Dorothy L Sayers | 488 pages | 09 Jul 2013 | Harper Paperbacks | 9780062275486 | English | New York, NY, United States Lord Peter Flint | Albion British Comics Database Wiki | Fandom

Sayers and their continuation by Jill Lord Peter Walsh. A dilettante who solves mysteries for his own amusement, Wimsey is an Lord Peter for the British . Lord Peter is often Lord Peter by his valet and former batmanMervyn Bunter ; by his good friend and later brother-in- law, police detective Charles Parker ; and, in a few Lord Peter, by Harriet Vanewho becomes his wife. Born in and ageing in real time, Wimsey is described as being of average height, with straw-coloured hair, a beaked nose, and a vaguely foolish face. Reputedly [ according to whom? Wimsey also possessed considerable intelligence and athletic ability, evidenced by his playing cricket for Oxford University while earning a First. He created a spectacularly successful publicity campaign for Whifflet cigarettes while working for Pym's Publicity Ltd, and at age 40 was able Lord Peter turn three cartwheels in the office corridor, stopping just short of the boss's Lord Peter office door . Among Lord Peter's hobbies, in addition Lord Peter criminology, is collecting incunabulabooks from the earliest days of printing. He is an expert on matters of food and especially winemale fashion, and classical music. He excels at the piano, including Bach Lord Peter works for keyboard instruments. One of Lord Peter's cars is a cylinder "double-six" Daimler four-seater, which Lord Peter all his cars he calls "Mrs Merdle" after a character in 's Little Dorrit who "hated fuss". The family coat of arms is blazoned as " Sable3 Lord Peter courant, argent; crest, a domestic cat couched as to spring, proper ". The family motto, displayed under its coat of arms, is "As my Whimsy takes me. She is witty and intelligent, and strongly supports her younger son, whom she plainly prefers over her less intelligent, more conventional older son Geraldthe 16th Duke. Gerald's snobbish wife, Helen, detests Lord Peter. Gerald's son and heir is the devil-may-care Viscount St George. Lady Mary, the younger sister of the Duke and Lord Peter, leans strongly to the political left and scandalises much of her family by marrying a policeman of working-class Lord Peter. is called "Lord" as he is the son of a Duke. This is a courtesy title so he is not a peer and has no right to sit in the , nor does the title pass on to any offspring Lord Peter may have. As a boy, the young Peter Wimsey was, to the great distress of his father, strongly attached to an old, smelly poacher living at the edge of the family estate. In his youth Lord Peter was influenced by his maternal uncle Paul Delagardie, Lord Peter took it upon himself to instruct his nephew in the facts of life: how to conduct various love affairs and treat his lovers. Lord Peter was educated at and Balliol College, OxfordLord Peter with a first -class degree in history. He was also an outstanding cricketer, whose performance was still well remembered decades later. Though not taking up an academic career, he was left with an enduring and deep love for Oxford. To his uncle's disappointment, Peter fell deeply in love with a young woman named Barbara and became engaged Lord Peter her. When the First World War broke out, he hastened to join the British Lord Peterreleasing Barbara from her engagement in case he was killed or mutilated. Lord Peter girl later married another, less principled officer. Wimsey served on the Western Front from toreaching the rank of Major in the Rifle Brigade. He was appointed an Intelligence Officerand on one occasion he infiltrated the staff room of a German officer. As noted in Have His Carcasehe communicated at that time with British Intelligence using the Playfair cipher and became proficient in its use. For reasons Lord Peter clarified, after the end of his spy mission, Wimsey in the later part of the war moved from Intelligence and resumed the role of a regular line Lord Peter. He was a conscientious and effective commanding officer, popular with the men Lord Peter his command—an affection still retained by Wimsey's former soldiers Lord Peter years after the war, as is Lord Peter from a short passage in Clouds of Witness and an extensive reminiscence in . In particular, while in the army he met Sergeant Mervyn Bunterwho had previously been in service. InWimsey was wounded by artillery fire near Caudry in France. He suffered a breakdown due to shell shock which we now call post-traumatic stress disorder but which was then often thought, by those without first-hand experience of it, to be a species of malingering and was eventually sent home. While sharing this experience, which the Dowager Duchess referred to as "a jam", Wimsey and Bunter arranged that if they were both to survive the war, Bunter would become Wimsey's valet. Throughout the books, Bunter takes care to address Lord Peter as "My Lord". Nevertheless, he is a friend as well as a servant, and Wimsey again and again expresses amazement at Bunter's high efficiency and competence in Lord Peter every sphere of life. Wimsey was for a time unable to give servants any orders whatsoever, since his wartime experience made him associate the giving of an order with causing the death of the person to whom the order was given. Bunter arrived and, with the approval of Lord Peter Dowager Duchess, took up his post as valet. Even Lord Peter later, however, Wimsey would have relapses—especially when his actions caused a murderer to Lord Peter hanged. As noted in Whose Body? Lord Peter begins his hobby of investigation by recovering The Attenbury Emeralds in At the beginning of Whose Lord Peter However, Wimsey is able to bypass Sugg through his friendship with Scotland Yard detective Charles Parkera sergeant in At Lord Peter end of Whose Body? In later books, Sugg fades away and Wimsey's relations with the police become dominated by his amicable partnership with Parker, Lord Peter eventually rises to the rank of Commander and becomes Wimsey's brother in law. Bunter, a man of many talents himself, not least photography, often proves instrumental in Peter's investigations. However, Wimsey is not entirely Lord Peter. At the end of the investigation in Whose Body? He soon recovers his senses and goes on a Lord Peter holiday. As Gerald is the , he is tried by the entire House of Lords, as required by the law at that time, to much scandal and the distress of his wife Helen. Their sister, Lady Mary, also falls under suspicion. As a result of the slaughter of men in the First World War, there was in the UK a considerable imbalance between the sexes. It is not exactly known when Wimsey recruited Miss Climpson to run an undercover employment agency for women, a means to garner information from the otherwise inaccessible world of spinsters and widows, but it is prior to Unnatural Deathin which Miss Climpson assists Wimsey's investigation of the suspicious death of an elderly cancer patient. Wimsey's highly effective idea Lord Peter that a male detective going around and asking questions is likely to arouse suspicion, while a middle- aged woman doing it would be dismissed as a gossip and people would speak openly to her. As recounted in the short story "The Adventurous Exploit of Lord Peter Cave of Ali Baba", in December Wimsey fakes his own death, supposedly while hunting big game in Tanganyikato penetrate and break up a particularly dangerous and well-organised criminal gang. Only Wimsey's mother and sister, the loyal Bunter and Inspector Parker know he is still alive. Emerging victorious after more than a year masquerading as "the Lord Peter sacked servant Rogers", Wimsey remarks that "We shall have an awful time with the lawyers, Lord Peter that I am me. During the s, Wimsey has affairs with various women, which are the subject of much gossip in Britain and Europe. This part of his life remains hazy: it is hardly ever mentioned Lord Peter the books set in the same period; most of the scanty information on the subject is given in flashbacks from later times, after he meets and relations with other women become a closed chapter. In Busman's Honeymoon Wimsey facetiously refers to a gentleman's duty "to remember whom he had taken to bed" so as not to embarrass his bedmate by calling her by the wrong name. There are several references to a relationship with a famous Viennese opera singer, and Bunter—who evidently was involved with this, as with other parts of his master's life—recalls Wimsey being very angry with a French mistress who mistreated her own servant. The only one of Wimsey's earlier women to appear in person is the artist Marjorie Phelps, who plays an important role in The Lord Peter at the Bellona Club. She has known Wimsey for years and is attracted to him, though it is not explicitly stated whether they were lovers. Wimsey likes Lord Peter, respects her, and enjoys her company—but that is not enough. In Strong Poisonshe is the first person other than Wimsey himself to realise that he has fallen in love with Harriet. In Lord Peter encounters Harriet Vanea cerebral, Oxford-educated mystery writer, while she is on trial for the murder of her former lover. He falls in love with her at first sight. Wimsey saves her from the gallows, but she believes that gratitude is not a good foundation for marriage, and politely but firmly declines his frequent proposals. Lord Peter Peter encourages his Lord Peter and foil, Chief Lord Peter Charles Parker, to propose to his sister, Lady Mary Wimsey, despite the great difference in their rank and wealth. While on Lord Peter fishing holiday in Lord Peter, Wimsey takes part in the investigation of the murder of an artist, related in Five Red Herrings. Despite the rejection of his marriage proposal, he continues to court Miss Vane. In Have His Carcasehe finds Harriet Lord Peter not in London, but learns from a reporter that she has discovered a corpse while on a walking holiday Lord Peter England's south coast. Wimsey is at her hotel the next morning. He not only investigates the death and offers proposals of marriage, but also acts as Harriet's patron and protector from press and police. Despite a prickly relationship, they work together to identify the murderer. Bredon is framed for murder, leading Charles Parker to "arrest" Bredon for murder in front of numerous witnesses. To distinguish Death Bredon from Lord Peter Wimsey, Parker smuggles Wimsey out of the police station and urges him to get into the papers. Accordingly, Wimsey accompanies "a Royal personage" to a public event, leading the press to carry pictures of both "Bredon" and Wimsey. In in The Nine Tailors Wimsey must unravel a year-old case of missing jewels, an unknown Lord Peter, a missing soldier believed alive, a murderous escaped convict believed dead, and a mysterious code concerning church bells. Harriet Lord Peter contacts him about a problem she has been asked to investigate in her Lord Peter at Oxford Gaudy Night. At the end of Lord Peter investigation, Vane finally accepts Wimsey's proposal of marriage. The couple marry on 8 Octoberat St Cross Church, Oxfordas depicted in the opening collection of letters and diary entries in Busman's Honeymoon. The Wimseys honeymoon at Lord Peter, a house in east Hertfordshire near Harriet's childhood home, which Peter has bought for her as a wedding present. There they find the body of the previous owner, and spend their honeymoon solving the case, thus having the aphoristic Lord Peter Honeymoon". However, according to the wartime publications of The Wimsey Paperspublished in The Spectatorthe second son was called Paul. In the subsequent The Late ScholarRoger is not mentioned at all. In Sayers's final Wimsey story, the short story "Talboys", Peter and Harriet are enjoying rural domestic bliss with Lord Peter three sons when Bredon, their Lord Peter, is accused of the theft of prize peaches from the neighbour's tree. Peter and the accused set off to investigate and, of course, prove Bredon's innocence. Wimsey is described as having authored numerous books, among them the following fictitious works:. Dorothy Sayers wrote 11 Wimsey novels and a number of short Lord Peter featuring Wimsey and his family. Other recurring characters include Inspector Charles Lord Peter, the family solicitor Mr Murbles, barrister Sir Impey Biggs, journalist Salcombe Hardy, and family friend and financial whiz the Honourable Freddy Arbuthnot, who finds himself Lord Peter in the case in the first of the Wimsey books, Whose Body? Sayers wrote no more Wimsey murder mysteries, and only one story involving him, after the outbreak of World War II. In The Wimsey Papersa series of fictionalised commentaries Lord Peter the form of mock letters between members of the Wimsey family published in The Spectatorthere is a reference to Harriet's difficulty in continuing to write murder mysteries at a time when European dictators were openly committing mass murders with impunity; this seems to have reflected Sayers' own wartime feeling. The Wimsey Papers included a reference to Wimsey and Bunter setting out during the war on a secret mission of espionage in Europe, and provide the ironic epitaph Wimsey writes for himself: "Here lies an anachronism in the vague expectation of eternity". The papers also incidentally show that in addition to his thorough knowledge of the classics of English literature, Wimsey is familiar—though in fundamental disagreement—with the works of Karl Marxand well able to Lord Peter with Marxists on their home ground. The only occasion when Sayers returned to Wimsey was the short story "Talboys". The war at that time devastating Europe received only a single oblique reference. Lord Peter Wimsey Series by Dorothy L. Sayers

He is best known as the director, writer, and producer Lord Peter trilogy —03 and trilogy —14both of which are adapted from Lord Peter novels of the same name by J. Jackson began his career with the " splatstick " horror comedy and the black comedy before filming the zombie comedy Braindead He shared a Lord Peter for Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay [3] with his partner Lord Peter Walsh [4] for Heavenly Creatureswhich brought him to mainstream prominence Lord Peter the film industry. His production company is WingNut Lord Peterand his most regular collaborators are co-writers and Lord Peter Walsh and Philippa Boyens. InJackson was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Jackson Lord Peter born on 31 October in Wellington [6] : 25 [7] and was raised at the Lord Peter coastal town of Pukerua Bay. As a child, Jackson Lord Peter a keen film fan, growing up on Ray Harryhausen films, as well as finding inspiration in the television series Thunderbirds and 's Flying Circus. After a family friend gave the Jacksons a Super 8 cine-camera with Peter in mind, he began making short films with his friends. Jackson has long Lord Peter King Kong as his favourite film, and around the age of nine Lord Peter attempted to remake it using his own stop-motion models. In school, Jackson expressed no interest in sports. His classmates also remember him wearing a duffle coat Lord Peter "an obsession verging on religious". He had no Lord Peter training in film-making, but learned about editing, special effects and Lord Peter largely through his own trial and error. As a young adult, Jackson discovered the work of author J. Tolkien after watching The Lord of the Ringsan animated film by Ralph Bakshi that was a part-adaptation of Tolkien's fantasy trilogy. For the seven years he worked there, Jackson lived at home with Lord Peter parents so he could save as much money as possible to spend on film equipment. After two years of work Jackson bought a 16 mm cameraand began shooting a film Lord Peter later became Bad Taste. Jackson has long cited several films as influences. It is well known that Jackson has a passion for King Lord Peteroften citing it as his favourite film and as the film that inspired him early in his life. Jackson recalls attempting to remake King Kong when he was nine. He mentioned Martin Scorsese 's crime Lord Peter Goodfellas and Casinoremarking on "something about those particular movies and the way Martin Scorsese just fearlessly rockets his camera around and has shot those films that I can watch those movies and feel inspired. Jackson's first feature was Bad Tastea haphazard fashion splatter comedy which took years to make, it included many of Jackson's friends acting and working on it for free. Shooting was normally done in the weekends since Jackson was Lord Peter working full-time. Bad Taste is about aliens that come to earth with the intention of turning humans into food. Jackson had two acting roles including a famous scene in which he fights himself on top of a cliff. The film was finally completed thanks to a late injection of finance from the New Zealand Film Commissionafter Jim Booththe body's executive director, became convinced of Jackson's talent Booth later left the commission to become Jackson's producer. In MayBad Taste was unveiled at the Cannes Film Festivalwhere rights to the film quickly sold to twelve countries. Walsh would later become his life partner. Jackson's next film to see release was Meet the Feeblesco-written with Sinclair, Walsh and Mulheron. An ensemble musical comedy starring Muppet -style puppets, Lord Peter the Feebles originally began as a short film intended for television, but was rapidly expanded into a full- length film after unanticipated enthusiasm from Japanese investors, and the collapse of Braindeadsix weeks before filming. Lord Peter on a very low budget, Meet the Feebles went weeks over schedule. Jackson stated of his second feature-length film, "It's Lord Peter a quality of humour that alienates a lot of people. It's very black, very satirical, very savage. Released in after Jackson won a race to bring the story to the screen, marked a major change for Jackson in terms of both style and tone. The film is based on the real Parker—Hulme murder case in which two teenage girls in Lord Peter Christchurch became close friends and later murdered the mother Lord Peter one of the girls. It was that persuaded him that these events had the makings of Lord Peter movie; [22] Jackson has been quoted saying that the film "only got made" because of her enthusiasm for the subject matter. The success of Heavenly Lord Peter won Jackson attention from US company Miramaxwho promoted the film vigorously in America and signed the director Lord Peter a first-look deal. Lord Peter following year, in collaboration with Wellington film-maker Costa Botes, Lord Peter co-directed the mockumentary This ambitious made-for-television piece told the Lord Peter of New Zealand film pioneer Lord Peter McKenziewho had supposedly invented colour film and 'talkies', and attempted an epic film of Salome before being Lord Peter by the world. Though the programme played in a slot normally reserved for drama, no other warning was given that it was fictionalised and many viewers were outraged at discovering Colin McKenzie had never existed. Foxin This period was a key one of change for both Jackson and Lord Peter Workshopthe special effects company—born from the one-man contributions of George Port to Heavenly Creatures —with which Jackson is often associated. Weta, initiated by Jackson and key collaborators, grew rapidly during this period to incorporate both digital and physical effects, make-up and costumes, the first two areas normally commanded by Jackson collaborator Richard Taylor. was regarded Lord Peter a Lord Peter office failure. Around this time Jackson's remake of King Kong was shelved by Universal Studiospartly because of Mighty Joe Young and Godzillaboth giant monster movies, that had already gone into production. Universal feared it would be thrown aside by the two higher budget movies. This period of transition seems not to have been entirely a happy one; it also marked one of the high points of tension between Jackson and the New Zealand Film Commission since Meet Lord Peter Feebles had gone over-budget earlier in his career. Jackson has claimed the Commission considered firing him from Feeblesthough the NZFC went on to help fund his next three films. Inthe director submitted a lengthy criticism of the commission for a magazine supplement meant to celebrate the body's 20th anniversary, criticising what he called inconsistent decision-making by inexperienced board members. The magazine Lord Peter that the material was too long and Lord Peter defamatory to publish in that form; a shortened version of the Lord Peter went on to appear in Metro magazine. Jackson won the rights to film Tolkien's epic in after meeting with producer Saul Zaentz. Originally working with Films towards a two-film production, Jackson was later pressured to render the story as a single film, [40] [41] and finally overcame a tight deadline by making a last-minute deal with New LineLord Peter were keen on a trilogy. Principal photography stretched from 11 October to 22 December with extensive location filming Lord Peter New Zealand. With the Lord Peter of extended Lord Peter and extra periods of shooting before each film's release, the series met with huge success and sent Jackson's popularity soaring. The Return of the King itself met with huge critical acclaim, winning all eleven Oscars it Lord Peter nominated for, including Best Picture and Best Director. Jackson's mother, Joan, died three days before the release of the first movie in the trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring. Lord Peter was a special showing of the film after her funeral. In The Daily Telegraphhe attributed his weight loss to his diet. He said, "I just got tired of being overweight and unfit, so I changed my diet from hamburgers to yogurt and muesli and it seems to work. Universal Studios signed Jackson for a second time to remake the classic King Kong —the film that inspired him to become a film director as a child. InJackson directed a short film entitled Crossing the Lineto test a new model of digital cinema camera, the Red One. The film takes place during World War Iand was shot in two days. Clips of the film can be found at Reduser. The storyline's combination of fantasy aspects and themes of murder bears some similarities to Heavenly Creatures. The film ended up receiving generally mixed reviews and middling box office returns yet earned Stanley Tucci an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor nomination. Jackson's involvement in the making of a film version of The Hobbit has a long and chequered history. In Novembera letter from Lord and Fran Walsh stated Lord Peter due to an ongoing legal dispute between Wingnut Films Jackson's production Lord Peter and New Line CinemaJackson would not be directing the Lord Peter. In earlydel Toro dropped out due to production delays [60] and a month later Jackson was back in negotiations to direct The Hobbit ; [61] and on 15 October he was finalised as the director [62] [63] —with New Zealand confirmed as the location a couple of weeks later. The film started production on Lord Peter March On 30 JulyJackson announced on his Facebook page that the two planned Hobbit movies would be expanded into a trilogy. He wrote that the third film would not act as a bridge between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings films, but would continue to expand The Hobbit story by using material found in the Lord Peter of the Rings Appendices. The film was simultaneously screened in 2D and 3D at cinemas, schools and special venues across the United Kingdom. The majority of the footage save for the start and end sections has been colourisedconverted to 3D and transformed with modern production techniques to present detail Lord Peter seen before. Reviewing the film for The Guardiancritic Peter Bradshaw said:. In late DecemberJackson Lord Peter his interest in a film adaptation of the novel Mortal Engines. The film was directed by his long-time collaborator Christian Rivers. It premiered on 27 November in London, [75] [76] received negative reviews and was a box-office bomb. Jackson was set to produce a remake of the film The Lord Peter Bustersto be directed by longtime Weta designer Christian Rivers. Stephen Fry has written a screenplay. However, Jackson Lord Peter holds movie rights as of October Jackson and his newly formed studio Wingnut Interactive have worked on a project being developed by Microsoft Lord Peter Studios in collaboration with Bungie ; the project is officially titled Halo: Chronicles but little else is known about its nature. In Octoberthe film was postponed indefinitely when financial backers withdrew their support, [82] Lord Peter although it was never officially cancelled. In JuneJackson commented that, "With upcoming developments Halo: ChroniclesI wouldn't know when to expect a movie, and I'm the producer. InJackson also won the rights to a film adaptation of the fantasy novel series Temerairea novel written by Naomi Novik about dragons being used in combat in the Napoleonic Wars. He is officially credited as producer but before he began working on Lord Peter Hobbit Lord Peter, helped Spielberg direct the film. Spielberg also chose to work with Peter Jackson due to the impressive digital work on the Lord of the Rings films, and knew Peter Jackson's company would make his vision a reality. In DecemberSpielberg said that a sequel would be made. The sequel would be produced by Spielberg and directed by Jackson. In DecemberJackson said that the Tintin schedule was to shoot performance-capture inaiming for a release in We know which books we're making, we can't share that now but we're Lord Peter two Lord Peter which were always intended to be combined by Herge. In DecemberPeter Jackson said that the Tintin sequel would be made "at some point soon", although he intended to focus on directing two New Zealand films before that. On 30 Januarythe fiftieth anniversary of ' rooftop concertwhich was the band's final performance, Jackson announced that his next directorial work would be a documentary film about the making of their final album Let It Be. In a process similar to his previous film They Shall Not Grow Oldthe film is created around Lord Peter hours of never-before-seen footage and hours of audio made available to [Jackson's team]", which are "the only footage Lord Peter any note that documents them at work in the studio". The film will use Lord Peter techniques developed for to transform the footage with modern production techniques, and seeks to display a new Lord Peter of a period in the Beatles' history usually remembered as highly conflictual. Jackson was set to make games with Microsoft Game Studiosa partnership announced on 27 Septemberat X On 27 Julyin an interview about his new movie as producer Lord Peter, he announced that Halo: Chronicles had been cancelled, while Microsoft confirmed that the game is "on hold". Jackson's game Lord Peter Wingnut Interactive is now at work on original intellectual property. Jackson is known for his attention to detail, a habit of shooting scenes from many angles, a macabre sense of humour, and a general playfulness—the latter to Lord Peter point that The Lord of the Rings conceptual designer jokingly remarked, "the film is almost incidental really". Jackson Lord Peter a noted perfectionist on the Lord of the Rings shoot, where he demanded numerous takes of scenes, requesting additional takes by repeatedly saying, "one more for luck". Jackson has been known to spend days shooting a single scene. Peter Jackson - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other Lord Peter. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Lord Peter See a Problem? Details if other :. Lord Peter for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Lord Peter by Lord Peter L. An alternate cover edition can be found here. Lord Peter Wimsey, eccentric amateur sleuth. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published October 22nd by Harpperen first published Lord Peter More Details Original Title. Lord Peter Wimsey 4,9,14, Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Lord Peterplease Lord Peter up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Lord Peter 27, Madeline rated it really liked it Lord Peter detective-fiction. Since discovering Lord Peter in college, I've resisted the urge to race through all of his mysteries. There are only eleven, and I prefer to read them slowly, one every year or so, so they can last as long as possible. Knowing that I Lord Peter have four left makes me sad, but this collection was a nice antidote - with twenty-one stories, it felt like at least three or four novels' worth of mysteries. Obviously they aren't all great. But most of Lord Peter stories are delightful - "The Fascinating Problem of Uncle Meleager's Will" rests on the characters having to solve a crossword puzzle, and "The Learned Adventure of the Dragon's Head" features Lord Peter solving a mystery with his nephew, and it's just as adorable and charming as it sounds. Also, in case you haven't guessed, all of the mysteries have delightfully old-school melodramatic titles, which I am Lord Peter a fan of. And my absolute favorite of the bunch was, of course, Talboys, which involves the entire Wimsey-Vane family and I want someone to make a TV series where Peter, Harriet, and their sons travel the country and solve mysteries. She said in a tone of rebuke: 'He's a beautiful boy. He adjusted his eyeglass more carefully. Hand him over. Lord Peter was relieved to see that this disconcerting parent handled the child competently; as, in a man who was an experienced uncle, was not, after all, so very surprising. Lord Peter sat down gingerly on the edge of the bed. Take it and put it away, and tell 'em to invoice it Lord Peter me. It's Lord Peter very interesting addition to you, Harriet; but it would have been a hell of a rotten substitute. He also goes Lord Peter the trajectory of the Lord Peter novels, including the Harriet Vane romance: "Sayers introduced Harriet Vane in Strong Poison and allowed her and Wimsey to embark on a three-book courtship culminating in marriage in Busman's Honeymoon This is the longest - and, some would argue, the most wearisome and embarrassing - courtship in the annals of . No one argues that, Curran. NO ONE. If any detective courtship deserves to be called "embarrassing" and "wearisome," it's Stephen Lord Peter take on Sherlock's relationship with Irene Adler yeah, I went there - fight me, Sherlock fangirls. Don't step to me on the subject of Harriet and Peter. I honestly considered taking off a star for the pure dickishness of the afterword, but then I remembered that it's not Sayers' fault. View all 6 comments. Just fun. Mar 26, Jeanette rated it it was amazing. This was a gift from the heavens received at just the correct juncture. A terrific couple of dozen short stories that fit like puzzle pieces of a man in his time. All hail Dorothy Sayers! For me to give any short stories 5 stars is an absolute first. These just are. Where has the glorious English language proceeded since this master whirled Lord Peter quip and phr This was a gift from the heavens received at just the Lord Peter juncture. Where has the glorious English language proceeded since this master whirled her quip and phrasing batons? And most delightful of all was the quirk and pull of Lord Wimsey's personality edging to get himself in those curious cracks of "notice" in nearly infinite numbers of societal situations. I also loved her dynamics for graphics situated "where they fit". Placements drawings, charts, sketchings or crossword boards etc. And the Talboys final story nearly made me fall off the treadmill. Bredon, Bredon. Most of these are pre-Harriet days Lord Peter he does know his goose is cooked there regardless. Just a couple of last over commentary musings. She has dialogue so skillful that the word "said" rarely appears. And characters are not introduced and described. They just ARE and reveal themselves by their words in conversation and their surroundings Lord Peter particular physical placement. And all of that doesn't always come in the first 2 pages either. Finally I enjoyed the style and scientific levels of that particular era to a 6 star level. Heavily, heavily recommend. View all 3 comments. I had read the first three Lord Peter novels and fallen in love, not only with the writing and wit Dorothy Sayers has an incredible Lord Peter, rarely seen elsewhere, her Oxford education in languages shows in all sorts of glory which grew with each new book, but also with the depiction of life and crime-solving in 's England, and of course, the goofy and lovably brilliant Lord Peter. This book was sitting on my daughter's bookshelf, and, having borrowed it I was more than delighted to real I had read the first three Lord Peter novels and fallen in love, not only with the writing and wit Dorothy Sayers has an incredible vocabulary, rarely seen elsewhere, her Oxford education in languages shows in all sorts of glory which grew with each new book, but also with the depiction of life and crime-solving in 's England, and of course, the goofy and lovably brilliant Lord Peter. This book was Lord Peter on my daughter's bookshelf, and, having borrowed it I was more than delighted to realize it included the complete stories in Lord Peter Views the Lord Peter book four in the series these are the first twelve stories in Lord Peter edition The story Talboys, being recently discovered, written inappears in this volume in print for the first time, for example. I am not normally a fan of short stories, and while a few of them I could have skipped, I was surprised by how much I hated to lay this volume down! As I said, I do enjoy the novels quite a bit more, but this little gem is a very worthwhile read, and not just for those Lord Peter enjoy the series. Of course, while some stories are far more interesting than others-I particularly enjoyed The Bibulous Business of a Matter of Taste-I highly recommend this for the die-hard Wimsey fan as well as anyone who loves to read the English language used in such masterful and playful ways. Feb 18, Bill Tress rated it really liked it Shelves: mystery-spy. In the world of Lord Peter, murder is jolly good fun! Dorothy Sayer wrote fun and interesting mysteries using the character Lord Peter Lord Peter to hook her readers, and this reviewer feel right into the trap. The reader immediately identifies with Lord Peter, we all want to be incredibly wealthy Lord Peter personal man servants waiting on our needs Lord Peter responsive to our every whim. The character is heroic, devil may Lord Peter, handsome and eccentric. Who wouldn't want to be him? Beyond the hero of these mysteries In the world of Lord Peter, murder is jolly good fun! Beyond the hero of these mysteries is an excellent writer who can create intriguing mysteries that for the reader become page turners. This series of mystery's becomes a little less interesting when our perfect Lord Peter falls in love with another interesting character Harriet Vane, less interesting because we want him to be unencumbered with marriage and children in order to fulfill the readers fantasies. This particular compilation of stories is a bed side book that can sit for a Lord Peter and than can immediately bring the reader right back into the thick of it! For this reviewer, this genre is an escape from the real world and a chance to live in a fantasy world, another murder Oh,jolly good fun! View 2 comments. Sayers is a master of the crime genre, and these stories are absolutely wonderful examples of her sharp brain and talent for storytelling. Some of their attitudes are a little dated now, but the plots still shine.