Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-29-1997 Arbiter, October 29 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at
[email protected]. -----------------~---.....---~--:------'-- : f.·.!~.J ! v i .. ';j \ .. \ I -?If ••• 11 r I d. t , ' 1 1',. - .,;-' ."'f'5DC>o\1J1 .by Eric Ellis \)eAKYReD{j{~Mc>jf5s : ~;Utr6L-~;:VG.'f5er:!N LoS-r"'" MONG{ iN ;. - (ldJ.6HItJ6lrIN1fIG V&f::JA5tr~oU6UHoW W'L-D 6r;.r;,6ON l?ACk M"IEN-rl~- 5AVrtJ6.5 CoUNfR.Y; ....·_., (;l\/DED UP IN ll-1-AT" Sr'~IPPGRSG-S-rRItJ6 :r DON'" 'KNoW .. ; educat.ion y lisa Goetzman p ~.' Yopten indicators that your home is n possessed by t, demons by Asen'cion. Ramirez Opinionfdifo; . • '10. There's a little girl in a bedroom who insists on vomiting up pea soup. 9. The butler asks that yourefer to him as "Captain Howdy." 8. Your host insists on chanting phrases such as, "Satan is gOild...Satan is our friend ... Go . Marlins." 7. The Horne Shopping Network is the only program on T.V. 6. The only song playing on the radio is Hanson's "MMMbop." 5. Not-only does everyone in the house talk to the television, hut they insist on holding long intricate conversations with it as well.