Telescopes and Instrumentation

Six Years of Science with the TAROT Telescope at La Silla

Alain Klotz1 Michel Boer2 Jean-Luc Atteia1 Bruce Gendre1 Jean-François Le Borgne1 Eric Frappa3 Frederic Vachier4 Jerome Berthier4

1 IRAP-Observatoire Midi Pyrénées, ­Toulouse, France 2 ARTEMIS-CNRS/OCA/UNS, Nice, France 3 Planetarium de Saint-Etienne, France 4 IMCCE-Observatoire de Paris, France

The TAROT telescopes are a pair of robotic autonomous observatories with identical suites of instrumentation, with one located in each hemisphere. The southern TAROT telescope, which was installed in 2006 at the La Silla Observatory, uses more than 90% of the clear night-time, and has become a very reliable and productive instru- ment. The primary objective of TAROT is the detection and study of the optical counter-parts of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, and many results have been obtained in this area. But several other topics, ranging from stellar physics to supernovae, have also been addressed successfully thanks to the telescope’s Figure 1. A wide-field image of the nearby early-type (more than 5 by 5 degrees) provided by flexibility. We present the main scientific galaxy NGC 5128, which hosts the radio source the BATSE instrument aboard the Comp- ­Centaurus A, demonstrating the TAROT field of view results obtained by the TAROT robotic of 2 by 2 degrees. ton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) observatory at La Silla. satellite. In 1997 the BeppoSAX satellite of TAROT at La Silla have been pre- observed the first X-ray afterglow (Costa sented by Boër et al. (2003). At present, et al., 1997) and could provide a pre- TAROT (Télescope à Action Rapide pour the reliability of TAROT is such that more cise position to the Nordic Optical Tele- les Objets Transitoires — Rapid Action than 90% of the available time (i.e., scope (NOT) telescope which, in turn, Telescope for Transient Objects) consists cloudless night-time) is used for scientific recorded the first optical afterglow (van of two robotic autonomous observato- observations. Paradijs et al., 1997). ries located at the ESO La Silla Observa- tory and at the Observatoire de la Côte Optical detection enables the GRB red- d’Azur, Calern Observatory in France. Observation of gamma-ray bursts shift to be measured. This was the They are 25-centimetre aperture tele- ­ultimate proof that these objects originate scopes with a field of view of 2 by 2 de­ The TAROT telescopes were designed from distant, cosmological sources. grees (see Figure 1) and a pixel scale in 1995 in order to catch the optical coun- ­Current models of gamma-ray bursts of 3.3 arcseconds. Images are recorded terparts of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). involve either the disruption of a massive by an Andor 2k by 2k thinned CCD cam- At that time, GRBs were known as short star with the fall-off of a transient accre- era. With a six-position filter wheel, the events (typically a few seconds) observed tion disc onto a newly born black hole user can choose between one of the only by high-energy instruments on satel- and the emission of a powerful, highly BVRI filters, a special graded neutral den- lites. There were however theoretical ­relativistic collimated jet, or the coales- sity V filter and an open (clear) position. ­predictions that GRBs should be also cence of a binary system of compact The equatorial mount can slew to any detectable at optical wavelengths (Rees objects (neutron star — neutron star or part of the sky in less than ten seconds & Meszaros, 1992). The design of TAROT black hole — neutron star); see Gehrels & (Klotz et al., 2008). The technical details was constrained by the large error boxes Mésáros (2012).

6 The Messenger 151 – March 2013 Figure 2. The TAROT La Silla telescope is located at observations before the end of the high Figure 3. The full Moon illuminates the TAROT the foot of the hill below the ESO 3.6-metre tele- energy prompt emission. Since 2001, observatory during a night in January 2007 when scope in the ­former GMS building. Computers and the great C/2006 P1 McNaught was visible electrical devices are stored in the adjacent shelter. 120 GRB triggers have been observed by with the naked eye. The telescope does not require any human presence both TAROT instruments. Ten of them and observes every (clear) night. were optically detected by TAROT during the prompt high energy emission, giving ure 4). The comparison of the brightness very important science data. Another variation in the optical with the flux vari­ TAROT Calern saw its first light in 1998. advantage of TAROT early observations ation in gamma-ray energy gives precious At about the same time, a rapid notifi­ of GRBs is the rapid determination of an information about the emission processes cation service profiting from all the inter- accurate position of the optical counter- (Gendre et al., 2012). To our knowledge net capabilities, such as “sockets”, was part. This position can then be sent TAROT is the only instrument able to pro- created. The Gamma-ray Coordinates to large facilities such as the VLT, allow- vide continuous light curves of the GRB Network1 (GCN) promptly distributes the ing for spectroscopy while the source events, i.e. without any dead-time for the coordinates of GRBs detected by satel- is still bright enough, with 97% of the lites to ground facilities within a second GRB redshifts determined less than one or less. From 1998 to 2001, 21 CGRO– after the trigger. BATSE GRBs were monitored by TAROT Calern. The High Energy Transient During the first few minutes after the GRB Explorer II (HETE II) and the International trigger, the optical emission can display Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory large variations on a timescale of a sec- (INTEGRAL) satellites sent the triggers ond (or even less). Classical experiments for the period 2001–2004. Swift2 was record a set of images, typically of 5 to launched in 2004 and sends about 10 seconds duration, during the first few 100 GRB alerts per year within an error minutes. However, with a readout time box of 6 by 6 arcminutes. The X-ray of not less than 5 seconds, that means a ­telescope and the Ultra-violet/Optical Tele­ dead time of 50%! It is then impossible Figure 4. Trailed image of GRB 121024A. To obtain scope (UVOT) visible camera onboard to obtain a continuous light curve, and a time-resolved optical light curve during the first Swift can reduce this uncertainty to a few hence to draw meaningful conclusions minute of the observation of a GRB, we trail the arcseconds. about the prompt emission part of the image such that each star occupies a small 10-pixel light curve, or even for flares during the track on the frame. In this case TAROT observations started 45 seconds after Swift detected the event. The second TAROT instrument was afterglow of the GRB. We implemented The stars in the middle and right part of the image installed at ESO La Silla Observatory in as a workaround a specific operating have a constant brightness during the exposure autumn 2006. It is located in the former mode: the first image, which lasts 60 sec- while the GRB optical counterpart is the left trail. At GRB Monitoring System3 (GMS) build- onds, is trailed in such a way that each the start of the trail the brightness was R = 14.5 mag. At the end of the trail the magnitude had increased ing at the foot of the hill that is home to star occupies a small ten-pixel track. If an by 1.5 magnitudes only 60 seconds later! Just after the ESO 3.6-metre telescope (see Fig- object, such as the GRB source, is rap- this image, TAROT quickly provided the accurate ures 2 and 3). Since 2006, the pair of idly variable, this will be reflected in the position of the GRB allowing spectroscopy to be TAROT telescopes has covered the two trail corresponding to its position, allow- obtained with the VLT X-shooter spectrograph less than two hours later (Tanvir et al., GCNC 13890). hemispheres. The rapidly slewing mount ing the derivation of a continuous light The redshift of the source is 2.3, corresponding to makes it possible to start the optical curve with a time bin of 6 seconds (Fig- an event that occurred 10.8 billion years ago.

The Messenger 151 – March 2013 7 Telescopes and Instrumentation Klotz A. et al., Six Years of Science with the TAROT Telescope at La Silla

first minute. Because of the very rapid intrinsic variability of GRBs, this feature is 0.06 very important and allows us to draw sig- 0.04 d) 0.02

nificant conclusions by comparison C( 0.00 between the gamma-ray signal and the 0– optical emission as seen by TAROT. –0.02 –0.04 Figure 6. TAROT La Silla recorded this image Thanks to the presence of other experi- ­without any diurnal motion and stars appear as 11.60 trails. The trail in the centre of the image is of the ments on the same site, namely GROND star TYC 0611-00505-1 which was occulted by the (Greiner et al., 2007) and REM (Chincarini x. 11.80 (227) Philosophia for 6.41 seconds on et al., 2008) the ESO La Silla Observatory ma 12.00 6 November 2011. This duration corresponds to an g. asteroid size of 74 kilometres. provides a unique set of instruments that 12.20 Ma work together to observe the optical 12.40 counterparts of GRBs. TAROT and REM Earth. TAROT is among the few tele- are rapid telescopes that can record the –0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.91.2 scopes that can easily monitor a star for first few minutes of the GRB events. After Blazhko phase a possible occultation. In practice we this, the GROND instrument can detect record all the predicted occultations that very faint counterparts. During the last Figure 5. RR Lyrae stars in the Galaxy are observed occur within less than 1000 kilometres nine years (the SWIFT era) major by TAROT in order to understand the origin of the from the telescope. Ninety-second Blazhko effect. Each dot on the plot represents a advances in GRB science have come light curve characteristic of the RR Lyr star XY Eri images are taken with no sidereal motion. from using the data from these instru- over a night (figure from Le Borgne et al., 2012). The The star occulted appears as a trail with ments. Blazhko period is 41.22 days. The upper plot repre- a gap if we have been lucky enough to sents the delay between the times of the maximum catch the occultation (as was the case for of light and the mean value. The bottom plot repre- sents the magnitude at the maximum of light against the image shown in Figure 6). Sixty such 4 Space environment, Solar System and the Blazhko phase. This effect is monitored for occultations have been measured . The stellar astronomy 400 RR Lyrae stars. duration of the gap can be converted to a length and gives constraints on the Although GRBs are the primary objective worse within a short time, as more satel- size of the . The date of of TAROT, because of the scarcity of lites are launched, and the risk of cata- the occultation also provides its astro- their occurrence (an alert per week on strophic collisions increases exponen- metric position with an error generally average) and short duration, the time tially. Some orbits, like the geostationary less than 100 milliarcseconds. devoted to the observation of GRBs is orbit, have also become very crowded, short compared to the night-time dura- implying that satellites have to be main- tion. This allows ample time to study tained in their orbital slot and their posi- Extragalactic studies other objects which benefit from the high tion has to be known with a very high throughput and flexibility of TAROT. One accuracy. The use of radar has the ad­ The discovery of supernovae (SNe) on of these programmes addresses the vantage of allowing good precision for the rise is a very important topic, both to measurement of the pulsation periods of ranging, with the disadvantage of being understand the physics of the explosion Galactic RR Lyrae stars. About 400 stars less precise for the angular position; and for their use in the determination of are monitored. The goal is to monitor however radar measurement requires a distances in the Universe. We decided to period variations and study the Blazhko lot of power for these high orbits. Small start a programme aimed at the earliest effect, a modulation of pulsation period telescopes can give very accurate solu- possible detection of nearby SNe. Four and amplitude which is not yet under- tions. We use TAROT to monitor the posi- hundred nearby galaxies are monitored stood (Figure 5). In 2007 we published a tion of several geostationary satellites each night, and the same field is ob­ study on period variations on a time with a high accuracy, and to survey the served every three days. Two observation baseline exceeding a century (Le Borgne orbital debris. About 20 000 astrometric campaigns were carried out in 2007 and et al. 2007). More recently we published positions of geostationary satellites are in 2012. Eight supernovae were discov- an analysis of the Blazhko effect for a gathered by TAROT each month. The ered. The most interesting one of them large sample of RR Lyr stars (Le Borgne process (observation, image processing was 2012fr, which exploded in the nearby et al., 2012). for satellite extraction and astrometric spiral galaxy NGC 1365 (Figure 7). As reduction) is fully automated without any the galaxy was observed in detail by the With the widespread use of space for human in the loop. Hubble Space Telescope before the many activities (telecommunications, re­ explosion, it is possible to constrain the mote sensing, meteorology, etc.), the Occultations of stars by minor planets brightness of the progenitor. SN 2012fr issue of orbital debris has become very provide a very accurate method to deter- is a Type i a supernova that was dis­ sensitive. Several satellites have been mine the dimensions of . How- covered by TAROT — La Silla less than lost because of a collision with debris, ever, even with a very precise prediction, two days after the explosion ignited, often of centimetre size; and it is ex­ it is impossible to forecast with enough ­giving crucial data for models of super­ pected that the situation will become accuracy the path of the shadow on the novae. The light curve of SN 2012fr

8 The Messenger 151 – March 2013 Figure 7. TAROT image of the barred generation of GW detectors will be ready spiral galaxy NGC 1365 showing the in 2017 and TAROT will get ready to par- supernova 2012fr discovered with TAROT as the blue source just above ticipate in this exciting new adventure. At the nucleus of the galaxy. SN 2012fr the same time TAROT has been the seed was the brightest apparent supernova for an effective automated network of of 2012. heterogeneous telescopes around the world, and we are finding ways to com- plement and enhance the observation of the fast transient sky from the Earth.


The TAROT telescopes were built and are maintained thanks to the technical and financial support of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Région Midi- Pyrénées, Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (CNRS-INSU), of the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), and observed by TAROT shows that the Education and Public Outreach of the Observatoire de Haute-Provence decay in the B-band is very slow com- (CNRS). TAROT acknowledges also the pared to the standard value. Investiga- TAROT is also used by high school teach- support of the Programme National tions are con­tinuing since the supernova ers who conduct science projects with Hautes Energies (PNHE) for collaborative will­ be ob­serv­able for the whole of the their students. Examples of such pro- research through the FIGARO grants. year 2013. Everyone can contribute to grammes include the determination of the We thank the technical staff of various this programme and has a chance to age and distance of star clusters using institutes (IRAP, OHP, DT-INSU and discover a supernova using the dedicated TAROT images, the monitoring of the ARTEMIS) for their dedication and exper- tool SN_TAROT5. position of satellites of giant planets to tise in installing and maintaining TAROT, determine their mass, or the observation enabling a very high level of reliability. of supernovae to determine their type Serendipitous science and distance from their light curve. References We have launched a large scientific pro- Abadie, J. et al. 2012, A&A, 539, 124 gramme which consists of extracting the Prospects Boër, M. et al. 2003, The Messenger, 113, 45 magnitudes of all the objects in all the Chincarini, G. et al. 2008, The Messenger, 134, 30 images taken at both telescopes. For that Since 1998, the TAROT network of tele- Costa, E. et al. 1997, Nature, 387, 783 purpose we have constructed an archive scopes has contributed actively to Damerdji, Y. et al. 2007, AJ, 133, 1470 Gehrels, N. & Mészáros, P. 2012, Science, 337, 932 of the images which resides on the GRB science. Its major contribution has Gendre, B. et al. 2012, ApJ, 748, 59 CADOR computer at the Observatoire de been its unique capability to monitor Greiner, J. et al. 2007, The Messenger, 130, 12 Haute-Provence, France. A first extrac- the first few minutes of the optical emis- Klotz, A. et al. 2008, PASP, 120, 98 tion was done in the period 2005–2007 sion. Its initial goals have been reached Le Borgne, J. F. et al. 2007, A&A, 476, 307 Le Borgne, J. F. et al. 2012, AJ, 144, 39 using images of TAROT Calern only and a and even surpassed and 30 refereed Rees, M. & Mészáros, P. 1992, MNRAS, 258, 41 catalogue of 1175 new periodic variable papers have been published using TAROT van Paradijs, J. et al. 1997, Nature, 386, 686 stars was published (Damerdji et al., data. Although TAROT will continue to 2007). Now more than one million TAROT work on this topic, we are also preparing Links images are stored in the CADOR data- actively for the new horizons of multi- base. A major effort is underway to make messenger astronomy. 1 Gamma-ray Coordinates Network: a full analysis of the images, and to 2 update the catalogue. TAROT is already connected to the Swift: swiftsc.html ANTARES experiment, a neutrino tele- 3 GRB Monitoring System (GMS): The Institut de Mécanique Celeste et de scope consisting of lines of photomultipli- public/teles-instr/lasilla/grb.html Calcul des Ephémerides (IMCCE) makes ers installed in the depths of the Medi­ 4 Listing of TAROT minor planet occultations: use of these images to extract the astro- terranean Sea. TAROT also participated 5 Supernova hunting with SN_TAROT: metric positions of known asteroids. In in the 2010 campaign to follow up the turn these positions are used by the triggers provided by the gravitational ­SkYBOT virtual observatory service and wave (GW) interferometers LIGO and 30 000 asteroid positions were extracted VIRGO, and has successfully passed the in 2012. blind tests (Abadie et al., 2012). The next

The Messenger 151 – March 2013 9