Agenda Item: 16

Meeting of: Cabinet

Date of Meeting: Monday, 24 February 2020

Relevant Scrutiny Environment and Regeneration Committee: Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) Framework, Acceptance of tender for DFG Report Title: Framework To seek Cabinet approval to award the contract for the DFG Framework for Purpose of Report: adaptations Councillor Lis Burnett Report Owner: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration

Responsible Officer: Rob Thomas, Managing Director

Head of Regeneration and Planning Operational Manager Regeneration Elected Member and Operational Manager Accountancy Officer Consultation: Finance Support Manager Committee Reports

Policy Framework: This is a matter of Executive Decision by Cabinet

Executive Summary: • The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Framework was last tendered in 2014 and has now expired, a tendering process to appoint two contractors for the framework was completed in October 2019. Following this competitive tendering process tenders have been received for these works. • Cabinet approval is being requested to appoint the two highest scoring tenders and enter into a Framework contract to deliver disabled adaptations to private homes in the .


Recommendations 1. To advise Cabinet of the proposed contract award arrangements for the Disabled Facilities Grant Framework.

Reasons for Recommendations 1. That Cabinet notes the contents of this report, with a view to taking decisions on the award of the Framework detailed within the Part II report later on this agenda.

1. Background 1.1 The Disabled Facilities Grant is a statutory service delivered by the Vale of Glamorgan Council. As a Council we offer a Grants Agency Service that applicants can opt to use as their Grants Agent. This service provides access to Framework Contractors to complete the adaptations. 1.2 The DFG Framework has set agreed rates for all services, the rates have been set to ensure value for money and have been tested by an external Quantity Surveyor. Therefore, this tender was assessed 100% on quality. As demand for the service varies the value of this contract is estimated at £800,000 per annum spilt between two contractors.

2. Key Issues for Consideration

2.1 The Tender was issued on Sell2 for the DFG Framework Tenders. 8 Tender Submissions were received. 6 progressed past the PQQ stage and interviews were held. Following this process two contractors, that were the highest quality scorers, have been checked to ensure they are compliant. Details of the tender process outcome are set out in the Part II report.

3. How do proposals evidence the Five Ways of Working and contribute to our Well-being Objectives? 3.1 The Disabled Facilities Grant is a statutory service and the grant agency service offers residents a fully managed service to assist them to stay in their own homes. The service is integrated into Social Services through the Occupational Health team. 3.2 The proposal will enable the Council to continue to work towards the Well-being Outcome, An Inclusive and Safe Vale. Citizens of the Vale of Glamorgan have a good quality of life. In addition, the Council will also be contributing to all of the national well-being goals, in particular 'a healthier Wales'


4. Resources and Legal Considerations Financial

4.1 Capital provision for Disabled Facilities Grants is provided through the Capital Programme, any spend not required in the financial year is decommitted. Demand for grants varies from year to year. 4.2 As the Framework has set prices there is provision for uplift on an annual basis.


4.3 One of the successful tenderers are located in the Vale of Glamorgan and will employ local labour to undertake this project. Both contractors have committed to Apprenticeships as part of delivering the framework.

Legal (Including Equalities)

4.4 The Head of Legal Services will prepare and execute a Framework contract with the two highest scoring companies to deliver the framework.

5. Background Papers None




Minutes of a meeting held on 24th February, 2020.

Present: Councillor N. Moore (Chairman); Councillor L. Burnett (Vice-Chairman); Councillors B.T. Gray, P.G. King, K.F. McCaffer, Mrs. M.R. Wilkinson and E. Williams.

Also present: Councillor L.O Rowlands.


RESOLVED – T H A T the minutes of the meetings held on 3rd February, 2020 and 10th February, 2020 be approved as a correct record.


Name of Councillor Nature of Interest

Councillor B.T Gray The interest related to Agenda Item 11 – Reshaping Services: Update on Implementation. Councillor Gray declared an interest due to his role as a Councillor in both Penarth Town and the Vale of Glamorgan Councils and had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

Councillor P.G. King The interest related to Agenda Item 11 – Reshaping Services: Update on Implementation. Councillor King declared an interest due to his role as a Councillor in both Llandough Community and the Vale of Glamorgan Councils and had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

Councillor K.F. McCaffer The interest related to Agenda Item 11 – Reshaping Services: Update on Implementation. Councillor McCaffer declared an interest due to her role as a Councillor in both Penarth Town and the Vale of Glamorgan Councils and had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

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Councillor N. Moore The interest related to Agenda Item 5 – Pay Policy 2020/21 – Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee – 5th February 2020. Councillor Moore had a personal interest as his daughter worked for the Council, but had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

Councillor N. Moore The interest related to Agenda Item 11 – Reshaping Services: Update on Implementation. Councillor Moore had a personal interest as his daughter worked for the Council, but had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

Councillor E. Williams The interest related to Agenda Item 11 – Reshaping Services: Update on Implementation. Councillor Williams declared an interest due to his role as a Councillor in both Barry Town and the Vale of Glamorgan Councils and had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

Councillor Mrs. M.R. Wilkinson The interest related to Agenda Item 5 – Pay Policy 2020/21 – Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee – 5th February, 2020. Councillor Mrs. Wilkinson had a personal interest as she has two relatives who work for the Council, but had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

Councillor Mrs. M.R. Wilkinson The interest related to Agenda Item 11 – Reshaping Services: Update on Implementation. Councillor Mrs. Wilkinson declared an interest due to her role as a Councillor in both Barry Town and the Vale of Glamorgan Councils and had received dispensation from the Standards Committee to remain, speak and vote on such related matters.

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Councillor Mrs. M.R. Wilkinson The interest related to Agenda Items 19 and 27 – Housing Windows and Doors Replacement Scheme 2020. Councillor Mrs. Wilkinson had a personal interest as a Council tenant, but her interest did not equate to a prejudicial interest.


Cabinet, on 16th December, 2019, had referred the report to the Scrutiny Committee for consideration. The report advised of the results of the Consultation undertaken on Fare Paying School Transport services between 2nd April, 2019 and 28th May, 2019. The consultation outlined the proposed withdrawal of funding for fare paying school bus services, which were currently provided at the discretion of the Council.

After due consideration of the consultation responses received, the report sought Cabinet approval for the withdrawal of funding of Council supported fare paying school bus services with effect from 1st September, 2020. This would assist in meeting the savings that the Neighbourhood Services and Transport Department was expected to make and help to support the Council in funding statutory free school transport for pupils who qualified by virtue of distance from school and availability of walking routes.

The Head of Neighbourhood Services and Transport stated that the report had no implications with regard to the provision of free home to school transport for entitled children, which would be maintained as existing. Furthermore, the officer wished to highlight that the current provision of fare paying school transport was not consistently available across the Vale of Glamorgan and it was therefore not offered to all pupils within the Authority.

The report outlined which services and schools could be affected by the withdrawal of funding for fare paying school transport and the current average numbers of fare paying pupils only using those services as below:

AM PM P97 Peyton Travel Llansannor CiW 1 1 P122 Peyton Travel Llangan Primary 0 0 P125 Watts Ysgol St. Curig / St. Baruc 10 15 P132 Creigiau Ysgol Pen y Garth 18 18 P133 Peyton Travel St. Josephs 0 10 P138 Watts St. Illtyd P139 Creigiau Ysgol Pen y Garth 21 25 351 Peyton Travel St. Athan Primary 45 45 S2 Watts High / Whitmore 37 30 High / Ysgol Bro Morgannwg

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S10 Watts Pencoedtre High 57 55 S14 Watts Pencoedtre High / Whitmore 29 42 High / Ysgol Bro Morgannwg S40 Peyton Travel Llantwit Major Comprehensive 5 5 S49 Watts St. Richard Gwyn 44 44

The officer noted, however, that some of these services may remain in place should commercial operators decide it viable to continue services without subsidy from the Local Authority.

The officer then advised Committee that the budget for this service currently stood at approximately £242k and that she anticipated that a saving of approximately £165k could be achieved , with the remaining funds to be transferred into the Education Transport budget in order to provide transport for pupils who qualified for free school transport and who had been allocated to fare paying services. A Committee Member remarked that in his view, the consultation undertaken had not been thorough enough and that another round of clarification would be necessary to ensure full awareness of what would happen to pupils affected by the proposal. The Member also queried why the saving of £165k had not been highlighted in the report regarding the revenue budget, to be discussed subsequently on the same agenda. The Committee Member further remarked that he had particular concerns in relation to equality issues which could arise for pupils living in rural communities and attending Welsh medium schools as these pupils often had to travel further outside their local communities to attend their nearest appropriate school. The Council therefore needed to ensure it was not making it more difficult for pupils to attend Welsh medium schools and prioritise the identification of safe Active Travel routes between communities in the Vale of Glamorgan.

With regard to the Committee Member’s concerns in relation to the thoroughness of the consultation undertaken, the officer responded that each school that could potentially be affected by the proposal had been consulted and that the consultation survey issued to the public had been widely publicised. With regard to the Committee Member’s query in relation to the inclusion of the anticipated saving of £165k in the revenue budget report, the officer replied that this saving had been part of the service area’s budget for the preceding financial year and had therefore not been included in the report currently under discussion.

The officer then addressed the Committee Member’s concerns regarding equalities issues that could potentially arise from the proposal by advising that the fare paying school transport services currently provided by the Local Authority were distributed randomly across the Vale of Glamorgan and only provided for some communities and not others. This could be interpreted as discriminatory. Moreover, the officer stated that it was often the case that pupils who travelled outside of their local community to attend specific schools were doing so as a result of a parental preference for the school in question. The officer continued by advising that with regard to the identification of safe Active Travel routes between communities and schools, officers had walked proposed routes and had assessed them according to Welsh Government guidance. The officer also noted, however,

TRIM/Cabinet/2020/February 24 Minutes - MS 403 that if parents of pupils who were living less than the statutory 2 or 3 miles away from their chosen school (and therefore did not qualify for free home to school transport) did not feel that the Active Travel route identified by the Local Authority was safe, they could apply to the Local Authority for the provision of free home to school transport. The officer then reminded Committee Members that if routes were considered to be commercially viable, operators may opt to continue to run some of the services that would be affected by the proposal.

The Committee Member considered that in advance of Cabinet’s decision on this proposal, he believed further work on the identification of safe Active Travel routes would need to be undertaken. He also highlighted that for many pupils attending Welsh medium schools, attending their nearest catchment school often required them to travel outside of their local communities, rather than it being a matter of parental preference. The officer in response stated that any parents concerned about the safety of Active Travel routes between their communities and children’s schools could apply for free home to school transport but they would need to approach the Local Authority in the first instance. She also noted that parents, through the consultation process, had been advised that the service could potentially be withdrawn.

In highlighting to the officer that Ysgol Sant Baruc would be relocating from its current site, the Member asked whether this had been accounted for by the proposal, to which the officer confirmed that the matter would be looked at collaboratively with the Education team.

Another Member queried why the report referred to figures in terms of what the Local Authority “could” save, to which the officer replied that figures outlined in the report were estimates and could vary due to fluctuations in prices the report provided the current likely figure.

In referring to the revenue budget report to be discussed subsequently on the same agenda, a Member sought clarification as to why a figure of £135k of the Neighbourhood and Transport Services’ budget had been ringfenced for education transport given the proposal under discussion, to which the officer responded that this figure had been allocated to ensure that no further changes would take place to provision, for instance with regards to the provision of transport to pupils in Post 16 education.

Another Member raised concerns regarding a safe walking route identified within his own Ward between Ystradowen and Llansannor Primary School, and stated that given the increased amount of traffic in the area since the route had been identified as safe, it was felt locally that the route was no longer safe and he therefore requested of the officer that this route be assessed for a second time, to which the officer responded that she could request that this take place.

The Chairman remarked that he had concerns regarding the proposal’s potential impact on climate change, and whilst he acknowledged that the intention of the proposal was to encourage Active Travel to schools he feared that the actual unintended consequence of the proposal could be that there would be an increased number of pupils being transported to school via car. He therefore

TRIM/Cabinet/2020/February 24 Minutes - MS 404 asked the officer if it would be possible to look at greater publicisation of the safe Active Travel routes to schools, although he did acknowledge that this posed some difficulty to the Local Authority as it was not possible for the publicised routes to account for every location in which Vale of Glamorgan residents lived. The Chairman also suggested that if parents whose children did not qualify for free home to school transport wanted to apply for the route to be assessed due to a perceived lack of safety of their Active Travel route to school, also that the criteria for this should be publicised more widely.

Having regard to the Chairman’s concerns, the officer confirmed that the proposal would aim to encourage Active Travel between home and the school and for parents and children to reassess how they were travelling, and also suggested that the reduction in the number of buses on the roads that could occur as a result of the proposal might have a positive impact on issues arising from climate change.

In responding to the query regarding the publicising of the criteria for parents who wished to apply for free home to school transport due to unsafe Active Travel routes, the officer advised that guidance in relation to this had been issued by Welsh Government and could easily be accessed and it had also been included in an education booklet distributed to parents. Furthermore the Local Authority would also offer advice if approached by parents.

Having considered the report and there being no further questions, it was subsequently

RECOMMENDED – T H A T the Committee’s comments regarding the proposal and consultation be forwarded to Cabinet as below:

• The position regarding the anticipated savings to be made by the proposal and this year’s revenue budget could have been made clearer within the report; • The proposal risked discriminating against pupils from rural areas and those attending Welsh medium schools, due to their need to often travel further outside their local communities to attend school; • A second assessment of the safety of the Active Travel route between Ystadowen and Llansannor Primary School be undertaken; • Committee Members had concerns regarding the proposal’s impact on climate change due to the potential of an increase in the number of cars on the road following the withdrawal of bus services, although acknowledged that the proposal did aim to encourage Active Travel between home and school; • Information regarding the safe Active Travel routes between home and school should be more widely publicised • The criteria applied in instances wherein parents wished to apply for free home to school transport due to a perceived lack of safety of identified Active Travel routes be more widely publicised.

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Reason for recommendation

To ensure that the views of the Committee are considered prior to a final decision being taken by Cabinet on the future of fare paying school transport services.”


The Leader advised that the matter had been considered by both the Corporate Performance and Resources and Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committees, with recommendations received from the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee.

He also asked Cabinet to note that the hyperlink on Page 4 of the minutes from Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee was incorrect, and should be:- provision-and-operational-guidance-june-2014.pdf

The Chairman of the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee would be advised accordingly.

Cabinet, having considered the recommendations of the Corporate Resources and Performance Scrutiny Committee


(1) T H A T Cabinet felt the report had already made clear the position regarding the anticipated savings to be made by the proposal and this year’s revenue budget but would be considered within the next report to Cabinet to finalise the proposals which would come forward as soon as possible.

(2) T H A T discussion had taken place at the Scrutiny meeting concerning whether there was discrimination against pupils from rural areas and those attending Welsh medium schools. Cabinet considered that those who were eligible for free travel within the established criteria were offered the service, and those who were not eligible was often due to parental preference.

(3) T H A T a second assessment of the safety of the Active Travel route between Ystradowen and Llansannor Primary School is reasonable.

(4) T H A T Cabinet noted the potential of an increase in the number of cars on the road following the withdrawal of bus services but acknowledged that the proposal did aim to encourage Active Travel between home and school.

(5) T H A T information regarding the safe Active Travel routes between home and school would be more widely publicised.

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Reasons for decisions

(1) To receive a further report to finalise proposals.

(2) For information.

(3) To carry out a second assessment of the safety of the Active Travel route between Ystradowen and Llansannor Primary School.

(4) For information.

(5) To more widely publicise safe Active Travel routes between home and school.

C230 PAY POLICY 2020/21 (REF) –

Prior to consideration of the report all senior officers left the room, with the exception of the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development and the Operational Manager for Employee Services, who remained to answer any initial technical questions, to leave the room during the item.

The Council had a statutory requirement under Section 38(1) of the Localism Act 2011 to prepare a Pay Policy Statement and the proposed Pay Policy Statement for the new financial year 2020/21 was attached as an Appendix to the report. The Statement needed to be approved and published by 31st March, 2020. The document provided a framework for ensuring that employees were rewarded fairly and objectively, in accordance with the service needs of the Council and that there was openness and transparency in relation to the process. Cabinet had referred the report to the Committee for consideration prior to final consideration and approval by Full Council on 26th February, 2020.

The Pay Policy had been incrementally developed since 2012 to incorporate the following:

• Guidance from Welsh Government as contained in the document “Pay Accountabilities in Local Government in Wales” as updated January 2016; • Changes as prescribed by the Local Authorities Standing Orders (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 which took effect from 1st July, 2014; • Changes as prescribed by the Local Government (Wales) Act 2015 to ensure that any proposed changes to the salary of Chief Officers (as defined in the Localism Act 2011) were made following consultation with the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales; • Necessary refinements as a result of changes to the Council’s senior management structure over recent years; • The effects of national and locally negotiated pay and associated benefit awards along with the provisions of the National Living Wage.

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At the request of the Chairman, supplementary information had been provided to the Committee and included in the agenda which outlined the number of staff in each pay grade according to gender as at January 2020.

Grand Grade Female Male Total No. % No. % APPRENTICE 17 74% 6 26% 23 Grade 1 294 89% 36 11% 330 Grade 2 294 85% 51 15% 345 Grade 3 161 70% 70 30% 231 Grade 4 424 76% 132 24% 556 Grade 5 584 85% 103 15% 687 Grade 6 367 76% 116 24% 483 Grade 7 130 64% 73 36% 203 Grade 8 127 59% 88 41% 215 Grade 9 183 71% 73 29% 256 Grade 10 51 65% 27 35% 78 Grade 11 47 64% 27 36% 74 Chief Officer 24 50% 24 50% 48 Grand Total 2,703 77% 826 23% 3,529

In referring to the report a Committee Member asked for clarification regarding the reference to non-consolidated increments within the pay ranges for Heads of Service and Directors as outlined in section 6.13 of Appendix A to the report, noting that these were cited as being based on performance and asking how this was measured and whether there was a clear set of criteria in place for the awarding of these increments. The Operational Manager for Employee Services responded by advising that the awarding of non-consolidated increments was decided by assessments carried out at performance reviews and that officers who had reached increment 3 within their pay range, if marked as “good” or “excellent” at performance review, would then move up to increment 4 which was non- consolidated, however prior to moving up again to increment 5, they would be taken back down to increment 3. The Member then sought further clarification as to whether the non-consolidated increments were awarded as a matter of course and whether there were any members of staff who were eligible and had not been awarded the increase in increment. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development responded that while there were no employees who were eligible and had not been awarded the non-consolidated increments at present, her service area was continually ensuring that the process relating to this remained robust.

A Member then raised concerns regarding the gender pay gap as indicated by the data contained in the supplementary information provided, to which the Operational Manager for Employee Services agreed that this should be looked at, however he also noted that this gap had been reduced since the introduction of the new pay structure. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development wished to further clarify that the gender pay gap had reduced from

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8.36% to 4.57% between 2017 and 2019, however she acknowledged that this issue was something that the Council needed to further work on.

The Committee Member then asked for clarification regarding the reference to the multiple between the median (average) full time equivalent pay and that of the Managing Director contained at Appendix A to the report and the statement that the Council would review this data annually and seek to benchmark this information as appropriate, asking for further information about what the benchmarking process looked like. The Operational Manager for Employee Services responded that in order to benchmark, the Pay Policies of other Local Authorities were looked at and considered.

A Committee Member then asked whether there were safeguards in place to ensure the Vale of Glamorgan did not face the same issues that had been encountered by Caerphilly County Borough Council in relation to the pay grades of senior officers, to which the Leader responded that the issues in question had arisen as a result of a self-appointed salary scale at the Local Authority in question, which he assured Committee Members did not take place at the Vale of Glamorgan.

The Chairman remarked that he was happy to support the Pay Policy, but expressed the view that more rigorous benchmarking was required. He highlighted that a reduction to the gender pay gap in particular should be prioritised and that the Local Authority should be aiming for this to be equal at all levels, noting that it was of particular concern that people might be taking breaks in their career and finding themselves unable to move upwards upon returning to work. The Chairman therefore suggested that reports regarding the benchmarking of both the median pay and that of the Chief Officer and the gender pay gap be prepared and tabled for discussion at future Scrutiny Committee meetings.

Having considered the report and there being no further questions, it was subsequently


(1) T H A T Cabinet endorsement of the Pay Policy be approved with the Committee noting that the report was to be presented to Full Council for final consideration and approval on 26th February, 2020.

(2) T H A T the comments of the Committee as below be submitted to Cabinet for its consideration:

• more clarity should be provided regarding how performance-based assessments were carried out for members of staff eligible for non- consolidated increments within their pay ranges; • further benchmarking be undertaken in relation to Chief Officer and Senior Officer salaries; • the Council should continue to reduce the gender pay gap with the aim for all scale levels to have equal representation

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(3) T H A T further reports as outlined in Recommendation (2) above be presented for discussion at future Scrutiny Committee meetings.

Reasons for recommendations

(1) In view of the contents of the report.

(2) To ensure that Cabinet is aware of the views of the Committee ahead of the reports final consideration and approval by Full Council.

(3) To provide Committee Members with further information for further discussion in relation to such matters.”


Cabinet, having considered the recommendations of the Corporate Resources and Performance Scrutiny Committee


(1) T H A T the Pay Policy be approved with Cabinet noting that the report was to be presented to Full Council for final consideration and approval on 26th February, 2020.

(2) T H A T

• performance-based assessments carried out for members of staff eligible for non-consolidated increments within their pay ranges are conducted using the Hays structure, the details of which can be made available to Scrutiny; • that further benchmarking be undertaken in relation to Chief Officer and Senior Officer salaries for Scrutiny; • the Council would continue to reduce the gender pay gap with the aim for all scale levels to have equal representation.

(3) T H A T it be noted that further reports as outlined in Recommendation (2) above be presented for discussion at future Scrutiny Committee meetings.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To approve the Pay Policy and present the report to Full Council for final consideration and approval.

(2&3) For information

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The Leader had requested that the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association Council and Executive meetings be made available via hyperlink in order to highlight them for information to Members of the Vale of Glamorgan Council. ------

RESOLVED – T H A T the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association – Council Meeting held on 27th September, 2019 be noted.

Reason for decision

To note the minutes.


The Leader had requested that the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association Council and Executive meetings be made available via hyperlink in order to highlight them for information to Members of the Vale of Glamorgan Council. ------

RESOLVED – T H A T the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association – Executive Meeting held on 25th October, 2019 be noted.

Reason for decision

To note the minutes.


The Leader had requested that the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association Council and Executive meetings be made available via hyperlink in order to highlight them for information to Members of the Vale of Glamorgan Council. ------

RESOLVED – T H A T the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association – Council Meeting held on 29th November, 2019 be noted.

Reason for decision

To note the minutes.

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The Leader had requested that the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association Council and Executive meetings be made available via hyperlink in order to highlight them for information to Members of the Vale of Glamorgan Council. ------

RESOLVED – T H A T the minutes of the Welsh Local Government Association – Executive Meeting held on 31st January, 2020 be noted.

Reason for decision

To note the minutes.


The minutes of the Vale of Glamorgan Local Access Forum meeting held on 3rd December, 2019 were submitted:

Present: Councillor E. Williams (Chairman), Mrs. S. Davies, Mrs. R. Exley, Mr. I. Fraser, Mr. J. Herbert, Mrs. K. Lucas, Mr. H.S. McMillan and Mr. G. Thomas.

Also present: Mr. G.J. Davies, Mr. S. Pickering, Mr. G. Teague, Mr. J. Walker and Mrs. S. Thomas (Vale of Glamorgan Council), and Mrs. M. Miyata-Lee (Natural Resources Wales)

(a) Apologies for Absence –

Apologies were received from Mr. R. Pittard (Deputy Chairman), Mr. F. Coleman and Mr. S. Gaffney.

(b) Minutes –

AGREED – T H A T the minutes of the meetings held on 13th February, 2019 be approved as a correct record.

(c) Coastal Access Improvement Programme: Update –

Mr. Teague provided an update on Coastal Access projects undertaken during 2019/20.

Mr. Teague began by advising the Forum that funding was allocated via a formula for which 100% was provided for realignment and 75% provided for improvement works. In addition, £643 was allocated per kilometre for Public Rights of Way maintenance and £20 per kilometre for non-maintained paths.

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Mr. Teague advised that the current Programme would run until the end of March 2021 which meant that projects needed to be completed in time for the March reclaim. He also advised that a new Regional Management Officer had been appointed.

Mr. Teague then provided an update on work undertaken on the following:

• Maintenance including Annual cuts, Llantwit Steps and Kissing Gates: • Aberthaw – drainage; • Nash Point to St. Donats – roll back of path; • Monknash – design work for repair of path; • – realignment of path.

AGREED – T H A T the report be noted.

(d) Maintenance Reports –

The Forum was provided with an update in relation to maintenance work that had been carried out. This included over 400 maintenance issues, 119 clearances and 314 signage issues.

With regard to maintenance, Mr. Teague advised that these were logged following a survey of paths undertaken during 2011. The Forum was also presented with a map to illustrate where the issues were.

A Member of Forum noted that there was a downward trend in the number of maintenance issues resolved. In reply, Mr. Teague advised that this was expected as issues were first logged back in 2011, and these were being ticked off once completed. There was a spike in 2015, when a large number of issues were resolved. This was expected as there were either straight forward fixes or big issues that need to be dealt with as a priority. Some issues were more difficult to resolve, such was where it was difficult to access land. Further to this query, Mr. Pickering stated that Rangers were very active, and where they could, they would go out and resolve issues. This was better than waiting for contractors to complete the work.

General discussion then ensued around the use of volunteers and Mr. Teague stated that Valeways was not currently fully staffed and there was an issue with capacity in terms of running volunteer programmes directly, so extra resources would be needed to run any volunteer scheme. Mr. Teague advised that a bid for funding had been submitted through the Enabling Natural Resources and Well-being Wales Project and discussions were ongoing with the Ramblers to see what assistance they could provide.

AGREED – T H A T the maintenance reports be noted.

(e) Legal Orders and Evidential Modification Orders Update –

The Forum was presented with an update on the Legal Orders and Modification Orders across the Vale of Glamorgan.

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Mrs. S. Thomas referred to Legal Orders identification numbers 76 (Llanblethian) and 83 (St. Andrews Major) for which objections had been received.

Since February 2020, a number of new Legal Orders had been received:

93 – Pendoylan 94 – St. Athan 94 – Barry 95 – Llantwit Major 96 – Llanblethian 97 - Penmark

These were noted by the Forum.

AGREED – T H A T the report be noted.

(f) Rights of Way Improvement Plan –

The Forum was asked to consider a revised Rights of Way Improvement Plan, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda papers.

Mr. Teague advised that the aims of the Improvement Plan had been updated following a workshop held with members of the Forum. As a result, actions were redrafted following the review and the revised Improvement Plan would be presented to Cabinet for adoption in the New Year.

The Forum noted that the key themes of the Improvement Plan remained, which were as follows:

• Management – actions 1 to 25; • Stakeholders – actions 26 to 36; and • Information – actions 37 to 41.

A Forum Member referred to Action 31 which related to working with motorised vehicle interest groups to look at appropriate opportunities for safe driving routes within the Vale. The Member stated that the biggest issue for this related to scrambler bikes and he queried whether this should be worded differently. In reply, Mr. Teague stated that inclusion of the word “appropriate” could be included and so this action would be looked at again.

AGREED – T H A T the revised Rights of Way Improvement Plan be agreed subject to Action 31 being revised.

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(g) Enabling Natural Resources and Wellbeing in Wales (ENRaW) – Bridle and Bike –

Mr. Walker provided an update on a bid submitted to the Welsh Government Enabling Natural Resources and Wellbeing in Wales project. The Vale’s bid include a bridle and mountain bike scheme which included the following:

• A review of existing bridle and bike provision and targeted opportunities for route creation; • Proposal and costing of a programme of work; • Collaboration with the user, local and nature conservation groups to implement, sustain and promote the network.

The aim of the scheme was to produce a plan for the delivery of a long distance horse and mountain bike trail that linked hubs of bridleway access across the programmed area. This would be established in collaboration with local, user and nature conservation groups which would look towards delivery and subsequent sustainability of the trail with the hope to capitalise the opportunities to develop trails as wildlife corridors. The programme area would align with the south and central Natural Resources Wales area statement which covered Bridgend, Vale of Glamorgan, Cardiff, Rhondda Cynon Taff and Merthyr.

The proposed project activities were:

• Delivery of a long-distance horse and mountain bike trail linking hubs of bridleway access across the South Central region, as developed in the Green Trails Network Plan (includes route, works and costs). • Feasibility, business planning and piloting of a profit-making gateway facility (bike-park) that will contribute to financially sustaining the regional trail in the long term. The pilot site was proposed to be Leckwith Woods (Cardiff/Vale border) with opportunities to replicate the model on other sites around the trail to be explored. • Animating and supporting local, user and nature conservation groups towards delivering and sustaining the trail and capitalising on opportunities for nature conservation. • Develop branding and marketing strategies

The Forum noted that gateway facilities would be profit making and provide focal points for activities around and within which user communities could organise. Piloting and developing the correct business model would be key to sustaining the resource overall. It was planned that the project would contribute to tourism, physical activity, wellbeing and green infrastructure objectives.

Mr. Walker advised that he had been post since June and so he was currently half way through the project, and the next 6 months would involve putting everything together and developing a delivery plan. Mr. Teague added that delivery of the new trail would involve creation of legal rights and ground works. It would be focussed on maintain momentum amongst community groups and working on a collaborative basis in order to deliver and maintain the trail.

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AGREED – T H A T the report be noted.


RESOLVED – T H A T the minutes of the Vale of Glamorgan Local Access Forum held on 3rd December, 2019 be noted.

Reason for decision

To note the minutes.


The Reshaping Services Programme is the Council's transformational change programme.

The report provided Cabinet with an update on the progress being made across the Council to deliver Reshaping Services projects. These projects aimed to protect priority services by working differently, in partnership and embracing innovation and change.

It was recommended that Cabinet refer the report to the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee for consideration and that a copy be sent to all Elected Members, Clerks of Town and Community Councils, members of the Voluntary Sector Joint Liaison Committee and Community Liaison Committee and the Public Services Board.

Councillor Burnett further noted that the Big Fresh Trading Company was now operating and receiving positive reviews of service to date. An update would be presented to Scrutiny within the first three months of operation.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H A T the content of the report, including the All Projects Summary Highlight Report at Appendix A, be noted. . (2) T H A T the report (including Appendix A) be referred to the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee for their consideration, with a particular emphasis on the administration and implementation of the programme.

(3) T H A T a copy of the report (including Appendix A) be sent to all Elected Members, Clerks of Town and Community Councils, members of the Voluntary

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Sector Joint Liaison Committee, Community Liaison Committee and the Public Services Board for their information and in order to provide an update on the progress being made on the Reshaping Services Programme.

(4) T H A T relevant projects be reported separately to Cabinet for approval prior to implementation.

(5) T H A T regular progress reports continue to be brought to Cabinet to provide information on the progress of the Reshaping Services Programme.

(6) T H A T Cabinet offered their congratulations to the Catering Team for making the launch a success.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To provide Cabinet with an update on the progress of the Reshaping Services Programme.

(2) To provide the Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee with an opportunity to consider the progress being made on the Programme as the lead Committee for the Programme.

(3) To provide these Committees, groups and the Public Services Board with an update on the progress being made on the Reshaping Services Programme.

(4) To ensure Cabinet approve any proposed changes resulting from Reshaping Services projects as appropriate.

(5) To ensure Cabinet are kept informed of the progress being made on the programme.

(6) To congratulate the Catering Team on performance to date.


Cabinet was advised of the exercising of Emergency Powers by the Managing Director since the last report of 16th December, 2019.

The Council’s Constitution at page 270 (delegated powers) states:


1. Power to act, after consulting the appropriate Cabinet Member and, in the case only of matters involving the Council in financial commitments, the Leader, Section 151 Officer and the appropriate Chief Officer, in respect of any matter which, in his opinion:

(a) requires immediate action; and

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(b) does not justify holding a special meeting of the body which would ordinarily consider the matter or is of such urgency or emergency as not to allow time for such a meeting; use of such delegated powers to be subsequently reported back to the Cabinet or Council as appropriate.”

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

RESOLVED – T H A T the exercising of the Managing Director’s Emergency Powers be noted.

Reason for decision

To note the use of the exercising of Emergency Powers by the Managing Director since 16th December, 2019.


The report brought to the attention of Cabinet the Council’s discretionary powers to award non-domestic rates relief to businesses within the Council's area under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.

The report drew Cabinet's attention to the proposed funding that would be provided by Welsh Government in order to support High Street and Retail businesses throughout the Council's area.

The report proposed that Cabinet recommended that Council adopted the High Street and Retail Rates Relief Scheme for 2020-21 in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.

This was a matter for Council decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H A T Cabinet recommend to Full Council the following:

• That Council adopts the High Street and Retail Rates Relief Scheme for 2020-21 in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988; • That Council resolves to award relief to all qualifying businesses as in accordance with the Non-domestic Rates High Street and Retail

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Rates Relief Guidance issued by the Welsh Government at Appendix A; • That Council resolves to automatically award entitlement to those qualifying business that can be identified through records held by the Council; • That Council resolves to award entitlement to the remaining businesses that may be eligible following receipt of a valid application form.

(2) T H A T the use of Article 14.14 of the Council's Constitution (Urgent Decision Procedure) be authorised in respect of Resolution (1) above.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To enable a scheme to be adopted using discretionary relief powers under section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 for the provision of High Street and Retail Rates Relief for qualifying business premises within the Vale of Glamorgan area.

(2) The use of Article 14.14 will enable the issue to be reported to Council on 26th February, 2020 with a view to introducing the Scheme on 1st April, 2020.


The five Education Cabinet Members of the Central South Consortium (CSC) Joint Committee commissioned the ISOS Partnership to undertake an independent review of the Consortium to ensure it was fit for purpose and financially viable for the foreseeable future

A report, attached as Appendix A, was presented to the Joint Committee on 19th December, 2019 who approved recommendations 2.1 to 2.3. A copy of the report and the ISOS report was attached in the Appendix to the report.

The Joint Committee approved a request that the ISOS report be shared with the Cabinets of the five Local Authorities to the Consortium before the end of February 2020, and the five Councils consider and restate their commitment to a joint approach to school improvement through the Consortium.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

RESOLVED – T H A T it be agreed to support the decision of the Central South Consortium Joint Committee to continue to deliver shared educational advisory services in partnership with the other four Councils in the region for at least the next three years.

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Reason for decision

In order that there is a regional commitment to implementing the required changes to the Central South Consortium model.


The Council had been awarded £650,000 from Welsh Government to construct a new unit on the Ysgol Dewi Sant site to accommodate the 30-hour childcare offer.

The schemes were traditionally delivered through the installation of a demountable building with a life span of 25 years. However, as Ysgol Dewi Sant was a new build school delivered as part of Band A of the 21st Century Schools Programme, options had to be considered to deliver a new build within the budget.

The design solution used at Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant was based on a model school template developed by ISG Construction Ltd in collaboration with Stride Treglown Architects. This utilised a standardised design while still affording flexibility to clients and end users.

The Council met with ISG Construction Ltd in June 2019 to discuss the potential to construct a permanent building consistent with the existing school building to accommodate the childcare offer.

ISG Construction Ltd had been able to provide a saving as they were proposing to use the same design team who undertook the existing main primary school build, who would have knowledge of the site and access to existing site survey information / data. ISG Construction Ltd were also currently delivering schemes in the Western Vale as they were recently appointed to deliver three 210 place primary school build projects as part of Band B of the 21st Century Schools Programme.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

RESOLVED – T H A T the report be noted and considered in connection with the Part II report later in the agenda.

Reason for decision

To allow Part I and II reports to be considered together.

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The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Framework was last tendered in 2014 and had now expired. A tendering process to appoint two contractors for the framework was completed in October 2019. Following this competitive tendering process tenders had been received for these works

Cabinet approval was being requested to appoint the two highest scoring tenders and enter into a Framework contract to deliver disabled adaptations to private homes in the Vale of Glamorgan

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

RESOLVED – T H A T the proposed contract award arrangements for the Disabled Facilities Grant Framework be noted and considered in relation to the part II report later on the agenda.

Reason for decision

That Cabinet notes the contents of this report, with a view to taking decisions on the award of the Framework detailed within the Part II report later on this agenda


The report brought to the attention of Cabinet the outcome of the resident consultation exercise at Channel View, Marcross seeking residents’ views on their preferred option in response to the sewerage treatment options appraisal and viability study. The options consulted upon included, do nothing, increase capacity of the current system, replace with a single package treatment works, or replace with 10 individual package treatment works.

On the basis that all residents had expressed a preference for the Council to replace the existing system with a single package treatment works, the report sought approval to tender, via the Sell2Wales portal, for a suitable replacement sewage treatment system.

Subsequently further resident consultation would be necessary to discuss the individual costs and payment options and a further report to Cabinet to procure the works and outline the legal issues arising.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

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Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H A T the content of this report and the outcome of the resident consultation be noted.

(2) T H A T approval be given to the Director of Environment and Housing to tender for a replacement single package treatment works at Channel View Marcross via the Sell to Wales portal.

(3) T H A T a further report be presented to Cabinet following the tender exercise highlighting the financial implications and repayment options for residents.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To ensure Cabinet is aware of the views of residents regarding the Channel View, Marcross cesspit options appraisal and viability study.

(2) To comply with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules and Contracts Procedural Rules and that any commissioned works represent value for money.

(3) To enable an informed decision to be made in relation to the progression of the replacement works.


The Leader requested that the report requesting approval to award the Housing Airey Properties Refurbishment Scheme to the most advantageous tender bid be withdrawn at this stage due to issues that were contained in the Part II report that needed to be addressed before any decision was taken.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

RESOLVED – T H A T the report be withdrawn at this time and an updated report be brought to a future public meeting for Cabinet consideration.

Reason for decision

To address report issues and advise of the current position with this particular improvement work contract.

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The report brought to the attention of Cabinet the proposed procurement and award of the Housing Windows and Doors Replacement Scheme 2020.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

RESOLVED – T H A T the contents of the report be noted, with a view to taking decisions on the award of the contract detailed within the Part II report later on this agenda.

Reason for decision

To advise of the current position with this particular WHQS maintenance contract.


The report brought to the attention of Cabinet, a proposal to develop 14 no. one bedroom two person apartments for applicants over 55 years of age in Penarth’s Cornerswell Ward, on land at St. Cyres Road, which was held by the Environment and Housing Services Directorate and appropriated to the HRA.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H AT the proposal to provide a new development of 14 no. one bedroom two person apartments for applicants over 55 years of age in Penarth’s Cornerswell Ward be noted.

(2) That the requirement to take formal decisions on the progression of the above proposal, as part of the wider considerations detailed in the Part II report later in the agenda be noted.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To advise Cabinet of the intention to increase the supply of new Council owned homes.

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(2) To ensure decisions are made to progress this proposed development of new Council owned homes.


The Holm View Leisure Centre was due to be returned to Council control on 1st January, 2021 as part of the extension of the Leisure Management Contract.

In preparation for its return and having assessed that there was no suitable / affordable Council use for the building it was proposed to dispose of the property by way of a long lease.

However, given the location of the building and the opportunities it could offer to both its local Community and the wider community of the Vale of Glamorgan a high priority would be given to the future community use of facility within the evaluation process.

The report sought authority to declare the property surplus and to embark on a marketing exercise to dispose of the property by way of a long-term lease.

A further report would be presented to Cabinet once the outcome of the marketing process was known.

Councillor McCaffer added she was pleased to see this report come forward as there would be better use of the building if the community were involved.

Councillor Mrs. Wilkinson added that as the local Ward Member she was very keen to see the site progress positively.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H AT the Holm View Leisure Centre be declared as surplus to Council requirements.

(2) T H A T delegated authority be granted to the Director of Environment and Housing Services in consultation with the Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer to market the property by way of a long leasehold opportunity for a range of community uses as identified in a planning brief.

(3) T H A T an update report be presented to Cabinet with the outcome of the marketing process with clear recommendations for the future of the Holm View Leisure Centre at the appropriate time.

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Reasons for decisions

(1) To enable the property to be disposed of at the appropriate time.

(2) To enable the marketing of the property to be undertaken.

(3) To enable Cabinet to make a final decision on the future of the Holm View Leisure Centre.


There was a requirement to ensure the best possible access to the Vale’s commercial and tourist areas. One way of doing this was by having appropriate public transport and active travel networks in place and ensuring that car parking spaces were available for those who needed them most.

When managed properly, car parking could benefit the economic activity of areas that it served. It facilitated good access to towns and amenities for residents, workers, shoppers and visitors. There was a need to invest in adequate car parking for those who wanted to visit the Vale of Glamorgan and those who worked within resorts and town centres. It was not simply about maximising car parking space, it was more about ensuring that car parks were well maintained and are accessible as well as ensuring that there were a range of options available to meet short and long stay visitors, businesses and employees in a way that did not detract from the economic viability and vitality of an area.

The report outlined the guiding principles and charging regimes for car parks and charges following consideration of the comments received to the consultation undertaken on Capita's Draft Parking Strategy in the Summer of 2018 and reviews of a previous Draft Parking Policy undertaken by the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee on 4th April, 2019 and Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committee on 11th April, 2019.

The guiding principles and charging regimes proposed were summarised as follows:

Town Centre Car Parks

ALL FREE except at the proposed Shoppers’ Car parks at Wyndham Street, Barry and Town Hall Cowbridge. Charges proposed for Shoppers’ Car Parks up to 2 hours FREE, up to 4 hours £2.00, and all day £6.00. Tariffs applicable 6 days per week Monday-Saturday from 8am to 6pm with blue badge holders free.

NO CHARGES were proposed for on-street car parking within any of the town centres.

The Llantwit Major car parks were subject to separate consideration and discussions with Llantwit Major Town Council and were not covered by the report.

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Resort and Coastal Car Parks

NO CHARGES were proposed for on street car parking at any of the resorts.

Resort car park charges ( – Southerndown – Ogmore by Sea) would remain as they were for the summer months but would apply all year round. (Resort car parks would not be subject to any seasonal variation in tariff reflecting their all year-round use). Late afternoon and early evening tariffs would continue to apply.

Annual Permits would be available for coastal resort car parks for the first time at a cost of £50 for 6 months and £100 for 12 months. Disabled persons with blue badges would park for free.

Bus and coach parking at resorts would be set at £30.00 all day.

Other coastal (non-resort) car parks at Barry (Cold Knap and Bron y Mor), Llantwit Major Cwm Colhuw, Penarth Cliff Walk, Ogmore by Sea (Portabello), West Farm Southerndown and Llwyn Passat Penarth are used by a mix of residents and visitors to the area and were largely seasonal in demand. Therefore, NO CHARGES were proposed at these car parks.

Country Parks Car Parks

NO CHARGES were proposed until after 10.00 am in Cosmeston Lakes and Porthkerry Country Park. After 10.00 am until 8.00 pm from 1st March to 30th September and until 5.00 pm from 1st October to end of February charges were proposed with up to 2 hours parking for £1.00, up to 4 hours, £2.00 and £4.00 all day. Bus and coach parking at £30.00 all day. Parking permits would be available for 6 months at £30 or £50 per annum which could be used at either Country Park. Disabled persons with blue badges would park for free.

Waiting Restrictions and Traffic Regulations

No charges or changes to the current Residents Parking Permit Policy were proposed for 2020/21 which would remain FREE to eligible residents.

All existing Traffic Regulations would remain in force unless subject to separate consideration and consultation.

It was not proposed to introduce any additional traffic regulations to prevent displacement parking in the town centres or the areas surrounding the Country Parks. The need or otherwise for additional measures would be assessed as necessary in due course. In the interim, appropriate signing would be installed in residential areas in the immediate vicinity of Cosmeston Country Park and Barry Island to deter displacement parking.

A further report would be presented to Cabinet providing an update on enforcement and to consider if any further residential parking requirements were required.

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Ways to Pay and Exemptions

The report proposed to use modern solar powered 'Pay and Display' Machines with coins and chip / pin / contactless options. Digital payment methods including a Parking App would also be improved through investment in new technology. Consideration was also to be given to installing electric charging points within car parks and on street.

Leisure Centres

Leisure Centre Car Parks at Barry, Cowbridge and Penarth were subject to separate discussions with Legacy Leisure as part of the ongoing contract negotiations. Legacy Leisure had requested the introduction of controls in these car parks to favour leisure centre users and this would be the subject of a further report to Cabinet in the near future.

Councillor Burnett stated that the report was a Joint Cabinet report as the issues were influenced by a large number of factors including the needs of resorts, country parks, resident and business requirements, employers, visitors and shoppers.

It had been important to take the time to review the previous data, decisions and Scrutiny considerations. The detail would once again go to Scrutiny for completeness and Cabinet welcomed their engagement.

There may be issues concerning resident parking and displacement that would be the subject of a future report.

Councillor King added that the first Scrutiny meeting would take place on 25th February, 2020. Going forward there would be a focus on better enforcement as well as boosting footfall to traders.

Councillor Gray felt it was positive to have a range of free parking options and important to simplify matters and make matters clearer for people visiting the area, having listened to feedback.

Councillor More also referred to there being reasonable annual permits available, better enforcement going forward and any issues with displacement would also be addressed going forward. There would also be further discussions with Llantwit Major Town Council and Leisure Centre users parking in Barry, Cowbridge and Penarth.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

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(1) T H AT the proposed Car Parking – Guiding Principles and Charges and Equality Impact Assessment as attached at Appendices 1 and 2 to the report be noted.

(2) T H A T the report be referred to the Environment and Regeneration and Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committees for consideration.

(3) T H A T following consideration by the Environment and Regeneration and Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committees, the Proposed Car Parking – Guiding Principles and Charges for 2020/2021 and Equality Impact Assessment attached at Appendices 1 and 2 to the report be further considered by Cabinet.

(4) T H A T, subject to consideration by the Environment and Regeneration and Corporate Performance and Resources Scrutiny Committees, Cabinet consider a delegation to the Director of Environment and Housing in consultation with the Leader, the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport, the Managing Director and Head of Finance to source the most economically advantageous method of financing the purchase and installation of equipment for car parks as required to support the implementation of this Policy.

(5) T H A T a further report be received by Cabinet providing an update on Enforcement of Parking in the Vale of Glamorgan.

(6) T H A T a further report be received by Cabinet detailing the arrangements for improving Leisure Centre users parking in Barry, Cowbridge and Penarth.

(7) T H A T a further report be received in relation to parking arrangements in Llantwit Major, following the conclusion of discussions with Llantwit Major Town Council.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To advise Cabinet of the proposed Car Parking – Guiding Principles and Charges for 2020/21 and accompanying Equality Impact Assessment.

(2) To ensure that the views of the relevant Scrutiny Committees are considered prior to a decision being taken by Cabinet on the final Car Parking- Guiding Principles and Charges for 2020/2021.

(3) To further consider the Car Parking – Guiding Principles and Charges for 2020/21 and Equality Impact Assessment.

(4) To ensure that the infrastructure required to facilitate charging is sought in the most economically advantageous way.

(5) To ensure parking enforcement matches the needs of the approved parking proposals.

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(6) To obtain the agreement of Cabinet for the introduction of new parking controls at these locations.

(7) To advise Cabinet of arrangements in Llantwit Major.


RESOLVED – T H A T under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 4 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Act, the relevant paragraphs of the Schedule being referred to in brackets after the minute heading.


The Council had been awarded £650,000 from Welsh Government to construct a new unit on the Ysgol Dewi Sant site to accommodate the 30-hour childcare offer.

These schemes were traditionally delivered through the installation of a demountable building with a life span of 25 years. However, as Ysgol Dewi Sant was a new build school delivered as part of Band A of the 21st Century Schools Programme, options had been considered to deliver a new build within the budget.

The design solution used at Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant was based on a model school template developed by ISG Construction Ltd in collaboration with Stride Treglown Architects. This utilised a standardised design while still affording flexibility to clients and end users.

The Council met with ISG Construction Ltd in June 2019 to discuss the potential to construct a permanent building consistent with the existing school building to accommodate the childcare offer.

The tender from ISG Construction Ltd was the total value of £629,285.05 which was £66,018 (9%) less than the estimated costs developed by our cost managers, AECOM Ltd.

ISG Construction Ltd had been able to provide a saving as they were proposing to use the same design team who undertook the existing main primary school build, who would have knowledge of the site and access to existing site survey information / data. ISG Construction Ltd were also currently delivering schemes in the Western Vale as they were recently appointed to deliver three 210 place primary school build projects as part of Band B of the 21st Century Schools Programme.

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It was recommended that Contract Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be waived in order to allow acceptance of the tender received from ISG Construction Ltd.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H A T Contract Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be waived in order to allow acceptance of a negotiated tender for the construction of a new childcare provision at Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant.

(2) T H AT, subject to Resolution (1) above, the tender of ISG Construction Ltd be accepted.

(3) T H AT the Monitoring Officer / Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to execute the NEC4 Option A (Lump Sum with Activity Schedule) Contract with ISG Construction Ltd.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To allow a permanent building is able to be constructed, consistent with the existing new build school building completed as part of Band A of the Council's 21st Century Schools Programme.

(2&3) To permit execution of formal contracts between the Council and ISG Construction Ltd.


The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Framework was last tendered in 2014 and had now expired. A tendering process to appoint two contractors for the framework was completed in October 2019. Following this competitive tendering process tenders had been received for these works.

Cabinet approval was being requested to appoint the two highest scoring tenders and enter into a Framework contract to deliver disabled adaptations to private homes in the Vale of Glamorgan.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

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(1) T H AT the award of the Disabled Facilities Grant Framework for the delivery of Disabled Facilities Grant agency adaptations to SMK Limited and Jefferies Contractors Ltd. (Wales) be approved.

(2) T H A T delegated authority be granted to the Monitoring Officer / Head of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, to prepare and execute contracts with each of the successful contractors.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To comply with the Council's Contract Standing Orders, which require contracts with a value in excess of £300,000 to be agreed by Cabinet.

(2) To enable the contract documentation to be finalised.


As discussed under Minute No. 243, the Leader requested that the report be withdrawn at this stage due to issues that were contained in the Part II report that needed to be addressed before any decision was taken.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein

RESOLVED – T H A T the report be withdrawn at this time and an updated report be brought to a future public meeting for Cabinet consideration.

Reason for decision

To address report issues and advise of the current position with this particular improvement work contract.


The report brought to the attention of Cabinet the proposed procurement and award of the Housing Windows and Doors Replacement Scheme 2020.

The report sought delegated authority to accept the tender bid and award and execute the JCT Intermediate 2016 contract to the most advantageous bidder through the Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA) Framework.

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This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H A T the ‘Housing Windows and Doors Replacement Scheme’, outlined in the report, be procured through the ‘WPA Windows and Doors Framework’.

(2) T H A T subject to the approval of the Capital Programme by Council on 26th February 2020, a value for money analysis on the tender process and a tender return within budget, the Director of Environment and Housing, and the Head of Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Building Services, be provided with delegated authority to accept and award the tender for this service in accordance with the Council's Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders.

(3) That the Monitoring Officer / Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to execute the JCT Intermediate 2016 contract with the contractor selected for Direct Award under the WPA Windows and Doors Framework.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To ensure the Council provides value for money replacement windows and doors within its housing stock.

(2) To deliver the identified Windows and Doors due for replacement within its housing stock to maintain Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) compliance.

(3) To meet the requirements of the Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders.


The report brought to the attention of Cabinet, a proposal to develop 14 no. one bedroom two person apartments for applicants over 55 years of age in Penarth’s Cornerswell Ward, on land at St. Cyres Road, which was held by the Environment and Housing Services Directorate and appropriated to the HRA.

The report further discussed the financial viability of the Scheme and evidenced the demand for this type of housing in Penarth.

The report then made the recommendation that Cabinet approved the Scheme and delegated authority to Officers, in order that the Scheme could progress to the submission of a detailed Planning Application and procurement in accordance with the Council's Contract Procurement Rules.

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Cabinet noted the importance of training opportunities offered as part of the main contract and in accordance with the Welsh Government’s 'Value Wales' Toolkit, as well as needing to build more homes in the Vale of Glamorgan.

This was a matter for Executive decision.

Cabinet, having considered the report and all the issues and implications contained therein


(1) T H A T the Director of Environment and Housing be authorised to submit a detailed planning application for the development of 14 no. one bedroom two person apartments on land at St. Cyres Road and to secure all the necessary statutory consents for the development.

(2) T H A T the Director of Environment and Housing be authorised, in consultation with the Head of Finance / Section 151 Officer, to commence tendering procedures for the works and services outlined in this report, subject to receiving the requisite planning consent.

(3) T H A T, subject to the receipt of the requisite planning consent, Cabinet grant delegated authority to the Director of Environment and Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Building Services and the Head of Finance / Section 151 Officer, to accept and award contracts to the successful tenderers for these works and services in accordance with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules.

(4) T H A T the Monitoring Officer / Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to prepare and execute the appropriate contracts with the successful tenderers.

Reasons for decisions

(1) To progress the detailed design and submission of a full planning application for the Scheme.

(2) To prepare the detailed suite of documentation in readiness for the tendering process for the Scheme.

(3) To progress the Scheme and accept tenders from and award contracts to the successful bidders under the Council's Contract Procedure Rules.

(4) To allow the Council to enter into contracts with the successful bidders.

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