For Immediate Release January 14, 2021

The battle to represent at the Brier and Scotties is an unmatched annual tradition rooted in history. CURLSASK has worked tirelessly to preserve the history, tradition and competitive elements of our Men’s and Women’s Provincial Championship.

On January 12th, the Saskatchewan Government extended the ban on team sports until January 29th, 2021. On January 13th, the CURLSASK “bubble” Provincial Final proposal was rejected by the Saskatchewan Government. All options for any form of competition to declare our representatives have been exhausted.

CURLSASK has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 CURLSASK Mixed Doubles Championships, 2021 Viterra Scotties Women’s Championship and the 2021 SaskTel Tankard Men’s Curling Championship.

The Championships did take place for both Men's and Ladies last season, CURLSASK did not simply choose last year's champions as our representatives. Roster changes are present in both the men’s and women’s past champions. (Team retained three members from last season and Team Silvernagle has two returning members.) Therefore, an alternate solution was implemented.

The objective assessment of teams is based on the performance of teams in a two-season window. This system objectively and fairly assessed the value of teams including those with roster changes. • This includes season end points from last season (2019-2020) points earned from this partial season (2020-2021) which were calculated using the existing CTRS formula. • The points were calculated based on the current registered lineups of each team. o Each team and/or individual contributed their own value based on past performance.

Men’s Representatives:

A two-year window of points was used to rank all teams entered in the Provincial Playdowns.

Therefore, the representatives for Saskatchewan at the 2021 will be team Matt Dunstone, , and Dustin Kidby.

Women’s Representatives:

A two-year window of points was used to rank all teams entered in the Provincial Playdowns.

Therefore, the representatives for Saskatchewan at the 2021 Scotties Tournament of Hearts will be team , , Chaelynn Kitz and Breanne Knapp.

Note: last year’s champion retained only two members of the team.

Mixed Doubles:

The past champion team remains fully intact and did not have the opportunity to represent at the 2020 National Mixed Doubles Championship.

The team of Mike Armstrong and Ashley Quick will return as champion and representative at the 2021 Home Hardware Mixed Doubles Championship.

We look forward to cheering on our representatives in Calgary.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.