Halt '35' Work Santas
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WEATHER SHnAyMm 14)010 Mestfy fair today, teaight and For AU Departaaeats taaarrow. High both days la tha Mi. Law tealfht te tba Mi. Saa Hed flank Register An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership 4^ Since 1876 IMIM4 Dally, llMdar through Friday, entered u Second Clu» Muter PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 78 it tha Port OOlu at JUd Bank. N. J.. under tha Act at March 3. U7». RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1959 7c PER COPY MonmouthCollege County to State: Takes Estate Title Halt '35' Work WEST LONG BRANCH-Mon- FREEHOLD — The Mon- mouth College received tha own- Presidential ership deed to Shadow Lawn Es- Warehouse outh County Board of tate, Its main campus, at a din- teeholders yesterday call* Steel Plea ner last Bight in Joseph's Res- for the state Highway taurant. Mora than TO persons Proposal epartment to atop plans ittended. Scheduled Title of the 81-acre campus Postponed arid projects in connection with which stands eight buildings, t. 35 until a new and thorough WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal vas shifted from this borough|to NEW SHREWSBURY — A last minute change in plans by Mich- study it made. mediators hold separate teutons college. The resolution, passed by the today with steel management and A check for (30,825 waa pre- ael Rachlin, Newark, representa- tive of the developers of the Mid-board in an unusual split vote, union representative! as ' both sented to Mayor Fred W. called for complete .restudy of aldea await another appeal to- SchanU by. William M. Smith, Monmouth Industrial Park, .caus- ed cancellation of last night's e situation instead of plans on night by President Eisenhower Long Branch, president emeri- "piecemeal basis." for settlement of die steel strike. tus of the college board of trus- scheduled special Planning Board meeting. The State Highway Department The President said yesterday tees. rat requested to make an origln- that when he makes a brief The mayor then handed the Mr. Rachlin Informed Mayor Karl K. Baron, it was announced, ind-de»tinition traffic survey at television address tonight be- deed over to County Court Judge :oopers Bridge—Red Bank and Elvin R. Siramllt, Beimar, board that he would be unable to pre- fore leaving on Ma foreign sent plans for a proposed ware- iddletown—and any other loca- goodwill tour be will Insist that of trustees president. Jons that might indicate the bene- Final Payment house to the borough planners the two tides get together. He until Wednesday at 8 p. m. in t of extending the Monmouth added. The college was making its fl- bounty Freeway north of Red isl payment on the estate six Tinton Falls School. "If we can't get tnywhere on Instead of holding the special Sank. this thing, then finally the gov- years before it fell due. It was Freeholder, Victor E. Gree- purchased in 1956 for $375,000. TRANSKR ACCOMPLISHED — County Court Judge Elvin R. Simmill, second from loft, praiident of the Won- session, Planning Board mem- ernment just can not sit idly bers met in executive aesslon to on its hands. Mr. Smith called the deed agatntt the resolution, seyfaaf transfer "an historic occation mouth College Board of Trustees, handt over a check for $30,825 to West Long Branch Mayor Fred W. Schantx go over the'revised matter plan "But, I do believe that the day and a draft of an ordinance to munklpal officials at Middle, that we abandon free collective, 'or Monmouth College.' who, in-turn, givet the judge the deed to tho Shadow Lawn estate. The tita it tho collage's main campus. Look- high provide for recreational areas in town had sot been coasallad or honest free collective bargaining, The evening was also advised of the action. lighted by a call for continued ing on aro J. Russell Woolley, left, West Long Branch clerk, and Dr. Edward G. Schlaafer. college pretidtnt. residential zones. It Is going to be a tad day for These subjects are slated foi Mr. Grossinger said, "The the United States." good relations between the col- The borough held title to tho ettato before patting it on to tho college at a dinner latt night in Jot'eph't Rest- ege and the borough by official discussion also at Wednesday'i municipality affected had no Eisenhower gave no hint of of both. aurant, Wett Long Branch. < session. knowledge or part In the re- what the government might do if "We thank West Long Branch quest," tnd he said he felt any the M-day court order which hal- tor the friendship given us in municipality affected should have ted the 116-day strike expires on What to Listen 7:15 P. M. Broadcast part In the request. He said he Jan. 26 without a settlement. Un- * • * Sewerage System Will Be For In CD TeU was not indicating hit opinion on der provisions of the Taft-Hartley the merits of the resolution It- Law, the workers then would be Wett Long Branch Dr. Warren D. Fowler, dl- self. free to talk out again. The TH Finished Within 2 Weeks rector of Civil Defense and Dis- Eisenhower to Take COP Even in 1912 aster Control in Red Bank, to- The County Planning Board last Law provides for no further fede- week recommended that "relief ral action. WEST LONG BRANCH— To EATONTOWN-The Borough's be done to finish the system as day reminded resident! that originally planned, he said. In the Dec 7 national CD test will Rt. 35" be extended to as to by- What might the government hear county Republican leader $1,600,000 aewerage system will Off After Address pass Shrewsbury and Red lank. J. • Russell Woeley tell It, be completed within two weeks, addition, it is expected that an require, public participation. do if It can not ait Idly on Its extension of the system to the This route is planned by. the state this borough waa a GOP A. J. tanning, consulting engi- .Here's what to listen for la hands? Academy Hill area, to serve the Red Bank when the test comes, WASHINGTON (AP) — Presl to extend from Rt 35 in Wall stronghold even In the days of neer, told the Sewerage Author- Township to Rt J5 at the Eaton- One possible government President Waadrew Wilsoa, Wary Lee Nursing- Home and Dr. Fowler said: dent Eisenhower takes off for move would be to suggest terms ity last night. town-Shrewsbury boundary. Democrat. [our other property owners there, Alert-Nine blasts en the Rome tonight on the first leg of No Defense of settlement. But under ore- Only installation and connec- vill be completed within the twe- sirens In • series of S-3-I. The mayors ef Saietiabaiy seat law, both sides would be Mr. Woolley, also borough tion of the Maxwell Rd. pump- a jet propelled goodwill tour of •ad Baak Mare aiarsssitl, clerk and county clerk, waa eek period. Take Cover—Sixty-four con- free to reject the recommend*. ing station and laying of two secutive blasts on the, siren. 11 nations. Entered In ' ef the Ceaaty Plaa. tracing tba history of Shadow more house laterals remain to Easements Needed tloui. Lawn estate at a dinner last A repeat of the alert signal Hit departure, immediately aft Ma* award's reeeminiaditlea. Another possibility would be to: Four property easements, de- win mean the test la ever, Dr. er a radio-television speech to RleaaHW.Saafftrt,MUdtetowa jht la Joseph's Restaurant. cribed by George A. Morgan, Child Death the President to ask Congress for The event marked the owner* Fowler said. the nation, will follow a full day's TewaoUp ata^fttrator, frit the new power—perhaps compulsory authority chairman, as "neigh- work schedule. It includes a ser- FREEHOLD-Mrs. Jean Edna ship transfer of the campus Electric Heat borly considerations" are-needed arbitration—for use in such alto frem West Long Branch te ies of conference! and the sec- Korneluk,37 of Horaeratown Rd;, traffic la If the re- deadlock In a key industry. before the Academy Hill Instal- ond meeting thia week of tho Na-Upper Freehold Township, plead- lief reato • that lation can be made. An accusation yesterday by It was oa a aUtfarm la treat Under Study 'Tax? Ruling tional Security Council, with ed no duftnte yesterday before lie gg the by- David X McDonald. tteetworkers They are expected to be sign- which Eisenhower has been dis- County Judge Jobs C. Giordano attended t> the .Key- onion president, made It dear ed by the end of this week, he cussing budgetary and other mat- to charges of laughter By Regional aaid.. Appealed To that fha two sides were not ex- speech ka 1113, Mr. ten. the death of her ton. Theodora The State Highway Depart- actly on the brink of together- Plant to extend the system The 15-minute broadcaat, atari- Komefok. Jr., on May ». meai • so wioea.iaa pTssenc •aid. HIGHLANDS - The Henry acroa*T»tpn Ave, at an estimat- y ness. ' Aad his fatber-te-kw belpad Hudson Regional Board School Board Ing at 7:15 p. m. (EST) waa.ex. According to Assistant Prose- «*• » . bas beta MeDeaaM charged that the ed coat 4 16,000. to serve 10 pected to toehide both a new plea objected to by both to buBd the ptetform-.be added. cation is considering!- homes there were tabled until MARLBORO TOWNSHIP — A cutor ,John W. Applegate, Mrs •fWMH lease Jk taugUta »fel Corp. WUsea may have gone ea to heat for the Junior-senior school. mother appealed to the board of for settlement of the.