Bride^ of G^Arfes JK, : • First Presbyterian Church Was The, Setting Saturday Evening 'For ••
• I " II..No 49, ••:.;] ^^jy^ TEN GENTS •A."." ening s . In the true spirit of CHristmas, many local organisations and in- dividuals' have: contributed, time, effort and donations to make the. ."•'.. Finance Cbmmtssioner Wesley 'N; 3?hilio, who will become holidays brighter for less fortunate families in the township through mayor at the local governing body's, reorganization meeting on, , the annual holiday project'of the Cranford, Welfare Association. -. January 4, announced this week that there will be a, special , "Christmas for most, people is a tiniepf..happiness-and joy, but meeting of the Township^ Cpmrnittee at 8:30 p;m. on ..January . for others it could'be a id 18 to review the financial positron of Craniford and disedss occasion, were it not, for the ^gen- : !—'•' ' •'"" '; the /pireliminary budget. for erosity of our citizenry," Mrs.- Ar- : thur G. tie nnoxi executive secretary 1966.-::;:. "•:r'y-.-r: '\ '•:*••••:;•/.\'\ • of the association,, said hr ah- Wttkrs .Mayor-Elect Philo said mem- , , nouncing the niany. contributions to bers bf the public^ are invited . the Christmas project ><, >., tct^attend this^ ineeting ,and ex- >..• As a result of this generosity, press their views.' This marks the . Mrs>-JLennox reported, 44 fantilieslj first time that the public has been invited' to an open meeting for dis- ' and 121 children .are being remem-' Outgoing letter iize mail for the v hered in sonijB way this season, cussion of - the municipal budget period December 9 through Tues* prior to it* completion and pre- . •with parties, clothing, • gifts ", and day totilfed 687,079, pieces at the CHRISTMAS IN CRANFORD -~: Portion Of.
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