Cruise Report / Fahrtbericht th Auckland, New Zealand: January 26 , 2017 Auckland, New Zealand: February 27 th , 2017

SO254 – PoriBacNewZ Functional diversity of bacterial communities and the metabolome in the water column, sediment and in sponges in the southwest Pacific around New Zealand

Meinhard Simon Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) University of Oldenburg

TOC / Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Cruise summary / Zusammenfassung 3 1.1 Zusammenfassung 3 1.2 Summary 5 2. Participants / Teilnehmer 7 2.1 Principal investigators / Leitende Wissenschaftler 7 2.1.1 Project Proponents and Institutes 7 2.1.2 Associated Principal Investigators and Institutes 9 2.2 Scientific party / wissenschaftliche Fahrtteilnehmer 10 2.3 Crew / Mannschaft 11 3. Narrative of the cruise / Ablauf der Forschungsfahrt 12 4. Aims of the Cruise / Zielsetzung der Forschungsfahrt 16 4.1 General aims 16 4.2 Major topics of investigations on board 17 5. Agenda of the cruise / Programm der Forschungsfahrt 19 5.1 Cruise track 19 5.2 Station work 19 5.3 Underway measurements 21 6. Settings of the working area / Beschreibung des Arbeitsgebiets 22 7. Work details and first results / Beschreibung der Arbeiten im Detail einschließlich erster Ergebnisse 24 7.1 Oceanographic Measurements 24 7.2 Bio-optics 28 7.3 Bacterioplankton cell numbers, biomass production and turnover rates of labile substrates 34 7.4 Mesocosm experiments 36 7.5 Bacterioplankton biogeography by tag-sequencing 35 7.6 Metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic analysis of bacterial communities in the water column and surface sediment 37 7.7 Population structure and divergence in the Roseobacter group 39 7.8 Microbial abundance, diversity and activity in Pacific deep sea sediments 42 7.9 Dissolved Organic Matter 47 7.10 Isotope geochemistry 48 7.11 Under way measurements by FerryBox 51 7.12 Meteorology data on aerosol and water vapor 52 7.13 Operation of ROV KIEL 6000 54 7.14 Investigations on the biodiversity of benthic sponge and invertebrate communities and their associated microbiome 57 7.15 DNA barcoding and genomics of benthic invertebrates, with special focus on sponges, octocorals, holothurians, and brachiopods 59 7.16 Sponge microbiome 60 7.17 Role of sponges on carbon and nitrogen flows in deep-sea food webs 60 7.18 Hunting for candidate phylum ‘Tectomicrobia’ in New Zealand’s sponge communities 63

8. Acknowledgements / Danksagung 65 9. References / Literaturverzeichnis 66

1 10. Abbreviations / Abkürzungen 68 11. Appendices / Anhänge 69 A) Participating Institutions / Liste der teilnehmenden Institutionen 69 B) Station List / Stationsliste 70 Table A1 (short overview on station work) 70 Table A2 (detailed overview on station work) 72

2 1. Cruise summary / Zusammenfassung 1.1 Zusammenfassung Der südwestliche Pazifik im Gebiet um Neuseeland zwischen den Subtropen und der Suban- tarktis erstreckt sich über einzelne biogeografische Provinzen, die durch ozeanische Fronten abgegrenzt werden und sich hinsichtlich der Wassermassen, Hydrografie, Nährstoffe und Planktongemeinschaften unterscheiden. Der Meeresboden in diesen Regionen zeichnet sich durch sehr diverse Strukturen aus mit Hart- und Weichsedimenten, Vulkanismus, sehr unter- schiedlichen Tiefen und verfestigten Böden auf dem Kermadec Plateau und Graben nördlich von Neuseeland. Der Kontinentalhang östlich der Nordinsel Neuseelands, der Chatham Erhe- bung und südlich des Campbell Plateaus ist sehr steil. Bisher gibt es keine Untersuchungen darüber, wie die Zusammensetzung und funktionellen Charakteristika der Prokaryontenge- meinschaften und des Pools des gelösten organischen Materials (DOM) und die benthischen Schwämme und Invertebratengemeinschaften und deren assoziierten Mikrobiome diese bio- geografischen Provinzen und Wassermassen reflektieren. Deshalb verfolgte die Forschungs- fahrt SO254 PoriBacNewz zwei Ziele: 1) Eine umfassende und detaillierte Erhebung und ein Verständnis der strukturellen und funktionellen Biodiversität, biogeochemischen Rolle und Wachstumsdynamik der gesamten Bakterioplanktongemeinschaften in der Wassersäule und im Oberflächensediment und der chemogeografischen Muster des DOM Pools in diesem Ge- biet des Pazifiks zu erhalten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Roseobacter-Gruppe; 2) Eine Erhebung der schwammassoziierten mikrobiellen Biodiversität sowie der chemischen Ökologie von schwammassoziierten Bakterien und des Holobionten selbst bei verschiedenen Schwämmen und anderen Invertebraten wie z.B. Octokorallen in diesen Gebieten des Pazifiks zwischen Sublitoral und Abyssal. Zum Erreichen dieser Ziele wurde während der PoriBacNewz Forschungsfahrt eine umfangreiche Beprobungskampagne durchgeführt zwischen 29° und 52°S und 173°O and 176°W, welche 27 Stationen umfas ste, 10 CTD Stationen für Arbeiten in der Wassersäule, hauptsächlich entlang eines nord-süd Transekts bei 180°O, und 19 Statio- nen für Arbeiten am Meeresboden unter Verwendung des ferngesteuerten Unterwasserrobo- ters ROV Kiel 6000. Die Probennahme umfasste, neben extensiven ROV-Tauchgängen und der Niskin-CTD-Rosette, bio-optische Charakterisierungen der euphotischen Zone, vertikale Planktonnetzzüge, Wasserprobennahme mit einer in situ Pumpe nahe der Oberfläche und Sedimentbeprobung mit einem Multicorer (MUC). Um die funktionellen Eigenschaften der prokaryontischen Mikrobengemeinschaften besser zu verstehen war ein besonderer Fokus auf prozessorientierte Studien gelegt. Deshalb setzten wir Radioisotopen- und fluoreszenzmarkierte Modellsubstrate ein. Im südpazifischen subtropi- schen Wirbel und in der subantarktischen Region wurden Mesokosmenexperiments durchge- führt, um die Reaktion der Bakteriengemeinschaften auf den Zusatz von verschiedenen Sub- straten zu prüfen. Nach den Temperaturen und dem Salzgehalt der oberflächennahen Schichten konnten wir deutlich die Wassermassen und biogeografischen Provinzen unterscheiden. Die Wassertem- peraturen nahmen ab von 23° auf 9°C in der Polarfro nt-/antarktischen Region und der Salzge- halt von >35.8 auf <34.6. Die unterschiedlichen Provinzen und das warme oberflächennahe, das Antarktische Zwischenwasser und Pazifische Tiefenwasser konnten eindeutig erkannt werden. Die Fronten, welche die drei untersuchten biogeografischen Provinzen trennen, mit sprunghaften Abnahmen der Wassertemperatur und des Salzgehaltes, wurden durch die im Schiff eingebauten Temperatur- und Salinitätssensoren klar identifiziert. Im permanent geschichteten südpazifischen subtropischen Wirbel lag das tiefe Chlorophyllma- ximum bei 100 m Tiefe und stieg nach Süden an mit einer Phytoplanktonblüte in 50 m in der subantarktischen Provinz, die wir nur in den südlichen Ausläufern tangierten. Eine ausgepräg-

3 te Blüte in den oberen 60 m mit einem Chlorophyllmaximum in 30 m Tiefe existierte in der Po- larfront-/antarktischen Region. Die erhobenen mikrobiellen Parameter spiegelten die verschie- denen Wassermassen und teilweise auch die biogeografischen Provinzen gut wider. Die end- gültige Interpretation der Daten wird jedoch erst möglich sein, wenn alle anderen Proben hin- sichtlich der Zusammensetzung und funktionellen Eigenschaften der Prokaryontengemein- schaften mit aktuellen Methoden (next generation sequencing, Metagenomik, -transkriptomik, -proteomik) und die Zusammensetzung des DOM Pools analysiert und ausgewertet worden sind. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Prokaryontenabundanz in den ersten 100 m, analysiert mit- tels Durchflusszytometrie an Bord, zwischen 4 und 50x10 5 Zellen ml -1 lagen. Niedrigste Werte von <10x10 5 Zellen ml -1 wurden im südpazifischen subtropischen Wirbel und in 60 und 100 m Tiefe in subantarktischen Wassermassen gefunden und höchste Werte an der südlichsten Stationen in der Polarfrontregion bei 52° S. Die ba kterielle Biomassproduktion variierte sehr stark in 20 m Tiefe entlang des Transektes mit einem Trend von abnehmenden Werten in der Polarfrontregion. Die Werte in 60 und 100 m Tiefe waren stets geringer und zeigten keinen Trend entlang des Transektes. Die Wachstumsraten der gesamten Bakteriengemeinschaft lagen zwischen <0.1 und 1.25 pro Tag. Höchste und niedrigste Werte wurden im südpazifischen subtropischen Wirbel gefunden während in der subantarktischen und Polarfrontregion die Raten 0.33 pro Tag nicht überschritten wurden. Das Oberflächensediment entlang des Transektes zeichnete sich durch recht unterschiedliche Strukturen und Texturen aus. Die Bakterienabundanzen an der Sedimentoberfläche nahm vom südpazifischen subtropischen Wirbel bis zur Polarfrontregion von 4x10 8 auf 4x10 7 Zellen cm -3 ab während sie in 20 cm Tiefe bei 3x10 7 Zellen cm -3 konstant blieben. Während der ROV-Tauchgänge wurden Sediment und Invertebraten in einem Tiefenbereich zwischen 100 und 4800 m beprobt. Insgesamt wurden 359 Einzelproben der Zielorganismen (hauptsächlich Schwämme, Korallen, Seegurken) gesammelt. Diese wurden 183 operationellen taxonomischen Einheiten („Arten“) zugeordnet und umfassten 111 Schwämme. Zusätzlich wurden 262 kleine Einzelproben von Organismen gesammelt, welche nicht zu den Zielgruppen gehörten, aber mit Organismen aus den Zeilgruppen assoziiert waren. Diese wurden 73 taxonomische Familien zugeordnet. Die taxonomische Identifizierung mittels traditioneller Mikroskopie, DNA-Barcoding und DNA-Sequenzierung des Mikrobioms ist in Arbeit. Erste Analysen zeigten dass die nördlichen tiefsten Stationen, von 29° bis 39°S, von Hexactinelliden dominiert waren, während Demospongiden weniger häufig vorkamen. Die südlichen Stationen zwischen 41° und 45°S waren dag egen von Demospongiden dominiert. Hexactinelliden waren sehr viel weniger vertreten. Die Schwämme waren insgesamt häufiger auf Hartsubstraten und auf schlammigen Sedimenten mit vereinzelten Bimssteinen selten bis nicht vorhanden. Einige der nördlichen Stationen waren geologisch aktiv, z.B. Raul Island, Macauley Island. Dort waren Ocotokorallen viel häufiger anzutreffen als Schwämme. Nach den vorläufigen Daten, die wir während der Forschungsfahrt bereits erheben konnten, sind wir sehr zuversichtlich, dass die PoriBacNewZ-Forschungsfahrt sehr erfolgreich war und dass wir die Ziele dieser umfangreichen Untersuchung erreichen werden. Einerheblicher Teil der Untersuchungen wurde im Rahmen des durch die DFG geförderten Sonderforschungsbereich Roseobacter (TRR 51) durchgeführt.

4 1.2 Summary

The south-west Pacific around New Zealand between the subtropic and subantarctic region stretches over distinct biogeographic provinces which are separated by oceanic fronts and differ with respect to water masses, hydrography, nutrients and plankton communities. The sea floor in these regions exhibits a very diverse structure with hard and soft sediments, remains of volcanic activities, greatly varying depths and mostly hard surfaces on the Kermadec Plateau and Trench north of New Zealand. A steep continental slope exists east of the NZ north island, Chatham Rise and Campbell Plateau. So far, it has not been investigated how the differences in these biogeographic provinces and water masses between the surface and sea floor are reflected by the composition and functional properties of prokaryotic microbial communities and the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool and whether the benthic sponge and invertebrate communities and their associated microbiome reflect these biogeographic patterns. Therefore cruise SO254 PoriBacNewZ pursued two aims: 1) A comprehensive and detailed assessment and understanding of the structural and functional biodiversity and biogeochemical role of the total bacterioplankton communities and their growth characteristics in the water column and surface sediment under a special emphasis of the Roseobacter group in this region of the Pacific and of the chemogeography patterns of the DOM pool; B) an assessment of the microbial biodiversity associated with sponges as well as the chemical ecology of sponge- associated bacteria and the sponge holobiont itself and among different sponge hosts and of other invertebrates (e.g. Octocorals) in this region from shallow reefs over the twilight zone down to abyssal depths. To achieve these aims the PoriBacNewZ cruise undertook a compre- hensive sampling campaign between 29° and 52°S and 173°E and 176°W including 27 sta- tions, 10 CTD stations for water column and sediment work, mainly along a north south tran- sect around 180°E, and 19 stations for work at the sea floor by using the Remotely Operated Vehicle of Geomar (ROV Kiel 6000). Sampling included, besides extensive ROV dives and CTD-casts, bio-optical characterization of the euphotic zone, vertical plankton net tows, in situ pump deployments in near surface waters and sediment sampling with a multicorer (MUC). To better understand the functional properties of the prokaryotic microbial communities in the different biogeographic provinces a special focus was on process studies. Therefore we ap- plied radio- and fluorescently labelled model substrates. Further, mesocosm experiments were carried out in the south Pacific subtropical gyre and in subantarctic waters to examine the response of the bacterial communities to various substrate amendments. According to and salinity in the near-surface layer we could clearly identify the biogeographic provinces. Water decreased from 23° in the south Pacific sub- tropical gyre to 9°C in Antarctic/polar frontal wat ers and salinity from >35.8 to <34.6. The dif- ferent provinces and the warm surface, Antarctic intermediate und Pacific deep water masses were clearly identified. The location of the major fronts separating the three biogeographic provinces visited, with strong drops in temperature, was identified by the ship’s built-in tem- perature and salinity sensors. In the permanently stratified south Pacific subtropical gyre the deep chlorophyll maximum was located around 100 m depth and shoaled towards the south with a phytoplankton bloom in subantarctic waters around 50 m which we just hit in its southern outreach. A pronounced bloom in the upper 60 m with a chlorophyll maximum at 30 m depth was present in Antarc- tic/polar frontal waters. The microbial parameters assessed reflected the different water mass- es and partially the biogeographic provinces. Final interpretation of the data, however, is only possible when we will have analyzed and evaluated all the samples of the composition and functional properties of the prokaryotic communities, applying state of the art analyses (next generation sequencing, metagenomics, -transcriptomics, -proteomics) and the composition of the DOM pool.

5 First results show that the prokaryotic abundance in the upper 100 m, assessed by flow cy- tometry on board, ranged between 4 and 50x10 5 cells ml -1. Lowest values of <10x10 5 cells ml -1 were recorded in the south Pacific subtropical gyre and at 60 and 100 m in subantarctic waters whereas highest values occurred at the southernmost station in the polar frontal waters at 52°S. Bacterial biomass production varied greatly a t 20 m depth along the transect with a trend of lower values towards the polar frontal waters. Values at 60 and 100 m depth were system- atically lower and did not show any latitudinal trend. Community growth rates ranged between <0.1 and 1.25 per day. Highest and lowest values were recorded in the south Pacific subtropi- cal gyre whereas values in subantarctic and polar frontal waters did not exceed 0.33 per day. The surface sediment along the transect exhibited quite variable structures and textures. Bac- terial abundance at the sediment surface decreased from the south Pacific subtropical gyre to the polar frontal region from 4x10 8 to 4x10 7 cells cm -3 whereas at 20 cm below the seafloor cell numbers remained constant around 3x10 7 cells cm -3. During the ROV dives sediment and invertebrates were collected at a depth range of 100 to 4800 m. A total of 359 target specimens (mainly sponges, corals, sea cucumbers) were col- lected. The target specimens were attributed to 183 Operational Taxonomic Units (“species”) including 111 sponges. Additionally, 262 small non-target-specimens that were associated with the target organisms were collected and preliminarily attributed to 73 taxonomic families. Tax- onomic identifications using traditional microscopy as well as DNA barcoding and amplicon sequencing of the microbiome are ongoing. A preliminary analysis revealed that the northern, deepest stations, from 29° to 39° S, were dominated by Hexactinellida whereas Demospongiae were less abundant. The southern sta- tions from 41° to 45° S were dominated by Demospong iae and had only a low abundance of Hexactinellida. Sponges in general were more common on hard substrate while they were rare to absent on slopes dominated by muddy sediment with occasional pumice rocks. Several of the northern sites were also geologically active (e.g. Raoul Island, Macauley Island), and had much higher abundances of octocorals compared to sponges. According to the preliminary data we were able to collect already during the cruise we are very confident that the PoriBacNewZ cruise was very successful and that we can reach the aims of this comprehensive study. A considerable part of the investigations were carried out in the frame work of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center Roseobacter (TRR51).

6 2. Participants / Teilnehmer 2.1 Principal investigators / Leitende Wissenschaftler

2.1.1 Project Proponents and Institutes

Prof. Dr. Meinhard Simon Head Group Biology of Geological Processes / Aquatic Microbial Ecology ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Carl von Ossietzky Str. 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg, Tel. 0441-798-5361, Fax: 0441-798-3438 [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp Head, Group Environmental Biochemistry ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Schleusenstr. 1, 26328 Willhelmshaven, Tel. 04421-944-100, Fax: 04421-944-140 [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dittmar Head, ICBM-MPI Bridging Group for Marine Geochemistry ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Carl von Ossietzky Str. 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg, Tel. 0441-798-3602, Fax: 0441-798-3404 [email protected]

Dr. Katharina Pahnke Head, MPI Research Group Marine Isotope Geochemistry ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Carl von Ossietzky Str. 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg, Tel. 0441-798-3328, Fax: 0441-798-3358 [email protected]

PD Dr. Bert Engelen Senior Research Scientist, Paleomicrobiology Group ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Carl von Ossietzky Str. 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg, Tel. 0441-798-5378, Fax: 0441-798-3404 [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide Head, group Palaeontology and Geobiology LMU Ludwig Maximilian Universität München Department for Earth and Environmental Sciences Richard Wagner Str. 10, D-80333 München, Germany [email protected]

7 Prof. Dr. Ute Hentschel Humeida Head, group Marine Microbiology GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20 D-24105 Kiel, Deutschland [email protected]

Dr. Heike Freese Senior Research Scientist, Department Microbial Ecology and Diversity DSMZ Leibniz Institute DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures Inhoffenstr. 7B, 38124 Braunschweig, Tel. 0531-2616-360, Fax: 0531-2616-418 [email protected]

PD Dr. Joachim Wink Head, group Microbial Strain Collection… HZI Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Department Anti Infectives Inhoffenstr. 7 D-38124 Braunschweig, Germany [email protected]

Dr. Jackson Cahn Postdoctoral scientist ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Institute of Microbiology Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10 CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland [email protected]

Sadie Mills, M. Sc. Manager of the Invertebrate Collection NIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, Hataitai, Wellington 6021 Wellington, New Zealand [email protected]

Dr. Dick van Oevelen Senior Scientist, Department of Ecosystem Studies NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research Department of Estuaries and Delta Systems Korringaweg 7 NL-4401 NT Yerseke, The Netherlands [email protected]

8 2.1.2 Associated Principal Investigators and Institutes

Prof. Dr. Oliver Zielinski Head, Marine Sensors Group ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Schleusenstr. 1, 26328 Willhelmshaven, Tel. 04421-944-174, Fax: 04421-944-147 [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus Head Group General and Molecular Microbiology ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Carl von Ossietzky Str. 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg, Tel. 0441-798-3884, Fax: 0441-798-3408 [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Rolf Daniel Head Department Genomic and Applied Microbiology G2L Goettingen Genomics Lab - Institute of Microbiology and Genetics Universität Göttingen Grisebachstr. 8, 37077 Göttingen, Tel. 0551-39-33827, Fax: 0551-39-12181 [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Irene Wagner-Doebler Head Group Microbial Communication HZI Helmholtz Center for Infection Research Inhoffenstr. 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Tel. 0531-6181-6080, Fax: 0531-6181-3096 [email protected]

Dr. Michelle Kelly Head, group sponge taxonomy NIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research 41 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour Auckland, New Zealand [email protected]

9 2.2 Scientific party / wissenschaftliche Fahrtteilnehmer

1 Meinhard Simon Chief Scientist ICBM 2 Rohan Henkel CTD ICBM 3 Jens Meyerjürgens CTD ICBM 4 Daniela Meier Bio-Optics ICBM 5 Daniela Voss Bio-Optics ICBM 6 Insa Bakenhus Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 7 Sara Billerbeck Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 8 Helge-Ansgar Giebel Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 9 Benedikt Heyerhoff Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 10 Birgit Kürzel Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 11 Felix Milke Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 12 Gerrit Wienhausen Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 13 Mathias Wolterink Pelagic Microbiology ICBM 14 Heike Freese Population Genomics DSMZ 15 Franziska Klann Population Genomics DSMZ 16 Julius Degenhardt Sediment Microbiology ICBM 17 Marion Pohlner Sediment Microbiology ICBM 18 Mara Heinrichs Dissolved Organic Matter ICBM 19 Beatriz Noriega Ortega Dissolved Organic Matter ICBM 20 Torben Struwe Isotope Geochemistry ICBM 21 Bianca Torres Liguori Pires Isotope Geochemistry ICBM 22 Peter Schupp Sponge Ecophysiology ICBM 23 Sven Rohde Sponge Ecophysiology ICBM 24 Tessa Clemens Sponge Ecophysiology ICBM 25 Lars-Erik Petersen Sponge Ecophysiology ICBM 26 Dennis Versluis Sponge Ecophysiology ICBM 27 Tanja Stratmann Sponge Ecophysiology NIOZ 28 Klaus-Peter Conrad Sponge Microbiology HZI 29 Jackson Cahn Sponge Microbiology ETH 30 Katrin Busch Sponge Microbiology Geomar 31 Sadie Mills Sponge Taxonomy NIWA 32 Gert Wörheide Sponge Phylogeny LMU 33 Friedrich Abegg ROV Geomar 34 Matthias Bodendorfer ROV Geomar 35 Patrick Cuno ROV Geomar 36 Hannes Huusmann ROV Geomar 37 Torge Mathiessen ROV Geomar 38 Arne Meier ROV Geomar 39 Martin Pieper ROV Geomar 40 Inken Suck ROV Geomar


Figure 2.1: The scientific party of RV Sonne expedition PoriBacNewZ SO254

2.3 Crew / Mannschaft 1 Lutz Mallon Captain 2 Nils-Arne Aden Chief Mate 3 Stefan Butzlaff 1st Mate 4 Hans-Ulrich Büchele 2nd Mate 5 Gabriele Wolters Surgeon 6 Achim Schüler 1st Engineer 7 Stefan Kasten 2nd Engineer 8 Roman Horsel 2nd Engineer 9 Matthias Grossmann Chief Scientific Technical Service (WTD) 10 Hermann Pregler Electronics (WTD) 11 Stefan Meinecke System Manager 12 Thomas Beyer Electrical Engineer 13 Henning de Buhr Electrical Engineer 14 Volker Blohm Fitter 15 Matyas Talpai Motorman 16 Georg Hoffmann Motorman 17 Björn-Alexander Bredlo Motorman 18 Jürgen Kraft Boatswain 19 André Garnitz Chief Cook 20 Frank Stöcker 2nd cook 21 René Lemm Chief Steward 22 Sylvia Kluge 2nd Steward 23 Maik Steep 2nd Steward 24 Bernardo Carolino 2nd Steward 25 Dennis Vogel Deck 26 Frank Heibeck Deck 27 Guenther Stängl Deck 28 Oliver Eidam Deck 29 Reno Ross Deck 30 Ingo Fricke Deck 31 Arnold Ernst Deck

11 3. Narrative of the cruise / Ablauf der Forschungsfahrt

On Saturday, January 28 th around 5 pm local time Research Vessel Sonne with the embarked 40 scientists and 31 crew members left the port of Auckland for the PoriBacNewZ cruise to head to the first station at 30° 43’ S, 173° 53’ E, where we arrived in the morning of January 30 th . Three 20 foot-containers and air fright boxes with scientific equipment and cooled and frozen goods and the five ROV-containers had arrived in time so that everything we needed was on board. However, due to a broken control valve of the cooling water system for two of the four Diesel engines and waiting for its re- placement by a flown-in valve from the company in the UK the ship left the port with a delay of 55 hours. The scientists had come on board al- ready on January 24 th because of a very suc- cessful open ship day on January 25 th organized by the German embassy in New Zealand. Hence we had plenty of time to set up the labs and get ready for work. At the rather shallow station 1 we started with a CTD sound profile for the cali- bration of the depth profiling of the ROV and subsequently launched the ROV (Fig. 3.1) for the first survey and collection of sponges and Fig. 3.1: ROV Kiel 6000 (photo: H. Freese) other invertebrates. Bio-optics work (Secchi- depth, hyperspectral und multispectral light field measurements (UV/VIS)) in the upper 200 m and the deployment of the McLane in situ pump at 20 m followed. We worked our way towards the east around 30°S by visiting stations 2 to 5 ac ross the Kermadec Plateau to the trench at 29° 16’ S, 176° 42’ W where we reached our easternm ost location, station 6. At each station the ROV was launched for benthic work and at station 1, 4 and 6 we also carried out water column work. At station 4 we collected only near surface water to set up our first meso- cosm experiment. At station 6 as the northern- most location of the north-south transect across the biogeographic provinces we carried out the entire program of the water column and sediment work (CTD hydrography and water samples from 10 m to the sea floor, in situ pump, vertical plankton net haul, MUC). Thanks to the ICBM-owned large volume CTD rosette sampler (24 x 20 liter Niskin bottles, Fig. 3.2) we usually needed only two casts, one 5 to 300 m and one 500 to 10 m above sea Fig. 3.2: ICBM-owned large volume CTD rosette floor. At every station with ROV and water col- sampler (24x20 Liter Niskin bottles; photo: M. Simon) umn/sediment work we sampled the water col- umn/sediment before and after the ROV work which needed to be done during daylight. Due to this constraint we could perform bio-optic measurements only at fewer stations than planned. From station 6 the cruise track went south. Stations 7 to 15 at 45° 57’ S included five stations for surveys of the benthic habitats and sponge and invertebrate collection by ROV, one of them near Raoul Island and one near Macauley Island, three stations for water col- umn/sediment work and one station for bio-optics measurements. This schedule followed

12 rather the original plan. For details on the station work see attached list. At station 15, how- ever, we had to retrieve the ROV earlier than planned due to increasing above 2.8 m and strong currents. The wave heights of more than 3 m and wind strengths of Beaufort scale 6 to 10 forced us to cancel all planned ROV operations further south. Unfortunately, stormy weath- er and wave heights of more than 5 m also forced us to stop our transect at 52° 07’ S at station 18. Originally we had planned to continue the transect to 60°S. The shortage of the cruise time by 55 hours did not allow us to wait for better weather in ANTA. Hence we returned to regions further north and visited nine more stations fairly close to the coast of the NZ south and north islands mainly concentrating on investigating and collecting sponges and other invertebrates by ROV. Only one more station in SANT was visited for more water column/sediment work (station 20) and two more stations in the SPSG in the last two days of the cruise (stations 26 and 27). During the entire cruise we had regular meetings of the PIs of the different working groups and with the entire scientific party on board to discuss details of the planned station work and to present the planned work of each group. Later on first results of some of these groups were included in the presentations. The water column stations along the transect were selected such that we aimed at visiting at least two stations in each biogeographic province. This aim was achieved in all provinces even though we had wished to visit more stations in ANTA. The stations for ROV operations had been selected according to the structure of the sea floor and continental slope and to previous records on sponge biodiversity patterns, when available, and following the transect. This was because two originally different cruise proposals had to be merged to one cruise which made it sometimes difficult to fulfill the diverging wishes of the water column/sediment and ROV work. According to temperature and salinity in the near-surface layer we could clearly identify the biogeographic provinces. Water temperatures decreased from 23° in the SPSG to 9°C in ANTA (Fig. 7.1) and salinity from >35.8 to <34.6 (Fig. 7.2). The different provinces and the warm surface, Antarctic intermediate und Pacific deep water masses were clearly identified from the T-S plot (Fig. 7.3). The location of the major fronts separating the three biogeographic provinces visited (STF, SAF) with strong drops in temperature were identified by the ship’s built in temperature and salinity recordings and could clearly be extrapolated to the entire southwestern Pacific on the basis of the temperature distribution (Fig. 7.4). In the permanently stratified SPSG the deep chlorophyll maximum was located around 100 m depth and shoaled towards the south with a bloom in SANT around 50 m which we just hit in its southern outreach (Fig. 7.5). A pronounced bloom in the upper 60 m with a chlorophyll max- imum at 30 m depth was present in ANTA. The microbial parameters assessed reflected the different water masses and partially the bio- geographic provinces. Final interpretation of the data, however, is only possible when we will have analyzed all the samples for the prokaryotic community and the DOM composition. Prokaryotic abundance in the upper 100 m, assessed by flow cytometry on board, ranged be- tween 4 and 50x10 5 cells ml -1 (Fig. 7.13). Lowest values of <10x10 5 cells ml -1 were recorded in the SPSG and at 60 and 100 m along the transect to station 17 in the northern ANTA whereas highest values occurred at the southernmost station in ANTA at 52°S. At 20 m depth elevated numbers of 15-30x10 5 cells ml -1 were also recorded at stations 12, 14 and 15 in the southern SPSG and SANT. Bacterial biomass production, assessed by incorporation of 14 C-labelled leucine, varied greatly at 20 m depth along the transect with a trend of lower values towards ANTA (Fig. 7.13). Rates at 60 and 100 m depth were systematically lower and did not show any latitudinal trend. Community growth rates ranged between <0.1 and 1.25 per day. Highest

13 and lowest values were recorded in the SPSG whereas values in SANT and ANTA did not exceed 0.33 per day. Turnover rates of dissolved free amino acids, glucose and acetate basi- cally covaried among each other but not with bacterial biomass production. Lowest rates oc- curred in the SPSG, except for amino acids, and highest rates at the four southernmost sta- tions in SANT and ANTA. The maximum of all three parameters was detected at station 20 in SANT which was further west and more on the Campbell Plateau than the other transect sta- tions (list of stations). The mesocosm experiments at the station in the SPSG (station 4) and SANT (station 15) ex- hibited strikingly different growth responses of the ambient bacterial communities to the vari- ous substrate and vitamin B1 and B12 additions. At station 4 the responses were slower than at station 15. The surface sediment along the transect exhibited quite variable structures and textures. This was already obvious from the color (Fig. 7.16). Bacterial abundance at the sediment surface decreased from station 6 in the SPSG to station 18 in ANTA from 4x10 8 to 4x10 7 cells cm -3 whereas at 20 cm below the seafloor cell numbers remained constant around 3x10 7 cells cm -3 (Fig. 7.17). Alkaline phosphate activities were very low from station 6 to 15 and peaked at sta- tion 18 (Fig. 7.18) whereas aminopeptidase activities did not show a systematic trend over the biogeographic provinces (Fig. 7.19). During 19 ROV dives between 29° and 49°S water samp les, sediments and invertebrates were collected at a depth range of 100 to 4800 m (for exact locations and depths see attached list of stations). In addition to the ROV dives we also conducted one shallow water collection by from a small boat near Raoul Island on the Kermadec Plateau. A total of 359 target specimens (sponges, corals, sea cucumbers etc., Fig. 7.26, Tab. 7.5) were collected. The tar- get specimens were attributed to 183 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs, nominal “species”) and including 111 sponge (Porifera) OTUs. Additionally, 262 small non-target-specimens that were associated with the target organisms were collected for the NIWA Invertebrate Collection and preliminarily attributed to 73 taxonomic families (Tab. 7.6). Taxonomic identifications using traditional microscopy as well as DNA barcoding and amplicon sequencing of the microbiome are ongoing. A preliminary analysis revealed that the northern, deepest stations, from 29° to 39° S, were dominated by Hexactinellida (total of 102 specimens, 7.3 per site) with Demospongiae being less abundant (total of 45 specimens, 3.2 per site). The southern stations from 41° to 45° S on the other hand were dominated by Demospongiae (54 specimens, 13.5 per site), with only a low abundance of Hexactinellida (2 specimens, 0.5 per site). Sponges in general were more common on hard substrate, i.e., volcanic bed rock, while they were rare to absent on slopes dominated by muddy sediment with occasional pumice rocks. Several of the northern sites were also geologically active (e.g. Raoul Island, Macauley Island), and had much higher abun- dances of octocorals compared to sponges. Since most octocorals also require hard substrate for attachment, it appears that sponges prefer different hard substrate compared to the octo- corals, which seemed rather abundant on the pumice substrate. According to the preliminary data we were able to collect already during the cruise we are very confident that the PoriBacNewZ cruise was very successful and that we can reach the goals we set for this comprehensive study. However, to achieve them all the samples stored frozen in the home labs need to be analyzed. On February 18 th we finished the last CTD station (station 20) with the full program and on February 23 rd the last ROV station (station 26). At the last station we just carried out bio-optics

14 work and deployed the in situ pump which could not be operated as we had wished due to unfavorable weather conditions further south. This schedule left us enough time to finish the last incubations, pack all material and equipment before we reached again the port of Auck- land in the morning of February 27 th . During the first two weeks in the SPSG and northern SANT we experienced good weather so that we were able to pursue our original plans to a large extent. Thereafter, in the southern region of SANT and ANTA, we experienced storms and high waves so that we had to re- schedule our plans frequently, cancel all ROV stations and even to cancel the planned stations from 55° to 60°S. Even after returning to the regio ns closer to the coast near the NZ south and north islands we still experienced fairly strong wind but wave heights which allowed operating the ROV. Returning to the SPSG for the last stations brought us back to fine and sunny weather. During all these weather conditions including high waves and storms up to Beaufort scale 10 the ship operated reliably so that we could process all samples collected without any problem. We did not experience any malfunctioning of instrumentation or ship equipment dur- ing the cruise after the replacement of the broken control valve at the beginning of the cruise. Even though our cruise suffered from the two initially lost days it is remarkably that these were the very first days lost since the ship was delivered to science in November 2014. A post cruise meeting for shipboard and shore-based scientists to present and discuss the results will be scheduled for February or March 2018.

15 4. Aims of the Cruise / Zielsetzung der Forschungsfahrt

4.1 General aims

The south-west Pacific around New Zealand (NZ) between the subtropic and subantarctic region stretches over distinct biogeographic provinces which are sepa- SPSG rated by oceanic fronts and differ with respect to water masses, hydrography, nutrients and plankton communi- ties: South Pacific Subtropical Gyre (SPSG), New Zea- 40° land coastal province (NEWZ) mixing partly with the

South Subtropical Convergence (SSTC), Subantarctic Z SANT STF W E Water Ring (SANT) and the Southern Polar Frontal Re- N gion merging partly with the Antarctic Polar Province 50° (ANTA, Fig. 4.1). The Subtropical (STF), Subantarctic SAF (SAF) and Polar Front (PF) separate these provinces. ANTA The sea floor in these regions exhibits a very diverse structure with soft sediments, remains of volcanic activi- PF 60° ties, greatly varying depths and mostly hard surfaces in the Kermadec Plateau and Trench north of NZ. A steep continental slope exists east of the NZ north and south 180°E / W island, Chatham Rise and Campbell Plateau (see Fig. Fig. 4.1: Biogeographic provinces visited 4.2). in the Pacific. For abbreviations see text. The aims of the investigation were twofold: 1) A comprehensive and detailed assessment and understanding of the structural and functional biodiversity and biogeochemical role of the Roseobacter clade in the context of the total bacterioplankton communities and their growth characteristics in the water column and surface sediment of this region of the Pacific. 2) An assessment of the microbial biodiversity associated with sponges as well as the chemical ecology of sponge-associated bacteria and the sponge holobiont itself and among different sponge hosts and of other invertebrates (e.g. Octocorals) in this region from shallow reefs over the twilight zone down to abyssal depths. Therefore, the PoriBacNewZ cruise undertook a comprehensive sampling campaign between 29° and 52° S and 173°E and 176°W including 27 stations, 10 CTD s ta- tions for water column work and 19 stations for work at the ++ + + sea floor by using the Remotely Operated Vehicle of + + + Geomar (ROV Kiel 6000). For stations see Fig. 4.2 and list + + + + of stations in Appendix B. + + Sampling included extensive CTD-casts throughout the +++ + + water column, bio-optical characterization of the euphotic + + water column, vertical plankton net tows, in situ pump de- + + + ployments in near surface waters, sediment sampling with + a Multi Corer (MUC) at five stations, ROV operations to + + survey and collect sponges and other invertebrates and + two Agazzis trawls. A special focus was on assessing the differences in the functional properties and the composi- tion of the bacterial and archaeal communities and their main players in the different biogeographic provinces in the water column and as a function of the composition of the pool of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Therefore, Fig. 4.2: Track of cruise SO254 (red line) samples were collected for later analyses of the metage- and stations (red dots).

16 nome, metatranscriptome and metaproteome of the bacterial communities. Further, samples were collected for a refined assessment of the population genomics of two distinct phyloge- netic lineages of the Roseobacter clade. In order to embed the assessments of the prokaryotic communities into functional processes, radio-labeled tracers were used to experimentally examine key microbiological and biogeochemical processes. The investigations were comple- mented by two mesocosm experiments on board, one with water of the SPSG and one with water of SANT. The aims of the mesocosm experiments were to examine the growth response of the ambient bacterioplankton communities to additions of diatom-derived labile DOM, algi- nate and vitamin B12 and B1 and precursors. These manipulations allow a more refined in- sight into the functional properties and substrate preferences of the bacterial communities. To better understand the functional properties of the prokaryotic communities in the different biogeographic provinces a special focus was on process studies. Therefore we applied radio- and fluorescently labelled model substrates and mesocosms with different substrate amend- ments. A substantial part of the investigations were carried out in the frame work of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center Roseobacter (TRR51).

4.2 Major topics of investigations on board 4.2.1 Hydrographic and biogeochemical characterization of the biogeographic provinces and water masses In order to characterize the biogeographic provinces and water masses we assessed the hydrographic properties of the water column from the surface to the sea floor by the sensors of the CTD rosette sampler (salinity, temperature, transparency, , fluorescence). For biogeochemical parameters such as chlorophyll, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC, PON) and inorganic nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, silicate) samples were collected from distinct depths out of Niskin bottles mounted on the rosette sampler. 4.2.2 Composition, diversity and function of the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic prokaryotic microbial communities Our aim was to comprehensively assess the composition, diversity and function of the prokaryotic (Archaea and Bacteria ) communities in all biogeographic provinces in the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic zones. Therefore, we collected samples from the surface to 10 m above the sea floor and prepared them for later analyses by state of the art molecular microbiological approaches such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH), next generation sequencing of variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene, genome sequencing, metagenomics, -transcriptomics and –proteomics. To assess functional properties of these communities bulk rates of prokaryotic biomass production, turnover rates of amino acids, glucose and acetate were assessed by radiotracer techniques. Further, microautoradiography coupled with FISH (MAR-FISH) and using leucine as a proxy for protein synthesis and amino acids, glucose and acetate as substrates was applied. 4.2.3 Mesocosm experiments to assess functional responses to substrate amendmens In order to examine how the ambient bacterial communities respond to substrate amendments mesocosm experiments in triplicate 20 L carboys and controls were conducted in the SPSG and SANT. An exudate of the diatom Thalassiosira rotula , alginate, vitamins B1 and B12 and precursors were added to separate sets of mesocosms and incubated for five to eight days at ambient temperature. Subsamples for bacterial abundance, biomass production and substrate turnover were withdrawn periodically and for bacterial community composition, metagenomics,

17 -transcriptomics and DOM analysis by ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (see below) at the end . 4.2.4 Diversity and function of surface-sediment-associated microbial communities In order to examine how the greatly varying trophic state and sinking flux of the different bio- geographic processes is reflected in the sea floor-associated microbial communities their com- position and polymer degradation potential was investigated in the upper 20 cm of the sedi- ment. Similar methods as in the upper water column were applied. 4.2.5 Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) The composition of the DOM pool was assessed by ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry, FT-ICR-MS, (Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, Dittmar and Stub- bins 2014) in the entire water column to characterize the biogeographic provinces and water masses also by these geochemical features. They are mainly a result of the processing of or- ganic matter by the resident microbes. of dissolved amino acids and carbohy- drates and of dissolved organic carbon were measured as well. 4.2.6 Isotope Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements This project focused on the collection of samples for the analyses of neodymium and silicon isotopes and rare earth elements. Water column samples were collected with the CTD rosette and sediment samples were recovered with the MUC, as well as with push cores with the ROV. This cruise presented a rare opportunity to interpret inorganic geochemical parameters in the context of a wide range of microbiological and biogeochemical measurements assessed simultaneously. 4.2.7 Operation of ROV Kiel 6000 The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Kiel 6000 was used to survey the sea floor and benthic habitats for the presence and distribution and to collect specimens of sponges and other inver- tebrates and to deploy boxes to measure of sponges. The depth of the sea floor at the different dives ranged from 350 to 4800 m. Usually the dives started at the maximum depth of the particular site and the ROV worked its way up the slope. 4.2.8 Diversity of benthic sponge and invertebrate communities and their associated microbiome The main objective of this multifaceted project aimed at describing the microbial biodiversity associated with sponges as well as the chemical ecology of sponge-associated bacteria and the sponge holobiont itself. We wanted to investigate whether the biodiversity and abundance of sponges and sponge-associated bacteria show distinct differences along a vertical depth gradient (shallow , twilight zone and abyssal depth), between geographic regions and among different sponge hosts. Collection of additional invertebrate groups (e.g. Octocorals), sediment and water samples will allow the identification of complementary bacterial strains including marine myxobacteria and the cancidate phylum Tectomicrobia . Investigations also aim at assessing the secondary metabolites of the collected specimens. This will include the chemistry of the holobiont as well as the secondary metabolites produced by the isolated bacterial strains. 4.2.9 Taxonomy, p hylogeny and genomics of benthic invertebrates The aims of this project was to subsample all sponges and octocorals as well as holothurians and brachiopods collected by ROV and preserve them for subsequent extraction of high mo- lecular DNA and RNA in the home lab and sequence analysis of target genes for spe- cies identification and genome sequence analysis and transcriptome profiling.

18 5. Agenda of the cruise / Programm der Forschungsfahrt

5.1 Cruise track

The southwest Pacific around New Zea- land between 29° and 52°S and 173°E 5 and 176°W was investigated to cover 4 6 3 ++ 1 2 the biogeographic provinces, water + +7 + + + masses and sea floor in this region comprehensively for the aims and re- 9 8 search questions outlined in chapter 4. 26 + + + + Sampling included ROV dives, CTD- 27 + 25 casts throughout the water column, bio- +10 11 optical characterization of the euphotic 24 +++12 +13 zone, vertical plankton net tows, in situ +23 pump deployments in near surface wa- +22 14 + ters and sediment sampling with a MUC. + 20 In the SPSG and SANT mesocosm ex- 21 + + 15 periments were carried out to examine 16 + the response of the bacterial communi- 19 + ties to various substrate and vitamin + 17 amendments. 18 + 5.2 Station work

The investigation included 27 stations, 11 CTD stations for water column work and 19 stations for work at the sea floor by using the ROV (Fig. 5.1). The water column stations along the transect at ~180°E were selected such that we aimed at visiting at least two stations in Fig. 5.1: Track and stations (no.) of cruise SO254 in the each biogeographic province. This aim southwest Pacific. Red crosses: stations with ROV deploy- ments or Agazzis trawls (only stations 16, 20); yellow crosses: was achieved in all provinces even Work in the water column with CTD, sediment with MUC though we had wished to visit more and/or bio-optics; orange crosses: CTD and ROV work. For stations in ANTA. Rough weather and exact locations and type of work see Table in Appendix B. the shortage of the cruise by 55 hours did not allow to extent the transect beyond 52°S. T he stations for ROV operations had been selected according to the structure of the sea floor and continental slope and to previous records on sponge biodiversity patterns, when available, and following the transect. The selection of stations for water column and benthic work was also a compromise of the fact that two originally different cruise proposals had to be merged to one cruise which made it sometimes difficult to fulfill the diverging wishes of the water column/sediment and ROV work. The operations with the ROV usually started in the morning with a sea floor mapping of the designated study area and, if new regions with a different water coliumn structure were reached, with a sound profile by the CTD to calibrate the acoustic depth sensor of the ROV. For unknown reasons the POSIDONIA system was incorrect in the depth range of 800 to 1500 m. The ROV dives started therafter and were finished after 8 to 11 hours (Fig. 5.2). Depending on the depth of the sea floor 5 to 8 hours were available for surveys of the sea floor and

19 collection of specimens. After retrieval of the ROV the collected specimens were documented by photography and further processed for the analysis of various parameters (see Table 5.1). At two stations with soft sediment we collected benthic invertebrates and epifauna by an Agazzis traw. The ship towed the net for 30 min by a speed of 0.3 kn. Near the beach of Macauley Island sponges and other benthic invertebrates were collected by snorchelling from a small boat.

Fig. 5.2: Deployment of the ROV

Table 5.1: Measured parameters in specimens of sponges and other benthic invertebrates: Parameter Classical taxonomy DNA bar coding Community composition of host-associated microbiome Isolation of bacteria producing secondary metabolites Isolation of myxobacteria Search for bacteria of the Cand phylum Tectomicrobia Search for bioactive compounds

At joint ROV and CTD/MUC stations the operations with the CTD, the McLane in situ pump and MUC (Fig. 5.3) needed to be done before and/or after the ROV dives, either in the night or early morning before the ROV operation or late in the evening or at night thereafter. If possible we took a CTD to a depth of 300 or 500 m in the morning so that samples could be processed during the day. A second CTD, going to 10 m above the sea floor, was launched before or af- ter the ROV dive. At stations without ROV dives we arranged the sequence of the instrument operations such that it suited best the time of the day or night and taking into account the pro- cessing of the samples. We had a fixed number of defined depths for collecting samples (5 or 10, 20, 40, 60, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500 m, 10 m

Fig. 5.3: Retrival of the 24x20 Liter CTD, sediment cores by the MUC and the McLane in situ pump. 20 above sea floor) and only the depth of the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) was adjusted according the fluorescence reading of the CTD downcast. However, not every parameter was sampled at every depth. Sample collection with the Niskin bottles was always done during the CTD upcast. Samples for various parameters were withdrawn from the Niskin bottles (see Ta- ble 5.2). When the MUC was operated prior to the CTD we relocated the ship for the CTD cast to a new site at a distance of 2 nm. After MUC retrieval and inspection of the sediment cores, sediment slices from the surface and 20 cm below seafloor were prepared for analysis of pore water, phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase activities, prokaryotic cell numbers, community analysis and rare earth elements. The McLane in situ pump was usually deployed at 20 or 60 m for 3 hours from the stern on the starboard side (Fig. 5.3). This deployment scheme saved time and still allowed operating the CTD smoothly. Optical characterization of the upper 200 m was done, if ROV operation and swell were allow- ing and light conditions were favorable, before or after the ROV dives. This included Secchi depth reading, Forel Ule estimates of ocean color and UV and optical profilers. The profilers were set out from the stern portside to 200 m in free falling mode as the ship gently moved forward. Due to unfavourable weather conditions, however, we could carry out bio-optics measurements only at 8 stations. At 7 stations a vertical tow from 200 m to the surface of a plankton net with a mesh size of 200 µm was done for collecting zooplankton, usually at the very end of the station work.

Table 5.1: Measured parameters in samples withdrawn from the Niskin bottles: Parameter 0-200 m 200-1000 m 1000 m-seafloor Particulate organic carbon / nitrogen + + Chlorophyll + Inorganic nutrients + + + (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, silikate) Dissolved amino acids / carbohydrates + + DOC + + + DOM (FT-ICR-MS) + + + CARD-FISH + + + Bacterial biomass production + + + Turnover rates of amino acids, glucose, acetate + MAR-FISH + Rare earth elements + + + Metagenomics, -transcriptomics, -proteomics + + + Prokaryotic community composition + + +

5.3 Underway measurements In addition to ship-based underway data (weather conditions, incident light, ADCP) additional parameters were assessed by a FerryBox for a better characterization of the extension of the biogeographic provinces and the location of the fronts. This device is a flow through system connected to the ship’s continuous pump system to monitor continuously temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and dissolved oxygen. Discrete Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) measurements were made whenever clear and cloudless sky allowed. Readings were done with a handheld MICROTOPS II instrument kindly provided by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center in conjunction with the AERONET Maritime Aerosol Network program.

21 6. Settings of the working area / Beschreibung des Arbeitsgebiets The southwest Pacific around New Zealand exhibits distinct hydrographic and current pat- terns and biogeographic provinces between the subtropics and antarctic regions separated by pronounced fronts (Figs. 4.1, 6.1, 6.2, Longhurst 2006). The ultraoligotrophic South Pacific Subtropical Gyre (SPSG) and the Ker- madec Plateau and Trench is situated in the northern region and the South Subtropical Convergence Zone, Subantarctic, Polar Frontal and Antarctic water masses follow further south. The Chatham Rise and Campbell Pla- teau east and south of New Zealand are major sea floor structures which shape the currents and location of the fronts. The latter are heavily affected by the westerly winds and pronounced seasonal hydrographic and plankton dynamics. High concentrations of inorganic nutrients, in- cluding silicate, in the water masses south of the Subtropical Front lead to pronounced spring and summer phytoplankton blooms and Fig. 6.1: Topography and oceanic current patterns in a high sinking flux and sediments enriched in the southwest Pacific around New Zealand (Carter 2001). TF: Tasman Front; STF. Subtropical Front; SAF: organic matter. Subantarctic Front; WAUC: West Auckland Current; EAUC: East Auckland Current; ECC: East Cape Cur- Quite a few studies have been carried out on rent; DC: D’Urville Current; WC: Westland Current; SC: the composition and growth dynamics of bac- Southland Current; ACC: Antarctic Circumpolar Cur- terioplankton communities in various regions rent. of the Pacific Ocean including the equatorial , the subtropical gyres and the colder regions, but mainly in the northern hemisphere (Shi et al. 2011, Sowell et al. 2011, Tada et al. 2011, Ottesen et al. 2013). However, only scarce information exists on the patterns of the composition of bacterioplankton communities in the southwest Pacific (Wilkins et al. 2013; Baltar et al. 2016). In fact no study is available on the composition and biodiversity of the total and active bacterioplankton communi- ties in relation to the major biogeographic provinces in the southwest Pacific. Further, no de- tailed information is available on the DOM composition and rare earth elements in the bio- geographic provinces and water masses of this region of the Pacific. The deep Pacific Ocean with the old- est oceanic water masses (Hansell 2013), pronounced northern and southern intermediate waters and a large central deep water mass (Fig. 6.3, Dietrich et al. 1992) is also rather unexplored with respect to assessing structure and function of the prokary- otic microbial communities. The only large scale studies including the dark ocean carried out so far investigated Fig. 6.2: Oceanic fronts in the Pacific Ocean between the bulk growth properties of the microbial subtropics and Southern Ocean (Nelson and Cooke, 2001).

22 communities between the Bering Sea and the Southern Ocean but did not address microbial community composition (Nagata et al. 2000, Yokokawa et al. 2013).

Fig. 6.3: Vertical struc- ture of the water mass- es in the Pacific at 160°W between the surface and seafloor (Dietrich et al. 1992).

The structure of the seafloor in the southwest Pacific around New Zealand is known fairly well by quite a few surveys with respect to geology, gas hydrates hydrothermal vents and also for benthic communities. However, so far no investigation targeting specifically on assessing the sponge-dominated benthic invertebrate communities and their regional biodiversity has been carried out. Therefore, such an investigation was conducted from 29° to 49° S north and east of New Zealand including stations in the northern part along the Kermadec Ridge and the ad- jacent Kermadec trench, east of the North Island and in the regions of the Chatham Rise and Campbell Plateau between deoths of 100 to 4800 m (Fig. 5.1). Several seamounts along the southern Kermadec ridge and slopes adjacent to Raoul and Macauley Islands were included in the study. The seafloor around Macauley Island is an active volcanic area. Along both islands benthic substrate was dominated by pumice rocks on soft sediments at the surveyed depths between 100 and 300 m. The deepest investigated site was a trench site at 4800 m east of Raoul Island, which represented a mud plain. Other sites along the Hikurangi Trough on the east coast of the North Island included several sea mounts at 500 m to 1300 m depth. South- ern sites at the Chatham Rise included stations near the Bounty trough, Bounty Plateau, the subantartic slope, and stations along the South Island slope. Southern sites ranged from 500 m to 1600 m and were mainly dominated by muddy sediments with occasional rocky outcrops.

23 7. Work details and first results / Beschreibung der Arbeiten im Detail einschließlich erster Ergebnisse Investigations described in chapters 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 were carried out as pro- jects and key work packages of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center Ecology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Roseobacter clade: Towards a Systems Biology Un- derstanding of a Globally Important Clade of Marine Bacteria (TRR 51, www.roseobacter.de ).

7.1 Oceanographic Measurements (R Henkel, J Meyerjürgens, M Simon, D Voss, O Zielinski)

CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) profiling was performed with a Seabird 'sbe911+' CTD probe attached to a rosette sampling device at almost each station, to determine the thermohyline structure of the water column and the different water masses of the bio- geographic provinces of the southwestern Pacific and to record the sound profile at most ROV stations. To adequately analyze the genomic, proteomic and biochemical characteristics of bacteria in oligotrophic oceanic regions, high volumes of water from different depths had to be obtained. In addition, two mesocosm experiments were conducted onboard using ambient seawater. Thus, to serve the high demand for seawater, we used the new ICBM-owned CTD rosette with 24 20 L Niskin bottles and standard Seabird probes.

Methods and instrument details Before each measurement, the CTD was adapted to the ambient water temperature at 10 m water depth for 10 minutes. We obtained temperature, conductivity, oxygen, fluorescence, turbidity profile from the surface down to 10 m above the sea floor. Temperature was calculated according to the ITS-90 temperature standard (potential T in °C). Within the upper 500 m, the CTD was lowered at 0.5 m/s due to constraints by the winch system. At depths higher than 500 m, the speed could be increased up to 1 m/s. All data were recorded and stored using the standard software Seasave V 7.23.2. The data were processed by means of ManageCTD, loops deleted, and data were added such as the CTD header, and ship position, based on the aboard data system DSHIP. We checked the data for unusual spikes using the despike-routine of the ManageCTD. Other data from the DSHIP data set (salinometer, Ferrybox, weather recordings, ADCP, GPS) were extracted for further processing and as a supplement to the CTD data. All sensors attached to the frame were pre-calibrated by the manufacturers. Preliminary results Contour plots of salinity and temperature down to 1800 m and 5000 m water depth over the entire transect from 29°S (station 6) to the southe rnmost station at 52°S (station 18) are shown in Figs. 7.1 and 7.2. We can clearly identify the warm surface water, the Pacific deep water and the Antarctic intermediate water (Figs. 7.1-7.3). Based on the strong gradients in tempera- ture and salinity and on the sea surface temperature and current patterns (derived from www.earthnullschool.net ) we can further trace the locations of the subtropical (STF), subantarctic (SAF) and southern Polar Front (PF) which was south of our study area (Fig. 7.4). Stations 6, 8, 10 and 12 are in the southern part of the SPSG with surface temperatures above 18°C, stations 14 and 15 in SANT at surface tempera tures between 18° and 13°C and stations 17 and 18 in ANTA at surface temperatures between 12° and 9°C (Fig. 7.3).

24 Figure 7.5 displays the chlorophyll a fluorescence and shows the deep chlorophyll maximum in the SPSG, its shoaling towards the STF up to a depth of 50 m and a pronounced phytoplank- ton bloom in the region of SAF, stretching from SANT to ANTA.


Warm surface water Antarctic intermediate water

Pacific de ep water

Figure 7.1: Contour plot of the potential temperature distribution along the meridional transect of cruise SO254 between 29° and 52°S in the southwestern Paci fic and biogeographic provinces (top). Black lines indicate the isopycnals and white vertical lines the locations of the stations. Upper panel: contour plot between the surface and 1800 m depth; lower panel: contour plot between the surface and the sea floor.


Warm surface water Antarctic intermediate water

Pacific deep water

Figure 7.2: Contour plot of the absolute salinity distribution along the meridional transect of cruise SO254 between 29° and 52°S in the southwestern Paci fic and biogeographic provinces (top). Black lines indicate the isopycnals and white vertical lines the locations of the stations. Upper panel: contour plot between the surface and 1800 m depth; lower panel: contour plot between the surface and the sea floor.

Figure 7.3: T-S-Diagram (potential tem- perature versus absolute sa- linity) of all deep stations of cruise SO254

26 SO254

SPSG 26 PoriBacNewZ + +


+ 40°

+ STF +

+ 50° SANT + SAF



Figure 7.4: Sea surface temperature ( www.earthnullschool.net ), location of stations with water col- umn work and of the subtropical (STF), subantarctic (SAF) and southern Polar Front (PF) in the south- western Pacific (left panel). Right panel: Sea surface temperature of along the track of cruise SO254 and location of STF and SAF.

Figure 7.5: in situ fluorescence translated into uncalibrated units of chlorophyll a along the meridional transect of cruise SO254 between 29° and 52°S in th e southwestern Pacific.

Data Management: All oceanographic data will be transferred to the PANGAEA database as soon as they are qua- lity checked with salinity samples, but not later than one year after the cruise. All datasets will be submitted to PANGAEA, allocated by the cruise identifier SO254.

27 7.2 Bio-optics (D Voss, D Meier, J Meyerjürgens, R Henkel, O Zielinski) The main objective of the bio-optics part of the cruise was to determine and correlate the un- derwater light field, combined with transparency measurements and above ship-borne ocean color sensing to the composition of plankton and bacterioplankton communities as well as dis- solved substances in the water column. Since light availability influences phytoplankton occur- rence and distribution, and only few investigations were performed within this research area covering distinct hydrographic patterns and biogeographic provinces between the subtropics and subpolar regions, observations play an important role to elucidate causative links. To ob- tain a better insight into the biodiversity patterns of (bacterio-) plankton communities and their biogeochemical significance and role in DOM turnover the assessment of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was supported by measuring chromophoric (CDOM) and fluorescence proper- ties (FDOM) allowing a highly sensitive DOM analysis (Coble 2007, Moore et al. 2009, Baszanowska et al 2011) and the correlation of DOM signatures to water masses and their specific microbial biogeochemical processes. As no information exists on the DOM composi- tion in the biogeographic provinces of the Pacific that harbours the oldest oceanic water masses (Hansell 2013) such studies combined with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (performed by the DOM group) are very important and crucial to reveal better insights in bio- geochemical processes. A further objective of the cruise was to investigate the improvement of optical processing methods. Here we focused on the validation and calculation of nitrate in oligotrophic surface waters with an UV spectrophotometer continuously running over the whole cruise transect. Methods Hyperspectral und multispectral light field measurements (UV/VIS) A HyperPro II profiling system (Satlantic, Halifax, Canada; Fig. 7.6) was used to acquire bio- optical data for different parameters. The profiler consists of one hyperspectral irradiance and one hyperspectral radiance sensor, as well as fluorescence and backscatter sensors and an integrated CTD. A second hyperspectral irradiance sensor was mounted on the research ves- sel for reference measurements. On the profiler, the irradiance sensor measures downwelling and the radiance sensor upwelling light. The fluorescence sensors measure chlorophyll, CDOM, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin fluorescence signals. The backscatter sensor retrieves data at 470 nm and 700 nm. Profiler measurements were conducted at 7 stations and in all biogeographic provinces. At stations visited early in the morning, close to sunset or overnight and when high wave and wind activities prevailed no measurements could be carried out. Three casts at the back of the ship were typically performed in free-falling mode (1x full depth, 2 x 50 m). At each cast, the profiler was lowered until the downwelling light values were of the same order of magnitude as the background noise level of the sensor. Besides the VIS version a second UV profiling system (Satlantic, Halifax, Canada) was used to determine the UV light profile in the water column. On the profiler, two irradiance sensors (selected wavelengths) measure the downwelling light. Data processing was done onboard; further modeling will be performed afterwards.


Fig. 7.6: HyperPro II profiler to determine the underwater light field.

As a reference for the underwater light field measurements spectral absorption coefficients of particles and pigments were determined in discrete water samples afterwards in the lab. Therefore, particles were concentrated on filters for subsequent absorption analysis. 500 - 1000 mL of seawater from selected light field depths were filtered under low vacuum trough pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filters (47mm). Filters were immediately frozen at -80°C. Fur- ther analysis will be done in the home lab afterwards. Ocean Color Sensing Water transparency measurements were performed with a 0.9 m diameter Secchi disk (Fig. 7.7) at only 6 stations. At other stations weather, wave and light conditions did not allow such measurements. The Forel-Ule (FU) color scale is a device that is composed of 21 colors, from ‘indigo blue’ to ‘cola brown’, and represents the range of colors that can be found in the open sea, coastal, and continental waters (Fig. 7.7). Based upon a historical background, this pro- vides an estimation of the present water constituents influencing the water color. The color of the water was determined over a Secchi disc at half the disc’s depth (where the disc disap- pears from sight) at each day station.

Fig. 7.7: Secchi disk (left) and FUI scale (right) for observations during SO254 with RV Sonne.

Above-water hyperspectral radiometric observations were conducted during the whole cruise. A radiometer setup with a RAMSES-ACC hyperspectral cosine irradiance meter to measure ES (λ; downwelling solar irradiance), and two RAMSES-ARC hyperspectral radiance meters to measure Lsfc (θsfc ,Φ, λ) (upwelling water-leaving radiance) and Lsky (θsky , Φ, λ) (sky-leaving

29 radiance) were installed on the ship’s foremast (TriOS GmbH, Germany; Fig. 7.8). Hyperspec- tral measurements were collected at 5 min intervals over a spectral range of λ = 320 – 950 nm. Data processing will be done according to Garaba & Zielinski (2013). Furthermore newly de- veloped processing algorithms will be tested with the collected data set.

Fig. 7.8: Radiometric setup at the foremast of RV Sonne.

FDOM / CDOM measurements Water samples were collected at each station from defined depths to measure colored dis- solved organic matter (CDOM), and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM). Immediately after sampling CDOM and FDOM samples were filtered under low vacuum through 0.2 µm membrane filter (Sartorius, Germany). The filtration unit had been pre-rinsed with Milli-Q water (Millipore, USA) to avoid contamination, followed by sample water (~50 mL). Samples were directly analyzed onboard. In a 0.01 m quartz cuvette, pre-rinsed twice with filtered seawater, both absorbance spectra and fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEM) for FDOM were measured with a spec- trofluorometer (Aqualog®, Horiba Scientific, Germany). Measurements were performed using ultrapure water as reference. The scan ranged from 240 to 600 nm with an excitation incre- ment of 2 nm, an emission increment of 0.8 nm, and an integration time of 4 s. From these data, the absorption coefficient a(λ) is derived at wavelength λ according to a(λ) = 2.303 D (λ)/L, where L is the path length in meters and D the absorbance measured by the instrument. The EEM data will be scanned for peaks according to Coble (2007). Additionally, CDOM absorbance was measured in a 0.1 m quartz cuvette with a UV-VIS- spectrophotometer (UV-2700, Shimadzu). Samples were scanned at medium scan speed with an increment of 0.5 nm in the spectral range between 200 nm and 800 nm. Ultrapure water was used as reference. Sample and reference cells were pre-rinsed twice with sample and purified water before analysis. Absorbance values A( λ) were baseline corrected and converted to the absorption coefficient aCDOM( λ) [m-1] following aCDOM( λ)=2.303×A( λ)/L, where λ is the wavelength and L is the pathlength of the cuvette in meters. The 0.2 µm filtered water sample was measured with the spectrofluorometer and UV-VIS-spectrophotometer. CDOM absorption was also measured via liquid waveguides for more sensitivity. Therefore, two differ- ent core fibers were used, one with 1 m pathlength, the other with a length of 2.5 m. Samples from each station, and each depth were filtered through 0.2 µm before analysis.

Preliminary Results Hyperspectral und multispectral light field measurements (UV/VIS) Underwater light field measurements were performed at 7 stations. The vertical profiles of the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) for stations 1 and 15 are shown in Fig 7.10. Analysis and modeling are in progress for all stations along the cruise transect.

30 FDOM measurements For 8 CTD stations water samples from distinct depths were taken for FDOM measurements. Data of station 12 show the typical differences of oligotrophic waters in the profile between the surface and 3000 m depth with increased fluorescence in the mesopelagic zone (Fig. 7.11).

Figure 7.10: Vertical profiles of PAR for station 1 (upper pane, left) and station 15 (upper panel, right). The corre- sponding vertical ED profiles from the VIS Profiler for 468.9 nm are shown in the lower panel (left: st 1, right: st 15).


Fig 7.11: FDOM analysis of sampled water for a deep station up to 3080 m exemplarily shown for station 12. Over the depth a change of intensity and composition of specific FDOM components can be seen, with fewer occurrences in surface waters.


Ocean Color Sensing Water transparency and Forel-Ule (FU) color scale measurements were performed at 6 sta- tions as shown on Figure 7.12 (left). Deepest penetration depth was observed at station 24 with almost 42 m.

Figure 7.12: Secchi Disc and Forel-Ule observations within the investigated area during cruise SO254. Station numbers are shown on the left, with according Secchi depth (central) and Forel-Ule index (right).

Data Management

All data will be transferred to the PANGAEA database as soon as they are available and quali- ty checked. Depending on data type and progress of sample analysis, this will be done within 1-3 years, especially for modeling results. All datasets will be submitted to PANGAEA, alloca- ted by the cruise identifier SO254.

33 7.3 Bacterioplankton cell numbers, biomass production and turnover rates of labile substrates. (M Simon, I Bakenhus, S Billerbeck, G. Wienhausen, B. Heyerhoff, M Wolterink, B Kuerzel, HA Giebel) We aimed at a comprehensive assessment of the bacterioplankton community in the south- western Pacific and its biogeographic provinces with a special emphasis on the Roseobacter group and its major bacterioplankton subclusters. The work includes investigations of the bio- geography, growth and population dynamics and the bacterioplankton community composition. A list of investigated parameters is given in Table 5.1. Methods Our main work on shipboard was the collection and processing of water samples from depths between 20 and 1000 m. Samples were withdrawn from the Niskin bottles mounted on the CTD rosette from the mixed layer and the mesopelagic zones (for details on the CTD see chapter 7.1). Our sampling scheme included fixed depths between 20 and 5000 m (20, 40, 60, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000), the chlorophyll maximum and 10 m above the sea floor. Samples for bacterial abundance, production and turnover of dissolved free amino acids and glucose were analyzed on shipboard. Bacterial abundance was assessed by flow cytometry and bacterial production and substrate turnover by radiotracer techniques and applying 14 C-leucine, 3H-leucine, -glucose, –amino acids and -acetate. For details on the methods see Simon and Azam (1989) and Simon and Rosenstock (2007). In addition, samples for CARD-FISH and MAR-FISH analyses of the bacterial communities applying the same radiolabelled substrates were taken and processed for the upper 200 m. Further, samples for the analysis of dissolved free and combined amino acids and neutral sugars were collected to a depth of 200 m, prefiltered through 0.2 µm polysulfon membranes (Gelman Acrodisc) and stored frozen until later analysis in the home lab by HPLC. Preliminary Results Bacterial cell numbers in the near surface layer ranged between 3 and 51x10 5 cells ml -1 with a trend of increasing numbers from the subtropical to the polar frontal region, in particular at 20 m depth (Fig. 7.13). Bacterial biomass production was low at 60 and 100 m depth throughout the transect and much higher at 20 m depth but with high variations and highest values in the SPSG (Fig. 7.13). Bulk growth rates also varied greatly, covaried with bacterial biomass pro- duction and ranged between <0.1 and 1.2 per day. The depth-integrated bacterial biomass production indicates that most of the bacterial activity occurred in the upper 300 m (Fig. 7.14). Turnover rates of dissolved free amino acids in the upper 100 m ranged from below 0.02 per day to 1.5 per day with highest values at 30°S in t he SPSG and the subantarctic province. There were no clear patterns reflecting the different biogeographic provinces. In contrast, turn- over rates or glucose and acetate exhibited a clear biogeographic and thus latitudinal gradient with increasing rates towards SANT and ANTA from below 0.05 to >0.2 and >0.3 per day, re- spectively. Data management All finally processed data will be stored on a server at ICBM and will be available on request if not otherwise mentioned. Most of the data will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

34 Pacific Transect )

-1 d 20 m -1 800 60 m 100 m 600



Bacterialproduction (ngC l 0

50 20 m )

-1 60 m 40 100 m Fig. 7.13: Bacterial cell numbers (upper panel), cells ml

5 30 biomass production (cen- tral panel) and bulk growth 20 rates (lower panel) at 20, 60 and 100 m depth in the 10 southwestern Pacific dur- Bacteria(10 ing cruise SO254. 0

1,2 20 m 60 m 100 m



Bacterialgrowth (perrate day) 0,0 -60 -50 -40 -30 Latitude

IntegratedBacterial Bacterial biomass Biomass production Production

) 1400 0-300 m

-1 0-1000 m d -2 1200

1000 Fig. 7.14: Bacterial bio- 800 mass production inte- 600 grated from 0 to 300 m and 0 to 1000 m depth in 400 the southwestern Pacific during cruise SO254. 200 Bacterial Production (mg C m C (mg Production Bacterial 0 -60 -50 -40 -30 Latitude

35 7.4 Mesocosm experiments (G Wienhausen, M Wietz, M Simon, I Bakenhus, S Billerbeck, B Heyerhoff, M Wolterink, HA Giebel) Mesocosm experiments were carried out to examine the response of the ambient bacterial communities in the SPSG and SANT to amendments of an exudate of the diatom Thalas- siosira rotula , alginate and of vitamins B1, B12 and precursors. Methods Twenty-liter Nalgene carboys were filled with water from 20 m depth at stations 4 (SPSG) and 15 (SANT). In one experiment two sets of triplicates were amended with the diatom exudates and incubated for 5 (st. 4) and 8 days (st. 15), one set of triplicates and controls without amendment in the dark and the other set in a 12:12 light-dark cycle. In the second experiment, carried out only at station 15, another set of triplicates was amended with alginate as a model polysaccharide and incubated in the dark for 8 days. In a third experiment vitamin B1 or a pre- cursor was added to triplicates and incubated together with controls without any addition for 5 (st. 4) and 8 days (st. 15) in the dark. In a fourth experiment vitamin B12 or a precursor was added to triplicate 2 L Nalgene bottles and incubated together with a control without any addi- tion for 5 (st. 4) and 8 (st. 15) days in the dark. All incubations were at in situ temperature and subsampled periodically for bacterial abundance, bacterial biomass production and turnover rates of amino acids, phytoplankton and the alginate experiment for turnover rates of glucose instead of amino acids. At the end a large part of the remaining volume was filtered onto 0.2 µm filters for metagenomic and transcriptomic analyses of the bacterial communities. Preliminary Results In the experiments amended with diatom-derived DOM and alginate bacterial abundance, bio- mass production and turnover rates of amino acids or glucose increased over time indicating that the bacterial communities did respond to the amendments. However, the responses dif- fered in the two biogeographic provinces as in SANT bacterial production and cell numbers decreased again toward the end of the incubation. The experiments amended with vitamins and precursors did not show a clear-cut response of the bacterial communities. Responses of the vitamin and precursor additions did not exhibit significant differences at either station. The later analyses of the bacterial community composition will show which bacterial lineages responded and elucidate differences in the response patterns to the various amendments and incubations conditions, i.e. dark versus light:dark and vitamins vs. precursors.

36 7.5 Bacterioplankton biogeography by tag-sequencing (F Milke, I Wagner-Döbler,) Deep sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of bacteria and chloroplasts from microalgae will be used to determine the composition of microbial communities in the epi- and mesopelagic zone of the biogeographic provinces in the southwest Pacific. Water samples were fractionated into three size classes by sequential filtration to determine the influence of particle size on bio- geographic patterns and to compare bacterioplankton communities associated with microalgae to free-living ones. The same approach has previously been used for the Atlantic Ocean (Milici et al. 2016a, b, c) and cruise SO248 across the Pacific from 30°S to 59°N. Methods At 9 stations the water column was sampled at 20, 40, 60, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 m depth. The DCM was additionally sampled if it differed from the standard depths by more than 5 m. Samples (10 L) were sequentially filtered from 8 µm to 3 µm to 0.22 µm to separate the plank- ton into three size fractions (large particle associated, small particle associated and free living bacteria. In total 62 samples per size fraction were filtered and thus 186 filters frozen and stored at -80°C until further analysis in the home lab. Data management Raw data will be sequenced by the Genome Analysis group of the HZI. Raw and processed data will be stored on HZI servers. Analyses will be stored on the servers of the group Micro- bial Communication and published in international peer reviewed journals. Raw and processed data will be made publicly available on the European Nucleotide Archive (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena ) upon publication.

7.6 Metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic analysis of bacterial communities in the water column and surface sediment (F Milke, B Wemheuer, L Wöhlbrand, R. Rabus, R. Daniel) The aim was to investigate the diversity and function of the Roseobacter group and other ma- rine microbes in the biogeographic provinces of the southwestern Pacific between 30° and 52°S. Community structure and diversity will be ass essed by community barcoding using uni- versal primers for Bacteria and Archaea. Furthermore, the potential and functions of the micro- bial communities will be investigated by using comparative metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic approaches. Methods Water samples were taken at 9 stations between 29° and 52°S from depths of 20 and 300 m depth and from the DCM. For proteome analysis, 20 L of seawater were prefiltered using the 2.7 µm glass fibre filter and the free-living bacterioplankton collected on a filter sandwich con- sisting of a 0.7 µm glass fibre filter (Whatman GF/F, GE Healthcare) and a 0.2 µm polycarbon- ate filter (Whatman Nuclepore, GE Healthcare). For DNA and RNA analysis, 20 L of sea water were filtered through the same serial filtration device through 2.7 µm and the sandwich of 0.7 and 0.2 µm filters to collected the particle-associated and free-living bacterioplankton, respec- tively. After filtration, all filter samples were stored at -80°C until further analysis. Preliminary results In the course of the cruise, a total of 22 and 66 filter samples were obtained for metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of the particle-associated and free-living bacterioplankton

37 communities. DNA and RNA will be extracted and purified. For metagenomic analysis, isolated DNA will be directly sequenced using a HiSeq 4000 (Illumina, Madison, USA). In addition, the DNA will be used as a template in PCRs targeting bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes. Obtained PCR products will be sequenced using a MiSeq sequencer (Illumina, Madison). For metatranscriptomics, ribosomal RNA will be depleted in total environmental DNA. Obtained RNA will be converted to cDNA and sequenced using a HiSeq 4000 (Illumina, Madison, USA). In addition, the structure of the putatively active bacterioplankton community will be assessed by sequencing of 16S rRNA transcripts generated from total environmental RNA. A total of 88 filters was collected for meta-proteomic analysis of the bacterioplankton: Filter and sediments samples will be subjected to cellular lysis, protein extraction, generation of peptides per sample and analysis by mass spectrometry. Final protein identification will be based on the meta-genome/-transcriptome-based protein sequence database generated from the same samples. True results are not yet available. Data management Sequence data generated by community barcoding and sequencing of environmental DNA and RNA will be made publically available by submission to the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Subsequent to protein identification and publication of respective data, the obtained proteomic data will be made publicly available via appropriate proteomic databases (e.g. proteome exchange) or own server structures if necessary.

38 7.7 Population structure and divergence in the Roseobacter group (HM Freese, F Klann) Leibniz-Institute DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Inhoffenstraße 7 B, 38124 Braunschweig Bacteria of the Roseobacter group are abundant and widely distributed in marine systems. Furthermore, they are physiologically and phylogenetically highly diverged which suggests that their evolution has been primarily driven by adaptation and selection. Exclusively surface- associated Phaeobacter bacteria from the Roseobacter group showed clade-specific advan- tages in association with a host or environmental resource patches. Their population structure and evolutionary mechanisms differed from so far investigated pelagic Prochlorococcus and Pelagibacter but also from non-Roseobacter generalists which switch between free-living and surface-associated lifestyles. This leads to the question if their population structure and evolu- tionary mechanisms are representative for the Roseobacter group even at different hierarchical levels or for a specific lifestyle. Therefore, the aim was to investigate evolutionary mechanisms and ecological niches of the intraspecific genome based cluster for closely related genera, like Pseudophaeobacter , which occur surface-associated and in sediments, generalist like Sulfito- bacter from a neighboring Roseobacter group clade as well as the distantly related pelagic RCA clade. Methods During the cruise water samples were taken from surface and deep chlorophyll maximum wa- ters at all 11 CTD stations. Samples were amended with glycine betaine and frozen at -80°C for later cultivation independent population genomic analysis of the RCA clade and Sulfitobac- ter via single cell genomics. Furthermore, bacteria from large volumes of surface water (Fig. 15) were size fractionated and concentrated in situ with a McLane WTS-LV Sampler onto membrane filter (0.2 µm, 3 µm, 10 µm) and frozen at -80°C for later DNA and RNA extraction. To enrich bacterial strains from the different Roseobacter group populations a large variety of habitats including surface sediment, plankton concentrated by a 300 µm net, water, and, ex- emplary, large benthos organisms collected by the ROV were sampled at different geographic regions (Tab. 7.1). The samples were homogenized and incubated in parallel serial dilutions using three different media, one general and two specific. After at least 10 days of continuously incubation at 15°C, 96 well plates with grown wells were subject to a specific PCR and screened by gel electrophoresis. Positive single wells were streaked on agar plates, trans- ferred into fresh medium and cryo preserved which steps will be continued in home laboratory. To analyze if the bacterial community composition is dependent on plankton type, different single zooplankton organisms were identified from three plankton samples, distributed in a 96 well plate and frozen for later 16S rRNA gene dependent bacterial diversity analysis.

39 Tab. 7.1: Sampling sites and sample type for bacterial enrichments Station Date Latitude Longitude Depth Gear Type Sample (m) 1 30.01.17 30° 44.4 S 173° 54.9 E 150 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 3 01.02.17 30° 59.5 S 177° 30.0 E 4160 ROV sea cucumber 6 04.02.17 29° 16.0 S 176° 42.1 W 4820 ROV sediment 6 05.02.17 29° 16.0 S 176° 42.0 W 150 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 8 06.02.17 34° 44.2 S 179° 15.6 W 150 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 12 10.02.17 40° 35.4 S 179° 15.4 E 3090 MUC sediment 12 10.02.17 40° 35.6 S 179° 15.8 E 150 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 15 12.02.17 45° 57.0 S 179° 22.8 E 3092 MUC sediment 15 12.02.17 45° 57.1 S 179° 23.5 E 150 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 16 14.02.17 50° 28.8 S 179° 26.8 E 20 CTD water (DCM) 17 14.02.17 50° 28.6 S 179° 26.0 E 150 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 18 16.02.17 52° 07.4 S 177° 31.7 E 5008 MUC sediment 18 16.02.17 52° 07.4 S 177° 31.1 E 20 CTD water 18 16.02.17 52° 07.4 S 177° 31.1 E 45 CTD water (DCM) 18 16.02.17 52° 07.4 S 177° 31.1 E 62 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 20 18.02.17 45° 43.1 S 174° 45.3 E 150 - 0 Plankton net zooplankton 20 18.02.17 45° 43.1 S 174° 45.3 E 1433 MUC sediment 22 20.02.17 43° 17.5 S 173° 36.4 E 804 ROV sponge

Preliminary Results Overall, 214 enrichments in 96 deep-well plates and 54 agar plates were inoculated. Bacteria were readily enriched from plankton samples and the sea urchin but slower growth was ob- served for the sediment and water enrichments. However, further growth of these enrichments is expected in the next weeks. Phaeobacter related bacteria did not dominate the enrichments but 12% of the 76 96 well plates screened to date contained at least one strain. Interestingly, the enrichment success of Phaeobacter related bacteria from plankton differed between the stations. At station 4 an exceptional high number (28) of these bacteria could be enriched but none at station 8 although the plankton was diverse containing diatoms, chaetognats, radio- larians, and different copepods as well as other crustaceans. However, biogeography- dependent enrichment success will be verified when screening, isolation and molecular analy- sis of all enrichments are completed. Depending on the isolation success, selected bacterial strains will be genome sequenced and their population genomics analyzed. During the cruise, a total of 33 filters from the in situ pump were collected and on each filter pelagic or particle-associated bacteria from more than 100 L water were concentrated. Overall, the filtered water volume varied between 102 – 318 L and the lowest volume was processed at the southernmost station (Fig. 7.15). This indicates a large biomass variability and likely bio- logical activity in the water bodies which were probably highest in the south and suggests that communities from different biogeographic regions were sampled. The result of the cultivation independent population genomic will become available after processing of the samples (single cell genomics, metagenomics and transcriptomics) in the home laboratory at after several months.

40 All analysis will be evaluated in comparison with the results from cruise SO248 to reveal bio- geographic niche adaptions within Roseobacter group populations over a whole Pacific tran- sect (59°N to 53°S) and near shore regions.

Fig. 7.15: Volumes of surface water (20m) filtered in situ within 3 h

Data management The results of the cruise will be published in international peer-reviewed journals and molecu- lar data will be submitted to the respective data base (e.g. NCBI).

41 7.8 Microbial abundance, diversity and activity in Pacific Deep Sea sediments” Julius Degenhardt, Marion Pohlner

During cruise RV Sonne SO254 we extended the transect through the Pacific Ocean, which was already started during cruise SO248 to compare the microbial abundance, diversity and activity in marine sediments from 59°N to 52°S. For the analysis of seafloor sediments along the transect in the southwestern Pacific, we followed four main objectives: First, we wanted to investigate if the site-specific conditions in the water column are reflected by the microbial abundance and diversity at the seafloor. Furthermore, we aimed to isolate members of this seafloor community with special emphasis on benthic representatives of the Roseobacter group. The third objective was to compare enzymatic activities of benthic communities along the transect. To identify the role of benthic viruses in shaping microbial community structures and supporting microbial turnover by the viral shunt was the fourth objective. The following questions were addressed: • Are there regional distribution patterns and is there an overlap in the microbial diversity between sediments and the overlying waters? • Which factors specifically trigger the distribution, abundance and diversity of the Roseobacter group in marine sediments? • Which members of the Roseobacter group can be isolated with a targeted enrichment strategy using dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) as substrate? • Are the environmental settings at the seafloor reflected by exo-enzyme activities? • Which members of the benthic communities are affected by viral lysis and which part takes advantage of the viral shunt?

Methods To answer the above-mentioned questions, sediment samples were taken by the ICBM-owned multicorer (MUC) “Oktopus Prime” (Oktopus GmbH), which can be equipped with up to twelve tubes (10 cm diameter, 61 cm length), eight of which were operational during cruise SO254. At six stations along the transect from 29° to 52°S se diment samples were collected (Tab. 7.2). At station 17, the seafloor was too hard and rocky such that the MUC did not penetrate into the sediment and no samples were gained. For enrichment of bacteria, sediment samples were obtained by push cores and nets were taken by the ROV at another 6 sites (Tab. 7.3).

Tab. 7.2: Station number, latitude, longitude and depth of sediment sampling using the MUC Station Date Latitude Longitude Depth (mbsl) 6 03.02.2017 29° 16.1' S 176° 42.1' W 4787 12 09.02.2017 40° 35.4' S 179° 15.4' E 3089 15 11.02.2017 45° 57.0' S 179° 22.8' E 3092 17 14.02.2017 50° 28.8' S 179° 26.7' E 4439 18 16.02.2017 52° 07.4' S 177° 31.7' E 5008 20 18.02.2017 45° 43.0' S 174° 45.3' E 1433

42 Tab. 7.3: Station number, latitude, longitude and depth of sediment sampling using the ROV Site Date Latitude Longitude Depth (mbsl) 3 01.02.2017 30° 59.5' S 177° 30.1' E 4112 5 03.02.2017 29° 17.2' S 178° 0.8' W 159 6 04.02.2017 29° 16.0' S 176° 42.1' W 4782 7 05.02.2017 30° 13.9' S 178° 27.1' W 263 10 08.02.2017 37° 30.0' S 178° 46.3' E 552 19 17.02.2017 49° 05.9' S 173° 52.1' E 540

The water depth at the different sampling sites where the multicorer was operated ranged between 1433 and 5008 meters below sea level (mbsl). Sites for sediment samples taken by the ROV were mostly shallower and varied between 159 and 4782 mbsl. Subsamples were regularly taken from the surface of the seafloor and from 20 cm below seafloor (cmbsf). Subsamples were processed for total cell counting and exo-enzyme activity measurements, which were both performed directly onboard. For offshore analyses, subsamples were taken for virus counting by flow cytometry, CARD-FISH quantification, DNA/RNA-extraction, inorganic sediment composition as well as proteomic analyses. Porewater was collected separately from the respective sediment layers by rhizones to analyse the concentrations of phosphate, DOC, amino acids, inorganics, polysaccharides and sugars as well as high-resolution DOM composition. To investigate the viral shunt in seafloor sediments, a phage-induction experiment was performed with samples from site 12. The experiments will be evaluated in the frame of a PhD thesis (Mara Heinrichs).

Preliminary results The sediment cores showed a large variety in texture and colour indicating different elemental sediment compositions (Fig. 7.16). Sampling sites 6 and 12 showed different layers and consistencies at 0 and 20 cmbsf. A detailed geochemical description will be performed at the ICBM (AG Brumsack) in the frame of a research project (Nora Erlmann).

Fig. 7.16: Representative sediment cores from cruise SO254. At station 17 no sediment was sampled as the seafloor was too hard and rocky.

Cell counts were performed on board by epifluorescence microscopy using SybrGreen as

43 fluorescent dye, resulting in cell numbers in the range of 10 7-10 8 cells per cm 3 at the sediment surface (Fig. 7.17). Counts decreased slightly further south from station 6 to 18. At 20 cmbsf cell counts stayed constant at the different sites, but were always one order of magnitude lower compared to the sediment surface.

9 1,0E+0910



3 10


0 cmbsf

7 20 cmbsf

1,0E+07Cells [cm 10

6 1,0E+0610 6 12 15 18 20 Sampling site

Fig. 7.17: Total cell counts in the southwestern Pacific around 180°W between 30° (station 6) and 52°S (station 18). At station 6 no samples for 20 cmbsf could be gained. Samples from station 20 were not analysed yet.

The results of the direct counts will be confirmed and extended by specific quantification of Bacteria and the Roseobacter group using CARD-FISH and quantitative PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene. Accordingly, all samples will be subjected to next generation sequencing to determine the microbial diversity with special focus on the Roseobacter group. Data from this diversity analysis will be compared to metagenomics and metatranscriptomic studies performed by the Daniel lab (Uni Göttingen) and the Rabus lab (ICBM), respectively. Exo-enzyme activity measurements were performed to characterize general microbial activities along the transect. Phosphatase and aminopeptidase were exemplarily chosen as model enzymes. The cleavage of phosphate groups and peptide-bounds was measured by using fluorescently labelled substrates. It was expected that benthic microorganisms respond to phosphate depletion by excreting phosphatases. Concentrations of phosphate in the porewater will be measured and compared with the phosphatase activities to test this hypothesis. While the total activity showed a trend of increasing activities from north to south (Fig. 7.18A), the assay was biased by a relatively high background-activity of the heat-inactivated control. This phenomenon was also found previously for deep-subsurface sediments of the South Pacific Gyre (unpublished data) and will further be investigated. The background-corrected activities (Fig. 7.18B) were four to 20 times lower (compare scales in Fig. 7.18). A comparison of station 15 and 20, both located at the same latitude (45°S), showed that the close proximity to the coast and the therefore higher productivity at station 20 is reflected in the increased exo- enzyme activity measured at the seafloor. Aminopeptidase activities showed the ability of benthic microbial communities to degrade proteins and to potentially use them as substrates. This assay was not influenced by unspecific protein degradation and values of total and background-corrected activities did not differ (Fig. 7.19A and B ). Generally, the aminopeptidase activities decreased at station 12, followed

44 by an increase further south. At stations 12 and 20 activities at 20 cm depth were below the detection limit.

Data management The results will be transferred to a database which will be available for the other cruise participants and finally published in international peer-reviewed journals.

Fig. 7.18: Phosphatase activities between 30° (stat ion 6) and 52°S (stations 18) around 180°W in the southwestern Pacific. A: Total activities; B: Background-corrected activities. All scales were adjusted for better display of the data. Left Y-axis: surface samples; Right Y-axis: samples from 20 cmbsf. At site 6 no samples for 20 cmbsf could be gained.


Fig. 7.19: Aminopeptidase activities between 30° (s tation 6) and 52°S (stations 18) around 180°W in the southwestern Pacific. A: Total activit ies; B: Background-corrected activities. All scales were adjusted for better display of the data. Left Y-axis: surface samples; Right Y-axis: samples from 20 cmbsf. At site 6 no samples for 20 cmbsf could be gained.

46 7.9 Dissolved Organic Matter Dissolved Organic Matter (J Niggemann, B Noriega-Ortega, M Hinrichs, T Dittmar) It is unknown whether and if so how the composition of the DOM pool reflects the different bio- geographic provinces in general and in particular in the South Pacific Ocean. Further, the DOM pool in the water masses of the dark Pacific, the oldest water oceanic masses (Hansell 2013) is very poorly characterized. We aim to characterize the DOM pool in these waters. Information on DOM composition is to be complemented with other physical and biological parameters, i.e. characterizing the microbial community growth dynamics and composition, to shed light on controls of the DOM patterns. Methods For DOM characterization, 94 water samples (4 L) from most depths of all stations covering the entire water column were withdrawn from the Niskin bottles, passed through GF/F glass fiber filters (precombusted 400°C, 4 h, Whatman, Ma idstone, UK). Samples were acidified to pH 2. Replicates (5x) subsamples for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved ni- trogen (TDN) quantification will be analyzed as non-purgeable organic carbon by high tem- perature catalytic combustion using a Shimadzu TOC-VCPH/CPN instrument equipped with a TNM-1 module in the home lab. In order to desalt and concentrate the marine DOM for the analysis of the molecular composition, the remaining sample was solid-phase extracted using commercially available modified styrene divinyl benzene polymer columns after Dittmar et al. 2008 (PPL, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). The obtained DOM extracts will be analyzed upon arrival in the home lab on a 15 tesla FT-ICR-MS (Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA, USA) equipped with an electrospray ionization source (Bruker Apollo II). 8 additional surface water and 2 deep water samples from the main stations were filtered, fro- zen, and shipped to Aron Stubbins at Skidaway Institute of (Savannah, Geor- gia, USA). Apparent quantum yield (AQY) spectra (moles DBC [Dissolved Black Carbon] lost per moles photons absorbed by CDOM) will be obtained. These describe the efficiency of DBC loss and can be used in ocean color based models to estimate its loss on regional/global scales. Coupling the photochemical model with a physical model will allow for a better as- sessment of the supply (upwelling of deep DBC rich waters) and subsequent photochemical loss in the sunlit waters. Collaborations were established to measure DOC fluxes in sponge incubations. 84 samples were obtained and will be measured in the home lab with a Shimadzu TOC-VCPH/CPN in- strument equipped with a TNM-1 module. Preliminary results are not yet available.

47 7.10 Isotope geochemistry (T Struwe, B Torres Liguori Pires, K Pahnke) The isotope geochemistry part of the cruise focused on the collection of samples for the analy- ses of Neodymium isotopes, Silicon isotopes and rare earth elements. Water column samples were collected with the CTD and sediment samples were recovered with the MUC, as well as with push cores with the ROV. Typically, inorganic isotope measurements are made as part of a large suite of biogeochemical investigations. This cruise presents a rare opportunity to inter- pret inorganic geochemical parameters in view of a wide range of microbiological and biogeo- chemical measurements carried out on board or in the home laboratories.

Radiogenic Neodymium isotope composition and rare earth element composition The ratio of radiogenic neodymium (Nd) isotope 143 Nd over stable 144 Nd ( 143 Nd/ 144 Nd, i.e. the Nd isotopic composition “Nd IC”) and the rare earth element (REE) concentrations are useful tracers of provenance of terrestrial material (e.g., dust, ice-rafted debris), as well as water masses and trace element cycling in the ocean (e.g., Piepgras and Jacobsen, 1988; Lacan and Jeandel, 2004; Pahnke et al., 2012). Because seawater Nd isotope signatures are pre- served in marine archives such as sediments, Nd isotopes have also gained attention as prox- ies of past ocean circulation changes (e.g., Frank, 2002; Goldstein and Hemming, 2003). However, the latitudinal distribution of trace elements and their isotopes in the southwest Pa- cific is poorly characterized and the processes affecting them not fully understood. So far, only few data exist from this area from two sparsely sampled transects across the South Pacific (Molina-Kescher et al., 2014; Basak et al., 2015). Hence, cruise SO254 fills an important gap in an area where major Southern Ocean water masses are formed, and it links to a recently sampled zonal transect from cruise SO245 (Antofagasta-Wellington). Water column sampling for analyses of dissolved Nd IC and REE concentrations was per- formed at 9 stations with up to 18 depths per station with the CTD rosette. At station 8 (34°43.968’ S, 179°15.838' E), 80 L of seawater wer e collected as seawater REE reference material. All seawater samples were filtered gravitationally through AcroPak500 cartridges (0.8/0.45 m pore size, Supor ® pleated membrane) from the CTD-rosette Niskin bottles into acid pre-cleaned collapsible 5 and 10 L HDPE containers for Nd isotopes, and into acid pre- cleaned 0.125 L PE bottles for REE measurements. Each AcroPak500 filter was used for a dedicated depth range and reused at each station after flushing with ~0.5 L of sea- water. The concentration profile of Nd throughout the water column typically shows nutrient- like characteristics i.e., increasing concentrations with depth. Therefore, we collected sample volumes for Nd IC according to water depth with 10 L in the upper 750 m and 5 L in the deeper water column where elevated Nd concentrations prevail. In total, we collected ca. 1313 L of seawater for Nd isotope and REE analysis. After filtration from the Niskin bottles, samples collected for Nd isotope analysis were acidified with Teflon-distilled ultra-clean 6 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) to a pH of 3.5. Samples collected for shipping and analysis in the home laboratory such as REE, reference materials, and dupli- cates were acidified to pH = 2. Samples for Nd IC were pre-concentrated onboard using C18 SepPak ® cartridges (Waters Inc., Fig. 7.20) pre-loaded with an REE Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phospho- ric acid (HDEHP) complexing agent (modified after Jeandel et al., 1998 and references therein). The C18 cartridges were then stored and shipped at 4°C whereas acidified REE sea- water samples were shipped in the container. To comply with the ship’s labeling system, all sample IDs comprise the following information: cruise# - event# - bottle# (e.g. SO254-67-3)

48 and a note, which parameter the particular subsample was collected for i.e., REE, Nd, or Si IC analysis.

Fig. 7.20: Setup for pumping of seawater sam- ples in order to concentrate REE from sea- water matrix using C18 SepPak ® cartridges packed with a HDEHP complexing agent.

Stable Silicon Isotopes The silicon isotope composition (Si IC) of dissolved silicic acid (Si(OH)4) is an important tool to investigate the marine biogeochemical cycling of silicon (Si). Besides nitrate and phosphate, Si(OH)4 is a major nutrient for diatoms, which they require to build up their frustules. The Si IC of seawater helps to understand the biogeochemical cycling of Si. in the modern ocean, and due to its incorporation into diatom frustules, diatom Si IC can serve as a proxy for the reconstruction of Si(OH)4 utilization in the past (e.g., De la Rocha et al., 1998; Pichevin et al., 2009; Ehlert et al., 2013). The availability of Si IC data from the south Pacific in general and from the southwestern Pacific in particular, are limited (De Souza et al., 2012). Along this latitudinal transect, the upwelling and transformation of deep waters as well as the utilization of nutrients in the subantarctic zone of the Southern Ocean are of particular interest for investigations of the biogeochemical cycling of Si. The seawater samples for the determination of Si IC were filtered directly from the Niskin bot- tles into acid pre-cleaned PE bottles using AcroPak500 cartridges (0.8/0.45 m pore size, Su- por ® pleated membrane). Sample volumes were varied throughout the water column according to expected concentrations i.e., 1 L in highly Si-depleted surface waters, 0.5 L in intermediate waters, and 0.125 L in Si-rich deep waters. In total, we collected ca. 55 L of seawater for Si IC analyses from the Niskin bottles. The filtered samples were sealed and packed for shipment and further processing in the home laboratory. Sediment samples A multibeam survey was conducted prior to coring operations. Sediment samples were re- trieved from the seafloor using MUC. Due to limited survey time and unfavorable sediment properties, MUC operations were successful only at four stations. In particular, in the Ker- madec Arc area northeast of New Zealand, hard substrate inhibited MUC coring success. We processed five MUC cores recovered at stations 12, 15, 18 and 20 (13 – 24 cm length) for REE, nutrient and Si isotope analyses on porewaters and REE, Nd and Si isotopes on sedi- ments. All cores were transferred immediately into the scientific cold room (4°C) where the core description was carried out (Fig. 7.21). The supernatant bottom water was then trans- ferred into HDPE containers and subsequently filtered and subsampled for REE, Si and possi-

49 bly Nd isotope analyses as described in the seawater section above. The sediment cores were sliced for porewater extraction using a porewater press operated with nitrogen for buildup (Fig. 2). Porewater yield was estimated to 10 – 50 mL per depth interval (1-1.25 cm). All sediment samples were stored at 4°C in Whirlpak ® plastic bags. At station 18, two cores were processed, one for pressured porewater extraction and a second core was sampled with Rhizone interstitial water samplers in order to compare the different methods. The Rhizones were inserted through pre-drilled holes in the core tubes. At station 6, two additional push cores recovered from the ROV were processed accordingly. All porewaters extracted for REE, Nd and Si isotope analyses were collected in acid pre- cleaned 30 mL PE bottles (Fig. 2) and acidified with Teflon-distilled ultra-clean 6 N HCl to a pH of 2.0; samples for nutrient analysis in the home laboratory were poisoned. The labeling fol- lowed the systematics used for the seawater samples i.e., cruise# - event# - depth (in cm) (e.g. SO254 – 75 – 0-1cm). A dedicated note is added whether a particular sample is for REE, Si IC or nutrient analyses.

Fig. 7.21: Operation of the pore water press in the scientific cold room onboard R/V Sonne. Individual dishes filled with sediment were connected to pressure distribution system. Outlet tubing allowed to transfer the porewater into dedicated acid-clean PE bottles.

50 7.11 Under way measurements by FerryBox (D Voss, R Henkel, O Zielinski) A FerryBox is a flow-through system deployed as an underway device for ship expeditions and for attendant measurements during station operations (Fig. 7.22). The system provides basic data at high spatial and temporal resolution for various parameters, e.g. salinity, temperature (at the intake and inside the system), Chl a -fluorescence, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. For multi-parameter sensing and validation of the ships flow-through system (equipped with ther- mosalinograph and bbe FluoroProbe sensor), the FerryBox was fed by water from the ship system via a bypass. Measurements were performed at a sampling interval of 1 min. Once a day, a salinity reference sample was taken (glass bottle, 250 ml) to validate the salinity sensor of the FerryBox as well as the salinity probe of the thermosalinograph of the ships system. Analysis of the salinity samples is ongoing. On this cruise, a second box (FerryBox AddOn) equipped with an UV- and a VIS- spectrophotometer, was used to collect absorption spectra to, e.g. improve current processing algorithms of optical nitrate detection for oligotrophic waters. Measurements were performed at a sampling interval of 10 min. Processing will be performed according to Zielinski et al (2011), Frank et al (2014). Validation and improvement of processing algorithms to calculate optical nitrate and transmission are still under progress. Further investigations included the sampling for harmful algae toxins along the whole cruise transect. Therefore, a special absorber pad was installed in the outflow of the flow-through boxes. Within a fixed time interval of 7 days water was running through these absorber pads with respect to the investigated area. Pads were stored at 4°C until further processing, wash out of toxins and analysis via LC-MS/MS.

Fig. 7.22: FerryBox system (right) for hydrographic parameters in surface waters and AddOn Box (left) for the collection of UV/VIS spectra for calculation of transmission and optical nitrate.

51 7.12 Meteorology data on aerosol and water vapor (J Meyerjürgens, R Henkel, D Voss, S Kinne, A Smirnov) Meteorological data during the SO254 cruise were continuously obtained via built-in systems (weather-station, thermosalinograph / TSG, so-called “ underway-data” ). We used handheld instruments for measuring aerosol and water vapor. Meteorological Underway Data Weather data such as air temperature, wind speed, wind direction and global radiation were extracted from the underway data, which are logged and controlled by the DSHIP-Software. Hydrographic data from the sea surface were taken via a thermosalinograph connected to a through-flow-system in the front of the ship. Microtops Aerosol and Water Vapor Survey During cruise SO254 we measured direct solar attenuation by means of a handheld Microtops instrument during cloud-free conditions at daytimes (Fig. 7.23). The same instrument as during cruise SO248 was used. The system provides information on atmospheric aerosol amount, aerosol size and atmospheric water vapor. In total measurements at 25 stations with 10 repli- cates each were conducted (Fig. 7.24). Data will be included in the Aeronet Maritime Aero- sosol Network (http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov). Data were delivered to Alexander Smirnov (Sci- ence Systems and Applications, Inc., NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center), who processed them. First results can be seen at http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov/new_web/cruises_new/Sonne_16_0.html . In collaboration with NASA-GSFC, Microtops measurements are conducted worldwide on an opportunity basis aboard (research) vessels in order to complement continental aerosol moni- toring at AERONET sites.

Figure 7.23 Microtops and GPS unit provided by the Marine Aerosol Network of AERONET at NASA- GSFC.


Figure 7.24 Overview of measuring points of aerosol and water vapor during cruise SO254 (http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov/new_web/cruises_new/Sonne_17_0.html , as processed until March 05 2017).

53 7.13 Operation of ROV KIEL 6000 (F Abegg, M Bodendorfer, P Cuno, H Huusmann, T Matthiessen, A Meier, M Pieper, I Suck) ROV KIEL 6000 is a 6000 m rated platform manufactured by Schilling Robotics LLC, Davis, USA. It is based on commercially available ROVs, but customized to research demands, e.g. being truly mobile. As a truly versatile system it has been operated from a vari- ety of different national and international research vessels (RV Sonne, N/O l’Atalante, RV Maria S. Merian, RV Meteor, RV Celtic Explorer, RRS James Cook and RV Polarstern) until today. It is an electrically driven work class ROV of the type QUEST, build No. 7. ROV KIEL 6000 is based at the Helmholtz Centre for Marine Sciences GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany. Including this cruise, ROV KIEL 6000 has accomplished 256 dives during 21 missions. During SO254, 19 scientific dives could be accomplished (Table 7.4). Maximum diving depth was more than 4800 m and maximum bottom time was 9:59 hours. In total, bottom time accumu- lated to approximately 127 hours (total dive time approx. 153 hours). ROV Tasks during the cruise The main task of ROV KIEL 6000 was to explore benthic habitats and to sample sponges, cor- als, holothuroids and other invertebrates. At a few stations, InCUBEators (in situ incubating chambers) were deployed. In addition, rocks were sampled, sediment samples were obtained by push-cores as well as by nets, and water was sampled using Niskin bottles. The standard configuration consisted of the ICBM Biobox on the portside drawer, with two compartments, the Senckenberg Biobox on the starboard drawer, the slurpgun, 3 handnets and 3 Niskins (Fig. 7.25).

Fig. 7.25: Standard sampling setup with two bioboxes, 3 nets and 3 Niskin bottle.

Tools used and handled by the ROV during SO254:  Slurp gun w/ 8 sampling containers (ROV KIEL 6000)  Push cores (ROV KIEL 6000)  Handnets (ROV KIEL 6000)  Lasers (integrated) (Alpha Cam, ROV KIEL 6000)  “Senckenberg” Biobox (large) (ROV KIEL 6000)  ICBM Biobox (2 compartments) (ICBM)  5 liter Niskin Bottles (metal-free) (ROV KIEL 6000)  HOMER Beacon (ROV KIEL 6000)  InCUBEators (NIOZ)

54 As the ROV can only be deployed at wave heights not exceeding appr. 2.5 m and at low cur- rents several of the originally planned stations had to be cancelled including all stations south of 45°S where wind and swell resulted in waves exce eding 3 m.

Table 7.4: ROV station list during cruise SO254

Date Station Time At Bot- Off Time Max. Dive 2017 ROV Bot- Number Start tom Bottom End Location Depth No. Start tom Time SO254 (UTC) (UTC) (UTC) (UTC) (m) (UTC) Test 237 25.01. Harbour Test Auckland, New Zealand Kiwi 02ROV01 238 29.01. 20:10 20:49 23:38 23:59 750 02:49 Seamount 08ROV02 239 30.01. 19:49 20:47 05:39 06:24 1450 08:52 10ROV03 240 31.01. 20:43 22:36 06:31 08:10 4120 07:55 14ROV04 241 01.02. 23:01 23:33 05:48 06:14 540 06:15 18ROV05 242 02.02. 20:20 20:37 05:48 05:59 Raoul Island 500 09:11 22ROV06 243 03.02. 20:01 22:09 05:14 07:16 4800 07:05 Macauley 25ROV07 244 04.02. 22:16 22:25 06:00 06:14 350 07:35 Island 33ROV08 245 06.02. 20:15 20:57 06:56 07:32 1420 09:59 East Cape 34ROV09 246 07.02. 20:49 21:16 01:15 01:37 550 03:59 NZ 36ROV10 247 08.02. 19:58 20:07 02:43 03:11 800 06:36 56ROV11 248 11.02. 20:20 21:43 00:25 01:54 3000 02:42 69ROV12 249 17.02. 01:15 01:40 07:04 07:28 540 05:24 76ROV13 250 18.02. 21:17 21:49 06:46 07:14 680 08:57 77ROV14 251 19.02. 20:37 21:05 06:14 06:40 off Kaikoura 880 09:09 off Welling- 78ROV15 252 20.02. 19:44 20:38 05:59 06:33 1680 09:21 ton 79ROV16 253 21.02. 19:35 20:05 23:40 00:10 920 03:35 81ROV17 254 22.02. 01:22 01:54 06:08 06:36 900 04:14 East Cape 84ROV18 255 23.02. 00:38 01:29 07:01 07:39 1500 05:32 NZ 85ROV19 256 23.02. 21:14 21:51 05:43 06:17 1170 07:52 Total: 19 scientific dives 127:02 h

55 a b

c d

e f

g h

i j

Fig.i 7.26: diverse benthic invertebrates observedj and collected during cruise SO254. a) stalked glass sponge; b) sponge; c) deep sea landscape with corals and brisingiid starfish; d) holothurian cf. Benthosdytes sp.; e) InCUBEator with sponge; f) sponge; g) soft coral cf. Anthomastus sp; h) coral being sampled by ORION; i) pushcore sampled beside the In- CUBEator; j) crinoid.

g h 56 7.14 Investigations on the biodiversity of benthic sponge and invertebrate communities and their associated microbiome (PJ Schupp, S Rohde, D Versluis, L-E Petersen, T Clemens, KP Conrad, S Mills, M Kelly) The main objective of this work package of the cruise aimed at describing the microbial bio- diversity associated with sponges as well as the chemical ecology of sponge-associated bac- teria and the sponge holobiont itself. We wanted to investigate whether the biodiversity and abundance of sponges and sponge-associated bacteria show distinct differences along a vertical depth gradient (shallow reef, twilight zone and abyssal depth), between geographic regions and among different sponge hosts. Collection of additional invertebrate groups (e.g. Octocorals), sediment and water samples will allow the identification of complementary bac- terial strains. Investigations also aim at assessing the secondary metabolites of the collected specimens. This will include the chemistry of the holobiont as well as the secondary metabo- lites produced by the isolated bacterial strains.

Methods During 19 ROV dives between 29° and 49°S water samp les, sediments and invertebrates were collected at a depth range of 100 to 4800 m (for exact locations and depths see Table 7.4 and S1, list of stations in the attachment). In addition to the ROV dives we also con- ducted one shallow water collection by snorkeling from a small boat near Raoul Island on the Kermadec Plateau. A total of 359 target specimens (sponges, corals, sea cucumbers etc., Fig. 7.26, Tab. 7.5) were collected. The target specimens were attributed to 183 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs, nominal “species”) including 111 sponge (Porifera) OTUs. Addition- ally, 262 small non-target-specimens that were associated with the target organisms were collected for the NIWA Invertebrate Collection and preliminarily attributed to 73 taxonomic families (Tab. 7.6). Taxonomic identifications using traditional microscopy as well as DNA barcoding and amplicon sequencing of the microbiome are ongoing. On board, we already started the isolation and cultivation of sponge associated bacterial and fungal strains. Over 725 plates were inoculated for isolation of sponge-associated bacterial strains, 1062 plates for isolation of marine myxobacteria and 114 plates to isolate fungal strains.

Tab. 7.5: Number of collected specimens and OTUs on potential family level of target spe- cies. Taxonomic group No. of OTUs ‘species’ No. of specimens Ascidiacea [Tunicates] 1 2 Anthozoa 35 91 Asteroidea 12 19 Echinoidea 1 1 Holothuroidea (Class) 17 27 Ophiuroidea 11 12 Demospongiae 62 103 Hexactinellida 44 104 Total 183 359

57 Tab. 7.6: Number of collected specimens and OTUs on potential family level of non-target species. Taxonomic group No. of OTUs ‘families’ No. of specimens Ascidiacea [Tunicates] 2 27 Anthozoa 7 8 Asteroidea 3 3 Crinoidea 1 7 Echinoidea 2 6 Holothuroidea (Class) 2 2 Ophiuroidea 9 42 Malacostraca 7 59 Polychaeta 4 20 Bivalvia 4 10 Gastropoda 3 11 Cephalopoda 2 3 Hydrozoa 3 20 Demospongiae 3 6 Hexactinellida 5 11 Not identified 27 27 Total 84 262

Preliminary Results A preliminary analysis revealed that the northern, deepest stations, from 29° to 39° S, were dominated by Hexactinellida (total of 102 specimens, 7.3 per site) with Demospongiae being less abundant (total of 45 specimens, 3.2 per site). The southern stations from 41° to 45° S on the other hand were dominated by Demospongiae (54 specimens, 13.5 per site), with only a low abundance of Hexactinellida (2 specimens, 0.5 per site). Preliminary identification of the sponge material via seabed and specimen images revealed that exactly half of the 200+ specimens collected were Class Demospongiae and the other half were glass sponges (Class Hexactinellida). Of the 106 Hexactinellida, Lyssacinosida were the most numerous with over 35 specimens each of Euplectellidae and Rossellidae yielding about 11 and 7 species, respectively. Only 3 species of Amphidiscosida were col- lected. Of the 107 Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida were by far the most numerous, especially from the southern stations, which were dominated by Myxillidae and Coelosphaeridae. Sev- eral species of Latrunculia and the carnivorous Asbestopluma sp. were collected. Tetractinel- lida, in particular lithistids demosponges in Pleromidae and Isoraphiniidae were abundant at northern sites, along with several species of Pachastrellidae, Ancornidae and Geodiidae. Suberitida were particularly diverse on the east coast of the South Island. One difference that was noted between the different stations was that sponges in general were more common on hard substrate, i.e., volcanic bed rock, while they were rare to absent on slopes dominated by muddy sediment with occasional pumice rocks. Several of the northern sites were also geologically active (e.g. Raoul Island, Macauley Island), and had much higher abundances of octocorals compared to sponges. Since most octocorals also require hard substrate for attachment, it appears that sponges prefer different hard substrate

58 compared to the octocorals, which seemed rather abundant on the pumice substrate. As these are just preliminary observations, further analysis as to possible factors contributing to the observed sponge distribution are ongoing, such as investigations on differences in water chemistry and nutrients among the different sites. Data management All data are stored in the working group database. Pictures and ROV videos are stored on the group hard drive as well as the ICBM server for backup. We also have an online folder for all cruise participants to upload relevant data for other sponge group members on the ICBM server. Genome sequences will be submitted to publicly available databases such as the NCBI genome database, and all important findings will be published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals.

7.15 DNA barcoding and genomics of benthic invertebrates, with special focus on sponges, octocorals, holothurians, and brachiopods (G Wörheide) The aims of this taxonomy/barcoding project was as follows: To subsample all sponges and octocorals as well as holothurians and brachiopods collected by ROV and preserve them for subsequent extraction of high molecular weight DNA and RNA in the home lab and se- quence analysis of target genes for species identification and genome sequence analysis and transcriptome profiling. Methods Specimen collection was successfully completed with the ROV during the cruise. Subsam- ples were preserved in DMSO-buffer and 95% molecular grade ethanol and were shipped frozen to the home laboratory in Munich. Preliminary Results 106 hexactinellid sponges, 105 demosponges, 81 octo-and black corals, 30 sea-cucumbers, 32 echinoderms, 2 ascidians and 15 brachiopods were collected. Extraction of DNA and RNA and sequence analysis are currently ongoing. Two species of brachiopods were already identified by Dr. Carsten Lüter (Naturkundemuseum Berlin) as Fallax neocaledonensis Lau- rin, 1997 and Stenosarina cf. crosnieri (Cooper, 1983). Data management Metadata of all samples are stored in the sample database of the home laboratory.

59 7.16 Sponge microbiome (K Busch, U Hentschel Humeida)

Our research aim was the examination of deep-sea sponge microbiomes in the study area of the various biogeographic provinces and sea floor settings. As sponge-associated microor- ganisms are resistant to cultivation, cultivation-independent methods (e.g. amplicon se- quencing and ‘-omics’-techniques) will be employed. The results of this cruise represent an important data set for the planned global biogeographic comparison of deep-sea sponge microbiomes from different oceanic deep-sea regions worldwide. Work at sea During this cruise, we collected samples at all ROV stations for various analyses. The sam- ples will be processed by amplicon sequencing, metagenomics and electron microscopy (TEM, SEM). We will conduct amplicon sequencing of the sampled sponge holobionts follo- wing the EMP protocols ((http:// www.earthmicrobiome.org/ ). The recorded accompanying metadata (e.g. temperature, exact coordinates and high quality video/photo material) allow an analysis of the respective deep-sea sponge habitat, including for example the prevailing substrate type. Bottom water samples were gained from Niskin bottles deployed on the ROV Kiel 6000 or from CTD casts. In addition we received sediment samples from push-cores or sediment nets which were collected by the ROV Kiel 6000. We subsampled 158 sponge indi- viduals (3 technical replicates for each method), out of which ~50% were hexactinellids and ~50% demosponges. The samples were shared among all groups working on sponges. Further we collected 60 water filters and 28 sediment samples. Preliminary data are not yet available. Data management Samples will be analysed in our home laboratories at GEOMAR, Kiel. Data on our cruise activities will be made available in the Kiel Ocean Science Information System for Expedi- tions (OSIS). Data interpretation will occur in close collaboration with the other participants working on sponges. Results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals and sequence data submitted to publicly available data banks such as NCBI.

7.17 Role of sponges on carbon and nitrogen flows in deep-sea food webs (T Stratmann, D van Oevelen) Sponges can form large reefs extending for 100s of kilometers along the continental shelf e.g. off the west coast of Canada and Norway or in Norwegian fjords, where they reach bio- masses of up to 2 kg wet weight per m 2 (Kutti et al. 2013). Despite the high biomass that they can reach, our knowledge on their role in carbon and nutrient cycling is extremely limited. Methods In-situ incubations During this cruise the in-situ oxygen consumption and nutrient uptake and release, respec- tively, of a sponge was measured by placing benthic incubation chambers (CUBE, dimen- sions: 50 x 50 x 50 cm) over an individual stalked sponge with the ROV (Fig. 1). A second CUBE was placed close to the sponge incubation CUBE on soft sediment to measure sedi- ment community oxygen consumption and subtract it as a background value from the sponge incubation. Over a time of 5 hours 6 water samples were taken automatically by the CUBE and will be analyzed for nutrient concentrations (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, silicate, phos-

60 phate) and bacterioplankton abundance back in the NIOZ home lab. This experiment was repeated on two more locations where only soft sediment was incubated (for complete sam- pling list see Table 1). On-board incubations Individual sponges, mainly Hexactinellida and Demospongiae, were collected with the ROV, stored temporary in bioboxes onboard the ROV and brought back to RV Sonne. There the individual sponges were transferred to individual small incubation chambers and incubated over 5 h at in-situ temperature. In setting A) water samples for the analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and fluoresc- ing dissolved organic carbon (FDOM) were taken every hour (Fig. 2), whereas in setting B) the oxygen consumption was measured continuously and water samples for nutrient concen- trations (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, silicate, phosphate) were taken at the beginning and at the end of each incubation (Fig. 3). Each time, except for the last ROV dive, three replicate sponges presumably of the same species were incubated together with one water incubation as background sample (for complete sample list see table). Besides the incubation of deep-sea sponges, at one location 2 sets of 3 sponge replicates of shallow water sponges were incubated and were sampled according to setting A. Preliminary data are not yet available

Figure 7.27: Photo of a CUBE at the seafloor with a sponge caged inside

Figure 7.28: Photo of the on-board incubation of sponges in setting A (DOC and FDOM measurements)

61 Figure 7.29: Photo of the on-board incubation of sponges in setting B (continuous oxygen concentration recordings and nutrient measure- ments).

Table 7.7: Overview of sponge incubations Deployment site Content of each incubation chamber Type of incubation SO254-10 C2: Hexactinellida In-situ C3: sediment Snorkeling west side C1: Demospongiae Onboard, setting A: DOM + of Raoul Island C2: water/ background FDOM C3: Demospongiae C4: Demospongiae Snorkeling west side C1: Demospongiae Onboard, setting A: DOM + of Raoul Island C2: Demospongiae FDOM C3: Demospongiae C4: water/ background SO254-22 C3: sediment In-situ SO254-33 C1: Hexactinellida Onboard, setting A: DOM + C2: Hexactinellida FDOM C3: Hexactinellida C4: water/ background SO254-36 C1: ind. sponge Onboard, setting A: DOM + C2: water/ background FDOM SO254-69 C2: sediment In-situ C3: sediment SO254-76 C1: Demospongiae Onboard, setting B: oxygen C2: Demospongiae consumption + nutrients C3: Demospongiae C4: water/ background SO254-77 C1: Demospongiae Onboard, setting B: oxygen C2: Demospongiae consumption + nutrients C3: Demospongiae C4: water/ background SO254-79 C1: Hexactinellida Onboard, setting B: oxygen C2: Hexactinellida consumption + nutrients C3: Hexactinellida C4: water/ background SO254-81 C1: Hexactinellida Onboard, setting B: oxygen C2: Hexactinellida consumption + nutrients C3: Hexactinellida C4: water/ background SO254-84 C1: Hexactinellida Onboard, setting B: oxygen C2: Hexactinellida consumption + nutrients C3: Hexactinellida C4: water/ background SO254-84 C1: Hexactinellida Onboard, setting B: oxygen C2: Demospongiae consumption + nutrients C3: water/ background

62 Data management After evaluation of all data they will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

7.18 Hunting for candidate phylum ‘Tectomicrobia’ in New Zealand’s sponge communities (J Cahn) Sponges have long been known as a rich source of chemically unique bioactive compounds. (Fusetani and Matsunaga 1993). Our lab has recently shown that in the Theonellidae family of sponges, the overwhelming majority of these compounds are produced by the uncultivated filamentous bacteria of the candidate genus ‘Entotheonella’, which we propose as belonging to a novel bacterial phylum, ‘Tectomicrobia’. (Wilson et al. 2014, Ueoka et al. 2015). Despite the results of PCR-based screens, which showed a broad distribution of ‘Tectomicrobia’ in sponges, (Wilson et al. 2014) no genomes have been obtained from outside the Theonelli- dae (Wilson et al. 2014, Wakimoto et al. 2014, Nakashima et al. 2016, Keren et al. 2017). The aim of this work was to search for filament-rich sponge microbiomes among the diverse sponge communities of New Zealand’s Pacific waters between the twilight and abyssal zones, and from them to identify new taxa of ‘Tectomicrobia’ and assess their biosynthetic potential.

Methods From the sponges obtained, bacteria were separated using mechanical and enzymatic ho- mogenization and filtering. Differential centrifugation was used to separate bacteria from sponge tissue and debris, and then to enrich the bacterial cell pellet for filamentous and other multicellular bacteria. Microscopic examination of the resulting bacterial fraction, aided by fluorescent labelling, was used to visually identify sponges with filamentous bacteria resem- bling ‘Entotheonella’. These sponges were cut into pieces and preserved with absolute etha- nol and RNAlater to maintain nucleotide quality, and were shipped back to the home lab in Zurich at 4 °C for further analysis. Subsequent wor k will focus on repurification and genetic characterization of these filamentous bacteria, targeted toward the discovery of biosynthetic gene clusters encoding novel bioactive metabolites. Preliminary Results Of 224 sponge samples obtained, 87 were processed and analyzed for filamentous mi- crobes. g Of these, candidate filaments were observed in 24 sponge samples. In total, 50 sponges were shipped back to Zurich for further analysis, including replicates of some sponge OTUs when available as well as sponges with other unusual microbiome features. Figure 7.30 shows a breakdown of these figures to the family level, where possible, based on preliminary morphological identifications, which are subject to change when more spicule and genetic information are available. Figure 7.31 shows example images from selected sponges.


Figure 7.30: Breakdown of sponge sampling, analysis for filaments, and voucher collection to the family level (based on morphology) when possible.

Figure 7.31: Candidate filaments imaged in (from left to right): NZ-046 (Astro- phorina), NZ-254 ( Rossella sp .), and NZ-337 ( Poliopogon ? amadou ).

Data Management Sponge micrographs and verbal descriptions are stored in duplicate on the servers of the Institute of Microbiology at ETH Zurich and on commercial cloud storage, as will be data col- lected. Genome sequences will be published to publicly available databases such as the NCBI genome database, and all important findings will be published in peer-reviewed scien- tific journals.

64 8. Acknowledgements We would like to thank very much Captain Lutz Mallon, his crew and the ROV team for their excellent, always present and very friendly support of our research activities on board RV Sonne. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) generously provi- ded the main funding of this expedition. As a substantial part of this research cruise was a core project of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center Roseobacter (TRR51) in its second funding phase Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft also contributed substantially to funding of this cruise. Further support came from the German State of Lower Saxony and the Swiss National Fund.

65 9. References

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66 Nagata T, Fukuda H, Fukuda R, Koike I (2000) Bacterioplankton distribution and production in deep Pacific waters: Large-scale geographic variations and possible coupling with sinking particle fluxes. Limnol Oceanogr 45: 426-435. Nakashima Y, et al. (2016) Metagenomic Analysis of the Sponge Discodermia Reveals the Production of the Cyanobacterial Natural Product Kasumigamide by ‘Entotheonella’. PLOS ONE 11: e0164468. Nelson CS, Cooke PJ (2001) History of oceanic front development in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic—a synthesis. New Zealand J Geol Phys 44: 535-553. Ottesen EA, Young CR, Eppley JM, Ryan JP, Chavez FP, Scholin CA, DeLong EF (2013) Pattern and synchrony of gene expression among sympatric marine microbial populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci US 110: E488-E497. Pahnke K, van de Flierdt T, Jones KM, Lambelet M, Hemming SR, Goldstein SL (2012) GEOTRACES intercalibration of neodymium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations in seawater and suspended particles. Part 2: Systematic tests and baseline profiles. Limnol Oceanogr Methods 10: 252–269. Pichevin LE, Reynolds BC, Ganeshram RS, Cacho I, Pena LD, Keefe K, Ellam RM (2009) Enhanced carbon pump inferred from relaxation of nutrient limitation in the glacial ocean. Nature 459: 1114– 1117. Piepgras DJ, & Jacobsen SB (1988) The isotopic composition of neodymium in the North Pacific. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52: 1373–1381. Shi Y, Tyson GW, Eppley JM, DeLong EF (2011). Integrated metatranscriptomic and metagenomic analyses of stratified microbial assemblages in the open ocean. ISME J 5: 999-1013. Simon M, Azam F (1989) Protein content and protein synthesis rates of planktonic marine bacteria. Marine Ecology Progress Series 5: 201-213. Simon M, Rosenstock B (2007) Different coupling of dissolved amino acid, protein, and carbohydrate turnover to heterotrophic picoplankton production in the Southern Ocean in austral summer and fall. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 85-95. Sowell SM, Abraham PE, Shah M, Verberkmoes, Smith DP, Barofsky DF, Giovannoni SJ (2011) Envi- ronmental proteomics of microbial plankton in a highly productive coastal upwelling system. ISME J 5: 856-865. Tada Y, Taniguchi A, Nagao I, Miki T, Uematsu M, Tsuda A, Hamasaki K (2011) Differing growth re- sponses of major phylogenetic groups of marine bacteria to natural phytoplankton blooms in the western north Pacific Ocean. Appl Environ Microbiol 77 : 4055–4065. Ueoka R, et al. (2015) Metabolic and evolutionary origin of actin-binding polyketides from diverse or- ganisms. Nat Chem Biol 11: 705-712. Wakimoto T, et al. (2014) Calyculin biogenesis from a pyrophosphate protoxin produced by a sponge symbiont. Nat Chem Biol 10: 648-655. Wilkins D, Lauro FM, Williams TJ, Demaere MZ, Brown MV, Hoffman JM, Andrews-Pfannkoch C, Mcquaid JB, Riddle MJ, Rintoul SR, Cavicchioli R (2013) Biogeographic partitioning of Southern Ocean microorganisms revealed by metagenomics. Environ Microbiol 15: 1318–1333. Wilson MC, et al. (2014) An environmental bacterial taxon with a large and distinct metabolic reper- toire. Nature 506: 58-62. Yokokawa T, Yang YH, Motegi C, Nagata T (2013) Large-scale geographical variation in prokaryotic abundance and production in meso- and bathypelagic zones of the central Pacific and Southern Ocean. Limnol Oceanogr 58: 61-73. Zielinski O, Voss D, Saworski B, Fiedler B, Koertzinger A (2011) Computation of nitrate concentrations in turbid coastal waters using an in situ ultraviolet spectrophotometer. J Sea Res 65: 456-460

67 10. Abbreviations / Abkürzungen ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ANTA Antarctic Polar Province AOT Aerosol Optical Thickness AQY Apparent quantum yield CARD-FISH Catalyzed Reporter Deposition Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization CDOM Chromophoric DOM Chl Chlorophyll CTD Conductivity Temperature Depth sensor DBC Dissolved Black Carbon DCM Deep Chlorophyll Maximum DOC Dissolve Organic Carbon DOM Dissolved Organic Matter DSMZ Deutsche Sammlung für Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen ETH Eidgenösische Technische Hochschule FDOM Fluorescent DOM FISH Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization FT-ICR-MS Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry FUI Forel Ule color Index G2L Göttingen Genomics Laboratory GC Gas Chromatography GPS Global Positioning System HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography HZI Helmholtz Institut für Infektionsforschung IC Isotope Composition ICBM Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres MAR-FISH Microautoradiography coupled to FISH MUC Multi Corer NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information of the US NEWZ New Zealand coastal province Nd Neodymium NIOZ Netherlands Institute of Sea Research NIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research NZ New Zealand PAR Photosynthetic Active Radiation PF Polar Front OTU Operational Taxonomical Unit PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction POC Particulate Organic Carbon PON Particulate Organic Nitrogen RCA Roseobacter Clade Affiliated REE Rare Earth Elements ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle SAF Subantarctic Front SANT Subantarctic Water Ring Si Silicon SPSG South Pacific Subtropical gyre SSTC South Subtropical Convergence STF Subtropical Front TDN Total Dissolved Nitrogen TOC Total Organic Carbon TRR 51 Transregional Collarborative Research Center Roseobacter UTC Universal Coordinated Time UV UltraViolet light VIS VISible light

68 11. Appendices

A) Participating Institutions / Liste der teilnehmenden Institutionen

ICBM HZI Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Universität Oldenburg Department Microbial Communication Carl von Ossietzky Str. 9-11 Inhoffenstr. 7 D-26129 Oldenburg, D-38124 Braunschweig Germany Germany https://www.icbm.de http://www.helmholtz-hzi.de

DSMZ LMU Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen Ludwig Maximilian Universität München und Zellkulturen, Department for Earth and Environmental Inhoffenstraße 7B Sciences D-38124 Braunschweig Richard Wagner Str. 10, Germany D-80333 München, Germany www.dsmz.de https://www.uni-muenchen.de

ETH NIWA Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Institute of Microbiology Research Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland Hataitai, Wellington 6021 https://www.ethz.ch Wellington, New Zealand https://www.niwa.co.nz/

GEOMAR NIOZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research Düsternbrooker Weg 20 Department of Estuaries and Delta Systems D-24105 Kiel, Deutschland Korringaweg 7 www.geomar.de NL-4401 NT Yerseke, The Netherlands https://www.nioz.nl/

69 B) Station list / Stationsliste

Table A1: Station number, start and end of station work, latitude, longitude, type of work and water depth of stations. For a detailed list of station work at each station see Table A2.

Station Start End Latitude Longitude Type of work Depth Day / Time UTC Day / Time UTC (m)

SO254-01 29.01.2017 17:57:05 30.01.2017 07:50:23 30° 43,507' S 173° 53,017' E ROV, Bio-optics, in si tu pump, plankton net 569

SO254-02 30.01.2017 19:39:17 31.01.2017 06:37:34 31° 18,010' S 175° 11,839' E ROV 1255 SO254-03 31.01.2017 16:09:46 01.02.2017 08:24:47 30° 59,283' S 177° 30,825' E ROV 4110

SO254-04 01.02.2017 19:47:36 02.02.2017 07:07:34 30° 05,727' S 179° 49,320' E ROV, CTD, Bio-optics 5 65

SO254-05 02.02.2017 20:09:31 02.02.2017 20:09:31 29° 17,521' S 178° 01,866' W ROV 409 SO254-06 03.02.2017 13:46:47 04.02.2017 11:54:22 29° 16,136' S 176° 42,142' W ROV, CTD, Bio-optics, MUC, in situ pump, 4788 plankton net

SO254-07 04.02.2017 22:00:36 05.02.2017 06:23:17 30° 13,863' S 178° 27,676' W ROV 398 SO254-08 06.02.2017 03:37:55 06.02.2017 11:56:29 34° 44,527' S 179° 15,769' W Bio-optics, CTD, in si tu pump, plankton net 4645

SO254-09 06.02.2017 20:13:10 07.02.2017 07:37:33 35° 22,694' S 178° 58,458' E ROV 5237

SO254-10 07.02.2017 20:00:01 08.02.2017 01:47:06 37° 29,828' S 178° 45,917' E ROV 539 SO254-11 08.02.2017 17:00:04 09.02.2017 03:26:53 39° 54,738' S 178° 14,237' E ROV 1201

SO254-12 09.02.2017 09:20:02 09.02.2017 22:26:01 40° 35,352' S 179° 15,359' E CTD, in situ pump, pla nkton net, MUC 3088

SO254-13 09.02.2017 21:28:42 09.02.2017 22:26:01 41° 08.480' S 179° 47.520' W Bio-optics 1713 SO254-14 10.02.2017 15:46:57 10.02.2017 16:30:08 43° 42,911' S 179° 58,282' W CTD 389

SO254-15 11.02.2017 08:35:12 12.02.2017 19:21:05 45° 57,000' S 179° 22,803' E ROV, CTD, Bio-optics, MUC, in situ pump, 3102 plankton net

SO254-16 12.02.2017 19:21:05 12.02.2017 23:14:52 47° 47,809' S 178° 37,757' E Agazzis trawl 5625 SO254-17 13.02.2017 17:24:21 14.02.2017 04:09:18 50° 28,826' S 179° 26,742' E CTD, in situ pump, MUC 4456 SO254-18 15.02.2017 19:38:40 16.02.2017 05:03:11 52° 07,414' S 177° 31,675' E CTD, plankton net, MUC 5012

SO254-19 17.02.2017 01:07:18 17.02.2017 07:41:13 49° 5,754' S 173° 52,263' E ROV 537

SO254-20 18.02.2017 00:42:07 18.02.2017 09:47:18 45° 43,071' S 174° 43,866' E CTD, in situ pump, pla nkton net, 1448 Agazzis trawl SO254-21 18.02.2017 21:06:42 19.02.2017 07:33:46 45° 01,605' S 171° 54,167' E ROV 677

SO254-22 19.02.2017 20:30:18 20.02.2017 06:51:42 43° 17,633' S 173° 36,376' E ROV 888

SO254-23 20.02.2017 19:36:19 21.02.2017 06:48:26 41° 37,065' S 175° 47,330' E ROV 1416 SO254-24 21.02.2017 19:02:03 22.02.2017 10:14:25 40° 02,988' S 178° 08,236' E ROV, Bio-optics, in sit u pump 913

SO254-25 22.02.2017 21:30:38 23.02.2017 07:56:09 37° 55,296' S 179° 13,519' E ROV 1707

SO254-26 23.02.2017 19:38:39 24.02.2017 09:45:03 35° 36,670' S 178° 51,141' E ROV, in situ pump 1144 SO254-27 24.02.2017 18:05:39 25.02.2017 04:44:53 36° 19,177' S 177° 14,143' E Bio-optics, in situ pu mp, CTD 3140

71 Table A2: Detailed overview on the equipment used and number of tasks, station number, date, time, device used and action, latitude, longitude and water depth.

Eingesetzte Geräte / E- quiopment Einsätze / Abkürzungen / Abbreviation used tasks z.W zu Wasser / into water a.D. an Deck / on deck CTD 26 Slmax (maximale) Seillänge / max. rope-length Bongo Netz 8 LT Lottiefe nach EM 122 / Depth of EM 122 ROV 19 W ... eingesetzte Winde / Winch used Multicorer 6 nm Seemeilen / nautical miles Secchi Disk 6 EM/PS SIMRAD Multibeam / Parasound Satlantic Profiler 8 rwk / COG: Rechtweisender Kurs / true course UV Profiler 6 d: Distanz / distance In-Situ Pumpe 11 v: Geschwindigkeit in Knoten / SOG in knots Agassiz Trawl 3 SL: Seillänge / rope-length SZ: Seilzug / rope tension ƉƉƉ 93

Station Depth no Station_book Date / Time UTC Device Action Comment (Action) Latitude Longitude (m) 1 SO254_1-1 29.01.2017 17:57:05 CTD station start 30° 43,507' S 173° 53,017' E 568,9 1 SO254_1-1 29.01.2017 17:58:16 CTD in the water 30° 43,509' S 173° 53,017' E 570 1 SO254_1-1 29.01.2017 18:27:10 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 543m 30° 43,481' S 173° 53,020' E 562,6 1 SO254_1-1 29.01.2017 18:48:03 CTD on deck 30° 43,481' S 173° 53,022' E 561,7 1 SO254_1-1 29.01.2017 18:49:28 CTD station end 30° 43,480' S 173° 53,022' E 559,8 1 SO254_2-1 29.01.2017 19:24:33 ROV station start ROV 6000 30° 43,869' S 173° 54, 489' E 635

72 1 SO254_2-1 29.01.2017 20:11:07 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 30° 43,865' S 173° 54, 486' E 644,6 Auftriebe & Transponder z. 1 SO254_2-1 29.01.2017 20:20:23 ROV in the water W. 30° 43,868' S 173° 54,486' E 645,5 1 SO254_2-1 29.01.2017 20:49:20 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 30° 43,872' S 173° 54,487' E 645,8 1 SO254_2-1 29.01.2017 23:37:32 ROV hoisting Beginn auftauchen 30° 43,777' S 173° 54,363' E 569,6 1 SO254_2-1 29.01.2017 23:50:35 ROV at surface 30° 43,774' S 173° 54,359' E 567,9 1 SO254_2-1 30.01.2017 00:02:37 ROV on deck 30° 43,781' S 173° 54,363' E 570,7 1 SO254_2-1 30.01.2017 00:06:44 ROV station end 30° 43,781' S 173° 54,362' E 567,3 1 SO254_3-1 30.01.2017 01:10:23 Light / Optics station start Secchi Disc 30° 43,734' S 173° 54,1 37' E 550,6 1 SO254_3-1 30.01.2017 01:12:41 Light / Optics in the water 30° 43,734' S 173° 54,135' E 550,2 1 SO254_3-1 30.01.2017 01:12:55 Light / Optics max depth/on ground auf Tiefe: 40m 30° 43,734' S 173° 54,135' E 548,7 1 SO254_3-1 30.01.2017 01:20:06 Light / Optics on deck 30° 43,739' S 173° 54,133' E 551,7 1 SO254_3-1 30.01.2017 01:22:01 Light / Optics station end 30° 43,740' S 173° 54,133' E 550,4 1 SO254_4-1 30.01.2017 01:31:04 Light / Optics station start Satlantik Profiler 30° 43,741' S 17 3° 54,141' E 552,4 1 SO254_4-1 30.01.2017 01:33:18 Light / Optics in the water 30° 43,746' S 173° 54,147' E 550,9 1 SO254_4-1 30.01.2017 01:52:34 Light / Optics max depth/on ground Max. Tiefe: 194m 30° 43,904' S 173° 54,325' E 589,1 1 SO254_4-1 30.01.2017 02:26:30 Light / Optics on deck 30° 44,188' S 173° 54,642' E 882,4 1 SO254_4-1 30.01.2017 02:26:51 Light / Optics station end 30° 44,191' S 173° 54,645' E 884,1 1 SO254_5-1 30.01.2017 02:27:19 Light / Optics station start UV Profiler 30° 44,195' S 173° 54,6 50' E 889,5 1 SO254_5-1 30.01.2017 02:27:45 Light / Optics in the water 30° 44,198' S 173° 54,654' E 891,8 1 SO254_5-1 30.01.2017 02:31:47 Light / Optics max depth/on ground max Tiefe 67m 30° 44,232' S 173° 54,692' E 920,9 1 SO254_5-1 30.01.2017 02:54:38 Light / Optics on deck 30° 44,424' S 173° 54,907' E 1057,6 1 SO254_5-1 30.01.2017 02:55:19 Light / Optics station end 30° 44,430' S 173° 54,914' E 1062,5 1 SO254_6-1 30.01.2017 03:07:49 PUMP station start in situ pump 30° 44,430' S 173 ° 54,912' E 1046,2 1 SO254_6-1 30.01.2017 03:10:10 PUMP in the water 30° 44,428' S 173° 54,916' E 1060,4

73 1 SO254_6-1 30.01.2017 03:12:36 PUMP max depth/on ground maxSL: 20m 30° 44,429' S 173° 54,917' E 1061,1 1 SO254_6-1 30.01.2017 06:28:01 PUMP information Beg. Hieven 30° 44,430' S 173° 5 4,914' E 1069,5 1 SO254_6-1 30.01.2017 06:35:28 PUMP on deck 30° 44,429' S 173° 54,920' E 1066,3 1 SO254_6-1 30.01.2017 06:38:10 PUMP station end 30° 44,430' S 173° 54,920' E 1072,5 Bongo-Netz über EL2 , 1 SO254_7-1 30.01.2017 07:08:27 Net (generic) station start Kleiner Schiebebalken 30° 44,433' S 173° 54,914' E 1069,6 1 SO254_7-1 30.01.2017 07:12:28 Net (generic) information Netz z. W. 30° 44,434' S 173° 54,912' E 1069,9 Bei SLmax: 150 m hieven , 1 SO254_7-1 30.01.2017 07:27:30 Net (generic) information SZ: 0,5 kN 30° 44,431' S 173° 54,923' E 1066,9 1 SO254_7-1 30.01.2017 07:44:24 Net (generic) information Bongo Netz a. D. 30° 44,431' S 173° 5 4,913' E 1071,6 1 SO254_7-1 30.01.2017 07:50:23 Net (generic) station end 30° 44,437' S 173° 54,917' E 1075,3

2 SO254_8-1 30.01.2017 19:39:17 ROV station start ROV 31° 18,010' S 175° 11,839' E 1255,2

2 SO254_8-1 30.01.2017 19:50:06 ROV in the water ROV z.W. 31° 18,010' S 175° 11,8 39' E 1255,9

2 SO254_8-1 30.01.2017 19:56:02 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 31° 18,008' S 1 75° 11,838' E 1251,8

2 SO254_8-1 30.01.2017 20:00:03 ROV lowering ROV abgetaucht 31° 18,009' S 175° 11 ,837' E 1258

2 SO254_8-1 30.01.2017 20:47:25 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 31° 18,007' S 175° 11,832' E 1255,9 rwK: 080°, d: 100 m, FüG: 2 SO254_8-1 30.01.2017 22:42:42 ROV profile start 0,2 kn 31° 18,003' S 175° 11,837' E 1254,7

2 SO254_8-1 31.01.2017 05:42:06 ROV hoisting Beg. Hieven ROV 31° 17,925' S 175° 1 2,067' E 1081,8

2 SO254_8-1 31.01.2017 06:12:45 ROV at surface 31° 17,925' S 175° 12,068' E 1083

2 SO254_8-1 31.01.2017 06:25:53 ROV on deck 31° 17,926' S 175° 12,068' E 1082,3

2 SO254_8-1 31.01.2017 06:37:34 ROV station end 31° 17,931' S 175° 12,066' E 1088,1

3 SO254_9-1 31.01.2017 16:09:46 CTD station start 30° 59,283' S 177° 30,825' E 4109,7

3 SO254_9-1 31.01.2017 16:11:19 CTD in the water 30° 59,287' S 177° 30,826' E 4100,4

3 SO254_9-1 31.01.2017 17:10:12 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 2496m 30° 59,276' S 177° 30,821' E 4100,1

3 SO254_9-1 31.01.2017 18:27:50 CTD on deck 30° 59,287' S 177° 30,825' E 4107,1

3 SO254_9-1 31.01.2017 18:32:35 CTD station end 30° 59,283' S 177° 30,823' E 4094,4

74 3 SO254_10-1 31.01.2017 20:36:35 ROV station start ROV 30° 59,425' S 177° 29,854' E 4119,9

3 SO254_10-1 31.01.2017 20:45:41 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 30° 59,430' S 177° 29 ,857' E 4118,8

3 SO254_10-1 31.01.2017 20:50:03 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 30° 59,427' S 17 7° 29,858' E 4120,4

3 SO254_10-1 31.01.2017 20:52:45 ROV lowering ROV abgetaucht 30° 59,424' S 177° 29 ,858' E 4116,2 rwK: 080°, d: 116 m / (1 Schiffslänge, Vorgabe 3 SO254_10-1 31.01.2017 21:38:37 ROV alter course Wiss.) 30° 59,421' S 177° 29,862' E 4122,1

3 SO254_10-1 31.01.2017 22:37:17 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 30° 59,411' S 177° 29,927' E 4117 rwK: 080°, d: (Vorgabe Wiss. "Bis stopp"), FüG: 0,2 3 SO254_10-1 31.01.2017 22:50:35 ROV profile start kn 30° 59,409' S 177° 29,933' E 4117

3 SO254_10-1 01.02.2017 06:21:46 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen 30° 59,403' S 177° 3 0,027' E 4114,4

3 SO254_10-1 01.02.2017 08:02:45 ROV at surface ROV an der Oberflaeche 30° 59,393' S 177° 30,024' E 4115,4

3 SO254_10-1 01.02.2017 08:09:08 ROV on deck Auftriebe an Deck 30° 59,397' S 177° 30,026' E 4124,8

3 SO254_10-1 01.02.2017 08:12:44 ROV on deck RPOV an Deck 30° 59,398' S 177° 30,02 6' E 4116,3

3 SO254_10-1 01.02.2017 08:24:47 ROV station end 30° 59,400' S 177° 30,023' E 4117,1 CTD über EL 2, Kl. Schie- 4 SO254_11-1 01.02.2017 19:47:36 CTD station start bebalken 30° 5,727' S 179° 49,320' E 565,3

4 SO254_11-1 01.02.2017 19:51:09 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 30° 5,730' S 179° 49, 322' E 567,5

4 SO254_11-1 01.02.2017 20:16:26 CTD max depth/on ground SL: 552 m, SZ: 9 kN 30° 5,723' S 179° 49,320' E 565,9

4 SO254_11-1 01.02.2017 20:20:28 CTD hoisting 30° 5,725' S 179° 49,322' E 566,5

4 SO254_11-1 01.02.2017 20:39:12 CTD on deck CTD a. D. 30° 5,723' S 179° 49,318' E 564,5

4 SO254_11-1 01.02.2017 20:40:11 CTD station end 30° 5,723' S 179° 49,317' E 565,8 CTD über EL 2, Kl. Schie- 4 SO254_12-1 01.02.2017 21:12:01 CTD station start bebalken 30° 5,723' S 179° 49,321' E 566,2

4 SO254_12-1 01.02.2017 21:16:10 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 30° 5,728' S 179° 49, 319' E 564,9

4 SO254_12-1 01.02.2017 21:21:17 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 19 m, SZ: 6 kN 30° 5,733' S 179° 49,317' E 566,5

4 SO254_12-1 01.02.2017 21:24:04 CTD hoisting 30° 5,734' S 179° 49,317' E 568,3

75 4 SO254_12-1 01.02.2017 21:26:31 CTD on deck CTD a. D. 30° 5,733' S 179° 49,320' E 566,5

4 SO254_12-1 01.02.2017 21:28:07 CTD station end 30° 5,734' S 179° 49,319' E 567,5 CTD über EL2, Kleiner 4 SO254_13-1 01.02.2017 21:42:17 CTD station start Schiebebalken 30° 5,732' S 179° 49,324' E 569

4 SO254_13-1 01.02.2017 21:46:06 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 30° 5,733' S 179° 49, 321' E 566,3

4 SO254_13-1 01.02.2017 22:00:04 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 299 m, SZ: 8 kN 30° 5,728' S 179° 49,320' E 566,8

4 SO254_13-1 01.02.2017 22:01:14 CTD hoisting 30° 5,728' S 179° 49,322' E 568,8

4 SO254_13-1 01.02.2017 22:21:13 CTD on deck CTD an Deck 30° 5,725' S 179° 49,323 ' E 567,4

4 SO254_13-1 01.02.2017 22:22:45 CTD station end 30° 5,726' S 179° 49,323' E 567,3

4 SO254_14-1 01.02.2017 22:54:53 ROV station start 30° 5,345' S 179° 49,173' E 533,1

4 SO254_14-1 01.02.2017 23:01:16 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 30° 5,347' S 179° 49, 177' E 533,8

4 SO254_14-1 01.02.2017 23:11:55 ROV lowering Beginn Tauchen 30° 5,349' S 179° 49 ,176' E 530,6

4 SO254_14-1 01.02.2017 23:34:05 ROV max depth/on ground BOSI, max Tiefe 531m 30° 5,350' S 179° 49,174' E 532,6 4 SO254_14-1 02.02.2017 05:48:49 ROV hoisting Auftauchen ROV 30° 5,183' S 179° 48,978 ' E 489,3 4 SO254_14-1 02.02.2017 06:04:32 ROV at surface 30° 5,187' S 179° 48,977' E 488,5 4 SO254_14-1 02.02.2017 06:14:33 ROV on deck 30° 5,187' S 179° 48,976' E 489,1 4 SO254_14-1 02.02.2017 06:18:24 ROV station end 30° 5,185' S 179° 48,976' E 488,1

4 SO254_15-1 02.02.2017 06:19:23 Light / Optics station start Secchi-Disc 30° 5,184' S 179° 48,9 75' E 489,1

4 SO254_15-1 02.02.2017 06:20:49 Light / Optics in the water 30° 5,182' S 179° 48,974' E 489,7

4 SO254_15-1 02.02.2017 06:25:42 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 23m 30° 5,181' S 179° 48,975' E 489,5

4 SO254_15-1 02.02.2017 06:29:56 Light / Optics on deck 30° 5,182' S 179° 48,975' E 489,6

4 SO254_15-1 02.02.2017 06:30:49 Light / Optics station end 30° 5,183' S 179° 48,974' E 487,8

4 SO254_16-1 02.02.2017 06:31:43 Light / Optics station start Satlantic-Profiler 30° 5,183' S 17 9° 48,974' E 489,2

4 SO254_16-1 02.02.2017 06:33:35 Light / Optics in the water 30° 5,184' S 179° 48,981' E 489,3

4 SO254_16-1 02.02.2017 06:40:51 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 192m 30° 5,191' S 179° 49,028' E 493,1

76 4 SO254_16-1 02.02.2017 06:48:41 Light / Optics at surface 30° 5,196' S 179° 49,060' E 503,9

4 SO254_16-1 02.02.2017 06:51:22 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 50m 30° 5,198' S 179° 49,071' E 507

4 SO254_16-1 02.02.2017 06:54:28 Light / Optics on deck 30° 5,201' S 179° 49,088' E 516,2

4 SO254_16-1 02.02.2017 06:55:15 Light / Optics station end 30° 5,201' S 179° 49,094' E 518,3

4 SO254_17-1 02.02.2017 06:55:45 Light / Optics station start UV- Profiler 30° 5,202' S 179° 49, 098' E 519,5

4 SO254_17-1 02.02.2017 06:56:09 Light / Optics in the water 30° 5,203' S 179° 49,101' E 519,9

4 SO254_17-1 02.02.2017 06:58:02 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 45m 30° 5,205' S 179° 49,118' E 523,2

4 SO254_17-1 02.02.2017 07:00:57 Light / Optics on deck 30° 5,209' S 179° 49,142' E 528

4 SO254_17-1 02.02.2017 07:07:34 Light / Optics station end 30° 5,217' S 179° 49,188' E 531,9

5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 20:09:31 ROV station start ROV 29° 17,521' S 178° 1,866' W 409,4 5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 20:18:22 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 29° 17,522' S 178° 1,864' W 406,2 5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 20:27:12 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 29° 17,526' S 178° 1,863' W 408,7 5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 20:28:27 ROV lowering ROV abgetaucht 29° 17,526' S 178° 1,865 ' W 409,4 5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 20:36:31 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 29° 17,526' S 178° 1,865' W 408,5 rwK: 105°, d: 50 m, FüG: 5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 20:48:23 ROV alter course 0,2 kn 29° 17,525' S 178° 1,868' W 410,2 5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 20:53:33 ROV information 29° 17,527' S 178° 1,852' W 405,1 rwK: 070 °, d: bis "Stopp" / Vorgabe Wiss., FüG: 0,5 5 SO254_18-1 02.02.2017 21:00:51 ROV profile start kn 29° 17,528' S 178° 1,832' W 398,1 5 SO254_18-1 03.02.2017 05:48:20 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen 29° 17,144' S 178° 0,70 8' W 116,8 5 SO254_18-1 03.02.2017 05:51:19 ROV at surface 29° 17,146' S 178° 0,708' W 116,2 5 SO254_18-1 03.02.2017 06:00:50 ROV on deck 29° 17,147' S 178° 0,706' W 116,7 5 SO254_18-1 03.02.2017 06:09:05 ROV station end 29° 17,131' S 178° 0,719' W 118,2

6 SO254_19-1 03.02.2017 13:46:47 PUMP station start Insitu pumps, Clean ship 29° 1 6,136' S 176° 42,142' W 4788,7

6 SO254_19-1 03.02.2017 13:55:23 PUMP in the water 29° 16,138' S 176° 42,148' W 4787,8

77 6 SO254_19-1 03.02.2017 13:56:36 PUMP max depth/on ground max Tiefe 20m 29° 16,138' S 176° 42,145' W 4794

6 SO254_19-1 03.02.2017 17:07:23 PUMP information Beg. Hieven 29° 16,133' S 176° 4 2,129' W 4769,6

6 SO254_19-1 03.02.2017 17:11:24 PUMP on deck 29° 16,133' S 176° 42,130' W 4788,2

6 SO254_19-1 03.02.2017 17:12:39 PUMP station end 29° 16,133' S 176° 42,130' W 4792,9

6 SO254_20-1 03.02.2017 14:00:27 Multi Corer station start 29° 16,137' S 176° 42 ,138' W 4788,2

6 SO254_20-1 03.02.2017 14:03:59 Multi Corer in the water FW 1/SPW 1 29° 16,138' S 176° 42,132' W 4790,3

6 SO254_20-1 03.02.2017 16:11:52 Multi Corer max depth/on ground maxSL: 4831m 29° 16,143' S 176° 42,131' W 4787,4

6 SO254_20-1 03.02.2017 17:49:38 Multi Corer on deck 29° 16,136' S 176° 42,130' W 4786,1

6 SO254_20-1 03.02.2017 17:51:22 Multi Corer station end 29° 16,134' S 176° 42,1 30' W 4788,9

6 SO254_21-1 03.02.2017 18:27:35 CTD station start 29° 15,162' S 176° 39,606' W 4991,8

6 SO254_21-1 03.02.2017 18:29:00 CTD in the water 29° 15,163' S 176° 39,606' W 4990,8

6 SO254_21-1 03.02.2017 18:42:11 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 199m 29° 15,155' S 176° 39,605' W 4990,5

6 SO254_21-1 03.02.2017 19:03:14 CTD station end 29° 15,157' S 176° 39,603' W 4990,9

6 SO254_22-1 03.02.2017 19:48:35 ROV station start ROV 29° 16,049' S 176° 41,979' W 4804 6 SO254_22-1 03.02.2017 20:01:18 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 29° 16,053' S 176° 41,980' W 4805,1 6 SO254_22-1 03.02.2017 20:08:12 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 29° 16,053' S 176° 4 1,976' W 4806,1 6 SO254_22-1 03.02.2017 20:09:33 ROV lowering ROV abgetaucht 29° 16,051' S 176° 41,976 ' W 4802,8 6 SO254_22-1 03.02.2017 22:09:36 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 29° 16,047' S 176° 41,974' W 4803,7 rwK: 295°, d: (bis "Stopp" / 6 SO254_22-1 03.02.2017 22:38:21 ROV profile start Wiss.), FüG: 0,2 kn 29° 16,055' S 176° 41,983' W 4805 6 SO254_22-1 04.02.2017 05:18:42 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 29° 15,993' S 176° 4 2,010' W 4793,8 6 SO254_22-1 04.02.2017 07:12:17 ROV on deck Auftriebe an Deck 29° 15,994' S 176° 42,0 08' W 4792,3 6 SO254_22-1 04.02.2017 07:19:01 ROV on deck ROV. an Deck 29° 15,993' S 176° 42,009' W 4792,8 6 SO254_22-1 04.02.2017 07:20:14 ROV station end 29° 15,993' S 176° 42,007' W 4793,3 CTD über EL2, Kl. Schie- 6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 07:23:10 CTD station start bebalken 29° 15,996' S 176° 42,005' W 4794,6

78 6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 07:29:25 CTD in the water 29° 15,998' S 176° 42,004' W 4791,9 Bei SL: 20 m 1 x Transpon- 6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 07:44:02 CTD in the water der z. W. 29° 16,001' S 176° 42,004' W 4824,1

6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 09:13:18 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 4762 m, SZ: 25 kN 29° 15,997' S 176° 42,00 5' W 4792,5

6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 09:14:43 CTD hoisting 29° 15,999' S 176° 42,005' W 4794,6 Bei SL: 50 m 1 x Transpon- 6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 11:02:10 CTD on deck der a. D. 29° 16,002' S 176° 42,005' W 4794,4

6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 11:07:27 CTD on deck Gerät a/D 29° 16,002' S 176° 42,007' W 4793,8

6 SO254_23-1 04.02.2017 11:08:26 CTD station end 29° 16,002' S 176° 42,007' W 4794,4

6 SO254_24-1 04.02.2017 11:10:58 Plankton Net station start EL2 29° 16,002' S 176° 42,007' W 4793,5

6 SO254_24-1 04.02.2017 11:18:27 Plankton Net information Gerät z/W 29° 15,999' S 176° 42,008' W 4795,2

6 SO254_24-1 04.02.2017 11:36:52 Plankton Net information max. Tiefe 150m 29° 16,001' S 176° 42 ,007' W 4793,1

6 SO254_24-1 04.02.2017 11:36:57 Plankton Net information hieven 29° 16,001' S 176° 42,007' W 4793,1

6 SO254_24-1 04.02.2017 11:53:19 Plankton Net information Gerät a/D 29° 16,000' S 176° 42,003' W 4794,7

6 SO254_24-1 04.02.2017 11:54:22 Plankton Net station end 29° 15,999' S 176° 42,001' W 4796,7

7 SO254_25-1 04.02.2017 22:00:36 ROV station start ROV "KIEL6000" 30° 13,863' S 178° 2 7,676' W 376,4 7 SO254_25-1 04.02.2017 22:16:05 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 30° 13,847' S 178° 27,674' W 398,2 7 SO254_25-1 04.02.2017 22:21:47 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 30° 13,846' S 178° 2 7,676' W 398,5 7 SO254_25-1 04.02.2017 22:23:27 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 30° 13,846' S 178° 27,678 ' W 399,7 7 SO254_25-1 04.02.2017 22:32:59 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 30° 13,846' S 178° 27,675' W 396,2 7 SO254_25-1 05.02.2017 05:55:58 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 30° 13,828' S 178° 2 7,084' W 245,8 7 SO254_25-1 05.02.2017 06:06:41 ROV at surface 30° 13,829' S 178° 27,087' W 246,4 7 SO254_25-1 05.02.2017 06:15:50 ROV on deck 30° 13,832' S 178° 27,082' W 241,7 7 SO254_25-1 05.02.2017 06:23:17 ROV station end 30° 13,836' S 178° 27,083' W 232,8

8 SO254_26-1 06.02.2017 03:37:55 Light / Optics station start Secchi-Disc 34° 44,527' S 179° 15,7 69' W 4645,4

8 SO254_26-1 06.02.2017 03:39:16 Light / Optics in the water 34° 44,527' S 179° 15,769' W 4649,7

79 8 SO254_26-1 06.02.2017 03:44:12 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 42m 34° 44,525' S 179° 15,768' W 4637,7

8 SO254_26-1 06.02.2017 03:47:17 Light / Optics on deck 34° 44,524' S 179° 15,767' W 4631,6

8 SO254_26-1 06.02.2017 03:48:47 Light / Optics station end 34° 44,525' S 179° 15,766' W 4633,7

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 03:50:22 Light / Optics station start UV-Profiler 34° 44,524' S 179° 15, 768' W 4639

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 03:51:53 Light / Optics in the water 34° 44,524' S 179° 15,766' W 4640,7

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 04:01:11 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 74m 34° 44,474' S 179° 15,741' W 4631,9

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 04:04:40 Light / Optics at surface 34° 44,443' S 179° 15,726' W 4631,5

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 04:07:03 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 80m 34° 44,420' S 179° 15,716' W 4627,5

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 04:10:31 Light / Optics at surface 34° 44,392' S 179° 15,703' W 4624,6

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 04:12:07 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 50m 34° 44,381' S 179° 15,698' W 4619

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 04:14:18 Light / Optics on deck 34° 44,365' S 179° 15,692' W 4622,6

8 SO254_27-1 06.02.2017 04:15:34 Light / Optics station end 34° 44,355' S 179° 15,687' W 4617,4

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:16:31 Light / Optics station start Satlantic-Profiler 34° 44,348' S 17 9° 15,683' W 4620,3

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:18:52 Light / Optics in the water 34° 44,330' S 179° 15,676' W 4613,6

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:24:42 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 180m 34° 44,312' S 179° 15,668' W 4606,5

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:30:55 Light / Optics at surface 34° 44,296' S 179° 15,661' W 4611,2

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:33:53 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 100m 34° 44,288' S 179° 15,657' W 4611,5

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:37:24 Light / Optics at surface 34° 44,280' S 179° 15,654' W 4603,7

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:40:20 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 106m 34° 44,266' S 179° 15,648' W 4853,9

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:45:29 Light / Optics on deck 34° 44,225' S 179° 15,630' W 4600,2

8 SO254_28-1 06.02.2017 04:46:20 Light / Optics station end 34° 44,224' S 179° 15,629' W 4601,6

8 SO254_29-1 06.02.2017 04:59:55 PUMP station start In Situ Pump 34° 44,222' S 179 ° 15,630' W 4846

8 SO254_29-1 06.02.2017 05:00:02 PUMP in the water 34° 44,222' S 179° 15,630' W 4846

8 SO254_29-1 06.02.2017 05:03:14 PUMP max depth/on ground maxSL: 20m (Beg. pumpen) 34° 44,221' S 179° 15,632' W 4599,5

80 8 SO254_29-1 06.02.2017 08:17:38 PUMP on deck 34° 44,222' S 179° 15,629' W 4846,5

8 SO254_29-1 06.02.2017 08:18:48 PUMP station end 34° 44,223' S 179° 15,629' W 4601,2

8 SO254_30-1 06.02.2017 05:20:19 CTD station start 34° 44,224' S 179° 15,629' W 4600,6

8 SO254_30-1 06.02.2017 05:22:24 CTD in the water 34° 44,225' S 179° 15,628' W 4598,9

8 SO254_30-1 06.02.2017 05:40:32 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 299m 34° 44,224' S 179° 15,626' W 4599,2

8 SO254_30-1 06.02.2017 06:03:41 CTD on deck 34° 44,222' S 179° 15,626' W 4842,1

8 SO254_30-1 06.02.2017 06:05:25 CTD station end 34° 44,224' S 179° 15,624' W 4598

8 SO254_31-1 06.02.2017 06:21:04 Net (generic) station start Plankton Net 34° 44,223' S 179° 15, 632' W 4598,8

8 SO254_31-1 06.02.2017 06:28:20 Net (generic) information z/W 34° 44,223' S 179° 15,635' W 4599,6

8 SO254_31-1 06.02.2017 06:41:03 Net (generic) information auf Tiefe, maxSL: 150m 34° 44,225' S 179° 15,629' W 4599,4

8 SO254_31-1 06.02.2017 06:57:19 Net (generic) information a/D 34° 44,221' S 179° 15,629' W 4598,5

8 SO254_31-1 06.02.2017 07:00:26 Net (generic) station end 34° 44,221' S 179° 15,628' W 4848,9 CTD über EL2, Kleiner 8 SO254_32-1 06.02.2017 08:32:59 CTD station start Schiebebalken 34° 43,968' S 179° 15,838' W 4615,8

8 SO254_32-1 06.02.2017 08:38:39 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 34° 43,964' S 179° 15, 844' W 4611,4

8 SO254_32-1 06.02.2017 10:09:39 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 4585 m, SZ: 24 kN 34° 43,963' S 179° 15,83 7' W 4620,6

8 SO254_32-1 06.02.2017 10:10:41 CTD hoisting 34° 43,963' S 179° 15,838' W 4617,7

8 SO254_32-1 06.02.2017 11:55:20 CTD on deck 34° 43,951' S 179° 15,850' W 4611,9

8 SO254_32-1 06.02.2017 11:56:29 CTD station end 34° 43,951' S 179° 15,854' W 4611,1

9 SO254_33-1 06.02.2017 19:55:27 ROV station start ROV KIEL9000 35° 22,694' S 178° 58, 458' E 1449,1 9 SO254_33-1 06.02.2017 20:13:10 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 35° 22,691' S 178° 58,464' E 1448,4 9 SO254_33-1 06.02.2017 20:21:11 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 35° 22,694' S 178° 5 8,464' E 1446,9 9 SO254_33-1 06.02.2017 20:22:05 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 35° 22,694' S 178° 58,465 ' E 1447,9 9 SO254_33-1 06.02.2017 20:56:28 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 35° 22,693' S 178° 58,466' E 1447,8 rwK: 130°, d: 30 m, FüG: 9 SO254_33-1 06.02.2017 21:31:20 ROV profile start 0,2 kn 35° 22,697' S 178° 58,463' E 1448,7

81 rwK: 120°, d: (Vorgabe Wiss. / bis "Stopp"), FüG: 9 SO254_33-1 06.02.2017 21:53:19 ROV alter course 0,2 kn 35° 22,714' S 178° 58,488' E 1446,3 9 SO254_33-1 07.02.2017 06:56:52 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 35° 22,870' S 178° 5 8,694' E 0 9 SO254_33-1 07.02.2017 07:24:32 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 35° 22,875' S 178° 58, 700' E 0 9 SO254_33-1 07.02.2017 07:28:25 ROV on deck Auftriebe an Deck 35° 22,873' S 178° 58,7 01' E 1197,1 9 SO254_33-1 07.02.2017 07:33:12 ROV on deck ROV an Deck 35° 22,870' S 178° 58,700' E 1201,1 9 SO254_33-1 07.02.2017 07:37:33 ROV station end 35° 22,867' S 178° 58,701' E 1204,9 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 20:00:01 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 37° 29,828' S 178° 45, 917' E 539 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 20:48:05 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 37° 29,834' S 178° 45,901' E 531,5 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 20:58:12 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 37° 29,829' S 178° 4 5,902' E 531,8 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 20:59:01 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 37° 29,829' S 178° 45,902 ' E 533,5 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 21:18:46 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 37° 29,834' S 178° 45,901' E 533 rwK: 150°, d: (nach Vor- 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 21:35:28 ROV profile start gabe Wiss.), FüG: 0,2 kn 37° 29,862' S 178° 45,9 28' E 532,2 rwK: 120°, d: (nach Vor- 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 21:51:33 ROV alter course gabe Wiss.), FüG: 0,2 kn 37° 29,869' S 178° 45,9 33' E 533,5 rwK: 080°, d: 150 m, FüG: 10 SO254_34-1 07.02.2017 22:55:46 ROV alter course 0,2 kn 37° 29,959' S 178° 46,155' E 557 10 SO254_34-1 08.02.2017 01:15:49 ROV hoisting Beginn Auftauchen 37° 30,155' S 178° 46, 243' E 524,3 10 SO254_34-1 08.02.2017 01:30:23 ROV at surface 37° 30,160' S 178° 46,250' E 526,4 10 SO254_34-1 08.02.2017 01:39:40 ROV on deck 37° 30,159' S 178° 46,247' E 523,5 10 SO254_34-1 08.02.2017 01:47:06 ROV station end 37° 30,160' S 178° 46,237' E 522,8

11 SO254_35-1 08.02.2017 17:00:04 CTD station start 39° 54,738' S 178° 14,237' E 1202,1

11 SO254_35-1 08.02.2017 17:02:53 CTD in the water EL 2 39° 54,736' S 178° 14,239' E 1205

11 SO254_35-1 08.02.2017 17:37:40 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 1188m 39° 54,734' S 178° 14,240' E 1201,5

11 SO254_35-1 08.02.2017 18:08:18 CTD on deck 39° 54,737' S 178° 14,234' E 1201,4

11 SO254_35-1 08.02.2017 18:09:35 CTD station end 39° 54,737' S 178° 14,233' E 1201,3

82 11 SO254_36-1 08.02.2017 19:45:34 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 39° 59,421' S 178° 12, 893' E 806 11 SO254_36-1 08.02.2017 19:58:33 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 39° 59,421' S 178° 12,881' E 809 11 SO254_36-1 08.02.2017 20:04:31 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 39° 59,419' S 178° 1 2,893' E 808,8 11 SO254_36-1 08.02.2017 20:06:43 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 39° 59,420' S 178° 12,894 ' E 806 rwK: 115, d: 80 m, FüG: 0,2 11 SO254_36-1 08.02.2017 20:20:47 ROV alter course kn 39° 59,425' S 178° 12,892' E 811,6 11 SO254_36-1 08.02.2017 20:28:16 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 39° 59,436' S 178° 12,922' E 828,1 rwK: 320°,. d: 70 m, FüG: 11 SO254_36-1 08.02.2017 21:43:26 ROV profile start 0,2 kn 39° 59,446' S 178° 12,938' E 840,6 11 SO254_36-1 09.02.2017 02:49:37 ROV hoisting Beginn Auftauchen 39° 59,346' S 178° 12, 894' E 785,3 11 SO254_36-1 09.02.2017 03:02:50 ROV at surface 39° 59,344' S 178° 12,905' E 790,7 11 SO254_36-1 09.02.2017 03:12:13 ROV on deck 39° 59,344' S 178° 12,904' E 783,4 11 SO254_36-1 09.02.2017 03:26:53 ROV station end 39° 59,349' S 178° 12,900' E 785,6

12 SO254_37-1 09.02.2017 09:20:02 PUMP station start Insitu-Pumpe 40° 35,352' S 179 ° 15,359' E 3089,1

12 SO254_37-1 09.02.2017 09:24:48 PUMP in the water Insitu-Pumpe z. W. 40° 35,348' S 179° 15,366' E 3087,9

12 SO254_37-1 09.02.2017 09:28:19 PUMP max depth/on ground SLmax: 20 m 40° 35,352' S 179° 15,361' E 3088,2

12 SO254_37-1 09.02.2017 12:52:26 PUMP on deck 40° 35,349' S 179° 15,370' E 3088,9

12 SO254_37-1 09.02.2017 12:53:04 PUMP station end 40° 35,350' S 179° 15,368' E 3087,2 CTD über EL2, Kl. Schie- 12 SO254_38-1 09.02.2017 09:31:20 CTD station start bebalken 40° 35,351' S 179° 15,362' E 3089,4

12 SO254_38-1 09.02.2017 09:37:56 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 40° 35,346' S 179° 15 ,366' E 3089,4

12 SO254_38-1 09.02.2017 10:44:00 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 3073 m, SZ: 20 kN 40° 35,356' S 179° 15,36 1' E 3089,2

12 SO254_38-1 09.02.2017 10:45:35 CTD hoisting 40° 35,355' S 179° 15,359' E 3091,3

12 SO254_38-1 09.02.2017 11:57:31 CTD on deck 40° 35,351' S 179° 15,367' E 3089,7

12 SO254_38-1 09.02.2017 11:58:33 CTD station end 40° 35,350' S 179° 15,368' E 3089,3

12 SO254_39-1 09.02.2017 12:01:23 Multi Corer station start FW1/SPW1 40° 35,347' S 179° 15,365' E 3090,4

12 SO254_39-1 09.02.2017 12:07:31 Multi Corer in the water 40° 35,353' S 179° 15, 361' E 3089,7

83 12 SO254_39-1 09.02.2017 13:36:01 Multi Corer max depth/on ground SL max. 3131m 40° 35,355' S 179° 15,363' E 3088,8

12 SO254_39-1 09.02.2017 13:39:06 Multi Corer hoisting SZ max. 38,2 kN 40° 35,354' S 179° 15,363' E 3090,1

12 SO254_39-1 09.02.2017 14:44:52 Multi Corer on deck 40° 35,348' S 179° 15,362' E 3333,7

12 SO254_39-1 09.02.2017 14:48:38 Multi Corer station end 40° 35,354' S 179° 15,3 63' E 3087,9

12 SO254_40-1 09.02.2017 15:08:43 CTD station start 40° 35,626' S 179° 15,844' E 3076,7

12 SO254_40-1 09.02.2017 15:10:37 CTD in the water 40° 35,624' S 179° 15,838' E 3319,2

12 SO254_40-1 09.02.2017 15:29:24 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 297m 40° 35,628' S 179° 15,845' E 3076,1

12 SO254_40-1 09.02.2017 15:51:43 CTD on deck 40° 35,620' S 179° 15,844' E 3076,5

12 SO254_40-1 09.02.2017 15:52:39 CTD station end 40° 35,623' S 179° 15,844' E 3076,7

12 SO254_41-1 09.02.2017 16:00:58 Net (generic) station start Planktonnetz 40° 35,625' S 179° 15, 847' E 3078,9

12 SO254_41-1 09.02.2017 16:03:09 Net (generic) information z/W 40° 35,622' S 179° 15,846' E 3077,7

12 SO254_41-1 09.02.2017 16:14:16 Net (generic) information auf Tiefe, maxSL: 150m 40° 35,628' S 179° 15,841' E 3078,3

12 SO254_41-1 09.02.2017 16:32:26 Net (generic) information an Deck 40° 35,630' S 179° 15,840' E 3081,8

12 SO254_41-1 09.02.2017 16:33:28 Net (generic) station end 40° 35,630' S 179° 15,845' E 3077,2 Secci-Disk, BB achtern über 13 SO254_42-1 09.02.2017 21:28:42 Light / Optics station start Kran 41° 8,735' S 179° 47,145' W 1713,2

13 SO254_42-1 09.02.2017 21:31:34 Light / Optics information Seccui-Disk z. W. 41° 8,736' S 179° 47,141' W 1713,7

13 SO254_42-1 09.02.2017 21:34:41 Light / Optics information SLmax: 17 m 41° 8,733' S 179° 47,144 ' W 1715,5

13 SO254_42-1 09.02.2017 21:37:45 Light / Optics information Secci-Disk a. D. 41° 8,735' S 179° 4 7,144' W 1714,6

13 SO254_42-1 09.02.2017 21:38:44 Light / Optics station end 41° 8,735' S 179° 47,144' W 1712

13 SO254_43-1 09.02.2017 21:39:46 Light / Optics information UV-Profiler, BB achtern 41° 8,735' S 179° 47,142' W 1715,4

13 SO254_43-1 09.02.2017 21:44:48 Light / Optics in the water 41° 8,746' S 179° 47,111' W 1716,5

13 SO254_43-1 09.02.2017 21:48:26 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SLmax: 70 m 41° 8,752' S 179° 47,088' W 1710,2

13 SO254_43-1 09.02.2017 22:00:09 Light / Optics on deck UV-Profiler a. D. 41° 8,777' S 179° 47,0 17' W 1750,3

13 SO254_43-1 09.02.2017 22:01:49 Light / Optics station end 41° 8,781' S 179° 47,010' W 1756,2

84 Satlantic-Profiler, BB ach- 13 SO254_44-1 09.02.2017 22:02:35 Light / Optics station start tern 41° 8,782' S 179° 47,004' W 1753,5

13 SO254_44-1 09.02.2017 22:04:48 Light / Optics in the water Satlantic-Profiler z. W. 41° 8,787' S 179° 46,990' W 1764,2

13 SO254_44-1 09.02.2017 22:09:40 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SLmax: 80 m 41° 8,797' S 179° 46,960' W 1767,8

13 SO254_44-1 09.02.2017 22:24:39 Light / Optics on deck Satlantic-Profiler a. D. 41° 8,827' S 17 9° 46,870' W 1746,6

13 SO254_44-1 09.02.2017 22:26:01 Light / Optics station end 41° 8,829' S 179° 46,863' W 1744,9 due to high swell no 13 ROV in the water 41° 08.480' S 179° 47.520' W

14 SO254_45-1 10.02.2017 15:46:57 CTD station start 43° 42,911' S 179° 58,282' W 388,6

14 SO254_45-1 10.02.2017 15:48:33 CTD in the water 43° 42,912' S 179° 58,282' W 386,5

14 SO254_45-1 10.02.2017 16:09:56 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 378m 43° 42,919' S 179° 58,276' W 387,1

14 SO254_45-1 10.02.2017 16:28:31 CTD on deck 43° 42,923' S 179° 58,279' W 386,5

14 SO254_45-1 10.02.2017 16:30:08 CTD station end 43° 42,921' S 179° 58,277' W 387,6 Insitu-Pumpe über STB 15 SO254_46-1 11.02.2017 08:35:12 PUMP station start Heck, Kran 45° 57,000' S 179° 22,803' E 3101,9

15 SO254_46-1 11.02.2017 08:41:32 PUMP in the water Insitu-Pumpe z. W. 45° 57,002' S 179° 22,805' E 3102,1

15 SO254_46-1 11.02.2017 08:43:49 PUMP max depth/on ground SLmax: 20 m 45° 57,002' S 179° 22,800' E 3101,8

15 SO254_46-1 11.02.2017 11:56:08 PUMP on deck 45° 57,002' S 179° 22,799' E 3092,1

15 SO254_46-1 11.02.2017 11:57:00 PUMP station end 45° 57,001' S 179° 22,800' E 3090,8 CTD über EL2, Kl. Schie- 15 SO254_47-1 11.02.2017 08:48:46 CTD station start bebalken 45° 56,999' S 179° 22,799' E 3101,6

15 SO254_47-1 11.02.2017 08:58:31 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 45° 56,995' S 179° 22, 802' E 3100,8

15 SO254_47-1 11.02.2017 10:06:14 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 3074 m, SL: 18 kN 45° 57,000' S 179° 22,80 5' E 3100,9

15 SO254_47-1 11.02.2017 10:07:26 CTD hoisting 45° 56,999' S 179° 22,807' E 3101,2

15 SO254_47-1 11.02.2017 11:18:54 CTD on deck 45° 57,000' S 179° 22,807' E 3102,1

15 SO254_47-1 11.02.2017 11:20:00 CTD station end 45° 56,999' S 179° 22,806' E 3101,7

15 SO254_48-1 11.02.2017 11:21:21 Multi Corer station start FW1/SPW1 45° 57,000' S 179° 22,803' E 3101,1

85 15 SO254_48-1 11.02.2017 11:28:52 Multi Corer in the water 45° 56,998' S 179° 22, 808' E 3100,3

15 SO254_48-1 11.02.2017 12:56:59 Multi Corer max depth/on ground SL max.. 3125m 45° 57,002' S 179° 22,802' E 3092,3

15 SO254_48-1 11.02.2017 12:59:47 Multi Corer hoisting SZ max. 43,4 kN 45° 57,002' S 179° 22,803' E 3092,1

15 SO254_48-1 11.02.2017 14:03:53 Multi Corer on deck 45° 56,999' S 179° 22,807' E 3092,2

15 SO254_48-1 11.02.2017 14:07:18 Multi Corer station end 45° 57,003' S 179° 22,8 23' E 3093,5

15 SO254_49-1 11.02.2017 14:09:11 CTD station start 45° 57,014' S 179° 22,893' E 3091,9

15 SO254_49-1 11.02.2017 14:22:29 CTD in the water EL2 45° 57,109' S 179° 23,451' E 3089,3

15 SO254_49-1 11.02.2017 14:25:38 CTD max depth/on ground SL max. 20m 45° 57,107' S 179° 23,450' E 3090

15 SO254_49-1 11.02.2017 14:28:57 CTD hoisting 45° 57,108' S 179° 23,454' E 3090,2

15 SO254_49-1 11.02.2017 14:31:21 CTD on deck 45° 57,111' S 179° 23,452' E 3334,3

15 SO254_49-1 11.02.2017 14:32:18 CTD station end 45° 57,113' S 179° 23,454' E 3088,4

15 SO254_50-1 11.02.2017 14:51:16 CTD station start 45° 57,114' S 179° 23,459' E 3088,3

15 SO254_50-1 11.02.2017 14:53:20 CTD in the water EL 2 45° 57,111' S 179° 23,457' E 3089,7

15 SO254_50-1 11.02.2017 14:57:09 CTD max depth/on ground SL max. 20m 45° 57,114' S 179° 23,456' E 3090,8

15 SO254_50-1 11.02.2017 15:00:14 CTD hoisting 45° 57,112' S 179° 23,456' E 3091

15 SO254_50-1 11.02.2017 15:02:40 CTD on deck 45° 57,112' S 179° 23,454' E 3092,4

15 SO254_50-1 11.02.2017 15:03:55 CTD station end 45° 57,112' S 179° 23,456' E 3089,4

15 SO254_51-1 11.02.2017 15:28:01 CTD station start 45° 57,108' S 179° 23,454' E 3089,3

15 SO254_51-1 11.02.2017 15:29:40 CTD in the water 45° 57,109' S 179° 23,457' E 3090,3

15 SO254_51-1 11.02.2017 15:48:49 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 300m 45° 57,111' S 179° 23,449' E 3090,3

15 SO254_51-1 11.02.2017 16:11:06 CTD on deck 45° 57,112' S 179° 23,460' E 3090,2

15 SO254_51-1 11.02.2017 16:12:21 CTD station end 45° 57,111' S 179° 23,461' E 3089,8

15 SO254_52-1 11.02.2017 16:21:43 Net (generic) station start 45° 57,111' S 179° 23,456' E 3090,4

15 SO254_52-1 11.02.2017 16:23:08 Net (generic) information z/W 45° 57,112' S 179° 23,459' E 3090,8

86 15 SO254_52-1 11.02.2017 16:40:04 Net (generic) information auf Tiefe, maxSL: 150m 45° 57,114' S 179° 23,457' E 3090,5

15 SO254_52-1 11.02.2017 16:55:02 Net (generic) information a/D 45° 57,109' S 179° 23,455' E 3091,8

15 SO254_52-1 11.02.2017 16:57:02 Net (generic) station end 45° 57,109' S 179° 23,452' E 3089,7

15 SO254_53-1 11.02.2017 18:42:20 Light / Optics station start Secchi-Disc 45° 50,995' S 179° 20,6 86' E 2974,7

15 SO254_53-1 11.02.2017 18:43:54 Light / Optics in the water 45° 50,997' S 179° 20,689' E 2975,4

15 SO254_53-1 11.02.2017 18:47:36 Light / Optics max depth/on ground maxSL: 24m 45° 50,996' S 179° 20,690' E 2973,2

15 SO254_53-1 11.02.2017 18:50:39 Light / Optics on deck 45° 50,995' S 179° 20,696' E 2976,2

15 SO254_53-1 11.02.2017 18:51:25 Light / Optics station end 45° 50,995' S 179° 20,695' E 2974,5

15 SO254_54-1 11.02.2017 18:54:30 Light / Optics station start UV-Profiler 45° 50,995' S 179° 20,7 03' E 2975,6

15 SO254_54-1 11.02.2017 18:55:45 Light / Optics in the water 45° 50,996' S 179° 20,719' E 2974

15 SO254_54-1 11.02.2017 19:00:55 ROV max depth/on ground SLmax: 88 m 45° 50,998' S 179° 20,790' E 2974,6

15 SO254_54-1 11.02.2017 19:06:02 Light / Optics on deck 45° 51,001' S 179° 20,848' E 2974,5

15 SO254_54-1 11.02.2017 19:15:12 Light / Optics station end 45° 51,004' S 179° 20,955' E 2979,3

15 SO254_55-1 11.02.2017 19:16:10 Light / Optics station start Satlantic-Profiler 45° 51,005' S 17 9° 20,969' E 2978

15 SO254_55-1 11.02.2017 19:19:03 Light / Optics in the water 45° 51,007' S 179° 21,007' E 2980,2

15 SO254_55-1 11.02.2017 19:24:59 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SLmax: 127 m 45° 51,010' S 179° 21,102' E 2979,3

15 SO254_55-1 11.02.2017 19:39:15 Light / Optics on deck 45° 51,019' S 179° 21,314' E 2986,8

15 SO254_55-1 11.02.2017 19:40:31 Light / Optics station end 45° 51,020' S 179° 21,331' E 2989,9

15 SO254_56-1 11.02.2017 20:12:16 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 45° 52,112' S 179° 20, 498' E 3009,9 15 SO254_56-1 11.02.2017 20:22:16 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 45° 52,111' S 179° 20,497' E 3020,8 15 SO254_56-1 11.02.2017 20:30:20 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 45° 52,109' S 179° 2 0,499' E 3021,4 15 SO254_56-1 11.02.2017 20:32:17 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 45° 52,108' S 179° 20,502 ' E 3017,9 15 SO254_56-1 11.02.2017 21:43:45 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 45° 52,116' S 179° 20,498' E 3019,4 rwK: 360°, d: 50 m, FüG: 15 SO254_56-1 11.02.2017 21:50:39 ROV profile start 0,2 kn 45° 52,117' S 179° 20,498' E 3020,5

87 15 SO254_56-1 12.02.2017 00:26:07 ROV hoisting Beginn Auftauchen ROV 45° 52,084' S 179° 20,442' E 2998 15 SO254_56-1 12.02.2017 01:44:17 ROV at surface 45° 52,022' S 179° 20,404' E 2957,9 15 SO254_56-1 12.02.2017 01:55:35 ROV on deck 45° 52,020' S 179° 20,408' E 2960,4 15 SO254_56-1 12.02.2017 02:18:07 ROV station end 45° 52,249' S 179° 20,449' E 3019,6

16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 19:21:05 TRAWL station start AGGASIZ-Trawl 47° 47,809' S 1 78° 37,757' E 338,5

16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 19:27:57 TRAWL information A.-Trawl z. W. 47° 47,814' S 1 78° 37,788' E 339,5 A.-Trwal a. Grund, SL: 338 16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 19:53:32 TRAWL information m, SZ: 2 kN 47° 47,810' S 178° 37,782' E 340,6 rwK: 115°, d: m, FüG: 0,5 16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 19:59:46 TRAWL information kn 47° 47,830' S 178° 37,840' E 337,4 FüG: 1,0 kn nach Vorgabe 16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 20:03:39 TRAWL information Wiss. 47° 47,843' S 178° 37,883' E 339,5 SLmax: 510 m, FüG: 0 kn, 16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 20:24:31 TRAWL information hieven Gerät 47° 47,985' S 178° 38,321' E 338,5

16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 21:06:03 TRAWL information Gerät a. D. 47° 47,988' S 178° 38,317' E 335

16 SO254_57-1 12.02.2017 21:17:48 TRAWL station end 47° 47,984' S 178° 38,310' E 337,6 AGGASIZ-Trawl, über 16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 21:18:08 TRAWL station start FW1/SPW1, Schiebebalken 47° 47,984' S 178° 38,310' E 336,9

16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 21:24:14 TRAWL information Gerät z. W. 47° 47,982' S 178° 38,315' E 335,4

16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 21:54:04 TRAWL information Boko, SL: 342 m, SZ: -/- kN 47° 47,989' S 178° 38,313' E 334,3 rwK: 115°, d: m, FüG: 1,0 16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 21:55:07 TRAWL information kn 47° 47,995' S 178° 38,329' E 337,2 SLmax: 868 m, SZ: -/- kn, 16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 22:13:15 TRAWL information hieven 47° 48,099' S 178° 38,659' E 332,6

16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 22:44:44 TRAWL information SL = WT = 333 m 47° 48,103' S 1 78° 38,656' E 331,5

16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 23:11:13 TRAWL information Gerät a/D 47° 48,096' S 178° 38 ,659' E 334,7

16 SO254_58-1 12.02.2017 23:14:52 TRAWL station end 47° 48,094' S 178° 38,660' E 333,9

17 SO254_59-1 13.02.2017 17:24:21 CTD station start 50° 28,826' S 179° 26,742' E 573,4

17 SO254_59-1 13.02.2017 17:26:01 CTD in the water 50° 28,825' S 179° 26,746' E 550,9

17 SO254_59-1 13.02.2017 17:45:00 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 298m 50° 28,816' S 179° 26,743' E 4455,8

88 17 SO254_59-1 13.02.2017 18:03:56 CTD on deck 50° 28,811' S 179° 26,749' E 4452,8

17 SO254_59-1 13.02.2017 18:04:51 CTD station end 50° 28,811' S 179° 26,749' E 4450,6

17 SO254_60-1 13.02.2017 18:08:15 PUMP station start In Situ Pump 50° 28,811' S 179 ° 26,748' E 4452

17 SO254_60-1 13.02.2017 18:12:30 PUMP in the water Kran 3 50° 28,813' S 179° 26,75 1' E 4452,9

17 SO254_60-1 13.02.2017 18:14:50 PUMP max depth/on ground maxSL: 20m 50° 28,814' S 179° 26,750' E 4485

17 SO254_60-1 13.02.2017 21:34:17 PUMP information Hieven Insitu-Pumpe 50° 28,805' S 179° 26,744' E 4452,5

17 SO254_60-1 13.02.2017 21:38:56 PUMP on deck 50° 28,805' S 179° 26,739' E 4452,8

17 SO254_60-1 13.02.2017 21:40:13 PUMP station end 50° 28,806' S 179° 26,741' E 4454,5

17 SO254_61-1 13.02.2017 19:36:47 CTD station start 50° 28,810' S 179° 26,743' E 4452,1

17 SO254_61-1 13.02.2017 19:38:08 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 50° 28,811' S 179° 26, 742' E 4451,2

17 SO254_61-1 13.02.2017 21:17:45 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 4420 m, SZ: 25 kN 50° 28,807' S 179° 26,75 0' E 4453,1

17 SO254_61-1 13.02.2017 21:18:21 CTD hoisting Hieven CTD 50° 28,807' S 179° 26,749 ' E 4452,1

17 SO254_61-1 13.02.2017 22:55:13 CTD on deck CTD a. D. 50° 28,813' S 179° 26,743' E 4504,3

17 SO254_61-1 13.02.2017 22:56:28 CTD station end 50° 28,813' S 179° 26,744' E 4450,7

17 SO254_62-1 13.02.2017 23:01:56 Multi Corer station start 50° 28,812' S 179° 26 ,736' E 4452,3

17 SO254_62-1 13.02.2017 23:04:11 Multi Corer in the water FW1/SPW1 50° 28,811' S 1 79° 26,736' E 4452

17 SO254_62-1 14.02.2017 01:00:31 Multi Corer max depth/on ground SL max. 4482m 50° 28,810' S 179° 26,737' E 4438,7

17 SO254_62-1 14.02.2017 01:04:47 Multi Corer hoisting SZ max. 48,8 kN 50° 28,810' S 179° 26,736' E 4440,1

17 SO254_62-1 14.02.2017 02:35:48 Multi Corer on deck 50° 28,812' S 179° 26,745' E 4438,1

17 SO254_62-1 14.02.2017 02:37:59 Multi Corer station end 50° 28,811' S 179° 26,7 42' E 4440

17 SO254_63-1 14.02.2017 02:47:01 CTD station start 50° 28,668' S 179° 26,193' E 4446,7

17 SO254_63-1 14.02.2017 02:53:21 CTD in the water EL2 50° 28,624' S 179° 26,018' E 4447,4

17 SO254_63-1 14.02.2017 03:11:13 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 298m 50° 28,622' S 179° 26,020' E 4447,3

17 SO254_63-1 14.02.2017 03:29:44 CTD on deck 50° 28,625' S 179° 26,012' E 4446,5

89 17 SO254_63-1 14.02.2017 03:31:41 CTD station end 50° 28,623' S 179° 26,014' E 4446,6

17 SO254_64-1 14.02.2017 03:39:26 Net (generic) station start Planktonnetz 50° 28,621' S 179° 26, 017' E 4447

17 SO254_64-1 14.02.2017 03:40:53 Net (generic) information z/W 50° 28,618' S 179° 26,014' E 4447,4

17 SO254_64-1 14.02.2017 03:53:37 Net (generic) information auf Tiefe, maxSL: 150m 50° 28,621' S 179° 26,013' E 4446,2

17 SO254_64-1 14.02.2017 04:08:21 Net (generic) information a/D 50° 28,624' S 179° 26,015' E 4446,3

17 SO254_64-1 14.02.2017 04:09:18 Net (generic) station end 50° 28,624' S 179° 26,013' E 4446,9 CTD über EL2, Kl. Schie- 18 SO254_65-1 15.02.2017 19:38:40 CTD station start bebalken 52° 7,414' S 177° 31,675' E 5011,9

18 SO254_65-1 15.02.2017 19:46:34 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 52° 7,419' S 177° 31, 673' E 5008,1

18 SO254_65-1 15.02.2017 21:32:17 CTD max depth/on ground SL: 4979 m, SZ: 25 kN 52° 7,412' S 177° 31,672' E 5007,7

18 SO254_65-1 15.02.2017 21:33:06 CTD hoisting 52° 7,411' S 177° 31,668' E 5007,1

18 SO254_65-1 15.02.2017 23:26:47 CTD on deck 52° 7,406' S 177° 31,677' E 5009,8

18 SO254_65-1 15.02.2017 23:27:28 CTD station end 52° 7,408' S 177° 31,676' E 5006,7

18 SO254_66-1 15.02.2017 23:29:28 Multi Corer station start 52° 7,412' S 177° 31 ,677' E 5007,2

18 SO254_66-1 15.02.2017 23:35:21 Multi Corer in the water FW1/SPW1 52° 7,416' S 1 77° 31,665' E 5009,2

18 SO254_66-1 16.02.2017 01:52:58 Multi Corer max depth/on ground SL max. 5061m 52° 7,424' S 177° 31,670' E 5008,1

18 SO254_66-1 16.02.2017 01:57:18 Multi Corer hoisting SZ max. 56,9 kN 52° 7,423' S 177° 31,674' E 5007,9

18 SO254_66-1 16.02.2017 03:42:36 Multi Corer on deck 52° 7,423' S 177° 31,665' E 5008,8

18 SO254_66-1 16.02.2017 03:44:23 Multi Corer station end 52° 7,423' S 177° 31,6 65' E 5010,7

18 SO254_67-1 16.02.2017 03:54:13 CTD station start 52° 7,426' S 177° 31,106' E 5007,5

18 SO254_67-1 16.02.2017 03:56:30 CTD in the water 52° 7,423' S 177° 31,102' E 5008,9

18 SO254_67-1 16.02.2017 04:15:17 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 299m 52° 7,435' S 177° 31,106' E 5009

18 SO254_67-1 16.02.2017 04:34:10 CTD on deck 52° 7,422' S 177° 31,099' E 5256,7

18 SO254_67-1 16.02.2017 04:35:09 CTD station end 52° 7,423' S 177° 31,095' E 5003,7

18 SO254_68-1 16.02.2017 04:38:29 Net (generic) station start Planktonnetz 52° 7,427' S 177° 31, 094' E 5007,2

90 18 SO254_68-1 16.02.2017 04:41:56 Net (generic) information z/W 52° 7,431' S 177° 31,100' E 5010,3 SL: 62m, Abbruch, einholen 18 SO254_68-1 16.02.2017 04:53:33 Net (generic) information wegen Strom 52° 7,425' S 177° 31,107' E 5009,4

18 SO254_68-1 16.02.2017 05:02:03 Net (generic) information a/D 52° 7,430' S 177° 31,120' E 5008,1

18 SO254_68-1 16.02.2017 05:03:11 Net (generic) station end 52° 7,426' S 177° 31,131' E 5009,2

19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 01:07:18 ROV station start 49° 5,754' S 173° 52,263' E 537 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 01:18:43 ROV in the water 49° 5,754' S 173° 52,249' E 535,6 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 01:24:53 ROV lowering 49° 5,754' S 173° 52,253' E 537,1 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 01:40:39 ROV max depth/on ground BOSI max. Tiefe 537m 49° 5,756' S 173° 52,267' E 537,2 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 06:57:36 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 49° 5,786' S 173° 5 2,102' E 536,5 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 07:20:42 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 49° 5,784' S 173° 52, 100' E 538 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 07:26:02 ROV on deck Auftriebe a. D. 49° 5,783' S 173° 52,093 ' E 538 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 07:30:37 ROV on deck ROV a. D. 49° 5,786' S 173° 52,095' E 539,5 19 SO254_69-1 17.02.2017 07:41:13 ROV station end 49° 5,787' S 173° 52,093' E 537,9

20 SO254_70-1 18.02.2017 00:42:07 CTD station start 45° 43,071' S 174° 43,866' E 1448,2

20 SO254_70-1 18.02.2017 00:46:05 CTD in the water 45° 43,071' S 174° 43,865' E 1446,5

20 SO254_70-1 18.02.2017 01:23:51 CTD max depth/on ground SL max. 1430m 45° 43,071' S 174° 43,870' E 1446,5

20 SO254_70-1 18.02.2017 01:24:39 CTD hoisting 45° 43,072' S 174° 43,870' E 1446,8

20 SO254_70-1 18.02.2017 02:01:50 CTD on deck 45° 43,068' S 174° 43,867' E 1445,9

20 SO254_70-1 18.02.2017 02:02:41 CTD station end 45° 43,067' S 174° 43,867' E 1445,3 Agassiz 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 03:11:36 Trawl station start 45° 43,273' S 174° 44,546' E 1443,8 Agassiz 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 03:13:06 Trawl in the water 45° 43,272' S 174° 44,548' E 1444,1 Agassiz 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 04:43:32 Trawl max depth/on ground Boko, SL: 1455m 45° 43,291' S 174° 44,683' E 1441,8 Agassiz Beg. Track, rwk: 060°, d: 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 04:47:06 Trawl information 0,48sm 45° 43,280' S 174° 44,716' E 1440,8

91 Agassiz Beg. Hieven, maxSL: 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 05:16:48 Trawl hoisting 2446m 45° 43,049' S 174° 45,293' E 1430,2 Agassiz Trwl frei vom Grund, SL: 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 05:53:26 Trawl information 1400m 45° 43,045' S 174° 45,289' E 1430,5 Agassiz 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 06:23:08 Trawl on deck 45° 43,046' S 174° 45,295' E 1432,9 Agassiz 20 SO254_71-1 18.02.2017 06:30:39 Trawl station end 45° 43,051' S 174° 45,292' E 1432,6

20 SO254_72-1 18.02.2017 06:37:45 PUMP station start In Situ Pump 45° 43,045' S 174 ° 45,293' E 1433,2

20 SO254_72-1 18.02.2017 06:40:09 PUMP in the water 45° 43,043' S 174° 45,291' E 1432

20 SO254_72-1 18.02.2017 06:43:37 PUMP max depth/on ground maxSL: 20m, Beg. Pumpen 45° 43,044' S 174° 45,284' E 1432,5

20 SO254_72-1 18.02.2017 09:58:31 PUMP on deck 45° 43,048' S 174° 45,286' E 1431,6

20 SO254_72-1 18.02.2017 10:00:14 PUMP station end 45° 43,048' S 174° 45,284' E 1434,2

20 SO254_73-1 18.02.2017 06:53:18 CTD station start 45° 43,047' S 174° 45,286' E 1432,7

20 SO254_73-1 18.02.2017 06:55:51 CTD in the water 45° 43,046' S 174° 45,289' E 1432,7

20 SO254_73-1 18.02.2017 07:08:03 CTD max depth/on ground SLmax: 198 m, SZ: 7 kN 45° 43,047' S 174° 45,297' E 1433

20 SO254_73-1 18.02.2017 07:26:25 CTD on deck CTDa. D. 45° 43,053' S 174° 45,291' E 1433,2

20 SO254_73-1 18.02.2017 07:27:04 CTD station end 45° 43,053' S 174° 45,292' E 1432,3

20 SO254_74-1 18.02.2017 07:30:07 Net (generic) station start Plankton-Netz 45° 43,049' S 174° 45 ,295' E 1432,8

20 SO254_74-1 18.02.2017 07:44:45 Net (generic) information z. W. 45° 43,050' S 174° 45,296' E 1431,2

20 SO254_74-1 18.02.2017 07:56:23 Net (generic) information SLmax: 150 m, SZ: 0,6 kN 45° 43,053' S 174° 45,293' E 1430,2

20 SO254_74-1 18.02.2017 08:13:30 Net (generic) information Netz a. D. 45° 43,048' S 174° 45,289' E 1434,4

20 SO254_74-1 18.02.2017 08:14:02 Net (generic) station end 45° 43,047' S 174° 45,291' E 1433,1 MuC über FW1/SPW1, 20 SO254_75-1 18.02.2017 08:15:14 Multi Corer station start Schiebebalken 45° 43,049' S 174° 45,286' E 1433,1

20 SO254_75-1 18.02.2017 08:24:00 Multi Corer in the water MuC z. W. 45° 43,052' S 174° 45,291' E 1432,2 MuC Boko, SLmax: 1454 m, 20 SO254_75-1 18.02.2017 09:05:30 Multi Corer max depth/on ground SZ: 16 /10 kN 45° 43,048' S 174° 45,285' E 1433

20 SO254_75-1 18.02.2017 09:08:28 Multi Corer hoisting 45° 43,047' S 174° 45,287' E 1431,7

92 20 SO254_75-1 18.02.2017 09:45:46 Multi Corer on deck 45° 43,049' S 174° 45,285' E 1432

20 SO254_75-1 18.02.2017 09:47:18 Multi Corer station end 45° 43,047' S 174° 45,2 84' E 1432,2

21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 21:06:42 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 45° 1,605' S 171° 54, 167' E 677 21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 21:17:37 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 45° 1,611' S 171° 54,166' E 680,2 21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 21:28:17 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 45° 1,611' S 171° 5 4,169' E 679,7 21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 21:29:24 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 45° 1,610' S 171° 54,170 ' E 681 21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 21:49:21 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 45° 1,610' S 171° 54,166' E 680,8 rwK: 070°, d: 100 m, FüG: 21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 21:54:32 ROV profile start 0,4 kn 45° 1,610' S 171° 54,170' E 680,4 rwK: 360°, d: 50 m, FüG: 21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 22:04:39 ROV alter course 0,4 kn 45° 1,591' S 171° 54,232' E 664 rwK: 360°, d: "Bis Stopp" / 21 SO254_76-1 18.02.2017 22:11:49 ROV alter course Wiss., FüG: 0,4 kn 45° 1,560' S 171° 54,235' E 698 21 SO254_76-1 19.02.2017 06:44:47 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 45° 1,489' S 171° 5 4,320' E 641,7 21 SO254_76-1 19.02.2017 07:07:05 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 45° 1,493' S 171° 54, 324' E 638,8 21 SO254_76-1 19.02.2017 07:11:31 ROV on deck Auftriebe a. A. 45° 1,495' S 171° 54,324 ' E 646,3 21 SO254_76-1 19.02.2017 07:16:20 ROV on deck ROV a. D. 45° 1,498' S 171° 54,322' E 647,4 21 SO254_76-1 19.02.2017 07:33:46 ROV station end 45° 1,497' S 171° 54,329' E 651 22 SO254_77-1 19.02.2017 20:30:18 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 43° 17,633' S 173° 36, 376' E 888,1 22 SO254_77-1 19.02.2017 20:37:18 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 43° 17,630' S 173° 36,369' E 889,4 22 SO254_77-1 19.02.2017 20:45:19 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 43° 17,631' S 173° 3 6,371' E 889,1 22 SO254_77-1 19.02.2017 20:46:20 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 43° 17,632' S 173° 36,369 ' E 891,5 22 SO254_77-1 19.02.2017 21:18:10 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 43° 17,635' S 173° 36,369' E 891 rwK: 030°, d: (bis "Stopp" / 22 SO254_77-1 19.02.2017 21:25:09 ROV profile start Wiss.), FüG: 0,3 kn 43° 17,631' S 173° 36,369' E 888 rwK: 030°, d: 116 m, FüG: 22 SO254_77-1 19.02.2017 22:51:27 ROV alter course 0,2 kn 43° 17,536' S 173° 36,442' E 840,1 22 SO254_77-1 20.02.2017 06:14:12 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 43° 17,291' S 173° 3 6,483' E 718

93 22 SO254_77-1 20.02.2017 06:31:54 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 43° 17,286' S 173° 36, 483' E 714,8 22 SO254_77-1 20.02.2017 06:41:52 ROV on deck 43° 17,284' S 173° 36,483' E 722,6 22 SO254_77-1 20.02.2017 06:51:42 ROV station end 43° 17,283' S 173° 36,483' E 1004,3 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 19:36:19 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 41° 37,065' S 175° 47, 330' E 1416,1 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 19:44:13 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 41° 37,066' S 175° 47,327' E 1514,5 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 19:52:22 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 41° 37,063' S 175° 4 7,332' E 1587,7 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 19:53:46 ROV deployed 41° 37,063' S 175° 47,332' E 1868,1 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 20:36:22 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 41° 37,065' S 175° 47,331' E 1526,2 rwK: 270°, d: 100 m, FüG: 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 20:44:06 ROV profile start 0,2 kn 41° 37,066' S 175° 47,328' E 1517,7 rwK: 050°, d: 120 m, FüG: 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 22:09:00 ROV alter course 0,2 kn 41° 37,069' S 175° 47,266' E 1595,9 rwK: 050°, d:70 m, FüG: 23 SO254_78-1 20.02.2017 22:53:19 ROV alter course 0,2 kn 41° 37,050' S 175° 47,293' E 1552,6 23 SO254_78-1 21.02.2017 05:59:43 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 41° 36,347' S 175° 4 7,487' E 1034,6 23 SO254_78-1 21.02.2017 06:25:27 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 41° 36,351' S 175° 47, 497' E 1035 23 SO254_78-1 21.02.2017 06:35:10 ROV on deck 41° 36,351' S 175° 47,497' E 1034,4 23 SO254_78-1 21.02.2017 06:48:26 ROV station end 41° 36,347' S 175° 47,488' E 1036,2 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 19:02:03 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 40° 2,988' S 178° 8, 236' E 912,6 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 19:34:51 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 40° 3,002' S 178° 8,244' E 926,3 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 19:42:00 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 40° 2,997' S 178° 8,239' E 920,3 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 19:43:05 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 40° 2,996' S 178° 8,237 ' E 983,6 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 20:05:15 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 40° 3,001' S 178° 8,245' E 924,1 rwK: 025°, d: 100 m, FüG: 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 21:44:32 ROV profile start 0,2 kn 40° 2,996' S 178° 8,237' E 1100,7 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 22:00:21 ROV alter course rwK: °, d: m, FüG: 0,2 kn 40° 2,953' S 178° 8,265' E 913,7 24 SO254_79-1 21.02.2017 23:40:25 ROV hoisting Beginn Auftauchen 40° 2,924' S 178° 8, 290' E 1074,9

94 24 SO254_79-1 22.02.2017 00:02:36 ROV at surface 40° 2,925' S 178° 8,288' E 908,6 24 SO254_79-1 22.02.2017 00:12:08 ROV on deck 40° 2,923' S 178° 8,289' E 868,3 24 SO254_79-1 22.02.2017 00:17:01 ROV station end 40° 2,923' S 178° 8,286' E 814,7

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:27:27 Light / Optics station start 40° 2,924' S 178° 8,291' E 1110,3

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:28:43 Light / Optics in the water 40° 2,923' S 178° 8,301' E 1123,7

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:33:48 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL max. 120m 40° 2,918' S 178° 8,327' E 1116,8

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:37:55 Light / Optics at surface 40° 2,913' S 178° 8,361' E 932,2

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:40:28 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL max. 100m 40° 2,909' S 178° 8,386' E 948,5

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:45:01 Light / Optics at surface 40° 2,904' S 178° 8,413' E 945,8

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:48:07 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL max. 100m 40° 2,901' S 178° 8,434' E 968,5

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:52:08 Light / Optics at surface 40° 2,897' S 178° 8,461' E 989

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 00:54:36 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL max. 100m 40° 2,894' S 178° 8,476' E 978,2

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 01:00:00 Light / Optics on deck 40° 2,888' S 178° 8,512' E 984,8

24 SO254_80-1 22.02.2017 01:02:23 Light / Optics station end 40° 2,896' S 178° 8,470' E 976,3

24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 01:12:09 ROV station start 40° 2,930' S 178° 8,252' E 923,7 24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 01:21:33 ROV in the water 40° 2,932' S 178° 8,251' E 896,9 24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 01:27:43 ROV lowering 40° 2,931' S 178° 8,250' E 980,6 24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 01:55:19 ROV max depth/on ground BOSI max. Tiefe 896m 40° 2,933' S 178° 8,250' E 894,9 24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 06:07:40 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 40° 2,727' S 178° 8,534' E 847,9 24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 06:26:12 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 40° 2,732' S 178° 8, 532' E 899,8 24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 06:37:30 ROV on deck 40° 2,727' S 178° 8,533' E 844,9 24 SO254_81-1 22.02.2017 06:45:06 ROV station end 40° 2,727' S 178° 8,529' E 847,4

24 SO254_82-1 22.02.2017 06:50:32 PUMP station start In Situ Pump 40° 2,728' S 178 ° 8,534' E 845,9

24 SO254_82-1 22.02.2017 06:52:07 PUMP in the water Kran 3 40° 2,727' S 178° 8,53 5' E 843,3

95 24 SO254_82-1 22.02.2017 06:53:37 PUMP max depth/on ground maxSL: 20m 40° 2,727' S 178° 8,535' E 850,1

24 SO254_82-1 22.02.2017 10:08:44 PUMP information Beginn hieven 40° 2,734' S 178° 8,535' E 857,8

24 SO254_82-1 22.02.2017 10:12:18 PUMP on deck Pumpe a. D. 40° 2,730' S 178° 8,53 0' E 846,8

24 SO254_82-1 22.02.2017 10:14:25 PUMP station end 40° 2,727' S 178° 8,529' E 842,3 CTD über EL2, Kl. Schie- 25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 21:30:38 CTD station start bebalken 37° 55,296' S 179° 13,519' E 1707,4

25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 21:46:04 CTD in the water CTD z. W. 37° 55,346' S 179° 13, 526' E 1705,6 Bei SL: 20 m 1 x Transpon- 25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 21:58:00 CTD in the water der für Test 37° 55,347' S 179° 13,528' E 1706,8

25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 22:53:34 CTD max depth/on ground SL: 1498 m, SZ: 12 kN 37° 55,341' S 179° 13,529' E 1704,2

25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 22:54:04 CTD hoisting 37° 55,340' S 179° 13,529' E 1705,7

25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 23:24:08 CTD information Transponder a/D 37° 55,348' S 17 9° 13,530' E 1707

25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 23:26:53 CTD on deck 37° 55,348' S 179° 13,527' E 1705,1

25 SO254_83-1 22.02.2017 23:27:02 CTD station end 37° 55,348' S 179° 13,527' E 1705,7

25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 00:24:03 ROV station start 37° 55,032' S 179° 13,005' E 1573 25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 00:38:41 ROV in the water 37° 55,024' S 179° 12,984' E 1557 25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 00:45:54 ROV lowering 37° 55,022' S 179° 12,985' E 1558,4 25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 01:25:57 ROV max depth/on ground BOSI , max. Tiefe 1609m 37° 55,016' S 179° 13,037 ' E 1590,1 25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 07:00:19 ROV hoisting Hieven ROV 37° 54,873' S 179° 12,889' E 1424,1 25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 07:32:12 ROV on deck Auftriebe a. D. 37° 54,871' S 179° 12,882 ' E 1420,9 25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 07:41:35 ROV on deck ROV a. D. 37° 54,876' S 179° 12,883' E 1431,4 25 SO254_84-1 23.02.2017 07:56:09 ROV station end 37° 54,874' S 179° 12,882' E 1424,6 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 19:38:39 ROV station start ROV KIEL6000 35° 36,670' S 178° 51, 141' E 1144,5 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 20:16:08 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 35° 36,672' S 178° 51,140' E 1142 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 20:21:22 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 35° 36,671' S 178° 5 1,137' E 1141,5 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 20:23:15 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 35° 36,671' S 178° 51,143 ' E 1139,9

96 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 20:33:53 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 35° 36,668' S 178° 51, 143' E 1140,8 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 20:37:34 ROV on deck Auftriebe a. D. 35° 36,669' S 178° 51,146 ' E 1144,5 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 20:42:57 ROV on deck ROV a. D. 35° 36,670' S 178° 51,140' E 1143 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 21:12:25 ROV in the water ROV z. W. 35° 36,666' S 178° 51,141' E 1142,9 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 21:17:08 ROV in the water Auftriebe z. W. 35° 36,666' S 178° 5 1,146' E 1143,5 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 21:20:02 ROV deployed ROV abgetaucht 35° 36,667' S 178° 51,142 ' E 1141,7 26 SO254_85-1 23.02.2017 21:52:27 ROV max depth/on ground ROV Bodensicht 35° 36,668' S 178° 51,145' E 1142,7 26 SO254_85-1 24.02.2017 05:41:46 ROV hoisting Beg. Auftauchen ROV 35° 36,742' S 178° 5 1,100' E 1135,2 26 SO254_85-1 24.02.2017 06:08:57 ROV at surface ROV aufgetaucht 35° 36,742' S 178° 51, 091' E 1140,8 26 SO254_85-1 24.02.2017 06:18:27 ROV on deck 35° 36,746' S 178° 51,096' E 1134,1 26 SO254_85-1 24.02.2017 06:22:13 ROV station end 35° 36,744' S 178° 51,099' E 1134,7

26 SO254_86-1 24.02.2017 06:26:27 PUMP station start In Situ Pump 35° 36,742' S 178 ° 51,098' E 1135,2

26 SO254_86-1 24.02.2017 06:27:35 PUMP in the water Kran 3 35° 36,741' S 178° 51,09 8' E 1135,8

26 SO254_86-1 24.02.2017 06:29:36 PUMP max depth/on ground maxSL: 20m 35° 36,738' S 178° 51,101' E 1137,2

26 SO254_86-1 24.02.2017 09:40:16 PUMP information Hieven Insitu-Pumpe 35° 36,737' S 178° 51,100' E 1135,9

26 SO254_86-1 24.02.2017 09:44:17 PUMP on deck 35° 36,740' S 178° 51,102' E 1134,2

26 SO254_86-1 24.02.2017 09:45:03 PUMP station end 35° 36,741' S 178° 51,101' E 1135,5

27 SO254_87-1 24.02.2017 18:05:39 PUMP station start In Situ Pump 36° 19,177' S 177 ° 14,143' E 3140,4

27 SO254_87-1 24.02.2017 18:07:45 PUMP in the water Kran 3 36° 19,177' S 177° 14,14 3' E 3138,2

27 SO254_87-1 24.02.2017 18:09:12 PUMP max depth/on ground maxSL: 20m 36° 19,177' S 177° 14,144' E 3129,2

27 SO254_87-1 24.02.2017 21:20:35 PUMP information Start Hieven 36° 19,178' S 177° 14,140' E 3129,4

27 SO254_87-1 24.02.2017 21:23:09 PUMP on deck 36° 19,180' S 177° 14,142' E 3133

27 SO254_87-1 24.02.2017 21:24:23 PUMP station end 36° 19,177' S 177° 14,140' E 3118,1

27 SO254_88-1 24.02.2017 20:30:48 Light / Optics station start SECCI-Disk 36° 19,178' S 177° 14,14 2' E 3130,6

97 27 SO254_88-1 24.02.2017 20:33:00 Light / Optics in the water 36° 19,179' S 177° 14,141' E 3125,3

27 SO254_88-1 24.02.2017 20:38:34 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL: 25 m 36° 19,180' S 177° 14,144' E 3126,9

27 SO254_88-1 24.02.2017 20:40:20 Light / Optics on deck 36° 19,179' S 177° 14,145' E 3123,4

27 SO254_88-1 24.02.2017 20:41:07 Light / Optics station end 36° 19,179' S 177° 14,144' E 3121,8 Satlantic-Profiler über BB- 27 SO254_89-1 24.02.2017 21:28:08 Light / Optics station start Heck, FdW: 0,5 kn 36° 19,174' S 177° 14,140' E 3133,6

27 SO254_89-1 24.02.2017 21:30:34 Light / Optics in the water 36° 19,180' S 177° 14,155' E 3131,3

27 SO254_89-1 24.02.2017 21:35:19 Light / Optics alter course rwK: 030° 36° 19,203' S 177° 14,205' E 3119,1

27 SO254_89-1 24.02.2017 21:57:32 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL: 120 m & hieven 36° 19,132' S 177° 14,464' E 3152,7

27 SO254_89-1 24.02.2017 22:06:27 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SLmax: 130 m 36° 19,042' S 177° 14,527' E 3106,7

27 SO254_89-1 24.02.2017 22:26:24 Light / Optics on deck 36° 18,882' S 177° 14,640' E 3101,8

27 SO254_89-1 24.02.2017 22:27:08 Light / Optics station end 36° 18,876' S 177° 14,646' E 3099,1

27 SO254_90-1 24.02.2017 22:28:55 Light / Optics station start UV-Profiler 36° 18,857' S 177° 14,6 59' E 3097,4

27 SO254_90-1 24.02.2017 22:29:19 Light / Optics in the water 36° 18,853' S 177° 14,661' E 3101,3

27 SO254_90-1 24.02.2017 22:32:34 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL: 60 m, hieven 36° 18,819' S 177° 14,682' E 3091,1

27 SO254_90-1 24.02.2017 22:47:57 Light / Optics on deck 36° 18,661' S 177° 14,790' E 3322,2

27 SO254_90-1 24.02.2017 22:48:03 Light / Optics station end 36° 18,660' S 177° 14,791' E 3322,2

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 22:50:02 Light / Optics station start Satlantic-Profiler 36° 18,644' S 17 7° 14,800' E 3077,7

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 22:50:06 Light / Optics in the water über BB-Heck 36° 18,643' S 177° 14,8 00' E 3077,7

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 22:55:12 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL: 120 m 36° 18,607' S 177° 14,829' E 3075,4

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:01:50 Light / Optics at surface 36° 18,542' S 177° 14,876' E 3066,7

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:08:15 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL 150m 36° 18,486' S 177° 14,913' E 3060,4

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:11:53 Light / Optics at surface 36° 18,447' S 177° 14,940' E 3066,8

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:15:07 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL 150m 36° 18,415' S 177° 14,962' E 3077,7

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:23:41 Light / Optics at surface 36° 18,345' S 177° 15,012' E 3080,7

98 27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:27:23 Light / Optics max depth/on ground SL 120m 36° 18,300' S 177° 15,047' E 3076,4

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:34:45 Light / Optics on deck 36° 18,210' S 177° 15,113' E 3072,7

27 SO254_91-1 24.02.2017 23:35:50 Light / Optics station end 36° 18,196' S 177° 15,123' E 3074,4

27 SO254_92-1 24.02.2017 23:38:46 PUMP station start In situ pump 36° 18,189' S 177 ° 15,127' E 3073,1

27 SO254_92-1 24.02.2017 23:42:49 PUMP in the water über Kran 3 36° 18,202' S 177° 15,138' E 3063,4

27 SO254_92-1 24.02.2017 23:47:45 PUMP max depth/on ground SL max. 60m 36° 18,202' S 177° 15,134' E 3063,8

27 SO254_92-1 25.02.2017 02:56:25 PUMP on deck 36° 18,198' S 177° 15,141' E 3061,7

27 SO254_92-1 25.02.2017 02:58:25 PUMP station end 36° 18,199' S 177° 15,140' E 3064,4

27 SO254_93-1 25.02.2017 03:34:35 CTD station start 36° 18,196' S 177° 15,139' E 3065,2

27 SO254_93-1 25.02.2017 03:36:24 CTD in the water 36° 18,195' S 177° 15,137' E 3063,6

27 SO254_93-1 25.02.2017 04:02:14 CTD max depth/on ground maxSL: 732m 36° 18,195' S 177° 15,138' E 3061,8

27 SO254_93-1 25.02.2017 04:44:41 CTD on deck 36° 18,200' S 177° 15,135' E 3064,4

27 SO254_93-1 25.02.2017 04:44:53 CTD station end 36° 18,200' S 177° 15,135' E 3073,9