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Ants recognize foes and not friends

Fernando J. Guerrieri, Volker Nehring, Charlotte G. Jørgensen, John Nielsen, C. Giovanni Galizia and Patrizia d'Ettorre

Proc. R. Soc. B published online 1 April 2009 doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.1860

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Proc. R. Soc. B doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.1860 Published online

Ants recognize foes and not friends Fernando J. Guerrieri1, Volker Nehring1, Charlotte G. Jørgensen1,2, John Nielsen3, C. Giovanni Galizia4 and Patrizia d’Ettorre1,* 1Centre for Social Evolution, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark 2Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Jagtvej 162, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark 3Department of Natural Sciences, Bioorganic Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg, Denmark 4Lehrstuhl fu¨r Neurobiologie, University of Konstanz, Universita¨tsstrasse 10, 78457 Konstanz, Germany Discriminating among individuals and rejecting non-group members is essential for the evolution and stability of societies. Ants are good models for studying recognition mechanisms, because they are typically very efficient in discriminating ‘friends’ (nest-mates) from ‘foes’ (non-nest-mates). Recognition in ants involves multicomponent cues encoded in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. Here, we tested whether workers of the carpenter Camponotus herculeanus use the presence and/or absence of cuticular hydrocarbons to discriminate between nest-mates and non-nest-mates. We supplemented the cuticular profile with synthetic hydrocarbons mixed to liquid food and then assessed behavioural responses using two different bioassays. Our results show that (i) the presence, but not the absence, of an additional hydrocarbon elicited aggression and that (ii) among the three classes of hydrocarbons tested (unbranched, mono-methylated and dimethylated alkanes; for mono-methylated alkanes, we present a new synthetic pathway), only the dimethylated alkane was effective in eliciting aggression. Our results suggest that carpenter ants use a fundamentally different mechanism for nest-mate recognition than previously thought. They do not specifically recognize nest-mates, but rather recognize and reject non-nest-mates bearing odour cues that are novel to their own colony cuticular hydrocarbon profile. This begs for a reappraisal of the mechanisms underlying recognition systems in social . Keywords: recognition systems; nest-mate recognition; cuticular hydrocarbons; ants

1. INTRODUCTION Insects live in a world of odours. Ants have been The organization of individual organisms into social described as ‘walking chemical factories’ (Ho¨lldobler & groups is one of the major transitions in evolution Wilson 1990), so it is not surprising that their recognition (Maynard Smith & Szathma´ry 1997). The stability of system is based on chemical cues (Ho¨lldobler 1995). Ant many social groups requires that individuals are able to bodies are covered by a layer of cuticular hydrocarbons discriminate group members from non-group members in that probably evolved to prevent desiccation and has since order to direct potentially costly helping behaviour only to been co-opted to function in recognition (Howard & the former and to reject the latter that can be expected Blomquist 2005). Cuticular hydrocarbon cues are per- to steal the society resources. Therefore, one of the ceived by other individuals by direct antennal contact or at conditions favouring the evolution and maintenance of a short distance (Cuvillier-Hot et al. 2005; Brandstaetter sociality is the ability to discriminate friends and foes et al. 2008). The pattern of cuticular hydrocarbons can be (Hamilton 1987). Social have evolved multi- complex and dynamic, with many compounds varying faceted recognition systems (Starks 2004), the study of both qualitatively (different typically have different which can contribute to an integrated understanding compounds) and quantitatively (different colonies of the of the ultimate evolutionary forces shaping social life. same species have different relative proportions of Social insects, particularly ants, represent one of the the same hydrocarbons) (Lenoir et al. 1999, 2001). pinnacles of social evolution and are tremendously A typical ant cuticular hydrocarbon profile is composed successful (Ho¨lldobler & Wilson 1990; Boomsma & of linear and methyl-branched molecules (alkanes) and Franks 2006). The ecological dominance of social insects sometimes unsaturated molecules (alkenes), with a chain probably depends on the remarkable organization of their length ranging generally from 20 to 40 carbon atoms. societies, where individuals are highlyefficient in recognizing Molecules differing in their structure may carry different friends and foes (nest-mates versus non-nest-mates). information, and probably not all cuticular substances are relevant for recognition (d’Ettorre & Moore 2008). For instance, in honeybees (Apis mellifera), unsaturated * Author for correspondence ([email protected]). molecules (alkenes) seem to be more important than Electronic supplementary material is available at linear alkanes in nest-mate recognition (Chaˆline et al.2005; 1098/rspb.2008.1860 or via Dani et al. 2005). In paper wasps (Polistes dominulus),

Received 14 December 2008 Accepted 13 March 2009 1 This journal is q 2009 The Royal Society Downloaded from on November 26, 2009

2 F. J. Guerrieri et al. Ants recognize foes and not friends the topical supplementation of alkenes and methyl- 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS branched alkanes interferes with nest-mate recognition, (a) Origin of hydrocarbons and supplementation of while linear alkanes do not have any significant effect the cuticular profile (Dani et al. 2001). This may be a consequence of the fact Four colonies of the C. herculeanus were that more configurations per chain length are possible for collected in Denmark during summer 2006 and 2007, methyl-branched alkanes and alkenes than for linear brought to the laboratory and kept under standardized alkanes (Chaˆline et al. 2005). Also, recent studies on laboratory conditions (248C; 12 L : 12 D). From each labo- ants have suggested that unsaturated or branched ratory colony, we created pairs of subcolonies consisting of hydrocarbons contain more information than linear ones 35 workers each. These were housed in plastic boxes with a and are more often used in nest-mate recognition (Akino plaster floor (18!10!6 cm). For supplementation, we et al. 2004; Martin et al. 2008), although in some species coated the central surface (5 mm diameter circle) of a also linear alkanes appear to play a role (e.g. Greene & microscope cover slip (18!18 mm) with a hydrocarbon Gordon 2007). However, despite the growing body of solution (2 mg pure hydrocarbon per ant present in the evidence identifying recognition cues in social insects, the subcolony). After the solvent had evaporated, we added 20 ml perceptual, neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying of honey–water solution (1 : 1) and stirred to mix the nest-mate recognition remain substantially unknown. hydrocarbon with the honey. One subcolony of each pair It is often implicitly or explicitly assumed that received honey supplemented with a pure hydrocarbon, the recognition occurs when the ‘label’ of the encountered other was sham treated (with only pentane, the solvent). We individual (e.g. a specific pattern of cuticular hydro- used three different hydrocarbons: a dimethylated alkane, carbons) matches a ‘template’ consisting of the neural 3,11-dimethylheptacosane (thereafter coded as d); a mono- representation of the typical colony label (colony odour) in methylated alkane, 11-methylhexacosane (m); and an the discriminating individual (Crozier 1987; Breed 1998; unbranched, linear alkane, eicosane (l). Thus, we had three Lenoir et al. 1999; Starks 2004). This model requires different pairs of subcolonies: dC (d supplemented) and dK storage of the template into long-term memory, and (d deficient); mC and mK; and lC and the lK. In all groups, different forms of either simple or more complex learning the ants immediately consumed the honey solution and have been proposed. Recognition is thus inferred to occur exchanged it via trophallaxis. None of the three hydrocarbons via an assessment of the overall similarity between colony was originally present on the ant cuticle (see figure S3 in the odour and alien odour, as the bouquet of individuals electronic supplementary material), but all of them are living in the same colony generates a ‘Gestalt colony odour’ representative of those compounds commonly found on the (Crozier & Dix 1979; Lenoir et al. 1999). In a more cuticle of carpenter ants (Bonavita-Cougourdan et al. 1987 general approach, Sherman et al. (1997) proposed the for ). Eicosane (n-C20) was purchased from ‘D-present/U-absent’ model that consists of two Sigma-Aldrich (99% purity). The dimethyl alkane, mechanisms for template matching, and has been recently 3,11-dimeC27 (3,11-dimethylheptacosane), was synthesized tested in stingless (Frieseomelitta varia; Couvillon & by the laboratory of Prof Wittko Francke (University of Ratnieks 2008). According to this recognition system, an Hamburg, Germany), synthetic pathway in d’Ettorre et al. ant guard at the nest entrance would (i) accept newly (2004). The monomethyl alkane, 11-meC26 (11-methylhex- arriving individuals when they possess desirable cues acosane), was synthesized for the present study (figure 1; see (D-present: these cues are present mostly on nest-mates, the electronic supplementary material). but rarely on non-nest-mates) or (ii) accept incomers Bioassays were done 24 hours after supplementation. when they do not possess undesirable cues (U-absent: To verify that the hydrocarbons had been incorporated into these undesirable cues are absent on nest-mates, but the ant cuticular profile, a sample of the treated workers for present on most non-nest-mates). Thus, this model each pair of subcolonies was analysed by Solid Phase Micro assumes the recognition and acceptance of nest-mates by Extraction, rubbing the ant body with a 7 mm polymethyl- evaluating either the presence or the absence of the cues siloxane fibre (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) for 5 min. The they carry, and the rejection of all other individuals. fibre was injected into an Agilent Technologies 6890N gas Here, we present an alternative model suggesting chromatograph (capillary column: HP5MS 30 m!250 mm! that ants specifically recognize non-nest-mates, which are 0.25 mm; injector: split–splitless;carryinggas:heliumat K rejected, leading to the acceptance of all other individuals. 1 ml min 1). The temperature programme ranged from 70 K K We hypothesized that ants use a simple ‘U-present’ rule to 2008Cat308Cmin 1, and from 200 to 3008Cat38Cmin 1. only: individuals bearing an undesirable cue, i.e. a cue Compounds were identified on the basis of their mass spectra, that is present on the cuticle of undesirable individuals produced by an Agilent Technologies 5975 inert mass and not present on the cuticle of desirable nest-mates, selective detector (70 eV electron impact ionization) coupled would be rejected. Our model gives the same observable with the gas chromatography. discrimination behaviour as other models (acceptance of nest-mates/rejection of non-nest-mates), but it is based (b) Aggression test on a different mechanism of perception. We tested the Each aggression test consisted of an encounter between three U-present hypothesis by supplementing the cuticle of ‘resident’ ants and one ‘alien’ ant, with alien and residents Camponotus herculeanus ants with synthetic hydrocarbons coming from the same subcolony pair. We had six possible that were not originally present in their cuticular profile. combinations: dC versus dK;mC versus mK;lC versus lK and We used a natural supplementation procedure (via food their reciprocal combinations: dK versus dC;mK versus mC; manipulation), which is novel and we recorded the lKversus lC. Each ant was used in one test only. Each subcolony discrimination behaviour of ants in two different kinds of consisted of 35 ants, of these 8 were used as alien and 24 as bioassays, one using free-walking ants and the other using resident for a total of 16 aggression tests per each pair of harnessed ants. subcolonies. Aggression tests were performed in a circular

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Ants recognize foes and not friends F. J. Guerrieri et al. 3

Znl OH 2 n-BuLi HO S RMgBr SSNaBH CN S C H CHO 3 C9H19 9 19 R R′CHO (4) R′ ′ R CH2OH ′ 2 (R=C8H17) 3 5 (R =C12H25)

Znl2 NaBH CN (i) Raney Ni 3 S C13H27 C9H19 (ii) H2, Pd/C C10H21 C15H31

6 11-meC26 (1) (11-methylhexacosane)

Figure 1. Synthesis of 11-meC26 (11-methylhexacosane). arena (diameter 5 cm) lined with filter paper, which and mouth parts (Guerrieri & d’Ettorre 2008). The ants were previously had been in the residents’ nest-box for at least left undisturbed for 2 hours to habituate to the harness. After 2 hours to acquire the residents’ colony odour. Thus, the resting, those individuals that could actively move their arena was not a neutral environment but was probably antennaeand mandibles (more than 90%) were used for testing. perceived as home territory by the residents and foreign The chemical stimuli were: (i) solvent, (ii) cuticular territory by the alien. To ensure acclimatization, we hydrocarbon extract of ants from the same subcolony as the introduced the ants into the arena 5 min prior to the start test ant, (iii) the synthetic hydrocarbon used for supple- of the experiment; the alien ant was separated from the mentation, (iv) cuticular hydrocarbon extract of ants from the residents by a plastic cylinder. We started the experiment by other subcolony of the pair, and (v) cuticular hydrocarbon removing the cylinder and recorded the behaviour of the extract of ants from an additional colony (control). Ten residents towards the alien during 3 min. The experiment was microlitres of each ant extract (one ant equivalent) were replicated four times for each hydrocarbon treatment (total poured on the tip of a Pasteur pipette (hereafter stimulation sample size in figure 2). All aggression tests were performed pipette) using a Hamilton syringe. For pure hydrocarbons, by the same experimenter who was not aware of the origin of 10 ml of solution in pentane (0.01 mg mlK1) were poured on the tested ants (blind trials). the tip of the stimulation pipette, similarly to cuticular We quantified the duration of the following behaviours extracts. Thus, 100 ng of hydrocarbon were deposited on the (received by the alien) using the software ETHOLOG v. 2.2 stimulation pipette. The pipette was held with its tip (Ottoni 2000): antennal contact; mandible opening (repre- downwards to keep the extract around the outer part, up to senting a threat, the first aggressive display in ants); biting; 3 mm from the tip, until pentane completely evaporated. and gaster flexing. At any time, the strongest aggression Each test was composed of seven trials (two blank display was recorded, e.g. if the alien received mandible stimulations followed by the five different stimuli mentioned openingandbitingatthesametimebytwodifferent above). Each trial lasted 1 min and involved presenting one residents, the duration of biting was recorded. Behaviours stimulus at a time to each test ant. One individual was placed were ranked from minimum to maximum aggression level (a): under a stereomicroscope, after 25 s the antennae were gently antennal contact (aZ0), mandible opening (aZ1), biting touched for 5 s with the tip of one of the stimulation pipettes, (aZ2) and gaster flexing (aZ3). For each aggression test, an after another 25–30 s the individual was returned to its resting overall aggression index (AI) was computed according to the place. The inter-trial interval was 10 min to avoid adaptation formula (cf. d’Ettorre et al. 2000) of the antennal receptors. Then, the ant was set under the Pn stereomicroscope again to be presented with the next ai$ti stimulus. The procedure was performed twice using a clean Z AI Z i 1 ; pipette (blank stimulation) to reduce spontaneous aggression T as a reaction to tactile stimulation. Then, the five stimuli were where ai and ti are the aggression level and total duration of presented in a randomized order. Mandible opening response each action, respectively, and T is the total interaction time. (MOR) was recorded as a categorical variable: when an ant Only encounters during which the residents interacted with opened its mandibles wide, i.e. displacing them from their the alien ant were used for data analysis (approx. 90% of resting position, as the antenna was touched with the the encounters). stimulation pipette, the response was noted aggressive; else it was noted non-aggressive (Guerrieri & d’Ettorre 2008). (c) Mandible opening response This test consists in recording the aggressive response (mandible opening) of harnessed ants to a series of chemical 3. RESULTS stimuli (Guerrieri & d’Ettorre 2008). Ants were supplemented (a) Synthesis of methylated hydrocarbon and with hydrocarbons in the same paired design as above, except cuticle supplementation that subcolonies consisted of 15 workers. Test individuals We developed a new pathway for the synthesis of mono- C K C K C K from the six subcolonies (d ,d ,m ,m ,l and l ) were methyl alkanes: 11-meC26 (11-methylhexacosane, 1, cooled on ice until they stopped moving, and harnessed figure 1) was synthesized using a 3-methylthiophene in an ant holder only allowing them to move their antennae structure as a 4-carbon synthon installing the methyl

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4 F. J. Guerrieri et al. Ants recognize foes and not friends

supplemented residents deficient residents by reducing structure 2 to 3-methyltridecane. To ensure versus versus full reduction of double bonds, it was necessary to deficient aliens supplemented aliens introduce a hydrogenation step after removal of sulphur with Raney nickel. These conditions were successfully used in the isolation of 11-meC26 (see the electronic b supplementary material for details). (a) 0.5 We used a new method to supplement the ant cuticle 0.4 with synthetic hydrocarbons: we added each chemical to food (diluted honey). Previously, supplementation has 0.3 been achieved by direct topical application of chemicals 30 onto the cuticle (e.g. in Apis mellifera: Dani et al. 2001, 0.2 a 2005, Breed et al. 2004a;inC. vagus: Meskali et al. 1995; 0.1 28 in Camponotus floridanus: Leonhardt et al. 2007). Using 0 that approach, the change in cuticular complements is nm (d–) nm (d+) immediate, and the animal needs time to habituate to its (b) 0.5 own, changed odour. Instead, we succeeded in incorpor- ating the new chemical into the cuticle by mixing 0.4 the hydrocarbon with liquid food (diluted honey). 0.3 The added hydrocarbons were relocated onto the animals’ cuticles within 24 hours, as shown by chemical analysis 0.2 a a (figure S3 in the electronic supplementary material). 0.1 aggression index 33 31 (b) Aggression tests 0 – + nm (m ) nm (m ) We used freely moving ants (residents) to test their (c) 0.5 aggressive behaviour towards individuals (aliens) with less or with more hydrocarbons on the cuticle compared 0.4 with residents. Across tests, we found highly significant 0.3 differences in aggression levels (overall ANOVA F5,164Z 7.71; p!0.0001, figure 2). Specifically, we tested the role 0.2 a a of three factors on the aggression level of residents towards 0.1 aggression index aggression index 22 aliens: (i) whether the alien ant was supplemented or sham 26 treated, i.e. whether the alien’s cuticle contained one 0 – + nm (l ) nm (l ) hydrocarbon more (alien-supplemented) or one hydro- Figure 2. Aggression level of resident ants (either supple- carbon less (alien-deficient) than the residents’ cuticle, mented with a hydrocarbon or deficient of it) towards alien (ii) whether the residents were supplemented or deficient, ants (either deficient or supplemented, respectively). White and (iii) what type of hydrocarbon was used for bars show the aggression level of ‘supplemented resident’ supplementation (i.e. dimethylated, mono-methylated or towards ‘deficient alien’ ants; black bars show the aggression linear molecule). In pairwise comparisons, only aliens level of ‘deficient resident’ towards ‘supplemented alien’ C supplemented with 3,11-dimeC27 (d ) received signi- ants. (a)‘nm(dC)’ are alien ants supplemented with K K ficantly more aggression by resident-deficient ants (d ) 3,11-dimeC27, ‘nm (d )’ the respective deficient aliens, than vice versa (figure 2a; Scheffe post hoc tests, p!0.01), lacking the extra hydrocarbon. (b) ‘m’ stands for 11-meC 26 showing that presence, but not absence, of this substance and (c) ‘l’ for n-C . Aggression differed significantly among 20 elicits aggression. By contrast, as shown in figure 2b,c, all six assayed resident–alien combinations (F5,164Z7.71, p!0.0001). Bars depict mean and s.e.m.; different letters there was no significant difference between the aggression indicate significantly different aggression indices (Scheffe post received by alien-supplemented and alien-deficient ants C K hoc comparisons between all six combinations p!0.01); when the extra substance was 11-meC26 (m versus m ) C K numbers insides bars refer to sample sizes. or n-C20 (l versus l ), regardless of whether the residents were deficient or supplemented, showing that not all substances are evaluated in the same way with group in the 11-position of the final product. Previously, respect to nest-mate recognition. thiophenes have been used successfully within other research areas as 4-carbon synthons (Krishna et al. (c) Mandible opening response tests 2000; Mohr et al. 2005). Also, Pomonis et al. (1989) When using freely moving ants, it is only possible to test a prepared related hydrocarbons from thiophenes, although single pair of treatments. We therefore further investigated with a different set of subreactions than presented here. aggressive behaviour in harnessed ants using the In our synthesis strategy (figure 1), the initial steps procedure described in Guerrieri & d’Ettorre (2008), involved a Grignard reaction of 3-methylthiophene-2- where each ant can be sequentially challenged with a carbaldehyde followed by reductive removal of the battery of stimuli (figure 3). The results of MOR were hydroxyl group in compound 2. Compound 3 was then consistent with those observed with freely moving ants. lithiated selectively in the 5-position and treated with There was a clear difference in MOR levels of each aldehyde (4). The resulting hydroxyl compound 5 was category of resident ants when presented with the five subsequently reduced to thiophene compound 6. Using different stimuli (ANOVA, p!0.01, in all cases; figure 3a–f ). commercial Raney nickel, the conditions for reducing In particular, dC resident ants (supplemented with thiophenes in general (Mohr et al. 2005) were optimized 3,11-dimeC27) reacted with equally low aggression levels

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supplemented residents deficient residents

(a)(1.0 b) b b 0.8 b ab 0.6 ab ab a ab a 0.4 a 0.2 ) ) 0 ) ) d d – – + + sol sol nnm nnm nm (d nm (d nm (d nm (d (c)(1.0 d)

0.8 c b 0.6 bc 0.4 a a a ab MOR / total ants 0.2 a a a 0 ) ) ) ) – – + + m m sol sol nnm nnm nm (m nm (m nm (m nm (m (e)(1.0 f ) b 0.8 b ab ab 0.6 ab ab ab ab a a 0.4

MOR / total ants0.2 MOR / total ants ) ) 0 ) ) l l – – + + sol sol nnm nnm nm (l nm (l nm (l nm (l Figure 3. MORs displayed by six groups of test ants (‘residents’) to five different test stimuli. (a,c,e) MOR level of resident- supplemented ants; (b,d,f ) MOR level of resident-deficient ants. The hydrocarbons used for supplementation were (a,b) 3,11-dimeC27 (group d), (c,d ) 11-meC26 (group m) and (e,f ) n-C20 (group l). The stimuli were solvent (sol); extracts of alien-deficient ants (nm(dK), nm(mK) and nm(lK)) and extract of the respective alien-supplemented ants (nm(dC), nm(mC) and nm(lC)); pure hydrocarbons (groups d, m and l); extracts of control non-nest-mate ants (nnm) coming from another colony than the test ants. Each of the residents (nZ30 per subset) was stimulated with each of the five stimuli. Bars show mean and s.e.m.; different letters indicate significant differences (Scheffe post hoc tests; p!0.05, in all cases). White and black bars indicate those tests that correspond, in their logic, to the situation in figure 2. to extracts of supplemented (dC) and deficient (dK)ants these substances were not effective in modifying nest-mate (figure 3a;Scheffepost hoc test, pO0.05). This was not due recognition. In contrast to n-C20 (l), pure 11-meC26 (m) to a reduced level of activity following harnessing, as shown elicited more aggressive behaviour than when presented in by the control: when presented with a non-nest-mate (nnm) a blend with the cuticular hydrocarbons (figure 3d ). This stimulus, aggressive behaviour was strong (figure 3a). By also shows that evaluation of pure substances might be K contrast, d resident ants (deficient of 3,11-dimeC27)were different from evaluation of complex blends. as highly aggressive towards extract of dC ants as towards those of a control non-nest-mate colony (nnm) (figure 3b; Scheffe post hoc test, pO0.05). Thus, it is the presence, and 4. DISCUSSION not the absence, of a compound that is eliciting aggression. Our results clearly demonstrate that discriminating ants The aggressive behaviour is stronger when the added reject (attack) an individual if it displays additional substance (d) is given in the cuticular bouquet, than when chemicals on its cuticle (alien-supplemented), but not if it is given as a pure synthetic substance. it displays less molecules (alien-deficient) than the In the case of 11-meC26 or n-C20 (figure 3c–f ), discriminator. Furthermore, we show that this effect stimulation with extracts of ants from a control non- does not apply to every molecule. Specifically, in our nest-mate colony (nnm) always induced a higher MOR experiments, a dimethylated hydrocarbon (3,11-dimeC27) response compared to stimulation with extracts from the was effective, while a mono-methylated (11-meC26) and a same or the paired subcolony, regardless whether residents linear (n-C20) hydrocarbon were not effective in eliciting were supplemented (mC,lC) or deficient (mK,lK). Thus, aggression, either when they were added to the cuticular

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6 F. J. Guerrieri et al. Ants recognize foes and not friends bouquet or when they were missing. This agrees with presented here, there are two aspects that indicates that previous work showing that linear hydrocarbons might sensory adaptation is not likely to play the main role in this have little role in nest-mate recognition (Dani et al. 2001, system: first, adaptation should be equally effective for all 2005; Martin et al. 2008; but see Greene & Gordon 2007). substances, but we find that some substances are effective We also show that 24 hours are sufficient to change the (3,11-dimeC27), while others are not (11-meC26 and cuticular composition by food supply. This technique n-C20). Second, sensory systems rarely adapt to a level of provides a new tool for investigating the mechanisms of no response, but rather to a level of activity that allows for chemical recognition, in addition to the often used direct coding both an increase and a decrease in stimulus topical application of substances (Dani et al. 2001, 2005; concentration (Stengl et al. 1992). We expect, therefore, Breed et al. 2004a; Leonhardt et al. 2007). Our technique that central plasticity plays a major role, i.e. that ants learn is likely to mimic a more natural situation, because the about their nest-mates’ odours. The most parsimonious new substance is incorporated through the metabolic mechanism involves habituation, a non-associative form of pathway of the animal. Most importantly, when cuticular elemental learning. In this case, the response to the composition was modified by supplementing the diet, we supplemented substances would be reduced by synaptic did not observe any aggression within the supplemented changes in the brain, most likely in the antennal lobes, the group. This suggests that a gradual change over several first brain area that processes olfactory information— hours is possible, and that the reference system (the so analogous to the olfactory bulbs in mammals (Galizia & called template) can be modified accordingly, as also Szyszka 2008). This would represent an efficient and indicated by other experiments (Leonhardt et al. 2007). economic way of updating the reference system (template) Thus, the semiochemical composition of the ants’ cuticles without involving the formation of long-term memory. may slowly change without deleterious effects on the Odours are coded by activity in sensitive receptor colony aggression levels in natural conditions (e.g. when neurons. In most instances, an odour will activate more foragers collect from a new food source). Furthermore, in than one family of olfactory receptors, and elicit a specific Camponotus ants, trophallaxis (exchange of liquid food pattern of activity across glomeruli, which are the between nest-mates) is common within a nest, which processing units in the antennal lobe (Galizia et al. 1999; causes all individuals to have a similar diet and hydro- Galizia & Szyszka 2008). Our data suggest that the carbon composition. Our finding that supplemental combinatorial pattern of glomeruli elicited by the cuticular hydrocarbons in the diet end up on the ants’ cuticle odour of a nest-mate does not cause aggression, but also supports the role of trophallaxis in the homogenization of that a pattern consisting of fewer active glomeruli (the the colony odour (Soroker et al. 1994; Lenoir et al. 1999). deficient case) does not elicit aggression. To reject an alien Nest-mate recognition in social insects needs to be intruder, additional activity in some glomeruli is needed. strict enough to allow the rejection of individuals if they As an implication, we propose that for nest-mate come from a different colony, while at the same time being recognition, odours are not judged by the similarity of flexible enough to accept variations in the colony odour the glomerular pattern that they elicit, but rather by an composition without rejecting nest-mates (Reeve 1989). inclusion criterion: any odour that elicits a subpattern of One proposed mechanism for nest-mate recognition is the nest-mates’ odour will be acceptable. This is based on a stimulus identification/generalization task, evidenced by comparing dC ants (figures 2 and 3), often referred to as template-label matching (Lenoir et al. which did not display aggressive behaviour towards dK 1999; Starks 2004). This consists in a stimulus-similarity ants, with dK ants which did show aggressive behaviour evaluation, in which case the cuticular bouquet is towards dC ants, even though the odour similarity of dC to interpreted as a colony odour Gestalt (Crozier & Dix dK is logically equal to the odour similarity of dK to dC. 1979; Crozier 1987). It has been suggested that matching Indeed, ant social parasites that invade colonies of other can be achieved by evaluating the presence of desirable ant species have a very weak complement of cuticular cues (D-present) or the absence of undesirable cues hydrocarbons (the ‘chemical insignificance’ hypothesis, cf. (U-absent) (Sherman et al. 1997). On the basis of our Lenoir et al. 2001). The same applies to young workers results, we propose an alternative mechanism; namely that that are readily accepted in non-nest-mates colonies only added, but not missing, components elicit aggression. (Breed et al. 2004b). The fact that social parasites can This U-present model accounts for recognition of non- successfully break the recognition code of ants by nest-mates (which bear undesirable cues), but not for being chemically insignificant cannot be explained by the recognition of nest-mates (which bear the same label as D-present model (Sherman et al. 1997). the discriminator). A recent study in stingless bees have showed that guards Our results raise the question of what physiological reject nest-mates that had acquired odour cues from non- mechanisms could elicit aggression based on the occur- nest-mates, but do not accept non-nest-mates that rence, but not the lack of a cuticular hydrocarbon. The had acquired equivalent amounts of odour cues from the effect could be entirely peripheral, i.e. that olfactory guard’s nest-mates. These results have been interpreted as receptor responses to biologically relevant cuticular supporting the U-absent system in recognition (Couvillon & substances are downregulated (Ozaki et al. 2005), which Ratnieks 2008). However, they can be easily explained by could be realized by sensory adaptation (desensitization). our U-present model, focusing on the observation that In this case, antennal receptors of the discriminator would additional odours cause rejection. Experimental sym- not respond to substances that are around all the time, e.g. metrical swapping of wax combs between two honeybee the cuticular pattern of nest-mates (shared by the hives resulted in decreased reciprocal rejection, since the discriminator). However, experiments have shown that odour of bees of the two hives became more similar to slower effects and simple memory may be also involved in each other due to the acquisition of cues present on the wax nest-mate recognition (Leonhardt et al. 2007). In the data comb (d’Ettorre et al.2006). However, when only a receiver

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Ants recognize foes and not friends F. J. Guerrieri et al. 7 hive (A) was provided with the combs of a donor hive (B), Boomsma, J. J. & Franks, N. R. 2006 Social insects: from rejection of B-bees by A-guards decreased, but not the selfish genes to self organisation and beyond. Trends Ecol. other way around (Couvillon et al. 2007). These results are Evol. 21, 303–308. (doi:10.1016/j.tree.2006.04.001) also consistent with our U-present model, since after the Brandstaetter, A. S., Endler, A. & Kleineidam, C. J. 2008 experimental manipulation the odour of A-guards Nestmate recognition in ants is possible without tactile contained B-cues, but this was not the case for B-guards, interaction. Naturwissenschaften 95, 601–608. (doi:10. 1007/s00114-008-0360-5) which reacted to the presence of undesirable A-cues, even Breed, M. 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