Cardiovascular Effects of Zumba® Performed in a Virtual Environment Using XBOX Kinect
J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Original Article 27: 2863–2865, 2015 Cardiovascular effects of Zumba® performed in a virtual environment using XBOX Kinect LUCELI EUNICE DA SILVA NEVES1), MARIZA PAVER DA SILVA CERÁVOLO1), ELISANGELA SILVA1), WAGNER ZEFERINO DE FREITAS1), FABIANO FERNANDES DA SILVA1, 2), WONDER PAssONI HIGINO, PhD1), WEllINGTON ROBERTO GOMES CARVAlhO, PhD3), RENATO APARECIDO DE SOUZA, PT, PhD1, 2)* 1) Group of Studies and Research in Health Sciences (GEP-CS), Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of The South of Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS): Estrada de Muzambinho, km 35, Caixa Postal 02, 37890-000, Muzambinho, MG, Brazil 2) Biomedical Engineering Institute, Camilo Castelo Branco University (UNICASTELO), Brazil 3) Department of Physical Education, Center for Biological Sciences and Health, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), Brazil Abstract [Purpose] This study evaluated the acute cardiovascular responses during a session of Zumba® Fitness in a virtual reality environment. [Subjects] Eighteen healthy volunteers were recruited. [Methods] The following cardiovascular variables: heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and double product were assessed before and after the practice of virtual Zumba®, which was performed as a continuous sequence of five choreographed movements lasting for 22 min. The game Zumba Fitness Core®, with the Kinect-based virtual real- ity system for the XBOX 360, was used to create the virtual environment. Comparisons were made among mean delta values (delta=post-Zumba® minus pre-Zumba® values) for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and double product using Student’s t-test for paired samples. [Results] After a single session, a significant increase was noted in all the analyzed parameters (Systolic blood pressure=18%; Diastolic blood pressure=13%; Heart rate=67%; and Double product=97%).
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