Fish Species Composition in the River Padma Near Rajshahi
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J. Life Earth Science, Vol. 1(1): July 2005 pp.35-42 FISH SPECIES COMPOSITION IN THE RIVER PADMA NEAR RAJSHAHI M. A. Hossain1 and M. A. Haque Institute of Biological Science, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh Abstract The investigation is carried out in order to explore the existing fish fauna of the Padma river near Rajshahi (Godagari to Charghat). This study includes a checklist of the species composition found to inhabit the waters of this region, which included 135 species of fishes under 77 genera, 33 families, 14 orders and two classes. It was also found that more than 50 species have become rare, which were found abundantly in the research-covered areas during last two decades. Key words: Padma river, Checklist, Fish fauna. mvims‡¶c: ivRkvnxi wbKUeZ©x cÙv b`x‡Z (†Mv`vMvox n‡Z PviNvU ch©š—) we`¨gvb gv‡Qi cÖRvwZi msL¨v wbiƒcY Kivi D‡Ï¨‡k M‡elYv Kg©wU m¤úv`b Kiv nq| M‡elYvi gva¨‡g D‡j−wLZ Rjmxgvq wePiYK…Z grm¨ cÖRvwZi GKwU ZvwjKv Aš—f©y³ Kiv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z `yBwU †kªYxi Aš—M©Z 14wU eM©, 33wU cwievi, 77wU M‡Yi AvIZvf~³ 135 cÖRvwZi gv‡Qi D‡j−L Av‡Q| M‡elYvq Av‡iv †`Lv †M‡Q †h 50wUiI †ekx cÖRvwZi gvQ eZ©gv‡b `y®cÖvc¨ n‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv `yB `kK c~‡e©I M‡elYvi AvIZvf~³ GjvKvq cÖPzi cwigv‡Y cvIqv †hZ| Introduction The present work represents a study of the fish Studies on the systematics of the fresh water fish fauna of the river Padma based on three years work. fauna of Bangladesh with reference to their ecology Materials and Methods and distribution are scanty and incomplete. Notable The study area located in a certain portions of the among those who made contributions to the river Padma from Godagari to Charghat Upazila in systematic of fishes of Bangladesh are Ahmed Rajshahi district, that ranged about 56 km. The fishes (1953), who included 107 fresh water species from were collected from the fishermen. The traditional the then East Pakistan. Bhuiyan (1964) recorded 71 gears like cast nets, seining nets; dip nets and species from fresh water area of Dhaka district. different types of traps were employed. Visits to the Qureshi (1965) in his monograph of common fresh Rajshahi fish markets were made almost daily during the period from July 2000 to June 2003. Visits to the water fishes of Pakistan included 133 species, most fish-landing stations of Godagari, Bulanpur, of which occured in Bangladesh. Doha (1973) Alupattighat, Talaimari, Shahapur and Charghat were published a list of 106 species from waters of also made almost once a week during that period. Mymensingh and Tangail districts. Rahman (1989) Brief notes on the nature of seasonal availability and first made a complete list of 257 species inhabiting breeding season with their local names were noted on the fresh water areas in Bangladesh, many of them the spot. are also found in marine and estuarine areas. Ahmed Representative specimens of each species were and Hasan (1981) published a list of 69 species brought to the laboratory. Colouration and other inhabiting in the Karnaphuli Reservoir. features of special interest were recorded from the 1 Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh fresh fish. That was followed by detailed taxonomic Mastacembeliformes by three species belonging to 2 examination either in fresh or preserved specimens as genera of a single family and Tetraodontiformes by 3 convenient. Identification was made following the species belonging to 2 genera of a single family key of Jhingran and Talwar (1991) and Rahman (Table-1). (1989). One species belonging to the order Results and Discussion Cypriniformes of the genus Puntius could not be In the river Padma Chondrichthyes contains only identified up to species level. This species is just like one species of a single family Trygonidae; Puntius cumingi, which possesses two dark vertical Clupeiformes contains 10 species belonging to 7 bands. But due to the confusion this is not identified genera of 3 families; Cypriniformes is represented by up to species level. Another fish from the order 86 species belonging to 43 genera under 11 families; perciformes belonging to the genus Chanda could not Beloniformes includes 2 species belonging to 2 genera be identified up to the species level due to the want of under 2 families; Cyprinidontiformes represented by a available literature. single species of a single family; Mugiliformes by 4 Jhingran and Talwar (1991) gave an account of species belonging to 3 genera of a single family; inland fishes of India and its adjacent countries which Ophicephaliformes by 6 species belonging to a single included 930 species of fishes Bhuiyan et al. (1992) genus of a single family; Pleuronectiformes by a single published a checklist of the fishes of Rajshahi, which species; Syngnathiformes includes two species under included 133 species. Islam and Hossain (1983) two genera of a family; Symbranchiformes by a single provided an account of the fishes of the river Padma species of a single family; Anguiliformes by 3 species near Rajshahi and mentioned 110 species of fishes. under three genera of 2 families; Perciformes by 12 species belonging to 8 genera of 6 families; Table 1. A check-list of the available fishes of the Padma river near Rajshahi. Seasonal No. Systematic account Local name Breeding season availability Class- Chondrichthyes I Order - Rajiformes (Hypotremata or Batoidei) i Family - Trygonidae (Dasyatidae) (sting rays) Genus- Trygon Adanson 1. Trygon sp. Sankuch mach R NK Class- Osteichthyes 1 Order- Clupeiformes i. Family- Clupeidae (Shade, herrinags, etc.) Genus- Hilsa, Reagan, 1916 1. Tenulosa ilisha (Hamilton) Ilish SN Jan-Mar. & July to Nov. Genus- Ilisha, Gray, 1845 2. Ilisha motius, (Hamilton) Chhota ilish R NK Genus- Gadusia Fowler, 1911 3. Gadusia chapra (Hamilton) Chapila, khoria TLN Jan to Mar & July to Oct 4. Gaducia variegata (Day) Chapila, khori R Monsoon Genus- Gonialosa, Regan, 1916 5. Gonialosa manminna (Hamilton) Khoira, chapila RS April to July Genus- Corica, Hamilton, 1822 6. Corica soborna Hamilton Kachki, gura mach TY Monsoon ii Family- Notopteridae (Feather-backs) Genus- Notopterus, Lacepede, 1800 7. Notopterus notopterus (Pallas) Phali TY May to July 8. Notopterus chitala (Hamilton) Chital TY May to July iii Family- Engraulidae (Anchovies) Genus- Setipinna Swainson, 1839 9. Setipinna phasa (Hamilton) Phasa TY Feb to March 10. Setipinna taty (Valenciennes) Tely-phasa R Feb to June 2 Order- Cypriniformes iv Family- Cyprinidae Genus- Chela, Hamilton, 1822 11. Chela cachius (Hamilton) Chep chela TY Monsoon 12. Chela laubuca (Hamilton) Kash-khoira R Monsoon Genus- Oxygaster, Van Hasselt, 1823 13. Oxygaster bacaila (Hamilton) Chela TY April -August 14. Oxygaster phulo (Hamilton) Chela TY Monsoon 15. Oxygaster gora (Hamilton) Gora-chela Sept. to Nov. Monsoon Genus- Barilius, Hamilton, 1822 16. Barilius bendelisis (Hamilton) Joia, Tila R Monsoon 17. Barilius bola (Hamilton) Bhol, Bol R Monsoon Genus- Rasbora, Bleeker, 1960 18. Rasbora elanga (Hamilton) Elong etong TY April to July 19. Rasbora daniconius (Hamilton) Darkina, darka TY April to July 20. Rasbora rasbora (Hamilton) Darkina R Monsoon Genus- Tor Gray, 1833-34 21. Tor tor (Hamilton) Mohasher VR Monsoon Genus- Danio, Hamilton, 1822 22. Danio devario (Hamilton) Banspata TY April to July 23. Danio rerio (Hamilton) Anju TSN Not known 24. Danio aequipinnatus (McClelland) Chebli SN Monsoon 25. Danio dangila (Hamilton) Nipati R Monsoon Genus- Rohtee, Sykes, 1839 26. Osteobrama cotio (Hamilton) Dhela, Mauwa June to July April to July Genus- Esomus, Swainson, 1839 27. Esomus danricus (Hamilton) Darkina TY August to Oct. Genus- Amblypharyngodon, Bleeker, 1859 28. Amblypharyngodon mola (Hamilton) Mola, moa May to August April to November 29. Amblypharyngodon microlepis (Bleeker) Mohula, mola TLN Monsoon Genus- Puntius, Hamilton, 1822 30. Puntius sarana (Hamilton) Sar punti VR April to July 31. Puntius chola (Hamilton) Chelapunti TLN April to August. 32. Puntius stigma (Cuvier & Valenciennes) Punti, vanti-punti TLN April to Aug. 33. Puntius conchonius (Hamilton) Moina-punti May to Sept. April to July 34. Puntius ticto (Hamilton) Tit-punti TY April to July 35. Puntius phutunio (Hamilton) Punti March to July April to July 36. Puntius sophore (Hamilton) Jatpunti TY April to July 37. Puntius gelius (Hamilton) Khudi punti R Monsoon 38. Puntius terio (Hamilton) Gili-punti R NK Genus- Aspidoparia, Heckel, 1845 39. Aspidoparia jaya (Hamilton) Pioly TY Winter and monsoon 40. Aspidoparia morar(Hamilton) Morari TY Winter and monsoon Genus- Labeo, Cuvier, 1817 41. Labeo rohita (Hamilton) Rui TY April to July 42. Labeo angra (Hamilton) Angrot, Kharsa TY April to July 43. Labeo culbasu (Hamilton) Kalbaus, baus TY April to July 44. Labeo dero (Hamilton) Kursia R Monsoon 45. Labeo gonius (Hamilton) Kurchi R June to Aug. 46. Labeo nandina (Hamilton) Sada-baus R May to July 47. Labeo bata (Hamilton) Bhangon, bata TLN June to Sept. 48. Labeo boga (Hamilton) Bhangon-bata R May to July 49. Labeo pangusia (Hamilton) Baitka, Langu R May to July Genus- Catla Valenciennes, 1844 50. Catla catla (Hamilton) Katla TY April to July Genus- Tor, Gray, 1834 51. Tor putitora (Hamilton) Mohashol R NK Genus- Cirrhinus (Oken) Cuvier, 1817 52. Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton) mrigal, mirka TY May to July 53. Cirrhinus reba (Hamilton) raikhor TLN April to july Genus- Crossocheilus, van Hasselt, 1823 54. Crossocheilus latius (Hamilton) Kala-bata R NK v Family- Cobitidae (Loaches) Genus- Botia Gray, 1831 55. Botia dayi Hora Betee R NK 56. Botio dario (Hamilton) Bou-mach October to March NK 57. Botia lohachata Choudhuri Bagha October to March NK Genus- Lepidocephalus Bleeker, 1858 58. Lepidocephalus guntea (Hamilton) Pui-mach, poa Dec to Apr. NK Genus- Acanthophthalmus van Hasselt, 1823 59. Acanthophthalmus pangia (Hamilton) Panga RS NK Genus- Somileptes, Bleeker, 1863 60.