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9-1954 The aG zette September 1954 Langston University

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VOLUr.^E FOUR LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, , SEPTEMBER, 1954 G'.E I Dr. Kamm Speaks Convocations Enrollment Is Up To L U. Faculty Are Planned For 10 Percent at L U. The llienic '■I’x.ttcr Scr\ici- to I irst ■M.itiy parents accoinj'anicd their Suuli-nts; C^iunsclini: .iml Kcni-' Frosh Students sons and daugiiters to tlr camjnis ftlial ’I'cchnii|ucs" was ihoscn tor two (lavs earlier to secure rooms be- Langston University is pleased to the tcntli annual racultv insntutc ' lore the date set tor (jricntation. announce the inauguration of a ser­ in an attempt to consider one ot the The greetings ciiinmittee assisteil the ies of convocations under an expand­ areas (j1 our institution that needs ed program of special services de­ parents and stuilents ami refre^h- strenL'thenini;. A recent study made ments were se'-veil. signed both to accelerate and facil­ liy a coiiiniittec t'rntn our faculty re­ The freshman orientation pro­ itate the first-year student's adjust­ veals that many of our tirst vcar stu- gram included explan.ition of the ment to college life and living. The lents lack adei]uate counsclinj^ and ! cfturse ofiering. student pcrsc.nnel i content and structure of the partic­ remedial services neccssary for the , service, care ot buildings, grounds ular .'rvice here announced should successful pursuance of collej;e ‘ VII and equipment, and ,111 outline ot also enable the student to [lerform work; so we thought it mi"ht he health examin.itions. T more effectively in his subject mat­ [irofitahle to look at counsclinj: and In .uldition to the regular pro­ ter courses tiian he would otherwise remedial techniques as a first step in ' gram. the students spent a few hours / do. alli viatiiiL; many of the problems of in the evening with Oiach ('. F. our lirst students. MISS MARJORIE LOUISE PIERCE •\ series of convocations— so-called DR D A N IE L P. W Y N N Ci.iyles. Mr, Inman Breaux Dr. Robert 1!. Kamm. of because they are not to consist ex­ and th- lootball ’/-ip' dis­ Stutlents of Drake Univcr^itv. serv­ MissPiercels New clusively of lectures— will be helil DanJel P, Wynn cussed with the '-tudcnts ‘‘.\thletics ed as consultant and spoke on this college t-rm to explore such in the (I'.lege I’rogr.mi." lie en­ ■‘(iuidance Through Counseling;'' Women's Assistant subjects as learning and improving Dean of Students couraged the students to t.ike .in in­ and “ Isemedial Techni(]ues Requir- ■Miss Marjorie Louise I’lirce. who stuily skills, health (iroblems. biul- terest in sJiool anil their team be­ Dr. Daniel P. Wynn, graduate of cil by F'irst Year Students" at the has taught in numerous public geting time, use of leisure, psycho­ cause he fell that the boys would do Langston University, is now Dean mornin>: and afternoon sessions re­ schools in Oklahoma and K.msas, logical adjustments to problems of a lutter 10' thev h.ul the assist.nice 01 Students here at L. U. Dr. W\nn spectively. Dr. Kamm stated that is the .\ssistant to the I); an of Stu­ increased scholatic competition, and from the students in the cheering holds a B. A. and .M. .\. degree the role of the teacher as a counselor dents— Women’s Department. .Miss others as they appear to need discus­ section. irom Howard univ-.rsit\ and a cannot be over emphasized. That Fierce has also served as counselor sion and solution. The t'ootball squad was introduced Ph.D. from Pj o s t o n uni\ersit\. He the success of any guidance program to (^mip Fire (lirls and at one time The procedure for attendance is according to cLissiiic.ition. .Music has taught at Kentucky State ('ol- does not rest in those of us who are was ilirector of the Service Club at as t'ollows: On the days announceil. was furnisheil bv the band and the lege, Frankfort, Kentucky, Boshop working full time in the area as- (^amp Crowder. Missour;. Freshmen will meet in the College students d the rec|uest to ColU; and Tukegee Institute, .\la- much as it does in those who are •\uditorium at the n.gular chapel support the tiam with songs and working as teacher-counsrlors. The hou., ii:ou a. • and on the basis bama. veils led b\ F.irl Sc.irbroirja and counselor who approaches his job Homecoming Plans of attendance and participation in Lillie M. MJ-all. with a philosophy which is b-’ '--ed the planned program, students will School of Religion .Mr. F. I). Pirown. president of the upon the Christian belief, bringing Made by Alumni be evaluated as needing or not need­ Langston University .\lumni asscia- the love factor, humility, self con­ Homecominj; plans w;re discus­ ing a specific subject matter course To Sponsor Series tion. extended greetings in behalf of trol and integrity, is the one who is sed earlier this year in a board of di­ which will be offered in the spring the associ.ition to the tirst-vear stu­ Sunday, October 4. will be the be­ in the best position to serve. rectors meeting of the Langston semester and placed upon the study dents and informed them of the ginning of a series of b'aculty C'hap- The importance of a student bal­ L'niversity Alumni association. schedule of those freshmen students successtul uraduates 01 Lang­ el Messages. The tirst speaker for ancing his time budget extra-curric­ .\fter President G. L. Harrison whose advisers think they should ston University takinu their p la .e s the series will be Dr. Wynn, alum­ ular wise, academically in terms of greeted the group and talked about take it. as liading citizens, 1-Ie also encour­ ni of L. U. returning to the campus extra work responsibilities, in terms integration, the board got down to Please remember that the entire aged th.- stuiients to continue to as Dean of Students. Dr. \\'ynn of his social life was stressed as an facilities of Langston University .ire build the spirit and hold hiizh the business and made plans for home­ will speak on “Temptations of I-'-- important job of the counselor. Dr. coming on N'ovember 13, 1954. initiated and organized to assist in iiaillKI Ui "nil’ oi.uigi. lUiii I’iuc. us." Music will be furnished by the Several ent.iu. .ere sched­ Kamm stated that he believed that Langston. the maximum growth anil develop­ University Choir, directed by Mrs. there is a need for a man who is a The association is calling for the ment of every student committed to uled for the rreshman students. 1,1c- Amelia Taylor. specialist in remedial reading and classes of 1924, tc)^4, 1944, 1954. to' our care. These services, however, ulty-t’reshman party, the students study skills, because there are cer­ return to help celebrate the reunion cannot be used to their utmost ef­ Religious Ennphasis Day met the faculty socially; the intorm- tain things that the specialist can fectiveness unless students take intel­ al mixer gave the students an oppor­ of the teams of 1924. 19^4, 1944 The religious program and activ­ ligent advantage of them. \\'e there­ tunity to dance and talk with the do which the teacher counselor can­ 1954. The hoard members present ities for the new term provides for fore urge you to assume your re- upper classmen; anil the picnic top­ not. were E. D. Brown, president of the a series of religious emphasis days in sponsibilitv for th • usefulness of the ped it off with games and prizes. Other activities included a lunch­ association; C. C. Cooper and loe addition to usual emphasis davs. announceil special service by attend­ The Presid-. nt's reception on Sun­ eon in the dining hall and a picnic Doster, Luther; T. (Inssom, L. T. The religious emphasis days will ing the |ilanned cc/M\ocations on the day afternoon vvas better attended supper fi- ■ the faculty and their fam­ Busby, Haskell, and .\lmeda C. be scheduled during the months of following dates: this year, according to Mrs. Carolyn ilies at Lake Carl Blackwell. Mrs. Parker, reconling secretary of the October. February, and .Mav. NT. C. Allen served as chairman of association. . 20; Octr)ber (>. 1 .-\. Banner, chairman of the orienta­ (niest ministers fur our first relig­ tion committee. She ielt that this the faculty institute. The members of the local commit­ 20. 27; November 17; December ious emphasis day will be Reverend was encour.igeil through the lecture tee for homecoming plans are H. D. I. IS- Stearns .Moxye King. Dr. Daniel Doctor Tollie Cution, .-\ssistant Sec­ ;inii demonstration given by .Mrs. S. First Lady Is Elected Wynn. F. R, Davis, and Fddie Jor­ retary of the Division of Domestic (i. N\'ashington on what to wear and ■Missioi of the Protestant Episcopal To Board of Directors dan. Stop! Look! Read! what to ill) at social affairs of this The tentative program includes Church of New '^'ork. New York. nature. Dr. ('ution will the activities The rtklahoma .Association for the annual senate meeting, a coffee Students planning to attend the Moore riported that central of the d.iy. which include p.rsonal Mental Health has recently an­ hour, the breakfast dancc. a chapel games October i^' (Langston vs. reuistr.ition shortened the time of conferences, .mil a convu- nounced that Mrs. Dorothy Harri­ program scheduled at io;oo a. m.. Lincoln, Kansas City, .Missouri) and •e listr.'.tion, catioii messaue. son was elected to th" Board of D i­ N*o\ ember parade and the ■October (Langston vs. Texas Stud'.nts serving ,is assistants M.irv 1. Kennedv. Ilerrv Davis. Farl rectors of the Oklahoma .-Vssociation football game. Southern. (lalveston. Texas) may se­ for Mental Health in a meeting helil cure tickets from .Mr. R. P). Welch. Scarbrouuli. I lelen |-ranks. Lillie M. Future Teachers Are McFall. Wilhe PatMion. Claressa in July. She will attend a luncheon Tan and Ebony Magazines To Student tickets are Si.oo for each ('otfee. Piarbara Siig.-tll. I’lttve meeting of the exe cutive committee Feature Langston U. Teacher iiame. Seeking New Members at the VMC'A in Oklahoma Citv on \\’ells \\’edgeworth. I'l^libie Neeley . In the December issue of Tan and The I'TAers arc in the process of and lulia .\nn Reed. The Oklahoma .Association for Ebony magazines, the Carnation I scheduling their year's activities. The Mental Health has a three-point ob­ .Milk Cf)iTipany is featuring Mrs. S. membership campaign is now under G. W\ishington, Director of the D i­ jective: way. We hope to increase our mem Advanced Degrees Are !. To promote an interest in and vision of Home Economics at Lang­ bership by 100 percent this year. .All Conferred on L. U. Staff an understanding mental health ston University. Several other mem­ persons interested in liecoming mem­ bers of the University staiT will also on the part of all Ok.ahomans. bers of this organization should con­ Members This Year 2. To work for the prevention of be featured. Watch for this attrac­ tact the sponsor, Mrs. T. B. Moore, tion. Mr. Melvin B. ToKon. professor mental handicaps — from milder instructor in education. Carl I., of creative writing .ind Director ol emotional disorders. lones. our state editor, has been noti­ the Dust Howl Plavers at Langston I. To work for modern appropri­ Senior Class News fied by the co-ordinator that execu­ University was among the distin­ ate treatment — treatment within tive meeting will be held at the guished individuals to be honoreil reach geographically and financially The Senior class has started the , September 2^. bv Lincoln university at its Centen­ of every one in Oklahoma. year ofT with a bang. They have nial celebration this year. At the time ]. Wiley Richardson is president many interesting plans and activities Lincoln conferred upon Mr, Tolson Small girl, commenting to a of the board. scheduled for the year. The officers the degree of Doctor of Letters and friend on passing boy and girl: of the class for the year 1954-55 are: revealed that manv of his poems ap­ “Goodness, she's old enough to he president, Cordell )ohnson: vice- pear in the centenary volume of Lin­ National NFA Convention To his sitter." Be Held in Atlanta, Georgia president. Robert Washington: sec­ coln university pix'ts. retary, Alberta Peoples; treasurer, Mrs. Theresa P. I luirhe.s. s"cretarv The National NF \ Convention Otis Ray; reporter, Lucius Curry; CURTIS CLAY “ How’s your insomnia'" to President ('i. L. Harrison, received will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, parliamentarian, Eugene Hutton. “Worse. Can't even deep when a Master ot Science degree in Busi­ , i :oo p. m. to October Sponsors arc to be elected at next Curtis Clay, sophomore from N. tim,. i,, ^et up.” ness I'diication. Oklahoma & M. I , 12:00 p. m. Delegates will be in meeting. I Little Rock Arkansas, is an all- ______College. their seats for the first session at 2:00 ! around student. His scholastic Mr. .\, lliompson. instructor. In­ p. m., September 2S. The delegates Girl to her date in a night club: standing is above average and he Radio announcer: “And now, a dustrial ,\rts. received a Master of should arrive in Atlanta not later “I think I’ll have another drink. It j has the spirit of a real football play-: word from our sponsor, who has Science degree, C')klahoma 5s M. than the night of the 26th. makes vou so wittv.” er. (See page four for sport news), made this program impossible.” College. SEPTEMBER, 1954 Langsfon Unlversify Gazette Trade and Industrial Outlook Is Bright ^id yxHi Knoim Education Dept. Report For N. F. A. Group I the l A I.K I K IS ^oitii; (III I:, I’l I'l;,' !i; 11:1111 111 111 .1:1 '■ l l l l l l l l ' I'- .1 loiiu loiiiiiev— ( looli reionis an I I ■■ , „ !■:, 'I IV : -t!;'. nl . AN . ' . ' N 5. N V rR'-."'V PC L I I!,!'' : I'll ,1 \ I ! I >1'*' 101111114 our w.i\. 1 li-re reeeiilK. sev­ \ i l i p n . . ' I \ir , ■ , ' II, . \ I'. . hi nl \: ,11 I'l^ i , I I'l .Ill'll'.lilt I'l Ineii.u kers e\ploileil in the diii- I • : .-,1 .!> r!- M.'i i ^ ; I);. I’. iu !i' ii. I'- --I i:k '■ I ’'i' > III-! - I \e r\o n e tliini^ht that I \( I- li.iil leiiirneil to the e.impiis, i:'( .■;li • ii'i .! : ' i<: \,;ri. n lin i,. i!! i!i' i!;'-i 1' "" jii,i\i ;iiiil sii. I i;ih II ilii- ill I’.iii \ I It.nil 1 ur.iilu.ite who is still iTi ( >!, I' .':i,.i \, M . 1 . \ i ! nicnt, M .iiu ^ll.lM.,l^ ,iif U in..; in.iili iis iiliim 111 I n i\e rsit\ .Men is all : ii; li I ' l :: .md I m iiist: i.ii I .iii> ,i .mil i I k - '.tuili III-, .lie .iiiiK ii'.ilin ^ siiiilis Mike his lu.irt tliioh heeti I 'Oil W ill kshnp I ri'iii M r, ; 1 I. . I III,I' Miiiii nl iluir nii'^' iliiii'i'iil ilu.iiii'- liootiiiL; .1 liel .\ir. I.; e is ^i\- S . r i u I I u I u ! r . 1 I h K 11 M I I M i ! . 111 11 iin ii': i i '.i Imm III- Ki\ W.iilkiiis the eoki shouiiler siiue ihe new- “ Piov ’ .irriviil. !; j r s, iitrd 11! iu I _;ri nijI lu’ .:ri 'i :■ T i l l - I' \ n l l l n r 1 . ir .lllllli'i- I '! \ i lin e ol Z ip s hoys e.m not m.ike up V.'.i . i';:;|'i’si li nl I r.i li Ir.u h : ^ 1:. I II nuTs I'l \iiu'i I. .1 Ill 'll II' III ''I his tniiiil .il'out .\ llowt-lj or inriiMi:: I'll; >.1 l.n , Si |'I im' K I I -A;.L a n d T IM E — I ( liiliv 111 11'. !mm S. ill I .1!!.: 1 -J. i'i.ill'- ti'l ' 11. \ ■ .:I . I '! k w ' I r Lii'.s I I.ill. Stiu'i- D im ple liiitle r ar- • ■ • !il;: i.i'.I ri K 'I i ’il I iii-. 1 r-'il \ , ( 'k l.ili' -in.i ( iI ’i . riM 'il, Koheri W .ish iii-to n tor- ..i, .\V‘I11MU r. I );(,'I IK'- llu- I', A. IS liii'.l>iim ii'iw.iiil .1 i-lie .iiiil her haiiii.' W ho is the ■ I.; ! , - i.r.i. , ■ ]■ iir,ii;, i; .in tin j m r. Ii in.iblt.- m tiu .1,1111 ihi'- vt.i!. A^c mi'iilHT i ‘ \ r r \ I'rouri sM'.r 'i luu'l \i .ir. < Mlu 11' Volin- l,iil\- li\es in I’h\liss ; !>.•• ; ' ■ : v. i [!■ 1 ' I '.•••. i» :> ic.iliv I n n " '-:!i.;i iiK .ij'i'lii li I. I I Ik- I, li.ij'ii r ,iu-: j.inu’s S. Sli.iw , \\ lie.itK .mother i ii"ai;e '! ;' I ( 1 Ii I (' .11.!( '! 11 I:rvc \>. liu li w ;i, . Ii i i i : W 1'! Ml 11 1 11-,!i!i r . nil 111 tin,; ironi another lellnw' ^^ORE ROOM AT THE T C P - .;!\rn .Is MMin ,1'. ,1 ini,ilili(’-.l in pn : i ' i i i \ l’;-i!\. s i, n 1,11 \; T ’I m i ( >k!,iliom,i ( 'itv ('.it is cert.iinK ' - ; : . , I , . ..M . i ■ _,i\ ■ 1; ' i : I . I );. 1 sir'll lor IS s ! i- .! (I iri'iii one ol llu' l-'iijt I'll- 1 I 11 I t I' I’, i^i-.isiiri I ; anil -iM ii- Cl.iriss.i ('nlTee the him s. ■ ! ,i! ■ V i;, • .ll'i i:t tin I'lnsi.iiiiii!!.; Mist 11 Mlioii's ;;r.iihi:iiin'.: ('111'!, s T'h.< .iiH'siMi ri i'l 'I t i l . V.oniie ( relish.iw hei-ii siii^in.; ■ I 1 ' t t ;; . a h ^ - In 's ■ I ii:i !,l:.i;is, \ ,;i 1 ,1 i;i .-lit. il pii'.J,Uil \\.|S ! i I . .'■ ■ !!' i: i >ci ■ It I lurts ,Me to My i li.irt" to 111: 1 1 1 k M.isonr \ i i.iss .111 hr!il |. r the I r; sliiiieil ,i,:-.;'es o:; .\ |\iil. I'rooks is m i-htv ‘ •; r , , M.,'. ■ ^ I , .11 r ii !;! I :',ll l u li 1 )r. unu-ii,iil\ '.ii^i iiunilH-r 01 s iu ile n t s T i :., m ;.i \ , _ ■ pteilll'i-r : 1. I slow this semester, (ihit.i .\tiilersoii W I Si.. !i ’r h. U-. tii S' f'l-iii. :! w ,;s!\ 1 r, s> ill's I'ri.iilv eiiroiliil. 'I'lu-\ are: 1 Ih e rt timm S.KiKi' .iiiil .Xurii'iilturi iliil tin- "H iril ' on ili” r)i\on, .M.u- 1 !!' 1! I , ■ 1 , :i liiow ii. I'.eiime Pivril. joe l.:|,inil I’inililiii;,;. !r ;s ,,r\ i‘i'-., inir. til,II ilu I r i'iill’.l'i ('i.i'S h.l-. jnls 1.1 Sj-;::t. 1 I. m -s I'e .\lver/iiH- w ill lor-et .ihout I’Ar.!, I l.iroii! riundii Ir.. T ommy I I r. in:; h. eii .issureil ol ! nil sup , :-''i’•! V !( r lii' il.issini-:i Im iii-,'i- ninrc sjiiiU, .iiiil ,i siiisu ( •ki.ihoni.t ('it\ ('.It .nil! t.ike him ('ioiiper, 'A'llh;- I.. ( ir.iv. Hurl I). port h\ our lllsl r;ii ti rs. we .irr m ia ' . i\ 111. i; r M .iii r. 1 ,i 1.1 lu- 'p irii ili.ii ui- sh .'iilii h.i\i.- .tiul llu- h . u k . 1 lill, I lro\ lln n tir, .\Liiince Kohh, opiimistii .ihiiut our ai.hie\enienis - I i , i v.i. III i;,v V !i\i nil iiircM -r lic-ri nil our f.iiiijius. Lei .\’'.iliew K n s s (• 1 1, .-MeN.iniki .liiriiij till eiisuiim \e.i;. RESPO NSIBILITY TIM E— Sni.ilh\iiiiil, f're iiiriik St.irks. Ki-ii- Junior Class News 1. ;'s -i.iMu lcr i:iu rcs;'(:'v.,|iil!tu-s i i i -a , tni it wnn't he Ic'iij: Ix-litrc iieth Sle\: ns, \\',liter rm iiiio iis. tiu r I-'or St'i im ; '— ".Motor ('op; "'i ou w;- ’ ;ii ailiio to,:s;on ;ii'il nui t 'ih' I'u-ir.' T hats thf test \\c imi>i tiss W i!i\ , l-’.i:\ \eriion NV'illiains, wi'ie ilo iii- iort\, .Nki'am.' T'he luniors h.ive r-.tuiiied as can aiiil .V.iihaiiKl W’oi'il.iri], • .i^s; [nr it u c 'i: in i i.ik r n s|H.ns;l';liis iinu-, it ii !'f ton l.iu- then. 1-:kTi he seen In our d is t rilnition on the nv ’T.lur I'l f\i.r'- i i.i^s si;,,;:iii .u.i-pi ins sli,nt' ui in.iki- his I'hiss sui.ii.'sslul. T'lie ( '.U[-ii litr\ Cl.iss w-tlioines Prettv Thin-— "Foiiy—oh, c.impus. W e are still enjovinj: the

h.ii k tin loliiiwiiv,; stuik'His: ( !l.nuk' |- W e ll, \o u were ilom j; .is much scenes o! I .aiy<:stoii, \\'e're still FOOTBALL TIM E— ( ’lunn, L.iwreiU'c li.imly. Aiuire\\- \ours, l i — so there. " sti-\in!: on w ith cour.iue, .iiiil in just 1 .an;,::!Ill ni.ik-.s l;i-r il-hnt ^.iinnl.iv In li.ishni-,; with the Bishop i i.iin lin I f .\riiU)ii l\oh:iisoii. ,1 little while we'll re.ich our u

(,'u e i II. .\ w ho tr.insierrcd to

W ichit.i L'm \i-rsit\, W icliit,i, K.iii- sts in th e I k I i I ol |-'iiu!ish Lduc.t-

tioii; ,ind .Mr. lessu- 1 louse o| Do'.er.

< 'kl.i.. w ho ir.iiislerred to .\.

•M. (iolle-,:e, Stillw .ite r, in the tield ol L .\-ricullur.iI 1- n-in- e n iii:, T'h is school ye,ir h,is started otT in

,111 iiitire stm ^ manner ,ind hy ;ill np- y < ra i\ 2-6 ^dppens this reporter helieves w-f

shall eiiiov our me.isure ot success. I 'o r I wo ve.irs w '\ e l.ihoreil nt -sio ii in our various liclds. Ikt MO Nth U'CL Th is rni\ersit\ heen uood to e CoKe^ us. and v\e leel our toundation to h.ippv livit'u' is he!i\u laid here.

W i t h t h is t h i u i - h t in m in d w-e, the

iim iors would like to welcome the

Ir shm(-ii and the rest ot our col-

-.i-iies. W ’l- ho|x- your S t.i\ h e re w i ll

he as pie,IS,ml as ours heen.

'\\’e iim io rs must si^n ofT here hut

\’.i-'ll he seeiii- vou around the

campus so i^ood luck and au r voir.

Freshman Class Names Officers T k s V m There are ahout 214 freshman students on the camjnis. They rep­ OK ThcK-x resent s'-\(-raI st.ites. The class met Wednesday with S '?r€ t \ £ v e t the I'Xaii of Stuilviits. Dr. D, W'. I W'vnii to elect class ofTiccrs. Robert Littlejohn, Tulsa, majoring in Agri­ culture was elected president. W'il- W'ilson. W'ew’oka, Oklahoma elected vice-president, C'lladys Starks wa?: elected Secretary, Rolla fean Lee, (Tiickasha, Oklahoma, was lectrd treasurer, and (icorge Polite, Sergeant-at arms. Macgarct Petit was elected Assistant Secretary, It veins as though the Fn-shman class has |)leiity to ofTer, hecaiiso the m.'ijority of them arc majorinsj in commerce, sociology, and music.

All W'ei — In Kansas City, Mis­ souri. w e a t li e r forecasters of the Americ.-in .\feteorological Society picked ;m “ideal day” for their an­ nual picnic, were rained out. ‘ 'BEP 1954 LANGSTON UrJlVERSITY GAZETTE PAGE THREE New Staff Members at Langston University DR. HUI V B.X'ITLK is the di- r'crior ot the division ol .igricuiture. Tlie new riirector succeeds .Mr. S. H. Si ttler who accepteci a position at Fuskegee Institute. i )r. B.ittle receiveti his B. S. De- grie Irom L.mgston University, the •Masti-rs degree Irom the L'niversity ol Wisconsin .ind the Doctor of Philosophy degree trom < iklahoma is .M. ( iollege.

.MISS ■F1II',I..M.\ B. BROW.V, in­ structor. Fduc.ition department, re­ ceived her -\. B. from Spelman col­ lege ami a .M. from .'Xtiant.i uni­ versity. She has lione turther study at Western Reservt'. C'leveland. < )hio. Betore coming to Langston, .Miss Brown taught in the Ciolleges of the J Uivversity System of Cieorgia and HUEY BATTLE THELMA B. BROWN JOHN GAFFNEY EDDIE JORDAN Tuskegee Institute, .\l.ibama. .Miss I Brown also served as ( aimm.inding Langston University's Alpha Z e /o NewS Officers Named By OiTicer of \V .\(' Pi.ind \o . 2 in the A Capella Singers Aim At 'A 'o m e n 's .\rmy Corps for three and itli this, the dauning of a new Delta Sigma The+a one half years. New Records This Year school \, .Mi'ha Zeta I dKi|ii( r of Beta ' jisilon Ch.ipter of I )elt.i i: <;• t n rccoril in • \lplia K.ippa .\lplia Sonjriiv, Inc., .MR. lO IIX C.M 'I'NHY. t;radu- Sigma Thet.i Sorority welcomes 1,-2 in ihtir NW".! Clcust tour ami looks back witl, pridf ,u the success- .it" ol L.mgston Universitv. jcjins the e.K'h tellow' Cireek, colle.igue. and St.Ill in tiie t'inance olTice. He will M i \ k o . the :i cnpclla sin;4tr'; this lul achievenunts ot tiie sJiool' .iciju.iiiitance back to tlie c.impus. ,ire training tor the third trip \-,ir. Kush parlies, pn\.itL- parties,' also assist with the L.mgston Uni­ \ \ ’e hope each of \ou enioyed a versity (iazette for the school vear .. ro“, thi' nation under the ilirection educ.ition.d u (irkslio|'s, [virricipa- leisureK and pnititable \acation. It "1 II. h(hson Ander-ion and this iKMi in school ati.urs, .itteiul.ince and ' 054-5S. is wonderful to be with \ou again t:inc auain tcj t!ic I'ast. Such cities spf>ns(jring (jI religious and .\s student he served one vear ,is and we do liope this school \ear w ill as St. loscph, loua C'ity. ('hicajzo. alT.urs. and the present,ition of ".Miss Busin-ss .Man.iger. and one vear as be one lathomless success to every Flint, I) troit. N'iauara. New York, Fashionetta" were some of 'he high­ Lditor-in ('.hief :if the I.angston Cia- Langstonite. afr.i \ \ ’.isliin;jton, u ill soon lie pre- lights of the year. F'.leven \oung /ette. He was associate Lditor of the Langston L’niversity's Ikta L'psi- [\irinL: tor a concert of '.aricd son;^s ladies made their entrance into Lion in (student yearbook) ion chapter has as its new otlicers sur^ini: and souncHnt: in universal (ireekdom through .\lpha Kappa and as Puisiness M.inager of the lor the academic M)54-S5 the a[>peal hy this nationally known or- .\lpha. Lion J r \ following: President. Mary .-Mice L'.ini/ation. Tliis year tinds us read\ to work i t A t ! Smith, Iloliart, Oklahoma; vice- again under the leadership of tlie .MR. FD D IF IO RDAN, former The^ston l ’ni\crsity a capella president, Lenora Hones, Oescent, lollowing otTicersi l^asileus, Dorothy he:ui ot tlie .\rt Department at .-Vi­ singers hecatne known as such in ( )klahoma; recording secret.iry. .^I. I’arker: .\nt!-i-!asiieus. I^obbie len Universitv. Columbia. Sf)Uth I'l-p under tlu haton of H. I'dison Helen Franks, Purcell. Oklahoin.t; .\ndrrsf)n. The members alon;: with 11 u g h 1 o n; (irammateus. Hettye Carolina, is an instructor in the .Art REV. d a n i e : C L A T E R corresponding secretary, F!un Lew­ W'edueworth: Fpistoleus. loycelam department. Mr, received his th- director, felt that they ncedeil a is, F,i Reno, Okl.ihoma; tre.isur r. Swain; 7'amiouchos. Dorothv 1 loi B. .\. degree from Langston uni­ n.une that would not limit them to Reverend Daniel Clater Lu'/.ell Brown, Cleary, Oklahom.i; loway; Reporter to Ivv l.eaf. Dor­ versity an,' the .M, from Iowa cliai'el or a cnpeila stvie alone and Is New Dean of Students ['arliamentarian, Julia ,\nn Reetl, othy Raney: Dean of Pledges, Mary State university. Iowa C'.itv. Iowa. they searched tor one rhat would be Tulsa, ()klahoma; repoiter. Mazree I\ennedy. Other memlxrs of Alpha At School of Religion I'road enmmh to u'ive them the ransje a 1 k e r, Muskogee, ( )klahoma; Z-ta are Hetty Osliorne. F!rma \^’il- 0\'A I FWIS I^ROOKS. gradu­ and ileviliilitv of several concert Reverenei D,imel C^later, Dean of '■'haplain, \ ’irgie N\'inn, .Muskogee, liams, Adeila Smith, and ('harlotte ate of nursing school, Pluiibard hos- styles of singing. Thus, the Lang­ Students at the School of Religion. Oklahoma. Our sponsors are Mrs. Rowe. I'ital, of .Mehairy .Medical college. ston I ’niversity a capella singers received his I^. and M. Ld. at Bernice Thompson and Mrs. Therc- Further study P)cllevue N. came into prominence anil the nu- \\’e are liajipy that ,ill members of Bishop C'ollege. .Marshall, Tc.\.';s. Moot.'. V. C.; ('olumbi.i Universitv. New nitrous critical jiress comrnents that the Ivy i.eaf Club have returned and .\fr. Cllater is a recipient of a i'). 1). c are proud of our sorors who ^’ork Universitv: L'niversity oi acclaun their c\i]uisite choral rendi­ are again fostering the i'ieals and degree from Howard uni\ersitv, hold such distinctive olTice^ on the P.iris: .'Vmerican French I lospital; tions will again he attested this vear spirit of .\lpha Kappa .-Mpha. They W ashington, D. C\. belore coming , Huy .ire Fiezoni.i C'udjoe, WVstminster Hospital; Nontese-Sori as some tifty-fne college men and are: Hvtte Davis, F.ilna [acksoii. F.l-' to Langston, .Mr. C'later served as president of Kappa Delta Pi. Lillian- School for tf-.iining small chikiren. women from the st.ite of ("iklahrma nora Smith, loyce Desmuke, Xancy an .\ssistant Counsellor to ..nder- W’illjams. president of the Pan- London. F'ngl.ind; L'niversity ot Cal­ and surrountling states begin their Taylor, Evelvn Sullivan, .Miriam graduate students at Ho.sard and I lellenic council, Helen F'r a n k s, ifornia: L'niversity ol Chicago: .igorous and methodical training in Fields, ('arole Biliingslea, Delores also an instructor of Religi<'n at president of the Langston University (traduate Warsliam College of Mor­ an effort to beat their previous rec­ I layes, l?onita I^ogers. Mora Brou n, Bishop. band, and fuli.> .\nn Reed, accom- tuary Science. ord. and Tycine Lyons. ------. panist for the a caivlla choir. It is Our goal is for this year to be the K. I r- A l l ‘ pleasure to have such competent most outstanding and successful of News hrom Alpha lea.lers m our sisterhood SCT. LOL’N’O ID L. If H INSON, Lafesf College any in tlie past. This will be begun , ' Well, campus activitv has almost of Sand Springs. Oklahoma is the Fashions Dei>cribed bv sponsoring a big Pre-\’ictory Well, the ".^pes returned to the resumed its normal routine. The nc'w person will be in the De- dance on Fritiay night, September campus full of ideas to^ the woulleeigcs, Percy Perry. Broth­ semester to achie\e higher goals ih,m heiL:lu ot fasliion on any college .in's basil- shoe U'r i.isual or dress up ers Toiid and liatclieior were on the has been .icliieved in previous \ears. campus, tor skirts and sweaters can attire. Look tor si'ine oi the latest campus a lew days ago as you know 'File newh elected olficers leil in be dressed up for street wear or fashions at th;' game Saturd.n \\hen they .ire serving L'ncle Sam dow n in Zefas in the News th ii)S4'SS pi'Iem.irch. Omega .Ad­ dressed down for casual anti sport the mightv Langston Lions meet I'ort Bliss, Texas. 'A'e were rtaily kins. are in full swing to carry on Mishop C'ollege. clad to sec them. The Lambda .Alpha Chapter of where the previous ofTicers ceased. ■Vothing measures up to wool vel­ Let’s look sharp, t'cel cood ol> Brothers C'avton and Sanders are the Zeta Phi Ik ta sororitv have great Tiic IQ^4-S5 officers are as follows: plans tor tlie school term iqs4-tS- vet and corduroy tor fall and win Langston's spirit and sell loud and now cigarette competitors— C'ayton polemarch. Omega I., .'\dkins; vice- ter. featurcii in suits, dresses, lilouses. harii. is the Camel representative, and We wouki first like to welcome polemarch, Kenneth W’. .'\rmwine: all the .sorors back to the campus, shorts, slacks, shirts, anil skirts stvled P. S. .\ woman’s basic garments Saiulers is the Lucky S.rike repre­ keeper of records, \ ’eran Siiarp: old and new. We hope that e.tter a m all fashion magazines. are a suit. coat, black suede pumps sentative. Smootli Smoking. keei'er of exchei]uer, .\\nn .Mat nice hot summer you are ready to The new colors for the fall and and a street tiress. ■Vt'ter spending a few days with ti.ews; strategus. Roliert Armstrong; start the year oiT with a bang. winter are gold, r^d. navy, gray, .'\ man’s Ixisic garments are suit, us and our .\lpha mother, .'Irs. iiistorian. Worthy Hadley; dean of W'e especially wish to welcome men's grey, lirown, black, royal shirts, tic. overcoat and shoes. Rosie jenkins, Rudolph [enkins re I'ledges, Kmmitt lohnson; blue, pl.iid, tweed, oii\e. turned to Austin. I'exas, where lie of pleiiges, isonald Lee. Mrs. \ ’ernon C'olTev wl.i) will be with us I'or a brief term continuing S[iort jackets will be worn in will c.ttend the University of Texas,, 'Fhe following members gradu- her eiluc,Ition. ious colors and st\les Init the type If he cn;i remember so many pursuing a Master’s degree in social ated this spring: l^ro. Stanley White, ot material will set you aside from jokes, wiili all the details that make work. polemarch of 1QSVS4; Bro. P>ooker Hats olT to Miss Ozella Tucker tlie usual, such as ieatlvcrs. virgin them, why can’t he recall with equal .As this article is being written, T. .Morgan, keeper of records, ii)SV who [leen chosen from the So­ wool, and caslimere. skill, how many times he’s told Brother R. Seward arriveti from De- 54; P>ro. Fugene Robbins, keeper of cial Sciuice Department '.o serve as them. a lunior C'.ounselor. .Mav she Ix* a Shoes tor t.ill ami winter on ,i col­ troit, tlie ''motor city.” We are glail exchei]uer, P>ro. Theron trememloiis success in olTering aca­ lege c.uiipus tor casual wear are to iiave Brother Seward back with 1 looks. demic as well as personal advice to moccasins, oxli'nis and He shows great promise— “You us. Another gooti brotlier lias been ------adiled to the faculty. He is Brother Nftek little man in a lloiist's sho|i: the students. ('oro jewelry is tiigidy fashioned say your soii plays the piano like lackie Iordan, an art instructor. "I'li like something in tiie nature of "'I'ou'll iu- seeing more of Zeta in not only on college cam[nises but Pederevvski Clood luck, lirother lordon. ^ a peace teeler tor my wile.” over the states witli sweaters, suits. I “Yes. he uses both hands.” ' 9S4-‘5S." ■a : ette LEP"E‘.‘BER Lions Open Season With Bisliop College \\'ith .1 lint .i\er.iu:ng 1 i pounds he.uier List year s lor\s.ird u;ill. the L.iiigstoji L'nutrsiiy l.mns will opm the se,is(in uith Rishop col- k ge ol .Marsh.ill. And e r s o n I'lekI S.itunhn. September 2^. The g.ime is e.illed lor 2:00 p. m. ('o.K'h ('. h. (Zip) (>,i\les mdi i.iteil he expected se\ new pl.ners to see .ution in the g.imc. Theatrice Rmw n. livpouiul hall- b.kk Irom Hillsboro. beui IiMiking especi.illy good in tue and may get the nod over (Jrif- tin jones. l.ut year's for the st.irting position. Rrown. a jun ior. is in his nrst ol eligibilitv at the ( 'kl.ihoma college. I'loyd Neal. I'l^pound freshman back, will pri'b.ibh share punfng ilutics \\'ith W ::iiAM R'.’ACH STEPHEN BROWN CURTIS BRACKEEN ,i--.ior i Oil •h 'm a Junior, City Oklahoma Junior, Muskogee, OkUfiorna ('urtis ('l.iv. sophomore back from North Little Rock. Arkansas. W al­ ter ( loiich. i''(^'-pound freshm.m trom Langston Lions' 1954 Pomp.ino He,id'.. I'lorid.i an ' Frank Football Schedule I’liwler. i'''i-pound sdphnmore. .ire p:!-m!''-: 2; iiishop t'ol!e.:e, .it expected to share the lullb.ick as 1 .Hi.,.I. n. signinent. t Kuii'er — 'I'ennesse State, at The Lions downed P>isho[''college. N'.isln ii!e. I't nn. 42'''. last vear. (I.i\les. howc\er. (Ktnber >i— Texas I’oHege. at pointed out that the Texas im I ..Kl-stoll. proved throughout the season la'-t ( )i.!ober ifi— l.incci'n I'nixersits, vear. and hastened to add that the at K.ui-.r ( "ity. .Mo. Tigers are the onl\ team to ik-ieat ( Ktober 2 ;— Southern l'ni\ersit\. the Lions in an opening ^.ime on .It I’l.iton Rouge. L.t. .\nderson I'ie'd since he took fiver ( l. tiiber ;n— South, rn. at co.iching duties .it Langston in hi^". ( i.iKestoi'i. "I' N’(i\ember (1— W'ilev ('ollcue. ,U Sporfs Report'hall. Texas. N'o'rniber —Arkansas State. .1! Sixty-live Lions roared upt'n the i..inustoii ( 1 lonKcoming ). practice grounils and began making November 20— Prairie \ ’iew. .u a l e r e d l u s t e r A C IE C L A R K VERAN SHARP preparations lor capturing the South­ S ; ' r-’Tiore C h o c ’ avr Q i Junior, Fredericl, 0« ahorr'a Junior, Luther, Oklahorria Muskogee. ( )kla. west Coni’erence champi. .iship. Filty rem.iin at the present tlate. ( )ne girl to another: "h I could K. (^'avis and Albert Senslev will Starting Lineups for Saturday's Game Kappa Delta Pi comlvne their qu.ilities I'd bi the be a great help to the Lions. They happiest girl in the world. Ronald were drafteil into the armed lorces LANGSTON Elects Officers BISHOP is g.n. tiebonair. rivh. h.indsnme. in 10^’. but there will be nothing to Thu I'.t.i M.;in,t ch.i|'tcr oi K A l’ Alford, Garland RE Roach, William witty, and I'larence w.ints to marry stop them this vear. I’A 1)I.1.!A I’l Us iirst incctiiv^ me." Sammy W illi.hit; and (x-cil (>■'- Washington, Edd'C RT Clark, Acie i(.T 2'', I’ri^m the Houston Po'.t; ('ow- Male/, Arthur RG Cidi,keen, Curtis We hope they will be able to k.ipp.i !’i p\inv In h.ivc- a bo\ w.iiued for resort ranch; must return before conference play Ivgins. Gay Sherman C Brown, S+even \ciy bUW' ssuil, K.ij'pa Dtlt.i Pi be able to sing and plav g; We'll IS .111 h. luir lor .suuknts oi le.ich vdu how to ride, .\pplv Lost LG Luster, Alfred Last Week's F. B. Scores Logan, Clifford ur thf iiiiiior lc\fl with .in \'allev Ranch. Rob'nson Johnnie LT Evans, Elzie •iCi. uiiiuLilisc ,i\cr.iu(,‘ ol “ I) (ir Pi'shop 2~. Butler o. .ihir.. , FIk- (illiccrs lor this sJuiul Burleson, Waynnond IE Shaw, A. W . Hignilied young man pulling Tennessee State ’,1. Lincoln i u\u .ire I ri /oiii.i ( .uihoc. prcsiJcnt; away from ardent siren: "Please, (,)uinn 0. (irarnbling o. Williams, Bert QB Shorp, Veran ( )z(.'lla kcr, \ iCL-prcsuk’Hl; licuvc ''liss Sw.inson you're ste.iming my •Arkansas State 6. (ackson 6. \\ Cl 1-(.'Worth. corrcsponihn- stt rc- Bdiley, Harold FB Fowler, Prank ■jl'isses." Prairie View 27. Camp Mood 21. t.iry: !,■-nijr.i |onc^ n.\()nlinL; sccri'- Turner, Irie MB Clay, Curtis lary: Ivoscol- Ak-x.iiulcr. p.irli.inu-n- ■Johnson, M ikhell MB Jones, Griffon Mrs. T. 1^. ,\io(irf. irt.isurcr. Langston University Lions' Football Roster for 1954 .Miini't r.s ,irc Lcon.iril (^nton. ( )|li(.' Re*e'ee— Ar^ze^'cr. *-‘.y ("i C n ’ egej ik-niutt. C'lKirlditc ko\'. , Mary Ken N a m e Class W e ig h t H e ig h t Pos. H o m e Town OTip>e— Cooper Q^in+e ’i i Texas Co ege) ntily. Lilli.uuiiic W’illi.ims, Mrs. Adderly, Cyrus Frosh 165 5 ’91/2 c Pompino Beach, Fla. A lexan der, Billy Frosh 203 6' 11/2 G Law+on - '•e;rP5n— E' ” cr', L'arlcr. Juicegee) .Mac I.tlnioinis, .Mr. I'ohhN Parker, "Austin, Samuel Soph 175 6' C S ap ulpa r ’e'c j- jg e — SrsTna'', Dan'e ,Texa‘. Cc ’ege) 11 Dr. ,\.C. Shropshirt.-, .Mr. Iiiliiis . 'Brackeen, Curtis Jr. 210 5 7 1 / 2 G M usko gee 1 lushes. II r. lirouii anil .Mrs. ’Burt, Walter Soph 160 5 10 E Little Rock, Ark. Tigers' Football Roster I ). P. 1 l.irrisnii. 'Brown, Stephen Jr. 171 5 I I 1/2 C Bates, Lonnie Frosh 149 561/2 B M usko gee Brown, Lewis Frosh 179 t'0 '/2 E Pompino Beach, Fla. N a m a Position W e ig h t H o m e Town Brown, Theatrice Jr. 152 5'6'/2 B Hillsboro, Tex. AHord, Garland B-ick 205 Marshall, Teias Cotton, Roosevelt Frosh 180 6 1 1/2 E T.'Isa Allen, Daniel C e n te r 200 W ic h ita Falls, Te«as A 9 i \ i Cotton, Willie Soph 190 6 OI/2 E Idab el Back 170 Fort Worth, Texas Bailey, Harold •Clay, Curtis Soph 154 5 ’6 B N. Little Rock, Ark. Beasley, Norris Back 185 Memphis, Tenn. By RAYMOND JULIAN MORRIS "Clark Acie Jr. 213 5'8 T Frederick Bryant, .lames Back 165 Terrell, Texas Eriven, John Frosh 138 5'I0'.'2 QB A n a d a rk o Burleson, Waymond End 190 Fort Worth, Texas ! \’.aiu ti) m.ikc your dream come "Evans, Eljip Soph 22 I'/2 51 IV 2 T San Antonio, Tex. Carson, Donald ISO Wetumka, Okla. t,,d true, "Greenwood, Johnny Soph 152 5'8'/2 QB N. Little Rock, Ark. Christian, Johnny Back 170 Giimer, Texas I w.iiii t(! he \iuir \ir\ oun. "Fowler Frank Soph 186 5'6'/2 FB San Antonio, Tex. Connbs, Ronald E. G u ard 155 Wetyrnka, Okla. Fields. Ogis Soph 147 5 71/2 B Joplin, Mo. Cooper, Ozell B a'k 175 Marshail, Texas l'(jr destiiu ilul net. ii;teiul that you Fields Otis Jr. 164 5 ’9I/2 B Joplin, Mo. Elliott, Jessie C e n te r 180 Texarkana. Texas shiailil he alone; Gouch Walter Frosh I86'/2 5 8 I/2 FB Pompino Beach, Fla. Gay, Sherman C e n te r 195 Longview Texas hate\er \ou ilu please think ol me Hurte, Lorenzo Jr. 155 6'0'/2 C A rd m o re Gordon. James Back 165 A d a. O kla. as lx;in;4 your liie, your workl; Hornbeak, Jerry Jr. 150 5 '6 '/, B A rd m o re G reer, Billy, Back 175 Little Rock, Ark. .\’'d when you look at utlurs Ho'nbeak, Charles Jr 165 5 ’9'A E A rd m o re Horace, Ray G u ard 170 Karnack, Texas •Jefferson Van Soph 205 5 'I0 '/2 T Frederick Ingram, Vernon Tackle 235 Longview, Texas remember, •Jones, Gri*fen Soph 144 5'9 B Little Rock, Ark. Jernio»i, Charles Back 170 Marshall, Texas I'ln your j^irl. Jordan, Roger Frosh 175 <>'l'/2 B Colorado Springs, Colo. Johnson, Mitchell Back 188 Port Arthur, Texas \\'heii you need a huj^ and a Kiss Johnson, Donald Frosh 192 5'9 G W y n n e w o o d Key, Estra G u ard 185 Marshall, Texas let me he the one you miss: Kent, Edward Frosh 231 5 'I0 '/2 T Evanston, III. Logan, ClIHord G u ard 180 A d a. O kla. •Luster, Alfred Soph 190 5 7 V 2 G C h o c ta w McNoil, Charles Back 160 Dallas, Texas II you need arms lo share, if it's Loqgis, Raymond Frosh 177 6'0'/4 T Lubbocit, Te>. Maloy, Arthur G u ard 290 Wdco, Texas tenderness and care, Lewis, John Frosh 146 5 7 B . M u skog ee Mitchell, Felix Back 165 Memphis, Tenn. Hooper, Joffory It you want someone to love you Frosh 133 5'8'/2 QB Frederick Owens, Melvin End 165 Dallas, Texas Neal, Floyd ...... forever and always; Frosh 163 6 '11/2 B W a to n g a Parkin';, W illie End 170 Longview, Texas McGary, Eddie Soph 156 5'9l/2 E N. Little Rock, Ark. Ransom, James G u ard 215 Halls''llle, Texas I 1 am the Orange, Jessie Frosh 198 6 'I'/2 T C h o c ta w Robinson, Johnny . Tackle I'',.) Mansfield, La. : Let me be your every thouL;ht; let Proctor, Jamus Frosh 172 6'i E Chlckasha Rose. Robert Back i;c Toledo, Ohio Lollte, George > me he your e\ery day; F osh 19! 6'l T Id ab el Scott, Leon Back 165 Wetumka. Okla. Perry, Willie . Let me spend iny liie with you. be Frosh 1511/2 5 '9 1/2 QB Id ab el Smith. A. Linwood G u ard 170 Norfolk, Va •Patterson, Thurman, Jr. Jr. you near or far away. KB 5'iO E Tulsa Smith, Roscoe G u a rd 180 H o p e , Ark. Richardson, A. C. Frosh 147 5 7 1 / 2 B C h o c ta w Smith, Wendell Back 185 Marshall, Texas Let me brin^i,' you happiness— 'tis •Roach, William Sr. 187 6'i E Luther Stephenson, Royace G u ard 166 G'Imer, Texas Sensley, Albert you I w.’.nt so much to caress, Soph. 210 5'9 G L uther Thomas, James Back 170 Dallas, Texas ixt me be your passionate thrill; •Sharp, Veran Jr. 162 5'9'/2 QB L uther Turner, Irie Back 174 Texarkana, Texas Shaw W . A. With lov I ant vour life to be Frosh 184 5 'I I 1/2 E Id ab el Washington, Eddie TackU' 215 Marshall. Texas Sharp. Norris Frosh 162 6'l QB Lufhsr Webb Melvin C e n te - 175 Gilmer, Texas lilkd; Thornton, James Soph 155 S'91/2 QB Law ton W h ite, Earl End 168 Angleton, Texas For a girl if you have a desire, Williams, Sammy Jr. 164 571/2 FB T a ft Williams Burt Baer 170 Texarkana, Texas Hadley, Worth Jr. Ixt me lie your eternal fire; 175 6'0 G S ap ulpa Williams, Janies End 180 H o m er, La. I'll do ;in\thing for you just to make Chavous, Kanawa Sr. '8 5 571/2 G Luther Vernon. Mack D. G u ard 168 Gilmer, Texas Bruce, Ralph Frosh 150 5'6 QB M u sko g ee Young, James Back 170 Dallas, Texas vour clream come true. ■ Letterman