
WEATHER SHnAyMm 14)010 Mestfy fair today, teaight and For AU Departaaeats taaarrow. High both days la tha Mi. Law tealfht te tba Mi. Saa Hed flank Register An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership 4^ Since 1876 IMIM4 Dally, llMdar through Friday, entered u Second Clu» Muter PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 78 it tha Port OOlu at JUd Bank. N. J.. under tha Act at March 3. U7». RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1959 7c PER COPY MonmouthCollege County to State: Takes Estate Title Halt '35' Work WEST LONG BRANCH-Mon- FREEHOLD — The Mon- mouth College received tha own- Presidential ership deed to Shadow Lawn Es- Warehouse outh County Board of tate, Its main campus, at a din- teeholders yesterday call* Steel Plea ner last Bight in Joseph's Res- for the state Highway taurant. Mora than TO persons Proposal epartment to atop plans ittended. Scheduled Title of the 81-acre campus Postponed arid projects in connection with which stands eight buildings, t. 35 until a new and thorough WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal vas shifted from this borough|to NEW SHREWSBURY — A last minute change in plans by Mich- study it made. mediators hold separate teutons college. The resolution, passed by the today with steel management and A check for (30,825 waa pre- ael Rachlin, Newark, representa- tive of the developers of the Mid-board in an unusual split vote, union representative! as ' both sented to Mayor Fred W. called for complete .restudy of aldea await another appeal to- SchanU by. William M. Smith, Monmouth Industrial Park, .caus- ed cancellation of last night's e situation instead of plans on night by President Eisenhower Long Branch, president emeri- "piecemeal basis." for settlement of die steel strike. tus of the college board of trus- scheduled special Planning Board meeting. The State Highway Department The President said yesterday tees. rat requested to make an origln- that when he makes a brief The mayor then handed the Mr. Rachlin Informed Mayor Karl K. Baron, it was announced, ind-de»tinition traffic survey at television address tonight be- deed over to County Court Judge :oopers Bridge—Red Bank and Elvin R. Siramllt, Beimar, board that he would be unable to pre- fore leaving on Ma foreign sent plans for a proposed ware- iddletown—and any other loca- goodwill tour be will Insist that of trustees president. Jons that might indicate the bene- Final Payment house to the borough planners the two tides get together. He until Wednesday at 8 p. m. in t of extending the Monmouth added. The college was making its fl- bounty Freeway north of Red isl payment on the estate six Tinton Falls School. "If we can't get tnywhere on Instead of holding the special Sank. this thing, then finally the gov- years before it fell due. It was Freeholder, Victor E. Gree- purchased in 1956 for $375,000. TRANSKR ACCOMPLISHED — County Court Judge Elvin R. Simmill, second from loft, praiident of the Won- session, Planning Board mem- ernment just can not sit idly bers met in executive aesslon to on its hands. Mr. Smith called the deed agatntt the resolution, seyfaaf transfer "an historic occation mouth College Board of Trustees, handt over a check for $30,825 to West Long Branch Mayor Fred W. Schantx go over the'revised matter plan "But, I do believe that the day and a draft of an ordinance to munklpal officials at Middle, that we abandon free collective, 'or Monmouth College.' who, in-turn, givet the judge the deed to tho Shadow Lawn estate. The tita it tho collage's main campus. Look- high provide for recreational areas in town had sot been coasallad or honest free collective bargaining, The evening was also advised of the action. lighted by a call for continued ing on aro J. Russell Woolley, left, West Long Branch clerk, and Dr. Edward G. Schlaafer. college pretidtnt. residential zones. It Is going to be a tad day for These subjects are slated foi Mr. Grossinger said, "The the ." good relations between the col- The borough held title to tho ettato before patting it on to tho college at a dinner latt night in Jot'eph't Rest- ege and the borough by official discussion also at Wednesday'i municipality affected had no Eisenhower gave no hint of of both. aurant, Wett Long Branch. < session. knowledge or part In the re- what the government might do if "We thank West Long Branch quest," tnd he said he felt any the M-day court order which hal- tor the friendship given us in municipality affected should have ted the 116-day strike expires on What to Listen 7:15 P. M. Broadcast part In the request. He said he Jan. 26 without a settlement. Un- * • * Sewerage System Will Be For In CD TeU was not indicating hit opinion on der provisions of the Taft-Hartley the merits of the resolution It- Law, the workers then would be Wett Long Branch Dr. Warren D. Fowler, dl- self. free to talk out again. The TH Finished Within 2 Weeks rector of Civil Defense and Dis- Eisenhower to Take COP Even in 1912 aster Control in Red Bank, to- The County Planning Board last Law provides for no further fede- week recommended that "relief ral action. WEST LONG BRANCH— To EATONTOWN-The Borough's be done to finish the system as day reminded resident! that originally planned, he said. In the Dec 7 national CD test will Rt. 35" be extended to as to by- What might the government hear county Republican leader $1,600,000 aewerage system will Off After Address pass Shrewsbury and Red lank. J. • Russell Woeley tell It, be completed within two weeks, addition, it is expected that an require, public participation. do if It can not ait Idly on Its extension of the system to the This route is planned by. the state this borough waa a GOP A. J. tanning, consulting engi- .Here's what to listen for la hands? Academy Hill area, to serve the Red Bank when the test comes, WASHINGTON (AP) — Presl to extend from Rt 35 in Wall stronghold even In the days of neer, told the Sewerage Author- Township to Rt J5 at the Eaton- One possible government President Waadrew Wilsoa, Wary Lee Nursing- Home and Dr. Fowler said: dent Eisenhower takes off for move would be to suggest terms ity last night. town-Shrewsbury boundary. Democrat. [our other property owners there, Alert-Nine blasts en the Rome tonight on the first leg of No Defense of settlement. But under ore- Only installation and connec- vill be completed within the twe- sirens In • series of S-3-I. The mayors ef Saietiabaiy seat law, both sides would be Mr. Woolley, also borough tion of the Maxwell Rd. pump- a jet propelled goodwill tour of •ad Baak Mare aiarsssitl, clerk and county clerk, waa eek period. Take Cover—Sixty-four con- free to reject the recommend*. ing station and laying of two secutive blasts on the, siren. 11 nations. Entered In ' ef the Ceaaty Plaa. tracing tba history of Shadow more house laterals remain to Easements Needed tloui. Lawn estate at a dinner last A repeat of the alert signal Hit departure, immediately aft Ma* award's reeeminiaditlea. Another possibility would be to: Four property easements, de- win mean the test la ever, Dr. er a radio-television speech to RleaaHW.Saafftrt,MUdtetowa jht la Joseph's Restaurant. cribed by George A. Morgan, Child Death the President to ask Congress for The event marked the owner* Fowler said. the nation, will follow a full day's TewaoUp ata^fttrator, frit the new power—perhaps compulsory authority chairman, as "neigh- work schedule. It includes a ser- FREEHOLD-Mrs. Jean Edna ship transfer of the campus Electric Heat borly considerations" are-needed arbitration—for use in such alto frem West Long Branch te ies of conference! and the sec- Korneluk,37 of Horaeratown Rd;, traffic la If the re- deadlock In a key industry. before the Academy Hill Instal- ond meeting thia week of tho Na-Upper Freehold Township, plead- lief reato • that lation can be made. An accusation yesterday by It was oa a aUtfarm la treat Under Study 'Tax? Ruling tional Security Council, with ed no duftnte yesterday before lie gg the by- David X McDonald. tteetworkers They are expected to be sign- which Eisenhower has been dis- County Judge Jobs C. Giordano attended t> the .Key- onion president, made It dear ed by the end of this week, he cussing budgetary and other mat- to charges of laughter By Regional aaid.. Appealed To that fha two sides were not ex- speech ka 1113, Mr. ten. the death of her ton. Theodora The State Highway Depart- actly on the brink of together- Plant to extend the system The 15-minute broadcaat, atari- Komefok. Jr., on May ». meai • so wioea.iaa pTssenc •aid. HIGHLANDS - The Henry acroa*T»tpn Ave, at an estimat- y ness. ' Aad his fatber-te-kw belpad Hudson Regional Board School Board Ing at 7:15 p. m. (EST) waa.ex. According to Assistant Prose- «*• » . bas beta MeDeaaM charged that the ed coat 4 16,000. to serve 10 pected to toehide both a new plea objected to by both to buBd the ptetform-.be added. cation is considering!- homes there were tabled until MARLBORO TOWNSHIP — A cutor ,John W. Applegate, Mrs •fWMH lease Jk taugUta »fel Corp. WUsea may have gone ea to heat for the Junior-senior school. mother appealed to the board of for settlement of the. steel dis- KorMluk had been drinking wit Red Bank and Shrewsbury. can be determined whether pute, and an explanation of El- Copies ofthe resolution passed presMeat — but Mr. David Thompson, representa- funds are available tor thia work. education last night to help her neighbor* when aa argument de aad tat lowered oaaltty sta* Wetlley noted proudly bo was- tive of Jersey Central Power and to. continue transportation -of senhower's purposes in making veloped and she went home. A by- the) frcehoJdofs were directed The authority scheduled a spe- his extraordinary journey. to1 Gov. Robert B. Meyner, Rep. QftfflS 10 fMWp HVUC9 MNN* n't able to carry Wett Long Light Co., discussed the matter cial meeting, for Dec. 15 to ar- neighborhood children to the neighbor* child came to her bouse He MM tt was typical of what Branch. with the board.but night. range for .the sale of additional Morganville School. 'A Geed Partner* and she got a 12-gauge shotgun '«"•* C. Auchtaeloit. SUte High- be rail til a "rafcl hlnnf ' No decisions were reached, bonds and planned to invite a Mrs. Bessie Thomas, Ticetown loaded it. the prosecute wayJCommlasioaer Dwlght R. G. • • * Rd.. told the board.that the has Elsenhower told his news con- said. Palmer and Bertram Tatlamy of ruthless," ladestry attitude, Mr. Thompson told the. board representative of the Bouud-Saf- ference yesterday he wants to A spokesman for the steel firm the past and the friendship we that two schools in tha state are fui Co., bond brokers, been transporting her - own and The gun. went off and pelfeti the' FexJtral Roads Bureau. neighbors' children to school for prove to the people of the world aaid last night he knew of no know we will receive in the fu- using electrical heat and that to be present that the United States is a "good struck her tU-year-old ton la the recent Instructions to the workers ture," Judge SimmeU said. five othera under construction several years since they live with- neck and he died instantly, Mr. The authority has • contract in a mile and a half of the partner" with other nations In the other than • latter on tha dsy the "We look upon the people of will have this system." ' • with that company to purchase quest for a just peace. Apptegata said. Suspended ttrike-ending Injunction went into West Long Branch ai sponsors He Mid the Sparta Township school and can not be transported additional bonds up to the on the school but, His travels have one other ma- Mrs. Koroeluk, who Is effect Ha laid the letter told the of Monmouth College," Dr. Ed- High School saved $41,000 in ori- amount of $200,000. tented by J. William Boyle, Free- Mrs. Thomas told the board jor objective, apart from the in- ta Files workers their rightt, dignity anil ward G. Schlaefer, college pres- ginal construction costs, with It was arranged to have com dividual problems he will discuss hold, will be sentenced Dae. 18. p grievance! "will be respected ai ident, said. "We owe the bor- electrical heat, and estimated plete cost figures for the en- she had been stopped by a state with such leaders as India's Mrs. Rosalie Joy Medoikoff, M, always." ough a great deal for'its attitude that the Henry Hudson school tire project prior to discussion trooper and told she must stop Prime Minister Nehru. That is to of Fourth Ave., Asbury Park, and patience." could save about $35,000. of the bond issue. x the practice. She felt since she Court Appeal only accepted donations for this, lay the basis for future Summit pleaded guilty to obtaining nar "It is a privilege to be a part The main savings, he said, A number of roads which have negotiations with Soviet Premier cotict unlawfully. FREEHOLD — A Keansburg of your magnificent borough," it should'not be considered as Legal Miiids came in the lesser cost of the not been resurfaced since sewers Nikita S. Khrushchev. To that Mr. Applegate said that by patrolman filed suit In Superior Mr. Smith said. heating plant and the fact that were laid will have to remain taxi service. end he will meet in Paris Dec. Court yesterday against borough Mrs. Thomas said she using fictitious names, Mrs. Med- College Town with electrical heat there it no unrepaired over the winter, auth- 19-21 with French President nikoff obtained drugs in two Many tho pnrcnt-fncnlty orjtanlzs menu for the yeny r 10000,, m line" mailbox to the North Pole lot up by Rod Bflnk Park Indie's work In sponsoring youth Ho called on parents whose llc.ililos tho six classrooms, a ed to HIM. tlon Dec. Ifl -at » p. m. to din- lk wilill bo open ffo r IInnpoclloi proRr Red Bnnk Snvlnu* an mnclilncn In the Fnlirunry bonrd JOHN II. MOUN daughter* of Mr. «nd Mn. Grovor C. Culihaw, 111 Con- 'Doubly Ropnld' Reviews History Y.nsn, II) nrnnd St., Hod llnnk. elections, to l>o held nt tho On AmpKiior Township of llolmd In accepting his itwnrd, Mr Raymond 0. McCartney, dlrcc IS.000, your choice, $1. Hunn't, .Advnrllnoment, Inil School. , Advertisement, ovor La., Mldddlotow, Sailer Bald, "To seo those kids (Sco COMMITTEK i'tf. 2) P. St., Bolmar.—Advertltemont. 2—Thursday.' Dor. 3. 1959 BED BANK REGISTER Market Fails Eisenhower (Continued) To Extend chief diplomatic adviser for the tour. HOWARD R. BRADLEY Secretary of State Christian A. Rally. Drops ROCKAWAY — Howard Ray Herter is staying behind in Wash- NEW YORK (AP) — The stock mond. Bradley, 70, of 26 Franklin ington to make detailed policy market tried mightly yesterday Ave.,-died Tuesday in Dover preparations for the Parit meet- to extend its recent, rally, but General Hospital after a short ing. He will be on hand in Paris just wasn't equal to the task and Mines*, when the President arrives there wound up lower. His.', daughter is Mrs. Nancy late on Dec. 18. Early gains were erased and byLake of port Monmouth. The trip ahead of Eisenhower the close losses reaching a point Mr. .Bradley was born in Dan is a trip such as no U. S.' chief p» and more were fairly common. bury. Conn., and had lived here executive has ever made before. Those issues which did manage 40 years. / n,l7WWU« Trip to stay ahead did so only frac- He had been employed 2 He conceded yesterday' th>t tionally in most cases. years' as a building superintend some members of his family have T The average ent foithe New Jersey Bell Tele< wondered whether thr travels of 60 stocks declined 50 cents to phone Co., Morris town. He re- and activities he Is undertaking $225.10 with industrials off $1.30, tired "five year* ago. might be too much for. the rails down 10 cents and utilities Also surviving are three sons, strength of a W-year-old man. up 20 cents. John. R. Bradley of Dover, How- But he told Mt newt conference Volume declined to 3,490,000 ard F. Bradley of Rockaway, that tha doctors tay be;l| ajfcjte from 3,990,00 Tuesday. and Harry BV Bradley of Baton capable of going through Iwith NEW YORK (AP) — Yeiter- Rouge, Lai;}four other daugh- the schedule and He hlms«If fails day's closing stock prices: ter*, Mrs. Marjorie C. Young capable of. carrying on. - ACK iul 495i I-T-E Ckt Brk 31 of MorrUtown, Mrs. Mildred Siv- In addition to Italy, ha > to Adams ttx 27 Johns Man Dili ersteln of Newark^ Mrs. Evelyn Air fttdue 79J4 Jones tL ' "' visit turkey; Paklitan, Afghaal»> Aiie« Cp - Joy Mis Millar at Lyndhurst, and Mrs tani India, Iran,. Greece; TuWtfi. Allez Lud Kaiser Al Allied Ch Kennecott Audrey |Halbig of Dover; 24 France, Spain and Morocco. Ha Allied 8tr« Koppert grandcWldrei* and four gi it due home Dec, 2J havltri by Allli Ctal Kre«e, || great OUTLINE CAMPAIGN —Mrt. Margaret Heffinger, Alcoa 105% Uhlgn CAN . grandchildren. then traveled »,«©» miles by Am Alrlln Uh Port C JOH executive secretary of the Central New Jersey Chapter, Am Brk Sh Uh Val Ind 2',4 The funeral will be held today plane, 270 by helicopter, :l,M0 Am CM Ub Val RR 7 at 2 p. m. in tha Whitman Fu- miles by ship (betwaen Greece National Multiple Sclerosis Society, goes over details Am Cyan Wat Glasa 11'/ Am M * Fdy 4814 Lib McN a V 1H neral Home,'here. and Franc.), and 1,000 ^*y Am Motors 83% Usi * My Mt ground-u^atportaMon-a total of of the coming campaign with newly-appointed Mon- Am ttneltb 60 Loews Inc 31; mouth County chairman Edward O. Emerson of Wana-' Am Bid 1SH Lumns Stl Mt MRS. PSIER MAJMSCIO TMANKS MID CONOtAtUUTIONS — Plaatantriet are •xchanged as MM. Rud- Am T«l * T«l 7814 Hack Trk 43 a707J?i: Am Tab lofiH Martin Co 48» FAIR HAVEN - Mrs. Lucy This wiil4 the President's tee- maiia. Mr. Emerion was appointed by the honorary, Am VUCOM MH Merck «2* ond trip across' the Atlantic this olph W.May, tha rafiring praiidtnt, left, welcomei Mrt. Raymond D. Tufts, tha new Anaconda «2 Ho Pac 44 Marascio, 47, of 195 Lake Ave., chairman, Sen. Richard R. Stout. Monmouth County is Armcm o 8111 MMft , Itonter Oil 13", died yesterday in Riverview Hoi year. He visited Bonn, London leader of the Woman's Association oHhe Rtd Bank Pretbyttrien Church, Rav. Armour * Co 38!i3i . Mont Ward Ut and . Paris in late Auguit and one of the five counties served by the chapter. AmiArmiFCF k 4S14S1i Nat Bile J2(: pital. Charles S. Wabitar, Hi* pastor, had praist for both.women at yesterday's teramony.. AlhAhll OOiil 21%. Nat Dairy «»', early September. , . . AtchlHl H 25'4 Nat Dlttlll 334 She was born in Red Bank, The college now holds deeds All Relln 41H Nat Qyps B4V daughter of Anthony Sovlero of ing '250 boat slips, several ball|sistant Avco Corp 14% Nat. Steel M REINHOLD GUSTAFSON pastor of tha Red Bank to the two former estates that Bibcock * WW 38361'4 NY Central 28! Little Silver and the late Mrt fields, a picnic area and cultural Methodist Church, gave the in- Monmouth Bald Llmmi . —U'i Nil U Pw 31', COLT'S NECK - ReinhoM Committee make up its campus. Bait * 4014 No Am Av MV Carmella Carello Sovlero. center on the 21-acre tract, Mr. vocation, and Rev. Charles E. (Continued) The other estate, unaffected by Bayuk Cl(I*t 47',4 Nor Pac 47! Mrs. Marascio was a member Gustafson, 61, of Laird Rd., died (Continued) Warren said. Bobrne, pastor of the AME Zion Bemilx Av 7711 Nwst Alrlln 32 in Monmouth Medical Center -mendous job still lies ahead of last night's move, was the Stern Beth Steel Ohio Oil .17',, of St. Anthony's Catholic Church, tor of Parks tnd Recreation, Stuart A. Edington, president Church, Red Bank, delivered'the estate, north of the main campus noeing Air 32%% Oliver cp 23V Red Bank. | Tuesday, the college," adding: Borden 62 Outb Mar . 33",i traced tha history of'the recrea-|of the; Parks and Recreation Com- benediction, • • • ' "We will need new buildings across Cedar Ave. Borg Warn 4*14 Owens 111 Ol 811. Surviving, besides her father, He was born in Brooklyn, son tion program. mittee, thanked the borough and Monmouth College obtained its Buoy Brl« 23 Pan A W Air 23Hare her husband, Peter Marat- of the late Godfrey and Eva and will need a high type of Budd Co M'4 Param Plet 43% He pointed out that'2$ years ago the Board of Education for mak- WAY OUT THERE deed through direct payments BU1OVA la Penney, JC 123 cio; her stepmother, Mrt, Antho- Gustafson. faculty. This will run into the Burl In* 24% Pa Pw a Lt many residents were opposed to|ing their facilities available to JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. .millions of dollars." to Mr. Lehman; the former own- Case, jr !»!4 p« nn 15'i ny Soviero; two daughters, Mary Surviving is his wife, Mrs. M'i developing a park in the borough. the committee for youth pro- (AP) — A group of men inter- er. On the land are a former Cater Trae 31S Phil El Ann and Barbara Marascio, both Mary Gustafson. Marine Park, he said, now i»|grams. ' Culture Influence home where classes now meet, Celanese 27!4 PWH Pel ested in fishing have proposed Ches & Oh Pit Steel 21* at home; two sisters, Mrs. Ralph The funeral will be held to- used by many residents. Praises McCartney that an artificial reef be created Mr. Smith said he hoped al! and a garage. Chrysler «7',i Pub Sv E*O 36 Cities Eve 64 Publlck Ind lannarone of Rumson, and-Mrs. night at 8 o'clock in the W. H. Councilman John Warren, Jr., Mayor George A. Gray, in pre-in> the Atlantic Ocean about five of the county's municipalities Calf Palm 48'!. Pullman 101. Ralph Powell, this place, and Freeman and Son Funeral Home, Summer Session Colum Gas 39Vi Pure OU 68!i said plans are now being madejsenting the outstanding awards to miles off Jacksonville Beach by and residents "will feel the in- .Com! Solv 1914 ncA three brothers, Nicholas Soviero Freehold. Rev. R. O. Oberkehr, fluence of culture flowing forth In recent years main interest Con Edls Reading Co 3714 to buy another tract of land in Mr. Satter and the Red Bank dumping old automobiles and has been focussed on the larg- Cont Can 4« Repub 811 of Red Bank, Joseph Soviero of pastor of Grace Lutheran the eastern section of Red Bank; Elks, said, "No organization is other scrap in a place where the from Monmouth College." Cont Mot 11 Reyn Met Canonsburg, Pa., and Carmin Church, Freehold, will officiate. J. Russell Woolley, borough er, former Shadow Lawn estate, Com PU 5:'4 Rty Tob in [or a |econd park. better than its component parts." water is about 60 feet deep, The noted for the architecture, size Crown Zell 6(>6(ii Rob Fulton 63 It, Soviero of Baltimore, Md. Burial will be tomorrow, at 11 Mr. Warren outlined future uses He paid special tribute to Mr. Me beach Chamber of . Commerce clerk, congratulated the college Cruc Stl 27 % 81 Jos Lesil 87>i' a. m., in Maplewood Cemetery. and interior decorations of the Curtlss Wr 3314 St Res Pap. 3114 A high requiem mast will be lot the now developing FarrlCartney for the work he has done has endorsed the idea as a fea- on its progress. Del A Hun Scan Rotb 8514 mansion. . 2 48>i offered Saturday at 9 a. m. in sible one for providing a. good He gave a short history of the Del L ft W .Shell OU It pays to advertlM In TU« Refiner. tract at the foot of River St. ' director of the committee. Doug Airc Si Sinclair 7T1J St. Anthony's Church. Burial will Present plan* call for establish' Rev. Iverson Graham, Jr., as- fishing spot. . • Shadow Lawn estate and the Its rooms and other spaces in Dow Ctiera Smith,' AO B* be in Mt. Olivet .Cemetery, un- —Advertisement. many attempts by the borough seven other major campus struc- nu Pont S Rocony, 40K Duq u S53H Sou Pac 2216 der the direction of the John E over the years to sell it. tures have been converted by Kast Kort .21 V» 8ou Ry 52 IS Unti John im\ Spcrry IM !5»i Day Funeral Home. •' < The most famous building on the college into offices, class- 3414 Std Brand 35% Erie nn 11"! the campus is a 30-room mansion. rooms, laboratories, -recreational Firestone std on cal 47H 132% Std Oil N . 48»i MRS. ELIZABETH W. MAYER It was build in 1928 for a re- area and maintenance areas. Ford Mot 79'.i, Gen Accept stud Pack SI It ported $10,000,000 by Hubert T. Before moving to West Long Gen Cigar Ttiaco «3»1 BELMAR — Mrt. Elizabeth Parson, former head of the F. W. Branch, the college, operated late Qen Dynara T Tex o Prod Walk Mayer, 80, of 720 Nintn Gen Elcc 9114 Textron 35* Ave., died Tuesday. Woolworth chain. It has often afternoons and evenings in the aen. Ffls 102 Tldewat Oil H Gen Motors Tranaamer 8 been called the "Versailles of Long Branch Senior High School Gen Pub Ut 23151" . Un Carbida She was the widow of'Joseph : a Tel ft El 78 Un Pac 143 Mayer, former mayor of Belmar America." ' • building. « Glen Aid 25*4 Unit At re Once it was President Wood Onodrlch . S7»; United Cp and former director of the Mon Goodyear MR*M;; US Lines row Wilson's "Summer. White Gt A * P 37'i US Plywd mouth County Board of Freehold- rt No Hy US Rub ers. House." - • . Greyhound US Smelt 29 V4 Mr. Woolley admitted the bor- Gulf Oil 110 US Steel 98* Mrs. Mayer was born in Ha Hammer Pap Van Al Stl 40'l ough was happy to turn over Births Here Prtr Walworth zelton, Pa., and had lived here title of the building to the .col III Cent « Warn .B Pic ••jy more than 50 years. Irt Bus Meh <« W Perm El legc. • Int Harv 4014 I West Un Tel 45»i Surviving are a son, J. Ken- Rivervlew Hospital I-,,, Wests Kl ., .lOJ'.S Fulfills Obligation . IM Nirk S.J White Mot • ' «iv, neth Mayer of Spring Lake Int Nick l">» 1I WhitWoolworte Moht . $4% With last night's action, the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCuire, Int Paper 138»i | Woolworth . Heights; fix grandsons, and four- college fulfilled one of the ob- Buttonwood Lane East, Rumson, Int Tel 4 Tel 39T4 I Truest 8h*T great-grandsons. ligations it had undertaken when son, yesterday. The Robert C. Neary Funeral occupying, the campus. Mr. and.Mrs. Robert,Wittreich, Sewerage Home, Manasquan, is in charge In July^ 1956, the coUegrpurpur,. Detaware Ave,, MJddJetowii^ison, (Continued) of' arrangements. chased friopi Eugene H. LeQman^ , jMterdayJ-^V; *""' fp But they seem' to be avoiding West Lent Branch, a contract Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Donahue, this town for some reason." MISS IDA D. TOMPKINS he had with the. borough for ththejSSe } Rt. 36, Middletown, son. this Roads still to be resurfaced In- NAVESINK — Mist Ida D. purchase of the Shadow Lawn morning. • . ; clude: Tompkins, 87, of Monmouth Ave., estate. > Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Witten- Weston PI., Kelly's La., Vic died yesterday in her home. That contract now' is fulfilled. berg, Acker Dr., Middletown, tor Ave., Ryers PI., Mill St., She was bom in Elmsford, N. The college also agreed in 1956son, this morning.. Corporation Row, Maxwell Rd., Y., and moved here as. a child. to make certain payments to Mr. Grant Ave., Richardson Ave., She was the daughter of the lite Lehman during a period of 10 Monmouth Medical Center Elizabeth PJcwy, West St., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tompkins, years. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Motley, Lake Dr. and was a member of the Atlan- Of this obligation approximate- 10 South Ave., Atlantic High- In the case of Kelly's La., thetic Highlands Central Baptist ly $168,754 remains to be paid. lands, daughter, yesterday. ' authority voted to accede to.a Church.' request by council allowing bor- There are no known survivors. ough to re-surface the street. The funeral will be held tomor- The authority will turn over to row at S p. m. in Posten Fu- the governing body the amount neral Home, with Rev. Harry of money it would have spent to W. Kraft of Central Baptist replace the existing surface. Church officiating. Burial will he The borough will add money to n White Plains Cemetery, White that in order to grade and re Plains, K. Y. place the road. NEW IDEA The authority decided also to LU FAIRLY GOOD insure its disposal plant and George Lu, 30, of 37 Broad St., pumping stations for $550,000.. FOR SHOW, RAIN and SLUSH! 1 Red Bank, was reported in fair- Cost of these facilities was ly good condition this morning $492,000. The larger amount of in Riverview Hospital with burns the insurance is designed to reach he suffered Nov. 27 when gas approximate replacement costs. fumes ignited in the kitchen of Mr. Lanning reported that » his restaurant at S Wallace St. "very satisfactory agreement" He was burned on the arms had been reached with the Ben-hands, neck, knees and ankles dix Aviation Corp., Rt. 35, on sewerage system charges to be paid by that company. WEATHER Details, he said, will be an Northern New Jersey —Some RUBBERS nounced as soon as the contract is signed.' cloudiness and fat early this •naming, becoming mostly tun- So LIGHT "Negotiations were extremely amicable," Mr. Morgan said. ay by afternoon. Mild with high y«jican"tot# "This is typical of the Bendh to the Ma. Fair loalght with tow policy of behaving aa a part of to tha Mt. Friday mettly tunny pocket this town." and ctatlautd mild wjlh M|h George B. Whitfield and John la tha Mt. Adams, authority members, were Black Itltad (a Can* May: appointed to a committee to seek Narthaattariy wtodt IMS a part-time assistant to Leon B. M. P. H. tenlghl. Weather Smock, Jr., sewerage plant op- partly cloudy. Visibility toeally erator. tott than ana mile la tarty Mr. Smock, it was pointed out, mernlaf fag, athtrwtae M is now working a seven-day week. miles. (with will1 It was decided to offer the post POMh) of assistant treasurer beginning] Jan. 1, to Mrs. Andrew Becker. WIAR OUAIANUID LOOK WHAT Egg Morktt SHERMAN'S NEW YORK (AP). (USDA)- SANTA BROUGHT! f,M Wholcsale egg offerings ample, No fflor* heavy, clumsy rubbers to lug demand fair yesterday. Receipts Great Gi/t Idea! around. You "tote" these new dress 21,700. An extension phone rubbers In your pocket. Handsome gift (Wholesale selling prices based lor Salesmen, Doctors, all active men. on exchange and other volume in color! sales.) Curtaini Snug fit. Keep feet dry — shoes clean. Now York spot quotations fol-| I Happy surprise for Christmas or any time of the year—a beautiful Made of tough latex rubber. Color: low: Draperies extension telephone in her favorite color! And what a convenience Slack. For shoe) 6 to 12. Keep extra Includes Midwestern pair handy in glove compartment of car. Mixed colors. Extras (48-50 lbs) Slipeovtri it'll be—in her kitchen, bedroom or other handy spot. (Color phones Come in, phone or order by mail today. /i-W, extras («•« lbs) 30. for Christmas give cheer all year long!) SO EASY TO GIVE. Just Vj-Wy, extras medium 2B-29; Bedspreads smalls 25-20; standards large 30- call your Telephone Business Office—we'll Jake care of all the details, 31; checks 25-27. Linem Whiles — ICxtruB (48-50 lb*)j NEW JEnStt BEll CVhf/ 32-3.% oxtrus (45-48) lbs 30^- Venetian :,7Vi\ oxtrns medium WAW Sheai for all lha family Drowns — lixtins (48-50 lbs) MIUDLI;TOWN SIIOI'I'IM; <;i;i\n;i< IM.35. Include* Nearby Wliitrs — Top (|iiall"ly (48-M) Home Aiiti'oicr VSA/A SHOPI'IIM; (;I;MI;I{ I'K) .'17-11; mediums 20-30'/^: IS Broad tit. Ki>>|iorl-Kniiirtliiiiix (Nnir Id, ,'{(») lh 'Jji7 Mil) HANK IMIMI'H IIIKI DOVH* IIIIIWMK — Top quality (•fH-SO m llrnnd SI, ".> .'I7-.1H; tiii-dluins ,'l|.,12; l(> llnniil Sln-tl,' Htil Shrow«hury •MHMiuUntRttilUtUltUlim Space Age RED tkSK REGISTER Tnurailay. Ike. %. 287 Million Road Aid Gets a New Sends Sgt. Home Spending May Top Record Word: ATLANTIC CITY (AP)—A new By ftUMELL H. MULLEN " space. age word got off the Wrapped as Gift TRENTON (AP) — The New launching pad here today, des Boy's Dream tined, in all probability, to take EL CENTRO. Calif. (AP) — rmy in 1935, he was astounded Jersey Highway Department vea- Ms place in the orbit of the Eng- Staff Sgt. Richard J. Marcum to learn "No one there appreci- terday requested the largest de- lish language. showed up at home the other ate* my birthday." partmental budget in the lUte'i May Come True The word is "clo.co." day — wrapped as a birthday Lambert vowed he'd do Mibry — more than 217 million thing about this if he dollars la state and federal funds. ELIZABETH (AP) — Mike A clo waa defined *s that Present Plaugher was born six yeara ago quantity of clothing required to The Air Force veteran was a position of authority. Highway Commissioner, Dwlght maintain a comfortable heat bal- swathed in paper and bedecked R. G Palmer's bid for state ap- without a left hand. JUa right hand is deformed. " >^ ^fei • for a man aitting at rest with a ribbon—courtesy of his "For the iast 20 years, etjer propriations totalling 115 Million ia a room (or apace vehicle) buddies. iince I made buck sergeant," he dollars In 1M041 U more than Playing ball and dolag alttke other thinga Mttie boys do'has with. a 70-degree temperature, Tuesday was Mrs. Marcum's recalled, "I've, been giving* my half of In* entire state budget. always been Just a' draaaa for leaa than 50 per cent humidity, 32d birthday. And Marcum had men fime off for their birthdays .•• The highway eetnaslstleaer Mike. and air movement of 'at least a tetter for her from his topkick and their wives' birthdays, I stetttnd al reeerds by propH- The dream may come true — J» feet per minute. saying: reckon I've given about 3.0*1 lag< tate the. -etase speed 1M J. W. Me Cutchan. assocl "No birthday without a bus- days off." ;:; in time for Christmas. , r. aiWIw daMara — coatractlea The Union-Essex Institute:for professor of engineering at the band present could be enjoyable. Lambert switched to the-'Ait project, wfckl. are Ineligible Rehabilitation here has offered University of in Los m detailing your husband to Force after World War If'aad " * ll alelLees than IS to give the boy an artificial hand, Angeles, did the defining in a ou—to work or use as you see now heads. 14 rugged paratapos> perform plastic surgery on his paper prepared for presentation ers at the tiny El Centro s* federal aid projects la right hand and.pay Ms medical the annual meeting of the 'I recommend that he start ary landing field. - expenses and train fare. He Hves American Society m' Mechanical t by serving you breakfast in He said his birthday ' Any attempt by Gov. Robert B. Jin Alexandria, Va. Engineers. xd, wait on you hand and foot a tremendous morale Meyner to fit all of Mr. Painter's The institute is a private or- Need S or 4. Clo d do the floors and dishes." and doesn't know why It proposals Into the next state ganization formed by a group of McCutchan said crews of super- Marcum, 27, from Flint, Mich., practiced elsewhere in the budget' wou|d - automatically re- doctors. The group Myt^it* aim sonic airplanes would, ideally, lowed orders. Ice. quire a major new tax. ThVgov- is to provide orthopedic rehabili- need at leaat 3 or. 4 clo for com- Marcum's superior, Chief War 1 plete protection in cut they have 'ant Officer Lawrence Lambert, Lambert, who will retire eraor was not expected to recom- Ution at'the lowest possible cost. March, said there's only .Mike's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i bail out in antic territory. lends the same, letter whenever mend such action. Mr. Palmer's The problem, he noted, is that drawback: • budget breaks down like thin Irwln Piaugher, aaid they have e wife of one of his men has 'The funny part is —I an appointment with the state an impossibly low cabin terrrpera birthday. Why? C0Mtructton-«242,978,«», with RIALTT OmCI OKNID —A. Fred Maffee, riaht, who opened a new real estate ture would be required if the haven't been able to get off i Board of Welfare in Virginia to- When Lambert was a young- my birthday." tn.UMJO of it coming from the morrow. They feel they can't de- office yesterday at 735 Broad St., Shrewsbury, greets J. Francis Reuch, left, Middle- men Were to wear that much ter on a farm near Saxon, W. federal'government. clothing' hi comfort. Oh, yes, he was 43 last Oct)j4. cide on whether to accept.the town, of Monmouth County National lank, and" Abraham J. Zagar, Shrewsbury, en he recalled,. "My birthday Operating costs of the construc- The solution may lie in ven- 'as the one day I didn't havi tion ud'right-of-way division— Institute's offer until they confer Action! Ttllt'a what Tha with the board. attorney with offices in Red lank. The men were among guests at Mr. Maffeo's of- tilated clothing, Me Cutchan sug- work." claaalftaf ada luv* buen fitting fica opening celebration. ' gested. This* type of garment, tlwlr adnrtlatra to» ovar thraa-o. General operating costs of the The board is expected to make But when Lambert jo'.ned th< mi at a eantur* Advartlaamant. its decision about helping Mike equipped with built-in vents, highway. depaitment-421,4M,ttl. Monday. ' would act as a substitute for air State aid to eountles,and munl- conditioning inside the craft. cipaUttM-$U,»M.4a. ' William J. Jones, administra- Radioactive tor of the Institute, said Plaugher Sen. Mathis Jailed Suits of this type have already la past yean, Otr. Meyaer told him by phone yesterday that been designed, but they are far the family has been receiving Iodine Helps from perfected. g ppp at hast money and gifts since the story At present, airmen muat wear the fall amewat reealred at was first made public in the On Tipsy Charge them: with an antiexposure auit eaateh all avalaMe federal aid. Washington Post and Times Her- Racing Heart flying auit, woolen underwear •t lollontine'a Mr. Palam estimated the state ald. NEW YORK (AP)-W. Steel- DALLAS, Tex. —The use gloves, wool sock* and rubber would be required te put up The money was to be used to man Mathis. New Jersey SUte of radioactive iodine has produc- boots. tM.Mt.IM to match federal buy Mike a new hand. Senator and Republican leader Relatives ed good results in the treatment The meeting at which Me Cut- fuadslalMMI. Plaugher also said he did not of Ocean County, was arrested of persons with "racing heart.' Chan's paper was to be presented In Silver: Tiffany, other itcrllnf :, May Tburston considered the problem of how In China: crown Derby to Wedgwood .... Harden Crawford His construction budget would believe the hand, if provided by a drunken driving charge a. , Calif., physician In Glassware: MM. Stuart, Havkes ...... John Ballanttna provide $2*,M5,HO for work on the state board, would be ready ere last night Scarce On reported yesterday, to keep future astronauts com- In FumUhlngi: bibelots to Wnuburt .... . Ann* lallantlna primary and urban projects with until January.' Mathjs, <1, was booked and fortable In their space ships. In Ran Book* and Prtnti; maps', too 4}utBUa ICetta Iodine "cooked" in an atomic > Await First Trip the state and federal governments Plsugher earns $85 a week as held at the West 47th St. police reactor, aaid Dr. Eliot Corday, Or ask. our ptnonal ahpppir lor auejesUgas, ' each paying $14,452,910. It would a radio and television repairman. station after he waa examined State Payroll A perfect answer to this prob- lowers the body's chemical ac lem won't be available until* the allocate H4.07J.M0 for work on He haa six other children and by a special traffic unit sum- TRENTON (AP) - A check of Uvity. , said he could not afford to get first men go into apace and re- Interstate freeways with the fede- moned there to administer a new Jersey's legislative payrolls "And for reasons not fully un ral government paying $S7,tfS,SM Mike a hand without outside help. "drunkometer" test. has turned up only one relative turn, suggested J. E. Janssen in Several months ago, Mike's 5- derstood as yet, this slows down another paper scheduled for pre- and the state W,4O7,2KI. j As ia customary, police de- of a lawmaker—the daughter-m- the patient's racing heart." The ooe-cent increase In theyear-old brother. Donnie, took a clined to say anything publicly taw of next year'a Assembly sentation. hand from a department store Dr. Corday. of the Institute for Noting that scientists are try- atate. gasoline tax imposed July concerning the results of the test. speaker. Medical Research, Cedars of 1. ISM was designed to provide duimmy while he and his mother Mathla today waa transferred Mrs. Eleanor P. Brady of Jer- ing to design a apace veblcl were shopping. Lebanon Hospital, presented a with a constant "shirt sleeve' more money for non-federsl aid to the. detention block at the aey City, daughter-in-law of As- paper on the new method during projects and advance purchase 61 Donnie tried to hide' the hand West 84th St. -police station to s^mblyman Maurice V. Brady temperature inside, Janssen,. sen- under his coat, explaining to hia the American Medical Associa- ior research scientist for the right-of-way. await'arraignment in vehicle ac- (D-Hudson), is listed as his aecre- tion conference here. mother that he wanted to take cident court this morning. The Ury at 1408 a year. Minneapolis-Honeywell Research Gov. Meyaer allocated all of He noted that the Iodine Is Center in Hopkins, Minn., asked": the maaay from the added tax it home—as a Christmas present West 47th St. station does not The Senate and Assembly clerks for Mike. have detention facilities. Police used when the heart beat of a "How. do you calculate the te nee-federal werk hi Ms MM- said nepotism Is not • real prob- patient is so' rapid that drugs station .personnel are not author- lem in New Jersey because the temperatures if no one's ever N twdget, bat «aad aamo af It such as digitalis and quinidine, been there?" tfc fdljtd b the/ iced to set sad accept bail in Jobs .don't pay enough. Love for Ducks drunken driving cases, as they , are not effective. Conditions in spacp e differ from Both Assembly Clerk Harry Results of the fodine, taken can do ta many caaes Involving oudkin of Newark and Senate earthly ones. Janssen said, and Even If all the money from the Cost His Life minor charges. orallyl , havh e beeb n gratifyingf , he the ways in which the akin helps added tax ware used for non- Cerk Henry Patterson of Asbury commented. • ' CHICAGO (AP) — Konatantine Mathis hadU.41J In cash on Park said aalarlea of legislative to keep the. body comfortable federal projects m 1MMI, it still hi, him when arrested, police aaid. "One patient's fibrillatin* heart on terra firma may not be avail would only provide an eatimated Tscherepanow, «, walked aides should be raised-not to at- had resisted all. other medications mongrel dog in Sherman Park At Timea SMare ~' tract relattvesr-but to get talen- able to it among the stars. M to 31 million dollars. Mathis waa arreated after for 17 years. Administration of From the data now at hand, Lagoon. His love for the ducka ted people fail, tie important jobs. radioactive iodine converted the Mr. Palmer did not list any cost him Ms life. collision between a aUtion wagon . In the wake-of public airing of Janssen calculated • the comfort- epeclfic projects for next year's was drivindi g andd a taxicatib heart to normal rhythm," he able temperature in a apace ship road program. Hia request for He was beaten to death yester N. S. Senate aide payrolls, the said. day, police said, after he repri- waiting for a traffic lighg t '•In Aaaociated Press unearthed origi- at about (7 degrees, fahrenheit. the, money simply Mid, "items Times Square. Police said ththee iegi,i,tive payroll records of The defect, one of . several This temperature will help to be furnished later." It Is cus-manded three 15-year-old boys for nil types of heart Irregularity, may throwing sticks at the ducks. taxicab was' sideswipep d byy the the Treasury, Department from man stay alive while hurtlini tomary for the governor'a budget tatioi n wagon on 43d StSt. at be caused by a coronary heart through apace, he indicated, bu message In mid-February to in- Police said young Valerian behind piles of Wank checks in a attack, rheumatic heart disease, Broadway, locked state house basement only when he cornea back can clude ' a long list of projects, Stechly struck Tscherepanow on Samuel Kempler, driver of the an overactive thyroid, severe a more exact formula for main T! the Jaw when the older man grab- J^ p vault. from which the* final program f summoned a policeman af- emotional atress or overmedica- taining comfort in a rocket ahl| selected later in the year. bed one boy and cursed him. ? exchange, with Each of the II atate senators tion with digitalis, Dr. Corday b*9 worked out.. . * Tscherepaw fell, striking his head ter a verbal and assemblymen got SS.0M a The entire < idget Mathis. . said. on a bridge abutment. year at the start of the year, ex< He added that "all forms of Passersby alerted police and At the police station, the sen- cept the. Senate president who gets 47MM, with ITI.IM.MI earn* ator gave his name as William irregular heart beat are harm- Stechly and his companions, Rob- $f,MMS. After taxes and insur- ful if they follow a heart attack' Jury Finds taglfream the federal gtvera- ert Picciarlello and Robert Weln- S. Mathis—although he is gen- ance, the average paycheck for rally known as W. Steelman and should be treated promptly. rich, were seized. the lawmakers was about S3.M0. Dr. Corday also saM he Mr. Palaaer's request far an Mathis. Each of the 31 senators and 10 Ray Innocent They were taken to Tscherepan- Mathis is the son of the late Ifeved that the mortality rate taereaee af tMM.M* to meet ow's body, still guarded by the assemblymen have ' personal (AP)—"My" prayer Thomas A.. Mathis, who waa from other types of racing heart have been answered," said a tear- eperatJag casts af the coastruc- mongrel dog. secretaries. The senate secre- following a coronary seizure has tie* .aad right-of-way division New' Jersey Secretary of State ful Johnnie Ray yesterday when "Don't die, don't die," one boyand for many years was Re- taries get $500 each, and 10 of been reduced from M and 100 tadadaa tl.Mt.474 te provide screamed. the 21 got an added M00 bonus at per cent to five per cent by a he revived after fainting at hear- SM aew Jeba. publican leader of Ocean County ing a jury's verdict that he wa At a police station, young and one of the powerfufll the end of the year. method of elevating the patient'; The-• commissioner asld he Stechly's mother tried to attack poUJlcans in the state. There are 43 senate clerks on blood pressure when it is low Innocent of a morals charge. needs 75 aew road Inspectors and her son, shouting: the payroll, with salaries running after the aeiiure. This may be The singer passed out when an Regularly 2.98 II bridge inspectors to meet "I'll kill with you my own Mathis waa alone, in tha sta-from i to $1,(00 a year. There done with one of several drugs, all-woman Recorders Court Jury criticism by the U. S. Bureau of hands.' tion wagon when it collided with "a for such jjob s ss gallergy he noted. announced its decision after de- 1 Public Roada that New Jeraey The boys were held In a juve- the taxi after drawing up along- *••"•'. committee clerks, Journal liberating 50 minutes. •Joes not have aa adequate super- nile detention home. No charge* aide the standing vehicle, police clerks, ataaographers, book- Ray, 32. had been charged with Barton's Fruit Cake visory sUff. were.filed. said. The left front door and keepers and file clerks. Some get Order Furniture accoating and soliciting. A De- He, said he needs M engineer- Tender of the taxi were damaged. a bonus of IM per qent'of their troit policeman testified that Kay ing.aides to keep work on the Held for Receiving Mathis, who sUrjed In the salary at year's end. For Library had made an Indecent proposal Now 2*00 * c ^traction program up to date New Jersey State Senate repre- The Senate haa 14 other people MIDDLETOWN-Mrs Richard outside a Detroit tavern Nov. 31. and 12 negotiators to handle pur- Stolen Securities senting Ocean County in 1M1, Is doing various) Jobs, for a total Marsen; president.of the friends Ray denied the charge. chase of right-of-way. NEWARK (AP) -The FBI president of the Thomas A. payroll running dose to H0»,00t. of the library, announced that The Jury retired after hearing yesterday arrested a young stock Mathla Inc. Toms River, N. J., Tike Assembly'f payroll Is Just the executive board had'placed an hour-long charge by judge customer's man a* he dined in a insurance* firm. double the senate's, but It has iU first order for furniture for Elyin Davenport in which he aaid Estate Council restaurant and charged Mm with Until last year he was owner 40 more members. the new library on King's Hwy. that policemen have no right to receiving part of $138,000 in stol- and publisher of the Ocean. Coun The Assembly has (0 secretaries for mid-January delivery. entice persons into unlawful acts. Meets Monday en securities. ty Sun, a weakly newspaper of for the lawmakera plus $2 em The two rectangular tables and Patrolman Eugene Cavlitoa of Harold Evans, 24. who lived 225 Main St., Toms River. He plpyees for various other jobs. 10 chairs for the reference room the Detroit Police Department's SHREWSBURY—A meeting of with hia mother at Ml Mt. Pros- gave the publication's address as '•' >v ' •- ' ' ' and teenage corner have receiv- vice squad told the court he aad the Estate Planning Council of pect Ave., was released in 110,- his official address whan ques- • New Monmouth ed approval of and have been two other officers went to the,ba.r Central New Jeraey will be held 000 bait after arrtgnment before tioned ' by police. The station accepted by the Library Com- knowing that Ray was there. The m Shadowbrook, Monday, at«:» U. S. Commissioner Thomas W. wagon waa regiatered in the Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wack mission. .; singer pleaded guilty to a similar ». ni.", Clohosey. name of the publishing company. of Point Pleasant spent Thanks- The cost of the reference room charge here in 1931 and paid a George L. Bielitt and Charles The FBI said tha securities, Father Was Mate Fewer gjvlag day «t tha home-of their table and six chain' is under- $35 fine. . C. Schock. will discuss "Joint all blue chips, had been reported The senator, a veteran ©I aosMa4aw and daughter. Mr. andwritten by an anonymous gift World Wara I and II, it married FAIR EXCHANGE Tenancy." stolen from the office of Or Jos- MrM t Jpp N . jVi ooiani - designated for that purpose with eph Hughes In Philadelphia June to the former Georgia Devon N MT. STERLING, Ky, (AP) - Mr; Skllte la pmident of The wood' Or. the balance being met by mem- A Mt. Sterling hardwear store Monmouth County Natlonil Bank. 29. Dr. Hughes Is a consulting They have no children.' bership funds. psychiatrist at the Institute of Mathis succeeded his father . discovered last year it had been Had, Bank, aad Mr. Schock ia Mfi wim-m M€rrick Rlver Mrs, Charlesi H. Tinoall, mem paying a supply store's water trust officer air the Long Branch the Hospital. last year as Republican leader .. gave • coffee party berahlp chairman, reported a to--7 Some of the stocks were traced of Ocean County. The lather had Truet Company. _(to* lMr. Whi. Caaalut . White- ul JgUMt^ « ™*- meter mlxup. It's all squared now Regularly 2.50 Barton'' •The Estate Planning Counci to Newark. Tha FBI slid »»,- ""lag this berehlpe, 941; fl* sustaining mem ef Central New Jersey la conv 000 worth of the securities has Ite from 1M1 Is IM when the month to Moatana. The supply firm discovered this berships. 21; 123 life member week it had been paying the hard- noted of attorneys, accountants, been recoverd. latter resigned to Join the Coast ships, II; and M children's mem life. uadetwrlUra and trust men Evans had been a customers Guard in World War II. The son Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ganaon bershlpe. * wear firm's electric Mil for 1$ yeara for the.same reason. • Miniature Chocolates! ef MoamouthCounty. man In a Newark brokerage returned to the Senate and hasPica PI., had a family reunion Mra. John Husbead announce house. The FBI refused to say served continuously since then Thanksgiving Cay .Attending that donations have been re ttONTHENOgE which one. He also has been His present term expires in 1M2ware Mr. Ganson's parents, Mr. celved from John T. Lawley ABERDEEN, KM. (AP) - The television repair man. and Mrs. Charles Hsinrich of Mrs.'John Chafkin, Dr. and Mra. Npw 2..00 Army paid aome 5,000 enlisted The FBI said it was Investlgat Township Can't Matawan, Clark Ganton, Miss Joseph Oluck and Monroe Eisner, nan at Aberdeen Proving ing the case further, Evelyn Laubmelstsr, Mr. and Ground* In 13 bills this week In Outlaw Hunting Mrs. Oakley Ganaon and child- an effort to determine the buy- Columbietlet, Council ren, Nancy and Olm, of Middle- Yule Lighting Go! Go! Go! PRF-HOLIDAY ing habits of the soldiers. Col, AUGUSTA (AP)-Does will be town, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Can- SPECIALS! G. F. Powell, deploy command- To Hold Parly Dec. 1 fair game in Frankford Township son and children, Charles and Ceremony Set this deer season. Michael, of Llncroft and Mr, We'll take your orders! er of the post, ordered the dls KEANSBURO - A Chrlstma ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS TUSTING'S these prices through Oti trlbutlon of 175,000 11 bills, party for the Columblettes an The. township Committee yei and Mrs. Kenneth Gansoa of Mayor Waldron P. Smith will her 5 and make delivery which represents almost 10 pe the Knights of Columbus counc terds§ voted down an ordinance Holmdel. throw the switch for the annual lime you name before Chi cent of Aberdeen's $3,750,000 will be held Dec. IS In the K o which would have made use of Christmas tree lighting ceremony nm.s. FRUIT CAKE: Ola! monthly payroll for 10,000 mili- C hall. There will be a gra firearms Illegal In the township Mr. and Mra. Charles Creasy, Sunday at 5: JO p. m. on th PIANOS cherries, pineapple, dates, during the doe season, Dec, 17-19. Stratford Rd,, spent (he week- cans and almonds In a I tary and civilian workers, The bag, school grounds. clous rum-flavored cake. Army' said It hopes to receive The Rosary was dedicated foi Township Attorney Albert Sll- end at Lake Hopatcong as guests The tree-lighting, sponsored by from $495 full two pounds In a colon. reports on the "informal survey" sick and deceased members al verman said the committee had of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Walker. tha local Lions Club, heralds the lilft tin, now $2, MINIATUR1 from bank), grocery store* am' the last Columblette meeting no authority to prohibit use of Saturday night they attended Mr, opening of the holiday season ORGANS CHOCOLATES: 1 |b. 4 o» Mher retail establishment*., Pnw /Irs. Gertrude Armstrong recclv nuns. The Fish and Gabe Com- Crcsay't 25th class reunion. here, hox (101 pieces). Fruits, nuts, ell made no mention of I'lmllc 'd a meeting prize. Mrs, Arthui -nlMlnn also said local munlcl- Jerry R, Rich, chairman of th from $695 truffles and crunches, cor* Race Track In Tlaltlmnre, nho<' '.mken received a turkey, Glfti have no right to overrule The Northslde Engine compnny illnli, cremes, caramels and project, said that a live tree ha lots more, now $2, 2(1 mllos southwest of licrr 'III be sent to Morris Hall, Law Intctvldn hunlln)( regulations will conduct Its monthly ppnpci been planted In Ihe jcbool vim) THE TUSTW6 PIANO CO. where $2 hill* are not nn tincom nccvllle, for n rhnrlty project /llhout the commission's con- di I th h i o( drive In the northern section for ihe yearly event, I•t«ft M«nm»yli 4 ••nrfh ,it,, Kit lank mon flight. int. i;il/.«b«(h Nelon, dlstrlc icnl, Ihe borough Sunday, Renldpnln The cliih again will aponso Mall «nd Phono Ordtrs Filled 'puly of llnckenanck, wits Wnlpuck Township, another should lcav« tied hundles at the the nnnual home and buslncs AJnnkn has eljiht inmininln icM n( the meeting. IfostrMc: '(immunity In heavily wooded curb. decorating contest, with Mlchnel ttlnrr limn xny mnunlnln In tli rrr Mm, Thninit* (Irennoii am County, voted n«nlni«t n MnnlRrnKso and John Kozak as A.finny I'mk iintl lied Hunk .•Irs, Chnrlcii Klclruchmldt, II r«>« In «-l>«rUniii Tin /|.|HU: nliMIR Mntrs, ilmilur don urdlnnncs IM monlh, -A1v«iii»«ni«ni, I slstlng Mr, Rich, '.*> CAM))', Sirinlxich'i Slrtrl flour, 4—Thursdiy. Dec 3. 1959 RED BANK REGISTER

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' '•*




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l'VA TNI WlliifrtHH NOT TWO 1UT POUt WAKIMI' ftCIPTIR Frajictir Compact, ni|fed, •My to UM. SM 49 fuM hiH-hour SCHICK Powershaver shorn to lilt-Uki color.

Wl(k «k« ••clmlvt ••••'• ••(Ira •«(•! r»trf«l f««, Mini tkl* Umtn •• • Imr kallaMl Ikarca t,,p <•*>• wk«r» kiwli k<«lal Tkal MU •( rimr« will kt •a ulrt «• k* •»•• «• an MM.'•••• Can* •• ••« sofo ••I kta B«wl ewtoon m> tXSwm JEWELERS 50* A WEEK

65 BROAD STREET RED BANK N TAX a ft. ft* UD BANK RECISTEI Urn. t,tm-§ flOCXHOUf. fmdca (AP>- ibsuiaedi iw Sees the formation of a new Marine Wives Learn Seff-Defeme Jerseys st Dr. Gommuatota yesterday wvcd government wouk Sweden's Socialist minority gen-havgov- non-Socialise "endangeret d Sweden's for-PARRIS ISLAND, S. C. (AP) Income For perUon. The poultrymaa'e feed bill may •watt by abstaialag on t eign policy of no alliances," said —Who u nor* deadly than a It appears that laying flocks be a little tower la Ittt. Dr. «nl 417 per cast wles tax bill Communist Party Leader Hllding (JaMed States Marts* is hand-to- will be decreaaed three or four Beck said, but higher wages, tax- fey W ta ITS votes. Hagberg. The tax bill carried, hand combat? ( ' -; - Poultrymen per cent next year. But this does es. Interest and machinery coats Premier Tege Erlander bad an- Possibly his wife, if a**1* a not mean that egg output will are expected. aouaeedWt Cabinet would resign 1«5-17». member «f the Dependents' Judo NEW BRUNSWICK-New Jer- be reduced that much, as hens Taking the yeer as a whole, egg and Jujltsu Classes being eon* ley's poultrymen can look forim - toy better and produce more-eggprices s should average three to each year. Dr. Beck (aid. five cents a dozen above the de- GENERAL ELECTRIC ducted at this East Coast Ma- proved income* In Itn. There will be another increase rine Corps Recruit Depot, This bright forecast COB pressed levels of !M», and net in- m population next year. Dr. Beck comes of poultrymen should show Every noon hour aad M rom Dr. Frank V. Beck, extea- noted, aad so the fewer eggs to nd • Wednesday evenings and lion farm economist at Rutgers marked improvements in UM. be produced will have to be Beck said. Saturday moraines, the • Jnlverslty's College of Agrlcul ahared by more people. with $wwg-o%rt $h*lvs Judo hall echoes with shrill ure. . Offsetting this is the fact that s nmuuM' iwcniir Egg prices should strengthen as BAKING SQUASH a* the wives lain me Oriental people have been eating fewer thai hand yov th* food art of self-defense. eggs-than they used to. The cof- If yea an ptoaalag .ta Clad In iode-gi. feetndUfcaal seriate ta ma months ahead, he fee break toon e reason for this. halves ef saedium-eixed Judo uniform, the wives strength- •id. The national outlook gov- Maay cufdown on breakfast lash, plea oa about aa I en muades, slough off excess irns the erattUen becaase Ne awe they expect to have a mid- you use e alow oven. weight and "study technique* which may come in handy la emergencies. . ' "We started the classes last May in answer to demands from •one of the wives whose bus- bands belong toth e Panto to-IWJ8CAJW. . . Mn:Etob^«b^.ap6Ues a.jujltoe hold SAVE land Judo Club " sava Staff Ser- Mi Staff Sat -Jim Giles with die encouragement of Mrs. The students lean body me- dianics to better uadentand why than men," aaya, Sft Ernie poise, balance and

and throws. After, that they attV yth Mom and pad Matched Set vanee to more complex and ef- «Wr judo^musdes,Junior didn't 'The dally exerctoe seems tt APPLIANCES IN X MOK L gH-1zt ttctlve techniques. V want to be left out So now be doing me a world of good.' il-CUItC-TOOT "Probably because of their Own'* ;« special class fornys Mrs. West G. Miller, wlft ^-^"- '*?#&•! •-?•• .AVTOMATIfrOKmOtTIIM natural grace and sense of youngsters. of a gunnery sergeant. "lad only rhythm, girls learn Judo and "It's good training," say a dentally, I've lost about II REFRIGERATOR Jujitsu about six times- faster Cates.'- "It teaches . the boys pounds."


TMtttpUMaDNMn \0**'. BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP AUTomntf 44MONMOUTH ST. RED IANK INSURANCE SH 1-4310 •1-PC.Mi OfIN PRIDAY NIMtT TIL f O'CLOCK Re*. $9.9$ MMNNIN* MONDAY. MC. 7TH, OflM WIRY Y 54 ONLY AT NEWBBRRYS! Com- NWHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS. A YIAR pletely matehmt 136-pc. enscmbb in INSURK YOUR CAR our exquisite "Bluebonnat" pattern. FIEB FABUNO IN REAR OF STORE FOR S10/SJO.OOQ Dinnarware, glaatware and natwara— ENTRANCE ON HfHTTE! everything you naad for aatartaining, IODN.Y INJURY (or everyday family use. - : SID I LI Ml SUS H T - IVeraa College eat Jetty AHDtfMt ! Messier eaeaiaia aeaaet gaari H 742*7



I •ROAD 4 >R0NT tTMITt, BEGINNING MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, OPEN la .'».. ~ •10 IAMK, H. i. EVERY EVENING 'TIL CHRISTMAS SANTA HAILS CHRISTMAS MAIL and collects it. It's easy SH 1-1100 c to make this bright bag with clever appllqucd and embroid- ered Santa front. Ked Hank Kegister THE VAPOR TRAIL JIM BISHOP: Street, Red Ink, N. I. State Highway tt, MIMttom. N- I. Reporter EMMM 1171 by.lata UCNkai Hwj Clay THOMAS OWING MOWN. PsMlshat ItM-lMs Part I-Ttw Billy Ro*e Story

JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor - M. HAROLD KELLY. The last of the exquisite baronial mansions li «t W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Pradoctiea Manager 95 East 83rd St. New York. It is • nte Jewel, tfuseifed and shouldered by rough apartment houses. It« I|aJIs Mtnbcr tl DM Associated Fiw n* mooiHI rrw M inumi axeliKivnj lo tut UM torrapubUeatlo o « U tit wcti Mm echo to the deiicately slippered feet of Bilty Rose. It s tnmat u tku unw»! u wall uui tr atwa fiapauiiai. his. The solemn faces that look down from the walls may be signed by Goya and Gainsbpr- Tut Ra4 auk lUfMttr uauaMa D» financtu mpoailtUlUM lot tuaaramiwi arrara u umiu» ough and Rembrandt, and they are cher- aunt,. But will casrlnt. without chmrgt, that part ol an Mvartlaamaat la wlileh UM Irpocraaklol wrar aeeura. AtTaMaara will Naaaa MHO tba manaiamaM tautadtatalr 1 a»» arrot arhttk aaar aant. ished by the lonely storyteller who Tbla MwtPk»ar ajaymaa aa raWMUMUtlaa lar Mlamsta al a»aia«a toMia n ban na tauan. walks the halls. / - SubaerlpUia Friaaa la Advaaaa OM raar *t».»: •U araatM «.•* , .Mr. Rose Is called a showman. Ht Slat-la eanr ai aavaur. t aaaU r kr •HI. i MBU produced Jumbo and CarrnenJonee and THURSDAY,. DECEMBER J. IN* the Aquacade and many other specta- cles. He Isn't really a^pwraitVHe ha* also been called a dollar machine, but The President's Mission BISHOP he isn't that either. He> •; picture firim- er. If the picture has real beauty—whether it's a paint- ing or a show or a live girl—Billy Rose will Uck a As President Eisenhower starts Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. frame around it and hang it somewhere for everybody out on his historic tour to 11 distantThe presence of the American'leader to see. . • •• • .' •: :- .. ; y .• • ,•• countries, he carries with him the in New Delhi will serve due notice Few men have more appreciation for true beauty best wishes for success of all the to Red/China's Mao Tse-Tung and and few men started with less ofIt BUlyRose was American people. No political voice Chou En-Lai that what happens to born Rosenbloom on the East Side. He never knew r Is being raised against his mission. India and her border territories is of time when his father brought $25 a week home. Th^ And that is as it should be. For onmajor U.S. concern. It is from this Rosenblobms were poor among the poor. They moved this journey, our President will in- point that Mr. Eisenhower is expect- frequently to save a month's rent, arid there were timer ed to tell all southern Asians tha when Billy and his; two younger sisters were sent to deed be representing the United bed without'a meal. . : States and its prime desire for a last- America stands as a true friend am supporter. The flat on Allen St. was full of people who com- ing and honorable peace. miserated with one another. There was a Joy, and/1 President Eisenhower, himself, What Mr. Eisenhower will be do- loyalty, in poverty, and they shared the happiness of has made it known that he does noting, wherever he goes, will be to re-THESE DAYS WILLIAM birth and marriage, and wept the. grief of iUn#s* tnd expect to arrive upon major solu- affirm the United States' position death. It was and is a place of Yiddish UmentatiOD and philosophy—most of all, of neighbors. tions of current problems besetting that peace with honor is the primary By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY WHITE various areas of the world. There goal for every nation to strive for In their nothingness they had everything. The Sen. Robert A. Taft was a difficult man to know beach was a fire escape; Delmonico's was the icebox and that in this general effort Amer- WASHINGTON — Democratic will not be time for that. After all, in the kitchen; love was a stout mother purring for- ica is eager to give help where help intimately. He was my friend and I favored his political National Chairman Paul .Butler he will be traveling some 23,000 ambitions. But his memorandum, more like a last testa- ha* at long last persuaded a real, eign diminutives in a childV ear; the mountains were miles across three continents in just is needed. He is not going abroad in live Dixie politician to Join his a climb to a tar-paper roof; God was in the shadows ment, whicH has been discussed for many years but not heretofore all-Yankee Democra- Id days. But the fact that the Presi-any attempt to force other leaders todisclosed publicly until "The Insider's Newsletter" re- tic Advisory Committee. But behind a flickering menorah; wealth was a $15 cloth accept the American point of view ferred to it, was designed to soften the there is great question as to whocoat; friendship was a gruff voice saying: "So? What's dent, the chief executive of the has won over whom. ' blow of defeat for the managers of his new?" •' - '•••'••••..'.•• >;• - \ 'l:?'^:^ American nation, personally will be regarding their problems. The DAC for years has been in those areas is bound to be a fac- This will be the most distant 1952 campaign for the presidency. boycotted not only by all power- The map says that it is six miles from Allen Tst. This memorandum explains why Tafl ful Southerners but also by to East 93rd. The map lies. It is a million mites'and it tor of considerable influence. journey ever undertaken by any the principal Democratic leaden thought that he had been defeated in in Congress, northern and south- costs a dollar a mile. Billy Rose.made it because he There is nothing as close as per- chief executive of the United States. 1952. ern. was born running. He made it because he had to do Mr. Eisenhower will be going into Bob Taft, after He was defeated, Mainly this has been due to something better than it had ever been, done. He want- son-to-person relations. To be able tha. resentment of Congressional to avoid the stiff-laced diplomatic countries no previous President has asked his friends to give President Els- figures, whether liberal or not, ed money too—he doesn't knock it—but he had to methods of exchanging views and— visited. As he does go, his own peo- .^ enhower their full support I dined with at DAC'a efforts to any what shine brightly at something. . , : i0KOLSinr the senator after Eisenhower was in ought to be done on legislative even though the tune allowed is brief ple back home will be with him in issues. Congress figures legisla- He was still a boy when he was a champion ste- the White House. Taft was very anxious that Eisen- —discuss openly the problems of thespirit, all the way. They will know tion is Congress business and nographer. He worked for Bernard M. Baruch and the hower should succeed. He had many doubt* and scru- not the business of aa uaclected War Industries Board in 1918. Billy was earning $266 moment is the important thing. That that he is acquiring, first-hand, a body Ilk* DAC. DAC is, after depth of new information that can ples on the subject but requested his friends to give all, tba creation of the Dem- a week when his father was still trying to make $25. way, questions can be answered im- Eisenhower as much support as they had given him. oeratte National Committee. And Whenever he reached a point where he thought the be used in furthering the cause ©i Taft disliked the type of than whom President Eisen- no national committee has either job could not be done better, Billy Rose quit and tried mediately, directly; understanding is responsibility or power as such. more certain. And it is because therebrotherhood and unity which are be- bower brought to the White House with him He toldIt Is essentially only • partisan something else. " '•• . - coming increasingly necessary in thisme a few weeks after Eisenhower took; office that drum-beating organisation. The body was small—he looked like a dissipated are questions to be asked and ans- OOP Differ** wered, and because a wider range of modern age. Sherman Adams had to be countered. Taft 'was already jockey—but the mind was big and the ambition was a dying man at that time. The Republicans, at least, have never thought otherwise. They, enormous. He wrote songs: It's Only a Paper Moon; understanding is desired, that Presi- It was good to see both Democrat The memorandum gives the impression that, there dent Eisenhower is going abroad. and Republican members of Con too, have a kind of "advisory Me and My Shadow; The Night Ia Young and You're were no errors in the efforts to win the nomination for committee" of earnest nonpro- So Beautiful; Without a Song. He wrote others too, and gress gather at the White House andTaft This unfortunately it not quite so and proves that fesiional people. But they keep The spotlight of the* Presidential T their advisory committee wall up these brought in $50,000 a year in royalties. endorse the mission. America has a *ft could not recognize the faults of his lieutenants. In the stratosphere. There, It When Mr. Rose felt that he was writing lyrics tour is focused upon India, where That in itself was onetof his greatest misfortunes. Theyprecisions vast and cloudy goals job to do. That job belongs to Presi- about as well as anyone in the business, he dropped it quarreled among themselves; they differed on. policy; that annoy no faction of the par- Mr. Eisenhower will spend nearly dent Eisenhower, who is well quali ty. He took his money into the night dub business. He and although Bob Taft was as professional' a poliU- five days, mostly for talks with fied and prepared to carry it out. Any thought of having the GOP opened the Casino de Paree, the first New York thea- tician as had ever managed a political party, most of advisory committee criticise the ter restaurant He followed with the Can Manana, and his associates were delightful men but amateurs whom Republican party in Congress, as the DAC regularly criticises the The Diamond Horseshoe. His places made money, and YOUR MONEY'S WORTH he loved as friends. Democratic party there, would he kept the money because he had bigger plans-and be treated as madness. Their loyalty was unquestioned but when they Mr. Rose does not believe in partners. . came up against tough and ruthless professionals like In short, the official, profes- sional ' COP campaign organiza- He produced shows—Jumbo, the Fort Wqrth Ex- By SYLVIA PORTER Thomas E. Dewey and Herbert Brownell. they were tion, the Republican National helpless. Taft rejected every counsel which involved Committee,' Is and certainly will position, the Aquacade. "Carmen Jones," and others— remain the absolute boss. But and he banked $250,000 a year. la lWf, a revolution occurred of the new model*- this fall and FIFTH CYCLE the slightest deviation from his scruples. He was morti- the Democratic Advisory Com- He wrote, a newspaper column called' Pitching In Detroit and the American au- how decisive Is the general ap- Now comes the fifth great fied when he was accused of unethical conduct: con- mittee Is another thing altogeth- tomobile Industry attend the 9thproval of the return to a wide cycle. A few years ago, the cerning . Taft was never unethical. er.' It numbers that great prima Horseshoes, and he bought Broadway theaters—the epoch In Its history: variety in auto styles and price small economy car wasn't even donnas of the party. It hss in- Ziegfeld and the National. When Billy gambled at ranges. You know that auto The Eisenhower campaign was organized several finitely more influence, through . Throughout 1M0, the first re- a factor in the auto market; in Monte Carlo, and found that he couldn't h««t the sults of the re- sales would be zooming right 19(0, one out of every four can years before:.the 1952 Convention. 'While Eisenhower such figures aa Harry S. Tru- eulta of the now were it not for the tempor- sold in our country may be in was at Columbia University as president and 'then, in man and Eleanor Roosevelt, than roulette wheel, he tried to buy the place. The French (evolution ary shortages created by the this range! its parent, the Democratic Na- wouldn't sell. ' . steel strike. Paris, arranging for NATO, the late Thomas J. Watson tional CqmmlKee itself. These be emergug. The introduction of the econ- Even now, The email car does mark the and E. T. Weir together with Henry Cabot Lodge and and other stars, Ilk* former Sec- Instead, he bought the mansion on East 93rd St omy car also may mark another retary of State Dean Acheson, though,, there take-off of the automobile indus- shift in our way of life. A sec- Winthrop Aldrich mobilized the industrialist and bank try in our land in. a new direc- Just use the Democratic National it aound basis ond car is becoming '« necessity eri of New :York to draft General Eisenhower- for The concluding chapter of the Billy Rose story will for predicting tion. As "Business Week" de- Committee for a hall to meet in, in a number of instances because president. ^ • • • . '. .'l. ' • .•... }; so to speak. •'''• be published tomorrow. ' ! that among the fines the epochs, the beginning of ,he breakdown in public trans- results will be waBias i!n• 1901IDAS . with.th«.UU *!*&e latuJ...!!rodc ^ , _ r, I knew well and talked to many of the men in '' they have tried to- make of a record or of the Model T and mass produc- portation and the rise in the nunv themsalves — and to a point they ber of working wives.. The ap- volved in this campaign. They wanted Taft.'They be- have succeeded — a force in the near record tion of a cheap oar for the mil' pearance of the compact car It PORTER lions. The second epoch came lieved in Taft But they were told i by ppllsUrs and Democratic'parly oa terms of auto sales spurring unprecedented interest competitive equality with the year, • happy comeback of the in the '20s, with the development in the purchase of this car. Multi- others that Taft.could not be elected. ' . of Mies networks by the industry elected congressional wing. Cov. U.S{ car in the world markets, a car ownership actually may soon I can recall many hours of arguments. How could LeRoy Collins1 belated decision yaa(J increase in tha number of and the model-every-year scheme. become commonplace in the sub- The third came in the '30s, when they know that Taft could not be elected? He had al to Join this team, therefore, has muni-car families, a fiercely urbs—may be absorbing 900,000 significance far beyond what competitive era in which some the Great Depression brought tteor more cars, a year In the neir ways carried Ohio which was an - industrial .state -in economy theme and hundreds of meets the eye. . - Well-known auto names will be future. which the: unions were all powerful. The industrialists tarnished, others will gain a new companies went bankrupt. The fourth came In 1946, when car Dwarfing any of these angles did, not want to take a chance. It was the Willkie situa- •litter. In importance, though. Is what a .First! it means this: The mod' ownership became nationwide tion all over again. Nobody really wanted Wendell But to me, impressive though and autos steadily became splash- smash success of the BL Hires'* erate southerners, of whom Col- the above listing is, it wouldn' ier, longer, lower. compact cars could mean to our Willkie whom the industrialists and bankers supported lins, ia representative, have de- Justify the placing of the Ameri- economy. Our auto Industry Is cided to 1st Butler have a free can small car (also known as the the largest manufacturing enter- because they believed he could win. run no longer with' one of his compact or economy car) among Merry Washington n> prise In the world. The Industry Some of Eisenhower's most ardent public- sup- favorite complaints of persecu- the top business and financial consumes 20 per cent or more porters said; privately that they knew nothing about tion. Hia cry his been that the stories of the year. What does of just every Usle Industrial southeraerf would not Jola DAC Justify the ranking is the poten- commodity. The annual aalea >f him; that they did not believe th!|t he woutd be an simply because of hostility to tial meaning of the upheaval to General Motors alone exceed the especially competent president; but that he w«s popu- Mi strong ppnveivii l rights stand, the entire U.S. economy—for II annual output of whole nations. lar with the masses and that he could be elected, They Thusa, he hsS long presented him- the Ismail car is the smashing A spectacular auto sales year In- self aa a kind of political Eliza •access it seems set to be, our 1900 would fan out. spark Indus- preferred to risk supporting an uncertain general who feeling the southern bloodhounds, whole country will feel a lift, tries only remotely connected could be elected rather than support a known senator, It will be difficult for him to There Isn't a half-awake Amer- with Detroit, fatten paychecks who bad been their friend, but who they believed could resume this role how that Col- •nd create jobs the land over, lins has signed, on. ican who needs to be reminded not be elected. of the prolonged and at times And it Is most significant that Second: The congressional bitter struggle preceding the In- In I960 our economy will need Sen, Taft's memorandum about the industrialists wing of thInss paparti y has to a de< troduction of the small cars by this sort of .

WASHINGTON-As one of his The money would go, he said, v. ••• /•• last acU la office. Secretary of to buy additional engines for B- ; Defense Nail McElroy conceded SZ strategic bombers and to train •MM nv^tuMMt will be ahead of this Air Force crews so that some country in miulles for another degree of airborne alert can be three years. ordered when the Joint Chiefs of Siaca the Democrats have ham- Staff conclude Russia has a sub- acred at the Eisenhower admin- stantial ICBM lead. istration for months-camplsin The B52 is a jet bomber cap- ins that it tacked a sense of ur- able of making ($6 miles an hour -."• '"House Waa*;»ese>: V\, ••• and with a range of oVer 1,000 gency in meeting the Soviet mis- House plsnU can become con- Om challenge - new month's miles without refueling. >. Russian r vention headquarters for little. hv opening of Congress should be a et lighten which, would try. to intercept 'the bombers can do UPsects that' may:"or may • not in*; fiery one. jure the-'plants,.'-;.: V. ': .:,".Vi";,; • McElroy made, his statement to 900 miles an hour.' Meanwhile, thjs. country..js,go- But regsrfflejsef |ju»ir;evilvin' yesterday shortly before leaving lent or lack of it,;they can tear dfftee to go back into private ing in for B52 in&el j*WJfe which can fire- the down the morale of a housewife Business and just a few hours af- who sees no good la'eny kirwTof ter Premier NikiU Khrushchev missile, this weapon, caryng nuclear warhead, can be'fired bug in her living rodml. : : ;*? boasted in Hungary that Russia Ssringtatls and fwagus gnats •>.:•! low has enough nuclear rockets from the bomber; at a target, 500 i aa flatten all ita foes. miles ahead. ?•*•., -*!'• > V : McElroy explained: •••',.! humus and pettfag eelt Thtf But McElroy made these two If the Russians twild the awn- wea't eat 'the cartaH «r the *•£^M* • •••*iiJl^• ^^^^^'vvBJWiaa^B'y AL^MMM^SI her of ICBMa they are capable v 1. As of today, he said. Russia of building and if the* tJalted attack •either man aer "beast ; . and the United Stttes have about States builds the number it now But they can be. an all-fired the'same number of long-range intends to, the Soviets Will have nuisance. . . ,' 'i., • missiles and the number is "quite more missile capability over First about the , ipringtalls. email" on both sides. most of a three-year period. John LlHfcy, one. of our exten^on ' "Last July ha estimated Russia McElroy was defense secretary entomologists, has taken a close Hurry In. CAoos* thm OHtt th» had fewer than 10. intercontinen- 26 months. Under Ms direction look at these, and he aaya they're tal ballistic missiles (ICBMs) this country developed, its first gray and tiny—only about one- Klddlm* Arm Whhing for. You'll find Ihmm capable of hitUng the United intercontinental ballistic missile, 32nd of an inch long. States. He said then that over- the Atlas, and worked toward ' Extra Equipment All ##«*• of MxcMng Saving*' B«ff«r Com* Tocfay. all the UBttsd States could more perfecting more advanced.weap- They have the usual six legs than match Russia's ICBM cap- ons. and long antennae, plus an extra •bilitias. But u time went on and the piece.; of equipment that gives But only, recently Khrushchev Russians indicted one embarrass- them their nsme. This/is a spring VISIT OUR BASEMENT

•~ BniMt ^rfatyi oomttd erne. FOR CHRISTMAS LJOIMI Elwctric . 'Designs m endaring good, taste, superbly made < IMPORTED 20" with an overlay of 14 Karat gold ... for truly TRAIN SET memonblA gifts. See our beautiful selection of BICYCLES ., ,thislna'quality jewelry today., .With toaraar whsaU aflsS caastar hraka* WILBUR'S JEWELERS 24" BABY DOLL I'M A CHRISTMAS ! '.'. .'.. SINCE 1113 STOCKING f1UERt,,\ Two Stores for Your Conv«ni«nc« WIOi me to 'fill those 'Christ- 4.»5 IN RID IANK IN LITTLE SILVER mu' stockings, you don't n ! 1* tROAD STRUT MOSKCT AVINUI to run short of cash. I'm O. •4" rAMKY POOL TAIU IRWIN TRANSPORT Howie Hustles, a Register Class- T«i; SH 1-014S "At tht SiMppfel CtMtr" ified Ad, and I bring buyers fast for the things you'want to turn 68*88 roster* 79.94 Heel Truck -OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 1 O'CLOCK- into cash. ' •'•" '". SAVE $11,071 14x46x31" table with wooden lidei, smooth •EOINNINO MONDAY. DECEMBER 7, Check the usable, toys and rtf. 2.91 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS other items' just ' lying around, billiard cloth covarad playing area, automatic center ball then dial SH 1-0010 for an Ad Writer. raturn, cuas, ate. Shipped direct from factory to you. BTATE flANNINC « REGISTER CHECKS • SPECIAL CHECKINft ACCOUNTS O i

•»•»• Mofor^rivan by battary (bat- tary Included), convartibla is staered by youngster an th« frunk. 30x13x14" staal. Toblt and 2 Chairs PINNY MACHINI m All wood W U" construction. 12 VELOCIPEDE 6 R«f. 7.ff Supar-aturdy tubular steel bike built to taka hard wear. Ball-bearing front That •?trypn* Ttews. tbingi from an whaal for «uy maneuvering. Semi- .99 Drop a penny In, tumsabU IN«LUH awinga on batUry-nui motor. pneumatic puncture-proof rubber Buekat clawfrabs at piisaa, individual itandpoint hi a fact of which Doll Ctsriogt tint, ebrome hub capa, ptutic gripa JjddLJttttoi^t) w« arc w«U await. If you ai« an "I" •ndl padala. Flame red tdtfa white 7raf. 12.fl trial. - ReMieo Qkmt who is looking for banking ionrlc* that Ref. 17.W Wheel Games can b* gtcnrtd to individual needs. NIW. MNSATIONAL IATTIRY OP1IATIO raf. J.tS m ••• Mmfanf Owt Rtmce Stcrat Rgf. l.t« ROCKET CENTER TOY CHESTS raf. f.H £L TT.99 REMCO R«f. 12.fl Drhrt-ln Theatre INDOOR Eltctrlc Gamtf SALE! ELECTRIC PIANO 12-key imported wood grand, piano Safe, Intarastinq and antartaln. RIMCO 2'WAY ILICTRIC MEMBER FEDERAL DEHMIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ...put in music tape, turn switch and ing. 99 ALL OFFICE! OPEN HM TO I P. M. FRIDAY EVENINGS it playa'gay tuna while pretty ddl WALKIE TALKIE danote! Include* tapes with 6 songs, •af. 1.91 .99 plus the punch and blanks for making ALL DAY.ONE STOP IANKINS 4 your own tapes. Works on batteries. 14 ref. I7.9S RED IANK LITTLE SILVER KfiYPORT ENGLISHTOWN a NEWBERRY CO. 77 BROAD ST., RED BANK ESTATE PLANNING • REGISTER CHECKS • SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS & 2,GUYS NEPTUNE SHOPPING CENTER RT. 35, NEPTUNE CITY • OPEN DALY 9*0 A. M. -10 P. M. • SUNDAY TIL 9 P. H.


Wwf9T npMlawF! INMGl Wlfffe • SUH and Jicket cMrdluU • Kalfe pleated tMrt-dwibit ptwted •UPS ud PETTICOATS. !• tkeath aad wool oaU* Md fucie»-wool itoMeyttyle*. GOWNS la waits aad hag tltnt; aytoa Irimt • frntit Mian h rim 3*4x fw girft Double brenled pobley •IMTM. 1ABY DOLL PJ't la center tfadwMt fllwl daMlaM • Hoavy lMt. quilt UataM • Many colon and itykt M-ll aaf oxtra taiio iliea la all loo tfturaM* «.«. Alw othtt MyM tl thbi • Grayt browaobluooelMi ! to eaoooe from. low ariM. 2 PMHiy p9Ck9fS LADIES' REG. 4" GIRLS' REG. 19" EMBROIDERED PILE LINED and REC. si - YOUR CHOICEfirr 7r«n/ne

CAMERAS TOP 9UAUTY SPORTING GOODS POWERFUL HELD AND ASTRONOMICAL Microscopes SALE! Deluxe 20" TELESCOPES Save Over SO% TRAINER BICYCLE • Convertible models with trainer wheels • Deluxe mod- si with rear (ullage carrier Vefee 88 • From headllant, truss bars, hand grips with streamers • 3MS 3* t. 49" 15" Puncture proof tubetoos tiros. VolHtt to $100.00 to. *i*'J 4\* „*%. ''A. 26 Vahm re $M. • Hardwood auto aad tripods Included Rack and pinion •OYS' AND 4MILS' • Ceiled achromatic leases • To IMx foeui. Dtsacctlat 20-FOOT BACKYARD INSULATED potrtr • Adlnsts for tattMo • Obtirva- Mis, Irinle turret, FIGURE lory tyno eoMtorlal trlaod atwdillai • up to M UNDERWEAR Mm CR4MM IfMI* SKATES SKATING RINK aj MLUXI PRISM 7.9S VAIUI KODAK 300 ANSCO • MM MOVIE j BINOCULARS 99 3-ROLL PAK 49 Center J.88 PROJECTOR Mock ft Whltt Mm Focus SALE JS SUes oM . in . 127 Coated • • Figure skates m high arena pattern' 6 Lht 4110 .... 44 C Optics • Semi-closed tee construction • Boys'! • Safe (or the whol1e 0family • Heavy 11.9S Vohio • Forward, still, reverie black, iUes U te 4; girls' white, le to 4 • duly polyalhlcne liner, guaranteed not • Brilliant I fl. wide mov- • Hockey skates, two tone finish, tubular to crack • 4" rustproof aluminum • S oz. cellocloud lining 7O blade; bey a' only, slits II to 4. for warmth • -«u« la ies • Pnwer rewind • No walls • Sets up easy. bells or reels to change • time lor deer season • o Rubber Scoobords for Wodtt 59c Lifetime luhrlcallon • # w ,*,. Him V«lu« Katn o U-Pt. Model :. MS Sites im., med., large, Built-in case • Blower WUk IMi M iiKim -- in, 1,1,11,1 cooled. 7>:i.t •- th. ui jo Jr. Hockey Stick 59c extra large. One Hem per fsmlly. M:IO — oran, David D'Urzinko, Dennis items, home canned foods and ling them they must not hook up Some astronomers believe that Howard Blendinger, all of Plain- Lynch, Kevin Redmond and Wal- the moon may be covered with home-made candies, aprons and sump pumps to the system. dolls there will be a fortune tell- field. Monday guests with the '.& Mewes. dust up to two-thirds of a mile Butlers were Rev. Parker B. That'i what the Sewerage Au- in depth. er reading tea leaves. thority decided last night. The theme was "Country The snack bar will be in opera- Holloway, pastor of the Madison 1 Methodist Church, and Mrs. Hol- Emptying cellar water into the itore. ' G. L. Whitfield, chairman It paya to advartlaa in Tha Register. tion again this year. A real fish- sewerage system is prohibited the pack committee, pre -Advertisement. ing pond for younger visitors wil* loway, Madison. Benjamin Van Keuren, authorl ty fecretary said. But some Adler Hoia • Jockey Underwear • Rail Undarwaar • Reiistol Hsts • Paris Belts • Griffon Suits householders apparently do not know this. "There's no particular advan tage to the property owner in The most significant trend in i emptying the water into the sys- men's fashions in years is the tem," Mr. Van Keuren pointed authentic, classic approach. out, "but if they all did it. it | This is best realized by the could swamp ' our sewerage 1 Van Heusra 417 collection. It has that relaxed and casual treatment plant." J spirit. Never losing, however, the dignified and tasteful... in every detail of interpreta- Senior Citizens tion. It is a new way of life for tollege men, career exec- utives, and men rooted in the At Yule Bazar LUXURIOUS LOUNGING — What woman wouldn't welcome an elegant hostess gown such as traditional. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - this, in flame red boulevard velvet, with pointed collar, self belt, glowing fullness and cuffs of The Senior Citizens Organization fluffy maribou. __^ held its second annual Christmas 12 JOIN AUXILIARY bazar yesterday in the American Legion Hall, from 2-9 p. m. STAMPS IN THE NEWS MATAWAN—Twelvo new mem- Santa Claus greeted the chil- bers joined the auxiliary of the dren from 4-6 p. m., and a chim AP Newsfeatures the Belgian Congo and Ruanda- Matawan Township Hose and iiey grab bag of gifts was festur- Urundi each will issue a series Chemical Company at a meet- ed. By SVD KRONISH of 12 postage stamps. The stamps Ing Monday in the flrehouse on Mrs. Emma Lutz, Mrs. Alica THE SIXTH OF the United will show protected animals of Lower Main St. Plans were made Bennett, and Mrs. Winifred Bal- itates "Champions of Liberty" the Belgian Congo and Ruanda- for the auiliary Christmas party lantine were , in charge of the tamps will honor Thomas G. Urundi. to be held next Thursday ai Coby's in South Ambcy. A cov- white elephant table. The handi- Masaryk, founder and first presi- The animals featured on each craft table was run by Mrs. Lil- dent of Czechoslovakia. As in the ered-dish supper.followed, and 27 set will be: antelope, white members attended. lian Hewer and Mrs. William past, these stamps will be Issued rhinoceros, giraffe, galago, goril- Muller. in two denominations—4 cents for la, black buffaloes, colobe mon- Mrs. Harriet Vanderwater, tint class domestic postage and key, elephants, okapis, impals, Arab Christians make up about Mrs. Letetla Clark, Mrs. Olaf 01- cents for first class Intern- pangolin, eland and zebras. 12 per cent of the population of i sen, Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald, and ional surface mail. predominantly Moslem Jordan. Mrs. John Goldsworthy served in The Masaryk stamp will be the coffee shop, where home bak- ilaced on sale at Washington, Northcool Suits • Rabhor Robes • Swank Jewelry ed pies, cakes and cookies were C. on March 7, 1960, the QOLDIN'S sold. 110th anniversary of Masaryk's A Christmas table featuring jirth. Details as to design and holiday gifts and decorations was staffed by members of the steer- ing committee of the American HAS THE CLOTHES MEN WANT Legion Sandy Hook Bay Unit, ADLER sponsors of the Senior Citizens Every man likes to feel important enough to rate the finest—and that is what you give, group. SLIPPER SOX when you choose gifts from Goldin's tremendous assortment of famous brand names. And- Central Middletown you will have the confidence of knowing that your gift will give long, handsome wear. So washable 100% wool sox Guests at the home of Mr. don't take a chance with off-name brands of questionable quality—give the best—give and Mrs. Charles Noss, 101 Wai- with toft leather sola gifts from Soldin's. - nut Ave., last week-end were Mr. Noss's brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Noss VAN HEUSEN 417 COLLECTION and children, Arthur, Jr., Janet, 2.98 and Jeffrey, of Middle Island, L. I. i SPORT SHIRTS • limply superb selection in the season's most jMr. and Mrs. Michael Lawless, colors will be announced in this Miriam Pi., spent Thanksgiving column soon. wanted patterns. Beforo you buy any sport and the week-end at the home of Masaryk's movement for Czech shirt, sea' 417, the most handsome of all. Mrs. Lawless's parents. Mr. and independence dates back to World Mrs. Richard F. Davis, Bronx. War I. In 191s he was chosen SWANK TIE BAR that nation's first president and 5.95 remained in that capacity until and 1935. ... Said Postmaster Geatral Arthur MCGREGOR E. SummerfleW: "'These stamps Speciol commemorating Thomas G. Mas- Initialed or namai in the aryk as a 'Champion of Liberty' LAMBFLEECE will thus mark not only the strong most famous brand ef all friendship of the peoples of the SWEATERS PURINA United States and Czechoslovakia, which Marsaryk spmboiited, but mad* of 75V* imported lambs wool for luxuri- also their common aspirations 3.95 UP ous ioftn.it and 25'/. DuPont orlon for outre DOG for freedom." strangth. Car.fully tailored and bait looking Previous "Champions of Lib- swaatar by far, erty" have been Ramon Magsav- say (1957), Simon Bolivar and IMPORTED LONG SLEEVE CREWNECK 7.95 CHOW Lajos Kossuth .(1958) and Jose CAPESKIN de San Martin and Ernst Reuter Solid Colors (1959). Leather Gloves SLEEVELESS SPORT VEST 7.95 Price The famed British Common- . 2 Pocket GRIFFON 100% WOOL wealth collection of H. M. Spencer I Lined for extra warmth LONG SLEEVE CARDIGAN 10.00 Jon. 31ft) Lewin of Montreal, Canada, was I and tailored to perfection sold for more than $23,000 in a|| 2 Pocket SPORT JACKET two-day auction in New York recently. The top price went for 5.95 Here ii the most smartly styled iport jacket a Mauritius No. 4, earliest im- y.t. Soft, subdued stripes woven in handsome 10 km.. pression of the IMS 2-pence with frame line cut at top right, it pattern! designed to make man look hit bait. sold for $1,090. Figure-ilim, magnificently tailored. Brazil has Issued • 2.50-cruelros stamp to commemorate the 25th SWANK '0 Mite.... anniversary of the city of Lon- 39.95 drina in the State of Parana. This green and white airmail was is- Leather Wallets •!• 100 lbs. sued to help publicize the first jet flight of Brazil's airlines. An- • most handiomt gift SUM-TRIM WORSTED V other airmail is expected soon to V •fckod •» «t store honor the inauguration of iti first I jet flight route. 5.00 FLANNEL SLACKS I The postal administration ef Ivy front, slim cut in tho widest range of colors SWARTZEL'S I VAN HEUSEN I MRS. BOYD ILL || * imaginable, Mrs. Fred W. Boyd, 33 Waverly £ VANTAGE PI., Red Bank, is a medical pa- tient in Rivervlew Hospital, ee 4-22ii where she has been confined for HANDKERCHEIFS 16.95 ' three weeks. Her condition is soft end comfortable to N. J. reported as fair. Mrs. Boyd has UIO — priced for value been active in a number of or- •Don't worry about alterations, Let him come in ganizations in this area for many after Christmas and our tailors will fit him perfectly. years. 3 to. 1.50 WEEK-END SPECIAL! CONCENTRATION GAME «•••«• OLDIN'S MEN'S SHOP WITH THIS $O22 BROAD STREET AD 2 Corner Mechanic RED BANK "Craig VnntiiKC," tho nil cotton The "Deluxe Oxforrtlnn" billion- wn»h 'n wonr. lillhor drip-dry, down. A miporh (IITM NIIIII In I Starting Monday, December 7 - Open Eves & Sot. 'til 91 tumble-dry, or even send to will to and fnvorlto color*. All MECHANIKS TOYS Inumlry. Whlto only. sites, 123 IROAD ST. RED RANK 4.25 5.00 Mi'mlicr Dhiern' Clul) • American Kxiiii'im • Cnrlu Illiineho Ol'l'. STKIMIACII'S Nil 1-3263 2 McGrogor Sportiwear • Van Houion Shirts • Griffon Suifi • Norfhcool Sulti 1 1 Rflbhor Robot • Adlor H010 • Jockoy Undorwour • Alligator Ralnwo«f J BBHANK BECiCTEK TWsiaf, pee, t, M9- Commuter* Of ficen Elected MUtse JCnte, Air Cargo> 1 By Model Club SDL Council Will Get HAZLET — Richard Goldberg Center in line NEWARK (AP) — A four-mil- DIVIDENDS NOW. was elected president of the Fly- Has Yule Party lion-dollar air cargo center has Literature ing Knights Model Airplane Club A Christmas snd pollyanna been dedicated at Newark Air- LITTLE SILVER — Mrs. Rich- at a meeting in the home of Leon- port. The center includes three party was held by Pride of Mon ard Sedow, tax chairman of the ard Miller, Hazlet PI. Saturday. one-story cargo buildings snd League of Women Voters,' Red mouth Council, Sons and Daugh- The club is sponsored by the a 28,000-square foot masonry Bank Region, said today reprints ters of Liberty, Tuesday in Odd service building. of an article, "Commuters and Jewish War Veterans, Bayshore Felow Hall, Monmouth St., Red The Port of New York State Income Tax," will be Post. distributed to commuters at Bank. * Authority, operstor of the airport, Other officers are Douglas Allen said yesterday at dedication cere- area railroad stations tomorrow Gifts were exchanged and PER ANNUM morning. vice president; Frank Mongiello, monies that the new center would treasurer; Patrick Croke, secre- covered dish supper was served The article, written by Mrs, Increase domestic air freight here tary; and Allen Miller, public by the committee. sixfold. Ope* t a. m. 'Ht 4 p. m. • W. 9 e. m. 'H • p. m. '. W. Hopkins, appeared in the Reports were given by Mrs. September issue of the New Jer-relations. The boys will draft their Eight of the 12 domestic air own constitution and by-laws and Gladys Comb of Englishtown. sey Voter, a publication of the deputy state councilor, and Mrs.carriers serving the airport have State League of Women Voters. conduct their own meeting!. already leased H per cent of the Meetings are held every Sun- Luella Keane of Red Bank, ex- JLmtun SMM5 . Station* to be visited are Long state associate councilor. 1(0,000 square fe*t of space con- Branch, Little Silver, Red Bank day at 2 p. m. in the United He- tained in the three cargo build- and Middletown. brew Synagogue, Broad St, Key- Attending were Mr. and Mrs. ings, . Port Authority Chairman AND LOAN ASMi port, which has been selected as Harry Dowen, Mrs. Bessie Wells, S. Sloan Colt said. The women who will assist Mrs. the permanent home of the club. Mrs. Olive Croydon. Mrs. Cath- Seclowire Mrs. William Sumpf Work tables are available for erine Rice. Mrs. Mildred Boskey, About 70 per cent of the space and Mrs. S. M. Hodman, both James King, Harry Tantum, Miss in the service building has* been building models and other acti- >i SMaen* >ae mni *»•»., vmt fcmt, ». I. Red Bank; Mrs. Lloyd Peskoe vities. Ruth Pennington and Miss Nornta leased. and Mrs Kenneth Mitchell, both Norman. • Completion of the new center New Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Eu- The boys are being organized and instructed by Louis J. Pa- Installation of officers will be brings to 138,500,000 the amount n. I. gene Badgley. Little Silver, all that the Port Authority has in- , m.§. members of the Red Bank league. lush, Laurence Harbor, and sup- held at the next meeting Tues-that ervised by adult leaders Jack day, Jan. 5, at which time a vested in the airport since taking Also, Mrs. Milton Vreeland, Goldberg, Jack Kraeter, Stanley penny sale will be conducted. over operations in 1MI. Mrs. William Jones, and Mrs. Jeremy O. Judge, all Middle- town, and Middletown league IT'S NEVER TOO COLD for leuoni on that Christmas gift bike, members. when the boys are wrapped in smart coats lined with warm Borg orlon pile. The older boy it wearing a narrow double breasted suburban coat of cotton gabardine ... his eager stu- WSCS to Have dent, a toggle length coat with convertible pile-lined hood. Bazar Saturday Linda Gets Police J. YANEO ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 30 MOAO STRUT Rift IANK SALE OF Escort to School The annual Christmas bazar and Christmas presents NEWARK (AP) — Every week supper sponsored by the Wom- two policemen drive up to the en's Society of Christian Service WINTER house at 71 Van Buren St. They of the First Methodist Church are after Linda Peer. will be held Saturday in the Linda, 12, wu paralyzed from church hall, starting at 10 a. m. have been coming from this store for 95 years COATS! the waist down in April, 195S, Supper will be served at S and when hit by a bullet fired ac- 8 p. m. cidentally by a patrolman In a Mrs, George Taylor, the pas- neighboring apartment tor's wife, is chairman. Her committee includes Mrs. Reg- Linda recently decided she Starting Dee. 9th wanted to take art courses. But inald Dennet, Mrs. Leonard Hoff she couldn't walk. man. Mrs. Stanley Marek, Mrs. (except Saturdays) Tweeds * Solids The Red Cross said it was Charles McLaughlin, Mrs. Alfred sorry, but it didn't have the facil- Olsen and Mrs. Chris Travis. Camel Hair. ities to transport Linda to and Mrs. John Scott and Mrs. Mi from the Yard School of Art in ton Kruse will conduct the baked BOY COATS Montclair. goods table; Mr. and Mrs. But the Red Cross did notify Jaraei Boyce and Mr. and Mrs, the Patrolmen's Benevolent As- Edmund Down, the grocery ta- Sparkling "jewels* for Christmas SHIRLEY sociation. ble; Mrs. Harold Meeker, papei Now two off-duty patrolmen items; Mrs. Stanley Marek, nov volunteer every week to lift Lin- elties; Mrs. George Bartleson, sparkling gifts, jeweled orlon cardigans SHOPS da and her wheel chair into white elephants; Mrs. Amos a station wagon, drive her to Briner and Mrs. Walter Krotn- 37 Broad Street Montclair for her lesson and pholtz, the wishing well, and Mrs, then bring her home. Olsen, candy. dazzlingly low priced! Mrs. John Gawler will be 1 RED BANK "I like art school. It's fun."charge of supper tickets. she told her escorts. Proceeeds will go to the Meth< odist Youth Fellowship.' rosebuds dotted with rhineitones g.9g Shop now at ... New Monmouth ehiffon flowers appliqued with rhineitones 9.98 Elicia Roemmele, daughter of velvet pee podt with pearls Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Roemmele, 12*98 Frost Cir., celebrated her ninth jet black on velvet Chanel [acket LITTLE SILVER MIKE'S birthday Nov. 23. Present were 12.98 Susan Scheaffer, Joanne Bahr, ribboni and embroidered Icevet with jeweli Wh«e yeer "Httfs sHvor" bays e defer vehi* Peggy Meislnger, Nicki Knau, 14.98 Kathy, John and Lynn Smith, deep "V" neck centering to a rets, fur collar Deborah Brown and Ellen and 14.98 Monmouth County'* largest selection of the finest Denite Roemmele. pettel Aurere crystal. ilk»r flerels' .... ,19.98 tn foyi.. .ALL »t discount pricei. ' .,,,,, Mr. and Mrs. Fitiroy Walling and children, Susan and William White, Black, Beige and Pastes. Sites 34 to 40,42 to 46. WE CARRY Curtli, of Lewisburg, Pa., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. COLUMBIA BIKES Curtis Walling, Keyport Rd. Mr. •SECOND FLOOR • PBICED FROM *33 and Mrs. Donald Gorbey and children, David and Kevin, of Bordentown spent Thursday here. free gift wrap "• USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN • Mrs. James Burke, Locust Ter. celebrated her birthday Nov. 24. 1 SYCAMORE AVENUE LITTLE SILVER (Ops. R.R. Station) Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ted SHI-MIS Landwehr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Noble and Mr. and Mrs. William Thalheimer. The Kiost glamorous lightweight luggage ever!

The Young People's Christian Assoclatioifof the Baptist Church took a hayride Saturday. H. Lau- GOLDEN JET by Crown rence Scott, Jr., drove the truck and had charge of a meeting lat- er in the church. The birthday of Lightweight luggage with a luxury look. Sturdy bent-veneer frame, scuff- Donald Skrivank was celebrated. proof, new lippsr construction, hidden closure, golden lock. Atlantic Highlands More than 100 local public school pupils attended a perform- 21 inch week-end 19.95* 24 inch week-end 27.95* ance of the Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra at the Carlton Theater, round hit box U.95* train case 19.95* Red Bank,' sponsore. d- by. the Monmouth Civic Arts Founda- 26 inch pullmen 29.98* 2* Inch pullman 39.95* tion. men's companion V" 24.95* The Women's Missionary So- ciety of Central Baptist Church * plus tax wHI meet today in the home of • GIFT FLOOR • Mrs. David Collins, Monmouth Ave,, Navesink, at 2 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 97 will conduct a cake sale Saturday in the lobby of the Atlantic Theater from a. m. to noon. St, Agnes Catholic Church will sponsor Cana Conference 2, Sun' Santa's wonderland day, in the church hall. Local Democratic clubs will hold a victory dinner-dance Sat- of "Make Believe" Givt h«r tht ring urday night at 7:30 In the Alpine Manor, Highlands. animah and toyt, to of her dreamt — a diamond from Highlands different, yet to real. our suptrb selection The Youth Fellowship of St. "leatnilt" dolls featuring btouty, Andrews Episcopal church held ,,50 qualify, enduring a spaghetti dinner Monday in the Irida dolls (• nations! value. church hall prior to the annual 2.98 meeting, Raggedy Ann dblli Divided Payments 2.95 A Christmas party will be heli No Extra Charge after the regular mcetinR of (hi Musical ituffed animals J,ff Women's Society of ChrislUn Open Every Eve till 9 Service of the Methodist Church Famous "Morgan" dog 5,00 Tuesday. Secret pals will reveal Starting Dec. 7th their Identity and gifts will be Italian "little imp" dolls exchanged. 7,50 tig 1 fsst doll. The Women's Auxiliary of St Andrews Episcopal Church wil hold Its annual Christmas baia Our antaiinn menagerie o) ilufjtd lin^s, cats, and dinner Tuesday In the church kangaroos, bears, elephant), porky pig* and hall, Tho bazar will start at 2 many, many athet* rinhl from tlw pagi's of p.m. and roast beef dlmmr will JEWELERS be icrvcit starting at 5:30 p.m. Storybook Land. IM, i',98 mid 3.'JH. The local auxiliary to Klver • STKEliT MOOR e 209 Broadway 11 tread St. view hoxpltal will hold a Chrtat Lang Ironch Red lank mm party after Its meeting Tuc» dity (it tho homo of Mrs, Juniei li. Smith, Jr., 30 lluddy avo. • J, ..;.„:•! .1,i'.t., ,,.7...., . ,;,.., UktM . Pec. 3. I959RED BANK HECISTER they art ptOut up at the tl Cedar Am,.taut >Us» «* (k* McWeat ttatr lames D. India**, W Pis* WMfer. Ul Liberty ft, fpHt i tft* i**m y lege's main reception desk. Branch, and Miss JoAnn A. Mar- put the layers iofdlwr a««in irst Play Trie suddenly wealthy Mrs. asco, 35 Fay St., Long Branch. Jrook Rd, Estontown; Richard Long Branch, and Miss Rets M E. Plunkett, 11 Sherman Ave., Thul, 99 Branch Ave., Red Bank with /resting; sprinkle the top ot Savage will be played by Miss Technical director will be Dan the cake with confectioners' sugar • Season Lee Britton, sophomore, 129 Mid-iel E. Breau, Star Rt. 33, Free-West Long Branch; Miss Joy C. Seven presidents of theUnited Send along wedges of the cake' dletown Rd., New Monmouth. hold. Paisner, Lakewood; Leonard C. for a lunchbox dessert treat Her money-seeking family will Stage manager will be Jack Resnick, Englishtown; Ernest C. States have died in office. s Tonight be played by William E. Graves, R. Brignola, 89 Herbert PI., WEST LONG BRANCH —The freshman State Hospital, Marl- Oceanport. [onmouth College PUyeri will boro; Leo W. Cattanach, senior, Technicians Listed \ 550 Second Ave., Long Branch, resent "The Curious Savage" and Mrs. Myra Grayer, sopho- Student technicians include might and tomorrow as the first more, Belmar. Miss Prinnie L. Bacon, Colt'i Neck Rd., Farmingdale; Miss fering of the season. Other Para Ann Burnside, Hartshorne Rd. Eleven students will have roles Other parts will be played byy Locust; John H. Brewer, Wnsl the John Patrick comedy about Miss Peggy Berardesco, Asbury Philadelphia; Garritsbn H reed for money. Park; David D. Marsino, Ste- Burch, Toms River; Richard Director Kehneth Knapp, West vens Ave., West Long Branch; Goeken, M Seventh St.. West Long Branch, chairman of the Miss Virginia L. Skeeter. 121 Keansburg; Miss IJnda A. Colto Department of , Fine Arts, has Hazlet Ave.. Hazlet; Ronald L: • Warden Ave., Rumson, and nade tickets available to the Emmons, Neptune; Miss Judith- Dorothy J. Meyer, t Garfiek iblic without charge, provided AnnTesche, Neptune; George A. Rd.* Elberon. r—in Allenhurst ati

PUSH 'M HOLD-".Workman ad justs thespeei 1403 Spier Ave. brake assembly at rear of F-105 fighter-bomber. Opened, they set aa brake; closed, they add thrust to Jet •afink Pre-Holiday Morganville Open house followed at the borne Methodist Church Young Peo- of Raymond's parents. ple's Choir and Methodist Youth Mr. and Mrs. James Mullens Fellowship will meet Sunday at and children, James, Jr., Kevin 6:30 p. m. The church will ob- and Robin, Bayonne, spen serve Holy Communion Sunday Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. at 9 a. to. Church School will and Mrs. Carl Baer, Orchard Clearance be held at 10 a. m. Candlelight Pkwy. service will be held Dec. 24 at 7:45 p. m. Mrs. Hedwig Baer is spending Callers at the home of Mr. andthe week in Bayonne. Mrs. Martin Smith, Sr. Thanks- savings off giving Day were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kocov- Frank Smith and sons, Frank sky and children, Thomas and up to and more and John, Newark; Mr. and Mrs.Carol, and Mrs. William Rock Thomas. Smith and children, Wil- spent Thanksgiving at the home lie and Iris, Keyport; Mr. andof Mr. and Mrs. Peter Forlenza. Mrs. Robert Owens and children, Vivian and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Forlenza, Jr. visited with coats • suits' • dresses • sportswear Donald Miller and sons, Donald Mr. and Mrs. Kocovsky during and Thomas, Mrs. Martin Smith, the Thanksgiving holidays. Jr., and children, Martin 3d, Bar- bara Lynn, and Christine Anne, Girl Scout Troop 31 will hold SPECIAL GROUP and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, its meeting Monday night at the Jr. a,H Morganville. Independent fire house.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taber en- Barbara Penksa, Cathy Cos- tertained the following persons grove and Joene LiMura passed Town §L Country Suits about town Thursday — Mr. and Mrs. Rob-a cooking quiz and the require- ert Fitts and son. Bobby, Mrs.ments for the cooking badge. David Ferriero and son, David, Magnificently designed and hand tailored in luxurious or country! Mr. and M,rs. Harold C Quack- and Patricia, Thomas and Ken- ' imported and domestic woolens neth Taber and Jerry Jamieson. enbush and Susan and Robert Be bold about your choice Mrs Marcella Quackenbush and •Made to sell lor 110.00 to 165.00 if his jacket is used in suburbs or country. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miller Stacy and Harold Conover were had the following guests for din- dinner guests at the home of But if he can wear it on the job in town, tone ner Thanksgiving Day — MrMrs. . James Cadoo, Keyport. down a bit to give him the maximum amount and Mrs. Louis Heyer, Mr. and of wear. We'll help you make an interesting Mrs. Joseph Kircher and chil- The WSCS will hold a dinnei *68 dren, Doris Anne and Rose, "Mr.tonight in Van's Freehold Inn. You can save 42.00 to 97.00 • choice. and Mrs. George Brown, Mr. from $32.50 and Mrs. William Odom and Mr. Morganv;lV PTA will meet and Mrs. George Kircher. Monday ir °.e school. A film This famous maker (whose name we promised not to advertise Ihe Slacks from $12.tS about polio will be shown. Carols but whose suits you will immediately recognize) selected the Open Fri. Nit* 'til f P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schwarz en will be sung. . •• tertained the following guests for jinest imported and domestic suiting from such world famous .dinner Thanksgiving Day—Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costura Minna Schwarz, Herman Sager, entertained Mr. and Mr*. Victor firms as L1NTON and JOHN BARR. Sizes 10 to 20 Miss Dianna Schwarz, Dwight Alt Thursday- night. and Donna L'ee Smith, and Judy and Nancy Schwarz. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costura entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ken- ON THE PLAZA Edward Becker and son, Edneth Kuett and daughter Karen, ward, Jr., Morganville, were Scotch Plains, Sunday. FKEDEKICKVS—K>3 SPIER AVE., AUTOHURST. guests at the Belmar Kiwanis Club for luncheon Nov. 25 in the Presbyterian Church, there. Ed- ward, Jr. was presented a $25 savings bond as a special award for his display of vegetables at the Monmouth County 4-H Fair ANNIVERSARY DOLLAR GIVE-A-WAY in July.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Allen, Sr. LADIES HERE'S OUR FREE DOLLAR FROM PAL SHOES... entertained ' recently Mr. and Mrs. Emory Gaines, Mrs. Brad- CASH THIS CHECK NOW ... OR ANY TIME UP TO DEC. 24th, 1959. ley and sons, It. and Mrs. Wil- ton Allen, Sr. and daughter, Cyn< APPLY IT TOWARDS PURCHASE OF ANY PAIR OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S thia, Mrs. Viola Mac Bride, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ward. OR CHILDREN'S SHOES. Leston C. Fischer returned home Thursday from a business trip to Italy. Ntxt to Adler Lumber I Mr. and Mrs. William Alexan- (I nllM Mrth of Red I der and son entertained the fol ROUTE 35 task; S mlks sauth at lowing Thanksgiving — Mr. and Ksypsrt). fcM «• fcM Mrs. Doger, Mr. and Mrs. John Msaday-Satvrday; Ward and children, Mr. and Mr*. iMiddletown Benjamin Johnson, Mrs. Gillian and Mrs. Flossie Davis and daughter.

Dennis Libonati. of Orchard Fkwy., had as house guests over the Thanksgiving holidays his brother and sister, Victor and Judy Libonati.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pascallis, Orchard Pkwy,, attended the con> firmation of their nephew, Ray- mond Gentle, Avenel, Saturday. | Church Group's « Meeting Changed HAZLET—The Rosary and Al- tar Society of St. Benedict's Catholic Church has rescheduled It* general meeting from next Monday to Tuesday, Dec. 8. The original dite Is a day of strict fast and abstinence. A Christmas party will fea- WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S ture the evening's activities. Each member will bring a Rift MISTER MOWN for the grab ban. Mrs. Mich- NATURALIZER ael Hanrahan Is chairman of ar- STRIDE-RITE rangements. Assisting arc Mrs, GAMBITS John J, Bleger and Mrs, Theo- RE-STEPS dore Martini, RONNELLI % M W Mrs. Victor Ssla, chairman ol MEN'S A AND *5 the recent fall dsnee In the Oaks, 95.00 WITH THIS COUPON Mlddlelown, reported on the af- WINTHROP fair. Assisting were Mrs. John WITH THIS COUPON Ollllgan, Mrs, George /Grieco, PEDWIN niNAOl * WOMIN'S Mm, Raymond Harbor, Mrs, PLATS . LOAHRS Konnclli Ot'nrRC, Mm. Wendell ITALIAN filllltam, Mrs. An«do Cro«cl, ITALIAN HUSH PUPPIIS-DRISS PLATS Mm, Hdwnrd llubcmtrnh, Mrs, Ans) Many OHiar Pomeut Mahtt POLLY PRESTON Kdwln Tnffn and Mrs, James f 00 $ 00 And Many Olhtr Fomoui Makti STRIDE-RITE CHAPMAN'S Ifsrkliu. 7 & 8 $700 $ $ AIKIIII ion iicoplr died In the 5'°° AND. 6°° n Unllfd Stntrn durlnti the WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON l)li//ui(l ill WA. ^ finest in... I high fidelity I STEREO or I TV a I magnificent


Magnavox . . . World Leader Finest Megnevoa Speakers Enjoy Magnavox Stereo ' Exclusive Magnavox Music Becomes Magic With Exclusive Magnavox Precision Magnavox Hand-Crafted Fine Magnavox — Your Best Buy on Amy In Stereo ' Magnavox iaventcd the first electro-dynamic Everywhere in the Room Gold Seal Warranty! Magnavox High Fidelity Stereo Record Changer _ Furniture Basis of Comparison Who but Magnavox ... the acknowledged taodopeaker. To date, Magaavox has manu- Regardless of where you sit in your room, It costs you less to buy a Gold Seal Magna- Before you buy any other brand—you owe ... the most precise record playing mecha- Just a casual glance will tell you that no Prove it to yourself! Visit your world leader in High Fidelity, could Mag factared over CS million speakers of all types or where you place the instrument . . . vox—it costs you less to own one—you get it to yourself to hear a thrilling demonstra- nism on the market today! All Magnavox other sets today offer you such a wide va- dealer and compare a magnificent you these outstanding stereophonic inatm- —ma is authoritative in the field. All Mag- you'll always enjoy your favorite music more a full year's warranty on all parts and tubes tion of magnificent Magnavox .Stereophonic instruments over $100 include a finest quality riety of masterpiece fine furniture in authen- vox . . . feature for feature . . . and ments? Magnavtn pioneered and iiilinihmt •awas iastruments sound better because they when you hear it on a magnificent Magna- PLUS 9* days guaranteed service on all High Fidelity instruments. No other brands Stereo Diamond Pick-up at no extra cost to tic, tasteful styling. Up to 9 finish coats are for dollar . . . with any other brand. VMI the first stereo phonograph and radio-phono- incorporate finer, more efficient Magnavox vox. Exclusive Magnavox electro-acoustical Gold Seal models at NO EXTRA COST! —regardless of price—can recreate music you! Your records are handled more, care- hand-rubbed to a satiny lustre. Select from hear breathtaking performance that it tat graph instruments on April 2, US*. 0 you're apeakers with heavier magnets than any techniques "make the entire room play" with with such absolute tonal purity . . . with fully than by human hands. If you forget, mahogany, oak, cherry, dark American or unchallenged standard of the music worM. shopping for stereo . . . come in and com- other band oa the market toda. living sound that offers you a breathing new such spectacular stereophonic dimensional your Magnavox "remembers" to shut off light Danish walnut woods and finishes. You'll be amazed to learn that you CM ••• pare the oldest and the finest—a magnificent listening experience! realism! after the last record! , ford the finest—a Magnavox—for less"* Magnavox. many ordinary brands.


The Magnavox Stereo Theater —All A Complete Horn* Entertainment Enjoy Complete Stereophonic .. . 24" The New Magnavox Stereo Theater The "Stereo Master" in.Beautiful The Magnavox Stereo-Master 6 The Magnavox'24" Center in Beautiful Early American Chromatic TV. FM/AM Radio "500" Stereophonic High Fidelity Daniih Modern Styling. "All-in-One" Speaker "All-in-One" FM/AM Radio Inclusive Stereophonic Entertainment o Cold Seal Magnapower Chassis with TVa Map!* or Mahogany ' Stereo-Phono. . Television Hi-Pi Stereo Radio Phonograph Phonograph in Beautiful Early most all-inclusive -guarantee. * Big Screen 24" Chromatic TV • Superb 21" Chromatic TV • Beautiful Oriental styling in Ebony * Superb 21" Chromatic TV • Complete self-contained Hi-Fi stereo American Maple or Mahogany • Two Magnavox 8" speakers with * Complete, self-contained Hi-Fi Stereo > 6 speaker, self contained Hi-Fi Stem* • C High Fidelity speakers * Complete self-contained Hi-Fi Stereo • Diamond stylus stereophonic pickup coaxial tweeters. * Deluxe drift-free FM/AM tuner > Powerful dual channel amplifier * Stereophonic Diamond stylus pickup • Drift-free FM/AM radio • Complete self-contained Hi-Fi Stereo • Complete self-contained Hi-Fi Stereo • Optical picture filter—reflection barrier " Stereophonic sound on TV > Deluxe drift-free FM/AM Radio • Superb FM/AM drift-free radio * Drift-free deluxe FM/AM tuner • Precision 4-speed record player • Diamond stylus stereophonic pickup • Drift-free FM/AM radio • Convenient picture-side controls * Powerful dual channel amplifier • Gliding panels dose when TV • Big Picture 24" chromatic TV * Gliding front panels close when TV • Powerful 2-channel amplifier is not in use. is not in use. (20 watts peak). • Precision 4-speed record player • Connections for record player and stereo Chinese Ebony • Powerful 2-channel amplifier Mahogany, Light Danish Walnut. Dark American Walnut $550 Dark American Walnut (20 watts peak). Several Styles and Finishes S3 15 Dark American Walnut. Mahogany, Maple $550 Light Danish Walnut *r*"*^* Light Danish Walnut in Mahogany Only «|Me» • w Mahogany $299.50 (Maple nightly higher)

A "Budget" TV from Magnavox — Magnavox Aristocrat-Spectacular The New Magnavox Stereo The American Traditional—21". A 332 Sq. Inch Scraen Big Picture The Town and Country 17" "Budget" Model "All-in-One" High Symphonette "All-in-One" Hi-Fi New Early American "Boulevard" 'A "Budget" Stereo Portable with Hand Wired Power Transformed Comolette with 2 High Fidelity So wonderful for patio or cottage—or for Fidelity Stereo Phonograph Stereo for the "Budget Beyer" Chromatic TV from Magnavox High Fidelity Speakers Television Console Speakers that favorite teenager of yours—this finest • Powerful deluxe hand wired chassis quality Magnavox portable gives you com- o Precision changer with Stereo • Two Hi-Fi extended range speakers • Chromatone picture filter eliminates glare e Chromatone 24" picture filter • Two-channel stereo amplifier- diamond pickup, with coaxial tweeters. with 19 tubes. plete TV enjoyment wherever you plug it in! • Area Selector switch custom-tunes eliminates glare, o Full power transformer for trouble-free • Second speaker in the lid. for convenience o Powerful two-channel amplifier • Precisian danger with Diamond o Area selector switch custom-tunes * Dependable' full-transformer chassis for area. performance. * Fine "out front" Magnavox sound • 2 extended range 6" speakers with • C High Fidelity speakers Stereo pickup. • Top mounted controls for convenient for area. * Chromatic optical filter for glare-free coaxial tweeters. * Compensated loudness, bass and • Acoustical space-saving, ideal for small o Full range Omnidirectional sound * 15S sq. in. optically filtered screen viewing. * Convenient telescoping antenna • Precision record changer- treble controls. music room. • Da hand rubbed Mahogany, maple and • Hand nibbed mahogany, oak, cherry, o Interference reflector minimizes effects plays all records. • Powerful two-channel amplifier Danish walnut color finishes. American Walnut of interference. Choose from several beautiful Two-tone leatherette colors Mahogany ONLY $19950 Mahogany, ONLY Mahogany, ONLY In Several colors, ONLY $79.90 (Cherry, d&rk or light walnut slightly extra) Mahogany, ONLY $259.90 Mahogany, ONLY $259.50 $188.90 iilMfU. duk or UlM wmlnut alifhUT extra) (DuUh Walnut * Kipte iHsMIr fcfftwr) (American anil Dumb Walnut •Uairtly hl«her>

Your Direct factor* Dealer In RfT

1 ATLANTIC APPUANCE CO. ATLANTIC SUPERAMA ATLANTIC SUPERAMA ATLANTIC AGENCY #2 ATLANTIC AGENCY #3 ATLANTIC AGENCY ATLANTIC A&SNCY #7 ATLANTIC AGENCY #» ' 70*715 MAIM ST. SHtfWSMMT AVI. a* IT. 3S IOUTI2M 3t WIST MAIN ST. 3 IAST RONT ST. 103 MAM ST. 227 2ND ST. 21 MOA0 ST. afl Bl (1 Mte Belew White Haras Circle) TOMS BJVBsV N. J. LAKfWOOO. N. J. MO BANK. N. J. g ASMItY PAW. H. J. • m a»siaMWafc||jn ava • RSHOLD;N. j. arroftT. N. J. M915 | PRoscwer 5-1404-07 t>97U-U Htofcold t-1474 COHax 4-3012 9-2*90 SHqdyskte 1-4W0 Edam aval _ 14—UtuWUy, IW. 3. \*m HEP BASK REGISTER KLFDftD - Was* Ecfcert, *ct awd Raw Las*; Mr. etttiraiaa tor Fort Top Soldier iwi> »sss» awMnmai ana dent of Belmar chapter, was ser-jMr*. Ella Kelly, auiftart teere- laogtxer of Mr. aid Mrs. Wcfc- % cnfldnm, JWela, and KDy; Mr. Gold Star. gcant-at-arms. . tary to the department; Mn, Ri- ird Eckert, Church St., was'giv- and Mr*. Glenn Briley and chil- Mrs. William Reamer, Union ta Scarough, banner guard of the Third Time a family party Sunday to dren, Laurie, Kenneth and Glenn, I Beach, was installed as pres- department and Mrs. Rose Pou FORT MONMOUTH — Army nark her fourth birthday. Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van- Mothers ident; Mrs. Alice Hassell, Union zenc, .past preiident of Keyport derbilt and children, Lois and chapter, were guests. , Donald F. Darnell, soldier Present v ere Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beach, first vice president; Mrs^ stationed here for Signal Corps Sckeii, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edward, Miss Marie Lawlor, Installed Bessie Evans, East Keansburg, Mrs. William Reamer, state training, has compiled an out-Sckert and children, Beverly andMartin Lawlor, Albert Bevacqua, second vice president; Mrs. Hugh representative of the Veterans standing feat in "Soldier of the Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Agnes Fanning. MIDDLETOWN — Mr». Johi Garnett, New Monmouth, secre- Administration volunteer service, Mo/ith" honors at this installa- Aitken, past president and found- tary; Mrs. Agnes Bluitt, Keans- gave a, parly for veterans in Ly tion. . . :,%:': " ons hospital Nov. 20, assisted by er of Bayshore Chapter, 6ol burg, treasurer; Mrs. Harriett White, Port Monmouth chaplain; Mrs. Agnes Bluitt, Mrs. Beuie The.decorated combat veteran Star Mothers, installed officers i Mrs. Lillian Dunn, East Keans- Evans and Mrs. Lillian Dunn. of .Korea has been awarded the Buck Smith's Restaurant las burg, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. top soldier- prize for the third Games were played and re- straight month by Col. ^Charles BRIGHT ACRE OPEN week. Rose Duranty, Matawan, color freshments served. A Christmas guard; Mrs. Margaret Short, L. Olin, Fort Monmouth chief of Mrs. Mae Werner, past prcsi party will be held Dec. 17 in the staff. Matawan, banner guard; Mrs. hospital. Members of the state EVERY EVENING AND Mary Malcolm, Keansburg, Am- The record-setting accomplish- department also were guesti at ment by Cpl. Darnell caused TABLE PADS ericanism chairman, and Mrsth. e hospital party. Seat workmanthlp, Ethel Volpe, West Keahsburg, hos- revision in the policy here that ALL DAY SUNDAY OLOII AWNINC pital chairman. John Gotts was the award cannot be won more . * SHADI CO. pianist. The Pentagon, the world'* lar- than three times within a year. gest office building, wai built On winning the October selec- tt*&9 «f g*nulne pltstlc. All color* Mrs. Frank Levering, past de- at a cost of about 13 million 117 W. Freat St. SH 74M tion, Cpl. Darnell accepted an Till NilMESTJUIIS BIT partment president; Mrs. Eliza-I dollars. engraved trophy. -. Last month he took" the 129 tn check and repeated with the lat- ter prize in the recent ceremony,' OTlITEIALL Each award also carries with It When the Job requires a three-day pass. «.: .-•'•; MAIL Cpl. Darnell, presently attend- ing a wire course at the Army Signal School, has 13 years of BOX military service. • He previously was a paratroop- SIGN er at Fort Bragg, N.'C. In com- bat with the JTth Regiment in RAISED LITTERING MEDICAL MEMOS Korea, Cpl. Darnell was award- REFLECTS LIGHT hire one! ed two Silver Stars and the Pur- pie Heart, plus the-Combit In- fantryman's Badge. , GetanFHA !« •» His wjfe, Mrs. Marcia Darnell, and two children, Curtis, 4, and Title I Loan rehyn, 2, live here. lalettars f?50 XT A doctor may be asked to stai Riverview Auxiliary whether, in his opinion, a patien Yule Trip Slated Olhtr [feWanttoitpairorremodelTThea is competent to take care of hi RUMSON — Ninety members WEATHER VANES i you'll seed professional helpl affairs. and guests of the Rumson Aux . Safe oaa of cttr friendly lota ape* Incompetence means bad Judg- iliary of kiverview Hospital will eiaHtta and borrow the needed1 ment due to. mental illness. Di" participate in the auxiUary's Kd CUPOLAS lra ferent communities have dlfferen annual Christmas trip to Radio *X£X legal interpretations of this del City Music Hall in New York to $65.00 1. Borrow vp to $3,500,001 nitlon. For example, a person City, Thursday, Dec. 10. Buies 2. BCYTOW without down payment. may have bad judgment because will leave promptly at t a. m. «• Borrow wifitdut morhjo^a he is an alcoholic! However, thi from River Rd. and Binghim The question of a person's in- Ave. popart or legal fees. does not mean that he is a psy-competence, if such exists,' in- BRIGHT ACRE chotic and therefore he may b volves considerable legal and Dinner will be at Patricia Mur- ' 4. Hove up to 60 month* to repay. considered legally competent phy's in Ybnkers. Mrs. Percy Don't put off improvements and repairs that eao medical study, examinations and he happens to be both an alco- interpretations. Radford is the chairman. This SH 1-5125 •be done now! Stop in today and inquire about holic and a psychotic then the 20th year Mrs. Radford might be declared incompetent There are many persona who our FHA Title I nome»improvem«nt loans. are without question psychotic has been in charge of the annual BROAD STREET SHREWSBURY As a rule a person who is sw show every evidence of be- trip. fering from apsychoneurosis has ig able to manage their affairs RED BANK SAVINGS trouble with the control, of his versy well: Psychosis, by itself, emotions rather than his thinl does not imply incompetence. and ing process so his condition wou! When a doctor is asked if ASSOCIATION not make him incompetent. CHAHTtUlD ISA? person is competent, he, in turn, "She Door Many persons suffer from th must first ask, "Competent to do to Security fear of persecution. Unless th what?" lOftftOAD ST. fear influences their ability HtD BANK NEW JERStV handle their business affairs sucl Insured Savings Accounts delusions may not constitute ade-Mrs. Johnson Money Orders ' Home Improvement Loam quate grounds for considering th Traveler* Cheque* - DIVIDEND Hom* Morto.age Loans person incompetent. For example, Is Honored if he spent all his money tryin Save-by-Mail Christmas Clubs to find out who the imaginary EAST KEANSBURG -Mrs. 3'/4% persecutors are, then he couk Minor Johnson, Belford, sixth dis- be declared incompetent. trict president, received a cor- sage from - William McManus, Monmouth County commander of THE PLACE TO GO FOR THE BRAND YOU KNOW the stxth district. Veterans of For- eign Wars, in Buck Smith's Res- taurant Monday. TO PLEASE A ft Mrs. Rosemary Sommer, Key- port, received a corsage from Os- car Mclling, sixth district senior AT vice commander. Thirteen members from the Middletown Township auxiliary were present at the sixth district annual dinner and meeting. There were 280 members from other posts. Mrs. Sommer presented the national president'* program for the year. . Port Monmouth Donna Thome, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Thome, Twi •i light Ave., celebrated her fifth birthday with members of the family and a few friends Nov. COAT 2S. VAN HESUSEN* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Merker and children, Debbie and David, spent four days last week with VANTAGE 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Brassard When you slip into this coat of Slatersville. R. I. All cotton, never needs iron- you'll know why- it's Ameri- Melanle Deutsch, daughter of Ing. Just wash; drip-dries Mr. and Mrs. Louis Deutsch, cele ... even machine wash and ca's favorite, 100% wool, ny- tumble dry it automatically, brated her seventh birthday at it's ready-' to put on. lon quilted insulated lining. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Van Clief of Creisklll Sim 14Vi to VVt Sizes 36 •« Thanksgiving day. 00 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Quackcn- bush, State College. Pa., spent *3O the holiday week-end with Mrs. Emily Quackenbush, Main St., and Mr. and Mrs. William Camp- bell of Broad St.; Matawan. Mc&refar VANHEUSEN Mr. and Mrs. Chester Htn- IN THIS SEA OF HAPPY FACES, CAN YOU dricks, Sr'., Wilson Ave., enter- Wash 'n Wear BAN-LON tained' at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. William Applegate, FIND THE ONE WHO DIDN'T HAVE A Lakewood, and Mrs.' Mabel Wer- ner, Miss Helen Werner and Mr., MERCHANTS CHRISTMAS CLUB? SPORT SWEATER and Mrs. -Stanley .Werner and daughter Patty, Belford. JOIN THE HAPPY FACES! Plans for a luncheon and Christ mas party Wednesday in Buck SHIRTS $093 Smith's Restaurant were made by Open Your 1960 Christmas Club Today! Waih afjer wash these) iport thf scout mothers at a meeting 8 In the tire house. A bus trip to shirts keep their ntw look. will be held In January, and members will at- $1 $5 | $10 | $20 l»y «r continental styling in $500 This sweater made of Ban.Lon, a tend the Christmas show in Ra- unique yarn that give* comfort, dio City. A parly for boy scouts •mart colors and pattern!. luxury looks, and complete wish- and explorers will be held In the $50 $100 |$150 $250|$500 $1000 ability. fire house Dec, 17. Hostesses ware Sites S . M • L . XL Sizes Small, Medium, Large Mrs. Robert Drake, Mrs. Emll McKenn, Mrs. Lester Nelson and Mn. Anna Rudden. NO INTRANCI Charg. it; '/3 Jan., '/3 F«b., '/J March Mn, David Stephenson, Brain* VanHeuien Tlexicut ard Ave., spent the holiday and HI week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam ... NO EXTRA Stephenson of Brooklyn. CHARGES. If you PAJAMAS with, your Christ- mas Club payments The I-'loxlcut pajamai have no JOHN DANIELS Mr. and Mrs, R us jell Caller, may be charged to shoulder scum, and i* soft col- and Mr. John Bennett, Plalnfleld, your regular ac- ton broadcloth In smart colon, • Palm Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hend- count. e Van Heusen ricks, Jr., Mr. and Mrs, Chester All Wflshnhlc and color-fnul. • Timely Clothe* e McGregor Saorliwear (endrltks, Sr,, and Robert I tend- • Alligator e Jockty Underwear Icks were Thnnkiifilvlng day 25 00 ticstA of Mr, and Mr«. Irvln • Slelion Mali e Clipper Crall Clothes 4 *5 Bcsvcr. ISO BROAD ST., RED BANK 23 MONMOUTH ST. fJust off Broad) RID IANK Charles Durwln, who developed For tin Tail M«n lip llirory nf evolution more than BRANCH: FAIR HAVEN SHOPPING CENTER Open every night Dec. 7th te Dee, Mrd "*0 ycnrn I\RO, once studied In be M«mh»r riilirtl niHrvt Syitun -• Mainlitr ruieril Utpont imuttnoi Corportlleo clergyman At CnmbrldKR Uni- 'cnlly. •CD IANK REGISTER. Thurwbr. Dee. 3, 1959—37 Gay Cards Get Glamor Treatment S YLVETT EFAM0USF0 RVALUE S MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER - Hwy. 35 OPEN EVERY EVENING TIL CHRISTMAS

The fourth annual winter show of the Monmouth Arts Found* tion opens Jan. 29 and will con- tinue through Feb. «. It will be staged at BallanUne's China and Glass Shop, Red Bank. Mrs. John Parmly, Rumson, chairman of •^1 the arts advancement committee, In releasing advance notice of the show, said all artists are all- I We Have the Gifts She Wants the Most 3 (ible,{ paintings and sculpture will be accepted, no copies will Wt'n M mHttl «*t«r At be eonsktered'ia the Juried show and there will be a Jury of awards. Further information may be obtained by writing Art Ad- y

iVanctment, Box 453, Red Bank, SBBSBWM'hsaW aMUaM ' Tht Mttnatath Chapter « 4 i me AaserlcM " " ' ^Vahrantty Women \ the has trip it the SottMta I. I Guggaafcalm Maatam aad plaaa SO FfMININf f to reschedule It after the holi- Nylon slip appliquod with lace days. Not oaough Interest was the reason, aectrdjag «• tht and sitfn flower*, and edged committee. with lactV from 1M f* MS Cod Art i BriUin't National Gallery no- HTTiSLIK JBeed a greatly Increased inter CHARM AT HOME ... Feminine and flattering is this fitted DRAMATIC DUSTER . .Tap JUMPSUIT ... Favorite of the Drtamyl' Our lact-lovcly petti- ;ert last summer In the work of princessrobe in bowkaot-prlat corduroy with small baby-ribbon hit in loungewtar, in bold younger tet, in bright red cor- Leonardo. Surprised and pleas- bows trimming tha bodict. Washable, of course. COIwUTOy-- * duroy- , bell fringe. slips In slim-hipped and bouf- ed at this sudden rise in art ap- By DOROTHY ROE-'• around the houso and there are pretty, feminine robes In delicate fant styles. All eolors. Sixas preciation among some whose : : Associated finis* Wtitaa'a Editor prints. • • •;•.•••... ..'•• • •. • • • : : small t» xxx. favorite art form is a pub Also'popular with tbt youoger aet.are jumpsuits^-a glorified from 1Jtlt)7.«l sign, the authorities Investigated. Loungewear hu come a Jong way since the day of tha Mother verfim dthreoVtrall, eanMto Jump into morning. They found that the Leonardos Hubbard. thi...._s season Is a Jumpsui. t fa bright red, peacock or purple pin- wero hung In the gallery's only Nowadays it's easy to look smart and pretty arouad the house, wale corduroy, with toreador pants, drawstring waistline and ball- •X9UISJTI since designers have turned their attention to glamorising the fringe trim on eollar and pockets. Drift of beauty in t wtlti- air-conditioned room. home scene. A favorite of the Ktion is our old friend, cotton King-size plaids art Important In the kHingewear picture, aa corduroy—still inexpensive, practical and washable but newly they are in tha entire winter fashion lineup. A top hi| is a loose Itngth nylon gown covered with Collectors of this area have glamorous. . duster in bold plaid print corduroy, with huge patch pockets and delicate embroidery. tensed tht taleata of young For at-home wear you may choose a gay flower print, a bold wide collar. ' ' - artist Stephen Bagaell la his plaid or a vivid solid color, imaginatively styled, gay and flat- For the ladylike look there are graceful'fitted princess-style from 2.W t» 10.M first one-man show of 2t of h'. •ering. There are house coats with oriental styling, in vivid Chi- short robes that look like dresses, with dainty feminine trimmings painting* at the Old Mill,,Tin- .•ese colors. There are swashbuckling trenchcoat styles for wear such aa lace, braid or baby-ribbon bows. - / NYLON DUSTER ts* Fans. According to Get* Quilted nylon in dainty floral DeVtgh, director, alat tf tht showing three of her works in ETIQUETTE print it tdatd with nylon lace. •awttaga have beta atM, la» the Richard Szeluga Gallery, 39 PTA Hears dodtag the Jrt-foet oil, "Tht Monmouth St., Red Bank. from MS to U.tI Fishermen." The director It AMY VANDERBILT txteadlag the exhibition "European Art of the 19th Cen- Panel on Law OUR PAJAMA STORY through Dec. II. tury": Neo-ctassicism through '•DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: many books on diet and exer- Smartly quilttd and so-warm, Cezanne, the second in a discus- I wonder if you can help me, as cise, but you might like an "Laws Children Ought to or lact-frimmad and so-prtftyt Cooper Union for Advancement sion series "Toward Understand- well as others. Why aren't there English one, called "Health Know" waa the theme of a panel of Science. and -Art enters ing Modern Art," will be pre- shops where women of my age Culture for Women" by F. A. discussion at a meeting of tht Pajamas to pleait ovary femin- 100th year. Rising in front of sented Monday at * p. m. in the can. buy clothes that won't look Hornibrook and Ettie Rout Mechanic Street Parent-Teacher int typt. the century-old Cooper Union Newark Museum. The museum's as though we are trying to look This' is a Penguin paperback Association last week the from 2.tl tt) IMS Building at Fourth Ave. and As-annual Christmas exhibition-sale like teen-agers or our great and is available for 65 cents school. Mrs. William I. Ktatsky, tor PI.. New York, is a new is under wawayy. Its "FiftyYear"Fifty-Yearss grandmothers*—..—«•? W~._e lik.«.e- t—o dres..—s wherever paperbacka are sold. program , chairman, ' waa in building to house the Cooper Ui of Collecting" and "19th Century nicely and Just as well as the If you have difficulty in finding charge. ! Ion School of Engineering, the New Jersey Paintings" exhibi- younger ones. My friends all It, you can get it from the pub- Speakers were Deputy Police [ SYLVETTE GIRDLE and BRA DEFT, i first of the educational develop- tion is continuing. seem to have the same com' lisher. Jenguin Book*. Inc., 3300 Chief Leroy McKnigbt of Red ments which Cooper Union will plaint. CUpper Mill RoaoV.Baltimore Bank; William Gannon, Red Bank Inaugurate In the wake of its Miriam BurriD, former pretl- "I geg t so tired of wearing 11, Md,, and add 10 cent*(for probation officer, and John A. 100th birthday. The school dent tf the American Artists skirts and bblousel s everydayd * or postage- . •• ' .••.•••• PttUlo, assistant Monmouth Coun- founded by Peter Cooper, was Prtfesslonal League, hu been visiting every store in town' and Another one I like it "Ben- ty prosecutor.' The SECRET the first privately endowed col- exhlMtlag at the Art Centre of then finding that I am not really nit PruBden'a Fitness Book" The speakers agreed that lege to provide tuition-free edu< the Oraages, concluding Sun- satisfied. I like simple dresses which shows you with many teaching right from wrong should cation. As of Aug. 1, present and day.' ' , with a, little cap sleeve, as :iy photographs exactly how to do hark back to tht original moral former art students have been arms are heavh y between.thbtthe various exercise* — and tells laws, the Ten Commandments. of the SHAPE! awarded SO Fulbricht Scholar- Art shoulder and elbow. you, too, what they will do for They said a parent's examples • ' ' * ships, six Prix de Rome, eight New art books, in time for "During the winter I have various portions of your anat- play an important part in a Guggenheim Fellowships, six Tif- Christmas, are increasing at heard the younger ones say that omy. child's retard and respect for fany Foundation awards, two Na< this one or that one should not 1 the law. tional Institute of Arts and Let-rapid rate. Text by art editors "Too tired. .' you aay, "after and museum experts are noted in wear slipover sweaters because work?" Here Is the first Tip Mrs. Eugene Ford, president, WARNER'S* ters awards and two Pulitzer The Great American Artists they are too old. I wear them for. living from the Prudden gave a report of the annual state prizes. Series, "Home" by Goodrich because they are easily laundered Book: PTA convention which tht at- "Pollock" by Frank Q'Hara and can be dressed up by a strand or beads. I buy only the "1. Paradoxically, resting is tended in Atlantic City with the Studio 57 Gallery, 57 Concord "Eakins" by Porter, "DeKoon- darker shades. But I would like the last thing.you should do unit's vice president, Mrs. W. Al- Ave., Leonardo, Chrlstmss exhi- ing" by Hess, "Ryder" by Good- when you come home tired af- bert Doremus. She said that the rich and "Davis" by Goosen a few plain dresses, too. pupils wlH present their annual bition opened this week with a "I work in an office where ter a hard day. Instead of sink- one-man show by Marie Harter Serious text by Germain Bailn, ink into a chair, take a walk, Christmas program at the next FRENCH'STITCPED BRA there are young girls as well as meeting, Dec. 15. of New Monmouth. Mrs. Barter present director of the Louvre, women of my age. (52), and most go bowling, play table tennis, is a realist painter. Exactitude in Is contained in his "A History of tht latter look dowdy simply and do whatever amuses you (The cups are ttiched and lined) depicting satin, velvet, metals of Art: From Prehistoric Times because they are unable to find and makes you movt around. Cafe Curtain and fruits is familiar in to the Present." Translation of something suitable. Please give You may. be amazed »t how work. the 574-page, illustrated book is us some advice.—Mrs. E. R. quickly faUgut will vanish, She Is a student of Mortar- by Francis Scarfe. Rochester. N. Y." leaving you refreshed in mind Warner's mastered the art of the famous hand- efcy, Schumacher, Cornish, "Frank Lloyd Wright Draw and body." customed French stitch — flawless seaming done in Amy ra* Deevea, Latos Mar- ings" reproduces 70 years of his Sweaters Not Goad Of course, if your arms art such, fine detail that the resulting fabric. ia both koa sad ethers. Mrs. Harter masterly drawings, 75 in color strong and beautiful. Here ia firm, hating figure has axUMted w Newark aad and 125 in Mack and white heavy, you need not necessarily Japanese Dancer local art shews and Moatclalr sketches and drawings. The com- be 'generally overweight, but beauty, shaped by Warn- AH nraennn. prehensive collection out of Hori- there is a likelihood of it. If er's French-stitched cot- Among the works at Studio 57 zon Press was supervised by the you are overweight, slipover Booked at 'Mill' ton bra. Soft underlin- sweaters, even of the dark ing assures high uplift/ are "Indian Medicine," great architect himself. From variety, are certainly not a TINTON FALLS — Broadway Life With Ten Lemons." Parts, "Art in Posters" by Fer- very good choice. dancer Sahomi Tachibana, cur-l Pick it up in the green Life With Farm Lantern" and nand Mourlot contains color In talking of dress sizes re- rently appearing In. "Majority of I package at SYLVETTE ''Jacqueline's Dolls," sew poster masterpieces by Braque, cently with.designer Larry Aid One," will be presented Sunday' today! #P20-76: White paintings. The gallery is open Chagall, Duty, Leger, Matisse, rich, I discovered that manu- cotton. daily from 2 to 5 p. ra. and by Mlro and Picasso. at 3 p. m-in the Old Mill in a appointment. facturers of good dresses cut program of Japanese dances, Concurrently. Mrs. Harter Is New York first size 12 and then go on to music and songs. The new exhibition opening In sizes 14, 16 and II. Many of the Museum of Modern Art will the better 'houses don't make include a recent acquisition to sites larger than IS and, at the museum collection by Bur- that, have few Its. There is, toyne Diller, a master modern- generally speaking, a much ist. The private showing was held tmalter choice of colors in tht last night where the exhibition is larger sizes. staged in the first floor gallery. In most big cities there art Ryi MR. STBTHIN The acquired work by the Atlan- stores thst have departments tic Highlands artist is a 42 by 42 for larger women.. Trie dresses EYE GLASSES aad BEAUTY Inch rectilinear, , asymetric com- in those departments are usual- position "Theme One—IM7." The ly designed to minimize some Gone Is the false notion that donor is Sylvia PisiU, a New of the problems of large wom- women who wear glasses York collector. Last week Mr, en. Most good women's shops can't be pret- have departments with half- ty. Glasses can Diller made tha art news witt. u ty. Giajtes can another new acquisition by tht sites. Perhaps you will find A actually add to that some of the half-sizes suit your appear- Whitney Museum — a painting The Unseen Magic of ance It they worked along nec-plastic princi- your figure better than do tht are chosen ples. It Is currently on exhibit "miss" sizes. 174 carefully. They In tht new show at tht museum. Custom Fit should be se- Many women, even when they A'LURE* Elastic Bra lected for. style have no slzt problem,, art turn- and becoming- WET YOUR HANDS ing to home dressmaking, or to ness. For moit younyoungeg r Shaping meat balls for spaghet having clothes made from good women, brighbi t or pastestll ti sauce or for the smorgasbord patterns by local dressmakers. A thrifty way to decorate each by WARNER'S* frames are best. table? Wet your hands In cold This is an, excellent solution, window in your home, with ad- A smart permanent will eer-: water before rolling small too, for you can have fine fab- Mist Sthtmt TacMhaaa JuiUblt, modern, cafe curtains! talnly add to your appearance Pattern 174: variety of Ideas You're gay, carefree ... a happy vision in the and make you prettier, Try amounts of the meat mixture be- rics In dresses thst are made Miss Tachibana studied in Ja- plus easy instructions, diagrams, a cold wave at Stephen Hair- tween your palms. Just for you, You will find pan with members of the great right eaftyf tiling Warner bra! Have slim lines, that such clothes will have a cutting guides for making these dresser*, Campbell's Junction,1 dance family, Tachibana, from glamorous caft curtains yourself. beautiful contours, tomorrow! BE FITTED IN SIR Main St., Belford, Phone Nearly two thirds of Mexico's much longer fashion. life, for which she acquired her profes- Easy sewing — so practical. KE 6-OB5J for an appointment., 32 million people ut without elec- you won't see them every- sional name—one that If revered A'LURE BY WARNER'S TODAY. tricity. where you turn, Send, thirty-five cents (coins) retlml d"w for"th!t'pattern'- tddTctntt"for My final suggestion it this: °' #10-45: A bra that breathes with you for free-as, If you have a figure problem, ani^d Is bestowed only upon art- each pattern for first-class mail- go to your doctor .and set ists who have mastered both ing. Send to Red Bank Register, aic comfort, elastic A'Lure*. Crisp nylon cups lift whether he would advise weight classical and modern forms. Sht Needlecraft Dent,, P. O. Box 161, and mold, ^^' _ _ THE SWEATER HOUSE reduction. Then, Join with some It considered a foremost Japa- Old Chelsea Station, New York of the friends In your office on nese dancer In the United States. II, N, Y. Print plainly pattern ^.93 a regular program of exercise Pearl Buck, novelist, considers number, name, address and zone. and diet,'m • • • •' •» llm" OPPOMIT. I IK.\ IKIMI broider, quilt, weave — faahlom, IO1VM. BKVM H aculouily you may find that danced of Japan through humor- home furnishing*, toys, gift*, bl- l> E :o Sylvet e wlll rcpl M 1 orn 10 1 rc |uin where ous folk episodes, to modern ni» «?«I "™»i. ! i . " . J! V' " P necesiary, mend darflrlti Avi-nuv) those dreine* In the itores fit ur hits. In thtt book FRRK - open seams, replace ml««lnn bones without ennrge, you—and plemie you very much. dance works bated on Japanese J quilt pattern*, Hurry, send 25 In your library there, are themei and legend*. cent* (or your copy. embarlMdupoaaasspsdHtaiMte star rwsttaj aaf'tfw - —. without any excited expectations. 2. Khrushchev, who got along with Krushchev. {«^^ Bill PhiUlcd off their air supfsjr. By JAMES MARLOW probably ten eat hi saebs to That's natural enough. After well with Eisenhower, wants a how they'll answer his demands Gallagher said the require- cheer him. Summit meeting. Any Communist that the Allies get their troops Welch Will. 5 \sseelated Press News Analyst these years of the the WASHINGTON (AP) — Repment. s of his bUI would be a eon- At his news conference yes- lesson has sunk in that changes demonstrations against the Presi- out of West Berlin. ' Cornelius E. Gallagher (D-NJ) itsnt, conspicuous and grapnie re- WASHINGTON — President terday Eisenhower leeked la for the better come slowly. No dent might spoil the relationship By the time Eisenhower said yesterday the best wsy to minder to consumers that plastic Others Probated Eisenhower's 11-nation journey excellent health. But be Is en- one is expecting miracles, not and wreck chances for the Sum' reaches Paris he should be pretty dispose of plastic -bags U to bags can be fatal to youngsters. FREEHOLD — Among recent starting tonight, is a mixture of tering npen a rugged mission even Eisenhower. mit. well worn out by his tour of twist them into a rope and knot He ssid, jwsentVealsqr cam- wills probated by Surrogate Ed •he certain, the unpredictable, for a M-year eM man whe m If the president had taken this If Eisenhower has any bad orthree continents and therefore them several times before, throw paigns to warn of the,dangers and the ironic. the past fear years has had a ward C. Broege were: trip early in the' summer — be- embarrassing. moments oa this may not be in the best condi- ing them away. of plastic bags need greater em- This much is certain, for heheart attack, an Intestinal op- to John M. Welch, R«d Bank, a fore Premier Nikiu. Khrush- trip it will probably dampen his tion to cope with Allied problems. He said he will introduce a bUlPh^, former linotype operator for the as said it himself: He will try eration and a slight stroke. chev's visit here and while thenew enthusiasm for personal g«rint" AS '^S; :o spread goodwill for this coun- next year to require the printing "would give, more inspect la the Red Bank Register, who died He said his doctors think he Kremlin was still acting tough visits. BNAI BRITH TEA of that disposal suggestion on all Nov. 17, willed his household ef- :ry Everywhere he goes. can stand up all right. He knows — Communists everywhere would One thing may work to his educational end safely cam. fects to his brother and sister There are the unpredictable* HAZLET—A membership teaplastic bags used by cleaning paigns being carried An." there will be some fatigue. What probably have tried to ruin any great disadvantage. After making establishments and'other retail ln-law Paul and Gertrude Welch, What problems the various heads reception for Eisenhower. the rounds In Southern Europe, for the Bnai BritBihh AyeleAl tC Chaph - he can't tell is how he will react uoret and silverware to a niece, Cath of government will discuss, what to the various kinds of food put Northern Africa and Western ter. witt be held in the home of - An estimated P per coat of erine Welch. He left a pearl ring solutions they'll ask him for, his in front of him. And he'll have Asia, Elsenhower will settle down MsMrs.. Aaron Walters, J7 Dart- The WU would also require the toe population of.*e United to n niece Dorothy Welch; reaction and his health. to attend a lot of ceremonial din- 1. The Kreada Is several days In Paris for pre-mouth Dr., Wednesday, Dec. 11. word "danger" to be printed in States have chronic ailments that watches to nephews Charles red letters four inches high on all This Is the Ironic: Wherever ners. the p Summit talks with Western Al- at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Herbert limit their activWsa. Welch and John Welch; a tele he goes the' Communists will No other President has ever since the lied leaders. Hauseman will be guest speaker. such plastic bags. vision set and clothing to t nephew Paul Welch; and an automobile to a nephew Donald Welch. The remainder of his estate was left to his brother, Paul Welch. M. Harold Kelly was named executor. Edith M. Farrier, Rumson, who died Nov. U, left 95,000 and a diamond-sapphire ring to anleee. Myrtle Gorsuch. Divi- dends from 2So shares of stock UNIVERSAL were left to five grandchildren: Norms Hall, William Mitchell •."•.\.':--V!i.,,-. -••• »»:••; Hall. Jr.. Lynda Hall, Kevin Farrier Hell, Jacquelin Hall. Hiej MARKETS are to receive the dividends un till age 21, one third of the stock AS at 21. one half at 25 and the rest at SO. The rest of her estate was willed to her daughter, Janet .. -i ', Farrier Hall. F. Richard Warner, Little Sil- ver, who died Nov. 10, left his estate to Ins wife, Carotene L. 'WinNf* Esther EUnbeth Garrett, At- laatie HUMands, who died Oct MAY FAIR It, toft her estate to her husband Harold Edwin Garrett. Mary B. Harvey, Long Branch, win died Nov. M. lefta diamond To Bring 46 and garnet ring to a friend, May darkson, and a diamond ring to a niece, EUnbeth H. Keaey; five shares of American You These Telegraph and Telephone stock ' to a- friend; Lulu Llppert, and ' $509 to St. James Church, Long "Fresher-By-Far" FruJft ft Vegetables Branch. The rest of her estate 1. LOWEST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES... Is to be divided among nephew, Edward J. Buckley; a eister, Henrietta Streckfuss, a 2. KING HORN STAMPS WITH EVERY niece, Ethel B. Filbert; a nep- . hew, Thomas Buckley, and a niece. Ethel M. Reams. PURCHASE... James Ferrar, Long Branch, who died Oct. 29, left his estate .FRESH to his wife, Loretta Ferrar. 3. "SIMPLY WONDERFUL" GOV'T. MswbsrTwln County Oreceti. frlcssBfectfce lwin>» SetSot, BetDec. 3,13,1 W Child Appeals . We reserve me right to IhnH ewoMMs* eu —-"«-J—«—-toldto dealers . GRADED MEATS! GOLDEN * For Protection LOS ANGELES (AP) — A six- Frash Spfiracii ra^L* IP-W. I year-old girl yesterday wandered 'Simply Wonderful" Top Choice Extra Yalut Trim Western Steer 19e through a motel with a sign on her back which said: "Please take care of Tonette WtowopApp|Wj(X3£i9

for me." It was signed "Ludl ••>•'•- i i Ball." Tongtriifts 'SpJSu!? 10*99* I With Tonette Carbone was her STEAK I brother. Anthony. Jr., age 4. Police, called by . the motel 1IILAIU . EM manager, found Mrs. Elsie Car- SIRLOIN FRESHLY CAUGHT - FRESW.Y SUCK) - RESH bone of Passiac, N. X, in a near- by bar-restaurant She had two ether youngsters with her—Donna Ib. ^^C 12, and Elisabeth, 8. Ib. HADDOCK FILLET Sgt. Robert Miller, the sheriff's Juvenile officer, said Mrs. Car- SIMPLY WONDERFUL bone told him she flew here Monday with the four children hoping to give them to a Holly- wood celebrity. They had been "Simply Wonderful*''Cut From Young Grain Fed Porkers Staying nt the motel. Mrs. Carbone was quoted by _ _"'"••'••'• _' Wblnd leinM ftjbHeV ^.loin Ha^l die officer as saying that since CifreSfeak the death of her husband In an GrtMdlM auto accident at Peterson, N. J. two years ago she hss had an •sWOTweV St PORK SALE 23<33<37< 47 Impulse to give the children away. MO*. APPETIZER DEPARTMENT Officers placed the four chil- •All am uiu ananra^ssatsa .«• ,snip* SMASH ___JI.SS *•- dren in custody of Juvenile •OILED HAM Mk, CM. •». --— - , ;_. »*• j» ^srvakf. GRAND TOTAl Of authorities. No charges were filed « I*. and Miller said there Is no legal e bar to the mother's putting them ~pm JEWISH ROLLS KINO HORN fTAMM «p for adoption. £ Va dei. 23c 200 win TIESE mis tfmn Di Paolo Trial Goes SUACHIS mm HUM 0* TM fAIM To Jury Today NSMICM SOMERVriXB (AP) — The DAZZLE BLEACH -10. TOMATOES 10c murder trial of Carmine Di Pao- KINC KOKH STAMPS lo is expected to reach the jury WITH PUKHAH Of ANY PAOCAW: Of v today. Di Paolo is accused of 7 T M stabbing his ex-sweetheart 40 SikUr ! CHWB -»*- times and delivering her body to FAMOUS QUALITY m the state police In his car. I Irisli Potntotf .«**•**" S S,HS> in Testimony was concluded yes- CHRISTMAS terday and defense lawyers wlU •Ms syt—CftnUe Cuter begin their summary of the case AMERICAN O1FTWRA* when the trial resumes today. FRENCH FRIED POTATOES'PCIOC Two psychiatrists, called as re- Uneen Hm* F»«sH riesse butal witnesses for the state yes- BEAUTY KING ffOftN STAMP* terday, testified they examined WAFFLES i-^lQe u«eV-Ual*iOe* ^JJ Pi Paolo and found him sane on WITH PUKHAU O> 3 POUND IAO Of - , the day he allegedly murdered PORK I BEANS Gladys Mlelnlckl, It. ItWHiv MnwlRwa> "'"'""' MclNTOf H APPUf The psychiatrists, Dr. James SPAGHETTI P. Spradley, former head of the Trenton State Hospital, and Dr. PEAS t CARROTS Robert S. Garber, former assist- ant medical director of Trenton SLICED CARROTS •«.»*-. SIMMs Itate Hospital, said their ex- 10- •mmaWaai oa March Is showed GREEN i WHITE UMAS DI Paolo knew what he had done KING KORN STAMPS earlier b the day. PIUSIURY BISCUITS WITH PURCHAH Of ANY NtW SWANSOK* Di Paolo, 22, of Rsrltaa, was CREAM CORN Yillow Cab Mix "•*-«•* % called back to the stand and testi- SWISS CHOSE TV DINNMS fied he did not submit voluntar- TOMATO JUICE *5f« Meterswl * Che ily to the examinations. Tyfiprafr-FrsiMySfced WMto Cdct Mix 'A rswl * Chew Cd Ck t Jules M. Greensteln, a psycho SAUERKRAUT legist called by the defense, ssid OesdNMtli •es. Luitcheon MM! eke. be examined Di Paolo Oct. 22 BUCK EYE PEAS 10« DovllstMOiktMIx and found paranoiac trends. fw*AA*MmA^ E?1s»s«alfaalaas Aaaaaat M RU4 RED KIDNEY BEANS BBTSAUMI HMa Dunn Re-elected Head VsefCfNTf rrfl1IH| " "*" BUTTER BEANS Of—H KING KOKN STAMPS Of Mineral Club F«ANi(TutT«S Wkltt Frtsfli § "* WITH PIMCHAM Of IVi U, OCEANPORT — George Dunn Long Branch, was rc-clccted to WHITE HOMINY his second term as president or UNDIN FARMS—PROUN PmcoktMU •<*••-«-* the Monmouth Mineral and Gem Club at s recent meeting. YOU* - 10c Others elected were: William Pit Crast Mix Melncnbicher, Port Monmouth CHOICE ORANGE JUICE vice president; Robert White 15 oi, MlililleKiwn, second vlco prosl' un sizes dent; Mrs. Naomi McGregor, earn 56 Newman Springs Road Ocennport, secretory, and Thorn EACH as Wildorapln, Monmouth Ikuch, treasurer, 10 Red Bank OPEN ALL DAY SUHDAY Robert Hoon, Hclforri, and Mrs, Flow Hock, Red Dank, were ''aS ril elected members of the Board Hi of Directors. •hVfet *n> BANK ncrnn ••? AWante to provide water In 0M t •r ban tafcvMas ar drtw Caa> w Lais** Studied Not Alarming, las For Mrs. Pat CiancuilU, ways and TRENTON (AP) - The State Tuesday night, the Wayne •'I would also welcome the means chairman, announueu a Water Policy and Supply Council Township Committee agreed US Jnion Beach nrognyfiin^- oc Dram & Bugle Corpa spaghetti dinner is being planned expects fairly short hearings ondrop its opposition if It can buy Lodge Says such things as fraa Seeks New Meknbers New Schools for January. Chairmanship of the proposed Pancake Hollow water from the new reservoir/ !ub Graduated Reservoir, due to the collapse of It got this and other written NSW YORK (AP) - Henry the right to threw aa UNION BEACH — lbs Com- HAZLET—The use of turnpike the sunshine committee was ac- UNION BEACH-Walter L'Hot- tion out 6ft officottoe b ayy fraa awe- surplus funds for school building cepted by Mrs. Leonard Longo. Wayne Township's opposition. guarantees. i, neighborhood Boy Scout com- Cabst Lodge told aa Industrial •MnHy Dnm and Buglg e CCorpa Public hearings by the council tfons. That, too, woultdo • eni- it i slk lookini g for purposes was discussed at H. Stanley Baker, coach at The Passaic Valley Water Com ninioner, welcomed Howard Ifrff Russia's aconomic threats test Il a Whichihh everyone would meeting of the Hazlet on the proposed 2.1 billion gallon mission, which supplies Paterson, :ook into Scout Troop 5f when atw members. School Keyport High School, and Mrs. reservoir in Wayne open tomor aaatf not alarm this country. gain. Boys and girls, over 1! y Parent-Teacher Organization ex- Anthony Germsnn, Girl ' Scout Passaic, Clifton and 12 other :ub Pack M met last week in "But wa certalaly dispute tha ecutive committee in the school row. A spokesman said only one communities, has asked to build he Legion Hall. Mr. L'Hotta Is a apaach prepared for a din- old an eligible to job tha consultant, will speak at the reg- or two sessions may be needed. —' meeting of tha American accuracy at his prophecy. If wamember uaH. |last week. ular meeting in the school Mon- the reservoir to maintain a mini- iresented the ex-Cub a gradua- , the U. Sdo what wt am capably of doing. The general membership will Three objectors still remain — mum supply of 75 million gallons ion certificate. The groap, which was orgaaiied day at 8 p. m. Hackensack Water Co., Dundee to tha Ualtad Nathe Soviet (Mas wffl asm sar- ate yeary s agog,, haa pparticipatep d be asked to approve a plan to Refreshments were served by daily. Adam Dlugoz, cubmaster, ntm4 SaWftatV PremiePfWlidMr pass us." i tb m d bth letters to state representa- Power jc Land Co., and Morris spoke on advancement work and ^nmopiv ^ •* ^^^^^^^snpsnf as^sra^pw • • n^aaaa^a*a ia more tbaa parades both Mrs. Edward Emerisn and Mrs.County Public Utilities Co. Lodge received a this stain and New YYorkk . tives urging such action. Arnold Pepe. urged parents to help boys earn Ntfcjtt I. KhwsbehsVa frequent Men's Wilhama GsU Masai "lor .Tha corps has retalaed Edward It was reported that Thanks- But they indicated at a Nov. 12 Swedish King Eric XIV wasmerit badges. Mr. Dlugoi wel- pre-trial hearing that they mainly poisoned by someone who slip- sarviea m fiaMa Bilaasiri aa bagte Instructor and gtriag baskets were distributed Action! That'a irktt Tk* --_ comed James Barry, American •*• ton kMi fttttef an wanted to protect their rights to ped arsenic into his pea soup Legion Post 321 representative. •ml laaasfrial pro- AtAathoah y ReaaR » at drud m betrucbt - to neednyd y familiefili s througthgh ththe eo- •niwn fcr mnlhm-mu- raraaa of s*r nation's lM f th U th water from the Ramapo River in 1578. The Legion sponsors the pack. loperaMoa of the parenU. teach- Miss Agnes Kilroy will tike •fr ver den t from Mrs. Robert Coolick. who Is resitniflg. Den mothers are needed ia Karri* Gardens and Cottage Park, it waa The second annual wood derby wu bald. Each member waa • a torn to race his ear. First prlie went to Edward Husi* ter and second to Ralph Severina. Plans were mada to give • Christmas basket to a needy fam» MAY FAIR By- New Bobcats receiving pins were Frank Gorto, Daniel O'Brien, John CoHey, Louis Mas* settl, Mark Weir, John Drapeau^ E YOU A WONDERFUL Edward Ostervich, Greg Maud, Barry Yurkiewick, James Do* basky, Barry Fitzaimmons, Gar- rett, Miller, Peter Straag, and WUIiam Kohlbecker. Mrs. Robert Harriott was la charge of a pake sale after the WORLD OF GIFTS with 1 SAaattasL conducted by tha Moth* art dub. CONGRATJLATIONS! Hirer Plus HMAUMVrWNBsS Of THI Jdha Crabba, son of Mr. anal fTOU CONTIST1 Mrs. Kobart M. Grubbs. South KM* KOMN Um HORN Lake Dr., celebrated his seventh, birthday Saturday with a party §umnmwmmc$ . MmR trout ' ."' In his bone. Guests were Hat Mary Conwrdo Party, Kenneth Yetka, Charlea 70S Hana]araan Ava., Straus. Robert Ditter, Glen Mac- . loS Narwaaa* Ave.t - itatan latasn*, N. Y. Kay, Larry Gersten and Kevin 1 LiHIaa Van OroW Mrs. PKyiMi Hewers PS! Tha Women's Club will hava 34 ROMNS AnH Ha anmal Christmas party Thura. •Rsabvm, N. J. Unaraft. N. J. day alght m the home of Mm. WUfrad Holm, Meadow Way. WNMSJU O» MIIK SCAItmi Membart win bring gjfta to ba -Istributad to tha needy at Sara Idelse* Mrs. Paul Maafclasjbaraj WIN YOUR SHARE OF fertatmu tmta. i 209 Hart lira1. 171 Roan Street, a**,-*. flaJ.aJ asl V Maluakaii.' N. J. l iMttn ItltMt 19* Ta Mr. and Mr*. Wayne Mesas : Jain iafctodn and children, Wayne aad Joan, •pent Thanksgiving in tha home *t» ag-.ta.- . AMik d>oaaral Delivery , al"J I BJIIBJH nwwf. of Robert Wilson. Sr., Xomson. Jnrsay City, N. J. Samatvilla, N. J. 1,400,000 Also present ware Mr. and Mra. i~. r..n«JliA ' Robert WUsoa, Jr., Waaamasaa; Lao rratmanwn They all attended the Rumsou «0* ZamMry Sfraat, 119 Na. Wabw* Straat, Red Bank CathoUe High School I! farm Amfcay. N. J. East Oranfa, N. J. KDKrKOBNS Mrs. A. «abarrovlah Mi. Vana!a lellavla Tba Ladtas Aadliary of tha 137 Na. I7«k Street, III VrTnham Avomio, Bra company «ffl neat Tuesday Naw Dorp, StatsH.Manai, N.Y. right b) no fin hoaaa. After tha K^HnwrVfsni w%* *Jn ragalar . tmataiss tnaattng. at Marton Niaola Mrs. I. Qubrn •a** offlean wilt be elected, tha ': •:'; J Bmwaed riaan J14 ©ordoit Straat annual Chrlatmaa party wfU ba StapletoR, Statan Wana", N.Y. hckf. Members wiUbriaf gifts Nartd Irmiwlak, N. J. , to ba axchangad., KOMI'S ADDIflONAL W1NNIRS OF KINO Mr. aad Mra. Theodora Merita 1 PtBESWIUH NOTIMD IY MAIL | and chfldrea. Bob and Renee, anantThaakagtvmg and tha waek> aad ia tha home of Drs. Robert Sbneaa Marshall, Crotoa-On. NV. Judy Kay Jones, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Monte B. Jones, Parley, La., spent tha Thanks, ghrtog holiday af home from tha mrrasJty of Delaware. Newark, Da. • Thanksgiving dinner anaata m tha home of Mr. aad Mrs. Robert M. Grubbs, South Lake Dr.. war* Mr. and Mrs. George Schrenk Teanaek; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BhmMs, Dover; Mr. and Mrt wmiam Ehndts and daughter; Renee, Rlverdale, and Mr. and Mra. Sanford Schraak, ~ * Jeff GW. eon of Mr. and DON'S AMOCO SElWia CENTER Mrs. Fred GUI. Suarisa PI., spent the week-end at homo on vaca. 390 Miff If AvMWtf HittaHfls/ N*Je tion from his stadias at Pravfc dance, R. I., University. • Patricia SWMaTdaugotar of Mn - HY and Mrs. C. Lester Shibla, Man> ning St., celebrated bar savanth birthday with a party m bar 250tHy)« SfSftHI homo Friday night. Guests war* Susan Strickland, Susan Beck; Janet Scott, Richie Imlay, Doug* las Hlrd. Lisa CasteDano, Cathy Meyer, Jeanne DiScuWo, MaaV thew McCray, Monica Maher, f CJA Patty Dnysr, Fay and Darla • erVr #llUUI/ r,rU White, and Barbara Shibla. Thanksgiving guesta in tha baraa of Mr. and Mrs. Ala Har> pool, McLean St. Kara Mra, Harpool's parents, Mr. and Mrs, ilVI tattafMaaa William Gleesoo, Long Branch. IWS TKImj Larry Kerrigan, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerrigan, McLean St. hu returned from Monmoutfe Center where ba wu • 1140 RkLiii Trnict, SfitM M«MJ patient for tha past month. Copa of Four Towns PAWUSI'S SERVICE CTATWN C3uae* Halt Driver NORTH PLAINFIELO (AP)— A Newark man driving on tha 2ft mKf Sll9lt« SiaVtM MiM revoked list waa accused of lead* ing police on an auto chase from Union at speeds up to IN miles B hour yesterday. SCHWARTZ'S Jt 4 10c STORE Carl W. Fingler, 23, also wu accused of trying to down s patrolman and fighting with po> •W »ICflfy DMHfVDTI/ wfRM ISNaM lice when he was halted here, Two Union patrolmen said they tried to stop Fingler's car for a routine check and he took off, RAINIOW CLEANERS His car finally was blocked here after being pursued by police 3o4 Ftftff AVtWM/ StflfM ItlWM MDI 6ET YOUR OFFICIAL ENTRY BUNK TODAY AT ANY OF OUR STORES from Union, Scotch Plains, and Mountainside. Fingler wan charged In Scotch Plains with assault with a vehicle and rcckles.i Urlvlnn and, In Un- ion, with driving while on the re- voked list, speeding and falling to stop at a slop sign. M-ThunJa?. Dae. 8. 19» BED BASK WECISTER

Pride of the Farm

20-oz. bottle

Chock Full O' Nuts

CAMPBELL'S 16-oz. Chuck Beans With Pork cant IDEAL Juice Prune bottles 20-oz. Grape Jelly |or$

Reee In. Top qiwHty. Only Acme tdk «ef-e,ue11ty Lence«er Rime1 beef! Hankies ^ LANCASTER BRAND OVEN-READY 125-ft. Wax Paper rolls

CARNATION Evaporated

Rib Roast -69' LOUELIA. toll LANCASTER BRAND ARM POT ROAST fc59* Evaporated

Creamy or Chunky Peanut Spread See display for Christmas mail-in train offer!

Pork Loin Sate DOMINO or JACK FROST mi WHOLE KNTER OUT Granulated •rEITHIR CHOPS .r POBTIOI HALF KEEBLER' Chocolate Chip, Caramel Chip YOUR CHOICE or Lemon Chip package Servt With Fresh Sauerkraut £g 19c

LANCASHR Brand Sliced FARMDALE Chicken, Turk*/, Be.f FINEST FRESH FRUITS ft VEGETABLES Baton FIRESIDE pound ruit 6 39 Bacon Sliced pkg. PIES LANCASTER Midget YOUR CHOICE Carrots Pork Roll roll Fealura LANCASTER Frown Breadtd 15-ox. Anjou Pears 2 29 Colo Slaw cup Pork Steaks AvocadoPears 2 25 FROZEN FOODS BAKERY VALVES 40%! Tudor SEABROOK French Style or Cut Green Dinnerware Beans 2 35' Cherry Pies 55 Special MORTON'S till Dtc. 5 Virginia lee Cheese Ring with $5 Purchase Spanish Bar Cake r Coup* Soup Bowk DAIRYDEPT. ' N vailable IDEAL Natural Sliced Muemter fanndale While Bread 4 Co//«« B/cnrf /or fcWry Tail*/ Cheese s 29" WINCREST COFFEE:^ 55c KRAFT Natural Sliced ASCO COFFEE -"^- » ^ 59c Swiss Cheese 33 IDEAL Cof f et "-* -K* 65c All »r\*m MfMtlv* Uiru ttturity, ••«, •

Visit Xrme Afar^ef Now Open In WEST LONG BRANCH ROUTE 36 and BROADWAY RED BANK—I70 Broad Strut FAIR HAVEN—576 River Road WEST LONG IRANCH—Rt. 36 and Iroadway Op.« TMM., Wed. A Thuri. 'til » P. M.; Frl. 'til 10 P. M. Open Tuei., Wed. ft Thurt., 1:30 to f f. M.; Frl. I te 10 P. M. Open Wee*. I. Thuri. until 9 P. M.| Prldey 'til 10 P. M. RED BASK REGISTER Dw. 1.


^R^flk^ft^^^^^^h^R^^^a^^^^^R^^R^fl^^h^avA4^JWfc3fcJ0^^^R^R^aR^aaY •

CLIP Worth Free THIS reen Stamps Tklt €»UM* ttittmMt whh pwrtfc«M •• COUPON lOff •"•".

a _ ^

»or3fro PA^R HAVtV%—a/to Rive, T Lf.lG JRANC. -Rt. J6 and Broadway Open TM«»., Wtd. & Thur». 'Ill 9 f. M.; Frl. 'HI 10 f. M. Op«n Tuit., Wtd. !• Thurt., 1:30 tatf. M.| Prl.l »• 10 P. M Op«n Wtd. & Thuri. until 9 P. M.| Friday 'til 10 P. M. i -. - ' • 2ft-Thow4». HEP BANK BEG1STEK A»Mh» We Didn't Mfe Hsml stock, On* Bn0$y, Mm Omf Qtmmto. Knew, •titan Kurt*, Phoebe Dodds, Weady em Mary HAL BOYLE One Day Schadt. Robert Baxter, Edwinna Fifth aad stem grades; George j££7 Besumann, Campbell Axelsen, Larson, Fred Border, George u.^ Quigley. Elaine Hansen, NEW YORK (AP)-Field Mar- ontroversy. Each told his story SEA BRIGHT — Mrs. Helen Jfames Betz, Douglas Potter, Stafford, John Chimento, Patty U.A Steven Adams, Lynn' shal Erwin Rommel of Germany n his own way by how he died. Y. Sawyer, principal, today re- Bommie Krammer, Jaclyn Kuc- Layton, Merry Larson, Bertha BeU, Roberta Robinson, Barbara was Britain's favorite enemy— "In the final analysis, com. leased the names of pupils who zalo, Rosalee Stafford, perhaps America's too—in World and had little to do with either had perfect attendance in school Forsman and Richard Forsman Hiywood, Nancy Beekman, Wen- War II. ictory or defeat on D-Day. The in November. John C. Calhoun resigned as But after a utcome was determined by the Third and fourth grades: Caroldy R«fe, L»na Gennano, Thomas Pre-first. first and second vice president of the United States 10-year study ictions of the individual men grades: Veronica Carson, Laura Dodds. Alice Pedersen, MicheleLeyy, weldon Hennessey, Ann author Cornel' /ho fought there." Lee, Rita Swensen. Michael, Zi- Schadt, Richard Lee, Reginald Axelson, Bonnie Kronshak, Judy after he was elected to the senate ius Ryan has B^che S^ford. ChrT,u.»Tynes. Lawrence Ragland, Diane H«,sen and Psuline Welch. in 1132. concluded the Allies were bit over-kindly DeMolay in their esti- mates of theInstallation dashing Nazi armor genius. "Rommel has Tomorrow BOYLE been t o m e- EATONTOWN — Washington times portrayed sts a high-minded Chapter, Order of DeMolay. will military idealist who played war install its officers tomorrow at as a big -exciting game," said 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Mr. Ryan, author of "The Long- Speaker will be county court est Day," the most readable ac- Judge John C. Giordano, West count yet published of the allied Long Branch. invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Insulting officers will be Ralph KeevU, Eatontown; William Bel- The truth is he was a Hitle knap, and Louis H. Baxter, both favorite bitterly resented by theFort Monmouth, and Kenneth career officers of the regular Whitmore, Long Branch. German army. New officers are: "Actually, Rommel was a Master councilor, Walter Bun- very ambitious man willing to nell, Eatontown; senior councilor, trample on anybody to getDonald W. Leegar, Little Silver, ahead. He was aa utter poli- junior councilor, Mr. Whitmore; tician. He was a fine tactician, senior deacon, Donald A. Cot- but be simply didn't have the greave. West Long Branch, and distinctive depth of training to handle the unior deacon, Richard L. Zoldak, defense of Europe against the Little Silver. BOSTON invasion." .Also, senior steward. Christian . His study convinced Mr. iityan D. Thurer, New Shrewsbury; jun- MAPLE that Field Marshal Von Rund- ior steward, Michael E. Mazzl, ROCKER stedl, who nicknamed Rommel Eatontown; chaplain, Howard J. "Marshal Bubl" ("The Baby Schnabolk, Sea Bright; standard FLOWER Marshal"), was the superior bearer, John R. Forbes, Red soldier. Bank, and sentinel, James B. .95 UP STAND He feels that the allied beach- Berg, Oceanport. 29 head would have been in direr Also, treasurer, Donald J. Cut- ler, Jr., Eatontown; marshal, peril™perhaps evea thrown In- These famous reproductions Richard H, Swanson, Long .50 to the sea—U Von Rundstedt are characterized by high had been allowed to carry out Branch; first preceptor, Glenn N. 22 backs with curved or straight his plans for a massive coun- Appleyard, New Shrewsbury, and terattack on the third day of second preceptor, Alfred K. Ben- spindles and decorative crest Size: 12" Wide, nett, Long Branch. rails. Seats are low, wide and o •* * the landings. Instead of attack- 12" Deep, ing piecemeal en D-Day itself, Also, third preceptor, John W. scooped. Arms are curved, 36" High as Rommel ordered. Beam, Eatontown; fourth' precep- legs splayed, short In cherry, But both sides bungled theii tor, Gary L. Trentham, Fort maple, black. own intelligence reports badly Monmouth; fifth preceptor, Rob- A quaint colonial design adapted and says Mr. Ryan: ert L. Krantz, Jr., Eatontown; for modern living. A charming "Plans were tossed out the win' sixth preceptor, Donald Gordon, ' gift for flower pots dow on that day, and in the final Eatontown; seventh preceptor, and what-nots. irretrievable moment when the Ronald S. North, West Long soldiers met face .to face, historj Branch, and scribe, Mr. Keevil. voted for the allied guy." Also, chairman of advisory It is impossible to get a com-board, Edward L. Bailey. Lin- pletely clear view of what goes croft, and chapter dad, R. E. on in a major battle. But Mr.Redfern, Rumson. Ryan gives as clear a picture a: we ever will get of what actually •COUNTRY STORE' EARLY AMERICAN SOFA happened in those first few BELFORD — Members of Cub mightly hours as an allied ar- Scout Pack 27, gave sketches on mada of 5,000 ships bearing 200,- the theme, "Country Store" at a 000 troops hit the Normand; recent meeting. 73-inch Conover's famous coast. The boys made the props and trouble-free frame with Mr. Ryan, a Dublin-born wai store posters and presented a double cone, hand tied coil correspondent who flew ovei puppet show. decks on special webbing those beaches himself on D-Day At the next meeting, a Christ- supported by steel; com- set out 10 years ago to track mas party will be held and friend- 1 down the survivors—French, Ger bined with luxurious fosm ship tree for scout troops over- cushions guarantee years -iman, English and American. His seas presented. PRICE i postage bill alone came to $6,000 and years of built-in real After a search of several relaxation. ,.. rears (he advertised in US German newspapers), he lo- Specially priced for cated l,Ne •Survivors." Fur- Christmas ther mall questionnaires re- duced the figure to 3,tM. "I found every soldier had his owa D-Day, but It wasn't always the D-Day la Nor- mandy," he said. "Some men who thought they were in Normandy, actually were in the Pacific at the time. A group of 1M men New! Luxurious! Different! thought they went over en a destroyer with General Elsen- hower on D-Day, but as Ike didn't land oa May I had to discard their stories. "One man claimed he carried Field Marshal Montgomery's bag ashore oa D-Day, but Montgomery was gardening oa D-Day" After cross-checking the counts of some 700 individual soldiers, Mr. Ryan finally usei 400 he felt stood up from J1! 59.95 angles. He also studied scores after-action reports, hundreds diaries and captured German locuments. He accumulated file cases of material and plans ELEGANCE FOR HOLIDAY With the to give it to a museum. EVES! She will be enchanted His conclusion: with this gift of matching elegant new "I wanted to be fair to both bracelet, button earrings and sides, the German as well as the necklace of wafer thin pearls hand-era fted LARGE - SPACIOUS allied, political affiliations and glittering gold beads. look 7-DRAWER

The luxury appearance of hand-tufted KNEEHOLE DESKS J. H. KELLY CO. leather at an amazingly low price. Wood or plastic tops. Choice of .95 COR. MOAD ST. ft HARDING RD. Special doeikin-flniih vinyl in your mahogany, limed oak, walnut or choice of evening white, ebony, toait, maple finish. - 54 UP RED IANK—TEL SH,7-3900 coral, avocado, turquoiae, red and chocolate. Easily cleaned with soap Meet the Bond Trio'Lfdr and water. Exclusive Allen conitruclioi. Table Lamps & ... invites you (pat. pend.) meant buttons can't pop business and casual wear to we the ... ever. Ideal in any room. 12 Boudoir Lamps NEW... Early American, Provincial, COAT (tcool-and-orton) GOSSIP BENCHES Traditional, Modern and Per- led. PLUS MATCHINQ TROUSERS . . Attractive telephone PLUS CONTRASTINQ SLACKS stands. Hold book and phone.- Wide variety of styles. Finished lir wal- Here's the most versatile suit you'll nut, maple, limed oak tvtr own - it's practically a complete and mahogany. OU FONT wardrobe. Made by the most famous tailors of all - the men of Rochester who from make America's best known and most 95 OPEN EVERY EVENING ' expensive suits. Only $59.95 because Bond's < COLOR MASTER makes and sells more than any of PAINT MIXINO MACHINB 22 UNTIL CHRISTMAS o Your chain of hundndi af baaatifal stint the others. See what a difference this makes Here's what the decorating colon - ask for Bond's Matchmaker "Trio." • A wldt ranc« In th*d* of joar favorite COLOR MASTER color • Your colon mliad quickly and ditpcndably JBA OpM Ivwiiitsji 'til Chrhtmm means to • Colon maUhfd la Da I'oni Rubher-BaM you: Wall Paint, Knamtl, flat, and KiUrlor 3 months to pay, no down paymtnt PalnU Come in for a demonstration! ^4LC» Ml wjL^Jurmture company Exclunivo kith BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK th» QUALITY SHOP 137 MONMOUTH ST. «NCI IIM RED IANK 113 IROAD ST. RED IANK €l]fflk> PAINTS SH 7-2104 / Mil PARKIN* ADJOINING STORI OPIN IVIRV NIGHT 'TIL CHRISTMAS IED BANK MECaiTl TTswribm P>fc t, {TODAY'S Maafdatl Cewt Driver Play* as eighfrfoot hole laliam ft, Pew m Red •«* Magistrate Jdm V. Crowd! yesterday flood Dombfo- wall. fined Hi for drivisg with m «k Same Role driving and leaving the seen* of ski a total of I13S and revoked A charge of driving without a pired license. Business Mirror an accident Nov. 23 after his car Robert L. Dombroski, 21, of 26 his license for, a year. license against Jerry Garback, By SAM DAWSON allegedly rammed a building at 16, of 152 Shrewsbury ave., Red The record high temperature Commonwealth Ave., Middletown 9 West St. Capt. Frank J. Mazza said yesterday played a repeat of a Bank, was referred to the county recorded in the United States* ia AP BUSINESS ANALYST Dombroski had faced the same Dombroski's car hit the welding juvenile court. 134 degrees noted in Death Val- performance put on last year in charges March 28, 1958, in Ocean With interest rates still rising :bt securities and on savings Joseph D. Clark, Sr., 56 Willey, Calif., in 1913. a lot of individual Americans are :counts in the banks. benefiting. The pinch on bor- Millions of Americans also ex- rowers isn't the entire picture. ject sooner or later, one way The federal government alone >r another, to get returns on I'LL HELP YOU START is paying out more than nine nvestments in life insurance, IN* WITH A BANG! billion dollars a year to those mtual funds, and private pen- from whom it borrows and you ion and retirement funds. Some Need a job, m place to live, may be among the millions get- re getting such returns right caih for things you no longer ting some of that as a partial ow. use? Oil oo me, 0. Howie offset to the taxes you pay. The fcaaks aa4 ether flu* dal. laaWaHeaa may be get- Hurtle*, a Rei>ter Classified Ad, Individuals are getting more of that nine Wilton dollars than dag a smaller portion of the •ad a : specialist at solving prob- you might suspect. They also are lacreastng total of interest pay- lems.!; collecting on state and municipal meats thaa you think. Call SH 1-0010 for a friendly Ad bonds, ai members of Savings The U.S. Treasury says it writef. Soon you'll be smiling. and Loan Associations and credit pays out l'/j bUlion dollars a unions, ai holders of corporate year la interest to the M mil- lioa persoos who own U.S. Sav- t • lngs Bonds. It pays another bltllOB to Individuals JUST IN THE "NICK" OF _ other forms of Its se- Any Man Would euttles. The next largest volume of Interest goes to various govern- TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! ment bnrwtment accounts, like Like A Norelco Social Security, which put their Idle funds In Treasury se- curities, and to the commer- SPECIAL PURCHASE cial banks, each getting Vfx billion a year on their holding. I Oltt Olvlng- PERMITS US TO MAKE THIS FAIULOUS SPECIAL OFKR! Federal Reserve Banks' hold- ings of the U.S. debt bring in SM million dollars a year, ac- cording to the latest available SAVE HONEY at LEWMIL'S! | figures. Non-financial corpora- tions get Nt million a year or KREMINGTON mere at. latest count. State and local governments l ilso get interest from Uncle Sam, ,-or ibout 40d million dollars a year. ore Quiet-Riter PORTABLE Insurance company holdings are good for' 300 million dollars and O mutual savings banks for 200 mil lion. The Treasury lists the rest going to miscellaneous in- S-A-V-E vestors. But the 40 million who have * - _^| nterest bearing savings bonds ^•^^SL^Hsai^laBBBBBMB aren't the only ones watching the Mf^i^HMMill^^^M^^^^b|ig|^BTlJ higher returns now on thrift. E^LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWV There are about 87 million sav- aa^Bia^Biaaaaaaaaaaa^ ings accounts in banks, 24 mil . . . «HH lion accounts in savings and loan i Mvtt ssse ^249S associations, 11 million in credit o) Its stash* as io% oo lirRstieAi unions. # Mattes' stti snstther adjusts Individuals as well as financial awMaaocaily iDOvsfy type DMTO! nstitutions hold mortgages on •Wortrslaftntstnerl which interest rates have been rising. Adding life Insurance hold- ings and the equity of Individ- uals in pension funds; the Se- curities and Exchange Commis- tkw figures that the total Be a Dean and Get credit or savings positions of Individual Americans come to Ma* MMM dollars. Their debts -mortgages, Instalment debt, LIMITED OFFER! charge accoonta—are figured at BUY NOW! Ha Gij,t at 1M*4 bOlkw dollars. Non-financial corporate debt Is put at M2H billion. The fed- era! gomameat owes .around 1M bUiM. State and teal gov. are as hock for about «2 biOkw dollars. But in spite of all this debt, ONLY AT LEWMIL'S the First National City Bank of She'll like the Brands we carry New York points out that there THIS SPECIAL LOW PRICE! are more creditors than debtors in the land — that banks have INCLUDES HANDSOME SADDLE-STITCHED TJAYSER CORO more depositors than borrowers, INDOOR PICTURES and that a lot of people are pay- LUGGAGE-TYPE CARRYING CASE! ers as well »s receivers of in- PRAALTE PILOT terest. WITHOUT FLASHBULBS OUARANTIIO •UARANTUD CANNON FAERIE •Y MMINATON IY MMINCNON Points Halt WITH THE BRAND NEW ANP HWMIL'S AND UWMIL'S SCHRANCK KAY DUNHILL 5 in County A PROFESSIONAL LURARY OF SECRETARIAL fOREVER YOUNG BETTY HARTFORD TRENTON — Five Monmouth TYPING AIDS AND SERVICES County drivers are among the 151 state motorist* whose license re- • Touch Method laslmcliM • Hew to >t a Super Secretary • H TyplBg Sawt- RAINSHEDDER WEATHERBEE vocations under the point system cuts • How to Spell It • Utter Ceateratj sad Tabulatloa Simplified • Office were announced today by Ned J. Preduetioa Typiag Test • History el UM Typewriter • Erasure SMehL Parsekian, acting director of Mo- tor Vehicleis. GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Thomas W. Osborn, Jr., 26, of I Silverbrook Rd., Shrewsbury, lost his license for an indefinite CHILDREN'S CLOTHES period. He had three speeding convictions and one each for reck- Amazing New Camera AND less driving and a traffic light REFEATMQ violation. A six months' revocation was MOTUIE MIL WIMKLIOHT GIFTS ordered for geter E. Stevenson, Now we have the amazing 3000 speed Polaroid Land 19, of 140 McLean St., River Pla- never lets you film and the repeating wink-light — the combination za. His convictions .were for that lets you take indoor pictures anywhere WITHOUT speeding, improper passing and FLASHBULBS! This new film is IS times more sensitive SINCE 1896 careless driving twice. to light than previous film. Used with the Polaroid Jack J. Tanner, 32, of 24 Tim- spoil a shot! othy La., New Shrewsbury, lost wink-light, which automatically winks away dark shad- his license for 40 days for speed- ows when you press the shutter, it makes superb indoor ing twice, a traffic light viola- pictures in ordinary room light. No more flashbulbs! INTALLim tion and passing a school bui. Now indoor pictures are easier, faster, more economical Billy Fisher, 30. of 57 South than ever before — and ready in just 60 seconds. RED IANK, N. J. Bath Ave., Long Branch, had one by Bell&Howell sets its own speeding conviction, along with a prior point system case, and lost lens for perfect exposures! his license for a month. THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY OPEN TILL 9 P. M. EVERY EVENING Every time you press the button, you Ukt Three speeding convictions cost a perfect picture! If the light is too dim, a STARTING MONDAY, DECEMBER 7TH Burton Green, 31, of Deal, his YOUR 60-SECOND license for a month. red flag pope up and says "Don't shoot" UM NO. KT ton for slidse or prints. It's the POLAROID perfect family earners/ DAVIDSONS LAND CAMERA Complete INFALLIBLE Come In And See Ho w kit with leather case and flash attachment Lewmil's Saves You Money Fini grain Itathtr car- • FOODTOWN rytnf csi«; matching /laihfun for indoor ptelurti. FREE SUPERMARKET STARTING MONDAY. DEC. 7th ... LENS SERVICE! OPEN DAILY AND SAT. TIL 9 P. M. Save Money At LEWMIL'S Is now the exclusive Foodtown Market •UY ON EASY GE CREDIT TERMS in Red Bank and Little Silver. Shop and

For Greater Saving: Bring in your cam* compare everyday low, low prices .. J era and Ut us clean LEWMIL'S the lorn, polish It, 21 BROAD STRbui RED BANK and make »ny mi- nor repairs nicts- You'll Save More! Photo Supplies • T«g* Receraiers • Appliance* • Radios • Stereo TV o Jewelry • HI-FI sary. It i on* of our •paclal i«rvlc«e. •7 IROAD ST.. RID IANK •04 PROSMCT AVI., LITTLI SILVIH TEL SH 1-4800 DAILY 'TIL 11 P.M. SATURDAY 'TIL 12 P.M. SUNDAY 'TIL 7 P.M.

LADIES' DEPARTMENT, CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT MEWS AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT MEN'S SUIT RIOT! Put Your lost looks Forward for the Holidays With tno 5oiiso»ioiiai Buy on • • • 'S FALL SUITS • Many Styles and Colors fo Choose From • Shorts and Longs Included • Hade to Sdl for 35.00 FAMOUS HANES LADIES' SUCKS SKI PAJAMAS • All Coton cwd Stylti • AttractivitKtd «r MM • SolM* m4 PlaM* • Diamond Print • Shw 3-1 • Slmt-lt • Rt«.4.M • Rt«. 2.79 '




R«f. 3.27 ft. PR. * PR. PLUS TAX 54 AND 99 LONG *•%. 2.f 7 Pr. 59 26 pair ZIREMEMBER... THE PRICE IS ALWAYS RIGHT AT ATLANTICS...

UNLIMITED < The ONLY Discount Department Store REFUND i Where You Can... POLICY SHREWSBURY AVENUE flT ROUTE 35 (Ononsilfi Fll. . Monmoulh) NNEl W SHREWSBURY CHARGE IT! Ked Mank Register Thursday, Dec. 3, Section Two RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1959 7c PER COPY A Driving Problem MCN Bank Pays New Jersey Saandera Hired 136th Dividend At a meeting of the board of News Briefs Teenagers to Study NEWARK (AP)-Sen. Clifford $1,206,000 Regional directors of the Monmouth P. Case (R-NJ) said today that .County National Bank Tuesday, the power of Southern Senators the regular semi-annual divid- to block civil rights measures is Safety on the Road end of five per cant was declar- waning and that many of them Estimate to Be Cut have become privately reconciled I HIGHLANDS - Micklewright ed, payable Dae. 11 to ehare- to it. In remarks prepared for WALL TOWNSHIP - What can holders ef record as «f yester- and Mountford. Trenton, archi- teenagers do to make driving leu an Equal Opportunity Day lunch- Teachers Get tect! for the Henry HudtM Re- hazardous? ' hovernors day. eon, Case said he is hopeful that gional Board of Education, pre- This broad • question will be George L. BleMU, president, significant civil rights legislation sented two preliminary building « examined at a county-wide con- will be passed at the next session $400 Raises plans to the board last Bight Mounced that this Is the IMth of Congress. Case said there is ference (or high school students To Invite dlrldead paid by the bank. Total project cost, excluding here next Wednesday afternoon. little doubt the South can still In Holmdel site cost and legal fees, oa one : Promoting the inquiry are civil rights measures of plan is $1,283,000, and oa the Safety Councils of Monmouth Russians fundamental nature. But he Board Terms New second, $1,206,000. County and New Jeney and the- WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, said it can no longer succeed in The lower cost plan Is aome Monmouth County Department of Va. (AP) — The American To Halt blocking all such measures, as it Salary Schedule $200,000 over the $1,000,«0 esti- Education. The goal is to arouse governors who went to Russia did up until two years ago. "More Competitive" mate made in the regional study, more students' interest in safety. last summer to look over the prior to creation of the district The students, from throughout U.S.S.R. have invited their coun- 9 ELIZABETH (AP)-Tbe Un- HOLMDEL-The Board of Ed- The building designed by the erparts to repay the visit. lea-Essex Institute for Reha- the county, will meet in Wall The invitation, not yet made 'Plugs ucation last night adopted a newarchitects Is rectangular-shaped, Township High School from 12:45 formally, suggests the trip be bilHaooa here has offered te salary guide for the 1980-1961 single story, with an open court- to 3 p.m. Wednesday to look into aid a Virginia boy who wasschool year providing $400 pay yard in the center of the build- 1 nade early next spring, but these five subjects: "Raising the laves the time open. beta without a left hand and increases for most teachers in ing. Driving Age to 18:" "Pros and Gov. J, Caleb Boggs, of Dela- On CBS what* right hand la deformed. the system. Exterior would be red brick. Cons of Hot Rod Clubs;" "What ware, chairman of the National The Institute Indicated yester- School officials noted the new Board members agreed that the High School Students Expect NEW YORK (AP) — Starting day It would give six-year-old guide would put the system in athe cost of either plan Is too Governors Conference, .said the an. 1, the Columbia Broadcast- of Driver Education;" "Insurance :hairmen of the Soviet districts Mike Plaugher an artificial "more competitive position" with high. and Driver Education," and "Re- would be expected to pay their ing System- will eliminate from hand, perform plastic surgery neighboring school districts In at The question was how and vocation and Re-examination.1 awn way—just as did the U. S. television shows commercials ad- ail his right hand and pay Mstracting teachers to the local where will cutbacks be made. Governors who toured Russia vertising products other than the medical expenses and train system. Tha 11,206,000 plan provides II Schools Invited sponsor's. PARINTS WIRE PUPILS Wednesday night at th* Bears fare. The institute Is • private Upon invitation, 16 public and ast June and July. The present guide ranks among for a school for 700 pupils "func- He said formal invitations are The ban — latest CBS cleanup Street School in Raritan Township when teachers ex- erganlxatlon formed by a group the lowest in Monmouth County. tional" and 822 pupils "maxi- parochial high schools have each move — strikes at a little-publi- of doctors. Its stated aim Is to 11 been invited to send five repre- be issued through the state plained program pursued by their children. Shown in Based on the present guide, mum with the following facili- department and the Soviet em- cized but profitable practice of provide .orthopedic rehabilita- the average salary of a teacher ties: sentative students and a faculty charging manufacturers for hav- the second .grade classroom of Mrs. Richard Craig era tion at the lowest cost possible. - sponsor as delegates. They will bassy. A tentative decision-, to in the system is $4,600 with 10.3 sponsor such an invitation had ing their products used aa show Mrs. James McConnell, 22 Parkview Dr., Hailet, left, Mike's father Is an $8S-a-weck years of experience, compared to be joined by county delegates. prizes. repairman who has six ether Sixteen regular classrooms, All are expected to carry the been reached at the annual gov- in daughter Cynthia's seat, and Mrs. Thomas Patrick! a county average of $5,447 with ernors' conference In Puerto Ri< The new rule, Issued yester- 12.1 years of experience. two science rooms, one typing message of the conference back 6 Sharon Dr., Haxlet, sitting whsra son Thomas spends room, one office practice room, to their own achooli. last September, day by Joseph H. Ream, CBS In neighboring Raritan Town- made the vice president in charge of stand- his day. In chair in foreground it "likeness" of Cynthia NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - ship, theTaverage salary is $4,800 one music room, two shops, two The keynote address will be announce- home economics rooms,, one art delivered by Ned J. Paraekain, ment last night after a three- ards and .'practices, ordered that McConnell. Each child's chair in tha classroom was oc- Barbara Diane Plaisted, 14, whowith 7.2 yean of experience, all prizes be paid for out of a ran off to Texas with a 39-year- while in Matawan the average room, a library, gymnasium. acting director of motor vehicles. hour meeting behind closed doors cupiad by an image executed in paper and imagination cafeteria, to seat 279, administra- Other speakers include Earl Gar- with the executive committee of show's budget. old married milkman, has been is $5,200 with 11.7 years of ex- by the child. sentenced to an indeterminate perience. tive rooms and guidance, health rison, Monmouth County superin- the council of state governments. Also barred are free plugs for and faculty rooms. . tendent of schools; Granville V. He said he had no idea what airlines and other transportation term In the State Home for Girls. Lew Average Juvenile Court Judge Aldona Ap- Union • Architect Robert Mkduswrtght Magee, Wall Township superin- portions of the country the Rus-facilities. Holmdel is tied with said the board could save $M,- tendent of schools; Ray Cotton liana would want to see. An itin- The new rule is also expected pleton pronounced sentence yes- Beach for tha lowest average sal- terday with the admonition that ary in the county. In Union Beach 000 by cutting out on* shop and, of the Asbury Park High School, erary will have to be worked out to stop television personalities Resignation Rumor one home economics room. and Bud Krayer of the state jointly by the Russian embassy from using their programs to the girl "knew right from however, the average yean of and the governors' council. wrong." "No, Mommie, experience is 6.7 Ha told tha board, however, Motor Vehicle Division. promote other commercial activ- no,' that the basic concept of build- Participating high schools and Neither the federal government ities in which they have an in- Barbara cried, 'I love my par- Local school officials feel that nor the states would be expected ents. I don't want to leave the new guide will Increase the ing a school for 760 to IM stu- their principals are: Asbury terest. Denied by Shinkos dents was "questionable." be- Park; Walter Gleason. Jr.; Att-o pay for the tour, Boggs aaid. A main program affected by them." The milkman involved is position of the system In the The- visit to the U.S.S.R. by the Ernest Corrao, father of three county as far aa salaries go. cause there will be only some 600 lantic Highlands, Edward Dzurin- the CBS policy will be Art Link- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Com- students in 1)62 and because the ko; Allentown, Howard Stanback; governors was, financed by pri-letter's "House Party," which children, who was arrested with Under the new guide, the min- vate foundations in this coun- mittceman-elect Thomas B, Shin- the girl earlier this year in Ana- imum and maximum salaries In 700 figure would not bo reached Freehold Regional, Dr. Robert identifies donors of gifts. until possibly 197*. Norris: Keyport, George D. try. The rule was issued1 after th ;os yesterday described as huac, Tex. Corrao claims he fled each category are aa follows: Search: Long Branch, William The governors gave unanimoui show business trade paper. Varie- "nonsense" a rumor circulating his family to escape creditors Without a degree, $4,000 to $5,200; He said the entire alia of the Meskill; Manaaqtlan, Harry Mor- support to a proposal by the and that Barbara begged' to go BS degree. $4,400 to $6,S00, andschool should bo cut down, in ty, carried a piece on the sub- here for the past week that he MS degree, $4,800 to $7,400. lias with mon realistic enroll- tis; Matawan, Luther Foster, roads committee that the gover- ject of airline plugs on the CBS might resign after taking office along. At the time they were nors ask President Eisenhower apprehended, she backed up his The guide also includes two ment statistics. . and Middletown Township. Wil- show "What's My Line." Jan. 1. additional steps in both the bach- 11am Megill. and Congressional leaders for The National Broadcasting Co. story. Now, however, Barbara "Sttto law says tha school conferes t January to "I don't know how the rumor says that Corrao forced her toelor's and master's categories, must reach its functional capaci Also, Neptune, Russell Cole- confirmed that it was, also study- plus annual Increments of $200 man; Red Bank, Royal Hintxe; discuM beefing up the cut-down ing tha problem at television got started." he said, "but it'shave relations with him and ty within 10 years." haaoted. for all steps on the guide. After further diicu >Rad Bank Catholic, Sister Mary; federal superhighway program. merchandising. The network has the silliest thing I ever heard. threatened to kill her If she Rumson-Fair Haven Regional, Dr. '\ The roads committee, headed a number of shows which name •'The only thing I will be con-didn't Corrao has been sen- Board officiala said tha payboard members agree*, that the John Klnney; St.. Roaa, Mother by Gov. Abraham Rlbleoff of gift manufacturers. They Include cerned about next, year Is get-tenced to 3-to4 years In state raises would require a $114,000 school should ba built tor a func- Joseph Bernard; Star of the SeaConnecticut, protested that allo- KThe Price Is Right" and "Thi ting a job done for Raritan prison. He pleaded no defense teachers' salary appropriation In tional capacity of UO tt «• stu- Academy, Sister Agnes Gabriel, cations to the states under the Is Your Life." Township We certainly have to charges; of desertion and non-the new budget. This Is $11,000 dents,' rather than 700 as pro- •nd Wall Township, George Reiss. 1958 program had been cut dras- plenty of problems to be solved." support of his wife and three higher than the current figure. posed la the regional study plan. tically below earlier estimates, children, abduction and carnal It was noted that the increased A SSO-student building would Serving on the planning com- Stores Liflt Closing Mr. Shinkos, a Democrat, was appropriations includes money mittee are Jane Gardner, Asbury arid that the states have been elected Nov. 3 by a narrow abuse. Hia family now lives in have a "maximum"' capacity of Park; Roxy Finn, Atlantic High- left out on a financial limb. The Brooklyn. Judge Appleton told for a new teacher. about C7S students, a M0-stu- Hours for Yule Season margin of 56 votes. The other $200 Jamp lands; Richard Skeban, Freehold :onference was proposed to work two Democrat candidates, James the crying girl yesterday that the dent building, about 725, Regional; Frank Zarapello, Key- in a mutual solution. KEYPORT - The Chamber of court was not Impressed with In the emergency certificate Commerce has announced that G. Brady and Philip J. Blanda, category of the new guide, the port; John Wall, Keyport; Carl- Jr., won by landslide margins of Barbara's "great fear" of Cor- Mr. Micklewright said he would ton Slegmund, Long Branch; Ron- stores here will remain open un- rao. The milkman's actions were board gave only $200 raises. Hulsart Named til 9 p.m. from Dec. 14 through more than 600 votes. Harry D. Pitcher,' vice pres- prepare a new set of plans baaed ald Nine, and Joseph Slmpklni, despicable, the judge declared, ea the tower enrollment figures both of Manasquan; Bruce Dec. 17, and until 10 p.m. from Lest IT arming "but that does not excuse you ident and chairman of the per- County Auditor Dec. 18 to Dec. 23. s sonnel committee, aaid the com- and let the board know hew McCutcheon, Matawan. and Ed- During the campaign, Mr. a country's morality de- much money might be saved. ward Trenski. Bart Boyle FREEHOLD — Tha Board of The business group will hold Shinkos lost the backing of thepends on the -morality of its mittee would discourage the Pasquale Migllaccio, all of Mid- Freeholders yesterday appointed a Christmas party for children Misses Dog9 regular Democratic organization women." board from hiring emergency The board decided to look over dletown. Armour Hulsart, Engllshtown, Dec. 14 from 9 to 7:30 p.m. after he split with Mr. Brady and certificate teachers wherever pos- five or aix possible sites with the Also. Mr. Coleman, Neptune; county auditor. Santa Claus will make his an- Mr. Blanda on a key campaign sible in the future. architects within the aext two Mr. Hulsart will replace the nual visit to the borough during Hits Tree In other business the board vot- weeks "in order to eliminate the Edward Venaloff and Frank firm of Stevens and Hart of As- Issue, the assessor'question. properties which will not be suit- Smithley, both of Allentown; Hel- the party and will distribute gifts RUMSON-A Camp Kilmer sol County OKs ed to hire Dr. Joseph Puma, bury Park which has been the to children 10 years old or under. Mr. Brady and Mr. Blanda Cherry Tree Farm Rd., Middle- able." en Neff and Thomas Carlo, botl dier was injured yesterday when :ampaigned for defeat of a pro- of Red Bank; Don Cook, Red county auditor for many years. Plans also are being made tc he tried to avoid hitting a dog town, as a school dentist for the The Henderson site, off Rt. 36, Mr. Hulsart 'fromerly was ashav- e several choral groups sinj posal for a three-member Board Deed Transfer remainder of the year. priced at approximately 934,000, Bank Catholic; Dr. Kinney, Rum- on Bingham Ave., near Bingham of Assessors. Mr. Shinkos refus- aon-Fair Haven; Mother Joseph sociated with the state Division in the business district durini Hill Cir. FREEHOLD-A formal trans- In the past the board has par-will be among the proptrties to of Local Governments. Christmas week. ed to take a stand on the issue. fer of deeds between the Borticipate- d in a state-aid dental be checked. Bernard, St. Rose; Robert Jan- Police Mid Sgt, H. Logan, who The proposal was defeated in kk, Wall Township High, and ough of Freehold and Monmouth program wherby the district re- In order not to ba at a dis- lives in Hilton Park, Atlantic the election by. a 2 to 1 margin. County will be held Dec. 16.ceived 31 hours of service. advantage with the eeUen, .the Sister Agnes Gabriel, Star of the Highlands, swerved his vehicle Meantime, Democratic leaden Sea Academy. As the result ef an agreement Under the plan the board pay- board decided to conduct all fu- Ownership of Land and hit a tree. this week started preparations reached Sept. 16 between the ed $4 per hour-tor the service ture site discussions la. execu- He Is in satisfactory condition for aa inaugural dinner-dance to Board of Freeholders and the with the state paying a like tive session. this morning in Patterson Army honor Mr. Bland*, Mr. Brady Freehold Borough Council, a deed amount. The board hired Dr. Carleton Milk Price Hospital. Fort Monmouth, with and William R. Greene, t%x as-will convey to the county the Board officials noted that 33 M. Saunters u educational con- At Harbor Unsettled nose and elbow injuries. He was sessor. former borough barns property students required additional den- sultant at an annual salary of taken there by the Rumson first Mr. Shinkos has been left out on Lafayette PI. This property ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — complete lighting plan to improve tal care this year and that only $1,000, pro-rated from Oct. 1. Action Seen aid squad. of the affair because of what will be used for a proposed' 100- 11 received treatment because of The vote waa 6 to 3, with Wil- The Harbor Commission last the electrical system at the har- organization officiala termed "his car parking lot for the Hall of TRENTON (AP) - A decision night conferred with T. M. Par-bor, which Is operating at full No summons was issued. the limited 21-hour contract. liam A. Feste, Mrs. Edward A. Is expected In about two weeks bolt of the party." Records. Thus the board decided to con-Finlay and George J. Lahey, all ker, property manager of the Jer- capacity. Mr. Shinkos has blamed the In return, the county, will deed en whether Higher minimum re- sey Central Railroad, to deter- The commission authorized Mr. tract on its own for additional from Highlands, voting against tail milk prices will be allowed party split on his former running space for borough vehicles at thedental service to take care of the resolution, mine ownership of a 1,200-foot Sykes to make a preliminary Mother Is 11th mates. county property on Manalapan In North Jersey. land parcel at the harbor that survey and a proposal based on the other 12 students. , The state Office of Milk Indus- He said yesterday he has been Ave. Richard M. Ford, principal, extends from Bayview Station to the survey. Polio Victim waiting for them to contact him In other business at the regu- try yesterday completed a three- First Ave. In other business the com- Mid that the 21-hour contract Morris Gets day hearing on the prices. EATONTOWN-Nancy Hutting, to patch up the split but that so lar meeting yesterday, the free- with the state wu devised yean The commission Is interested mission awarded a contract far "no one has shown up." holders approved the action of The present minimum.price ol Fred Farwel for installation 20 West Grant Ave., 27-year-old ago when the system had a 17 cents a quart for home-dellv in acquiring the land tor a right mother of four children, Is the Net Consulted the Red Bank Borough Council smaller enrollment. Since the of way Into tha harbor, to de-a used oil furnace in the oil establishing one hour parking FireCompany •red milk expires Dec. 31. But house for $150; established a flat'1th county polio victim of the "They have not even called district has grown, he said, 21 most stores are selling a few velop a small boat launching Rol n Monday through Saturday, from area. berth rate of $2 for all boa ****> » <> *•. Hines, chairman me," he said. hours is not enough time to han cents a quart over the minimum. of the county chapter of the Na 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.. on the south die the situation. Job Again At a special meeting Monday up to M feet, and approved Democratic Committee- side of West Front St. from a Any new price order will cov- report from finance chairman tional Foundation, said today. man Ralph £. Mundy supported Dr. Puma's fee will not be set er Monmouth, Bergen, Essex, night, Craig Finnegan, borough point 35 feet west of the inter- until he has determined the EATONTOWN - Then's a engineer, presented plans for a who stated that the cash balance Medical authorities at Mon Mr. Shinkos in the election cam section of Maple Ave. and Weat dilemna in the ranks of th* Ea- Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, on hand as of Nov. 30 is $121mouth Medical Center indicate paign. amount of dental work that has Morris, Passalc, Somerset, Sus 240-foot long and 60-foqt deep Front St., and extending weat for to be done, tontown Engine, Truck, and Hoae concrete boat' launching ramp at 085.61. that Mrs. Hutting has paralysi Tne continuing party rift was 61 feet. Company. •ex, Union, Warren and most Sees Revenue Increase of the lower extremities. She isspotlighted this week In the fact The board voted to secure an Ocean counties. an estimated cost of $110,176. A The freeholders approved the estimate on the cost of Instal- It concerns Fred S. Morris, 100 1(0,000 alternate was also pro- Dominic Caruso, chairman the wife of Patrolman William that the Democrats have still construction of a storm drain on OMI Director Floyd R. Hoff- the future development comm Hutting, Eatontown. been unable to get together on ling retractable basketball back- South St., who has been its sec- man said during tha hearing posed. Commission members lat- Hance Rd,, New Shrewsbury, be- boards from the girders of theretary for SO years, has been er stated the alternate seemed tee, asked the commission to con In addition to a little girl born the question of the mayor'a post tween Sycamore Ave. and New- that« per cent of tha milk sold sider a proposal made by hli for next year. school auditorium. anxious to give up the poet for 10 In North Jersey is home-deliver to be a more feasible approach. committee at Monday night' •even weeks ago, Mrs. Hutting man Springs Rd. The low bid yean, and was re-elected again ad and 70 par cant of that Mr. Parker indicated that the has three boys. The boys have Tho Township Committee Itself for this work waa $11,243, sub- Tuesday night, meeting. all had three Salk vaccine shots, elects the mayor each year. homoaganiud Vitamin D. Thr by the fort Monmouth Klrc thought brforo I decldo what to cm should do the tame tiling. that tho commission draw up Izcd now," ho added, defendant, muyor's post. alls wno available nt pros time. Company. do," ho said. i ky HANK KETqiAM Si—Thursday, Dec. 3. 1959 REP BANK REGISTER TODAY'S DENNIS THE MENACE LUXURIOUS Business Mirror UV1N6 1A- By SAM DAWSON AP BUSINESS ANALYST Many American families are having to adjust to rising health | bills Medical costs have been one of the steady pressures cauting|| the cost of living index to creep higher. , . How much of that is due to: Higher fees and drug and hospital charges? , People seeking more medical attention than they used to?' HOLLY HILL New, more effective, but costlier drugs and treatments? I can help you score every Figures supplied by the Social Security Administration lime. I'm O. Howie Hustles, Mebilt Homt S«Mr$ and analyzed by the Chase Manhattan Bank el Nsw York Register Classified Ad. If you've put the nation's nnaual Mil for personal medical care at (SMI* em Marsw • «• *»» furniture to sell, a place to rent, about 21 billion dollars - doable what It was ia 1IW, and Route 35 SM* As»fc •H times what It was ia laM. : man to hire, or just about yR P. RISTINE & CO. But the big lump -as every: family kaowsj.— has urything . . . I'can help; PARKWAY l«t| , been bow much more todMduals spead for s^dUal care CaU me at SH 1:0010 for help. than they did M yeara ago. la lttt medical esaeadUuroa •Tdemheri New York and Phila.-Balti. Slock Exchanges came to 127 per person. Today It la flM. American Stock Exchange . These are average figures. Floaty of people have to apead many times that M the course of a year. A lew STOCKS - BONDS • MUTUAL FUNDS lucky ones escape wlih leas or none.' • ; ' The bank economists note that medical care coats have risen •OYS' ft MEN'S Lester R. Ross, il/gr. sharply but they stress that new treatments and practices make comparisons difficult. They say: ' ' ' SI EAST FRONT ST. RED SANK, NEW JERSEY "The charge for a day's stay in the hospital has gone up 73 SUBURBAN COATS Telephone - SHadysMa 7 1414 - WX • Utt per cent since 1950, but modern methods of medical treatment have reduced the average length of stay by over one^eightb. More OUON and OU11T ; • important, much of the,care which is saying lives and improving LINK COATS yj, health today had no counterpart 10, let alone 30, years ago-" Two other factors enter into the rising, total of coats. Single or cloublo-breatttiJ •.: One Is that research has enabled doctors to treat a stylet in warm wooli.:; FOR A MAN'S wider range of Illness. And.asera psiols take advaatage Wind-reiiitant, 'for thru.-; of tbU. It is' estimated that today about tar* thirds of the population tea a doctor durmg the year. Thirty yean ago winter wear. '. •;>' less than half did. The number of vUto per panoat has : risen 4$ per ceat. . ' , Priced from : CHRISTMAS GIFT The second' factor is that wcreaalag visits have boon spurred by rising Incomes and by the spread of health PAPER THAT SOLD UP TO $2.98 PER insurance now held by throe families oat of four. 9 Of .the $124 average outlay per person, the largest portion Is SINGLE ROLL IS NOW JUST TO ; for hospital care, $37, although this wasn't true 30 yeara ago. The next portion, $34, goes for an average of five visits to phy- $1.00 KR SIH9LI ROIL sicians. Medicine and appliances account for $33, dentista get $$14 and other services take $8. . . COMI IN TODAY AND Sll OUR WONDIRFUL Out of your own pocket you pay $3 of every $5 spent for • Tweed* ' • Ca$hmere^ medical care. Thirty years ago you spent SO per cent of the total. SIUCTION W WAUPAPIR THAT WILL MAKI • Beucle : • Stripe* • Governments now pick up about one fifth of the total tab. Much is' for medical care, of servicemen or veterans and. their YOUR HOMI IHIftHTII THIS WIMnt. • Melton t Ombre* families. Some goes to recipients of public assistance or for work- men's compensation. • • Waffleweave Another fifth of the total is financed.through health insurance. This accounts for over half of today's hospital bills and one third KIMMERLE PAINT CO. RED BANK CLOTHING of the doctor bills. Some form of such insurance is now held by 20 WHITI ST. RID RANK 120 million Americans. ; MANUFACTURING CO. The drive to get people to keep healthy through regular check- (On the Parking Lot) ups and preventive medicine gains ground right along. 210 W. MONT ST. •;••>•••. RID IAN| OPEN FMDAY NIGHTS ONLY OpHti.«.l»ti,«, SH 7>40M Krongelb, Sandra Lucian, Louise II TIL SH 7.1 lit—Mil DILIVIRY Monroe, Peter Normington, Steve Honor Roll, Palmer, Renee Pitten. Brenda|[ SRI OUR, DISPLAY Sadler and George Tunstall. Credit list * Juniors: Anne Costes,. EileenII Of TOOU TODAY Cole, Norman Eckstein, Charles I Gibbs, Karen Hammond, Ralph Students Listed Huber, Barbara Hubiehmahn, Ju- dith Hudsond , AmeliAla i HurlessHl. EAST ORANGE MILL The' honor. roll and credit Hit Deb Lee, Pat Lombardi, Rose-I for the first marking .period at '•'- M Red Bank High School wss re- mary Monteverde, Robert Mor-ll leased yesterday by. Royal H. ris. Lora Myers, Barbara Nach-[ Hinue, principal. ' ' :. "•'••:. mias, Mary Raff, Carol Squire, Seniors on the -honor roll are: Ann Stronghilos, Lucy Wheeler II James Bahr,,Lloyd Baskin, Bar- and Hugh Wilson. ry Berdahl, Elizabeth Bett, Sophomores: Jacque Baker, || Charles Borgman, Jeraldinepick- Constance Barsky, Leslie Beard, son, Barbara Farrtll, Nancy Judy Colen, David Gross, Ken- Hamlin, Patricia Hornberger, Ed neth Davis, Lois Erlacher, Bar- Lid Kacbel, - Diane rle Gelbhaus, Carolyn Gerhold, •Catherine Hill, Mary Ann Holm- gren, Gail Hubbard, Susan Jaf- fe, Alan Klatsky, Holly Lepore, Barbara McDonald, Shelly Mei- strich, Thomas Pfrommer," Faith ONMOUTH MEATS Martha Piontrinal, Linda Robin- son, Ken Sjwyer, Barbara Tag, Ann Taylor, Brian Weiss and Pa- mela Worthley. 10 *. Freshmen: Andrea Brets, Carol Brown, Jacqueline Caruso, Ar- lene Conlan, Charlotte Green, Mary Lou Gualtieri, Anita. Ham- SERVICI mond, Linda Hartmen, Billy Henderson, Steven Homberger, Shirley Kate. Brian Keebaugh, Joy Kieper, Richard Kraybill, Jane Msslow, Jane Monteverde, Lynn Nilson, Pat Normington, Ronald Podell, Beth Rassas, Ju LEGS lie Reiber. Howard Scher, Alan Shive, Jacqueline Van Brunt, Jane Warren and Kathleen Our Workroom Will Mak« Yoir White. Credit List Seniori on the credit lift are: Pork George Adcock, Ester Baer, Ron- ald Cohen, Judy Domorjian, Jo Ann D'Onofrio, John Garland, Pete,r Grudln, Linda Hamblen, "OMNIBUS 00LLE0TI0IT by Miraj Joanne McMullen and Paula for Ribs Merdico. Juniori: Judith Ambrose, Wen- dell Brown, Margaret DiNaples, 20 EXCITING Donna Gray, Janet Harries, Nat- alie Hawkins, Joanne Juliano, Chuck Roast John McAuliffe, George Nugent, DRAPERY PATTERIVS Mary Scaplen, Betsy Shelly, Donald Sweeny, Arnold .Vincent and Marilyn Zager. IXCLUSIVI IN NIW JIRIIY WITH US 111 Sophomores: Virginia Berg- DRAW DRAPERIES INCLUDED lund,. Robert Frederichson, Shari Green, Harry GueUlaff, Ksther ine Hoffman, Stantey Johnson, Eileen Lazsr, Rosalie Llchter, CROSS ROAST Donna Loversidge, Robert Mel- ler. Paul Ralph, Joie Roblei, el SOFA Robert Saffa and William Strace- AND ner. Freshmen: Carol Crowd), Ter< rl Drake, William Graves. Susan Hager, Peggy Lynch, Lydla CHAIR Pace, Daniel Waldman, Diana STEAKS : 14 CUSHIONS) •9.50 Weiss and Serge White. AH Safa OvtfwehM IONELESS—AGED Mrs. Flaherty Given Party CALL SH 1-4010 FOR OUR SHOP-AT-HOME DECORATOR TO GALLON YOU BELFORD-Mn. Thomas Flah- ROUND ROAST erty, Monterey Dr., Harlet, was guest of honor at a itork shower """"FROM OUR RRADY-MADR DIPT.' last week in the home of Mrs. Edward Helm of this place. Ciistomlitd Rcady-Mad* Doeorofor' The shower, given by the Chat' tcrlng Ten Bridge Club, wis at- tended by Miss Floroitce Roddy, BEDSPREADS Mrs. John Hall, Mra. John Soltls, Mrs, Lew Bulm, Mn, John Rod- Theio bedipreadi are euitom-tallored to your bed dy, Jersey City; Mrs,' Franklyn HILL END SHOPS regardless of lite, in the latest decorator fabrics Dunn and daughter, Helen, Lake Lackawana; Mrs, Michael Ber- Open In all colon and itylei. ' ' ' ' SAUSAGE nat, Lakowood, and Mrs. Mar- RED BANK/1374 BROAD ST. Frl. Eves. 56 Different , unrct Cuinmlngs and Miss Mary Op*n from Helm, Delford. EAST ORANGE, 503 MAIN ST. Wen. Eves. After the shower members Oprn Styles played bridge. A buffet supper MORRISTOWN, 31 SOUTH ST. W>tl. Kvcit, MATCHING DRAPIRIRS ALSO AVAILAILI wns served, Mrs, Rcildy will be Open Thlir*, hostess when Ilio club meets FAIR LAWN, 24-14 BROADWAY ft Krl. Kvm. No affiliation with «ny other iforo en the Jorsty thoro with ilmllar I 'I'lic Ciillicdrnl of the Assump- tion In Iliillliiiiirc Is III'' nklrsl NOTE: name, II SUM you wo In EAST ORANGE MILL END SHOP // Pays to Use Classified Display Calliollc cnllicilnil In the Stulrs. , X f MERRIER CHRISTM$ DISCOUNT CENTERS MEN'S LONG •••••mm•••••••% iYi WYSK iVutfsuis wk&Tm^J i^R^Wt^BPBRiRF. •BRR^^^^W^W 2.98-3.98 VALUES! OUR PLAID DRESSES LARGEST SELECTION, EVER! 97 197

pwma-ttty etllart! •nHNhiw .'nSnhlJiMrt WMrttr«ltf»!($,M,U(L) mMkSml

'SAfir • C . • imm 11 MMKfMMjMM

•nnftinwpkMi! •n tiiH Hi "i. k-j



mkm a IMM I


1.91 WMM, SUPPER SOX CNRISTIHS TREES LA ffi? VI 5.95 cm- ar •NMml!


KEANSBURG, NEW JERSEY 36 OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY FROM 9:00 A. M. 'TIL 10:00 P. M. .PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER^^WE.RESERVE THE RiaHTJO.LIMITjQUANTITIES, WHILE QUANTITIES Uffll 26-Thursday, Dec S, 1959 RED BANK REGISTER they wiU deliver their St Nich- olas gifts to Rev. Anselm Bro- burg and assisting vestrymen. Will the Princess After prayers of thanksgiving Children of Church to Send and new hope, Father Broburg A Christmas S the Heart will dispatch the toys to an as- Wed the Commoner? sembly point where they will be Toys to the Less Fortunate flown to missions in the Philip- Parents,too! pines and the continental United of Every Young StOtBWSBURY—Next Sunday used toy for the less fortunate States. the children of Shrewsbury and children in the mission fields of the otter towns included in the Utah, the Dakota* and the Phil- 1ITO MBTHDAY parish of Christ Episcopal Church ippines. BELFORP-The 10th birthday win celebrate St Nicholas' Day During the offertory at the 9 of William Stryker, son of Mr •in a new way. a. m. family Eucharist service, and Mrs. Arthur Stryker, 10th Instead of accepting gifts on the children of Christ Church St., was celebrated last Thurs- this noted feast day, each child will follow the crucifer, t6rch- day at a family party. will be a Santa Clans and bring bearers and choir in a specisl It pan lo adnnin in THa tfgHUr. to the church a new or perfect procession to the altar, where —AdnttlKmmt.

Follow the adventures of Santa's little helper... hfe trouble! and his heroism .. ..in the fascinating cartoon strip to ap- ALTAR BOUND? Some friends say ityaapold Princess Ale* andra of England, above, ninth in line of succession to the pear soon, daily and Sunday, itv the Journal-American. throne, will marry David Bailey, a commoner. By COUN FROST I George V. The Duke died la a "Little Sandy Sleighfoot" is the only Christmas story for LONDON (AP) — If blue-blood- wartime plane crash while serv- ed Princess Alexandra takes a ing with the Royal Air Force. little ones endorsed by so .many clergymen and educators* trip down the aisle with the red' The Princess likes tennis at blooded son of a glass manu- swimming, but excels in neither. It has been called the greatest Christmai story sine* facturer, not a single Mayfalr She rides wen. A few years i _ Charles Dickens' famous "Christmas Carol" duchess will flutter an eyebrow. rooit of her best friends wen horses but this enthusiasm, com- Twenty years ago a match be- 11 tween a pretty English princess mon among Fng *^ schoolgirls, and tmtitled commoner would moderated with age. Mr* have been unthinkable. But 22- "... Sandy Slolghfoot has "...a moat delightful Christ, year-oM Alexandra, ninth in line great charm and interest... mu story which Mils that of succession to the throne, has I like its strong religious Qod bat a Job for everyone Staked a claim to marry for love I'S and toys' if she wants to. keynote." on thia earth." One man she could love, ac- Recommended for us* in parochial schools in more than ' cording to her friends, is 25- WEAR yesr-old David Bailey, tall, slim. fifteen Roman Catholic archdioceses, from coast to coast good looking', and heir to a con- siderable fortune. Where style and Some friends are expecting an quality ate engagement Others are not so • Starts Friday ia tlw sure. Bailey himself isn't talking not expensive t and the Princess keeps her secrets close to. her heart Whether in.ball gown or tweeds JERRY Alex is as elegant as could be expected of the daughter of. one YANKOWS JournilWAiuerican of the world's best dressed wom- en, the Duchess of Kent. T«r mow BMie* 84H»" Since she first sprang on the I "U n* sari Of UBS tame" social scene six years ago Alex- andra has added two inches to It Pays to Use Classified Display her height and shed a couple from her Waistline. At 5 feet S inches she Is an inch taller than her mother and a whole head higher than cousin Meg. like Margaret, she Is a theater and Jan fan and no mean per- former on .the grand piano that stands In. the corner of her sitting room in Kensington Palace. SORRY,.. Dances the Night Away Once or twice a month she turns up in the plusher pleasured We are sorry to have domes under escort of ex-army friends of her brother, the Duke inconvenienced you— of Kent. She dances well, smokes sel- dom, doesn't drink. She keeps dancing nil the sun comes and still looks fit for more. OUR RESTAURANT The romance with Bailey first hit the public eye last spring when Scotland Yard announced a bat belonging to the Princess HAS BEEN CLOSED had been stolen from his car. The Princess had been a week* end guest at his family's place Asphalt in the country. On the way back, FOR REMODELING they stopped at his London apart- TILE ment for coffee. WOwR Or MSJCK Lees Sheltered Ales has always *een leu shel- tered than Margaret In her up- bringing. While Margaret, close to the Queen, led the secluded VINYL ASStSTOS palace life, Alex took her early lessons in an ordinary village school, later went on to Heath- FLOOR TILE field and finally learned the way of the world at a Paris fialshlag school. While Margaret can travel only FRIDAY, DEC 4th with publicity, Alex can move around Europe without fust. Ska can even take a girl friend win- dow shopping la London's Wast Gaorgt Lu, who is still In tht Ead and pass unrecognised. Alex buys most of her dothes hospital, withes to thank all his; ready-made, goes to the royal rustic dressmaker only for formats. She friendt for the many gifts «IMJ. once was pictured in public wear- ing tight blue jeans. words of consolation ha has ra- WALL TILE Alex gets her looks and her Now Jonty*s gaiety from her father, the Duke of Kent, fourth soa of eoivad. George Lu will ba baek on his feat soon and rest assured he'll ba more than happy to con* tinut serving you. the finest Chl- nes«*Amarican food on the show.

OLDEN PAINT FACTORY OPEN Mon. • Thuri. GEORGE LU 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD II • II (OPPOSITE MAYFAIR MARKET) CHINESE - AMERICAN OHM DAILY tA.M.tti>. M. WIO. ft HI. TILL f Friday II • 12 Saturday II • I RESTAURANT SH 7-1461 IMVin IIA1LKV .... how Sunday 12-11 Mronii l> Ills and tho prlnccsi' 8 WALLACE STREET RED BANK friendship? MD BANK MCISTEK HwHaay. Mtc. 8. 195»-27 to Us staff - Dr. by me Educator abeth ehart as director of tbs M fOgfc School at MaaaaV Bayview PTA sUte schoUrshto program and ton Township. The fair win again ba open Due ta Retire Edward O. Gtaspey as aulstant Before that he had taught ele-Holds Book Fair tomorrow from 1 to 4 p. m. and r« to Gtre Drivers director of secondary education, mentary classes in Philadelphia from 7 to I p. m. TRENTON (AP) — The New Dr. Ehart Is now associate di- and high school in Wyahiatag. LEONARDO — A Book Fair The speaker for the PTA meet- Jersey Department of Education rector of the Illinois State Pa. - - will be sponsored by the Bayview ing wJU be Mrs. Jean Gordon, With Drinks yesterday announced Dr. Ablett Scholarship Program. She has Dr. Frary came to the educa- School Parent-Teacher Aseocia- music supervisor for the town- been serving as consultant toth e tion today and tomorrow. ship schools. She will speak on TMEKION CAP) — tf the 'bar. H. Fluryof Trenton wUl retire tion department in IMS as as- as assistant commissioner is New Jersey Scholarship Commls- "Music and the Children." * gms yen a card with TWP. MEETING TONIGHT sistant m secondary education. Hundreds of titles from lend- charge of curriculum and instruc-1Jon. He was appointed assistant com- , _. drWc to tha not month, ing Juvenile publishers will, be BENEFIT SALE dm't ba surprised. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — lite Uon at the end of the year. Mr. Olaspey. principal of Had-missioner for secondary educa- available, including the classics, Mrs. A. C. Beck is In charge It may abaw you'va had tooTewnsltip Committee will bold iU The department did .not saydon Heights High: School since tion in MM and named tobi adventurs e stories, sport stories, regular meeting tonight at » inwho will succeed Mr. Flury, who 1«M, succeeds Dr. Clyde E. present position in IMS. bone stories and dog stories. of a specialty sate to be held SEARCHING FOR EXTRA snick WeuhoM, who is mm director of Saturday In Anderson's Music About 1.O0O.W of the cardi 'ownship Hall. The body did not is leaving after 15 years of serv Students will ba allowed toe x meet lait night became Com- ice to become executive secre- me department's Dfvlaion of Store.- Broad St.. aa a benefit YEAR-END CASH* art bete* aast by the state to sUBCBVESn amine the books during school raitteemaa Stephen J. KaUeta tary of the. Commission on SecAdul- t Education and Academic for the Sslvstion Army. I'm the .expert Cash-Finder, O. 13£M tavern owners around New Credentials. hours today. ChChristmai s candlesdl , some of Jerasy tordMribstlo a toeutom - could not attend. ondary Schools of the Middle OCEANPORT — James Ryan, Howie Hasdes. a Register Classi- Under dlscusilon tonight will States Association of Colleges Mr. Flury. a holder of degrees son of Mr. aad Mrs. Edwia M. The book Fair will open at T which q •Ti. and will remain open un- fied Ad. Cheek your for a chart ahowljig ba two proposed ordnances, one and Secondary Schools: from the Philadelphia School ooff Ryan. • Arcaaa Avs., has bean P- n> molds,, will be sold. Arrange- things you no longer use and Tfcejr to create a harbor committioa Commissioner Frederick M. Pedagogy, the University o"f promoted by the Navy to the tilafte atr the PTA meeting. ho* omen alcohol g*ta into the ments of dried materials, suitable let de eeil 'em quick. Dial SH andthe other to establish rejula- Raublnier.sald the State Board Pennsylvania, Columbia IWvertr- rank of chief rasanaaa Ke la TimTien has bees alloteed to- for holiday decorations and gift 1-oslO to put me to warkl ' Wood wbaa * penoa of a given far the pur- Sttif tioas forboa t operation. Of Education bad approved two stty, nad Rutaers Wyaralty, acnoH to IfonOH, va. mprtow morning Items, wifl also be sold. Uadar Ktw Jersey law, you are griMy of drunken drMag if th is .U'per cent of alcohol la your Mood, as manured by a dnmke-

• The state Bureau of Traffic Safetf is sanding out the cards. Thetersau aspects them to have SMhM Isaaaot with tavera ewsers ta view of a recent court ded- e*» that they can ba beM liable far *a* sft&ay serve "one for the road" to an obviously drank

Ssi oflotoer offoft to-hold down «M holiday traffic toll, 800,000 FOR YOUR SHOPPING to 1,000,000 pamphlets on. last ,milf rvR TUUI anvrni year's holiday safety program •i* being sent to civic groups . . . PLUS CONVINIINCE ' tor distribution. ' • Xtymoad X' MMtMLV trofflc safety chief, told the state Co- sjrdiaatlag Council on Traffic and tafety yesterday that last De- cember's low figure of 72 deaths would be bard to beat - but it NO LIMITS! can be done. .. • . Prices effective thru Sun., Dec. Cm. ' Ned J. Faneklan, elate Motor We reserve the right tolimi t quantities. BUY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT and SAVI MORI I Vehicle Director, urged Leglsla- Itoa to penallie drivers who have 48 to .19 alcohol In their Wood. CHKK WISE tVMDAY He saK medical research SIMPLY WONDERFUL •hows these drivers an danger- •us too, although they may not iow mimtsi look intoxicated. . Mttahan also called for more Tender Rib Steak CENTER •pot cheeks by local police •round taverns. State Police MaJ. Denlnlck K. Capelto said U Boneless Cube Steak par cent of the 3M53 Uriven Spot-checked by state poUce In PRE5H the year up to last June had Ground Beef been drinking and 1.} per cent were drunk. Seek Data Shoulder Lamb Chops Paneklan said the state NEl€S$ taking definite steps to find out Just how many drivers in fatal Shoulder Steak *° « "SIMPLY WONDERFUL" - TOP CHOICE - WESTERN STEER accidents have been drinking. c The National Safety Council has estimated a M per cent figure. Umb CowbiMtiM « All couaty prosecutors will be asked by the Mate, in the nest Ham Slices lb BONELESS CROSS few days, to Insure that post mortem examinations are con- ~ re* aD people kttled B.BQtrO Chicken traffic b About 10.000 state and county vehicles and local police cars Baby Beef Liver Will carry bumper slogans, "Hoi- May laesanl Drive, with rea- RIB ROAST son," as aa added safety re- Fresh Chicken Uver "79c minder in the next few weeks, It was disclosed. • BIRDS EYE - FROZEN CNKV TlsfSI tVBWAY \ 1 Union Members BROCCOLI SPEARS , GREEN GIANT iow mm rooDHacisi \ Seek Accounting •. . •'. •, - i Bfassaaaaa•isSSSSli a"^srvaa»_^la^SMMlltoBaw '•aammsV^ ,^^WSBSaT 6 atta^sslsmsi aCsSlW 0.t.CUonHCe»HefAppealare- toCitra ( fcaai ytitiriay t» halt a wit by •MMffl PEAS AMERICAN —~ * of team. 5^*1.00 if«>*e-45« •ten Local IW tora a accounting Mitt Mh flllsj Pitt •fasaoa funds. UNMN fABMt Lawyers for the local's officers, 51; to turn, filed motions to dismiss Oranjt Mf 31 ^^Hc . MMMd'a NEWI NEW FROM SWANSON They had asked (he tores-men smaa^nBVss.B1 4hssnMesB ntf^^ed>Aai^A«0 a^ah ^^MAM •^RaW1* OMIT jWrnmrOmy tt>OVOf * S»iMftMkT.V.OiniMr Ma a decision by U. S. District 55 SLICED or HALVES SPA6HETTI UNOW'ARMS Coast Judge Thomas J. Clary to fen* tha sutt.^ HUNTS ••N HBRy SMMWOft ASVO n SWIrTS-SWEET RASHER antois eased four officers of collecting •oar sMSawMan m dues since CARROTS «*% isssV wHhsat giving aa ac- SLKED PEACHES Mempas-fft sjimHag. txtU«m with mors HSBSBI Ut^sV BNHaMRi ll QOO m tte largest teamsters locals in 29 No.2H CiTvettlll * •Mbtr. calling IM Mttinitieit con* CLOVERDELL can RMSI Ttrkiy Slkn *«sas.3|c ttlttee, are sub* «ader the new TOMATO •Moral labor taw. •ONITA iWSlkM SAUERKRAUT MM*M't . N/ _JTANr PAT HKE PORK ROLL NI«rAKX(AP)^An employees 7 ex. ^ Sn^s^av^Bajmaj ^Bfasamj mjaj ^BBS**B*BB^B^EJP Mm of the Paatalc Valley TUNA •ewerage Commlstioo yesterday IHlb. can nakedior a SUMuual pay in- Midget FLAKIS 10 . 9VNI0 IOC Oil MffeOff* 89 , GOOD N RICH imnat -Ueal 13» of the Amertcaa Veaeratloa of Has*, County and CHOC,. Municipal Emptoyet Union also WISCONSIN-CHUNK WHITE 8 OX. gUkaai ifht> #ull i mill IT I 1 AND pkg. fcr the US employea of the com HOMINY SWISS VEUOW Janes if. McMahon, chairman lk GOOD N RICH «t the commlHlon, said the wsge CHEESE 59 CKo€i Of Wntasttez. CWKC sfHrW Ht to iM salary aspense-ll,- ltl.000 mtms year's budget. IDA MAE-fAMILY SIZE ^ MM ththecom^lMlofe i l FROSTINC MD&MOTS •nuUsMat witihh the union on MY-T-flNE tteautter before pressaWss; its PIZZA PK CRUST . surnzED PIE . flAXA-Candlee ^. MIX fttSMSAUM Want daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brtfcerieee Albert , Manning St., was * 79c •totted Sunday In the Red Bank FLORIDA - GOLDEN IANTAM Methodist Church. Rev. Roger PASIMM •eulra. pastor, officiated, (fed- . 7H ••rente are Mr. and Mn. Robert wown, Rod Bank. Liter, an Open Nog ' . SWEET CORN Haass waa held la the home of JUKV ANO SWUI ' ^ _ ^ (MM HUM Mr. and Mrs. Howell. Attending wen Mr. and Mn. Brown, Mr. Amtricaii Flmtfrto CIINN ' asd Mn. William Seattle, Rum- FLORIDA ORANGIS 8^.49* wcom 31. He sin, Mr. aad Mn. Edward Port- AmerlcaR Swln ChttM er, and less Barbara Porter, YELLOW, TANGY SNO-WHITE Hesatweet Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Chutik Swiii Ckt«M S »> bss 19* Muihroomi Ml P. Ranch, Mlddlstown, and Cloht OU O9.SAUSA6E Mr. aad Mrs. Lester Long, Mr. Sharp N.Y. Chtddar aad Mn. Mickey Fndericks, Mr. OUVE OIL ^ $3.69 and Mrs. Arthur Soden, Mr. and Bjr the rioee Mrs. Mickey Ferry, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Thome, Mr, and Mrs, Spen- JACK FROST or DOMINO Shrewsbury Ave.. at Route 35. HARD SALAMI » 99c cer Beckley, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wolcott, Mr. and Mn. Joseph GRANULATED Wysykowskl, Mn. Iva Dcuttlc, KPPER LOAF • PICKLE LOAF Miss Diane Wolcott «nd Ml.is SUGAR 5 47 New Shrewsbury (oPPofit« Fort •anira Fox. ; VEAL LOAF *, 69c \ x OPEN ALL D/W SUNDAY bins. Winter wear will be fea- RED BANK REGISTER fls^-Thursday, Pee,(8.. Church Fair tured. Tea will be served from Honor Roll 2:30 to 4:34 and • cafeteria-style Intriguing Fish Dish from Malaya supper from 5:30 until 7. Pupils Listed In Progress Mrs. Philip Andrews will By CECILY BROWNSTONE •v* sketch profiles during the day.AP Newsfeatyrt* Food Editor RUMSON—School officials this BUSES TO NEW YORK CITY SHREWSBURY — In full swing There are severs! booths—Chil- YOU FOLLOWED in Ike and week released the names, of stu- today is the (til fair of the Pres- dren's games and toys; food and Mamie's culinary footsteps if dents who have achieved honor VIA N. J. TURNPIKI) byterian Church. Activities start- entertainment; trash and treas- /o\i served an international meal rail status for the first marking ed at 11 «• rn. and will continue ure, candy, treasure chest, plants Oct. 24, United Nations Day. period at RumsooFalr Haven until t. and corsages, sewing, aprons, This pleasant custom was Initi- Regional'High School. TWENTY -OUND mn DAILY Following the serving of a Christmas gifts and wrappings. ated in 19SS by our First Lady, To earn the distinction, a stu- chicken salad luncheon, from Mrs. Albert Morhsrt is the md this year White House kitch dent must' have a/ majority noon to 1:30, a fashion show will chairman and Mrs. John Rankin is again went cosmopolitan. of "A" marks in his major sub- Buy 10 Trip lookt ond Sovt be presented by Wilhetmina Dob- co-chairman Just in time to help with this jects with no mark lower than a mealtime enjoyment comes the "B" arid a "C" or higher in all edition of "Favorite Recipes of his- minor sutjects. the United Nations" with its Tiie following students achieved SURPRISE STORED authentic dishes, from Af- this level: ;. ghanistan to Yugoslavia. Our far Senjors, Margaret Qerding, Da ROLLO? CHARTIft SERVICE in the collection is a fish vid Xertaud. Peder lund, Charles CHRISTMAS SPECIALSpudding contributed by young and Nichols, Deborah Norton, Nan- FOR GROUPS > charming Mrs. Lim of the Fed* cy 9wffef and Tarry Sieg. ; mum •ration of Malaya. Junters, Ceiirtoay Baker, Mike Offer the Best in Comfort A Experiene* Bartlett Laura Dftvidson. Arthur IOYS' HEAVY THICKSET Fa*. Bottle Laird, Barbara Love, This fish pudding tastes and Eutette Roche aad Susan Spears. looks different from any other Sophomores; Jay Blake, Judy CORDUROY PANTS I've aver encountered. It'a fla- Brokaw/ Janet Goldrlck.t Don ttewYoffcTramlt r it distinguished but not over- Hubbanf. James Hill, Courtney A TerrHk Ray At powering because. Mrs. Lim con- Irwin, Maldee Kerr, Mildred Kou- fessed, the cut down on the pep- ASMWVPAIR Sites 6 to I*, ^ be. Carol Geary, Marilyn Reyn- 4«i un per to suit American tattet. olds and Carol :Sauvage. . Washabla. •• PR. Malays enjoy the dish many Freshmen, Lynn Duataberre. times at hot at it it given here! John. Goodchlld, Junes Greene, Camp. VaiM UM When we served this mild version Wilma Hurwltt, Marda Kelemen, Zipper fly, back flap pockefs a dinner tint course, to • Anne KeUey, Sandra Lalng and t Pays to Advertise in The Register group of friends of varying back- Diane -Wingerter. to Brown, Charcoal, ground, it made a great hit. On tint arrival In New York. Mrs. Lim was greatly impreased with our skyscrapers and super- Man's W«VM •!•#«• leys' 2-Tc Ptanml markets. "Now I take them for panted." the says, "but 1 ttill ijoy them, "Although Malaya SPORT SHIRTS PAJAMAS at iU modern cities, Mrs. Lim Wok > WMr admires our streamlined food FISH AT ns BEST is prepared by Mrs. Lim, a Mtfve of .39 with their endless variety Malaya now living in New. York. The fish dish the' is con- frozen foods and convenient cocting is a, favorite in her homeland. V 1.50 ready-to-cook poutry. "Why. LADIES---GIRLS VoJut 1 'd never know an American trepidation, on tasting we had to der, • eggs, thinly sliced cucum- 12.41 Ceet Style chicken had f lathers 1" the admit that it has a certain bars (scored)). FULL FASHIONED SWEATERS - SKIRTS When we had supper af-the Lim fascination. We hhea r a TTam a; MM CCut fish into U-mch Varitty of Pattern Variety el Patterns home, wt found the pre-teen boy Iowa, cafe (near a large Indiai n strips andd placl e in a butterebttd UnsSM-L Una* toll and girl of the family deep In reservation) serves the sarai l-quart casserole or baking dish. comic atrips. Asked about their combination. How corn travels Combine coconut milk with die favorite American food, the chit KUIWEIKAN (FISH PUDDING! next l.ingredienU> Beat eggs only MEN'S SWEATERS thyly answered "Hot dogs!" Iagredtcats: 1 pound fillet of sole until foamy. Fold eggs into the ROYS' HOODS* •Ms' O«» and went back 'to their comics. or flounder or haddock, 1% coconut 'milk mixture;. Pour Into Wrtr

,^w,,^»,.,,,,w^ |A$y nRM$ AMANOED_$TOp |N TQDAy NEED A TOP NOTCH TOY SALUMANr I'm your boy, O. Howie Hus- BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP lien, the Register CUasllled Ad. Got a train, bike, building set 46 MONMOUTH ST. RED SANK SH 1-4310 or other things your kid* don't LIQUOR STORES ONN MIDAY NIGHT TILL • O'CLOCK Get them loiiolher, then dial FREE DELIVERY llftlNNINA MONDAY, DIC. 7Hi, OPfN IVIRY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS Si( 1-0010 for me. Before you Irrv I'arlrfnK in Hear »f Slow Eiitrnnve on Whili> Slrvri know II, you'll have cmh In 39'/2 BROAD ST. RED. BANK SH 7-3334 hand lor holWay shopplnR, RED BANK REGKfrER , Ikmitf. Pee; >, "(•eftfseMea, Americans Eager to Earn at Home f<**d* End Tirhailigy «a MM, Mr. Fee called the mansion a Co,, cfcaJrauff Car Ik Helper View monstrosity. Brown Open* session;. • ' tur: Col. Brown gave the address '"™—' '--^ ,' v Seen Today The home, commanding a beau- "It occupies a million dollar site Army Meeting of welcome. . ; HOBOKEN (AP) - A wreck tiful-view of the harbor,- be- that could be better used for a Attendance is expected to' ex- Millions Each Year ing ball is expected to crash Into came pan of the school. greater landmark," he said.. FORT MONMOUTH — The ceed 800 before closing session Castle Stevens , today and;, the Besides, he added, it's drafty. eighth annual symposium on today.. By BERNARD GAVZER Preeecntfea Difficult the Small Business Adminlstra- walls of the historical mansion But now Steveaa authorities want'to use the; site for a $2,< "Progress in Communication WflMf Nailing down such unscrupu- tionof the U.S. Department of will come crashing do*n, 000,000 student center whose glas DELIGHTFUL CHANGE Wires and Cables," sponsored by •RELIEF' QUESTIONED lous operator* on !.,"Criminal Commerce, - Washington, D. C. The century-old structure'was the U. S. Army Signal Research NEJijOX (AP) - Maybe Ask for business service bulle- scheduled to be torn dowai jiester- aad concrete watts leave:aofiroom Sandwich change: Spreatt sliced TULSA, Okla. (AP) -' Dr. you're a Widow, ifaut-in, or just a harges' is ho' easy task. 'They for Stevens Castle and lit cry. bread with a mixture of butter Development Laboratory, was George W. Northup, Morristown, tins Nos. 95 and M. Public li- day but'the Vreekiag Equipment opened Tuesday in the Berkeley housewife with • yen to make a are clever in their promotions braries have' numerous books broke down and the Job was'post- stat chandeliers sad marble fire- and Roquefort cheese when you N. J., told a group of osteopaths little extra cash while at home. are using fillings of smoked Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park, by and operate wjthin the frame hih h id ti d f 24 h places that the habitual coffee break There are waya to do It-tome Numerous groupa joined Stev toungue, baked ham or luncheon Col. Harold McD. Brown,' labor- may create more stresses than work of the law. To prove7 fraud, and procedures • for making Bkried with the jnouating rub- atory commanding officer. sensible, tome Jutt schemes tooney at home. ble of what was tought to present to keep, the " entist, Elberon; Howard F. X. eornsaoaey-at-home echemes." How can you pratact youraeU? Bureau or Chamber of But Harald at Fee, attentive TASTE TREAT Kinglsey, symposium chairman, Northern Ireland claims to oper- report* theNtdoael Better Buii- merce in youy r town. West Long Branch, and H. L. ate more tractors per acre than You caa (tt authoritative aefar- Nest: The vendmf machine was built ta •feretory ei raw fteraas Alumni Ever eerve dumplings with twltmii. "MUUeaa of people N Th d frankfurters aad sauerkraut? Wuerth', B. P. Goodrich Chemical any ether province in the world. •re swindled eeeh year in matioa oa th> subject by writjag racket Asisclattaa spake for the achool Ktaw that take about m mil- Uon doUars from people who can leapt afford it" , The bureau Is quick to point out that then are legitimate op- •rations which do provide work aad income. M How 'Caa an innocent person 1 tan tha difference? MN frwe Oyaes; the NBBB • apart oa auch matters.says: I 1 "Gst "eueptetoai of anything AaTpna^aM^ewards which are not spaUad but. Don't fall for m1 •Hints which require you to buy % tfaderstandlaf exactly, bow this frill guarantee that you will earn money. In other words, before . , _ _ ¥^mmmmmm you invest, investigate;" > • How 4o some of these untrust- COMPARISON PROVES YOU SAVE MORE EVERYDAY OP THE WEEK worthy schemes work? ' . , ". .'• v-'i !•'•" i : ;• I-. j- ", One claims 11*0 a month can ALL MINDS fee made by doing nssembly work 4t home. The victim buys a kit tor. {2 to assemble identification MAXWILL <% HOUSE y* 1 • A-



peck chains and tags, the work consists of attaching 24 inches •f chain to a connector aad huh PURE MAID nlng it through a hole in the tag. fte promote? doesn't buy the finished Items—as he leads vic- 29 Cross-Rib Roast tims (a believe. The victim Is LINDIN HOUII Tewre * Coiaw Tfta supposed to try to eeU them for ••at Caat Uaa at

Then there's the business of Y«MI Save •Mara an the •tiling matruction* or home work Ideas tor $1. For example, a in eourse on renovating old neckties consists of instructions to cut out the soiled part aad aew the two pieces together. A course on candy making la merely instruc- tion oa how to go around selling candy to aelghbors. CUBE STEAK ^ 99 . The echemes selling ' equip- b awnt-auen as knitting machines •-hold out the promise that earn- GROUND CHUCK-- 69 tags will more than take care «rtbe purchase price. The vic- C tim finds oat too late-that the SHOULDER STEAKS, 8 9 prMMtar.hu an, out when coatee to^fcuyieg the finished HAN MUXkT, ThkfcCwt ThinCif n prtduct: The product must be ( "acceptable1* or "up to our Standards,'!'iad It rarely is. CORNED BEEF »59 »79' the NBBB.* investigating .a post card addressing scheme, re- MAYONNAISE PANCAKE SYRUP ports home workers would make IINBSN House aiaNa • SPARE RIBS ^ an average of 45 cents a week ORANGE-APRICOT PRUNE JUICE : TASTY UAN JUCIO tWUT OR HOT ITAUAN I lyuu RaiaaNUR^Bl L '-..--- IIHOSH HOUSB ' ,' • . BOILED HAM SAUSAGE *> T Firm Show APRICOT NECTAR WMte Meet Tana 3'Z'V TYNH IlKIO AUNT JSMIMA ' • • ' . •: .' - i£ 3Se \ IllCtO . Display Set AUNPANCAKT 4BMIMA E FLOUR EVAPORAnD MILK 8^*1- CANADIAN BACON BACON UVERWURST , • TRENTON — Producers of ap- PANCAKE FLOUR ples In New Jersey are planning S59c - 39c -49c to enhance the'I960 New Jersey CHOCK *mx. m. vavtrs a iturs I Farm Show with a competitive £ display starting Jan. 25, Paul N. FRUIT CAKE 2 »! RALSfONCMIAL %l7c SAVI FOOD5 Taylor, Hew Jersey Department if FOOOTOWN of Agriculture,' and show chair- •an, said today. BREADCRUMBS Red Delicious,, Red Stayman, IIHBSH Nowsa ea MUMTS MALVSS e* Bed Rome Beauty, Jerseyred and other varieties of merit will be SLICED PEACHES 37c RtOUlAR Oft MITTIItMIlK '< displayed in . diamond trays LIQUIDDETERGENT "z Cash prises, plaques and ribbons FACTALTJSSUE will be awarded in addition to IINBSN HOUSB ASSOBYID a special trophy to the entry jTOAPPADS -T.-20C jadged best of show, according TOILET TISSUE 2^ 25c HTTTCtOCKIt to Mr. Taylor.: vau S4vs steal SODA MetaTuasi 5 aeNtoBvC The Farm Show will be held PIZZA MIX Jaa, 3U0 during the annual New LINDY DOG FOOD IBP •©©•til ' * AMEMCAM CHOSE Jersey Farmsra Week at Tren SWElf CIDER H^ 3fe ^ 5tc ton. The ahow will be held In eeia seat oa vMiaM-x BABY MUINSTER the Trenton Armory. YOANTI-FREEZU SAVEE MORE! FRESH FROZEN FOODS I MW rent ttAn nnu HUB* ; BORROW A COOKBOOK CHIDOAR CHEESE ^ 47c Have y*| lever thought of bor- rowing coobbooks from your total puhjle library? Most II- Shft ewa* Cema«re fooaW* ««k O».T»e. Cray Prmln* braries heJrVaome of these aids n to cooking; you may find Interest- ing old volumes as well as new ORANGES ^V 10,.29c OnVB UrVIVe GRAPEFRUIT SA 5.29c mmmnouMtooot • DONT OVERCROWD , APPLES tsyr i^tfc Don't overcrowd the kettle when you are deep-frying dough- MIX'EM OR MATCH'EM -' -.1 !: :' nuts or other food. CUTIIANi MIXID V|»1ITAILII •• +m


PREMIUM CRACKERS 97 Brood Strut, Rod Bonk A 29c * 1126 Octan Avo., Soa Bright RESOLVE TO USE ME DURINO THE NEW YEAR TOWN MOUJI Rt. 35, Eotontown (clostd Sunday) 125 Broadway, Long Branch KEEBLER CRACKERS I'm 0," iWle'lluMfeii, a Re* * Foodtown Markets Open Sunday liter Classified Ad, ami I nml< 506 Prospoet Avo., Uttlo Silvor renting, selling. lilrliiji ami tr» CRISCO Prim iffittlv* Dirt** S«lur, I. Mtt rtwtmltl* Ht Yr**»>»t»>\tt\ trrtn, W« twit th« rltht »• limit •utntlllti. MtmUt Twln.«tu«t» anon. Ing easy, Cull Sll 1-0010 In pi. 29c me to work lo got quick remit*. BED BANK REGISTER year* old as of Marts V, 1M0; at least S'8" and not more 30—Thursday, Dec. 3, 1959than 6'4" in height without shoes and weigh not less than ISO pounds nor more than 225 pounds State Police Successful applicants appointed to the State Police Academy for Exams Set the 16-week training will receive a salary of $265 per month, upon TRENTON — Statewide writ graduation, will advance to $4,- ten examinations for applicants 104 a year, plus $985 maintenance to fill the existing vacancies in allowance. Annual increments of the New Jersey State police will J2O5 are granted until a maxi be held Jan. 6 Col. Joseph D. mum salary of $5,334. plus main Rutter, superintendent, said to- tenance allowance, is reached. day. Living quarters, uniforms and Col. Rutter said an applicant is equipment are provided by the not required to make prior appli- Division. cation. A qualified applicant may report -to any of the four examin- Examinations are scheduled for ation points and will be permitted Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the Na to Uke the written examination, Jional Guard Armory, West En- glewood, National Guard Armory, Applicant* must possess the fol- Amwfca's CMC* nWegaMestarCMMrsa * lowing minimum qualifications: Phillipsburg, Central High United States citizen; resident of School, Trenton, and St. Joseph's New Jersey for the-past year; Parochial School, Hammonton, not less than 21, nor more than N. J.

What a wonderful way to say

Christmas9'? EisenhowerWillFollotvAncien give Both in Route Sunday on ti Nylon Velvet VATICAN CITY (AP)-Presl- iy elevator, bat the Chamber of the angle (it's at or SEBAGO-MOCS dent Eisenhower will follow aa le ea feet corner of the buildtng>-an for Him... for Her and ancient route when he comes to orange-colored hall where the Patent'Leather the Vatican Sunday to meet with s through a series of rich, Palatine guards are sutioned. especially for 'teen-afters Pope John XXIII. ilgh ceillaged chambers on theThe room has a red felt floor Italian motorcycle police will iray to us aadieace m the ind contains a gilded bust of Comfort assured by Jumpinf-Jacka* scort .the American leader .to Mpe'e prtrata library. Pope Pius X and a case lor the excluaiva "anuf-hug" had... plug Palatine guards' rifles. the border of this tiny 108-acre These will Include Clementine the aasuranoa ottxtro canful fitting at city-state, ruled as an absolute ill, one. of the largest .chant- Then, in succeasloe, the monarchy by the Roman Catho- ers, frequently used for small President will paw through the lic' pontiff. sneral audiences.' Here a row chamber of the tapestries, the OPEN EVERY EVENING STARTING MONDAY, DEC. 7TH President Eisenhower's cortege Swiss guards in colorful uni< chamber ef the noble guards, then wilt bear left' in St Pe- >rms will snap their halberds to the chamber of the throne, the ter's big square to the arch of tarp attention as the President secret antechamber, the cham- the bells. Here a picket of Swiss sues.' Then in quick succession ber ef the pope, the chamber guards and pontifical gendarmes e President will pan through ef St John, the chamber ef the Footcraft Shoes will salute and direct the motor- lese ancient hills: little throne, ead finally to the Smartest thing a-foott cade to the inner courtyards that Consistorial hall—a rectangular threshold of the pope's private Tel. SH 7-2873 Hand-tewn, hand-laste* eed to the pontifical palace. [japed chamber usually reserved library, recently renovated by 86 BROAD STREET RED BANK with collar hand-rolled by From the arch of bells, the r secret consistories, meetings Pope John. stalled StUe-of-Meine President's cortege wUl pro- estricted to the pope and cardl- crartemen lor cushiony td to St. Carlee Sqeare, als, and sometimes for audi- "slip-on comfort" m the true ssleg the residence of the aces of special importance. The moccasin styling everyone cardinal arckpriest of St. Pe- own, draped with red damask admires. Solve your shopping terV Basilica, la the distance nd decorated with gold, was problems with Sebago-Mo*- en be eeea the Vatfcaa'a eel. uilt by Pope Clement VIII, who ETtryone on your list wouW den need raOroad ttettea, eignedfrom 1592 to 1605. love'em. >— The President's rente skirts a Hair of the chain bearers — portion of the Vatican gardens, rhere bearers of the pope's port- put the Vatican mint and ble throne are .stationed. In for- across the courtyards of the ner days attendants of the pon- sentinel, the borglas and the iff's carriage hones also were parrot. • These are all rather tationed here. somber courtyards overshadow- ed by buildings erected about . East Keansburg the time Columbus set saQ for the new world. The fifth birthday of Michael A few hundred feet away the Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- party will come to the large, leph Moore, Sunset Way, was AAAA-E bright courtyard ot St Damasut, :elebrated last Thursday with to II the heart of the Vatican statt M and Mrs. Emmual Moore, and the entrance to the papal Mrs. Margaret Moore, and Den- palace. Us Moore, all Port Monmouth, Three sides of the courtyard ristting. are encased by glass-front build Footcraft Shoes ings that catch and reflect th< Mrs. Bessie Evans, Carter Ave., brilliant Mediterranean sun.. Aipent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. fine Shoes for Men; Women and Children Since 1894 fountain in the courtyard datei ind Mrt. Alfred Donnelly, Jersey to Pope St. Damasus, who reign City. John Evans, Jersey City, '• Tel. SH 7:2173 ed from 368 to 384. spent the week-end with Mrs Pontifical officials wul escort Evans. •4MOADST. MDIANK. N.J. President Elsenhower aa the stain to the papal apartments Mr. and Mrs. John Keller. Hud- Opea ftrwy Nlgat Starring Dee. 7t! oa the second fleer of me pal- ion Ave.. entertained at a family ace. They abe can be reached lathering last Thursday for Mr. ind Mrs. Robert Smith and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lopes •nd family and William Mathi- ion all this place; Mr. and Mrs. oodles of fun with Nelson Mathison, Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacLennon and son, all Belford,. and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Spencer and children, all what J painted TOODLES* Brooklyn.

and her Super Kart! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Connelly, Park Ave., visited Mrs. Peter H. Owen, Upper Montclair, ] week-end.

Secret pal gifta were exchanged at the meeting of the Secret Pal Club Sunday. New pal names were drawn for the coming year at the home of Mrs. Oliver Hol- KENNETH* ELEGANTE land, Alberta Ave. A Christmas party will be held Dec. 13 In Al- pine Manor, Highlands. Mrs. Le- DRAPERIES na Candelora, Nevada Ave., will be hostess at next month's meet won't tad«...«v«n under the> hoMMl «*m ing. No fade or ilie preWemsl... No decorating n*lok«l Open anew world of detoraHng ease and certainty you've never known before! Plans for the Christmas part' Shad far all window* plus new feihlon-eHect of woll-wloe, of the Breakfast Club were teed far all windows pu. ^ ^^ ^^ made for Dec. 17th' in Ve Cot- tage Inn, KeyporU Secret pals will be revealed. Mrs. Alfred Hardy.was hostess at the last meeting. Mrs. Bessie Evans was f, •» 4S-lMkM «M* recently received at a new mem 4B>in. length $|.f| 63-ln. length _. ber. 90-ln. |en«th $|.f| W-ln. length ... ••• $t.ft 6 lovtty Awards 41-in.length $12.fl 43-tn. length $14.ft a«.4O •O-lnrlength tif.fl 95-ln. length 421.fl designs MOtNCY WAV Ws* aaM...... •t«e College Grants RIMIMIER . . . avoiliblt fUWWdhdieatr eMiliaa nlinH.... ss.4t ELIZABETH — Six New Jer- Nobody, but nobody AM mori *].ln. length .. $ •O.fn.length $2f.fl »4AOC WAVt-wt ol»iMJifc nM.~.... sa.4* sey colleges and universities are among 3M in the nation to share eurtauu and duaperiti in eU siut •l-1n. length L .....$J2.f I MMMMMOCMe*ee%t.*...... M» M.«e In I1.4M.M0 granted today by Es right in Hock, thm Sherman's. i ••* •!•«••» •» la, aee lamia mm* suWfUWIMe* aM ea.4e so Education Foundation to aid n-\n. length .$4f.fl reasJmeataieartt liberal art* and technical initltu fl.TO tione. W» a elroUerl The New Jersey institution! are: College of Saint Elliabeth Tak* 6 Months to Pay * !/«e Your Eaiy Charge •IPT IA1OMITIRS Drew University, Princeton Unl rooDU-,8 is the prcclous-est baby versify, Rider College, St. Peter lrvflMMW iMffnMIMI* doll in tho world I She's a bis 23" College, and Upsala College. tall, mntlo of hug-me-rioae all soft Upsala receives a capital grsn CamMnatleM re Fir vinyl, with rooted Saran hair, lone All the others receive unrcjtrlc HOME DECORATORS Iveryeite't Totte. curled cyclnthon and. rolling eyes cd grants, thaf'f ollow"hor mommy wh«r«vtr In addition, Princeton la one - •he gocal She drinks her bottle and several unlvcnltlcs scheduled fpi Tht larRest home decorating service at (he shore. From M.tl * M9.B0 wots. Toodlei' adorable S-WAY Super Kurt li made of all sturdy a apeclal project grant. The to tal number of grants Is 361, 45 BROAD STREET RED BANK OffN IVIRY IVININw STAITINO MON.. DIC. 7 steel, Can be used as shopping enrt for play-murkctln(f, high-chair for Tho sum of $1,460,500 grantc feeding, and doll stroller for prom- thla year brings to about $7,500, enading. Ilcmovnble wire basket 000 tho Kranti made by the foun SIIOI'ATIIOME SERVICE comes in handy for toting othtr dntlnn In Its five-year exlstcnci lifaMMtf SHadytlde purchnHcnl You junt can't give a to privntcly nupportccl U. S, col CALL SH 1-2646 or SH 1-8345 nicer doll ttlft tlinn 1 anil universities. 1U4 1-0001 TOOOlll IN HII IUPIR KAMI. .. The l.iilionilory of Ornitholog; $19.98 nt Cornell University linn bcci 17 BROAD ST. RED BANK rucordlnii tint soul's of wlldbln for nearly .'10 ycnm. Pee. SAFEWAY


a^a^a^a^Ba^Ba^Ba^aWV?. %r: ^?>Mab32SS&£'<:. * .a JESBSMiig.:: , g. V ,.... ^ A>^^^^^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^^^^ iMMi^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^ea^a^ea^eaM»M«i DOLIARS * STAM

It's Mlar Days & Gold Bond Bonus Days! '250 EXTRA Tomato Prune Grape Cut GOLD BONO STAMPS! Sauce Juice Juice Asparagus Del Monte Town Houw Pack's Primrose 25 IXTHA 8 or.' quart' 24 oz. 16 oz. field Boitd cans bots. bots. .cans WWi PMKIMM «l S «

12 Void afttr DM. 1.1»J» Apple Freestone Orange Corned Beef Sauce Peaches Drink Hash Town House Greer Cyprast Gardens Hygrade MIIADY'S CHIISI IUNTZIS VAUD ONLY AT SAffWAT limit 1—V«ld mhtt OK. 3, \*H 11b. 29 oz. quart 15 oz. cans cans cans cans

25 EXTRA Ikk (MM 9-d Hi

Ham n'Yam Irish Potatoes Sweet Corn SanGeorgie WMi purchaw *f 2 Ib. can WJ* r«rdwM •! hmW ill* Kelly's medium whole white 16 oz. Gardenside-17 oz. MAXWELl HOUSE COMII SARAN WRAP VAUD ONIY AT SAFEWAY VAUD ONLY AT SAKWAY. Dinner Sweet Peas Spaghetti limit 1-V»W attar DK. 5, !•» liah 1—ViM «f»r DM. », 1M» Fox's frozen Tomatoes Regular or thin Gardenside 17 oz. Gardtnside -16 oz.

tU§ ( 10 OZ.' i ib. * cans cans pkgs. pkgs. 25 IXTRA 25 IXTRA WMl •»KMM *f 24 «. MMh WMi •»nkwt •! phi* tr Mt>r MRS. WRKHfTS OONUTS VAUD ONIY AT UflWAV I—VtW a«Mr Dw. 5 Brocade Bel-air Pies O'Cedor Choice of IriCClll Spun 10 oz. Choice of Peach, Mince, Pumpkin Soap iTIMlls Spmtt • oz. or Brooms Tito CMKI O*W HI or Boysenberry Whit* complexion laill Regular or French 9 oz. Each Only 25 IXTRA

WHh purdnM •» S b. *•( large pkgs. 20*1 pics 1.00 V«M «fl.r DM. S,)»» I—V*M tm DM. f, MclntoshApples Fancy Carrots Whole Crisp and Juicy - Popular Favorite Firm' Fre$n - Tops in Vitamin A FRYERS Chickens C U.S.D.A. IMPMIMI by the pound and Graded "A" Chicken Legs * 39« Split or Quartered *31« Chicke2n Breast9s ">4'

Hygrade Bacon 49 Waldorf Bund targe Soup Greens Criipy-Frtth etllo bag

Waldorl Brand Smoked Picnics- :>35 Fresh Spinach Eny lo Cook bag Skinless Franks .59 Yellow Onions 3 19 Advtrllifd prlcti •Iftcliv* Thuri,, Frl, and Sat., Dec. 3, 4 end 3, Fancy FlontUt Wt raiervt th« right to limit quantltln. Non* sold (or rtial*, Tangerines Eoty lo P«c] 2 29< smtf, anm bapttod at the II;ial grmdptmu, Mr. aid Mrtv Stewart ft. ftfptea aai fcett, RED BANK REGISTER [eeeptfon ToVtmt a.m. service Sunday in the George G. Kfflg. South Bay Ava.Mr. aad Mrs. Pbfifa Mag and 32—Thursday, Dec. 3, 1959 touble Baptiam Methodist Church by Rev. Wil- Attending were Mr. and Mrs. children, Jame*,, Mark and Jo liam S. Lutz. George G. King, Jr.. and sons, Ann, Mrs. Katie Eilenberger, HIGHLANDS — Peter Matthew Mr. and Mrs. Kochis were god- George, 3d, and Thomas, of Mrs. Deborah Bogue, Mrs. Sivert Pack Inducts ochis and Catherine Mary Koch- parents for the Freund children Springfield; Mr. and Mrs .Freund Walstrom, 'Mrs. Howard Paronto children of Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Freund, for and sons, Robert, Richard, Ran- and children, Tirzah, Howard and Five New Cubs aniel Kochis, of Biloxi, Miss., the Kochis children. dall and Allan; Mr. and Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Patricia Smith-and children, John, Peter and Susan ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-The id Randall Philip and Allan A combined Thanksgiving and Kochis and .children, Deborah, icob Freund, children of Mr. christening dinner was served at Catherine, Danjel and Peter; Mr. and Miss Sandra Bahr, all of h»onth!y Cub Scout Pack 97 meet- Highlands. ing was held last week at St. id Mrs. Robert Freund, of Par- the home of the children's mater- and Mrs. Stewart King and sons, Agnes Church. Five den 1 Cubs received bob- bat pins and achievement books •—John Caughran, Carl Harrison, Kevin McMichael, Ralph Snow •nd Robert Strong. Den 1 made Mayflower replica (centerpieces, Indian headdresses and napkin holders. Den 1 re- ceived the attendance flag for November. Awards were made to four members of Den 2, three of Den 3, four of Den 4, two of Den 5. Den S made paper baskets. The den won the honor flag for November. Mrs. Leo Miller, Den 7 mother, made Indian head- dresses and Thanksgiving center- pieces with her newly organized den. Charles Miller, Webelos leader, showed a-color movie, "Water Safari." PLAN CHARITY IAU. — Mambart of tha Rad Bank Junior Sarviea Laagua Christ, The next committee meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 10, and mat charity ball committee mat latt night in tha homa of Mri. Charles Groomai, the next pack meeting Thursday, Jr., Littla Silver, ganaral chairman, plant for tha avant, sat for Friday, Dae. II. Laft Dec. 17. > , to right ara Mrs. Charlat Walker, Littla Silver, in charga of dacorationt; Mri. How- A cake sale is scheduled this Saturday. Funds raised will be ard Heinsius, Littla Silvar, invitation*;. MM. Groomai, and Mitt Jaanna Wirth, Red used for the Dec. 17 Christmas Bank, publicity. Proeaadt will ba uiad for charitabla work and to promota community ANOTHER EXCITING NEW party. aetivitiat. The Greeks call their country Vasileion til Elladoe or Kingdom of Hellas. The area of land under irriga Starts Medical Practice Here COTTONLAND tion for agriculture in Turkey ha Action i Thit'a nut rnt RtrKttr classified ads ban ban getting (or their advartlsen for over ihmtwar- increaied 300 par cent since 1950 tcra at a century.—AdYtitUtmttt. Dr. John A. Casaiza has open- 86V2 Broad St, Red Bank ed hit offices for the general (Former Mabel Lewis Bhoppe) practice of medicine and surgery Blouse Riot it 2» Broad St, Red Bank. He 3-HOUR SERVICE and Mrs. Casaiza are occupying Made to sell for Specially Purchased for this Event the premises. 1.99 and 2.99 i Formerly of Netf York City, Whites, p*itels, dark" color*. Roll-up and regu.- MEN'S SHIRTS Dr. Casazza was graduated from Vl%r sleeves. Guaranteed ^ Holiday Fashions I first quality, lanforlzed. Fordhtm University in New York •181«I 12 to 39. LAUNDERED WITH THI MOST at incredible savings! MODERN EQUIPMENT AND DETERGENTS City and Georgetown University Medical School in Washington, Evaryana Priead-Taqejed C D.'C, where he was a member S.««tol3.«9-Sava$3fo$7 of Lambda Phi Mu fraternity. • JUNIOR 8IIES 1 lo 15 only20 Dr. Casaua has recently com' • MUiSKS NIZES 2.99 to 5.99 It to JO pleted two years of active serv- a HALF 8IZKS ice with the Army Medical Corps im to !

Thaia will 10 fiat ! C h o 0 i • plaldi, tw«edt In STORE HOURS COMMENCING DEC. 1st molt. wanted $10. Suits MIHBt) N1ZES IN M TO M MAI.r mSJES IN HHV4 TO tm Oxxfordf , Bankera WI6HTACRE: 8to9P.M.Wwkdays. 8to6P.M.Sit.SSun. O , • I • c. la Tw*««

Actually below to- BRI6HT STORE: 8 to 9 P. M. Monday thru Saturday days wholesale ! Thrilling atylci at Large Size Gift half price! M»wa!t> •clilfiu . •mbroldtrMl H aMItor aasy clcialag. VERY SPECIAL! lltht, aaedlam ar dark taut. •• Vlpped, locked a Ing I Solldi, atrlfies, •liealln In drip-dry «•>• la oaa eperatloa. ohecka. Bltei t lo 15 cram. Taffela eUcrona with flatlerlns awn*, M 10 lo ». Itefl. SI Ml *O«M While only! »33 I14.U Rtf. $24.fS •klrta In black, loilen In •Ir.ea 10 In IB, Tnpn In OTHER MATERNITY Big selection of wlillr, vlnlt. dirk, to)- ovrrnn KHDAI UNIFORMS Ida In allies 10 to II. i.n TO m,M from 5.9V to 13.99 Broad Strttt, Shrtwsbury Phont SH 1-5125 Ike tasy Charge! Pay Next Year! Gift Aprons Vttlllt'H 30 Monmouth St. Rtd Bank i.m to \COTTONLAND 1.99 Mnut nllriu'l- < NOW 4 CONVINIINT STORIS LOADID WITH XMAS IUYSI Phone SH 7-2222 lvr> |t p I 11 t •. yni| rvnr lnti| yrmr pyrn nti. ^ IN ASHUHY I'AHK, LON(i BRANCH, I HIvliMOI.D. 1l<* vt* rnihln f 84' 86V2 Broad St., Red Bank RED sMIOC MECtflER Tfcor.lT. Dte. %, YHA- Salt, Sand p «o low u to make tf» appli- Council Say$ Mly to Hearfha*ey¥lead» cation of Mlt impractical. iry to Raymeatf The parkway's maintenance Law Covers "' 'Eatontown Hill, who was re-elected. On Parkway orces again will be able to call Higgins Sing Stanley Cain was elected sec- up extra help from among pools LONG BRANCH-Charles Hig- ond lieutenant. Also vying for that For Winter of fanners and other outsiders in Quacking ;b», a singer of folk songs and FireCompany post were Ralph LaParre, Wil- each district for the really big liam Wood and Frank Poer. torms. American Negro spirituals, will EATONTOWN — Edward Chas- NEW SHREWSBURY — About POINT PLEASANT (AP)—The •resent "The,Life of Christ in ey, Jr., was elected president of Elected without opposition nine million pounds of salt will But all efforts and equipment Jorough Council has decided that were: be spread over the Garden.State long" at the Interdenominational the Eatontown Engine, Truck, an will be in vain, Mrs. White said, i citizen's complaint against the routh Rally in Asbury Methodist Hose Company at a meeting Tues- William Hutting, chief; Richard Parkway this winter to Keep it if motorists do not prepare their [Uicking of a family of pet ducks day night. Zadorozny, assistant chief; Ken- »afe. comes under both the borough's hurch. Atlantic Ave.. at 7:30 p. own vehicles for the elements. Saturday. He succeeds Theodore Lewis, neth Fary, captain, and Stanley Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, antinoise ordinance and a state Richards, first lieutenant. chairman of the New Jersey health statute. Mr. Higgins, who has appeared who held the post uven years. Mr. Lewis asked that his name Also, Russell Tomaino. chief Highway Authority estimated this Lu's To Open The council Jiecame involved in m several major television shows engineer; Peter Tomaino, assist- today.'She also said parkway >roadcast nationally, teaches not be put in nomination again. debate about the issue when Frederick Stilwell was re-elect ant engineer; Henry Riddle, fire maintenance forces are prepared letter was presented from Vin< twice at Westminster Choir Col- marshal, and Mr. Stilwell, Elmer for the annual assault of winter Again Tomorrow ege, Princeton, and at a junior ed vice president. Fred S. Mor- :ent L. Rickard of 1202 Curtis ris, who Held the aecretary's pott Cook, Clarence Hyslop, Nicholas weather with sand as well as George Lu's. Chinese Restau Ave. He complained that he had high school in Trenton. He is Marcello, William Wood, Joseph gait and some 80 snow plows and rant at 8 Wallace St., Red Bank, spent "countless sleepless nights" the minister of music at SUoam SO years, was re-elected. Treas- urer is Councilman Robert A, Marcello, and Richard Widwick, 70 salt spreaders at their dis- which was damaged in a flash because of the constant quacking Presbyterian Church ia Brook- all fire police. posal. fire early last Friday, will reopen [his neighbor's pets. lyn. . . Braun. More than a third of the esti- to the public tomorrow. Borough Attorney Roy Simmons The singer received hit bach- mated amount of rock salt to be Mr. Lu, ths owner, who sus- suggested the matter be turned elor degree In music' education used during the 1959-60 snow sea- tained first. and second degree over to the Board of Health. from Miami University and his son is now on hand. The sal burns of his hands, arms, neck, Councilman William Jackson ob- router's degree at Rutgers.. He provides tire traction and also knees and ankles, remains in jected. He said the board should studied under Dr. John Finley Order Your melts ice. Riverview Hospital. A nurse concern itself with more impor Williamson and the late Harry T. Some 75 bins of salt and sand there last night said his condi- tant matters and not be called Burleigh. have been 'placed at strategic tion was fair. in on every case of barking Solo appearances have been PURINA •pots •long the 173-mile parkway The fire occurred shortly aftei dogs, howling cats or croaking made by him with the Fort Mon- to permit immediate use by both midnight as Mr. Lu was cleaning frogs. . mouth Symphonic Band, led by An antinoise ordinance adopted PARKID HICH-TrsnVtshe.TjtmN.wY.rt "MAKES DOGS EAGER EATERS' maintenance men and motorists paint from the kitchen floor. Po- but net a* heavy that tracks bare taken te the reef« Thor Johnson; with the West- in emergencies. Sasd is more use- lice said he was using gasoline earlier in the year provides for tops. It's • OMek-o tractor trailer atop a frelffci eOee. minster Choir and the Dayton as a cleaner. police action against noisy, pets, Philharmonic Orchestra, and he Jackson said. Jimmy Liu, who is managing has performed for the state con- Simmons maintained that in his ference, of the Women's Society DOG FOOD the establishment during the opinion, the proper procedure in Keansburg Aircraft Club owner's'absence, said the kitchen of Christian Service, the Presby- the case is outlined in the New Members of the West Keans- terian Sesqui Centennial Pageant FROM... and dining room have been re- Jersey health statutes under the modeled. As before, said Mr. Liu, burg Fire Auxiliary attended a Holds Election in and section covering nuitahces. workers' dinner, in the. Meadow- the Central Atlantic Area YMCA a wide variety of Chinese dishes KEYPORT- Richard Goldberg and other foods will be served. The council incorporated both brook Dinner-Theater, Cedar conference. The restaurant is' open from 11 opinions into its order, advising Grove, recently. A Christmas par- has been elected president of the a.m. until midnight daily. Rickard either to file a complaint ty is planned for Wednesday, in new Frying Knights Model Air- Tonti to Discuss as Simmons suggested or seek Buck Smith's Restaurant. craft Club, which meets Sundayi relief under the antinoise ordi- ^^^^ • . i in the United Hebrew Congrega Parkway's Impact Mandarin Chinese is the most nance. PERRY'S NATURALLY widely used language in the A children's Christmas party Uon building. DEAL—Louis D. Tonti, execu- LAWES 21 White Street will be held Dec. 20 at 2 p. m. in Red Bank world. It is spoken by about 444 Douglas Allen is vice president, tive director of the Garden State million people. ' the American Legion hall by the Frank MpngJello, treasurer; Pat- Parkway, wiU speak at the Dec. COAL COMPANY. INC. Legion Plans Loyal Order of Moose. John J. rick Croke,. secretary, and Allan IS meeting of the Monmouth Moran ii chairman. The recent Miller, public relations chairman. County Municipal Association. meeting was held in the Flamin- SYCAMORE AVE. 584 RIVER RD. Member'Drive go Hotel and future meetings Louis J. Paluih of Laurence He will discuss the "Impact A REEDS 25TH YEAR...BUY WITH CONEIDENCE! HIGHLANDS -A Joint meet Harbor helped the boys organize the: Parkway in Monmouth Coun- SHREWSBURY FAIR HAVEN will be held in tilt Legion HaU, ty." ing of Twinlight Post, American Carr Ave. the club,; Adult advisers include Legion, and its Ladies Auxiliary Mr. Palush, Jack Kreuter, Jack The group will meet at 7:30 p. SH 1-4300 SH 7-1030 was held Friday in the post Goldberg. Leonard Miller, Milton m. in the Dinner Bell restaurant, home. Miss Maurice Shea, Maplewood Krain and Stanley Schwartz Brielle. WiUiam J. Koeser, first vice Ave., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirch tyristmos sale and family, Forest Ave., spent commander, suggested a, mem- bership drive be conducted. As- Thanksgiving with Mr., and Mrs. EASY Reeds w«r sisting Mr. Koeser with the drive Frank Kneipher and Frank Knei< wiU be Darrell Bishop, Winston pher, Jr., of Newark. D. Rugg. Robert M. Waters. Al- #• PAY . ':. fred F. Oaust and Stephen H. Mill June'Andreach entertain ' LITTLE Faller. ed memben of her dub Friday. It was voted to sponsor a boy Gifts were presented to Mrs. Lou- MONEY/AS $l- ' NOTHING in the 1960 Boys State session. Mr. is D'Anna, Middletown, far her up a tree over Ms gift? N XT Falter is pott Boys State chair- son, James Michael. Present V DOWN A.MMED.ATV^™ _ JL , man. were Mrs. John Taggert; Mrs. ' *• •^^L. DELIVERY A donation was approved for WiUiam Aalbue. Mrs. Harry Hu- Girl Scout troops 5 and 124 toward ber Jr. and Miss Jane Gravany. purchase of American flags. Mrs. WiUiam McManus, Ninth It was announced the meeting St., West Keansburg, was gives) come down... calm down... of the Monmouth County Ameri- a surprise birthday patty recent- can Legion will be held in the ly by her family. Present were Leonardo Memorial Post home Carol, Diane, Joyce and James this week. McManus, WiUiam McManus, Darrell Bishop, chairman, an- Mrs. Julius Teske and Mr. and ounced a New Year's Eve Dance Mrs. John Nicholson. will be sponsored by the post. Aisle will be furnished by the A Christmas party, to be held "Three Cats and A Canary," Dec. 21 by the Women's Bible 'ram Fords. Class of the Methodist Church in The children's Christina party the panonage, was planned at a set for Dec. 19 In the' Grammar recent meeting. The women as- School was discussed and a dona- sisted at the annual bazar in the Ion was approved. church Tuesday and Wednesday. During the meeting of the aux- Mrs. Fred Rockwell was hostess. lary a donation was approved 7 Mrs. Harris McConnell wUl be Girl Scout troops S and 124. hostess at the party. Edwin B. Andrews re- her membership. Dona- ions also were approved for ,the "Country Store" was the theme children's Christmas party; Vet- of Cub Scout Pack 149 when it erans' Year-Round Program fund, met in the West Keansburg fire and the President's Special Fund house. Harold Richards is cub- place new flags with SO stars master. Den four displayed, old veterans' hospitals, and in time clocks and recited poems. itate institutions and state hospi- Den two made up a food basket als where there are veterans. for a needy family and displayed Announcement was made of a arts and crafts. teen-age dance to be held Thurs- JACKETS day, Dec. 10, in the post home, Mrs. John Waaky, Mrs. George with Mra. Darrell Bishop as Webber, Mrs. George Richards, FOR hairman. Mrs. Nettie Countryman and Mrs. Alice Simon recently attended a MAN or BOY meeting of Parent-Teacher Association con- he auxiliary will be Wednesday, vention in Atlantic City. CRIDIT OR CASH )ec. 9, arid of the post, Friday. YOU SAVE AT RIIOS we. 11. Lakeland . Strat-o-Jac • McGregor Refreshments served DAV, Auxiliary the auxl' Party Wednesday Sins • to 41

KEANSBURG — The auxiliary Sating is Believing ... A Style and Fabric CORPS and men of the Disabled Ameri- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP —Chil- can Veterans will hold a Christ- for Everyone. Keep Him Warm end Happy. dren living in Matawan Township mas party Wednesday In the and the surrounding area are VFW hall. The auxiliary will at- joining the New Cyclones of Mat- tend a coffee hour in the Eait awan Township, a drum and Orange Veterans Hospital Dec. bugle corps, sponsored by mem- 19 after church services for pa- bers of the Matawan Township tients. Hose and Chemical fire company. The birthday of Mrs. Frieda Practice sessions are held in the Winklemann was celebrated at r Main St., the auxiliary meeting Nov. X Matawan, and membership Infor- Refreshments were served by mation is in charge of the direc- Mri, Gwilym Davies, Mrs.'James tors, Ted Buihell of Matawan Davis and Mrs. Eitelle Rita. Mrs beautiful matched 14K gold ring* Township and George DeLuca of Jamev vainvs9 Davia^sj s received the meet she'll cherlih elwoyi. Uie your ling price. credit MRS. JACK WINTERS LURE SPORT COAT II SILVERTON AVE. Tel. SH I-N7S—Store By MCGREGOR LITTLE SILVER, N. i. Tel. SH 7-MU-Heme Velvet-like Corduroy in • very fine wale . . . Glove left luxury In ilightly burnished olive.

Show this letter to your favorite male- Regular . Long - Short IMS SLACKS from MI Dear Favorite Male:

Show this letter to your favorite friend— Largest SWtCtlM NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED of PERFECT Interest I wil! be happy to make an appointment DIAMONDS •r Carrying In Central Jersey at our shop, WINTERS FUR SHOP, 43 MON- Pram ISO to $1,000 Charge MOUTH ST., RED BANK, any time of

Reterves Your Choice jj Open Every Night • day or evening and help you lelect a Lovely Fur, '(II Christmas tonElllaqee Gift Wrapped to place under your Chriitmas tree, n for that very Special Female In your life. Men's 1 Beyi1 Outfitters Since 1146

JIWILI II S Fondest personal regards, 9 BROAD STREET RED BANK uacirr m CSMBM JHSI« 717 COOKMAN AVINUI •0 IROAD STRIET JEANETTE WINTERS Open Wednesday * Friday Nightt Till 9 P. M. RID RANK ASRURY PARK ' P. S, Prices range from $10.00 to ? ? ? Opsn every night ttarting December 7th. 31—Thursday. l)*c. 9.1959 BED BANK BECISTEB TELEVISION Parr-Kooney lite Stories of Actor* WNTA-TV Feud Ends Are Today's Best Sellers AFTERNOON EVENING 1:1*— (1> Movie . (4) Jack Paar HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Mickey U:*»- (2) Love of Lite «;M_ (S) Nuts and Bugs Kooney and Jack Paar cooed at By BOB THOMAS as the time he topped Milton (4) Truth or Consequen- (7) Everything Goes Berle. Berle had been heckling (7) Little Rascals ; (11) Sports and Weather each other like lovers after a AP Movle-TV Writer ces (11) Popeye spat, broke off long enough for Eddie unmercifully at e benefit (7) Restless Gun ' I1:M-(U) Movie HOLLYWOOD (AP) - The and urged him to reply. Finally (It) Club 13 U:M— (I) President Eisenhower some furious new cries of foul, (I) Movie ' •:M— (4) Local News woods are full of actors-authors Eddie did. Staring at Berle's (t) Movie and then started cooing louder these days as book publishers (ll)French through TV (!) Cartoons than ever today. new nose job, he asked, "So tell (IS) Newsbeat seek the gold already discovered me, Milton, how does it feel to (U) Cartoon Jamboree (7) Yesterday's 11: IS- (7) Movie 12: It— (2) Search For Tomorrow Newsreels The acrobatics of the two sea with best sellers by Lillian Roth, have something of yours-lifted?" 11:»-(U) Movie toned showmen weren't hurting •at Boone, Art Linkletter and (4) It Could Be You (II) Huckleberry Hound l:l»— (2) Movie (J) Cartoons (II) Henry Morgan either one—or their publicity. others. (4) Consult Dr. Brothers But you had to be* on your toes The volumes multiply. They (7) Love That Bob •:*»-<«) Weather • 1UJ- (4) 13th Hour (11) English 12 4:41- (4) News o keep up with it. range from the sensational to the] (t) News; Weather inspirational. Some are fairly in- 12:4S- (2) Guiding Light (7) News 1:M- (7) Evening Prayer Paar smilingly told his tele- 7:M- (I) World News vision audience last night: triguing. Some should never have I l:m~ (2) News 1:41— (4) News; Sermonette been written. Nearly all have (4) Joyce Brothers (4) Waning 1:M- (1) News "Mickey Rooney is a helluva (() Sheriff of Cochiso the same sound — the tinkling of (5) Cartoon* . !:»- (1) Give Us This Dsy nice guy .* . . I'm rant sorry, ego orchestrated by a literary (7) Tugboat Annie Mickey." (7) Music Bingo (I) Terrytoona FRIDAY MOKNINO aide. The ghost is always pres- (11) Fun At On* That satisfied the actor. Happy, ent, either sharing billing on the MATINEE AT 1:M (U) News fcsj- (4) Sennoeette too, was Rooney's personal man- dust jacket or lurking in the mi»-|[ EVENING! FROM 7 PJN. - (II) Movia (II) Highway Patrol Ceet7 Sat, Sea* HeUdays Um— (2) Burns and Allen •:•»- (4) Continental ager, Red Doff,, who announced ty background. 7:*-(1) Local News ' Classroom I:M- (4) Newa that tonight's show will go on as SH 1-ttOO 7:M- (I) To Tell The Truth •:»*- O) Sunrise Semester the public face of the, great II (7) Ray Milland (4) Continental the show. ' (I) Film Drama (4) Rlainsman movie maker. It is written with Classroom It sll started' Tuesday night. (11) Growing In Spanish (5) White Hunter the same outward dignity with II A DOUM1NG DIAMOND — Richard Diamond pendara beauti- (7) Gale Storm 7:H- (2) News Paar accused. Rooney of being which C. B. spoke, yet he is able | ful Nanty Parttr'a pita f«r halp B*f«r« dteldlnf to takt tht eatt 1:M-(11) News (4) Today - drunk on his show. Rooney to tell stories on himself. Such I] In -Tht Adjuatar" aplaadt tf "Richard Olamand, Privets Dtttc (•) Movie 2:W— (2) For Better or Worst (II) You Are There 7:JI- (7) Morning Prayer walked out—by Invitation. as the wartime Oscar dinner, tivt" Monday, p»e. 7 an tht NBC-TV Nttwark. Oavld Jansstn 7:M- (7) Early Bird Cartoons portrayi tht debonair Diamond In tht dtttetlvMrama serin, and (4) Queen For A Day ' (II) Newsbeat Rooney acknowledged he had a when he introduced the ambassa- '. Nancy Valtntint It ftaturtd aa Nancy Tartar in thia apltada. , (7) Day In Court 7:U-<1» Weather 7:M- (I) Preview; Call To few drinks before going to the dor from China as "his excellen.jl (I) Film Drama I:W— (2) Betty Hutton Prayer studio. He was celebrating' the cy, the Japanese ambassador."!! (II) Empire (4) Bat Muterson •:M-(l)News first anniversary of his fifth' mar- The book gives an interesting H«l •••mphrey: (II) Movie • (5) Byline, Steve Wilson (J> Encyclopaedia riige—this one to Barbara Ann account ot the film industry's be-II J:»t- (2) House Party (7) Donna Reed Britannica Thomason. ginning and workings on the De- (4) Thin Man (II) Meet McGraw (7) Little Raicali Mille machine. If the man him- I:M- (») News Paar confirmed that Rooney self fails to' emerge, perhaps it (7) Gale Storm . (II) Play of the Week telephoned him yesterday and said ITOCOBDURA . (I) Film Drama S:M- (2) Johnny Ringo 8:15- (I) Captain Kangaroo is because he was more devoted || Shows to Watch he was "going to punch me in to legend than reality. '• (11) Basic Russian (4) Staccato t:M- (5) Sandy Becker the nose." TONIGHT every week on^TV, drops by to t:M~ (2) Millionaire (7) Beulah (5) Douglas Fairbanks "Well," he added, "I don" ••Goodness Had Nothing to do show Em how fast he is on the (4) Young Dr. Malone (7) Real McCoys •:N- (2) Topper with it" is an almost incredible CBS-»:J»-11 p. m.-Tba Big draw. And, because he just hap- wanta get hit in the knee . . . but HAVE A GIFT Party—OH to a bad start, this se- (5) Treasure (II) Navy Log - (4) Movie account of Mae West's man- pens to have a record album on •:*- (2) Zane Grey (7) Personal Theater believe me, this is no little guy PROBLEM? ries has picked up. The addition (7) Beat The Clock he could lick most people in to-man conquests. "The vari- the market, Alan just might sing (I) Strange Stories («) Bachelor Father »:»- (2) Our Miss Brooks GIVE HOURS OP of humorist Abe Burrows to pro-a little, too. Ernie has become this studio . . , the kid is lik ous men in my life can claim duction staff no doubt has had (II) Movie (9) Wrestling (7) Romance o! Life a great many things," . she WMOYMINT the rural'man's Perry Como. *5»-(ll) Exploring steel. . . " something to do with it. Douglas I;*- (J) Verdict I. Your* (7) Pat Boone writes, "but never, that they CIV1 OUR HOVII Fairbanks Jr. hosts tonight's NBC-M:M p. m.—The Lawless (4) From These Roots (•) Movie Mathematics He gave a vivid description of had a dull tints." Readers may Rooney's entrance, with a mad SCRIPT IOOKS •hindig. Guest list includes Dan' Years—An unknown murderer (5) Racket Squad (|1) This Man Dawson M:M- (2) On The Go so complain, especially if they ny Thomas, Jose Greco, Mike stalks the streets and alleys of •:M— (2) Big Party (4) Dough Re Ml look on his face and wearing reach the entrance of the lat- EeeMmkoJ. Tee! New York with one thought.in (7) Who Do You Trust? (7) Memory Line gym shoes. Nichols and Elaine May, Johnny (I) Movie (4) Ernie Ford ter-day musdemen ("The pat- Mercer and Harold Arlen, Nancy his mind — kill Barney Rudit- lt:M-(U> Our World Neighbors $3 lor $2.50 (II) Curtain Time (7) Untouchable! "We screamed every now and tern of my life continually kept Walker and Chuck Connors. sky. Ruditsky (James Gregory) (11) Love Story !•:*- (2) December Bride then," he said. But finally: little group* of men convenient- CBS—» p. m.—Betty Hutton gets no help from the mob chiefs 4:H- (2) Brighter Day 1I:M— (4) Groucho Marx (4) Treasure Hunt ly at hand"). who fear his death would cause a (4) House On High Street "Rooney put his hand out and Show—While Betty appears to be (II) Trackdown (7) Star Playhouse said, "I'm sorry; I was drunk." "Ed Wynn's Son" is one of city-wide crime crackdown. The (5) Douglas Fairbanks (11) Full Coverage 1«:4*— Science Around You having fun at a beatnik party, in "It took great coursge to say the better versions of the now effect she'll be crusading against finger of suspicion points to some (7) American Bandstand 1»:J«— (4) Lawless Years M:«- (I) News and Weather one high in local politics giving I'm sorry," Paar said. standard confessional type of this branch of juvenile delinquen- (11) Amos 'N' Andy . (7) Take A Good Look 1I:M- (I) Looney Tunes the order. Good productions. Rooney had his Irish temper up autobiography. The reason is cy by making the beard-and- (It) Richard WiUis (I) Movie U-.SS- (2) I Love Lucy the intriguing relationship be- sandal set look as ridiculous as 4: IS— (2) Secret Storm (11) Shotgun Slade / (4) Price Is Right most of yesterday., .DEMOCRATS' MEETING tween Keenan Wynn and his possible. It's a personal thing «:*«-. (2) Edge of Night (11) "Mike Wallace (7) Time For Fun You'd have to be loaded to Perfect Fool" of a father. The Living Reem Contort with Betty. In the story, Goldie FAIR HAVEN — The Demo- II:**- (2) Newa (11) Reading Workshop 1 go on that show," he acclaimed. younger Wynn tells frankly of Smakleg Leges • (Miss Hutton) goes beatnik when (4) Split Personality cratic Club will meet tonight (5) Mr. District Attorney (4) News (IS) Ding Dong School "Paar has no talent . . . that's nls lifelong fight to escape the the suspects that Pat (Gigi Per 8:30 o'clock in the Willowbrook what I get' for going on with I (11) Abbott and CosteUo (5) Movie U:JS_ (2) Top Dollar shadow of his father — "for most [TLAST TIMES TONiTE—l reau) is romantically involved Restaurant for a Christmas par- (7) News (4) Concentration no-talent guy ... He didn't m»k with a Village character. (11) Junior Town ot my life, I resented him be- "Look leek I* Anger" ty and nomination of officers. S:M- (2) Life of Riley (II) News (9) Romper Room it in Hollywood, so evidently he yond reason." He also speaks NBC-t:U p. m.—Erato Ford Mr. and Mrs. James J. Farley (4) Movie (11) Dance Party (7) I Married Joan made it in show business with freely of how his first wife , Show—Alan Case, who helps and Mrs. Carl Hill are party (5) Big Beat 11:1*- (2) Weather and Sports , (11) Our Number System the little sleepy people." switched from him to his pal STARTS TOMORROW Henry Fonda get out of trouble chairmen. (I) Jet Jackson (4) Weather U:M—(II) News Van Johnsoh. ("The fact was, (II) Bozo The Clown ' (7) Weather (It) Physical Culture MYNAH OFFENSE he wanted to marry Evie, and I LOS ANGELES (AP) — For wanted to do whatever she want- ODDS RADIO with another 60-minute show, a rather mynah offense—steal- ed, provided Ned (their son) was TV Review probably musical-variety, but ing a mynah bird—Richard An- not badly hurt.") AGAINST WABC 771 WOR 711 definitely not another cops-and- aya was convicted of second de- "With Powder en My Nose" TOMORROW WCBS. IN WPAT •M robbers. burglary. Polic said he Is e charming account of how Caesar Goes Over Big The most recent gree WHTG Mill WRCA Me Nielsen rat stole. the valuable East Indian BUUe Burke laces her mature •mm ing, incidentally, put three west- WNEW 11M WQXR ISM By CYNTHIA LOWRY Paar broadcast, it appears that bird'from a pet shop. Anaya, 23, years. It might be called IrMMtvea the only really new trend in erns in the top popularity spots a laborer, protested his inno- "Hew to be Happy Thaugb A AFTCIIHOON JlJS—WOe Carlton Fradarlcka AP-TV Radio Writer —"Wagon Train." "Gunsmoke" »ISS—WABC Nawa: Alan Fraad broadcasting' this season is the cence. Why did he conceal the GrandaNther," lor it Is load- Haarfar Thrmgh Friday NEW YORK — Sid Caesar, and1 "Have Gun, Will Travel.' COFFEE SERVED tat**—WABC Nawa; Dick SBapard Shon who hung his first show ot the bibulous interview. Mickey bird* in his pocket? asked the ed with' sjeod sease for those WCfS Nawa; Lou Adl.r Rooney's appearance, however, One special — Jack Benny's — prosecutor. "My perro (Spanish who want to tnjoy useful later With Our Coaplisseats WHTS Fiftaan Mlnuta N«w> season on an automobile theme, made the top 10, but none of this WOB Nawa: John Scott nawa, World Todar devoted his attention to the in- didn't cause much of a storm in for dog)' he is very jealous when lives. She talks about every- WIM Nawa; U'a Network season's new regular series got I am kind to someone else," Tim* stitution of marriage last night. New York — NBC headquarters thing from baby-sitting to Sporta! Muaic from there. Anaya replied gravely »s the jury wearing bats ("Crest Fue for 111 IB—WO*. Th. FUliarBlda Studio X • And this second special was a received only 17 calls on the sub- WCBS fcanny Koi« ject. Five complained about in- Three new entries — all CBS convulsed with laughter. Anaya the Older Woman.") She also ISlta—WHr« Count/ Agant ••SS—WABC Na-a; Alan Fread more disciplined and- funnier — appeared on Nielsen's top 40 EATONTOWN ISISt -WABC Dick Saapar* toxication; one said she enjoyed said he kept the bird in his poc- tells why she never married Na°wa: U.N. Todar show. DUiVf IN IHI AID | WCt» H.i.» Trtnt the show, and 11 said Paar took list — "Dennis the Menace," ket while wrestling, playing pool anyone after Flo ZlegHeld's WHTO Nawa. Kalaxlnf Huaie from Studio X Caesar usually has fine comic 'Hotel De Paree" and "Mr. Jamie advantage of his guest. and drinking. He'll be sentenced death: "When you have loved iai4B—WCBS Coupla Ntmt Door ideas. Two often he goes great Lucky," but pretty far down on Dec. 23. The bird? A deputy said oee man for 2* years, when LIMTN »|S« WCB> Whiapatinc 8UMU Mow* guns with one for the first five the list. "^WMte HaadUaaa. Eft Nawa: Danco llualc At least two shows are it died of fright. you have leaned his flse quali- * w mm Fricaa. Muaie *«"» Studio X minutes but he rarely knows scheduled to disappear from the ties as well as his weaknesses WOK Nawa; P. Kobinaoa when to quit. For the most part Don't M highly critical of TV's WBC*.' Nawa W«M N.w.; Qulncy How. NBC lineup at the end of their An estimated 70 per cent ol ead his little aad big idtosya- NOW THRU SAT. tllB—WCB» Ma Parkina JJ£*» Nawa. Van Voorhia avoided this trap in "Mar- good plays, pleads a note from Finland's land area is covered cracies, It Is net easy to let WM Nawa. Lyla Van first 13 weeks — "Five Fingers" WO* Carlton Fradarlcka riage — Handle With Care." an Illinois reader: "We are so by forests. eayeae take his place." CM "Voun« »». Malona S*SS *••"•' Bob wiimm and "Love and Marriage" — grateful to see them, and to see Nawa. Kalaxlns lllt The first sketch, la which be and a major reshuffling of pro- "I Like What I Know" is the Music WASC Clair Hutehina was aided by Audrey Mea- Julie Harris, Olivie Plummer. (IBS—WABC Naw. WCM Starlliht Saluta grams will take place. story of Vincent Price's long aitt .WMC Fred RobblBB Show WJ* Muaic from Studio X dows, was a satire oa modern Can't you give them and thei romance with art. It is breezily WCM Uight To Happinaaa housewifery and. push-button ••Rlverboat" is to move from sponsors praise enough to en- MOVIE TIMETABLE WHTC Haadllnaa. Huaie Tomorrow its Sunday night berth to Moo- written and includes photos from WOR Nawa: Laa Smith Muaie 'Til Dawn living and was pretty effective. courage them so we won't htvi RED BANK his own collection. WM* Newa: Ed Hailihy M 1 onlS li<>x Then there was a spoof of a day, 7:3M:» p. m. (EST). It all westerns and vaudeville? W< •llB—WO* Calan Draka Carltoa—They Came to Cor ss.s^w*ee A .Vi "" elevision audience participation will be replaced by a western have had almost three plays ol dura 2:18, 7: IB. 9: SI. "The Way I See It" contains II WCM Just EntarUimnant WON Long John show that went on for much too starring William Bendix. "Rich- quality a week lately and we an the reflections of Eddie Cantor II tiat—WCM Allan Grar WRCA Ntwi Rtporta EATONTOWN s "Wok el Evidence" WHT« Nawa. Raluias MORMIN* MtOMAMS ong and was vastly overdone. ard Diamond" will fo from thrilled about it and hope for six after 67 years of a full and fam-1 Muaia Drlve-ln—They Came to Cor- (IBS—WABC Nawa . Best sketch of the show, how Monday at 7:M p. m. to Satur- Do help! ous life. It features a lot of II IiBO WCM Nawa; FraamaB ml ever, was the finale — A wild day night at >:M (opposite dura 7:05, ll:0S;Web of Evidence wisdom and good show talk, such WMTft FifUu minuU mwi , WHTO HaadUBaa. Muiio and wonderful burlesque of CBS' popular "Have Gun, Will Recommended tonight: "Rebel 9:30. WO« Nawa; Lyla Van wee £.,.?"'"• Italian opera with • plot based Travel" and "The Deputy" Range," CBS, » p. m. (EST) —HAZLET PROFIT FOR 'SEESAW WBCa, Nawa; Bob Haymaa „_-.. John Gambllnc very loosely' on Faust. Every- will move up to t:M Saturday Joan Crawford in her first TV Show Wee* Nawi; Bill Cullan Loew's Drive-la—Cartoon 7:00; NEW YORK (AP)-"Two for)] giSB—WOII Martha. Roundltoo Ft. Monraouth Nawi body sang and talked in frac alght la a time twitch with western; "The Untouchables," They Came to Cordura 7:05, US*—WHTC Naw«i Kalulsc Nawa, Al Lohman. tured Italian. "The Man and the Challeage.' ABC, 9-10 p. m. — dramatization the Seasaw," which recently Muaie WMTO Ha«dllnaai Waka up ll:00;Puthover 9:30. wound up a 94-week Broadway SIBB—WAOC Nawa Is Muaie Jose Ferrer and Marge and Meanwhile, at CBS, the axing of the prohibition-era Terranova -" «1N M.rtl» Block WCBS Nawa: Jack Starling Gower Champion helped out here killing; "The Big Party," CBS, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS run, had a profit of about J57O,- WCM Nawa: Fraamaa »d of the hour-long "Lineup" now 000 on its $80,000 production , Hayaa WAR and there throughout the show. on Wednesday night at-7:30 will 9:30-11 p. m. — Douglas Fair Atlantic-Career 7:22, 9:29. WMTO Cloainl Stock WBCA Nawi: Bill Cull.n banks, Jr., host, with Jose Greco, cost. Raport: Mule Dorothy and Dick leave a programing spot which LONG BRANCH WO* Nawa: Jot* Wingata Al Liohman After the other night's Jack the network is planning to fil Nichols and May, Nancy Walker, WKA Nawas WajBa Howall WNTe Nawi, Ralalini Baronet—Look Back In Anger Show Mualo «HS—WOB Radio Nair York WeeS Jack Starllnf Show AFTER-SKI PARTY 2:20. 7:20, 9:25. tin—WHTO Nawa; Raining WOe Dorothy and Dick LONG BRANCH—The first an- tl "t*eC Braakfait Club ASBURY PARK WAOO Nawa Nawa; Arthur nual after-ski party ot the Mon- •iBO—WABC Martin Rloek Godfrey mouth Ski Club will be held to- Mayfalr—A Summer Place WCM Nawa: Fraaman and WIITe Headllnai; Strictly 2:40, 6:45, 10:55. Hajaa for Woman morrow in Hi Henry Inn, Branch- WO* Nawi: John Scott Wee Newa; Galan Draka port Ave. PREVIEW — Beloved Infidel WBCA Jim Low. Show WBC* Nawa, BUI Cullan 8:50. ••It—WOB Radio Naw York •iS»—WNTe Nawa, Ralaxioi The get-acquainted party is •111 WHTO) Nawa. open to all shore skiers. Dick St. James—House of The Seven Hawks 3:27, 7:00, 10:16; Tar- •VIMINOJ •"•-SW &"'*""' Dawson, night club and supper Mowtay Tftrwtali Friday Martha Wright club singer, will be festured zan The Ape Man 2:00, 8:50. |lM~WCII Nawa. Van Voorhll WNTe Ilaadlinai, Muita entertainer. Dancing will start at Lyric—Back To The Wall 7:00, WOB Nawa. I.yla Van Wee Nawi Raporta . WBC* Up to tha Mlnuto WBCA New. 9 p. m. 9:00. OlOt—WAOC Mattln Block My Trua Slorf •US—WaBC Howard Cotall ISllS—W*BC Martin Block •lit—WCWCMM Spprta. Bob Cooko WOe Martha Daana NOW' thill aHata WOK Kawa, John Wlniata tSlSe—W*ee Martin Block Maka •ist—waee NN.»I , JohJhn Pair Rallava Ballroom weeWAOCs nm U™IH WMTe N.w., Jl.l.iln, WOM N«w», Hentr Muilo (ila'l.lona Wee Intarvlawii Martha •l4« —W»BC Arthur Van llnrB T)rana iu»rr.N»rriiL, Si4»»W«ee Rhln.y Walton WeCA Kil Harllhy, Wen l.ow.ll Thomaa Trua Story DAILY NEWS Wee Rporti, Stan Umu Nawi! Houia Party I roar or SEATM WBC* Thrta Star Extra, WNTe Haailllnai; Muilo TlSt. W*eC Kdward r. Morran Wee Nawa, P. Roblnaon li World Telegram ft Sun WCeS Nawat Amna 'n Andy WBC* Nawil Radio Thaata: Wee Fulton Uwli IlllS—Wee McC.no. at Horn. gifts for tht gifted WED. THRU SAT. WBC* Naw.; Art Tori Ill**—W«BC M«rtln ,B!orl(, M.ki "BACK TO flSS—Waee Ufa Traval NAN MARTIN WOe Today'n Iluilnaia Ballava Itillronm ffiSS—Waee Alan Kraarl WCBS Funny Rlda Up Wonderful, colorful artist*' ma- SHIRUY MACIAINI I THE WALL" Wees Andy Crlffithi Burnt WMTB Rail Bank B«il.t*r terials encourage beginners nf k Allan) Bnh 4 Ri» Wee McCa'nm at Hnma ANTHONT PRANCIOSA •itra AMtd AttrwHa* Wee Naw., Gahrlal WM* l.aa Hnwm.n SOUMM? Toy Trains" (live A Colored Christum* (Hit "CAREER" Certificate in •»)• amount. p y Matinee "PRANCIS IN HAUNTID HOUSI" Robert Ryan and Harry Islafonte deteit one snother, CARTOONS - SPORT yet they ere forced to work together in • planned bank SUN. • MON. • TUES. •tick-up, The highly exploilve film, "Odds Against To- SUN. CONTINUOUS morrow," In which they are itarred with Shelley Win- CURT JURtMNS tors, Ed Bogloy «nd Gloria Grshame, will open st the MAY MITT li BROAD M-mtur, JUOI) HANK • «u MSM fhronet Thoator, Long Branch, Friday and Saturday, IN her ruruier Onlrully located In Katonlown • Now Shrownbury Dec. 4-5; *t tho C«rlton, Rod B«nk, Sunday through "THE BLUE Theetre Information MONMOUTH COUNTY ANO NATIONAL NKW.S Tuoidfly, Doc. 6-8. Cofeature "Young L«nd" «t the CALL SH M400 ON THIS HOUR AM) HAM' HOUH DAYTIMU ANGEL" Eatontown Drive-In Sunday through Tu«id«y, Doc. 6-8. IN TIXHNICOI.OK to Ball OwbaN KNOW YOUR Vint Aid Squad, New Peas Are Popular, and Here's a Reason Why GOVERNMENT Set lor Saturday bury Community Appeal, TMM r* «u Hostesses for the ne«t meeting Falls Fire Co., Family and Chil Prepared by N. J. Taxpayers NEW SHREWSBURY - Final dren's Services, Vineland Train By CECILY BROWNSTONE Guild will be Mrs. DeNucci and Mrs. Association, 143 E. State St, Wilbur Nelson, 541 Bath Ave. plant for the Christmas Charity ing School, Northiide Fire Co., AP Ntwsfeatoret Food Editor Trenton 8, N. J. BaU to be held by the Woman's Heart Association, Pine Brook LONG BRANCH — Mrs. John Club of New Shrewsbury have Fire Co., Muscular Dystrophy Facts and figures say peas are iBoyadjian was welcomed as i 'm pntum tiniini muu M« TW been completed. Mrs. Fred H. Polio Fund, Wayside Fire Co., lie most popular of all frozen Inflation Fighters I member at the last meeting of •*«•«" ™ ius«« w.r-*JT«tu.. Barton, Jr., is dance chairman. CARE, Monmouth County Organ vegetables. It's not hard to guess »hy. The little green pea does With congressmen returning to st. Cecelia's Guild of St. James The affair will be held Saturday ization for Social Service anc 'ashington early in January for Episcopal Church. at 10 p. m. in the Georgian American Red Cross. \o well in retaining its color, tex- lire, flavor and nutrients during Jie second session • of the '86th Mrs. Paul DeNucci, president. I | All yw ae«l to kaow abort House, West Deal. Music will Projects to benefit are Tintor Congress, taxpayers across the be provided by "3 Tunes and a Falls School Library, Retard* Freezing and cooking. announced that the Christmas ba- nation are conveying their senti- zar will be held in the parish Vibe." Assisting Mrs. Barton Children, parties and equipment One of the best partners for ments on public issues to their Mutual Funds are Mrs. Harry A. Billerbeck. Teenage Recreation Fund, am the green pea is the scallion or .S. senators and representatives hall Dec. 5 from 11 a. m. to 4|| What they are Mrs. Charles M. Truax and Mrs.equipment for the Shrewsbury green onion. Our favorite way of jefore they leave home. p. m. How to buy them Peter C. Xefteris. Township Public .Schools, •dding scallions is to cut them It was announced that afternoon II In 2-inch lengths, with most of Uncontrollable federal spending tea is being served to patrons by I How they operate (he green tops included, and cook and inflation are twin objects the members of St. Martha'sl In a little butter before combin- of citizen wrath in many areas Guild, with Mrs. Harvey Slocum FoV frs* booklsf. writ* fe ing with the cooked drained peas. of the nation, reports the New Mrs. Charles Fenlaaon as|| Cooked diced or sliced celery ersey Taxpayers Association. chairmen. Are Your Here in this State, the associ- Ufa- mi UaHatoa1 IiwrHlia another partner to the green Dates were assigned for vesting II pea—and so much more interest- ation has urged installation of Mataal Fas* adequate fiscal controls in Con- the choir, after which refresh-! ing than the usual carrot team- menu were served by Mrs. Har- 211 Broadway, Las* Bra Party Clothes Ready? mate. • gress to help restrain federal spending, achieve a balanced bud- ry Clark. 503 Broadway, and Mrs. The small white onion is also Lois Holden, 6W Westwood Ave. • Geatlecaea: 1 great' companion for green get and avoid deficits leading to •Without obligation peas. Sometimes we open a buf- higher debt and greater Inflation. Others attending were Rev. istad free baaktet to fet size can (about 8 ounces) of The battle against deficits and Herbert - - the onions, drain them and' heat inflation is strengthening in many Fennelly, 31> Coleman Ave., Mrs. with a 10-ounce package of -the reas. A citizen pledge gaining frozen peas. To'embellish fur- wide circulation in Oklahoma and St.. and Mrs. Lovell Gray, 156 ther, add a cup of medium cream other western states declares "in- sauce and a small can (about 3 flstion is harmful to every Amer- ounces) of sliced mushrooms ican; a severe handicap in our (well drained). Turn into a pretty race with communism and the serving dish, sprinkle with pep- biggest single domestic peril fac- rika and crisp crumbled bacon ing America." and you have a perfect buffet Taxpayers in large numbers supper dish as a go-along for IT'S QUICK: Frozen green peas, whirred in an electric blender, are pledging to fight this de- any roast meat or poultry. The make a delicious soup. structive force by: combination is also delicious "Refusing to request or support with baked stuff fiih. in jigtime with frozen green celery, crushed garlic, salt, currj any new federal spending pro- And still another reminder for peas, powder and pepper, i Bring to grams or projects. NOW IS THE TIME FOR the buffet table-add the cooked boil; if ppea s are in a block, turn "Vigorously opposing any con- _ Cidct peas to cooked rice andd serve as they defrost. Cover and tim- templated raids on the federal ALL GOOD CLOTHES TO with a curry of chicken, turkey, Ingredientswime:a 1 re (1«0 ounce) pack- mer until quite soft—10 minutes treasury by any association with p age frozen green peas, 14 cup or longer. Turn half of the peas y y y lamb or shrimp. whichihh I am affiliatedffilitd. COME TO ... Like a main course all in one water, 1 chicken bouillon cube, and half of the liquid into an "Urging my congressmen to dish? Add cooked frozen green *A cup diced onion, 1 stalk eel- electric blender; blend until verj oppose all spending proposals peas to creamed eggs for a fami- ery. 1 clove garlic, K teaspoon fine. Repeat blending with r which cannot be financed without iylunch; to chicken or turkey salt. !4 teaspoon curry powder, maiulng peas and cooking liquid adding to the federal debt. tetrazzlni for a party supper; to dash of white pepper, 1 cup regu- Reheat to boiling; add milk an "Requesting my congressmen creamed dried beef for Sunday lar or fluid skim milk. reheat but do not boil. If sou; to support specific legislation de- brunch- ~ Method: Into a medium-sized is thicker than you like,, add signed to reduce federal spending If you have an electric blender saucepan put the frozen green more bouillon or milk and addt and to oppose all specific meas- you can concoct a delicious soup peas, water, bouillon cube, onion, tional curry powder or pepper. ures which seek to increase FOR TRULY BETTER ... spending and contribute to infla- gifts, novelties, religious articles, Prudential InsuranceCo tion. St. James home-made goodies, toys and "Enlisting my friends, neigh- DRY CLEANING! Chirstmas candles will be man- Promotes Hazlet Man bors, and associates in this all- ned by Mrs. Paul DeNucci, Won HAZLET — Stanley D. Cohen important campaign to preserve SAME PAY SWVICI mouth Beach, Mrs. Bert Stout, Church Bazar 61 Fleetwood Dr., has been pro solvent government and sound Eatontown; Mrs. Fred Behlmer, money." ME! PICK-UP AND MUVMY Mrs. Ernest Hambacber, Mrs. •noted to methods analyst in the this Saturday Voorhis Brower. Mrs. William Wil- electronics research division - YULE PARTY LONG BRANCH — Final plans bert. Mrs. Harry Clark and Mrs.the Prudential Insurance Co. were completed for the Christ- John Frey, Long Branch, and KEANSBURG-John J. Moran CALL Sh 7-2800 mas bazar at St. James Episco- Mrs. H. C. Davidson, Oakhurst. Mr. Cohen joined Prudential has been named chairman ef the . , , A a trainee in his present divisic Loyal Order Moose Children's pal Church, Broadway, at a meet- Heading;the afternoon tea com- immediately after his gradua Ing of the committee Monday in Christmas party. The party will mittee will be Mrs. Harvey Slo-tion from Rutgerg university be held Dec. 20 at 2 p. m. in the the guild room. cum. Mrs. Charlei'Fenilson is 1956. local American Legion Hall. Mrs. Morton A. Barnes, Mrs, being assisted by all members of j Edward Murachanian and Mrs. the guild. John M. Barnes are chairmen of LEON'S the event which will be held in BRANDY FLAVORING the parish hall Saturday from 11 *4-7* WHITi ST. RID IAWC a. m. to 4 p. m. Afternoon tea A bottle of brandy extract In will be served patrons by mem- your kitchen cupboard? Use it ALWAYS AMFU PAIKINft bers of St. Martha's Guild. to flavor hard sauce to serve with Booths featurins - inexoensivi VICT RY NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY OTHER MARKET SALE 21 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK • DELIVERY • SH 7-0508 FAMED WIND-LOC LARM ! c MIMUM EGGS r 79 lr. BACON r 79 HOME IMPROVEMENT _l 3 CHANNEL TILT STORM WINDOWS SWIFTS PREMIUM BONELESS CHUCK POT ROAST,


21" to 14" Wife ELM IRAND 3 Ib. SIZE KINGAN IMPORTED 89 REUAILE c 00 CANNED HAMS 2 9.11 Nk. Sbt HAMS 69 2 for *5 VMM WHITI SWUT MJNKIST PINK SEEDLESS MIKE CAULIFLOWER ANODIZED GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES 2179° NRM RIPI DIUCIOUS w COMBINATION WINDOWS Me Intoih $ 95 TOMATOES IT 5 FOR APPLES 3:35' ANY SIZE TO Rtd Skint or OcMtn ICBHRG c GIANT 37"x65" 13- SWEET LETTUCE 17 MD 25 POTATOES 317 :ft home-didn't let us know education, and Mrs. A. K. Tow- Donna Brogle, Carol Donna ord he had to. study very hard anything. We have already con- era, Sr., sewing and supplies.' Girl Scout Troop M, who meet Suzanne Crolius, Marion' Free- Dorothy Troeher Bride and was up at times until 1 or 2 lacted the Buffalo police as we in St. George's? Episcopal Church, man, Cornelia Jones, Susan Cooke, Constance Catdwell, Nan- Local church service officers: cy Galdwell, Timmie Freeman, a. m. Just before finals tie have reason to believe she went Mrs. Robert S. Telfer, activities; Have been busy this week, wrap- Kaupp, Marie Macdonald, Jill wanted to give up, he was so there. Her mother is sick with ping presents which Marlboro Montgomery. Nancy * Meeker, Phyllis Jones. Nancy McCoy, Mrs. Lawrence R. Burdge, bazar; Christine Hoffman, Linda Law- tired of studying but his pride worry almost, to tha breaking Mrs. J. Leonard Covert, dining Hospital Auxiliary will distribute Beth Sully, Eileen Stern, Claudia Of Donald E. Hardy was at stake; His school coun point. If we only knfc./ where to hospital patients at Christmas. Schneider, Cathy Theimer, Dor- rence, Patty Maloney, Gail Mc- room; Mrs. May, dinner; Mrs. Crossin, Marilyn Petersen, Vicki selors said it is mental fatigue. she it. Will you please insert the Arthur T. Holey, and Mrs. I. H. Money to buy. the gifts was othy Wilson and Judy Lee. Troop Miss Dorothy Beth Troeber, satin,. with brown accessories : leaders are Mrs. David Brewster Shea. Nora Sheehan, Mary Louise and an orchid corsage. He had a wonderful vacation all following plea in your news- Wood), flowers; -Mrs. Robert- H. contributed by members of St. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- George'n Guild of the church. and Mrs. John Crolius. Winters and Jane Gesler. liam John Troeber. 98 Cherry Ray-mend"G. Patter. *«. —» »° •>»»>• be fully rested. paper: Shelley, Girl Scouts; Mrs. Harold Bank, was best man,- and Rob- I believe his parents made a P. M.. who left her home in F. Dowstra, house; Mrs. Ralph Tree Farm Rd., Middletown, and YULE BAZAR Donald Edward Hardy, son of ert B. Hembling, Middletown, and big mistake by giving him his Ontario Sept. I. please get in A. Norton, kitchen; Mrs. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Byron P. Hardy, Frank R, Citarella, Rosette, were college .money which they had touch with the family. Mother F. Moore, parliamentarian; Mrs. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mrs. 13 Madison Ave.. Red B»nk, were ushers. • • saved and let him buy a car. He desperately sick with worry. William Wikoff, Jr., telephone, John Gtwler Is chairman of married Saturday in the Red For her wedding trip to Vir- claims he needed a car to get a Signed. D. Jim. and Mrs. Beck, "Open Door." tlckeU for the Women's Society Bank Presbyterian Church. Rev. ginia and Washington, D. C, the |ob. Ha has made applications of Christian Service Christmas Dr. Charles S. Webster, pastor, vide wore an orchid wool sheath- but has no job. Now. he stays bazar which will be held Satur- officiated at the doable-ring cer- style dress with a matching hat, up all hours reading and sleeps day from 10 a. m. to 9 A- m. in emony. and black accessories. The most of the day. His parents do ENGAGEMENTS the Methodist Church, Third and Bouquets' of gladioli and chrys- couple will live at 93 Madison not want to be hard on him. They Gartield Aves. Supper will be anthemums decorated the church. Ave., Red Bank. . ' . hope he will go to college next served at 5 and ( p. m. DP. Carl F. Mueller was the or- The bride was graduated from term. ganist. A reception followed in Middletown Township High Do you think it advisable to of- Mix-Match Trio tiie Alpine Manor, Highlands. School and is' employed at the fer to contribute toward his The bride was given in mar- Bell Telephone Laboratories in tuition if his parents do. not have riage by her father and had Holmdel. the money? I am a working gtl Printed Pattern Mrs. Albert Harlfinger of Sum- The bridegroom, a Red Bank and do not have money to throw mit as matron of honor. Her High School graduate, is em- away but know the need of a -bridal attendants were Mrs. Gary ployed by the Monmouth County college education today. Whit L. En right of Middletown and Road Department. do you advise?—Auntie. Mitt Joan Mills. Little Silver. The bride's full length gown Dear Auatlt: Your nephew's wat made of Italian Dupionl silk, Couples Mark problem is his and his parents, appliqued with inserts of rose- Anniversaries not yours. If he it ' bright point lace. * . enough to rank among the top 10 of high school, he Is bright The fitted bodice had a scooped Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Patter- neckline and long sleeves, and enough to think his way through son. 55 Oakland St., Red Bank, this present impasse. As his the skirt terminated in a chapel and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Den- length train. The bride wore a school counselors * say. it to nis, Green Ave., Belford, marked probably the result of mental crown of rosepoint lace to hold their ninth wedding anniversary her fingertip length illusion veil fatigue. Now more than ever, with a double celebration yester- your nephew must be encour in place, and her bouquet wat day. The couples had dinner at made of glamelllat. and stepha- aged to stand on his own two Leonies and then saw the musi- feet. ,Hij will needs to be notis. cal, {'Redhead," in New York Miss Saiaa E. Mount Mb* CanneSa A. VeecUe AH the attendants were dressed strengthened, not weakened. He City. should be given small daily alike in gowns of deep purple Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were NAVESINK-Mr. and Mrs. Du- Mr. andrMrs. Ekie yecchio of velvet, with bertha collars, fitted married Dec. J, and the Greens chores.In do, «vea if It's only Moot R. Mount. Locust Point 1*0 Bridge Ave.. Red Bank, an- bodices and full skirts: Their were married Dec. 3. Mrs. Pat washing windows,' polishing Rd.. have announced the engage- nounced the engagement of their snatching tiaras were trimmed tenon and Mrs. Green were floors or cutting grass. It is ment of their daughter, Mist daughter, Miss Carmella Ann In veiling. The matron of honor friends while they were nurses at important that he work for Suzan Elizabeth Mount, to Vecchio, to Patrick Shine, son of had « bouquet of pale yellow Monmouth Medical Center and what he gets, if he needed a Charles Joseph. Collins, son of Ir. and Mrs. Timothy Shine of chrysanthemums, styled around a Riverview Hospital. Bdlh are car. he should have'earned the Joseph Collins of Port Mon- Middletown, at a family party renter motif of yellow roses. The graduates of Monmouth Memor money to pay for it. And that mouth and the.late Mrs. Mary recently in the Middletown fire bridesmaids' bouquets were ial Hospital School of Nursing. goes for his education too. Bernadette Collins. The a* bouse. A September wedding is pale yellow chrysanthemums. Many of the most successful nouncement was made at a party planned. men I know have worked their given for the couple at the home The bride's mother wore USE A BLENDER Miss Vecchio is a graduate of gown of beige satin brocade, way, through college. of Miss Mount's parents, Nov. 32. Red Bank High School aad is em- with accessories' in beige and European recipes sometimes If you contribute toward his Miss Mount is a senior at Mid- ployed by the progressive Life brown, and a corsage of orchids. call for ground popyteads. An tuition, you will only be con- dletown Township High School, Insurance Company. Mr. Shine. The, bridegroom's mother , wore up-to-date electric blender wiU tributing to further disintegra- and is a former majorette of the Middletown Township High a gown of loden freen crepe and do the Job beautifully! tion of his will-the will to do Middletown Township Drum and hool graduate, is in the Army, for himself, to indulge him Bugle Corps. stationed at Edgemoat. Pa, now could make the fatal dif- Mr. Collins, a graduate of Mid- ference between success or dletown Township High School, is failure in his life. Overkind- employed by the Fire Insurance ule Bazar Set ness can be cruelty!' I know Rating Organizatiqn of New Jer- for I've had a similar, situ- sey. He is a seaman in the Coast ation in my own family. Guard Reserve, and served six y Church Guild months of active duty last' win- EAST KEANSBURG - The Dear Kitty KeUy: ter at Cape May and at Groton Women's Guild of the Bay Shore We sell them regularly at 19,95 Conn. - Three years before I met mj Community Church will hold a 115 BROAD ST., RED BANK Christmas bazar and white ele- husband, his sister had the fam The tunic—smart, new fashion ily's first grandchild. Foolish phant sale in the church all day tomorrow and Saturday. — tops a bow-tied blouse and he was made to promise tha wee slim skirt. Three parts to mix BLACK-MAGIC girt a sterling ailvtr table ae PTA Thanked Hand-made items, costume Jew- and twitch, and all three are ice. We have been married !ry and novelties for Christmas yean and have several children very easy to aew. Tomorrow'; gifts, and pies and cakes will be pattern: Reversible apron. of our own. My silver plate has For Equipment sold. WOOLEN COATS been got laboriously on the coi Printed Pattern M60: Misses' LEONARDO — The executive Wednesday, the guild will serve Sizes 10, 12. 14. IS, 18. Size II pon plan and I'm still getting board of the Leonardo Grade an Oriental dinner in the church Now Ms sitter Is demanding thai tunic, skirt: 2% yards 54-inch white pile-lined from hood to hem! School Parent-Teacher Associi hall at 7 p. m. This will be foi- blouse 1% yards 39-inch. he fill this long-ago promise foi tion met Tuesday at the home of owed by a program of games. the girl's hope-chest. We cannot Mrs. P. Joseph Shcchan, Hosford Send fifty cents (coins) toi afford this outrageous demand Ave. this pattern — add 10 cents foi CHILI PARTNER each pattern for first-class mal and my husband it quit* dls A letter from Mrs. Vivien Mes- tarbed with my feelings. Just Bite-size shredded com bit- ing. Send to Marian Martin, Red sier, school principal, was read Bank Register. Pattern Dept.,232 how can this be resolved withoul in which she expressed appreci- wits are a "different" and deli- 88 West llth St.. New York 11, N. V. too great a family rift?-Ques ation for herself and faculty :ious accompaniment to chill con UM OM CONVtNMNT tioning. Print plainly name, address with members for the PTA purchase lone, size and style number, IAY-AWAV MAN... of tape recording and movie pro- me. MOUTtACMAIM Dear Q/Melktong: Your hus jection equipment. FOR CHRISTMAS band mad* the promise and he The PTA will loan this equip- must keep it, no matter whs ment to the school for visual ed- M9HfAtHIONU.ACKt set off with while.., the hardship. The issue ii ucation and entertainment pur- IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS! moral, not material. Is a sil- poses. A tape recording of the this season's dramatic color duo that blends ver table service of more value pupils singing a group of songs A new feather Huff or beautifully with everything in your wardrobel than his word? Back him up was played. bubble cut that needs juit even at great personal sacri- The board sent a letter to Paul a touch of your brush far UAmitfNO tfNISi The full flowing style, Choose brightest gold to fice, if he's the right sort o< DiCarlo, thanking him for man, and I'm sura he Is, he'll wooden cart he built for a neatly poufed coiffure the clutch closing fits easily over suits and midnight black •' any color bless you forever, What you school's library, • making it pos- dresses alike. Over-sized collar doubles^! hoedt do now could make or mar all —*nly «2.00. in between. TAFSUN has sible to carry several books future relationship with hit around the school at one time. UMCfOVS tVAIIMTrfi Completely lined with slipper In tha styla most in. family. Don't give that ever- No PTA meeting will be held ii present Greek chorus of In-laws Custom LMOHII ermine-white rayon pile) Reprocessed wool •• • , trigiilng to your fast*. In December. The board will meet an excuse to tune up. Let the Jan. 11 and plan the unit's COLD WAVE strengthened with rayon and nylon. Misses' sigea. sites 4 fa 10, narrow and fault be on their side. Reveal uary program, when candidates your sister-in-law for the Mr*, medium widthi. for the Middletown Township HAMO-TO'MATCH SAVfNOff That are s» typical of Shylock she is by twins Mrs, Board of Education will Blgheart, and you'll wind u be Feather Fluff Cut Robert Halli Rush in today and get youn while OTHER SLIPPERS FROM speakers. the winner. and Style the price is so sensationally lowl 13.99 to II2.9S If she has a spark of fil One candy, a weight used In play in her, she might eve Bombay, India, Is the equivalent Brock Shampoo suggest lightening the initial of 5*0 pounds. 4******************************************* Glamour. Rtnso • I COMPUTI t Tost Curl I ENROLL NOW FOR MEN! GIVE A I Coma in new with e>r without appointment. GIFT CERTIFICATE EVENING CLASSES Hatr styled by Mr. Joseph and Mr. Anthony, Per Day Classes Call far Information Open Every N'Rhl 'til I P.M., Including Saturdays Katberine Beauty Salon ASIURY PARK—ROUTE 35 \ • Small Down Payment • Easy Torms —Open Wednesdays— (Asbury Park Traffic Circle) \ Richards School of loaury Culture 4* MONMOUTH ST. SH 7-3471 RID IANK NRTH AMIOY. 3*5 Smith Street Established 24 Y*ars ISILIN, U. S, Hlfhwey I et Grten St. Traffic Circle MID-PLEAT I 21 IROAO ST. SH 1-2111 RID IANK Perth Ambny, Isclln Closed Sunday Ample Parking in Rear 0/ Salon Amplo Parking at All Srorai • ' '- t ' <"".' Dae. t. MM MD 1/UIK a final month of thig#ua celebration very da *»«

appreeia«o our 100th annive,,^ _

BONILESS •Mch-Nvt laby Foo4s FraHCMktail I*J:\M •L.,-. CAMMELfS or HEINZ 60M ^* 9OUp> Without moot mop* Mushroom , am l(H/i 01. a* |( SOUPS CAMPKLL'S or HEINZ-WHt,moot 2 en. <99 Nwrt's Tonwte N

Strawbowy PMMTVM . *•*»> "IT laSyrap i£

California Roosts Sausaao "- • a*.49* LambSbouldors Choorios *»»*t~i fc49* iroastofLamb Kraft's SpoghoHiDinnor . > Cross Rib Roast Voal Roast "^* ApploSouco Air be* 6^79* Slicodtacoi) £45 rfonktwrtors Evaporator Milk Bologna »U»wwi> tat*25. * SiMk«dMta ttoi., \M 59« FroshSparoribs '49* Ho—JorFHIot M '69* 12 oca* EC Whoalios pkf Pillsbvry Farina ...... ^29* f w< Ci 4: A Dol MoNto Doluxo Plums • . Frosh Rroccoll 17 OE. NIBLETS ^!K!l *" 2^31 < Dot MoNto Poos LIBBY'S BEETS »» 2r29< PILLSBURY •-.—- 2^31« miafLVEMC WHOII-COOKID 3M»OC# VniVllBlij taptM »• 7a#c Hockor's Flour . . © • • • M MS ^ 89* KLEENEX ^^ 2»b47< • Allm JOMlHM PWICtiKO Flow, • 2 ptga. e Llbby's Tomato Julco • . . • ^ WALDORF """S? ~ 4 - 33« ]2 Nostlo's Chocolafo Morsols • • J? Frorni Foods! n^n^njnjnjBnjn^^ SHaMcrHaivM 4B MM ^JJ •SMOSKTHES fSff'!*"" ^ ^33' •ufforCooklot ^' X •NRqfltmWtlfloi^l ^H« 2'^St* WbiPttitaOilB* . . . 1 F»»aarMfa- ««:»• Q.T.lMt«rtFnatiit . Maxwoll Houso Coffoo • • • StaNCMTwiaFIt AftP Vacuum Packod Coffoo . . !X''-SW1 WbMa Mail TIM Cut-RitoWaxodPapor . . .2 Haat lM.f~ -..._- KHalmQIiani w-^i'^ll* SvaMN T.V. lliMr £?&!, 9^i ^2t« WftartPanlayFiakM . *£ FabDotorgont . • . .^. . • tii* fM> 0«0« ^iU - - - — — H* •• • lAilM Uoutai rfainf •••• V ^••^B'WBol . ' ' ' i ' ' | 1 Dolry Ivory Flakos •-—•-•«-. SJ4 Natkar'i Flair ^2S« NaaiaMalilarfcaplna 2 £ !?• niMkiry'i Flair '^M« Lniiryllaaili »*<•<• '^ Ivory Snow . • . . . ^32' Frif Itayllilill ^p > t "HTM* ParilagFaai I'^r RlniORlaM FwlMMoVyonddlibM T31 **!"* W*NIM4 bar MUMIIHNN *~lf NiNUmMFa^l . 2 •- Vt JI^B. BkAaWMaVa%MS N» Mia family wa*)i and iktm '*r**4aJ( •**** I tt I law wwtwm^&tn PH«I «*t. TMI OMAT ATUNTIC 1 >ACI»C TIA DUTCH APPLE PIE OiiMMM Rtlb Into Oakt •-•' oi norw ooly hi Mow. Jtun »f» tilioJ mi tmttmi CowNw.

twfffi MMMI StiHw vnwMv Katta ' MM Baiaf|ait llNMtlU PaptrTmk y ••!• IT Bafcl— •HFNi ItfFHf- Ntw WMII atay u4t M«a anal vfclto a*t4«f fant •Mm* Iwl MMIVM JvmkoitM 2 «• 2 t «• 5r«' tun* •SIT Ivory OxydolDatirgMl Gtmtt Oltaiftr iMtSU! ZtttSaap SWNHMIIISOM Littail Tram* Far yeurliundry Ftr kathmm ind kllthtn Ftr t«ll»t and kith bpultlly Ur th. bath Ivy 1 al rtfular prlit. • • All purpMa dttarfant ear 1 far la Llajuli DitargMt Liquid Datariaat I4N 2|l/ M f H* 1 » -f|« 2 Z, «• 2 a «• liar Ma l!ai.||« Twlnpatk f 11 ai, KMm un •" tan w9 pltitlt * pkft. V* * *K . Dee. S. 1959 RED BANK : wlNAIMC, t*MjhjJz Lightweight Champ llrct¥n^tt#F£|feases. !Fmi!S%en fat a sajw»y-o»iia«B»ia«B»i Ms A crowd of about «,000 paid Softball league snajr hhave sacked $32,Rt for the nationally a little in finesse.e, bat they made TKOs Dave Charnley in 6thvised fight-the fourth up for it with plenty of actta. . Tex.

DAVIS VCtJtadde .•JbrMooaegaarl California's Warfare Named LADIISDAY Champion Two+Year Old Colt • For a. strapping dark-gray colt Jones and Sons, his breeders. from the golden state of Call* When the club decided against foraia.the gold rush proved to racing their $12,000 purchase, My Dear Girl * be in the East this year and, in Clifford Jones, one of the sons, addition to 1339,975 earned for took the colt over for his Belle- consecutive victories in Aque- hurst Stable, named for a bous- Is Named duct's Cowdln and Champagne ing development he owns in Stakes and the Garden State, Buena Park. Filly Queen Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jones' By the Kentucky Derby win- Warfare earned the unanimous ner Determine, Warfare is out The younger generation of vote of the TRA Board of Selec- of War Whisk, a mare going race horses demonstrated this tion as the champion two-year- back three generations in the year mat Kentucky has no mo-I'm sorry to worry you old colt of 1959. His total earn- Jones breeding scheme. He wasnopoly on the production of thor- again dear,... but what ings, $394,610, is Just short of foaled on April 26, 1957. Big foroughbred champions. The TRA First landing's all-time $39f,4tO, two-year-old, Warfare's only Board of Selection which named club do I use when I get oat In 1958. bad habit was a tendency to loaf California's Warfare best of the the ball on the green California has sent Its share of when he got to the front Owners two-year-old colts has also voted and ... .?" TV HORSE top horses across the country in of Bally-Ache. Tompion and Vi-Mrs. Frances A. Genter's Flori- WHO, !«• MOM recent years but no flash bulbs tal Force probably don't think da-bred My Dear Girl the cham- popped when Warfare arrived at be. loafed bard enough. pion two-year-old filly of 1959. Aqueduct tor the fall campaign. Their vote was without dissent He was the sole representative among the 25 racing secretaries Baseball Clash of BeUehurst Stable and he wasl Small Colleges at -TRA tracks who make up the not among the original nomina- Board. May Occur tions for any stakes' races. His ^ny reservation about My best of three winning races in 10Place 2 Men Dear Girl's prowess that might starts in California had been in have remained following her Next Tuesday the Charles S. Howard Stakes at On EC AC Team five-length triumph .over Blue WrlO WU HICKW Hollywood Park. His owner, Crooner. Heavenly Body, Irish ST. PETERSBURG. Fla. (AP) MATTEL however, was willing to back NEW YORK (AP)—Two small Jsy and six others in the Gar—Th- e first head-on clash be- Trainer Hack Ross' confidence colleges that had football teams denia at Garden State Park Oct tween the majors and the pro- SUN aid HOLSTER SET TOMMY with the necessary supplement strong enough to upset a major 24, was canceled two weeks posed third major league—the aiy nomination fees, a matter oLf team during the 1999 season- later with the running of tho Continental — may take place CAP $1,000 for the Cowdln and tlo;OMDelaware and West Chester F'rizette Stakes at Aqueduct. Tuesday when they all meet sep- each for the Champagne and the(Pa.) State, each placed two arately but under the same roof fiUN Garden State. men on their ECAC Divisional In the Frizette My Desr Girl at Miami Beach. and Wbeatley Stable's Irish Jay Prior to Warfare's appearance All-Star team. The American and National, The selection committee which staged a hair-pulling match on the scene, discussion of cham- throughout the greater part of spurred by Commissioner Ford pionship had centered around C. today named the ECAC Small Frlck, are expected to make College, Southern Section, team the mite run and My Dear Girl, V. Whitney's hopeful winner, in spite of stumbling and bear- known their positions on expan- Tompion; Tinkham Veale 2d's listed Delaware Captain and cen- sion of their eight-club leagues. ter Mark Hurm and fullback ing out on the turn for home, Vital Force and Edgehill Farm's proved the more photogenic at The , aware Bally Ache. In the Cowdln. War- Tony Suravicb of Delaware and end Ken, Campbell and halfback the finish. Seven lengths further of Frick's pressure on the Ms- fare received seven pounds ad- back. Sarcastic was third in jors, has called a meeting of its vantage over the East's big Billy Shockley of West Chester. front of Bine other mud-waked?ow? n to coincide with those of three and won by an Increasing Selections are based on week- fillies. the majors. -' Branch Rickey, JVi lengths over Vital Force andly press box voting for the out- president of the five-team cir- Bally Ache. At equal weights in standing player of each game. My Dear Girl mate her undis-cuit, will fly down from New the Champagne, he caught Tom- The ECAC small college South tinguished debut at Hisleah on York, prepared to respond when pion in the stretch and won by Feb. It when she misbehaved mo team: the majors state their positive a length with Bally Ache and Ends-Campbell and Neil Aus- at the start, got away badly and intentions. seven others five lengths further trian, Swarthmore;. tackles—Wai* failed to improve her position. back. It was Bally Ache's turn ter Neineke, Lehigh, and KenWith a little more schooling she American"" League President to try him in the Garden State, Longnecker, Lebanon Valley; was immediately graduated into Joe Cronin will call on his three- but Warfare caught him In theguards— George Dempster, Hof- stakes company keeping an en-man fact-finding committee to stretch and scored by half a stra, and Gus Graziano, Scran- gagement, along with 24 other report its findings for internal length. ton; center—Hurm; quarterback young hopefuls, in the Florida expansion for 1961. The com- Breeders' Stakes, Jockey Manuel mittee was selected during sn If a loud howl was heard —Paul Terhei. Bucknell; half- October meeting in New York FHUCE Ml flLTEIS above the cheers as Warfare backs—Shockley and Harry Long, N. Gonzalez, who rode her In all of her races, got My Dear Girl when the league announced ii romped through the stop at Gar-Junlata; fullback—Suravich. was seriously considering ex- den State it might have been away alertly, kept her out of trouble and sent* her to the front pansion to 10 teams by 1961. The Lea Coyotes, a country club Former Detroit players Tommy meeting stemmed from a Min- whose membership owned the In the final furlong to win by Bridges, Pat Mullln, Marv Owen, two lengths. Thereafter only one neapolis group's request for a colt earlier this year, after a dis-Schoolboy Rowe and Bob Mavis franchise. MlnneapoUs-St. Paul persal of the stock of C. H. horse finished in front of her, now scout for the Tigers. Monarchy winning a photo fin is one of the five founding mem- ish In the Arlington Lassie bers of the Continental League. Stakes on July 22. The others are New York, Den- ver, Toronto and Houston. Mrs. Frances A. Genter had raced My Dear Girl's sire, tKOKUAL AGENCIES MAJOB Rough 'n Tumble and on his re- tirement sold him to Joe and .s Tom O'Farrell, owners of Ocala SSJ1;7;',B«.'«"»«"-""--" , 3S Klafar'a . 31 Stud Farm in Ocala, Fla., with PadsXk IS the proviso that she be allowed Saldln'a . . IS 11 LOW COST WINTER DRIVING to pick three of Ms foals for herLima. SUnr Lumtwf racing stable. One of those she 1™lMjHIJl1l\.lfInl SaW-Dtill'l How- chose was a filly out of Iltis foaled on Feb. 17, 1957. The filly JftKrlt.-M.it, 1S,«rSN, SM, must have been an appealing one . sn' Oliab—ira lUata to Inspirie the name My Dear Smith 31«, Har* -~ ICY-GR \4on Trlpp ffo« Girl bill there can be no deny, ing that she has lived tip to thePadirian 301, Dava Slrna JOB, name. Her earnings for five vic- IHHrrKO MOMMY NIGHT MSAOUE tories anil a second In seven w starts total $179,622. llrlle". Cl.«n"r« ...„.."""""". I Miami Pool Corn.' ... ™ 50* Llva Mrxiam HulHulMarM a ...... Id', H*chiti(ttH*chiti(tt'n Tnvmrnfnvarn t» Father Bob WinsHarold'rolda vunoco «.... „,„,.. is M ituh. •••« ...:.~r™:~~ Jiniv DluaDlua JyJ«y# U 5 of 7 Races pram) Plaia Pfoia ~:!:~. 1J 4M A.M.C. 31 BALTIMORE (AP) - Father WOMEN'S COM) "i.rAoua VTI.ANTIO Bob, a three-year-old horse w owned by Donald McGce of AUKMIO lllihlnnila life, .. "1 ,V &" LI1"!"1 * •- ?{ i) Holmdcl, N. J., today was the,ilt»rt»on'» rintnurnnt 50 , Rnm«n'a mrvlcanttr 17 proud winner of five races out jTumiin'a Hen!, Blora »„ „ 17 of seven starts at Plmllco race- truck this lesson. W,""W. 'tlro'iik ,7.I,'."...'.-»™« U IS Irani] rinxa 'f, i mm I. lilnh. NntlnnM Hunk ... i:i -n The horse, with npprcntlec t IIIKII. ll.Trl.vnrr . , I] 21 Frnnklo Northcutt In tlio saddle, mi rm Miimi.r.Towv MOM*** I.KVIIIR fcuiS, MR. FOOTIALL at Froohold Regional High School won the fonlurcd rncc here you- W I, Icrclny by two Icntitlm from Mrs.Murrya ere Diana Zariyikl end Ron Rupprocht. They woro f'Uylnn'a M0UHTIHG! Waller A. Kumar's Mllndy Daren. M selected at dance spomorad by elioorloadori In ichool lhnri> I'dliit Inn . m •Prkaa p>M MM —4 mmffkH rtft Nurthcult is tho leading rider of iHilillMnwii I'rn Hltnp , IT in gymnttlum. Conteitanti wore majoroffoi, eheorlotdin iho mi'Wlnu, HIMII Katatu A«fncy ITT III uify-it H«r H 4 end mambari of football iquacJ. Diana ii hoed ma|or- Tho homo wnn.named for the 'h« niam'Mifiii tI!'t !J» Irownirtf )l»Al KRtHti .... 114* in 42 WEST FRONT ST. SH 1-3440 atte. Don wei dofomWe ond on th» grid iquad. owner's brother, a Catholic Ihdrf MT»c(ftttiWn , , nii in>( prk'»t. .Iliiilli-nnvn l.aiiM .... M '.'ip Oppn Friday Kvewlngs Till 1. Other store* In Perth Amboy, Now Brunswick, Trenlow, Elliabeth and Newark Van l'ali * Don Ai«nry .. o 3 fefc •0WW0UND aVr Aamm IAMMW Homnootivlhx •ED lAME U/UHUL \ttwni&r. Pae, 1. Strong in NBA !3SI£&& Tangle Toni^it Associated Prest or , FORT MONMOUTH — Fort to'haws as big a asdw to Don't look aow. but ben WMOi /WS JUST Monmouth and Fort Dix resume A NEW FORD OR OTHER fcotfpl as tfcoy BOW her. I the rampaging Syracuse BUUPOSS its basketball rivalry as the two FINE CARS AND TRUCKS ball,, atey be 'oa tbtir way baefc •onalt to challenge Boston and TO T/fB/R 4r# to cbsfttaae fee rote of Kansas HinadslpMa for Easten DivUlon S.E.C. TITLE New Jersey Army Posts tangle PHIL WALDMAN'S State and Ksasas la Big Eight getting toto tbs American Lea-supremacy ia the Natioaal Bas- 2/ tonight here at the Post Field GULF ketball Asaodatkm. House. gas wffl stake for aa interesting AS SfJIVICI STATION flet siaco 1M) ha» vjuaboi playing agalast new teams The Nets broke tho St. Louis COACH. This will be the 52d meeting 1 Maple Av». ft W. rraat St. bad even a share of the id seeing aew cWos. Hawks' four-gsme wianiag streak in a long standing series between last aight as they heat the West- Onwa Daily and Sua. 7 A. M. . M R. M. eaee title. It mi a distant ate- The veteran baseball star was the two military . installations, aad to Kansas State teat season. en Division leaden, W-121. In teat to Boston Tuesday ia aa with the visiting Dix Bums hav \ CALL SH 7-030S Bet is opening the IMMI set- trade for pHeber Al tbo opening game of a double- ; sea: last aight with a It* bender in Syracuse, the Cincin- ing a 28-21 edge. nati Boyala beaded Now York its Four namea are prominent on ninth defeat ia M games by the Dix rotter which helped the frees this Somtnot Couaty com- UMll. tsieat ** y "wben ho bet Just set- Burros to their fifth consecutive Syracuse, in posting ito third First Army cage title last year. DOLL KM wi* us >ue «d daughter. victory in four starts, drew with- ^gP # y P They are Gerry Paulson and Bob available. Par- in Hi games of the sccond-pUee CoccodriUi, both formerly of Man NMmnwm available. Par- for tM CMcagO COM Werriors and VA tames of the CARRIAGES batten College, Bob Gall of Muh- t ^artiil tan «*• totdiac Catties fa the Easten tenberg end Frank Perry from Ik testedtdfSfS J Division. tJ^ga^Httfa^BrtaaP Xfceridg*gTfM. IkP HVHMe T aWb Florida A AT. FOR ca fieltfd goalft fl* tad Mw4 from oVo Roy Oner, Johnny Kerr aad Dolph SScteyos provided the Nets The Dixmen appear headed for CHRISTMAS with a balaaeod seormg elsplay another banner year ss they have Princeton Loses and Bob Hopkiat helped put the such former college star* u Ray shscktM oa Bob PttUt, tat RsdsJssewsM, St. Joseph's Col LAMEST Hawks' toppoiat-prodocer . Oner lege of Philadelphia. Tom Gay hit for 9pomts. Kerr IT and nor from St. Peter's ia Jersey MMBL M •uao'HaMwI'iya Uaki JROONf em TOH (AF) — VWaaowt City, and BUI Tetesky of George ASSORTMENT ^ifrl . IIhho eesBehaves ». Guarded by Hopkins wldi » points, gtvo tae Season •* 1 nest ft the that. Pottit clicked Washington University. •jlotaf hHjM and stnagth an- eaV•"*'s• HrH guM for for It, mrmalag Just four field In the Dix-Monmouth series, the ih «*t at DOloa Qjw toot far'tba ^aw -. _jt .. flanlli each, goals. CUff Kagaa was high for Dix Burns have registered U BEST VALUES oafbsbsacbvaui • aawap otvBBnHon. ) WMV wvajaa> BPBF ^swvsvns ^^^^^^ rto* St. Leait with p point*. straight wins over the Sig- ooAnothe the btacbr hlgnly*nlte. d sopbo- algbeasyt, .. victory. The Hawks pulled within five nalmen. Monmouth almost nipped More wst aavelled u Setoa HsJHal_ ll The smaller Tiger Bints ia the last period, but the Dix streak last season, losing SEE THEM opened jrlth an oesy,.M47 "yU»ic> acat cracc k VQtaaova's: Sebtyos begaa to Had the range once ia overtime end later in the toiy over the university off Tc «d* was forced to end help control the backboards season by three points in the fj TODAY AT rente. Art Hicks hat beencalled eatsaiB.11" Tlgora Wt on only M to enable Syracuse to open the nnl-seconds of plsy. the Hall's best prospect to cent of tbtir shots whOe gap. Schsyes scored 13 points MMoM % Aw r*tmm MMi VUIaaova scored on IS per cent Before the t o'clock feature at yean aad be Justified Coach la the final stanza and wound up the Field House, there will be a Honey Rutsell't high opislea of aad that wss the story. with M rebounds. he Information office said preUm between the WAC teams I RED IANK CARRIAGE SHOP him by aottag II poiati aad tak- Hubert White letJIbe Jack Twymsn. tbt league's No Report On ton hu been taken off thefrom the same two installations. tag U Mbuad* ia J4nlaal ntambwM « df wiih Upemtt,aigkmM far Ow madmledjag oeorer. netted » potati erioutly IU list and placed in a [ tIASTrtwkTST. (rWetlNiexISr.) UDIANR Plane Crash tcovory ward. Huron College of South Ds Mm oaogame of third plsce In tbt PORT M0NM0VTH - No re- carried a 2f>game winning streak •f tbo weston DtvMoB. Tho Koysls State fencing coach Into its final football game of the west oa a UHpoiat tsar late m loft, nU BMB NfiliVN WOOl 41 harlet Schmitter holds sa Ital- season aad lost to Northern State ef]ii dM.gMM. Tit vwbn toda t the tfnrd faarter to overcome aa board of teoulry oet op to mvee- ia feaclng master's diploma. Teeehen of Aberdeen, S.D. It Pays to Advertise in The Register IMI New York advantage. tlgate tha casaa of an Army j^jPMjIaf j,ttk-;II|MMM«' ,'. ; OiOTMitftVtttM Had Tba KsJeks dosed to wHbm plan* crash Oet 7 aa officer. MBV MMMBMMBBI \ Amtal MMMIMMM- MMM> MIA awMMt-aW B^pfBBIV VVMMV O^V ceagbt fire. The Boyab sank First Lt Richard K. nomat, W field goals to bettor a duchbUb . died whoa tho rotonnajitanre Mcugn of Bowllaf ChampUm •lit> record. Wchts Gsorm wss nigh ptabo be was pOotrng cnabed in la Detroit kr How York with » points. to a wooded area in 0M Wayside After the game, the KniKnickt * sectioKttona of NoNew ShrewsburyI . reasons why you CHlcXoo (A?) - optioned veteran Ml Ray Felix The Public Information Office s (PS.) with five piayert LabiaakiofOotraUaadCbartotta to ths Alleatawa Jets of the id it ha* no re _ ia double figures, whip- Orubic of StooHoa. Pa., wiU opoa Batten League. port from the board of Inquiry. West Chaster State, M-#). dtfoaio of tholr ttttoo ia no PFC Winston K. Brown, 23. a should put your car eat toorlag lavltaUoaal Match Oamo passenger in tha' plane, still It Boxers Seek ia Fort Dix Army-Hospital with beat Uttle Rider, tut starts todty ia tha Chicago CoU- injuries he. suffered ia the crash on Goodyear Opening the doubUhea Big Time Again A field of US topme n ksglers .Mat' At IIM MUtedMplilB PAIBC#» MIAMI. Fie. (AP)-Two box- Ta^ trait you Ass ' T -nnMTLni aMMHMVnMf9 * '• pursue a first prise of (MNa WHAT A (Pfe) State. TMt, si the alafrday mantboa meet CbJce Vejar and Vinos Martinez attbeGoodywfSepi ' snow tires •cored Washington sad Jefferson, whose flnlth wiU be televltod -light tonight for a chance to natioaany. The Ho. 1 tsrget for GIFT PACKAGE! •Mti- ••-.•. >••• got back into the big time. Mar York's douNebesder pro- M fMUBuM. StoVft It it tf gram la Madison. Squsre GardeO.^eftl^Wn . • -- - " '" has opsns tonight with Msrojastts alsylng NYU aad StLwIs meet- Navy Sqnovl Beet* Martiaes. with a record of 11 ing ft Man's n utenecttoat] knockouts la M fights, it favored. It will bo Ms third meeting with ANNAPOLIS. Md. Vejar. Vojer won the flrtt time Jersey Gridder tfnw MM oa Msrth 11. UN. but j elgnt months tetor MSrtines wet | W«MI trad* tor your Ia Amy Co-Qptaia y rn WmMmmWm 10 CaW* Hi wamor ay a ivtvuM ae* taia the H»vy fcoftoH toam mm unused %P*f **• Both boxen have gone up, and N. j; will bo a down, since those fights. Msr- tven-sttvtn ltKArM* fntttaH toum. announced after a tiaei, from Psterson, N. J., hat Voadtrbuih, a Junior starting meeting yesterday. had only two fights since losing goto* and end Prank Ofbson. a welterweight championship •f «Mtelf9» Otuo* wvrs otoctooltcted Gordon Bctdieller fight to Virgil AUss in June. give you top at a moetmg off M M Make. AlMVy Lngam Vejar has had eight fights this it aurkf oaly tho ooeaad timJe NEW YORK (A»)-»rtBCOtOB yew. But ho lost to Joey.Glar- ollowonct for unused (•the MOHaiy Acadomya TTt-lootbtt^ t Mar Oordoa BstcheOer deUo to the only important bout fHten-hMori-that tte the AIMvy League on 2nd tiro VAKNVOUBUY S witt bo ltdta by a ttsrtmg tackle. ^^ Three Hurt 2 Do&Jc Blsachsrd aad nou'oOff iMMtt fiMAM IMV Ebonite Gttaa Davia led tbs Cadets In Accident ak OM^SI^BV ^a^^^l^^koV ac^k^aJ^i^aWJ t»PiML tttm Cta-Mta. altat mw MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP - BMML. * *"'^ — -. . f ^^^^aaMww^aof g^o^^^ |3#Youpayonly •OB.- Three ptnoas wen mjured yes- Vanderbutb and Olbtoa PRO HOCm* terday to a two*ar coUitlea en 00 seed Bin Csrpeater, of Spring- B.t» aad. Craig ltd. n down par field, Fa., the Cadets' temed They an: -tbaety Bad." N Erkh OraeHch. n East Free- bold M, Froebtld Township, die MO BASKETBALL driver, and Jam« Green, 427 School St. Lakewood. another OB ChiC* driver, both in food condition, PMPH ' • and Kenneth dapper, uth St. Eakowood, a passenger in the greet car. Is fair condition. AN mn admttttd to Fitkm Toronto 1, MoBtreel • Hospital, when they wen taken lettoa >. Chicago a (Me) by ths Freehold Pint AM Squad. Tnopen potsr Coughlin aad PLOWDA TAKEI CHABOB Samuel Ferreri of Tennent State Police Barraekt are investigat- TAUAHAS1BB. Via. (AP) - There it no tubttituto Plorlda baa become the first ing. • state to taw its mstorbest mm- for experience. httiag - - - LAST DAY 1% ysari mesturing end Red Bask PoUea Chief George H. daytoa today said Monday drilling bells. will bo the last day to recrtvoajh UlUJ fJOT WHP r pHcttiOM lor pttfotiiiMfl. Bor> Uio Our Layaway Korea WaHoaala bat HaMiil wo- dpaftr m rtortda. BetTaoctSiat ^SUBURBANITE eugh CeaacU has tedicsted It wiU aad m sotou to Al BaitoMtl of reports aia new made is IbtMn throe athHtianal petrolmen Opta Wed. aad Fti Bvsamgs Detroit la the psiats la tbs awBMrtetnorlde Couaty sheriff nest year. 'tO t P. M. las of flvo aslUag races. instead of the Coast Guard. Drioed Wlme Yea WaW SHORT encurr FAE A thort circuit In a light fix DAVIS SNOW TIRES tun caused a minor fin yester- TO fUASI A MAN AT day afternoon in the Town aad BowUag aad BUttard SappUM ttattiy Shop. 1J linden PI. The Hwy. M aad Ave. C, Uaaarde Rod Baak Fin Department ex- tmtdsbsd no'fin. ' There AT Mil* GOOD/YEAR

NcVs the time to get set with Suburbanites for ttfer N9W winter driving. Just reduced to a new low pries, this fa- mout tin gives you up to 51% more traction in snow and Christmas Giving up to 17% better traction in mud. Trade today for the tin. that bites through snow that's hub-cap deep! or Party Going... staliabw In alsaa for Imported and new, compact U.S. can Choose a cocktail or formal gown from our exqultlte selection. 23 wf» Profit Sft MOM NOfHI RIDI ON 0OOPY1AR TIRIS WAN ON ANY OTHIR KIND! GIFT PRICES!! tod lonk STORE HOURS UN A. M. le 1:11 P. M. LANE'S INC. OF RED BANK . Wed. sad Frl. Till I P, M. FREE PARKING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL—TEL SH 1-0484 IN REAR COR MAPLE AVE. AND WHITE ST., RED RANK • OPEN WED. NIGHTS RED BANK WdSTtM By 8AVNDEK3 4O-Thur»day, Dee, Z, 19S9 GUWCEfTER POINT, Va. STEVE ROPER THE HANDS (AP) — Thefre to m ptunpered ASETAMOKXIM* group of oyster* here and an- YELL AND SCARE THE OTHER Bridge North dealer diamonds to prevent South's other group not so pampered. HOW FAR FSOM HERE 10 JOKE, MS.* NOMAD/ en from winning a trick. More- THE NEAUEST PHONE, TRY TO GO BACK TO TENANTS AND XVU-PaOBABLY Neither side vulnerable One group gets 12 quarts of BEAUTIFUL? GET BUSTED TO THE K.ft NORTH >vcr, they must throw away most salt water per minute and the SQUAP, SISTER/ DO *J9 f their spades even though South other four quarts. The object is YOU READ ME V J 84 as bid the suit. CLEAR? Column • A2 to see if oysters gain weight and *>.AQ 17 5 4 How can they pick the right get fat faster in swift' or slow By ALFRED SHEINWOLD WEST EAST defense? For all they know, currents. «A32 * 108 64 South has the ace of hearts but , The Virginia Fisheries Lab- U.S. Masters Team Champion • K762 V AQ5 not the king of diamonds; and When you're looking for a way oratory wants to know what •J87 6 5 • Q» 3 this case the best defense is makes an oyster fat. to 'bamboozle opponents, don't • 9 V8«3 SOUTH o save all of the diamonds. spend all o? your time dreaming Always welcome the chance to up clever stunts. There's noth- * KQ75 V 10 9 3 run a long'suit when your own ing subtle about putting your op- * K 10 4 discards are no problem.; Turn ponents through the neat-grind * K10 2 the problem over to your oppon er, but it's very effective. Norta East South West ents and smile sweetly as they When the hand was played, de- Pass 1 * Pass fall over their own feet. clarer took the first trick in dum- Pass 2 NT Pass my with the ace of diamonds and All Pass DAILY QUESTION Opening lead — f>6 returned the jack of spades. The Partner opens with one dia MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY Idea was to steal the ninth trick mond, and the next player pass- at once. If East had the ace o Not Practical es. You hold: Spades — A 3 2, spades, he might play low; i Hearts — K 7 6 2, Diamonds — West had the ace of spades, he South'* little plot was clever, 8 7 C 5, Club — 9. What do might continue diamonds. but not very practical. He should foa say? CUAXAKLLE'S As it happened, West had thewin the first trick in dummy with HAVE YOUR OWN Answer: Bid one heart. You YEAR END CLEARANCE UITTLE NIECE - ace of spades and the use of both the ace of diamonds and run theexpect to show the diamond sup- WIU- LOVE THIS eyes. He could see dummy's long six clubs immediately. South FORMER port later. I'm an expert at helping fam SIKTHPAY t clubs and felt sura that South must make three discards, but ilies get cash for things they no had the king. he has no problems; he can BETTER FLAVOR longer use. I'm 0. Howie Hut- throw a spade and two hearts or des, a Register Classified ad. West thought a bit more and Some good cooks like to crack eventually came to the right con- one heart and two spades, as he Check the house now for things elusion. He switched to the deuce pleues. a ham bone before adding it to you'd like to turn into cash, then of hearts. This fine play en- The opponents have terrible the kettle in which they are mak-call SH 1-0010 for a friendly Ad abled the defenders to take their problems. They must save al ing split pea or lentil soup. Writer. four heart tricks, defeating the of their hearts to begin with contract. They must also save just enough "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean CROSSWORD PUZZLE Anewer «a Veetarday'i For Thursday. Psjcimbsr 3 ACROSS 7-Rlver In Italy mas an USBI3>J By MEL GRAFF 1-Quarrel S-Muilc: aa UraHCJUE HHDUBN SECRET AGENT X9 t-Snakes written r«$«nt—For You and (-Seed •-Foot lever HU aiJBHfl LME3I-J Yours •.. It it often said that container 10-ConJunctlon J 11-Deteat 11-Prenz: down QUHUE1UB Q13!- the things we worry most about ll-Bl»mUS 17-A atata UUiid ISHUt»l 3(1 14-Before (abbr.) HC] Ul-JM LJUU IlrJ seldom happen, and this' b par- U-Period ef . It-Phrslelaa •W 'JUDI-1 rJCJQH ticularly true today. Instead of Urn. (abbr.I (abbr.) tt-On* oppoaed it-Aroma ilirju MMClUDlfll i brooding, bring situations out' 11-ToUl 21-Junetur* JO-Preposltlon «-Pirade* ef into the open and come to a H-LaJrg automobllM decision. You — aod all con> Si-Male itiup Jl-Remalna (pi.) erect cerned—will be relieved, and JT-Walt for 37OTrult can proceed from there. The 1MMu«lc»l l 21-Formeriy Instrument 30-Belabor start are on your tide today! «1-Parc«l of »-Tldy 4I-Jury Hit Il-Deflnlt* tSTOlk 4S-Bol1e on eyai article land tSalk 10-Poem 11-Fruit of oak SS-Pieru fl-Oomptaa «l-Cooled lava Sl-Satlora 40-South point Past • • • Andrew Jackson was Future... India and the Near (colloq.) African tz-Chlneee) mile It-Symbol /or Dutch Ei-ConlunetloB M-Franch elected president of the U.S. on Eut, where then it • shortage tantalum «-Thinly Sl-Splder'a article Dec. 3, 1828. A Democrat, be ST-Hoapital •cattarad M-Prefli: not of conventional fuels, may be attendant* handiwork received 178 electoral vote* to die rust to nuke widespread use 11-Fleah of a S3 for President John Quincy ef solar stoves, which will even «1-Manre Adams, National Republican store the tun's beat for cloudy nicknama 41-Makea Uca candidate for re-election. toys. 44-Whirteri By JIM BVRNETT and GEORGE CRANDALL 45-Short IIMP NUBBIN 47-Knock« 4«-Moecailni lO-Island off The Day Under Your Sign Ireland il-Flying ARIH (ten, March 21 «• Aawli It) UMA (Sept. II to Oc«. ») iovsmi mammal! . Don't Minify e rtmaik that in mtt» Llitee eoartonilr to wtnl athere hm Si-Note of ioaU la IM. Laish'it oft ia4 torsi* it le ear. bat follow row on inclination*. is-Rccent TAURUS (April » H May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 11 to Nov. 21) tT-Unruly Dea/t taflitt ) Hut pocketbook! Vom kit* that jut to aeiiifr yon ets. Si-Note of wait CM tilrenstot mt$t ataia. •1-Bevenca CEMINI (Merll tajnoell) SAGITTARIUS (N«v. J2 !• 0e«. Jll •S-Otharwlee What'i dom !• done, w takt jrour mtU. HMIM repair* and familf neede thouM <5-Hast«nad cine It could be woncl fcm lirat call on jour puckettnok. «T-B* 111 CANCER (June M «• J«l» II) CAMICORN IDec. 21 to Jen. 20) M-ImecU Dcn't put off ordering CfcriitmM earde. Se certain you're, not being used by •»Oll Get that gift lilt going, toot ftople to further their awn eclfiih end*. LEO |.hlyU to An* 21) AQUARIUS (Ja* 21 to Fak. If) DOWN rwt ««• ia to tcmtiitiae le elf jrwrr Don'! auke a drallie change in arrange- dit(icuU«« te the mtl4 at larte. Benti, ahhottgh Maae dlKot-d it 1'ikiiy. VIR60 |A«f. 1! H Se*t. XI) •ISCES (Fat. 20 to Mare.li N) . Take Mhlie eonteyaaeea »alh« tkan 5» eHvieg il it hi at *U leetibk. V-Afternoe•HhwJrflown w «l«». FieM BttttreMiea, tea. t-KInd «t piano







THERYA17S By CAL ALLEY REVEREND By BILL O'MALLEY IT C0W5.S IN HAND/ IN CLA6* 30MEHMES, hrough the Panama, Canal, again lath* Tnews, a quarter of a mil- lion ships have passed — an impressive figure even for a waterway that baa been in operation since 1914. From a military and economfe standpoint, It U one of the United States' most prized assets. The Canal, or the "Blf Ditch"as is is popularly called, cuts through the Isthmus of Panama Sot 90 miles, linking the Atlantic with the Pacific. Border* ing it, for a width of 10 miles, is the Canal Zone, over which the United State* has complete aev- erelgnlty. The area was granted in perpetuity Co the United States by the Re- public of, Panama for the specific purpose of con* structlon, operation.mtln- tenance and protection of the Canal. In it private enterprises are not per* mitted except thoecdlrect- lyrelated to the waterway and its operation. The Panama Canal II operated and regulated fi- nancially by the Panama Canal Co., a government corporation managed by a 13-member board of di- rectors, appointed by the Secretary of the Army, act- ing as personal represent* atlve of the President. In- come from tolls la used to operate the canal and to The Miraflores Locks, with the Amer- replace and enlarge lit ican tanker Gulfray, left, and the French steamer Equateur, right. Both' facilities. ships are heading for the Atlantic, The Canal, and its oper- ation*. Is pictured here.

Loekaaaster Richard Abel, on lock wall, phones sa order to the Miraflores Locke control tower.. .sad. la **"""* tower. Frank Dolan. control bouse operator, throws small switch to swing open the 780-ton gate leaves.

Canal pilot signals loekmastsr at Miraflores Locks. Hand Security Patrolman Edward Miehaslls checks visitor Linesmen board vessel at Balboa for trip through canal. They're trained to ex- signals are used st looks sad radio-telephones provide through the gates at Miraflores. Visitor areas are peditehandllngof vessels by thorough knowledge of procedures and equipment uied. contact with portcaptains1 offices In Balboa and Cristobal. set aside where they can view Canal operatioas. Tkl, WMII'I riCIMI tHOW-At Nmfntitrti. Dttv S. 19S9 MO BANK REGISTER ELECTRONIC ASSISTANCE CORP. •ale aw Uaae/WrtU "I. P.". BeW USED 20 BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK fit. Red Back. EW ft KB MM MMTEt CUSSTO MTU HALF TON CHEVROLET pickup, needs ENT FREE Service Station In Bed IDay a motor. Everything tlie fa goad. Bank area, lde&l lor middle aged or at B K $75. 811 1-0849 or KE d-06682-R. HAS OPENINGS FOR EXPERIENCED .•ml-retired mechanics. Other locations ^,nr C?m. .nd°or^CA\4%! 3 Day* Consecutive . 8c LiM vallable. Please call LI 2-0089. . Me Une L958 PEUGEOT, excellent condition. BARGAIN PRICES BEDROOM SET nine-pieces tncludina 4 Days Consecutive , Radio and heater, luggage rack. Will innenprlng and mattrei. •$«. Ala* I Dayi CaaMcutive, . 25c LiM •acrlflce. LI 3-1520. ELECTRONIC WIRERS table., drapes, etc. CA s-isas. M Days Consecutive . .24c line 1933 MERCURY MONTEREY HARD- INSTRUCTION Sectiohals . 21c UN TOP. Merc-O-Matlc, radio, heater, ex- SOLDERERS N Days Consecutive ceptional condition. BH 7-44TC. ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS IN DE- Living Rooms from 50 1-8 p.m. Yearly Contract Rates On Request MAND—Attend one night a week or 50 APARTMENT SIZE «frlg»rator with Many Employee Benefits Saturday morning commencing Octo- Bedroom Suites .—-from ber 28th. Enroll now PRospect 4-0303 freeier. $70; $sofa B8d. »$. Call Mlnlmam laserUoa laree Use. HOUSE TRAILERS Monmouth Radio Electronic! Institute Convertible Sleeper .... H 814 Cookman Ave. Asbury Park. Sigtt '«„' eVaSffyfedtt'ST ™".c^ i/ad^s," ent 1. reserve* FOR SALE OR RENT—1958, 40' Palace CALL SH 7-5100 '' trailer. Two bedrooms. See Mrs. And *T Tve" wUMnot' be resnoiulbl. for erron. unless they ar* detected .angen at Mlelevllle Trailer Park West MERCHANDISE WANTED l h n rveansburg or call TErace 0-2773. Atlc for Mr. Van Atta or apply in person *"°N, c ane"iaUon. »-m°S. ..copied or chante. mad. in advert!... MERCHANOISi THREE-ROOM OUTFITS from •aenU on* hour alter receipt at ollicc. [852 BPAKTANETTE TRAILER — 30', twin bedi, good condition. Quick lale. wood S-21SO 1975. OS 1-2437. FOR SALE S151 DEADLINE 5:00 P. M. Day lofor* Pyblicofloa 8. COINS - STAMPS — 1998 WESTWOOD 46x8'. Two bedroom. IMPLOYMENT SMM.OYMINT CLASSIFIED OISrLAI waaher, dryer, blinds, run. Reduced pay only $1.75 weekly I:M A. M. Bay Before rubUcalloa wlta proof two ears befor* pabll- his week only, $2,200. FR 8-4869. HELP WAOTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE HAMMOND eatlea. HOUBEWORKER, COOKING. Bm.ll MAN WITH CAR — Full time only. apartment, two adults. Eiperlenced 12.50 per hour and up. Call SH 11413 ORGAN STUDIO WILL TRADE STBAJT Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 10525 TRACTORS end references. Writ* "Cooking," Box far interview. of ASBURY PARK FIELD FURNITURE used air e0D '{ ellJ5j / Bit. Red Bank; r l 4 Catll ™ private telephone! ar. toll-fr.. to OS 1-KS25 from th. ft* $380' FOR REBUILT Gravely tractor WORKINO MANAGER wanted for Men- •ales — Ssnrtos — Instruction with snow plow. Phon* . HOUaBWORKBR— mouth County's ne«>at. most mod- RENTAL, PUAH ON ALL MODELS Thrift Warehouse OLD BRIC-A-BRAC. FR S4743. ' One day a weak. ern dry cleaning plant. Plant will be til 7-5120. completed In about four weeks. Prefer Open dally 'til • p.m. Sat. 'til 8:30 p.m. someone familiar In all phases ot dryCookman Ava.-Maln St.. Asbury Pars 22 E. Front Street ind any miscel Haaaa. Alls* NOT TO LATE to earn Christmas cleaning. Apply Mr. Gordon. Top Hat Sand, BH 14*33. and :" money. Part-time, three Bights per Cleaners, Route 39, Mlddletown. PR 5-9300 •OATS ft ACCBSSOR.ES week. 1-11. CA 2.ISM. Keyport, N. J. TWO DOLL CARRIAGES BALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE- 1 HOUSEKEEPER SLEEP IN eaperl- AUTOMOTIVE 3OME SEE the world ! finest boata enced with children. Must have ref- Natlonal company will train man COUNTY ORGAN & CO 4-3022 ANNOUNCEMENTS In New Jersey's largest showroom. erence!. Call SH 1-5510. wltu leadership qualities. Age 29-30. This DONATED PMNO (or It Jelm'S SUB- Buy now during our tremendous win* Is an outstanding oportunlty for man day School, Little Sllvar Will pay LOST AND FOUND AUTOS AND TRUCKS ter savings event at A * B Boat TLEPHONE SOLICITORS. Homework' with vision. Earning of $10,000 up within PIANO COMPANY IPEN: Thurs. & Friday 'till 9:00.Ml of moving, contact Father A. A*. Bales. Authorised Mercury Ac Gale Buc- era. These areaa East Keansburg, two years. 1109 per week to start. Write lenboroagh. SH 7.QB78. ' DOO LOST—Black and arey male. An- 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA IPOrt caneer Dealer, Hwy M. Beiford. KB Keansburg, Port Monmouth. Alao Red 'TRAINEE" Box 511. Red Bank. Authorized CONN ORGAN Dealer coupe, fully equipped, low mileage. P.M, Monday thru Satur- ,,i,i to name of Mickey. ha« long 0*3838. Bank area from our office or at home. MAN — Stock work and delivery. Vl!lt our studio-showroom. See and leash attached. Little Silver Ucehae 407. New car demomtrator. Call Jot Formo SH 7-511B, hear the beauty of the CONN ORGAN. 3H1-3130. HRBB CABIN SKIFFS — Oood con- Apply In person, Carroll'! Sis 11 oners, day 'til 6:00 P.M. Call 8H 1-0616. Reward. dition. All 2C. One IN h.p. Chrl. HOUSEWIVES, who can not tccept 21 Broad St.. Red Bank. Then convince yourself that you can HIS AND UVBTOCK 1948 CHRYSLER, two-door. 80,000 origi- Craft. HI 3-1141. play In U minutes. LOST — COLLIE nine month* old, t-5 employment can still earn SM ELECTRONIC TEST TECHNICIAN — nal miles. Excellent transportation, to (SO a waek for three evening* work. Hwy. » SR T-SttB Mlddletown (hops SHIRTS _ .able. Mlddletown vicinity. OS 1-0238. •king $100. CA 2-2144. ' HOMF8ON. BARBOUR, Wood-] Familiar with electronic test equip- for every m.n on your Hit Fac Al MIDDLETOWN KENNELS Reward Flying Dutchman sail boau. I ment and procedures. Apply 'S-4:30. open 'ill S p. m. escept Saturday Time Payments. No Flaaaea Co, osT —PASSBOOK No. B 145SH. 1852 HUDSON HORNET. Hydroraatic. mere, Xvlnrude motors. Dockage$SS and DOMESTI« C HELP—In Red Buk home, Electnnlo Measurement! Co. Inc. ory outlet. Asbury Sportswear, come Finder please return to Monmouth four-door, two new tlrei. $129. C3all storage. H. J. Wilson Boat Works, 47» five day week, good aalary. Muit be Lewis St. «t Maple Ave.. Eatontown. Ihrewsbury A Patterson Av... Shrew.- XMAS LAY AWAY 8H 1-3484. Atlanllo Are.. Long Branch. CA MOM, •P1NBT PIANOS for rsnL rind out, pe- rary^ County national Bank. Red Bank. under 3A, have reference!. , On bus. CARPENTER fore your purchase It your child u Mlied pupplss .....^ ~ I*«"'J1J 948 DODGE PANEL TRUCK. Call sf WANTED— Ueed boau and motor.. WU1 line, oil SH 1-5921 betwen 1:30-1 CROSLY SHMjrVApORlV Mfrlsera Rln-Tin type Bheperdl $85 LOST — Passbook No. L 3262. Finder Experienced shake-shlngle man only. adaptable. Full allowance ol all rental tor. Like new. Call at Apple Ave. please return to Monmouth County er 5 p. m. • •. pick up. H. J. Wilson Boat Works. p.m. It possible. KB e-1352-R. , on purchase. Choice of S, makes. 12 Collies. sabU and whit* Jas. SH 7-3812 47* Atlantis Ave.. Long Branch. CA J. styles. Tuning Piano Co.. it Monmoutn Keanabun. Mrs. JeHerson. Cockers, all colors $39 Kallonal Bank. Little Silver. SXPERIKNCiCD SHIRT OPERATORg MARRIED MAN, wanted on dairy farm. Beagles »« • 39 955 STUpEBAKER four-door Cham- 2032. needed at once. Apply In person, St.. Red Bank. ^_ RTIFICIAL FIREPLACE — .,fro*n LOST — Paabook R 0319. Kinder please year round employment, vacations, holi- Must be able to operate milk ma- Cockers, partl-color —. ; $45 return to Monmoutn County National pion, six cylinder, dependable, econo* BAILFISH AND SUNF1SH—Authorized chines, drive tractor, fiood house pro' TYPEWRITERS. AODINO machines. stone, whit* mantel. Prlee $39. IllTerriers , •'—..- —..- $25 ilcal transportation. |42». SH 7-4273..' •ales. The Boat Center, 75 .Whit* at.. day* with pay. Leon'i Laundry, White vided. WEbsler 8 7551. Edward Klor All makes, new or used. Guaranteed. •4040. DaWishundiir black and tan .'.JM Bank, Red Bank. Red Bank. BH 1-0*84. at.. Red Bank. BUICK — 1959, LaSabre. Four-dooi dan. Windsor Farms, Farmlngdale.N.J. EasyJ terms. "Buy am when they fix NDERWOOD OFFICE typewriter. $4S Daehshunds. red ~~ $75 COOK — HOUSEKEEPER •em. ' Low as S2& Serpleo'i, 101 Mon- Pedigree baby carriage. $15: man I Housebroken Dobermin -~...... $39 •edan. S. S. Trim, only, 12,000 rhilea, USED BOATS MECHANIC OR MECHANIC'S helper. mouth 8t Next to theater. SH 7-048*. Like new. Power steering, extra- anow Reference!. 3:30 . S:30. Wanted by one of Monmouth County's. [ray wonted suit and tweed topcoat Housebroken Boier, whltr $25 PUBLIC NOTICES Ires. 12.550. OS 1.1557. 22' Owens 12000 RU 1.2321. WE ARE HARVESTING our finest ap- 8 ihort. each $10. SH 7-2478. Completely trained . $» )Z Owens ' 828OO largest foreign ear dealers. Good start- Houaebroken mlied J10 A 1951 FOUR-DOOR gray Chevrolet $895 OR LESS—Handling" only Fords, 23' Trojan Sedan, like new 13500 FEMALE AMEMBLERS for electronic ing salary and working conditions. For* ples. Selected Red Delicious. Golden IROWN COWHIDE SOFA and wlm •edan, ticense number FN8S60 parked Chevroleta. Levlne'e, Hwy. at, oppo* J5' Owens, like new M5OO equipment, light, interesting work. elgn car experience helpful but notSellelous. Btaymen Winesap. Macln- chair, French side table. Btorklin Free inoculation and worming. at the Slgraund Elmer Co. Sego Trad- It. Orend Union. KE S-S411. 30* Richardson $2800 Pleaasnt, congenial environment Ei- necessary. Apply at Continental Cars, oft. lfacouns. For eating and cook- crib, dropleaf table, chest of drawers, Alwayi opsn. Sunday's also. Inc.. It Wen Newman" Springs Road, Inc also R.I. areenlnga for pies. Buck- Ing Co. parklnit lot will be removed FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS perlence desirable. Apply M:30. .Elec- fire ensin*. wonder hone, and other OB 1-37*5 from lot If not claimed within 84 Hour!. 1959 BUICK SPECIAL convertible, black tronic Measurement! Co., Inc. LewU Red Bank. Un Fruit Farm and Nursery. Phalanx Items. BH 1-4SJJ. and red, red. leather seats with air Fair Haven . SH 7-3010 St., * Maple Are.. Eatontown. ' W., LlneroR. SH 1-oWO. Hwy. 38, seat to Klnney Bhoei. 25-YEAR COLLECTION Ifta. «90O. Call SH 1-895". LIFE INSURANCE CAREER with one UONEL TRAINS — Engines, cars. ON DISPLAY HOUBEKEBPER — Un IB. Hi days. of the largest life Insurance com* WOOD — Seasoned oak. fireplace, stove track and awtUhMkiBeta or tattvM DACHSHUND LONOHAIRBD PUPPlSI. Oriental Bugs—Porcelaini—Fumltur* IBM CADILLAC 62 toui-ooor aeaan, Two children la family. References nsnlee/Salsry while training. Call SH and furnace. McOulrea Market, m. ual. Oood condition, WH S-43M after 7 . Ten weeks. AKC reaUUraa. wormed power steering, power brakes. SI,- 1M0 Owens £ Trojan Crullers. Largeat required. Mra. Ruaaell, Sn !»» 7-4MS or SH 7-5008. 34. Celts Neck. WH «-i»JJ. Eveaiass, 295. KE 6-4387 after «:30- stock In N. J. Buy now on our Lay- JASED COLT percussion model 184 and InoeuteMa. SH MW8. PUBLIC AUCTION Away Plan for spring. Open Sunday. MATURE BABTB1TTER for evenings. CAKEBAKIR.WANTED apply In nenoi wk nm with jjvB, CUDDLBY Chrtalmas gin for 19S5 FORD CROWN VICTORIA—Radio, STARTENA BY TON S4.U 100 Iba. at pistol, complete and original with The Bam"* (moving to Florida) FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS Fair Haven realdant sr own car. Paris pastry Shop. 4» Broad It accessories, $175. Beautiful cased pe—r• your «hlld- Thr*« rnonlh eld ted. heater. WII6-4871. Very good con' BH 1-5070. Bed Bank. wars ' nous* awartieva, Heilev RB euaiton dueling pistol! oy*r 100 nanfemale, cocMr pup. AKO nalsured. lltlon. Fair Haven SH 7-9010 Udlng. • 19 Whlttier — Trenton, N. J. COOK (or luncheonette. No evenings YARD MAN. having aome construction old but in perfect condition, with ac- Brought up with children. Sw IBM. 950 DODCJE SEDAN, good transports- background. To deliver and maintain OMOUCNE BY TON M.4S 100 lbs. atceuorle.. $3S0. M»W other fin. antique or Sunday!. SH 7-2171 attar firearms for th* beginner or th* ad-RHODBBIAN RIDOEBACK—Handsome, tlon, latest inspection, mechanically • p.m. equlpmant Starting salary. SM. CA 2- warehouse. BwarUeri, Haslet RR ten-month old male. AKC. Obedience SAT., DEC. 5 sound,. needa paint, $70. LI ,2.1389. 2400. King Construction Corp. 400 Mor-ildlng. • vanced collector. Peraonallnd service, BUStNISS NOTICIS COOK — HOUSBWORKER for two ris Ave. Long Brsnch. Call for appointment at your conv.n- :ralned. Call evenings. OS 1-1M8, 9:30 A. M. 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE — Two-door, adulta. Must be experienced eook and SALT HAY.F1NE j. Bit - "•" SMALL DErOSIT WILL hold lovable new tires' ami slipcovers. Radio, heat rUEU Oil. * HEATINO — Call »H do first floor houaework. .Llvet In. OwnCOLLECTORS — Full or part-time. collie pup for Christmas. Tris and r, defroster. KG 6-1489/ 1-4)810. Oil Delivery. Qic. Service * room bath. TV. SK 7-23*1) after 7 Current local account!. No selling. tEOULATION.SIZB PINO-PONO table blue, male. AT 1-2199. ~ (Rain or Shine) Sales. 3 Herbert SL, Red Bank. p. m. • car necesary. MI 2-3485. Very good condition. Walker-Turnei CHEVROLET, late 195VImpala •• Z200 1MT IS cu. ft. OE FRBEZER. !4" Jigsaw with stand, motor and ac-NINE-YEAR OLD chestnut mare, 15(4 Exhibit Friday 4th, 12-6 P.M. miles. Settle estate, SJUM) cash. SH 1*B. w. ROOFINO. caulking, and storm YOUNO LADY WANTED — For cot OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM with ovei Perfect condition. 192. :essorles. Simplicity roto-tlller like new, hands, very gentle, $200. Call SH 7- Mice dining, custom living and bed, dsmage repairs (•pedal six shingles metlc counter and drug afore. Apply 100,000 customer Hating haa opening BH 1-5118 ll SH t-4443. 27M. room «ets. Eight old ivory Immortals: SIMCA 1959 Super Deluxe. Brand new s leia Including vent and ehlmney :n person. Do not phone! Katain'a Drug far ambitious man to. cover local ter- COMPLETE KITCHEN SET-UP — 78" cloisonne; beautiful brass: antique condition. Only 2800 miles. Heater. caulking 112) 2* hour service. FR 8-SS21 Store. Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. ritory. Must be bondable and have car. double alnk, cabinets. Frlgidaire elec- 'HREE COMPLTE LIONEL 021 TWO FEMALE PUPPIES — Free to Imarl bowls and placques; Bibelot; Call Mr. Reid. FR 54701 to arrange trains. Four transformers, accessor good homtaf Small breed. Call defroster. White wall tires. 11,710. OB 1-TREES ANIND LARGE UMBS removed, SHIRT PRSSBERS, experienced. Apply tric stove, automatic, double oven. Cor* is, track, $79. SH 7-3819. rose medallion; fine Batsuma; Belleek; 1557. Utility, "flag afctenna pole* set and an interview. ner breakfast nook. Youngstown base SH 74809. -v Celadon china; old glass; tine CUlnese in person. Morey La Rue, Highway 31, 1958 PLYMOUTH two-door savoy, radio, framed. Full. y Insured. 8H 1-7M7 orEatontown. MEN — for Interesting permanent Civil cabinets 18". 34", 30"; wall cabinets CHILD'S NORTHLAND SKIS, polel, BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES, thraa week! embroideries; teakwood atands; rare CA t-UM. Service positions ss Psychiatric Aides. 18x3*. 34x30, 24x3«. Laty ausan corner. boot! site 2. Like new. $10 complete. old. Irish getter-Husky treed. Reason- lacquered inlaid cabinet; fln« room heater, automatic, 20,000 mltel. Leav* OENERAt* HOUBEWORKER. perma- All excellent condition. Call after S p.m. Ing country. I13O0. CO 4-4782. MOYAN-Oeneral sign, truck lettering Good starting lalary. Room and board 38 1-2976. able. OS 1-1022. »lze Chinese rugs; complete nouse- nent position In ranch house, no If desired. Paid vacations, sick leave, OS 1-0210. fjold! 1 A moat Interesting full day IBS! TWO-DOOR CHEVROLET' for little money, to yeara. experience. heavy laundry, plain cooking. Excellent and holidays. Pension, Blue Cross, and IIRL'B 28" BICYCLE — Remington AUSTRALIAN TERRIERS — small, •ale! ! Three I.B.M. electric type- 1100 IS N. Bridge Ave.. Red Bank. opportunity and pleaaant aurroundlng* Social Security coverage. Good oppor- TEN STORM AND SASH WINDOWS — Noiseless typewriter, coffee table, smart and budget priced. Reserve writers: metal files: new mink scarf; SH 1-18S8. IF YOU THINK TWICE, you'll get for nice person. Experienced. Sleep In. Any offer accepted. Must pick up. lewlng cabinet, child's chest of drawers, Christmas puppy now. Pleaaant BII- cameras; TV; 81nger tewing machine; Salary, tSO. RU 1-1301. tunity to learn and gain experience SH 7-3008 or CA 9-1917. ilectrlc .team radiator. AT 1-0358. tun Kennels, 1411 Doriett Dock IM.. washer; dryer; ping pong table; etc.I 1955 ENGLISH FORD ZEPHYR four- our price. Painting contractors. Hi In hospital work. Apply now: Personnel Point Pliaaant. TW a-0557. LESTER SLATOFF ACUTIONEER door aedan, rieatcr. new tlrei, red -U8S-W. EXPERIENCED WOMAN for restau- Office. N. J. State Hospital. Marlboro. COMPLETE HEATINO RYSTEM. Ca- IRL'S 28" English bicycle, like new; TRENTON leather upholstery. $795, no cash needed FOR TREE WORK. C*Q tree service. rant. High salary and pleasant work- pacity of six rooms, oil. asking 179, three-piece living room set; phono 1953 Ford Country Squire nlne-paaaen Topping, trlmnilng, removal. Call LI ing conditions. Apply in peraon only. good condition. Call for appointment be- Taph • radio. KE 8-0138. ger, radio, heater, automatic, white* M200 tor free .estimate. Full Insurance Perry's. 21 White St.. Red Bank. ord 8:30 a.m. or utter 6:30 p.m.. SH?REHOL1DAY FURNISHINGS—Wlird. MAL ISTAn FOR HINT walls. $595. no cash needed. Levlne coverage. HELP WANTED-Male-Female BB71. robes. $3.50. fireplace mantle. $29. Motors. 46 Oceanport Ave.. West Long THE JOAN CARROL Spin Dry washer, $59. night table APARTMENTS TRAVEL • TRANSPORTATION Branch. CA 2-2468. FAINT1NO AND PAPERHANQ1NO. Free estimates given. HELP WANTED-MALE TEACHER FOR ORGAN or piano. COLONIAL HOUSE commodes. $4.75, upholstered chair DRIVE MY 1M Ch.vrolet ta „„ Part-time. Sales shtlity helpful. SH 7.Authentic reproductions of Early Amer< 12.50, 9x12 rug, $25, etc. RUIClll. 39 FURNISHED APARTMENTS—1. * and 1854 FORD TWO-DOOR SEDAN, all'' AT 1-3459 2S99 for appointment. lean Accessories tand gifts North of S bedrooms. Water, beat aupplled. wood. Florida around December tenlngblack with excellent whltewalls. !. Front St. $7» to 1100 monthly. CA 91M3. Call CA S-2737. Standaad transmission, very good eon' FREE TO HOME OWNERS — Esti- WANTED FULL TIME Real Kstate salesperson Asbury Circle. Wanamassa. OPEN mates on roofing, alterations, paint' EVENINGS. DEW FURNITURE BARGAINS—Knee- I>ADY DRIVING TO St. Peteraburg dltlon throughout. SH 7-2751. Active organization hole desk. S27.M: bookcases, tU.M; TWIN OABLES APARTMENTS three Ing, maaon work. For wet leaking eel 10 men between agea 20-35 to work Call CO 4-l»22 and four rooms, boat dock, elevator, January B* *ill take lany. $50 plus IS54 8TUDEBAKER — two-door, atlc lara we can guarantee a remedy. LO In recently opened factory branch. SCALES — American Scale Company nagaiine racks, 13.75; what-not shelves, own expenses. Write "ST. PETE." Boi ahlft, six cylinder, radio and heate*. e-1714. platform type, S'xl2', capacity 8 tons, 1S.75; breakfast sets, S49.95: mattreses, patio on river. SH 1.3388. No alack perloda or lay-otfi. These BEAL ESTATE SALESPERSON. Full 1100. Must be removed by buyer. Phone 2.90; utility cabinet!, S12.M. etc. Rua- HI, Red Bang. good rubber. Must sell by Friday, are permanent positions. time only. Real Estate experience not PORT MONMOUTH — Four rooms 1200 firm price. CA 2-9323. ' SERVICE WHILE YOU WAIT—Reduce necessary, but must have selling bsek. Col. Orslnger. FR 8-1880. ells, 25 E. Front SL furnished. All ulllltlea. Adults' only. service charge! by bringing your ra- KE S-419S. TO SETTLE ESTATE — 1957 Dodge dio - or television aet In for repairs. SALARY $92 PER WEEK around. Harry A. Kearney * Co., Rout< FUR CAPE WILD'S SPRING Wonder Horse. Like AUTOMOTIVE Coronet fout'dooT. radVo and healer, A. C. Radio and Television Company. 35, Mldletown. OS 1-oaoo, aslc lor Mr. In good condition. new. Four-post bed. complete. Re ATTRACTIVE. CLEAN, on* or two pusi-button drive,'Ilk* new inside am Armand A. Crulpl. owner. 123 ahrtwa- CALL SH MOM Bova. 8H 1-4739. soluble. KE S-50S2. room furnished efficiency apartment. AUTOS AND TRUCKS out. »1350. 8H T-5926. bury Ave. 811 1-47M. DINING ROOM SET ARLY AMERICAN PINE — Cane Private kitchen, convenient location. 1958 CADILLAC — Locally owned ae- SPECIALISTS IN ROOM ADDITIONS REFRIGERATION MAN - Mult be In good condition.. rockers, caned chairs. Also reflnlih BH 1-B3S4. XIUABLE RATION CAR — Hill- experienced. Apply In person. Eaton' SH 1-4738 ig, repairing. Broken leg! our special. dan Devllle. with full power. Stop In AND GENERAL ALTERATIONS town TV. M Hwy. SB, Eatontown. SITUATIONS WANTED, Female FIVE-ROOM DUPLEX, cross ventila- man Mint. Radio and heater, and tee It. Maurice Schwartr. A Sons. Lowest Prlcea — Free Estimate! HOUSEHOLD FURNIBHINOB—Kitchen '. Leonardvtlle Antiques, *9 Leonard tion, newly decorated. tJH 1-4BTO. 141 YV. Front St.. Red Bank. BH 7-0787 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION CO. TV REPAIRMAN — Full or parirt-timet . BABYSITTINO. at your bom* or mine. set S10. lawn chnlrs S3. barbecue SI. He R9. Cul EXPERT WATCH, clock and Jewelry Have* opening! In our circulation eta year round. $80 month. Phone BE •icellent. SH 1-1818. Red Bank. SH 7-0787. repair* guaranteed. H. Roaln Jeweler, JORDAN L.FKIQHT FREEZER iress'and color glass: maple seflretan 2-9717. partment. Vo experience necessary. Will EXPERIENCED STENOORAPHER. 490 pound capacity, ISO. leak; china closet; three tilT^mer II West Front St.. established 1909. train. Married men preferred. Call Mr. dictating and typing. Typing preferred Discount! on all Jewelry. KE 64153. tan Oriental: B a.m. • 9 p.m. shore TWO-ROOMS furnished. Private bath. AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS Strong SH 1-0010 for appointment. at home. Call Mra. Wynbert, SH 1-8195. rurnlture, Hwy. 35, Lawrence Harbor. private entrance. 219 Monmouth St.. EXPERT WATCH, clock and Jewelry DOMESTIC WORK three days a wee! TINY UPRIGHT PIANO. 6« keys. 3'i Red Bank alter B p.m. repair* guaranteed. H. Roaln Jeweler. CARETAKER - GARDENER - HANDY' Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Call ft. high. 3Vi ft. long. Good condition. TWO GOOD VIOLINS from.the cillec IB West Front St.. established 180*. •H T-04M. •18585.. LI: 2-300S2-r—. tlon of Professor Rudolph Malchtiw, THREE ROOMS- furnished or unfur- Discount! on all Jewelry. Mlddletown estate. Eicellent refer- (deceased). SH 7-1311 for appointment nished. Elderly couple or women pr»* ence!, write "CO.", Box SU. Red TYPEWRITERS—Royal Quiet DeluiL (erred. No pets. SO Wallace St. SH l-439f APPLIANCE REPAIRS—And supplies. Bank. portable 1142 model like new $70 takes I" 8YLVANIA table model TV. $70. Residential and commercial outlets, it Also standard office model $45. Brian Inquire Service Deartment. Eaton- FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment1 . fixtures and appliance Installation. Al- PARTS MAN—Muit be experienced. Ap- ITUATIONS WANIED-MALE Hemnauser, 24 vineyard Ave.. East town TV. 50 Hwy. 35, Eatontown. LI 2 Hot water heat, two mllea north or len Electric. SH 74812. ply In peraon. M. schwiru * Son!, Keanaburg. KE 8-1472. 0400. Red Bank. $8$ monthly. SM 1-7484 ar Chrysler. Plymouth. 141 W. Front St., YOUNG MARRIED MAN wishes part- SH 7.2293: Red Bank. MANUFACTURER of fine solid brass UR STOLE dark mmkrat. mink blend, time work. Evenings after S:30 and lamps offera discontinued numbers at pure silk llnlnr. $290 new. Eicellenl THREE-ROOM nicely furnished apart- TELEPHONE SOLICITORS. Home- weekend!. Strong selling background. reduced prices. Tower craftsmen, 108 condition. (40. RU 1-1024. - ment, first floor, private entrance. IMPLOYMINT workers. These areas East Keans.„_-. Deslr* work In sales or related fields. Chestnut St., Red Bank. All utilities furnished except electricity. burg. Keaniburg, Port Monmouth. Al23-. Write "D.E.." Box 511. Red Bank. :ONCERTONE TAPE RECORDER — SB 3.1723-J. so Red Bank area from our office or SALE-SALB-BALE-Oolng out ot husl Professional dual track model. Per. HELP WAVTED-FEMALE at hone. SH 7-5115. MAN win do yard, cellar cleaning, ness. New stock ladles apparel at ect condition. 7.S and 15 speeds. Play- THREE ROOMS FURNISHED with window waahlng, Ilaht trucking, floor cost and below. Carolina Shop, 74 Broad heat, hot watsr. SH 1-70H. Near Red SALESGIRL— Part-time. Sylvette'a Chit- cleaning, waxing. Af HIM. lack ipeaker. Case. Microphone. Eitra dren'l Department. Mlddlatown Shop. YOUNO MAN wanted over IS yean St. corner Monmouth. Red Bank. II Inch 2400 foot tapes and 7 Inch 1200Bank elation. ping Center, Mlddletown. Bee Mary. old for general work In dry cleaning loot tapei. Cost over $590. Will sell plant. Will teach complete dry clean- MESSENGER SERVICE BEAUTYREST MATTRESS and box 1175. Vsn Horn. SH 7-28*4. THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED — BEAUTICIANS (TWO) top notch for ing builnesi. Must he presentable and For business, professional and home spring for double bed, 129. Call SH Pleasant ground floor, private en- exclusive local shore area chain out- steady. Apply in person Mr. Gordon, Letters, parcels, document!. Nothing 1.M38. SOY'S RED BICYCLE — Perfect con trance. Sea Bright. RU 1-0925. fit. Salary no object. Call Mra. Rliio Top Hat Clesnesrs. Route 3S. Middle- ws will not deliver. Holiday deliveries. WE BUY AND BELL anything and dltlon. Heavy duly, 28 Inch. Motor- THREE-ROOM Furnished apartment. at CA 2-7900. town. Call BH 7-2144. everything. Olve th. highest prices. Tele style. Was In storage. Used very heat and water furnished. Pay own Call William Left Furniture Inc., Hwy.Ittle. Brand-new tires anil tubes. New utilities, garage, $70 month. BH 7-8178. ». Mlddletown. SH 1-3313. Open eve- Departure brake. Worth $S8. Will sell AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS ning* till 8 p. m. for $27.50. Van Horn. BH 7-2SS4. FURNISHED apartments three rooms, all conveniences. For information call RED BANK'S MOST ACTIVE LOT RECONDITIONED TV'S Guaranteed 30 UONEL TRAINS. Ssnta Fe doubll days IS" console with doors, MB.95 Diesel; streamlined passenger cars; 17" table model, 149.05. New TV'sTou. r ateam locomotives; switcher en' FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT on private ALL MODEL FORDS priced from 195. rtables, bla discounts, plus high trade cine. Budd aelf-propelied car: *nln« estate. Adults preferred or oa* child In at "Rainbow1. 175 Broad 8t, (oppo- relght cars; «' of track; 180 wall SH 7-1247. site Acme parking lot) Red Bank SH 1- ransformer, accessories. $100 for every- THREE BURNISHED apartments. FORD, Mtrcury, Plymouth Station Wagons from 995. 7008. hlng. Will sell separately, comnlel rains for $12 to $29. Van Horn. SH V Nicely decorated, all utilities. Year TRADE IN your old furniture with no !894. round, with beautiful scenle view. HI J- NEW CAR DEALS! down payment and get a new parlor MERCURYS or dining room set at sale prices. Wil- IOUSE SHUTTERS, reasonable. Ola BATONTOWN. modern unfurnished four liam Leff Furniture Inc.. Hwy. 3S. ware. etc. Antlnue Shop, 117 Mali rooms. Heat and hot water, garage. '53 MONTEREY 4-Dr. Sedan, MOM, R, H, 495. Mlddletown. SH 1-1213. open evenings It. (near Port Monmouth flrehouse Yearly lease, adults only. U 34410. tin S p. m. IABY CARRIAGES,— New, $14.1)9. sfter 4 p. m. '56 CUSTOM 2-Dr. Sedan, Mareomatie 950. USED REFRIGERATORS and fre.te Strollers, $9,85. Cribs, play yards RIVER FRONT — Furnished. Bedroom, for sale. Also repairing and retlnlsh- mattremieii. Save at Red Bank Carriagi living room, kitchen, bath. Near sta- '55 MONTCLAIR Hardtop, Mercomatic, PB 995. Ing. Bayihor* Spray Painting. Hwy. ~ Shop, 3 East Front St.. Red Bank. tion, no pets $75. SH T-0038. ann Ota St. Bslford. KB 8-2M7 or I '56 HARDTOP Coupe, Air Conditioned 1195. 1-O93S "56 MONTCLAIR Hardtop, Mercomatic 1195. AT. 35 MM KODAK Retina 2A with leathei caae. tripod and flash. Cost ove '57 MONTEREY 4-Dr. MOM, Full Power ' 1495. $200. Like new. $79. KB S-22O!>. DOLL FURNITURE Clothes, truni 8". Moderately priced. All or par '57 MONTCLAIR Hardtop, Mercomatic 1550. SH 1-D297. '51 MONTEREY 2-Dr. Sedan, MOM, Nice 1750. WHY PAY FOR BIONESS? Get julcj riiacounta at "Rainbow" on toys, elec Thank You, Mrs. Wolcott trio appllancea. TV, radio, III Fl Belec tlon of beautiful gifts for all "Rainbow' OTHER MAKES (opposite Acme lot). 179 Broad St. Red Bank. Mr$. Bord.n Wolcott, SO Ea$t Wutfiold Ava>., 'SI BUICK 2-Dr. Sedan 250. WE BUY AND SBLL ANYTHINQ - USED CAR SAVINGS Contents of homes, stores, estate!. '57 CHEVROLET "210" Sedan, P-Sllde 750. eellan, attics. China, glaiswarc, an- Rod Bank, recently •dv«rti$«d • dining room »«* 1958 CADILLAC 62 SEDAN. All white, 19S6 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 Holiday tlquei, art object! and all brtc.a.brae. '55 BUICK "Special" Hardtop, Dyna. 850. black and white Inferior. Electric sedan. Lime and charcoal with Ruscll's. 23 East Front St. SH 1-18M. •nd • $ot of LiontI Train$ in Tho Ragiitar CUit. DANISH FURNITURE '55 BUICK Super Convertible, Dynaflo .95. windows and seat. Air condi- black and white interior. PS and Sold right ben on Rt. 35 tioned, Air. tusRension. Electric PB, hydramttic, radio and heater. ifiod. Sh« had thi$ to $-y, "I must h.v. had at •55 CHRYSLER Windsor 2-Dr. H.T., Full Power 995. roAMART . KATONTOWN door locks and trunk lock. Very Whitewall tires. 34,000 miles. One WAHIIER • STOVE Four-burner tea ' Itait IS calls and could hava sold • down mor«, '56 BUICK Super 2-Dr. H.T., Full Power 1195. low mileage. One owner. A beau- owner. A sharp looker. stove, working order, »25 ABC tiful automobile. O'Matlc^ washer, needs repair Est ea$ily! I'm vary plaasad and I knew now that '57 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Hardtop, P-FI., PS 1395. mated. 140. BH 1-92D7. 1956 MERCURY MONTEREY Station DARK RED RUO — Dill Ijwson sols 'SI CHEVROLET Impale, Full Power, Beautiful 2195. 19S7 OLDSMOBILE SUPER M. 4-door with slipcover. Excellent condition. it pays to adverti$e." sedan. Light green and white. Wagon. 4-door, 9-paas. All white, Also, French Provincial green velvel '57 LINCOLN Premiere Coupe, Very Pretty 2250. Green Interior. PW and PB, hy- black and white Interior. PS and chair Antique queen Anne typo rocker. PB. Mercomatic. RAH. Easy eye Hutch table, a' long, •beautiful old pine 'SI LINCOLN Landau, Full Power dramaUc, RgVH, whttewall tires. finish. Circa 1740, Perfect condition, Th.$ it another in the long lino of uruolicited A beautiful (amlly car. glais, padded dash, one owner. - Low mileage. Nice (amlly car. IN A HDRRY7 $7.77 cold wave' lrli feitimeniali that talli of the fait and effective Hairdressers, St Monmouth SI, Rid 19SS OLDSMOBILE N deluxe Holiday Beak. No appointment necessary. TRUCKS sedan. Charcoal and while; black 19S5 BUICK SUPER. 4-dr. sedsn. remits of The Register Claitifled. 7 CU FT Cold Sport refrigerator like '4» CHEVROLET '/a Ton Pickup 225. and white Interior. PS and PB. Black and white with matching new, $40 Fish acquarlum with stand, Hydramatlc, MH, electric win- red and black interior. PS and $20 American Flyer train set with '57 FORD 6.eyl. F250, % Ton Expret* 195. accessories, $80. Hoys' Rink rolls: dows, dual exhaust. WW tires. One J»B, Dynafkw, RAH, whitewall skates, T',4, $9, Call KB 8-4144, If you have a product to $ell... a lervlce to owner: low mlteage, Cotton tires. One owner. Low mileage. DISCOUNT ON PAINT — any color in- smooth driving! Nice comfortable driving. side or nutslde pnlnt, Bpefllnt: $2.M. render ... or you have,, need of a particular sallon, Wallpaper discounts. Keys made Haws, scissors ithnrpeneri. "Rainbow" articli . . . for quick remits NEW I960 175 Broad SI. (opposite Acms parklni lot) Red Rank. Fords • Mercurys - Lincolns LUBRICATION SPECIAL 1 t CU FT Frisldslre refrigerator, ex cellent condition. SM. Csll SH In Stock and Immediately Available Come In now (or this special lubricating » offer and FREE winter driving inspection. NINB-PIEnB IIABHKTT chorry itlnln, CALL THE REGISTER 99 room sullr, f.1801 flve-pleoe Ilnssel cherry bedroom suite vvlllr vwlni Imnios, $425; nlne.pleiTR nannett Krull wood illnlng room aulle, $3M; Frull wooil hreakfront. $35O| flve-tikcn mo SHadyside I-0010 or item Basselt tuilroom suite. $250, Al Hurt llunlgii * Son Inext lo Mtelnhnch'i parkins lot), 24 Clay M,, Red tlank oprti dillly 0-12, 1-8, Friday evenlngi ENGLISH 7-0. Osborno 1-0525 IIOMH WORKIIIIOI' — Hnml anil clr AGENCIES «ulnr saw, Inllir, Imils, H h.|>. nlotn Cnmpiele or sppHrslo. Sit 1-3313, 8< Selling Ford Products for 55 Yoan p.m. WILCOX-GAY mile railln-rnenril piny and ask for IT, I'A nyxlpiii nnil rnrnnlhtg Mm FORD - MERCURY - LINCOLN rhliir, rTfiriln Irom inlkt* »- rnd'd «nim». MllM m..%•:. • RED BANK REGISTER T-ifl.Hr, Dee. 2. 19S9-U OTATIMt UAl BTAH H* Mlf HAL BTAtf Mt tMf Lieutenant HOME! MR BENT mum rat utz riMT n/OOtl syrtmrnt — Two bed UNQALOW — Four rooms Md b UM6ON RANCH — U»log room, din ranch, ov«r«lx«d lot. Living room with !•• BeaJ, 9M Mi—IM room"' Ilvlnc room, dlnnlr room, Suitable for adults Kl per month g room, modern kitchen, fireplace. double picture wlndowi and fireplace. kitchen. One-c»r garage. Immediate oc iree bedrooms, full basement. 620,000. Post Goes r Dining area and kitchen, two bed- funucr. *M> P« month, no utiutiea BERG UN RANCH HOME — Living room, roomi, tile bath. Unfinished expansion Included. Cmll Ayers-Trufolo Agency, 16 CEANPORT — Available December replace, dinette, four bedrooms. Land, attic with ipace for two targe rooms ChirSS St.. "«le Silver, BH 1-2838. 10. Brand new split level unfurnlahed. VETERANS hrec bedrooms, living room, dining aped plot. 11,700 cash required. 111,- and bath. Flagstone patio, garage. Burst Dam Causes FIRST FIX)OK apartment — Two bed ea, kitchen, den, lti baths. Full NO DOWN PAYMENT Many extras. Aisume 4M. per cent To Marass roomi, living room, dining room, isement, attached garage, fenced In iHREWSBURY COLONIAL — Living G. I. mortfgge. Asking $15,500. Call kitchen. One-car garage. Immediate oc- ird. No objeclon to children. $160 per oom, fireplace, dining room, three owner after 6 p.m. 8H 7-4188. RUMSON — Kenneth Marass Iinincy. MO per month, no utilities onth. Samuel Telcher Agency. Ocean- $76 PER MONTH arge bedrooms. $18,900. was top man in a five-way fncluded. Call Ayars-Trulolo Agency. 16 art Ave.. Oceanport. Call or dial U J- Havoc on Riviera Church Bt.. IJlUe Silver. BH 1-2838. 500 or LI gpsoi $10,990 FULL PRICE test for second lieutenant of Schanck Agency LOTS AND ACREAGE THREE RO0M8 FURNISHD. Utilities, TTLB SILVER — Ranch, seven Hill house li money In the bank to Oceanic Hook and Ladder Fire the salesman who listed It. The fini Red Bank FREJUS, France (AP) — A once more was clear and cool linens, parkins; Included. Desirable rooms, oil heat, two-car garage. Mrs. SH 7-0397 RUMSON — Newly offered choice Vk Company at the annual election " "ornoid. Adults only. 89 Prospect lance. 134 Maple Ave., Red Bank. >er«on who sees It has to buy It acre lots All utilities, trees, cleared. crushing wall of water from a after the five-day siege of tor- corner John St.. 8H 1-2688. ["here aie three large bed roomi, equip. ready to bund Priced from K.750 of officers last night. rential rains and high winds, >ed science kitchen, basement, aluml- OP RIVER — Spacious living CA 2-1259 or CA 3-493B. burst dam left a four-mile-wide THREE-ROOMS furnUhed or unfur- um combination storm sash and oom, fireplace, beamed celling, family Mr. Marass received 26 votes, swath of destruction down the Many fashionable seaside res- nished, bath, private entrance. Center WANTED TO RENT creens, range, blinds, and located on inlng room, tiled kitchen, breakfast UNUSUAL HILLTOP - 1^ acres of town. BH 7-45T4. beautifully landscaped lot. immedi- ook. five bedrooms, two baths, sea- Hartshorns Woods. Locust. Panoramic which gave him a 15-vote mar- Reyran River Valley on thtaurante s around Nice were shat- FOUR LOVELY ROOM8 and bath, ROENTLY NEED — Room and board • possession. onal porch, sundeck. basement. Two- river view. Owner. SH 7-4206 evenlncs. gin for the office. French Riviera today. There tered by the Mediterranean's Oarage. 151 Wall Street, Wesl for two boys, both high school stu- :ar garage. Shop. Barbecue. Well land* Lone- Branch. lents. Will consider two separate homes (Trade-ins Considered) caped plot 150x200. 121,500. Others in the contest were Her- were 100 officially reported dead waves. At Monaco about 40 boats necessary. Pleas, write "R.A.B./ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FURNISHED THREE ROOM APART ox 511. Ked Bank. Monmouth County Office bert Miller, Roddy Maine, Wil- and another 200 or more mill- sank in the storm, including one raent »W per month. Including al Lawrence J. Schilling FAIR HAVEN — Store for sale 6.600 liam Strohmenger and John Ka- ing. belonging to Prince Rainier. utilities. AT 1-0961. HREE-BEDR.OOM HOUSE, In Rum son, for family of three. One year Spring Street Red Bank sq. ft. floor space. In heart of shop- TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, bath, ease. RU 1-1040. Furnished or unfur. HE BERG AGENCY ping center Larse parking lot Suitable rinja. The district governor, Jean- The 'villa of American movie utilities included, first floor, 14 ilslied. "Personalized Service" SH 7-4121 for any type business. Phone SH 7- 4575. Other line officer! elected were Charlei Roulies, reported the producer Jack Warner was flood- Bridge Ave., Red BanK. OSborne 1-1000 OLONIAL — Red Bank, excellent lo- Robert Marass, captain, and Wil- ed. . NEWLY DECORATED UNFURNISHED cation. Living room, fireplace, dining COMMERCIAL BUILDINO -- 2000 sq. Malpasset Dam hid been corn.- four-room apartment Heat, hot water. FURNISHED ROOMS It. 35 Mlddletown, N. room, modern kitchen, two baths, four ft.. Includlnr basement, oil heat. liam Murphy, first lieutenant. pletely swept away. Near Cagnes-Sur-Mer, huge garage, near school and transportation. 3ally I .,• Sat., Sun. M droomi, heated patio. Gsrage. full Cedar Ave., Fair Haven, one block rocks were catapulted 300 yardt 112 Bath Ave., tong.Branch. CA 9-ll»8. asement. Asking 125,000. QrolsTnger * from River Rd. Very reasonable. SH 1- Election for chief will be held "Nothing remains," Routes MODERN MOTEL ROOMS 44J«. TWO ROOM FURNISHED ipartment Regular type, TV. phone, tub shower. eller. Broad * Mechanic St., Red torilRht with Edward McSorley, told newsmen as be toured Fre- along a coastal road. Utilities, parking, Hwy 5. SH 1 (80 per month, single occupancy. HOO lank. SH 1-2100. candidate for chief, and Hyatt jus. It had been Inspected only Millions of tons of water, bank- 7979. per month, double occupancy. Coffee Exciting Listings OWER HILL SECTION of Red Bau ihop-restaurant-lounge. Dlner'g Club. Commanding hillside with view of REAL ESTATE WAOTED E. Cunningham, assiitant chief. a few months.ago to find out if ed up behind the 185-foot dam RED BANK MODERN garden apart THE ADVENTURER tlantic ocean. Ranch type dwelling, by five days of heavy . raia, ment four room>, two bedrooms, liv. :ustom built for present owner. Five HELP! W« nave sold so many proper it could withstand explosions tnr room, kitchen with dining area. )ceanfront Long Branch, N. 3 Result of Trade-Ins ties that w» want more good llstlnsa President Coatest CA •ooms. 114 baths with empanslon al- which were going on at nearby churned into the peacefully sleep- ilVso, Select residential neighborhood, (•1000 ready set up for two additional bed- Call us now for prompt professional In a contest for president, G. SH lta ' FURNI8HED ROOK on first floor neal AT service. Walker and Walker. Real Es. construction work. Everything ing farm valley last night, tear- rooms and bath. Includes many unusual tate. Insurance, open T days, shram- Russell McCue edged George H. THREE-ROOM furnished apnrtmen bath, suitable for business man custom features. $37,500. orossinger k burr ntrlce. »H I 5312. Rarltan Office was normal. ing away houses, hurling big Adults. Private bath. Near bus. No etlred gentleman. SH 7-2814, leller, Brbari h Mechanic St.. Red no 45212. Hallanan for that office. trucks about like toys, uprooting MM. BH 1-2967 or M 2-227T. lank.'DH 1-2100. "The waters (from, the dam) iOMFORTABLB FURNIBHED ROOM Applebrook Agency WE HAVE CLIENTS anxious to locate Robert Zerr was elected vice trees, splintering telegraph and TURNI8HED apartment, living room, for business woiusn, near bus am iAPB COD — Expansion attic, llvlnu In this vicinity. Please esM us If your followed the river bed and enter- bedroom, kitchen, bath. All utllltle.. ihopplng. li Spring It, Red Bank. IH RT. 35 M1DDLET0WN. N. J, room, modern kitchen, dining area, property Is for rent or sale. The Brook president; Frank W. Baigent, ed the Mediterranean over an telephone poles and cutting all Adults. *B0 monthly- BH 1-1404. wo bedrooms, tile bath. Nice location. Agency. Bank Bldg., AT 1-1717. •JICKLY FURNISHED ROOM. In prlv OSborne 1-2300 Low taxes. Asking 615,000. OrpulngeOroulnger secretary, and Mr. Cunningham, area from Frejus to St. Aygulf," communications with the outiide. iller, Broad * Mechanic St.. Rsd ate home, good location,. en bug line. t Heller. Broad BIDS assistant secretary. Millard Au- Not until the. somber dawn- IH 7-04M or 431 RiveRiver Road. - lank. SH 1-2100. a town about two miles west of COMMERCIAL RENTALS BsiUc. Oentleman preferred. RUMSON COUNTY OF MONHOIITH mack was elected treasurer. hours after the Malpesset dam fUOHLANDel — Dpplas-lneomo proper- STATE OF NEW JERSEY Frejus. LAROB BED SITTINO ROOM—Plea' ty, ten rooms, mostly furnished, sew- Samuel Karinja was elected burst—was the full tragedy ap- WOR RENT—Two suites of offices avail* Unheard of bargain for location. irs, low Uxes. etc. 611,800. HI 3-33»l, NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed The small naval base at Fre- able in The Tuller building. Both on sant home, board If desired. Call SH r bids will be received by the Monmouth trustee by one vote in a four- parent. trtver fid* of building. On. o» tkn* •0812. Three-bedroom 53 ranch on 92'x iUFFWOOD — Threo large-room bun- County Welfare Board for furnishing jus was almost entirely swept rooms on first floor. The.other two BEDROOM next to bath and shower, 256' plot close to river. To be galow, fine condition. Sacrifice. tt.SOO. paper cups to the Briar Hill Welfare way contest. Defeated were away. Some helicopters, half The narrow valley 18 miles rooms on lecond lioor. 8H 7-Z440. private home, car spaca, good loc»- decorated as you desire for price 25 Salem PL LO »M»78. lome at Freehold, Monmouth County. George Lane, Royal Moss, Jr., southwest of Cannes was a Jum- COMMERCIAL BUILDINO — 2,000 sq :lon, reasonable. BH 1-1271. N. J.. said bids to be received at the dozen light planes and 50 vehi- given. Paneled wall on fireplace EATONTOWN — Air conditioned two- meeting of the Monmouth County "Wel- and George Silvers. ft., including basement, oil heat. Ce- 'ERY LAROG ROOM Furnished hrdroom ranch. Living room, dining cles were wrecked. Eight fami- bled heap of twisted wreckage. dar Ave.. Fair Haven, one block from side of living-dining room. Hard- oom. bath and kitchen, dishwasher, »re Board to be held at the Brlnr River, Rd. BH 1-447H. Couple or single woman Kitchen Hill Home Just outside of Freehold. Serteant-at-Arms lies living on the base were re The rampaging water partially irlveleges, all utilities SH 1-7081 wood floors throughout. Screens >atlo. Call owner st SH 7-1K4. w Jersey, in public at the regular William Walker, was elected ported missing. flooded this town of 13.500 nest- ATTRACTIVE — single-double rooms and storm sash. Full cellar. At TAKE OVER O. I. MORTGAGE ...jetlng on wedn^day, December 16. Kitchen privileges. Hot and cold run. NEW SHREWSBURY — Cape Cod 1959. at 10:00 A. M. sergeant-at-arms. Railroad officials said that ling on the hilly, rocky coast- tached garage. Financing avai consisting of living room, two bed- Complete specifications and form of HOUSES FOR RENT ilng water. Free TV. Hudson House. ooms, modern bath, dining area, kit- Drivers named were Frank more than a mile of track had one of the landing spots in the 31 Hudson Ave.. SH 1-9M2. able. $21,900. . __ ._ ,| , hid, contract and bond for the same arc NEW SHREWSBURY. RANCH. T hen and gas range on r t flfloor. on file at the Briar Hill Welfare Home Baigent, Edward Bond, William been swept away or seriously Allied invasion of Southern car garage. Dream kitchen with dlRh URNISIIED ROOMS - Single and „„ bedrooml o..n . second floor. Full and copies may be received by pros- washer. Three bedrooms, two baths, double. Parking. Kitchen privileges ENCHANTING COLONIAL RANCH — dry basementt, slummuli m screens and pective bidders upon application. Bids Boyce, Mr. Cunningham, James weakened by the flood waters. France in August, 1944. 28' living room, large recreation room, f desired. Near business eenter. Ye On 1% acres of beautiful lawns with storm windows. Fenced-ln yard 83x180. must be made on standard proposal Halligan, John Kondrup, Kenneth Railroad officials said that more lane closets plus additional storagi best residential section. Mtn only. II selected variety of transplantei Only 13.000 down. Take advantage of forms In the manner designated therein "The valley was one of the room. LI 2-07*3. i Maple Ave., Red Bank or »H 7-26M. rses. artistically placed to provide thi this 414 per cent O. I. mortgage anyone and required by the specifications: Marass, Robert Marass, William than a mile of track had been richest off the coast," a member beat In llvln* comfort, privacy ani can assume. »95 a month pays iall carry- must be enclosed In sealed envelopes RANCH HOME UNFURNISHED, .. NICELV FURNISHED ROOM lor busl charm Four bedrooms, 2V4 bathi Murphy, Peter Pauels, John swept away or seriously weaken- of the Frejus City Council said. ness or retired gentleman Near eentel mg charges. Samuel Teilehel r Agency, bearing the name and atldress of the bedrooms, *13S monthly, yearly ten: f town, akaird II desired. Only two center hall, lane living room, fire oeeannort Ave., Oceanport. Call or dial bidder, designating the name ol the Sammon, Melvin J. Scheldt, Ed- ed by the flood waters. Rail "I'm afraid only rocks will be ml and several furnUhed and u tamlly. 8rTl-2Ml. plane, run dlnlni room, pine panelec ,1 2.JSO0 or U 2-3801 for prompt, work on the outside addressed to the MniUbsd rentals In all sites and prl en, modern country kitchen with spa courteous service. Monmouth County Welfare Board and ward Sherman, James K. Shea, traffic along the coastal route left." ranges. Ell* Wiltshire Agency^ 14 FURNIBHED ROOM — la privet clous eating area, screened, porch must be accompanied by a .certified Oc.au AT*.. U* Bright. SB g-OOM. home. Near bus line. curved brick patio encompassed bj gem DOWN check drawn to the order of the Coun- Jr., William Walker. Robert Zerr, may be out for many days. The French government mob- RU 1-OUi. shade trees and ivy, two-car garage, Cap* Cod masonry construction: living ty Treasurer for not less than ten per XATONTOWN — RANCH; Three-be. aluminum storm sash and screens. Ex. room, ceramic tile bath, two bedrooms cent <10*t> of tho amount hlrl, snd Samuel Karinja, William Stroh- "We thought several trains ilized disaster forces and rushed room ipllt. Immediate occupancy. RED BANK furnished room, one pel and spacious kltclieii with gas range on son medium size. Utilities, sink. la' cellent neighborhood. Walking distance gat r must be accompanied by n certificate menger and Edward Connors. were roaring down the tracks at the aircraft carrier Lafayette— l-l«2t or KB 1-4843. new school. A sacrifice at 137,900 rlrst floor. Attic finished off Initl o extra from a responsible bonding company W1DB 8ELECTION OF RENTALS •tory, refrigerator, bath convenll large bedroom with three walk-In clos- that they will provide a bond If the Fire police elected were Jo- once," said a still shivering sur- formerly the USS Langley-to the Furnished and unfurnished. Immed Private entrance. SH 7-jfKM. ets. Fully Insulated. Hot water oil heat, bidder ts successful, and be delivered seph Duryea, Joseph Desmond, vivor. scene to serve as a floating hos- ate occupancy. Samuel Telenet Agencj THE LOW AGENC combination Aluminum storm find at the place and the hour above named. Oceanport AT... Oceanport. Oil or al screen windows throughout the house. RlRht Is reserved to reject any or Raymond Desmond, George Hal- "It struck like a hammer blow pital and helicopter bass off the U 2-3J0O or U 2-3ML 1'River Roaa Fair Havel Many other nice features such as REAL ESTATI FOR SALE genuine plaster walls, split rail fence, all bids If deemed to the Interest of lanan, Seth Johnson, Arthur at everything in its path after coast. TWO-YEAR OLD Cape Cod, two be< •Hadysld* 1-4477 city sewer. 30-year FHA mortgage. the Monmouth County Welfare Board rooms, 414 rooms, full basement, 1 HOUSES FOR SALE Samuel Telcher Agency. Oceanport to do so. Pauelg, Paul Whltfield and Ray- the dam burst," said another. The U. S. Air Force offered to mediate occupancy, unfurnished. On. Ave.. Oceanport. Call or dial LI 2-3500 By Order of the Monmouth County mond McGirr. Bridges along the- normally fly In aid and drop it by para- mile from Parkway ectrance. SH 1-1786 WILLIS CONOVER AGENCY or LI 2-3501 for prompt, courteous Welfare Board. RAY VAN HORN service. Dated: November IS, 1959 Representatives named to the peaceful river were carried chute if necessary. FURNIBHED BUNOALOW — Llvlm South St. Holrudel Villa WAYNE D. MAC MURRAY, away. The naval base at St. Aid was rushed to Frejus from room, dining room, .kitchen, two bed COUNTRY HOMES AND ACREAG1 REALTORS WANAHASSA — Owner transferred President. Relief Association were John rooms and bath. Newly decorated. »£ Holmdel, Atlantic and Marlboro Twpi Modern, well.bullt split level contain- Attest: John L, Montgomery, Sammon and Robert Zerr. Repre- Raphael was under several feet all points along the Riviera va- FOUR-BEDROOM house. Center of Re WH OVER A QUARTER CENTUR' ing three bedrooms, living room, din- Director. '. Bank. Larfe lot with big trees. |17 ing area, spacious kitchen with built- Dec. 3 w.72 sentatives to the Monmouth of water. A half dozen light cationland. Frejus itself is little Dowstra Agency 81 E. Front St., R JUST COMPLETED, four bedrooms. FHA ONLY MSO DOWN — Four-be in range and oven and full ceramic tile County Firemen's Association planes were washed into the sea, visited by tourists. Tht Reyrah Bank. SH 1-8700. baths. In Red Bank. Kitchen, dlnln room colonial, l',i baths. Full has bathroom plus recreation room, laundry BIDS area, 25' living room and carport ment. Only 190 yearly fuel bill. II room with toilet, aluminum screens COUNTY OP MONMOUTH were George Silvers, William and about SO automobiles and Valley is peopled by farm fami- LITTLE SILVER — One minute fro! Day, BH 7-4241. avenlngs and Sunda: 950. Total monthly payments 1112.8' and storm windows and doors through* NTATE OF NEW JERSFA' other vehicles lost. lies and opens on a rocky, hilly bus. Central location. Stucco Hollo SII 7-1275. We have extensive listings, Includli out the house. Also, one-car attached Fanning and Kenneth Marass. waterfront, throughout the area. garage. Situated on well-landscaped plot NOTICE t« hereby Riven that scaled coastline along which many fish- tile house. Three bedrooms, tile tial RIVER PLAZA — Lovely four-bedroo 75x113. Take advantage of thla 4% per ilds will be received by the Monmouth Delegates to the New Jersey A two-car Diesel train from and lavatory. Two.car garage, oil-rire Cape Cod. Una llvlnc room, 1 cent G. I. mortgage anyon* can assume County Welfare Board for furnishing Volunteer Firemen's Association Nice waa trapped. Just before ermen live. hot water heat. Fireplace.'Ample clo hsths. 100x100 lot entirely fenced, 804 River Rd., Fair Haven, N. with 62.SOO down. Must truly be seen to furniture, typewriters and dictating •ts. SH 7-1419. Wrouiht Iron rails front and Hack steps, be appreciated No red tape. Immed- equipment to the Briar Hill Welfare were George H. Hallanan, Ray- dawn rescue workers brought off Terrified families wen swept SMALL HOUSE — FURNISHED, lots of extras, tl9.N0. Call for - SH 7-4100 late nittupanev. Simiiel TAlcher Agency. Home at Freehold. Monmouth County, rtumson. Phone polntment. SII l-qa&T. ^^ Oeeannort Ave.. Oeeannort. Call or dial N. J., said bids to be received nt mond McCirr, and alternates Ar- all the passengers. They were downstreim, struggling to stay to- HI 31204 INCOME PROPERTY rents 13,220 yeai the meeting of the, Monmouth Cnunty huddled in one of the cars with gether. Many had just gone to NEW TIIREE.BEDROOM house, lot ly, mortgage available. 12,000 needed. LI 5-3500 or LI8-3501 for prompt, Welfare Board to be held at the Briar nold Chriitensen and Anthony THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW furnlshei xioo. Hot water heat, birch cabins Apartment also available. OB 14177 courteous gervlce. Hilt Home Just outside of Freehold Scalzo. water seeping above the floor, bed when ths flood struck. One new decorated, all. utilities 112,600. Will lease with option to bu; f no answer PR 6-6330. O.I.—NO DOWN PAYMENT—NORTH New Jersey, in public at the regular eluded, call CA 2-0846. Contact George Sorby, KB (.2689. LONO BRANCH—Ranch- home built meeting on Wednesday, December 16. French sailors, police and fire- tt-year-old woman floated sevto FOUR ROOM HOUSE — OH he FAIR HAVEN — New sls-roora Cap HILLTOP COLONIAL SPLIT sev< 1992 (not • development) containing ">59. at 10:00 A. M. men toured Frejus in rubber noun on her bedroom dresser. Wykoft Road, Reevytown. BH Cod. Expansion attic, hot water heat rooms, three bedrooms, m baths, fl three bedrooms, large living room, Complete specifications and form of Ished recreation room with bar, beaut dining room, tiled bath, spacious kit- bid, contract and bond for the name boats to rescue families from the An old man walking hit dog waa MIR largo porch, cellar. -Landscaped. |30, lul 100x250' landseaped lot, attachi Loses License 000. SH 7-2199. SII 1-5049. chen with gas ranie, plua knotty pine are on file at the Briar HUl Welfare upstairs of flooded homes. swept away in a second, BHREWBBURY — Four-beilroom, garage. Asking I18.KM. OS 1-0677 If recreation room. Pull dry basement, Home and copies may be received by furnished Cape Cod Eicellent nelgl LAROB RUM8ON CONVERGED cai answer PR 6-6330. . automatic oil heat, aluminum screens prospective bidders upon application," Cries for help directed the res< "$& hospital at Frejus— Ijorhood Convenient to railroad static age house Three acres of groun and atorm windows and doors, alumi- Bids must be made on standard pro- cue workers In the darkness: luckily on high ground— was AMnched garage. Monthly rental, II Living room, dining room, kitchen num awnings. Venetian blinds, washing posal forms in the manner designated For 10 Years three bedrooms and bath. Tool hous< PAUL R. STRIKER. Realtor. and therein and required by the specifica- SHREWSBURY — On bus line Thn Farms and farm estates, state machine, dryer, air conditioner "Save me . . . I am about lammed with injured and fur* tiedroom, unfurnished apartment wl and storage room. Three-car attache) wall-to-wall carpeting. City sewer. Full tions; 'must be enclosed In sealed en- gtraie and laundry room. Dowstr Highway 34. Holmdel. Phone WH price, I16.500.- Quallflted veteran ab- velopes bearing the name and addresi came one call near po- vivon suffering from shock and living room, kitchen, hath (125 pi Agency. 01 East Bergen PI, Red Ban month Includes all utilities W«a 64144. solutely no money down. Except closing of the bidder, designating the name ol ce headquarters, then silence, exposure. The morgue at the ho* Nemeth Agency, 107 West Front SH U8700. - • • fees or 61.000 down for non-veteran. the work on the outside addressed to license revoked for 10 years last Samuel Telcher Agency, Oeeannort Ave. tile 'Monmouth County Welfare Board The weather along the Rivtera'pltal was lined with bodies. Red Bank 8H 1-2240 RIVER PLAZA — 112.900 firm Lovel BELFORD INCOME PROPERTY. Two- Oceanport. Call or dial LI 2-3500 or and must be Accompanied by a cer- night after being found guilty c neighborhood,'six year old Cape ce itory frame house, ttpstalra. apart, LI 5-3501 for prompt, courteous service. tified check drawn to the order of the drunk driving a second time. FURNISHED HOUSB — Flv« room: Full basement, partially finished attl ment with three rooms and bath, ren County Treasurer for not less than ten completely redecorated All yealuminui m storms and screens Nei ed. Four roomn and bath down. Prop THREE-YEAR OLD — Three-bedroom per cent (10%) of the amount bid, and He is Henry Riley, 144 Union round Electric and water supplli schools, stores, railroad station 4 p< erty 8s'xl7S'. Low taxes, near storei ranch. Modern throughout. Reason- must be accompanied by* a certificate Must furnish own heat HI 3-1141 cent mortgage available SH 1-4421 and churches. 19.800. KB 6-48*1. able. SH 1-078*. from a responsible bonding company Ave., Asbury Park, who 'was fiat they will provide a. bond It the sentenced also to 90 days in coun- Bishop-Elect Hogan bidder Is successful, and be delivered HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR BALE at the place and the hour above named. ty jtil. Right Is reserved to reject any or F STATE OF NEW JERSEY Glover, RD 3, Freehold, careless olic' diocese of Trenton. ' ' ' •-' OUR SATISFIED CUSTOMERS, NOTICE Is hereby given thnt « driving, $8; Florence H. Foster, HIGHLANDS - The second bida will be received by the Monmouth 615'/j Second Ave,. Asbury Park, Pastor of St. Catharine:* County Board of Chosen Freeholders hearing on the proposed master Church here, he.also hu t«rvM for furnlshlnig ccannea d goods for the stop street violation, $10, and FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF SERVING use in the Briar Hill Welfare Home plan for the borough will be held —since 1954—as chancellor "of tn« and Allenwood Sanitarium at Allen wood, David Goldman, New York, diocese. Monmouth County, N. J., said bids to speeding, 15, and driving rights tonight in Borough Hall. YOU THIS PAST YEAR ... THE be received at the meeting of the He said he did not know whea Board of Chosen Freeholders to bien New Jersey revoked 30 days. It is expected that the Plan held In -the Board Rooms In the Hall ning Board will take formal ac- his installation would take place, BEST WE'VE EVER HAD! of Records, Freehold. New Jersey. In public at the regular meeting on Wed- Buying or selling Always look to tion to either adopt or reject the or if a successor to St. Caft- nesday, December 16, - 1959, at 2:00 The Register classified for «ulek re- arine's would be named. R M. ! ' proposal. Complete specifications and form sults.—Advertisement Swvtd la bid, contract and bond for the same Community Planning Associates are on file with the Clerk of the Board RtMSO.V NOTICE The son of a retired factory WE HOPE THAT WE'VE MADE ALL OF YOU In the Hall of Records, Freehold, New Inc., Trenton, developed the plan foreman, Msgr. Hogan's parents, Jersey, and copies may be received by Take notice that the Planning Board at a cost of $13,000. propsectlve bidders upon application of the Borough of Rumson will hold a James and Mary Elizabeth Mat- This attractive center hall colonial located at 30 West Rnd meeting on December 15. 1950 In Me- HAPPIER, AND WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY Bids must be made on standard pro- morial BorouR- h Hall. Ru~ m' son, Ne The second hearing was re- Ave., Shrewsbury, was sold recently to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paul posal forms In the manner designated loy Hogan, live In Camden. therein and required by the specifica- Jersey at 8:15 P. M. In ri.termlne quested by residents who ap- He served as curate at Holy BIclMann. Mr. Slclllano Is associated with the Financial News TO OFFER OUR FRIENDLY, EFFICIENT tions; must be enclosed In sealed en- _. not It will approv* the Department of the HoraM-Trlbune. Mrs. Mildred Liming waa velopes bearing the name and nddrcs- following subdivision: peared at the first hearing last Cross Church, Rumson, in ISM. the saleswoman. SERVICES AT ANY TIME. of the bidders, designating the name of Map of "Popomora" Property of Lou< week. the work on the outside, addressed to If M. Drazln, Atty, on BeUevue Ave- Msgr. Hogan will be titular the Monmouth County Board of Chosen nue In the Borough of R-umson, Mon mouth Co., New Jersey. bishop of Philomelium in South- Mr. ft Mrs. Robert Simmons Mr. Samuel Kleiner freeholders and must be accompanied 1 , s v.«jS by a certified check drawn to the order At the time and place above men Two-Day Minstrels western Turkey. A titular see,to Mrs. Mildred N. Norton Mr. * Mrs. Vailiu Roublk of the County Treasurer for not less tloned all person! desiring to be heard than five per cent f5%) of tha total thereon will be given full opnrtunity. one which was active in the ear- Mr. * Mrs. Watson Sledleckl Mr. John H. McQann amounts bid, and. must be accompanied EDMUND B. SULLIVAN, To Be Held in Mala wan ly church but is now extinct. by a certificate from a responsible Chairman, Planning Board. Mr, * Mrs. Richard Newell Mr. * Mrs. Robert Hoffman bonding company that they will pro- |3.flO Philomelium, now called Akse- vlda a bond If the bidder Is success- MATAWAN—Final rehearsals Mr. * Mrs. frank Treadwell Mr. a Mrs. Bruce Dumont ful, and be delivered at the place and are being held for the "Old Time hir, was an important commun- Mrs. Lillian Schnabai Mr. A Mrs. C. AdeskalrO the hour above named. NOTICE OP SALE Minstrel" which the Matawan ity in the time of the Caesars. Right is reserved to reject any or On Tuesday, December 15. 19S9 Mr. * lira. Wm. J. Durkln Mr. * Mrs. Richard Oorsuch II bids If deemed to the Interest of 9:30 a. m. I will sell at public auction Hook & Ladder Company will Doctor el Caooa Law on behalf of the Heanoast FlnBnco Co. Mr. a Mrs. Bernard Levy * ..]• Monmouth County Board of Cho- He attended St. Charles Col- Mr. * Mrs. Louis Kaplan sen Freeholder* to do ao. at 18 Broad Street. Red Bank, N. J. present tomorrow and Saturday Mr. aV Mrs. Thos. P. Scarpa Mr. * Mrs. William Wlrlh By order of th* Monmouth County one 1039 Saab 2-iloof sedan. Serial No. nights in Matawan High School lege. Catonsville, Md., St. Mary's Board of Choien Freeholders. 496(4 ror ilefault In a Conditions! gales Mr. a Mrs. Ferdinand Vezioit Mrs. Ruth Dangler Contract made by Alvenza R. Ray. This is the second annual show Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and JOSEPH C. 1RWIN. Bald car may tie seen tt Lester Glenn Mr. • Mrs. Henry Scaccia Mr. 4 Mrs. Carl Quaglla Director. Bulck, Route 37, Toms River, N. Jth, e company has staged as athe North American College, Mr. anil Mrs. Charles W. Potter havgj purchased the kMM *f Attest: Irving 8. Bennett, building fund benefit. Rome, Italy, where he wu or- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seaeela at US Harding Road. Little Sllvsr. Mr. * Mrs. John Hohms.sr Mr. J. Hoffman Cl*rk of the Board, J. M. RHODES, Auctioneer. Hall of Records, :. 3 12.62 dained Dec. 8, 1937. and are occupying their horn* with their daughter, Ftnay, a Mr. * Mrs. Wm. I. qladlng Mr. a Mrs. Joseph Breaud Freehold. New Jersey. John Hind and Walter Bing are Junior In Red Bank High School, Mr, Potter Is assistant vie* Dec, 3 (10.90 He received a doctorate In can- Mr. * Mrs. Joseph Zanurynskl Mr. a Mrs. Robert Hodiklif KOTICK or MI.K co-directors, and the program president of the American Ttlephone * Telegraph. Compaur, 1M on law from the Catholic Uni- Mr. * Mrs. Peter Vincent Mr. aVlrs. Frederick Horsfall COtHVTY Or MONMOUTH On Tuesday, December IS. 1989 at will include speciality acts. A Broadway, New York City, and hgg offices In the SerksKy- NTATE or NKW JKRNKY f»:0O A. M. 1 will aell at public auction dance will follow Saturday's show versity or America in Waihini- Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park. Mrs. Flofenea O. Llaatar ••• Mr. • Mrs. Jamts Rgffsrty Mr. a Mrs. Robert J. Hoffmsn on behalf o"f the flescosst Flnince Co. Notice is hereby given that sea... st 18 Broad Bt., Red Bank, N, J. one in the Malawan American Legion ton, D. C, in 1941. gntlab-A thla sale (or Walker A Walker. Mr, a Mrs. John P. Wyaockl Mr. a Mrs. dnbrlal Fulmacct bids will b« received hy the Board of 1905 Olrismohlla 4 Door Sedan, Serial He was assistant chancellor of Choien Freeholders of Ihe Count1 y of Nu. (M9LMU for "default In a Condi- Hall. Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert Tledeman , Mr. * Mrs. aeorge Roth Monmouth for th« Fl^on** •••"t -" Bridges No. H-26 and No. 11-37 In the tional Hales Contract made hy Hobert the Trenton diocese from 1941 Mr. • Mrs. Alfred O. Lehmann W, Wllhert. laid car may bt Men at Mr. A Mrs. Allan R. domes Township of Holmdel, County of Au,\- Bell's Friendly Motors. Hwy. US, Nep- The United States produces to 1953. Mr, a Mrs. Angslo Vlracola month, N, J.. and opened and read in tune, N. J. 0 cen Mr. * Mrs. Anthony Radonliky ubllc at the Hall of Records, Main about P" ' °' '• • world's He wilt assist Bishop George Mr, ft Mrs. Itsymond Dusault Mrs, A. Soilcn , Street, Freehold, N. J. on Wednesday J. M. R1IODK8, Auctioneer. W. Ahr in administering the lar- Dec, l«th, 19St at 2;00 o'clock p. m., Dec. 3 12.52 Mr. a Mrs. Clem Cockroft Capt, A Mrs. Louis Oalambos Kmtlem Bin nil a rd Time. gest of the four New Jersey dio- The receipt and opening of hlds art TAX MAI.K NOTI4JK Mr. a Mrs. Osorge Clayton, Jr. Herman Builders .ubjsct to tha proper quallflcatlona or Ol mrtl r>UI« Us Ike namasli •« lair Hanrsi ceses in area (others; newark, the bidder In accordance with the pro- s^ar Nea-Pftymeal «4 Taiea mt>4 Anmsmlt Paterson, Camden). The see com- visions of the prequaiiflcatlan law and Public notice Is hereby given that the underilmed, iht Collector of Tne the regulations adopted hy ttie Hoard of the Dorourh of Kalr Haven, County of Monmouth. New Jeney. will sell al prises eight counties, covering an of Chosen Freeholders of ths County public auction In thn Horoush Hall, Pair Haven, N. J., on the llth dsy o area of 3,777 square milts and of Monmouth. December, IDS!*, at 10 A. M,, Ihe following described Isnds. Plane, specifications und form of hid. Said lanils will be sold to malt* the •mount of municipal liens eharssabL has 435,731 Catholics in a total contract and bond for thn proposed against the same on ths first day of January, 1050, exclusive however, ol the population of 1,160,136 persons. work, prepared t>y Leo K. McKre, Hen fur taxen for the yiar lWtt as computei In the followln•vlnig I1M, together with County Engineer, have bnen filed In thr Intnretu on said amount from the Mr it day of July. 1M&t».. t.o_ th...e. date of aal*. The diocese has 450 priests. 1,. Thl.i center halt ranch built by Malmona Bros, and located LOOKINGJORJ_NEWJ|OME? tifflcn nf said Engineer in tbo Hnil or and costs of **!«, The subscriber will Hell In fee to trie person who bide th 349 sisters and 31 brothers, There at :is winding Way, I.IIIH Silver, was sold, ts Mr, and Mrs, Hccords, Freehold, N. J, and m»y be amount due, subject fo redemption at tlie lowcut. rat. .a_ of. Interest, but In nc Inspected by prospective bidden dur- Donald 1'CJOUX, formerly of Itiimson. Mr, Pissus. Is associ- enitn exceeding eight (fl) per centum pnr annum. The payment for the sal arc 168 parishes. ing business hours. ni« • " bn nmili! hnforu trie conclusion of tlm ssln ur the property will be n*iold, ated wllh Wilbur's Jewelers of Itnl flunk and little Sliver. (urnlshtd with a copy nf tlm plan Cimh or cnrtlfled check' only will be accepted in payment. The school system Includes one Mr. rieorao BlRrlm *.vas the salesman. iiml specifications hy the Knglneer H|i Any Tmruel "f rrnl piopnrly foL r which tlicrf fthii.ll h. e. ..no . othr_ r ,purcliaso women's college with 2« stu. MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE proper nolle* snd pnvrtiniii of t.will ho filnick off nml told to the Boroufli nf l-'nir Haven, New Jetttty for re <1r poul>ltt iof Ten Dollars ($10,00) willed 'Ifmptlfin n* 8 per conttitn prr annum And the municipality nlmll have th dents, 14 high schools with 8,. wilIIlI b hee returned, provlilnl tho plntu ro returned prior to bidding. > Riiirin rpinfillen nod rlRtitd m oilier purcliaifrs, Including the right (n bar o OF SERVING YOU TOO? (ororlnnee o thn rlrighs t ofl rudcmptlmirmplli. 353 students, and 91 elementary Mills must be rnaUe on slnndnrd pro Tho SIIA will he mdmndnn nnnnill conducteonductdd Inn accordancacordanc e with thee provliilon schools with 52,985 students. The [muni forma In the manner drsltcnntrd 1 tlmrnln and required by tue iimciflen of the statute of f thss State of f Neww Jersey entitledentitled , "Ann Actt concerningconceri tl tlnimlli diocese also has two general hos- llona: must he enclosed In strnied rn tftxui and HHSfimmftits find oilier municipal charges on real proprrty, nrx vrlriiiti bearing the name nml adrlrMi providing for the collection Uiercuf. .by Um crestlon and enforcement of lion pitals, two special hospitals, and (if the bidder and nsme of tho work on thereon (Chapter 6 of Title A! of the Itevlsed Statutes)," and acts supple two schools for nurses. Ihe outside, addrtiiM to tho l'" . monlary Ihnmto and Amendatory thereof, of Chosen Frahnlderi of ths County At any time before the sals, the undersigned will receive pnymfnt nf th WALKER & WALKER of Mnnmntith end mtint h*> ncemiipui ammint due on any property with ths Interest and costs up to the time o led by a bonding nnrtlflrnie nn<| n w payment. FINGERS MASHED llfk'l eh^k, ttrnwn lo Mm nrdi>r of II Thn slid InmlM subject to late dencplbeit In iccnrilance with the tnx ilupll' MATAWAN TOWNSIIIP-Rob- County Trraaurrr, for not ICM Mm rnln Inchlillng Illn name of ihn ownnr an shown on the 1ml tux ilupllciitn nni REALTORS TtMi iVr r'enl i HKf. i of thn Amount bid th« nggreltnlii nl inses, Nml other municipal chnrgei which wore n llvn llirri-o ert Urccic, 32, of 400 I'lsher Ave, 'I lid tit* ilrllvrUfMl nt I hi liliit'O nn3ft, fxchialvs however, of Um lien for lutr tic hniir utxivp imincil. The nlindue nr Itif yr«r llrto, nre limed lielnwf Nvptuno, Injured sevcrnl (iiiKor* HIGHWAY 35 SHREWSBURY pro|i'iiinl for in« will bit fi.rnlihM itpoi Name hetfrlpllim \>«r AMHHIM on his rl(jht hnml Tucaduy nlnht Turn ni'w cuitiim tuiilt much In Bhndnwhrndk fiantans, Hhrnws- HHilirHillin lu til" KllKHir l, Holm' * Lot 3:111 Olar Av« iiirnUiv Hiimnii|r.M <> •.nlpli Ai'limm I.nt *.« Tumuli Htri'i" , rollers of a milling mucliltio at of irvliiKl'in, N. J. Mr. iliwiip- win formerly wllh Hit inlirnal Die ('utility K\ I'l ill) Him W I'urhi-r, K>l. llnilo. * I/it :."il Jickvul HI :n ; nsvpMiie liejiititiiK'tit, Tlilti lulu wit* rnnsuinmitlod hy Mr. I,. Hy MHlrr t>f the Hnitnl nf CIKUM lli-lnr.I Kg in l.nt as. l,»»l« l,"iie . . , !"" w 1 ttm tndustrlnl Accessories Co., CtPPiiMl'ldM nf Mi«* i' ny nf MUM Mile Milll Cnuriny K >l llmui' * I ."I 3i«» Illvnr lid :m :i A. Vernier. OPEN 7 DAYS .'C.IIM (I, Allen llmise A I/it »J7 William III Uim Kd. Pnllco mild ho was iKIlilll, 110 JDHKI'll I.', 1MWIN, hirr'tur, treated by a local doctor nnd IKVINO fl. IIKNJOJTT, UlnW I'l 3T, l>..0, 3, 10 IIMMS| 44—ifctiEsdar. Dee. TOP BAWC TOOBTEB * jjyJgLlg SlTrtickf, Driven, Iff*. tartmE Ml WWvy OS brae-California coUUsfcm which toot « livea. Wmekly Food Retiete Others iactode: already are being coll, eastern potatoes, bnutelf Fresh fruits are limited in Face New Laws 1. A travel log for commercial PLAN YULE PASTY Christmas and New Vnr'i, sprouts, egg plant, kale, coUards, variety. Best buy* are apples, Week-end specials in the meat TRENTON (AP) — The State vehicles which go more than 15 HAZLET — Christmas Party and radishes. avacados and Florida oranges, Motor Vehicle Division is consid- miles from home base. plans were made at a meeting Beef, Pork Supplies Good; department run heavily to chuck In the good buy classification grapefruit and tangerines. West- ering new lawa to clamp down 2. New requirements for truck of the Jolly Beaners in the home pot roast, pork shoulders, roasts, are celery, corn, carrots, beets, ern apples and Florida kunv of Mrs. Thomas Patrick, Sharon loins and hams. endive, iceberg lettuce, small on trucks and truck drivers. lighting, including a bar of three Fryers and lamb are among quats are available at good This was revealed yesterday by lights centered at the top of back Dr. Bacon, Franks Good Buys and medium peppers, spinach prices. Strawberries and Spanish The party will be in the home the features. and rutabaga. Ned J. Parsekian, state motor and front of trucks. Fish specials include fresh melons are expensive. vehicle director, at the regular of Mrs. Stephen Ponaski, Rose- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS week ago when these items took For the housewife with plenty 3. A slower speed limit for mary Dr., Monday, Dec. 14. Gifts Beef Md pork took over fea- a back seat to Thanksgiving tur- flounder filet and halibut. of money in her purse there are meeting of the State Coordinat- trucks over 10,000 pounds. " There are good buys in bacon, will be exchanged and secret pals tured position on the meat count- key. available anise, artichokes, cab- Pennsylvania State Universi- ing Council on Traffic and Safe- Attorney General David D. will be revealed. Plans were Beef supplies are increasing frankfurters and ground beef. ty. ers of the nation's supermarkets bage, cucumbers, green snap ty's summer school has grown Furman told a newsman that the made for :he group to visit New this week. slightly, running about five per An abundance of vegetables, beans, escarole, tomatoes, dande- One of the proposals is for a many at attractive prices, is from M6 students to more than proposals aid still in the discus- York in April to attend a per- Supply was good but prices cent more than a year ago. The lion, green peas, green' and yel- special license for drivers of sion stage. formance of "The Sound of generally were higher than a pork supply is about 10 per cent available. low (quash and rappine. 7,010 in SO year*. The best buys are medium tractor-trailers. Now, a apecial The proposal! follow a number Music'


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