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Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid The voice of the Vaughn, WA 98394 Key Peninsula Permit No. 2 BOX HOLDER Vol. 31 Issue 7 From The Key Peninsula Civic Center Circulation 8,000 JULY 2004 In this issue Celebrating our veterans, freedom A day in Heads are bowed at a reading of the names of the life 207 veterans whose burial flags flew over a of a brightly sunlit Vaughn Cemetery this Memorial ferry Day.The annual event, sponsored by the Key Peninsula Veterans Institution, is a moving captain testimonial to those whose service embraced the page 19 several branches of the U.S. military all the way back to the U.S. Revolution, and played host as well to Canadian, United Kingdom, Scotland and Belgian veterans’ flags. KPVI president Cy Young shared the program with, among others, Art Brown and Bill Micenko in full highland Scot regalia on the bagpipes, Dean Draeger, Kawn Schaefer, Chris Draeger, Greg Dorries, and Troy Nary who harmoniously sang the National First Anthem and other patriotic tunes, and Pacific GED Lutheran University student Tyler Nugent and ‘class’ University of Washington student Matthew Henriksen who ended the ceremony with a graduates beautiful rendition of taps. As we celebrate our page 6 Independence Day, the Key Peninsula News would like to extend our thanks to all the men and women who are serving and have served our country to keep it free. Photo and story by Hugh McMillan doors, it was stripped clean. Auto thefts on the rise “It appeared to me that whoever chopped it knew what they were doing News By Rodika Tollefson discovery the Tacoma resident found on and had experience,” he said.
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