Deepening a Caring Community of Christ 深化属基督的关爱群体 Session Members 2018 Contents 1 2 4 Notice of ACM 2019 Proxy Form Vision

5 11 13 Proceedings of ACM Annual Report 2018 Staff & Session 2018 Members

14 15 16 Letter from the Letter from the Pastoral Moderator Senior Pastor

17 18 19 Worship Christian Education Koinonia Groups

20 21 22 Camp Hebron Sunday School Youth

23 24 25 Young Adults Marriage & Family 49ers

26 27 28 New Friends Boys’ Brigade Missions

29 31 42 Outreach Mandarin Worship Independent Auditor’s Service Report


Date : Sunday, 24 March 2019 Time : 11.15 am Venue : Zion Sanctuary, Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church


1 Scripture Reading & Prayer 2 State of the Church 3 Election of Session Members 4 Passing of Minutes of 2018 ACM and Matters Arising Therefrom 5 Passing of Annual Report 2018 6 Passing of Statement of Accounts 2018 7 Presentation of Annual Budget 2019 8 Appointment of Independent Auditors 9 Any Other Business 10 Closing Prayer

If you wish to move a motion, please submit it in writing with a seconder addressed to the Clerk of Session. It should reach the Hebron Office by 9.00 am on Sunday, 17 March 2019.

Members are encouraged to submit questions in advance of the ACM in order to make best use of members’ time at the ACM. Please send them to the Hebron Office by 9.00 am on Thursday, 14 March 2019.

Attendance at the ACM is the responsibility of every communicant member in good standing. Please be early. If you are unable to attend in person, please appoint a proxy by submitting the attached Proxy Form to the Hebron Office by 12.00 pm on Tuesday, 19 March 2019. The proxy shall be a communicant member of Hebron BP Church.

Submission of the proxy form indicates: 1 your apologies for being absent; 2 that your name will be taken into account in determining the quorum; and 3 that the vote cast by your proxy will be taken into account.

Your co-servant in Christ, For more copies, please scan this QR code for a PDF version of this Annual Report.

Dn Koh Kok Seng Clerk of Session

10 March 2019 http://bit.ly/acm2019

1 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 PROXY FORM

To: The Clerk of Session


I, of (Name in full)

Singapore ( ), (Address) a member of Hebron BP Church, being unable to attend the Annual Congregational Meeting on 24 March 2019, hereby submit this Proxy Form in lieu of attendance.

I appoint (Full name of a member who will be present) or, failing him/her, Chairman of the meeting, to represent me and cast my vote at the ACM or at any adjournment thereof.

Candidates standing for election:

1. Koh Kok Seng (election as Elder) 2. Lee Teik Leong Chris (election as Deacon) 3. Yap-Ng Wai Hin (election as Deaconess) 4. Koh Chong Kwang (re-election as Deacon) 5. Low Giau Kim (re-election as Deacon) 6. Yeo-Gwee Lay Lian Lillian (re-election as Deaconess) 7. Goh Hwee Seng (re-election as Pastor) 8. Wong Shin Hoe (re-election as Pastor)

Signed this day of , 2019.


(To reach the Hebron Office by 12.00 pm on Tuesday, 19 March 2019)

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 2 Please affix stamp CLERK OF SESSION

Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church 10 Choa Chu Kang Street 52 689284

T 6766 1221

3 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Vision Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church will be a radiant church where: the God the Message of the Christian gospel of the Christian gospel is taught is the Lord of our lives and understood, and young and old can proclaim it the Grace the Offer of the Christian gospel is of the Christian gospel is experienced and demonstrated extended to as many people, in in the lives, marriages, families as many ways and places, and and fellowship groups in Hebron at as many opportunities as God is pleased to allow Core Purpose We are called to be a Bible-centric family of worshippers to glorify and enjoy the Triune God, prioritising the gospel in: our Witness our Discipleship our Outreach through transformed of believers in to the community lives and fellowship and practice, and the world in and word and deed Core Values Biblical Truth Faithfulness Prayerfulness Caring Community Gospel Mission

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING 2018 Date: Sunday, 25 March 2018 Time: 11.30 am Venue: Zion Sanctuary, Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church Attendance: 401 present, 118 proxies

1 Opening

Sister Sarah Chan led the opening song “The Church’s One Foundation” and Sister Kum Suning read Scripture from Ephesians 4:11-13.

2 Determination of Quorum

1 Total communicant members 941 (as at 25 Mar 2018) 2 Members overseas - 53 3 Resident voting members 888 4 Required quorum 444 (1/2 of resident voting members) 5 Proxies - 118 6 Members required to be present 326 7 Members present 401 8 Percentage of resident voting members who participated in ACM 58.5%

Elder Tony Wong declared that the quorum of 444 (half of resident voting members) was met for the ACM to proceed. Pastor Goh Hwee Seng opened the meeting in prayer.

3 State of the Church

3.1 After a video recapping 2017’s key events was played, Elder Ooi Boon Peng recounted Hebron’s commitment to the vision. He noted the church’s progress in four ways. We were:

• Uniting as one church, across generations and congregations; • Building up our discipleship and the faith of every individual; • Strengthening inter-generational bonding and leadership, and; • Preparing for the future ministry of Hebron through Project Ezra.

3.2 More than just renewing a lease, Elder Boon Peng noted that Project Ezra is about renewing our resolve as a church to witness to our neighbours. He urged all Hebronites to play a part in raising the next generation and empowering them to make Hebron a radiant church.

3.3 Elder Boon Peng was encouraged to report the growth of Hebron’s three main congregations in 2017, as compared to the previous year. The total average attendance rose by 4.1%. He thanked God for the increase and reminded the meeting to pray that the Lord would continue to bless and make Hebron fruitful in her labour.

5 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 4 Election of Session Members

4.1 Before introducing the candidates for Session election, Elder Boon Peng noted the contributions of two Session members who had decided not to stand for re-election: Deacon Luai Hong Dong and Deaconess Yap Wai Hin.

4.2 Elder Boon Peng thanked Deacon Luai for his service in the Sunday School. He commended him for faithfully educating the young in Hebron and also extending his ministry to the families of the Sunday School students by visiting them.

4.3 Elder Boon Peng thanked Deaconess Wai Hin for her years of heading the Choa Chu Kang Bible Centre Kindergarten as Chairperson. He also expressed his appreciation for her helpful insights at Session meetings.

4.4 Elder Boon Peng then introduced the candidates standing for re-election for their respective roles. He noted that since Elder Loh Mun Fei would turn 65 in 2018, the Board of Elders agreed to let him stand for re-election and serve in the Session on a yearly-renewal basis, depending on his health and willingness to continue.

4.5 The candidates who stood for re-election are as follows:

Ooi Boon Peng (re-election as Elder) Loh Mun Fei (re-election as Elder) Koh Kok Seng (re-election as Deacon) Reggie Lim (re-election as Deacon) Moh Chin Hong, Fred (re-election as Deacon) Heng Yoke Ing, Ian (re-election as Pastor) Tan Woon Soo, Nathanael (re-election as Pastor)

4.6 All seven candidates were re-elected into office.

5 Passings of Minutes of EOCM 2017 and Matters Arising Therefrom

Elder Tony invited questions on the minutes of the 2017 EOCM. There being no questions raised, the report was passed.

Proposer: Sister Ooi Yu Ting Seconder: Brother Amos Ang

6 Passings of Minutes of ACM 2017 and Matters Arising Therefrom

6.1 Elder Tony apologised for an error in page 5, paragraph 3.2. On the third line, “31 Dec 2017” should have been “31 Dec 2016”.

6.2 He then asked the meeting if there were any questions on the minutes of the 2017 ACM. There being no questions raised, the minutes were passed.

Proposer: Elder Lee Lian Song Seconder: Elder Ang Beng Chong

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 6 7 Passing of the Annual Report 2017

7.1 Sister Valerie Lim Siew Lian identified an error in page 20. “Dr. Chris Chong” should have been “Dr. Calvin Chong”.

7.2 Elder Tony then asked the meeting if there were any questions on the 2017 annual report. There being no questions raised, the report was passed.

Proposer: Brother Ooi Ming Sheng Seconder: Brother John Lim Jin

8 Passing of Financial Statements 2017

8.1 Deacon Tang Kim Yee shared that last year’s actual income1 fell slightly short of the targeted $2.103 million. However, the church also spent less than what had been budgeted. One significant portion that was not spent were unfilled staff positions, resulting in a surplus of $331,000.

8.2 Deacon Kim Yee then provided a breakdown of the expenditure of $1.761 million: Staff (58%); Missions (17%); Worship, Prayer, Christian Education (2%); Fellowship (2%); Depreciation (4%); Administration (2%); CCKBC Management Committee (8%).

8.3 Separately, contributions to the Project Ezra Development Fund fell short of the $2 million target by $1.331 million in 2017. Deacon Kim Yee cautioned that if this were the trend over seven years till the renewal of the land lease, the church would be short of $9.1 million by 2024. He then invited questions on the financial statements of 2017.

8.4 Deaconess Susan Wee raised concern over the presentation of figures in the report submitted by independent auditors, Baker Tilly TFW LLP. The re-statement of 2016’s figures in pages 47 and 49, with the sub-header indicating that it was a statement for the financial year of 2017, made the report look erroneous. Brother Henry Lee Mun Yew offered a clarification that the 2016 figures were indeed correct, and that they were to be compared with the figures from 2017. Brother Ng Yeau Chong suggested that the two years be presented side-by-side for easier and clearer reference in future reports. Deacon Kim Yee thanked them for their remarks and said he would take this issue up with the independent auditors.

8.5 Sister Lilian Lim sought explanation on the difference between restricted and unrestricted funds. Deacon Kim Yee explained that unrestricted funds are derived from collections from tithes and offerings. These funds are entrusted to the Session to be managed and re-allocated, according to the various needs of the church. Restricted funds are used for specific causes and are not to be re-distributed, like missions.

8.6 There being no further questions raised, the financial statements were passed.

Proposer: Sister Susan Kang Seconder: Brother Tan Jing Xin

1 Actual income includes: Offerings & Pledges, Interest Income, Other Income, CCKBC Income, Missions Fund. It excludes the Development Fund.

7 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 9 Presentation of Budget 2018

9.1 Deacon Kim Yee presented the budget that was passed by the Session at the Annual Budgeting and Calendaring (ABC) meeting held on 28 October 2017. He remarked that the budget was intentionally planned with the year’s theme in mind: Deepening a Caring Community of Christ. To fund various initiatives and existing programmes, the Session had planned for a deficit of $73,000, or 3.4% of income. He emphasised that the Session has always been conscious of spending within the church’s means, but added that many programmes had not gone ahead as a result of this constraint. This time, the Session was determined to take a step of faith.

9.2 The allocation of the 2018 budget was as follows: Staff (55%); Missions (17%); Others (28%). The main increases were due to: Hiring of new staff; Higher subsidies for Camp Hebron; Healthy at Hebron’s Community Day; Expansion of the Sunday School ministry’s outreach programmes; Sponsoring of meals for those committing to the weekly Cascading Discipleship initiative; Rejuvenation of the youth ministry through the Saturday Fellowship, and; The running of the then newly-launched Mandarin Evening Worship Service. Deacon Kim Yee then invited questions on the 2018 budget.

9.3 Sister Diana Poh observed a decrease of three percentage points in the 2018 staff budget (55%) vis-à-vis 2017’s actual expenditure (58%), and asked if this meant that staff members were being paid less. Deacon Kim Yee clarified that when the 2018 staff budget is compared year-on-year with 2017’s budget (i.e. instead of expenditure), the difference is minimal. He also noted that the figures take into account the budget to hire potential staff, which is a contingent factor.

9.4 Elder Boon Peng took the opportunity to assure the meeting that Hebron’s pastors were financially cared for. He also explained the rationale behind budgeting for new hires – it was to enable the church to be more responsive to growth opportunities by recruiting suitable staff, who were becoming increasingly hard to find.

9.5 Sister Ann Kwa had two questions. Firstly, referring to the independent auditor’s report on page 46, she noticed in the financial statements that the percentage of salaries and related costs against the total unrestricted funds was 64.8%. She asked why this was different from the 58% figure that was earlier given by Deacon Kim Yee. Deacon Kim Yee explained that he derived 58% by dividing the staff expenditure by the general and mission fund expenditures.21 He had based these on the internal management report found on page 62.

9.6 In her second question, Sister Ann expressed concern that salaries and related costs made up for nearly two-thirds of the total expenditure and thus considered it “pretty high”. She asked if this was the norm across churches. Elder Boon Peng said that data on salaries among local churches did not exist. However, he surmised that for a knowledge-intensive and people-oriented organisation such as the church, 58% seemed a reasonable proportion allocated to staff salaries. Deacon Kim Yee added that this figure also included employer contributions to the Central Provident Fund (CPF), benefits, and health policies for the 15 staff members then employed by the church. Elder David Tan remarked that the church’s staff members were paid below the market rate considering their qualifications and level of productivity.

9.7 Sister Susan Kang suggested that the staff count be separated into two groups for clearer distinction: existing staff and future hires. Deacon Kim Yee said he would take this up with the Session to be discussed.

2 Refer to page 62. Staff expenditure of $1,025,617 divided by GF total expenditure and MF expenditure ($1,461,236 + $298,764 + $90) equals to 58.27%.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 8 9.8 Brother Thaddeus Tsang asked if the Session had considered internally re-distributing the budget among the ministries according to their needs instead of “taking the easy way out” by increasing the total budget. Being involved in the Ezra Development team, he said it could be discouraging to raise funds while more money was being spent on ministries. Deacon Kim Yee emphasised that a consensus was reached among all the ministries before the budget was passed. The process involved collective deliberation, prayer, and recognition of which initiatives should be accorded priority. Brother Thaddeus then remarked that if the budget had been tightened and internally re-distributed among the ministries, any surplus could be channelled to the Development Fund, thereby easing the pressure of fundraising faced by the team and allowing the church to possibly reach its fund-raising target much earlier. Deacon Kim Yee said that fundraising for Project Ezra was a separate exercise altogether, and should therefore not be considered in the annual budgeting for ministries. Elder Boon Peng stressed that whatever was emphasised in the year’s budget would be spent in a prayerful manner, not imprudently. Nevertheless, he acknowledged that raising funds for Project Ezra required a greater step of faith and giving, and he urged the church to embrace this.

9.9 Brother Thaddeus also enquired on the budget allocated to the soccer ministry. In 2017, only $716 of the budgeted $4,000 was used. He asked why $3,000 was subsequently set aside for 2018. Pastor Nathanael Tan shared that 2017 was a year of transition for key leaders in the ministry. Additionally, the team was knocked out of the league early into the competition. The ministry had since been given time to rest and re-group. $3,000 was set aside for its re- launch.

9.10 Sister Ang Lee Lee asked if there were plans to re-allocate funds from the Ju Eng Home ministry to the Yew Tee Nursing Home ministry. Deacon Kim Yee said that the commitment to Ju Eng Home lasted till the first quarter of 2018. Pastor Nathanael explained that a budget was not required for the Yew Tee Nursing Home ministry in its early stages, but that he would re-evaluate the ministry’s needs in the future.

9.11 Sister Serena Chan noted that there were no plans to transfer funds to the sinking fund in 2018, and recognised that this was because the Session had planned for a deficit. She asked if transferring money to the sinking fund should be mandated nevertheless as a discipline. This is because in general, the sinking fund is often tapped on to maintain depreciating assets like the physical building. Elder Boon Peng gave assurance that there were healthy reserves in the sinking fund.

9.12 There being no further questions raised, the budget was accepted.

Proposer: Brother Ng Yeau Chong Seconder: Brother Brandon Leong

9 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 10 Appointment of Independent Auditors

Elder Boon Peng proposed to the meeting to appoint the same independent auditors that had been faithfully serving the church. The meeting appointed Baker Tilly TFW LLP as the auditor for the financial year ending 31 December 2018.

Proposer: Sister Serena Chan Seconder: Pastor Ian Heng

11 Appointment of Internal Auditors

Elder Boon Peng thanked Brother Tan Jing Xin and Sister Eileen Toh for their service in 2017. He proposed Sister Belinda Lin and Sister Michelle Tan Ser Lin as Internal Auditors for the financial year ending 31 December 2018.

Proposer: Brother Wesley Tan Seconder: Pastor Nathanael Tan

12 Closing

There being no further questions, Elder Boon Peng closed the meeting at 1.06 pm. Elder David closed in prayer.

Recorded by Evelyn Choo Vetted by Elder Ooi Boon Peng


Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church was registered as a society on 23 October 1991. It was registered under the Charities Act on 30 August 1993.

Unique Entity Number : S91SS0008D Registered Address : 10 Choa Chu Kang St 52, Singapore 689284 Charity Trustees : Members of the Session Session : Members are elected into the Session for a three-year term. (Management Committee) The following were elected at our Annual Congregational Meeting:

Date Elected 1 Elder Ooi Boon Peng President 25 March 2018 2 Mr Koh Kok Seng Secretary 25 March 2018 3 Mr Tang Kim Yee Treasurer 26 March 2017 4 Mr Chee Kum Leong, Daniel Session Member 26 March 2017 5 Mr Koh Chong Kwang Session Member 27 March 2016 6 Mr Reggie Lim Session Member 25 March 2018 7 Elder Loh Mun Fei Session Member 25 March 2018 8 Mr Low Giau Kim Session Member 27 March 2016 9 Mr Moh Chin Hong, Fred Session Member 25 March 2018 10 Elder Tan Cheow Beng, David Session Member 26 March 2017 11 Mr Tsang Wenhao, Frederick Session Member 26 March 2017 12 Mr Wang Rihui Session Member 26 March 2017 13 Elder Wong Wee Fang, Tony Session Member 26 March 2017 14 Mrs Wee-Leong Yoke Har, Susan Session Member 27 March 2016 15 Mrs Yeo-Gwee Lay Lian, Lillian Session Member 27 March 2016 16 Rev Goh Hwee Seng Pastor 27 March 2016 17 Rev Heng Yoke Ing, Ian Pastor 25 March 2018 18 Rev Tan Woon Soo, Nathanael Pastor 25 March 2018 19 Rev Wong Shin Hoe Pastor 27 March 2016

Bankers : DBS Bank Ltd & OCBC Bank Auditors : Baker Tilly TFW LLP

Objective The principal activity of the Church consists of sharing the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ. Finance & Funding The church is funded by offerings and pledges from church members and regular worshippers.

11 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Key Office Holders Date First Date Appointed Name Current Office Appointed to Key Occupation to Current Office Office Chief Executive Ooi Boon Peng President 2013 2013 Officer

Koh Kok Seng Secretary 2018 2016 Student

Tang Kim Yee Treasurer 2018 2017 IT Manager

Key Statistics 2016 2017 2018 Communicant membership on 31/12 926 943 981

Average First English Worship Service (FEWS) 317 340 328 attendance Average Second English Worship Service (SEWS) 157 153 151 attendance Average Mandarin Worship Service (MWS) 273 285 291 attendance Average Mandarin Evening Worship Service - - 45 attendance Total financial giving (at our regular services):

• General Fund (GF) 1,734,038 1,832,846 1,782,799

• Missions Fund (MF) 90,765 103,918 113,084 • Development Fund (DF) 730,358 682,705 906,785

Total (GF + MF + DF) 2,555,161 2,619,469 2,802,668

Comments We thank God for another year of His leading and provisions for Hebron BP Church. Financial giving to our church’s general and missions funds was sufficient to finance our operations and programmes in 2018. Although the growth in general and missions funds giving was -2.1%, over the same period in 2017, this should be seen in the context of additional givings to the Development Fund in 2018. With the addition of an evening Mandarin worship service, total average attendance in 2018 rose by 37 to 815. A total of 39 new members joined Hebron in 2018, bringing the overall church membership to 981 members. We thank God for His faithfulness and continue to pray for His will to be done in Hebron in the new year.

To God Be The Glory.

Submitted by Dn Koh Kok Seng

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 12 Church Staff

Senior Pastor Rev Wong Shin Hoe Pastor (Mandarin) Rev Goh Hwee Seng Asst. Pastor Rev Tan Woon Soo, Nathanael Pastor-at-Large Rev Heng Yoke Ing, Ian Ministry Staff Mr Lim Ka Njan, Peterus Ministry Staff Mr Puah Jian Horng, Emmanuel Ministry Staff Mr Lang Tien Ministry Staff Ms Zheng Li, Monica Ministry Staff Mr Loh Wen Jie, Renfred (from 1 Aug 2018) Ministry Staff (Mandarin) Ms Ko Sek Bee Ministry Staff (Mandarin) Rev Chiang Ho Heng, Henry (from 10 Jul 2018) Head, Church Administration and Development Mr Chan Kuan Fei, Kelvin Asst. Administrative Manager Ms Ngiou Chin Sein Communications Manager Ms Choo Yi Yong, Evelyn Administrative Executive Ms Lin Shiyun, Jojo Administrative Executive (Mandarin) Ms Tey Lee Hong, Sandy

Church Session

Elder Ooi Boon Peng Moderator Elder Tan Cheow Beng, David Asst. Moderator, Project Ezra Deacon Koh Kok Seng Clerk of Session, Chairperson of FEWS Elder Wong Wee Fang, Tony Missions Elder Loh Mun Fei Koinonia Groups Rev Wong Shin Hoe Senior Pastor, Christian Education, Camp Hebron Rev Goh Hwee Seng Pastor (Mandarin) Rev Tan Woon Soo, Nathanael Outreach, Kindergarten Chaplain, Prayer Rev Heng Yoke Ing, Ian Pastor-at-Large, Koinonia Groups, Seniors Deacon Chee Kum Leong, Daniel Camp Hebron Deacon Koh Chong Kwang Chairperson of CCKBC Management Committee, Project Ezra Deacon Reggie Lim Youth Deacon Low Giau Kim Outreach, Planning Deacon Moh Chin Hong, Fred Asst. Treasurer, Chairperson of SEWS, Young Adults, Mentoring Deacon Tang Kim Yee Treasurer, Marriage and Family Deacon Tsang Wenhao, Frederick Youth Deacon Wang Rihui Leave of Absence Deaconess Wee-Leong Yoke Har, Susan Marriage and Family, Kindergarten Board Member Deaconess Yeo-Gwee Lay Lian, Lillian Sunday School

(information accurate as of 31 Dec 2018)

13 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Letter from the Moderator

Dear Hebron brothers & sisters,

I thank God for seeing our Church through 2018. By His grace, we have persisted in moving our church towards our vision to be a “radiant church where the gospel is actively lived in every Hebronite”. In line with our church’s 2018 theme “Deepening a caring community of Christ”, we made efforts to promote relationships through mentoring and fellowship. For example, in the English congregation, the Cascading Discipleship programme was launched for young adult Hebronites to gather weekly for a time of fellowship, spiritual instruction and mentoring by older adults. In the Mandarin congregation, the Brothers’ and Sisters’ fellowship groups were launched to promote bonding and mutual encouragement among the men and women there. All this adds to our ongoing church-wide efforts to build inter-generational unity.

We further expanded our ministry staff resources with Rev Henry Chiang and Bro Renfred Loh coming on board for the pastoral care and spiritual development of our youths in the Mandarin and English congregations respectively. This allows Bro Lang Tien of the English pastoral team to focus on leading the Cascading Discipleship programme and providing pastoral care for our young adults. At the same time, we bid farewell to Sis Joanna Chen of the Mandarin pastoral team who returned to Taiwan to care for her ailing aged parents. We thank her for the years that she had spent with us providing pastoral care to the Hebronites in the Mandarin congregation.

In 2018, we came under six years to the end of our 30-year lease on our church land. The work on Project Ezra continued with fundraising from among Hebronites, as well as visits by the building team to other churches that have recently undertaken physical developments in order to learn from them. Although we did not attain our fund-raising target for 2018, through the sacrificial giving of Hebronites, we thank God for providing through the sacrificial giving of Hebronites the sum of over $900,000 during the year. This amount was raised through small fund-raising projects and through regular pledging. Nonetheless, we heed the pastors’ reminders that Project Ezra is about building the body of Christ first and not solely about raising money for a physical building. Indeed, without members who understand the heart-beat of God for the world and who are inspired by Hebron’s role in that work, there would be no reason to give anything, let alone sacrificially.

The other concern that is upon the hearts of the Hebron leaders is the need to sustain Hebron’s work in Choa Chu Kang for another generation. This requires continual prayer and search for Hebronites to step up to serve in the ministry of leadership, both in lay and in full-time capacities. We thank God for calling Deacon Koh Kok Seng to aspire to the office of elder (1 Timothy 3:1). Late last year, an ordaining council comprising BP pastors and elders was convened to interview him and examine his fitness for election and ordination. The council found him to be fit for the office of an elder. God willing, if elected, Deacon Kok Seng will be ordained as Elder of Hebron BP Church at the 2019 Anniversary Service. Meanwhile, members of the Session have identified potential church leaders among Hebronites and are preparing them to answer the call to service. May God continue to provide Hebron with godly leaders in the decades ahead.

I continually pray and call Hebronites to be moved spiritually to avail their heart, mind and material resources to the ministry work of our Church. Indeed, the harvest is plentiful but the labourers few. As we beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field (Luke 10:1-2), let us also step up in answer to our own prayers. May God keep us faithful in prayer, service and sacrifice.

In his service, Elder Ooi Boon Peng

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 14 Letter from the Senior Pastor

Dear Hebron brothers & sisters,

On this side of heaven, Hebron BP Church continues to be a work in progress. During the year, I shared with the staff team a few of my ministry priorities as I serve as Hebron’s senior pastor.

Project Ezra is one priority that will take several years to accomplish. Even so, as we entered the third year of our fundraising in 2018, we remember that it is first about the building up of Hebronites (the software), then about building structures and fundraising (the hardware).

Establishing church unity across generations and across congregations will forever be an unfinished work. Churches have split because older and younger members cannot get along or because members from different congregations fight over funding, resources and facilities. We cannot let this happen in Hebron. I was therefore heartened that Camp Hebron 2018 was the fastest-selling, best-attended family camp we have ever had. Hebronites from the English and the Mandarin congregations got to eat together and enjoyed fellowship and conversation with one another that they never thought was possible. There were several other opportunities for church- wide participation and contribution through the year which were all similarly embraced. Let us keep this momentum of trust and brotherly concern going.

The reality of an aging population in Hebron requires that we respond better, not only with better pastoral care, but also with mentoring, teaching and preaching, and succession planning, in order to ensure continuity of Hebron’s ministry into the future. The English congregation re-organised Christian education for young adults in the form of the Cascading Discipleship programme while the Mandarin congregation’s ministry to youths was strengthened by a full-time worker joining the team.

Hebron’s profile in the neighbourhood was higher in 2018 than before. The Community Day event on 15 September was bigger and better attended than in 2017. It was preceded by a door-to- door fruit distribution exercise undertaken by 90 Hebronites to nearby HDB blocks during which invitations to Community Day were also issued. Earlier in the year, some 200 people showed up on Good Friday for a movie screening in the church carpark. We began a monthly visitation programme to the Methodist Welfare Services Nursing Home at Yew Tee. By the end of the year, we were privileged to baptise a dying aged resident and later conducted his funeral. Our full-time staff overseeing ministries at the Boys’ Brigade 78J Company at Yew Tee Primary School and the Choa Chu Kang Bible Centre Kindergarten have even gone to visit the families and interacted with parents who sought counselling advice. We continued to support the community in participating in the Limbang National Day Dinner celebrations and other grassroots meals. The crowning joy was being invited by the Yew Tee Community Club to join in its Christmas celebrations in December by presenting carols to the Yew Tee residents who attended the event. I believe that we are slowly making our presence felt in the neighbourhood beyond our church perimeter fence.

My prayer is that we stay focused on Christ’s two-pronged emphasis of building disciples and making disciples, where the Great Commandment to love God and neighbour and the Great Commission to share the gospel to the nations go hand-in-hand. We must never make the mistake of emphasising one over the other.

For Christ and his kingdom, Pastor Wong Shin Hoe

15 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 PASTORAL Ps Wong Shin Hoe

Faithfulness in 2018 To lead The pastoral team for the English congregations had three pastors and five ministry workers by the end of 2018. It was the first full year of pastoral ministry after Pastor Wong Shin Hoe assumed the office of Senior Pastor of Hebron BPC in late 2017. Three ministry workers oversee ministries of the next generation (from children to young adults), while two oversee member care. One pastor oversees ministries to internationals and the neighbourhood, and another oversees the worship and KG ministries and care for senior adults in Hebron. To feed One big step taken in the teaching ministries of two sectors was the more intentional integration of education and community life. The pilot launch of the Saturday Youth Fellowship for Hebron youths from the middle of the year aimed at giving them a place to worship, learn and fellowship on a Saturday afternoon on a more regular basis, with the view of eventually replacing the Youth Discipleship Group classes held on Sunday mornings. Young adults were invited to meet on Tuesday evenings to learn, fellowship and bond with their peers and with middle adults who facilitated their discussions and provided mentoring. To keep Membership accountability exercise took place every Communion Sunday to facilitate more targeted pastoral care for Hebron members. The work of pastoral visitation was taken up more actively by the pastoral and ministry staff workers, over and above crisis visitations. These two exercises enable the pastors to manage a burgeoning list of long-time absent members. A number of weddings took place during the year and the need for marriage mentoring for both couples preparing to marry and already married couples was strongly felt. Work has begun to develop this aspect of ministry. A total of 21 communicant and 4 non-communicant new members were received into Hebron during the year. To reach Apart from ministering to Hebronites, the pastors and ministry staff have also met and interacted with members of the Limbang-Yew Tee neighbourhood. These persons may be the parents of the children attending the Choa Chu Kang Bible Centre Kindergarten or the Boys’ Brigade 78J Company at Yew Tee Primary School, beneficiaries of the Boys’ Brigade Share-a- Gift food packages living in the neighbourhood, or even residents and staff of the Methodist Welfare Services Nursing Home at Yew Tee. These are small steps towards shepherding the Limbang-Yew Tee neighbourhood that Hebronites can take for the glory of Christ.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 16 WORSHIP Ps Wong Shin Hoe

Faithfulness in 2018

The English worship services continued with the changes that were implemented in 2017 (namely, pastors giving the welcome and announcements and ecumenical creeds being read every Communion Sunday). Colours of the church liturgical calendar were introduced in the sanctuaries during the worship service to enhance the worship experience by visually emphasising the day or season. For this purpose, the wooden crosses were draped with cloth of the appropriate seasonal colour.

Another change is the incorporation of short points about the sacrament of the Holy Communion every time before Holy Communion is administered. The purpose is to seize that teaching moment, sharing with the congregations the meaning of the sacrament and to explain why it is administered in the way it is done in Hebron.

The series of sermons preached through the year generally aligned with Hebron’s theme for 2018, Deepening a Caring Community of Christ. They focused on the beginnings of the faith community in the life of Abraham, Christian practices in church, the building of the post-exilic people of God even as they sought to rebuild the fallen temple in Jerusalem in the book of Ezra, and God’s corrective perspectives about life and relationship as Jesus expounded in the Sermon on the Mount. The goal of this series is twofold: to teach what the Bible says about what the church is all about and to inspire Hebronites to grow in their relationships with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Guest speakers also accepted our invitations and blessed us with their sermons throughout the year, adding a different dimension to the ministry of the Word in Hebron.

The average total attendance each Sunday at the two English services for the year was 479, compared to 493 in 2017. The reason for the decline is not immediately clear but possibly due to more frequent overseas travel by Hebronites.

The choir ministry added a youth branch in the second half of the year with the formation of the Hebron Youth Chorale, whose members hail from the Second English Worship Service. This brings the number of choirs in the English congregation to three.

17 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Ps Wong Shin Hoe

To provide continuing Bible education for Hebronites Focus for the purpose of spiritual transformation Faithfulness in 2018

Compared to previous years, the Christian Education Ministry broadened in its reach in 2018.

The new element in the work was the launch of the Cascading Discipleship programme in late January. Young adult Hebronites were invited to attend a Tuesday evening meeting for dinner fellowship and Bible instruction led by Brother Lang Tien, followed by break-out small-group discussions facilitated by middle adult Hebronites. With a total of nearly 40 sessions through the year, these weekly meetings have resulted in much inter-generational bonding and richer community life between younger and older Hebronites.

The Adults Bible Class with a Difference! continued its Thursday evening run once every quarter, covering the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Survey of Eastern Church History (AD 1–1000), Old Testament Overview of the wisdom books, and New Testament Overview of the pastoral Pauline epistles. A decision was also made in the middle of the year to cease the Sunday run of the courses so that Ps Wong Shin Hoe, who taught the classes, was able to respond to other ministry demands.

Theology for Life classes expanded in the number of courses offered. Ps Ian Heng continued to lead in the teaching of senior adult Hebronites on Sunday afternoons. Separately, Ps Ian also led about 30 senior adult Hebronites on a self-paying Greece Bible Land Tour in October.

Bible study classes run by Precept Ministries and Bible Study Fellowship in Hebron on Saturday mornings, Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings continue to be subscribed by many Hebronites and Christians who live in or near Choa Chu Kang. In this way, we are privileged to be able to steward our facilities to bless the larger Christian community in Singapore and to promote the learning of God’s Word for His glory.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 18 KOINONIA GROUPS Ps Ian Heng Faithfulness in 2018 The 21 KGs met over the year to fellowship and lend support and care to one another in the groups. The KG Core is the committee headed by Pastor Ian which leads and coordinates the KG ministry. Bringing Hebronites together in small groups for fellowship, prayer and the study of the Bible remains the key elements of the ministry. Highlights KG Steamboat Dinner On Saturday 21 July, most of the KGs came together to share a gigantic meal of steamboat dinner using the entire church courtyard and fellowship hall. Invited friends and loved ones, and people interested in joining a small group in Hebron made up the 180+ folks sharing laughter and food together! Thanks to all the many hands of the KG leaders and others who pitched in to prepare for this mammoth event and especially Brother Peter Wee whose expertise in steamboat preparation remains unmatched. KG Kopi The KG leaders met 4 times during the year for KG Kopi. Ps Ian shared and gave training on small groups ministry. Some of the lessons covered were: “Four Keys to Transformational Discussions”, “Why Should I Lead a Small Group?”, “Teach Your Group to be Comfortable with Group Prayer”, “Small Groups in the Church”, “What is a KGL’s Role?”, “Five Questions That KGLs Usually Ask”, “Five Steps to Get to Know Your KG Members” and “How to Engage Introverts in a KG”. New KGs Two new KGs were added to the ministry: Crossfits and Salt Shakers. This brings the total number of KGs to 21 groups. The KG ministry complements the new ministry to the youths and young adults called the Cascading Discipleship programme. We pray that that everyone in Hebron would eventually be in a small group. 2019 Prayer Pointers Please pray: 1. Pray for Ps Ian & the KG Core members to coordinate well the year’s programme. 2. Pray for all KG leaders to be faithful in caring for each member’s spiritual welfare. 3. Pray for 2 new KGs to be started in 2019. 4. Pray for Ps Ian as he visits the KGs – to bless and to encourage them; and trains the KGLs.

19 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 CAMP HEBRON Dn Daniel Chee

Faithfulness in 2018

Camp Hebron 2018 was held at the Sands & Sandals Desaru Beach Resort, Johor, from 3–6 June. Both the English and Mandarin congregations had their respective family camps, totalling more than 300 Hebronites out at camp, the largest camp turnout in Hebron’s history. The English camp focused on “Living as God’s Church” with Pastors Wong Shin Hoe and Ian Heng as speakers, while the Mandarin camp focused on “Living Out Love” with Rev Caleb Soo, senior pastor of Singapore Life Church, as speaker.

The two family camps were organised by two planning committees who sought opportunities during the camp for Hebronites across the congregations to meet and fellowship. What eventually transpired was that young and old from both congregations interacted and bonded over meals, praise dance every morning and the finale night activity. The chance to work and have fun together in a compact period of time led to many campers testifying that they felt a deeper sense of belonging to the church. This was heartening to hear, especially for the camp organisers. The vision of the Hebron Church Camp ministry is to see church camp shape the spiritual landscape of Hebron. We thank God that Camp Hebron 2018 succeeded in that regard.

The English camp featured a Townhall meeting on one afternoon at which the leaders answered as many questions from Hebronites as the time allowed concerning the history, practices and culture of Hebron. The campers appreciated the opportunity to verbalise their questions in an open and engaging forum such as this. On the next afternoon, campers brainstormed on how Hebron could grow in the years ahead. The suggestions were then documented for consideration in charting Hebron’s future path.

Finally, thanks to the camp committee members for their labour of love must be recorded. The hand of God was obviously working in the midst of the planning and execution in overcoming the many challenges. We were blessed abundantly by Him. All glory goes to Him alone! See you all in Camp Hebron 2019!

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 20 SUNDAY SCHOOL Dns Lillian Yeo & Monica Zheng

Faithfulness in 2018

God is faithful and at Sunday School, we are grateful to God for several key events that transpired during the year.

Renewal God has provided committed young men and women to serve Him as our next generation leaders of Sunday School. This new team led by Monica are our new superintendents, Elaine (preschool), Jane (JSS) and Ying Xin (TDG). They will take the lead for the 2019 programmes. Please pray for them to remain faithful and joyful in their service.

Refresh On 12 May, some 50 of us gathered together to make the 9-layer kueh as part of our bonding session. There was much laughter and interaction across the different departments. The 9 attributes of the fruits of Holy Spirit were also discussed to remind us what God has given to empower us to serve.

Reaching Out This year’s children’s day was celebrated differently to teach the children the joy of giving to others. The children made cute soap bars to give to the residents of Yew Tee Nursing Home. They also wrote lovely notes to encourage these residents.

Our annual Camp Hooray! was held from 19–21 November with 90 participants, one-third from non-churchgoing families. The children learnt that Jesus is the true Superhero and the only One who can save them and give them life. Praise God that almost 40 children prayed to receive Christ!

Request for Prayer Pray for children who received Christ at Camp Hooray! to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Pray that all our volunteers will continue to serve with joy and passion for the Lord. Pray for Sunday School lessons to be internalised by the children and applied in their lives.

21 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 YOUTH Lang Tien & Renfred Loh

Faithfulness in 2018 Being a youth today seems harder than ever: more schoolwork, information overload (thanks Google), seeing your friend’s “perfect” life on social media. Being a Christian youth seems even harder: youths think that and science don’t mix, and that Christians are bigots. How can Hebron respond in times like these?

We believe the answer lies in creating authentic and safe spaces for youths to talk about the issues above and to discover Jesus as a community. To this end, 2018 saw the youth ministry launch the Saturday Youth Fellowship (SYF) meetings. We gathered to worship God and tackle controversial, yet relevant, topics in light of the Christian faith. Slowly but surely, we are seeing youths open up more and share their honest questions about Christianity, their struggles in life and their thoughts on church. When these conversations continue to happen, we can then explore the gospel in a richer context.

As always, it was encouraging to see the youths put their hearts and efforts into making Youth Sunday and Youth Camp memorable events that glorified God.

Looking Forward to 2019

The youths have begun to appreciate the changes made over the last few years, so in 2019, we will be building on these foundations. In order for the Youth Ministry to be a place where our youths and their friends feel the warmth and love of Christ, we will be encouraging the youths to appreciate and protect the safe spaces that have been created for meaningful conversations.

We seek your understanding and support as the ministry continues to transit away from a Sunday-centric ministry and towards SYF. We invite you to pray alongside us as we train our leaders and deepen relationships within the ministry, and for all of us to discover the richness of community in Christ and the joy of a life in Him.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 22 YOUNG ADULTS Dn Fred Moh

Vision To love God, love his word, and love his people Faithfulness in 2018

We thank God for the stability that He has blessed the ministry with, where it is a safe place to live and grow as Christian Young Adults (YAs) who, at this age, are surrounded by decisions that determine many things in life. Young Adults hold quarterly seminars or workshops where current issues are discussed. It is also a common space where all Young Adults can meet together. In warmer surroundings, YA KGs meet more frequently for small group discussions. Fellowship requires commitment and many are committed to be there for one another to share in joys and be united through difficulties. The year’s highlight is the YA Retreat and not only because it is an overseas trip. It is a time for a re-alignment of priorities and for renewing relationships.

Coming-of-age describes both the YAs and the ministry. We see YAs scaling greater heights as they grow in their faith and ever more encouraged as they continue to serve or lead others to serve as they grow in Christ. This year is also the final year that the YA ministry will have Advisors. We thank Joyce Moh and Kelvin Chan who have always been there when the YA leaders needed a bit more help to get their plans going. The YA leaders are more than ready to lead their generation. The evidence is clear in their monthly leaders’ meeting where problems are solved and tasks are distributed efficiently. They also make time for prayer, for training and also time to love one another.

2018 was also a year where Cascading Discipleship started to focus on teaching so that YA KGs can give more time to building bonds. To mark this new phase, YA KGs will be renamed Life Groups, pointing to their role in helping one another navigate through life. On a personal note, I would like to thank the YA leaders partnering with me in this ministry as I handover this ministry to Lang Tien. It has been a joy and privilege being a part of this ministry.

Dn Fred, Joyce & Kelvin

23 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 MARRIAGE & FAMILY Dns Susan Wee

The MFM promotes awareness and importance of healthy marriages in Hebron, to preserve family values and encourage role models of healthy marriage through mentorship and couples fellowship. The MFM also organises events to raise awareness of good communication, parenting issues, parent/child bonding and couple-dating matters.

Faithfulness in 2018

Date with Dad at Mandarin Orchard (7 April 2018)

We rode on the “Date with Dad” programme organised by Focus on the Family to strengthen Father/Daughter relationship.

Heart-to-Heart conversation workshop by Mr Arthur Ling from Fei Yue (1 May 2018)

Eleven couples attended the workshop including newly married and engaged couples. The couples came together to learn easy and practical ideas to renew love, recapture joy and rekindle romance and passion, nurturing a relationship to last for a lifetime. Many found the workshop very helpful and encouraging and brought the couples a higher level of communication.

Key takeaways were: • Building a strong foundation to express and receive emotional love • Validating each other and learning to find that sweet spot • Meeting spouse’s need

Family Games Day at Sembawang Park in conjunction with Sunday School (23 June 2018)

About 60 participants, young and old, attended the Family Games Day. God was good and provided sheltered BBQ pits so children could still enjoy games and children’s activities despite the initial rain. There was good mingling and fellowship among Hebronites. Many youths helped in the BBQ and most enjoyed a good sumptuous dinner.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 24 49ERS Alice Lim Faithfulness in 2018 2018 is another fulfilling year for the 49ers’ Ministry. We continue to have encouraging participation from Hebron seniors in all our activities.

Besides popular activities like pot-luck sessions, the day trip to JB and a nature walk, our Committee planned two ‘special’ activities this year. 1. Ukelele Team – Brother Wang Swee Chuang helped arrange for an instructor to conduct eight beginners’ lessons for thirty 49ers. After the completion of the lessons, they continued to practise and Sister Susan Lim organised the group as 49ers Harmony, to perform in church and community events. In December, the 49ers Harmony made their debut, bringing Christmas cheer to the residents of MWS Yew Tee Nursing Home.

2. Educational Visit to Bedok NEWater Treatment Plant and Changi T4 on 3 Nov 2018 where the 49ers had an enriching time of learning and fellowship. Passing on Leadership Baton

Several original members have served in the Committee since its formation in 2007. It is thus timely for leadership renewal and for younger members to step up.

From 2019, Joel Lee, Ang Lee Lee, Tay Mee Chin and Susan Kang will take over as Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer from Alice Lim, Yip Soh Moy, Pang Meng Teck and Susan Lim respectively. The “old guards” will remain in the Committee to assist the new leaders and serve in other roles.

Outgoing Incoming Chairman Alice Lim Joel Lee Vice-Chairman Yip Soh Moy Ang Lee Lee Secretary Pang Meng Teck Tay Mee Chin Treasurer Susan Lim Susan Kang

With thankfulness to God for keeping the Committee united and active all these years, we continue to seek His blessing and equipping of the Committee to serve in one accord and plan meaningful activities for the years ahead.

25 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 NEW FRIENDS Jasmine Kang & Ps Nathanael Tan

What We strive to connect new friends with Hebronites so that We Do they may weave with ease into our church community. To build relationships with visitors, Our listen and understand them so that they might establish a Purpose spiritual journey in the loving presence of God at Hebron.

Faithfulness in 2018 Praise God for his continued faithfulness. He equipped the team to serve effectively each Sunday, at the Healthy at Hebron talks and Community Day, and to partner the outreach ministry in various outreach events like the Good Friday Movie Screening. We were blessed through serving as we witnessed his work in the lives of those living in Choa Chu Kang. We have also seen God’s faithfulness in adding younger members to the NFM team to connect more effectively to a younger generation of visitors.

Looking Forward to 2019 Please pray: 1. That more Hebronites will step up and serve in this ministry.

2. That we will work effectively with other ministries in Hebron as we reach out to new friends.

3. That everyone serving in the NFM will enjoy the fellowship of serving Christ and growing in the knowledge of him.

4. Sister Jasmine has served faithfully as the NFM head since 2016. She is stepping down in March 2019 but will continue to play an active role in the NFM. Pray for the leadership transition. Bro Emmanuel Puah has also been assigned to help the NFM coordinate with other ministries in following up with visitors.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 26 BOYS’ BRIGADE Emmanuel Puah Faithfulness in 2018 residents in Limbang received Boys, 27 parents and siblings food hampers through the of the Boys, 3 teachers and 15 Share-A-Gift project – 5 more Hebronites helped distribute the 30 families added from the 40 hampers. Active engagement previous of 25 families. with families of Boys and collaboration from school and opportunities created for church. Hebronites to interact with the 6 Boys, their families and the school. New Officers in 78J Over the years, we have groomed many Boys. Of them, we have 2 Boys who had just completed their BB officers course and are joining 78J Coy to serve alongside with us. Share-A-Gift Project This is the second year we have invited our Boys’ families to join us in the distribution of hampers. We couched this as an opportunity for family bonding, and for Boys and their families to know us. The initiative was well-received. It was a meaningful time for them to interact with Hebronites too. Building relationships with the Boys, their school, their families and Hebronites Besides the Share-A-Gift project, we rode on four other events to build relationships with these three parties: the Enrolment Service cum Song & Dance performance, our mid- year camp, year-end camp, invitation to Health Talk, Community Day, Camp Hooray, Youth activities for graduating Boys. God’s providence through initial challenges One of the teachers-in-charge, Mr Sim, joined us in 2018 but will be leaving us in 2019. However, God is always faithful to provide. One new teacher, Mr Dave Goh, a fervent Christian, will be joining our BB78J family, adding to the existing team of teachers (Mr Tanapal, Ms Zheng and Mr Nair). Looking Forward to 2018 We are still praying for Hebronites and officers to avail themselves to conduct Christian Education lessons on weekdays (2:30pm–5pm), and to be involved in the mid-year and year-end camps. We welcome your experience in any field and guidance/training will be provided. Come share the love of Jesus with our Boys.

27 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 MISSIONS Eld Tony Wong & Monica Zheng

2018 saw a greater integration of English and Mandarin missions ministries. An exploratory mission trip was made to Nepal from 8–16 April. The 4-member team, led by Amelia Tan, visited a number of different ministries to explore long-term partnership opportunities and also conduct children’s camps and minister to the locals. Another trip, with 13 members, was led by Sister Joyce Han to East Asia from 6–9 December. They ministered with an original mini concert, “Loneliness of Christmas”, to about 80 invited friends.

FM2000 was rebranded to Missions ALIVE (pray, give, go) in early 2018 with the hope to inspire, inform and encourage all Hebronites to participate in God’s great commission, both locally and overseas. Our quarterly Missions ALIVE topics for the year included Urban Missions in Singapore, an update on Cambodia and an introduction to the Kairos Course.

Dr Samuel Law from SBC preached on Missions Sunday about “A Foreigner’s Story”, followed by a Missions in Conversation workshop with three guest speakers: Amelia Tan (Hebronite), Rachel Seah (Tamar Village), and Timothy Cheong (HealthServe). Our three guests shared about their heart for these particular mission fields and how Hebronites can be involved.

Our Missionaries

Thank God that some of our missionaries were able to attend the Hebron camp and had good fellowship with Hebronites. John and Winnie Lim joined SIM in February, teaching the Kairos course in East Asia. Pastor Oh Hwee Kiong and Chindrawati had Home Assignment in the first half of 2018 and were on leave to complete his DMin thesis in the second half. He will return to the field with added responsibilities in Cambodia, Thailand and regional areas. Sister Poh Yeen was also back in Singapore for Home Assignment from June to August and returned to Mongolia to continue her counselling work with the spiritually needy Mongolians with their various addiction problems. Dr Matthew & Dorcas continued their good work in MSI in missions training and research, leadership and human resource, helping the local church and ministering to the less privileged community with subsidised medical services. Matthew received his DMin in June. Brother Dennis & Dang returned to USA in early 2018 to care for Dennis’ (late) father.

We continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers. There are promising signs of our young being challenged for missions work. With small acts of faith and support from Hebron, we pray that God will bless this work and grant a fruitful harvest in His time.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 28 OUTREACH Ps Nathanael Tan Dn Low Giau Kim Dn Frederick Tsang

Reaching out to families with the Gospel Vision in word and deed within Choa Chu Kang and beyond.

To help every Hebronite take the next step Goal to reach out with the gospel Faithfulness in 2018

REGULAR MINISTRIES 1. Mabuhay Fellowship We thank God for the faithful ministry of Sister Dang Metcalf and the many lives she has touched. Brother Dennis Dignadice took over the fellowship in June 2018.

2. Indonesian Ladies Fellowship Sister Jennifer Soebroto has faithfully led this ministry for several years with help from Yudith of Esther Network.

3. Soccer Ministry The ministry is taking an indefinite break as almost all the key leaders are overseas.

4. Yew Tee Nursing Home Outreach We give thanks that an average of 20 Hebronites visited the residents of the home monthly from March to December 2018. The 49ers Ukelele group also visited the home on 2 December to sing Christmas carols to the residents of 3 wards. Finally, a total of 3 residents were baptised into the membership of Hebron at the end of the year.

29 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 CHURCH-WIDE OUTREACH EVENTS: 1. Healthy at Hebron Initiative • Monthly health talks by experts and professionals in their respective fields of practice were organised for the community. However, the turn out for this round of talks did not increase appreciably from what was experienced in 2017 despite more targeted publicity. It was decided that we would discontinue these monthly health talks but concentrate efforts on the Healthy at Hebron Community Day.

• The Community Day 2018 was held on 15 September to a better reception by the neighbourhood. The Faith Fellowship hall and the car-park frontage of the church was taken up by activities all through the day, creating an energetic buzz, attracting the attention of passers-by. From early in the morning, a discovery race kicked off from Hebron as groups ran off to explore Limbang and Yew Tee. Three health talks were held and were very well attended. Fei Yue Retirees Centre provided depression and dementia screening once again, while the Singapore Red Cross returned for the blood donation drive. There were many more food stalls and other activity corners to interest the visitors.

• We were blessed by the presence of the Member of Parliament for Limbang and Minister for National Development, Mr Lawrence Wong, who was guest-of-honour. We were also very pleased that several grassroots leaders of Limbang came to the event and got to know us better. Once again, Hebronites across the church rose to the occasion to welcome and host our guests that day.

2. The CCKBC Kindergarten Outreach on 31 March & 25 August saw a total of 200 children and parents participate in an interactive and fun craft session as a family and hear the gospel presented by Monica our Sunday School ministry staff. Hebronites also hosted the families to a meal and they found out more about our church.

3. The inaugural Good Friday Movie Screening saw an estimated 150 people watch “Risen”, a film exploring the resurrection of Jesus. Many Hebronites invited friends and neighbours to the open-air movie screening and there were quite a number of walk-ins from the community.

4. Christmas with Friends. Almost 150 attended this dinner and the gospel was presented in song and a message to invited guests. 6 indicated they prayed to receive Jesus and a number more indicated they would like to know more about Jesus.

5. Carolling at Yew Tee CC Christmas event. 40 Hebronites from the English and Mandarin service choirs, and the youth chorale presented Christmas songs at a Yew Tee CC Christmas event on 22nd December. They also gamely joined the community in the activities and games. Plans for 2019 • Encouraging a Culture of Outreach in Hebron through sermons and challenging KGs to reach out; Equipping Hebronites to reach out through pastoral support and prayer; Establishing a better system of follow-up through working with the Christian Education ministry closely. • Continue to make prayer the foundation of all outreach. • Explore an outreach to the nurses at Yew Tee Nursing Home in 2019. • Continue and expand upon our Community Outreaches like Healthy at Hebron and the Good Friday Movie Outreach.

ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 30 MANDARIN WORSHIP 华语部 SERVICE

31 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 笃信圣经长老会希伯仑堂华语部 2018年常年事工简报

1 事工委员会 Administrative Committee (AC)

工委会共有 14 位成员,教牧与平信徒一起同工,彼此配搭,各就各位,负责不同 事工。每两个月召开一次会议,商讨会务。若有需要,会召开额外会议,或直接 向长老会汇报,以督促圣工进行顺利。

The roles of our 14 AC members are as follows:

吴蕙城牧师 主席、总协调、敬拜、基督教教育、晚堂、团契关怀 Ps Goh Hwee Seng Chairperson, Overall Coordinator, Worship, Christian Education, Evening Service, Fellowship & Pastoral Care 许崇光执事 副主席、执事、招待、宣委 Dn Koh Chong Kwang Deputy Chairperson, Deacon, Ushering, Missions 王日晖执事 执事、福音事工、宣委主席 Dn Wang Rihui Deacon, 、Missions (Chairperson) 陈玉慧传道 乡语聚会、新朋友事工、祷告事工、壮年姐妹牧养 Pr Joanna Chen Dialect Service, New Friends Ministry, Prayer Ministry, (至 7 月) Mature Sisters’ Pastoral Care 高淑美传道 长者事工、姐妹团契、儿童主日学 (7 月始) Pr Ko Sek Bee Seniors’ Ministry, Sisters’ Fellowship, Children Sunday School (wef July) 蒋和兴牧师 少年与青年事工 (7 月始) Ps Henry Chiang Youth & Young Adult Ministry (wef July) 李赞华弟兄 文书、总务 Bro William Li Secretariat & Logistics 陈宏恒弟兄 肢体代表 (青成)、生活营 Bro Tan Hong Herng Young Adult Representative, Church Camp 陈业隆弟兄 影音与电器、 Bro Tan Ngiap Loong AV & Equipment 龚久隆弟兄 圣乐 Bro Samuel King Music Ministry 韩葆真姐妹 儿童主日学(至 6 月)、宣委 Sis Joyce Han Children Sunday School (till June), Missions 林莉姐妹 肢体代表(中友)、新朋友事工(7 月始) Sis Lin Li Chinese Nationals’ Representative, New Friends Ministry (wef July) 张明莉姐妹 少年事工、美工宣传 Sis Cheong Ming Lee Youth Ministry , Creative Design 许美英姐妹 肢体代表(青成) Sis Lydia Koh Young Adult Representative

ANNUAL REPORT1 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 32

2 2018 年展现的忠心 Faithfulness in 2018

全年主题“深化属基督的关爱群体” Theme: “Deepening a Caring Community of Christ ”

2.1 敬拜事工 Worship Ministry

今年主要继续例常的主日敬拜聚会安 This year saw a continuation of the 排以及特别主日聚会(如:孝亲节主 regular Sunday worship services and special services. Live music replaced the 日、圣乐主日、28 周年纪念等等)。 pre-recorded music for the 5-minute 聚会前的 5 分钟倒数则实施了“现 countdown prelude. 场”序乐的使用,让会众作个人祷告

和预备心敬拜。 Clavinova was included as a second instrument for Holy Communion 此外,聚会也增加了 乐器 Clavinova Sundays and special Sundays, in an 的使用,作为圣餐主日和其他特别主 effort to enrich the worship music. 日的第二个乐器,为整个圣乐敬拜氛 围带来更多音乐风味和色彩。 Besides the monthly After Action Review, video training was given for 在培训方面,除了每月的事后学习, worship & song leaders, in their own 也提供了“主领敬拜者训练”视频给 learning pace. 所有司会和领唱者自修学习。 As part of the effort to elevate the 为提高弟兄姐妹的唱诗能力,今年在 singing ability of the congregation, basic 上半年开办了声乐基础班,下半年则 vocal training classes were conducted by 有声乐进深班,由林天样弟兄教导。 Bro. Paul Lam. 出席声乐基础班的有 11 位,声乐进 深班则有 7 位。 This year also saw the inauguration of the Mandarin Evening Service in 2018 年 1 月开始了晚堂华语敬拜聚 January, to serve the needs of Christians 会。对象是那些得在星期天白昼工作 and pre-believers who work during the day on Sundays. 的基督徒与未信徒。 We thank the Lord for the growth of the

感谢主,晚堂聚会人数在上半年有平 evening service, from an average attendance of 37 in the first half of the 均 37 位并慢慢增长至下半年的平均 year, to 50 by the second half of the 50 位。当中有 10-15 位是从早堂下 year. 10-15 members from the morning 来到晚堂参与服事的弟兄姐妹。全年 service came to serve in the evening 共接待过 位到访的新朋友。 105 service each week. In all, a total of 105 newcomers visited the Evening Service.

2.2 乡语事工 Dialect Ministry 乡语聚会 14 年来在每周六下午两点 The Dialect Service commenced 14 years 半用不同籍贯的家乡话来传讲信息和 ago, held on Saturdays weekly at 颂唱诗歌。主要是唱闽语诗歌和以华 2.30pm, with the use of dialects in the 语分享,通译为闽语。偶尔也以闽语 worship songs and messages. The songs 或粤语分享,再通译为华语。 were mainly in Hokkien, while the messages are delivered mainly in 2 33 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 今年也举办了一些特别活动,如:探 Mandarin and interpreted to Hokkien. 访灵光爱老院、福音见证电影欣赏、 There were also times when the 专题座谈“父母的信望爱”、个人见 messages were delivered in Hokkien or 证分享和诗歌赞美会等。 Cantonese, then interpreted to Mandarin. 今年平均出席人数为 32 人。 Special activities were also organised this year, such as visitation of Ling Kwang Home, evangelistic movie screening, Talk on “Faith, Hope & Love of Parents”, Personal Testimony Sharing and Praise & Worship.

Average weekly attendance : 32

2.3 祷告事工 Prayer Ministry 每个月有两次祷告会,于每月第二和 Prayer meetings were held on the 2nd th 第四个星期三晚上 8 点在摩利亚厅举 and the 4 Wednesday evenings of the 行。 month at the Moriah Sanctuary.

禁食祷告会自 2015 年 6 月开始在每 Since June 2015, Fast & Pray sessions st rd 月第一及第三个周三中午举行。因会 were held on the 1 and the 3 友出席率不理想,从 8 月开始,禁食 Wednesday’s noons. Since August, the 祷告会就改为教牧禁食祷告,期盼从 Fast & Pray sessions were changed to 教牧为起点,之后再考虑是否要推展 Pastoral Staff Fast & Pray sessions, to begin the discipline with the pastoral 给会众。 team, before considering whether to

promote to the congregation. 教会也设置 WhatsApp 教会代祷网,

共有 位代祷勇士。 60 WhatsApp prayer group: 60 prayer warriors. 每主日敬拜之后的会后代祷,由教牧

轮流在锡安聚会厅里的代祷室为有需 Pastoral intercessory prayer is held 要的肢体们代祷。 immediately after Sunday worship services at Zion Sanctuary.

2.4 儿童主日学 Children Sunday School 在担任了7年半的总协调后,葆真姐 After being the main coordinator for the 妹于2018下半年卸下总协调职务,由 Children Sunday School for 7.5 years, Sis 高淑美传道接任。 Joyce Han stepped down from the role in the second half of 2018, and Preacher 固定出席的学生大约30位,年龄介于 Sek Bee took over as the main 4到12岁。共有15位老师同心配搭, coordinator. 带领孩童敬拜及教导孩童明白神的话 Average regular attendance was about 语。所采用的教材是香港宗教教育中 30 students, aged 4 to 12 years old. There were 15 teachers who co- 心出版的《童心爱主》系列中的“上 laboured together in the teaching of the 帝与我”、“天地初开”、“救主耶稣”和 Word and worship. The class curriculum 道光出版的 奇妙真神 。 “ ” covered "God and Me", "The Beginning of Heaven and Earth", "Savior Jesus"

and "Fantastic God".

ANNUAL REPORT3 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 34

于年中六月举办家长会,同时表演圣 The Children's Sunday School held a 经故事“我是故事王”。 十一月有庆生 parents’ meeting in June and performed 会和背金句比赛。 the Bible story “I am the King of the Story”. Scripture memory competition 除了上课以外,儿童主日学也参与各 held in end term. 项特备节目,如孝亲节献诗,参与7 月份的宣教筹款运动和12月的圣诞节 Children's Sunday School also 目献唱。 participated in special programs, such as the Parents' Day song presentation, fundraising for missions and the Christmas celebration in December.

2.5 2018青少事工 2018 Youth Ministry 上半年由吴张明莉师母担任总协调。 Sis Cheong Ming Lee was the main 蒋和兴牧师于7月加入,接任为总协 coordinator in the first half of the year. 调,吴张明莉师母为副。 When Pastor Henry Chiang joined in 今年青少主日学依旧分为三班:初少 July, he took over as the main 班(13岁)、中少班(14-16岁)及 coordinator, while Sis Ming Lee became the deputy. 高少班(16-20岁),名单共31位。 Classes: 我们有5位导师及5位助教,同心配搭 教导神的话语。同样,我们每月第三 • Junior Youth (13 years old) • Middle Youth (14-16 years old) 周有联合团契,也推动了321小组要 • 他们学习彼此分享并一起祷告。每一 Senior Youth (16-20 years old) A total of 31 youths were taught by a 组都有一位属灵导师带领。这将让青 team of 5 teachers and 5 teaching 少年们能更紧密的在主里有联系和一 assistants who served together and 起成长。 guided those youths in God’s word. 同时,我们也在假期期间主办更多的 Combined fellowship activities were 活动给青少年们:11月5日青少烤肉 held on the third Sundays for these 会(包括父母共32人出席)、11月17 youths and the 321 groupings were 日实龙岗岛郊游(包括父母,共20人 implemented for the youths to share 参与)及青少吉他班(共9位青少年 and pray together in their small groups, 人参加)。这将让青少年人在假期有 each led by a mentor. We hope the 更多健康的选择。 youths will thus bond and grow 最近一次的家长会议,我们有16位家 together in the Lord. 长参加。家长们都非常积极地看见有 Healthy activities were organised for 青少聚会在明年的开始。期望明年青 the youths during the school holidays, 少聚会的开始,能更全面的帮助青少 such as Guitar class, BBQ, and outing. We look forward to the commencement 在主里成长。 of a youth service next year to help the

youths grow more holistically in the

Lord. 2.6 成人主日学与基督教教育 Adult Sunday School & Christian Education 总协调:吴蕙城牧师。 Coordinator : Ps Goh Hwee Seng 今年班级分为:青成栽培班、青年查 Types of classes: Adult Establishing 经班、成人进深班和两个华语查经 Class, Young Adult Bible Study Class, 4 35 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 班。 Adult Continuing Education Class, Chinese Bible Class. 进深班教导了《保罗书信(下)-尽心事 奉》;华语查经班 A 与 B 则分别教导 Courses taught by the various classes in 《撒母耳记上》和《保罗的教导》; the year included the following: “1 Samuel”, “Paul’s Epistles”, “Judges”, and 青年查经班则查考《士师记》。 “Paul’s teachings.

全年大约 80 位弟兄姐妹固定出席以 A total of about 80 people attended the 上各班级课程。 above-mentioned classes.

今年有两个特别讲座在第五个主日举 Two talks were held, namely – “How to 行,“如何建立属灵伙伴”(4 月) Establish Spiritual Partners” and “321: 和“321:如何实践三人行”(9 Walking in Threes”. On Missions Sunday, a sharing session on the East 月)。宣教主日(7 月 15 日)当天 则举办了短宣分享会,让弟兄姐妹们 Asia and Nepal mission trips were also organised. 了解东亚和尼泊尔的短宣学习。

2.7 成人诗班 Adult Choir 今年诗班有了龚久隆弟兄为新的总协 This year saw Bro Samuel King assumed 调兼指挥。同时也成立了六人诗班委 the role of the Main Coordinator cum 员会,协助久隆弟兄协调各样事务。 Conductor. A six-member sub- committee was also formed to assist Bro 2018 目标为:1)增加诗班的参加人 Samuel in the coordination of the 数;2)提高歌唱技巧;3)在灵里成 various functions within choir. 长。 The objectives in 2018: 1) To increase the number of choristers in our choir; 2) 今年看到了诗班从少数 位诗班员 11 To improve singing technique and skills, 渐增长至今日的将近 20 人。今年诗 and 3) To grow in the spirit. 班成员有较多流动性,因为我们实施 了试验期作法,让尝试者先有机会参 The choir grew from 11 members to 与诗班以及更了解圣乐的服事是怎么 about 20 in the year. 样的以及发掘各人的音乐潜能之后, Ad-hoc music theory classes were 才决定是否长期委身在诗班服事。 conducted during choir rehearsals for those who wanted to learn how to read 诗班也开始了一些乐理课,教导不谙 music. In November, we invited Ms 乐谱的人学习看谱。在 11 月邀请了 Leona Quek as a guest vocal coach to 郭灵音女士为客座声乐导师来训练我 train our vocals. 们。大约有 13 位成员参加。 Monthly devotional sharing sessions 诗班也在今年开始了灵修分享时段。 were led by different choir members in 每个月首就有预先指定的诗班员来分 the beginning of the year to encourage 享,以鼓励彼此并集体建立对主的信 one another and build up the faith in the 心。诗班练习完后还有茶点,以便可 Lord collectively. We also had refreshments post-choir rehearsals to 以彼此交流和建立关系与关怀。 mingle and bond with each other that

we otherwise would not have time for during the rehearsal.

ANNUAL REPORT5 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 36

2.8 乡韵诗班 Dialect Choir 指挥兼协调:陈江河 Conductor & Coordinator: Bro. Tan Kang Ho 今年我们共有 22 位成员,乡韵诗班 Dialect choir has 22 members in 2018. 每二个月有一次献诗,都是用华语和 Songs were presented on a bi-monthly 闽南语。目前的司琴是梁恩爱姐妹, frequency at Sunday worship services, 诗班员没多改变,每周出席练习约 mainly sung in Hokkien and Mandarin. 70%,诗班员都很努力,希望能多添 Sis Landy Leung was the choir pianist. Weekly turn-out averaged at 70%. Our 男生诗班员。 members practised hard and we hope

more brothers can join in.

: 2.9 团契事工 Fellowship Ministry 总协调:吴蕙城牧师 Coordinator: Ps Goh Hwee Seng

目前有六个团契小组(仁爱、喜乐、 Bi-weekly and monthly KG meetings are 恩慈、节制、中友、恩典)在每个月 held. There were 6 KGs in 2018: Love, 一次或两次聚会,共有大约70位会友 Joy, Kindness , Self-control, Zhongyou 归属于团契小组。 and Grace. About 70 members joined the KGs. 今年也同时成立姐妹团契和弟兄团 契,目的是为了让姐妹之间与弟兄之 This year also saw the establishing of 间能彼此联系和建立关系,以致能互 the Sisters’ and Brothers’ Fellowship groups, to build relationships among the 相扶持守望。 sisters and brothers respectively, that

they may mutually support and 姐妹团契于 4 月 14 日开始,共举行 encourage one another. 5 次团契聚会。节目内容包括“姐妹

下午茶”,借此促进姐妹之间的关 The Sisters’ Fellowship started on 14th 系;也透过学习“手提袋设计”和 April 2018, and 5 meetings were held. “制作丝袜桔子与花朵”的活动,鼓 The program included “Sisters 励姐妹们配合教会以斯拉工程的筹 Afternoon Tea”, “Handbag Handicraft” 款,以爱主教会的心一起同心制作这 for Ezra fundraising, and special talks 些手工艺品;此外,也举办特别讲座 relevant to the sisters. Average 和分享圣经中姐妹的榜样,来帮助姐 attendance was 35. In all, 87 sisters 妹们更好地互相扶持与建立,并活出 attended at least one activity this year. 合神心意的生活。聚会出席人数平均 为 35 位。全年共有 87 位姐妹出席至 The Brothers’ Fellowship commenced th 少一次的姐妹团契活动。 on 4 April, with activities held on the first, third and fifth Wednesdays of the 弟兄团契则于 4 月 4 日开始,每月的 month. 3 coffee talks were held: 第一、三和五个周三举办团契活动。 “Christians and Investments”, “Financial Management” and “How to be a Good 共有 3 次咖啡座谈会:“基督徒与投 资”、“如何理财”和“如何做个好 Husband”. There were 6 badminton sessions, 6 Bible Study sessions, and 3 丈夫”,6 次羽球会,6 次查经 meal gatherings. Average attendance: (“如何作无悔的选择”),以及 3 15 for talks, 7 for badminton, and 4 for 次聚餐。聚会平均人数:座谈 15 bible studies. The year saw 30 brothers 6 37 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 位,羽球会 7 位,查经 4 位。全年共 having participated in at least one 有 30 位弟兄出席至少一次的弟兄团 activity. 契活动。 A combined fellowship was also held in 今年也主办了联合团契 – “中秋之 September during the Mid-Autumn 夜”,大约 200 位成人与儿童出席。 Festival. About 200 adults and children attended.

2.10 长者事工 Seniors’ Ministry 总协调:高淑美传道。 Coordinator: Pr Ko Sek Bee.

Objectives: 1) to live as dignified elders; 宗旨:1)活出长者的风范; 2) to grow in God’s Word, and 3) to be 2)在神话语上成长; the bridge for the gospel. 3)成为福音的桥梁。 Besides June and December, we met 聚会:除了 6 月和 12 月,每逢周二 every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm. The 下午 1 点至 3 点进行团契聚会。聚会 weekly activities included singing 内容包括唱诗赞美、健康体操、背诵 praises, exercises, reciting Bible verses, 金句、分享信息、特别讲座、共享茶 message sharing, special talks, handcraft 点、以及动手做手工等等。2018 年 and tea fellowship. On September 5th, 的信息分享着重于“十诫”和六位旧 the 2nd anniversary of the Mu En 约圣经人物的事迹。9 月 5 日为沐恩 Fellowship, a total of 45 people went to 团契成立二周年纪念,当天共 45 人 the Bollywood Veggies Farm for a half- 同乘一辆巴士前往宝莱坞蔬菜农场半 day tour. 日游。 We started a card making team and visitation team at the beginning of this 事奉:2018 年开始设立制作生日卡 year. This is to encourage members to 和关怀卡小组,以及探访小组,鼓励 participate in ministry. Also, on 团员参与事奉。另也于 11 月 25 日在 November 25th, the members recited 主日敬拜聚会中背诵和献唱“十 and sang "Ten Commandments” during 诫”,见证荣耀主名。 the Sunday worship service. All glory be to God. 人数:名单上有 84 位团员,49 位是 There are 84 members on our name-list, 会友,35 位是到访友和新朋友。每周 49 are church members, and 35 are 聚会出席人数平均为 53 位(长者:43 visitors and new friends. The average 位;同工:10 位)。特别感恩的是在 weekly attendance was 53 (43 seniors; 月 日,透过福音信息,有两位 7 24 10 co-workers). Praise the Lord that on 未信徒愿意接受主耶稣作为他们的个 July 24th, through the gospel message, 人救主。 two unbelievers accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour.

2.11 福音事工 Evangelism Ministry

总协调:王日晖执事(正)、刘尧隆 Coordinator: Dn Wang Rihui (Main), Bro Low Giau Leong (Deputy) 弟兄(副) 共有 6 位弟兄姐妹属于福音事工的核 6 brothers and sisters served together in 心小组。 the core team.

Below were the highlights of this year: 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 38 今年的工作焦点如下: 1) Gospel flyers distribution: A total of 1)分发福音单张 about 20 HDB blocks were distributed 今年的福音单张共分发给了大约 20 gospel flyers this year, mainly near the 座组屋,主要在教会附近。 Church. 2) Gospel Sunday Service: A total of 2)福音聚会 two Gospel Sunday Service and one 聚会方面,今年共举行了两次福音主 Christmas Service were conducted this 日聚会以及一个圣诞布道会。今年圣 year. The theme for this year’s 诞特会主题为“一件礼物”,参与人 Christmas service was “A Gift” and a total of 471 people attended the 数 471 位。 service.

3)福音查经 3) Evangelistic Bible Study: A total of 3 今年共有 3 人参加信仰班,其中 1 人 people have attended Evangelistic Bible 完成信仰班,继续上栽培班。 Study on Sunday. Out of the 3 people, 1 person completed the Evangelistic Bible

Study and continued with the follow-up


2.12 外展事工 Outreach Ministry

乒乓与象棋兴趣小组从 2017 年开 The Table-Tennis & Chinese Chess 始,每周五晚上在盼望庭院进行活 Interest group started in 2017, with the 动。当初成立的目的是因有本堂会友 objective of reaching out to pre- 对乒乓有兴趣,希望能借着此兴趣小 believers with Table-Tennis as a platform, and weekly activities held on 组向一些也热爱乒乓的未信徒外展和 Friday. 建立关系。 Weekly attendance: 11. A total of 9 pre- 2018 年的平均出席人数为 11 位,全 believers had joined in at least one 年有 9 位未信徒来打乒乓。 activity over the year.

另外,园艺小组也在 2018 年 1 月开 The Horticulture Interest group started 始成立及运作。目的是让有兴趣的本 in January 2018. It allows pre-believers 堂肢体和一些从来没有进过教会大门 who have never set foot into the Church compound to step in through the indoor 的未信徒前来参加园艺小组所举办的 horticulture theory and outdoor 户内理论课程,户外场地实习以至出 practical training, and visiting the 外到附近苗圃参观学习。他们除了对 nurseries nearby our church. They were 园艺有兴趣外,也对我们所信仰的真 not only interested in the plant 神感到好奇,并愿意继续探讨、认 knowledge but also wished to 知、了解救赎福音的真相。这对小组 understand the gospel message. May 来说,是一种鼓励,好让我们更加努 this Interest group bring glory to our 力把这个小小园地,耕耘成为一个荣 Lord as we work to make this become a 耀主的福音禾场。 gospel harvest garden.

2.13 新朋友事工 New Friends Ministry

总协调:陈玉慧传道(至 6 月);林 Coordinator: Pr Joanna Chen (till June), Sister Lin Li (wef July). 8 39 | Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church • ANNUAL REPORT 2018 莉姐妹 (7 月始)。 We have 10 co-workers, 3 of whom 新朋友事工目前共有10位同工, were committee members for this year. 其中3位是事工小组委员。 A total 124 new friends were received in 2018年共接待了124位新朋友到访, 2018. Of these, 84 were believers, and 其中信主84位,未信徒40位。 40 were pre-believers.

2.14 关怀与探访 Pastoral Care & Visitation

今年不特设探防队。探访融入团契关 There is no dedicated visitation team set 怀中,由个别团契去组织探防队关怀 up for this year. Instead, visitation is incorporated as part of the member 体弱及有特别需要的弟兄姐妹。 care provided by Fellowship groups,

教牧也会作个别肢体的探访,有时邀 which will organize visitation teams to 约几位肢体一起探望体弱、住院和需 care for members who are physically ail or have specific needs. 要安慰鼓励的信徒。通过唱诗、赞美

和关怀把神的爱带给他们。 The pastoral team would also carry out visitation, sometimes accompanied by another few members, to those who needed encouragement and comfort, whether at home or hospital.

2.15 宣教事工 Missions Ministry 总协调/宣委主席:王日晖执事。 Coordinator/Chairperson: Dn Wang 宣委会成员:吴蕙城牧师、韩葆真 Rihui. Committee Members: Ps Goh Hwee 姐妹、许崇光执事、陈秀君姐妹( 5 Seng, Sis Joyce Han, Dn Koh Chong 月始)、蒋和兴牧师(7 月始) Kwang, Sis Amelia Tan (wef May), Ps 今年本堂组织了一支短宣队和一支探 Henry Chiang (wef July). 宣队去两个宣教工场。 This year, 2 short mission trips were organized: 1)4 月 8 日到 16 日,陈秀君姐妹带 1) 8 to 16 April: Sis Amelia Tan led a 领一行 人的探宣队到尼泊尔。探宣 4 team of 4 to Nepal. The team visited the 队探访尼泊尔当地的一些事工,参与 local ministries and participated in the 了当地教会的主日聚会以及肢体探 Sunday Worship Service and visitations 访。 of the local church. 2)12 月 6 日至 10 日,韩葆真姐妹带 2) 6 to 10 December: Sis Joyce Han led a team of 13 to East Asia and organized a 领一行 13 人的短宣队到东亚,为当 Christmas music event for the local 地教会举办了一场圣诞音乐会,也探 church. They also visited the local pastor 访了当地牧者及他的事工。 and his ministry.

2.16 教会生活营 Church Camp 今年 6 月 3 至 6 日举办了教会生活 This year the church camp was held on 营,地点在迪沙鲁,与英语部同 3-6 Jun at Desaru, together with the English Service brethrens. A total of 126 地。这次华语部共有 126 位营友, campers from MWS. 英语部则有 193 位。营会主题为 Camp Theme: “Living Out Love”. “活出爱”,讲员是苏立忠牧师。 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 • Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church | 40 这次除了主题信息和团体游戏之 Camp Speaker: Rev Caleb Soo. 外,华语部营友也有机会在一些共 Besides the key messages and team 同活动上,如:早晨赞美操、水果 building game, the MWS campers were 大餐、及联合节目“大家一起 able to mingle with the EWS campers through the common activities, such as: 来!”等,与英语部营友彼此认识 morning exercise, Fruit Fiesta and the 和互动,促进华英肢体之间的联 Finale night programme, and 系。感谢主,参加此次营会的弟兄 meaningful relationships were formed 姐妹因着美好团契和学习时光而都 between MWS & EWS campers. 有丰富的身心灵得着,都向往两年 We praise God for the warm fellowship 后再举办生活营! and excellent learning opportunities during the camp.

2.17 年终感恩晚餐及守岁聚会 Year-end Thanksgiving & Watchnight Service 在 2018 年 12 月 31 日傍晚,教会为 A year-end Thanksgiving dinner was 所有服事人员举办年终感恩晚餐,感 organized on 31st Dec, as we gave 谢神赐福保守,也感谢弟兄姐妹年来 thanks to God for providing faithful 在各事工上的忠心事奉。紧接着晚 brothers and sisters who served in 餐,在锡安礼拜厅举行守岁感恩聚 various ministries in MWS. Thereafter, a 会,共有 84 位弟兄姐妹连同家眷出 watchnight service was held at the Zion Sanctuary. A total of 84 Hebronites & 席。 their family members attended.

3 2019 年的志向 Looking forward to 2019

全年主题:“扩展属基督的忠信 Theme: “Enlarging a Faithful Witness 见证” for Christ”

目标: Goals: 1. 栽培信徒跟从主耶稣的教训; 1) To nurture believers to follow Christ’s 2. 装备信徒得传福音与作见证的知识 teachings; 和技能; 2) To equip believers with knowledge 3. 向未信徒、社区以至于未得之民的 and skills for witnessing; 外展见证;及 3) To reach out to the pre-believers, the 4. 继续推动建立 3-2-1 属灵伙伴和跨 community and the unreached people 世代属灵导师。 groups 4) To continue development of the 321 spiritual partnership and cross- generational mentorship system.

整理:李赞华弟兄 Prepared by : Bro. William LI 审阅:吴蕙城牧师 Vetted by : Ps Goh Hwee Seng

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