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A special report from

Shortlist 2009

business systems business

lean systems lean CAD CAM IT & network enterprise automation supply chain chain supply systems factory and PLM infrastructure systems

In partnership with SL09-contents-foreword.qxp:Layout 1 7/5/09 16:21 Page 26

IT Shortlist 2009: in print and online forecasting systems – now much more affordable. Equally, on the infrastructure hortlist 2009 is our annual reference directory of IT side, it’s about getting the IT systems, software, ICT consultancy and service providers. infrastructure more flexible, in tune with SOur objective in this special issue is to make your task of business requirements that are now far defining, finding and shortlisting IT suppliers as fast, easy and more likely to change than stand still. effective as possible. Where does that leave the IT We start, however, by looking at what’s happening in these industry’s relatively arcane (but, behind difficult times. On page 28 you’ll find our examination of the the scenes, increasingly important) market for manufacturing IT, with a review of preferred programmes – such as cloud computing, choices, as seen through the eyes of an online study among virtualisation and SaaS (software as a service)? They still your peers. matter, but today’s economy clearly demands fast ROI from IT Looking at manufacturers’ investment plans for IT, for projects able to make demonstrable improvements in the only example, suggests a surprisingly healthy picture, with budgets areas that still matter – cash flow, profitability and mostly unchanged against last year, but 37% planning modest competitiveness. or even significant increases. And it’s not all aimed at cost That said, next you’ll find examples of current IT projects on Foreword cutting, either. You’ll see that streamlining operations is the page 31 – the objective being to provide useful clues to number one driver, followed by achieving competitive improvements currently underway at manufacturers in several advantage. However, only a tiny minority are investing in IT for industries and regions. lean manufacturing or other transformation projects. As for supplier shortlisting, your first port of call is opposite That sets the tone for today’s top IT – and thus the choices on page 27: the alpha list by function. Look for the you might want to consider. For example, APS (advanced functionality you require to find appropriate suppliers for your planning and scheduling) has come from practically nowhere shortlist and then go to the pages indicated. to be the number one investment for our times, with Starting on page 33, you will then find details on key maintenance management software not far behind. providers of solutions, systems and services – in alpha order by Clearly, the focus now is tightly on making manufacturing company name. Everything is covered: from providers of ERP planning and production better – in line with the drive for systems to supply chain management systems; APS to product streamlined operations. And that preference continues lifecycle management (PLM) systems; and plant and factory throughout, with S&OP (sales and operations) tools at controls to shopfloor data capture systems. number three, as well as barcode-based shopfloor data Finally, remember the Manufacturing Computer Solutions collection systems and MES (manufacturing execution website at It’s a key adjunct to the systems) fourth equal. 2009 Shortlist in-print annual, providing fully searchable Meanwhile, if you’re wondering about business choices, the information access, as well as news and reference material – top tip today goes to business performance management both from MCS and filtered sites on the world wide web. (BPM) software, the so-called next-generation business intelligence. That’s followed by better demand planning and Brian Tinham BSc CEng MInstMC FSOE FIPlantE

Overview system and service suppliers to Big picture IT manufacturing industry: The IT sector is awash with surveys, Access Supply Chain 33 white papers, thought leadership Epicor 35 pieces and the rest – but what do real Exel Computer Systems 37 people think? Brian Tinham reports IFS 39 on our own online research 28 Infor 41 K3 43 Manufacturing focus 31 Maxima 45 Preactor 47 Profiles Rent-IT Systems 49 Here, we profile the offerings of leading SAP 51

26 May 2009 SL09-contents-foreword.qxp:Layout 1 7/5/09 16:22 Page 27

IT Shortlist Contents

Contents by function To find the suppliers most relevant to your project requirements, simply use the listing below

Product data management Business intelligence Exel Computer Systems 37 Access Supply Chain 33 IFS 39 Epicor 35 Infor 41 Exel Computer Systems 37 Maxima 45 IFS 39 SAP 51 Infor 41 Maxima 45 Factory/plant systems SAP 51 Access Supply Chain 33 Exel Computer Systems 37 CRM systems IFS 39 Access Supply Chain 33 Infor 41 Epicor 35 K3 43 Exel Computer Systems 37 Maxima 45 IFS 39 Rent-IT Systems 49 Infor 41 SAP 51 Maxima 45 SAP 51 Process industry systems Access Supply Chain 33 Time & attendance IFS 39 Access Supply Chain 33 Infor 41 IFS 39 Maxima 45 Infor 41 SAP 51 Maxima 45 SAP 51 Enterprise systems Access Supply Chain 33 Supply chain systems Epicor 35 Access Supply Chain 33 Exel Computer Systems 37 Epicor 35 IFS 39 Exel Computer Systems 37 Infor 41 IFS 39 K3 43 Infor 41 Maxima 45 K3 43 Rent-IT Systems 49 Maxima 45 SAP 51 Preactor 47 Rent-IT Systems 49 Planning/scheduling SAP 51 Access Supply Chain 33 Epicor 35 IT & network infrastructure Exel Computer Systems 37 K3 43 IFS 39 Maxima 45 Infor 41 K3 43 Consultancy services Maxima 45 Access Supply Chain 33 Preactor 47 Maxima 45 Rent-IT Systems 49 SAP 51 May 2009 27 SL_overview.qxp:Layout 1 7/5/09 15:57 Page 28

Big picture IT

The IT sector is awash with surveys, white papers, thought leadership pieces and the rest, but what do real people think? Brian Tinham reports on our own online research

ost of us know it’s prudent to do planning modest increases for the coming 12 (APS) software (70%). That is an outstanding a sanity check on pretty much months, while no fewer than 15% say they’re vote of confidence in a technology that has anything that’s put about as on track for significant increases in spending. certainly been ramping up operations Mreceived wisdom. That’s Only 19% are cutting back at all – and only managers’ consciousnesses in recent years, particularly the case where serious 2% seriously. but has never hitherto received anything like investment in IT is the issue, and especially Surprised? So were we, given the scale of that backing. during a serious downturn, when cash and background noise around slashed spending Second – and another very interesting credit are tight, and the pressure is on to cut plans, particularly across the manufacturing result – is maintenance management, with short-term costs. sectors, with their well-reported woes. That just under half (49%) making the Fact is, there’s no end of advice out there said, where is this extra slew of money being recommendation for investing in better – but almost all of it should come with a spent? Not so difficult, this one, you would systems here. Such enthusiasm for what has health warning, declaring vested interest. think – it must be on projects geared to cost- traditionally been a Cinderella function And much of the rest, while no doubt cutting, right? Wrong. Turns out, the number appears to indicate a sea change in our reflecting the honest opinions and one stated driver for IT investment today is to perception of such systems’ abilities to interpretations of senior consultants and streamline business operations (34%). deliver those key stated business objectives – analysts, hails from an almost exclusively IT Achieving competitive advantage is number streamlining operations and delivering perspective, so fails to factor in the bigger two (19%), with cost-cutting down at number competitive advantage. picture of manufacturing business reality. three (17%). At first sight, that appears to Next favourite is sales and operations Hence, perhaps, the recent unrelenting reveal relatively healthy business activity, but (S&OP) software tools (43%), followed at emphasis on cloud computing SaaS the picture is less rosy when it comes to other fourth equal by barcode-based shopfloor (software-as-a-service) and virtualisation (to reasons. Only around 6% are investing in IT to data collection systems, lean and/or Six name but a few) as key technologies, ripe for supporting lean manufacturing, or other Sigma extension systems, manufacturing adoption. And ditto for service orientated business transformation projects. That’s a execution systems (MES) and supply chain architecture, Web 2.0, business activity shame, because it implies that relatively few management software, each recommended management (BAM) software and the rest – currently have the stomach for initiatives that by 34%. Which together seem to fly in the all pitched as sure to deliver rapid return on demonstrate even substantial ROI, if that’s face of the relatively small numbers investment. Well maybe. But that’s why we tied to the long term. As for the rest, a similar indicating investment for business commissioned our own online survey among figure say they want to streamline their IT transformation projects – until you remember readers. We wanted to establish what real infrastructure, and just 4% say they’re that what we’re looking at is essentially a people (your peers) think, and to look for gearing up for growth. wish list, not a will list. correlations that might point to winning It’s also worth looking further down the combinations of IT most likely to match your Manufacturing operations IT list, because in eighth place (still with 30%) company’s current issues and business So what do our encouragingly proactive is downtime monitoring and analysis strategy. respondents believe are their key investments software – linking back into that very high First up, our survey shows that, far from for improving manufacturing operations, maintenance improvement aspiration. Again, cutting back on IT, for a substantial given the economic environment? We asked it suggests that management teams attach proportion of manufacturers (40%), IT respondents to choose five from a possible 12 new importance to overcoming plant investment plans are unchanged on last year. options; the clear leader, and by a handsome availability and uptime issues – often a result Further, more than a quarter (27%) are margin, is advanced planning and scheduling of the split between engineering and

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IT Shortlist Overview

operations – now that factory management systems have had several years of process and automation improvement through IT. Beyond that, at ninth equal are production simulation and shopfloor analytics, as well as WIP tracking systems (17%), followed by web-based supply chain execution software (15%) and finally RFID-based systems. With just 2% voting for the latter, as opposed to 34% giving barcode systems the thumbs up, it would appear that your colleagues remain to be convinced of more able, but more expensive RFID to make operations fly. All that said, if you’re looking for an approach to match your strategy, these findings are remarkably consistent, no matter how you cut them. For example, checking the ratings against those specifically aiming for streamlined business operations shows virtually no variance. APS and maintenance management systems are still right up there, along with better S&OP tools, followed by MES, downtime analysis, barcoding, lean Six Sigma and supply chain management software. And it’s a similar story for those at 49% (number three), while so- targeting competitive advantage. It appears called business dashboards (formerly in line with that your peers’ views are robust and their executive information systems characterised expectations: better warehouse management wish lists consistent, regardless of current more by pretty dials and charts than nimble software (36%), e-business software (30%) business initiatives. access to information) come in at six, voted and software to support collaborative for by 30% of respondents. This is significant working (25%). CRM, however, is down at Operational business improvement – demonstrating that the manufacturing number eight (19%) – which may mean most What about the picture for IT at the management community sees slick business manufacturers have already bought adequate operational business level where you might insight as critical to achieving both recovery systems, or that they no longer differentiate expect to see business intelligence (BI) and competitive advantage. them from their ERP, or that years of systems making further inroads into As for the number two application in this hyperbole have dug the vendors their own spreadsheets? operational area, it’s better demand grave. The number one application (62%) is planning and forecasting systems (53%) – There’s just one disappointment in these business performance management (BPM) always a source of great frustration and particular figures: software to support software – effectively, next-generation BI. waste, so entirely understandable, but mobile working achieved a lowly ninth in the To those in the know, that will come as rarely hitherto an aspect seeing much ratings (17%), which – given the clear another surprise, given the popular view spending, simply because of the apparently urgency to make more of our most precious that it’s been hard enough to persuade esoteric nature of the algorithms that drive human resource – is frankly odd. But then companies, particularly SMEs, that there such systems and the price tag they attract. much the same could be said of the result for just might be value in augmenting their ERP Hence also the relatively small, select group sales force automation and even time and reports with basic BI. of vendors in this area. attendance software (10th equal at 15%) – But there it is. BI itself also scores highly Beyond these, however, your choices are the latter in particular now a million miles » May 2009 29 SL_overview.qxp:Layout 1 7/5/09 16:04 Page 30

IT Shortlist Overview

from earlier clocking on and off equipment, Which is generally fine, but odd in the case of and again able to maximise manufacturers’ PLM, given the prominence in our research of utilisation of scarce skills. PLM to ERP integration projects. The likelihood is that many still confuse PLM with Strategic business improvement their existing (but more limited) PDM But it’s an entirely different story when it (product data management) systems or, just comes to the systems and projects required to as likely, think of them as PLM modules, but get best-in-class strategic business not end-to-end pukka systems. improvement. Your top two initiatives are both structural – getting the IT infrastructure IT and network infrastructure more flexible (53%) and synchronising the IT Finally, what about that IT infrastructure? with the business (47%). Now you may think Almost half of you (47%) reckon upgrading of these as motherhood and apple pie, but, the whole lot – networks, server and storage you know, it’s rare for manufacturing users to – is the way to go. And a similar figure (45%) sing from the same hymn sheet as Engineering design systems believe that consolidation, which invariably consultants. But the question remains, how Talking of engineering design and involves similar upgrades, should be the are they going to achieve these ends? (More development, almost two thirds (59%) vote approach. Both can be seen as cost-cutting later on the infrastructure itself.) for CAD/CAM upgrades as important initiatives, but equally, good, solid attempts Some clues are evident in the rest of the investments, and 47% give the thumbs up to to get creaking systems up to the responses, with, for example, implementing CAD management systems, with engineering requirements of modern, agile manufacturing systems to support demand-driven analysis tools just two points behind. But businesses. Interesting then that the third manufacturing at number three (43%) and then at number four, 40% want better imperative is wireless networks (34%), installing BAM/BPM (in this instance, engineering change control systems, while presumably not just for their favourable business process management) software 35% believe it’s time to invest in an overall capital cost implications but their obvious number four (38%). The former suggests at collaborative product development nod in the direction of flexibility. Less least the direction for (and current environment, almost certainly using web interesting is that number four (32%) should frustration with) IT projects – with the technologies. If these findings really are be strengthening security, while six (25%) is emphasis likely to be on integration and, for indicative, and if the money is forthcoming, improving identity and access management. example, lean, or engineer-to-order enabled then we can look forward to something a All of us know this is a battle with no end in ERP – while the latter indicates a new great deal more akin to manufacturing as a sight. appreciation of the power of this level of well-oiled machine than has been the case for System integration is number five (28%), analytics in enabling business analysts to do many to date. mirroring stated preferences in the strategic their job. And the same observation pertains if business section, while SaaS is voted the After these, we get business continuity votes for electronic content (document) seventh most important infrastructure systems (32%, and maybe suggesting some management systems (sixth at 28%) come to initiative. That feels about right, given SaaS’ burnt fingers), followed by integration of fruition. These, after all, provide an excellent relative youth and chequered beginnings, but ERP and PLM (product lifecycle route to ‘enter once, use many’ information in coming years we should expect it to rise up management) software, ranked sixth equal re-purposing, as well as waste, error and time the rankings fairly rapidly. Ditto with thin (30%). Now that is interesting; the reduction across departments. It’s also clients and portal-based systems (seventh implication being that, first, your gratifying to see product configurator equal) and hosted and managed systems, colleagues have (or believe they have) PLM software headlining for a full quarter of our unified communications and web-based systems and, second, that the goal of respondents: it’s far from new, but still conferencing systems (ninth equal at 17%). getting engineering synchronised with generally underrated, despite clear As for so-called green IT, cloud computing production at more than the phone level is opportunities for tackling product variability and even virtualisation, languishing at the seen as relatively important – particularly through automation that frees up bottom of this chart, it’s very hard to believe for demand-driven manufacturing. And engineering design resources to do better that at least the latter two will stay there with a drive to get existing ERP and legacy things. long. The idea of consolidating without systems integrated and/or to upgrade or As for the rest – PLM systems, digital harnessing virtualised systems or, in due change ERP systems both also at number mockup software and virtual reality suites course, considering the potential of services six, it’s clear that senior manufacturing (23%, 21% and 15% respectively) – all you in the cloud, makes little sense. And green IT? users think there are bottlenecks in their can say is that, while most of us would relish Quite apart from the incremental energy backbone systems that need to be resolved the opportunity, these remain luxuries simply savings, we’re all dreaming if we believe we’ll one way or another. not on the radar for most manufacturers. be able to escape this one for much longer. ■

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IT Shortlist Manufacturing focus

Yorkshire tea maker cosies up with supply chain efficiencies

Tea and coffee merchant Taylors of Harrogate is extending its supply chain capabilities with Infor’s SCM solutions

aylors of Harrogate, the tea and coffee merchant, says it is extending its Infor Process Essentials ERP to improve supply chain efficiency. Lindsay Botto, Foundry set to fire up Toperations director at Taylors, says the company has bought Infor’s SCM Demand improvements Planning and SCM Advanced Scheduler advanced supply chain solutions, as well as PLM Optiva product lifecycle management software. A high-end foundry is firing up its The new systems are set to go live in summer manufacturing operation with UK Syspro ERP 2009 and will help Taylors to cut costs, specialist K3. improve service and improve its time-to- Chamberlin & Hill Castings, which specialises market, he says, beyond what has already in complex iron castings and engineered been achieved with its Infor ERP System21. products, expects new manufacturing He explains that it’s all part of a project operations visibility – the result of ditching an that involves completely overhauling Taylors’ earlier system with manual spreadsheet supply chain operations, while also improving workarounds – to deliver a clear view of its ability to anticipate demand changes, plan processes, procedures and thus also the costs. promotions and schedule production to meet Says Mark Hotchin, financial director at C&H demand peaks. Castings: “K3 has listened carefully to our “To keep pace with our continued growth requirements and is tailoring the new system to we needed to explore new options that would meet our needs. This will allow us to see and enhance our business processes,” explains Botto. monitor every area of the business at the touch “With a proven track record for success in the food and beverage industry coupled of a button. We’ll have much greater visibility with strong, flexible solutions, we are confident that Infor’s SCM and PLM solutions from works order right through to finished will form the backbone of our enhanced production and supply chain operations product and despatch.” moving forward.” K3 is configuring the system to focus on Botto points to the classic challenge of managing shelf life, maturation times and manufacturing and accounting. Hotchin says storage restrictions for its products. The new solutions, he says, will help boost the aim is to help align the moulding and productivity through better scheduling and ensure the maximum shelf life is provided melting processes. for customers.

Preactor software gets the green light from MES BitBox sees 90% efficiency developer, Wonderware improvement with rented ERP Advanced planning and scheduling firm Preactor’s software has been certified by Basingstoke-based electronics design and leading MES (manufacturing execution system) developer Wonderware. manufacturing specialist BitBox says it has seen Preactor is now to provide its finite capacity scheduling module, Preactor 400 90% reductions in purchasing time since APS, for the Wonderware Operations system (formerly Factelligence). installing the rented 123mrp.Net ERP system. Preactor CEO Mike Novels says that specialists from both companies worked Director Quentin Lister had been considering together to ensure seamless integration, using Wonderware’s supply chain the conventional ERP approach, but was put off connector technology. He also says that, given analyst Aberdeen’s findings that the by figures of £50,000 plus tailoring. “I was 20% best implementers of lean manufacturing used lean scheduling tightly recommended to visit an evaluation workshop by integrated with MES and ERP, this is a very promising marriage. a Rent IT Associate, and I found the approach “Wonderware is used in over one third of the world’s plants and facilities, and very convenient. You could ask real people real many of these sites can make further efficiency gains by integrating their plant questions. It was an easy decision to make.” floor and production planning capabilities,” says Novels. The company went live across sales, stock “Preactor has a long history of its systems being used in an enabling capacity control, purchasing and generating works with Wonderware solutions in many different industries. This is a logical extension orders, and saw immediate benefits. “We spend of providing the proven benefits of two leaders in their fields to manufacturers the £220 per month and I am saving that easily in world over.” ordering time alone,” adds Lister. May 2009 31 P032_WMAN_MAY09 7/5/09 12:54 Page 1

ERP and Supply Chain solutions

It is critical for us to have a system that can quickly calculate materials and “ensure deliveries are made on time. Access Supply Chain has met all our requirements.

LycoRed Limited the UK’s largest” supplier of nutritional systems

‘Best use of IT in Supply Chain IT in Manufacturing Award Management’ Award 2007

Call us now to find out why so many leading brands are using Access Supply Chain solutions 0845 170 8888 SLP_accessv1BT.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 10:03 Page 33

IT Shortlist Access Supply Chain

Phillips House, Chapel Lane, Emley, West Yorkshire Tel: 0845 170 8888 Email: [email protected]

cess Supply Chain, part of the Access Technology Group, specialises in manufacturing and distribution solutions for small, medium and large A companies. The Access Supply Chain software solution is a modular ERP system that can be configured to fit any business environment and way of working. From aerospace to pharmaceuticals, and food to engineering, we treat our clients as individuals – providing effective solutions for their short- and long-term objectives.

From ordering raw materials to delivery of finished goods, we offer a single, seamless solution to strengthen your business Craig Such, processes, improve management reporting and increase Managing Director profitability. Our system has excellent functionality and flexibility, and combines all the advantages of a standard package with the fit of a bespoke solution. It has limitless potential for integration and can be deployed with complete confidence.

Implementation is controlled using a proven and highly dependable 10-step implementation plan, which ensures that the project is delivered on time and within budget.

Company Profile User References Employees: 258 Acrastyle, Ascari , Cromer Crab, Crosby Kitchens, Hall’s Offices: Eight Flooring, LycoRed, Plymouth Gin, Ritchey, Sound Leisure, Parent/Holding Co: Access Technology Group Surrey Satellite and Ugo Foods. Activities: The Access group of companies supplies and supports business systems for global organisations. Access Services Supply Chain specialises in providing, maintaining and Industrial Standards: Windows, SQL Server and web-based. supporting flexible ERP, manufacturing, distribution and Training & Support Facilities: Training centres at all main accounting solutions. offices. Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: Direct sales and implementation through Access Supply Chain, plus regional and national centres. Applications/Products Modular ERP and Supply Chain Management: Multi-location Industrial Sectors Stock Control, Traceability, Warehouse Management Manufacturing management: Product Configurator, Job Our customers span a wide range of industrial sectors, Costing, Quotations, POP, SOP, Works Orders, BoM, including automotive, aerospace, electrical, electronics, Scheduling, Production/Capacity Planning, Engineering engineering, food and drink, flooring, furniture and Change Control kitchens, metal processing, medical and pharmaceuticals. Shopfloor: Time Recording and Shop Floor Data Capture Distribution: Warehouse Management, Location and Lot User Profile Control, CRM, Forecasting and Demand Planning Manufacturing and distribution solutions for small, medium Financial: Multi-currency Ledgers, Credit Control, Cashbook and large companies. Single or multi-site. Make-to-order, and Payroll. make-to-forecast, make-to-stock, mix-mode We provide turnkey solutions with hardware and IT manufacturing. infrastructure, implementation and customer service plus lifetime system support. case study S&C Group of Knottingley, West Yorkshire, is a leading manual stock take – this alone probably saves us 30 or 40 supplier of cut timber and TV/audio furniture. The company man hours each month.” implemented the Access Supply Chain solution to underpin With an eye to the future, the group is anticipating its drive to lean manufacturing and, on the accounts side, to further growth: “The sheet timber revenue is increasing 20 sharpen its business processes too. per cent year-on-year, and we expect to grow the furniture Finance director Gareth Ackroyd has seen many benefits and glass parts of the business even more,” says Ackroyd. to date. Speed and efficiency now underpin every process. “We have all the functionality we need now and we’re “We can run accounts far quicker than ever before. For the confident we have a solid system to support every aspect of end of month accounts, we no longer need to carry out a our business.” May 2009 33 P034_WMAN_MAY09 7/5/09 12:55 Page 1

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When you discover Epicor 9 you’ll forget everything you thought you knew about business software. It changes the rules of the game, for the new era of business without barriers – so you can work when you want, where you want, as you want. Designed from the ground up, Epicor 9 will help you break down the barriers inside and outside your business.

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Copyright © 2008 Epicor. All rights reserved. Epicor and the Epicor Logo are registered trademarks of Epicor. All product information is subject to change without notice. SLP_epicor.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 10:19 Page 35

IT Shortlist Epicor Software (UK)

No 1 The Arena, Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1PU Tel: 0800 3161155 Email: [email protected]

picor is a global leader dedicated to providing integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain E management (SCM) and professional service automation (PSA) software solutions to midmarket companies and divisions of the Global 1000.

Founded in 1984, Epicor serves over 20,000 customers in more than 140 countries, providing solutions in over 30 languages.

Employing innovative service-oriented architecture (SOA) and web services technology, Epicor delivers end-to-end, industry- Roy Shooter, specific solutions for manufacturing, distribution, retail, VP, EMEA Sales hospitality and services that enable companies to drive increased efficiency, improve performance and build competitive advantage.

Company Profile scaleability and flexibility to meet today's business Employees: 2,800 worldwide challenges, while empowering enterprises for even greater Offices: 50-plus globally, plus presence in 150 countries success tomorrow. Epicor offers a comprehensive range of Parent/Holding Co: Epicor Software Corporation services with its solutions,promoting rapid return on Activities: Epicor delivers end-to-end, industry-specific investment and low total cost of ownership. solutions for manufacturing, distribution, retail, hospitality and services. These solutions enable companies User References to drive increased efficiency, improve performance and 20,000 customers in 140 countries including Redbull build competitive advantage. Technology, Texecom, Thomas Dudley and Pressed Steel. Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: Epicor’s solutions are sold globally through a combination Services of direct sales representatives and value-added resellers Industrial Standards Solutions built on .NET architecture from Microsoft; SOA & XML Web Services Industrial Sectors Quality Standards Microsoft Gold Partner Aerospace & Defence, Automotive, Electronics and Electrical Training & Support Facilities Epicor has dedicated teams Components, Fabricated Metals, Furniture and Fixtures, offering on- and off site training and e-learning. Industrial Machinery, Medical Devices, Rubber and Plastics. Applications/Products User Profile EPICOR FOR MANUFACTURING: Customer Relationship Employing innovative service-oriented architecture (SOA) Management; Sales Management; Supply Chain and web services technology, Epicor delivers end-to-end, Management; Production Management; Planning and industry-specific solutions that enable companies to Scheduling; Product Data Management; Service increase efficiencies, improve performance and build Management; Financial Management; Enterprise competitive advantage. Epicor solutions provide the Performance Management; Business Process Management.

case study Award-winning security product manufacturer Texecom identified and trained and Bowden was involved in 95% of all needed a new ERP system that could meet its complex training to give him the best insight into the entire system. demands. Three production sites handle as many as 1,500 Texecom went live in just four months – five months ahead of orders each per month, each designed to meet the the projected implementation time and 10% under budget. appropriate regulatory and legislative requirements of the The business went from zero visibility to complete destined country of use. For Head of IT Andy Bowden, it was visibility instantly. Almost £2m was freed up by significant vital that the new system enabled co-ordinated planning and stock reductions across the sites. “This made a dramatic scheduling, as well as real-time visibility. improvement to our working capital position and return on Epicor was chosen after an extensive evaluation, investment results,” says Bowden. Sales analysis now takes involving stakeholders from each business area. three hours instead of three days, and better supplier Implementation commenced in May 2007: key users were management is leading to cost and stock improvements. May 2009 35 P036_WMAN_MAY09 8/5/09 17:11 Page 1 SLP_Exelv1BT.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 10:22 Page 37

IT Shortlist Exel Computer Systems

Bothe Hall, Sawley, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 3XL Tel: 0115 946 0101 Email: [email protected]

K based Exel Computer Systems has 25 years’ experience of developing integrated business solutions to an increasingly diverse customer base, across a U number of industries worldwide.

Exel is the owner and author of EFACS E/8, a fully integrated ERP solution, and Eagle Field Service, which is leading the way in advanced and flexible field service management software.

EFACS E/8 is browser, XML and Java based, incorporating a broad Rue Dilhe, range of business functions. With over 600 customers around Managing Director the world, Exel is best placed to assist its customers to achieve competitive advantage though the employment of a state-of-the-art business solution.

Eagle Field Service is a complete mobile management solution, providing real-time information and resources to field engineers, delivered directly to their mobile or touch screen devices. Providing unprecedented levels of control and visibility, the system includes a comprehensive Contact Management System, Warranty Service, Engineer Scheduling, Remote Engineer Applications, Document Management and Workflow.

Company Profile User References Offices: Head office in Nottingham Naim Audio, GB Kent, Ilmor Engineering, Bennett Opie, Activities: UK author, designer and developer of: EFACS Finsbury Orthopaedics, , Wesley Barrell, Martin E/8, a fully integrated ERP business solution; and Eagle Aerospace, Metsec, Selex Communications and AJ Barber. Field Service, a complete mobile service engineer and back-office management solution. Services Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: Worldwide Industrial Standards: Browser-driven, uses Java and distributor network Internet tools and runs on Unix, Microsoft, Linux and systems supporting Java. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Industrial Sectors Informix. Single-server to multi-tier computing. Discrete manufacturing, aerospace, general and sub- Training & Support Facilities: Experienced implementation contract engineering, automotive, furniture, building, team, providing project management, consultancy, training electronics, pharmaceutical, food, valves, packaging, and support via onsite, remote and dedicated facilities. forging, plastics, cosmetics, rubber, fabricated products and field service providers. Applications/Products User Profile ERP, supply chain management, manufacturing management, data/document management, shopfloor Businesses with traceability and engineering change systems, CRM and business intelligence: EFACS E/8 management, to high-volume schedule-driven component Field Service Management: Eagle Field Service manufacturers requiring lean methods. Those companies Touchscreen Applications: EFACS E/8 and Eagle Field with requirements for managing remote engineers. Service

case study When engine manufacturer, Ilmor Engineering functionality, the company found that upon closer inspection needed to invest in a high performance business only EFACS E/8 measured up to what was required. Following management system, it had non-negotiable requirements implementation, the first significant benefits of the new and exacting standards that would need to be met by any system were felt within the first month, with vital financial potential supplier. Ilmor’s manufacturing division had many management information instantly available in real-time, challenges, not least the challenge of supplying the demands which had not been possible with its previous system. from engineering, maintaining rigorous stock control and Ilmor reports that the implementation of EFACS E/8 has delivering to exact timescales. been a great success, and the company says it looks forward Having identified three solutions that claimed to handle to activating further modules and functionality on a rolling the complex manufacturing requirements and accounting basis. May 2009 37 P038_WMAN_MAY09 7/5/09 12:56 Page 1

Taking care of business

Completing a job ahead of schedule is just one of the many facilities, illogical navigation and lack of system collaboration. advantages associated with effective business specific soft- So with IFS Applications you are free to go about your daily ware. Or at least it should be. You see, we hold the view that business confident you will not encounter any of the previous business software should not only be judged on its features frustrations. and functions, but also on how easy it is to use and how IFS Applications also provides you with a Google-like effective it makes you. search facility and many more features that will enable IFS Applications has been designed to heighten usability you to extend your reach and work far more efficiently. by making things easier. We have eliminated all the major Take care of your business and see IFS Applications—the time wasters that showed up in a recently conducted survey of ERP solution designed for increased user productivity at business software. You know the culprits: inefficient search


IT Shortlist IFS UK

Artisan, Hillbottom Road, High Wycombe, HP14 4HJ Tel: 01494 428900 Email: [email protected]

FS, the global enterprise applications company, provides ERP solutions that enable organisations to respond quickly to market changes. The solutions allow I resources to be used in a more agile way to achieve better business performance and competitive advantage.

With IFS now in its seventh generation, IFS pioneered component-based ERP software. The architecture makes systems easier to run, implement and upgrade, giving extended ERP functionality, including CRM, SCM, PLM, CPM, enterprise asset management and MRO capabilities. Paul Massey, Managing Director, IFS Applications enables you to manage different business types, IFS Europe West including project centric, contracting, manufacturing, supply chain and service management, across a range of sectors, from construction through process and automotive to distribution. It has the ability to support mixed mode operations simultaneously in multiple sites, countries, currencies and languages. It also has the flexibility to support dynamic changes occurring in our industrial markets.

Company Profile Clancy Docwra, CryoService, De la Rue, Imerys Minerals, Employees: 300 UK, 2,600 worldwide Magnet, Olympus KeyMed, and Zwetsloots. Turnover: £38m UK and £180m globally Offices: Worldwide in 54 countries Services Parent/Holding Co: IFS AB, Linkoping, Sweden Industrial Standards: RDBMS: Any Hardware and OS Activities: IFS provides business-wide ERP solutions that supported by Oracle. Extended Server: Windows Server, allow resources to be managed in a more agile way. AIX, HP-UX, Linux RedHat, SunOS/Solaris. Client: Windows Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: IFS supplies directly 2000/XP/Vista/2003/2008. and partners with global market leaders. Training & Support Facilities: IFS offers consultancy, training and support, as well as a structured Industrial Sectors implementation methodology, supported by tools such as Aerospace and defence, automotive, construction, hi-tech, role-based training, instructor-led and self-study online, manufacturing, process industries, retail, wholesale and business process modelling tools and lifecycle supply chain, service management, utilities and telecoms. management tools. Support is provided in the UK.

User Profile Applications/Products IFS is an agile solution for firms of various sizes, from Because IFS Applications is component-based, companies medium sized single site companies to large, multi site, can implement what they want, when they need it. IFS multi national organisations. Applications offers business solutions that can be configured for rapidly changing industries, facing User References challenges in an international marketplace. IFS provides a Babcock, Becker Industrial Coatings, Bristan, Bristow broad range of enterprise, manufacturing, and service and Helicopters, BSkyB, Butcher’s Pet Care, Camera Dynamics, asset management solutions.

case study Innovation and new product development are key strengths modifications, and could be installed off-the-shelf. This at packaging manufacturer LINPAC Allibert, alongside the made the system easy and fast to install. capability to provide total supply chain support, including “Secondly, their component architecture was a strong RFID tagging, asset tracking, tray washing and repair, selling point, as it allowed us to scale up over time and rental and asset management services. create a system to suit our changing requirements. Finally, Andre Ertel, project manager at LINPAC Allibert working with a medium sized supplier also meant that we describes why the business selected IFS: “There were three had a more personal relationship with IFS than we could competitive advantages that IFS had over their have with their larger competitors. This proved to be a competitors. Firstly, we liked the fact that their software significant benefit, as they became a trusted partner as our solution fits our requirements, without the need for major business changed over time.” May 2009 39 P040_WMAN_MAY09 7/5/09 12:56 Page 1

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IT Shortlist Infor

The Phoenix, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull, West Midlands B90 8BG Tel: 0800 376 9633 Email: [email protected]

nfor has developed field-proven solutions that support innovation and business growth, with a lower total cost of ownership. These have functionality built-in for I specific industries and business processes, are designed to work well together and fit with existing systems. They are delivered by domain experts who understand how manufacturers do business and enrich existing investments.

Through continuous innovation, adapting to market trends and customers’ feedback, Infor provides more software choices. By developing new features and using next generation technology David Grosvenor, such as service-orientated architecture (SOA), Infor solutions UK Sales Director enable a faster response to changing business requirements. Infor

Infor provides software, services and support globally and works to simplify and shorten implementation times. Fast Start programmes provide quick start-ups in specific business areas, using proven implementation practices and enabling quicker recognition of value. A variety of flexible buying options offers manufacturers a choice of financing through traditional software licenses, hosted applications or software as a service (SaaS).

Company Profile User References Employees: 9,000 70,000 customers, including Beamish & Crawford, Turnover: $2.2 billion worldwide Filtronic, Automotive, Herman Miller, Johnson Offices: Direct offices in 125 countries. Implementation & Johnson, Cadburys Plc, Hi-Tech Mouldings, Sandvik and support capabilities in 100+ countries Mining & Construction, Amey, British Sugar. Parent/Holding Co: Infor Global Solutions Activities: Infor offers business-specific solutions to help Services companies in a range of sub-sectors to automate, plan, Infor delivers localised support with global service collaborate and execute according to their requirements. backing. There are 3,500 product specialists and 1,400 Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: Technology, solution sales and professional service partners. and channel partners around the world. Quality Standards: Infor helps users to meet standards from ISO 9000 to FDA. ISO 9001:2000 implementation Industrial Sectors methodology. Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. Aerospace, apparel and footwear, automotive, chemicals, Industrial Standards: Infor Open SOA embraces and consumer packaged goods, service management, food and supports all leading industrial standards, such as OAGIS 9. beverage, hi-tech and electronics, industrial equipment Training & Support Facilities: Infor offers on-site and off- and machinery, life sciences, metal fabrication, plastics, site training worldwide. public sector and shipbuilding. Applications/Products User Profile Infor ERP; Infor PLM; Infor PM (Performance Management); With products representing 35 years of experience, Infor Infor SCM; Infor EAM (Enterprise Asset Management); Infor solutions cover discrete and process manufacturing. FMS (Financial Management System); Infor CRM; Infor HCM (Human Capital Management); Infor Open SOA. case study Pilkington Automotive provides glazing solutions for one in when forecasting these kinds of patterns. Using Infor SCM three vehicles in the world, and supplies all major automotive Demand Planning, Pilkington Automotive has improved stock groups. Its supply chain is complex, due to a large and to sales ratios, distribution fill rates and forecast quality, and growing product range, with in excess of 10,000 SKUs, now provides a European picture of demand in a single view. multiple channels having different routing options and a “The solution integrated readily with our existing ERP large proportion of ‘slow’ or ‘sporadic’ moving products. system and has supported our business processes for sales In 2004, the business reviewed its demand and inventory and operations planning. Combined with other changes we planning. It needed a system that could support increasing made in our business, we are in a position to respond better complexity in stock management and product availability to customer demands and do so with lower investment in across Europe – much of it involving low repeatable sales. working capital,” says Andrew Collum, forecasting manager, Infor’s demand planning overcame the problems seen Pilkington Automotive (AGR) Europe. May 2009 41 P042_WMAN_MAY09 8/5/09 15:41 Page 1 the factory episode four ‘the chair man’

“At the end of the day its all about bums on seats”

Don’t miss the release of episode four ‘the chair man’ on the 9th of June 2009 SLP_K3v1BT.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 11:10 Page 43

IT Shortlist K3

Baltimore House, 50 Kansas Avenue, Salford Quays, Manchester M50 2GL Tel: 0161 876 4498 Email: [email protected]

anufacturing, distribution and the supply chain, and three decades of proven business performance – K3 is the UK’s largest provider of ERP software for small M and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

We are renowned for delivering solutions that can be easily and economically incorporated into your business. It's a reputation built on the unrivalled experience and knowledge of our people – and on many years of implementing manufacturing systems.

SYSPRO enterprise resource planning (ERP) gives you the Howard Joseph, technology to manage your supply chain from end to end. Its Managing Director modular structure lets you choose the functionality you need right now and to add extra capability as your business changes and grows.

Company Profile Services Turnover (UK): £37.62m UK and Europe Industrial Standards: Microsoft: Windows, SQL Server, Offices: Manchester, Walton on Thames, Camberley, Exchange Server, Citrix and Terminal Server; Unix, Linux, Dereham, Market Bosworth, Galway, Abingdon, Reading, Web Services, SOA, 32/64 bit, Client/Server Architecture, Dublin and The Hague, Netherlands. Microsoft.NET Parent/Holding Co: K3 Business Technology Group Quality Standards: Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, ISO Activities: K3’s Manufacturing Division supplies, installs 9000:2001, PRINCE2© and supports SYSPRO’s Microsoft-based ERP software to Training & Support Facilities: K3 offers customised, on-site manufacturing and distribution businesses. K3’s Managed or classroom-style training and professional helpdesk Services Division offers comprehensive support services. support manned by a team of experts. K3 Care is a strategic Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: K3 sells direct. cross-company initiative that focuses entirely on the wellbeing of all customers and they maintain regular contact Industrial Sectors with customers to ensure they are happy with K3. K3’s Single or multi-site manufacturing and distribution SMEs, developers are available to customise ongoing solutions to including aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical, the unique requirements of a business. K3’s Managed electronics, food & beverage, machinery, medical devices, Services Division offer complete peace-of-mind over the plastics & packaging, furniture and fabrication. support and maintenance of a company’s IT infrastructure. Applications/Products User Profile SYSPRO is a powerful, fully integrated business software SYSPRO is ideal for companies that seek to improve solution, incorporating modular applications for ERP, efficiency and production performance. SYSPRO provides advanced planning and scheduling (APS), customer powerful tools for each stage of order management, relationship management (CRM), supply chain planning, manufacturing and distribution processes. management, business intelligence and analytics, financial, warehouse management, HR management, User References document management and inventory management. A J Wells, Astute Electronics, Boss Design, Dantec, SYSPRO’s solution provides complementary and easily Dawson, Dewhurst, GW International, HRM Boilers, Prism deployable applications that require no updating when Electronics, QV Foods, Power Adhesives & Packaging Aids, SYSPRO is upgraded. K3’s Managed Services Division covers The Greenfield Group, Tyneside Safety Glass. both network implementation and network support. case study Power Adhesives is Europe’s leading hotmelt adhesive organisation to share staff across both businesses. They have specialist. Sister company Packaging Aids is a sales and dedicated sales teams across each organisation, but share distribution organisation for packing-room equipment. the same accounts and purchasing teams. This has allowed In 2001, Power Adhesives chose K3’s SYSPRO to provide both businesses to expand without adding headcount, with the essential mix of control, flexibility and information each operating lean and efficient processes. visibility it needed and to integrate seamlessly with accounts. SYSPRO underpins everything the businesses do and they Power Adhesives went live with SYSPRO in 2002 and are currently investigating how they can expand this further immediately felt the benefit of SYSPRO's serial number with the use of Landed Cost Tracking to gain a clear view of tracking and lot traceability. Its system also allows the margins on products imported from overseas. May 2009 43 P044_WMAN_MAY09 11/5/09 12:58 Page 1

Manufacturing Industry Over 25 years experience delivering IT solutions & services to Manufacturing & Distribution Enterprise Resource Planning Information Management Virtualisation Managed Services Networks & Infrastructure

+44(0)1242 211 241 [email protected] SLP_Maxima.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 11:13 Page 45

IT Shortlist Maxima

Cotswold Court, Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 2JA Tel: 01242 211 241 Email: [email protected]

axima is the trusted IT partner to over 1,300 customers across the UK, Ireland and North America. These range in size from growing companies to blue-chip M organisations, and span a spectrum of industries.

Our goal is simple: to help you drive efficiencies, cost savings and improved business performance from your investments in IT throughout their full lifecycle. Maxima’s portfolio spans a broad spectrum of customer IT requirements, from ERP, CRM, business intelligence and performance management solutions, to high quality managed services for your applications and IT Kelvin Harrison, infrastructure. Yet this broad reach does not imply a generalist Chairman approach: we are proven specialists in each of our business areas, offering a premium service for all of our chosen solutions and industries of focus.

Maxima solutions cover : Business Solutions, Information Management, Applications Managed Services and Infrastructure Managed Services.

Company Profile Services Employees: 450 Industrial Standards: Linux, Unix, Windows, QAD Alliance Turnover (UK): £46.7m Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner, SAP Gold Partner, Citrix Offices: Cheltenham, London, Glasgow, Dublin, Manchester, Platinum Partner, Computer Associates Partner, Business Crewe, Reading, Aylesbury, and Hyderabad, India Objects Platinum Partner, Cisco Registered Partner, IBM U2 Parent/Holding Co: Maxima Holdings plc Authorized Independent Training Partner, Nortel Partner, Activities: Maxima is one of the UK and Ireland’s leading IT Oracle Certified Advantage Partner, VM Ware Enterprise solution and service providers, offering a unique blend of partner. deep industry knowledge and specialist technology expertise Quality Standards: ISO9001:2000 and the TickIT Guide to deliver real business value to organisations of all sizes (Issue 5) for Managed Services and Systems Integration; across a wide range of sectors. ISO27001 on Information Security; active member of ITIL. Training & Support Facilities: Maxima provides a full range Industrial Sectors of high quality supporting services before, during and after Manufacturing & Distribution (food and beverage, consumer implementation. The company works closely with every packaged goods, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, automotive, customer to ensure that all objectives are achieved, on time electronics, industrial equipment). Construction & Facilities and on budget. Management, Public Sector, Financial Services, Professional Services, Telecommunications & Utilities. Applications/Products ERP/ Supply chain management: QAD Enterprise User Profile Applications 2009; Microsoft Dynamics AX (MAXcel); SAP Maxima’s manufacturing solutions are particularly suited to Business One. businesses that are subject to rigorous compliance. Data/Document Management: Microsoft Office SharePoint; Microsoft Dynamics CRM, also available as a service (SaaS); Business Objects (Oracle and Microsoft); Budgeting, User References Planning & Financial Consolidation (solutions from SAP, The Ryvita Company, Lush, AG Barr, R. Twining & Co, Alliance Oracle & Microsoft). Boots, Terumo Vascutek, Powerminster, Kingspan, Whyte & Hardware & IT infrastructure: Cisco, Citrix, Nortel, Mackay, The Amtico Company. Lumension, AppSense, Fortinet, Sourcefire and Check Point. case study Omega Teknika went live on the lastest version of QAD in end reporting capability. One of the finance users March. David Power, IT Manager for the Dublin site highlighted that a report that normally takes a day to commented: “We went live on time and on budget, and are complete is now done in one hour! extremely pleased with the outcome.” “There were no problems during the upgrade and He continues: “The finance team has already seen performance was good. The output of reports is much faster significant benefits from the implementation of QAD’s now. Most surprisingly is how the users have adjusted to .NET Microsoft .NET UI, especially through the enhanced month very quickly. Overall a complete success.” May 2009 45 P046_WMAN_MAY09 7/5/09 12:57 Page 1 SLP_preactorv1BT.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 11:16 Page 47

IT Shortlist Preactor International

Cornbrash Park, Bumpers Way, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 6RA Tel: 01249 650316 Email: [email protected]

reactor International is an independent company based in the UK. Preactor’s mission is to provide its clients with cost-effective, interactive decision support P tools that will help them to become more agile in a fast changing make-to- order environment, where speed and accuracy of delivery are key competitive issues.

Specialising in scheduling software for more than 16 years, Preactor International offers a range of scheduling software solutions for manufacturing and service industries. Its unique combination of ease of use, flexibility and integration capability, combined with unmatched Mike Novels, price/functionality, has enabled many users to obtain a return Managing Director on investment measured in weeks, some in days.

Our clients include more than 2,500 organisations in 64 countries, ranging from small companies with less than 50 employees to some of the largest corporations in the world. There is a significant user base in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. The product is translated into 30 languages.

Company Profile companies with make-to-order and Lean/Agile Employees: 32 manufacturing business requirements. Turnover: £3.8m Offices: Head Office, Chippenham, Wilts; other offices in User References North America, France and India. Alstom, Bakkavar, Bombardier, Boots, British Sugar, Parent/Holding Co: The CIMulation Centre (Holdings) Ltd. Contour Seating, Corus, Crown, Goodyear, Imperial Activities: Preactor provides a comprehensive range of Tobacco, Lockheed Martin, LSG Skychefs, 3M, Mead Finite Capacity Scheduling (FCS) and Advanced Planning & Westvaco, Muller, SCA, Schering Plough, Silver Spring, Scheduling (APS) software tools for manufacturing Technip. companies of all sizes and in all sectors. Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: Services Preactor has over 400 companies comprising 1,000 plus Industrial Standards: Windows accredited professionals within a managed partner Quality Standards: Microsoft Gold Partner network. For further information see Training & Support Facilities: An extensive range of training courses are available and run on a regular basis – Industrial Sectors see Preactor’s inherent flexibility makes it applicable for all industrial sectors. For a comprehensive list of these, see Applications/Products Manufacturing Management: Preactor 200 FCS, Preactor 300 FCS, Preactor 400 APS, Preactor 500 APS User Profile Shopfloor systems: Preactor Viewer Preactor is used from SMEs upwards to some of the largest Service and support: Training, Systems implementation global companies. Preactor is especially helpful for and Support

case study Highland Spring is the leading UK produced brand of spring was taken to invest in Preactor and link it with Highland water. Operating on a 24x7 basis, the company bottled 240 Spring’s MAX ERP system. million litres of water in 2006, which can be delivered in a In addition to saving a minimum of half a day, every day, bewildering number of possible configurations. Preactor has provided the much needed visibility that allowed The company has to deal with demand spikes of 50–60%, Highland Spring to trim off areas of stock and buffer excess, with larger customers expecting delivery within 24–48 hours, while extending its planning horizon from a rolling 10 days while dealing with a fixed production constraint of a three to four weeks and beyond. The increased accuracy of day quarantine process. planning also directly contributed to substantial cost savings Planning was continual fire fighting, with the company as a result of greatly reduced agency staff levels. Taking all having very little visibility. As Preactor was widely and things into account, Highland Spring believes it achieved an diversely used in the food and beverage industry, a decision ROI in under one year. May 2009 47 P048_WMAN_MAY09 7/5/09 12:58 Page 1 SLP_Rent-ITv1BT.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 11:20 Page 49

IT Shortlist Rent-IT Systems UK

10 Mill Court, The Sawmills, Durley, Southampton SO32 2EJ Tel: 01489 860851 Email: [email protected]

23mrp.Net is a unique business proposition, designed to address the flaws in traditional systems supply methods. The system is provided for a low monthly 1 rental fee, with no contract and no penalties. The system is supplied complete, not in modules, with published, transparent pricing.

Regular, free monthly evaluation workshops are held across the UK, allowing you to check the suitability of our product. You can even book staff on training at no risk – if you do not wish to continue just walk away. Guy Amoroso, Only a few days of training are needed, including Managing Director implementation planning, system administration and legacy data transfer. Once you are satisfied, simply register and receive the software. Rather than be drawn into a lengthy evaluation process with other systems that can cost you hundreds of man- hours, many companies decide to try 123mrp.Net. Our risk-free approach allows you to be up and running with a minimum of fuss and financial outlay. Our customers really appreciate that it only works for us if it works for you.

Company Profile User References Offices: As above Delta Design, Codan Rubber, Elemental Microanalysis, Activities: 123mrp.Net was conceived as a direct response NIBSC, Jarvis Manufacturing, Thermal Engineering, Canyon to the flaws in traditional selling and implementation Europe, Flowplant, Image on Food, Global Invacom, Cobra methods characterised by modular MRP/ERP systems. It UK Automotive, Lascar Electronics, Cobra Design Centre, D&G eliminates the high risk of failure associated with Mouldings, RH Technical Industries, Percival Aviation, traditional production management systems, setting new Geotechnical, Patton Joinery, Bitbox, Polyseam, Tecsew. standards in usability and capability.123mrp.Net is provided on a no-commitment, monthly payment plan with Services risk free training. Industrial Standards: Microsoft .Net architecture; Windows Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: Principally direct but XP/Vista; SQL databases. dealers and business alliances are being established across Training & Support Facilities UK, Europe and the rest of the world – enquiries welcome. Only six days of training required (and no consultancy) offered on a no-obligation basis. You only pay when Industrial Sectors satisfied. All training documentation provided in electronic All manufacturing types, styles and sectors, including format for easy, customer-driven downstream training. Fully aerospace, automotive, engineering, electronics, textiles, inclusive telephone support, remote assistance and food, medical, plastics, furniture, packaging, oil, water, upgrades within the monthly payment plan. defence, subcontract engineering and subcontract electronics. Application/Products Manufacturing management: 123mrp.Net is an advanced, User Profile true .Net software application based on Microsoft’s SQL and Customer profiles from 4 to 800+ personnel, with multiple offers simplicity of use. It is everything that you would factory/office locations and international, including one- expect to find in a manufacturing system, from your initial off, small batch, high volume repetitive, make-to-stock, estimates and quotes, through sales and purchasing, full engineer-to-order and make-to-order, process, discrete, stock and manufacturing control, despatch, invoicing with subcontract and capital equipment – and any combination. accounts integration and interfacing options, plus CRM.

case study Warning beacons manufacturer Delta Design needed to business. I could see what the up-front costs would be; there replace its DOS-based MRP system. Despite its managing was nothing hidden. I like the rental model as we can director being the chairman of its existing MRP system’s user budget precisely. group, the firm decided to evaluate four alternative systems. “I never got the impression that the company would take Says managing director Richard Battersby: “The reason our money, sell us further consultancy at every opportunity, we chose 123mrp.Net is that I felt we could forge a especially given that we can walk away at any time. We relationship with a supplier who understood our needs and reduced our paper generation by 30%, cut stock inaccuracies that had a good product that could be tailored to our by 85% and errors in general were cut by 50%.” May 2009 49 P050_WMAN_MAY09 7/5/09 12:58 Page 1 SLP_SAPv1BT.qxp:Layout 1 8/5/09 11:24 Page 51

IT Shortlist SAP

Clockhouse Place, Bedfont Road, Feltham, Middlesex, TW14 8HD Tel: 0870 608 4000 Email: [email protected]

AP is the world’s leading provider of business software. Today, more than 82,000 customers in more than 120 countries run SAP applications — from distinct S solutions addressing the needs of small businesses and mid-size companies, to suite offerings for global organisations. Powered by the SAP NetWeaver technology platform to drive innovation and enable business change, SAP software helps enterprises of all sizes around the world to John Hammann improve customer relationships, enhance partner collaboration Business and create efficiencies across their supply chains and business Development operations. SAP solution portfolios support the unique business Industry Business processes of more than 25 industries, including high tech, retail, Solutions - Discrete and financial services, healthcare and the public sector. Process Industries EMEA

Company Profile Services: Employees: over 51,500 worldwide Industrial Standards: SAP promotes standards and is Turnover: €11.5 million in 2008 represented on most standards-defining organisations. Offices: HQ Waldorf Germany, with subsidiaries in more Platforms supported include AS/400; Linux, Unix; Microsoft than 50 countries Windows NT; Microsoft Windows Server and OS/390. Client Parent/Holding Co: SAP AG software is available for HTML, Java and Microsoft Windows Activities: Business solutions for enterprises of all sizes XP and Vista. RDBMSs supported include IBM DB2, Informix, Dealers/VARS/Systems Integrators: SAP’s strategic Oracle and Microsoft SQL server. partners offer a variety of high quality skills and services Quality Standards: ISO 9000 to meet the needs of any organisation. Training & Support Facilities SAP offers a wide range of training and support that will Industrial Sectors enable you to deploy your software fast – and ensure you are SAP solution portfolios support the business processes of able to operate at peak levels to meet your business goals. more than 25 industries, including automotive, aerospace and defence, consumer products, high tech, industrial Applications/Products machinery and components, life sciences, oil and gas. SAP Business ByDesign; SAP ERP; SAP Customer Relationship Management; SAP Product Lifecycle Management; SAP User Profile Supplier Relationship Management; SAP Supply Chain SAP is the recognised leader in collaborative business Management; SAP Solutions for Governance Risk and solutions for companies of all sizes. 65% of SAP customers Compliance; SAP Business All-in-One; SAP Service and Asset are small or mid-size firms. management Duet; SAP Business One; SAP Manufacturing; SAP Global Trade Services; SAP Cost and Quotation Management; SAP Manufacturing Integration and User References Intelligence; SAP Integrated Exploration and Production; AstraZeneca, Adidas, Apple, BOC, BP, Coca-Cola, Colgate- SAP Product Definition; SAP Resource and Portfolio Diageo, General Motors, Hasbro, Kellogg’s, McDonald’s, Management; SAP BusinessObjects BI Solutions; SAP Nestle, Nike, Nokia, Oakley, Olympus, Palmolive, PepsiCo, BusinessObjects Enterprise Performance Management; SAP Procter & Gamble, Reebok, Rexam, Rolls-Royce, Samsung, BusinessObjects Governance, Risk and Compliance; SAP Sony, Speedo, Subsea7, Unilever, Whirlpool, Waterford. BusinessObjects Edge BI; Crystal Reports Solutions; Xcelsius.

case study British American Tobacco (BAT) embarked on a major reliable and well integrated platform we needed at the start programme to simplify its complex IT landscape in 2004, of the programme in 2005.” with the goal of turning a multinational business operating Japan was the first market to converge to a regional SAP across multiple markets into an integrated global enterprise. ERP system; the remaining markets in Asia Pacific completed Says Ebert Spreeth, global programme manger at BAT: their programmes successfully at the end of 2008. “This was “We had already made a significant investment in SAP, and an amazing achievement,” says Spreeth, “and shows what the consolidation of our ERP systems with a single supplier can be done with the right project team. The region offered major benefits in terms of licence, support and implemented the changeover in over 40 markets in just three maintenance costs… SAP is the leading ERP product, and we years, and this is even more remarkable as the situation on deliberately chose SAP R/3 4.7 as it provided the stable, the ground tends to change fast in these markets.” May 2009 51