
Please note - These sites have not been verified by our practice but may be of use to you - Updated 15/4/20

Harborough District Council Community Hub Need Help with Shopping/collecting prescriptions/transport for hospital appointments/dog walking etc? Here you can register for help/support. HDC will link with you with a local volunteer who can help you. Or you can register your interest to become a volunteer. https://www.harborough.gov.uk/hd-community-hub Tel 01858 828282

(For a list of local community volunteer groups go to page 8) (For a list of local shops/businesses offering a delivery service go to page 11)

Emergency Funding for MH Residents The Howard Watson Symington Memorial Charity are offering a grant of £100 to people struggling during the corona virus crisis. There is a pot of £5K available. Must be living in the Little Bowden or Great Bowden area. Apply online: https://www.hwsmcharity.org.uk/

Help for anyone that cannot find help locally You can register your information and a local government representative will organise a delivery on your behalf. Tel 0800 0288327 https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable

For anyone with pets that needs to go into hospital due to Covid-19

RSPCA Support The RSPCA are offering to look after animals temporarily if members of the public are taken into hospital as a result of COVID 19. This is only if alternative arrangements cannot be found. Tel 07969 348969



Support for Older People

VASL – Community Champions Can provide current information on where to find support. They run a befriending scheme where a local volunteer will make phone contact with a person who lives alone. (They can only offer phone contact currently) Tel 01858 433232 or Email: [email protected]

VASL – Community Champions Can provide current information on where to find support. They run a befriending scheme where a local volunteer will make phone contact with a person who lives alone. (They can only offer phone contact currently) Tel 01858 433232 or Email: [email protected]

Silverline The only national, Free and confidential helpline for older people open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Offering information, advice and friendship. Tel 0800 4708090

AGE UK Age UK are launching a helpline from today to offer practical and emotional support to those over 70, especially those who are self-isolating and live alone. Helpline: call 0116 299 2239 Befriending call 0116 2992233 Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leics/ Email: [email protected]

Support for Carers

Advice for unpaid informal carers https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/adult-social-care-and-health/looking-after- someone/coronavirus-advice-for-unpaid-informal-carers

Carers UK Guide to Wellbeing https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-mental-wellbeing

Carers UK Cornona Guidance Q&A https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-covid-19

Leicestershire Support for Carers Tel 01858 468543 Leicestershire County Council - Adult Social Care Tel 0116 3050004 Leicestershire County Council Out of Hours (emergencies) Tel 0116 2551606



Support for Learning Disabilities

Harborough District Council Health and Wellbeing Team are now offering a version of AutonoMe for FREE to any person with a Learning Disability in the UK.

AutonoMe will provide, through our App, free access to our online library of instructional videos and reminders to anyone with learning disabilities. All of our videos demonstrate skills for independent living and fall into 4 categories; cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene, safety and security including how to properly wash your hands. We’re available 24/7 and work across iOS and Android smart devices.

The process for accessing AutonoMe for FREE is as follows:

1. Go to our website and complete a short referral form 2. We will contact you and arrange a time for training and setup 3. We will provide remote training for support workers and the person to install and use the app as well as training for support workers in how best to support someone to start using AutonoMe 4. We will be available for support on [email protected]

We are offering access to AutonoMe instructional videos to anyone in the UK with learning disabilities; please do pass on this information to any relevant partners or teams


Websites to support families in lockdown

Compiled by the organisation SPECTRUM which supports families with a diagnosis of autism. It includes some useful advice on how to support your loved ones at home EG challenging behaviour.

Lockdown Help

 A simple activity "Things we're going to do when this is all over"  Free 30 day Widget Online Access use code WIDGIT30  Twinkl - Full Free Access - use code - CVDTWINKLHELPS  Full Fact to make sure the information you're seeing online is accurate  The Council for Disabled Children have a great list of useful links  Leicestershire County Council SEND webpage  Autism Toolbox Advice for supporting young people at home



 National Autistic Society Autism Coronavirus Support  NHS.UK to see the latest UK-specific health advice  Educational Resources from Leicestershire Cares  Place 2 Be Helpful information to answer questions from children  Video about Coronavirus, explained for Children  GOV.UK to see the latest government policy and advice  Chatterpack Speech, Language, communication and SEND resources  Special Needs Jungle lots of useful SEN law info  IPSEA SEND Tribunal update for volunteers, parents and carers  Mind to get advice on how to manage any stress or anxiety that you may be feeling right now

Advice for keeping well if self-isolating

The Royal Voluntary Service https://www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/our-services/advice-and-support/feeling-well- and-overcoming-loneliness

Mental Health Foundation https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/looking-after-your-mental-health-during- coronavirus-outbreak

For young adults and children

Young Minds Charity https://youngminds.org.uk/?gclid=CjwKCAjwvOHzBRBoEiwA48i6ApLDIfThAK69BefXQWJJFX 0vvgOlPXunUZfL8prMPDpBJG0mDo40FhoCW68QAvD_BwE



Useful Websites

NHS 111 https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Public Health – Latest advice https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government- response

Harborough FM https://harboroughfm.co.uk/coronavirus-latest-local-updates/

Harborough Mail https://www.harboroughmail.co.uk/

Harborough District Council https://www.harborough.gov.uk/ Tel 01858 828282

Useful Telephone Numbers

Leicestershire Support for Carers Tel 01858 468543

Leicestershire County Council - Adult Social Care Tel 0116 3050004

Leicestershire County Council Out of Hours (emergencies) Tel 0116 2551606

Alzheimers Society Dementia support for people living with dementia and their carers and family. Currently only offering telephone support. All groups are suspended. Tel 0116 2316921



Help with Benefits/Finances/Home

British Gas customers with pre-payment meters.

Top-ups for Self-Isolating pre-payment customers with a Smart meter can be done either online or using the British Gas App, alternatively by telephone using the automated payment service on 0333 202 9612 and the credit will automatically be added to your meter.

Top-ups for Self-Isolating Pre-payment customers without a Smart meter. British Gas are asking for people to top up more than usual in the event you have to Self-Isolate, and to ask friends or neighbours to top up for you if possible. If this isn't an option they have a telephone helpline 0330 100 0303 open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm where staff can help.

Further information can be found through the British Gas website, link below. https://www.britishgas.co.uk/business/coronavirus-update

Useful Numbers

New Universal Credit Claim Tel 0800 144 8444

Employment Support Allowance Helpline Tel 0345 608 8545

Personal Independent Payment Helpline Tel 0345 6016677

National Debt Helpline (Offers free information and advice on debt) Tel 0808 808 4000

Community Advice and Law (Free, confidential advice on debt, housing, welfare benefits, immigration asylum) Tel 0116 242112



CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) Will no longer be offering face to face appt. Therefore please direct to anyone needing help to the following sites/tel numbers. Online self-help: www.citizensadviceleicestershire.org Telephone advice: Leicestershire County Residents 0300 3302 111 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday Email advice: www.citizensadviceleicestershire.org/get-advice/email-advice Macmillan Welfare Benefits: 0300 456 8400 Money Advice Service for County Residents: 0116 464 7239 Help to claim Service - Help with new claims to Universal Credit: 0800 144 8444

Do you want to Volunteer?

VASL https://vasl.org.uk/news/volunteer-your-time-in-your-community-with-vasl/

Voluntary Action Leicestershire https://www.volunteerleicestershire.org.uk/covid-19



Community Volunteer Groups (sorted alphabetical order of town/village name)

Market Harborough

Harborough Labour Party Coronavirus Community Assistance Offers pick up / drop off prescriptions, Collect and drop off food, contact isolated individuals, Text: 07813644034 Email: [email protected]

Market Harborough Coronavirus Support FB Page A Facebook Page has been created with local information from support agencies and businesses and has members such as Neil O'Brien (MP). Search for Market Harborough Coronavirus Support

Harborough Anglican Team Help offered by local church volunteers with shopping etc for self-isolating neighbours.

Office Tel: 01858 469330 Email: [email protected]

St Dionysius Church Sue McDonald Tel 07977 878 094 Email: [email protected]

Beacon Care Beacon Care in Market Harborough have launched a telephone line for those isolated and lonely, they will also collect shopping prescriptions for those who cannot get out. Tel: 01858 456915

Braybrooke Help The Swan Braybrooke – Shopping, perscription service to local residents Tel 01858 462 754 Email: [email protected]

Church Langton Church Langton Social Group Facebook Group


FLECKNEY VILLAGE AID – COVID 19 Local volunteer group offering help with: Shopping, Dog Walking, Look after other pets eg. Experienced horse care, Prescription collections/deliveries, Any other chores outside of the home



FB page: Fleckney Village Aid Website: https://fleckney.online/coronavirus Tel 07934 723302

Foxton Foxton Village Community Facebook page

Great Glen Great Glen Parish have local volunteers offering help with: Shopping, Dog Walking, Look after other pets eg. Experienced horse care, Prescription collections/deliveries, Any other chores outside of the home Tel 0116 259 3004 Rev Kim Ford Tel 0116 2592238https://www.greatglen-pc.gov.uk/

Great Glen have an active facebook group.

Husbands Bosworth Husbands Bosworth general Facebook page has some information.

Husbands Bosworth Village Facebook Group


The Well, Kibworth Is running a pop-up foodbank. Similar to Jubilee Foodbank. Working with The Railway Arms who are cooking meals for those in the local community who need it most.

Tel 0116 2790148 Donations can be made to the Kibworth Co-op.

Kibworth Isolation Group 0116 305 3612 or 0116 319 8034 (Shopping and help) Kibworth FB pages FB Page: Kibworth Isolation Relief Team FB Page: I’m not alright Jack. Helping each other – Kibworth and surrounding villages



Lubbenham/Gartree & Bramfield Lubbenham Village Support – they will shop and deliver on behalf of vulnerable person.

Stella Dalby – 07816-025-711 Diana Cook – 07768-472-668 [email protected]

Lubenham Facebook Group

Lutterworth Help St Mary’s Church – Shopping, Perscription service etc Tel 01455 558 797 or 07849 729451 Email: [email protected]

Medbourne & surrounding villages (Blaston/Slawston/Hallaton etc) Medbourne Village Store is providing a grocery delivery service. Order before noon for a delivery next day pm. Can also offer medicine collection service. Kerry Flavell Tel 01858 565928 Email: [email protected] (out of business hrs) Help (if unavailable) Tim Gidley Wright Tel 07860 198166 Email: [email protected] Louise Pilkington Email: [email protected] Man with van (pick up and delivery service) Myles Garfield-Thomas Tel 07885 155900 Email: [email protected] Diane Cook Tel 07768 472668 (co-ordinate Lubbenham volunteers)

Mowsley Mowsley Village Community Facebook Group

Newton Harcourt & Wistow Newton Harcourt & Wistow Facebook Group

North Kilworth & South Kilworth

The Kilworth Villages Facebook Group

Theddingworth Theddingworth Village Facebook Group



Thorpe Langton Call Clare Charles on 01858 540353 Lydia Burchnallon 01858 545955

Samantha Coadeon 07736456444 Email: [email protected]

Smeeton Westerby Smeeton Westerby 'Village People' Facebook Group

Market Harborough Shops Delivering (delivery fees may apply)

Farndon Fields Farm Shop (Pick up or delivery £3) 01858 464838 https://www.farndonfields.co.uk Waterloo Farm Shop (Pick up or delivery) 01933 664437 AA Dairy (Delivery) 07526 721764 Keya News Market Harborough (Delivery) 01858 464 254 Langton Greenhouse Garden Centre (Veg delivery) 01858 545 819

Welland Valley Pet Care - Pet supplies!

The Old Red Lion at Welham Orders can be placed online up to 8pm for car park collection between 12pm – 5pm the next day. Meat, Fruit, Veg and more 01858 565 253 Foxton Boats – Fruit, Veg Bread and Milk 0116 279 2285

Coach and Horses, Kibworth – Sunday Roast Delivery Tel 07522762585 / 079503950 Welton's - Groceries, Meals, Newspapers & Magazines - http://www.weltonsdeli.co.uk/ - Great Bowden Edible16 - Groceries - https://store.edible16.org.uk/ Randalls - Market Harborough - Sweets, Drinks & Savoury Snacks - 01858 433522 Duncan Murray Wines - Alcohol - http://www.duncanmurraywines.co.uk/ Abbey Cottage - Chinese Takeaway - http://www.abbeycottage.co.uk/ The Cinnamon Lounge - Indian Restaurant LE16 9HD - Indian Takeaway - 01858 289397 Langton Nurseries - Groceries / Veg - https://www.langtongreenhouse.co.uk/ - 5 mile radius Langton Brewery - Alcohol - https://langtonbrewery.co.uk/ Jams'N'Jars - Preserves Explore Chocolate - Chocolate BAKED by emily davis - Desserts & Cakes



Cape Lekker - South African Food to go & frozen meals Jelley’s Organic Vodka - Alcohol Casa Nostra Restaurant - Meals to go - https://casanostra.co.uk/ Audrey's bespoke catering - ready made meal deliveries - Market Harborough Harborough Market Fruit & Veg - mixed fruit & veg box: [email protected] - Market Harb & surrounding villages Mistry Kitchen - vegan curries - Market Harborough 5 mile radius

FarrinHeight Foods - vegan meals and snacks - Market Harborough & Great Bowden EcoVillage - milk, eggs, meat, fruit & veg, dried foods and toiletries - available daily or click & collect: Email [email protected]

Village Shops Delivering

Great Glen & Wistow Wistow Mediterranean Deli - delivery to Kibworth, Great Glen, Fleckney, Wigston & Saddington. Great Glen Post Office - Fruit, Veg, bread, milk and eggs etc - Great Glen & surrounding villages Penburry Farm - bread, meat, pies and fruit & veg - order form here - collection or 3 mile delivery Dolly's Tea Rooms - deliveries of eggs, pasta, milk, flour, bread and other essentials - [email protected]

Kibworth The Railway arms (pub): 0116 479 1402 - all dishes cost £5: There is beef or vegetarian lasagne, cottage pie, beef pie, chicken pie, and sausage and mash (vegetarian option available). All are served with mashed potato and vegetables.

Foxton Black Horse Foxton - fruit & veg boxes - Foxton

Husbands Bosworth & North Kilworth Taste Outside Catering - Mexican food deliveries - Husbands Bosworth & North Kilworth