Arizona State Legislature House Speaker Pro Tempore T.J. Shope (R-8) Senator (R-8)

1700 West Washington  Phoenix,  85007-2844

Friday, July 13, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Rep. Shope and Sen. Pratt Send Letter to Corporation Commission Urging Rapid Timeline of Johnson Utilities Investigation

STATE CAPITOL, PHOENIX – House Speaker Pro Tempore T.J. Shope (R-8) and Senator Frank Pratt (R-8) today sent a letter to Arizona Corporation Commission Chairman Tom Forese urging swift implementation of their investigation of Johnson Utilities. This request follows a recommendation this week by an administrative law judge to appoint an emergency manager for the utility.

Johnson Utilities has been under scrutiny for water outages and pressure issues experienced by its customers in Pinal County.

“Water outages and pressure issues pose dangerous threats to our constituents in San Tan Valley,” said Representative Shope and Senator Pratt in the letter.

“San Tan Valley residents should not have their health and safety jeopardized due to the managerial incompetence of Johnson Utilities, LLC.”

Text of the letter can be found below.

*** July 13, 2018

Chairman Tom Forese Arizona Corporation Commission 1200 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Chairman Forese:

We write today to urge swift implementation of the timeline proposed by Commissioners and in the matter of the Commission’s investigation into water outages and pressure issues experienced by customers of Johnson Utilities, LLC in San Tan Valley.

Additionally, we request that the Commission consider appointing an interim manager, as recommended this week by Administrative Law Judge Sarah Harpring, to oversee Johnson Utilities, LLC without further delay to the proposed timeline. We believe that the Commission also has a responsibility to require adequate funding from the utility to alleviate the issues regarding water pressure and water quality, protect ratepayers from seeing high rate hikes to pay for these issues, and lastly find a permanent solution to the issues in San Tan Valley.

Water outages and pressure issues pose dangerous threats to our constituents in San Tan Valley. Because the water pressure of fire hydrants in San Tan Valley does not meet code, firefighters have had to haul their own water to fire sites. Pressure issues can also contribute to outbreaks of waterborne diseases. San Tan Valley residents should not have their health and safety jeopardized due to the managerial incompetence of Johnson Utilities, LLC.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and please let us know if we can provide any assistance.


Representative T.J. Shope Senator Frank Pratt Legislative District 8 Legislative District 8

CC: Commissioner Robert Burns CC: Commissioner Boyd Dunn CC: Commissioner Justin Olson CC: Commissioner Andy Tobin


CONTACT: Matthew Specht Mike Philipsen Director of Communications Director of Communications House Republican Caucus Senate Majority Staff 602-926-5518 602-926-3972 [email protected] [email protected]