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It Tt.072*4Ss STEELERS DEFENSE STEELERS OFFENSE STEELERS SAN DIEGO CHARGERS vs. PI1TSBURGH STEELERS K 1 Guy Mderson K 4 PatOltra 08 SEPTEMBER 20, 1992 • SAN DIEGO JACK MURPHY STADiUM • 1 P.M. 3Maikfloyals P P esubbyarieler GB ii $10 Hsn*les ,, 08 14 Nell O'Oonnafl GB 00 20 Dttqghl Stone.. .WR-RB as 22larryGrlflln $ ø*$1SeyRMsd. PG $ 'LI 23 Sammy Walker CS 25 San tharse MS tT.072*4Ss 24 Richard Shelton . .. OS tG,0ltMcMs*a S.. 28 Rod Woodeon CS SlDonaklrrwjk as C.I 1St 70 tmki 2gBartyFoster Re as cwnn*s FE a. 30 AlberI Bentley RB saErioBienleay RB 33 Merril Huge Fe AT Us Sons 33 RonnIe Harmon RB 34 Leroy Thompson - - - RB 88 Deems May MB $4 *nHS4Sm $4 Steve S 37 Cornell Lake 55 3SMerlcnBufts ,RS WA ..MIMLSwIS 84 RObeit Clathstn agDarrenPecry S 5$ 08 .12$taplftsn$dfllOMfiaqU$M 4PatOllara 25 Sees %Ss 41 Solomon Wllcots S 3' Anthony Blaytock GB tifi MS*eHeoiMc*sua NMfrM — 8$. Is Uffitos IS) 42 Warren Wiiliams. ... RB 50 Gary Rummer 0 R8...SSMatusBufts ffZRodflsmstffis 3$Rosa tmoo asescosgion 44 n.J. Johnson CB StSamAnno 32Lift øISsmy 50 David Little LB 53 Courtney Hall 0-6 53 Bryan Hinkie LB 55 Junior Beau OLE 54 Hardy Nickerson.. .. LB SI Henry Rolkng OIS STEELERS DEFENSE STEELERS OFFENSE 55 Jerry Olsavsky LB 5$ Kevin Murphy 018 LE 64 Kenny Davidson97 Aaron Jones WR 81 Jeff Graham 89Ernie Mills 82 Darrick Owens 57 Jerrol Williams LB S4Curll$WtullOy . C lIT 90 Gerald Williams93 Joel Steed IT 65 John Jackson 13Justln Strzelczyk 60 Kendall Gammon . .. .0 65 DavId Richards .G-T HE 66 Donald Evans 64 kenny Davidson 16 67 Duval Love 61Dean Caliguire 61 Dean Caliguire ..,. C-G T 67 Leo Guess 01 LOLB 57 Jerrol Williams53 Bryan Hinkle 92 Elnardo Webster C 63 Dermontb Dawson 61Dean Caliguire 60 Kendall Gammon 62 lunch 11km 63 Dormontti Dawson ... C 70 MIke Zandofsiqt C4 LILD 54 Hardy Nlckerson 55 Jerry Olsavsky AG 17 Carlton Haselrlg67Duval Love 72 Harry Swayne 64 Kenny Davidson.. .. DE I RILB 50 David Little 99Levon Kirkland RI 13 Justin Strzelczyk 72Leon Searcy 7$MhMconay T 65 John Jackson T ROLB 95 Greg Lloyd 92Elnardo Webster TE 87 Adrian Cooper 84Tim Jorden 88 Jesse Anderson llErlcMoten 0 66 Donald Evans DE LCD 26 Rod Woodson 23Sammy Walker WA 20 Dwight Stone 80Charles Davenport82 Darrlck Ownes 79 Tony Savage CT 67 Duval Love S 14 Neil O'Donnell 6 60 9tawn Jefferson WA RCB 44 DJ Johnson 24Richard Shelton OB Bubby Briefer T2LeonSoarcy 0 $1 Nate Lewis WA 56 37 CameIl Lake 22Larry Griffin 41 Solomon Wllcots RB 29 Barry Foster 34Leroy Thompson42 Warren Williams 73 Justin Strzelczyk I $2 Rod Bematla. TB-RB FS 39 Darren Perry 24 Richard Shelton 41 Solomon Wilcots FB 33 MerrIl liege 42Warren Williams30 Albert Bentley 77 Carlton Hasetrlg 0 WA SO Charles Davenport .WA $4 SabertOsiborna WA $1 Jeff Graham WA $8 Mfrad Pupunu it CHARGERS SPECIALISTS STEELERS SPECIALISTS 82 Darrick Owens WA 84 Tim Jordan TE $7 Duane Young it P...lOJohaXIdd P 3 Mark Royals 8$ Deems May 'TB 57 Mrlan Cooper TE K.. SiSmtaraey K 1 Gary Andersen $9 Dernek Wahr YE 88 Jesse Andorson . .. .TE lOJolmXtdd 4PstOl4am H 3 Mark Royals 14 Neil O'Donnell 9ORegg'aWhne $9 Ernie Mills WA PA.. StEdalteSmySINatetse 3$fioSeHemten PR 26 Rod Woedson 81 Jeff Graham 82 Darrick Owens SI Leslie Ct$eei. 0$ 92 Elnardo Webster. .. LB 81 Jeff Graham $2 Bin Grossman 05 KR...32ES8teSmy$fl*Ls* DIRnSHamto* KR 26 Rod Woodson 20 DwIght Stone 93 Joel Steed NT 93 GenrgGThwnton UT FC.,J2SemAnns PC 60 Kendall Gammon 63 Derniontti Dawsen 9sGregLloyd LB 94 Clyls Mims CE KC..,$2lanAnao slcvdhtWbfttey KC 60 Kendall Gammon 63 Dermontll Dawson 97 Aaron Jones DE $0 Bias Winter DI 98 Gerald Williams .... NT as Marve te 99 Levon Kirkland LB TODAY'S OFFICIALS CHARGERS PRONUNCIATION KEY STEELERS PRONUNCIATION KEY NAVTWE PLAYERS iNACTIVE PLAYERS Referee Pat 1-lagerty (40) Sam Anno AH-no Canton Haseirig HASS-ul-rig Umpire Hendi Anoich (15) Eric Bieniemy BEE-en-a-mee Menu Hoge H003E Head Linesman Earnie Frantz (111) Bob Gagliano GAL-ee-ah-no Tunch 11km TOONCH ILL-kin Line Judge John Alderton (25) Leo Goeas GO-as Levon Kirkland iuh-VON Beak Judge Al Jury (106) Side Judge Don Carlsen (39) Alfred Pupunu pa-POO-new Jerry Olsavsky o!-SAV-skee Field Judge Bill Schmitz (122) Junior Seau SAY-ow Leon Searcy SEER-see Observer Royal Cathcart Mike Zandofsky Zan-DOFF-sky Justin Strzeiczyk STREL-zik CRARGERS SAN DIEGO CHARGERS PITTSBURGH STEELERS STEELERS 52Anna LB I Anderson NFL Hew • NFL • How 82 BenntmsTE-RS 88 Anderson TE No. Name Pea. Mt. WI. Age Exp. College Acq. No. Name Pea. Mt. Wt. AgeExp. College Acq. 32Blanlemy RB 30 Bentley RB 3 John Cerney K 5-11 170 28 4 Notre Darns FA-'90 I Gary Anderson K 5-11 179 33 11 Syracuse 37 Blaylock CS W(BuO-'82 OBrlster CS 4 Fat OHara QB 6-3 205 23 1 .. Southern CaliforniaPB(TB)-'92 3 Mark Royals P 6-6 208 28 3 . - - Appalachian StatePB(TB)-92 35BU11S • RB 61 Caliguire 04 10 John Kidd P 6-3 206 31 9 Northwestern PB(Bufl-'90 6 Bubby Brister QB6-3 206 30 7 - - Northeast Louisiana [33-86 22Byrd CS-S 87 Cooper TE 12 Stan Humphries QB 8-2 223 27 3 -. Northeast Louisiana 14 Nell ODonnell 086-3 229 26 3 Maryland D3a'OO SCarrwy K 80 Davenport. -. .WR 16 Bob Gaghano OB 6-3 205 33 6 Utah State PB(Oet)-'Ol 20 Dwight Stone - - -- WA-RB 8-0 159 28 6 Middle Tennessee St. FA-'87 29 OaMngtof' FS 64 Davidson DE 22 Cii Byrd 5-11 196 31 10 San Jose Stats Dlc-'83 22LsrryGriffin S 8-0 202 29 7 North Carolina FM87 84 Cla4flns WR 63 Dawson C 24 Stanley Richard FS 6-2 197 24 2 Texas D1-'91 23 SemmyWalker CR 5-11 200 23 2 •....... TexasTech D4&91 2fiFIeIds ES 66 Evens DE 25 Sean Vanhorse CB 5-10 180 24 I Howard PB(Det)-'92 24 Richard Shelton DR 5-10 196 26 3 Liberty FA-'Bl 27Frank CS 29 Foster RB 26 Floyd Fields SB 6-0 208 23 I Arizona State DSb-91 26 Rod Woodson CR 6-0 202 27. 6 Purdue D1-B7 IS GB 60 Gammon • - - - C-C 27 Donald Frank CB 6-0 192 26 3- Winston-Salem State FA-'90 29 BarryFoster RB 6-10 214 23 3 Arkansas D5-'OO BlGoes G-T 81 Graham WA 29 Darren Carringlon . - - - FS 6-2 200 25 4 -- - - Northern Arizona FA-'OI 30 Albert Bentley RB 5-il 217 32 7 Miami W(lnd)-'92 92Grossman bE 22 GrIffin S 32 Eric Bieniemy RB5-7 198 23 2 Colorado D2b-'gI 33 Merril Hogs FR 6-2 224 27 8 ldahoState D10-'87 SSHaILC C-C l7HaseIrlg C 33 Ronnie Harmon RB5-lI 207 28 7 Iowa 34 Leroy Thompson RB 6-10 215 23 2 PennState D6-'el SOHaLD 93 53 Hinkle LB 34 Steve Hendrickson- HB-LB6-0 258 26 4 California FA-'90 37 Carnell Lake 58 6-1 208 25 02-'SS 33Harmon RB 4 •..-....... UCLA 33k-loge RB 35 Marion Butts RB 6-1 248 26 4 florida State 07a-'SS 39 Darren Perry S 6-10 191 23 A •........ PennState D8a-'92 34HenSicksonHB-LS 62 Skin T 36 Dalton Hall 55 6-1 211 21 6 Clemson 41 Solomon Wilcots S 6-11 200 27 8 Colorado FA-'92 12 thlmphnes OS 65 Jackson T 37 Anlhony Blaylock 09 5-40 185 27 4- Winston-Salem StateW(Cle}-91 42 Warren Williams RB 6-0 212 27 5 Miami D6-'88 SO JSUWSOtt WA 44 Johnson CS 50 Gary Plummer ILB 6-2 244 32 7 California FA-86 44 al. Jolmson CR 6-0 186 26 4 Kentucky D7-'Be IDIQdtI P 97 Jones DE 52 Sam Anno LB 6-3 240 27 6 - - Southern CaliforniaPB(TB)-'92 50 DavId Little LB 6-1 239 3312 Florida D7-'Sl SiLewis WA 84 Jorclen TE 53 Courtney Hall C-C 6-1.5 281 24 4 Rice D2a-'89 53 Bryan Hlnkle LB 8-2 228 33 11 Oregon D6-'61 S9Marvs ILS 99 Kirkland LA 55 Junior Seau OLB 6-3 250 23 3.. Southern California [31-90 54 Hardy Nickerson LB 8-2 229 27 8 California D5-'87 95May 75 37 Lake ES 57 Henry Rolling OLB 6-2 247 26 5 Nevada-Reno FA-'gO 55 Jerry Olsaveky LB 6-1 224 25 4 Pittsburgh D10-89 $3MIller WR 50 LIttle LB 58 Kevin Murphy OLB 6-2 235 28 7 Oklahoma 57 Jerrol Williams LB 6-5 240 25 4 Purdue D4-B9 94MInis +06 95 Lloyd LB flMooney I 64 Curtis Whitley C 6-1 288 23 A Clemson D5a-'92 60 Kendall Gammon C 6-4 272 22 A Pittsburgh State Dli-'92 67Love 3 65 David Richards G-T 6-4.5 310 26 5 UCLA D4c-'aS 61 Dean Cailgu Ire C-C 8-2 280 25 2 Pittsburgh FA-'92 l7Moten C 89 Mills WA 67 Leo000as 0-1 6-4 292 26 3 Hawaii D3b-90 62 lunch 11km T 6-3 270 3413 Indiana State 06-80 8$ ate 54 Nickerson LB 70 Mike Zandoisky C-C 8-2 305 28 4 Washington T(Phx)-'90 63 Deqmontti Davison C 6-2 287 27 5 Kentucky 02-88 4OHara 05 14 Otennell - - - OR 72 Harry Swayne 1 6-5 290 27 6 Rutgers 64 Kenny Davidson DE 6-5 275 25 3 LouIsiana State D2-'90 91 CHeer 05 56 Olsavsky LB 73 Mike Moonay T 6-6 320 23 R Georgia Tech W(Hou)-'92 85 John Jackson T 6-6 293 27 5 - - - - Eastern Kentucky Die-es 50 Plummet ItS S2Owens WA 77 Eric Melon G 6-2 306 24 2 Michigan State D2c-'Oi GeDonaldEvans CE 8-2 273 28 4- Winston-Salem State FA-'OO 88 Pupunu 15 agPerry S 79 Tony Savage DI 6-3 300 25 1 -- - - Washington Stats FA-92 67 Duval Love 0 6-3 291 29 B UCLAPB(Ram)-92 24 Rdwd V'S 3 Royals P 80 Shawn Jefferson - - - WA 5-11 172 23 2 Central Florida TQ-Iou)-91 T2LeonSearcy 06-3 300 22 A Miami Di-'92 $5 Riciwde ST 72Searcy C UI Nate Lewis WR5-Il lOS 25 3 Oregon Tech 07c190 73 Justin Strzeiczyk T66 298 2 3 Maine Dl 1-90 57 lMoiimg Ct-S 24 Shelton CB 82 Rod Bernstine .
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