Grosvenor Prints 19 Shelton Street Covent Garden London WC2H 9JN Tel: 020 7836 1979 Fax: 020 7379 6695 E-mail:
[email protected] Dealers in Antique Prints & Books New Stock for October 2009 Herbert Dicksee, Item 279 Stock 12055 Registered in England No. 1305630 Registered Office: 2, Castle Business Village, Station Road, Hampton, Middlesex. TW1 Rainbrook Ltd. Directors: N.C. Talbot. T.D.M. Rayment. C.E. Ellis. E&OE VAT No. 217 6907 49 Arts 5. Le Marchand De Village. Mon prix est decisif il est de votre gloire...[etc.] 1. [A sleeping child.] Peint par J.C. Seekaz. Grave a Bale par Romanet. A [Thomas Phillips R.A.] [n.d., c.1815.] Paris ches Buldet rue des Gesvres au grand Coeur Soft ground etching, 150 x 205mm. 6 x 8". £450 1766. A Bale ches Ch. de Mechel graveur. A charmingly intimate and rare plate, according to a Engraving, 300 x 215mm. 11¾ x 8½". £110 pencil note below image etched by Thomas Phillips A family inspects the wares of an itinerant print seller. R.A (1770 - 1845), portrait painter, after his own His dog stands obediently behind his master, a roll of design. Phillips was a Royal Academy student from prints around his neck. One villager's interest is taken February 1791, then briefly assistant to Benjamin by a portrait inscribed 'Frederic Roy de Prusse'. West. He was elected R.A on 10th February 1808 and Stock: 12238 became Professor of Painting 1825-1832. Probably this is one of the artist's children. He had two 6.