PASSIA Desk Diary

Every year since 1988, PASSIA has published its "Diary", which continues to follow its original aims and goals, i.e., to provide a comprehensive directory of contact information for relevant organizations operating in the and Gaza – listing names, addresses, main activities – combined with a full day-to-day planner (calendar) of the respective year and a comprehensive compilation of events and statistics related to and the .

The PASSIA Desk Diary is annually updated – entries are added, changed or removed and new addresses and information are included. PASSIA is very proud to say that its diary has become an invaluable source of information for many people, both locally and abroad, and as yet there is no equivalent publication in Palestine.


The 2005 edition of the PASSIA Desk Diary contains over 370 pages of updated and new addresses, a com- prehensive calendar, and information and statistics on relevant events and issues, as they became available throughout the year of 2004.

The first section is the Directory, which contains details of Palestinian and international institutions oper- ating in the . The fact that it is annually updated as well as the comprehensiveness of the directory is unique and makes it an in- valuable resource for all those inter- ested in or working on the Palestine Question. Among the information provided one finds names of contact persons, phone and fax numbers, e- mail and mailing addresses, internet websites (where available), and a brief background for most organizations on their main fields of work. The directory also includes an index that facilitates the search for a certain entry.

111 Annual Report 2004

Directory entries in the 2005 edition included the following:

PLO Bodies, Departments, and Representation Abroad Palestinian Authority (PA) Ministries and other Institutions, Commissions and Councils Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) members and committees Police and Security (PA) Local Government (Governorates, Municipalities & Village Councils) Political Parties and Factions Academic and Research Centers Agriculture Associations & Unions Chambers of Commerce Charitable Organizations Cultural Centers Democracy, Peace & Community Development Centers Diplomatic Missions Education (Universities, Colleges, Schools, Training Centers, Educational Institutes, and Libraries) Environment & Water Financial & Development Institutions (Banks, Credit, Investment & Consulting Companies, Money Changers) Governmental Aid Missions Health (Hospitals, Clinics & Centers, Physicians, Pharmacies) Human Rights & Law (Human Rights Centers, Law Offices, Lawyers) International & UN Organizations Local and Foreign Media & Press NGOs Operating in Palestine Palestinian Organizations in Israel Religious Forums & Centers Services (Accountants, Advertisement, Print & Design, Bookshops & Stationary, Car Rentals, Computers, Couriers & Express Services, E-mail & Internet, Insurances, Management Consulting & Development, Planning & Engineering, Real Estate, Restaurants, Telecommunication & Office Equipment, Translation & Editing) Trade - Import/Export Travel and Tourism (Airlines, Hotels & Resorts, Hospices & Guesthouses, Travel Agencies & Tour Operators, Taxis & Transportation)

112 PASSIA Desk Diary 11

Women’s Organizations Youth Organizations and Sport Clubs

The second section of the Diary 2005 includes standard features, such as a day-by- day planner, calendars for the previous and following years, address and note space, and anniversaries and national holidays of foreign countries. Each calendar page also includes a box providing details of international treaties, conventions, resolutions and so forth that relate to the Palestine Question.

The third section of the Diary is the Agenda, a source of information and facts about Palestine and the Palestinians. The agenda begins with 14 chapters in which the following aspects of Palestinian society and the Palestine Question are described, supported by tables, statistics and suggestions for further research (reading material and website references):

Dictionary of Palestinian Political Terms Geography Population Refugees Land & Settlements Water & Environment Economy (Agriculture, Industry & Private Sector, Labor & Employment, Tourism, Trade, Taxation, Finances) 113 Annual Report 2004

Education Health Infrastructure (Housing & Construction, Transport & Roads, Telecommunication, Electricity & Energy) Society & Living Conditions Government & Negotiations Jerusalem (facts & figures on the history, population, Israeli policies and practices, settlement, and housing, as well as a chronology of events in Jerusalem throughout 2004).

The fourth and final part of the agenda comprises, a Palestine Chronology 2004, a full list of PASSIA publications, as well as a set of colored maps, illustrating historical and contemporary aspects of the Palestine- Israel conflict, including maps on Israel’s settlement policy and its the separation wall, the distribution of refugees and the situation in Jerusalem.

Israel's West Bank Road Plan and Disengagement, 2004

Traditional Palestinian I S R A E L Trunk Road System

Israeli (Re)Constructed Jenin Highway Network REHAN Ganim Jerusalem - December 2004 The Wall and Proposed Israeli Unilateral Disengagement, December 2004 Palestinian Traditional Road Section Incorporated in KOCHAV Israeli Highway Network Palestinian Built-up W e s t B a n k YA'ACOV Area Wall Completed / Under Construction (Dec. 2004) Alternative Palestinian OFER Kufr Thoroughfares Tulkarem Sanur Rafat Akab Wall Trajectory Barta'a approved by Israel's Cabinet East JJeninenin (30 June 2004) REHAN Existing Palestinian GIV'AT Israeli Built-up GANIM KADIM Under - or Overpass Area Baqa ZE'EV Approved Wall Sections SAL'IT Al-Jaba around the Ariel Settlement East ELON W e s t Bloc MOREH Israeli Facility ZUFIN KARNE HAMRA SHOMRON B a n k Settlement Bloc Areas Qalqilya Ar-Ram behind the Wall YIZHAR GEVA SANUR TTulkaremulkarem Al-Jib Bir BINYAMIN HOMESH Nabala Israeli-Controlled Areas Y GIVON of the Valley E NEVE Israeli Municipal L HAHADASHA ARIEL L YA'ACOV Jerusalem Boundary A Nabi Projection of Wall Trajectory ELON NNablusablus V HAR Samwil Hizma South of Hebron approved by MOREH Beit Israeli Min. of Defence (Nov. 2004) SHMUEL Completed Wall SHOMRON SHILO Hanina J ALMON Palestinian Populated Areas QQalqilyaalqilya N o A r PISGAT of beyond d Wall under

ITAMAR D a Beit the Wall Israeli Urban / Rural Settlement RAMOT RAMAT ZE'EV Construction ELKANA n R Iksa SHLOMO


Settlements to be i J Wall approved by ALEY v

evacuated by Israel, e ZAHAV ARIEL Shu'fat Israeli Cabinet, June 2004

September 2005 r Anata MODI'IN Ramallah Area controlled by SHILO Green Line 1949 FRENCH BET ILLIT GIV'AT Israeli Settlement Blocs ARYE ZE'EV HILL Jericho Issawiyya WEST East Az-Za'im Major IDF-Checkpoint OFRA BET MODI'IN EL MA'ALE Green Line 1949 223%3% MA'ALE Jerusalem ILLIT RRamallahamallah ADUMIM Jerusalem ADUMIM At-Tur GIVAT ZE'EV Old JericJerichoho Wadi Nar City West Bank Area Percentages A Road I S R A E L After the Wall 47% 53% Al-Izzariyya BETAR Areas West of the Wall Bethlehem Sawahreh 6.1 % MA'ALE Beit Safafa Approved Wall Kawbar JJerusalemerusalem ADUMIM 0 2 km Abu Sections around 330%0% Jabal Ariel Settlement Bloc 2.1 % Dis J e r u s a l e m Mukabber Settlement Bloc Bir Map : © Jan de Jong Zeit W E S T Areas behind the Wall 9.7 % Sh.Sa'ad West NNahlielahliel ETZION BBethlehemethlehem Al-Walaja Sawahreh Jordan Valley Israeli Disengagement in Sur B A N K 29.1% GGiloilo Baher TALPIOT Area Percentages of the Battir HarHar Beit East TEKOA GiloGilo Wadi 53 % Abu KIRYAT HHaraSafafar Hummus Remaining Shukheidim West Bank Hebron ARBA Palestinian Areas Jifna GILO HomaHoma East of the Wall Dura Projected Israeli Disengagement Mazra'a ASFAR Al-Qar Qiblya fromOOfrafra the Northern West Bank HujeilaSur Baher Jerusalem Jalazun Khlt. Sheikh RC Al-Walaja Ein Husan Beit Noman Sa'ad Percentages of ADORA Yabrud Projected Further D E A D Jala Al- Abu Beit Khas Palestinian West Bank Population Qash Israeli Disengagement HHebronebron BBetaretar S E A Sahour Directly Affected Tulkarmby the Wall k. ARBA HAR Palestinian Autonomous Areas Bethlehem Population Isolated HOMA outside the Walled BBetet (Oslo A and B) 0 Khader HAR 9.2% Nazlat Naqura 20 kmDuha Ubeidiya Areas Jatt GharbiyaTTalmonalmon ElEl Ras Al- GILO Wad Khlt. Surda Projected Israeli-ControlledAsira Al-Hindaza Nu'man Population Separated KARMEL Sandala from Cultivated Land Zeita Area Shamaliyyeh Map : © Jan de Jong Irtas Bt.Jala by the Wall 9.7% Muqeibla Nahhalin ESHKOLOTEin 0 20 km Bethlehem Arrabuna 2 km Population Separated DDolevolev 0 from Cultivated Land Qinya Seida NNeveeve Beit by Wall Sections 3.1% DDaniyelaniyel Bt.SahourTa'amir Map : © Jan de Jong around the Map : © Jan de Jong Deir Ariel Settlement Bloc Attil Dibwan Jalama Illar EElonlon RRoshosh Silat Al- Yamma MMorehoreh Badd Deir Beit Beit Mt. Ebal TzurimTzurim EEfratafrata Harithya Za'atara Arrana Ramallah Al-Bireh Iba Wazan Faluh Ghazala Bir as Ibthan Sikka Wadi Rahhal Abu Ein Negm Arik Juneid Al-'Iqab PPsagotsagot Rafidia Harmala EElazarlazar Dht. Burqa Nablus Wadi Deir Sabah Al-Jurushiya An-Nis Al- Al-kheir Deir Al- Al-Hatab Jurat Ash- Ghusun Shama YamunKh. Futeih NNokdimokdim Beitunia MMigronigron Kufr TTekoaekoa KKochavochav Iraq Um Dan Bal'a Burin Salim Salamuna Kufr YYa'acova'acov Tell MMigdaligdal BBetet Aqab KKefarefar HHoronoron OzOz Shuweika EtzionEtzion Tuqu' Iktaba Ofer Kufr 0 2 km Rafat Qalil Marah Qalandia Rabah Aba RC BBrakharakha Jenin Kufr Qalandia Tira Rumman Beit Fajjar Burkin Map : © Jan de Jong Beit Kufr Tulkarem Nur Shams Furik Qud Gannim Dannaba RC GGiv'ativ'at Ze'evZe'ev Al-Jab'a Madama Anabta Ar-Ram Asira Approved Al-Jib Qibl. Palestinian Cities Industry YYizharizhar IItamartamar Israeli Wall Park ? (June 2004) and Villages Kh. Kafr al Irtah ApprovedLabad AAvnevne Hafasa Palestinian Cities Ash Shuhada HefezHefez Israeli Wall Tut and Villages Far'un Tunnel (June 2004)EEnavnav Udala Settlement Bloc Area Area under intensive Israeli Control, beyond the Wall Bir Al- Basha Israeli Settlement, Qabatya New Shufa Settlement Bloc Area Area under intensive Targetted Settlement Israeli Control, Expansion Wall beyond the WallBeit Jubara Lid Israeli Settlement, Beita Arraba Saffarin Old Targetted Settlement Aqraba Expansion Israeli (Re)Constructed Wall Jamma'in Green Line Settlement Access Road/ Tilfit Mirka 0 2 km Usarin Local or Regional Road 0 2 km Israeli (Re)Constructed Ar-Ras Green Line SSal'ital'it Settlement Access Road/ KKefarefar Kufr Map : © Jan de Jong Sur Map : © Jan de Jong Local or Regional Road TTappuahappuah Approved Palestinian Israeli Wall Approved and Village Approved Palestinian Cities Palestinian Cities (June 2004) Israeli Wall Israeli Wall (June 2004) and Villages (June 2004) and Villages

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