Direction Ottawa : Federal Elections on Prince Les Elections Federates a L'lle-Du- Edward Island, 1873-1997 Prince-Edouard, 1873 a 1997 Part 2 Partie 2
Off to Ottawa: Direction Ottawa : Federal Elections on Prince les elections federates a l'lle-du- Edward Island, 1873-1997 Prince-Edouard, 1873 a 1997 Part 2 Partie 2 By Earle Kennedy Par Earle Kennedy n 1 July, 1873, a group of dignitaries gathered on the e ler juillet 1873, un groupe de dignitaires est reuni au balcony of Province House to witness the L balcon de Province House pour prendre part a la OConsummating Proclamation of Prince Edward Island's entry proclamation de l'entree de l'fle-du-Prince-Edouard dans le into the Dominion of Canada. According to the Patriot (an Dominion du Canada. Selon le Patriot (un journal ouverte- admittedly anti-confederate newspaper) "the audience within ment anti-confederation), « la foule a portee de voix n'etait hearing consisted of three persons, and even they did not formee que de trois individus, et meme ces trois- la ne sem- appear to be very attentive. After the reading of the blaient pas tres attentifs. Apres la lecture de la proclamation, Proclamation was concluded, the gentlemen on the balcony les hommes au balcon ont acclame Tevenement, mais les gave a cheer but the three persons below [who] at that troisA personnes sur la place, qui representaient la population moment represented the people of Prince Edward Island, de rf.-P.-E., n'ont emis aucun commentaire. » responded never a word." Bien que la population de rf.-P.-E. ne deborde pas d'ent- Though they weren't very enthusiastic at the outset, the housiasme au depart, elle se rend vite compte gue le people of Prince Edward Island quickly realized that the Parlement d'Ottawa est indispensable a l'avenir de Tile.
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