volume 65Ric, number 14 s Threshethursday,r novembe r 10, 1977 Low Rice turnout favors Ginther, Whitmire Rice students voted against by Jim Beall mire will be in a runoff election in two weeks. Proposition 2 (bonds for the In municipal The Rice voters voted against Veterans land fund) 190-170 elections Tuesday, Rice voters most of the city council races, and Proposition 7 (a change in continued to follow a trend of again in contrast to the rest of name for the state judicial voting for candidates who lose Houston, which returned all qualifications commission), city- or district-wide. In the the incumbents to office, most 130-105; both amendments mayor's race, the winner of the by wide margins. Rice stu- passed statewide. Rice precinct was Noble dents voted for Merylyn The campus voted with the Ginther, with 144 votes, or Whited against incumbent rest of on the other 49%. (Ginther came in third councilman and Rice grad amendments, although propo- city-wide). Former District Louis Macey, 153 to 65. Frank sition 4 (denial of bail to felony Attorney Frank Briscoe was Mann, who barely won re- second offenders) passed on first in Houston but second at election without a runoff, lost campus by only a slim margin. Rice, with 36 votes, or 12%. Jim on campus to both Mike 133-128. McConn, a former city council- DeGeorge (104 votes) and The voter turnout on cam- man, came in second in the Kathryn Ross (48). Mann pus was low, as it was in the city but tied for third place at received 42 votes from Rice. rest of the city. Of 1440 Rice with Bette Graham In voting on the constitu- registered voters in precinct White; both had 34 votes (11%). tional amendments, Rice 361 (the Rice campus), 291 In the city controller's race, voted in favor of Proposition 6 voted in the Tuesday elections. Kathy Whitmire took 166 (authorization of electronic Mary Smith, precinct judge, votes from the Rice precinct fund transfers for banks), 184 reports that she had expected for 57%; Steve Jones had 53 to 70. The proposal lost as few as 250 students to vote Voter turnout was light at Rice's precinct 361 in Tuesday's mayoral votes (18%). Jones and Whit- statewide by a large margin. here, and that of the registered election. —tw cook voters, "300 are dead or gone." The voter turnout at Rice is about the same as the turnout citywide. Butz attacks Carter policy in KTRU interview Runoff elections will be held November 22 (the Tuesday by David Butler science professor Ken Meier this year. Butz said that while Stone special correspondent before Thanksgiving) for about decreasing number of food production will have to be John Dean).. .yet you've got to mayor, controller, and the Former Agriculture Secre- farm owners, Butz parried the doubled in the next twenty- expect a lot of that in public HISD school board posts. tary Earl Butz defended the question, commenting that five years to handle increases life." Pressed by Hochberg on Tonight, the Rice Republicans farm policies of the Nixon and about half of the 2.8 million in population, "ultimately, we the matter, Butz snapped that and the Rice Democratic Ford administrations and farm owners today (1.5 million have to limit the world's "the mere fact that you bring Caucus will host mayoral attacked President Carter's fewer than in 1959, according population, either intelligent- this up some fifteen months candidates McConn and changes in those policies in an to Meier) make over half their ly or rashly: by famine, by after the event with only so Briscoe in a rally in Sewall interview broadcast on ktru income from other areas than disease, by overcrowding, by much time on this interview... Hall 301. The program is Wednesday. The former dean farming. Butz claimed that war, as the case may be. . .1 is evidence of the fact that you scheduled to begin at 7:30. of Purdue's School of Agri- "this is still a nation of family hope we do it intelligently." yourself have a slightly The runoff election should culture appeared at Rice after farmers; they've just gotten Finally, the questions perverted view of what prove more exciting than the speaking to the Houston bigger." turned to Butz' resignation constitutes priority in the past few months of campaign- Chamber of Commerce. When Meier asked whether under fire, after his now- news of the day." continued on page 15) Butz started his remarks by the direction of federal legendary remarks about the assessing the Carter admini- agricultural research ought personal habits of "coloreds." stration's performance in the to benefit large agribusiness Butz first soft-pedaled the Register for next semester agricultural field; not sur- firms, rather than small question, saying that while Registration is due at 5pm tomorrow, Nov. 11 in the prisingly, he was not pleased. farmers, Butz retorted that "the bulk of reporters are Registrar's office. Freshmen and sophomores register Butz noted that the govern- "there's just a point in decent, honest, capable people, in their colleges while upper classmen turn in their ment is "getting back into the smallness past which you .once in a while you hit a forms to their departments. Failure to complete all commodities business" after don't go." Butz also decried skunk. And I hit one (Rolling paperwork will cost you a $25 reinstatement fee. ending most crop purchases "rural sociologists. . .who say and subsidies during his term. there's something inherently He said that with the return of good in having a large number payments for crop reserves, of yeoman farmers.. .that was the government could be all right when there were only spending $4 to $6 billion a 80 million of us." year—roughly eight times the Butz defended his position level of support paid during as a "food power advocate" in his last year in office. the Nixon/Ford era, when When asked by political American grain became a leading component in the conduct of foreign policy. Butz advocated a laissez-faire, free market approach to inter- national grain sales during that era; he admitted that an embargo on soybean exports to Japan during his term was "a capital mistake. . .it cut F? across existing contracts." Asked by ktru's Lee Hoch- berg about the possibilities of famine in the near and far future, Butz first objected to the use of the term "crisis," noting that earlier concerns with famine have been temporarily replaced with Earl Butz —philip parker worries about crop surpluses College teams attempt to advance the Earthball at Telednor competition last week end —wiley sanders n,/p DAI AT frf Dot"- b threshing-it-out JgjrrnimnniimmmmmM H crf'S You ft faonmrF Go/nt, Boyfriend review 7o Qut-r SruovM So ue /natic ? nsls eedir* m missed point of play mms To the editor: Oklahoma! (1943) was a IS" I wish to clear up some serious plot. Until then, the unfair accusations made in musical was a variety show the review of the TUTS with a story. As was noted, the m production of The Boyfriend. dancing and singing were DoN'T wotf. The reviewer seemed unaware pretty good. Therefore, by IT'S f/t's cn/tr that the musical was written definition, The Boyfriend AJEvJ. in the 1920's, rather than in was a successful show. UUCNZn the style of the 1920's. He Not being familiar with the £ Overload mentioned that the plot was musical stage of the 1920's is Mm weak at best and the no crime—it's not exactly characterizations were barely great drama. But it's fun to better. This is to be expected of watch. musicals from that period. The thing that was new about Walter Underwood. WRC '80 A modest proposal to rid Rice of academic deadwood To the editor: female relations here and further. Grade inflation and slow things down, those stu- silence as Dr. Hackerman read It recently came to my enhance the "Rice experi- softer courses have caused dents on top could progress a eulogy immortalizing the attention that yet another Rice ence." However, such moves to academic apathy among the more rapidly through their condemned as they "passed student had "flipped out." The "humanize" Rice will succeed students. Something must be studies. the torch" and praising them poor creature, realizing that only in ruining the true "Rice done to halt this decline and Some persons might react for their valiant attempts at the joys of higher mathema- experience" and destroying reestablish the high quality of negatively to this proposal, education, reminding every- tics and science were beyond the high ideals we have strived students that Rice once pos- thinking that the students one that "... they tried too." his feeble mind, quietly at- so long to attain. Increase the sessed. I believe that I may would be violently opposed to The ceremony would climax as tempted to withdraw from life. male-female ration and you have a solution to this prob- this suggestion. On the con- the condemned were shot Ah, it does my soul good to see only create a disastrous dis- lem. I shall now therefore trary, as demonstrated by the down by the Rice ROTC units one of the finest young people traction that will take valu- humbly propose my own student I mentioned at the (thus having the added benefit this nation can produce des- able studying time away from thoughts, which I hope will beginning, I feel that with of giving the ROTC some "real troying himself in the pursuit the student. We have not not be liable to the least the typical Rice student's high life" experience for later of higher learning. In the reached our present techno- objection. In my proposal, sense of commitment to perfec- encounters with the enemy), several years that I have been logical heights by indulging in every student would be al- tionism, he would gladly And, in those last moments as at Rice, a nagging doubt has such trivialities as love and lowed to fall below a 2- average welcome such a system. He each student lay bleeding on frequently plagued me: the sex. Do these people think that twice: after the first time, the would realize, after failing two the ground at Willy's feet, he thought that Rice might be the inventors of the transistor student would be placed on semesters, that he was an would feel a sense of pride in becoming too soft to the were those who spent their scholastic probation and after unredeemable failure as a knowing that even though he students, too easy in its time pursuing the opposite the second time, the student human being and be more could go no further, his sacri- education. But when I see sex? No, scientists and engi- would be killed. This would than willing to step nobly fice had enabled his com- these young women, this neers have achieved their automatically add incentive aside to help his betters panions and classmates to upper two percent, still willing triumphs only through long for students to improve their continue onward with their strive yet higher towards to die in the name of education, hours of hard study and sheer grade standing, but it would education. knowledge. Of course there then I know that there is still determination, and this is also have two other beneficial We could make the execution will be those who are moved to hope for a better tomorrow. what the "Rice experience" results. of the failed students a formal pity those who fall and claim Yet there remains a lurking should be all about. That First, by continually chop- occasion, on the same level as that it would be a harsh and danger that threatens the feeling of satisfaction as you ping off the lower end of the graduation. On a Saturday cruel system. But certainly it is future of Ric as an insti- finish that lab write-up at 4:00 curve, this would push the after each semester ends, the far more merciful to put them tution of higher learning. It am, that exhilarating fear as mean higher and higher, this condemned would line up quickly out of their misery lies in the attitude of a growing you cram for your most im- would force those on the top to before the statue of William than to protract their suffering number of people that edu- portant final, and the sense of work harder and harder to Marsh Rice wearing black over four years as the present cation should take a secon- pride at realizing you are one stay there. Admittedly this robes and dunce caps em- system does. dary place in the life of a Rice of the lucky few of all human- would mean a smaller gradua- bossed with the emblems of student. This subtle danger ity to know the true meaning ting class, but what we would their colleges. The remaining can be seen in several current and beauty of a definite lose in quantity we would gain student body, faculty, alumni, Marc Hairston actions and attitudes, for integral, these are the higher in quality. Second, this would parents and distinguished Richardson 79 example the proposal to in- pleasures that the "Rice ex- eliminate those students who guests would sit in polite crease the number of co-ed perience" should encompass. pass through Rice in the colleges. The advocates of Still, the sad truth is that the shadowy regions between a 3 MMMM WM+ PHILIP PARKER such a move claim that it academic quality of Rice has average and failing. Without ThP RlPf* Editor would help "normalize" male- fallen and threatens to fall this dead weight in class to MMMMM STEVE SETSER Mfi rfcL Business Manager 1 lilCSIICl . . Bec^y Bonar by Jeff Kerr Advertising Manager WILLY Barry Jones Managing Editor Steve Sullivan „ Associate Editor HEY/ THIS EARTHBALL Mark Linimon Bakke Page Editor IS F0N» Jim Fowler Dissident Editor David L. Butler Coed Bureau Wiley Sanders Photography Editor1 TW Cook Photography Editor2 Greg LeRoy F. Ars Editor William Studabaker Production Editor Editorial Staff Matt Muller, Georgiana Young, Jim 'jimbob' Beall. Nancy Finnerty, Ted Andrews, Chip Bledsoe, TW Cook, Martha Ramos, Rawslyn Ruffin, Juli Jones, Michelle Smith, Mark Linimon Sports Staff Larry Nettles, Pete Schwab, Marty Hood / / Art Staff Dale Charletta, Jeff Kerr, Randy Furlong '/ -'//-•• - / ' ''///// Photography Staff Mark Catlett, Tom Bryant, Charles Jenkins, '///////// / // ////A Cliff Freeman, Mario Mateo, Zach Anderson, Tom Neal, Bruce Kessler, Walter Underwood F. Arts Staff Mike Zakes, Nick Schriber Production Staff Steve Sullivan, R. Dale Baker, Thad Pugh, Debbie Gronke, Karen Barrett, Rawslyn Ruffin, Don Rosato, Cathy Egan, and bozos: mcl, rbep, g AROUMD? Circulation Department Bill Barron, Martha Espinosa , the officical student newspaper at since 1916, is published weekly on Thursdays (if HAL feels well) during the school year, except during examination periods and holidays, by the students of Rice University, phone 527-4801 or 527-4802. Advertising information available on request, phone 524-0311* and/or 527-4079. Editorial and business offices are located on the second floor of the Rice Memorial Center, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77001 send all money before midnight tonight to qualify! uh, oh, mail subscription rate, $10 per year. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of anyone except the writer. Obviously. ' Copyright 1977, The Rice Thresher. All rights reserved. rbep and mcl are not cousins or brothers, that i know erf, -m.l.

the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1077 — page 2 RPI eyes college system; curses codified by David Butler about human nature.. .abusive Texas A&M's married intent to be husband and wife A&M's board of regents, The president of Renssalaer language patterns in every student apartments may not and public representation of report that a couple is Polytechnic Institute has culture are the clue to under- be housing just married that intent), apartment unmarried, current policy is to recommended that the school standing the age-old battle of students, according to the manager F.A. Nicolas doesn't ask the couple in question to "seriously examine" setting the sexes." A&M Battalion. ask for any proof of marriage leave quietly within 30 days, up a residential college system The articles in Maledicta Since common-law mar- from apartment applicants. with no penalty. similar to that at Rice. are an exercise in questionable riages are still legal in Texas However, if other residents The engineering-oriented taste by themselves: recent (all that is required is the of the apartments, operated by school in upstate New York contributions have included has a student population of "The Lexicographic Indivi- around 3300. According to RPI duation of Turds," "Talking president George Low, each Dirty in Cuban Spanish," and D00HESBUBT college would house 250 to 300 "How to Judge People's students, and would have its Character by Their Farting STEVE,YOUR. OF COURSE, AS MM RECALL, THUDPUCKER, own dining and recreational Styles." Examples, of course, FAITHFUL PRO I'M SURE! IT'S EVERY NINE MONTHS, YOU EMERGE SHALL I STEVE?. DUCER! CMON, IT IS? BEEN EXACTLY FROM YOUR HERMITAGE 10 PROVIDE SEND A facilities. A system similar to are included. STEVE JIMMY, GET A YOU NINE MONTHS YOUR LB6I0N 0E ADMIRERS UHTH RJ6HT! CAR FOR. Rice's faculty associates UUHO? MOVE ON! IT'S SURE? SINCE YOUR ONE CRISPLY PRODUCED STATE Aman says that "part of the STUDIO TIME! LAST ALBUM I OF-THE-ART ROCK'N'ROLL 7 program would also be function of my journal is to MASTERPIECE! established. give credibility to the field, The college proposal is part and also to earn me some of a "working paper" issued by money." (Subscriptions are the Rensselaer 2000 commit- $10/year; send to 331 South tee, set up by Low to propose Greenfield Ave., Waukesha WI long-range goals and plans for 53186.) the school. Any college system * * * plan adopted would not take They're already falling effect for at least two and a apart: Ford Motor Company half to three years, according has recalled 41,000 1978 WHO D YOU WELL, EITHER ON GUITAR, MN-IM" SURE! HE JUST to school officials. Fairmonts and Mercury FIND TO JEFF OR POOH. I FIGURED I'D GRAY DON? PHONED IN. HE * * * POH POTS STILL WATTING PROBABLY USE YOU MEAN, SAID HBUIAS HIM LAST QOTHLM UP Zephyrs for possible shift AND PANS, TO HEAR. GRAYDON FOR YOU ACTUAL.- RETURNING IN TRAFFIC. , A group of insurgent alumni linkage defects that could let STEVE? / THE DISCO FILLS.. LY TRACKED YOUR CALL. at Texas Tech have formed a the cars roll with the \ HIM DOWN? / splinter alumni organization transmission in "park". to provide services they feel And no one seems immune: f VTillfi have been neglected by the GM has recalled 133,000 Tech Ex-Students Associa- Cadillacs to check for possible M tion. leaks in their electronic fuel Nfll The Texas Tech Alumni injection systems which could Association is composed cause engine fires. Cars from T6 @7<<*«&> primarily of recent Techsans, 1975-78 are involved, who feel that the older group including most Sevilles. WELL, ME COULD Be. A LOT OF "has not been responsive" in No one at all: 48,000 Mack 'IM-UAH"! COURSE, THOUGHT WE'DLET'S HAVE A RRSJVST UH-HUH. QUARTER the past. The organizers say YOU MADE 1 DO, MAN! DO A LITTLE LOOK ATT YOUR. A STRAIGHT- WELL, LET ME "estimate"? notes HERE trucks have been recalled to IT! WHAfSHAP- TRACKING TOLEAD SHEET, AHEAD DISCO WORKUP AN MAN.. THIS they "are never going to say replace flexible engine cooling I PENIN1? DAY! YOU UP? MAN. TUNE, JAY. ESTIMATE- COUID RUN anything negative about the fans. The fans, installed in \ \ YOU, \ Ex-Students Association," but 1973-77 models, have curved will instead concentrate on blades which flatten out at other areas, including high speeds — a process now lobbying and athletic said to cause metal fatigue and recruiting. possibly result in fans * * * shattering during engine A new scientific journal has operations. appeared, dedicated to the * * * serious study of "swear words, Have tux, will travel: the insults, and terms of abuse." Denver Symphony is looking YEAH. BUT ONLY BE- EXACTLY! OKAY, SO WELL, LETS SEE-Y0U HAVE TO, CAUSE YOU'RE MY EXTRA?! fr's joy WHAT'S THIS GOT OVER 100 BARS MAN. CATS Maledicta, a semi-annual LrrriE GIG HERB.. WITH ABOUT.. for work. Its 83 members, idle WILL YOU MAIN MAN, JIM! AND JAY, THE MUSC, MAS! WERE TAKIN' publication, is produced by for over a month because of I TAKE THE I'M GONNA HAVE TO I'M A PRO GOING TO EIGHT NOTES A BAR. ADVANTAGE Reinhold Aman, a former DATE, "UTAH- CHARGE YOU EXTRA Fe5S mil RUN AT *215 A NOTE. BY TUB OF ME.. contract disputes, have UAH"? FOR THE DISCO! ^ASS! ' ME? THAT'S.. NOTB?! linguistics professor at the announced they will accept University of Wisconsin, who private engagements en has spent the past 11 years masse for a negotiable fee studying what he calls "verbal While the musicians would aggression." Aman feels that like to stick to the classics, "the terms—not the words spokesmen say they will play themselves—reveal so much pop music and waltzes if asked p 2?0 7 Texas Public Interest Research Group BETTER NOT LET HIM MAT'S H! 6UEARH/M OKAY, WAH-M" ' • SELEOUT. \WAH-UUAH" \ R16HT! TAKE A I IMS TexNRC BREAK! MAN. As in many years past, Thomas and at University of TexPIRG will be offering an Houston for three years for auto mechanics course during TexPIRG. Ray is known for the spring semester. The the hilarious analogies he uses course is entitled "Auto to demonstrate mechanical Mechanics for the Mechan- principles. 0 ically Inept" and will entail a Classes will begin January series of six lectures and two 21, 1978 and will meet lab sessions, which are Wednesday nights at 7:30 OKAY, "UAH-WAH; designed to provide practical unless the class elects to meet UIAICH OUT F0R1H0SE IS THIS A experience in diagnosing a different night of the week. i // II UCKS IN THE. BRIDGE! UM.. NOT CHARGE, problems, making minor The early registration fee of YOU MAY WANT TO TAKE BAD. MAN? FEW PASSES AT IT TO repairs, performing a tune-up, $15.00 for the course will be III RNDAGROOVEH and avoiding getting ripped- collected the first night of off. classes. Anyone interested in Arthur Ray, who is a local registering for the course may garage owner, will instruct do so by signing up in their and supervise the classes. Rf. respective college offices, in has taught auto mechanics the TexPIRG office, or in the courses at University of St. Student Association Office.

the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 3 Fondren losing inflation battle by Matt Muller things are not too bad now but "the library is one of the two or are rapidly getting worse — three big problems at Rice at Fondren Library is not that if they are not corrected, the moment." keeping up with inflation. the library may be unable in a Dr. Hackerman argues that Since 1972, the number of few years to fulfill its part in there is not a major problem at titles acquired per year has the university. Fondren Library. "I'm not almost halved, dropping from Just how serious is the saying that there isn't any 30,000 in 1972 to 18,000 in situation? At first glance, not problem — there is — but I'm 1976. Book prices and book- that bad. Most undergra- saying that there isn't a big buying costs have risen two to duates find the library problem." Hackerman feels four times as fast as the adequate, as do some pro- that the ideas about data general cost of living in the fessors. Dennis Huston, storage inherent in present last several years, according Professor of English, told the concepts of a library are to Head Librarian R.L. Thresher: "I have had antiquated; he advocates the O'Keefe. The library's budget, problems with the library, but increased use of interlibrary although it has increased, has they are not problems of loans and hard-copy trans- not been sufficient to keep up. getting books ordered but mission by wire. As a result, cutbacks have rather of locating books that Unfortunately, these alter- been made in periodical are supposed to be on the natives are not practical. subscriptions, library services shelves." Hackerman asks: "Why do and book acquisitions. Ron O. Wells, Professor of you have to have a book on Provost Frank Vandiver, Math and Chair of the Library your shelves in order for it to talking about the quality of Committee, agreed with be useful to you?" However, service provided to Rice by its Huston that the library does a the alternatives to buying library, asked "Can a Univer- fair job for the under- books — notably interlibrary Space becomes scarce at Fondren —mario mateo sity which claims excellence graduates. The graduate loans — are also expensive. on the shelves. So, Rice is left with a be satisfied with a Library programs are not so well Charges on books obtained on Money would solve most of pressing need to increase the that is merely adequate?" served, however. Says Wells: such a loan are now running these problems. The Uni- funding of its library and no Francis Loewenheim, Profes- "It's pretty obvious that to around five dollars a volume, versity already gives a fair apparent means of doing so. sor of History, expressed his claim excellence there, we and these charges are steadily piece of the budget to the To quote Dr. Hackerman, "The doubts more bluntly: "If we either have to expand the increasing, according to Ms. library — between five and University is giving the cannot afford to maintain an library or cut somr of the Feme Hyman. In addition, nine percent of the total library a fair share of the adequate library, how can we graduate programs. fewer and fewer libraries are budget, depending on how the overall budget." It would be afford to maintain an ade- Not everyone is convinced willing to lend books on numbers are juggled. Still, it mistaken, however, to assume quate university?" Both of that the library is doing its job interlibrary loan and the would seem that this is not that since the university is these questions contain the for undergraduates. Because number of libraries charging enough. One solution might be 'doing its*best' to support the core element of the concern of the decreasing real-dollar for the service is increasing. to secure an endowment for library, everything will be about Fondren Library — that funding, Alan Matusow feels If the alternatives are the library that would provide fine. impractical, we must turn separate, unrestricted funds. back to books. Right away, Two years ago, the Develop- Everything will probably three problems arise: where to ment Office, in an unusual not be fine. If a collection lags store them, how to pay for move, gave the Friends of behind in acquisitions for them, and who to get to Fondren Library permission more than a year or two, it is catalogue them. Fondren to mount a major gifts fund crippled. Whatever it does Library is running out not drive to build just such an later to keep up with current only of books but also out of endowment. Unfortunately, books, it is still an incomplete space and personnel. Dr. the drive never got started. collection with respect to the Hackerman has told the This year's Friends president, lean years during which Thresher that he will not try Ms. Kav Doberman, said that acquisitions were allowed to to raise funds for a new library a committee is looking into the slide. building. Meanwhile, the size idea of a fund drive, but she of the library staff has was not optimistic about the What are the remedies? decreased fairly steadily in likelihood of such a drive None are obvious. recent years since the intro- actually happening. The The thing to bear in mind is duction of mechanization. If Friends group is valuable — it that the problem will not go acquisitions were to return to provided about $15,000 in gifts away or diminish. Rice must their former levels, new last year — but it may not have either find a solution, in some personnel would have to be the manpower to support a heroic measure perhaps, or added to the payroll to multi-million dollar fund prepare to compromise its catalogue them and put them campaign. academic standards. 1 PASADENA TEXAS

Where the action is

mt x&t Dance seven nights a week THE HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN Rice University Summer Study Abroad Food & Drinks June 25 — August 6, 1978 Earn six credits with travel that's Hear Regulars Johnny Lee, Kenny Fulton, more than touring, study that's more than books. Excursions, plays, and Toni Holcomb, Faron Evans and discussions in Edinburgh, York, Durham, Warwick, Oxford, and London. The the Bayou City Beat, nightly. group will be led by Dr. Martin Wiener, Rice Dept. of History. Check with last 4500 Spencer Highway year's group and find out what an Pasadena exciting experience summer study abroad can be. Rice students only until January 15. 946-9842^

For information call the Office of Fri., November 11 — Freddie Fender Continuing Studies, 527-4803 or come to Lovett Hall 315. Sat., November 12 — Asleep at the Wheel ..J the rice thresher, thursday, november 10,1977 — page 4 Course offers chance to dabble in computer art Computer Graphics, lis- in the successful operation of with all courses, the answer and play their compositions 1000-plus such drawings by ted as Arts 455b in the the course, but due to a depends primarily on the time very quickly. hand for a good three-minute Schedule of Courses Offered, is tightening in their budget, and effort the student is Another project involved the animation is really boring. in danger of being discon- problems in the allocation of willing to invest in the course. filming of a three-dimensional The advantage computer gra- tinued this year. dollars and teachers have However, the course can be projection of a rotating four- phics offers in such projects is This course concentrates on arisen. The only solution to better understood by looking dimensional cube. Here the that it eliminates the tedium the use of computer program- these problems appears to lie at the projects done by past computer calculated the chan- that ordinarily accompanies ming in the area of video in enlisting the support of students. ging coordinates of a slowly them. another department and per- graphics. It provides a means In one project, two students rotating four-dimensional These are only two examples for students with no compu- haps crosslisting the course interfaced a music synthesizer wire-frame cubes's shadow between the two departments. of readily apparent benefits of ting experience to learn some to the video terminal, they would look in three-dimen- computer interaction. Stu- basic programming concepts The success of this type of plan then produced various inter- sional space. Finally, it projec- depends on student support in ted this representation onto dents have also produced a and shows them how these active computer programs wide variety of films in which concepts may be used to terms of the number of stu- that composed and/or played the graphics screen and pro- dents enrolling in this course. grammed it. they animated abstract forms, express themselves graphic- real time music through this showed various views of archi- ally. It also offers "computer In determining whether or synthesizer, this system al- Although the math involved not to enroll in this course, a tectural designs and graphi- jocks" exposure to an unusual lowed them to listen to their in producing successive pro- cally presented various physi- art form especially suited to student should ask, "How will computer-composed music and jections of a rotating four- this course benefit me? What cal models such as molecular their backgrounds. observe the effect of parameter dimensional object is not electron density functions. In the past, the Media sort of things will I be able to variations on music output. It conceptually complex, it is do after having taken it?" As Computer graphics is a Center has been instrumental also allowed them to develop extremely tedious when done marvelous form of expression by hand. Drawing a two- which may be allowed to die dimensional projection of a out on this campus unless Women's conference opens Saturday cube is not difficult — but someone intercedes. drawing and photographing On November 18 - 21, women al Women's Conference will be a Special Internationa] will gather from all areas of open at noon on Friday, Event and Sunday morning the world to participate in the November 18, at the Albert an Interreligious Service at International Women's Con- Thomas Convention Center the Rothko Chapel, at the ference in Houston. The 1442 and continue until 9:00 pm. corner of Sul Ross and Yupon BOKAY SHOP elected delegates will be voting The cost to students is $5.00. If Sts. on resolutions concerning a you register early, you may get For more information about VILLAGE FLORIST myriad controversial issues — a seat on the voting floor of the the conference, call Sarah at the ERA, Homemakers' Legal convention, but if not, your the International Women's Status, Older Women, Rape, $5.00 will be well spent on the Year office — 226-51081 And if Teenage Pregnancy — issues entertainment, exhibits and you would like a ride to register that directlv affect society. films in the Convention Cen- on Friday afternoon, call me, 2406 Rice Boulevard Registration for the Nation- ter. Friday evening there will Stephanie Roehr at 526-5446, and I'll see what I can do (maybe my bug will be in Ktru to feature Brothers working order by then ...!) I Charge Accounts to Rice Students Ktru's series of "Important calls will be taken at 527-4050 think the conference will prove People Interviews" continues 4088, and 4098. quite interesting, so get next week when Dr. Joyce Former Agriculture Secre- involved! Brothers comes to the ktru tary Earl Butz visited the ktru studios for a live call-in talk studios yesterday afternoon Foreign Newspapers • Out-of-State Paoers • Adult Publications show. for a similar program. Students interested in Ms. Brothers will be interviewing guests for future BELLAIRE NEWSSTAND interviewed on "Up in the Air" "Up in the Air" programs are OPEN 24 HOURS / 5807 Bellaire Blvd. @ Chimney Rock / 665-9081 this Tuesday evening, encouraged to volunteer at 4,000 Foreign & Domestic Magazines, Paperbacks, & Newspapers to choose from! November 15, at 7pm. Listener ktru. HAROLD'S GARAGE HENRY J. ENGEL, Owner Automatic Transmission — Air Conditioning Brakes — Engine Tune-Ups — Front End Rebuilding — Wheel Aligning 2431 Dunstan 528-5323 Inn-triguing r "N Offer* Richard Strauss' ARABELLA r Buy one pizza, Houston Grand Opera set the next smaller size free. "American Series' — r—-— , pizzalnn'sirresistiblepizzasarenowtwiceastemptmg With this coupon, when you buy any giant, large or medium size thin crust pizza or any large size thick crust pizza at the regular menu price performance in English we'll give you one pizza ol the next smaller size with equal number of ingredients and the same type crust tree Present this coupon with guest check \ Valid thru: Nov. 17, 1977 Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana St. Pizza inn Monday, Nov. 14 — 7:30pm INN-13

Student 50% Discount Tickets 7919 Greenbriar at OST with reserved seating, prices 795-0382 from $1.25 to $5.00 each; available from Houston Ticket Center, Jones Hall, 227-3625 Pizza inn "WfeVe got a feeling you're gonna like us." j the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 5 Rod Stewart recordsuited for soft arrangementss that serve mystical Mississippi. Paul Butterfield, Foot Loose & Fancy Free is one of Foot Loose & Fancy Free Stewart's best ever. The rockers, in as backup for his voice. Often the select Booker T. Jones, Mac Rebennack spite of being very reminiscent of the cuts are the ones that his vocals carry, (better known as Dr. John), Howard Foot Loose & Fancy Free is the Rolling Stones (but, then again, some these two included. Johnson, and Fred Carter Jr. are but name of Rod Stewart's latest album, of Rod's best friends are Stones), are While good, the two banjo five members of the ten piece and what an album it is! Stewart's strong, and quite fun. The ballads are, instrumentals are both rather short, aggregation. Anyone familiar with the vocals are at their barroom best, and as always, pretty, and at times, perhaps serving more as intermission funky rock 'n roll of Memphis and New his new band is, in a word, hot! The exceptional. I would recommend this inserts than as demonstrations of his Orleans will recognize the names. album is exceptional, from the fine record to established Stewart fans as picking ability. Helm says that the group plans to tour cover photographs to the hilarious well as newcomers, for as one would as a group, and if they do, the show brochure insert, but let's confine this expect, Foot Loose & Fancy Free Closing the album is McLean's promises to be good. review to the music. has never a dull moment. version of "South of the Border," that There are definitely problems with The fast side is the first, and it opens Rate: 1 familiar song that most people know gathering a band of ten seasoned and with a rocker a la "Honky Tonk —bruce kessler solely for the chorus. However, his established musicians, each with his Woman," called "Hot Legs." It is one of treatment of it is so traditional that one own style, and creating precise and those songs that Rod's old band, the Rod Stewart and band will be in questions why he bothers including it. distinct music. The album definitely Faces, would have had a ball with. For town on Nov. 26 at The Summit. Like the rest of the release, it sounds reflects this, because at times The All that matter, they would have been decent enough, but offers nothing Stars sound as if they are playing great on most of side one, for it's full of Don McLean exceptional or unexpected. There is no against rather than with each other. fun-time rock 'n roll—the trademark of Prime Time single cut on Prime Time that will When they hit the right combination, Rod Stewart & The Faces. "You're make you want to run out and buy though, the results are such that you Insane" is a strong funk number very A few years back this man bounded yourself a copy. Still, that is no reason are left dazed. If this group stays reminiscent of the Stones' "Hot Stuff." onto the music scene with such to dump on it either. together and makes a couple of The big top 40 single, "You're In My outstanding songs as "American Pie" Rate: 2 adjustments, they could put out some Heart," is next on the album. I like this and "Vincent," both ballads of —jim fowler of the best music heard in this country song the least, for it's too top 40 for me, exceptional quality musically and in years. That, however, is a big if. in spite of its rather nice sound. "Born lyrically. His penchant for Americana "Washer Woman" leads of the LP Ix>ose" closes side one (yes, there are V, \! T and sets a good pace for The All Stars remains intact on Prime Time, but I Not "or Sate, • , -t: ;. •! only four songs per side, but they are without any outstanding effort that to follow. You could go on forever long ones). Now either I'm imagining combines intriguing lyrics with analyzing each song, but, in a nutshell, it, or this song is virtually identical to compelling music. While several cuts ' • * V 4 Helm's vocals and drums, Butterfield's the Stones' classic "Star Star." The are creditable as acoustic arrange- harmonica, and the horn section carry guitar riffs are just too similar, and the ments, they are good in a traditional the gong. Butterfield is excellent on the lyrics aren't exactly a world apart, sort of way. entire album. It's good to hear him either. This song really rocks out at the P. after such a long lay-off. "The Tie That end, as blues great John Mayall blows For example, "Prime Time" and Binds" is another upbeat tune that a nasty harp to add to the already fine "The Wrong Thing To Do" on side one showcases Butterfield and Helm. It guitar work.' both make a good first impression. also points out some problems. Helm However, the former hearkens back to sings every song on the album, and The second side is full of superb Steve Miller's "Livin In The U.S.A.," while his voice is perfect for tunes like balladry, both as original compo- and the latter to any of a number of "Washer Woman" and "Milk Cow sitions and as cover versions. The slow country-flavored West Coast tunes. In Boogie," it gets old and drags down side opens with one of my favorite fact, "livin in the U.S.A." is a others, such as "Sing Sing Sing" and Holland-Dozier-Holland compositions, conspicuous line in the chorus of "Havana Moon." The group needs to "You Keep Me Hangin' On," the song "Prime Time," a look at television's Levon Helm and The RCO All Stars develop a second vocalist. Also, the that the Supremes made into a classic influence on America. Levon Helm and The RCO All lack of guitar is a drawback that is back in 1966. Stewart handles the And while "The Statue" is Stars apparent on most of the cuts. Carter is lyrics flawlessly with his whisky-and- interesting as a moody number in fairly good, but Steve Cropper never sand voice, while his band packs the which McLean's voice takes on a American music is often much richer really gets into the swing. On "Sing notes with the strongest punch they Sinatra tone, when done the song in tradition than given credit for. Sing Sing" Helm imports Robbie have ever carried. The second R&B sounds incomplete, like it has been cut Country and jazz take most of the Robertson and Garth Hudson, and classic on the album is "(If Lovin' You short just as it is beginning to build. spotlight when it comes to original they show that the keyboards and Is Wrong) I Don't Want To Be Right." Then there are cuts like "Jump" and Americana. However, Mississippi guitar can mix with the horns without Once again, Stewart's vocals really fit "The Pattern Is Broken," which do not funk, a combination of black blues, losing their volume. the song well, making his version a show much thought in composition. white gospel, and rock 'n roll, has Anyway, like I said before, you could fine cover of the Banks-Hampton- existed for quite a while. It has given us pick at each song because of their Jackson masterpiece. The final two On the second side McLean personalities ranging from Elvis complexity. When the All Stars march tracks are original ballads by Rod reiterates how mundane American life Presley to Mahalia Jackson. On his into side two with "Milk Cow Boogie," Stewart, and his guitarist, Gary can be with such imaginative lyrics as first solo album, Levon Helm attempts their potential becomes reality. A racy, Grainger. "You Got A Nerve" is an appear on "Color TV Blues" and to capture the broad and rich sound foot-stomping, R&B number, "Milk intriguing acoustic ballad, while "I "Building My Body." The drawback is that has ranged from Baton Rouge to Cow Boogie" demonstrates just how Was Only Joking" features the best that he simplifies each tune to Chicago. He both succeeds and fails on good the RCO All Stars can be. Watch lyrics of the entire album. This superb emphasize the words, which may or his ambitious Levon Helm and The this group. Helm should be praised for ballad does have a fairly humorous may not be the flfefet approach, RCO All Stars. his effort, and if he lets the group have side to it if you glance at the depending upon one's criteria for First a little background. Helm, a little more freedom, the sound they appropriate cartoon in the record's judging a song. former drummer for The Band, has produce is sure to become instantly accompanying booklet, but regardless, "When Love Begins" and "When A gathered together an awesome array of popular and critically unsurpassed. this song is going to become a Stewart •Good Thing Goes Bad" both work musicians, all of whom are over 35 ana Rate: 1- classic. because McLean's vocals are best who trace their musical past to the —chip bledsoe COLLEGIATE CLEANERS Students 10% discount on Drycleaning & Alterations AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 2430 Rice Blvd. 523-5887 COLLISION REPAIRS (straight up the street in the Village) DOMESTIC & FOREIGN First time in Houston 0* INSURANCE ESTIMATES BARBARA H. WATTERS i BODY REPAIRS, PAINTING, TRANSMISSIONS •J 1 Kirby BRAKES, FRONT END, ENGINE ANALYSIS Astrologer,, Washington D.C. TIRE TRUING, AIR CONDITIONING Lecturing on KWvin WE OFFER SEX AND THE OUTER PLANETS PERSONALIZED SERVICE 1 8pm Friday, Nov. 11, hear Mrs. Watters discuss this fascin- Gr»«n briar ating subject in a lecture at the Marian High School audi-

i/> 526-3781 torium, 4621 Fournaee Place, off 610 West Loop South. Spon- 3Tl sored by the Scientific Astrological Society of Houston, Inc., • 2438 TANGLEY at KELVIN admission' is $5. Advance tickets are now on sale through I

SOUTHWEST FREEWAY AT GREENBRIAR EXIT (On South Service Road — The Wilson Office Furniture Building) The finest physical fitness equipment available is coming to the Rice University Area! Come in now and take advantage of tremendous savings on all membership plans.

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Christmas is just around the corner From Downtown — Exit Kirby, cross and a Nautilus membership is the under the Freeway & continue on the Service Road to Nautilus. perfect gift for a friend, relative, or, better yet, yourself! Don't wait — From Galleria — Exit Greenbriar, Nautilus located immediately after Come by before November 30 and SA VE! exit. fine cuts calendar Shepherd Recital of Proctor and Bergman Grad Student Ticket Subsidies Mack and Mabel Shakespeare's People Contemporary Composers Co-founders of the comedy From October 21 through From November 16 through With the reknowned English The Undergraduate Com- group, The Firesign Theater, November 17, Graduate 19, the University of Houston actor, Sir Michael Redgrave, a poser's Forum of the Shepherd Phil Proctor and Peter students can receive a $1.00 Drama Department performs celebration of Shakespeare in School of Music will hold its Bergman will appear at the rebate on tickets purchased to the Jerry Herman musical in words and music comes to the first recital on Tuesday, Texas Opry House on attend the Houston Sym- their Lyndall Wortham Music Hall this Saturday at November 15, at 4pm in the November 19. phony, Houston Grand Opera, Theatre at 8:30. 749-1427. 8pm. 651-6000. * * * * * * "living room" of Cohen House. * * * Houston Ballet, the Alley Sara Frances Epple, Scot Chamber Soloists Theater, Theater Under the Arabella Kristofferson/J arrett Gehman, Kerry Jones, The New York Chamber Stars, Society for the Strauss collaborated with Kris Kristofferson and Rita Rawslyn Ruffin and Lisa Soloists perform in Hamman Performing Arts, and Rockets Hugo von Hofmannsthan for Coolidge appear in the Willis are the contemporary Hall on Sunday, November 20, and Aeros games. Contact a love story of nineteenth Summit this Saturday at 8pm. composers whose works will at 8:30pm. 527-4833. David Johnson, Herman century Viennese characters, Classical and jazz performer be presented in this free * * * Brown 424, x3274, for further which Houston Grand Opera Keith Jarrett appears in Jones concert. information. will perform (in German) on Hall on November 17. Tickets The Seven Year Itch * * * * * * November 13, 15, and 18 at at the usual places. George Axelrod's comedy Next Time I'll Sing to You Midday Concerts 8pm. Performances in English * * * opens this Friday at Theater will be given on November 12 The Rice Players do this Suburbia at 8:30pm. 495-2544 John Vandiver, blending Pavlo Hummel unusual and provocative or 667-8480. "rock and traditional Texas and 14. 227-3625. Equinox Theatre has David * * * James Saunders play in * * * blues," performs in the Miller Rabe's first play in a Viet Nam Hamman Hall from Novem- Outdoor Theater in Hermann TOT's Robinson Crusoe trilogy, The Basic Training ber 14 through 19, at 8pm. Jesse and the Bandit Queen Park this Friday at 11:30. Ray Texas Opera Theatre performs of Pavlo Hummel, opening 527-4040. A new play by David Freeman Rogers performs the following in an American premiere of this Thursday, and playing on the Wild West opens this Friday on November 11. Both Offenbach's Robinson Friday and Saturday at 8:30. Thursday at Reunion Theater Crusoe on November 18 and 868-5829. Photographs Again at 8:30pm. 228-2267. concerts are free. * * * 19, at 8pm at the Kinkaid * * * An exhibition opening * * * School. 227-1287. November 4 at the Museum of Travesties The Boy Friend The Good Doctor Fine Arts will present 136 Pamela Gordon Vaught Theater Under the Stars Neil Simon's comedy is being works by fifteen photo- directs the Main Street presents the Sandy Wilson Photographs performed by the University of grapher/artists who some Theater Company in the musical spoof of the Twenties The Rice Media Center St. Thomas Drama Dept. consider to represent the most Houston premier of Tom at the Shamrock-Hilton exhibits photographs by November 9-12 and 16-19 at important directions in the Stoppard's satirical Broad- Tuesday through Saturday at Janice Rubin until Novem- 8pm. 522-7915. medium of photography from way comedy this Friday and varying hours. 664-3344 for er 30; hours are Monday * * * 1974-1977. Saturday at 8pm. 524-5706. further information. through Friday, 9am-5pm. Streamers David Rabe's third part of a KING OF BEERS" • ANHEUSER-BUSCH. INC • ST LOUIS Viet Nam trilogy is being performed by the University of Houston Drama Dept. in their Cullen Building every night at WHEN DO CHEERLEADERS 8:30. 749-1427. Ukrainian Dance Co. SAY BUDWEISER! The Yatran Ukrainian Dance Company's sixty-five member troupe appears in the downtown Music Hall for a matinee performance this Sunday at 2:30. 227-5134. WIS GUY M STANDING ON IS W0E&UN6 A&UN. my CAN'T I EVER GET THE 616 GUy Schubert Recital WHEN WE MAKE WE£E PYRAMIDS! ? Lata Guerra, distinguished IF I ear ANY KINDA VOICE LEFT professor of piano at the ef University of Texas at Austin, AFTER THIS (SAME, I'M GONNA YELL *Wwei$ U will play a recital of works by 6/MM£ A 6 Schubert on Sunday, Novem- 6IMMEAU ber 20, at 4pm at the Museum &MMEA O.. of Fine Arts.

Mary Stuart The Alley Theater presents Friedrich Schiller's 19th century drama Tuesday through Sunday at differing hours. 228-8421 for further information.

M.F.A.'s Archaeology and the Arts Emphasizing Mediterranean art of the Minoan through Roman eras, The Museum of Fine Arts will have a free lecture program on November 11 and 12. 526-1361 for further information.

Architecture Series Rice University instructor Jack Mitchell will discuss "The Changing Patterns of American Cities," "Great American Cities: Their Urban Design and Architecture," and "Houston: A Great American " City?" at the different public libraries in Houston on varying days and hours. 224-5441, ext 211 for further information.

the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 8 Julia less than perfect herald for women's films

The age of the woman's film extremely beautiful through- is here and Julia ought to be out, out at her beachhouse one of its most splendid trying to write her first play, heralds. These new so-called "The Children's Hour." women's pictures, you will Dashiell Hammett—her recall, hope to reestablish the companion, played by Jason idea that women can and Robards—floats around in the should be interesting, well background, building fires rounded cinematic characters. and drinking bourbon. Despite Julia, however, is an the lines they give him he does imperfect vehicle. a great job. A few flashbacks Taken from Lillian Hell- and we know all about how man's memoir Pentimento, Lillian went to visit Julia. This the film concerns the film establishes Julia as little relationship between Ms. more than a poor little rich girl Hellman (Jane Fonda) and with a conscience about the Julia (Vanessa Redgrave). beggars in the street and the These two excellent actresses robbers in the palaces. Lillian must wade through a wooden and Julia's friendship gets supposed - to - be - stately -pace, conveyed with meaningful sickening dialogue, and an glances and dialogue like this, Jane Fonda stars as Lillian Hellman rvj Vanessa Redgrave appears as Julia. ultimate emotional falseness which takes place at Oxford, a before they might try to define where Julia has gone to study Lillian: (Quizically) Do you steam when Julia becomes good-natured inanity of their character's inner state. medicine: understand (pause) Ein involved in antifascism. She Dorothy Parker and Alan The picture becomes bearable stein? asks Lillian, through Lillian: What are you reading Campbell for the rigors of only during the last forty-five Maximillian Schell, to now? Julia: Well, of course. (FADE Berlin. As Julia and Lillian sit minutes. OUT ON LILLIAN'S WOR- smuggle money into Germany together in a smoky cafe, and The movie begins with Julia: Oh, Darwin, Hegel, SHIPFUL STARE) in order to bribe people out of as the wind howls outside, the Jane Fonda, who looks Einstein . . . Finally, the picture gains jail. Lillian abandons the pair explore each other's current state. They measure the distance between what Players' second production to open Monday they were and are. It's a fine moment. his brother, who left food for The Rice Players will playing the Hermit and is McConnell as Meff, Missy Fred Zinneman's direction him each morning. Saunders present for their second goaded by the others to Dornier as Lizzie and Randall pours water on what could be a examines this withdrawal as a production of the season, assume more fully the cha- Guzzardo as the Hermit. highly combustible material. way to investigate the deepest James Saunders' Next Time racter of the hermit. The actor Lighting is designed by David He provides us with beautiful basis of identity, of social I'll Sing to You. The show eventually merges with the Pendarvis and Mary Fritz is sets, costumes, and actors. He reality and of existentialism. will open on November 14 and dead hermit and presents the the assistant director. Reser- finishes by taking us down a The theme here is solemn, yet run through November 19. others with the grotesque, vations may be made by boring cul-de-sac. Curtain will go up at 8 pm in the manner in which Saunders appalling, opaque reality calling 527-4040. Ticket prices Hamman Hall. Neil Havens weaves his play is anything which was the Hermit of Great are $1.50 for students and —ted andrews directs. but solemn. Canfield. $3.00 for non-students. • James Saunders, relatively The action takes place on a unknown in this country, is bare stage with the cast The cast consists of David prominent in modern British composed of an author- Franklin as Rudge, the author- literature. Tom Stoppard director and four others who director and actors as follows: remarked, in an interview are actors. One of the latter is Steve Ortego as Dust, John after the first production of Rosencrantz and Guilden- stern are Dead, that he considered James Saunders the most intriguing play- wright of influence in his own writing. Yet Next Time I'll Sing to You is not really a play at all. Saunders employs Piran- dello's device of showing actors preparing to present a play, in this case that of the Hermit of Great Canfield. The character is derived from a book about one Jimmy Mason, the Hermit of Great Canfield, Essex, who at the age of forty- eight shut himself up in a David Franklin and Steve Ortego as Rudge and Dust square off, as barricaded hut and remained Missy Dormier (Lizzie) and John McConnell (Meff) look on.—tw cook there until "at the age of eighty-four he vacated the premises, feet first and in a Virgil Redgate & Co. dead state." During this buyers/sellers/traders of period, he saw no one except surplus and new electronics and what-not 711 Nueces Phone 926-2663 j" Joe Bentley's I With an engine that offers up to 150 miies per gallon 13.6 volt, 30 amp power supply 150.00 Batavus MoPed is giving students a real lesson in economics. same, but 75 amp 250.00 Its sporty design can take the average nonconiormist to classes, I HOUSTON DICYCLE CO. j 6.5 amp-hour nicad batteries 2.00 games, concerts, and the student union all week on a 50tank of gas. | 2020 Waugh Drive j AC line filters 2.50 Then since it weighs a mere 98 pounds, it can be taken into the dorm trimpots, many values 1.00 at night. And you don't have to mww m MVAIII If •• assorted collins mechanical filters 5.00 Professional Service: be a math major to appreciate L=jlSAIA¥U5 IvIOPeD I infrared detectors 1 50 I SUCn basic ©conomi0s. Imported troir. Holland Up to ISO MPG | Complete O'haul: $20°°+partsI barrier terminal strips 25 No shift transmission Duroion epoxy resin pain' tinssn random circuit cards 05 Michehn tires Low noise and emissions 98 pounds Front and rea; snocks Factory trained service Lube; adjust gears, brakes; I reed switches, glass encapsulated 05 I true wheels | reed relay boards, 5 per board 50 I Complete Adjustment: • blank copper-clad pc board, single or | Adjust bearings, gears and J double-sided, per pound 2.50 muffin fans 5.00 • brakes, true wheels 13.50 I Norm Livermore there's also quite a lot of things you might not expect to find, a few things you've been telling Gulf Coast Dodge yourself you might need "sometime,'' and quite a few items that defy classification. The surplus Sports and Marine 7250 Gulf Freeway I Professional service, sales | stuff ranges from computer front panels, to crt monitors, chart recorders, computer peripherals, 13403 Murphy Road I and parts also. LOANERS • large piles of magnetic tapes, 19" equipment racks, spacecraft stuff, video tape recorders, 644-5421 chemical reagents and glassware, mgre power supplies, random little useful and not-so-useful 499-5651 j AVAILABLE. J parts, and lots more. The place is out of the way, but worth it if you like to come root around and HOURS: 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 7pm I spend a few hours Remember we open at 11 am and stay open until 7pm, Monday thru Saturday To get there, take the Gulf Freeway to the Griggs exit, get in the far right lane of the service road I (weekdays) | (don't go under the railroad tracks), turn left on Griggs, turn right onto Lawndale at the crazy | No 10am - 6pm Saturdays • intersection, go past the next set of railroad tracks, and turn left You're now near Nueces street We Also Feature Boats and Custom Vans | Phone Come on by! J (check your map); we're at the end of Nueces street the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 9 Powderpuff football Jones, Brown win by Mikail Parmet the better offense, led with authority by Amy Brechin and The first weekend of Pow- spearheaded by an incredible derpuff Intercollege Football running back, Marti Causey. was last weekend. The games To contend with this offense, were the first of a round-robin Baker's defense was accord- V schedule for all the Sundays in ingly prepared, led by Martha November. The opening game Mayberry. Brown was stifled 1 was between last year's in the first half moving the champion, Jones, and Hans- ball in three attempts less zen, winless in four years. The than 40 yards. Baker led early larger, more athletic Jones as Quarterback Julie Sand- team, deftly led by Quarter- man passed to Debbie Turner back Lydia Asselin, punished on a quick slant down the Hanszen 20-6. Hanszen played middle and outlegged the amazingly well with inferior shocked defense. The rest of athletes and deserve tribute the game belonged to Brown. for the spirit with which they Tom Hagemann, coach of shut down the Jones offense in Brown, adjusted the Brown the second half. defense to stop Baker's offense Jones scored with just a and sent Causey on reverses minute of the clock elapsed — four times, gaining large Asselin swept around and yardage. Earl Cooper scores to help forge a 24-21 first half lead over SMU Saturday. The Ponies rallied for 20 outsprinted the entire defense. Brown missed their extra Holding Hanszen, Jones point, leaving Baker ahead 7- unanswered points to defeat the Owls 41 -24. Rice visits Baylor this weekend. —tw cook struck again with a quick 6 entering the fourth quarter. pitch to Helen Travis. Hans- A mental error by Baker's zen's drive in the second half defense cost them the game as Harriers barely miss SWC title scored mostly by penalties. Diane La verdi broke a run into The Rice cross-country team rated first from second and H had 131 for seventh, SMU Neither team looked exceed- Baker's secondary. Thinking literally came within inches of third through seventh places was eighth with 158, and TCU ingly sharp. her flag pulled, the defense winning the Southwest Con- were separated by a spread of was out of it with 264 points. The top-billed game fol- and Diane slowed, but reali- ference championship meet, only thirty points. This edition of the SWC meet lowed. The well-coached teams zation set in fast enough to but Arkansas narrowly pre- After the dust settled, Texas was also one of the most of Brown and Baker clashed, allow her two steps from the vailed by a score of 59-63. The Tech was third with 111 points, exciting, as a relatively large pitting strength against Baker pursuers to give Brown meet, held in Waco on Monday, Texas A & M was fourth with crowd cheered in hopes that speed. Brown obviously had their final score and victory. was one of the closest ones in 115, Texas was fifth with 125, Rice would claim an upset history; only four points sepa- Baylor had 130 for sixth, U of victory over defending cham- pion Arkansas, currently the twelfth ranked cross-country team in the nation. The Razor- backs started the 10,000-meter race fast, but they began to fade and by the halfway point it looked as if the Owls might win. The team race was so close that it was several minutes before it was deter- mined who had won the title. The individual competition was a reverse of the team race, as Rice's Michael Novelli devastated the field with his 29:34, which beat second place by an incredible 39 seconds. Novelli, only a sophomore in eligibility, left his last challen- ger behind after four miles and finished in time to cheer the rest of his teammates as they completed the course. Bert Warren continued his phenomenal improvement by placing eighth in 30:32, ma- king this the best race of his career. Marty Froelick, who had been picked as the pre- meet favorite by the press, did not have the best of days, but he still managed to finish ninth in a credible 30:36. The next finisher for the Owls was senior Larry Nettles, who ran 31:55 for eighteenth, his best-ever finish in this PRE-CHRISTMAS POTTERY SALE meet. Freshman Mike Bonem and also ran well as he clocked 32:36 for twenty-seventh place. Ken Tolbert and Chris Bounds OPEN STUDIO did their share to help the Rice at the cause with their respective thirty-third and forty-fifth place finishes. Next Monday, the Owl har- Village ClayWorks riers will compete in the NCAA 2519 South Boulevard District VI qualifying meet in Georgetown. Their run may be Saturday November 12 in vain, however, because the 10am 5pm athletic department has indi- cated that it may not send a Our studio will be open for you to tour We have handcrafted Stoneware & vorcela team to the NCAA champion- ships. It seems that it is too expensive to send five team members to Spokane, Wash- 522-1891 ington, even if they did miss beating the twelfth-ranked team by only four points. the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 10 Tubesteaks, Ruskies battle for intramural grid crown by Pete Schwab had 19 for the Rods. (TIP League H Saturday League preseason favorite: Toads On FCA ate up the Bearded Thursday League Parade) Randy McGraw's Les Viet- Bob Schwartz and David Football Semifinals Clams, 57-50. Fang Yu Chen Bernstein led Check Our Nets League B had 15 as did the muffs' Chuck pieds were not enough for The Ruskies proved to be too Brian Johnson's Will Rice over Richardson Eagles of much for the decimated Tim McCord's Destroyers Berry. Scott Martin and Frank Allen Caldwell, 13-4. demolished Bill Piffle's Dead Liu each had 14 for the victors. Krispies, score, 11-2. Leatherballs as they trounced The Rowdy Rednecks of Jim Meanwhile, male chauvinists them, 26-6. The Ruskies Revue, 93-10. Big Paul Oliver Gilligan's Island overcame had their day as Lenka led all scorers with 23. All Or Doug Garland, Javier Hruzek unseated Mad Dogs opened up the heavy artillery and Englishman in a Englert's Team, almost totally from the beginning as the big Nothing, helped by Ken Magana, and gas of the Chili female, were wasted by D blocked a confused Rainwater's 15 points, dumped Peppers II, as Spencer squeaker, 2-1. the Cosmic Zeniths, 52-10. Ainsworth pumped in 12 in the NROTC and everybody, 19-1. Leatherballs punt and downed Monday League it inside the 20. Phildo's block Tom Kosco and Frank Wolak 34-28 thriller. (TPI preseason Friday League added 10 each. (TPI preseason favorite: F.C.A.) The foursome of Preng, set up a one yard out pass from Ragnarok surpassed the Maxwell, Nygren and Butler Rudolph to Fry, Anderegg favorite: All Or Nothing) Cheap Shots and artist Mike League C added to the usual as the catching the extra point. On Soccer Williams, 7-0. Ragin' Cajuns outdid Obis' the next series Stevie-o A&RK and Don McClena- The Penguins of Thomas Army, 4-2. intercepted a Morey pass that gan's fifteen were too much for Wednesday League Chow tip-toed by the sinning was tipped by Anderegg. Top of Stuffers, taking Clyde Charles Headrick's Wolf Pack Smegmites and Wayne Jones, Geostaci never fielded a team Rudolph then had all the Dunn's squad 59-33. Jerry bit the Magi of Steve Spinella, 3-2. as Kikher Bockers ran all over time in the world to find Garcia, "Louie" Churovich, 7-1. them in a forfeit. Supron from 19 yards out as and Keith Rind added 12 as Benfica F.C. of Bob Riggs the Ruskies made it seem like Jim Dey added 12 for the downed the No-Names of there was no pass rush. The Stuffers. (TPI preseason Franklin Mackie, 8-1. rest of the first half saw the favorite: Crew X) The Amos Tuck School game played entirely between League D RICE UNIVERSITY the twenties. The second half TABU, defending champs of Business Administration was also all Ruskies. Rudolph warmed up on Bio Chem II, 54- Wesley Foundation used Clay Crawford and Roy 16. Mario Sznol's team was led Sunday Schedule Beller superbly in releasing by Bob Burnell with 10 and them from the backfield and George Taylor with 11. (TPI 8:45 and 11:00 Morning Dartmouth College.Hanover, N.H. Rudolph finally found Supron preseason favorite: TABU) Worship Services again from 17 for the score. League E 9:45 College Class— Men and Women seeking Two series later Morey started Cpd T had Chuck Jewell score Sunday School EDUCATION FOR MANAGEMENT to find his receivers as he hit 31 points as the game went 2 Bus Schedule to Si. Paul's are invited to discuss the Hagemann, SWC, and Burnell overtimes until they suc- consecutively, the last for a Brown College 8:30 9:30 cumbed to Pigs in the Basket, Baker College 8:35 9:35 touchdown. The 'balls lost 50-49. Terrell Benold sank the Lueckenhoff on the series with winning foul shot as 4 Pigs TUCK MBA a locked knee. For the final scored in double figures. (TPI &t. jpaul'tf score, Van Harlow set it up preseason favorite: Vorpal with with an interception and on Blade) fflrtliotust Roger Muiler, Director of Admissions fourth and goal Rudolph hit League F Churtfi Tuesday, November 22 Fry for a five yard TD and the Spread Eagles, led by b-foot-5 Ruskies waltzed into the Jim Smithies and behemoth 523-1695 Placement Office finals. (Final was played this Don Scales' 20 points downed 528-0527 afternoon, Ruskies and Chris Hiller's I.V. Cagers, 1 Tubesteaks. (TPI pick for the 50-17. Benedict outclassed game was Ruskies by 6)) Fred's Keds, 85-17. Mike Lammers had 24 as Jim Day Basketball added 18 and Benny Barnes League A stuffed in 16. (TPI preseason Return of Nat Turner's favorite: Benedict) Panasonic's Brigade, led by James West League G and Warren Hunt knocked off Prime Beef overtook Zoo BAADS, 31-22. Toads On easily, 54-19. Mike Rogers pumped in 18 and Jeff Ken- talking Road Map Parade stomped Lightning Rod, 82-35. Jeff Carter had 24 added 10 in the foul filled contest. (TPI preseason and Jim Michalek had 20 for favorite: Have to go with the Frogs. Andy Weinheimer Prime Beef) GRADS- Legal Career For Non-Lawyers

WILSON'S SPECIAL Wilson's •* en CO A legal career without law school can be yours Reg. Price I DvJ.OO as a Legal Assistant. Job opportunities are excel- 436887 lent in this exciting new field. Legal Assistants do When you're on the road & need directions or help, the best thing to much work traditionally done only by lawyer^. have along is the Panasonic RF-3250. It's a 40-channel CB with LED digital channel display & an anti-theft reversible mounting bracket. Its other features include a Ch-9 emergency pre-set switch, noise Three months of intensive training in courses blanker/ANL, 3-postion RF attenuator switch & a 4W power output. When you need directions on the road, look for the map that talks back. taught by lawyers can give you the skills to inter- view witnesses, do legal research, prepare plead- PRICES GOOD TWO DAYS ONLY; CREDIT AVAILABLE ings, draft transaction documents, and prepare BANKAMERICARD & MASTER CHARGE WELCOME cases for trial under the supervision of an attorney. HOUSTON, TEXAS KATY FREEWAY SOUTHWEST FREEWAY Between Gessner & West Belt Between Hillcroft & Bellaire 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Weekdays The Basic Legal Assistant Course begins March 10:00 AM to6:00 PM Sat. 6. Call or write for further information: CHAMPIONS VILLAGE 3 GULFGATE MALL 5319 FM 1960 West 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. - Sat The Southwestern Paralegal Institute 9:30 AM to9:00 PM Mon. Sat. 999 One Main Plaza Houston, Tex. 77001 (713) 664-4273 wilson's Approved by the Texas Education Agency JEWELERS • DISTRIBUTORS the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 11 splendid birthday present I've lot?" "I'll play it slow." been thinking about getting "About a hundred yards "Write the interview and you." from the Communications have it ready by tomorrow." "My birthday was five Building." "Do I get a by-line on this? I months ago." "I am in an evil mood, and want some credit." g "Don't cloud the issue. I your humor does not amuse "In big bold letters. I certainly want that interview. You've me. wouldn't want anyone to think & K had ample time to hammer one "Just ask around, that's the that I wrote it. I can imagine out." easiest way. Since out of the what it will look like after you "Well, I don't know about kindness of my heart I will put twenty minutes of mental "Aren't you going to ask me you, but I've got a lot of stay up tonight and write this anguish in on it." "Hello, Mark, this is Jim how I'm doing? I asked how homework due. U of H is not for you, how much do you want "It will suit your purposes. calling. Remember me? We you were doing." all play." to impose on me?" Would you consider an share the same parents." "Don't try to sidestep the "It's Romper Room. You can "Thirty-five inches of copy. alternative interview? Like "Oh, now that you mention question. I want that do it as soon as you hang up, No less. And no filler." Foghat?" it. How are you?" interview. We don't like and bring it to me here in the "Thirty-five inches? You "No." "Peachy. Where the hell is running white space where morning." must be kidding. That could be "Kiss?" that Blue Oyster Cult articles are supposed to be. If "I'll do it, but I'm not FTD, I as long as three double-spaced "Bleehhh." interview you promised to necessary, I'll run a headline don't deliver. You can come typewritten pages." "Elvis." have to me seven hours ago?" like Fowler's Brother Fails To out to U of H and pick it up "Three double-spaced "A bit dated, don't you Cough Up Promised Interview tomorrow at 1:00.1 might have typewritten pages is only think?" and list all the reasons why I it by then." twenty-three inches. You can't "It could be an exclusive." Carpets am unhappy with you." "Might? Do you tell your fool me. I'm on a paper too." "Get me what you pro- "Oh, that interview. You editor you might turn in your "How about lots of lovely mised." Used wouldn't believe how busy I've copy if you get around to it? pictures? Worth inches of "Alright, but don't be $15-45 been lately." You can't run mights. This is words." surprised if I paraphrase. "You promised me. Just not The Mickey Mouse Gazette "Twenty-five inches then. A lot." each because I'm your brother just because we come out once You cannot worm out of this. "I wouldn't be surprised if doesn't mean you can screw a week." And the pictures had better be you made the whole thing up Open 11-6 me around." "Squeak." good." yourself." Mo - Sat. "Why not? That's the way it "What did you say?" "How much do I get paid "You wouldn't?" has always worked in the "Nothing. It will be in the per picture?" "Well, I wouldn't put it past 926 9026 past." Entertainment Department, U "Let me put it this way, dear you." "If I don't get that interview, of H Cougar office, first floor, brother of mine. If you. . ." "Actually, now that I think you can forget about the Communications Building." "Alright, we'll settle that about it, this is going to be one "Where is that?" part later. I'll bill you." prime interview, just chock "About a hundred yards "You can bill us all you full of nifty things." GRADUATE STUDY IN PUBLIC POLICY from the Hofheinz parking want. Right now your main "Don't you dare." lot." responsibility is to deliver on "Don't I dare what?" The LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of "And where is this parking your promise. Our paper "Make it up." comes out on Thursday, which "Alright, if you insist, I'll Texas at Austin emphasizes public policy analysis, inter- is a splendid coincidence since make it up." disciplinary research and summer internships in govern- Needed: tomorrow is Wednesday." "Don't you dare." ment agencies in its graduate programs: "Squeak." "Don't I dare what?" General Handiman in "I heard that. You squeeked." "If you're trying to get my • Master's Degree in Public Affairs the Art Department, "I did not. I was clearing my goat you're doing an excellent • Joint Degrees Program with the UT Law School throat." job." to do painting, mov- "Since when do you make "Baaaaa." Meet with a representative at: ing, and schlepping. squeaking noises when you "Goats do not make baaaa Office of Career Counseling and Placement Preferred work- clear your throat?" noises. Sheep make baaaa "I assure you that I would be noises. Goats bleat." Rice University study, hours flexible. the first to know if I squeaked. "Bleat." Thursday, November 17, 9—12 noon Call Jennifer, x4815 By the way, would you like "I don't believe this. I get quotations in this interview?" goat noises when I want a Blue "Well, I don't mean to be a Oyster Cult interview." hardass about this, but they "Blue oysters? Maybe they would be nice." cackle. On second thought, "I've got an idea. I can play they probably cluck. No, that's the interview tape over the vermillion oysters. Blue oysters may phone, and you can copy it have a preference for snickering. In herds. On Wargames down and write it up yourself." the other hand, they could be mute just as "I don't know shorthand." well. . . " PLACEMENT OFFICE INTERVIEWS lead in sales.. DATE GRADUATE SCHOOLS 11/17 Univ. of Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs 11/18 Duke Univ., School of Law SPI leads 11/18 Harvard Law School DATE COMPANIES 11/14 Northern Petrochemical Co. in wargames! 11/14 Rockwell International Corp. Only SPI has the creative depth to produce a continual series 11/14 Motorola, Inc. of wargame-winners. The"SPI line is being constantly refreshed with 11/14 National Security Agency 11/14-15 Monsanto Companies new titles that cover the whole spectrum of the wargaming hobby: 11/15 Union Oil of California modern battles, science-fiction, fantasy, World War II, civil war, and napoleonic. 11/15 Merichem Company WAR IN THE WEST-SORCERER. All OF THE QUADGAMES »60+ TITLES IN STOCK! 11/15 MIT, Lincoln Labs 11/16 Ford Aerospace & Communications, WDL 11/16 Ford Aerospace & Communications, NASA 11/16 Caudill Rowlett & Scott We've Got 'em! 11/16 H.E. Butt Grocery Co. SERIOUS GAMERS NOW SHOP AT: 11/16 Lummus Co. 11/17 TRW Defense & Space Systems 11 17 Northwestern National Life Ins. Co. 11/17 Comex Seal U.S. Corp. 1117 Dresser Industries 11/17 Schlumberger Well Services 11/17 Western Union 11/18 El Paso Liquid Natural Gas Co. 11/18 Prudential Insurance Co. 11/18 Shell Development Co. NAN'S 11/18 Procter & Gamble Sales Co. 11/18 Regional Bank Examiners IF INTERESTED IN FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT, PROFES- SIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION AND APPLI- TOYS CATION FORMS HAVE ARRIVED IN THE PLACEMENT OFFICE. The Galleria. Lower Level. Next to the Cinema COMPlf Tf 5 P I DEADLINE: Application must be postmarked by NOVEMBER30 to 622-0760 Open 11 AM TiNO PM MON. THRU SAT. GAME LINE IN STOCK take the February exam in 1978. the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 12 Blue Oyster Cult on the long road to success by Mark Fowler special effects. The BOC "Some people think we are arsenal already includes a demons. We even get mail quarter-million dollar laser referring to us as freaks, but system, fireworks, and even a really, we couldn't be any fur- strobed drum kit. Despite ther from being 'demons'," these dynamic illusions, Blue Oyster Cult member Eric coupled with their superb Bloom chuckled. musicianship, Blue Oyster Bloom and his fellow Cult has yet to attain the Cultists certainly didn't superstardom they desire and appear to be even remotely deserve. demonic, despite their eerie "We've always tried to stage antics during their gather a large following, but concert Saturday night. In we've been happy with our fact, the guitarist and lead underdog image and cult vocalist was a serious but following. We've tried to get friendly person, once you got across the fact that we think beyond the black leather and we're one of the best, but the chrome. only way to get people into our According to Bloom, the music and shows is to have mystique surrounding the singles and exposure." Cult is primarily the doing of Exposure is precisely what their manager, Sandy Blue Oyster Cult has been Pearlman. From the Greek getting lately. "Don't Fear The chaos trademark to some of Reaper" was voted the top their earliest lyrics, Pearlman single of 1976 by Rolling has directed the Cult through Stone, and according to the treacherous turns of the Bloom, in two weeks "Going rock 'n roll business. Through the Motions," from "People try to read things their latest album, Spectres, into most of what we do. For will be yet another single. instance, there is really no During the Cult's Houston Cultists Eric Bloom and Donald Roeser in black and white -mark fowler significance to the black and stay, a new means of exposure white costumes Don (Roeser) was applied. A brief dis- personage commanded the HELP WANTED and I wear. Though one night I cussion with Bloom was taped attention of the entire studio. BABY SITTERS wore white, and afterwards at Channel 26 for the Disco It should do no less for the from $2/hour for one child, additional children at 50$/hour each had a bit of grief from the Tex show. viewers of this week's fans." "You know, this is only the program. HOUSE CLEANERS Minor displeasure from the second time I've had to wear It seems inevitable that Eric from $3/hour for light cleaning to $4.50/hour for heavy cleaning fans is always an expected make-up," Bloom said while Bloom and Blue Oyster Cult GENERAL & PARTY HELPERS part of the feedback when a he was being prepared. "It's will attain that elusive from $3/hour for indoor work to $5.50/hour for outdoor work group or performer undergoes also my first time on TV," he superstardom. Until then, TRANSPORTATION PAID changes. Since their third added with growing enthu- open up your eyes and ears to at 10C per mile roundtrip. Temporary and part time, days, evenings, Lstudio release, Secret siasm. the Cult before the collective weekends. If you are thorough, dependable, have good references Treaties, the Cult has been Although Bloom was unable hordes of rock listeners and your own transportation, call for an interview with: undergoing many planned to perform any of his music on discover what they have been THE HOME WORK COMPANY changes. the show, his imposing stage missing. 977-7210 Their music has traded some personality and leathered of the raucous edginess of power rock for a more sophisticated and diverse TWO DENIM DOLLARS sound. Don't mistake the music as being elitist however. S^Offer expires Dec. I, 1977 The menacing undertones alone carry more impact than the two or three screaming banshee guitars employed by other groups. "I really don't know yet if our next record is going to be \ MIL'/ along the same lines we have I Mam1 been following," Bloom said. "We need to gather some financial security to try some freaky changes. It's hard though to go out on the limb with changes." What kind of freaky changes did Bloom have in mind? $2.00 off any pair of jeans in the store "We've been toying with the Void on sale merchandise. idea of having a riff where smoke will completely cover the stage, and under the cover Don and I will suddenly Limit one per customer. change costumes. Don will be in black, and I'll be in white." Done effectively, this feat could effectively add yet another dramatic touch to the Here's a chance growing Cult armada of Attn. Jrs., Srs., and Fund Raising Groups You can make extra money to get in our pants. selling a great gift item as a rememberance of your Bring in your denim dollar and get school to your friends, $2.00 off any regular priced jeans in the store. classmates and family. This is a unique item and if you HOUSE OF JEANS are interested write: Decor, Gulfgate, Memorial City, Sharpstown, Northline Malls, The Galleria Collegiate Clocks, P.O. Box 270883, Dallas, Tx. 75227 and other convenient locations.

the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 13 Library offers no refuge for off-campus students

by Georgians Young walks into the periodicals attention. He inserts money, books and makes his escape. petition for Econ 211 but the If you are an off-campus room with a load of books he presses the button ... he "Hey, Bob!" a big guy struts couple next to you are yakking person in want of refuge, you would like to xerox. Normally, presses the button twice ... he in and breaks the silent their hearts out. (They think if can always haunt the period- he would just walk out with takes a quick glance around. reverence accorded the maga- they speak a foreign language, icals room in the library, relax them, but it's pretty hard to Has anyone seen him falter? zines (he obviously doesn't no one can hear them.) It in a big chair, letting the hide a Manhattan telephone Has anyone seen what a fool give a hoot). "You takin' becomes difficult to concen- cushion slip out from undec directory under his clothes. he has made of himself? Debbie out again Wednesday? trate when you realize you are you as you are lulled to sleep You sit there in perverted glee Maybe he should vent his Heh-heh-heh!" The sinister studying with an accent: o-lee- by the whirra-whirra of the because you know that the anger and kick and spit at the laugh can get anything from a gah-po-lees. Xerox machine. And when the stupid machine is already machine like the big jocks do. PG to a XXX rating, depen- "Snort! Slurp! Sluip!" pulls sandman won't come, you can broken and he doesn't. Doesn't He meets your unwavering ding how much meaning it is you from your reverie: What hardly fail to be amused by the it feel wonderful to be able to glance that seems to shout to dripping with. Thirteen pairs animal have they let in now? variety of people and their foretell the future? He reads the rest of the library: "You! of eyes roll in his direction. Ah, professor so-and-so stands games. the directions carefully — at Yeah, YOU! You broke the Meanwhile, you are trying at the water fountain with his For instance, there is always least twice. Nothing is to go Xerox machine!" With jerky to learn the difference between head stuck in the drain. the unsubtle shy guy who wrong that would attract movements, he gathers up the oligopoly and perfect com- Apparently, he miscalculated the trajectory of the water and got it through the nose. Bringing his PhD to bear, he got the situation under control and successfully aligned the spurting liquid with a more How to convince suitable orifice. What fun! But it is time for a break. As you climb the stairs Mom and Dad to buy you to the ladies' powder room, go into your Egyptian princess act. Eyes fixed on some distant point, chin up, nostrils slightly a pre-paid Trailways ticket home flared. Deign to bestow a glance on those subjects who pass you Check boxes, clip out, mail to parents. on the stairs. They need not know that Nefertiti is about to sneak into the bathroom with r —i her Mexican bag and eat a vile peanut butter and jelly sand- Dear Mom and Dad, wich. How base! After a makeup overhaul and much finger-licking, you Things are swell here at college except, of course, the appear at the head of the stairs food, which is so bad that I'm • down to 91 lbs. • living on and begin to descend. The guy on the couch who admires salted water • sending samples to the biology lab • hoping you from afar will never know you'll buy me a prepaid Trailways ticket home to get a decent about the peanuts stuck be- tween your teeth. meal. Sweep into the periodicals I sure could go for some of Mom's good ol' • apple pie room and glide over to the pencil sharpener. Usually • Riz de Veau a la Financiere • blood transfusions • Trail- when a woman sharpens a ways tickets paid for at your local station and picked up at pencil, she goes into some sort of mambo at the first turn of mine. the crank, sometimes to the Dad, next time we get together, I want to tell you point that she deserves to be penalized fifteen yards • about my part-time job • how I suddenly realized what a backfield in motion. Prepare truly wise and magnanimous fellow you are • where I left yourself with the hours of practice necessary to ap- your car last New Year's Eve • thanks for making this trip proach the machine with possible with a prepaid Trailways ticket. perfect muscle control and sharpen with dignity. I also need some advice on • a personal matter • my Why should you occupy backhand • where one can hire decent servants these days yourself with the antics of others or with make-believe? • how to separate you from a few bucks for a prepaid Trail- It's better than sitting outside ways ticket. and having ants parachute on you from the trees or thinking Got to sign off now and go • to class • to pieces about nasty things like grade point averages, law school or • drop three or four courses • to the Trailways station to final exams. see if anyone sent me a prepaid ticket to get out of here for "Tock!" Yes, you counted the weekend. sixty seconds at the exact same rate as the clock on the Love, wall. Add ten points to your score. It's time for another break. P. S.. Just go to the Trailways station and pay for my ticket, tell them who it's for and where I am. I pick the ticket up here when I go to catch the bus.

There is a $5 service charge for prepaid tickets. The user will be notified by the nearest Trailways terminal when the ticket is ready. Prepaid round-trip tickets are good for one year from the date of purchase. Prepaid one-way tickets are good for 60 days from the date of purchase. Atarkluwi Style Innovator Shop Reynold's Barber and Style Shop 2522 Amherat Houston For more information call Trailways 652-0601 528-8404 the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 14 linimon's violently ill of misclassifieds Congratulations RPC, "do some selections from The Electrical Engineering DRA: Need Jan. 1: Garage Apt. or 1 Your excellent idea con- Boris Gudonov."—Mr. Red Department has many Please have a nice weekend. Bdr. Apt. In small complex cerning recycling of alu- "If that's Mexican I'm not openings for student graders, P.S.There's a package for you near Rice. Call 527-4954, going to do it."—CPR in Brenda's office. Wally—leave message. minum and steel cans, Friday, * * * laboratory assistants, and at the drive-in, really paid off. workers in its Electrical Shop * * * Bodists and other flakes! Hope we have many more FOUND for the spring semester of 78. programs conducted in this The rate of pay is $3 an hour. If Announcing the birth of Overheard in Baker Library 3 HIGH SCHOOL RINGS SAMBO (San Antonio Oct. 9, 1977: "Does anyBODY manner. 1920-HSH you are interested in one of Noel Shenoi these positions and in Medical Bodists Organi- have 6 round balls." 1973-Lamar High, Houston zation). So there Stan. PML Rice Recycling Pgm. 1975-Bryan High particular in being a labbie in * * * ELEC/MASC 220, 221, 222, P.S. to the Captain Virtue Contact Mrs. Rector- clones: When the Bodamobile I found a derivative! If you call 223, or ELEC 241, please leave Women's Equip. Room at the your name, address, and rolls into Houston this month, Turkey: "Hey, look what's 526-5513 and describe it, you Gym to identify! x2364 * * * telephone number with Ms. I expect to find Rice walking in the door. Looks like can have it back. Jeanne Fulton in AL221 thoroughly chastitytized. good mistress material!" • * * Rah! There will be an "old- between 8am and 4pm, Well, at least try. The Other: "A-yup; a-yup; a- Dr. Peter Bazukis— fashioned" pep rally with the Monday through Friday. hugs and kisses, yup!" You want us to learn but. . Such a position affords an hugs and kisses, .how can you enjoy the MOB and the cheerleaders for the Real Captain Virtue JOSKE'S the football players before excellent opportunity to gain a Post Oak Store wildflowers on the side of the reference for a future job. The road if you are going 90 mph? they leave for Baylor on We will be on campus Electrical Engineering Do you want to learn Friday at 12:30 in front of the Departmant is an equal Thursday, Nov. 21, 1977, to gym athletic offices. opportunity - affirmative art history without tak- discuss part time and full * * * action employer. ing any classes? Be a time sales and sales sup- Elections * * * No, really! I'm just rolling this porting employment oppor- (continued from page 1) slide projectionist in for a friend! In Dahomey, attempted tunities available during the ing. Jim McConn will need to 361 WRC suicide is a capital offense. the Art Department. draw on the losing candidates Call Pat or Janet Christmas season. Join us for support in order to win. cc a J osl 55 in the Placement Center! Briscoe seems vulnerable, 527-4815 UesT Ho Leon £ Let us discuss one of these since his workers had been /Ju QLocAr £msT positions with you! predicting that he would get OPEN more than 40% of the vote, and he received less than 35% citywide. In the controller's race, Steve Jones expects to 6 LH-HM Why doesn't anyone tell you pick up support from backers Hippy HouR there's a difference between of Bob Brewer, while Kathy 4-o\7pm \ So\ Whitmire will try to hold B" «*. making love and being in love? on to her lead and con- solidate her support. The turnout may be even worse in the primary runoff than it was in the first election. In a close election, which either of these races may turn into, the Kl 7c. / £ V Ope rJ II:W«a, •** p <*t, victory depends to a large ON TCE extent on which candidate BisT Hh mBuKGEdS lU To ujN mobilizes the larger number of their supporters. Families WeLc osn £ photography by e\)in tha\>ei portraits, weddingsrvrlrlinno ,r>Anr>mnmio commercial l » 665-870C 6


Enjoy Top 40 & Rock your favorite beverage dancing 7 nights a week

PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS with The Liberty Brothers ATURMAN-FOSTER COMPANY PRODUCTION "FIRST LOVE" 7325 Spencer Highway Starring WILLIAM KATT SUSAN DEY Pasadena 479-9165 STARTS FRIDAY! Festival 6 Gallerla 4 Shamrock 6 Westchase 5

the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page IS misclassifieds the thursday the tenth "Bowling trophies know no ". . .then on the third hand, Reward: Lost Malamute dog mercy." which is quite probable in (black and white sled dog) rice 6:30 science-fiction. . ." Montrose area. Call Kitti nVwTnln'o Pm. WRC Commons. WRC Associate Richar* * * d Brautigan UCUUIC 8 Lecture: Dr. M. Mandel, UT Medical Dr. Spears x4951 or Peggy 522-8880. ralpiiriar school, "DNA." 1:16 10/28 • * * Found: Calendar watch in * * * 7:30pm. SH301. Rice Democratic Caucus/ Geology building. Call NEEDED: One (1) ride to, Rice Republicans present mayoral run- 526-6748 and identify. If a function converges through, or around the everywhere, does it implode? off candidates in a question & answer * + * * * * vicinity of Tyler, Texas for forum. For Sale: Thanksgiving break (there 7:30pm. Media Center. Tatowierung (Schaaf, 1967). In Women's 10-speed bicycle, Looking for ride to Washing- and back would be useful, but German. Free. good condition, $50. Call ton D.C.. Will split gas, not necessary). Will share 8pm. Jones Hall. Houston Grand Opera: Arabella. 667-0426 after 6. driving, share good company, expenses; call 526-0822. * * * 8pm. SH305. Black Student Union meeting. * * * etc. Call 526-4523 and ask for John. "Hey, is that a Greensheet?" I'm interested in finding friday the eleventh * * * "No, it's The Rice Thresher." someone who will be in the * * * Lost: Set of keys with a L.A. area at Thanksgiving 10am. Kyle Morrow Room, Fondren. Philosophy Dept. lecture: craftsmen medallion, Sunday and will need a ride back to Prof. Gilbert Harman, Princeton, "A Holistic Conception of Ride needed to Tulsa or Okla. during the Baker-Brown Houston. I plan to start back Theoretical and Practical Reasoning." City for Thanksgiving. Call Powderpuff game in the Track about Nov. 26. Please call I2n. Miller Theatre. Music by Ray Rogers. Free. Mark at 526-5640. Stadium. If found, please call Scott at 526-8525. lpm. Kyle Morrow Room. Prof. Ernest Sosa, Brown University, * * * 524-1236, or 526-6410 or return * * * "What is Foundationalism?" Concludes the conference. 10/5/77 10:6 a.m. them to the Wiess College Have you seen the Joyce 5pm. Registrar's office. Pre-registration deadline (I think). "I'm doing really good now, office. Rubash American Express 7pm. HB223. RIVCF meeting. I'm right on the can." * * * Traveler's check commercial 7:30pm. Media Center. Simon of the Desert (Bunuel, 1965). In Dr. Rorschach Found: Gold Bracelet- yet? Spanish, with subtitles. $1.50. Phys 101 Women's locker room, contact * * * 7:30pm. SH301. Judy Canfora, a student at Kent State, on the * * * Mrs. Rector x2364. "Move-the—Gym" controversy. The following people have left Wanted desperately: Three * * * 10pm. Media Center. Simon of the Desert. things in the Pub: pieces of sheet music which I lost my calculator. It's an David Johnson were lost out of my mailbox at SR-50 and should have my Jim Carls Saturday the twelfth Will Rice College on Saturday name (John Paredes) on it. I Charles Fisher evening, October 8th— "Poor Robert Vidal today. Football, vs. Baylor. There. would appreciate its return. Man Lazrus," "Little Innocent 526-4860—Identifying birth- Tony Wilder 9am-4pm. Main at Holcombe. Black Student Union car wash; Lamb," and "Male Call." see Notes and Notices. mark: Red cover over display Jeff Mountain (senior ring) Reward offered for speedy is missing. Also, 2 sets of GM keys and 2 11am. The 2401 Maroneal St. Park. Picnic celebration by the return of these items. Call 526- * * * pairs of glasses. Come by the Baha'is. 8917 STAGE BAND Pub and ask the bartender. 1:30pm. Media Center. The Red Balloon (Lamarisse, 1916) and * * * * * * Captain Grogg cartoons (Bergdahl). $1.50. Help! We are desparate for a 7:30pm. Media Center. Idi Amin Dada (Schroeder, 1976). Music Save me from the pound. I am drummer and will lie, cheat, Along the same lines, if you by Idi Amin Dada. Insanity by Idi Amin Dada. Terror a cute black, female puppy. steal, and kidnap to get one. have lost anything lately, especially by Idi Amin Dada. $1.50. Call me or my master at We'll do anything but pay you. come by the S.A. office in the 8pm. Jones Hall. Arabella. 528-3968 evenings or during Contact Mike Fowler at 960- RMC—they have an extensive 8992 or come by Lovett 8pm-llpm. Grand Hall, RMC. Ballroom dancing, sponsored by the days at th*e *Germa * n Office. lost-and-found. the Ballroom Dance Society. commons any Monday night * * * 10pm. Media Center. Idi Amin Dada. Lost—Old SR-50. Left at Wiess around 7pm. B.Y.O.D. Why, doesn't everyone have a foosball table last Wed. nite. * * * share? Sunday the thirteenth Reward (firm handshake or "And I will show you the * * * wet kiss—your choice). 526- hole!" Anita Bryant will appear 7:30 and 10pm. Media Center. Beauty and the Beast (Cocteau, 4523. sTa/F tapes Nov. 10 on Phil Donahue 1946). In French, with subtitles. $1.50. * * * * * * Show, Channel 26. Those just think, if it were not for Cocteau today would not exist. "I have an X and Y fixation." "Oh, I just realized we don't wishing to protest this please —Guru Rao, 10/28/77 have a hole." feel free to call the station and monday the fourteenth 1:05pm "That solves the problem." lodge your protest. 626-2610. 7pm. SH207. Rice Sailing Club. 7pm. PL121. Rice Campus Crusade for Christ. noies and noticesi For Sale: Remington type- 7pm. Sid Rich basement. Cascade jugglers. writers. One Czech, one 7:30pm. Baker Library. Nikki van High tower, speaking on the Picnic — This Saturday at 526-3578 and leave your Burmese, one Bulgarian, one upcoming National Women's Conference. 11am there will be a picnic name with Cliff. Thai, and one Vietnamese. 7:30pm. Hanszen 181. Baha'i Fireside, with a short filmstrip on celebration of the birth of * * * Willing to trade for something the life of Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah, the Founder of Feed — All Hanszen off- useful, or I will sell them. the Baha'i Faith at the 2401 8pm. Hamman Hall. The Rice Players present "Next Time I'll campus members who want Room 609 Lovett, or call 52^; Sing to You," an anti-theatrical play by James Saunders. For Maroneal St. Park. Every- to come to College Night 9454 and ask for Gary. reservations and more information call 527-4040. one is welcome—BYOSL (Dec. 2) must sign the list in (Bring Your Own Sack the Commons and pay their Lunch). Those flowers on the RMC tuesday the fifteenth $2 to Mrs. T* *b y* Nov. 14. * * * patio Oct. 2 really brightened 4pm. Cohen House. A recital of contemporary music by the Speak — On Monday, Nov. Summer — Minority premed my day. Thanks, whoever put Undergraduate Composer's Forum (five people in the 14, Nikki van High tower students interested in the them there! Composition Dept. of the ). will speak on the upcoming UTMB-Galveston summer * * * 7pm. SH207. Rice Sailing Club meeting. National Women's Confer- program are urged to come If you lost a black vinyl 7pm. ktru. An interview with Dr. Joyce Brothers. Call 527-4050 ence, in Baker Library. by the Professional Ad- notebook containing Rice or 4088. visory Office after noon Chorale music, I found it at the 7:30pm. Media Center. Gunnar Hede's Saga (Stiller, 1922) and Nov. 14th to meet with TGIF. Call 861-9067. The Norrtall Gang (Lindberg, 1923). $1.50. Cars — The Black Student medical school representa- * * * 8pm. Hamman Hall. Next Time I'll Sing To You. Union is sponsoring a car tives. To the person who took my 8pm. Wiess. Wiess Tabletop presents the play Happy Birthday wash in cooperation with * * * Burger King this Saturday purse from my art studio class Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut. $1 for Wiessmen, $1.50 else. Brown — Sandwich Service on Oct. 24: 8pm. HGO. Arabella. from 9am to 4pm. The location is Main at in the Brown Dining Room Please have the courtesy to Holcombe Blvd. Price $1. will be held only on Sunday mail the rest of its contents to Wednesday the sixteenth * * * this weekend from 5 to 6pm me or drop it off at Baker due to the Brown-Lovett College—I NEED my glasses 7:30pm. Media Center. Mother (Pudovkin, 1926). $1.50. Up — Sign up for studio art cook-out on Saturday. and ID's. By the way, all the 8pm. Hamman Hall. Rice Players. classes beginnuig November * * * checks have been stopped so 8pm. Wiess. Wiess Tabletop. 15,8:30am in the Art Depart- Youth — This Friday, Judy you can just throw them away. ment office 429 Sewall. First "Move the Gym" Canfora, Michele Bonilla thursday the seventeenth come, first served. 427 Marshall involved in the Kent State * * * 7:30pm. Media Centre. The River (1/ :yntz, 1937) and Man of struggle, will be at UH Aran (Flaherty, 1923). $1.50. Hillel — This Friday Rice (noon, Caspian Room, UC), The Rice Players present 8pm. Hamman Hall. Next Time. Hillel will go out to dinner and at Rice (7:30pm, SH301) "Next Time I'll Sing To You," 8pm. Wiess. Happy Birthday. and then have Shabbat to speak on the KSU an anti-theatrical play by Services with U of H Hillel. situation, and on the upcom- James Saunders. Monday and coming up: the Wiess play continues through Friday at the ing formation of a united through Saturday, November same time, and closes Saturday with a show at 7; the Players' We'll leave from in front of Wiess Commons at 5:15pm. student-youth revolution- 14-19.8pm, Hamman Hall. On play runs through Saturday; Museum of Fine Arts has Shadow ary organization. Rudge's order. of a Doubt at 8 Friday and Ali: Fear Eats the Soul Saturday. If you're interested, call the rice thresher, thursday, november 10, 1977 — page 16