Rttlsttft of IOUR15TS 41 Flit MER HOIS
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BAILEY ISLAND. on the editorial staff of the New Ha- ven "Paladium " (Continued from page 1.) attended by a number of the young people from this island. These functions are a Bustins Island RttlSTtft Of regular weekjy feature IOUR15TS 41 * flit« MER HOIS. and are usually attended by many T THIS INCLUDES ONLY # from here. Ethel ONLY HOU3E8 PATRON Miss Orr was the REGULAR IzrNG THE WATCH THI8 LIST. IT 18 COR- accompanist. QUEST8 AT THE HOTEL8 AND BREEZE ARE V The Convention of th'e REPRESENTED. RECTED EACH WEEK AND American NO Miss Maud Mayhew of Naught. N. BOARDING HOUSES, TRAN- IF YOTJ ARE NOT Institute of Instruction held in Port- LISTED, .WILL SHOW WHERE *OUR J., and Miss Sidney of Lowell. SIENTS ARE INCLUDED. Ivy land last week proved very attractive DO NOT BLAME US: were FRIENDS ARE Mass., here on the Island Thurs- to of STOPPING. members the summer colony on > . last the of Mr. and Mrs. day guests this island, and especially to the vis- Robert Potter for dinner. Miss May- MERRICONEAG HOUSE. —■<—v:—^ it mjc club women of whom there are Hermann Wunderlich. Tarrytowd- T. C. hew U at Chebeagae and Howard. Poughkeepsle, N. Y. summering several, the Rhode Island clubs J. C. Lynch. New York. Miss Mary Addison Rees, is being South Harpswell, Me. A Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clarke. Baltimore. Hartford, registered at the Summit House. well E. * particularly represented. The Mr# R. Fielding. New Miss Baltimore. Conn. J They were charmed with Is- Geo. W. Jfavk. Staples. Bailey brtlliant speakers, the crowded audi- Campbell, Jr., Proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Glen Frances Rees. Conn. land. Rev. Frank H. Staples. Baltimore. M Hartford, ence of earnest intellectual looking (S«« advertisement In another column.) Ridge. N> J. John J. -Marl In. Boston. irry K. Rees, Hartford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lad J and family men and women, the ex- Master R. and Mrs. B. graciously Mr. anil Mrs. Edward H. Little and Earle lfPleldlng. Glen 0. W. Tibbetts, Boston.* Kss D. Childs, Auburn* of Ann Arbor. Mich, who have been tended hospitality of the ladies of N. J. <lalt\ Mass. maid. Newburyport. Ridj&, X*" Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Ryer. Jr.. N.*Y: at the Woodbine tor an outing of ten Portland, with the charm of the beau- F. A. Heald and New York.. Dr. E. Mr*. S. A. Martin. Brooklyn. N. Y. wife. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howland, Portland; ■ijilln Sanford, Rochester, days, lelt Mo-.day for the n; nintains. tifully decorated hall where the tlr Harry C. Miss Blanche L. Martin, Brooklyn. Harding. Boaljpr ^ Mrs. I. M. Taussig N. Y. where they *.<111 spend a few days af- and pine and of the beloved Mrs. E C andyfamiiy. Miss M. Fr spruce Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirshner, Lisbon Briggsf, Aubt0fc A. ,H. Welds. Somerville. Sanford. Rochester. X. Y. ter which they will return for an out- w.ate of Maine made a and Mr. J. fragrant Falls. Marguerite Briggs. Aubut^ Mrs. H. H. Trowbridge. Somerville. H. Martin, Richmond, Va. ing in Boston at the Commonwealth asthetically satisfying background J. B. Ga. Miss Edith N. Martin. Brooklyn. N. Y. WinVersun. 8ander*vllle. Mrs. H. C. Ttbbetts. Fryebttrg. hotel. for the artistic disposition of "Old Mr. and M/». md \ Earle C. Mann. Pittsburg. Pa. G. B. MohVaann. Doroihy Warrenf, Fryeburg. HAMILTON VILLA. Miss Kate Deetjen. who Is at the Glory.'* of a (Jnlon Jack, and of fes- Bloonifteld. N. J. Lawrenc\? L. F. Brownell, E. Orange, N. J. Warren. Fryeburg. Gt. Me. toons of scarlet and white BUen F. A. C.t Chcbeague Island, Woodbine for the summer, was in bunting, Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Hagtty. Boston Mr. and Mrs! C. G. Austin, N C. Warren. Fryetfcirg. "* vis- combined to render the occasion one E. B. A. E. Portland Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs. James H. Frankfort Arse- Fellows. Lynn. a (Catherine L. Newton; Hartford. Hamilton, Proprietor. of. more than Mays, A. her ordinary pleasure to J. Fellows. Lynn. • iting parents. nal. Bessie Johnston. EL Orange, N. J. (See advertisement In another column.) Portland's the hall Miss E. # S. Sinnett was here guests. Entering Miss A. Miller. New*Tork E. Montreal. Capt. Humphrey Mays, Philadelphia. J Black% Miss » fragrantly reminiscent of the pine Miss T. Miller. New York. Mary Gaylord. Brooklyn. visiting his family from Saturday un- R. B. Taft, Boston. / Mr. fend Mrs. W 4 Dunbar. Bristol Miss I»uise woods the words of the beloved John J. Bell. Brooklyn. til to H. tTlark and wife. White Plaitft. J. Monday returning Gloucester, I. Sewall. Worcester. « Miss Ruth .Boston. Mr. and lf'Bopt, Bell. Brooklyn. Quaker poet irresistibly suggested Mrs.R. Evans. Everett, MaA 1 where his vessel is located. The crew S. N. Crosby, Jr., Newton. Reha Bock. Worcester. y\j. Fdck. themselves, "The is better than E. B. New York Brooklyn. had fine success onlheir last sword pine Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Wor- Fraser, C. M. Burlingame. the Sherman, N^' IMIss Florence Montreal. cruise and palm." W. G. Carroll. Chicago Aprdan. fishing Tuesday they sailed cester. Miss Montreal. W. C. N. Emily Luke. for their third trip of the season. The appreciation of the Bustins R. New J^rsev. Andrews. Brooklyn. Y. OCEAN VIEW HOUSE. NVhitaker, Phil p Mrs. Birch. Ifontreal. Islanders of the event was shown by Mr and Mrs. E. Silverthan, New'Haven Mr. John S. Crowley of the Breeze, E. Davidson and two Mij-s Jennie Joslin, Springfield. Mass. the tact that during the three days Dr. G. Hayden and wife, Boston. Bailey Island, Me.^ who has been summering at the children, Philadelphia. Miss Grace Joslin. Mass. over which Mrs. W. D. Reed. Nashua. N. H. Springfield, Ocean View the meetings extended, Miss M. F. Montreal. Walter D. Crafts, P^fc®rietor.^ hotel since June 1, left Burch, Miss Gertrude Miss Alice H. Gilbert, Springfield, people were found ready to take the Mr. and Mrs. Maiden. Chaaberlain, Saturday afternoon for Chebeague. Harris. Nashopt advertisement in another column.) Mass. steamer before a. Miss Mary N. IT. '^Soe where he will be for sometime with early leaving 7 m.. Miss Lena P. McLean, Newton. Qframrerlain^Sashua. R. C. E. W. Cates and Mr. and Mcsl'^I. E. Reed. Lancaster, Worcester. and to return by special motor boat Mrs. Elizabeth Boston. wife. York. Danietoop, •headquarters at Hill Crest. He will Lyman,Brown, Nej^ Conn. Mr.* 'and Mrs. Arthur A. Adams, from at 11 even then V ^ * return In August for an extended visit. Freeport p. m., bneldon P. Patterson,* Chicago. Springfield. THE Hoi man White. Pa. • being i>ermitted to hear only the flrst Mrs. M. R. HAMILTON. Phlla.., F. B. Charles Burke, Jamaica Plain. Miss' Louisa Quebec. Saumenig and S. jf the* Mr. aM Mrs. H. A Avery. 2C. Y. Pope. speakers for the evening. E. C. Burke. Jamaica Plain. Gt. Me. Mr. A. R. Scanlon of the New York World staff Chebeague-Island, Phila.. Pa. Webb. Worcester. Mass. Special regret was felt- that 'owing Mrs. S. A. McDonald, Cleveland. O. Dona^McGreger. Mrs. A. R. were here on the island Tuesday and H. L. S. / Pa. Webb. Worcester. Mass. to the difficulties of transportation it Mrs. Andrew Hamilton, Proprietor. NeVlta. Phila.. registered at the Otean View House Hillyar, Cleveland, O. Albert Miss Webb. Worcester> Mass. was Impossible to hear Carroll D. (See Pai> Willis. Phila.. Pa. for Miss Ruth Hillyar, Cleveland. O. advertisement In another coludfti.) C. Russell Webb. dinner. They were so delighted Miss Grace Hart." Mass. Worcester. Mass. Wright, the president of Clark Uni- Mr. and Mrs. John Dr. Beverly. with the situation of the island that Manier, Bingham- Alfred I,ee, Springfield.' Oscar W. versity, who spoke on Thursday even- Wickstrom, Portland. • they returned ton. N. Y. Mrs. E. W. Lee. Springfield. ^ aucocisco hous£. Wednesday morning ing. Mrs. Viola Bonavita, Philadelphia. Par and are here for an Mrs. Maude A. Richardson, Kansas Mr. and Mrs. T. Port- outing of ten days George Noyes, Mrs. J. Stovesand. N. Y. Cliff Me. Amongst the islanders who braved City, Mo. land. Brooklyn, Island, or more. Mrs. Arthur Brown, Chicago. 111. the heat of this almost tropic week in Mrs. J. A. Wentz, Chicago. Mrs. Marion D. Portland. -Edgar H.jPaine, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Small. Misses Noyes. Henry Lovelace, Boston, Mass. Proprietor. order to make a part of the audiences Mrs. C. M. Veazy, Kansas City. Henry J. Phlla. Helen and Madis Small. Master John Beatty. (See advertisement In another column.) assembled in City Hall and the First Miss Blanche L. Martin. New York. Miss Catherine Beatty. Philar. Small. Dr. D. Olin Leach and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Phila. church, went noticed. Mrs. Wat- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dickey, Kansas G. Erwin Beatty. Phila. ROBINHOOD INN. Sherman. Miss Leech. Mrs. Florence Miller and Miss Ella M. llanos. son. Mrs. Darling of the Fawtucket City. Mo. Mrs. W. W. Broga. SprVtrJffteld. Portland. Allen, H. Miller all of Washington. D. Bailey Island, Me. Mr. and Ntrs. S. P. Club, Mrs. Annie Brackett Russell Dr. ?nd Mrs. Chas. L. Van Fossea, Miss E. W. Springfield. Darlington. Phila. C., are to spend tlie month of August Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Miss Louise Brackett of the Eliz- Kansas City, Mo. A. Mcl. Clark. Miss J. E. Massey, Proprietor. M. Ml, N. Y. here, having engaged accommodations Springfield. Miss abeth Whittter and Mrs. J. A. Lewis, X. Y. at Association. Ames- Mr. H. Fetty, Kansas City, Mcl Clark. Springfield. /See advertisement In the Woodbine. The Small family another A. T Bricken, N. Y. bury; Mrs.