GHOSTour Middle East: Tentative Itinerary

Day 1: Monday, February 24 Departing NYC Metro (probably Newark International)

Day 2: Tuesday, Feb 25 Arrival At airport, meet tour-guide Malka. Change money. Be greeted with blood red Pomegranate juice. Board coach. Orientation . First site: ancient ruins Nabatean Civilization an elusive nation. Where are they now?? Lunch at ! Masada (by cable car)- 900 missing victims Valley of dry bones bones Float in the before drive to lodgings - Dinner & Tour the botanical gardens- see the newly-rediscovered mystery plant which causes villages to be cursed and queens to act wantonly Conk out!: Ein Gedi Kibbutz Hotel

Day 3: Wednesday, Feb 26 Breakfast Ein Gedi – eternal curse if the secret is revealed Ancient scrolls and extinct sects Elijah never dies: taken away by chariot of fire 8 St. Gerasimos including room of skulls in the monastery Gilgal Argamon with the Footprint made of stone Beit Shean Ancient Roma City frozen in time in the Galillee Group Dinner at DECKS Restaurant (unique concept eatery on the water) Haunted House on promenade Story about the beheading of John the Baptist

NORTH: Country lodgings at the gorgeous Europa Hotel in Tiberias

Day 4: Thursday, Feb 27 Breakfast Rujum el-Hiri – Stonehenge of the Middle East! In it is called Rujm el-Hiri, meaning the "stone heap of the wild cat.” The mysterious stone monument in Heights is almost as old as the Stonehenge. go&list=PLft0vOv0DuPV_h3wzWFzFsCYVTDA2Aru2&index=24 : entrance/Gates to HADES! Picnic or group Lunch Tzfat city in the sky and land of mysticism: Kabbalists, Dybbuks, Amulets Beheading of John the Baptist Dinner at Hotel: Europa, Tiberias

Day 5: Friday, Feb 28 Breakfast Tel Yizrael: Major Biblical City including Queen jezebel- wicked wife and horrible ending. Also the Son of the widow Shunamite resurrected in the land 517 meters above Sea Level: Givat Moreh - soil soaked in bloodshed, where the Witch of En Dor conjurs the spirit of the prophet Samuel Bet Shearim Necropolis 2000 year old-underground City of the Dead: brought from world over to be interred in magnificent stone coffins in huge caves. Visit the underground catacombs. : first view from Mount Scopus Mount of the Watchmen/Sentinels Machaneh Yehudah Shuk: Lunch & Stories to lose your appetite to! With a possible visit to the EVIL EYE- REMOVER LADY Hotel check-in and freshen-up Arrival of the Shabbat Bride Jerusalem Walking tour including outside the walls, bombing of the british headquarters, the YMCA bell tower overview, more. Learn about learn about: Herod’s family tomb, Cursed flour mill, cursed carriage, the last Nazi in Israel. Also walk along the deserted shopping mall.,7340,L-3251209,00.html Dinner at Armenian Restaurant in the Armenian quarter: on Mount Arrarat Street with commemoration of Noah’s Ark ex=68

Day 6: Saturday, Feb 29 Breakfast Rockfeller Museum - Frozen in time - Ancient olive trees Zedekia’s Cave: Lost Treasures of the Temple hidden inside + secret meeting Cave of the Freemasons Via Dolorosa – the “Way of Sorrows” the path Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion - first martyr stoned – lions gate Lunch Where Jesus’ fate was sealed and Herod’s Wife sealed in honey Mount Zion and David’s Tomb Valley of Hell: Gai Ben Hinom - site where parents sacrificed their children, Crusader period and mass grave: final resting place of pilgrims 814a-0a26c83086c5/?utm_term=.9ff1b5696702 Death valley below Gate Arab Shuk – Market Place “shopportunity”

Russian compound: GHOSTS! dex=18 Dinner at Ben Yehudah pedestrian mall-fair After dinner: Crazy Mary Haunted House! Not optional. All will be terrified, most may survive….

Day 7: Sunday, March 1 Breakfast Mount of olives - Princess Tomb, Prophets Burial Cave, Queen of Jerusalem Missing Tomb Kidron Valley - Jehosophat Valley: the valleys of darkness surrounding Jerusalem: site of the tomb-cave, boiling blood, the rebellious son punished and more. Learn about the cursed and curses. Meet with the freemasons of Jerusalem Hanson Leper Hospital – did killer Armadillos cause the outbreak? Lunch in the Outcast Leper Home Bible Lands Museum & the Corn Mummy Tel Aviv! Check into hotel, costume up, then farewell party! Masquerade Ball/Farewell Party at the NOOR Castle, a 300-year-old Stone Mansion in the heart of Old Jaffa Tel Aviv Hotel accommodations at this quirky and artsy market house in the flea market of Old Jaffa

Day 8: Monday, March 2 Breakfast Old Acco/Akko (or Acre) - the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in the world, dating back to the time of the Pharaoh Thutmose III, including Hercules, Knights Hall, Templar Tunnel and Prison Lunch Atlit: the real Atlantis! x=10 Old Jaffa Revival of Dead Dinner Drive to airport – departure that night/following morning

Day 9: Tuesday, March 3 Return home