74 THE GAZETTE, 27th FEBRUARY, 1959.

Any person who considers that his interest will COLONIAL STOCK ACTS, 1877 TO 1948 be prejudicially affected by this Scheme may at any Addition to list of Stocks under Section 2 time within one month after the publication of this of the Colonial Stock Act 1900 (63 & 64 notice send to the Town Clerk, City Hall, Belfast, or Vic. Cap. 62) to the Clerk, Rural District Council, Road, Belfast, and to the Ministry of Agri- PURSUANT to Section 2 of the Colonial Stock culture, 9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast, all such, if Act, 1900, the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's any. observations in regard to the Scheme as he shall Treasury hereby give notice that the provisions of thank proper. the Act have been complied with in respect of the This notice will also be found in the following undermentioned Stock registered or inscribed in the newspapers :— :— Northern Whig Barbados Government 6% Stock 1971/73 Belfast. News-Letter Irish News The restrictions mentioned in Section 2 Sub-section (1) of the Trustee Act, 1925, apply to the above John Dunlop, Town Clerk. Stock (see Colonial Stock Act 1900, Section 2). . P.O. Box 234, City Hall, Belfast. Treasury Chambers, Ministry of Health and Local Government, S.W.I. Stormont, Belfast. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's PLANNING ACTS (NORTHERN ) 1931 AND 1944 Treasury hereby give notice that they have made, an NOTICE is hereby given that the Ministry of Order under Sections 3(6) and 13 of the Import Health and Local Government, in exercise of its Duties Act, 1958, viz. :— powers under sub-section (6) of section 2 of the The Import Duties (Temporary Exemptions) Planning (Interim Development) Act (Northern Ire- (No. 1) Order, 1959, which provides that the land), 1944, will hear in Room 17, Parliament Build- goods listed in the Schedule shall be temporarily ings, Stormont, on Monday the 9th March, 1959, exempt from import duty chargeable under the at 10.30 a.m. the Appeal of Messrs. McFaul & Gray Import Duties Act, 1958, until 1st October, 1959, against the decision of the Newtownabbey Urban unless a shorter period is indicated against any District Council on their application for permission item. In the case of photographic film base of to erect a petrol filling station at Doagh Road, cellulose acetate, the Order provides that, until Cloughfern, Whiteabbey, Co. . 1st October, 1959, the goods shall not be charge- able with import duty at a rate greater than 10 per cent, ad valorem. The Order also corrects certain errors in the CASTLEREAGH RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL Schedule to the Import Duties (Temporary Exempt- URBAN DRAINAGE ACT (N.I.), 1957 ions) (No. 1) Order, 1958 (S.I. 1958, No. 2076). (1) The Castlereagh Rural District Council hereby The Order comes into operation on the 23rd gives notice, in pursuance of Section 4 of the February, 1959, and has been published as Statutory Urban Drainage Act (N.I.) 1957, that a draft Instruments 1959, No. 270. urban drainage scheme has been prepared for Copies may be purchased (price 3d. net), direct portion of the Merok Burn in the townlands of from Her Majesty's Stationery Office, at the follow- Cregagh and Lisnasharragh, in the Castlereagh ing addresses :—80 Chichester Street, Belfast; York Rural District. House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 423 Oxford Street, (2) The Scheme will provide for:— London. W.I; P.O. Box 569, London, S.E.I; 13a 1. The replacement of twin 24in. pipes in the Castle Street, Edinburgh, 2; 109 St. Mary Street, gardens of certain houses in Stirling Avenue Cardiff; 39 King Street, Manchester, 1; Tower Lane, and twin 36in. pipes under Montgomery Road Bristol, 1; and 2 Edmund Street, Birmingham, or with a concrete culvert approximately 6ft Oins. from any bookseller. wide and 3ft. Oins. deep to be constructed in or near the centre of the carriageway in Stirling Avenue and carried under Mont- Commonwealth Relations Office, gomery Road to discharge into an existing King Charles Street, S.W.I. channel in Alanbrooke Road. 1st January, 1959. 2. The connection, in the gardens of Nos. 39 and 41 Stirling Avenue of the above-men- DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITIES (COMMONWEALTH tioned culvert to an existing 5ft. Oins. x COUNTRIES AND ) ACT, 1952 2ft. lOins. concrete culvert which runs from The following are amendments to the list com- the Knock to Lisburn (or Hillfoot) Road to piled by Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State the garden of No. 43 Stirling Avenue. for Commonwealth Relations pursuant to sub-section 3. The lifting and relaying of electricity cables, (4) of Section I of the Diplomatic Immunities (Com- gas mains, telephone cables, water mains, monwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland) Act. sewers, etc., in Stirling Avenue and Sunder- 1952 (15 and 16 Geo. 6 and 1 Eliz. 2 Ch. 18) as land Road and other ancillary works. published in the London Gazette of the 16th Decem- (3) A copy of the said scheme and of the plans ber, 1958, and subsequently amended. showing the position of the proposed new works and the existing cables, pipes, mains, etc., and CANADA other property which may be affected will be Add. available for inspection at the Council Offices, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ignatieff. 368 Cregagh Road, Belfast, for a period of one Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mclnnes. month from the 1st day of March, 1959. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. White. (4) Any person who considers that his interests will be prejudicially affected by the scheme may at Remove. any time within one month after the public- Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pierce. ation of this notice, send to the undersigned Brigadier A. F. B. Knight, O.B.E., and Mrs. and to the Ministry of Agriculture, Drainage Knight. Division, No. 9 Upper Queen Street, Belfast, all Miss H. Vesey. such, if any, observations in regard to the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA scheme as he shall think proper. Add. (5) A copy of this notice will also appear in the Sir Allen Brown, C.B.E. four Belfast newspapers. Lady Brown. Dated this 25th day of February, 1959. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Warwick Smith. W. H. JONES, Mrs. N. C. McKay. Clerk of the Council. Mr. K. E. Little. Council Offices. Mr. D. C. C. Corley. 368 Cregagh Road, Miss E. M. Stewart. Belfast. Miss G. Robins.