18 Commemoration Committee Commemoration 18 - 1914 WW1 Borth by Published .

fated vessel. fated - ill the of captaincy the

House. Captain Davies resided for a considerable time in Shanghai and four years ago returned home, taking taking home, returned ago years four and Shanghai in time considerable a for resided Davies Captain House.

John Davies Trigfan: and Rowland Ellis, Caron Caron Ellis, Rowland and Trigfan: Davies John - men Borth were following The Brest. at landed were crew

of which Captain Davies (Neptune) was master was also torpedoed off the French coast on Thursday and the the and Thursday on coast French the off torpedoed also was master was (Neptune) Davies Captain which of

. Mr. Arnold Davies, Balmoral, has come home from a ship which has been torpedoed. The ship ship The torpedoed. been has which ship a from home come has Balmoral, Davies, Arnold Mr. . SUBMARINE


Over £35 has been collected for the Christmas parcel fund for Borth boys with the the with boys Borth for fund parcel Christmas the for collected been has £35 Over COMFORTS. CHRISTMAS

day. first the on collected were sixpences 200 Over secretary. as

. A War Savings Association has been formed in the Council Schools, Miss M. E. Evans acting acting Evans E. M. Miss Schools, Council the in formed been has Association Savings War A . SAVINGS WAR


PRISONER OF WAR OF PRISONER . News has been received that Pte. Fred McCausland has been taken prisoner by the Ger- the by prisoner taken been has McCausland Fred Pte. that received been has News .


Private J. Davies, Nathaniel, who has been home from the front wounded, has returned to to returned has wounded, front the from home been has who Nathaniel, Davies, J. Private - . FOR


. Seaman J. Brodigan, who has been on service in the , came home on Tuesday on a short short a on Tuesday on home came Sea, North the in service on been has who Brodigan, J. Seaman . LEAVE ON

irreproachable." was enemy the of face the in behaviour his as son your

stantly. The writer sends the sympathy of all ranks, adding “You have every reason to be extremely proud of of proud extremely be to reason every have “You adding ranks, all of sympathy the sends writer The stantly.

moving their gun to a point further along the line when a shell fell in their midst and the three were killed in- killed were three the and midst their in fell shell a when line the along further point a to gun their moving

fire had been particularly heavy during that, afternoon and Pte. Jones with two others were in the act of re- of act the in were others two with Jones Pte. and afternoon that, during heavy particularly been had fire

of the 1st November. He was one of the Lewis gun crew seventy crew gun Lewis the of one was He November. 1st the of five yards from the German lines. The artillery artillery The lines. German the from yards five -

been Killed m action. Lieut. J. A. Clarke writes stating that Pte. Jones was killed by shell fire on the afternoon afternoon the on fire shell by killed was Jones Pte. that stating writes Clarke A. J. Lieut. action. m Killed been

Information has been received that Pte. D. J. Jones, son of Mr./S\. D. Jones, Bodfor, has has Bodfor, Jones, D. Mr./S\. of son Jones, J. D. Pte. that received been has Information ACTION. IN KILLED

depth. ble

. The heavy rainfall experienced of late has flooded the fields in the district to a considera- a to district the in fields the flooded has late of experienced rainfall heavy The . FIELDS FLOODED

arm. his of

Harry Roberts, Morfan, who has recently been operated on, and there is every hope that he will regain the use use the regain will he that hope every is there and on, operated been recently has who Morfan, Roberts, Harry

ans, Treuydon, from hospital, stating that they are progressing. A letter has also been received from Corporal Corporal from received been also has letter A progressing. are they that stating hospital, from Treuydon, ans,

. Letters have been received in Borth from Privates J. Davies, Nathaniel, and J. Ev- J. and Nathaniel, Davies, J. Privates from Borth in received been have Letters . WOUNDED BORTH THE

Tuesday. on ing

and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. R. E. Jones and Miss James, Hazelmere, took their places. These ladies started collect- started ladies These places. their took Hazelmere, James, Miss and Jones E. R. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. and

Davies, Cambrian Villa Miss Tibbott and Mrs. Williams, Elton. Owing to the absence from home of Miss Davies Davies Miss of home from absence the to Owing Elton. Williams, Mrs. and Tibbott Miss Villa Cambrian Davies,

and Mrs. Davies, Bay Ridge; Mrs. Jones, , and Miss Humphreys, Caron; Mrs. Lewis, Glanydon, and Mrs Mrs and Glanydon, Lewis, Mrs. Caron; Humphreys, Miss and Surrey, Jones, Mrs. Ridge; Bay Davies, Mrs. and

Llewelyn and Miss Morris, Glanwern; Mrs. Davies, Gloucester, and Miss Lloyd, Sunnvside Miss Davies, Ballarat, Ballarat, Davies, Miss Sunnvside Lloyd, Miss and Gloucester, Davies, Mrs. Glanwern; Morris, Miss and Llewelyn

was decided that Mr. R. Williams should act as auditor. The following ladies were chosen as collectors as chosen were ladies following The auditor. as act should Williams R. Mr. that decided was Miss. Miss. -

invitation was accepted. Miss Evans, Saxatile, was elected secretary, and Miss Evans, Britannia, as treasurer. It It treasurer. as Britannia, Evans, Miss and secretary, elected was Saxatile, Evans, Miss accepted. was invitation

been put at the Committee's disposal and it was decided to invite Mrs. R. E. Jones to act as president, and this this and president, as act to Jones E. R. Mrs. invite to decided was it and disposal Committee's the at put been

come under the new Registration Act. The Committee met on Friday at Libanus Schoolroom, which has kindly kindly has which Schoolroom, Libanus at Friday on met Committee The Act. Registration new the under come

The Borth Christmas parcel fund is the first charity fund in Borth to to Borth in fund charity first the is fund parcel Christmas Borth The FUND. PARCEL CHRISTMAS BORTH

aeroplane). single (by on raid aeroplane daylight German First November 28th

Yarmouth. off aeroplane by destroyed 21" - "L. and tlepool

34" destroyed by aeroplane off Har- off aeroplane by destroyed 34" - "L. airship : of coast East on raid airship German November 27th

Lowestoft. on raid naval German Second November 26th

The German air forces established as a separate branch of the German army. German the of branch separate a as established forces air German The November 25th

British "Braemar Castle" damaged and beached in Sea Aegean in beached and damaged Castle" "Braemar ship hospital British November 23rd mined. probably -

Sea. Aegean in mine by sunk "Britannic" ship hospital British November 21st

end. 1916 Somme the of Battles ends. 1916, Ancre, the of Battle November 18th

forces. British by occupied Persia) (South Shiraz November 11th

elected President of the United States. Heights. Ancre the of Battle States. United the of President elected - re Wilson Mr. November 7th

forces. French by recaptured () Vaux Fort November 1st

1916 November