The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout Minutes Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019 at 5:30p.m. Council Chambers, Municipal Office SIOUX LOOKOUT Hub of the North

COUNCIL: Mayor Doug Lawrance Cllr. John Bath Cllr. Joe Cassidy Cllr. Donald Fenelon Cllr. Cory Lago Cllr. Calvin Southall Cllr. Joyce Timpson

STAFF: Michelle Larose, Chief Administrative Officer Brian P. MacKinnon, Manager of Corporate Services/ Municipal Clerk Jackie Trenholm, Acting Deputy Clerk Christy Mclntomney, Treasurer Jody Brinkman, Development Services Manager Vicki Blanchard, Economic Development Manager Ben Hancharuk, Airport Manager Kelly Negus, Day Care Manager Melissa Fortin, Human Resources Manager Karen Costello, Planning Coordinator

OTHER: Tim Brody, Sioux Lookout Bulletin Members of the Public

1 Call Meeting to Order/Mayor's Introductory Remarks Mayor Lawrance called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m.

2 Agenda 2.1) Introduction of Amendments to the Agenda

• Add Item No. 7.14: Independent Alliance -Zoning By-law Amendment No. Z03-2019- Temporary Use By-law • Add Item No. 7.15: 8 First Avenue (Hudson Settlement Area)­ Official Plan Amendment No. OPA File No. OP01-2019 and Zoning By-law Amendment No. Z05-2019 • Add By-law Nos. 48-19, 49-19 and 51-19 to Item 10.1

2.2) Confirmation of Agenda CL 191-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. Calvin Southall

THAT the Agenda for the Regular Council Meeting of June 19, 2019 be approved, as amended. Carried

3 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest

None Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

4 Adoption of Minutes 4.1) Motion to Adopt the Minutes of the Following Meetings:

• May 2, 2019 Special Council Meeting; • May 15, 2019 Regular Council Meeting; • June 4, 2019 Special Council Meeting;

CL 192-19 Moved By: Cllr. Calvin Southall Seconded By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon

THAT the Minutes of the Special Council Meetings held on May 2, 2019, and June 4, 2019; and the Regular Council Meeting held on May 15, 2019, be approved, as presented.


4.2) Motion to Receive Minutes from Outside Agencies and Boards: CL193-19 Moved By: Cllr. Cory Lago Seconded By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon

THAT the Minutes of the Home for the Aged Meeting held on March 28, 2019 be received. Carried

4.3) Motion to Receive the Minutes of the following Municipal Boards, Commissions and Committees:

CL 194-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. John Bath

THAT the Minutes of the Municipal Truth and Reconciliation Committee Meeting held on March 28, 2019 be received. Carried

5 Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion That the following Items will require a separate discussion:

7.1) Transload Feasibility Study 7 .3) Employee Dress Code Policy 7 .6) The Council Member and Staff Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave Policies 7.7) Economic Development Strategic Plan Review 7 .8) Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 7.10) Billet House 7.13) The Keeping of Chickens- Background and Seeking Direction from Council

6 Adoption of ltem(s) Not Requiring Separate Discussion Motion to Adopt Items Not Req uiring Separate Di scussion CL195-19 Moved By: Cllr. Cory Lago Seconded By: Cllr. Calvin Southall Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

THAT Council approves the following recommendations:

RP-2019-085 Proposed Fee Increase

That Council increase the Child Care rates effective January 1 , 2020 as follows:

Proposed Fees January 1, 2020 effective Fee Increase January 1, 2020 Toddler -Full Day $1 .00 $45.00 Preschool - Full Day $1.00 $42.00 Half Day Rate $1.00 $28.00 Before School $1.00 $11.00 After School $1.00 $15.00

RP-2019-1 03 Scent-Free Workplace Policy

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 55-19, Being a By­ law to Adopt Administrative Policy No. 3-55, Scent-Free Workplace.

RP-20 19-1 00 Administrative Policy Number 3-45, Payroll Deduction Computer Purchase Plan THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-Law No. 43-19, Being a By-law to Amend by-law No. 50-05 (Being a By-law to Adopt Personnel Polices for the Municipality of Sioux Lookout).

RP-20 19-1 05 Authorization the Submission of an Application to Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Financing of Capital Works; By-Law No. 56-19 Sewer Treatment Plant Roof, Ladder Truck, Garbage Truck, Park Street and Robert Street Upgrades.

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No.56-19, Being a By­ law of The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout to Authorize the Submission of an Application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Financing in the Amount of $1,006,031.75 towards the Costs of the Sewer Treatment Plant Roof, Ladder Truck, Garbage Truck, Park Street and Robert Street Upgrade.

RP-2019-096 Land Sale - 66 First Avenue

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 52-19, Being a By­ law to Authorize and Direct the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute Agreements and Documents Regarding the Sale of the Hereinafter Described Land by The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout to the Services Board (66 First Avenue).

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 53-19, Being a By­ law to Authorize the Conveyance of Certain Hereinafter Described Land by The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout to the Kenora District Services Board and to Direct the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute the Transfer (66 First Avenue). Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

THAT Council directs that the Mayor's letter regarding the Health Unit Board of Health Funding to be sent to the Honourable Minister Christine Elliott, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care.

Zoning By-law Amendment No. Z03-2019- Temporary Use By-law

THAT Council receives the Planning Report dated June 19, 2019, respecting Temporary Use By-law No. Z03-2019; and further

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 48-19, Being a By­ law to Amend The Corporation of the Municipality Zoning By-law No. 85-18, as amended (Independent First Nations Alliance, 98 King Street Lot 181 , Parcel 8030 on Plan M220, Temporary Use)

Official Plan Amendment No. OPA File No. OP01-2019 and Zoning By­ law Amendment No. Z05-2019

THAT Council receives the Planning Report dated June 19, 2019, respecting Official Plan Amendment No. OP01-2019; and further

THAT Council authorizes the adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. OP01-2019; and further

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 49-19, Being a By­ law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. OP01-2019 to th e Official Plan of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout (Re-designate 8 Frist Avenue, Hudson from Industrial Designation to Residential Designation); and further

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 51-19, Being a By­ law to Amend By-law No. 85-18, as amended, The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout Comprehensive Zoning By-law (Re-Zone 8 First Avenue, Hudson, from Light Industrial Zone to Hudson Residential Exception 1 Zone). Carried

7 Staff Reports (See Below)

8 Delegations/Presentations/Committee Presentations Mr. Rob Beynon from OEI made a presentation to Council on the Transload Project.

• In the fall of 2018, consultations took place with potential commercial users, Canadian National Railway (CN), provincial and federal government representatives and corporate entities including Noront, Morgan Fuels and Cando Rail Services. • Recommendations listed in the OEI Report, is to integrate with the Official Plan, make a case for the East-West Road, continue to monitor the Incremental Development Scenario, communicate the findings, adjust and respond to triggers (by developing the East-West Road and by having a mining company commitment to use Sioux Lookout as a transload location), watch for Infrastructure Funding, and to seek Indigenous opportunities.

9 Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion 7.1) Transload Feasibility Study RP-20 19-097 Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

CL 196-19 Moved By: Cllr. John Bath Seconded By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon

THAT, Council receives Report No. RP-2019-097 and attachments as information/updates on the Transload Feasibility Study. Carried

7 .3) Employee Dress Code Policy RP-20 19-1 02 CL197-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. Cory Lago

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 54-19, Being a By­ law to Adopt Administrative Policy No. 3-54, Dress Code. Carried

7 .6) The Council Member and Staff Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave Policies. RP-2019-104 CL198-19 Moved By: Cllr. John Bath Seconded By: Cllr. Joe Cassidy

THAT Council authorizes the passing of By-law No. 14-19, Being a By­ law to Adopt Policy No. 1-16, The Council Member Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave Policy and to Rescind Administrative Procedure No. 3- 23, Pregnancy and Parental Leave and to Adopt an Updated Administrative Procedure No. 3-23, Pregnancy and Parental Leave. Carried

CL 199-19 Moved By: Cllr. Joyce Timpson Seconded By: Cllr. John Bath

THAT Council directs staff to draft a report to address subsidizing childcare for elected officials. Carried

7.7) Economic Development Strategic Plan Review RP-2019-091 CL200-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. Calvin Southall

THAT Council approves a Phase 2 Application to Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) Community Capacity Building Program under the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines for $37,500 to conduct a Economic Development Strategic Plan Review. 7.9) Community Safety and Well-Being Plan RP-2019-110 CL201-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. Calvin Southall Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

THAT Council directs the GAO to establish an Advisory Committee to develop a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan for the Municipality of Sioux Lookout. Carried

CL202-19 Moved By: Cllr. John Bath Seconded By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon

THAT Council authorizes and directs the appointment of Mayor Doug Lawrance to the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory Committee. Carried

CL203-19 Moved By: Cllr. Joyce Timpson Seconded By: Cllr. Cory Lago

THAT Council authorizes and directs the appointment of Michelle Larose, GAO, as the lead on the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Project. Carried

7.10) BilletHouse RP-2019-095 CL204-19 Moved By: Cllr. John Bath Seconded By: Cllr. Calvin Southall

THAT Council receives Report No. RP-2019-095 and provides direction on potential amendments to Section 4. 7 - Billet House of the Zoning By-law; and

THAT Council directs staff to prepare a Zoning By-law Amendment based on the direction provided by Council concerning the definition of a Billet House and the provisions included in Section 4.7 of the Zoning By-law. Withdrawn

CL205-19 Moved By: Cllr. Calvin Southall Seconded By: Cllr. John Bath

THAT Council directs staff to hold additional consultations with relevant stakeholders on the subject of Billet Houses. Carried

7 .13) The Keeping of Chickens - Background and Seeking Direction from Council RP-2019-1 09 CL206-19 Moved By: Cllr. Calvin Southall Seconded By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon

THAT Council provides direction to staff respecting the keeping of chickens within the Municipality of Sioux Lookout. Carried Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

10 Consideration of ltem(s) Requiring Separate Discussion

11 By-laws The following By-laws to be introduced, read a First, Second and Third time and considered for passing by Council:

• By-law No. 14-19, Being a By-law to Adopt Policy No. 1-16, The Council Member Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave Policy and to Rescind Administrative Procedure No. 3-23, Pregnancy and Parental Leave and to Adopt an Updated Administrative Procedure No. 3-23, Pregnancy and Parental Leave • By-law No. 43-19, Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 50-05 (Being a By-law to Adopt Personnel Polices for the Municipality of Sioux Lookout) • By-law No. 48-19, Being a By-law to Amend The Corporation of the Municipality Zoning By-law No. 85-18, as amended (Independent First Nations Alliance, 98 King Street Lot 181, Parcel8030 on Plan M220, Temporary Use) • By-law No. 49-19, Being a By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. OP01-2019 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout (Re-designate 8 Frist Avenue, Hudson from Industrial Designation to Residential Designation) • By-law No. 51-19, Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 85-18, as amended, The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout Comprehensive Zoning By-law (Re-Zone 8 First Avenue, Hudson, from Light Industrial Zone to Hudson Residential Exception 1 Zone) • By-law No. 52-19, Being a By-law to Authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute Agreements and Documents Regarding the Sale of the Hereinafter Described Land by The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout to the Kenora District Services Board (66 First Avenue) • By-law No. 53-19, Being a By-law to Authorize the Conveyance of Certain Hereinafter Described Land by The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout to the Kenora District Services Board and to Direct the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute the Transfer (66 First Avenue) • By-law No. 54-19, Being a By-law to Adopt Administrative Policy No. 3-54, Dress Code • By-law No. 55-19, Being a By-law to Adopt Administrative Policy No. 3-55, Scent-Free Workplace. • By-law No. 56-19, Being a By-law of The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout to Authorize the Submission of an Application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for Financing in the Amount of $1,006,031.75 Towards the Costs of the Sewer Treatment Plant Roof, Ladder Truck, Garbage Truck, Park Street and Robert Street Upgrade • By-law No. 60-19, Being a By-law to Adopt Policy No. 14-2, Public Art Policy for the Municipality of Sioux Lookout, and to Rescind By-law No. 50-10 (Being a By-law to Adopt a Public Art Policy for the Municipality of Sioux Lookout) CL207-19 Moved By: Cllr. John Bath Seconded By: Cllr. Calvin Southall

THAT By-law Nos. 14-19,43-19,48-19,49-19, 51-19,52-19,53-19, 54-19, 55-19, 56-19, and 60-19 be read a First, Second and Third time and passed. Carried Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

12 Notices of Motion/Motions to Reconsider None

13 Outside Resolutions/Requests for Endorsement 13.1) To Review and Increase ACAP Funding For Regional Airports in Canada

CL208-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. Cory Lago

WHEREAS Regional Airports are an important regional asset for regional community development and essential transportation connectivity to the world; and

WHEREAS Municipalities can't be expected to carry the burden of maintaining regional airports on their own; and

WHEREAS the Airport Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) is a fund of only 38 million dollars to support over 200 smaller regional airports in the country; and

WHEREAS ACAP funding has not been increased since its inception in 1998; and

WHEREAS Transport Canada needs to re-evaluate funding levels to ensure the continued efficient and safe regional airport operations without being a drain on the local taxpayers;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout requests the public support from all Federal Party leaders to review and to increase ACAP funding for regional airports in Canada; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Bob Nault, MP Kenora; the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport; the Leaders of all Federal Parties; the Regional Community Airports of Canada; the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities; the Municipal Association; the Rural Ontario Municipal Association; the Association of Municipalities Ontario and L'Association francaise des municipalites de !'Ontario. Carried

13.2) Legal Aid Cuts CL209-19 Moved By: Cllr. Cory Lago Seconded By: Cllr. Joe Cassidy

WHEREAS Premier Doug Ford's recent Ontario budget has cut funding to Legal Aid Ontari o (LAO) by $1 33 million, which is 30% of LAO's budget, retroactive to April 1, 2019; and

WHEREAS the 30% cut to the LAO budget has already had a direct negative impact on the local Legal Aid Offices - Legal Aid Ontario and the services they provide; and Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

WHEREAS the Northwest Community Legal Clinic is committed to upholding the rights of the most vulnerable people of the Rainy River and Kenora Districts on issues that are most critical to them, including Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Canada Pension Plan, Landlord and Tenant Issues, Criminal Injuries Compensation , Powers of Attorney, Consumer and Debt Issues, Aboriginal Status Registrations, Birth/Death Certificates, Name Changes and many other areas that impact low-income people; and

WHEREAS the budget cuts to Legal Aid Ontario will have a devastating impact on the Northwest Community Legal Clinic's ability to provide legal services to Ontario's most vulnerable population aimed at ensuring that people with low incomes are able to meet their most basic needs, wh ich in turn gives them the ability to live with health and dignity as active members of their communities; and

WHEREAS the Northwest Community Legal Clinic has been providing service to the Kenora- Rainy River Districts for over 40 years;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout calls upon Premier Ford and Minister of the Attorney General Doug Downey to make a commitment to access to justice; to respect the commitment of their government to not decrease front line services; and to confirm that funding for community legal clinics will not be decreased; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Premier Doug Ford , the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Minister of Solicitor General, the Honourable Doug Downey, Minister of the Attorney General, The Honourable , MPP Kiiwetinoong, AMO, NOMA, all Ontario Municipalities, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, and Grand Council Treaty Three. Carried

14 Questions/Comments from Members of Council/Mayor's Report Mayor Lawrance and Members of Council provided updates on their activities since the last Regular Council Meeting.

The Mayor called a recess at 9:25 p.m.and called the meeting back to order at 9:36 p.m.

15 Motion to Move into Closed Session To discuss matters of a general nature as noted below: CL210-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. Cory Lago

THAT Council moves into closed session at 9:36p.m. to consider subject matter of a general nature as noted below:

1. Subject matter relating to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board, per Municipal Act, 2001 , as amended, Section 239(2)(c) (2 Items: Property North of the Boreal Trails Subdivision and Property East of the Airport)

2. Subject matter relating to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, per Municipal Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

Act, 2001, as amended, Section 239(2)(b) (1 Item: Updates to Council's Boards, Commissions and Committees) Carried

16 Report Out From Closed Session Ratification of Resolutions/Passing of Resolutions and/or By-laws Arising from Closed Session. CL216-19 Moved By: Cllr. Cory Lago Seconded By: Cllr. Joyce Timpson

THAT Council approves amending Schedule "A" to By-law No. 92-18 (Being a By-law to Make Appointments to Various Boards, Commissions and Committees), by adding:

• Bruce G. Van Horne to The Sioux Lookout Environment Committee • Lyn-Marie Manitowabi to The Municipal Committee on Truth and Reconciliation Carried

CL217-19 Moved By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon Seconded By: Cllr. Joe Cassidy

THAT Council ratifies direction to Staff Motion Nos. CL213-19, and CL214-19 relative to the items presented in Closed Session on June 19,2019 Carried

CL218-19 Moved By: Cllr. Joe Cassidy Seconded By: Cllr. Donald Fenelon

THAT Council ratifies the Motion No. CL211-19 to extend the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m., which was passed in closed session. Carried

17 Confirmatory By-law By-law No. 59-19 - Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout CL219-19 Moved By: Cllr. Joe Cassidy Seconded By: Cllr. Cory Lago

THAT By-law No. 59-19, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout (June 19, 2019 Regular Council Meeting) be read a First, Second and Third time, and passed.


18 Motion to Adjourn Motion to Adjourn the Meeting CL219a-19 Regular Council Meeting June 19, 2019

Moved By: Cllr. Cory Lago Seconded By: Cllr. Joyce Timpson

THAT the Regular Council Meeting of June 19, 2019 be adjourned at 10:59 p.m. Carried

19 Media Question Period No question from the media.


cuz_ Doug Lawrance, Mayor