United Nations A/69/817–S/2015/186

General Assembly Distr.: General 17 March 2015 Security Council Original: English

General Assembly Security Council Sixty-ninth session Seventieth year Agenda item 32 Prevention of armed conflict

Letter dated 16 March 2015 from the Permanent Representative of to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Upon the instructions of my Government, I am writing to convey Armenia’s grave concern about the ongoing violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of Azerbaijan on the line of contact between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan and across the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, recorded for the month of February 2015 (see annex). Since my previous letter on the issue (A/69/767-S/2015/99), dated 5 February 2015, the situation on the line of contact and on the State border has remained tense. Azerbaijan continues to disregard the provisions of the May 1994 ceasefire agreement, as well as the calls of the international community and, in particular, of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group co-chairs, for restraint. The Azerbaijani side has been intensifying its shelling of the positions of the Nagorno Karabakh defence army and the Armenian armed forces, also undertaking more aggressive attempts to infiltrate the Armenian positions and carrying out subversive operations. Azerbaijani top leadership spreads belligerent propaganda to escalate the situation on the ground, while refusing to demonstrate any political will to register progress in the negotiations and rejecting the withdrawal of snipers and the creation of an investigative mechanism on ceasefire violations as a step towards building confidence. The military adventurism of Azerbaijan during the reporting period resulted in the death of soldiers Sheqspir Hakobyan, Artak Aghekyan and Hayk Baroyan, and a civilian, Vanik Ghukasyan, while soldiers Sargis Sargsyan, Eghish Abrahamyan, Volodya Sedrakyan, Arsen Hunanyan and Artur Manucharyan, as well as Levon Andreasyan, a civilian, were wounded. Armenia yet again strongly condemns these continued irresponsible and provocative actions by the Azerbaijani side. The deliberate targeting of civilians unequivocally constitutes a blatant violation of international humanitarian law. The Armenian side remains strongly convinced that there can be no military solution to the conflict but through peaceful means and in the framework of the internationally established format.

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I kindly request that the present letter and its annex be circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 32, and of the Security Council.

(Signed) Zohrab Mnatsakanyan Ambassador Permanent Representative

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Annex to the letter dated 16 March 2015 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 1-28 February 2015

1. On the borderline of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. Total number of violations — 1,962 Total number of shots — 54,379 AK (AKM) ~ 33,027, PK ~ 16,184, SVD ~ 2,369, DSHK ~ 896, RPK ~ 1,067, Black arrow ~ 70, Istiglal ~ 466, Utyos (NSVP/NSVT) ~ 178, RPG-7 ~ 36, AGS-17 ~ 3 0, SPG-9 ~ 1, 60 mm grenade launcher ~ 49, GP-25/GP-5 ~ 6 2. On the borderline of the Republic of Armenia (see table below): Total number of violations — 808 Total number of shots — 25,006 AK (AKM) ~ 3,676, PK ~12,796, SVD ~ 857, DSHK ~ 6,081, RPK ~ 398, Black arrow ~ 640, Istiglal ~ 7, SPG-9 ~ 4, AGS-17 ~ 43, RPG-7 ~ 16, ZU-23-2 ~ 60, 62/60 mm grenade launcher ~ 52, 82 mm grenade launcher ~ 6, KPVT ~ 170, Utyos (NSVP/NSVT) ~ 200

No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 1. 1 February Vazasen 0005 AKM 4

2. 0005 DSHK 7

3. 1155 SVD 3

4. 0045 PK 1

5. 0140 AKM 10

6. PK 10

7. 0230 AKM 16

8. 1345 SVD 4

9. 1535 Black arrow 1 10. 1705 4

Abbreviations: AK (AKM), Kalashnikov rifle (7.62 mm/5.45); PK, Kalashnikov machine gun (7.62 mm); PKT, machine gun; SVD, 7.62 mm sniper rifle; DShK, 12.7 mm machine gun; RPK, 5.45 mm machine gun; Black arrow, 12.7 mm sniper weapon; Istiglal, 14.5 mm machine gun; Utyos (NSVP, NSVT), 12.7 mm machine gun; RPG-7, anti-tank grenade launcher; AGS-17, 30 mm automatic grenade launcher; GP-25/GP-5, grenade launcher; ZSU-23, 23 mm anti-aircraft self-propelled mount; KPVT, 14.5 mm heavy machine gun; SPG-1/SPG-9, anti-tank grenade launcher; 60 mm grenade launcher, 60 mm grenade launcher; 82 mm grenade launcher, 82 mm grenade launcher.

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 11. 1810 PK 50 12. 2250 AK 3

13. Kayanavan 0110 PK 20

14. AKM 20 15. Berqaber 0120 PK 3

16. 2235 DSHK 2

17. 2330 SVD 4 18. 2345 AK 3

19. 0345 AKM 8

20. Eraskh 0125 AKM 3

21. 0130 7

22. Aghdak 0225 AK 30

23. SVD 7

24. Choporlu 0430 Black arrow 4

25. 1415 SVD 17

26. 1705 PK 100

27. SVD 30

28. Movses 1125 Black arrow 1

29. 2030 2

30. 1600 PK 3

31. Sevakavan 1310 AK 2

32. Chinari 1545 Black arrow 2 33. 1545 2

34. 2125 Black arrow 6

35. PK 30 36. 2350 SVD 3

37. 1545 PK 25

38. Shavarshavan 1600 SVD 4 39. Mehrab 2005 AK 70

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 40. Paravaqar 2120 PK 8 41. 2330 Black arrow 4

42. N. Karmiraghbyur 2240 SVD 2

43. 2320 SVD 2 44. 2355 AK 3

45. 2345 AK 3

46. 2 February 0010 AK 4

47. 0310 SVD 3 48. PK 4

49. 2030 DSHK 12

50. 2045 DSHK 22

51. N. Karmiraghbyur 0015 PK 15

52. 0130 DSHK 4

53. 0520 PK 15

54. 0550 AKM 25

55. 2315 PK 7

56. 0300 15

57. Movses 0015 AK 1

58. 0245 10

59. 0145 4

60. 0910 DSHK 10

61. Berqaber 0025 AK 10

62. 0155 15

63. 0625 SVD 4

64. 2310 AK 2

65. 0045 Black arrow 2 66. 1120 4

67. 2052 2

68. 2210 3

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 69. 2210 SVD 10 70. 2250 PK 20

71. Aygepar 0055 SVD 3

72. 0305 AK 4 73. 1540 SVD 1

74. 2155 AKM 40

75. SVD 10 76. 2300 DSHK 7

77. 2315 10

78. 2345 2

79. Berdavan 0100 PK 150

80. 2150 Black arrow 6

81. Paravaqar 0110 DSHK 8

82. 0115 RPK 15

83. 0145 AK 4

84. 2035 DSHK 40

85. PK 20

86. 2115 DSHK 3

87. Choporlu 1230 Black arrow 2

88. 1510 DSHK 3

89. 1830 AK 3

90. Black arrow 15 91. 1840 Utyos 30

92. Black arrow 7

93. DSHK 3 94. 2210 AGS-17 2

95. Eraskh 1740 AKM 3

96. 1810 1 97. 2150 3

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 98. 1900 Utyos 20 99. Vaha n 1900 PK 20

100. 1900 Black arrow 40

101. Areguni 2225 PK 30 102. AK 40

103. 2230 PK 40

104. AK 20 105. Jil 2340 PK 25

106. AK 4

107. 3 February Vazashen 0003 AKM 1

108. 0020 DSHK 4

109. 0030 PK 7

110. 0050 DSHK 4

111. 0110 PK 10

112. Chinari 0100 PK 15

113. 0100 SVD 5

114. Chambarak 0130 DSHK 10

115. 0130 PK 30

116. 1815 PK 20

117. SVD 10

118. 1230 DSHK 4

119. 2040 15

120. Paravaqar 1430 Black arrow 2 121. Barekamavan 1600 Black arrow 5

122. Istiglal 5

123. 1800 DSHK 50

124. Aygepar 1710 DSHK 2

125. Khachik 2000 AK 30

126. Vaha n 2040 PK 100

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 127. Aygedzor 2150 AKM 40 128. Shavarshavan 2245 DSHK 3

129. Aygepar 2350 PK 2

130. Agarak 2215 AK 1

131. 4 February Paravaqar 0005 DSHK 10 At 1055, in the village Movses in his garden, 132. 2330 PK 30 civilian Levon 133. 2355 PK 30 Andreasyan was wounded from the 134. AKM 30 Azerbaijani side. 135. 2310 PK 40

136. AKM 30

137. Vazashen 0010 AKM 3

138. 0315 PK 15

139. 1430 Black arrow 3

140. 1545 2

141. 1630 1

142. 1945 PK 10

143. 1000 SVD 2

144. Chambarak 0140 DSHK 60

145. Vaha n 0140 DSHK 65

146. 0215 DSHK 45

147. AK 140

148. Choporlu 0210 SVD 50

149. PK 20 150. AK 100

151. Vaha n 0430 DSHK 70

152. Chinari 0930 Black arrow 41 153. PK 70

154. Movses 1055 Black arrow 4

155. 1530 DSHK 25

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 156. 1540 20 157. Aygepar 1115 SVD 2

158. 1240 Black arrow 1

159. 1730 SVD 1 160. 1805 Black arrow 6

161. N. Karmiraghbyur 1840 Black arrow 4

162. 1935 PK 35 163. m. Aghdak 1840 AK 6

164. 1910 AK 10

165. PK 20

166. 2035 AK 30

167. Mehrab 1845 PK 50

168. DSHK 30

169. 2035 SVD 20

170. AKM 130

171. Kiranc 2020 PK 50

172. AKM 80

173. 2040 DSHK 20

174. AK 80

175. 2055 DSHK 10

176. 2055 AKM 50

177. 2045 NSVP 20 178. 2150 AKM 30

179. Vazashen 2300 DSHK 11

180. 2310 4 181. 2325 PK 4

182. 2327 4

183. 2331 DSHK 4 184. 2331 4

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 185. Berqaber 2331 SVD 4

186. 5 February Vazashen 0005 DSHK 4 1. At 1700, near the village Marzili at the 187. 1315 PK 6 borderline in the combat 188. 2315 5 position, soldier Sheqspir Hakobyan was fatally 189. 2315 AK 40 wounded from the Azerbaijani side. 190. 2315 82 mm grenade 6 launcher 2. At 2300, in the village Nerqin 191. 2315 PK 109 Karmiraghbyur in his 192. DSHK 169 yard, civilian Vanik Ghukasyan was fatally 193. SVD 7 wounded from the Azerbaijani side. 194. N. Karmiraghbyur 0015 DSHK 60

195. 0020 AKM 5

196. 0020 DSHK 5

197. 0130 330

198. 0135 DSHK 20

199. AK 60

200. 1815 DSHK 1

201. 1840 Black arrow 3

202. 2130 KPVT 50

203. 2200 DSHK 30

204. 2240 60 mm grenade 1 launcher 205. 2335 KPVT 120

206. Paravaqar 0020 DSHK 46

207. 0055 AGS-17 14 208. 0055 RPG-7 1

209. 0135 DSHK 4

210. 2245 Utyos 15

211. Aygepar 0025 DSHK 100

212. 0150 DSHK 15

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 213. PK 100 214. RPG-7 1

215. 0200 DSHK 700

216. PK 1 050 217. 0200 RPG-7 2

218. 0210 DSHK 200

219. PK 250 220. 0240 DSHK 90

221. 0945 AK 2

222. 1445 2

223. 1840 PK 4

224. 2130 60 mm grenade 5 launcher 225. 2335 DSHK 900

226. PK 1 300

227. 2340 DSHK 450

228. PK 900

229. Movses 0220 DSHK 55

230. PK 450

231. RPG-7 1

232. 0230 DSHK 80

233. PK 350

234. 0920 SVD 1 235. 1445 1

236. 1610 1

237. 1745 DSHK 3 238. 2325 950

239. 2325 ZU-23-2 60

240. PK 1 200

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 241. 2330 DSHK 200 242. PK 400

243. Jil 1340 PK 15

244. Black arrow 1 245. Dovegh 1545 Black arrow 5

246. Chambarak 1830 DSHK 15

247. 1955 PK 12 248. Mehrab 2045-2250 PK 60

249. DSHK 70

250. SVD 60

251. AK 10

252. Chinari 2145 RPK 12

253. 2240 PK 10

254. Berqaber 2210 40

255. Berdavan 2300 60 mm grenade 3 launcher

256. 2350 60 mm grenade 10 launcher

257. DSHK 100

258. PK 150

259. Shavarshavan 2340 SPG-9 2

260. PK 150

261. 2355 60 mm grenade 16 launcher 262. SPG-9 2 263. PK 150

264. 6 February N. Karmiraghbyur 0000 DSHK 250

265. PK 100

266. 1120 SVD 2 267. 1500 Black arrow 4

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 268. 2120 PK 10 269. Paravaqar 0000 AGS-17 4

270. 0015 NSVP 30

271. AGS-17 3 272. RPG-7 3

273. 0040 DSHK 35

274. RPG-7 8 275. SVD 6

276. 2140 AKM 4

277. 2240 5

278. 2350 Black arrow 2

279. Shavarshavan 0020 Utyos 120

280. 0030 AGS-17 10

281. 0035 AGS-17 10

282. Barekamavan 0030 PK 20

283. 1750 SVD 3

284. Dovegh 0030 AK 6

285. Black arrow 2

286. 1750 SVD 2

287. 1750 Black arrow 2

288. 1835 Black arrow 5

289. SVD 3 290. Vazashen 0055 DSHK 6

291. 0050 DSHK 12

292. AK 4 293. 0155 DSHK 12

294. 1635 AKM 2

295. Mehrab 0140 PK 600 296. DSHK 220

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 297. Black arrow 30 298. 0155 AK 215

299. PK 90

300. Movses 0945 Black arrow 3 301. 1230 AK 4

302. 1510 AKM 2

303. Aygepar 0950 Black arrow 1 304. 1525 2

305. 1545 SVD 1

306. 2120 DSHK 4

307. Shavarshavan 1315 AKM 5

308. m. Aghdak 1355 AK 15

309. Yansahk 1410 DSHK 6

310. Jil 1430 PK 15

311. Black arrow 1

312. Gyunashlu 1430 PK 10

313. AKM 15

314. Aygedzor 1515 AKM 30

315. 2000 Black arrow 1

316. 2035 RPK 4

317. AKM 4

318. 2035 AKM 3 319. 2050 Black arrow 15

320. 2110 AKM 30

321. 2340 5 322. Chinari 2040 AKM 4

323. 2110 SVD 10

324. 2115 5 325. 2110 PK 10

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 326. 2110 Black arrow 2 327. 2115 Black arrow 2

328. AKM 30

329. Agarak 2125 AKM 1 330. 2135 15

331. Kayanavan 2300 SVD 20

332. Azatamut 2300 PK 40

333. 7 February Aygedzor 0005 RPK 5

334. 0005 SVD 2

335. 2200 Black arrow 12

336. PK 40

337. 2320 AKM 40

338. Azatamut 0010 PK 15

339. Shavarshavan 0520 AKM 10

340. Yanshak 1900 PK 21

341. 2025 DSHK 2

342. Jil 1920 PK 30

343. Chinari 1355 PK 4

344. 1419 33

345. 1820 RPK 2

346. 2030 SVD 1

347. 2100 RPK 15

348. Paravaqar 0530 PK 20

349. Aygepar 1510 Black arrow 1

350. 1645 SVD 3

351. 1655 2 352. Movses 1655 SVD 1

353. 1730 1

354. 2020 1

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 355. Kayanavan 1800 SVD 5 356. 2100 2

357. 2150 2

358. 2310 Black arrow 4 359. Vazashen 2025 AKM 4

360. 2230 2

361. Berqaber 2100 Black arrow 1 362. 2345 AKM 10

363. PK 30

364. Dovegh 1455 Black arrow 6

365. Barekamavan 2030 SVD 10

366. Black arrow 15

367. Barcruni 1100 SVD 5

368. Agarak 1750 RPK 3

369. Eraskh 2235 AK 1

370. 8 February Kayanavan 0005 AKM 10

371. Vazashen 0010 DSHK 7

372. Aygedzor 0040 SVD 5

373. RPK 5

374. 0120 RPK 3

375. 1835 Black arrow 1

376. RPK 3

377. 2025 AK 1 378. 2105 6

379. 2305 5

380. 2355 3 381. Chinari 0410 PK 20

382. 0500 AK 5

383. 2000 SVD 5

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 384. AK 15 385. PK 20

386. Berdavan 1005 Black arrow 1

387. 1330 SVD 2 388. RPK 10

389. 2215 SVD 3

390. Dovegh 1050 Black arrow 1 391. Barekamavan 1600 Black arrow 8

392. 1845 6

393. PK 30

394. 2015 Black arrow 3

395. 2105 8

396. N. Karmiraghbyur 1750 AK 70

397. 1825 DSHK 2

398. 2145 PK 15

399. Movses 1855 AK 3

400. Jil 1915 PK 30

401. Chinari 2025 Black arrow 6

402. Paravaqar 2140 PK 2

403. 9 February Chinari 0055 AK 6

404. 0355 2

405. 1320 2

406. 2020 SVD 1 407. AK 1

408. 0520 AK 8

409. 2200 RPK 5 410. AK 2

411. 2250 RPK 100

412. 2320 PK 6

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 413. Aygedzor 0510 AK 2 414. 0520 6

415. Mehrab 2125 PK 40

416. DSHK 30 417. SVD 20

418. AK 20

419. 2150 60 mm grenade 7 launcher 420. Paravaqar 1315 Black arrow 2

421. SVD 1

422. 2215 PK 3

423. N. Karmiraghbyur 1545 AK 4

424. Aygepar 1655 Black arrow 1

425. 2350 AK 10

426. Dovegh 2240 PK 3

427. Chinari 0100 AK 6

428. 0140 SVD 1

429. RPK 1

430. 0400 AK 3

431. 2125 RPK 10

432. 10 February Azatamut 1135 DSHK 4

433. 1230 Black arrow 1

434. 1915 PK 20

435. Chambarak 1425 SVD 7 436. Aygepar 1435 2

437. Vazashen 1520 PK 17

438. m. Aghdak 1820 SVD 5 439. Aygedzor 1900 AKM 3

440. 2235 AKM 16

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 441. Black arrow 1 442. Voskevan 1900 AKM 1

443. Paravaqar 2115 Black arrow 2

444. 2210 AKM 10 445. 2210 SVD 1

446. Yanshak 2225 DSHK 15

447. Movses 2245 SVD 8 448. Dovegh 2300 Black arrow 7

449. Jil 2340 PK 16

450. N. Karmiraghbyur 2355 AKM 1

451. 11 February Chinari 0040 SVD 1

452. 0040 Black arrow 1

453. 0150 AKM 3

454. 0310 RPK 15

455. 0340 AKM 4

456. 1000 AK 3

457. 1210 2

458. 2125 RPK 3

459. 2145 RPK 2

460. Movses 0130 SVD 2

461. 0205 AKM 1

462. Berqaber 0130 Utyos 15

463. 2245 AK 7 464. SVD 4

465. 0130 PK 20

466. Dovegh 0040 Black arrow 2 467. 2330 Black arrow 8

468. Barekamavan 0050 SVD 10

469. 2015 AK 10

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 470. 2015 AK 15 471. Paravaqar 1045 PK 7

472. 1255 PK 10

473. 2150 AK 2 474. 2245 PK 15

475. 2255 PK 25

476. AK 25 477. N. Karmiraghbyur 2215 PK 2

478. Aygehovit 1800 AK 1

479. Kayanavan 1800 9

480. 2040 6

481. Berdavan 2025 PK 50

482. 12 February Chinari 0005 AKM 5 At 2335, near the village Jraberd at the borderline, 483. 0520 AK 4 soldier Sargis Sargsyan 484. 0520 SVD 2 was wounded from the Azerbaijani side. 485. 0700 AK 1

486. 0720 RPK 2

487. 1515 SVD 4

488. 1730 AK 10

489. 1905 RPK 1

490. 2240 AKM 80

491. PK 10

492. 2240 RPK 20 493. 2240 SVD 10

494. RPK 15

495. Aygedzor 0010 AKM 30 496. Chambarak 0025 DSHK 30

497. PK 20

498. Berqaber 0155 PK 10

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 499. 0455 PK 4 500. Movses 0845 AK 5

501. Aygepar 0945 10

502. m. Omar 1400 PK 6 503. Eraskh 1820 AK 2

504. 2310 3

505. 2335 3 506. Paravaqar 2055 AKM 60

507. 2125 PK 40

508. 13 February Paravaqar 0130 AKM 40

509. 0505 PK 8

510. 0505 AKM 35

511. 1145 Black arrow 1

512. 1920 AK 3

513. 2050 Black arrow 2

514. Choporlu 1530 SVD 20

515. Istiglal 2

516. Kayanavan 1840 DSHK 5

517. Azatamut 1850 Black arrow 2

518. Aygepar 2045 PK 3

519. 2100 8

520. Aygedzor 2200 PK 40

521. Berqaber 2300 SVD 5 522. 2340 AK 6

523. 14 February Movses 0215 AK 3

524. 0435 1 525. Yanshak 0630 DSHK 50

526. Paravaqar 1255 AK 3

527. Voskepar 1415 AK 1

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 528. 2335 SVD 2 529. PK 5

530. AK 7

531. N. Karmiraghbyur 1600 AKM 5 532. Azatamut 1840 3

533. 15 February Aygepar 0425 PK 5

534. 1350 AKM 1

535. Vazashen 1005 AK 3 536. Mehrab 1310 SVD 1

537. AKM 25

538. Aygedzor 1730 PK 18

539. Berqaber 1905 SVD 3

540. Choporlu 2055 PK 35

541. Chinari 2105 AKM 15

542. 16 February Kiranc 0030 AKM 6

543. Movses 1440 AKM 1

544. 1555 AK 1

545. 1730 SVD 8

546. 2115 AK 5

547. Paravaqar 1515 SVD 6

548. 2100 Black arrow 2

549. PK 15

550. AKM 20 551. Berdavan 1530 Black arrow 20

552. PK 80

553. DSHK 6 554. 1600 PK 40

555. RPK 20

556. 2300 PK 20

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 557. Choporlu 1630 Black arrow 6 558. Aygepar 2130 AKM 3

559. Chinari 2135 SVD 3

560. 2135 AKM 2 561. 2235 Black arrow 2

562. 17 February Vaha n 0110 Black arrow 10

563. PK 30

564. Chinari 0150 Black arrow 2 565. 0505 AK 3

566. 2310 RPK 30

567. Baghanis 0225 AK 20

568. Aygehovit 1025 AK 4

569. 2315 AK 4

570. PK 2

571. Berdavan 1230 Black arrow 1

572. 2130 PK 7

573. Aygepar 1050 Black arrow 1

574. 1310 5

575. 1325 SVD 1

576. 1555 1

577. Kayanavan 1420-1430 DSHK 1

578. PK 20

579. Black arrow 10 580. Chambarak 1710 DSHK 8

581. 1825 25

582. 1900 SVD 90 583. Choporlu 1810 PK 17

584. Movses 1835 Black arrow 1

585. RPK 4

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 586. 1850 AK 3 587. SVD 2

588. Eraskh 2120 AK 3

589. Berqaber 2140 2 590. Aygedzor 2235 20

591. Azatamut 2315 22

592. 18 February Chambarak 0450 AK 30

593. 2030 PK 10 594. Mehrab 1620 SVD 15

595. Movses 1745 RPK 4

596. 1800 RPK 4

597. 2045 SVD 3

598. Choporlu 2000 Black arrow 2

599. Aygepar 2045 AKM 3

600. Paravaqar 2100 AKM 60

601. PK 50

602. 2140 Black arrow 2

603. PK 4

604. Berdavan 2335 PK 40

605. 19 February Khndzorut 0010 AK 3 At 1835, near the village Karakhanbeyli at the 606. 0135 AKM 5 borderline, soldier 607. Movses 0130 SVD 1 Eghish Abrahamyan was wounded from the 608. Aygepar 0510 AKM 2 Azerbaijani side. 609. N. Karmiraghbyur 1320 AK 1

610. 2045 AKM 4

611. Berdavan 1615 SVD 5 612. Berqaber 2310 AKM 25

613. 20 February Aygedzor 1240 Black arrow 15

614. PK 80

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 615. 1700 Black arrow 40 616. PK 150

617. 1730 AK 50

618. PK 50 619. Mehrab 1430 SVD 15

620. RPK 20

621. PK 30 622. 1600 Black arrow 20

623. PK 80

624. AK 35

625. Vazashen 2035 AKM 10

626. 2125 6

627. Chinari 2115 3

628. Khndzorut 2130 2

629. N. Karmiraghbyur 2220 2

630. 21 February Aygepar 0040 AKM 3

631. 0040 AKM 4

632. 1050 Black arrow 2

633. 1725 SVD 1

634. Paravaqar 1200 SVD 1

635. 1435 Black arrow 3

636. 1740 6

637. Chinari 1250 Black arrow 2 638. 1710 AK 10

639. Ardanish 1630 AK 2

640. PK 5 641. Vazashen 1750 AK 6

642. Aygedzor 1810-1910 PK 200

643. AK 100

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 644. SVD 50 645. Mehrab 1835 PK 20

646. AK 30

647. 2100-2130 PK 25 648. Movses 2135 AK 3

649. 2150 15

650. 2200 SVD 3 651. Voskepar 2150 SVD 2

652. 2300 AK 5

653. Paravaqar 2230 AK 5

654. Eraskh 2240 AK 2

655. 22 February Paravaqar 0045 AK 2

656. 0055 1

657. 0115 PK 10

658. 1420 AKM 4

659. 1735 SVD 3

660. Eraskh 0205 AK 1

661. Aygepar 0430 PK 10

662. 1340 AKM 5

663. SVD 2

664. 2210 AKM 3

665. 2220 SVD 11

666. N. Karmiraghbyur 0615 SVD 2 667. 2220 PK 3

668. Aygehovit 1450 DSHK 4

669. 1450 DSHK 6 670. Chambarak 1500 Black arrow 10

671. Vazashen 1520 AKM 10

672. 1925 8

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 673. Khnzorut 1720 AK 8 674. Vaha n 2150 PK 25

675. Choporlu 2250 SVD 5

676. 23 February N. Karmiraghbyur 0001 PK 10

677. Paravaqar 0850 Black arrow 1 678. 1205 DSHK 3

679. 1330 Black arrow 2

680. Aygepar 0920 AKM 5 681. 1015 SVD 1

682. 1030 AK 5

683. 1645 SVD 1

684. 1810 AK 7

685. Berqaber 1300 SVD 6

686. Chinari 1415 Black arrow 3

687. Aygedzor 1515 PK 30

688. Mehrab SVD 3

689. 1600 PK 25

690. Movses 1600 SVD 2

691. 1830 PK 3

692. Jil 1745 PK 200

693. Choporlu 1830-1920 SVD 65

694. PK 100

695. 2110 PK 20 696. Barekamavan 1845 DSHK 30

697. Vaha n 2100 AK 70

698. PK 30 699. Berdavan 2220 PK 30

700. SVD 6

701. Voskepar 2245 SVD 2

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 702. Eraskh 2315 AK 1

703. 24 February Chinari 0040 PK 30 At 1535, near the village Verin Chaylu at the 704. Paravaqar 0450 AKM 2 borderline, soldier 705. 1050 Black arrow 5 Volodya Sedrakyan was wounded from the 706. 1130 8 Azerbaijani side. 707. 1430 3

708. 1625 3

709. 2110 PK 20 710. 2215 PK 4

711. Aygepar 0930 SVD 1

712. 2300 AK 3

713. Vaha n 1256 PK 15

714. Choporlu 1737 PK 30

715. Berqaber 1830 SVD 3

716. Berdavan 2020 PK 40

717. 2020 SVD 5

718. 2030 PK 15

719. 2040 15

720. 2045 AK 15

721. 2045 PK 15

722. 2050-2115 PK 410

723. AK 95

724. RPK 65 725. 2225 PK 80

726. 2235 15

727. 2320 100

728. 25 February Aygepar 0210 AK 5

729. 0410 4

730. 0935 SVD 1

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 731. 1915 2 732. Kayanavan 0300 AK 30

733. Aygehovit 0300 AK 10

734. 1430 AKM 3 735. 1435 Black arrow 4

736. Movses 1015 Black arrow 1

737. Berdavan 1100 PK 80 738. 1645 PK 25

739. AKM 10

740. SVD 4

741. 1700 SVD 3

742. 1930 DSHK 12

743. 2015 PK 15

744. 2050 PK 50

745. Paravaqar 1220 PK 50

746. 1305 200

747. Mehrab 1320-1350 60 mm grenade 5 launcher

748. 1835 1

749. 1835 4

750. 2150 PK 35

751. Vazashen 1335 Black arrow 30

752. PK 30 753. Choporlu 1455 DSHK 15

754. 1520 AK 5

755. Ttujur 1940 PK 15 756. Vaha n 2035 50

757. Aygedzor 2130 AKM 5

758. Chinari 2130 3

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 759. Eraskh 2140 2 760. Berqaber 2230 PK 4

761. Kiranc 5

762. Vaha n 2305 70

763. 26 February Aygepar 0010 PK 15

764. 0020 1

765. 0210 AK 3

766. 2020 SVD 4 767. N. Karmiraghbyur 0015 AKM 4

768. Paravaqar 0245 AK 80

769. 1740 AKM 30

770. SVD 5

771. Mehrab 1430 SVD 10

772. 2100 AK 30

773. PK 50

774. Movses 1500 SVD 1

775. 2020 AK 4

776. Kayanavan 1520 Black arrow 4

777. Berqaber 1530 SVD 10

778. Sevakavan 1630 AK 2

779. Barcruni 1640 AK 4

780. Sarigyugh 1850 AK 75

781. 1915 AKM 10 782. 1925 10

783. Baghanis 1900 AK 7

784. Vazashen 2100 DSHK 15 785. 2250 PK 5

786. 2310 15

787. 27 February Eraskh 0025 AKM 6

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No. Date Direction Time Type of weapon Ammunition Results of violations 788. 0035 4 789. 0050 3

790. 0120 5

791. Choporlu 1130 PK 10 792. Aygedzor 1200 Black arrow 40

793. PK 60

794. 1815 PK 120 795. Mehrab 1255 Black arrow 7

796. PK 35

797. 1300 Black arrow 7

798. PK 65

799. Paravaqar 1835 PK 1

800. 1945 10

801. Vazashen 1710 AK 3

802. 1855 DSHK 16

803. 28 February Movses 1615 SVD 1 1. At 1425, near the village Talish at the 804. Aygedzor 1655-1715 AK 50 borderline, soldiers 805. Kiranc 2045 15 Artak Aghekyan and Hayk Baroyan were 806. Paravaqar 2130 PK 25 fatally wounded and Arsen Hunanyan was 807. Aygepar 2135 SVD 6 wounded from an attack 808. 2145 2 by a subversive group from the Azerbaijani side. 2. At 2040, near the village Yusifjanli at the borderline, soldier Artur Manucharyan was wounded from the Azerbaijani side.

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