Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72877-5 - Modular : How Produces Biological Complexity Lucio Vinicius Index More information


African naked mole rats, 165 Darwin, C., 1, 46, 102, 129, 202 aggregation, 27, 30, 31, 155, 186, 197 and biological complexity, 206 altruism, 163, 167 and , 143 and kin selection, 160 evolution of human morality, 177 altruistic punishment, 176, 180 on baboon ‘hero’, 158 animal societies, 154, 160, 183, 200 on complexity, 7 , 137 on evolutionary progress, 12 Avery, J., 187 on , 62 on species selection, 10 Barbieri, M., 33, 35, 189 , 1, 12 behavioural code, 33, 34, 153, 201, Dawkins, R., 69, 196 203 de Beer, G., 191 biological complexity, 22, 25, 27, 36, developmental code, 32, 72, 75, 99, 157, 184, 186, 204 191, 201 cost of, 51 developmental complexity, 26 increase in, 197, 202, 206 Dictator game, 176, 180 biological information, 25, 30, 152, DNA 153, 186, 188, 201 as information carrier, 189 and thermodynamics, 187 Dobzhansky, T., 12 carriers of, 189 dolphins brain, 200 super-alliances, 172 as information carrier, 184, 189, Doyne Farmer, J., 188 193 Drosophila Buss, L., 28, 189 axis specification, 82 by-product mutualism, 172 body plan evolution, 96

centipedes, 16 electron, 7 Charnov, E., 119, 121, 139 entropy, 187 cis-regulatory region, 74, 85, 89, 191 epistasis, 55, 68, 153 evolution, 91 Euler-Lotka equation, 143 computers eusocial insects, 161, 163, 174, 176 as non-biological information conflict over sex ratio, 164 carriers, 204 evolution contingency, 4, 15, 201 of animal societies, 155 Convergence, 18 of body size, 121 Conway Morris, S., 19 of galaxies, 8 co-operation, 157, 168, 173 of sex, 134 and brain size, 171 Evolutionary constraints, 15 in small-scale societies, 182 evolutionary progress, 21 co-operative breeding, 164 extended , 196 Crick, F., 24, 104, 188 cultural group selection, 177 Fehr, E., 175 culture, 35, 195 Feynman, R., 7 material culture, 196, 203 Fishbacher, U., 175


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72877-5 - Modular Evolution: How Natural Selection Produces Biological Complexity Lucio Vinicius Index More information

234 Index

Fisher, R., 39, 40, 60, 114 Lamb, M., 33, 189, 202 balanced sex ratios, 140 language, 36, 185, 186, 201, 203 Fundamental Principle of Natural as information carrier, 189 Selection, 43, 199 generational grammar, 195 on senescence, 106 Laplace, P.-S., 5 runaway model, 147 levels of selection, 31, 69, 157, 186, speciation by reinforcement, 63 189, 197 Libby, W., 3 game theory, 168 life history trade-off, 113, 119 gene regulation, 74, 191 and age at first reproduction, 120 evolution, 86 linguistic code, 195 gene-culture co-evolution, 177, 182 , 2, 18, 93, 153, 186 genetic ‘expressionism’, 73, 86, 99 hierarchical nature, 201, 206 genetic code, 32, 99, 190, 199, 201 major transitions in evolution, 27, evolution, 76 28, 131, 155, 183, 186, 189, 198, genetic exchange 203 and pathogens, 149 mating system, 146 germline cell, 104 Maynard Smith, J., 128, 132, 189 Gould, S.J., 16, 18, 73 on evolutionary progress, 21 on macroevolution, 17 Mayr, E., 21, 202 gradualism, 46, 51, 55, 74, 199 Medawar, P., 109, 114, 125 Great Chain of Being, 187, 206 on altruism, 161 group selection, 69, 159, 177, 197 on gene recession and precession, growth, 118, 119, 120 111 meerkats, 166 Haldane, J.B.S., 21, 27, 161, 202 alarm calls, 166 on evolutionary progress, 27 Memes, 193, 195, 200 Hamilton, W., 117, 155 Mendel, G., 39, 40 and U-shaped mortatlity curves, , 2, 90, 99, 153, 192, 115 200 exceptional sex ratios, 141 Migliano, A., 120 haplodiploidy, 163 , 34 Hawkes, K., 123, 161 developmental, 90, 96, 100, 192, Henrich, J., 182 199 hermaphroditism, 137 genetic, 39, 136 history, 7, 8 linguistic, 195, 198 Hobbes, T., 154, 179 of behaviour, 193 Hooke, R., 154 of DNA, 190 humans of proteins, 191 age at first reproduction, 120 modularity transfer, 34, 189, 193, brain evolution, 52 198, 201 co-operative behaviour, 174 Muller’s ratchet, 135 evolution of pygmies, 121 multicellularity, 34, 72, 99, 192, gene expression, 88 197, 202 historical humans, 203, 205 discovery, 154 menopause, 122 evolution, 75, 96 temporal discounting, 170 Huxley, J., 21, 27, 191 homeotic, 72, 93 on evolutionary progress, 27 in somatic cells, 124 micromutation, 47, 51 immunosenescence, 126 role in evolution, 43, 45 individual discrimination, 184 , 40

Jablonka, E., 33, 189, 202 natural selection, 1, 38, 43, 143, 192 and multicellularity, 127 kin selection, 69, 155, 157, 160, 162, and senescence, 107 172, 184, 198 and speciation, 62

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72877-5 - Modular Evolution: How Natural Selection Produces Biological Complexity Lucio Vinicius Index More information

Index 235

as a statistical law, 2, 4 sex, 127 historical transformation, 197, and biological complexity, 152 200 and speciation, 68, 150 in historical societies, 205 asexual reproduction, 131 niche construction, 196 genetic exchange, 134, 136, 142 Nowak, M., 157, 197 role in evolution, 131 natural co-operation, 184, 200 sex ratio, 133 sexual reproduction, 60, 139 offspring competition and twofold cost, 128, 132, 140, 152 replacement, 117 sex ratio, 129, 140 oral traditions, 195, 200 sexual dimorphism, 129, 144, 146 Orr, H.A., 52 sexual selection, 129, 143, 153 Silk, J., 181 parental care, 118, 124, 145 Simpson, G.G. particulate inheritance, 39, 67 horse evolution, 12 Principle of Order from Order, 186, on contingency, 13 204 social Darwinism, 204 evolutionary transformation, 200 somatic cell, 80, 104, 125, 127, 191, evolutionary version, 32, 33, 35, 199 189, 197, 204 as information carrier, 191 Prisoner’s Dilemma, 168 speciation, 60, 65, 150, 153 strong reciprocity, 174, 176, 200 reciprocal altruism, 157, 160, 168, criticism of the theory, 179 172, 173, 184 Szathmáry, E., 189 with repeated interactions, 171 on evolutionary progress, 21 reductionism, 4, 7, 8 red-winged blackbird, 172 temporal discounting, 170 reinforcement, 63, 151 transcription factor, 74, 86, 191, reproduction, 119 201 reproductive value, 123 as information carrier, 189 variation with age, 109 Trivers, R., 144 RNA World, 76, 190 Rodin, A., 128 Ubx, 74 Ruse, M., 22 Ultimatum game, 175, 179, 182 Schrödinger, E., 6, 8, 24, 188, 190 Principle of Order from Disorder, vertebrates, 97 6, 10 Viruses, 24 Principle of Order from Order, 10, vocalisation 32, 187, 188 as information carrier, 194 sculling game, 168 selfish co-operation, 167, 168 Weismann, A., 104, 199 senescence, 102, 105 Wheeler, J., 7 and free radicals, 124 Williams, G.C., 69, 111, 122, 125 and parental care, 115 and group selection, 159 by antagonistic pleiotropy, 112 on the evolution of menopause, by mutation accumulation, 109, 123 113 Wilson, A., 73 disposable soma theory, 126 Wright, S., 55 sentinels, 164, 166 shifting balance model, 58

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