Careers Education, Information & Guidance at Careers Provision Plan 2018-19

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Y7 Year 7 Student briefing to introduce Family Wise Uni STEM Family Challenge All Y7 students take part in the two-day DEC Day delivered by - - Project (Design, Engineer, Construct). Working . Enterprise Activities and Challenges with representatives from business and industry to create an eco-friendly classroom. Y8 All students take part in a Higher Education Carousel, Learn to Earn organised by CEC High 5 Aspirations Days (2&3): Research delivered by University representatives from Hull, York day/evening at the University of Hull, ‘Give Me 5’ and York St. John Universities Careers delivered as part of PSHE programme. Student inter-schools competition at University of York. Briefing focus during National Careers Week Group of selected students invited to take part in the ‘High 5’ programme organised by NYCHEC (North Employer Networking Sessions Employability & ‘Soft Skills’ Carousel in school Yorkshire Coastal Higher Education Collaboration). with visiting employers. High 5 Aspirations Day (1) for High 5 students at York St. John University.

Y9 All Y9 attend the Successful Futures Careers event and Y9 University Day. All students visit either Hull Careers Fair at Coventry University Campus, University, York University or York St. John. They Scarborough which provides students the opportunity to learn more about apprenticeships, FE colleges and will tour the campus and learned about student employment and to meet potential future local life and courses on offer from student employers. ambassadors.

Presentations to students on Y9 Options by Hull University and by the Headteacher at Y9 Parents Evening.

High Five Year 9 Conference at the

Employability Masterclass

Student Briefing focus during National Careers Week

University STEM Science Day for High 5 students.

Employer Speakers Y10 All students attend presentations by the National Careers delivered as part of PSHE programme. Visits to S6F and ERC to take part in taster Citizens Service (NCS). Ebor Academy Filey is an NCS Presentations to whole year group from ASK sessions and learn more about provision at these Champion School. (Apprenticeship Support & Knowledge), S6F, East Riding FE colleges. College, Scarborough Tec and Hull/York/YSJ universities Scarborough Science and Engineering Week at as well as local employers. Scarborough Spa Individual 30 minute careers interviews for Y10 students take part in a debating competition at students and individual Careers Action Plans organised by Scarborough drawn up. Borough Council and Radio. This year’s topic is “Should the voting age be lowered to 16?” Gothic Literature Day in Whitby. Students Student Briefing focus during National Careers Week experience a university-style lecture from an expert in the genre, before creating and filming University STEM Science Day for High 5 students. their own Gothic short stories.

All Y10 students attend a mock interview with local business representatives. They submit an application Criminology Subject Taster Day at York St John prior to the interviews and are given individual feedback University by the employers.

Y11 All students attend presentations by the following FE Individual 30 minute careers interviews continue. Most Students take part in the NCS programme during th colleges and providers: S6F, Norton 6 Form, York Y11 students seen twice and individual Careers Action the summer term and holidays. College, YCC, ERC, the Academy (Hair & Beauty), Plans are revisited and amended. University of Hull- University of York- York St John University. Students applying for apprenticeships given additional support with CVs and applications. All students attend presentations by the National Citizens Service (NCS). This year, at least 20% of the cohort will be taking part in the programme during the summer