Professor Kim Fox

1.1 Background to the Post

This academic post at the National Heart & Lung Institute (NHLI) is for an outstanding clinical or non-clinical lecturer, senior lecturer, reader or professor whose research interests are aligned with the NHLI’s research themes. The institute is a world-leading research centre for investigating the causes and mechanisms underlying diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and is an outstanding environment for basic, clinical and translational research. The post holder will have a track record of high impact publications and research grants, and will be able to contribute to the delivery of outstanding research within NHLI. The successful candidate will be working within one of the five divisions of the Institute, and – if clinical – will have close links with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust or the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust. NB. Details of are found Appendix 1; details of Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust are found in Appendix 2; details of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust are found in Appendix 3; details of salary and conditions of service are found in Appendix 4.


2.1 An Overview

The National Heart & Lung Institute is an Institute of the Faculty of Medicine, and its research and academic focus lie in heart and lung disease. Professor Kim Fox is the Head of Institute. NHLI is divided into five Divisions: • Airway Disease • Respiratory Sciences

1 • Genetic Medicine and Population Health • Cardiovascular Science • Myocardial and Vascular Biology The divisions comprise the groupings listed below. Airway Disease o Airway Disease o COPD and Asthma o Pharmacology and Toxicology o Chronic Respiratory Failure and Sleep Respiratory Sciences o Molecular Medicine o Inflammation, Development and Repair o Respiratory Infection Genetic Medicine and Population Health o Gene Therapy o Genomic Medicine o Infection and Immunity o Population Health and Occupational Disease Cardiovascular Science o Myocardial Function o Heart Science o Vascular Science o Physiology and Disease Prevention Myocardial and Vascular Biology o Cardiovascular Genetics o Quantitative Physiology and Genetics o Heart Failure and Arrhythmias o Vascular Biology

2.2 Staffing and Size

NHLI comprises 19 individual research sections/units, as listed above, and has over 100 academic staff. These include approximately 70 research-active professors, and encompass the areas of respiratory and cardiovascular science and medicine. The Institute enjoys an annual turnover of about £60 million and has a staff complement of over 450, including both basic and clinical researchers. NHLI is based on five main sites, at the Royal Brompton, St Mary’s, Hammersmith, South Kensington and Harefield campuses. The Institute has close links to the Royal Brompton &

2 Harefield NHS Foundation Trust – which has renewed funding from NIHR for two Biomedical Research Units (Cardiovascular and Respiratory) – and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, containing the new Academic Health Science Centre which holds a major NIHR Biomedical Research Centre.

2.3 Research Activities of the NHLI

The National Heart & Lung Institute (NHLI) is a major department of Imperial College’s Faculty of Medicine and is a leading international research centre for investigating the mechanisms underlying many chronic diseases within the cardiovascular and respiratory systems such as asthma, cystic fibrosis and interstitial lung disease. There is a broad spectrum of research from the bench to the bedside to the community within the Institute. As a research centre, NHLI’s main aim is to carry out research, development and education in heart and lung science. The Institute produces in excess of 500 peer-reviewed publications each year. NHLI receives around £30m of new grant awards each year, which includes peer reviewed awards from charities, research councils and research contracts with industry. The department currently holds a portfolio of approximately £175m of research funding. NHLI was highly rated in terms of both quality and number of researchers in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), with researchers mainly contributing to Unit of Assessment 1 (Clinical Medicine), where Imperial was ranked third by percentage of 4* staff, fourth by grade point average (GPA) and second by research power.

2.4 Teaching Activities of the NHLI

NHLI leads two one-year BSc programmes in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences and is responsible for respiratory and cardiovascular elements of the School of Medicine medical degrees. The department’s expanding postgraduate portfolio currently contains five MSc degrees, as well as a number of Short Courses. NHLI also hosts streams of the Faculty of Medicine MRes in Biomedical Research. The Institute offers suitably qualified scientists and clinicians opportunitites to study for doctoral degrees (PhD or MD(Res)). Its current postgraduate research numbers average 180 enrolled research students and fellows who undertake clinical and basic academic research carried out throughout NHLI’s campuses and locations. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the teaching activities of the Institute.

2.5 Relationship with other Schools/Institutes/Departments, Faculties and CPGs

The post holder will have close links with other sections and divisions within NHLI, as well as with other departments within the Faculty of Medicine and other faculties within Imperial College. Interdisciplinary research is strongly encouraged.


Lecturer The appointee will be able to demonstrate their ability to produce independent research and will have developed the skills to take a more active role in teaching and supervision.

Senior Lecturer The appointee will have extensive professional experience and will be able to demonstrate a reputation in their field based on their achievements in either teaching or research. The appointee will be expected to demonstrate their independence through their body of original research work or record of teaching impact.

Reader The appointee will have developed an international reputation based on a track record of research shown to influence their area of research, and be able to consistently demonstrate the ability to attract research income.

Professor The appointee will be able to demonstrate a sustained international reputation based on an extensive track record of research with a major influence on their field of research and a significant impact shown, for example through consistent influence on research income.

3.1 Research • To develop a broad range of research within their division. • To, depending on level, direct, lead or contribute to a research area with scientists, clinicians, technicians and students at the highest scientifically rigorous levels. • To supervise, train and mentor scientists, clinicians, technicians and students at the highest scientifically rigorous levels. • To successfully obtain funds and research grants for research and provide encouragement and guidance to junior research staff to do the same. • To manage research projects. • To write reports for submission to research sponsors and to take part in Audit. • To publish research papers in high quality peer reviewed journals. • To attend and present work at national and international conferences. • To develop contacts with other research organisations, both academic and commercial. • To collaborate with and strengthen links with colleagues within the Faculty of Medicine across all schools/institutes/departments (SIDs) and contribute to the work of the Faculty and College.

4 • To collaborate with academic and clinical colleagues to enhance the NHS Trust’s translational research portfolio, at all times meeting the full requirements of Research Governance. • To attend and contribute to research and administrative meetings within the Section and Division. • To attend and contribute to research and administrative meetings within NHLI, as and when requested. • To foster scientific collaborations through organising, attending and contributing to multidisciplinary meetings, both within NHLI and with other appropriate parties at Imperial. • If clinical, it is expected that the post holder will devote the equivalent of between 5 and 8 programmed activities per week to these activities.

3.2 Teaching and Training • To teach and examine courses at all levels – undergraduate, masters and higher research degrees – through lectures, seminars, tutorials, course work, clinical training (where applicable) and personal supervision. • To plan and review own approach to teaching. • To act as a coach and role model through excellent practice and mentoring colleagues. • To undertake the supervision of MD and PhD candidates. • To provide pastoral support for students. • To train junior medical and nursing staff in the clinical setting (where applicable). • To contribute to curriculum development. • To, depending on level, take a leading role in or contribute to the development of teaching and teaching methods and assessment. • To contribute to the enhancement of quality teaching within the field. • To contribute to postgraduate medical education within the Graduate School of Life Sciences & Medicine. • To act as external examiner for postgraduate students. • To work with national bodies on curriculum development and quality assurance.

3.3 Strategy and Business Planning • To participate in the business planning and objective setting process for the academic team, the NHLI, and – if clinical – the Clinical Programme Group and NHS Trust where appropriate. • To make a significant contribution to building and establishing links between the appropriate research sections of the Institute and colleagues in other parts of the Faculty and wider College. • To play an active part in the strategic planning of financial, staff and research resources. • To represent the Department, Faculty and College at external meetings, as appropriate.

5 • If clinical, to represent the NHS Trust at appropriate clinical networks / other external clinical meetings, as delegated by the CPG Director / Clinical Director.

3.4 Leadership and Team Working • To demonstrate excellent leadership skills with regard to individual performance, academic teams, the department, Faculty, College, and when participating in national/international initiatives. • To work collaboratively with all members of the multi-disciplinary team and Imperial College as required. • To resolve conflict and difficult situations through negotiation and discussion, involving appropriate parties. • To adhere to College and – if clinical – NHS Trust guidelines on leave including reporting absence. • If clinical, to chair regular meetings for the specialties.

3.5 Management and Administrative duties • To, depending on level, lead, play an active part in or contribute to the management of financial, staff and research resources, in line with College policy and procedure. • To play a supportive role in unit administration, as appropriate. • To undertake appropriate administrative tasks in support of the section’s/division’s teaching and research activities. • To attend relevant academic or management committees. • To comply with the College’s Equal Opportunities policy, Health and Safety policy and other College and departmental policies. • To undertake any other appropriate administrative duties commensurate with the grade of the post.

3.6 Staff Management • To take responsibility for the appointment, management and development of College staff, in line with College policy and procedure. • To undertake the Performance Review and Development Plan annually for all College staff managed. • To participate in team objective setting as part of the annual job planning cycle. • To be responsible for the annual appraisal of all staff for whom the post holder is responsible. For clinical posts only: • To work with colleagues to ensure junior doctors’ hours are compliant and in line with EWTD and New Deal. • To ensure that adequate systems and procedures are in place to control and monitor leave for junior medical staff and to ensure that there is appropriate cover within the clinical areas, including on-call commitments.

6 • To participate in the recruitment of junior medical staff as delegated by the CPG Director / Clinical Director.

3.7 Providing High Quality Care to Patients – for clinical posts only • The post holder must be medically qualified and maintain GMC specialist registration. • To ensure prompt attendance at agreed direct clinical care Programmed Activities. • To develop and maintain the competencies required to carry out the duties required of the post. • To participate in timely reports that help direct patient care and participate in multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings as required. • To ensure patients are involved in decisions about their care and to respond to their views.

3.8 Clinical Performance Management – for clinical posts only • To work with medical, nursing and managerial colleagues to ensure high performance in the following areas: § Clinical efficiency e.g. LOS reductions, reducing cancelled operations and DNA rates. § Quality of outcomes e.g. infection control targets, reducing re-admission rates. § Financial management e.g. identification, implementation and achievement of cost improvement programmes and participating in efforts to ensure services are provided cost effectively e.g. managing locum agency spend, monitoring and managing the drug budget to target, ensuring accuracy of clinical data for the team. § Operational efficiency e.g. day-case rates, waiting list activity and demand management.

3.9 Clinical Governance – for clinical posts only • To review clinical outcomes in designated areas using external benchmarking data where appropriate, to identify and advise variances to the CPG Director/Clinical Director. • To participate in clinical audit, incident reporting and analysis and to ensure resulting actions are implemented. • To work closely with the Directorate, Patient and Public Involvement panels in relation to clinical and service developments as delegated by the CPG Director/Clinical Director. • To participate in ensuring NICE requirements are reviewed and implemented and monitored in the specialty areas. • To ensure clinical guidelines and protocols are adhered to by junior medical staff and updated on a regular basis.

7 • To keep fully informed about best practice in the specialty areas and ensure implications for practice changes are discussed with the CPG Director / Clinical Director. • To role model good practice for infection control to all members of the multidisciplinary team. • The post holder will be required to maintain a programme of continuous professional development and revalidation of registration as required by external agencies and also to comply with the NHS Trusts’ clinical governance procedures. The NHS Trusts have clinical governance structures to deal with Clinical Risk Management, Clinical Effectiveness and Clinical Service Development. • The post holder will be required to participate in regular clinical audit meetings, both departmental and across the NHS Trust, including mortality meetings and participation in Grand Rounds.


Non-clinical staff The purpose of the appraisal and performance review systems is to review performance and development needs. Staff are required to participate in these schemes when requested to do so by the Head of Institute/Division and Personal Review and Development Plans are conducted on an annual basis in conjunction with the line manager.

Clinical staff A system of joint Academic/NHS Appraisal is in place for all Consultant Clinical Academic staff of Imperial College London with honorary contracts at Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust or Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. This is conducted on an annual basis in conjunction with a review of the post holder’s job plan. The job plan will be a prospective agreement that sets out the duties, responsibilities and objectives for the coming year. It should cover all aspects of a Consultant’s professional practice including clinical work, teaching, research, education and managerial responsibilities. It should provide a clear schedule of commitments, both internal and external. In addition, it should include personal objectives, including details of their link to wider service objectives, and details of the support required by the Consultant to fulfil the job plan and objectives.

5. JOB PLAN – for clinical posts only

A formal job plan will be agreed annually between the post holder, the Head of NHLI and CPG Director, on behalf of the Medical Director. The example given below is not designed to be exhaustive, and a more detailed job plan will be required and will be determined by the requirements of the post. The post holder, the Head of NHLI and the CPG Director / Chief of Service will review the job plan annually in line with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of employment. Either may propose amendment of the job plan.

8 Programmed Activities (PA’s)

For a whole-time contract: A total of 10 PA’s

Academic Activities 5-8 PA’s per week (including research, teaching and administrative responsibilities)

Clinical Activities 1-3 PA’s per week (including clinical activity, clinically related activity, predictable and unpredictable emergency work)

Supporting Professional Activities 1-2 PA’s per week (including audit, clinical governance, teaching, research, educational supervision of junior staff and CPD)

Regular meetings: Monthly committee meetings, monthly operational meetings, monthly Consultant meetings, rolling programme of directorate meetings, case consultation meetings, MDTs, ad hoc meetings.

On call: On-call duties will be determined by the requirements of the post.


The post holder will have office facilities and access to administrative support at the appropriate NHLI campus.

The post holder will also comply with all relevant College policies, including Data Protection, Financial Regulations, Equal Opportunities Policy, Promoting Race Equality Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Information Systems Security Policy and Intellectual Property Rights and Register of Interests Policies. Job descriptions cannot be exhaustive and so the post holder may be required to undertake other duties, which are broadly in line with the above key responsibilities. Imperial College is committed to equality of opportunity and to eliminating discrimination. All employees are expected to adhere to the principles set out in all equal opportunities policies and procedures, and all other relevant guidance/practice frameworks. NHLI is an Athena SWAN Silver Award holder and a Stonewall Diversity Champion.


Imperial Expectations These are the 7 principles that Imperial leaders, managers and supervisors are expected to follow: 1) Champion a positive approach to change and opportunity 2) Communicate regularly and effectively within, and across, teams 3) Consider the thoughts and expectations of others 4) Deliver positive outcomes 5) Encourage inclusive participation and eliminate discrimination 6) Support and develop staff to optimise talent 7) Work in a planned and managed way

Non-Clinical Lecturer Candidates Criteria for Essential Desirable Selection Qualifications • PhD or equivalent and skills Research • Be developing a national reputation Experience in the field • Show evidence of contribution to the development and performance of colleagues through coaching and mentoring • Have experience of preparing grant applications for submission • Have a good publication record / Have the ability to publish in high impact journals Teaching and • Experience of training training Undergraduate and Postgraduate experience students

Management and • Be able to communicate well, administrative conveying ideas and concepts experience clearly and effectively • Have a high level of analytical capability • Have started to develop skills in leading, motivating, developing and managing the performance of colleagues Personal • Good leadership skills attributes • Ability to work under pressure

10 • Good organisational and management skills • Supportive and tolerant • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team

Non-Clinical Senior Lecturer Candidates Criteria for Essential Desirable Selection Qualifications • PhD or equivalent and skills Research • Have a national reputation in the Experience field • Have a track record of attracting research funding • Show evidence of contribution to the development and performance of colleagues through coaching and mentoring • Have experience and capability to act as a role model in areas of research, teaching and management as appropriate • Have experience in leading the design of research programme • Have an excellent publication record Teaching and • Experience of training training undergraduate and postgraduate experience students • Experience of supervision of higher degrees (PhD) Management and • Be able to communicate well, • Evidence of administrative conveying ideas and concepts management and experience clearly and effectively administration • Have a high level of analytical experience capability • Be able to make a contribution to the management of a department • Have proven skills in leading, motivating, developing and managing the performance of

11 colleagues

Personal • Good leadership skills • Completed special attributes • Ability to work under pressure skills modules • Good organisational and appropriate to the management skills post • Supportive and tolerant • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team

Clinical Senior Lecturer Candidates Criteria for Essential Desirable Selection Qualifications • Full GMC registration and skills • Appropriate specialist qualification • CCT in the appropriate area • Entry on the GMC Specialist Register or eligibility for entry within 6 months of the date of the Advisory Appointments Committee • Further Higher Degree – MD, PhD or equivalent

Research • Have national reputation in their Experience field of research • Have a track record in attracting research funding • Show evidence of contribution to the development and performance of colleagues through coaching and mentoring • Have experience and capability to act as a role model in areas of research, teaching and management as appropriate • Have experience in leading the design of research programmes • Have an excellent publication record Teaching and • Experience of Training

12 training Undergraduate and Postgraduate experience students • Experience of supervision of higher degrees (PhD, MD(Res)) • Experience of supervising junior medical staff Clinical • Appropriate level of clinical • Additional clinical experience and knowledge experience/training that effectiveness • Understanding of clinical risk may be required management • Evidence of achievement appropriate to appointment at consultant level at Imperial College Healthcare Trust or Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust • Clinical training and experience in an appropriate area equivalent to that required for a UK CCT • Statement regarding appropriate training and experience including that relating to a special interest • Evidence of expertise in an appropriate field • Understanding of principles of clinical audit Management and • Be able to communicate well, • Evidence of administrative conveying ideas and concepts management and experience clearly and effectively administration • Have a high level of analytical experience capability • Be able to make a significant contribution to the management of a department • Have proven skills in leading, motivating, developing and managing the performance of colleagues

Personal • Good leadership skills • Completed special skills attributes • Ability to communicate effectively modules appropriate to with colleagues, patients, relatives, the post GPs, nurses, students and other agencies

13 • Ability to work under pressure • Good organisational and management skills • Supportive and tolerant • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team • Caring attitude to patients • Resident within 10 miles or 30 minutes of

Non-Clinical Reader Candidates Criteria for Essential Desirable Selection Qualifications • PhD or equivalent and skills Research • Have a established national Experience reputation and be developing an international reputation in the field • Have a sustained track record in attracting high levels of research funding • Show evidence of contribution to the development and performance of colleagues through coaching and mentoring • Have experience and capability to act as a role model in areas of research, teaching and management as appropriate • Have extensive experience in leading the design of research programmes • Have an excellent publication record Teaching and • Experience of training training undergraduate and postgraduate experience students • Experience of supervision of higher degrees (PhD)

14 Management and • Be able to communicate well, • Evidence of administrative conveying ideas and concepts management and experience clearly and effectively administration • Have a high level of analytical experience capability • Be able to make a significant contribution to the management of a department • Have proven skills in leading, motivating, developing and managing the performance of colleagues, ensuring the effective performance and development of a leading research department Personal • Good leadership skills • Completed special attributes • Ability to work under pressure skills modules • Good organisational and appropriate to the management skills post • Supportive and tolerant • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team

Clinical Reader Candidates Criteria for Essential Desirable Selection Qualifications • Full GMC registration and skills • Appropriate specialist qualification • CCT in the appropriate area • Entry on the GMC Specialist Register or eligibility for entry within 6 months of the date of the Advisory Appointments Committee • Further Higher Degree – MD, PhD or equivalent

15 Research • Have a established national Experience reputation and be developing an international reputation in the field • Have a sustained track record in attracting high levels of research funding • Show evidence of contribution to the development and performance of colleagues through coaching and mentoring • Have experience and capability to act as a role model in areas of research, teaching and management as appropriate • Have extensive experience in leading the design of research programmes • Have an excellent publication record Teaching and • Experience of training training undergraduate and postgraduate experience students • Experience of supervision of higher degrees (PhD, MD(Res)) • Experience of supervising junior medical staff Management and • Be able to communicate well, • Evidence of administrative conveying ideas and concepts management and experience clearly and effectively administration • Have a high level of analytical experience capability • Be able to make a significant contribution to the management of a department • Have proven skills in leading, motivating, developing and managing the performance of colleagues, ensuring the effective performance and development of a leading research department

16 Clinical • Appropriate level of clinical • Additional clinical experience and knowledge experience/training effectiveness • Understanding of clinical risk that may be required management • Evidence of achievement appropriate to appointment at consultant level at Imperial College Healthcare Trust or Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust • Clinical training and experience in an appropriate area equivalent to that required for a UK CCT • Statement regarding appropriate training and experience including that relating to a special interest • Evidence of expertise in an appropriate field • Understanding of principles of clinical audit Personal • Good leadership skills • Completed special attributes • Ability to work under pressure skills modules • Good organisational and appropriate to the management skills post • Supportive and tolerant • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team • Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, patients, relatives, GPs, nurses, students and other agencies • Caring attitude to patients • Resident within 10 miles or 30 minutes of hospital

Non-Clinical Professorial Candidates Criteria for Essential Desirable Selection Qualifications • PhD or equivalent and skills Research • Have an international reputation Experience in their field of research

17 • Have a sustained track record in attracting high levels of research funding • Show evidence of contribution to the development and performance of colleagues through coaching and mentoring • Have experience and capability to act as a role model in areas of research, teaching and management as appropriate • Have extensive experience in leading the design of research programmes • Have an excellent publication record Teaching and • Experience of training training undergraduate and postgraduate experience students • Experience of supervision of higher degrees (PhD) Management and • Be able to communicate well, • Evidence of administrative conveying ideas and concepts management and experience clearly and effectively administration • Have a high level of analytical experience capability • Be able to make a significant contribution to the management of a department • Have proven skills in leading, motivating, developing and managing the performance of colleagues, ensuring the effective performance and development of a leading research department Personal • Good leadership skills • Completed special attributes • Ability to work under pressure skills modules • Good organisational and appropriate to the management skills post • Supportive and tolerant • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team

18 Clinical Professorial Candidates Criteria for Essential Desirable Selection Qualifications • Full GMC registration and skills • Appropriate specialist qualification • CCT in the appropriate area • Entry on the GMC Specialist Register or eligibility for entry within 6 months of the date of the Advisory Appointments Committee • Further Higher Degree – MD, PhD or equivalent Research • Have an international reputation Experience in their field of research • Have a sustained track record in attracting high levels of research funding • Show evidence of contribution to the development and performance of colleagues through coaching and mentoring • Have experience and capability to act as a role model in areas of research, teaching and management as appropriate • Have extensive experience in leading the design of research programmes • Have an excellent publication record Teaching and • Experience of training training undergraduate and postgraduate experience students • Experience of supervision of higher degrees (PhD, MD(Res)) • Experience of supervising medical staff

19 Management and • Be able to communicate well, • Evidence of administrative conveying ideas and concepts management and experience clearly and effectively administration • Have a high level of analytical experience capability • Be able to make a significant contribution to the management of a department • Have proven skills in leading, motivating, developing and managing the performance of colleagues, ensuring the effective performance and development of a leading research department Clinical • Appropriate level of clinical • Additional clinical experience and knowledge experience/training effectiveness • Understanding of clinical risk that may be required management • Evidence of achievement appropriate to appointment at consultant level at Imperial College Healthcare Trust or Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust • Clinical training and experience in an appropriate area equivalent to that required for a UK CCT • Statement regarding appropriate training and experience including that relating to a special interest • Evidence of expertise in an appropriate field • Understanding of principles of clinical audit Personal • Good leadership skills • Completed special attributes • Ability to work under pressure skills modules • Good organisational and appropriate to the management skills post • Supportive and tolerant • Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team


Our preferred method of application is online via our website (please select “Job Search” then enter the job title or vacancy reference number into “Keywords”). Please complete and upload an application form as directed. Applicants must complete a College application form and attach to it a copy of their CV, to include the following information: a) Applicant’s full name, private address and telephone number b) A confidential fax number and e-mail address, where possible c) Degrees (including Universities and dates) d) Past and present posts e) List of publications f) Brief description of current and future research plans g) Information on research grants and contracts which have been obtained, student supervision, etc. h) Information regarding public engagement undertaken with research activities. Examples include: participating in festivals, working with cultural venues; creating opportunities for the public to inform research; researchers and the public working together to inform policy; citizen researchers and web based experiments, public debates, etc. Job Reference: RB122-15 Closing Date: 22 November 2015



Imperial College London consistently achieves one of the highest rankings nationally and internationally, as listed in the Times Higher QS World University Rankings 2014-2015. The President (formally known as the President & Rector), Professor Alice P. Gast, is the College’s academic head and chief executive officer, overseeing all functions of the College, and focusing on the College’s strategic affairs and development. The Provost, Professor James Stirling, is responsible for delivering and enhancing the College’s academic mission in education, research and translation, and reports to the President.

1.1 The Mission

Imperial College embodies and delivers world class scholarship, education and research in science, engineering and medicine, with particular regard to their application in industry, commerce and healthcare. We foster interdisciplinary work internally and collaborate widely externally.

1.2 Strategic Intent

The College’s vision and intent is to: • Continue to be a world-leading institution for scientific research and education, • To harness the quality, breadth and depth of our research capabilities to address the difficult challenges of today and the future, • To develop the next generation of researchers, scientists and academics, • To provide an education for students from around the world that equips them with the knowledge and skills they require to pursue their ambitions, • To make a demonstrable economic and social impact through the translation of our work into practice worldwide, • To engage with the world and communicate the importance and benefits of science to society.

1.3 Formation and History

Imperial College was established in 1907 in London’s scientific and cultural heartland in South Kensington, as a merger of the , the City and Guilds College and the . St Mary’s Hospital Medical School and the National Heart and Lung Institute merged with the College in 1988 and 1995 respectively. Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School and the Royal Postgraduate Medical School merged with the College on 1 August 1997 to form, with the existing departments on the St Mary’s and Royal Brompton campuses, the Faculty of Medicine.

22 The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology joined the Faculty of Medicine in 2000 and for over a decade was unique in Europe for its integration of basic science research and clinical facilities in rheumatology. On 1 August 2011, the Institute moved to Oxford University to build a new centre for research into rheumatology and inflammatory and autoimmune disease. In 2007, the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust was formed by merging Hammersmith and St Mary’s ’ NHS Trusts with the College, forming the country’s largest NHS Trust. This also established the UK’s first Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) bringing together healthcare services, teaching and research for maximum synergistic benefits. Imperial College was an independent constituent part of the University of London until July 2007, when it was granted a new royal charter declaring it an independent university in its own right. The academic structure of Imperial College is divided into three faculties, the Faculties of Engineering, Natural Sciences and Medicine. The College’s other major academic unit is the Business School. In 2011, the College joined the , (formerly the UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation). Together with King’s College London, the College became part of the project to create the world-leading medical research institute in London founded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), Cancer Research UK, the Welcome Trust and UCL. The Francis Crick Institute will be an inter-disciplinary medical research institute. Its work will help understand why disease develops and find new ways to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and stroke, infections, and neurodegenerative diseases. The Institute will be fully operational in early 2016.

1.4 Staff and Students

The academic and research staff of over 3,300 includes approximately 70 Fellows of the Royal Society, 80 Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering, 80 Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences, one Fellow of the British Academy, four Crafoord Prize winners and two Fields Medalists. Fourteen Nobel Laureates have been members of the College either as staff or students. The College has approximately 14,400 students, of whom 39 percent are postgraduate. Thirty per cent of students come from outside the European Union. External assessment of the College’s teaching quality in many different subject areas has been judged to be of high standard. The proportion of women students is 36 percent of the total.

1.5 Research and Translation

The quality of the College’s research has been judged consistently to be of the highest international standard and the proportion of income from research grants and contracts is one of the highest of any UK university. The concentration and strength of research in science, engineering and medicine gives the College a unique and internationally distinctive research presence. Interdisciplinary institutes at the College provide a focal point to harness research that seeks solutions to grand challenges, such as

23 improving global health, tackling climate change, finding sustainable sources of energy and addressing security challenges. International collaborations provide further opportunities, such as the Imperial College London Diabetes Centre in Abu Dhabi, the largest specialist medical centre in the United Arab Emirates. Biobank Qatar is another example of international collaboration, established by the Qatar Foundation and Qatar’s Supreme Council of Health and led by Imperial’s School of Public Health, to conduct the largest population-based study in an Arab country and to address a variety of chronic diseases ranging from heart disease to diabetes. Generous support for the College’s work comes from a wide variety of sources. From industry there are donations towards certain senior academic posts, advanced courses, bursaries and scholarships. The single largest contribution to the College from industrial concerns is in the form of contracts to carry out research. The College also gains considerable support from research councils and charities to undertake research. The College believes that the use of animals in research is vital to improve human and animal health and welfare. Animals may only be used in research programmes where their use is shown to be necessary for developing new treatments and making medical advances. Imperial is committed to ensuring that, in cases where this research is deemed essential, all animals in the College’s care are treated with full respect, and that all staff involved with this work show due consideration at every level. integrity/animal-research/

1.6 Teaching and Learning

The College’s overall educational aim is to ensure a stretching and exhilarating learning experience and, while maintaining its traditional emphasis on single honours degree courses, it also aims to give students the opportunity to broaden their experience through courses relevant to student and employer needs. In its MSc. course provision, the College seeks to provide a wide range of specialist courses in areas in which it has particular expertise. Many of those offered by non-medical departments emphasise the valuable interaction between scientific/technological training and industrial experience, whilst those offered by the medical departments focus on subjects at the interface between basic science and medicine and on specialist education for doctors and other health professionals in training. In addition, the College’s wide range of PhD programmes reflect its aim of pursuing research at the frontiers of scientific, engineering, management and medical knowledge and the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of this research. The Centre for Educational Development raises and consolidates the profile of learning, teaching and educational development throughout the College. Newly-appointed non-clinical lecturers will be expected to develop and expand their teaching skills, and there are many learning and teaching activities for more experienced staff.

24 The Graduate School is the focus of postgraduate education and research and maintains, enhances and monitors quality, disseminates best practice, while initiating and developing new programmes, particularly those with an interdisciplinary slant. It also has quality assurance responsibilities for the two non-faculty departments of Humanities and the Business School. The College’s teaching quality is audited regularly, both internally and externally. Recent external audit found teaching quality to be of a high standard. The College continually seeks to engage with, and form ventures with other organisations to take advantage of research opportunities and synergies, as well as expanding its influence in education. In August 2013 the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), a joint initiative between the College and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, opened its doors to its inaugural cohort of 54 students. At full capacity, it is expected that there will be 750 students studying for medical degrees. The students will pursue an innovative curriculum developed by a team in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial, leading to a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) jointly between Imperial and NTU.

1.7 Location

The College now has one of the largest operational estates of any UK University. It includes six central London campuses, the main South Kensington campus, the Charring Cross campus, the Chelsea and Westminster campus, the Hammersmith campus, the Royal Brompton campus and St Mary’s campus. A new campus, Imperial West, at White City, in London, is under development. Adjacent to Imperial’s Hammersmith Medical Campus, it will be at the heart of London’s new research quarter. It will provide a multidisciplinary research space for Imperial scientists and engineers to tackle some of the global challenges faced today, together with state-of-the-art space for translating research ideas into direct applications and spin-out companies. The first buildings opened in September 2012 and provide accommodation to over 600 postgraduate students. The next phase of the development will see the realisation of the vision for the Research and Translation Hub. is a postgraduate campus at Ascot in , and houses ecologists and evolutionary biologists from the Department of Life Sciences, as well as the new initiative in Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment. Some Master’s courses are run at Silwood Park, while others are based at the Natural History Museum in London. The Silwood Park campus houses excellent research facilities and a wide range of natural environments for long-term experiments.


The Faculty of Medicine is one of Europe’s largest medical institutions – in terms of its staff and student population and its research income. It was established in 1997, bringing together all the major West London medical schools into one world-class institution. It maintains close links with a number of NHS Trusts with whom it collaborates in teaching and research activities.

25 Although on several sites, its academic Schools, Institutes and Departments function as one Faculty, fully integrated within the College. The current Dean, Professor Gavin Screaton, took up his appointment as Dean on 1 March 2015. There are five academic Schools, Institutes and Departments:

Schools, Institutes and Departments Head of School/Institute/Department

• Department of Medicine Professor Martin Wilkins • Department of Surgery and Cancer Professor Jeremy Nicholson • Institute for Clinical Sciences Professor Amanda Fisher • National Heart and Lung Institute Professor Kim Fox • School of Public Health Professor Elio Riboli

Faculty of Medicine Executive Team

• Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Professor Gavin Screaton • Vice-Dean for Education and Institutional Affairs Professor Jenny Higham • Vice-Dean for Research Professor Jonathan Weber • Vice-Dean for Health Policy and Engagement Professor Lord Ara Darzi



The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is the largest cardiothoracic centre in the United Kingdom with the below mission: “To be the leading national and international centre for the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with heart and lung disease, creating and disseminating knowledge through research and education.” The Trust was formed in 1998 and comprises the in Chelsea and near Uxbridge. Both hospitals are at the forefront of investigation, treatment and care of people with heart and lung disease and include Europe’s largest centre for the research and treatment of cystic fibrosis and the provision of leading edge work in cardiothoracic gene therapy. The Trust provides comprehensive patient services for all age groups from infancy to old age. It has an international reputation for innovation and leadership in clinical care, and research and education in heart and lung disease, reflected by the award of two NIHR Biomedical Research Units (Cardiovascular and Respiratory) from the DoH/NIHR since 2008. The Biomedical Research Units provide access to state-of-the art staffed research facilities and support and represent a partnership between the Trust and the National Heart & Lung Institute at Imperial College. The Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit is led by Professor Dudley Pennell and its translational research programmes are focussed on the main cardiovascular patient populations in the Trust (e.g. heart failure, aorta and aortic valve disease, coronary heart disease and congenital heart disease), cardiac imaging and genetics. The Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit, on the other hand, is led by Professor Eric Alton and its translational research programmes are focussed on the main respiratory patient populations treated in the Trust (e.g. asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, sleep medicine as well as patients with acute and chronic respiratory failure). The Trust has around 2,500 members of staff, 510 beds, 11 operating theatres and eight catheter laboratories on the two sites, one in Chelsea in the heart of London and the other in Harefield, Middlesex. The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust was authorized as a foundation trust on 1st June 2009. Harefield Hospital (HH) is a regional centre for cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery and an international centre for heart and heart-lung transplantation. It has approximately 900 staff, 176 beds with 5 operating theatres, four catheter laboratories and fourteen beds available for private patients. Royal Brompton Hospital (RBH) is a specialist cardiothoracic centre specialising in diseases of the heart and lung, with services for adults (Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Thoracic Medicine) and Paediatrics. It has more than 1,600 staff, 334 beds, six operating theatres, 4 catheter laboratories and a private patients ward. Following public consultation, it was agreed that inpatient paediatric surgery and investigations should consolidate at the Royal Brompton Hospital. The Brompton is the principal site for both the Cardiovascular and the Respiratory Biomedical

27 Research Units. The Cardiovascular BRU comprises a ring-fenced cath lab for innovative first-in- human trials, an adjacent 3T CMR suite with CMR capabilities, a biobank, and cardiovascular genetics clinics. The Respiratory BRU includes a Clinical Research Facility, a biobank, respiratory physiology, research histopathology, thoracic imaging, and genetics facilities as well as an education centre.



The Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre vision and mission

On 1 October 2007, the UK’s first Academic Healthcare Science Centre (AHSC) was established in North West London when Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust was created by merging the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust (Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte’s and Charing Cross Hospitals) and St Mary’s NHS Trust (St Mary’s Hospital), and integrating with Imperial College London. The creation of the AHSC has been and continues to be a major advance for patient care, clinical teaching and scientific invention and innovation. The fusion of the different strands of our work and the achievements that are now possible have significant benefits for patients and encourage greater advances in healthcare than could have been delivered apart. The Trust was awarded the status of a generic Biomedical Research Centre by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) in 2006 for its excellence in translational and clinical research – one of only 5 in the UK. This award was successfully renewed in 2011 to fund a further five years from April 2012. Imperial College London has a campus on all main sites and is increasingly integrated with all the clinical specialties. The Clinical Sciences Centre of the Medical Research Council (MRC) is also based at providing a strong foundation for clinical and scientific research. The vision for our academic health science centre (AHSC) is that the quality of life of our patients and local populations will be vastly improved by taking the discoveries that we make and translating them into medical advances - new therapies and techniques - and by promoting their application in the NHS and around the world, in as fast a timeframe as is possible. Our mission is to make our AHSC one of the top five AHSCs in the world within the next ten years, channeling excellence in research to provide world-class healthcare for patients. Achieving this challenging mission will significantly improve the quality of healthcare for the local community, London and the UK as a whole, and enhance the UK’s position as a global leader in biomedical research and healthcare. Sir Richard Sykes is the chair of the organisation, and Mark Davies is the Chief Executive. Chairman Sir Richard Sykes CEO Dr Tracey Batten AHSC Director Prof Jonathan Weber Medical Director Prof Chris Harrison

28 Interim Chief Financial Officer Alan Goldsman Director of Nursing Prof Janice Sigsworth Director of Research Prof Jonathan Weber Director of Education Dr Jeremy Levy We need all our staff to work together to fulfill the promise of the AHSC, and all staff need to be inspired to share in making discoveries and finding new ways of treating patients. We are tearing down institutional barriers to enable this to happen, and devising new ways of working between doctors, scientists, nurses, administrators and managers. We have already made a start with our innovative Clinical Programme Group structure. The clinical services of the Trust are organised into four Clinical Programme Groups (CPGs) which are clinician led and have the autonomy to organise themselves into optimum vehicles for the delivery of world class, integrated research and healthcare. The clinical divisions and their directors are: Investigative Sciences and Clinical Support Prof Kikkeri Naresh Medicine Prof Tim Orchard Surgery, Cancer and Cardiovascular Prof Jamil Mayet Women’s and Children’s Mr TG Teoh Each Clinical Division has a Director of Research (usually a Head of Division) and a Director of Education who will work with the Director to ensure that opportunities for translational research and postgraduate education for all staff are maximised.



A full set of terms and conditions will be given to the successful candidate, together with the College’s most important policies which affect staff. The principal terms and conditions are as follows: Academic appointments may be conditional on medical clearance by the College Occupational Health Service that the candidate is fit for the employment. For staff who will hold an honorary consultant contract, appointment will be made at an appropriate point on the new Consultant Clinical Academic pay scale according to seniority plus the London Allowance. Calculation of basic salary and pay thresholds are based on the level of seniority of the applicant's service. Annual cost of living increases will be determined in line with the recommendations of the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association’s Clinical Academic Staff Salaries Committee (CASSC). Clinical Academic appointments require checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service or DBS, (formerly the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)). This appointment is subject to a satisfactory standard Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) disclosure. Further information about the DBS disclosure process can be found at or by telephoning 0870 90 90 811. You may also wish to view the College’s policy statements on the Recruitment and Employment of Ex-Offenders and the Secure Storage, Use, Retention & Disposal of Disclosures and Disclosure Information. Clinical academic appointments are conditional on medical clearance by the College Occupational Health Service and by the relevant Trust’s Occupational Health Service that the candidate is fit for the employment. Clinical academic staff are entitled to paid annual leave and are encouraged to take it. Additional leave may also be taken for conferences, networking and to pursue research and collaborative interests. Academic staff normally take leave during College vacations. All leave is taken by arrangement with the Head of Department in the light of academic and departmental requirements. Personal annual leave entitlement is 30 days (pro rata for part-time staff). Staff are also entitled to 10 days public holidays per annum (including two statutory days). Salaries are payable on the 24th day of each month (the exception being December) by transfer to a bank or building society account. Deductions in respect of income tax and National Insurance contributions will be made from salaries at the statutory rates. All appointments have a probationary period of six months, or, in the case Lecturers and Senior Lecturers (clinical or non clinical), a training and development review period, which lasts 3 years.

30 College closure days are allocated in addition to public holidays at Christmas and Easter. There is no obligation for staff to take days during college closure dates but if you do, this must be taken as part of your annual leave entitlement. The occupational pension scheme is the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS). Staff who are already members of the Federated Superannuation System for Universities (FSSU) or the Superannuation Scheme (NHSPS) may, if they are still eligible, retain their membership in these schemes. Unless stated otherwise in the offer of employment, or agreed by the head of department, the appointment may be terminated by either side by giving a minimum of three months’ notice in writing. The last day of service should fall on one of the following dates: 31 December; 31 March; 30 June or 30 September or at the end of a term by agreement with the Head of Department. Staff on a fixed term contract receive notice of the ending of their employment within that contract. No further contractual notice will be given unless the contract is to terminate prior to the end date specified in the offer of employment. In these circumstances the notice from the College would be as above.

Non Clinical Lecturer The salary range for a lecturer is £46,410 to £51,720 per annum (effective from 1 August 2015 until further notice, for London and Silwood Park). The post will be graded at Level C in the Academic and Research Job Family. First increments for those staff will be paid according to their start date, i.e., on 1 October following appointment if appointed between 1 October and 31 March inclusive, and on the first of the month following six months’ service if appointed between 1 April and 30 September inclusive.

Non Clinical Senior Lecturers/Readers The minimum salary for a Senior Lecturer or a Reader is £57,020 per annum (effective from 1 August 2015 until further notice, for London and Silwood Park). The post will be graded at Level D in the Academic and Research Job Family. Enhancements to pay will be based on individual performance. Annual cost of living increases will be determined by Imperial College through its local collective bargaining machinery.

Non Clinical Professors The minimum salary for a Professor is £72,480 per annum (effective from 1 August 2015 until further notice, for London and Silwood Park). The post will be graded at Level E in the Academic and Research Job Family. Any salary increases or performance payments will be determined in accordance with procedures which govern senior academic staff. Annual cost of living increases will be determined by Imperial College through its local collective bargaining machinery.