VOL. 2, NO. 2 FEBRUARY 2021 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Hammer Robinson announces selected candidacy for sheriff editor Evansville, Indiana — of new Chief Deputy Noah Robin- son, a 22-year law enforce- column ment veteran and sec- Associate Publisher of ond-in-command of the Van- the City County Observ- derburgh County Sheriff’s er, Marilyn Cosby said Office, recently announced “Ashley Hammer is his candidacy for Sheriff of well known, respected, Vanderburgh County. involved and Current Sheriff Dave Wed- connected in ding’s second term will our commu- expire after December 31, nity. She has 2022. Under Indiana law a the common sheriff cannot seek a third touch and consecutive term. ASHLEY never met a Mr. Robinson announce- HAMMER stranger. We ment gathering was held hope that this outside of the Vanderburgh column will catch on County 4-H Center Audito- quickly and our readers rium. will enjoy seeing what is Chief Deputy Noah Rob- CHIEF DEPUTY NOAH ROBINSON being accomplished in inson was introduced to a run a Sheriff’s Office. DUI cases for prosecution. Evansville.” packed parking lot full He stated, “I was hired by I was promoted to ser- Ashley Hammer said, of cars by Evansville City Sheriff Brad Ellsworth and geant and later lieutenant ““Volunteer work and giving back to the com- Councilman Ben Trockman. started out as a patrol dep- by Sheriff Eric Williams. munity has always been Trockman praised Robin- uty. I later became a train- I spent five years develop- a passion of mine. I son’s commitment to public ing deputy, helping to mold ing our agency’s policies want to leave the com- service and his dedication new sheriff’s deputies into and procedures, ensuring munity a better place for to helping others. competent and skilled mem- our deputies operated with our children and grand- Mr. Robinson touted his 22 bers of the agency. I took sound tactics and on solid children to live and years in law enforcement as hundreds of drunk drivers legal footing. I conducted having allowed him to learn off the road and trained SEE HAMMER/PAGE 10 what it takes to successfully deputies on how to prepare SEE SHERIFF/PAGE 7 COVID-19 causing the hospitality industry major challenges long with every City of Evansville/ Evansville remained to target the film to be released this other business Vanderburgh County focused by developing industry, and Visit April through our Aindustry, the to meeting planners, a database of preferred Evansville Sports to board’s direction. hospitality industry leisure travel, and clients and booking target the growing With a shrinking felt the inevitable special events. future meetings and youth and amateur budget we have had to impacts of The loss of all conventions. In 2020 sports market. We have pivot away from most COVID-19 in those events and our sales team booked also launched a new traditional advertising 2020. Directly other meetings 34 future meetings Sports Facilities Guide, methods and have attributed to and conventions representing 28,115 a new Convention focused most of our COVID-19, we that would room nights with an Services Manual, plus advertising to a digital JAMES saw 37 definite T. WOOD have booked estimated economic we are creating a new platform. This has meetings and placed a heavy impact of $16.1 Family Reunion Guide been a significant cost conventions cancel in burden on our 2020 million. In addition tailored specifically savings measure for 2020 which carried a sales and marketing to working on future for the local family Visit Evansville. As we loss of $22.1 million budget. With the sales, we created reunion market. We press forward we will for our local economy.Poll shows travel social restrictions media’s drawseveral new sales have undertaken an continue to emphasize Visit EvansvilleFacebook is duethe clear to COVID-19,winner when it comes toplatforms people targeting initiative to launch the use of database checking their social media platforms often, according to a receives 2.5% ofnew the AP-NORC our Center innkeeper’s poll. tax specific audiences. a 10-year Tourism marketing to reach our 8% collected from the revenues were down Tour Evansville for and Destination convention and innkeeper’s taxPercentage to who37.3% use yearthe following over year. social mediathe platforms group motorcoach... Management Master market and sell theAlmost constantlyHowever,Several Visit times a daymarket, Film Evansville Plan study forecasted SEE MAJOR/PAGE 10 Once a day At least once a week/Less often

facebook. 12% INSIDE CONTACT US com/Facebook Community News Page34 4-8 Cartoons Page 12 [email protected] City-County Education 15 Page 9-10 Crossword Page 12 www.city-countyobserver.com Observer Entertainment 18 Page 11 Sports Page 13

4% Instagram 12 6 15

4% Snapchat 7 4 12

2% Twitter 5 3 17

2% WhatsApp 3 3 13

1% Reddit 3 1 8

Percentages for those who responded “never” or who said they did not have accounts for these social media platforms are not included. Results based on interviews with 1,140 U.S. adults April 11-16. Margin of error is ± 4 percentage points for the full sample, higher for subgroups. SOURCE: AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research 2 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER

COMMENTARY WHAT WE BELIEVE IN The right to assemble and to seek redress of grievances is enshrined in our Constitution

BY STAFF THE OF THE CITY- COUNTY OBSERVER of law enforcement, Finally, we oppose the looting, and burning DEFUNDING of law ver the last several down businesses and enforcement! months we have historical sites shouldn’t We support those who Owitnessed peaceful be tolerated and the have taken to the streets and violent protests lawless thugs should to peacefully exercise alike throughout immediately be arrested their First Amendment America. and thrown in jail. rights to and express It’s obvious that Law enforcement their opinion, anger, outside groups and officers are human and sorrow about issues agitators are attempting they make mistakes. that concern them. to foment lawlessness We know that the We don’t support and unrest to advance lotting, and burning when and where the overwhelming majority social disobedience or their own objectives of businesses and next protest or riots will of law enforcement anarchy. to cause anarchy in historical landmarks break out and chaos officials understands We also oppose America. We are a caused by the random reign. We’re optimistic that carrying a badge economic, social, nation born of the acts of lawless that restraints will be carries a responsibility religious and political revolutionary spirit anarchists and thugs. displayed by both the and understands discrimination of people of protest, coupling In fact, we believe that protesters and law when to use force and of all races, color, creed, expressions of these lawless thugs enforcement alike. when to use restraint. and sexual orientation. grievances against should be arrested and However, criminal We believe they also May God continue to injustice with the desire thrown in jail. behavior, such as understand that they bless America and help to be free. Everyone has been harmful objects being know what one bad guide us through these We deplore the theft, on edge, waiting to see thrown at members decision will unleash. troubling time.

COMMENTARY When I look at her, I see America manda Gorman one now, I guess. But of familiarity. Harris’ stole the show at it isn’t a story that blended family Athe inauguration couldn’t make sense looks like mine on Wednesday. After or be reasonably through her role as she read her emulated by a stepmother of two poem, “The Hill other Americans. young adults. It is We Climb,” I In fact, it is something my own looked her up exactly the kind wife is experiencing and followed of story that fits right now too. I see her on Twitter. into that old “land Harris’ husband, She had 80,000 MICHAEL of opportunity” Doug Emhoff, and followers. Plenty LEPPERT narrative so his two children THESTATE of other people HOUSE many of us grew loving her for who knew about her FILE.COM up using as our she is at home, like before this week. nation’s true AMANDA GORMAN my kids do their own By the time I sat down anthem. No, Harris did She went to law that all presidential stepmom. to write this column not win the lottery. She school at University of campaigns ask, Harris and her family on Thursday, her methodically climbed California, Hastings and that the losing are special in that they following had grown the stairs in front of College of Law, which campaign could not look, act and sound to over a million. her. Each step she doesn’t mean much to seem to quit “asking” more like more of us Her words obviously took was a logical next this non-lawyer from this time, we can now than the team that connected. one, and she didn’t east of the Mississippi begin celebrating the preceded them. That “Where can we skip any along the way. River. But to a woman moment properly. connection has real find light in this “And so we lift our who became the Gorman’s stirring value when the quest never-ending shade?” gazes not to what district attorney of words help us: “So for unity and truth are Gorman asks early in stands between us but San Francisco where let us leave behind a the primary challenges her poem. what stands before Hastings is located, it country better than the of the day. President Joe Biden us.” Gorman continued makes perfect sense. one we were left with.” Gorman concludes: was not my first Wednesday. Again: feature. Can we do that as “For there is always choice to clean up the This remarkable The poem continues, part of our celebration? light, if only we’re mess of the last four thing happened in the “…we are far from Harris’ mere arrival is brave enough to see years. My first choice midst of the terrible polished worthy of reverence, it. If only we’re brave was Kamala Harris. year of 2020: America far from pristine but meaningful enough to be it.” Why? Because when elected its first woman but that doesn’t mean accomplishment Harris is the first. I look at her, I see vice president. She is we are will take more. As big a deal as it is, America. When she also a woman of color, striving to form a Gorman’s challenge her place at the top is speaks hopefully, I of both African and union that is perfect. acknowledges the soothing more than it want to listen. When Asian descent. Most We are striving to lack of inevitability of is stunning. So, look she scolds people of us see these things forge a union with accomplishment that directly at her and from the bench, I am as features, not bugs. purpose…” merely transitioning appreciate her light. It thankful it is directed I view her education The drama of recent into power will bring. will make it easier for at someone else. She at Howard University months stole part of That will take a us to also be it. connects with me. in Washington, D.C., this moment from unified national effort. That connection gives a historically black us. The historic Gorman’s use of the Michael Leppert is a me confidence that university, instead nature of Harris’ words “us” and “we” public and governmental our values are similar. of the exhausting ascent has lurked in throughout her verse affairs consultant in Research on her public string of Ivy League the background of a is important. Indianapolis and writes his service record only grads who seem to historically challenging I see both of our thoughts about politics, confirms it. dominate the highest time. Having achieved new first and second government and anything Her personal story levels of government resolution of the families with a else that strikes him is a good one. A great as another feature. lingering questions comfortable sense at MichaelLeppert.com. CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER FEBRUARY 2021 3 VANDERBURGH COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Chairman Wayne Parke served with diligence and passion BY THE STAFF OF THE CITY- COUNTY OBSERVER has served, has had a accomplishment of verance. Yes, he was a love and less than love this successful busi- little hard headed and The Vanderburgh relationship with Mr. nessman’s leadership. opinionated at times County Republican Parke, but we have Other political types and ruffled political Party was recently never ever had any- could learn much from feathers of people in advised that Wayne thing less than pro- what Mr. Parke has his own party. The City Parke, who has suc- fessional respect for done for the Evans- County Observer has cessfully served as his competence and ville/Vanderburgh also found Wayne to be the Party Chairman commitment to make County political land- a person of conviction for over a decade, will Vanderburgh County scape. who can be counted on not be a candidate to a better place through It is also commend- to do what he commits continue as the Vander- his political vision and able that Mr. Parke to do with passion and burgh County Repub- leadership. WAYNE PARKE contributed generously grit. lican Party Chairman. Through the Parke government is only from his own personal Wayne Parke has con- It is now time for the years we have enjoyed achieved when there funds to strengthen the ducted his role as the Party to contemplate finding common are two healthy polit- local Republican Party Vanderburgh County their future, and it will ground on several ical parties represent- of Vanderburgh Coun- GOP Chairman with be a difficult task to issues, including the ed. The long-term ty, that had fallen into honor and determina- replace the diligence spending of over $50 diligence of E. Wayne irrelevance before he tion. He will be missed, and commitment that million on space age Parke is a testament took the helm of the but his accomplish- Mr. Parke brought to water meters by the to this concept. Bal- local GOP. ments as a political the table. outgoing Weinzapfel anced, but functional We have found Mr. visionary will benefit The City County Administration. governance in Van- Parke to be a strong the members of his Observer, over the It is widely accepted derburgh County, is willed, focused lead- party for many years to decade that Mr. Parke belief that balanced perhaps the biggest er with endless perse- come.

COMMENTARY Young, Braun and a bad idea for Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS that’s because count on the were helpful to be poorer. another big-state ndiana’s two I’ve never been weight of numbers farming states. It’s easy to Republican Republican U.S. enthusiastic about or an abundance of Such as Indiana. understand senator, Marco Isenators, Todd limiting the choices cash to protect our Lugar was able why Ted Cruz, Rubio of Florida, Young and Mike people can make at interests. to exert that a senator from who is pushing Braun, have the ballot box. Our only hopes sort of influence Texas, would be in this constitutional an idea. I’m even for exerting because he served favor of term limits. amendment, grasp They want less fond of influence over for a long time. The state with the that. to impose telling them events are through He was in the second-largest It’s clear, though, term limits on they aren’t force of reason U.S. Senate for 36 population and that Indiana’s two members of responsible — and we have years. Over that second-largest senators, Todd Congress — JOHN for those seen how effective time, he developed economy in the Young and Mike two six-year KRULL choices. If we rationality is in not just expertise United States never Braun, do not get it THESTATE terms for HOUSE free people today’s Washington in manipulating will have a problem at all. senators and FILE.COM don’t like the — or by building the machinery of making its voice And that’s a pity. three two-year government influence over time. government but heard or getting terms for members we’re getting, then When people the relationships its needs John Krull of the U.S. House it’s our job to turn analyze the career that greased the addressed. is director of of Representatives. out at the polls of the late U.S. Sen. wheels of that It’s the smaller Franklin College’s Young and Braun and fix it — and Richard Lugar, machinery. states that need Pulliam School have signed on not count on some R-Indiana, most If he hadn’t the protections of Journalism to an effort by deux ex machina of the attention been able to longevity provides. and publisher Sen. Ted Cruz, to save us from focuses on his serve for six terms, The chance for of TheState R-Texas, that is ourselves. efforts to make the this state would be our senators and houseFile.com, both pandering If we elect world a safer place poorer. representatives to a news website and quixotic to idiots, well, and particularly More important, accrue influence powered by amend the U.S. that just means on his historic many Hoosiers — levels the playing Franklin College Constitution to we’re getting the partnership with many farm field. journalism include such term government we U.S. Sen. Sam families — would Perhaps Cruz and students. limits. deserve. Nunn, D-Georgia, It’s an effort The government to keep weapons of doomed to failure, we have earned. mass destruction but getting it Because we made from finding their embedded in the decision to way into the wrong America’s founding put those idiots in hands. charter really isn’t the positions they This is the point. occupy. understandable. It’s a chance to Self-government Lugar’s play to the suckers is just what it disarmament in America’s sounds like — a work was a huge political game, the do-it-yourself achievement, one less-thoughtful project. When we that had beneficial citizens who think break it, we have to implications for the holding a gun to fix it. entire world. their own heads is Ourselves. But it also a meaningful threat This is true overshadows to others. Because everywhere in this his other they buy the nation, but it is accomplishments. argument that all particularly true Not the least of government is bad in a state such as them was that he all the time, they’ll Indiana. largely shaped chop off their own Because we are agricultural policy limbs just to stub a relatively small in the United the toe of the state. state without a States during the I never have liked huge population or late 20th and early the notion of term vast reservoirs of 21st centuries. The limits, but then, wealth, we cannot policies he crafted 4 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER Community News Committee supports McNamara’s bill EVANSVILLE BAR ASSOCIATION MEMBERS RECOGNIZED AS ‘2021 helping students impacted by pandemic BEST LAWYERS IN AMERICA’ State Rep. Wendy ana student lost 129 The following EBA members have been McNamara’s (R-Evans- days of reading knowl- recognized in the 2021 Edition of The ville) legislation that edge and 209 days of Best Lawyers in America: would establish the Stu- math knowledge as a 2021 BEST LAWYERS IN AMERICA dent Learning Recovery result of COVID-19 dis- Jeffrey Ahlers Grant Program to help ruptions. Steve Barber students experiencing Program criteria for Ted Barron learning loss due to the grants would be deter- Charlie Berger pandemic advanced out mined by the Indiana Kent A. “KAB” Brasseale II of the House Ways and Department of Edu- John Broadhead Means Committee. WENDY MCNAMARA cation, along with the Maria Bulkley According to ing gaps created by the State Board of Educa- Michele Bryant McNamara, students pandemic, and connect tion. McNamara said Charles Compton transitioning back students with tools and applying organizations, Allison Comstock, Randall K. Craig and forth between resources to catch up which could include Jamie Dameron Lauren Dimmitt e-learning and class- to their peers. While local schools, colleges Larry Downs room learning are like- the steps schools have or universities, commu- Monica Edwards ly to experience some taken over the last year nity or philanthropic Terry Farmer form of learning loss. have been necessary to organizations, and pro- Marc Fine McNamara’s propos- keep our children and spective, current and Shannon Frank al would create a $150 educators safe, we must retired educators, would Jake Fulcher million grant program now work to ensure stu- be required to submit a Jon Goldman to provide individuals or dents catch up and get plan detailing the pro- Jeff Helfrich organizations resourc- ahead.” grams that would sup- John Henderson es to help students who McNamara said many plement a student’s reg- Jim Johnson have fallen behind in students experience ular coursework. The Timothy Klingler class, scored below aca- some form of learn- DOE would be respon- Kelly Lonnberg demic standards or are ing loss after summer sible for overseeing the Andy Ozete at risk of falling behind. break, but most are typ- grant program. Monte Porter “We want to ensure ically able to relearn for- Visit iga.in.gov for Ross Rudolph Mark Samila all students have the gotten lessons quickly. more information on G. Michael Schopmeyer opportunity to reach However, a recent study House Bill 1008. This Laura Scott, John Thomason their full potential,” completed by Stanford’s legislation now moves Brian Williams McNamara said. “This Center for Research on the full Indiana House of Chris Wischer grant program is Education Outcomes, Representatives for fur- Ted Ziemer designed to close learn- shows the average Indi- ther consideration. CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER FEBRUARY 2021 5 CenterPoint announces $500,000 contribution to YMCA the incredible gen- Donation will support erosity of the Center- Point Energy Founda- revitalization of Caldwell tion. The CenterPoint Energy Foundation’s investment in the Community Center Caldwell Communi- During a special and expand the Cen- ty Center will provide presentation made to ter’s food distribution life-changing oppor- the YMCA of South- program. The Center- tunities and positive- western Indiana’s Point Energy Foun- ly impact current and Caldwell Community dation’s commitment future families.” Center, Dave Lesar, also enabled a new L-R: Lynne Harkel-Rumford (CNP), Natalie Hedde (CNP), Tynesha Smith The YMCA of South- President and CEO of 40-year lease for the (YMCA Board Member and CNP), Dave Lesar (President and CEO, CNP), western Indiana’s Cald- Johnathan Pope (President and CEO, YMCA), Rick Moore (Executive CenterPoint Energy, facility, which will allow Director, Evansville Housing Authority), Tom Moore (CNP), Amanda well Community Cen- announced that The the YMCA to positive- Schmitt (CNP) and Sean Kuykendall (YMCA). Face masks were only ter, located adjacent to CenterPoint Energy ly impact the area for removed for the picture. the Caldwell Homes Foundation has award- decades to come. through contributions engagement of my fellow housing development ed a $535,000 grant to Tynesha Smith, Ener- and volunteerism. As a colleagues, exemplifies on the south side of support revitalization gy Efficiency Represen- resident of Evansville, our deep commitment to Evansville, provides of the facility locat- tative with CenterPoint, I’ve seen firsthand the this important organiza- neighboring youth and ed in Evansville, Ind. and a YMCA board incredible impact that tion and its mission.” adults a wide range of The donation will be member, stated, “Cen- the YMCA has had on Johnathan Pope, programs, including used to install a new terPoint Energy has youth and families in my President and CEO of mentoring, physical roof, create additional supported the Caldwell community. I believe the YMCA of South- education, resume writ- programming space, Community Center for this investment, along western Indiana, said, ing, financial literacy, including a STEM lab, more than a decade with the continued “We are thankful for and healthy cooking. Meet local attorney Thomas A. Massey ensitive to the ana, Mr. Massey is with clients, Mr. ethical standards. est daughter, works needs of anyone admitted to practice Massey remains Tom and his at Eli Lily and lives Sgoing through before the Supreme busy through pre- renowned artist wife in Indianapolis with a family law issue, Court of the United senting seminars as Joanne have three her husband, Cory. Thomas A. Massey States, the Indiana a faculty member children: Rachel, Scott is the founder treats clients with Supreme Court, the of Indiana Continu- Scott, and Ellie. and CEO of Helipo- compassion. As U.S. District Court ing Legal Educa- All three children nix, a hydroponics the founder of for the Southern tion Forum and on attended Purdue company that sells the Massey Law District of Indiana, behalf of the Evans- University majoring refrigerator-sized Offices, LLC, he the U.S. District ville Bar Associa- in a variety of stud- guides people in Court for the North- tion’s Continuing ies. Rachel, the old- SEE MASSEY/PAGE 6 THOMAS A. MASSEY Evansville, Indiana, ern District of Indi- Legal Education and the surrounding ana and the U.S. program. Outside areas through Court of Appeals for his practice, he is a complicated matters the 7th Circuit. member of the Van- involving child Though he has derburgh County custody and divorce. successfully taken Election Board. He also represents a number of cases Mr. Massey holds clients in business to trial, Mr. Massey the highest peer rat- law cases. believes in reach- ing possible of AV In 1981, Mr. ing a solution out- Preeminent* from Massey received a side litigation when Martindale-Hubbell. Bachelor of Science possible. He knows Martindale-Hub- in management the importance of bell® is the facilita- from Purdue Uni- preserving relation- tor of a peer review versity, where he ships among fami- rating process. made the dean’s list. ly members, even Ratings reflect the He then attended in highly disputed anonymous opin- Valparaiso Universi- issues. As a regis- ions of members ty Law School, serv- tered mediator, he of the bar and the ing as a member helps people navi- judiciary. Mar- of the school’s law gate difficult deci- tindale-Hubbell® review and graduat- sions and find an Peer Review Rat- ing with a Juris Doc- outcome that serves ing™ fall into two tor in 1984. their best interests. categories — legal Licensed in Indi- When he is not ability and general 6 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER

All EVPL locations will be 2020 YEAR END CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS opened on a limited schedule MAYOR WINNECKE Total Raised: $621.95 AND COMMISSIONER For the past few weeks, mem- Cash on Hand: $121.45 bers of the Administrative Team SHOULDERS TOP RON BEANE – City and the Location Managers have FUNDRAISERS Council ( R ) been discussing how and when Total Raised: $16,046.09 EVPL would resume “in-per- Cash on Hand: $13,098.34 son” services. It was decided to 2020 YEAR END MISSY MOSBY – City resume our in-person services CAMPAIGN FINANCE Council (D) beginning Monday, February 15. REPORTS FOR Total Raised: $722.25 All EVPL locations will be open can resume some functions of VANDERBURGH COUNTY Cash on Hand: $422.25 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday — Fri- our daily life, as long as we are OFFICE HOLDERS: KATELYN MOORE day, and 9 a.m. — 1 p.m. on Sat- careful, and take the necessary LLOYD WINNECKE – MORLEY – City Council urdays. All other EVPL services precautions. Please remember Mayor of Evansville ( R ) (EVPL to Go, Book a Librarian how important it is to wear face (D) Total Raised: $307,100.53 Total Raised: $83.50 and etc.) will continue 9 a.m. — 6 coverings, use hand sanitizer, Cash on Hand: p.m., Monday through Saturday. and continue to follow social dis- Cash on Hand: $83.50 $140,192.54 These conversations were not tancing guidelines. JUSTIN ELPERS – City DAVID WEDDING – easy, and as to be expected were In the past two weeks we have Council (R) often difficult. Trying to pick seen the number of COVID-19 County Sheriff ( R ) Total Raised: $2,069.85 the “perfect time” to resume our infections within Vanderburgh Total Raised: $102,986.70 Cash on Hand: $949.58 in-person services, knowing that County go down significantly. Cash on Hand: $83,686.68 LAURA WINDHORST – there are still varying levels of For the first time in almost two BEN SHOULDERS – City Clerk (D) apprehension among our EVPL months, Vanderburgh County’s County Commissioner Total Raised: $18,245.55 staff made this decision very diffi- seven day positivity rate had (D) Cash on Hand: $17,017.55 cult. Unfortunately, with this dis- gone below 10%. We have not Total Raised: $297,484,96 STEVE LOCKYEAR – ease, the pandemic and nature of seen this figure this low since Cash on Hand: $26,670,23 our chosen profession, there will Couty Coroner (D) before the Thanksgiving Holiday CHERYL MUSGRAVE – never be a perfect time. break. Total Raised: $3,169.06 County Commissioner ( Our jobs require us to work We appreciate everyone’s Cash on Hand: $2,094.06 with the public, and often times efforts to keep your coworkers R ) DOTTIE THOMAS – to set the example of how to and the public as safe as we can. Total Raised: $112,296.53 County Treasurer ( R ) operate in these difficult times. If you have any questions, Cash on Hand: $82,636.25 Total Raised: $11,224.72 As I have said before your altru- please let us know. (Scott Kin- JEFF HATFIELD – County Cash on Hand: $11,224.72 ism, dedication, and caring are ney, 251-654-4119 & Heather Commissioner (D) BRIAN GERTH – Couty what make our profession and McNabb, 812-457-7353). Total Raised: $20,209.46 Auditor ( R ) EVPL so unique. Scott Kinney Cash on Hand: $7,509.46 Most scientists feel COVID-19, CEO-Director Of the Total Raised: $6,019.39 NICHOLAS HERMANN – Cash on Hand: $6,019.39 in some form, will be here for Evansville/Vanderburgh County Prosecutor some time. They also feel we Public Libraries DEBBIE STUCKI – County Total Raised: $21,500.00 Recorder ( R ) Cash on Hand: $21,400.00 Total Raised: $12,121,.50 JOHN MONTRASTELLE – Cash on Hand: $818.28 County Council ( R ) CARLA HAYDEN – –DID NOT FILE A REPORT County Clerk ( R ) BY 12pm CST 1/20— Total Raised: $9,967.99 JAMES RABEN – County Cash on Hand: $0 Council ( R ) LINDA FREEMAN – Total Raised: $51.50 County Surveyor ( R ) Cash on Hand: $0 Total Raised: $1,125.00 JOE KIEFER – County Cash on Hand: $696.68 Council ( R ) BILL FLUTY – County Total Raised: $30,900.14 Assessor ( R ) Cash on Hand: $1,581.90 Total Raised: $7,301.50 TOM SHETLER – County Cash on Hand: $7,265.50 Council ( R ) KATHRYN MARTIN – FAMILY PHOTO FROM CHRISTMAS WEDDING ON 12/27/2019 –DID NOT FILE A REPORT KNIGHT TOWNSHIP (D) Board, University December 7-8, 2005; BY 12pm CST 1/20— Total Raised: $191.14 MASSEY of Evansville Legal Tips for Handling STEPHANIE TERRY – Cash on Hand: $181.14 FROM PAGE 5 Studies Program, Asset Divorce County Council (D) TERRY GAMBLIN – appliances that 1987-2005. Cases, December Total Raised: $2,138.21 SCHOOL BOARD allow consumers to Adjunct Faculty, 9, 2003; Family Law Cash on Hand: $1,514.21 Total Raised: $1,066.43 grow to produce in University of for Practitioners, JILL HAHN – County Evansville, 1990; November 1, 2001; Cash on Hand: $226.06 the comfort of their Council ( R ) Lockyear College, Tougher Topics of AMY WORD – SCHOOL own home. Tom and Total Raised: $15,375.00 Joanne’s youngest 1988-1990. Faculty, Family Law, October BOARD Cash on Hand: $351.83 daughter, Ellie, is a Indiana Judicial 10, 2001; Divorce Law Total Raised: $14,835.00 junior at Purdue cur- Conference, Annual 301, July 17, 1996; MIKE GOEBEL – County Cash on Hand: $2,579.02 rently completing Meeting, 1996. Board Family Law Notebook, Council (D) ANDREW GUARINO – her degree in Indus- Member, Indiana August 23, 1995; Child Total Raised: $21,697.96 SCHOOL BOARD Continuing Legal Support: Litigating trial Management. Cash on Hand: $4,772.42 Total Raised: $11,775.97 Education Forum, the Guidelines, July ALEX BURTON – City Cash on Hand: $11,775.97 PROFESSIONAL 1999-2006; Indiana 13, 1994; Family Law Council (D) AND DAVID Equal Justice Fund, Practice, October 22, Total Raised: $4,506.65 EDUCATIONAL 1998-2008. 1993. HOLLINGSWORTH – Cash on Hand: $1,266.46 ACHIEVEMENT OF Faculty Member, Intermediate SCHOOL BOARD LOCAL ATTORNEY Indiana Continuing Divorce Law, JONATHAN WEAVER – Total Raised: $1,139.54 TOM MASSEY Legal Education October 11, 1991. City Council (R) Cash on Hand: $1,103.54 Dean’s List, Purdue Forum (ICLEF) Faculty Member, Total Raised: $4,406.86 KAREN RAGLAND – University. Note Seminars: 7th Annual Numerous Evansville Cash on Hand: $2,583.57 SCHOOL BOARD Editor, Valparaiso Family Law Institute, Bar Association BEN TROCKMAN – City Total Raised: $850.00 University Law October 14-15, 2009; Continuing Legal Council (D) Cash on Hand: $211.00 Review. Master’s Series — Education Seminars. Total Raised: $1,612.52 Teaching Assistant, Advanced Family Law, Master, American Inn CHRIS KIEFER – SCHOOL Cash on Hand: $1,277.52 BOARD Legal Research and December 13-14, of Court No. 36. JIM BRINKMEYER – City Writing Program, 2008; Dissolution and Managing Partner, Total Raised: $193.08 Council (D) Valparaiso University Family Law Matters, Bowers Harrison, LLP, Cash on Hand: $97.68 Total Raised: $5,377.00 Law School, 1983- February 14, 2008; 1999-2008. Partner, ANN ENNIS – SCHOOL 1984. Master’s Series — 1989-1999 and Cash on Hand: $5,277.09 BOARD Registered Family Advanced Family Law, Associate, 1984-1989, ZACH HERONEMUS – Total Raised: $575.34 Law Mediator, November 7, 2007; Bowers, Harrison, Kent City Council (D) Cash on Hand: $575.34 1992—. Advisory Family Law Update, & Miller. CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER FEBRUARY 2021 7 Hostettler sponsors bill to fund K-12 public school students The Indiana House many tradition- tisan support and a quality educa- of Representatives al public schools to now advances to the tion, and we must today voted in sup- shift from in-person Senate for consid- honor that obliga- port of legislation, classes to remote eration, would help tion by fully fund- co-authored by State learning. Under cur- mitigate require- ing our schools, Rep. Matt Hostettler rent law, schools ments under cur- regardless of how (R-Patoka), to fully receive 85% of tui- rent law and allow students learn this fund all K-12 public tion support per vir- K-12 public schools school year,” Hostet- school students for tual student, which to receive 100% fund- tler said. “This leg- the 2020-21 school is defined as a child ing for each student, islation has received year, regardless of learning 50% or more whether they attend- overwhelming bipar- whether students of their instruction ed classes in-person tisan support so attended classes online. This means MATT HOSTETTLER or virtually. far, and I’m hope- in-person or virtually many schools would (R-PATOKA) “We have a consti- ful we can continue due to COVID-19. qualify for the lower classes online.House tutional obligation this momentum and Hostettler said the funding amount Bill 1003, which to provide Hoosier make this bill a law pandemic caused because of moving passed with bipar- children access to quickly.”

ment. Robinson stated he wants SHERIFF to, “Ensure the ability of legal gun FROM PAGE 1 owners to defend their families, dozens of internal investigations while also promoting responsible and treated every accused employ- gun ownership and encouraging ee with fairness and dignity. I dra- gun owners to keep their firearms matically expanded our agency’s away from children and secure from social media presence and focused access by criminals.” on communicating crime informa- Mr. Robinson further resolved to tion directly to our many neigh- hire qualified candidates as deputy borhood organizations. I obtained sheriffs while also ensuring the for- hundreds of thousands of dollars mation of a staff which represents in grant funding for our Office so the diversity of the community. that we could better serve the cit- He stressed the importance of hir- izens of our county. After Sheriff ing qualified jail officers and seek- Wedding promoted me to major, I ing out needed incentives in order embarked on an aggressive hiring to retain their service. plan aimed at increasing the num- He pledged to continue the prog- ber of confinement officers in our ress of Sheriff Dave Wedding, while jail. I pushed for the expansion of at the same time looking towards our Information Technology Unit, the future for new opportunities for doubling the size of the staff and collaboration to further improve improving responsiveness. After both the Sheriff’s Office and the RYAN HATFIELD (D-EVANSVILLE) Sheriff Wedding named me his chief community. deputy, I worked to strengthen both Chief Deputy. Robinson is a New- the relationship of our Office with burgh, Indiana native and Castle Hatfield amends the Evansville Vanderburgh School High School graduate who moved Corporation and the safety of our to Vanderburgh County nearly twen- bill to help Hoosiers schools by improving information ty years ago. He attended the Uni- sharing and cooperation.” versity of Southern Indiana, where burdened with Chief Deputy Robinson lamented he received an Associate’s Degree DWD repayments the polarized nature of social media, in Social Science and a Bachelor’s stating that, “It seems that every Degree in Sociology with an empha- Amended bill passed issue we confront has no middle sis in Criminal Justice Studies. ground.” Noah met his wife Janie during unanimously through House Robinson described himself as a high school. The two have been INDIANAPOLIS — Yesterday, pragmatist, eager to work with any- married for over 20 years, and State Representative Ryan Hat- one interested in solving problems. together have three children, Kayla, field (D-Evansville) proposed an He Robinson criticized the Katelyn, and Kyle amendment to House Bill 1152that “Defund the Police” movement, changed what unemployment ben- calling it “misguided” and “divi- FOOTNOTE: Chief Deputy Robinson efit overpayments claimants would sive”. He called such talk a “false joined the Owensboro Police be responsible for repaying to the choice” and stressed that we can Department in 1999 and graduated Department of Work- improve police response to people from the Kentucky Department of Ryan force Development in crisis through a variety of mea- Criminal Justice Training Center in Hatfield’s (DWD). Today, the sures that do not involve cutting the Richmond, KY. amendment amended bill passed budgets of law enforcement agen- He was appointment as a deputy stated that unanimously through cies. He added, “We can ensure law with the Vanderburgh County a claimant the House. enforcement has the tools, training, Sheriff’s Office in March of 2001. should not Hatfield’s amend- and outside resources needed to He became a field training deputy be required ment stated that a address the problems facing our in 2003, where he spent eight years to make a claimant should not community without ‘defunding the assigned to Motor Patrol. In February be required to make police’”. of 2004, Chief Deputy Robinson was repayment based on a a repayment based Chief Deputy Robinson also spoke promoted to the rank of sergeant and on a typo, or other typo, or other of the need to aggressively pursue spent the next five years assigned innocuous mistake, drug dealers who hook people on to the Professional Standards Unit, innocuous like a misspelled opioids, heroin, and methamphet- where he developed policy and mistake, like street name. amine while also showing compas- procedure for the agency as well as a misspelled “If they didn’t sion to the addict and providing conducted internal investigations. street name. intend to misrep- intensive treatment to support their He was promoted to the rank of resent themselves, recovery. He stated, “We can hold lieutenant in June of 2014, assigned they should not be responsible for people accountable for criminal to headquarters, and placed in repaying the money they received behavior and provide justice to vic- charge of information technology, in error,” Hatfield said. “These tims while also reducing recidivism public information, and grants. Hoosiers are already struggling — through job training and life skills Robinson was promoted to the rank that’s why they filed for unemploy- development.” of major and served as the executive ment benefits. Let’s not add to that He made it clear that he sup- commander over the Administration burden by requiring them to pay ports and defends the 2nd amend- Division. for a harmless typo. 8 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER Sullivan supports bill assisting small businesses, hospitality industry STATEHOUSE mittee, voted in favor vided in these grants, Small businesses that (Jan. 28, 2021) — of House Bill 1004. can help them keep qualify could receive The House Ways and According to the Indi- their doors open and a grant to put toward Means Committee ana Office of Tour- protect Hoosier jobs. a portion of business advanced legislation ism Development, The success of Indi- and payroll expenses. establishing the Hoo- the tourism indus- ana’s job creators is In addition to state sier Hospitality Small try employs more critical to the econom- funding, the program Business Restart than 150,000 individ- ic health of our com- could also receive Grant Program, which uals and contributes munities and state.” contributions from would support Indi- roughly $9.3 billion to HOLLI SULLIVAN Sullivan said this federal grants, dona- ana’s jobs and econo- Indiana’s economy. A (R-EVANSVILLE) grant program would tions and other sourc- my, according to State recent National Fed- of Indiana’s small be an extension of es. Rep. Holli Sullivan eration of Indepen- businesses have taken the already exist- House Bill (R-Evansville). dent Business survey a hard hit over the ing Small Business 1004 heads to the full Sullivan, who serves revealed small-busi- last year, especially Restart Program and House of Representa- on the House Ways ness owners are wor- those in the hospital- would continue to be tives for further con- and Means Committee ried about their busi- ity industry,” Sullivan administered by the sideration. For more and as chairwoman of ness viability in 2021. said. “Additional sup- Indiana Economic information, visit iga. the Budget Subcom- “We all know many port, like what’s pro- Development Corp. in.gov.


The old Vanderburgh County Courthouse, built in the late 1880s, dominates the skyline in this early nineteenth-century image. All of the buildings in the foreground, mostly residenc- es, are gone now, as is the brick commercial structure positioned between them. At the far left is a church. Originally named the German M. E. Church, it had been standing at Fourth and Vine streets since the 1860s, but strong anti-German sentiment during the First World War forced a name change to Fourth Street M. E. Church. Vacated in 1937, the building func- tioned as the Courthouse Annex until it was razed in 1973. The light brick building at right was erected in 1909 as the Furniture Exchange Building, where Evansville’s numerous furni- ture manufacturing companies could display their products in over 60,000 square feet of space. Renamed the Court building in 1940, it now houses offices. CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER FEBRUARY 2021 9 Education Ivy Tech Community College announces essay contest winners Evansville, Ind. — in the College category. essay describing how wide community col- certificate programs, Winners of the Ivy Tech Both recipients will they would carry out lege system, accred- and trainings that align Evansville Dr. Martin receive a $500 Ivy Tech Dr. King’s 1963 Dream ited by the Higher to the needs of the com- Luther King Jr. Doing Scholarship. in 2021 and beyond. Learning Commission. munity. The College the Dream 2021 Essay The Rev. Dr. Martin Ivy Tech has campus- also offers courses and Contest have been Luther King Jr. Day ABOUT IVY TECH es throughout Indiana associate degree pro- selected. essay contest, is an COMMUNITY COLLEGE and also serves thou- grams that seamlessly Payton Watkins of annual event through Ivy Tech Communi- sands of students annu- transfer to other col- North High School is the Ivy Tech Evans- ty College is Indiana’s ally online. It serves leges and universities the winner in the High ville Diversity, Equity largest public postsec- as the state’s engine in Indiana, as well as School category and Belonging Council. ondary institution and of workforce develop- out of state, for a more Hannah Robinson of Entrants were asked the nation’s largest ment, offering associate affordable route to a Ivy Tech is the winner to submit a 500-word singly accredited state- degree and short-term Bachelor’s degree.

UNIVERSITY OF EVANSVILLE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE The University’s day, we strive to be tion has the faculty history began as a little more fearless and staff needed for the dream of one than the day before. effective, high-quali- man — John C. Because at UE, we ty programs and stu- Moore — a resident shape powerful and dent services. The of Moores Hill, Indi- enduring change. Criteria for Accredi- ana (a small town The University tation further states west of Cincinnati). of Evansville has that “The institution Moore was the orig- held continuous has sufficient num- inal #UEChange- regional accred- bers and continuity maker. He wanted itation since of faculty members a college for his 1931? The Higher to carry out both community, and he Learning Commis- the classroom and made it a reality on sion (HLC) is the the non-classroom February 10, 1854, Residents of the of study are offered (physical therapy). largest of the six roles of faculty, when the original city raised $500,000 in the William L. UE also ranks as regional accredita- including oversight charter for Moores in one week in 1917 Ridgway College of one of the top mas- tion agencies in the of the curriculum Hill Male and to move the col- Arts and Sciences, ter’s degree grant- United States. HLC and expectations Female Collegiate lege to Evansville. It Schroeder Family ing institutions for serves higher edu- for student perfor- Institute was draft- reopened in 1919 as School of Business the percentage cational institutions mance, assessment ed. The college was Evansville College, Administration, of undergraduate in nineteen states of student learning, the fifth co-educa- and in 1967 the col- College of students stretching from Ari- and establishment tional college in the lege was renamed Education The University who study zona to West Virgin- of academic creden- United States. Class- and incorporated by and Health of Evansville is a abroad. ia. In order to make tials for instructional es began September the Indiana legisla- Sciences, fully-accredited UE oper- determinations staff.” 9, 1856. ture as the Universi- and the member of ates our about accreditation, The University of The college’s ty of Evansville. College the Association own study the Commission has Evansville is a ful- name was officially Today, the Uni- of Engi- to Advance abroad established the Cri- ly-accredited mem- changed to Moores versity is a private, neering Collegiate programs teria for Accredita- ber of the Associ- Hill College on Sep- United Methodist and Com- Schools of at Harlax- tion, standards of ation to Advance tember 20, 1887. In Church-related, puter Sci- Business. AACSB ton Col- quality that institu- Collegiate Schools 1917 George Clif- comprehensive ence. The accreditation lege in tions are expected of Business. AACSB ford, a prominent university with a Univer- represents Grantham, to address? ..that accreditation rep- Evansville busi- mission to empow- sity also the highest England. the revisions to the resents the highest nessman who later er each student offers six standard of At UE, Criteria for Accred- standard of achieve- became a University to think critically, master’s achievement for there’s a itation adopted by ment for business trustee, convinced act bravely, serve degree business schools difference Higher Learning schools worldwide. the Indiana Confer- responsibly, and live programs worldwide. between Commission (HLC’) Being AACSB-ac- ence of the Meth- meaningfully in a (health an idea Board of Trustees credited means a odist Church that changing world. services adminis- and an idea made in February 2019, business school is Moores Hill College UE is ranked as a tration, public ser- real. It begins with went into effect Sep- able to continuous- should be moved to top Midwest univer- vice administration, the choice to step in. tember 1, 2020? ly pass a strict set Evansville since it sity by U.S. News & public health, lead- A decision to stand HLC section 3.C. of standards that was the only city in World Report with ership, physician out. A determination of the Criteria for ensure quality. Indiana without an approximately 1,976 assistant science, to reimagine every- Accreditation states accredited college undergraduates and athletic train- thing. And every that “The institu- SEE FUTURE/PAGE 10 within a 50-mile radi- from 44 states and ing) and a doctor- us. 55 countries. Areas al degree program by AACSB international

10 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER UE School of Business maintains accreditation AACSB recognizes this distinction. student learning and AACSB accreditation Schroeder School for Achieving accred- advising, research, and continue the work caring faculty, robust itation is a rigorous service to communi- of preparing business student engagement process in which the ty nonprofit boards, leaders of the future,” The University of school focuses on and professional con- said Beverly Brock- Evansville Schroed- developing and imple- sulting. The team also man, dean of the Schro- er Family School of menting a plan to align commended the robust eder Family School of Business Administra- with AACSB’s accred- program of student Business Administra- tion has maintained its itation standards. engagement within tion. “Our ongoing goal accreditation by the After accreditation is the School. Examples is to not only provide Association to Advance achieved, the school peer review process of student engage- an exceptional learning Collegiate Schools of takes part in a five-year confirms a school’s ment include LEAD environment, but also Business (AACSB) continuous improve- continued focus on Forward, a leadership equip students with the International. ment peer review to excellence in all areas, training program for skills and experience to AACSB International maintain high quality including teaching, students; the ACES achieve long-term pro- is the longest-serving and extend accredita- research, curriculum Passport career devel- fessional success.” global accrediting body tion. development, and stu- opment program; Brockman also noted for business schools “AACSB congratu- dent learning. UE’s numerous business-fo- the excellent outcomes that offer undergradu- lates the University of dedication to delivering cused student clubs; for Schroeder School ate, master’s, and doc- Evansville and Dean high quality business study abroad oppor- graduates. For the grad- toral degrees in busi- Beverly Brockman on education will create tunities at Harlaxton uating classes of 2019 ness and accounting. extending accredita- the next generation of College in the United and 2020, an average of The AACSB accredita- tion,” said Stephanie great leaders.” Kingdom; and the 100% 96% were employed or tion is the hallmark of M. Bryant, executive The peer review internship completion in graduate school with- excellence in business vice president and team from AACSB rate prior to gradua- in 3 months. Addition- education. Less than 5% chief accreditation offi- concluded that Schro- tion. ally, the starting salary of the world’s business cer of AACSB Inter- eder School faculty “It’s a wonderful feel- for graduates was over programs have earned national. “The intense are deeply engaged in ing to maintain our $49,000.

New study abroad program immerses students in Chinese culture Katlyn Storey While in China said. “We observed China similar to was one of six USI they studied local English classes and herself and her students to travel language, culture, were amazed to see friends in the Unit- to China for five history, education, what young chil- ed States, but their weeks this sum- and economics. In dren were learning study habits dif- mer during the addition to course- in their foreign lan- fered. pilot of the USI-Chi- work, they taught guage classes.” “Each student we na Study Abroad English at ele- Storey, an anthro- talked to at South- Program at South- mentary and high pology and crim- west University west University, schools, and were inal justice major told us how much Chongqing. The paired with col- from Benton, Illi- they applied them- cross-culture col- lege student “lan- nois, applied for the selves to their stud- laboration between guage partners” at program because ies. It wasn’t just the two universities Southwest Univer- she wanted to bet- certain students — was organized by sity. Along with a ter understand it was all of them.” Lin Pang Adams, mountain-climbing Chinese through Dr. Silvia Rode, USI instructor excursion, teach- immersion in the that understand- nese language, chair of the World in Chinese, and ing English to culture. “Chinese ing words requires and currently Languages and Cul- involved four stu- the children was is one of the hard- learning both is enrolled in a tures Department, dents in Chinese Storey’s favorite est languages to the Chinese and fourth. Upon her said she hopes next language courses experience. “The learn,” she said, Roman characters return she said, “I year USI students within the Depart- amount of atten- explaining that (a system called have more insight will have the oppor- ment of Modern tion and respect words change pinyin). and picked up tunity to study at and Classical Lan- the students gave meaning depend- Before the trip, more vocabulary.” Southwest Univer- guages and two in their teachers was ing on which of five Storey took three Storey found col- sity for a full year Teacher Education. astounding,” Storey tones is used, and semesters of Chi- lege students in or semester.

of Nursing FUTURE • National Council for HAMMER WANT TO SUBMIT? FROM PAGE 9 Accreditation of Teacher FROM PAGE 1 Please submit photos of local activities to CCOCommunity In addition, specific Education • Commission on [email protected]. In the email, programs offered by the work in. The goal of this col- please include the picture with a Accreditation of Athletic umn is to focus on moments caption (include: date the photo are accredited by their Training Education of kindness, personal tri- was taken and people present in appropriate specialized • Commission on umphs and achievements the photo. professional organiza- Accreditation in Physical of people in our communi- tions. Accreditation by Therapy Education ty. This column will focus on Evansville Cardiology. professional organizations • The Accreditation events that might normally She is also a co-owner of informs the public that the Review Commission on go without any public rec- Roca Bar North in Evans- specific program has met Education for the Physi- ognition. I am depending on ville. standards of quality estab- cian Assistant has granted people to send me pictures Outside of her professional lished by that profession. Accreditation — Provision- of events that have a posi- life, Ashley spends some of • Association to Advance al status to the Universi- tive effect on our city so it her time traveling with fam- Collegiate Schools of Busi- ty of Evansville Physician doesn’t go unnoticed.” ily. She enjoys tennis and ness Assistant Program spon- Ashley is a native of Evans- going to the drive-in during • Engineering Accredita- sored by the University of ville, IN. She has been mar- the summer months. Ash- tion Commission of ABET Evansville. ried to her husband Steve for ley spends time with friends • Computing Accredita- *By virtue of specialized 13 years and has a daughter, through various avenues tion Commission of ABET program accreditation in Addie(10) and stepson Will including volunteer work and • National Association of engineering, nursing, edu- (24). Addie is a fifth grad- community activities. Schools of Music Commis- cation, physical therapy, er at St. John the Baptist in Please submit photos of sion on Accreditation and athletic training pro- Newburgh. local activities to CCOCom- • Indiana Department of grams at the University of In 2015, Ashley gradu- [email protected]. Education* Evansville, students meet ated with her Master’s in In the email, please include • Accreditation Commis- the minimum standards to Nursing from USI as an the picture with a caption sion for Education in Nurs- sit for professional licen- Acute Care Nurse Practi- (include: date the photo was ing sure examinations in these tioner. She works part-time taken and people present in • Indiana State Board professional disciplines. for Ascension St Vincent the photo. by AACSB international



lawless steaks. atmosphere of at OpenTable.com. by the fireplace. Was Will definitely be Fresh seafood. the Piano Bar at — OpenTable overall nice and quiet, but was back again. Would FImpeccable Cavanaugh’s is the Score: 4.7 a little hard to have recommend. Worth the service. Enjoy the ideal place to meet “We love this conversations at times money.” — 92tammya finest cuisine paired friends and enjoy restaurant. It is some with the music. Music on Tripadvisor with sweeping drinks and the of the best steak I have was a great touch PAST AWARDS river views at full dinner menu ever had. Everything though, so we didn’t INCLUDE: Cavanaugh’s On of Cavanaugh’s. is perfectly prepared mind. The bread was BEST OF DINING & the River located in Live entertainment in a beautiful relaxing amazing with the twist NIGHTLIFE AWARDS - Tropicana Evansville’s is provided by atmosphere.” — Missy of the garlic butter. Our SOUTHERN INDIANA Riverfront Event regional musicians. on OpenTable steaks were cooked to 1st Place — Best Center. Cavanaugh’s See the main — Tripadvisor overall perfection, and mine Seafood menu features menu and Score: 4.5 could have been cut 1st Place — Best View starters, salads, prime entertainment lineup “My husband and with a butter knife. rib, signature steaks, at TropEvansville. I went there for our Ended our meal with NEWS4U BEST OF seafood, sides and com. Reservations Christmas dinner. We the turtle cheesecake, THE TRI-STATE desserts. Gluten free are recommended. were offered 2 options which was wonderful. CLICK PICKS options are available. Call 812-433-4333 or for seating, so that was All the staff were very 1st Place, Best Fine The casual upscale reserve online any time nice. We choose to set nice and welcoming. Dining Restaurant

businesses. All 2019 levels. For was selected destination are on that we can to be MAJOR told, tournaments context, 2019 was as Supplier of the right track, and well-positioned to FROM PAGE 1 hosted by a record year for the Year by the good things are in grow our tourism special event Deaconess Sports the hotel industry. Indiana Society store for all of us in economy post clients, and Park and the Smith Travel of Association the not-to-distant COVID-19. continue to drive a Goebel Soccer Research (STR) Executives. future. Visit stronger presence Complex brought is forecasting Receiving this Evansville remains JAMES T. on Facebook, in over $10.2 innkeeper’s tax award is validation committed to its WOOD, FCDME Instagram, million into our to be down 26% that we as a mission and will PRESIDENT LinkedIn, local economy in nationally for 2021. team and as a continue to do all and CEO TikTok, and other 2020. The expectation is social media Though travel the first months of opportunities to slowed significantly 2021 will continue reach our leisure due to COVID-19, to be hard on the customers. we were fortunate hotel industry, When Governor to host visitors but we should see Holcomb coming to incremental growth released Indiana’s Evansville/ in the latter half of “Reopening Vanderburgh this year. Hopefully, Indiana” County on essential Evansville and guidelines, business trips, Vanderburgh we were very visiting family County will receive fortunate to be and friends, or an additional influx given the green attending one of of visitors from light to reopen the sporting events the tournaments the Deaconess at the Evansville scheduled at the Sports Park and Sports Complex. Deaconess Sports the Goebel Soccer All told, Evansville Park and the Complex, where finished 2020 Goebel Soccer we could host with a 44.6% hotel Complex and other tournaments again occupancy which events that may but under stringent led our competitive return in 2021. sanitation and set. However, STR’s long term social distancing that is down forecast predicts guidelines. The approximately 28% the hotel industry mid-summer from 2019 and our should return to its reopening average room rate 2019 record high of these two was also down levels by 2023. facilities provided 10.8% from 2019 Though 2020 a much-needed levels. was a challenging economic boost In 2021, Visit year for us all, to our hotels, Evansville forecasts I am pleased restaurants, the innkeeper’s tax to report that and retail to be down 25% to Visit Evansville 12 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER

Mimi’s gourmet pasta sauce a hometown legend elly Lefler had for the company is done always enjoyed right here in the Tri-State. KMimi’s pasta sauce, Although, they are not a but was discouraged from brick and mortar, there are making it herself because still challenges and this everyone told her about business has been affected how much work it would like everyone else with take. In 2007, she finally COVID 19. Her daughter decided to sell her mother’s took to twitter to promote beloved pasta sauce after and ask for local support years of encouragement because they were afraid from family and friends. they would lose a chance Her former husband wanted to stay in Walmarts due to the recipe after her mom not being able to do demos had made it for him. He because of the pandemic. To went on and one about how stay in Walmart, you have to good it was to her. Finally, meet a certain quota so her Kelly said, “Mom, I need daughter reached out for that recipe.” support. Her mother said, “I don’t They had no idea when she have a recipe. I just use a posted that it would get so jar and add to it.” Seeming much attention and soon went like a coincidence, Kelly saw viral. A chef from California an article the next day in named Andrew Cruel who Women’s World magazine has been on Food Network on how to become a food tweeted for people to support entrepreneur. She proceeded them, and after that they have to contact S.C.O.R.E. to set received so much publicity! meeting up with her to keep Also, a huge misconception is her on the right track. After people think we are racking that meeting, she took the in all this money and that recipe to Farm Boy who had is far from the truth. Kelly told her to do her homework. had to work 3 jobs, 7 days a Farm Boy gave Kelly a week until March, when she contact with someone that experienced some health was over the Food & Science issues just to keep her dream Department at Purdue alive. University. She wanted to Locally, Mimi’s Past get the product formulated Sauce is sold in Schnucks, to perfection since her mom Walmarts, Buy lows, Elbert’s didn’t have a recipe and only Natural Foods, Dewigs, used a jar and added to it. Sureways, Mckims IGA, To replicate that same taste, Kroger’s, Simply Home, Old she took some spices and Fashioned Butcher Shoppe, threw them together. She Holiday Foods, Opie & eventually landed Mimi’s Eleanor’s Boutique and Gourmet Pasta Sauce in Penny John’s. Kelly is beyond nearly every local grocery ecstatic and so grateful how store. the tri-state has supported All production and packing her business! CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER FEBRUARY 2021 13





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1-800-342-5386 | TROPEVANSVILLE.COM 421 NW RIVERSIDE DR. | EVANSVILLE, IN Trademarks used herein are owned by Caesars Entertainment and its affiliated companies. Valid only at Tropicana Evansville. See Caesars Rewards Center for details. Must be 18 or older to wager on horse racing at racetracks and 21 or older to gamble at casinos. Know When To Stop Before You Start®. Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-9WITHIT (1-800-994-8448). ©2021, Caesars Entertainment. 14 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER FEBRUARY 2021 15 16 FEBRUARY 2021 CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER