A Gazetteer of Vermont, Containing Descriptions of All the Counties
NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES 3 3433 07954322 3 lllll^ lili' mI*. .i*^ i ^'•k ^4 "5*^ BiiiiiMiaii^^ W A. ID ^ -^ -^ c^yNEW HAMPSHIRE ^>' tWrf BOSTON y^' ,;%>^.^.x -^"^ v-fC^.: '" rSor^lf^tl \ Topahamc *• Jachsort ' n lY^ij-^"""' riyirmvn ^ HirnamstoM) ^rtf^— ' '' o/^ tsftnit/y/iii GAZETTEER OF VERMONT: CONTAIXIXG DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE COUNTIES, TOWNS, AND DISTRICTS IN THE STATE, AXD OF ITS PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS. RIVERS. WATERFALLS. HARBORS. ISLANDS. AND CURIOUS PLACES. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, STATISTICAL ACCOUNTS OE ITS AGRICULTURE, COMjVIERCE AND MANUFACTURES; ^ WITH A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER USEFUL INFORMATIO)^-*^ "^t/ \ BY JOHN HAYWARD, Author of «'The New England Gazetteer," "Book of ReUgions," &c BOSTONi TAPPAN, WHITTEMORE, AND MASON, 114 WASHINGTON' STREET. 1849. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, by JOHN HAYWARD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. /- '' ansover: J. D. FLAGG AND W. H. WABDWELL, 8TERE0TYPER8 AND PRINTERS. PREFACE. Gazetteers, and other works descriptive of any part of New- England, have become so necessary to travellers and men of busi- ness, that it behooves those who prepare them, if they value their reputation, to guard, with all their might, against eiTors ; and to use every proper effort to procure, from time to time, such cor- rections and additions as that favored country requires in its rapid advances in all the moral and physical improvements known to civilized man. In that respect, the editor of this volume can only say, that he has devoted his whole time and talents, for some years, to this liis favorite pursuit ; that his means of acquiring information are con- stantly increasing, so as to enable him to perform his labors with greater ease and fidelity ; and that, while he enjoys the good will and confidence of an intelligent community, he shall feel no dispo- sition to relinquish it.
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