Budget Vote in Mpeg Mayor Died Here To-Day Everest

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Budget Vote in Mpeg Mayor Died Here To-Day Everest WHERETO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Dominion—School Days. Columbia—The Honor System. For 36 hours ending 5 p ». Saturday: Royal—Smilin' Through. Capitol—Dream Street. Victoria and vicinity—Westerly winds, line and moderately warm. T VICTORIA, B. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. 60. NO. 136 RIVER FLOOD AT KATO ASKED TO CANADA LEADS NICOMEN ISLAND FORM CABINET MPEG MAYOR EVEREST CLIMBERS IN VOLUME OF Question of Union BUDGET VOTE IN FOR JAPANESE NOW FALLING EXPORTS PER HEAD Tokio, June Admiral Baron Mission City, B. C., June 9.—Al­ DIED HERE TO-DAY AT MO FEET - Kato to-day was offered the Ottawa, June 9.—Canada leads Before Assent bly of though the gauge here, according to Captain McKenxte’s measurements, Premiership of Japan. He asked time New World’s Altitude Record the world in velume ef experts registered 19 feet 8 inches at eight to consider whether he would under­ Mr. Edward Parnell Had Come per Heed of populattdn. Figure* May Be Closest Division of the made public by the Department ef o’clock* one inch higher than yeeter take to form a Cabinet to succeed for Mountaineers day, reports from the east end of to Recuperate Trade end Commerce shew that Session that of Premier Takahashi, which re­ Presbyterian Church Nlcomen Island-agree that the water Canada's exporte now amount in signed Tuesday. Had Been Prominent in Busi­ Three Men Within 2,200 Feet value to $146 per capita as com­ Debate Continued in House th.' Kdmp record.«i »t Qu.«n.i pared with $98 fer the United ________ ■ _________ I ydsterday will not be felt here under Admiral Kato headed the Japanese ness and Municipal Life of Summit Kingdom and $65 for the United This Afternoon 48 hours, old observers of the river delegation to the Washington Con­ States. During the year 1902 Committee Advises Forward Steps In Reporting to declare. ference. Mayor EM ward Parnell, of Winni­ London, June 9.—The Times Canada exported products te the Gathering at Winnipeg; Views of Opposing Section Ottawa, Juie 9— Kstimates on peg. pawed away here at 2.20 o'clock value of $28 per capita, as com­ announces in its editorial coj^ pared with $40 per capita fer the the vote on tW budget in the this morning, following a protracted urons that three members of the United Kingdom and $15 per Set Forth By Dr. Scott, Montreal. House of Commons next week illness. He came to Victoria from Mount Everest party succeeded capita for the United States. Two Canadians to Fight Winnipeg on April 14 last on three in reaching the highest land alti­ Winnipeg. June 9.—Progress in the adjustment of technical vary widely. months' leave of absence in the hope The defeat of the Drayton tude ever reached by man. It details attendant upon the consummation of church union was that he might recuperate his health, reported to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Conservative amendment on a but despite everything that could be says : Out Ladies' Title As “Three members of the LENINE REPORTED Canada here thiH-iyoraing by the special Church Union Committee, joint vote of Liberals and Pro­ done for him he "continued to fall. He through I)r. Pidgeon, Toronto, its chairman. was *3 years of age. Everest expedition. Mallory, gressives is regarded as being Mayor and Mrs. Parnell took up Somerville and Norton, on May The committee recommended that ita otfii existence be con­ practically a foregone conclu­ - Result of To-day's Play their residence at 1182 8t. Patrick 2t reached an altitude of 26.800 feet, tinued for another year and that it report again at the 1929 As­ Street. Oak Bay, having taken a the highest ever reached by man. sembly. In the meantime it proposed to obtain the best legal ad­ sion. The test will come on the lease of the Allan H. Wyllie prop­ and just 2,200 feet below the summit. Cerebral Paralysis Overtook vice with a view to necesaary enabling legislation from the Federal subsequent dWIslon on the main mo­ erty. Doctors Wasson, Rldewood and "The news came in three mes­ tion. While It Is stated th«*e is i Fraser were In frequent consultation sages which reached London yes­ Soviet Premier Parliament: In the semi-final round of the Pacific Northwest Women’s over the case, and need every pos­ terday from General Bruce, com­ The report made it plain that the property rights of individual possibility of three or four Pro sible means that medical science mander of the expedition. On May gresslves votingM with the Govern Championship at Colwood this morning, Mrs. Hutchings, of could devise to restore Mr. Parnell to 21 the three members named, leav­ Trotzky’s Faction Gains churches which declined to be bound by the genefal decision to ment, the remainder are preparing Winnipeg, and victor over Miss Doreen Kavanagh, champion of health. ing the camp established on May enter a united church would be protected in the settlement. to line up with the Conservatives For some time past friends of the 20 at 25,000 feet, climbed nearly 2.000 Strength in Country Adoption of- the report was moved In opposition to the budget, thereby California, beat Mrs. Crane, of England, 4 up and 3 to play. feet and on the third day were back forcing what probably will be the late Mayor were denied the privilege hy Dr. Pidgeon and seconded by Rev. Mrs. Hutchings out: 566, 465, 346—46. of seeing him, and though his condi­ at what is known as Camp Three, Tendon, June 9. From *ources Dr. C. W. Gordon, ex-Moderator, who closest vote of the session. at Changlee, 21,00(7 feet above sea which cannot ha doubted. It i* learned A Government defeat is generally tion was low, yet hope was held out said it, was not committing the As­ Mrs. Hutchings in: 746, 563—30. to yesterday that he might recover. level and three miles north of the that Premier Lenine’s condition up sembly to any new expression of regarded as highly improbable, but j to a few days ago was regarded at Hie death Is keenly regretted by peo­ summit of the peak. opinion. the Government majority, aecordlng Mrs. Crane out: 654, 667, 356—47. Excellent Promiee. Moscow a* critical and probably to to-day’s computations, may be ple In Ontario, and throughout the hopeless, although there is no. word Dr. Ephraim Scott, of Montreal, less than ten. Mrs. Crane in: 665, 675—34. western provinces. For Victoria he "To Raye got so far in a climb as to what change the Intervening Suggested that the report be printed Conservatives will oppose the bud­ had a warm regard. which was merely a kind of pre­ days may have brought. and distributed among the commis­ get because of Its reductions in cus­ Hie Mayoralty. liminary reconnaissance was a tint These advices state-that the recent sioners before it was acted upon and toms duties and other provisions Although the men’s amateur golfing laurels will cross the The late Mr. Parnell was deeply in­ achievement and seems to augur stroke of the Soviet Premier was one Lieut.-Col. Ralston Addresses it was decided that this should be they have criticized. Progressives border, the semi-finals of the Pacific Northwest Women’s Cham­ terested in the unemployment ques­ well for the success of the Anal ef­ of cerebral paralysis. He ha<J lost done. will oppose it because the reduc­ tion, and he devoted a great deal of fort." speech entirely on June 1, and was International Convention Rev. Dr. Pidgeon declared that no tions are not great enough and be­ pionship will he decided between two Canadians. Mrs. Hutchings s I {JJ1* ht® VmTeavortng ^to* find' The Times notes that- the point expected to die any day. those about legislation was required for an ec­ cause they claim it is essentially a victory over Mrs. Crane this morning and Miss Anderson’s triumph solution of this problem. He took reached, about 2,200 feet below the him being certain that the end could clesiastical union as the Presbyterian protectionist budget. I summit, exceeds by almost the same not be prolonged beyond a*few weeks. over Mrs. Jackson, of Seattle, makes this a certainty. While both *8 Tretzky's Power Grows Election of Officers at Los Church was not a federally incor­ Debate. ~ _ margin the previous world’s record porated body, and as a corporation it unemployment of 24,583 feet made by the Duke of London. June 9.—The Berlin cor Angeles Debate on the budget will be con­ games were of considerable interest, this morning the gallery ,allona regarding the respondent of The I»ndon Times at owned no property. Property rights selected the fight between Mrs. Hutchings and Mrs. Crane, both I situation took him to all parts of can- the Abruzzi in 1910. ^ were vested in the individual churches tinued in the House this afternoon, , - *• a * I — A „ * * m n „ 1» hi. !.. „ i, 1 — i A ■ tributes to a usually well informed mainly, it is expected, by Progres­ of whom were considered favorites in the remaining field. eda. and as a result of his inquiries The world's aeroplan^ record Is source the information that Lenine, Los Angeles. June 9.—With five and legislation was necessary to sive members. he was able to give the Federal and head of the Russian Soviet Govern­ men tn the race for president, lively transfer these rights to the proposed claimed by Lieut.
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