Biographical Index
Biographical Index Compiled by the Author For subject headings, see under the index entry for Churchill, Winston S. Aberconway, Baron: 1278 and Churchill's view offear, 638; and Adeney, Bernard: 1053 n. 2 the Rubber Restriction Scheme, 683; Adly Pasha: 724 n. I and the General Strike, 691, 692 n. I, 'Admiral Collard': the turkey cock, 1254 719; and Irish unemployment, 734, Ahmad Ziwar Pasha: 317 1390; and the Coal negotiations, 844; Ahmed Fuad Pasha: 318 and Trade Union legislation, 892 n. I; Aitken, Jane: dies, 1041 war service of, 947 n. I; and China, Alexander, Major A. C. B.: 182 949, 971; and Churchill's third Aley (the chauffeur): 144 budget, 983-4; and Palestine, 995; Alfonso XIII, King of Spain: 57 his Empire tour, 1030; and Churchill's Alington, Dr Cyril: 211, 1232-3, 1416- de-rating plans, 1215, 1219, 1243, 17 1266; finds Churchill in 'a naughty Alington, Mrs (Hester Margaret Lyttel mood', 1302; 'bubbling over with ton): 1232 excitement', 1302; and the proposed Allan, D. H.: and Churchill's de-rating Milk Tax, 1224-5; and Churchill's plans, 1149-50 fourth budget, 1274; and the proposed Allenby, Field-Marshal Viscount: in Zionist loan, 1304; and Tariffs, 1315 Egypt, 255, 256, 257, 275, 276-7, 390 n. I, 1333; describes Churchill at Altham, Captain Edward: 150-1 work, 1316-17; and the coming Amanullah Khan: loses his 'precarious General Election (of 1929), 1396; and throne', 1429 The World Crisis, 1418, 1434 n. I; and Amery, L. S.: 124, 125, 143 n. 3, 234, Churchill's political future, 1432-3, 239, 241- 2, 287-8, 289, 294-5, 31I, 1442-3, 1444-5, 1469; and Churohill's 315, 357, 370 n.
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