Rocky Flats Plant Site Environmental Report 1993 Highlights

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Rocky Flats Plant Site Environmental Report 1993 Highlights (tff-Z,hN-<{2 Rocky Flats Plant Site Environmental Report 1993 Highlights The Rocky Flats Plant Site Environmental Report is developed each year as a means of informing the Department of Energy, federal and state regulatory agencies, and the public, of environmental activities performed at the Rocky Flats Plant. The report provides detailed technical data on environmental monitoring and remediation programs, resulting in an overall insight on the impact that those activities have on the environment and on public health. WIO11 1 DlSTRTBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED The Rocky Flats Plant at a glance .. O Built in 1951, began operations in 1952. O Owned by the Department of Energy as one of several historically constructed production plants in the weapons complex. O Located 16 miles northwest of Denver, Colorado, on 6,550 acres in northern Jefferson County. O Situated within a 50-mile radius of approximately 2.1 million people. O Curtailed many production activities in 1989. O Operated by EG&G, Inc., as of January 1990. O Began new mission of environmental restoration, waste management, decontamination and decommissioning, and economic development in The historical mission of the Rocky Flats Plant has been to develop and fabricate nuclear weapons components from radioactive and nonradioactive materials. Its manufacturing and production activities were crucial to the nation's nuclear weapons defense system. The plant was responsible for fabricating plutonium, uranium, beryllium, and stainless steel. Primary production activities included metal fabrication and assembly, metal recovery and purification of nuclear materials, and related quality and environmental control functions. This mission changed in January 1992 when President Bush announced that certain planned weapons systems had been canceled. Rocky Flats no longer produces nuclear weapons components and is now in transition to a new mission focusing on environmental restoration, waste management, decontamination and decommissioning, and economic development. Primary objectives of this new mission include achieving and maintaining compliance with applicable restoration schedules and environmental laws and regulations, including multi-party agreements. Historically, Rocky Flats managed both radioactive and potentially hazardous chemical materials, including acids, bases, industrial solvents, machining lubri• cants, and nonradioactive materials such as beryllium. Many of these materials will continue to be managed at Rocky Flats during the plant's transition phase DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products, images are produced from the best available original document. and throughout the decontamination and decommissioning process. A comprehen• sive environmental protection program is in place to ensure that these materials are managed safely with minimal impact to worker and public health and the environ• ment. Included in this program is monitoring of air, soil, and water for radioactive and hazardous materi• als at onsite loca• tions, at the plant boundary, and in surrounding com• munities. Additional inde• pendent monitor• ing is performed by outside Department of Energy agencies, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Colorado Department of Health, and nearby communities. Data collected as part of this moni• toring have been reported in month• ly public meetings since the early 1970's and in numerous public documents, including the Rocky Flats Plant Site Environmental Report. Rocky Flats Plant monitoring programs satisfy multiple objectives. Monitoring serves as a check on the protective measures and engineered controls in place at Rocky Flats, measuring the effectiveness of those controls to isolate hazardous and radioactive materials from employees, the public, and the environment. Monitoring also supports regulatory compliance issues, demonstrating that plant operations are performed in accordance with the requirements of federal and state environmental laws and Department of Energy Orders. 3 Laws and Regulations Protect the Environment Increasing public awareness and environmental concern in recent years prompted Congress to pass increas• ingly stringent laws aimed at protect• ing the environment. In 1986 Rocky Flats became the first federal facility in the nation to accept state oversight when the Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and Colorado Department of Health signed an historic Resource Conservation Recovery Act/Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (RCRA/CERCLA) com• pliance agreement, which gave the state authority to regulate hazardous components of Rocky Flats waste. The philosophy of environmental compliance at Rocky Flats is, quite simply, to comply fully with all environmental rules and regulations, while protecting employee and public health and the environment. Rocky Flats Plant is committed to ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local .environmental laws,X>epapment of Energy ' Orders, various agreements, and consent decrees that protect the environment and public health. All these laws, orders, and agreements mandate specific actions. The following list presents major federal laws that apply to the plant. & Clean Air Act O Clean Water Act 9 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 9 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Q Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act ^ National Environmental Policy Act ^ Toxic Substances Control Act ^ Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act 4P Safe Drinking Water Act ^ Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments ^ Endangered Species Act ^ Migratory Bird Treaty Act ^ Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act ^ Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act ^ Compliance with Floodplain/ Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements (10CFR1022) Understanding Radiation To better understand the safeguards in place at Rocky Flats to protect employees, the public, and the environment, a basic understanding of radiation is useful. The term "radiation" can include heat, sound, and visible light. Radiation exists naturally, in the form of cosmic radiation from space, from naturally occurring radioactive materials in soil and building materials, and from naturally occurring radioactive materials in food and air. Even some atoms in the human body are radioactive. In addition to natural sources of radiation, artificially produced sources are part of everyday life. These sources include medical x rays and equipment used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases; consumer products such as smoke detectors, tobacco products, and fertilizers; industrial sources such as industrial x-ray equipment and soil moisture and density meters; nuclear reactors; and defense-related manufacturing. Radioactive elements such as plutonium, uranium, radium, and thorium share an important quality: they are unstable. Unstable atoms attempt to Alpha particles are the become stable by getting rid of unwanted particles slowest of the three types of and/or energy. As these particles are ejected, ionizing radiation. Despite a invisible energy called ionizing radiation is released. speed of approximately 10,000 Ionizing radiation has enough energy to separate miles per second, they can only electrons from atoms of material. It can change the travel a few centimeters in the chemical composition of atoms that it strikes, air. Alpha particles lose their causing them to become electrically charged or energy almost as soon as they "ionized." In some circumstances, the presence of collide with anything, and can such ions can disrupt normal biological processes easily be stopped by a sheet of and can present a health hazard to humans. paper or human skin tissue. Common types of ionizing radiation are alpha particles, beta particles, x rays, and gamma rays. Beta particles are much The main potential radiation hazard to the public smaller than alpha particles. associated with materials handled at the plant is from With a speed of up to 100,000 alpha radiation, which is primarily an internal hazard miles per second, they can — the radioactive material itself must get inside the travel in the air for a distance body and be in direct contact with living tissues for of approximately 10 feet. Beta the alpha radiation to cause damage. Radioactive particles can pass through a material may enter the body through such pathways sheet of paper, but can be as inhalation, ingestion, or a wound in the skin. stopped by a thin sheet of aluminum or glass. Rocky Flats Plant's environmental protection pro• gram is well suited for minimizing any releases of X rays and Gamma rays radioactive
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