Axiomatic and GameTheoretic Analysis of

Bankruptcy and Taxation Problems a Survey

William Thomson

This version August

I am grateful to Bettina Klaus Eiichi Miyagawa Juan MorenoTernero Anne van den

Nouweland James Schummer Oscar Volij and esp ecially Nir Dagan and ChunHsien Yeh

for their very useful comments I also thank a referee for detailed comments and the NSF

for its supp ort under grant SES and SBR


When a rm go es bankrupt how should its liquidation value be

divided among its creditors This essayisanintro duction to the lit

erature devoted to the formal analysis of such problems We present

the rules that are commonly used in practice or discussed in theoret

ical work We show howmany can be obtained by applying solution

concepts develop ed in co op erative for bargaining games

and for coalitional games We formulate prop erties of rules rst

when the p opulation of agents is xed then when it may vary com

pare the rules on the basis of these prop erties and search for rules

satisfying the greatest number of the prop erties together We mo del

the resolution of conicting claims as strategic games and extend the

mo del to handle surplus sharing and situations in which the feasible

set is sp ecied in utilityspace

Identifying wellb ehaved taxation rules is formally identical to

identifying rules to reconcile conicting claims and all of the results

we present can b e reinterpreted in that context

Keywords Axiomatic analysis Bankruptcy Claims problems

Prop ortional rule Talmud rule Constrained equal awards rule Con

strained equal losses rule

JEL Classication numb ers CDD

William Thomson Department of Economics University of Ro chester Ro chester

New York Tel fax email

wthtroiccro chesteredu


Intro duction

Claims problems and division rules

An inventory of rules

Relating division rules and solution concepts of the theory

of co op erative games

Bargaining solutions

Solutions to coalitional games

Prop erties of rules the xedp opulation case

Basic prop erties

Monotonicity requirements

Indep endence additivityand related prop erties

Op erators

Prop erties of rules the variablep opulation case

Population monotonicity

Replication invariance


Average consistency

Merging and splitting claims

Op erators

Multiple parameter changes

Strategic mo dels

Extensions of the basic mo del


Nontransferable utility problems

Mo del with group constraints

Exp erimental testing



Intro duction

When a rm go es bankrupt what is the fair way of dividing its liquidation

value among its creditors This essay is an intro duction to the literature

devoted to the formal analysis of problems of this kind whichwe call claims

problems The ob jective of this literature which originates in a fundamental

pap er by ONeill is to identify wellb ehaved rules for asso ciating

with each claims problem a division between the claimants of the amount


We rst present several rules that are commonly used in practice or dis

cussed in theoretical work We then formulate a number of app ealing prop

erties that one may want rules to satisfy compare the rules on the basis

of these prop erties and identify rules satisfying various combinations of the

prop erties Indeed the axiomatic metho d underlies most of the developments

on which we rep ort here and they illustrate the increasingly imp ortant role

the metho d has been playing in the design of allo cation rules The rapid

progress witnessed in the literature on the adjudication of conicting claims

is largely due to researchers being able to draw on the conceptual appara

tus and the pro of techniques elab orated in the axiomatic analysis of other

mo dels running the gamut from abstract mo dels of game theory and so cial

choice to concrete mo dels of resource allo cation We do not limit ourselves to

axiomatic studies however We also showhow the to ols of co op erative game

theory from b oth the theory of bargaining and the theory of coalitional

games can be used to dene rules and we discuss a variety of strategic


The b estknown rule is the prop ortional rule which cho oses awards pro

p ortional to claims Prop ortionality is in fact often taken as the denition

of fairness for claims problems but we will challenge this p osition and start

from more elementary considerations An imp ortant source of inspiration

for the research we describ e is the Talmud in which several numerical ex

amples are discussed and recommendations are made for them that conict

with prop ortionality Can these recommendations be rationalized by means

of wellb ehaved rules Among all existing rules are there grounds for prefer

ring some to the others Are there yet other rules that deserve our attention

Finallywe consider extensions of the mo del in particular some covering

situations where the amount to divide is more than sucient to honor all

the claimsthis is the problem of surplus sharingand mo dels where the

data are sp ecied in utility space and the upp er b oundary of the feasible set

is not restricted to b e contained in a hyp erplane normal to a vector of ones

We close this intro duction by noting that the problem of assessing taxes as

a function of incomes when the total tax to b e collected is xed is formally

identical to the problem of adjudicating conicting claims All of the results

we present can be reinterpreted in that context and more generally in the

context of the assessment of liabilities

An imp ortant question that we will not address is the extent to which

the choice of particular division rules aects agents incentives to make com

mitments that one party may in the end be unable to honor In the context

of bankruptcy these are the incentives to loan and to b orrow In many

of the other applications the parameters of the problems to be solved also

result from decisions that agents have made and whatever rule is used at

the division stage will in general have had an eect on these earlier choices

In order to handle these kinds of issues we would need to embed division

rules in a more complete mo del in which risktaking eort and other vari

ables chosen by agents such as lenders b orrowers tax payers government

agencies and others are explicitly describ ed sto chastic returns to economic

activities are factored in and so on But the theory develop ed here which ig

nores incentives is a necessary comp onent of the comprehensive treatment

it would have to be formulated in a generalequilibrium and gametheoretic

frameworkthat we envision

Claims problems and division rules

An amount E R has to b e divided among a set N of agents with claims

adding up to more than E For each i N let c R denote agent is


claimandc c the vector of claims Initiallywetake N to b e a nite

i iN

subset of the set of natural numb ers N We sometimes designate by n the


cardinalityof N Altogether a claims problem is a pair c E R R



suchthat c E Let C denote the class of all problems In Section


An imp ortant step in that direction is taken by Araujo and Pascoa


We denote by R the cartesian pro duct of jN j copies of R indexed by the memb ers

of N The sup erscript N also indicates an ob ject p ertaining to the set N Whichinter

pretation is the right one should b e clear from the context A summation without explicit

b ound should be understo o d to be carried out over all agents We allow the equality


c E for convenience


Vector inequalities x y x y xy

we consider situations in which the p opulation of claimants may vary and

we generalize the mo del accordingly

In our primary application E is the liquidation value of a bankrupt rm

the members of N are creditors and c is the claim of creditor i against the


rm A closely related application of the mo del is to estate division a man

dies and the debts he leaves b ehind written as the co ordinates of c are found

to add up to more than the worth of his estate E How should the estate b e

divided Alternatively each c could simply b e an upp er b ound on agent is


consumption without a higher bound necessarily giving him greater rights

on the resource


is interpreted as atax assessment problem the When a pair c E C

members of N are taxpayers the co ordinates of c are their incomes and

they must cover the cost E of a pro ject among themselves The inequality


c E indicates that they can jointly aord the pro ject A dierent


interpretation of c is as the b enet that consumer i derives from the pro ject


Although these various situations can be given the same mathematical

description and the principles relevant to their analysis are essentially the

same the app eal of each particular prop erty may of course dep end on the

application In what follows we mainly think of the resolution of conicting

claims Our mo del is indeed a faithful description of the actual situation

faced by bankruptcy courts for instance By contrast the issue of taxation is

not always sp ecied by rst stating an amount to be collected p erhaps due

to the uncertainty p ertaining to the taxpayers incomes Taxation schedules

are usually published rst and the amount collected falls wherever it may

dep ending up on the realized incomes

We will search for ways of calculating for each claims problem a division

between the claimants of the amount available this division being under

sto o d as a recommendation for the problem Formally a division rule is


a function that asso ciates with each problem c E C a vector x R

whose co ordinates add up to E and satisfy the inequalities x c Such

a vector is an awards vector for c E Our generic notation for a rule

is the letter R Given a claims vector the lo cus of the awards vector chosen

However we should note that a numb er of prop erties of rules that we will use later

have b een rst considered in the context of taxation

We limit ourselves to the searchfor singlevalued rules since for this mo del in contrast

withanumb er of other mo dels that are commonly studied a great varietyofinteresting

rules enjoy this prop erty

x x



x x

c c






c c




k k




e e e



a b

Figure The Talmud rule The worth of the estate is measured horizontally

and claims and awards vertically a The rule applied to the contested garment

problem for which claims are c c The Talmud considers an estate

worth and recommends the awards vector g b The rule applied

to the estate division problem for which claims are c c c

For an estate worth the Talmud recommends e if worth

it recommends k and if worth it recommends p

by a rule as the amount to divide varies from to the sum of the claims is

the path of awards of the rule for the claims vector

We will also oer several results concerning a version of the mo del in


which the inequality c E is not imp osed and generalized rules



such a rule may select for some c E C an ecient vector x that do es

not satisfy the inequalities x c

An inventory of rules

We pro ceed with a presentation of two intriguing problems discussed in the

Talmud The Talmud sp ecies only a few numerical examples but the de

sire to understand them has provided much of the imp etus underlying the

theoretical eorts describ ed in these pages

The contested garment problem Figure a two men disagree on

the ownership of a garment worth say The rst man claims half of it

and the other claims it all Assuming b oth claims to be made in

go o d faith how should the worth of the garment be divided among them

The Talmud recommends the awards vector g Baba Metzia a

All references to the relevant passages of the Talmud and medieval literature are taken

from ONeill Aumann and Maschler and Dagan

The estate division problem Figure b a man has three wives whose

marriage contracts sp ecify that up on his death they should receive

and resp ectively The mandiesand his estate is found to b e worth only

The Talmud recommends e If the estate is worth

it recommends p but if it is worth it recommends

k Kethub ot a the author of this Mishna is Rabbi Nathan

To clarify the mystery p osed bythenumb ers given as resolutions of these

problems we should rst identify a general and natural formula that gener

ates them and it is only recently that such a formula was found We give

the formula after intro ducing several more elementary rules

The following is a simple division scenario for the twoclaimantcase

that delivers the numbers prop osed by the Talmud for the contested gar

ment problem Aumann and Maschler when agent i claims c he is


essentially conceding to agent j the amount E c if this dierence is non


negative and otherwise that is maxfE c g Similarly claimant j s


concession to claimant i is maxfE c g Let us then assign to each claimant


the amount conceded to him by the other and divide equally b etween them

what remains the part that is truly contested Equal division in this second

round makes sense since after b eing revised down by the amounts received

in the rst round as is very natural and truncated by the amount that

remains available the truncation idea is formally intro duced and justied

below in many cases revised claims are all smaller than the remainder so

no truncation is needed b oth claims are equal


Concedeanddivide CD For jN j For each c E C and each


E maxfE c g


i N CD c E maxfE c g

i j

We will discover a number of other ways of thinking ab out the issue

that lead to that same formula in the twoclaimant case However it is

not obvious how to generalize the concedeanddivide scenario itself to the

nclaimant case The dierence for each claimant between the amount to

divide and the sum of the claims of the other agents or if this dierence

is negative can certainly still b e understo o d as a concession that together

they make to him and it is still natural to assign to him this amount in

a rst step However after being revised down by these amounts claims

need not be equal anymore even if truncated by the remainder so equal

division at the second step is not as comp elling as in the twoclaimantcase

Besides it may result in an agent receiving in total more than his claim

In the paragraphs to follow we therefore explore other ideas In each case

we invite the reader to verify that not all of the numbers in the Talmud are

accounted for until we reach the Talmud rule of Aumann and Maschler

The rule most commonly used in practice makes awards prop ortional

to claims


Prop ortional rule P For each c E C P c E c where is


chosen so as c E


Two other versions of the prop ortional rule have b een prop osed The rst

one is dened by making awards prop ortional to the claims truncated by the

amount to divide We refer to it as the truncatedclaims proportional

rule The other requires rst assigning to each claimant the amount that

remains if the other claimants have b een fully comp ensated or if that is

not p ossible We used this dierence ab ove in dening concedeanddivide

It can be seen as a minimum to which the claimantis entitled and shifting

perspectives slightly we will refer to it by an expression that b etter reects


that interpretation Formally for each c E C and each i N let


c g b e the minimal right of claimant i m c E maxfE

j i

j N nfig

in c E and mc E m c E Then the rule selects the awards

i iN

vector at which each claimant receives his minimal right these payments

are feasible each agents claim is revised down to the minimum of i the

remainder and ii the dierence between his initial claim and his minimal

right nally the remainder is divided prop ortionately to the revised claims

Adjusted prop ortional rule A Curiel Maschler and Tijs For


each c E C Ac E mc E P minfc m c E E

i i


m c E g E m c E g

j iN j

The idea of equality underlies many theories of economic justice The

question though is what exactly should be equated esp ecially when agents

are not identical Here agents dier in their claims and equating awards im

plies ignoring these dierences In particular some agents mayreceivemore

than their claims which is precluded by our denition of a rule The rule

presented next remains close in spirit but it is dened so as to resp ect these

upp er b ounds on awards It assigns equal amounts to all claimants sub ject to

no one receiving more than his claim Although this departure from equality

do es not seem to b e much of a step towards recognizing dierences in claims

we will nevertheless provide app ealing axiomatic justications for the rule

It is also an ingredient in the denitions of other interesting rules as we

will recognize in the formulae for Piniles and the Talmud rules b elow It has

been advocated by many authors including Maimonides th Century


Constrained equal awards rule CEA For each c E C and

each i N CEA c E minfc g where is chosen so that

i i


minfc g E


Our next rule Piniles can be understo o d as resulting from a

double application of the constrained equal awards rule the halfclaims

b eing used in the formula instead of the claims themselves First the rule

is applied to divide the minimum of i the amount available and ii the

halfsum of the claims If the amount available is less than the halfsum of

the claims we are done Otherwise each agent rst receives half of his claim

then the constrained equal awards rule is reapplied to divide the remainder

still using the halfclaims This rule accounts for all of the numb ers given in

the Talmud for the estate division problem


Piniles rule Pin For each c E C and each i N Pin c E




j c c

c c

i i

CEA Eif E andPin c E CEA E otherwise

i i i

Another way of implementing the idea of equality leads to the following

formula Chun Schummer and Thomson It is inspired by a solution

to the problem of when preferences are singlep eaked known as

the uniform rule Sprumont As in Piniles it gives the halfclaims a

central role and otherwise it makes the minimal adjustment in the formula

for the uniform rule that guarantees that awards are ordered as claims are


Constrained egalitarian rule CE For eachc E C and each i N



c j c

i i

CE c E minf g if E and CE c E maxf minfc gg

i i i


otherwise where in each case is chosen so that CE c E E


An alternative to the constrained equal awards rule is obtained by

fo cusing on the losses claimants incur what they do not receive as opp osed

to what they receive and cho osing the awards vector at which these losses

are equal sub ject to no one receiving a negativeamount It to o is discussed

by Maimonides Aumann and Maschler


Constrained equal losses rule CEL For eachc E C and each i


N CEL c E maxfc g where is chosen so that maxfc

i i i

g E

We now have all that we need to dene a rule that nally generates

all of the numbers app earing in the Talmud Aumann and Maschler

see Figure As in Piniles formula two regimes are dened dep ending

up on the side of the halfsum of the claims on which the amount to divide

falls For an amount to divide equal to the halfsum of the claims everyone

receives his halfclaim If there is less the constrained equal awards formula

is applied if there is more the constrained equal losses formula is in each

case the halfclaims are used in the formula instead of the claims themselves

Alternatively the rule can b e dened by means of an algorithm First imag

ine the amount available increasing from to the halfsum of the claims

the rst units are divided equally until each agent receives an amountequal

to half of the smallest claim then the agent with the smallest claim stops

receiving anything for a while and the next units are divided equally among

all others until each of them receives an amount equal to half of the second

smallest claim Then the agent with the second smallest claim also stops

receiving anything for a while and the next units are divided equally among

the other claimants until each of them receives an amount equal to half of

the third smallest claim The algorithm pro ceeds in this way until the




amount available is at that point each agent receives his halfclaim




For amounts available greater than awards are computed in a symmet

ric way Starting from an amount available equal to the sum of the claims

in which case each agent receives his claim consider shortfalls of increasing

sizes initial shortfalls are divided equally until each agent incurs a loss equal

to half of the smallest claim the loss incurred by the agent with the smallest

claim stops at that point and any additional shortfall is b orn equally by the

others until their common loss is equal to half of the second smallest claim




The algorithm pro ceeds in this manner until the amount available is

It is a simple matter to see that when applied to the two problems in the

In the context of taxation this rule is known as head tax and the constrained equal

awards rule as the leveling tax

Talmud it do es yield the numb ers given there Henceforth we call the rule

it denes the Talmud rule The following is a compact denition


Talmud rule T For each c E C and each i N


c c

i i

If E then T c E minf g where is chosen so that





minf g E


c c

i i

If E then T c E c minf gwhere is chosen so that

i i




c minf g E


We refer to the twoclaimantversion of the Talmud rule as the contested

garment rule It is easy to check that this rule coincides with concedeand

divide but as already noted it is not the only one to do so

Our inventory of rules is indeed far from b eing exhausted and our next

two rules also have this feature To dene the rst one imagine claimants

arriving one at a time to get comp ensated and supp ose that each claim is

fully honored until money runs out The resulting awards vector of course

dep ends on the order in which claimants arrive To remove the unfairness

asso ciated with a particular order take the arithmetic average over all orders

of arrival of the awards vectors calculated in this way ONeill For


a formal denition of the rule let be the class of bijections from N into



Random arrival rule RA For each c E C and each i N


RA c E c gg minfc maxfE


i j i

j Nj i


Another rule is oered by ONeill as a generalization of an ex

ample found in Ibn Ezra th Century and of an incompletely sp ecied




when n Of course the Talmud not oering any example for the case E

we can only sp eculate as to what it would have recommended then However we nd

the sort of considerations that led Aumann and Maschler to the interp olation and

extrap olation they dene very comp elling and this is whywe refer to the rule they prop ose

as the Talmud rule Moreover their formula is in agreement with another numerical

example in the Talmud that they discuss


c c

c c c

i i

We have T c E CEA E if E and T c E CEL E



This rule coincides with the contested garmentruleinthetwoclaimant case ONeill

rule due to Rabad th Century The problem discussed by Ibn Ezra is

that of dividing an estate worth among four sons whose claims are

and He recommends for the rst son for the second

son for the third son and for the fourth son

Rabads suggestion which gives Ibn Ezras numbers in his particular

application is dened for problems such that the estate is worth no more

than the greatest claim Aumann and Maschler if the estate is worth

less than the smallest claim it is divided equally as its worth increases from

the smallest to the second smallest claim the agent with the smallest claim

continues to receive of his claim and the remainder is divided equally among


the other claimants In general when the worth of the estate increases from

the k th smallest claim to the k th smallest claim the amounts received

by the agents with the k smallest claims do not change and the remainder

is divided equally among the other claimants

Here is ONeills prop osal for general problems Instead of thinking of

claims abstractly think of the amount to divide as comp osed of individual

and distinct units Then distribute each agents claim over sp ecic units

so as to maximize the fraction of the estate claimed by exactly one claimant

and sub ject to that so as to maximize the fraction claimed by exactly two

claimants and so on nally for each unit separately apply equal division

among all agents claiming it

Minimal overlap rule MO Claims on sp ecic parts of the amountavail

able or units are arranged so that the numb er of units claimed by exactly

k claimants is maximized given that the number of units claimed by

k claimants is maximized for k n Then for each unit equal

division prevails among all agents claiming it Each claimant collects the

partial comp ensations assigned to him for each of the units that he claimed

The arrangement of claims solving this lexicographic maximization is

unique up to inessential relab elling of units A claim greater than the amount

available is equivalent to a claim equal to the amountavailable and if there

is at least one such claim the solution consists in nesting the claims If

not representing the amount available as an interval E the solution is

obtained by nding a number t R such that each agent i N claims

the interval minfc tgthis takes care of the agents whose claims are at


most tand each of the agents whose claim is larger than t claims t plus

a subinterval of t E these subintervals do not overlap and together they


c t E t As easily cover t E therefore t satises


fiN c tg


veried the rule so dened generates Ibn Ezras numb ers in the example he

considers nesting applies Also in the twoclaimant case it coincides with


We will close our inventory by presenting several families of rules These

families tie together several of the rules that we have listed but they are

innite families The rst family called the ICI family for Increasing

ConstantIncreasing an expression reecting the evolution of each claimants

award as a function of the amount to divide can be seen as generalizing

the Talmud rule The only dierence is that the points at which agents

temp orarily stop receiving additional units and the p oints at which they are

invited back in are allowed to dep end on the claims vector Otherwise

agents leave and come back in the same order as for the Talmud rule and

any two agents who are present receive equal shares of any increment


Here is the formal denition Thomson Let G be the family of


where n jN j of realvalued functions of the claims lists G fE F g

k k



vector satisfying for each c R the following relations which we call the

ICI relations These relations are imp osed to guarantee that at the end of


the pro cess just describ ed each agent is fully comp ensated Let C c


E c C F c



n n

E cE c F cF c


c c

n n

E cE c F cF c

k k  k  k

c c

k k

nk nk

F c E c

n n

c c

n n



ICI rule relative to G fE F g G R For each c R the

k k


ONeill denes another metho d of random claims as follows agents randomly

make claims on sp ecic parts of the estate the total amount claimed byeachagent b eing

equal to his claim for each part of the estate equal division prevails among all agents

claiming it Unfortunately this metho d may not attribute the whole estate it is not

ecient as formally dened b elow Moreover when claims are compatible it need not

award to eachagentanamount equal to his claim In order to recover eciency ONeill

suggests taking the amounts awarded by the metho d as a starting p oint and applying the

metho d again to distribute the remainder Then an agentmay get more than his claim

To remedy this problem adjust down each agents claim by what he receives initially

Rep eat the pro cess and take the limit


awards vector is given as the amount available E varies from to c as


follows As E increases from to E c equal division prevails as it increases

from E ctoE c claimant s award remains constant and equal division

of each additional unit prevails among the other claimants As E increases

from E c to E c claimants and s awards remain constant and equal

division of each additional unit prevails among the other claimants and so

on This pro cess go es on until E reaches E c The next units go to


claimant n until E reaches F c at which point equal division of each


additional unit prevails b etween claimants n and n This go es on until E

reaches F c at which p oint equal division of each additional unit prevails


between claimants n through n The pro cess continues until E reaches

F c at which p oint claimant reenters the scene and equal division of

each additional unit prevails among all claimants

The constrained equal awards constrained equal losses Talmud and min

imal overlap rules b elong to the family A subfamily of the ICI family is

obtained by cho osing and having the k th agent as determined by

the order of claims drop out when his award reaches the fraction of his

claim and having him return when his loss reaches the fraction of

his claim MorenoTernero and Villar The constrained equal awards

rule is obtained for the constrained equal awards rule for and

the Talmud rule for

A reverse family of the ICI family can b e dened in which the order in

whichagents are handled is reversed The pro cess starts with the agent with

the largest claim and the remaining agents arrive in the order of decreasing

claims The agent with the smallest claim stays until he is fully reimbursed

and agents drop out in the order of increasing claims until each of them is

fully comp ensated Thomson As a function of the amounttodivide

each agents award is constant in some initial interval then increases then

is constant again As for the ICI family any two agents who are present

receive equal shares of any increment This CIC family for Constant

IncreasingConstant contains the constrained equal awards and constrained

equal losses rules

Eachmemb er of the third family Young a is indexed by a function

f R a b R where a b that is continuous nowhere

decreasing in its second argument and such that for eachc R f c a

and f cb c Let be the family of these functions They can be

interpreted as measuring how much each agent should receive in order to






f c

c c

f c


f c

f c

a b a b c


a b

Figure Parametric representations of two rules a Prop ortional rule

the schedules dened over the interval are segments through the origin of

slop es equal to claims b Talmud rule we assume for simplicity that there is

a maximal value that a claim can take c Then the schedule relative to a


typical claim c dened over the interval c follows the line up to the


c c

continues horizontally until it meets the line of slop e  emanating point

from c then again follows a line of slop e


exp erience a certain welfare if his claim has a certain value The resource is

then divided so as to ensure that all agents exp erience equal welfares


Parametric rules of representation f R For each N N and

N f

each c E C R c E is the awards vector x such that there exists

a b for which for each i N x f c

i i

Many rules belong to the family the prop ortional constrained equal

awards constrained equal losses Piniles Talmud and constrained egalitarian

rules are memb ers Figures a and b give parametric representations of the

prop ortional and Talmud rules the latter in the case where an upp er b ound

on claims exists c


In the context of taxation the following parametric rules have also b een

discussed for Stuarts rule x maxfc c g and for Cassels rule

i i




x for




This assumption restricts somewhat the scop e of the rule but it p ermits a very simple

piecewise linear representation Chun Schummer and Thomson See Young

a for a representation without the upp er b ound

Relating division rules and solution con

cepts of the theory of co op erative games

In this section we exhibit interesting relations b etween certain division rules

and various solution concepts of the theory of co op erative games For this

theory to be applicable we need rst to dene a formal way of asso ciating

with each claims problem a co op erative game Two main classes of such

games have b een studied bargaining games and coalitional games and ac

cordinglywe establish two kinds of relations

Bargaining solutions


A bargaining game is a pair B d where B is a subset of R the n

dimensional Euclidean space and d is a p ointof B The set B thefeasible

set consists of all utility vectors attainable by the group N by unanimous

agreement and d the disagreement point is the utility vector that re

sults if they fail to reach an agreement A bargaining solution is a func

tion dened on a class of bargaining games that asso ciates with each game

in the class a unique point in the feasible set of the game The following

are imp ortant examples The egalitarian solution Kalai selects

the maximal p oint of B at which the utility gains from d are equal The

lexicographic egalitarian solution Imai selects the point of B

at which these gains are maximal in the lexicographic maximin order

The KalaiSmorodinsky solution Kalai and Smoro dinsky selects

the maximal p oint of B on the segment connecting d to the ideal point of

B d the point whose ith co ordinate is the maximal utility agent i can

obtain sub ject to the condition that all other agents receive at least their

utilities at d The Nash solution Nash selects the point maximiz

ing the pro duct of utility gains from d among all p oints of B dominating d


Given a vector of weights int where denotes the unit simplex


in R and int its interior the weighted Nash solution with weights


selects the p oint of B at which the pro duct x d is maximized

i i

among all p oints of B dominating d The extended equal losses solu


Given x y R letx designate the vector obtained from x by rewriting its co ordi

nates in increasing order y b eing similarly dened Wesaythatx is greater than y in

the lexicographic maximin order if either x y or x y and x y or more


generally for some k n x y x y and x y

k k k k

x x




c a



y a

x c




B c E

B c E

d d

x x E

b a


y CEAc E N B c E dE B c E d

t c

z P c E K B c E dN B c E d


v CEL c E XELB c E d

Figure Claims problems and their associated bargaining games Key


for bargaining solutions N Nash solution K KalaiSmoro dinsky solution E


lexicographic egalitarian solution N weighted Nash solution with weights c

XEL extended equal losses solution The shaded region B c E represents the


set of vectors x  R such that x  E and that are dominated by the claims


vector The region is taken as the feasible set of the bargaining game B c E d

asso ciated with c E The egalitarian bargaining solution selects the maximal

point of B c E d of equal co ordinates At such a point x the whole estate

need not be divided as shown in panel a In the twoagent case the extended

equal losses bargaining solution simply selects the maximal p oint of B c E d

at which losses from the ideal point of B c E d the p oint a are equal the

point v

tion Bossert in a contribution building on the equal losses solution

of Chun b selects the maximal p ointatwhich the losses from the ideal

point of all agents whose utility gains are equal except that any agent who

would exp erience a negative gain is assigned his disagreement utility instead

The most natural way to asso ciate a bargaining game with a claims prob

lem is to take as feasible set the set of all nonnegative vectors dominated

by the claims vector and whose co ordinates do not add up to more than

the amount available and to cho ose the origin as disagreement point This

makes sense since we require that a rule should never assign to any agent

more than his claim However a rule that satises this requirement could

be resp onsive to changes in claims that do not aect the asso ciated bar

gaining game as just dened the prop ortional rule is an example and

one could argue that to o much information is lost in the passage from

claims problems to bargaining games Summarizing given a claims problem


its associated bargaining game is the game with feasible set c E C



B c E fx R x E x cg and with disagreement p oint


d Note that d do es not dep end on c E

This denition is illustrated in Figure for two examples For the rst

example the vector of equal awards do es not b elong to the undominated

b oundary of the feasible set but for the second it do es

In bargaining theory the feasible set is allowed to b e an arbitrary compact

and convex set but here we have the sp ecial case of a feasible set whose

ecient b oundary is a subset of a plane normal to a vector of ones An

extension of the mo del accommo dating more general shap es is discussed in


If for each claims problem the recommendation made by a given rule

coincides with the recommendation made by a given bargaining solution when

applied to the asso ciated bargaining game the rule corresponds to the

solution Our rst prop osition describ es a number of such corresp ondences

Theorem The fol lowing correspondences between division rules and bar

gaining solutions hold

The constrained equal awards rule and the Nash bargaining solution

Dagan and Volij

The constrained equal awards rule and the lexicographic egalitarian so


The proportional rule and the weighted Nash solution with the weights

chosen equal to the claims Dagan and Volij

The truncatedclaims proportional rule and the KalaiSmorodinsky so

lution Dagan and Volij

The truncatedclaims constrained equal losses rule obtained from the

constrained equal losses rule by truncating claims by the amount to

divide and the extended equal losses bargaining solution

An alternative sp ecication of the disagreement p oint is p ossible that do es namely

the vector of minimal rights Dagan and Volij

Dagan and Volij also show that the adjusted prop ortional rule corresp onds to

the KalaiSmoro dinsky solution applied to the problem in which the disagreementpoint

is set equal to the vector of minimal rights instead of the origin

The recommendations made by various division rules and the bargaining

solutions to which they corresp ond are indicated in Figure for two examples

Although Theorem establishes useful links between the theory of the

resolution of conicting claims and the theory of bargaining one should p er

haps not attachtoomuch imp ortance to any particular one of them Indeed

since the bargaining games asso ciated with claims problems constitute a very

narrow sub class of the class of bargaining games traditionally studied it fol

lows that bargaining solutions that in general give dierent payo vectors

often coincide on this sub class This phenomenon is illustrated by the fact

that the constrained equal awards rule corresp onds to b oth the Nash solution

and the lexicographic egalitarian solution

Another conversion of claims problems into bargaining games is p ossible

however in which the claims point remains as separate data The relevant

concept is then the generalization of the notion of a bargaining game obtained

by adding a claims point Chun and Thomson study these problems

under the name of bargaining problems with claims See Subsection for

further discussion Then the prop ortional rule corresp onds to the solution

also called prop ortional in that theory

Solutions to coalitional games

Wenow turn to the richer class of coalitional games Such games are formal

representations of situations in which all groups or coalitions and not just

the group of the whole can achieve something Formally a transferable

jN j

utility coalitional game is a vector v v S R where for


each coalition S N v S R is the worth of S This number is

interpreted as what the coalition can obtain on its ownorcanguarantee

itself A solution is a mapping that asso ciates with each such game v a


payo vectorapointin R whose co ordinates add up to v N a prop erty

we will also refer to as eciency

In order to b e able to apply the solutions discussed in the theory of coali

tional games we need a pro cedure for asso ciating with each claims problem

The reader maywonder why a solution that is scale invariant invariant with resp ect

to p ositive linear transformations indep endentagentby agent of their utilities suchas

the Nash solution coincides with a solution that involves utility comparisons suchasthe

lexicographic egalitarian solution The answer is simply that the sub class of bargaining

games asso ciated with claims problems is not rich enough for scale transformations in

which the scale co ecients dier b etween agents to ever b e applicable

such a game The most common one is to set the worth of each coalition

S equal to the dierence between the amount available and the sum of the

claims of the memb ers of the complementary coalition N n S if this dif

ference is nonnegative and otherwise Using terminology intro duced ear

lier the dierence can be understo o d as what the complementary coalition

concedes to S It is certainly what S can secure without going to court


Formally given a claims problem c E C its associated coalitional

jN j

game ONeill is the game v c E R dened by setting for


c g each S N v c E S maxfE


N nS

Note that our denition is in agreement with the standard manner in

which TU games are constructed to represent conicts If the worth of a

coalition is interpreted instead as the amount the coalition can exp ect to

receive the denition is somewhat p essimistic However the bias being

systematic across coalitions we might still feel that the resulting game ap

propriately summarizes the situation

The game v c E is convex Aumann and Maschler Therefore

its is nonempty In fact this set is simply the set of awards vectors



of c E recall that these are the vectors x R such that x E and


x c

If for each claims problem the recommendation made by a given division

rule coincides with the recommendation made by a given solution to coali

tional games when applied to the asso ciated coalitional game once again

we say that the rule corresponds to the solution Just as we saw for

bargaining solutions a numb er of corresp ondences exist b etween the division

rules intro duced in Section and solutions to coalitional games

In the twoclaimant case for each i N v fig is equal to E c where


j i if this dierence is nonnegative and otherwise the worth of the

grand coalition is equal to E Dividing equally the amount that remains when

A coalitional game is a p oint in a space of considerably greater dimension than a

claims problem One could argue that the passage from claims problems to coalitional

games involves a cumb ersome increase in dimensionality

This means that the contribution of a player to any coalition is at least as large as his

contribution to any sub coalition of it

This is the set of ecientpayo vectors such that each coalition receives at least its

jN j


worth more precisely the core of v R is the set of payo vectors x R such


that x v N and for each S N x v S

i i


What we called the minimal right of a claimantissimplytheworth of the coalition

consisting only of that claimant

each claimant i is rst paid v fig is what virtually all solutions to coalitional

games that are commonly discussed recommend It also corresp onds to the

recommendation made by concedeanddivide


x maxfE c g E maxfE c g

i j k

The rst corresp ondence we describ e for the nclaimant case involves

the random arrival rule and the solution to coalitional games intro duced

by Shapley Most convenient here is the random arrival denition

of this solution The of player i N in the game

jN j


v R is the exp ected amountby which his arrival changes the worth

of the coalition consisting of all the players who have arrived b efore him

assuming all orders of arrival to be equally likely with the convention that


the worth of the empty set is Recall that is the class of bijections

jN j

from N into itself Then for each v R and each i N Sh v



v fj N j ig i v fj N j ig


jN j

Another imp ortant solution to coalition games is the prenucleolus

Schmeidler First dene the dissatisfaction of a coalition at a pro

p osed payo vector to be the dierence between its worth and the sum of

the payos to its memb ers Then the prenucleolus is obtained by p erforming

the following sequence of minimizations rst identify the ecient vectors

at which the dissatisfaction of the most dissatised coalition is the smallest

among the minimizers identify the vectors at which the dissatisfaction of the

second most dissatised coalition is the smallest and so on

The DuttaRay solution selects for eachconvex game the payo vector

in the core that is Lorenzmaximal Dutta and Ray

Finally consider the value Tijs It is dened by rst calcu

lating a maximal payo and a minimal payo for each player then it

ONeill discusses a metho d of stepbystep adjustments of particular historical

signicance under the name of recursive completion that pro duces the Shapley value

On the sub class of convex games the prenucleolus coincides with the nucleolus and

more interestingly as this solution is usually multivalued with the kernel

Given x we denote by x the vector obtained from x by rewriting its co ordinates in



increasing order Given x and y R with x y wesay that x is greater than

i i

y in the Lorenz ordering ifx y andx x y y andx x x y y y


and with at least one strict inequality

cho oses the ecientpayo vector that lies on the segment connecting the vec

jN j

tor of minima to the vector of maxima For each v R and each i N


M v v N v N nfig and m v max v S M v

i i S NiS j

j S nfig

Then v M v mv where is chosen so as to obtain e


The next theorem links four of the division rules intro duced earlier to

solutions to coalitional games

Theorem The fol lowing correspondences between division rules and solu

tions to coalitional games hold

The random arrival rule and the Shapley value ONeil l

The Talmud rule and the prenucleolus Aumann and Maschler

The constrained equal awards rule and the DuttaRay solution Dutta

and Ray

The adjusted proportional rule and the value Curiel Maschler and


Of course not every division rule corresp onds to some solution to coali

tional games A necessary and sucient condition for such a corresp ondence

to exist is that the rule dep ends only on the truncated claims and the amount

available Curiel Maschler and Tijs

We close this section by noting that other ways of asso ciating a coalitional

game to a claims problem are conceivable Indeed recall that our earlier def

inition reects a rather p essimistic assessment of what a coalition can exp ect

An alternative assessment this time optimistic of the situation leads to the


formula w c E S minf c Eg for each S N The resulting game



w c E is studied by Driessen Here to o in spite of the bias of the

denition the fact that it is systematic across coalitions gives us the hop e

that the game still provides a useful summary of the situation Driessens

results should reassure us with resp ect to the sensitivity of our conclusions

For a convex game v M v dominates mv

R Lee and Benot give alternative pro ofs of this result

This means that R c E can b e written as R min fc Eg E for some function R

i iN

to how the game is sp ecied the core of v c E actually coincides with the

anticore of w c E and their Shapley values and nucleoli coincide

Prop erties of rules the xedp opulation


In this section and the next we formulate prop erties of rules and examine

how p ermissive or restrictive they are We start with the ones we consider

the most natural We continue with prop erties that one may or may not

want to imp ose dep ending up on the range of situations to be covered and

up on the legal or informational constraints that have to b e resp ected

Basic prop erties

Feasibility is simply the requirement that for each problem the sum of the

awards should not exceed the amountavailable and eciency the require

ment that the entire amountavailable should b e allo cated For convenience

wehave incorp orated eciency in the denition of a rule It is obvious that

we cannot distribute more than there is but conceivablywe could distribute

less and if this allowed recovering other prop erties of interest be willing to

consider the p ossibility Nevertheless we will insist on equality here as this

entails no loss



This is the set of vectors x R such that x v N and for each S N



x w c E S In fact Driessen shows that the two games v and w are duals



of each other in a formal sense

A third formulation providing a compromise b etween the p essimistic and optimistic

outlo oks leading to v c E andw c E resp ectively simply consists in taking the average

v cE w cE

The analysis of the resulting game remains to b e carried out although it is

easy to see that in the twoclaimant case its core is a singleton and this singleton coincides

with the recommendation made by concedeanddivide Finally ONeill suggests

having each coalition and its complementplayatwoplayer strategic game of p ositioning

of claims as describ ed in Section b elow and denes the worth of a coalition as what it

receives at the essentially unique of the game see Theorem

It may seem that we should never allo cate less than is available but in other settings

this option has proved extremely useful In the context of public go o d decision for ex

ample the socalled ClarkeGroves mechanism succeeds in eliciting truthful information

ab out agents preferences only b ecause it fails budget balance Recall the cost allo cation

interpretation of our mo del

Next are two requirements placing bounds on awards Both are very

natural and wehave also incorp orated them in the denition of a rule Non

negativity gives a lower b ound each claimant should receive a nonnegative

amount Claims boundedness gives an upp er bound each agent should

receive at most his claim

Another lower b ound requirement is that each claimant should receiveat

least the dierence b etween the amountavailable and the sum of the claims of

the other claimants if this dierence is nonnegative and otherwise Recall

that this quantity the claimants minimal right app ears in the denition

of the adjusted prop ortional rule


Resp ect of minimal rights For each c E C and each i N


R c E maxfE c g

i j

N nfig

Respect of minimal rights is a consequence of eciency nonnegativity

and claims boundedness together

Fully comp ensating agents with small claims is of course relatively easier

and in some circumstances it is tempting to do so rst Which criterion

one should adopt to decide how small a claim should be to deserve this

preferential treatment is a matter of judgment however One interesting

critical value of a claim is obtained by substituting it for the claim of any

other agent whose claim is higher and checking whether there would then b e

enough to comp ensate everyone A plausible requirement is that if yes the

agent holding this claim should be fully comp ensated Herrero and Villar

b they use the term sustainability Of all of the rules that we have

seen only the constrained equal awards rule satises the requirement


Conditional full comp ensation For each c E C and each i N if


minfc c g E then R c E c

j i i i

j N

An alternativechoice for a critical value of a claim b elowwhich full com


p ensation could b e required is simply


Symmetrically one could adopt the viewp oint that if a claim is to o small

one should not bother assigning anything to its owner In the context of

bankruptcy for example the ob jectivewould b e to give prioritytoagents who

have risked relatively greater amounts In the context of taxation exempting

Using the language of the theory of co op erative games this prop erty could b e called

individual rationality

agents with lower incomes is a feature of almost all realworld tax laws We

refer to this prop erty as conditional nul l compensation Herrero and

Villar b they use the expression indep endence of residual claims

Next we require that the awards to agents whose claims are equal should

be equal


Equal treatment of equals For each c E C and each fi j gN if

c c then R c E R c E

i j i j

The requirement is not always justied and in fact it is often violated in

practice In actual bankruptcy pro ceedings for example some claims often

have higher priority than others Toallow dierential treatment of otherwise

identical agents we can enrich the mo del and explicitly intro duce priority

parameters A claims problem with priorities is a list c E where


c E C and is a complete and transitive binary relation on N Given

i N the equivalence class containing i is his priority class two agents

in the same priority class are treated dierently only to the extent that

their claims dier but agents in dierent priority classes are usually treated

dierently even though their claims are equal Priorities classes are handled

in succession nothing b eing assigned to any class b efore the claims of all

members of the higher classes are fully satised

All rules can be adapted to accommo date priorities To illustrate and

taking the prop ortional rule as p oint of departure we would make awards

prop ortional to claims within each priority class In fact this is commonly

done Aggarwal

Alternatively and somewhat more exibly we could dene a claims


problem with weights to be a list c E where c E C and


int is a point in the interior of the unit simplex of R indicating

what could be called the relative priorities as opp osed to the absolute

priorities of the previous paragraph that should be given to agents Most

rules can easily be adapted to this setting to o For instance to obtain a

weighted version of the prop ortional rule make awards prop ortional to the

vector of weighted claims sub ject to no one receiving more than his claim

For a weighted version of the constrained equal awards rule p erform the

division prop ortionally to the claimants weights sub ject to no one receiving

more than his claim For a weighted version of concedeanddivide calculate

the concessions as in the initial denition but in the second stage p erform

the division prop ortionally to the claimants weights

Priorities and weights can b e combined Divide agents into priority classes

to be handled in succession within each class use weights to deect the

awards vector in the desired direction

A strengthening of equal treatment of equals is the requirement that the

identity of agents should not matter The chosen awards vector should de


pend only on the list of claims not on who holds them Recall that

denotes the class of bijections from N into itself


Anonymity For each c E C each and each i N

R c E R c E

iN i

i i

Another strengthening is the requirement that the rule should resp ect the

ordering of claims if agent is claim is at least as large as agent j s claim

he should receive at least as much as agent j do es moreover the dierences

calculated agentby agent between claims and awards should b e ordered as

the claims are This prop erty app ears in Aumann and Maschler


Order preservation For each c E C and each fi j gN if c c

i j

then R c E R c E Also c R c E c R c E

i j i i j j

All of the rules of Section satisfy this prop erty but few satisfy strict

order preservation the requirement that if in addition agent is claim is

greater than agent j s claim and E he should receive more equality is

not p ermitted any more a parallel statement b eing made ab out losses

Group order preservation go es beyond order preservation by apply

ing the idea to groups if the sum of the claims of the members of some

group is at least as large as the sum of the claims of the members of some

other group then the sums of the awards to the memb ers of the two groups

should b e related in a similar way Thomson a parallel statementbe

ing made ab out losses For each problem the set of awards vectors satisfying

these inequalities is a p olygonal region it is nonempty as the prop ortional

awards vector always b elongs to it Therefore rules satisfying group order

preservation are easily dened it suces to select from the set Equal

treatment of equal groups the counterpart for groups of equal treatment

NC Lee discusses a weighted version of the constrained equal awards rule

Some authors only imp ose the rst part

of equals says that two groups with equal aggregate claims should receive

equal aggregate awards

Next is the requirement that claimants with greater claims should receive

prop ortionately at most as much


Regressivity For each c E C and each fi j g N if c c

i j

R cE

R cE




c c

i j

In the context of taxation it is mainly the reverse inequality that has

been imp osed Underlying it is the desire to imp ose equal sacrices on all

agents under the assumption that they have concave and identical utility



Progressivity For each c E C and each fi j g N if c c

i j

R cE

R cE




c c

i j

Monotonicity requirements

We turn to monotonicity requirements Such requirements have played an

imp ortant role in the analysis of other domains and they often have strong

implications Sometimes they are even incompatible with very elementary

requirements of eciency and fairness in distribution In the presentcontext

they are quite weak however

First is the requirement that if an agents claim increases he should

receive at least as much as he did initially


Claims monotonicity For eachc E C each i N and each c c



we have R c c E R c E

i i i


Under the same hyp otheses wemightwant each of the other claimants to


receiveatmostasmuch as he did initially For eachc E C each i N

and each c c we have R c c E R c E Together with

i N nfig i N nfig

i i

eciency this requirement implies the previous one Claims monotonicity

and even this stronger version are met very generally

By the notation c we mean the vector c from which the ith co ordinate has been



In the study of allo cation in classical economies requirements of this typ e fo cusing

on endowments haveplayed an imp ortant role Thomson

A requirement adapted from the international trade literature is that if

an agent transfers part or all of his claim to some other agent he should

receive at most as much as he did initially Chun a


No transfer paradox For eachc E C each i N and each c R


if c c and c c then R c E R c E

i j i i

i j

Alternatively we could fo cus on a claim transfer from one agent to a

sp ecic other agent and require not only that the former should receive at

most as much as he did initially but also that the latter should receive at

least as much as he did initially This requirement is also easily satised

The next requirement is that if the amount to divide increases each

claimant should receive at leastasmuch as he did initially


Resource monotonicity For each c E C and each E R if


c E E then R c E  R c E


Most of the rules that have b een considered in the literature and all of the

rules we have formally dened satisfy resource monotonicity However the

stricter condition obtained by requiring that under the same hyp otheses the

inequalities app earing in the conclusion should b e strict when p ossible that

is if E and for each claimant whose claim is p ositive is not satised

by most of them A conditional version of this stricter prop erty obtained

by adding the strict inequality only for each claimant whose initial award

is neither nor equal to his claim this eliminates corner situations is

satised more generally Similar comments apply to the conditions describ ed


The nal requirement in this section is that if the amount to divide in

creases of twoagents the one with the greater claim should receive a greater

share of the increment than the other Dagan Serrano and Volij


Sup ermo dularity For each c E C each E R and each pair


fi j g N if c E E and c c then R c E R c E

i i j i i

R c E R c E

j j

The prop ertyis considered by several authors including Curiel Maschler and Tijs

and Young

Apart from the constrained egalitarian rule all of the rules that we have

seen satisfy this prop erty Here to o a strict version can be formulated but

it is rarely met A supermodular rule satises the rst part of order preser

vation but may violate the second part as well as resource monotonicity

As their names indicate both the constrained equal awards and con

strained egalitarian rules are intended to achieve an ob jective of equality

sub ject to constraints and in fact the two rules can b e characterized as b est

in that resp ect diering only in the sp ecication of these constraints For

the former the only constraints are those imp osed on rules that they should

select ecient vectors b ounded below by and ab ove by the claims vector

For the latter the additional constraint is imp osed that if the amountavail

able is equal to the halfsum of the claims each agent should receive half

of his claimlet us refer to this prop erty as the midpoint property and

resource monotonicity The imp ortance in the Talmud of the midp ointas a

psychological watershed is do cumented by Aumann and Maschler

Theorem Schummer and Thomson a The constrained equal

awards rule is the only rule such that for each problem the gap between

the smal lest amount any claimant receives and the largest such amount is

the smal lest

b It is also the only rule such that for each problem the varianceofthe

amounts received by al l the claimants is the smal lest

For the constrained egalitarian rule a parallel statement holds for gap

minimization in the twoclaimant case and for variance minimization in the

general case sub ject to the midpoint property and resource monotonicity

Chun Schummer and Thomson

Indep endence additivity and related prop erties

In this section we consider prop erties of indep endence of rules with resp ect

to certain op erations p erformed on the data of the problem

The rst requirement is that if claims and amountavailable are multiplied

by the same p ositive number then so should all awards It is not always

natural however to treat in a similar way situations in which amountavailable

and claims are small and situations in which these variables are large For

instance in situations in which it is felt that each agent should b e guaranteed

a minimal amount if p ossible this requirement is not reasonable Similarly

in the context of taxation one may want to exempt agents whose income is

below some threshold


Homogeneity For each c E C and each R c E

R c E

The next requirement is that the part of a claim that is ab ove the amount

to divide should be ignored Since this part cannot be reimbursed anyway

replacing c by E for each i N such that c E should not aect the

i i

chosen awards vector


Invariance under claims truncation For each c E C R c E

R minfc Eg E

i iN

This prop erty is satised by the constrained equal awards minimal over

lap random arrival and Talmud rules but not by the prop ortional or con

strained equal losses rules If we feel strongly that invariance under claims

truncation should be imp osed we could of course redene the domain and

only consider problems in which no claim is greater than the amount to di


vide Alternatively we could limit attention to lists c E R

where for each i N c is interpreted as the percentage of the amount to


divide claimed by agent i This restriction might b e particularly meaningful

in the context of estate division think of contradictory wills each of which

sp ecies the p ercentage of the estate that some heir should receive

Next we require that the awards vector should equivalently b e obtainable

i directly or ii by rst assigning to each agent his minimal right adjusting

claims down by these amounts and nally applying the rule to divide the


However as argued byYoung the problem could then b e redened as p ertain

ing to the division of whatever surplus exists after such thresholds have b een reached

Note that the problem app earing in the prop ertyiswelldened The prop ertyisfound

in Dagan and Volij By analogy to the prop erty studied in bargaining theory these

authors call it indep endence of irrelevant claims We prefer the more neutral expression

of invariance under claims truncation since it can b e argued that the part of an agents

claim that is ab ove the amountavailable is not irrelevant

ONeill calls these problems simple claims problems


Minimal rights rst For each c E C R c E mc E R c


mc E E m c E


This prop erty is satised by the constrained equal losses random arrival

and Talmud rules but not by the prop ortional constrained equal awards or

minimal overlap rules these facts are discussed by Thomson and Yeh

Now consider the following situation after having divided the liquidation

value of a rm among its creditors its assets are reevaluated and found to

be worth less than initially thought p erhaps their market value has changed

in the meantime or certain assets are found to b e inaccessible To deal with

the new situation two options are available i we cancel the initial division

and apply the rule to the revised problem or ii we consider the initial

awards as claims on the revised value and apply the rule to the problem so

dened Our next requirement isthatbothways of pro ceeding should result

in the same awards vectors Moulin


Comp osition down For each c E C and each E E we have

R c E R R c E E

Composition down is satised by the prop ortional constrained equal

awards and constrained equal losses rules but not by the random arrival

Talmud or minimal overlap rules

The opp osite p ossibility is just as plausible namely that after having

divided the liquidation value of a bankrupt rm among its creditors its

assets are reevaluated but this time they are found to be worth more than

originally thought Here we have two parallel options i we cancel the

initial division and apply the rule to the revised problem or ii we let agents

keep their initial awards adjust claims down by these amounts and reapply

the rule to divide the incremental worth The requirement formulated next

is that b oth ways of pro ceeding should result in the same awards vectors

Young It is in the spirit of minimal rights rst but there is no

logical relation b etween the two the constrained equal awards rule satises


This problem is welldened since for each c mc E E m c E and



c m c E E m c E The prop ertyisintro duced by Curiel Maschler and

i i i

Tijs under the name of the minimal rights prop erty Dagan refers to it

as v separability

A prop ertyofstep by step negotiation in the same spirit is analyzed in the context of

bargaining by Kalai

composition up but not minimal rights rst whereas the opp osite holds for

the random arrival rule



Comp osition up For each c E C and each E R if c E


E then R c E R c E R c R c E E E

This prop erty is satised or violated by the same examples we gave for

composition down but the two comp osition prop erties are not logically re


The next requirement is that no group of agents should receive more by

transferring claims among themselves Chun a


No advantageous transfer For each c E C each M N



and each c R if c c then R c E

iM i i

i i



R c c E

i iM N nM



Obviously in the presence of eciency which is incorp orated in our

denition of a rule this prop erty is vacuously satised for jN j Of our

main rules only the prop ortional rule passes this test

We continue with a somewhat more technical requirement the awards

vector should be a linear function of the amounttodivide



Resource linearity For each c E C each E such that c E


and each wehave R c E E R c E R c E

The prop ortional rule is the only one of our main rules to satisfy the

prop erty

The next requirement p ertains to situations in which the amount to divide

comes in two parts It states that dividing the rst part rst and then dividing

the second part no adjustment in claims b eing made should yield the same

awards vector as consolidating the two parts and dividing the sum at once

The problem app earing in this expression is a welldened problem since we only

consider solutions satisfying nonnegativity and claims boundedness

A prop erty of this typ e is considered by Gale and Aumann and Peleg

in the context of allo cation in classical exchange economies and by Moulin in the

context of quasilinear so cial choice

By the notation c c we mean the vector in which the claim of each i M


N nM


and the claim of each i N nM is c is c



The implications of this prop erty are studied by Chun a It is most

app ealing in situations in whichthevector c is given a broader interpretation

than a vector of claims as understo o d so far but instead represents rights

that are not commensurable with what is to be divided Then the fact

that a rst amount has already been allo cated cannot be very meaningfully

accompanied by an adjustment in claims when the second amount b ecomes



Resource additivity For each c E C and each pair fE E g of ele

ments of R if E E E then R c E R c E R c E

The prop ortional rule satises the prop erty A stronger version is ob

tained by dropping the hyp othesis of equal claims vectors No rule satises

it but if nonnegativity is dropp ed then it can be met

The next requirement is sometimes needed for technical reasons but it

makes much intuitive sense and it is satised by all of the rules that have

been considered in the literature simply small changes in the data of the

problem should not lead to large changes in the chosen awards vector


Continuity For each sequence fc E g of elements of C and each


c E C if c E converges to c E then R c E converges to

R c E

Partial notions of continuity with resp ect to the amount to divide or with

resp ect to each agents claim separately can also b e formulated

Our last requirement for the xedp opulation version of the mo del is that

the problem of dividing what is available and the problem of dividing what

is missing should be treated symmetrically The prop erty is formulated by

Aumann and Maschler who note several passages in the Talmud

where the idea is implicit



Selfduality For each c E C R c E c R c c E



Then of course the inequality c E has no meaning and it makes sense to enlarge


the class of problems under consideration by dropping it

The problem app earing in this prop erty is welldened since we only consider rules

satisfying claims boundedness

Many rules are selfdual including the prop ortional Talmud and ad

justed prop ortional rules

An op eration asso ciating to each rule its dual can b e dened as follows


Given R the dual of R selects for each problem c E C the awards


vector c R c c E the righthand side of the formula app earing in


the statement of selfduality It is clear that the constrained equal awards

and constrained equal losses rules are dual Tosay thataruleisselfdual is

to say that it coincides with its dual

Now two properties are dual of each other if whenever a rule sat

ises one of them its dual satises the other Composition down and compo

sition up are dual Moulin So are invariance under claims truncation

and minimal rights rst Herrero and Villar a Dagan proves a

related result and conditional ful l compensation and conditional nul l com

pensation Herrero and Villar b A prop erty is selfdual if whenever

a rule satises the prop erty so do es its dual Many prop erties are selfdual

examples b eing equal treatment of equals resource monotonicity and conti

nuity The duality notion leads us to the formulation of new prop erties For

instance the dual of claims monotonicity says that if an agents claim

and the amount to divide increase by the same amount the agents award

should increase by at most that amount Thomson and Yeh

The duality notion is useful for another reason it allows us to derive from

each characterization of a rule a characterization of the dual rule by simply

replacing each prop erty by its dual Herrero and Villar a and Moulin

exploit this fact The same comment applies to characterizations of a

family of rules Here the dual result is a characterization of the dual family

The theorems stated b elow includeanumber of such pairs

We continue with a list of characterizations based on the prop erties we

have dened Mostly they are group ed according to which solution comes

out of the axioms

Theorem The constrained equal awards rule is the only rule satisfying

Aumann and Maschler observethattheTalmud rule is the only selfdual rule

that coincides with the constrained equal awards rule on the sub domain of problems c E




suchthat E provided the halfclaims are used instead of the claims themselves

Aumann and Maschler More generally consider a rule dened for each claims

vector and for each amount to divide running from to the halfsum of the claims If for

the halfsum of the claims it selects the halfclaims vector then it has a unique selfdual

extension to all values of the resource

a equal treatment of equals invariance under claims truncation and

comp osition up Dagan

b conditional full comp ensation and comp osition down Herrero and

Vil lar b

c conditional full comp ensation and claims monotonicityYeh a

Dual characterizations of the constrained equal losses rules follow

Theorem The constrained equal losses rule is the only rule satisfying

a equal treatment of equals minimal rights rstand comp osition down

Herrero a

b conditional null comp ensation and comp osition up Herrero and Vil

lar b

c conditional null comp ensation and the dual of claims monotonicity

Yeh a

The next two theorems p ertain to the twoclaimant case

Theorem Dagan For jN j Concedeanddivide is the only

rule satisfying

a invariance under claims truncation and selfduality

b minimal rights rst and selfduality

c equal treatment of equals invariance under claims truncation and

minimal rights rst

Our next characterization which also p ertains to the twoclaimantcase

identies a family of twoclaimant rules that connect the prop ortional

constrained equal awards and constrained equal losses rules Moulin

Family D For jN j Awards space is partitioned into cones each non

degenerate cone is spanned by a homothetic family of piecewise linear curves

in two pieces one b eing a segment containing the origin and contained in

one of the b oundary rays of the cone the rst ray and the other a half

line parallel to the other b oundary ray the second ray Cones can be

degenerate that is can b e rays For each claims vector the path of awards of

the rule is obtained byidentifying the cone to which the claims vector b elongs

and the curve in the cone passing through it and taking the restriction of

the curve to the box from the origin to the claims vector

A simpleproofisgiven byYeh b

The family D is largenote in particular that many of its memb ers violate

symmetry requirements To obtain equal treatment of equals require the

line to b e a cone in the partition For anonymity require the partition to b e

symmetric with resp ect to the line and the designation of rays as rst

or second in each pair of symmetric cones to share this symmetry

Theorem Moulin For jN j The members of the family D

are the only rules satisfying homogeneity comp osition down and comp osi

tion up

Returning to the case of an arbitrary number of claimants we have the

following characterizations of the prop ortional rule

Theorem The proportional rule is the only rule satisfying

a selfduality and comp osition up Young

b selfduality and comp osition down

c for jN j no advantageous transfer Moulin Chun a

Ju and Miyagawa

d resource linearity Chun a

Op erators

The prop erties dened in the previous sections suggest the denition of op

erators on the space of rules Let R be a rule The claims truncation

op erator asso ciates with R the rule dened as follows for each problem rst

truncate claims and then apply R The attribution of minimal rights

op erator asso ciates with R the rule dened as follows for each problem

rst assign to each claimant his minimal right revise claims down by these

amounts and the amount to divide by their sum and now apply R to the

resulting problem We have already dened the duality op erator Finally

given a list of rules and a list of nonnegativeweights for them the convex

ity op erator gives the rule that asso ciates with each problem the weighted

average of the awards vectors chosen by these rules for the problem

A systematic analysis of these op erators is carried out by Thomson and

Yeh who establish the following structural prop erties b etween them

Part c involves neither continuity nor equal treatment of equals These prop erties

were included in early versions of the uniqueness part Moulins result p ertains to a

related class of problems

Theorem Thomson and Yeh

a If two rules are dual the version of one obtained by subjecting it

to the claims truncation operator and the version of the other obtained by

subjecting it to the attribution of minimal rights operators are dual

b The claims truncation and attribution of minimal rights operators

commute starting from any rule subjecting it to these two operators in

either order produces the same rule

b In the twoclaimant case starting from any rule satisfying equal

treatment of equals subjecting it to the two operators in either order pro

duces concedeanddivide

When a rule satises a prop ertyofinterest a natural question is whether

the rule obtained by sub jecting it to a certain op erator still do es The lists of

which prop erties are preserved by the four op erators and which are not are

drawn by Thomson and Yeh The duality op erator preserves many

prop erties an exception b eing claims monotonicity The claims truncation

and attribution of minimal rights op erators are much more disruptive They

are comparable in this resp ect an implication of the following theorem

Theorem A property is preserved under the claims truncation operator

if and only if its dual is preserved under the attribution of minimal right


Finally the convexity op erator preserves many prop erties Exceptions

are composition down and composition up

Prop erties of rules the variable

p opulation case

Wenow consider a framework in which the p opulation of claimants involved

may vary We allow problems with an arbitrary although nite number

of them Formally there is a set of p otential claimants indexed by the

natural numb ers N Let N be the class of nonempty nite subsets of N

A claims problem is dened by rst sp ecifying a set N N then a pair



c E R R such that c E We still denote the class of these




problems by C so that a rule is a function dened on the union of all of


the C s when N ranges over N which asso ciates with each N N and


each c E C an awards vector for c E

In all of the results presented in this section the axioms intro duced earlier

in the xedp opulation case are generalized in the obvious way to be appli

cable to variable p opulations Similarly when we refer to the prop ortional

rule say we mean the rule dened by applying the prop ortional formula for

each p opulation of claimants and each problem they may face

Population monotonicity

The monotonicity prop ertythatis relevant in the context of a variable p op

ulation is that if the p opulation of claimants enlarges but the amount to

divide stays the same each of the claimants initially present should receive

at most as much as initially

Population monotonicity For each pair fN N gN suchthatN N


and each c E C R c E R c E


Like all of the monotonicity prop erties formulated ab ove for the xed

p opulation case this prop erty is rather weak all of the rules that havebeen

studied in the literature satisfy it although here to o the stricter requirement

obtained by adding that if E the dierence in awards to any claimant

initially present and whose claim is positive should also be p ositive is con

siderably more restrictive A conditional version of it obtained by applying

it only to the agents whose initial awards are neither nor equal to their

claims is met much more generally

Replication invariance

Another requirement p ertaining to p opulation changes is replication in

variance if a problem is replicated k times the awards vector that is

chosen should be the k times replica of the awards vector chosen for the

problem sub ject to the replication Replicating economies is a standard way

in economic theory of gaining insight into situations where all agents are

small and have negligible impact on equilibrium variables

Many rules are replication invariant Examples of rules that fail the test

are the random arrival and minimal overlap rules However for them we

have the following limit result which essentially says that under sucient

The prop ertyisintro duced in the context of bargaining by Thomson For a

survey of the literature on populationmonotonicity see Thomson

replication these rules b ehave like the prop ortional and constrained equal

losses rules resp ectively

Theorem Chun and Thomson

a The random arrival awards vector of a replicatedproblem is the replica

of an awards vector of the problem subjected to the replication that as the

order of replication increases without bound converges to its proportional

awards vector

b For the minimal overlap rule a similar result holds with the limit

awards vector being the constrained equal losses awards vector

As we noted it is easy to construct rules satisfying equal treatment of

equal groups but when combined with replication invariance and the very

mild axiom of claims continuity this requirement is met by all standard

rulesonly the prop ortional rule remains admissible

Theorem Ching and Kakkar Chamb ers and Thomson The

proportional rule is the only rule satisfying equal treatment of equal groups

claims continuity and replication invariance

If equal treatment of equal groups is strengthened to group order preser

vation in addition to replication invariance another characterization of the

prop ortional rule obtains without any continuity prop erty being imp osed

Chamb ers and Thomson


Our next requirement expresses a certain kind of indep endence of rules with

resp ect to variations in p opulations Given a rule consider some problem

apply the rule to it and imagine some claimants leaving with their awards

The requirement is that when the situation is reevaluated from the viewp oint

of the remaining claimants the rule should award to each of them the same

amount as it did initially The problem faced by the remaining claimants

is dened in the following natural way their claims are unchanged and the

amount to divide is the dierence b etween the amount initially available and

the sum of the awards to the agents who left alternatively the sum of the

amounts intended for them the agents who stay It is called the reduced

problem relative to the subgroup and the initial recommendation

Note that since by denition rules satisfy claims boundedness the sum of

the claims of the remaining claimants is still at least as large as the amount

left for them so that the reduction pro duces a welldened claims problem

Consistency For each pair fN N g of elements of N such that N N



and each c E C ifx R c E then x R c x

N N i


Bilateral consistency is the weaker prop erty obtained by considering

only subgroups of two remaining agents add the proviso jN j

The next requirement p ertains to situations in which some agents claims

are equal to by denition of a rule they get nothing the requirement is

that deleting them leaves the amounts received by the others unaected

The prop ertyisaweak form of consistency It is analyzed by ONeill

and Chun a

Limited consistency For each pair fN N g of elements of N such that


N N and eachc E C if for each i N n N c then R c E

i N

R c E


Converse consistency says that given some problem and some awards

vector for the problem if this vector is such that for eachtwoclaimant sub

group of claimants its restriction to the subgroup would be chosen by the

rule for the reduced problem asso ciated with it then it should b e chosen for

the initial problem

Any rule satisfying equal treatment of equals and consistency is replication

invariant Interesting logical relations b etween consistency its converseand

various xedp opulation prop erties are describ ed in detail byChun It

is also of interest that when a prop erty is imp osed for the twoclaimantcase

on a rule that is required to be consistent it sometimes holds for more than

two claimants List of prop erties that are so lifted are drawn by Hokari

and Thomson Certain imp ortant ones are not lifted continuity be

ing an example On o ccasion lifting o ccurs if the rule satises some other

For a survey of the vast literature devoted to the analysis of the consistency principle

see Thomson ONeill gives the term consistency a dierent meaning

The requirement that any agent whose claim is should receive nothing corresp onds

to the prop erty known in the theory of coalitional games as the dummy prop erty It

app ears explicitly in some results p ertaining to generalized rules Chun a de Frutos

It is automatically satised by rules as we dened them

Chun uses the term dummy for the conjunction of what wecalldummy and limited


basic prop erty Resource monotonicity is an imp ortant prop ertythatisvery

helpful in lifting others

It is clear that the prop ortional rule is consistent and that so are the con

strained equal awards and constrained equal losses rules On the other hand

none of the following rules is consistent the truncatedclaims prop ortional

adjusted prop ortional random arrival and minimal overlap rules What of

the Talmud rule Let us check with the sp ecic numerical values given in

the Talmud Figure b and starting with one of the threeclaimant estate

division problems For an estate of the awards to claimants and are

and resp ectively for a total of Applying the contested garment

rule to divide between them returns the same numb ers and In

fact given anyvalue of the estate if x denotes the Talmud awards vector for

the threeclaimant problem then given any pair of claimants fi j g applying

the contested garmentruletodividex x between them yields the awards

i j

vector x x This coincidence o ccurs generally and therefore the Talmud

i j

rule is consistent The following result provides a justication for the rule

on the basis of bilateral consistency and the choice of concedeanddivide for

the twoclaimant case

Theorem Aumann and Maschler The Talmud rule is the only

bilaterally consistent rule to coincide with concedeanddivide in the two

claimant case

An interesting connection exists between the reduction op eration in the

space of claims problems and a counterpart of this op eration in the space of


TU coalitional games Let N N c E C and x be an awards vector


x and its for c E Given N N consider the reduced problem c

i N



asso ciated coalitional game v c x Subsection Also calculate

N i


the coalitional game asso ciated with the problem c E v c E and then

its reduced game with resp ect to N and x Davis and Maschler

in this game the worth of each coalition S is dened to be the maximal

surplus obtained by the coalition when it co op erates with a subset S of

It follows directly from the fact that the Talmud rule is conversely consistent using

the Elevator Lemma Thomson if a bilateral ly consistent rule coincides with a

conversely consistent rule in the twoclaimant case coincidence holds in general Actually

they establish a slightly stronger result namelythateven if the rule were allowed to b e

multivalued then bilateral ly consistency and coincidence with the contested garment rule

in the twoclaimantcasewould imply i singlevaluedness and ii coincidence with the

Talmud rule and therefore uniqueness


f c

f c c


f c

f c


f c

f c f c

f c

f c

a b

Figure Parametric rules are consistent To solve the problem

c c c E we rst identify a value  a b such that f c f c

f c E in the gure if E These are the awards to the three

claimants Then we imagine the departure of the third claimant with his award

Now if the amount E E  f c in the gure E is to be divided

between claimants and the same value of the parameter guarantees that the

awards f c and f c addupto E so that claimants and still receive

the same amounts after claimant has received f c There could be other

values of the parameters solving the required equation in the gure will work

as well but they would result in the same awards vector

the complementary group N nN this yields v c E S S and pays the

members of S according to x the surplus is the dierence v c E S S


x The maximization is carried over all S N nN Remarkably the



two ways of pro ceeding givethe same game Aumann and Maschler

The implications of consistency have b een describ ed very completely with

very few auxiliary prop erties First it is straightforward to check that all

parametric rules are consistent Figure depicts for a parametric rule

of parameterization f the graphs of f for three p ossible values of the rst

argument called c c and c The choice of pro duces the distribution

and the choice of the distribution Note that two

of the graphs are not strictly increasing and that the graph corresp onding to

c do es not lie entirely ab ove that corresp onding to c even though c c

At this stage these are indeed p ossibilities It is clear however that they are

eliminated by imp osing additional requirements on rules For instance for

an order preserving rule the graph corresp onding to c lies everywhere on or

ab ove the graph corresp onding to c wheneverc c Also for a supermodular

Note that if in the denitions of these rules wecho ose a dierent function f for each

agent we preserve consistency but not equal treatment of equals

rule for eachvalue of the parameter the slop e of the graph corresp onding

toc is everywhere at least as large as the slop e of the graph corresp onding to c

whenever cc if these slop es are welldened One of the most imp ortant

results in the theory under review is the following characterization of the

parametric family Young a

Theorem Young a The parametric rules are the only rules

satisfying continuity equal treatment of equals and bilateral consistency

It is of interest that the pro of includes showing that a continuous and

consistent rule is resource monotonic

Also any rule satisfying the prop erties of Theorem is equivalently


obtained by maximizing for each N N and eachc E C a sum of the



x E where for each c f c x over all x R satisfying form

i i i i


f c is a realvalued continuous increasing and strictly concave function


Young a

An additional justication for the Talmud rule is based on another con

sistency argument Aumann and Maschler Let N fng and

supp ose that claimants are ordered by increasing claims First apply the con

tested garment rule to the twoclaimant problem in which the rst claimant

faces a comp osite claimant whose claim is the sum c c The


rst claimant leaves with his award unless a violation of order preservation

o ccurs in which case equal division takes place and we are done Other

wise the second claimant faces a second comp osite claimant whose claim is

the sum c c and the amount to divide is what the rst comp osite


claimant received Claimant leaves with his award unless a violation of

order preservation o ccurs in which case equal division of what was left takes

place among the members of N nfg and we are done The pro cess continues

in this way for n steps

NC Lee develops a characterization of the weighted constrained

equal awards rules based on consistency

Consider now the following family of rules Let u R R b e a contin

uous and strictly increasing function such that lim ux Then



for each N N and eachc E C with c the equalsacrice rule

Kaminsky provides further detail

This characterization exploits certain duality relations b etween cores anticores and

their reductions

relative to u selects the awards vector x for c E such that for some

and for each i N we have uc uc x

i i i

Theorem Young On the domain of problems with positive

claims the equalsacrice rules are the only rules satisfying continuity equal

treatment of equals strict resource monotonicity strict order preservation

for losses comp osition upand consistency If in addition homogeneity is

imposed then the rule is an equalsacrice rule relative to a function u such


that either ux lnx or ux x for p

Within the class of parametric rules a narrow sub class of great interest

can be identied Note that it contains the prop ortional and constrained

equal awards rules

Theorem Young A parametric rule satises progressivity ho

mogeneity and comp osition up if and only if it can be represented in one of

the fol lowing ways

f c c

i i



f c c p

p i i





g f c maxfc

i i

We are now ready to presentthecharacterization of the prop ortional rule

announced in Subsection as a corollary of Theorem c

Theorem Chun a For jN j The proportional rule is the only

generalized rule satisfying continuity anonymity no advantageous transfer

and limited consistency

Wesaw in Subsection that the prop ortional rule is the only rule satis

fying group order preservationandreplication invariance Supp ose nowthat

the p opulation of claimants is nite but has at least three memb ers Then

the rule is theonlyone to satisfy claims continuity equal treatment of equal

groupsand consistency Chamb ers and Thomson

The second part of what we called order preservation

In the context of taxation the rst case corresp onds to at taxation and the second




case to a parametric rule for which for each i N x c c for

i i


Next we address the issue of extending twoclaimant rules to general p op

ulations so as to obtain consistency We exploit the fact that consistency im

plies that the path of awards for an arbitrary claims vector when pro jected

onto the subspace p ertaining to anytwoclaimant subgroup of the claimants

it involves is a subset of the path of awards for the pro jection of the claims

vector onto that subspace and coincides with it if the rule is resource mono

tonic This simple observation underlies a technique to decide whether a rule

sp ecied for the twoclaimantcasehasa consistent extension and if it do es

how to construct it Thomson a The technique is particularly useful

in the case of rules whose paths of awards are piecewise linear a frequent

o ccurrence We give three applications

The rst one concerns the existence of weighted versions of the Tal

mud rule Recall that concedeanddivide is the only rule satisfying equal

treatment of equals invariance under claims truncation and minimal rights

rst Theorem c If equal treatment of equals is dropp ed and homogene


ity is added we obtain a oneparameter family indexed by where


jN j and dened as follows for each i N and each c E C the

weighted concedeanddivide rule relative to the weights assigns

each claimant i N the amount CD c E maxfE c g E

j i


maxfE c g maxfE c g We will ask how to extend these rules

j i

to general p opulations in a consistent manner The second application ad

dresses the question of the existence of consistent extensions of the members

of the family D characterized in Theorem The third one answers a similar

question ab out the average of the constrained equal awards and constrained

equal losses rules For the rst two applications we need to dene two addi

tional families of rules

Family T Each memb er of the family is dened as follows The p opulation

of p otential claimants is partitioned into priority classes and for each two

claimant class a weight vector is sp ecied To solve each problem we rst

identify the partition of the set of claimants actually present induced by the

reference partition For each class induced from a twoclaimant reference

class the weighted concedeanddivide relative to the weights for that class

is applied otherwise the Talmud rule is applied

Family M Each member of the family is dened as follows The p opula

tion of potential claimants is partitioned into priority classes for each two

claimant class a rule in the family D is sp ecied to each class with three

or more claimants one of the following lab els is attached prop ortional

or constrained equal awards or constrained equal losses and in each of

the last two cases a list of p ositive weights is sp ecied for each member of

the class To solve each problem we rst identify the partition of the set

of claimants actually present induced by the reference partition For each

class induced from a twoclaimant reference class the rule in D for that class

is applied for each class induced from a threeormore claimants reference

class the prop ortional or weighted constrained equal awards or weighted

constrained equal losses rule is applied according to the lab el attached to

the class with weights prop ortional to the weights assigned to these agents

in that reference class

Theorem a A rule satises homogeneity invariance under claims

truncation minimal rights rst and consistency if and only if it belongs

to the family T Hokari and Thomson

b A rule satises homogeneity comp osition down comp osition up

and consistency if and only it belongs to the family M Moulin for

an alternative proof see Thomson b

c A rule coincides with a weighted average of the constrained equal

awards and constrained equal losses rule in the twoclaimant case and satis

ed consistency if and only if in fact al l the weight is placed on one of these

two rules or al l the weight is placed on the other Thomson a

Average consistency

Consider a rule that is not consistent Then there is at least one problemlet

the recommendation made by the rule for it b e denoted xat least one sub

group of claimants and at least one claimant in the subgroup say claimant i

such that in the reduced problem asso ciated with the subgroup and x he

receives an amount that is dierent from what he was initially awarded x


Because of eciency in the reduced problem at least one claimant receives

less and at least one other claimant receives more than initially decided Of

course a claimant receiving less in some reduced problem asso ciated with x

may receive more in some other reduced problem asso ciated with x Supp ose

however that for each claimant on average when all the reduced problems

asso ciated with x relative to subgroups to which he belongs are considered

he do es receive his comp onent of x Then we may be satised with x after

all To the extent that the formation of subgroups is a thought exp eriment

anyway this weaker notion may be quite acceptable


Average consistency For each N Neachc E C and each i N


x R c x

i i M j


jN j

This form of consistency is studied by Dagan and Volij who sug

gest that the averaging be limited to coalitions of size two We refer to this

version as average consistency They have in mind situations in which

aruleforthetwoclaimant case has b een chosen Then the idea of average

consistency can b e exploited to provide an extension of the rule to anynum


ber of claimants as follows given N N and c E C select x R


R c c x x suchthat x E and for each i N x

i i j i j i i

j N nfig

jN j

Questions are whether such an x exists and if it do es whether it is unique

The following theorem states that for most twoclaimant rules of interest

b oth questions have p ositiveanswers

Theorem Dagan and Volij For each resource monotonic two


claimant rule R each N N and each c E C there is a unique x



R such that x E and for each i N x R c c x

i i i i j i

j N nfig

jN j



Merging and splitting claims

We consider next a prop erty p ertaining to the p ossibility that a group of

agents may consolidate their claims and app ear as a single claimant or con

versely that a given claimant may divide his claim and app ear as several

claimants It says that no such consolidation or division should ever b e b en

ecial It is rst studied in the present context by ONeill

No advantageous merging or splitting For each pair fN N g of ele


ments of N such that N N each c E C and each c E C

This denition is inspired by an idea analyzed in the context of nontransferable utility

coalitional games sp ecically the class of hyp erplane games byMaschler and Owen

ONeill uses the name pro ofness Banker considers the stronger

requirement that the merging of two agents should not aect the amounts awarded to the

others He studies the prop erty for a wider class of problems in which the sum of the

claims is not related to the amount to divide


c and for each if E E and there is i N such that c c

j i


N nN


j N nfig c c then R c E R c E R c E

j i i j


N nN

This prop erty is satised by the prop ortional rule but not by any of the

other rules that we have seen In fact we have

Theorem ONeill Chun a de Frutos Ju and Miya

gawa The proportional rule is the only rule satisfying no advanta

geous merging or splitting

In some situations it may b e desirable to forbid the merging of claims but

dicult to monitor such op erations and in others the same maybe true for

the splitting of claims It is therefore natural to search for rules that satisfy

either no advantageous splitting if an agent is replaced by several agents

whose claims add up to his then the sum of what they receive should be at

most as large as what he previously received on his own or no advantageous

merging if several agents are replaced by one agent whose claim is equal to

the sum of theirs this agent should receive at most as much as the sum of

what they previously received These prop erties are studied by de Frutos

and Ju who search for consistent rules satisfying either one of

them Their ndings are summarized in the following theorem which builds

on Theorem

This multiple attribution is b ecause these authors did not all work exactly with the

mo del we considered and that axioms in early characterizations turned out not to b e inde

p endent ONeill also imp oses the selfexplanatory agentbyagent claims continuity

at at least one point but also dummy anonymityandlimited consistency Chun

considers generalized rules and shows that dummy a generalized rule may or may not

satisfy this axiom and limited consistency are redundant He derives a characterization

of the prop ortional rule by exploiting certain logical relations b etween these axioms no

advantageous merging or splitting implies no advantageous transfer anonymity and no

advantageous merging or splitting together imply dummy and limited consistency and

obtains it as a corollary of Theorem That anonymity and continuity are not needed

either is established bydeFrutos for a notion of a rule that do es not include claims

boundedness Ju and Miyagawa establish uniqueness of the prop ortional rule for

rules as we dene them on the basis of no advantageous merging or splitting alone Banker

obtains a closely related result based on his strengthening of no advantageous merg

ing or splitting mentioned in fo otnote

Curiel Maschler and Tijs show that the adjusted prop ortional rule is the

only rule satisfying claims boundedness minimal rights rst equal treatment of equals

and a weak version of no advantageous merging or splitting obtained by restricting its

applications to problems for which all minimal rights are and no claim is greater than

the amount to divide

Theorem De Frutos Ju a If a parametric rule satises

no advantageous mergingthenitisaparametric rule relative to a function f

that is superadditive in its rst argument for each value of the parameter

b If instead it satises no advantageous splitting then it is a paramet

ric rule relative to a function f that is subadditive in its rst argument for

each value of the parameter

Op erators

The claims truncation and attribution of minimal right op erators are sig

nicantly more disruptive of the prop erties of rules just formulated for the

variablep opulation version of our mo del than the duality and convexity op er

ators are The duality op erator preserves replication invariance consistency

and its converse but not population monotonicity No advantageous merging

and no advantageous splitting are dual prop erties The convexity op erator

preserves population monotonicity no advantageous merging no advanta

geous splitting and replication invariance but neither consistency nor its

converse Thomson and Yeh

Multiple parameter changes

In the previous sections wehaveallowed only one of the parameters entering

the description of problems to change but simultaneous changes in several of

these parameters are just as plausible Chun considers the p ossibility

that p opulation and resource change together or that claims and resource

change together and formulate solidarity requirements appropriate in such

circumstances He also formulates a separability requirement stating that if

the claims of some group of agents and the resource change together but the

aggregate amount received by all agents with xed claims is unchanged then

the award to each of these agents should also b e unchanged He describ es the

logical relations b etween all of these prop erties and derives characterizations

of the parametric family as corollaries of Theorem

Strategic mo dels

Here we present a variety of strategic mo dels sup erimp osed on our basic


claims problem Let N be a xed p opulation of claimants and c E C

In the game formulated by ONeill each agent sp ecies particular

parts of the amount to divide or units as his claim and any unit that is

claimed byseveral agents is divided equally among them Therefore the less

overlap there is between what an agent claims and what others claim the

more he receives The following theorem collects the basic facts ab out this


game c E Nash equilibria exist and interestingly the distribution of

claims at equilibrium is a dual of ONeills extension of Ibn Ezras metho d

In the twoclaimant case a unique equilibrium awards vector is obtained

which is that given by concedeanddivide


Theorem ONeill For each claims problem c E C the game


c E has at least one Nash equilibrium Any Nash equilibrium is such that

thereisk N such that each unit is claimed by exactly k or k claimants

In the game dened by Chun agents prop ose rules instead of

awards vectors Rules are required to satisfy order preservation A sequential

revision pro cedure is dened as follows the various rules prop osed by all the

agents are applied to the problem at hand and the claim of each agent is

replaced by the maximal amount awarded to him by any one of them The

rules are applied to the problem so revised and a second revision is p erformed

and so on The outcome function is dened by taking the limit point of

this pro cess if it exists Chun shows that existence is guaranteed


and that in this game of rules c E if the agent with the smallest

claim announces the constrained equal awards rule then for each agent the

sequence of awards calculated by the rule he announced converges to what

he would receive under the application of the constrained equal awards rule

A consequence of this result is the following characterization of the unique

Nash equilibrium outcome of the game


Theorem Chun For each claims problem c E C the game


c E has a unique Nash equilibrium outcome which is the awards vector

selected by the constrained equal awards rule

A similar conclusion holds if rules are required to satisfy the rst part of

order preservation and regressivity

To solve the nonuniqueness problem ONeill rst shows that the set of equilibrium

payos is a simplex and he then suggests selecting its center

This game is inspired by a similar pro cedure develop ed by van Damme for

bargaining games

A dual game can be dened in which at each stage each agent is

awarded the minimal amount that any of the rules chosen by the various

claimants assigns to him This game is studied by Herrero Each

claim is then adjusted down by that amount and the amount to divide is

decreased by the sum of the amounts awarded The pro cess is rep eated A

result parallel to Theorem holds but this time the rule that emerges is

the constrained equal losses rule the game has a unique Nash equilibrium

outcome which is the awards vector selected by this rule for c E

Sonn studies a game of demands similar to the game originally

formulated by Chae and Yang in their extension of Rubinstein

for bargaining games and characterizes its subgame p erfect equilibria In this

game player prop oses an amounttoplayer If player accepts he leaves

with it and player then prop oses an amounttoplayer who again has the

choice of leaving with it If at some point a player rejects the oer made

to him the next stage starts with his making an oer to the next player

player b eing moved to the end of the line The pro cess continues until only


one player is left Let c E denote the game just dened The constraint

is imp osed on oers that no agent should ever be oered an amount greater

than his claim or the amount that remains to be distributed In the pro of

of the following result consistency and monotonicity prop erties of certain

solutions to bargaining games playan imp ortant role


Theorem Sonn For each claims problem c E C as the

discount factor of future utilities goes to one the limit of payo vectors of


the game c E converges to the awards vector selected by the constrained

equal awards rule

Serrano makes use of the consistency of the nucleolus as a solution

to coalition games to construct for each claims problem a

whose subgame p erfect equilibrium outcome is the nucleolus of the asso ci

ated coalitional game This result can be extended to the class of resource

monotonic and consistent rules as follows Assume that a twoclaimantrule


R has b een selected and consider the nclaimant game in which the agent

with the highest claim prop oses a division of the amountavailable and each

of the other agents can i either accept his prop osed share in which case he

leaves with it or ii rejects it in which case he leaves with what the two

claimant rule would recommend for him in the problem that the prop oser

and he would face if they had to divide the sum of the amounts that the

prop oser prop osed for himself and for the agent The prop oser leaves with

the dierence between the amount available and the sum of the amounts

that the accepters accepted and the adjusted amounts rejecters to ok Then

the game is played again among all the rejecters For the statement of the

next theorem we need the concept of an conditional ly strictly resource

monotonic rule it is a rule such that if the amount available increases

then any agent who is not already receiving his claim should receive more

Theorem Dagan Serrano and Volij Let R be a resource mono

tonic consistent and sup ermo dular rule Then for each claims problem


c E C the game has a unique subgame perfect equilibrium outcome

at which each agent receives what the consistent extension of R recommends

All of the equilibria are coalitionproof if and only if the rule is condition

ally strictly resource monotonic

The outcome function as sp ecied is not feasible out of equilibrium but

it can be made feasible without the result b eing aected

Note that calculating the outcome requires the planners knowledge of the

claims In a followup contribution fo cusing on taxation problems Dagan

Serrano and Volij study the case when incomes are unknown to the

planner and can be misrepresented They imp ose the natural restriction

that only downward misrepresentation is p ossible They construct a game

form that implements any consistent and strictly claims monotonic rule in

subgame p erfect equilibrium

In the game dened by Corchon and Herrero agents prop ose

awards vectors that are b ounded by claims The prop osals are combined

by means of a compromise function so as to pro duce a nal outcome The

authors establish necessary and sucient conditions on a twoclaimant rule

for it to b e implementable in dominant strategies the rule should b e strictly

increasing in each claim and the amount received by each agent should be

expressable as a function of his claim and the dierence b etween the amount

available and the claim of the other agent Implementation can be achieved

by a simple averaging of prop osals For the np erson case the results are

largely negative however at least when the averaging metho d is used

Bernheim Peleg and Whinston

For a strictly resourcemonotonic rule the identity of the prop oser is immaterial

Landsburg studies a problem of manipulation in which manipulation is costly

The cost of misrepresenting ones claimisgiven by a function having the prop ertythat

In summarywe see that a numberoftherulesthatwe had arrived at on

the basis of axiomatic considerations have b een provided additional supp ort

by taking the strategic route

Extensions of the basic mo del

In this section we discuss extensions of the mo del to surplussharing and to

situations where utility is nontransferable

Estate division problems can be generalized in dierent ways First as

ONeill notes the number of do cuments in which amounts are be

queathed need not b e equal to the numb er of heirs Also in each do cument

more than one heir may b e named Alternativelyeach do cumentmayspecify

a complete division of the estate among all the heirs

A study of the case when the data of the problem are integers and awards

vectors are required to have integer co ordinates is due to Moulin

We have already intro duced the notion of a generalized rule such arule

may violate nonnegativity and claims boundedness All the remaining theo

rems in this section concern generalized rules To simplify notation we write

n for jN j

Theorem Chun a For n A generalized rule R satises

continuity anonymity and no advantageous transfer if and only if there


exists a continuous function g R R such that for each c E C and

each i N





R c E E fn c c gg c E

i i j i

c c

i i

N nfig

the greater the extent of the manipulation the greater is the cost incurred In the sp ecial

case in which the claims add up to the estate he nds that there is a single rule giving

agents the incentive to rep ort truthfully It is the generalized equal losses rule

In Sertels game the strategic opp ortunityofanagent is to transfer a fraction of

his claim to the other player there are twoplayers payos b eing calculated by applying

the Nash bargaining solution to a certain bargaining game asso ciated with the claims

problem He shows that at equilibrium the two players receivetheawards concedeand

divide would select

Chun a notes that a similar result would obtain if notransfer paradox were

imp osed instead of continuity but then g would not havetobecontinuous

The family describ ed in Theorem includes the prop ortional rule and the


equal awards generalized rule for g c E and g c E resp ectively


Theorem Chun a A generalized rule R satises continuity

anonymity and resource linearity if and only if there exist continuous func

n n

tions h R R and g R R that are invariant with respect to permuta


tions of their last n arguments and such that for each c E C and

each i N



R c E nhc c hc c ng c c g c c

i i i j j i i j j

n n n

j N nfig j N nfig

Theorem Chun a A generalized rule R satises continuity

anonymity and resource additivity if and only if there exists a continuous


function h R R that is invariant with respect to permutations of its last


n arguments and such that for each c E C and each i N



R c E fn hc c hc c g

i i i j j

n n

N nfig

A corollary of this theorem is another characterization of the prop ortional

rule Here to o it is obtained by requiring that the generalized rule actually


be arule In fact it suces to require that R c E c if c E orthat


the generalized rule be selfdual Alternatively continuity can be replaced

by resource monotonicity

A recent study on the sub ject is by Ching and Kakkar


Closely related to claims problems are surplussharing problems Moulin



a Such a problem is a pair c E R R such that E c


where c is interpreted as the investment in a joint venture made by agent



i N and the dierence E c is the surplus generated by this venture


How should it be divided among the investors Moulin characterizes one

parameter families of surplussharing rules that contain as particular cases

equal sharing and prop ortional sharing One of the auxiliary axioms he

imp oses is homogeneity see ab ove Pngsten describ es how the

class of admissible rules enlarges when homogeneity is not required The

implications of monotonicity prop erties for this mo del have been the ob ject

of one study Chun a and of strategic analysis Chun


An even more general class of problems consists of pairs c E R

R in which no restriction is imp osed on the value of E as compared to


c This class includes b oth claims problems and surplus sharing problems


as particular cases Rules dened for it can be easily obtained by piecing

together rules to adjudicate conicting claims and rules to divide surpluses

An analysis of this class of problems is carried out by Herrero Maschler and


Finallywe could consider the class just dened but without claims b eing

commensurable with the amount to divide For instance c could be inter


preted as the contribution the need or the merit of agent i In such


context comparing c to E may not be meaningful Conditions such as


claims boundedness may not b e meaningful either see our earlier discussion

of resource additivity

Dagan considers the taxation problem interpretation of the mo del

and prop oses a richer formulation that includes constraints on transfers across

agents He characterizes the equalsacrice rule mainly on the basis of con

sistency considerations

Nontransferable utility problems

In many applications it is not legitimate to assume that transfers of money

among agents is accompanied by onetoone transfers of utility When agents

are equipp ed with utility functions over money that are not linear the analy

sis of the previous section do es not apply Chun and Thomson formu

late and analyze a class of claims problems in which utility functions are not

restricted to b e linear The image in utility space of such a nontransferable

utility claims problem can also be seen as a bargaining game enriched by

the addition of a claims p oint outside of the feasible set Such problems are

bargaining problems with claims Chun and Thomson oer several char

acterizations of the prop ortional rule in this setting this is the solution that

selects the maximal feasible point on the line connecting the origin to the

claims p oint Figure

Other solutions have b een dened for this mo del Bossert Herrero

Marco ab The main alternative to the prop ortional rule is

the extended claim egalitarian solution which selects for each problem the

payo vector at which the utility losses from the claims p oint are equal across





x EC Ec S d

y P c S d

P c S d

x a d


u d




EC Ec S d x


a b




Figure Nontransferable utility claims problems In a nontransferable

utility claims problem the b oundary of the feasible set is not a straight line of

slop e  Two solutions for such problems are illustrated for n in panel a

and n in panel b For the prop ortional solution P payos are chosen pro

p ortional to claims For the extended claimegalitarian solution EC Epayos are

obtained by imp osing equal losses from the claims p oint sub ject to the constraint

that no agent end up with a negative utility

agents sub ject to the requirement that no agent receives less than This

point can b e obtained in either one of the following alternativeways i rst

select the maximal feasible p ointon the path dened by moving down from

the claims p ointinsuchaway that all agents whose utilities are still p ositive

exp erience equal losses and all other agents receive in Figures a and b

this is the path c a and the resulting recommendation is x ii The other

denition is in two steps Find the maximal feasible p ointof equal losses in

the comprehensivehull of the individually rational part of the problem this


is the set of p oints in R that are dominated by some p oint of the problem

that dominates the origin in Figures a and b this maximal point is b

Then set equal to the utility of eachagent whose individuality rationality

constraint is violated this leads us back to x Further adjustments in b oth

the prop ortional and the extended claimegalitarian solutions are needed to

obtain Paretooptimal outcomes For that purp ose a lexicographic op eration

can b e p erformed Marco a parallel to op erations that had b een found

useful in the context of bargaining to handle a similar diculty Chun and


Mo del with group constraints

A class of problems incorp orating constraints on what groups can achieve is

formulated and studied by Bergantinos and Sanchez They imagine

situations in which an upp er b ound is given not only on what each individual

claimant can receive but also on what each group of claimants can receive

They dene an extension of the constrained equal awards rule in this context

and oer an axiomatization of this rule

Exp erimental testing

In the last twenty years a considerable literature has emerged concerned

with the exp erimental testing of economic theories Is the intuition we have

ab out rules and axioms also that of exp erimental sub jects Do they play

the co op erative and strategic games to which we confront them according

to the behavior that we p ostulate in our formal mo dels And how do the

answer dep end on the context A rst study along these lines is due to Ponti

Herrero and MorenoTernero


Although claims problems are among the simplest that one may encounter

we have discovered that the mo del is surprisingly rich Axiomatic analysis

has been of great help in providing supp ort for the rule that is the most

commonly used in practice namely the prop ortional rule but it has justied

several other rules that have played a role in practice and theory as well as

uncovered new rules Together with the recent studies of claims problems as

strategic games we now have an incomparably b etter understanding of the

problem than just afew years ago


Aggarwal R Ecient and equitable allo cation of value in Chapter

bankruptcy Harvard University mimeo

Araujo A and M R Pascoa Bankruptcy in a mo del of unsecured

claims Economic Theory

Aumann R and M Maschler Game theoretic analysis of a bankruptcy

problem from the Talmud Journal of Economic Theory

Aumann R and B Peleg A note on Gales example Journal of

Mathematical Economics

Banker R Equity considerations in traditional full cost allo cation

practices an axiomatic p ersp ective In S Moriarity Ed Joint Cost

Allo cations University of Oklahoma Press

Benot JP The nucleolus is contestedgarment consistent a direct

pro of Journal of Economic Theory

Bergantinos G and L MendezNaya New prop erties in bankruptcy

problems University of Vigo discussion pap er

and Additivity in bankruptcy problems and in allo cation

problems Spanish Economic Review

Bergantinos G and E Sanchez Point solutions for PERT problems

University of Vigo discussion pap er

and The prop ortional rule for problems with constraints

and claims Mathematical So cial Sciences

Bernheim B B Peleg and M Whinston Coalitionpro of Nash equi

libria I concepts Journal of Economic Theory

Bossert W Monotonic solutions for bargaining problems with claims

Economics Letters

An alternative solution to bargaining problems with claims

Mathematical So cial Sciences

Carp ente L P Borm B Casas and R Hendrickx The constrained

equal award rule for bankruptcy problems with a priori unions Uni

versidad de la Coruna

Chae S and JA Yang The unique p erfect equilibrium of an np erson

bargaining game Economics Letters

Chamb ers C and W Thomson Group order preservation and the pro

p ortional rule for the adjudication of conicting claims Mathematical

So cial Sciences Forthcoming

Ching S and V Kakkar A market approach to bankruptcy problem

City University of HongKong discussion pap er

and Diagnosing alternativecharacterizations of the prop or

tional rule City University of HongKong discussion pap er

Chun Y The solidarity axiom for quasilinear so cial choice problems

So cial Choice and Welfare

a The prop ortional solution for rights problem Mathematical

So cial Sciences

b The equalloss principle for bargaining problems Economics


A nonco op erative justication for egalitarian surplus sharing

Mathematical So cial Sciences

Equivalence of axioms for bankruptcy problems International

Journal of Game Theory

Chun Y and H Peters The lexicographic equalloss solution Math

ematical So cial Sciences

Chun Y J Schummer and W Thomson Constrained egalitarianism

A new solution to bankruptcy problems Seoul Journal of Economics

Chun Y and W Thomson Bargaining problems with claims Math

ematical So cial Sciences

and Replication prop erties of bankruptcy rules Mimeo

Corchon L and C Herrero A decent prop osal University of Alicante


Curiel I M Maschler and SH Tijs Bankruptcy games Zeitschrift

fur Op erations Research AA

Dagan N On the least sacrice principle in taxation Hebrew Uni

versity of Jerusalem Mimeo

New characterizations of old bankruptcy rules So cial Choice

and Welfare

Dagan N R Serrano and O Volij A nonco op erative view of consis

tent bankruptcy rules Games and Economic Behavior

and Feasible implementation of taxation metho ds

Review of Economic Design

Dagan N and O Volij The bankruptcy problem a co op erative

bargaining approach Mathematical So cial Sciences

and Bilateral comparisons and consistent fair division rules

in the context of bankruptcy problems International Journal of Game


van Damme E The Nash bargaining solution is optimal Journal of

Economic Theory

Davis M and M Maschler The kernel of a co op erative game Naval

Reseach Logistic Quaterly

Driessen T An alternative game theoretic analysis of a bankruptcy

problem from the Talmud the case of the greedy bankruptcy game

University of Twente Discussion Pap er

Dutta B and D Ray A concept of egalitarianism under participation

constraints Econometrica

de Frutos M A Coalitional manipulation in a bankruptcy problem

Review of Economic Design

Gale D Exchange equilibrium and coalitions an example Journal

of Mathematical Economics

Herrero C Endogenous reference points and the adjusted prop or

tional solution for bargaining problems with claims University of Ali

cante working pap er

a Minimal rights in claims problems University of Alicante

working pap er

b Nonco op erative supp ort of bankruptcy rules University of

Alicante mimeo

Herrero C and MC Marco A note on the equalloss principle for

bargaining problems University of Alicante working pap er

and Rational equal loss solutions for bargaining problems

Mathematical So cial Sciences

Herrero C M Maschler and A Villar Individual rights and collec

tive resp onsibility the rightsegalitarian solution Mathematical So cial


Herrero C and A Villar a The three musketeers four classical solu

tions to bankruptcy problems Mathematical So cial Sciences

and b Sustainability in bankruptcy problems University of


Hokari T and W Thomson Claims problems and weighted general

izations of the Talmud rule Economic Theory forthcoming

and Lifting lemmas Mimeo

Imai H Individual monotonicity and lexicographic maximin solution


Ju BG A note on manipulation via merging and splitting in

bankruptcy problems

Ju BG and E Miyagawa Prop ortionality and nonmanipulabilityin

claims problems Mimeo

Kalai E Prop ortional solutions to bargaining situations interp er

sonal comparisons of utility Econometrica

Kalai E and M Smoro dinsky Other solutions to Nashs bargaining

problem Econometrica

Kaminski M Hydraulic Mathematical So cial Sciences

Lahiri S Axiomatic characterizations of the CEA solution for ra

tioning problems Europ ean Journal of Op erational Research

Landsburg S Incentivecompatibility and a problem from the Tal

mud Mimeo

Lee NC A simple generalization of the constrained equal award rule

and its characterization Keio University mimeo

Lee R Quick pro of of a theorem concerning a Talmudic bankruptcy

problem Harvard University mimeo

Marchant T A dynamic lo ok at rationing metho ds Ghent University

Marco MC An alternative characterization of the extented claim

egalitarian solution Economics Letters

a Ecient solutions for bargaining problems with claims Math

ematical So cial Sciences

b The extended claimegalitarian solution across cardinalities

University of Alicante mimeo

Maschler M and G Owen The consistent Shapley value for hyp er

plane games International Journal of Game Theory

MorenoTernero J and A Villar The TALfamily of rules for

bankruptcy University of Alicante

Moulin H a Egalitarianism and utilitarianism in quasilinear bargain

ing Econometrica

b The separability axiom and equalsharing metho ds Journal of

Economic Theory

Equal or prop ortional division of a surplus and other metho ds

International Journal of Game Theory

Priority rules and other asymmetric rationing metho ds Econo


Nash JF The bargaining problem Econometrica

Naumova NI Nonsymmetric equal sacrice solutions for claim prob

lem Mathematical So cial Sciences

ONeill B A problem of rights arbitration from the Talmud Mathe

matical So cial Sciences

Pngsten A Surplussharing metho ds Mathematical So cial Sciences

Piniles HM Darkah shel Torah Forester Vienna

Ponti G C Herrero and J MorenoTernero An exp eriment on

bankruptcy University of Alicante

Rubinstein A Perfect equilibrium in a bargaining mo del Economet


Sanchez Soriani J M Pulido P Borm R Hendrickx and N Llorca

Bankruptcy situations with references Universidad Miguel Hernandez

Schmeidler D The nucleolus of a characteristic function form game

SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics

Schummer J and W Thomson Two derivations of the uniform rule

Economics Letters

Serrano R Strategic bargaining surplussharing problems and the

nucleolus Journal of Mathematical Economics

Sertel M The Nash bargaining solution manipulated by predonations

is Talmudic Economics Letters

Shapley L A value for np erson games In HW Kuhn and AW

Tucker eds Contributions to the Theory of Games I I Annals of Math

ematics Studies Princeton Princeton University Press

Sonn S Sequential bargaining for bankruptcy problems Mimeo

Sprumont Y The division problem with singlep eaked preferences

a characterization of the uniform allo cation rule Econometrica

Thomson W The fair division of a xed supply among a growing

p opulation Mathematics of Op erations Research

Monotonic allo cation mechanisms Mimeo

Populationmonotonic allo cation rules In WA Barnett H

Moulin M Salles and N Schoeld Eds So cial Choice Welfare and

Ethics Cambridge University Press

Consistent allo cation rules Mimeo

The Theory of Fair Allo cation Bo ok manuscript

Condorcet Lecture University of Alicante International Meet

ing of the So ciety for So cial Choice and Welfare

a On the existence of consistent rules to resolve conicting claims

a geometric approach Mimeo

b A characterization of a family of rules for the resolution of

conicting claims Mimeo

Thomson W and CH Yeh Minimal rights maximal claims and

duality for division rules Mimeo

Tijs S Bounds for the core and the value In O Mo eschlin and D

Pallaschke Eds Game Theory and Mathematical Economics North


Yeh CH a Sustainability claims monotonicity and the constrained

equal award rule Mimeo

b A note on Herrero and Villars characterization of the con

strained equal awards rule Mimeo

Young P a On dividing an amount according to individual claims or

liabilities Mathematics of Op erations Research

b When is a tax increase fairly distributed University of Mary

land mimeo

Distributive justice in taxation Journal of Economic Theory