1 Additional Analysis on SAPS Resourcing for Khayelitsha
1 Additional analysis on SAPS resourcing for Khayelitsha Commission Jean Redpath 29 January 2014 1. I have perused a document labelled A3.39.1 purports to show the “granted” SAPS Resource Allocation Guides (RAGS) for 2009-2011 in respect of personnel, vehicles and computers, for the police stations of Camps Bay, Durbanville, Grassy Park, Kensington, Mitchells Plain, Muizenberg, Nyanga, Philippi and Sea Point . For 2012 the document provides data on personnel only for the same police stations. 2. I am informed that RAGS are determined by SAPS at National Level and are broadly based on population figures and crime rates. I am also informed that provincial commissioners frequently make their own resource allocations, which may be different from RAGS, based on their own information or perceptions. 3. I have perused General Tshabalala’s Task Team report which details the allocations of vehicles and personnel to the three police stations of Harare, Khayelitsha and Lingelethu West in 2012. It is unclear whether these are RAGS figures or actual figures. I have combined these figures with the RAGS figures in the document labelled A3.39.1 in the tables below. 4. I have perused documents annexed to a letter from Major General Jephta dated 13 Mary 2013 (Jephta’s letter). The first annexed document purports to show the total population in each police station for all police stations in the Western Cape (SAPS estimates). 5. Because the borders of Census enumerator areas do not coincide exactly with the borders of policing areas there may be slight discrepancies between different estimates of population size in policing areas.
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