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The Gazette.

FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1900.

I\ivy Council Office, Whitehall, May 30, 1900. District Scheme.—At the Offices of the Clerks to the Holborn and St. Giles District LONDON GOVERNMENT ACT, 1899. Boards of Works and the of OTICK is hereby given that the Committee and St. Luke, . N of the Privy Council, under the London District Scheme.—At the Offices of Government Act, 1899, have settled the following the Clerks to the Vestries of Charlton, Green- Schemes, viz.:—Miscellaneous Scheme, Financial wich, and St. Paul, . Arrangements Scheme, Poor Law and Valuation Scheme.—At the Offices of the Scheme, Adoptive Acts Scheme, and Existing Clei-ks to the Woolwich Local Board and the Officers Scheme. Copies of these Schemes may, Vestries of and Plumstead. on and after June 2nd, be inspected and obtained Lee District Scheme.—At the Offices of the at the following places I—- Clerks to the Boards of Works of Lee, , The Offices of the Clerks to the Vestries of and Greenwich, the of Plumstead, and the the following parishes :—, , Local Board of Woolwich. Batlmal Green, , Charltoii, Chelsea, Scheme.—At the Offices of the Clerks Clerkenwell, Eltham, , Greenwich, Hack- to the Vestries of Lewisham and Penge. ney, , , , Ken- South Scheme.—At the Offices of the sington, Kidbrooke, , Lewisham, Lee, Mile Clerks to the Vestry of and the End Old Town, Newington, , Plum- South Hornsey Urban District Council. stead, , St. George Hanover-square, St. George-in-the-East, St. George the Martyr, St. James , St. Luke Middlesex, St. Margaret and St. John Westminster, St. Martin- Chancery of the Order of in-the-Fields, St. , St. Nicholas Dept- Saint Michael and Saint Georye, ford, St. Pancras, St. Paul Deptford, , Downing Street, May 23, 1900. and Stoke Newington. THE Queen has been graciously pleased to The Offices of the Cleiks to the following give directions for the following promotions in, District Boards of Works :—Greenwich, Holborn, and appointments to, the Most Distinguished Lee, Lewisham, Limehouse, Poplar, St. Giles, Order of Saint Michael and Saint George: St. Olave, St. Saviour's, Strand, Wandswoith, and . To be Ordinary Members of the First Class, And at the Offices of the Clerk to the South or Knights Grand Cross of the said Most Dis- Horasey Urban District Council, and the Clerk tinguished Order:— to the Woolwich Local Board of Health. Major Sir Claude Maxwell MacDonald, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of China, for his services in Privy Council Office. Whitehall, May 30, 1900. China. Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, K.C.S.I., K.C.F.E., LONDON GOVERNMENT ACT, 1899. Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and OTICE is hereby given that the Committee Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the of the Privy Council, under the London Shah of Persia, for his services in Persia. GovernmenN t Act, 1899, have settled the under- mentioned Schemes,. and that copies may be To be Ordinary Members of the Second Class, inspected and obtained, on and after June 5th, at or Knights Commanders of the said Most Dis- the following places :— tinguished Order :— Clerkenwell Detached Scheme.—At the Offices Alfred Edmund Bateman, Esq., C.M.G., Comp- of the Clerks to the Vestry of Clerkenwell and troller-General of the Commercial, Labour, the Hornsey Urban District Council. and Statistical Department of the Board of Detached Scheme.—At the Offices of Trade, for services in connection with commer- the Clerks to the Wandeworth District Board of cial negotiations with Foreign Countries. Works and the Rural District Council Ewen Cameron, Esq., Managing Director of the Detached Scheme.—At the Offices of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corpora- the Clerks to the District Board of tion, for services to Her Majesty's Government Works and the Barnes Urban District Council. with regard to affairs in China,