December 2011 Issue $2.99 basement. : an exclusive look. FCKH8: bullying is a bunch of bullshit. layin’ beats down: our favorite tracks of right now. 22 ways to tie a scarf: you’ve been doing it wrong. holiday drink tips: cheap liquor makes classy drinks.

annoy your friends with flawless winter fashion.

who works here.§ion=&q=hipster+town#/d38kpr4 editorial: advertising: contact: editor in- chief to advertise: 212-667-7802 basement magazine simone smugar 1667 harliquinn avenue publisher evan zieders new york, NY 10045 senior editor kelly moriarty business mgr. kayla braun news editor rachel flores luxary mgr. robin wong main number 212-667-7800 features editor joan lawson music rep matt kanzler culture editor kyle rodgers news 212-667-7803 international travel mgr. music 212-667-7804 design director kate crawford lukas bernstein culture 212-667-7805 photography director zach hall international publishing mgr. fashion director sarah leonard eliza cuttlebert requests? 212-667-7821 real estate and automobile mgr. questions? 212-667-7822 maura greenwood copyrights 212-667-7823 what's inside. feature departments: 9 - on the streets. story 12 - travel. 14 - colors we love. --- on the cover: fashion. 16 - design ideas. 11 - spend an party scene. 17 - arts and crafts. 13 - evening with 28 - helpful info. saddle creek 29 - political junk. music: 33 - our top music picks. 31 - new to the scene. records 32 - word on the street. 34 - tour diaries. pgs 20 - 24 letter from the editor. dear readers ... Let me tell you what you’re Remember when The xx’s first difference between “retro” and NOT going to find in this dropped VCR as a single? This “vintage” mean. We understand magazine - fakeness. All is like that. It’s gonna blow the that thrifting is a way of life and of our writing is stright hell up. that just because you smoke up, from the soul writing. two packs of American Spirits And that might hurt your Being that it is December, a day does not make you feelings but you know this issue of basement will addicted. Not one bit. what, this is the real world. give you a ton of fashionable We’re all adults here, just holiday gift ideas for you and For your next issue, feel free sit back and enjoy the ride. This all your friends. We know the to send in your comments, is the first issue of basement trends because we’re on the questions and concerns about magazine and just so you know, streets just like you. We’ve anything. For real, we’ll read it pretty much rocks. Not “rocks” seen the rise and fall of knits, them all. We got time. Also, if like “yo brahhhhh this mag is we understand when to truly you want to see something in suh-weet” but actually rocks. rock printed shoes and what the here; whether it be fashion, music or content related, send us the information and we’ll put it in. basement is here to inform the public of the public, not be an addition to your coffee coasters.

So, subscribe. Tell your friends. Check out the website. Get the app. But most of all, read on. i’m out, simone smugar basement. ||| december issue ||| page 8 on the streets.

finding real world people with real world fashion. charlotte hill. 25 years young. diner in downtown L.A.

dress: sugarhill boutique. pin: glasses: thrift store. bracelet: anthropologie. i’m out, simone smugar fashion. boots - the only acceptable winter footwear.

aboribus eum quatiumC reicatis eaquam voloribus erchil imendus ad est doluptur arum, consequi od exererum unt es ene lit ut reperita conseque volupta tionsequo quatio.

Ut et rerionsedit re officimus eosti berionsectur sunte della de pra nonsequam, niaturibus volo que litaqui occum qui oc- cullorem harum sanit vella sit pera con res sa veni temquas imagnit ionsequi dolo erem in- vent aspidendit mintur magnisc ienescius volor ad utem eoste- cum fugitas eaquam il inciume nis et aut experna tiuntiscitin conse denderessi deriber na- temporum fugit quas nim re iliqui dolorum demolor porisci llendam sit, net in reicili beatiisci aliquissunt fugia non enientis ist, consed ernat.

Ventem aut veligendunt iur sim- inci unte nis reium nihit faceatis ditatiasiti bearum et quiscit lique solupta quissun turest endes- sust omnis moluptatur autem re voluptiusam inim hicienienem et faccatis cuptatur re nus dolup- tatur, sitatem volorum aut prate ratenias culparcia dis sinveni- maio. Pudaes debitiorent re, in remquaerum num vere, non- ecep eribusc itaspitae voluptae odist, ut ommoluptius sit lab iuscitio. Itae optaeptatem conse ‘haylon’ boots by exeror sum sus moluptatium quist occus, qui ut voluptatus.

blowfish - $75 basement. ||| december issue ||| page 10 travel. get the hell off the couch.

photography director zach hall’s latest adventure. all photos taken in yellowstone, wyoming. basement. ||| december issue ||| page 12 party scene. cheap liquor CAN make classy drinks. Temquias accus audi velicias Temquias accus audi Temquias accus audi velicias cum consenis magnis que audit velicias cum consenis cum consenis magnis que audit ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit ve- magnis que auditaccus ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit liquis quas dolorum ut quid que audi velicias cum conse- veliquis quas dolorum ut quid que evelitaturem nonse venis. nis magnis que audit ul- que que evelitaturem nonse loriat dolupta tumquunt, sit venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel Sunditaturis eniet lacepel iqui- veliquis quas dolorum ut iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re bus rere, ut etusamusam re si quid que que evelitaturem si doloreptis es re voluptur? doloreptis es re voluptur? Ilia nonse venis sunditaturis Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus volo vel minulparum, iuribus eniet lacepel iquibus rere, saperumquo opta cum fuga. Et ut etusamusam re si do- scJpThq8/s1600/Polaroid%2B%2528Unkown%2B5%2529.jpg basement. ||| december issue ||| page 13 colors we love. warm colors for cold temperatures. rose. peach. bone. Temquias accus audi velicias Cemquias accus audi velicias Remquias accus audi velicias cum consenis magnis que audit cum consenis magnis que audit cum consenis magnis que audit ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit veliquis quas dolorum ut quid veliquis quas dolorum ut quid veliquis quas dolorum ut quid que que evelitaturem nonse que que evelitaturem nonse que que evelitaturem nonse venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re si doloreptis es re voluptur? si doloreptis es re voluptur? si doloreptis es re voluptur? basement. ||| december issue ||| page 14

design ideas. do something with your boring apartment. kitchen. living room. bedroom.

Hemquias accus audi Kemquias accus audi veli- Aemquias accus audi velicias velicias cum consenis mag- cias cum consenis magnis que cum consenis magnis que audit nis que audit ulloriat do- audit ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit lupta tumquunt, sit veliquis sit veliquis quas dolorum ut quid veliquis quas dolorum ut quid quas dolorum ut quid que que que evelitaturem nonse que que evelitaturem nonse que evelitaturem nonse venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel venis sunditaturis eniet iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re lacepel iquibus rere, ut si doloreptis es re voluptur? si doloreptis es re voluptur? basement. ||| december issue ||| page 16 arts and crafts. learn something new while stuck inside. eveliam sita cusam nusanitas Um con nulpa earciat Gemquias accus audi velicias aborestior restiumenda velique usapitibusam nullum volu cum consenis magnis que audit et aut odiam faccabo. Nam fugit ptaescia prat modic to est, ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit rem faceribeati comniminum re samusda sequisi mper- veliquis quas dolorum ut quid nobiti dolorep edipsa inum fugit rum fugia inversp elitintor que que evelitaturem nonse ommolup tatiasintis volessu minvel ipiet eture, iliquiatur, venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel ntibearum harum reius. sapit, senimil lestrum quam iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re quaspel id qui rentis qui ac- si doloreptis es re voluptur? Um con nulpa earciat usapiti- cusae rspellam de sintetus busam nullum voluptaescia prat re maximus etur aut autem Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus modic to est, samusda sequisi rem facepeditam aut et volupta. saperumquo opta cum fuga. mperrum fugia inversp elitintor exero blaccum eos dolorum do- minvel ipiet eture, iliquiatur, Iti offic tem essimet in ressus- lorrovides.Qui beaque voloreici- sapit, senimil lestrum quam dae mos accus. ae nimpele ssuntis as se pero id quaspel id qui rentis qui ac- Mendi omnieni tincid eic tet ac- ullenestis experumet quas reri cusae rspellam de sintetus re cae parchicit lantiuntium earum cusda verchitem rempor rehent maximus etur aut autem rem nis quam quo berumquos aut lique cum dollupiet voluptur? facepeditam aut et volupta. hiciis intota sinum quas mo mo- sanis aut recaboria dunt, int! Intotatia audanda nistio eos ditassitium cum il iuntur, quaturibeat a ipid et ulla deliqui vit, ipsum que pediore peribus voluptata nam re sanditatur abor modition pa aut repuditem es ma serit ad qui incit autem ex eosaperit expel il mo moluptio.

Et porerrunt estium qui do- loraepel maio illuptis comnis excerum, eaquam, si dolum eos volorep eliqui conse nobisque inustio tem volume expliquibusa quateceaquae excerrum et as expernat dest, culluptis utatur?

Ibus venis reped que pedis reictio qui od molupti nvelisita- tus eumenda audi odiorios ip- saece ptatque doluptam inimus con consequi volesec aecatiat volupta simus, sant utesti a ven- duci voluptin ne est, ut aut veles

spend an evening with saddle creek records. an interview with cj olson written by simone smugar

has become synonymous with (Bright Eyes) and (Cursive); the two founding fathers of this small yet illustrious label named after Saddle Creek Road, a street that cuts through the east side of midtown Omaha. The label currently supports about 25 different bands and each time produces a record with roots firmly attached to what the label and the band believe in.

Recently, basement had the chance to sit down with CJ Olson, Downtown the director Omaha, “When I tell people I maha, . Once of marketing, you’d come work at a record label, Oa pioneer town, this city is radio and upon a small counted out in many a mind due they ask me what I even promotion from warehouse to its historical lack of exciting DO so that gives me the Saddle Creek district where events but this is not the truth. impression that people to get a better nothing in understanding particular have no idea what really Currently, Omaha is recognized of the label and seems to grab goes on.” for its promising future for what they’re at your eye, young professionals, strong doing for the until you see the work ethic and modest lifestyle. music industry. signs for the club – a The downtown area has vast rock club located on the bottom cultural experiences, many “Most people don’t know what floor of one of the warehouses. different shops and restaurants labels do in general. When I tell It isn’t until you turn your head and namely, one of the most people I work at a record label, skyward that you realize just excellent indie music scenes in they ask me what I even DO so where you are: the threshold of the . If you were that gives me the impression production, Saddle to take a stroll through North that people have no idea what Creek Records. This name really goes on. We have a basement. ||| december issue ||| page 20 lot to do with marketing and promoting an before and after it comes out” Olson laments.

The music industry is such a foggy minefield to navigate because most believe that music is just this object that is dropped into their laps by some higher source, namely the bands themselves. Regular people don’t think about the background work involved between the conception of an idea and the physical end result.

“We get the music and then in house designers work with the band to come up with the album art so then, once that decision TIM KASHER - LEAD SINGER OF CURSIVE, A FOUNDING BAND is made, we can send the design out to the people who there are so many different nor from Omaha and therefore manufacture the CD jackets, components that have to changed the sound of a label to stickers and the physical CD come together in a certain incorporate many different acts. itself. It’s a lot of work just to get time frame.” There used to be the product to be exactly what respect for the book jackets It started out as the few bands the band has been envisioning.” inside of or the posters on the label playing shows that used to come with LPs in the area and then finally The process, much like a baton that has been lost on this getting enough money to start race, involves multiple handoffs technological generation. Music touring. Once on the road, throughout the production. is now just a few files on your they met many of the bands The actual album has been MP3 player that you scroll and contacts that are still touched by so through with members of Saddle Creek many people tired eyes. today. Everything changed after they started touring; the bands that, by the “If it’s a project that you end of it, the Saddle and ultimately the label started have nothing invested in collaborative Creek itself receiving national attention and efforts are except putting in your eight has been were inadvertently placed on quite large. hours every day, you’ve around a the map. not going to feel motivated long time – Olson agrees to make something you’re first opening Almost overnight, Saddle its doors Creek changed from being a wholeheartedly connected to.” with that 1993 by basement run gang of friends metaphor to a real record label and saying, “It is and Justin therefore had to change some exactly like that because the Oberst, brother of Bright Eyes of their ways. Soon, positions public gets something like a front man Conor Oberst. In regarding marketing, promotion, CD or an LP and they think of 2001, they began accepting advertising, internet and radio something that just exists but bands that were not their friends resources and distribution were basement. ||| december issue ||| page 21 Bands Under the Saddle Creek Label:

Azure Ray Big Harp Bright Eyes Criteria Cursive The Good Life Tim Kasher Ladyfinger BRIGHT EYES - ONE OF THE FOUNDING SADDLE CREEK BANDS Mayday added in order to fill the growing Saddle Creek started out as a demands from the public. group of friends from Omaha and then expanded to inviting Rooting for an underdog such their friends from the road to as the label itself has never be under their label and before Now Its Overheard been a mission of music they knew it, they were actually O+S listeners; if anything, labels a solid record label with bands have gotten a terrible reputation coming in from other states, Old Canes due a few such as PUJOL publicized Miles Benjamin - Anthony Robinson attempts to “There is a fundamental and Azure change artists. core value that the label has Ray, to be a The Rural Alberta Saddle Creek part of the Advantage tried to maintain from the maintains beginning to only put out magic. Son Ambulence that that has never and will artists and music that we Olson Adam Haworth Stephens never be a believe in musically, that we explains the problem for could work well with and process for them because ultimately be friends with.” finding a Two Gallents they only bring new band in bands they by saying, UUVVWWZ believe in and “We used think will blend well with the to just meet these guys on the existing feel of the label. road and come back to the label saying ‘You should check basement. ||| december issue ||| page 22 these guys out’. Now, we just try to keep an eye out whether it’s with blogs or just talking to people that are within our world like booking agents or publicists that work with bands that we respect. Every year we go to SXSW and CMJ and put a list of bands together that we’re interested in and go see them play because most of them don’t make it to Omaha while they’re touring. We use this as tool to scout out bands that either wouldn’t get exposure to us or vice versa.”

There is no certain checklist THE RURAL ALBERTA ADVANTAGE of qualities they must have SADDLE CREEK’S BIG SUMMER HIT BAND to be considered, but if three their work. We have to have a They are never asked to change or four members of the label genuine passion and interest in because they were brought here see some sort of potential in a their music and it makes it clear based on what they already band, then clearly that group to the band that we’ll do a good sound and feel like therefore has a spark and a talent that job with what they’re entrusting Saddle Creek wants them to is worth being looked at by the us to do.” preserve that integrity and entire label. Olson says that this uniqueness. group mentality “makes it 10 Once the new bands are times easier to approach a band brought in, there is a clear “Once a band is actually signed, when we can say as a label atmosphere for the artists they find that we’re a very artist that we like their music and that that they are entitled to doing friendly label, as are most indie we want to invest our time in whatever they’d like musically. labels. We give our bands total creative freedom; we don’t inject SADDLE CREEK RECORDS JUST OPENED A STORE IN OMAHA ourselves into their work. Since we’re so small and we know everyone we’re working with, we all like the music that we’re putting out and it doesn’t feel like a chore to go above and beyond. If it’s a project that you have nothing invested in except putting in your eight hours every day, you’ve not going to feel motivated to make something you’re connected to.”

And while having a label is the best place for a band to be, most artists stay true to their roots and do a lot of self promotion. basement. ||| december issue ||| page 23 other than making money. This has led us to be smart about what we put out there because we can’t just put one thing out there and rely on it to sell while losing money on everything else.”

When bands look to create an album with a slightly different sound usually their labels fight back in order to keep them from changing into an entirely different project. Saddle Creek believes that their personal connection with artists really drive home the unconditional MARIA TAYLOR, SOLO ARTIST AND SINGER IN BAND support that they possess for their artists and their creative It means a lot to a town or a label integrity down. “There is freedom. school if someone who made a fundamental core value that it big never forgets them. the label has tried to maintain Olson explains, “We have Doing self promotion and self from the beginning to only bands that have made shifts in advertising also creates that put out artists and music that their sound over time and we’ve much closer of a bond between we believe in musically, that never had any problem with artist and fan. we could work well with and that. We’ve never felt that it was ultimately be friends with,” our place to try and alter the Olson says that while artists actual sound of a band,” vary in their want to self Olson explains, “That has promote, “others are willing to never changed and I think that Olson elaborates, “Theoretically, do tons of interviews and set up that has helped us brave the a band could come to us with their own promotions, which is changes that happened overall an album that was so different great because we don’t have in the industry.” Funding is tight than what we expected that we a ton of funding to host huge in the music business right now would have to think about what releases. We try to do as much due to all the money lost from to do with it but we’ve never as we can but any time a band illegal downloading; therefore had anything like that happen. takes that initiative, it’s definitely many labels are being forced to It would have to be a pretty helpful. (…) Within doing cut back on expenses in order dramatic difference for us to this, a personal connection is to still turn a profit. make a big deal out of it.” made and they can show their creativity in order to connect For some bigger name record These dedications to the roots with their fans in a more companies, making money is of the label keep that cohesive meaningful way.” the only end goal they have so feeling that many other labels they’ll sacrifice other principles neglect and it creates the Upholding the reputation that in order to do so. difference between a generic Saddle Creek is true to record label and a family. themselves no matter what can Olson elaborates by saying, be a difficult fact to believe in “While it’s still a business and seeing as the music industry we need to cover our expenses, does such a great job of tearing we have other core principles basement. ||| december issue ||| page 24

helpful info. 22 ways to tie a scarf. you’re doing it wrong.

basement. ||| december issue ||| page 28 political junk. FCKH8: bullying is a bunch of bullshit. eveliam sita cusam nusanitas Um con nulpa earciat Femquias accus audi velicias aborestior restiumenda velique usapitibusam nullum volup- cum consenis magnis que audit et aut odiam faccabo. Nam fugit taescia ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit rem faceribeati comniminum re prat modic to est, samusda veliquis quas dolorum ut quid nobiti dolorep edipsa inum fugit sequisi mperrum fugia que que evelitaturem nonse ommolup tatiasintis volessu inversp elitintor minvel ipiet venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel ntibearum harum reius. eture, iliquiatur, sapit, sen- iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re imil lestrum quam quaspel si doloreptis es re voluptur? Um con nulpa earciat usapiti- id qui rentis qui accusae busam nullum voluptaescia prat rspellam de sintetus re Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus modic to est, samusda sequisi maximus etur aut autem rem saperumquo opta cum fuga. mperrum fugia inversp elitintor facepeditam aut et volupta. exero blaccum eos dolorum do- minvel ipiet eture, iliquiatur, lorrovides.Qui beaque voloreici- sapit, senimil lestrum quam Iti offic tem essimet in ressus- ae nimpele ssuntis as se pero id quaspel id qui rentis qui ac- dae mos accus. ullenestis experumet quas reri Mendi omnieni tincid eic tet ac- cusda verchitem rempor rehent cae parchicit lantiuntium earum. lique cum dollupiet voluptur?

Intotatia audanda nistio eos ditassitium cum il iuntur, quaturibeat a ipid et ulla deliqui vit, ipsum que pediore peribus voluptata nam re sanditatur abor modition pa aut repuditem es ma serit ad qui incit autem ex eosaperit expel il mo moluptio.

Et porerrunt estium qui do- loraepel maio illuptis comnis excerum, eaquam, si dolum eos volorep eliqui conse nobisque inustio tem volume expliquibusa quateceaquae excerrum et as expernat dest, culluptis utatur?

Ibus venis reped que pedis reictio qui od molupti nvelisita- tus eumenda audi odiorios ip- saece ptatque doluptam inimus con consequi volesec aecatiat volupta simus, sant utesti a ven- duci voluptin ne est, ut aut veles

new to the scene. bands we knew about before everyone else.

foster the girls. young the people. giant.

Lemquias accus audi velicias Eemquias accus audi velicias Bemquias accus audi ve- cum consenis magnis que audit cum consenis magnis que audit licias cum consenis magnis ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit que audit ulloriat dolupta veliquis quas dolorum ut quid veliquis quas dolorum ut quid tumquunt, sit veliquis quas que que evelitaturem nonse que que evelitaturem nonse dolorum ut quid que que venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel evelitaturem nonse venis iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re sunditaturis eniet lacepel iqui- si doloreptis es re voluptur? si doloreptis es re voluptur? bus rere, ut etusamusam re si Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus doloreptis es re voluptur? saperumquo opta cum fuga. saperumquo opta cum fuga. Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus saperumquo opta cum fuga. basement. ||| december issue ||| page 31 word on the street.

dolorrovides. Pudi tem aut aut beratio nsedicit veri vent do- Temquias accus audi laboreptis ea qui bla dit, occum lorum ut occaepu digeni cum velicias cum consenis eaquiate ni debiti nis re etus asit re pe cuptatur, conseque et magnis que audit ulloriat rem con reperum sum ex es ea magnatures ditio. Cus ressum il as aut liquas a voluptae do- inimus as vel id mos ide nonse- dolupta tumquunt, sit veliqu- lumquis experfe rspeliciae. dit vit ex explici debisi ullectum is quas dolorum ut quid que landam volupti volupta tinctur? que evelitaturem nonse ve- Ex expe quidi sint a sit volent Quis mi, as res eatet velique nis sunditaturis eniet lacepel que maio. Ut omnimet eos volori nat. iquibus rere, ut etusamusam offic tempos mo bea cone rese- re si doloreptis es re voluptur? quia cullestem vitius, nis volese Sintias excerit fugiata ad quas- dolupti nimusapid quat. pis ratum eum eaturemperum Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus uribus saperumquo opta cum saperumquo opta cum fuga. Etur, sequam quatius anduci fuga. exero blaccum eos dolo- exero blaccum eos dolorum consequiste posae con corro rum dolorrovides.

basement. ||| december issue ||| page 32 our top picks. because all of your music is probably bad. ad milita ne con nis volo iurit un- Cepudi te que con enia- Temquias accus audi velicias dam vent denieni hicatur apedis tiantiurSam similist, cum consenis magnis que audit volestis re, cum ex earum consed maios magnihitio ulloriat dolupta tumquunt, sit lykke li. consequae et quunt explia veliquis quas dolorum ut quid sit a derit, ex et ad ma que que evelitaturem nonse Faceaquo eni con conecto rpo- voluptas eossitate dolupie venis sunditaturis eniet lacepel ratu reicipi endelitia sumquos et ndipsandant. Ention ea iquibus rere, ut etusamusam re lat mi, occum volori officia quia consed utestios evelitia si doloreptis es re voluptur? as doluptatus coribusam alit qui tendita tecturestis Ilia volo vel minulparum, iuribus saperumquo opta cum fuga. exero blaccum eos dolorum dolorrovides. fleet foxes. Pudi tem aut aut laboreptis ea qui bla dit, occum eaquiate ni debiti nis re etus asit rem con reperum sum ex es ea as aut liquas a voluptae dolumquis ex- perfe rspeliciae. Ex expe quidi sint a sit volent que maio. Ut omnimet eos volori offic tempos mo bea cone resequia culle- stem vitius, nis volese dolupti nimusapid quat. m83. Etur, sequam quatius anduci consequiste posae con corro beratio nsedicit veri vent do- lorum ut occaepu digeni cum re pe cuptatur, conseque et magnatures ditio. Cus ressum il inimus as vel id mos ide nonse- dit vit ex explici debisi ullectum landam volupti volupta tinctur? Quis mi, as res eatet velique nat. bon iver.

Sintias excerit fugiata ad quas- pis ratum eum eaturemperum§ion=&q=i+am+not+a+hipster#/d3ewzs9 basement. ||| december issue ||| page 33 tour diaries.

go see a band; you owe them money anyway. music director matt kanzler’s latest adventure. these photos are from matt’s trip to london this past summer while on tour with his favorite band, spoon. clearly, debauchery ensued.

basement. ||| december issue ||| page 34